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Decree Of 4 December 2003 Bringing Extension And Expansion Of The A-215 Endorsement To The National Collective Agreement Of 14 March 1947, Signed January 21, 2003

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 4 décembre 2003 portant extension et élargissement de l'avenant A-215 à la convention collective nationale du 14 mars 1947, signé le 21 janvier 2003

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JORF No. 12 of 15 January 2004 Page 1169
Text No. 76

Order of 4 December 2003 extending and widening of the agreement A-215 to the national collective agreement of 14 March 1947, signed on 21 January 2003

NOR: SANS0325117A ELI: Not available

The Minister of Social Affairs, Labour and Solidarity, the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry, and the Minister of Health, Family and People Disability,
In view of the Social Security Code, and in particular Articles L. 911-3, L. 911-4 and L. 921-4;
In the light of the Order of 31 March 1947 for the approval of the national collective agreement for the retirement and foresight of the framework of 14 March 1947, together with the orders that extended and expanded subsequent amendments to this Convention;
In view of the orders of 24 December 1973, 26 December 1973, 10 July 1975, 21 June 1988, 5 December 1988, 7 July 1989, 24 December 1993 and 13 June 1994 broadening the professional and territorial scope of the national collective agreement of March 14, 1947;
Given the amendment A-215 to the national collective agreement of March 14, 1947 signed on January 21, 2003;
Given the Request for extension and enlargement submitted by the signatory organisations as of 13 February 2003;
In view of the opinion on the extension and enlargement of the A-215 amendment published in the Official Journal of 7 May 2003;
In view of the opinion of the Committee referred to in Article L. 911-3 of the Social Security Code dated 29 April 2003,

Article 1

Are extended, in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 911-3 of the Social Security Code, the provisions Amendment A-215 to the national collective agreement of 14 March 1947, signed on 21 January 2003.
This extension makes the provisions of this amendment compulsory for all employees, former employees and their successors in title, and For all employers included in the scope of the national collective agreement for the retirement and foresight of the framework of 14 March 1947.

Article 2

The provisions of Amendment A-215 to the National Collective Agreement of 14 March 1947 signed on 21 January 2003
be extended in accordance with the provisions of Article L. 911-4 of the Social Security Code. This extension has the effect of making the provisions of this amendment compulsory for all employees, former employees and their beneficiaries and for all employers included in the scope of the collective agreement of 14 March 1947, as extended by the orders of 24 December 1973, 26 December 1973, 10 July 1975, 21 June 1988, 5 December 1988, 7 July 1989, 24 December 1993 and 13 June 1994 extending the scope of professional application and Territorial of the aforementioned national collective agreement.

Article 3

The Director of Social Security and the Director of the Budget Shall each be responsible for the execution of this Order, which shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, December 4, 2003.

The Minister of Health, the

Family and People with Disabilities,

For the Minister and delegation:

By Preventing the

Director from Social Security:

The retired Director of Pensions and

Social Protection Institutions,

F. The Morvan

The Minister of Social Affairs,

du Work and solidarity,

For the Minister and by delegation:

By preventing the Director

from Social Security:

The Deputy Director of Pensions and Social Security Institutions


F. The Morvan

The Minister of the Economy,

Finance and Industry,

For the Minister and by delegation:

By preventing the budget director:

The Deputy Director,

F. Carayon

Note. -The text of the amendment referred to above has been published in the Official Bulletin of the Ministry, collective agreements No. 2003/7, available at the Official Journals Directorate, 26, rue Desaix, 75727 Paris Cedex 15.

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