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Decision Of 19 December 2002 Approval Of A Body To Monitor The Appropriate Accounting Of Operators Supporting Loads Due To The Missions Of Public Service Of Electricity Production

Original Language Title: Décision du 19 décembre 2002 portant agrément d'un organisme chargé de contrôler la comptabilité appropriée des opérateurs supportant des charges imputables aux missions de service public de la production d'électricité

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JORF No. 11 of 14 January 2003 Page 824
Text No. 55

Decision of 19 December 2002 approving an organisation responsible for controlling the proper accounting of operators bearing charges attributable to public service missions of production D' electricity

NOR: CREX0206241S ELI: Not available

The Electricity Regulation Commission,
In view of Law No. 2000-108 of 10 February 2000 on the modernisation and development of the public electricity service;
Given the decree N ° 2000-894 of 11 September 2000 concerning the procedures applicable to the Commission for the regulation of electricity;
Having regard to Decree No. 2001-1157 of 6 December 2001 concerning the public service fund for the production of electricity Application of Article 5 of Law No. 2000-108 of 10 February 2000 on the modernisation and development of the public electricity service;
In view of the decision of the Electricity Regulation Commission of 15 February 2001 Relating to the rules of procedure of the committee;
In view of the application for authorisation presented on 31 October 2002 by the Public Accountant of the Municipal Power Authority of Valloire;
In view of the decision of 11 December 2002 of the President of the Commission Regulation of electricity relating to the designation of a rapporteur for the appraisal of the application for authorisation;

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The committee deliberated on 19 December 2002,

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The Electricity Regulatory Commission proposes to the Ministers responsible for the Economy and Energy the amount of additional costs related to the public service missions of the production Of electricity, which should be compensated. These additional costs shall be determined on the basis of an appropriate accounting maintained by the operators who support them and controlled by an independent body.
In order for the Commission to propose the compensation of amounts corresponding to the only additional costs In fact borne by the operators concerned by this type of expense, this independent body must:
-on the one hand, demonstrate its good understanding, in particular the operation of the system of obligations to purchase and the mode of Calculation of the additional costs;
-on the other hand, place the committee in a situation of a critical analysis of the declaration filed by the operator in respect of the additional costs incurred, by producing a monitoring report, drawn up no later than 31 March of each year, which details the nature of the checks carried out according to the points indicated in the CRE's briefing note on the content of the appropriate accounting and any anomalies identified.
In this case, the description To the Committee on the work of the Treasurer of Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne on a daily basis as a public accountant of the municipal electricity company of Valloire, in that it makes no explicit reference to the nature of the Controls of the purchasing obligations that would be implemented, does not ensure that the candidate has the proper understanding of the subject in the proper accounting control,

Item 1

The Public Accountant of the Municipal Power Authority of Valloire is approved for accounting control Pursuant to Article 5 of Act No. 2000-108 of 10 February 2000, provided that before 1 February 2003 it provides a detailed report on the means and actions it intends to implement in the context of the Certification of the appropriate accounting and undertakes to establish, by 31 March of each year at the latest, a report showing the details of the checks carried out according to the points indicated in the CRE's information note on the
This approval shall be issued, subject to the above reserve, for a period of three accounting years, the first year corresponding to the calendar year 2002.

Article 2

The Director General of the Commission Services is responsible for the execution of this Decision, which will be published in the Journal Official of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, December 19, 2002.

The President,

J. Syrota

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