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Law on the professions of psychological psychotherapist and child and youth psychotherapist

Original Language Title: Gesetz über die Berufe des Psychologischen Psychotherapeuten und des Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeuten

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Law on the professions of psychotherapists and psychotherapists of children and adolescents (Psychotherapeutengesetz-PsychThG)

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Date of completion: 16.06.1998

Full quote:

" Psychotherapeutengesetz of 16 June 1998 (BGBl. 1311), most recently by Article 34a of the Law of 6 December 2011 (BGBl). 2515).

Status: Last amended by Art. 34a G v. 6.12.2011 I 2515

For more details, please refer to the menu under Notes


(+ + + Text evidence from: 1. 1.1999 + + +) 

The G was decided as Article 1 G 2122-5/1 v. 16.6.1998 I 1311 of the Bundestag with the consent of the Bundesrat. It occurs gem. Article 15 (3) of this G mWv 1.1.1999 in force. § § 8, 9 and 11 shall act in accordance with. Art. 15 para. 1 mWv 24.6.1998 in force. Unofficial table of contents

§ 1 Professional Exercise

(1) Those who, under the professional title "Psychological Psychotherapist" or "Psychological Psychotherapist", or the Therapeutic Children and Adolescent Psychotherapy under the professional title "Psychotherapist" or "Psychotherapy" under the professional title "Kinder-und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie" ("Children and adolescents"), A psychotherapist, a psychotherapist or a psychotherapist who is a psychotherapist or a psychotherapist of children and adolescents, is required to apply for a psychotherapist or a psychotherapist. The temporary exercise of the profession is also permitted on the basis of a temporary permit. The professional names referred to in the first sentence of the first sentence of the first sentence of the first or second sentence may be used only if they are entitled to pursue the professions The term "psychotherapist" or "psychotherapist" may not be used by other persons as physicians, psychotherapists or psychotherapists of children and adolescents. (1a) Psychological psychotherapists and psychotherapists Psychotherapists, psychotherapists and psychotherapists of children and adolescents who are psychotherapists who are nationals of another Member State of the European Union or of another State Party to the Convention on the European Economic Area, may the profession of Psychotherapists, psychotherapists or psychotherapists of children and adolescents, under the guidance of the relevant professional title referred to in paragraph 1, within the scope of this Act, without trial or without permission for temporary exercise if they perform their professional activities as a temporary and occasional service within the meaning of Article 50 of the EC Treaty within the scope of this Act. However, they are subject to the obligation to notify and to check in accordance with this law. The same applies to third countries and to third-country nationals, insofar as equality is given in respect of the recognition of qualifications in accordance with the law of the European Communities. (2) The right to pursue the profession of Children's and adolescents ' light psychotherapists extends to patients who are the 21. They have not completed their life year. Exceptions to the first sentence shall be permitted if, in order to ensure the success of the therapy, a joint psychotherapeutic treatment of children or adolescents with adults is required, or in the case of young people, a joint psychotherapeutic treatment of children and adolescents is required. Psychotherapeutic treatment which began with juvenile light psychotherapy only after completion of the 21. (3) Exercise of psychotherapy within the meaning of this Act is any activity carried out by means of scientifically recognized psychotherapeutic procedures for the detection, healing or alleviation of disorders with disease value in which psychotherapy is indicated. In the context of a psychotherapeutic treatment, a somatic clarification is to be achieved. The exercise of psychotherapy does not include psychological activities which have the object of dealing with and overcoming social conflicts or other purposes outside of the medicine. Unofficial table of contents

