Key Benefits:
Minister of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rural Affairs Intends to take, pursuant to Articles L. 131-3, L. 133-8 and L. 133-9 of the Labour Code, an order to make compulsory, for all employers and all employees included in the scope of professional application of the Convention National collective labour of 18 September 1985 concerning agricultural cooperatives, unions of agricultural cooperatives and companies of collective agricultural interest in flowers, fruit and vegetables and potatoes, the avenant n ° 54 of 29 October 2003 to the said Convention, concluded in Paris between:
La Fédération française de la coopération fruitière, vegetable and horticultural,
On the one hand, and
The interested union organizations attached to the CGT-FO, the CFDT, the CFTC and the CFE-CGC and the National Union of Independent Trade Unions Agriculture and Agri-Food (UNSA),
On the other hand.
The purpose of this amendment is to amend sections 32 (Illness and Accident in Privacy), 33 (Illness and Accident of Life Professional) and 34 (Reference Salary) of the Convention and to create in the Convention an article 34 bis entitled " Prevoyance ".
The text of this agreement was deposited on November 12, 2003, in the multi-party service for the inspection of Working, employment and agricultural social policy in Paris, where it can be consulted, as well as in all departmental services.
Organizations and interested persons are requested, in accordance with the provisions of articles L. 133-14 and R. 133-1 of the Labour Code, to make known within 15 days their observations on the proposed extension.
Their communications should be addressed to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries And rural affairs, general direction of the forest and rural affairs (collective bargaining office), 19, avenue du Maine, 75732 Paris Cexex 15.