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Decree Of December 21, 2001, Amending The Decree Of 21 September 2001 On The Appointment Of Students Members Of The Army To The Military School Of Administration And Management Of The Army

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 21 décembre 2001 modifiant l'arrêté du 21 septembre 2001 portant nomination d'élèves commissaires de l'armée de terre à l'école militaire d'administration et de management de l'armée de terre

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JORF No. 13 of 16 January 2002 Page 896
Text No. 65

Decree of 21 December 2001 amending l' arrested on 21 September 2001 appointing members of the army of the army at the military school of " 039; Land

NOR: DEFT0102487A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Defence dated December 21, 2001, the Order of 21 September 2001 appointing Army members of the Army to the Military Administrative and Management School of the Army is amended as follows:
I. In the title: after: Military school ", add:" Superior ".
II. -In text:
Instead of: " Jacquot (Aude, Rozean, Marie) ", read:" Jacquot (Aude, Rozeen, Marie) " ;
Instead of: " Tabardel (Paméla, Violette, Emmanuelle) ", read:" Tabardel (Paméla, Violette, Odette) ".

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