§ 2 Approbation

(1) An Approbation in accordance with § 1 (1) sentence 1 shall be granted upon request if the applicant
that the prescribed training has been completed and that the state examination has passed,
is not guilty of any conduct that results in the unworthiness or unreliability of the profession,
is not unsuitable for the exercise of the profession in health terms, and
has the knowledge of the German language required for the exercise of professional activity.
(2) The condition set out in paragraph 1 (2) shall be deemed to be fulfilled if a diploma acquired in another Member State of the European Union or of another State Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area cerds that the The holder has obtained a training which is required in that State for direct access to a profession corresponding to the profession of psychological psychotherapist or to the profession of child and adolu-psycho-therapist. Diplomas within the meaning of this Act are evidence of formal qualifications as referred to in Article 3 (1) (c) of Directive 2005 /36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications (OJ L 327, 30.12.2005, p. EU No OJ L 255, p. 22, 2007 No 18), as amended, which correspond to the level referred to in Article 11 (d) or (e) of the Directive. The second sentence shall also apply to a training certificate or to a set of evidence of formal qualifications issued by a competent authority in a Member State, provided that it has completed a completed training acquired in the Community. , which have been recognised as equivalent by that Member State and give the same rights in respect of the taking up or pursuit of the profession of psychotherapist or psychotherapist of children and adolescents, or the pursuit of the profession of psychological psychotherapist or of the child-and Prepare youth-based psychotherapists. The second sentence shall also apply to professional qualifications which, while not meeting the requirements laid down by the laws, regulations or administrative provisions of the home Member State for the taking up or pursuit of the profession of psychological psychotherapist or of children, and However, juvenile psychotherapists shall, in accordance with the law of the home Member State, confer rights acquired under the law of the home Member State in accordance with the rules applicable to them. Applicants with a training certificate from a Member State of the European Union or from another State Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area shall have to perform an adjustment measure in accordance with the provisions of sentence 9, if:
their proven duration of training is at least one year under the duration of the training provided for in that law,
their education is related to subjects that differ significantly from those provided by the training provided for in this Act and the Training and Examination Ordinance for Psychological Psychotherapists or the Training and Examination Regulation are prescribed for children's and adolescents ' psychotherapists,
the profession of psychological psychotherapist or the psychotherapist of children and adolescents includes one or more regulated activities which are not part of the psychological and mental health of the applicant in the applicant's home Member State Psychotherapists or children and adolescents who are psychotherapists in the field of psychotherapists, and if these differences exist in a special education which is based on this Act and the Training and Examination Ordinance for Psychological Therapies Psychotherapists or the Education and Examination Regulation for children and children, youth psychotherapists, and refer to subjects that are significantly different from those covered by the evidence of formal qualifications presented by the applicant, or
their evidence of formal qualifications merely attests to training on the level referred to in Article 11 (c) of the Directive.
Subjects differ materially if their knowledge is an essential condition for the exercise of the profession and the training of applicants towards German training is significant in terms of duration or content. . Substantial differences may be compensated, in whole or in part, by the knowledge acquired by the applicants in the course of their psychotherapeutic professional practice, in which case it is not crucial in which State the applicants employed in the industry. Where there are substantial differences between sentences 5 to 7, applicants must demonstrate that they have the knowledge and skills required to pursue the profession of psychological psychotherapist or the profession of child and/or children, and Adollichenpsychotherapists are required. This proof shall be provided by an adaptation period not exceeding three years, or an aptitude test relating to the significant differences identified. Applicants shall have the right to choose between the adaptation period and the aptitude test. The sentences 5 to 10 shall also apply to applicants who have a training certificate as a psychotherapist or a psychotherapist who is a psychotherapist other than the Member State referred to in the first sentence (third country). (3) If the condition set out in paragraph 1 (2) is not fulfilled, applicants who have a training certificate as a psychological psychotherapist or a child shall be required to: and juvenile psychotherapists other than those referred to in the first sentence of paragraph 2 (third country) shall be issued to grant the Approbation if the equivalence of the training level is given. In order to verify equivalence, the second sentence of paragraph 2 shall apply accordingly. Proof of the necessary knowledge and skills is provided by the placing of an examination, which relates to the content of the state audit. The necessary knowledge and skills must also be demonstrated in accordance with the third sentence, if the examination of the application is only possible with an unreasonable time or material effort, because the required documents and evidence are not available for reasons which do not (3a) The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 shall apply in accordance with the third country diplomas for which equivalence is established in accordance with the law of the European Communities. (4) Should the grant of the Approbation be granted due to a lack of one of the conditions (5) The applicant or his or her legal representative must be heard before. (5) Is against the applicant on suspicion of a criminal offence from which the unworthiness or unreliability of the profession arise. may be subject to criminal proceedings, the decision on the application for the grant of the Approbation may be suspended until the end of the proceedings. (6) The Professional Qualification Order Act, with the exception of § 17, shall not apply. Application. (7) Countries may agree that the tasks referred to in paragraphs 2 to 3a of (8) The Federal Government shall review the arrangements for the recognition procedures under this Act and shall report to the German Bundestag after the end of three years. Unofficial table of contents

