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Order Of January 10, 2005 Authorizing In Respect Of The 2005 Year Of Competition For The Rec

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 10 janvier 2005 autorisant au titre de l'année 2005 l'ouverture de concours pour le rec

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JORF No. 10 of 13 January 2005 Page 564
Text No. 39

Decree of 10 January 2005 authorising the opening of competitions for the recruitment of student engineers in the field of meteorology and a professional examination for recruitment Engineers in the work of meteorology

NOR: EQUI0401704 ELI:

By order of the Minister of Equipment, Transportation, The development of the territory, tourism and the sea and the Minister of the Public Service and the reform of the State as of 10 January 2005, is authorised for the year 2005 the opening of competitions for the recruitment of student engineers of the The work of meteorology under the following conditions:
-by special competition reserved for the holders of a Master of Science;
-by closed competition.
On the other hand, is authorised for the year 2005 the opening of a review Professional for the recruitment of meteorological engineers.
The total number of places offered for the year 2005 in the competitions and the professional examination for the recruitment of engineering students of the work of the Meteorology and meteorological engineers is fixed at 15.
These places are divided as follows:
-special competition: 3 places;
-internal competition: 6 places;
-professional examination: 6 places.
La Deadline for closing entries is March 11, 2005, for the closed competition, on March 25, 2005, for the special admission competition for the holders of a Master of Science and February 4, 2005 for the professional examination.
Date Deadline for withdrawal of files for the special competition is 11 March 2005.
The dates of the tests are as follows:
-special competition: written tests on 10 May 2005; oral tests on 30 June and 1 July 2005;
- Closed competition: written tests on 2, 3 and 4 May 2005; oral tests on 22, 23 and 24 June 2005;
-professional examination: written tests on 21 March 2005; oral test from 22 March 2005.
The composition of juries and lists Candidates who are eligible to compete will be subject to the orders of the Minister of Equipment, Transportation, Land Use Planning, Tourism and the
. -For all information, candidates must contact the National School of Meteorology (Competition Bureau), 42, avenue G. -Coriolis, 31057 Toulouse Cedex 1.

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