Key Benefits:
Fifteen Jobs of First Counsel or Counsel to the Body of Courts Administrative and administrative courses of appeal that can be filled in the field of mobility are offered to members of the corps recruited through the National School of Administration and Post
and Telecommunications. Administrative Magistrates, such advisers shall exercise judicial functions as rapporteur or Commissioner of the Government, as well as certain administrative functions under the conditions laid down in Article R. 237-1 of the Administrative justice code. The positions to be filled are located in the major regional metropolises, administrative courts and administrative courts of appeal. The assignment in court is preceded by a six-month training period at the Council of State.
These posts are to be filled on 1 July 2004, the date of the start of the training course.
Application files transmitted, with notice Favourable, by means of the hierarchical path will imperatively include all of the following parts:
1 ° An application dated and signed by the candidate stating in particular:
-the desired duration of the secondment;
-if it is to be carried out For mobility purposes;
-assignment geographical greetings in order of preference;
2 ° A letter of motivation;
3 ° A detailed curriculum vitae;
4 ° A copy:
-the latest step-promoting order;
- The report cards of the last five years.
The files should be sent to the Council of State before 31 March 2004, the administrative courts and the administrative courts of appeal, the administrative management of the Magistrates, place du Palais-Royal, 75100 Paris Cedex 01.
All further information can be obtained at the Council of State (General Secretariat, Administrative Court Service and Administrative Courts of Appeal [telephone: 01-40-20-88-02, 01-40-20-88-04 or 01-40-20-88-31]), or on the website (job awards), E-CE 1873.