Key Benefits:
Pursuant to Article L. 133-8 of the Labour Code, the Minister of Employment and The text of this Agreement has been laid down in the text of the Agreement
The text of this Agreement has been submitted to the Commission for the purpose of implementing the Agreement. Departmental management of the work, employment and vocational training of the place of its conclusion, where it can be read.
Within 15 days, professional organisations and all interested persons
Their communications should be addressed to the Ministry of Employment and Solidarity (DRT, NC 1 office), 20 bis, rue d' Estrées, 75700 Paris 07 SP.
Agreement whose extension is being considered:
Agreement of November 23, 2001.
Departmental Labour, Employment and Training Branch, Paris.
Fédération nationale des métiers de la jardinerie;
Union organizations of interested employees attached to the CGT-FO and the CFE-CGC;
Federation of employees, executives, technicians, master's agents.