§ 2a Education requirements

(1) The competent authorities of the country in which the profession of the psychotherapist or the psychotherapist of children and adolescents has been pursued or has been last pursued shall inform the competent authorities of the Home Member State on the existence of criminal sanctions, on the withdrawal, withdrawal and order of the glory of the Approbation or the permit, on the submission of the exercise of the activity and on the facts which one of the (a) penalties or measures would be justified by the rules on protection of personal data. Where the competent authorities of the countries receive information from the competent authorities of host Member States which might have an impact on the profession of psychotherapist or psychotherapist of children and adolescents, they shall verify the accuracy of the facts, shall determine the nature and extent of the checks to be carried out and shall inform the host Member State of the consequences to be drawn from the information provided. The Länder can determine joint positions for the purpose of carrying out the tasks according to sentences 1 and 2. (2) The Federal Ministry of Health shall, after notification by the Länder, designate the authorities and bodies responsible for the exhibition or reception of the in- of the training qualifications and other documents or information referred to in Directive 2005 /36/EC, and the authorities and bodies which may accept the applications and take the decisions which may be taken in connection with this Directive . It shall immediately inform the other Member States and the European Commission. (3) The competent authorities and bodies responsible for the decisions pursuant to this Act shall submit statistical statements to the Federal Ministry of Health on: the decisions taken by the European Commission in respect of the report required by Article 60 (1) of Directive 2005 /36/EC to be forwarded to the Commission. Unofficial table of contents

§ 3 Revocation, revocation and revocation of the Approbation, waiver

(1) The Approbation shall be withdrawn if, in its grant, the condition of § 2 para. 1 no. 2 has not been provided for, the training acquired abroad in accordance with § 2 para. 2, 2a or para. 3 sentence 2 or the training to be followed in accordance with § 12 , or the equivalence of the training and knowledge in accordance with § 2 (2) sentence 3 and 4, para. 2a or para. 3 sentence 4 was not given. It may be withdrawn if, in the case of its grant, one of the conditions pursuant to § 2 para. 1 no. 3 or 4 has not been fulfilled. (2) The Approbation shall be revoked if the condition pursuant to § 2 para. 1 no. 3 is subsequently omitted. The same shall apply in the event of a subsequent, permanent removal of one of the conditions in accordance with § 2 para. 1 no. 4. (3) The resting of the Approbation can be arranged if:
a criminal proceedings have been initiated against the holder of the approbation on suspicion of a criminal offence which may result in unworthiness or unreliability in the pursuit of the profession,
, one of the conditions laid down in § 2 (1) no. 4 temporarily no longer exists or doubts exist as to whether one of the conditions pursuant to § 2 para. 1 no. 4 is still fulfilled and that the approbation holder refuses to be one of the shall be subject to an examination of the competent authority or of a medical examination,
the approbation does not have the knowledge of the German language required for the exercise of the professional activity.
The order shall be repealed if its conditions are no longer met. The Psychological Psychotherapist, or the psychotherapist of children and adolescents, whose Approbation is based, should not be allowed to practir the profession. The competent authority may, at the request of the approbationary holder, whose approval is based, allow the practice of a period of time to be determined by another psychological psychotherapist or children, and (4) The Approbation can be waived by written declaration to the competent authority. A waiver that is declared under a condition is ineffective. Unofficial table of contents

