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A Secretary-General Of Academy Job Vacancy Notice

Original Language Title: Avis de vacance d'un emploi de secrétaire général d'académie

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JORF No. 13 of 16 January 2002 911 page
Text N ° 95

Vacancy notice of secretary general job d' academy

NOR: THREAT0200062V ELI: Not available

The job of secretary general of the Besançon Academy is likely to be Vacant.
Under the direction of the Rector, the Secretary General of the Academy is responsible for the administration of the Academy. It participates in the development and implementation of academic education policy. As such, a good knowledge of the education system and of the territorial organisation of the state and local authorities is essential to ensure the effectiveness of public policies in a fully changing environment as a result of the Deconcentration.
In the event of absence or incapacity, it supersede the rector of whom he or she can be delegated signing authority.
The employment of the Secretary General of the Academy is a senior management position requiring moral authority and membership The innovative principles of human resources management, a very high working capacity and a strong management skills.
The employment of the secretary-general of the Academy of Besançon, which belongs to the group 2 of the academies, is equipped with Indent scaling IB 841, HEA group, and benefits from a NBI of 80 points. This employment is open, in accordance with Article 4 of Decree No. 86-970 of 19 August 1986 concerning the statutory provisions applicable to the employment of the Secretary-General of the Academy, to:
1. The National Administrative School having reached at least the gross index 701;
2 ° General inspectors of the administration of national education and research of 2nd class;
3 ° Officials appointed for at least two years:
-in A job as General Secretary of Public Institution of Higher Education;
-in the position of Secretary General of School and University Administration;
-in the employment of Assistant Director or in the employment of Deputy Director National Centre for Academic and School Works;
-in a job as a regional or local centre director of academic and academic works;
4 ° Academic and non-academic academic and academic administration Normal class academic and academic advisors who have attained at least the eighth grade of their grade. The persons concerned must have completed ten years of effective administrative services of category A and have been for three years at least responsible for a division in a rectorate or an academic service or administrative services of a Academic inspection or have exercised comparable administrative functions;
5 civil civil servants of the state, local authorities or public establishments which depend on them, which belong to a body, to a framework of employment Or to an administrative or technical job classified in category A whose terminal index is at least equal to the gross index 1015, having completed at least 10 years of effective services in category A and having reached at least the gross index 852.
Les Employees appointed in the employment of the Secretary-General of the Academy shall be placed in their original corps in a secondment position. The appointments in this employment are for a maximum period of four years, renewable. No one shall act consecutively in the same academy for more than eight years.
Applications, accompanied by a curriculum vitae, shall be sent by the hierarchical means, within three weeks from the date of publication of the Present opinion in the Official Journal of the French Republic, at the Ministry of National Education (Directorate of Administrative, Technical and Coaching staff, under-direction of managers, bureau DPATE B 1), 142, rue du Bac, 75357 Paris Cedex 07.
Candidates must also send a copy of their Candidatory File directly to the Ministry at the address specified above, as well as a copy to the institution concerned. The Academy of Besançon (Rectorate, Cabinet), 10 rue de la Convention, 25030 Besançon Cedex (Telephone: 03-81-65-49-30, fax: 03-81-65-49-95).

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