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Notice To Importers Relating To The Taxation Of Agricultural Products

Original Language Title: Avis aux importateurs relatifs à la taxation des produits agricoles

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JORF No. 12 of 15 January 2003 Page 891
Text No. 73

Advice to importers on the taxation of agricultural products

NOR: BUDD0360005V ELI: Not available

TABLE H 1 b (N ° 1)

Pursuant to the Uruguay Round agricultural agreement, a safeguard clause can be implemented as soon as the import price for an agricultural product under consideration is below the trigger threshold (minimum price set at the level
Thus, an additional import duty, in addition to the CCT, is set by the European Commission to reduce the price of the third-party product to the level of the Community market.
The table below indicates:
-the price Trigger set by the Community;
-the representative price, or the caf price, calculated by the European Commission;
-the additional duties to be applied in addition to the TDC.

The following table is applicable to count On January 4, 2003: (In euros)

You can view the table in OJ
No 12, 15/01/2003 page 891 to 895


(1) Fixation For the standard quality as defined in Article 1 of the amended Regulation (EEC) No 785/68.
(2) This amount replaces, in accordance with Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 1422/95, the rate of the Common Customs Tariff duty fixed for these products

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