§ 4 Permission

(1) A temporary permit to practise the profession may be granted on application to persons who have completed a vocational training course for the profession. A licence as referred to in the first sentence shall be granted to applicants who have a training certificate as a psychotherapist or a child and adolu psychotherapist who is in one of the Member States of the European Union or another The contracting state of the Agreement on the European Economic Area or in Switzerland has not been issued. Permission shall not be granted in the cases of § 2 (2) sentence 11. By way of derogation from the second and third sentences, a permit may be granted on request for the temporary exercise of one of the psychotherapeutic professions, if it is stated in the application that, with regard to the intended psychotherapeutic activity, a special interest in the granting of permission. Permission is not accepted for the grant of an Approbation. (2) The temporary permit may be limited to certain activities and employment offices. It may only be revoked or extended up to a maximum period of three years, and shall be revoked. A temporary permit may, exceptionally, be granted or extended beyond the period referred to in the second sentence in the specific case or for reasons of psychotherapeutic care. (3) Persons with a licence pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 shall have the rights and obligations of a member of the profession for whose performance they have been granted permission. (4) Licences referred to in the first sentence of paragraph 1, which shall: have been granted before 1 April 2012, shall remain effective. Paragraphs 2 and 2a are to be applied in their up to then valid version until 1 April 2014 for such holders of the permit which have submitted an application for the grant of the Approbation pursuant to § 2 (1) sentence 1 up to 1 July 2012. Sentence 2 shall apply to nationals of a Member State of the European Union or of another State Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, which have a certificate of formal qualifications referred to in the second sentence of paragraph 1, or Third-country nationals, in so far as the law of the European Communities provides for equality, shall not apply. Unofficial table of contents

§ 5 Training and State Examination

(1) The training courses for psychotherapists as well as for psychotherapists of children and adolescents last at least three years in full-time form, each time in part-time form at least five years. They consist of a practical activity, accompanied by theoretical and practical training, and conclude with the existence of the State Examination. (2) The condition for access to an education as referred to in paragraph 1 is:
for an education to the psychological psychotherapist
a final examination in the field of psychology, which includes the subject of Clinical Psychology and which, according to Article 15, Section 2, Sentence 1 of the Higher Education Framework Act, serves to establish whether or not a university or equivalent university has been passed at a university or equivalent university. the student has achieved the goal of studying,
an equivalent equivalent degree in psychology acquired in a Member State of the European Union or in another State Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area; or
an equivalent university degree in psychology successfully completed in another country,
for an education in the field of child and adolese-psychotherapists
one of the conditions set out in point 1,
the final examination in the courses of study in pedagogy or social pedagogy, which has been passed at a state or state-recognised university in Germany,
a diploma in pedagogy or social education acquired in another Member State of the European Union or another State Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area; or
a university degree that is successfully completed in another country.
(3) The competent authority may, at the request of another completed training, settle its equivalence with the training referred to in paragraph 1, if the implementation of the training and the attainment of the training and the attainment of the training provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be: the training target will not be jeopardised. Unofficial table of contents

§ 6 Training centres

(1) The training in accordance with § 5 (1) shall be provided at universities or at other institutions which are state-approved as training centres for psychotherapy or as training centres for child and adolu-related psychotherapy. (2) Establishments shall be recognised as training centres in accordance with paragraph 1 where they are:
Patients suffering from mental disorders with disease value are treated in an inpatient or outpatient manner according to scientifically recognised psychotherapeutic procedures, with an education for the child and youth psychotherapist. in order to deal with people who have the 21. have not yet completed their life year,
patients suitable for training are available in number and type to a sufficient extent,
adequate technical equipment for training purposes and a scientific library is available,
appropriate psychological psychotherapists or children's and adolescents ' and psychotherapists and qualified physicians are available for the teaching of the medical training content for the subject in question,
the training is carried out according to training plans drawn up on the basis of the Training and Examination Ordinance for Psychological Psychotherapists or the Training and Examination Ordinance for Children's and Young Childhood Psychotherapists , and
The training participants will be guided and supervised during practical work, and the accompanying theoretical and practical training will be carried out.
(3) If the institution is unable to complete the practical activity or the accompanying theoretical and practical training, it shall ensure that another appropriate institution shall, to the extent necessary, carry out this task in the necessary scope takes over. Paragraph 2 (4) shall apply mutatily. Unofficial table of contents

