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Order Of 6 January 2006 Establishing The Extension Of An Agreement Reached In The Context Of The National Collective Agreement Of Personal Navigators Officers Of Marine Towing Companies

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 6 janvier 2006 portant extension d'un accord conclu dans le cadre de la convention collective nationale des personnels navigants officiers des entreprises de remorquage maritime

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JORF No. 10 of 12 January 2006 Page 479
Text No. 13

Order dated January 6, 2006, extension of an agreement entered into in the framework of the national collective agreement of seagoing officers of maritime towing companies

NOR: EQUT0600030A ELI:

Minister of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing and the Minister of Transport, Equipment, Tourism and the Sea,
Given Title III of Book I of the Code Work, and in particular Articles L. 133-8, L. 133-9, L. 133-14 and R. 133-1, as well as articles L. 742-2, R. 742-2 and R. 742-5;
In view of the Order of 12 January 1977 extending the national collective agreement for seagoing personnel Officers of the maritime towing undertakings of 31 January 1950 and of the texts which have amended or supplemented it;
Having regard to the agreement of 2 December 2005 on the development and reduction of working time, concluded within the framework of the Convention National collective above;
Given the requests for extension submitted by the signatory organizations;
In view of the opinion published in the Official Journal of 9 December 2005;
In view of the reasoned opinion of the National Commission for Collective Bargaining From the Merchant Navy, delivered in session on January 3, 2006,

Item 1

Are made mandatory for all employers and employees included in the scope of application The professional and territorial of the national collective agreement of seagoing personnel officers of the maritime towing undertakings of 31 January 1950, the provisions of the agreement of 2 December 2005 relating to the development and reduction of Working time, concluded within the framework of the aforementioned national collective agreement.

Article 2

Extension of effects and sanctions Of the agreement referred to above shall be made from the date of publication of this Order for the remainder of the agreement and the conditions laid down by that agreement.

Article 3

The Director of Maritime Affairs at the Ministry of Transport, Equipment, Tourism and the Sea and the Director of Labour Relations at the Ministry of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing are Responsible for the execution of this Order, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, January 6, 2006.

The Minister of Transport, Equipment,

for Tourism and the Sea,

For the Minister and delegation:

By Preventing the Director General

from the sea and transports:

The Director of Maritime Affairs,

M. Aymeric

The Minister of Employment,

Social Cohesion and Housing,

For the Minister and By delegation:

The Director of Labour Relations,

J.-D. Combrexelle

Note. -The text of the agreement will be published in the Official Bulletin of the Ministry of Transport, Equipment, Tourism and the

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