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Notice Of Vacancy Of Jobs Available In Respect Of The Liability Of The Statutory Mobility Of Members Of The Corps Recruited Through The National School Of Administration And Director Of Posts And Telecommunications

Original Language Title: Avis de vacance d'emplois offerts au titre de l'obligation de la mobilité statutaire des membres des corps recrutés par la voie de l'Ecole nationale d'administration et des administrateurs des postes et télécommunications

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JORF No. 10 of 12 January 2002 Page 776
Text N ° 114

Vacancy notice for jobs offered under the statutory mobility of members of the corps recruited through the National School and the Professional and Professional staff of posts; Telecommunications

NOR: PRMG0270015V ELI: Not available

The employment of the General Secretary of the Nancy-Metz Academy, likely to be Vacant, is offered under the statutory requirement for mobility of members of the corps recruited through the National School of Administration and Post Administrators and Telecommunications.
The Secretary General of the Academy, under The authority of the Rector, is responsible for the administration of the Academy and participates in the implementation of its academic educational policy. As such, a good knowledge of the education system, the territorial organisation of the state and local authorities is essential to ensure the effectiveness of public policies in a fully changing environment as a result of the Deconcentration. It supersede the rector in the event of absence or incapacity; he may be delegated signing authority.
The employment of the Secretary General of the Academy is a senior management position that requires moral authority and adherence to the innovative principles of the Human resources management. In addition, a very large working capacity and a strong management skills are required.
Potential applications accompanied by a curriculum vitae and requests for information should be addressed to the Ministry of Education National, management of administrative, technical and managerial staff, office of school and university administration staff (DPATE B1, telephone: 01-55-55-13-80 or on Minitel: 36-16, employee code, heading Offers of jobs MEN 0275).
The candidate must send a copy of his application to the rector of the academy of Nancy-Metz (the office of the rector), 2 rue Philippe-de-Gueldres, 54035 Nancy Cedex (telephone: 03-83-86-20-01, fax: 03-83-86-23-01) and Ms. Marie-Françoise Simon-Rovetto, Director of Administration, Department of National Education, 110, rue de Grenelle, 75007 Paris.

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