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Decree Of 10 January 2007 Delegation Of Signature

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 10 janvier 2007 portant délégation de signature

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JORF No. 12 of 14 January 2007
Text #5

Signing delegation order of 10 January 2007

NOR: INTK0700030A ELI: Not available

Minister of State, Minister of Interior and Spatial Planning,
Given the decree of 31 May 2005 appointing the Prime Minister;
In view of the decree of 2 June 2005 on The composition of the Government;
Given the decree n ° 2005-850 of 27 July 2005 on the signature delegations of the members of the Government;
In view of the decree of 10 January 2007 appointing the cabinet of the Minister of State, Arrête:

Item 1

Permanent Delegation to Mr. Jacques Gérault, Director of Cabinet, to sign on behalf of the Minister Of the State, Minister for the Interior and Planning of the Territory, all acts, orders or decisions, excluding Orders in Council, in respect of cases for which delegation has not been given to persons mentioned in Article 1 of the Decree of 27 July 2005.

Article 2

This Order shall be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Done at Paris, January 10, 2007.

Nicolas Sarkozy

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