Key Benefits:
The Director of Financial and Logistics Affairs,
In view of Decree No. 99-555 of 2 July 1999 establishing the organization of the central administration of the Ministry responsible for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, as amended by Decree No. 2003-238 of 17 March 2003, by Decree No. 2004-1428 of 23 December 2004 and by Decree No. 2005-385 of 25 April 2005;
In the light of Decree No. 2005-850 of 27 July 2005 The signature delegations of the members of the Government, and in particular Article 3 thereof;
In view of the decree of 25 April 2005 on the organisation and award of the General Secretariat;
In view of the decree of 25 April 2005 on the organisation of the General Secretariat;
Given the September 16, 2005 signing delegation decision,
Article 2 of the above-mentioned decision of 16 September 2005 reads as follows:
" Delegation is given to Ms Marianne Dupré, Contracting Officer, Mr. Rodolphe Jayet-Gendrot, Senior Central Administrative Attaché, and Mrs. Estelle Chicouard, Senior Central Administrative Officer, and Danièle Roger, Central Administrative Officer, to the effect of Sign, on behalf of the Minister responsible for agriculture, excluding orders-in-council, all acts, orders and decisions, within the limits of the duties of the accounting office. "
1 of Article 4 of the decision of 16 September 2005 read as follows:
" 1. Mr Claude Delatre, Head of Mission, within the remit of the Logistics and Heritage sub-directorate. "
Article 5 of the above-mentioned decision of 16 September 2005 is repealed.
This decision will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, January 4, 2006.
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