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Decree Of 4 January 2007 On The Extension Of A Regional Agreement (Britain) Concluded In The Framework Of The National Collective Agreement On Working Conditions Of Workers In Quarries And Materials Industries (Excluding The Industries...

Original Language Title: Decree of 4 January 2007 on the extension of a regional agreement (Britain) concluded in the framework of the national collective agreement on working conditions of workers in quarries and materials industries (excluding the industries ...

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JORF No. 11 of 13 January 2007 Page 872
Text No. 93

Decree of 4 January 2007 extending a regional agreement (Brittany) concluded within the framework of the national collective agreement on the working conditions of workers in the quarry industries and Materials (excluding granite industries) (point 87)

NOR: SOCT0710047A ELI: Not available

The Minister of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing,
In view of the Labour Code, in particular Articles L. 133-1 and following;
In view of the Decree of 13 December 1960 and the orders Successive, in particular the decree of 15 June 2006, extending the national collective agreement relating to the working conditions of the workers of the quarry and material industries of 22 April 1955 and of texts which amended it or Completed, and national wage agreements of 21 February 1957, as amended and of 23 January 1992;
Having regard to the order of 23 October 1979 and the successive orders, in particular the order of 21 June 2006, to extend an inter-departmental agreement and Regional agreements (Brittany), concluded in the framework of the national wage agreements of 21 February 1957 as amended and of 23 January 1992 referred to above, annexed to the abovementioned national collective agreement;
Given the regional agreement (Brittany) of 3 October 2006 concerning the minimum wages concluded in the framework of the national agreements of 21 February 1957 and of 23 January 1992 mentioned above, annexed to the abovementioned national collective agreement;
Due to the request for extension submitted by the organisations Signatories;
Having regard to the opinion published in the Official Journal of 25 November 2006;
In view of the opinions gathered during the investigation;
In view of the reasoned opinion of the National Commission for Collective Bargaining (Sub-Committee on Conventions and Agreements), Collected in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article R. 133-2 of the Labour Code, Stop:

Article 1

Are made mandatory for all employers and employees included in its scope Professional of the national collective agreement relating to the working conditions of workers in the quarry and materials industries of 22 April 1955, excluding the industry of extraction and/or processing of granite, and in its own Territorial application, the provisions of the regional agreement (Brittany) of 3 October 2006 concerning the minimum wages concluded in the framework of the national wage agreements of 21 February 1957 and of 23 January 1992 referred to above, annexed to the Above-named collective agreement.

Article 2

The extension of the effects and sanctions of the aforementioned agreement shall be made from the date of the Publication of this Order for the remaining time to be run and the terms and conditions of that agreement.

Item 3

The Director General Labour is responsible for the execution of this Order, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, January 4, 2007.

For the Minister and by delegation:

The general manager of the job,

J.-D. Combrexelle

Note. -The text of the above-mentioned agreement has been published in the Official Bulletin of the Ministry, collective agreements no. 2006/43, available at the Official Journals Directorate, 26, rue Desaix, 75727 Paris Cedex 15, at 7.61.

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