Key Benefits:
Minister of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing and the Minister Responsible for Social Cohesion and Parity,
In light of Decree No. 2003-1120 of 24 November 2003 on the National Consultative Commission for Travellers, and in particular Article 2,
Appointed members of the National Consultative Commission for Travellers, under Article 2 of the Decree of 24 November 2003, the representative of each of the following ten ministers:
The Minister of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing;
The Minister of Transport, Equipment, Tourism and the Sea;
The Minister Minister of Interior and Land Planning;
The Minister of Justice;
The Minister of Defence;
The Minister of National Education, Higher Education and Research;
The Minister of Defence; Minister of Culture and Communication;
Minister of Health and Solidarity;
Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises, Trade, Handicrafts and Professions; and
The Minister Responsible for Cohesion
of the National Consultative Commission for Travellers, under Article 2 of the Decree of 24 November 2003 referred to above:
M. Maille (Richard), M.P. for Bouches-du-Rhône;
M. Viollet (Jean-Claude), Member of Parliament for Charente;
M. Cazalet (Auguste), Senator for Pyrénées-Atlantiques;
M. Courtois (Jean-Patrick), Senator de Saône-et-Loire;
M. Durand (Raymond), General Counsel of the Rhône;
Ms. Guilhot (Patricia), General Counsel for Puy-de-Dôme;
M. Bauer (Marcel), Mayor of Selestat;
M. Biwer (Claude), Mayor of Marville;
M. Chapron (Christian), Mayor of Torcy;
M. Fournier (Georges), Mayor of Saint-Michel-sur-Orge
Appointed members of the National Consultative Commission for Travellers, under Article 2 of the decree of 24 November 2003 referred to:
M. Charpentier (Joseph), Association Vie et lumière;
M. Dubois (James), Association La Vie du Québec Travel;
Mme Januel (Alice), l' Association nationale des gens du voyage catholiques;
M. Lorier (Renardo), Office national des affaires tziganes;
M. Ritz (Vincent), association Regards;
M. Sarguera (Jean), centre culturel gitan;
M. Sauve (Christophe), l' Association nationale des gens du voyage Catholics;
M. Steinberger (Dominique), Association pour une recherche pédagogique ouverte en milieu tzigane;
M. Vermeersch (Désiré), Association sociale nationale
M. Zigler (Martial), Association nationale des gens du voyage Nomadic et sedentary.
Appointed members of the National Consultative Commission for Travellers, under Article 2 of the Decree of 24 November 2003 above:
Mme Adam (Christine), association départementale Itinering;
Mme Claveau (Michèle), union intercommunal de gestion des aires d' accueil;
M. de Clermont (Jean-Arnold), Fédération Protestante de France;
Mme Drif (Latifa), Departmental Association of the French Movement for Family Planning;
M. Guillaumot (Bruno), Société nationale de construction pour les travailleurs;
M. Lacroix (François), departmental association of Travellers Essonne;
M. Malevergne (Eric), Fédération nationale des centres pour la protection, l' amélioration, la transformation de l' habitat et la catering buildings;
M. Mombrun (Michel), Fédération nationale des associations Solidarity of actions with Gypsies and Travellers;
M. Robert (Christophe), foundation Abbé Pierre;
Mme Roussel (Laura), regional association d' études et d' actions auprès des Tziganes.
The Minister of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing and the Minister responsible for Social Cohesion and Gender Equality are responsible for each Of the execution of this Order, to be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.
Done at Paris, December 23, 2005.
The Minister of Employment,
Social Cohesion and Housing,
Jean-Louis Borloo
The Minister Responsible for Cohesion Social
and parity,
Catherine Vautrin