Key Benefits:
Pursuant to Article L. 133-8 of the Labour Code, the Minister for Employment, of Social cohesion and housing plans to take an order to make compulsory, for all employers and all employees falling within its scope, the provisions of the following amendment.
The text of this Amendment has been submitted to the departmental Directorate of Labour, Employment and Vocational Training of the place of its conclusion, where it can be read.
Within 15 days, professional organisations and All interested persons are asked to provide their comments and opinions on the proposed generalisation.
Their communications should be addressed to the Ministry of Employment, Social Cohesion and Housing (DRT, office NC 1), 39-43, quai André-Citroën, 75902 Paris Cedex 15.
Agreement whose extension is envisaged:
No. 26 of 30 June 2005.
Departmental Directorate for Labour, Employment and Vocational Training of
Conventional minima.
Fédération française des industries toy puériculture (FJP);
Trade unions of interested employees attached to CFDT, CFTC, CGT-FO and CFE-CGC.