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Notice Of Vacancy Of Assistant Full Time (General Secretariats For Regional Affairs)

Original Language Title: Avis de vacance de postes de chargé de mission à temps plein (secrétariats généraux pour les affaires régionales)

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JORF No. 10 of 12 January 2002 Page 775
Text No. 112

Notice of Vacancy for Full-Time Mission (General Secretariats for Regional Affairs)

NOR: PRMG0270011V ELI: Not available

A part-time job is vacant at the General Secretariat For the regional affairs of Ile-de-France.
This post is in particular open to members of the corps recruited by the National School of Administration, the members of the senior technical bodies of the State and the officials of the Category A for at least ten years of effective service, including a minimum of two to three years on positions of responsibility.
The position follows relations with the Regional Chamber of Agriculture and the organizations Regional agricultural professionals. It deals with all issues concerning the agricultural profession and rural areas (economic aspects, preservation, development, urban and rural balance), in liaison with the Regional Directorate for Agriculture and Forestry (DRAF)
Coordinates the work of the Observatory on the consumption of agricultural and natural spaces and, as such, is associated with the monitoring of the master plan of the Ile-de-France region, when it comes to the development of rural areas and the preservation of Natural spaces.
Applications must be submitted, along with the advice of the line authorities, to the Directorate-General for Administration and the Public Service, 32, rue de Babylon, 75700 Paris.
Information Should be requested from the General Secretariat for Regional Affairs in Ile-de-France, 29, rue Barbet-de-Jouy, 75700 Paris Cedex (telephone: 01-44-42-63-75).

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