§ 7 Exclusion of the validity of the Vocational Training Act

The Vocational Training Act does not apply to the training provided under this Act. Unofficial table of contents

§ 8 authorizing the decree of legal orders

(1) The Federal Ministry of Health is authorized to apply in a training and examination regulation for psychological psychotherapists and in a training and examination regulation for children's and adolescents ' psychotherapists with the consent of the Federal Council to regulate the minimum requirements for the training and the more detailed information on the state examinations (§ 5 (1)). The legal regulations are also intended to lay down rules on the evidence required for the grant of the Approbations pursuant to § 2 (1) to (3), on the certificates for the Approbations pursuant to § 1 (1) sentence 1 and on the requirements pursuant to § 2 (2) sentence 3 (2) The training and examination regulations must be geared towards training which imparts the knowledge and skills in psychotherapy which are intended for the self-employed and self-employed exercise of the profession of Psychological psychotherapists or the profession of the child and adolestist psychotherapist (3) In each case, the legal regulations must prescribe:
Training should be extended to include in-depth knowledge of scientifically recognised psychotherapeutic procedures, as well as in-depth training in one of these procedures,
how the participants of the training are to be employed during the practical work, in particular which patients they have to care for during that period,
the practical activity for a period of at least one year in a period of at least three months in a psychiatric clinical trial, in the case of child and adolescent psychotherapeutic training, up to a period of six months on a psychiatric outpatient institution in which psychotherapeutic treatments are carried out, and for at least six months at a body of psychotherapeutic or social insurance recognised by a social security institution psychosomatic care, in the practice of a doctor who is the to perform psychotherapeutic treatment, or to perform a psychological psychotherapist or a psychotherapist for children and adolescents, and is under expert guidance and supervision,
that the total number of hours for theoretical training is at least 600 hours, and
that the practical training comprises at least 600 hours with at least six patient treatments.
(4) State exams must be required to ensure that they have an in-depth basic knowledge of the scientifically recognised psychotherapeutic procedures, and that they focus on the procedure which has been the subject of in-depth training. (paragraph 3, point 1), as well as the medical training contents. It should also be settled that the examinations must be carried out before a State Examination Commission, in which two members are to be appointed, who are not teachers of the training institution where the training was acquired. (5) Legal regulations are intended to regulate the possibilities for an interruption of the training. They may contain provisions on the calculation of training (§ 5 para. 3). (6) The legal regulations referred to in paragraph 1 shall apply to holders of evidence of formal qualifications, who are subject to an approbation pursuant to § 2 (1) no. 2 in conjunction with § 2 para. 2, 3 or (3a), to regulate:
the procedure for the examination of the conditions of § 2 (1) (3) and (4), in particular the submission of evidence to be submitted by the applicant and the identification by the competent authority in accordance with Article 50 (1) to (3) in conjunction with Annex VII to Directive 2005 /36/EC,
the obligation of training providers to carry out, in accordance with the provisions of Article 52 (1) of Directive 2005 /36/EC, the professional title of the host Member State and to use the abbreviation of the host Member State,
the deadlines for issuing the Approbation,
the procedure concerning the conditions for the provision of services in accordance with § 1 (1a) in conjunction with § 9a of this Act.
The legal regulations provide for the implementation and content of the adaptation measures in accordance with § 2 (2) and (3) and for the granting and renewal of the work permit pursuant to § 4. (7) Derogations from the provisions of paragraphs 1 to 6 and of the Provisions of the administrative procedure laid down in the administrative procedure on this basis are excluded by national law. Unofficial table of contents

§ 9 Rules relating to fees for private treatment

The Federal Ministry of Health is empowered to regulate the charges for psychotherapeutic activities of psychotherapists and psychotherapists of children and adolescents by means of a decree-law with the consent of the Federal Council. In this regulation, minimum and maximum rates for psychotherapeutic services must be established. In doing so, the legitimate interests of the service providers and the bill to pay the fees must be taken into account. Unofficial table of contents

