Key Benefits:
Prime Minister,
On the report of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry and the Minister of the Public Service,
Due to Act No. 83-634 dated July 13, 1983, as amended Relating to the rights and obligations of civil servants, together with the law n ° 84-16 of 11 January 1984 amending the statutory provisions relating to the public service of the State;
Having regard to Decree No. 2005-799 of 15 July 2005 on the statute Insurance Control Body in particular,
The Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, the Minister of the Public Service and the Minister Delegate to the Budget and State Reform, Government Spokesperson, are responsible for each Concerning the execution of this Decree, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, January 6, 2006.
Dominique de Villepin
By the Prime Minister:
The Minister of the Economy,
Finance and Industry,
Thierry Breton
The Minister of the Public Service,
Christian Jacob
The minister delegated to the
budget and state reform,
spokesman for the Government,
Jean-François Copé