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Order Of 8 December 2005, Modification Of The Official Catalogue Of Species And Varieties Of Plants Grown In France (Sunflower Seeds And Soya)

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 8 décembre 2005 portant modification du Catalogue officiel des espèces et variétés de plantes cultivées en France (semences de tournesol et soja)

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JORF No. 10 of 12 January 2006 Page 481
Text No. 21

Order of 8 December 2005 amending the Official Catalogue of the species and varieties of crops grown in France (sunflower seed and soya beans)

NOR: AGRP0502832A ELI:

The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries,
Given the Rural Code, including articles R. 661-1 to R. 661-11;
In light of Decree No. 81-605 of 18 May 1981, as amended The application of the Act of 1 August 1905 on the suppression of fraud, with regard to trade in weeks and plants;
In view of the orders of 17 June 1998, 9 March 2000, 19 July 2000 and 29 March 2005 amending the Catalogue of Species and varieties of plants grown in France (sunflower seeds and soya beans);
On the proposal of the Standing Technical Committee on the Selection of Cultivated Plants (sunflower, soybean and ricin section), Stop:

Article 1

The official catalogue of species and varieties of crops grown in France, including seeds May be multiplied in France for export (list B), for a period of ten years, the varieties listed below:

You can consult the table in OJ
No 10 of 12/01/2006 text number 21

Article 2

The official catalogue of species and varieties of crops grown in France is deleted from the Official Catalogue. Whose seeds can be marketed in France (list A), the varieties listed below:
Tournesol: Apétil, Chisol, Cresus, Inagri 105, Jasmil, Lympil, Makil, Orlando, PR 6338, Tonus, Trentil, Veleta.
These varieties may be Marketed until June 30, 2008.

Article 3

The Official Catalogue of the species and varieties of crops grown in France, whose seeds can be multiplied in France for export (list B), the varieties listed below:
Tournesol: Fontana, Francil, Inagri 206, Natil, PR63A10, PR63A99, PR64A42, PR64A54, PR64A55, PR69A00, Rifil.

Item 4

Is amended as it follows the leader in the maintenance of varieties in conservative selection for the following varieties :
Sunflower: Heliasol RM, Heliatop, Héliatop RM, Orlando, Ortego.
In the column " Responsible for maintaining varieties in conservative selection ", instead of:" European Corn Society SARL (FR) ", read:" KWS Saat AG (DE) ".
The following shall be amended accordingly:
-arrested on 17 June 1998 as amended, for the variety Orlando;
-arrested on 9 March 2000, for the varieties Heliasol RM, Heliatop, Heliatop RM;
-arrested on 19 July 2000, for the variety Ortega.

Item 5

Is amended as follows item 1 of the March 29, 2005 Order:
For the variety of soybeans Protina, in column " The breeder ", read:" Ecorc (CA) " Instead of: " Ecorc (US) ".

Article 6

This Order will be published In the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, December 8, 2005.

For the Minister and by delegation:

By preventing the Director

from economic and international policies:

The Rural Engineer,

Water and Forestry Engineer,

E. Giry

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