Key Benefits:
By order of the Minister of Equipment, Transportation, The development of the territory, tourism and the sea as of 5 January 2005, is decommissioned from the national road public domain and surrendered to the service of the estates for disposal the parcel of land situated in the territory of the municipality of Bourg-la-Reine (Hauts-de-Seine), 73, avenue du General-Leclerc, cadastrated section P n ° 154, of an area of 111 square meters, figures in yellow color on the plane of the 1/500 annexed to this order.
Note. -The plan can be consulted at the departmental management of the equipment of the Hauts-de-Seine, 96, boulevard General-Leclerc, 92023 Nanterre Cedex, or the central archives of the Ministry of Equipment, Transport, Spatial Planning, Tourism and the sea, Arche sud, 92055 La Défense Cedex.