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Decision Of 3 January 2006 Establishing Authorization To Exercise The Profession Of Architect In France

Original Language Title: Décision du 3 janvier 2006 portant autorisation d'exercer la profession d'architecte en France

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JORF No. 10 of 12 January 2006 Page 485
Text No. 75

Decision of 3 January 2006 authorizing d' profession of occupation in France

NOR: MCCL0600019S ELI: Not available

By Decision of the Minister of Culture and Communication dated January 3 2006, is authorised to practice the profession of architect, under the conditions laid down in Article 11 of Law n 77-2 of 3 January 1977 on architecture: Mr Christian Sbeih, a national of a non-member state of the European Union, born 24 July 1978 in Ghadir, Lebanon.

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