§ 9a Service provider

(1) nationals of a Member State of the European Union or of another Contracting State of the Agreement on the European Economic Area, who are responsible for the pursuit of the profession of psychological psychotherapist or of the children's and Juvenile psychotherapists in another Member State of the European Union or of another State Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area on the basis of an education or training completed under German legislation Reason for a training certificate corresponding to the requirements of section 2 (2) shall be entitled and
which are lawfully established in a Member State, or
if the profession of psychological psychotherapist or of children's and adolescents ' psychotherapists or training in these professions is not regulated in the Member State of establishment, one of these occupations during the previous 10 years have lawfully exercised at least two years in the Member State of establishment,
may, as a service provider within the meaning of Article 50 of the EC Treaty, temporarily and occasionally pursue their profession within the scope of this Act. The temporary and occasional nature of the service provision shall be assessed on a case-by-case basis. The assessment shall include the duration, frequency, periodic recurrence and continuity of the service. An entitlement under the first sentence does not exist if the conditions for withdrawal, revocation or revocation of a rest, which relate to the facts pursuant to § 2 (1) No. 3 or 4, are available, a corresponding measure is lacking. However, it is not possible to issue a German professional authorisation. Section 1 (1a) sentence 3 shall apply mutatily. (2) Who, within the meaning of paragraph 1, intends to provide services, shall notify the competent authority beforehand. The notification shall be made in writing. It shall be renewed once a year if the service provider intends to provide temporary and occasional services within the scope of this Act during the year in question. (3) For the first time the service provider is notified of the The provision of services or, in the case of substantial changes, to the situation in the documents presented in the documents submitted to date, the provider shall submit the following certificates:
Proof of nationality,
Proof of professional qualifications,
Certificate of legal establishment in the profession of psychotherapist or psychotherapist of children and adolescents in another Member State, which also extends to the fact that the service provider is responsible for the exercise of his/her duties. Activity at the time of presentation of the certificate, not even temporarily, is prohibited, or, in the case of the first sentence of the first sentence of paragraph 1, proof in any form that the service provider is one of the professions of the psychological Psychotherapists or the children and adolescents psychotherapists It has been lawfully exercised for at least two years during the previous 10 years.
The knowledge of the German language required for the performance of the service must be available. The competent authority shall, in the case of the initial provision of services, examine the professional qualification certificate referred to in the first sentence of 1 (2). § 2 (2) and (3) shall apply mutagenically, provided that there are substantial differences between the professional qualification of the service provider and the provisions of this Act and the Training and Examination Ordinance for Psychological Psychotherapists or the Training and Examination Regulation for children's and adolescents 'psychotherapists' training compensatory measures may only be required if the differences are so large that without the proof of the missing Knowledge and skills would be at risk of public health. The compensation of the missing knowledge and skills should take the form of an aptitude test. The provider of services referred to in paragraph 1 may be required to provide information on details of insurance cover or of any other type of individual or collective protection in respect of professional liability. (4) Nationals of a Member State of the European Union or of another State Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, which, within the scope of this Act, is the profession of psychological psychotherapist or of children, and juvenile light psychotherapists on the basis of an Approbation according to § 1 (1) shall, on request for the provision of services in another Member State of the European Union or of another State Party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, issue certificates to the effect that:
they are legally established as "psychological psychotherapist" or "psychological psychotherapist" or as "child and youth psychotherapist" or "children's and adolescents ' psychotherapist", and they are responsible for the performance of their activities is not prohibited, either temporarily or temporarily,
they have the professional qualifications required to carry out the activity in question.
Section 1a, sentence 3 shall apply accordingly. Unofficial table of contents

