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Order Of 7 January 2004 With Withdrawal Of Empowerment Of A Body Authorized And Empowered To Adopt

Original Language Title: Arrêté du 7 janvier 2004 portant retrait d'habilitation d'un organisme autorisé et habilité pour l'adoption

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JORF No. 13 of 16 January 2004 Page 1206
Text No. 12

Order dated January 7, 2004 removing d' authority d' authorized and authorized for adoption

NOR: MAEF0410000A ELI: Not available

By order of the Minister of Foreign Affairs dated January 7, 2004, The authorisation to carry on the activity of intermediary for the adoption or placement with a view to the adoption of 15-year-old children from Lithuania is withdrawn at the association OEuvres de l' adoption-committee de Lyon, sise 24, avenue Felx-Faure, 69007 Lyon, at his request.

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