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Order Of 22 November 2001 Laying Down The Distribution Of The Proceeds Of The Business Tax From Agenda 2000, On The One Hand Sampling Carried Out On Fought Agglomeration Community Resources And Linked To...

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 22 novembre 2001 fixant la répartition du produit de la taxe professionnelle provenant, au titre de 2000, d'une part du prélèvement effectué sur les ressources de la communauté d'agglomération belfortaine et lié à l'établissement...

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JORF No. 11 of 13 January 2002 Page 800
Text N ° 6

Decree of 22 November 2001 fixing the distribution of the product of the professional tax from 2000, a share of the levy on the resources of the community d' agglomeration of Belgium And linked to the old ABB Alstom establishment at Cravanche (Belfort territory), d' other share of the communal and intercommunal tax bases of the professional tax of the "Visteon sis in Rougedrop" (Belfort territory)

NOR: INTB0100718A ELI: Not available

The Minister of the Interior,
In accordance with Act No. 75-678 of 29 July 1975 establishing, in Article 15, the departmental fund for the equalization of professional tax;
Given the general code Taxes, and in particular Article 1648 A;
Having regard to Decree No. 88-988 of 17 October 1988 on the departmental fund for the professional tax;
Whereas the Interdepartmental Committee established by the joint order of the Presidents The General Councils of the territory of Belfort and Haute-Saône, meeting on 6 February 2001 for the purpose of allocating resources from the Community resources levy in 2000 It is linked to the establishment formerly of ABB Alstom in Cravanche (territory of Belfort), on the other hand of the stubbornness of the municipal and inter-communal bases of the occupational tax of the Visteon settlement. Rougedrop (Belfort territory), failed to reach an agreement within the legal period allowed to him from his institution;
On the report of the prefect of the territory of Belfort,

Article 1

In accordance with the provisions of 2 ° of IV bis of Article 1648 A of the General Tax Code, the sum of 25 282.30 EUR 1 986.41 EUR 1 986.41, equal to 40 % of the stubbornness, has been reduced by EUR 1 986.41 from the nuts and bolts of the municipal and inter-municipal tax bases of the Visteon facility in 2000. Intercommunal. This levy is paid to the community of communes of the Haute Savory.

Article 2

The amounts of EUR 87 732.58 and EUR 23 295.89 From the collection of resources of the Community of agglomeration in 2000, on the other hand, from the stubbornness of the communal and inter-communal bases deducted from the priority levy referred to in Article 1, Are allocated 60 % to the communities referred to in Article 1648 A of Article 1648 A of the General Tax Code (disadvantaged communities) and 40 % to the communes referred to in the 2 ° of II of the same Article (communes concerned).

Article 3

The amounts accruing to the Communities under 1 ° of II of Article 1648 A of the General Tax Code (disadvantaged communities), amounting to EUR 52 639.58 in respect of the levy on the resources of the community of agglomeration belfortan and EUR 13 977.59 in respect of the stubbornness of the Visteon settlement in Rougedrop, are divided between The communities in the following departments and for the following amounts:
For the collection of resources from the community of urban agglomeration:
-disadvantaged communities in the department of the territory of Belfort: 14 526.56 EUR;
-disadvantaged communities in the department of Haute-Saône: 38 113.02 EUR.
As part of the stubbornness of the Visteon settlement in Rougedrop:
-disadvantaged communities in the Department of the territory of Belfort: 12 881.33 EUR;
-disadvantaged communities in the department of Haute-Saône: 1 096.26 EUR.
The General Council of each of the departments concerned draws up a list of the communities benefiting from the allocated and fixed sums The amount of their respective powers under the conditions set out in the 4 ° of the I of Article 4 of the decree of 17 October 1988 referred to above.

Article 4

The amounts accruing to the municipalities referred to in the 2 ° of II of Article 1648 A of the general tax code (communes concerned), or EUR 35 093.00 of the levy on the resources of the agglomeration community Belfortaine and 9 318.30 EUR in respect of the stubbornness of Visteon sis in Rougedrop, are divided between the following communes and for the respective amounts:

As part of the levy on
resources in the community of Brussels

You can view the table in the OJ
No 11 of the 13/01/2002 page 800 to 801

You can view the table in the OJ
n ° o 11 of 13/01/2002 page 800 to 801

sis at Rougedrop

You can view the table in OJ
n ° o 11 of 13/01/2002 page 800 to 801

You can view the table in OJ
No 11, 13/01/2002 page 800 to 801

Article 5

The prefects of the territory of Belfort and of the The department of Haute-Saône is responsible, each as far as it is concerned, for the execution of this Order, which will be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, November 22, 2001.

For the minister and delegation:

The general manager

of the local communities,

D. Bur

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