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Decree Of 26 December 2003 Modifying The List Of Reimbursable Pharmaceutical Specialties To The Insured

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 26 décembre 2003 modifiant la liste des spécialités pharmaceutiques remboursables aux assurés sociaux

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JORF No. 11 of 14 January 2004 Page 1048
Text #23

Order of 26 December 2003 amending the list of pharmaceutical specialities refundable to social insured persons

NOR: SANS0325148A ELI: Not available

The Minister of Health, Family and Disability,
Due to the Social Security Code;
Due to the Public Health Code,

Item 1

The list of pharmaceutical specialties refundable to insured persons is modified in accordance with the Provisions set out in the Annex.

Article 2

The Director General of Health and the Director of Social Security shall be responsible, Each as regards the execution of this Decree, which shall be published and its annex in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Item Appendix

(4 Radiation)

The following pharmaceutical specialties are removed from the list of reimbursable drugs for social insured persons:

You Can refer to the table in OJ
No 11, 14/01/2004 page 1048 to 1048

Done at Paris, December 26, 2003.

For the Minister and by delegation :By preventing the Director

from Social Security:


subdirector of the

funding for the care system,

S. Seiller

By preventing

from the Director General of Health:



policy for health products,

H. Sainte Marie

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