Key Benefits:
By order of the Minister of State, Minister of Interior and Planning of the Territory, as of January 3, 2006, the following police commissioners are listed on the promotion board at the rank of police commissioner for the year 2006:
1 Mr. Jean Vandenbeuch.
2 Mr. Jean-Pierre Pujos.
3 Mr. André Queffelec.
4 Mr. Patrick Vieux.
5 Mr. Gilles Soulie.
6 Mr. Jean-Jacques Lauga.
7 Mr. Philippe Jumel.
8 Mr. Jean-Michel Hertert.
9 Mr. Pierre Delannoy.
10 Mr. Philippe Justo.
11 Mr. Philippe Frizon.
12 Mr. Alain Modat.
13 Mr. Patrick Karr.
14 Ms. Sylvie Danielo, wife Feucher.
15 Mr. Laurent Tarasco.
16 Mr. Mathieu Clouzeau.
17 Mr. Nicolas de Leffe.
18 Mr. Jean-Luc Mercier.
19 Mr. Jean-Claude Gutron.
20 Mario Bucciero.
21 Mr. Gérard Legrand.
22 Mr. Jean-Charles Le Floc'h.
23 Mr. William Marion.
24 Mr. Julien Sapori.
25 Mr. Jean-Jacques Paganelli.
26 Mr. Marc Thoraval.
27 Ms. Claire Batton.
28 Mr. Jean-Marc Souvira.
29 Mr. Anthony Bernardi.
30 Mr. Gilles Galliot.
31 Mr. Guy Milin.
32 Mr. Paul Barre.
33 Ms. Françoise Chalaye, wife Crespin.
34 Ms. Dominique Lasserre, wife Cussigh.
35 Mr. Yannick Gomez.
36 Ms. Isabelle Baert.
37 Mr. Jean-Pierre Legrand.
38 Mr. Paul Agostini.
39 Mr. Jean-Maurice Delarousse.
40 Ms. Catherine Ashworth.
41 Mr. Laurent Coindreau.
42 Mr. Marc Hours.
43 Mr. Dominique Guiseppi.
44 Mr. Daniel Jacqueme.
45 Mr. Didier Martin.
46 Mr. Pascal Belin.
47 Mr. Christophe Perez-Baquey.
48 Mr. Vincent Lapiana.
49 Mr. Jacques Zanalda.
50 Ms. Laetizia de Bernardi, wife Bonaldi.
51 Mr. Yvan Bassompierre Sewrin.
52 Mr. Mathieu Fabiani.
53 Ms. Agnès Paillat, wife Zanardi.
54 Mr. Alain Perez.
55 Ms. Catherine Lenzi.
56 Mr. Philippe Saunier.
57 Ms. Maryse Desmoulin, wife of Moor.
58 Mr. Jean-François Papineau.
59 Mr. Patrick Rodier.
60 Mr. Jean-Pierre Merouze.
61 Mr. Abdelkader Haroune.
62 Mr. Daniel Bertinet.
63 Ms. Pascale Regnault, wife Dubois.
64 Mrs. Valérie Moulherat, wife Mayeux.
65 Ms. Isabelle Guilloteau.
66 Mr. Jean-Paul Bisiaux.
67 Mr. Jean-Marc Luca.
68 Mr. Roger Odiscalco.
69 M. Jean-Paul Jallot.
70 Mr. Christian Aghroum.
71 Ms. Marie-Josèphe Mazel.
72 Mr. Jean-Max Delluc.
Additional list
73 Mr. Alain Corbion.
74 Mrs. Héléna Thomas.
75 Mr. Philippe Migaux.
76 Mr. Franck Douchy.
77 Mr. Gilles Dhumerelle.
78 Mr. François Cerdan.
79 Mr. Robert Fereyre.
80 Mr. Vincent Le Borgne.
81 M. Luc Retail.
82 Mr. Bernard Gendre.
83 Mr. Dominique Abbenanti.
84 Mr. Laurent Raverat.
85 Mr. Jean-Paul Bloas.
86 Mr. Thierry Batistoni.
87 Ms. Valérie Robert, wife Castoldi.
88 Mr. Jean-François Illy.
89 Ms. Anne Le Goubin, wife Bibos.
90 Mr. Jean-François Cosse.
91 Mr. Marc Fernandez.
92 Mr. Lino Cermaria.
93 Mrs. Hélène Pasturel.
94 Mr. Fabrice Blum.
95 Mr. Bernard Siffert.
96 Mr. Stéphane Aubert.