Section 9b Administrative cooperation

The competent authorities shall have the right to request information on the legality of the establishment for each provision of services by the competent authorities of the Member State of establishment, as well as the fact that they do not have a professional be subject to disciplinary or criminal sanctions. At the request of the competent authorities of another Member State of the European Union or of another Contracting State of the Agreement on the European Economic Area, the competent authorities in Germany shall have the following information pursuant to Article 56 of the Directive 2005 /36/EC of the requesting authority all information on the legality of the establishment and the good management of the service provider, as well as information that no professional disciplinary or criminal sanctions is available. Unofficial table of contents

Section 9c obligations of the service provider

Psychological psychotherapists and psychotherapists for psychotherapists and children and adolescents psychotherapists in the sense of § 9a have the provision of the service in the scope of this Law the rights and obligations of persons with an Approbation pursuant to § 1 (1). They may be subject to professional, legal or administrative professional rules and to the disciplinary provisions in force, such as rules on the definition of the profession, the conduct of titles, and the rules governing the profession, serious occupational errors in a direct and specific context with the protection and safety of consumers. The competent authorities of the Member State of establishment may require the competent authorities of the Member State of establishment to provide all information on the legality of the establishment and the good management of the service provider, and Information on the non-existence of criminal sanctions, withdrawal, withdrawal and arrangement of the renunciation of the Approbation or permission, on the non-existence of the exercise of the activity and on the absence of Facts that would justify any of these sanctions or measures. The information shall be transmitted in accordance with Article 56 of Directive 2005 /36/EC. The competent authority shall without delay inform the competent authority of the home Member State of the existence of the sanctions or measures referred to in the third sentence which relate to the exercise of the activities covered by Directive 2005 /36/EC could impact. The rules on the protection of personal data must be complied with. Unofficial table of contents

Section 10 responsibilities

(1) The decisions pursuant to § 2 para. 1 shall be taken by the competent authority of the country in which the applicant has filed the state examination. The decisions pursuant to § 2 (1) in conjunction with § 12, § 2 (2) and (3) and § 4 shall be taken by the competent authority of the country in which the profession is to be exercised. § 4 (2a) sentence 3 shall remain unaffected. (2) The decisions pursuant to § 3 shall apply to the competent authority of the country in which the profession is exercised or was last pursued. Sentence 1 shall apply in accordance with Article 3 (3) (3). The decisions pursuant to Section 5 (3) shall be taken by the competent authority of the country in which the applicant intends to participate in the training. (4) The Decisions pursuant to Section 6 (2) shall be taken by the competent authority of the country in which the training institution is located. (5) The notification in accordance with Section 9a (2) and (3) shall meet the competent authority of the country in which the service is to be provided. or has been provided. It shall request the information in accordance with § 9b sentence 1. The information according to § 9b sentence 2 shall be transmitted by the competent authority of the country in which the occupation of the psychological psychotherapist or of the child and youth psychotherapist is exercised or was last exercised. The information of the home Member State pursuant to Article 9c shall be provided by the competent authority of the country where the service is provided or has been provided. The certificates according to § 9a (4) shall be issued by the competent authority of the country in which the applicant exercises the profession of psychological psychotherapist or of the child and adolestist psychotherapist. Unofficial table of contents

Section 11 Scientific recognition

To the extent that, in accordance with this Act, the scientific recognition of a procedure is a prerequisite for the decision of the competent authority, the Authority shall, in cases of doubt, make its decision on the basis of a scientific opinion of a scientific The Advisory Board is set up jointly by the responsible representative of the Psychotherapists and the Psychotherapists of the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as the medical psychotherapists in the Federal Medical Association. If the Advisory Board is not yet formed on 31 December 1998, its composition may be determined by the Federal Ministry of Health. Unofficial table of contents

