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Decree Of January 8, 2004 To Repeal Certain Provisions Of The Decree Of 16 December 1981 Laying Down The Extent Of Areas And Easements To Protect Against Obstacles Applicable To Neighborhood Stations And The Route Of The Radio Beam A...

Original Language Title: Decree of January 8, 2004 to repeal certain provisions of the Decree of 16 December 1981 laying down the extent of zones and easements to protect against obstacles applicable to neighborhood stations and the route of the radio beam A ...

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JORF No. 12 of 15 January 2004 Page 1141
Text No. 31

Decree of 8 January 2004 repealing certain provisions of the Decree of 16 December 1981 laying down the scope of the zones and the easements of protection against obstacles applicable in the vicinity of stations and On the route of the hertzien beam Angers-Saumur crossing the department of Maine-et-Loire

NOR: INDI0320539D ELI:

By Order-in-Council dated January 8, 2004, the provisions of the December 16, 1981 fixing the extent of the zones and the easements of protection against the obstacles applicable in the vicinity of stations and on the route of the hertzien beam Angers-Saumur passing through the department of Maine-et-Loire are repealed in this Which concerns the secondary areas of clearance of the stations of Varrains and Saumur (Maine-et-Loire) located on the route of the hertzien beam Angers-Saumur, as well as the special zones of clearance between the stations of Saint-Barthélemy-d ' Anjou, Doué-la-Fontaine and Varrains.

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