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Order Of January 5, 2005 With Removal Of An Authority For Advances

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 5 janvier 2005 portant suppression d'une régie d'avances

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JORF No. 10 of 13 January 2005
Text #3

Order dated January 5, 2005, removing imprest authority

NOR: MENF0402842A ELI:

By order of the Minister of National Education, Education And the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry of January 5, 2005, the imprest authority established by the Order of January 9, 2002, with the Office of the Minister Delegate to School Education is deleted As from the date of issue of this Order.
The Order of January 9, 2002, respecting the institution of the aforementioned authority, is repealed effective the same date.

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