Section 12 Transitional provisions

(1) Those who, at the time of the entry into force of this law, without being a doctor, within the framework of the health care provision for the psychotherapeutic treatment of statutory health insurers in the delegation procedure under the guidelines of the Federal Committee of Doctors and Health Insurance Funds on the implementation of psychotherapy in the provision of contract medical care (Psychotherapy Guidelines in the Recast of 3 July 1987-BAnz. 156 Supplement No. 156a-, as last amended by the Notice of 12 March 1997-BAnz. 49 p. 2946), as a psychotherapist or a psychotherapist for children and adolescents, or if the qualification for such participation is fulfilled, if the requirements of § 2 (1) Nos. 1, 3 and 4 are fulfilled, an Approbation shall be granted upon request. Exercise of the profession of psychological psychotherapist or an Approbation for the exercise of the profession of child and adoloprial psychotherapist in accordance with § 1 para. 1 sentence 1. The same shall apply to persons who acquire the qualification required for such participation in full-time education within three years, in the case of part-time training within five years, after the entry into force of the law. (2) Date of entry into force of this law as a diplom psychologist, a further education to the "Fachpsychologist in der Medizin" according to the instructions of the instruction on postgraduate studies for scientific and technical university cadres as well as Diplom psychologists and sociologists in the health care system of 1 April 1981 (author. U. Mitt. MfG DDR No. 4 p. 61) has successfully completed, if the conditions pursuant to § 2 (1) no. 1, 3 and 4 are fulfilled, an Approbation for the exercise of the profession of the Psychotherapist in accordance with § 1 (1) sentence 1 shall be granted upon application if the (3) Persons with a completed final examination in psychology at a university or a similar one. If the conditions of § 2 (1) (1), (3) and (4) are fulfilled, the university will receive a Approbation for the exercise of the profession of psychological psychotherapist in accordance with § 1 (1) sentence 1 if, between 1 January 1989 and 31 December 1998, it has a total duration of at least seven years in the supply of insured persons of a Sickness fund or their services during that period have been remunerated by a private health insurance company or recognised as eligible for aid. The prerequisite for the grant of the Approbation after the first sentence is further that the applicants
at least 4,000 hours of psychotherapeutic work, or 60 documented and completed treatment, during the period after sentence 1; and
at least 140 hours of theoretical training in scientifically recognised procedures
. Persons within the meaning of the first sentence, who do not satisfy the requirement of second half sentence or the condition set out in the second sentence of the second sentence, shall receive the approval only if they prove that they are up to 31 December 1998.
has completed at least 2,000 hours of psychotherapeutic work, or completed 30 documented treatment cases,
completed at least five treatment cases under Supervision, with a total of at least 250 treatment hours,
have completed at least 280 hours of theoretical training in scientifically recognised procedures; and
on 24 June 1997, the sickness insurance fund or its services at that time have been paid by a private sickness insurance company or recognised as eligible for aid.
(4) Persons who have passed a final examination in the course of studies in psychology at a university or a university of the same university will, if the requirements of § 2 (1) no. Profession of psychological psychotherapist in accordance with § 1 (1) sentence 1 if they prove that between 1 January 1989 and 31 December 1998, with a total duration of at least seven years as employees or officials,
in a psychiatric, psychotherapeutic, psychosomatic or neurological institution were primarily psychotherapeutically active, or
have carried out psychotherapeutic treatments as a whole.
The condition for the grant of the Approbation as set out in the first and second sentence of the first sentence shall also be that the applicants shall demonstrate that they are
during the period after sentence 1 at least 4,000 hours, including the diagnosis and case meetings required for this purpose, psychotherapeutically active or 60 documented cases of treatment are completed and
at least 140 hours of theoretical training in the field in which they are employed.
Persons within the meaning of the first sentence, who do not satisfy the requirement of second half sentence or the condition referred to in the second sentence of the second sentence, shall be granted the approval only if they prove that they are until 31 December 1998.
has completed at least 2,000 hours of psychotherapeutic work, or completed 30 documented treatment cases,
completed at least five treatment cases under Supervision, with a total of at least 250 treatment hours,
at least 280 hours of theoretical training in the field in which they are employed, and
by 24 June 1997 at the latest, their psychotherapeutic employment
(5) For persons who have passed a final examination in the course of studies in psychology at a university or an equivalent university or in the study programme Pedagogy or Social Pedagogy at a state or state-approved The University of Applied Sciences shall apply paragraphs 3 and 4 for the application for the grant of an Approbation for the exercise of the occupation of the child and youth psychotherapist accordingly.