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Decree Of 26 December 2003 Approving Statutory Provisions (Application Of Decree No. 85-986 From September 16, 1985, Amended)

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 26 décembre 2003 portant approbation de dispositions statutaires (application du décret n° 85-986 du 16 septembre 1985 modifié)

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JORF No. 11 of 14 January 2004 Page 1042
Text #5

Decree of 26 December 2003 approving statutory provisions (application of Decree No. 85-986 of 16 September 1985 amended)

NOR: DEFD0301371A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Economy, Finance and And the Minister for Public Service, State Reform and Spatial Planning of 26 December 2003, approved the provision inserted in Article 28 of the Statutes of Eurocopter, which reads as follows:

" Article 28
Detached employees

For the purpose of achieving the social object, civilian and military employees placed on secondment under the conditions set out in the texts that May be appointed to occupy jobs of a commercial, financial, technical, administrative, research and expert nature within the limit of a maximum number of 4. "
These provisions are applicable from June 11, 1999 to July 9, 2000.

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