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Decree Of 6 January 2003 Relating To The Approval Of Certain Agreements Work In Not-For-Profit Health And Social Institutions

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 6 janvier 2003 relatif à l'agrément de certains accords de travail applicables dans les établissements sanitaires et sociaux à but non lucratif

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JORF No. 11 of 14 January 2003 Page 781
Text No. 14

Decree of 6 January 2003 concerning the approval of certain work agreements applicable in non-profit health and social institutions

NOR: SANH0320025A ELI: Not available

The Minister of Social Affairs, Labour and Solidarity and the Minister of Health, Family and People with Disabilities,
In view of Article L. 314-6 of the Social Action Code and Families;
Having regard to Decree No. 77-1113 of 30 September 1977, as amended by Decrees Nos 82-1040 of 7 December 1982 and 88-248 of 14 March 1988, relating to the approval of collective agreements and pension arrangements applicable to employees of the Non-profit social or health facilities and services;
In view of the opinion issued by the National Accreditation Board at its meeting on November 21, 2002,

Article 1

Licensed, subject to the application of the existing laws and regulations, as of The date provided for in the text or, failing that, the date of publication of this Order, the following collective labour agreements:

I. -Association Centre for Rehabilitation of Maurs
(15600 Maurs)

Agreement of 18 December 2001 on the development and reduction of working time.

II. -Association L' Essor
(80000 Amiens)

Unilateral decision of 28 November 2001 on the development and reduction of working time.

Article 2

The Director of Hospitalization and Organization of Care is responsible for the execution of this Order, which will be published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, January 6, 2003.

The Minister of Health, the

Family and People with Disabilities,

For the Minister and by delegation:

By preventing The Director of the

hospitalization and the care organization:

The subdirector of the

paramedical professions and hospital staff,

B. Verrier

Social Affairs Minister,

of work and solidarity,

For the minister and delegation:

By preventing the director of the

hospitalization and the care organization:

The subdirector of the
paramedical professions
and hospital staff,


Note. -The text of these agreements will be published in the Official Gazette of the Ministry of Health, Family and Disabled Persons No. 2003/06, available at the Official Journals Directorate, 26 rue Desaix, 75727 Paris, at a price of EUR 10.63.

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