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Original Language Title: Regulations on research and other provisions.

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Article 1 Replacement of Article 1 of the Law 4310/2014

Article 1 of the Law 4310/2014 (1 258) is replaced by the following:

' Article 1 Subject-matter

The development and promotion of the scientific and scientific knowledge of the vital national interest is the fundamental and primary responsibility of the Party which, in accordance with Article 16 (2) of the Treaty, is a fundamental obligation of the Member States. 1 of the Constitution, with the opinion of the public interest, for the allocation of resources for this purpose. '

Article 2 Replacement of Article 2 of the Law 4310/2014

Article 2 of the Law 4310/2014 is replaced by the following:

" Article 2 Definitions

For the purposes of applying the provisions of this law, the following definitions shall apply, which shall be fulfilled by those referred to in the relevant provisions of national and Union law which shall apply each time:

1. "Higher education institutions": the institutions defined in Article 1 of the Law. 4009/2011.

2. "Evaluation": the process of recording and evaluating the research and training project with the best use of human resources, optimisation of existing structures and the socially beneficial use of available resources (i) resources, public and non-public, non-public and research centres.

3. "Excellence": the dynamic process which is aimed at the systematic pursuit of high scientific quality in the development of new theories and/or interpretative methodologies with a view to achieving the results of the results in each thematic area. Active-reactivation.

4. "Basic research": the theoretical or experimental work which is the primary objective of knowledge and understanding of the cost and the production of new knowledge.

5. "General Replacement Regulation (GOK)": General block exemption regulation for the declaration of certain categories of aid as compatible with the common market pursuant to Articles 107 and 108 of the Consolidated Treaty I'm in a state.

6. 'Personnel costs' means any kind of remuneration paid as a trade exchange for the work carried out by all the staff of the research and technological operators.

7. Intellectual property: intellectual property and industrial property, in particular the assets and moral rights deriving from the projects carried out, the know-how, the ses, the diplomas, certificates and certificates. Should be used.


First, From the Official Journal of the Ri, 6 May 2016, No. Meetings of the Assembly of the House, in which

The following draft law was adopted:

Research arrangements and other provisions

8. 'Action or programme of the SCCS': the coherent framework of operations, in which the EIF is implemented and funded, which aims to satisfy the country's economic and social needs.

9. 'aid intensity' means the gross amount of the aid expressed as a percentage of the eligible costs, before deduction of taxes or other facilities.

10. Innovation Union (Innovation Union) initiative, which is part of the EU's Europe 2020 strategy and aims, with a view to promoting, from the highest political level, the development of a strategic approach; A new one, in order to cope with environmental and other challenges such as climate change, energy supply and food security, agriculture and demographic ageing.

11. "Scientific and Technological Park (ERF)": recess or network of isolated areas, which are intended to: strengthen the links of academic, research and technological actors with the operations and other bodies; (i) the transfer of technology, the dissemination of innovation and the support of new business efforts.

12. "Operation": each unit, regardless of its legal form, which carries out economic activity.

13. "Scientific and technological innovation": the research and technological efforts leading to or intended to lead to the development of new or improved products, services and processes already existing.

14. "Research, Technological Development and and-onia (RTD) project" (hereinafter referred to as the 'SCCS project'): the design activity with a specific objective, methodology, time-frame and budget for:

-the execution of all types of research, - the promotion of technological development and

Innovations of products, services or processes, - the promotion of activities and achievements

SETs, as well as to raise public awareness of scientific issues,

-the strengthening of human resources, - the creation, upgrading and networking of

However, the Commission considers that, in the light of the information provided by the Commission, the Commission considers that it is necessary to determine whether the aid is compatible with the common market and that it is compatible with the common market.

15. "Research": any systematic and public work undertaken with a view to increasing the knowledge of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture, and sociology.

16. "Researchers": the scientific experts in accordance with the conditions set out in Article 18 of this Decision are designed to create new knowledge, products, processes, methods and systems and for the management of the corresponding projects.

17. "Research and Development (E and A)": the creative work which covers the activities of the Basque and the implementation of research and is carried out on a systematic basis with a view to increasing the issue of knowledge, including The Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions

18. "Research Paneptic Institutes (TSIs)": legal persons governed by private law, which have been set up under the provisions of the Law. Council Regulation (EEC) No 2083/1992 (1) and (2). 3685/2008 (1 148).

19. "Research body": The legal person governed by public or private law in the main purpose of scientific and technological research, in conjunction with the experimental development and demonstration, as well as the delivery and implementation of the results. The Committee of the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Financial Committee and the Committee of the European

20. "Public research body of public law or public research body of a body of public law": the body or service set up and functioning as a legal person for public law as an A-Faced Training Foundation or as an expert A research funds account belonging to a body of the public sector.

21. "Special Investigation Account Special": the ultimate unit operating within public-sector and technological actors and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology for the needs of research or other programmes. For the purposes of this law, a public research body shall be understood as the Special Investigation Account of the NSRs and the NIFs.

22. "Public research body": the research body, which has agreed and acts as a legal person governed by private law or as a public corporation of the public sector or as a research centre, and regardless of how His recommendation.

23. "Implemented or industrial research": the planned research or critical investigation of a field aimed at acquiring new knowledge and skills for the development of new products, processes or services or for the significant improvement of products; Equipment or services existing.

24. "Universally recognised patent": the wide-ranging literature for which it has been awarded a licence, which is in force and has been certified by the Industrial Property Organisation (IPI) that it falls into at least one of the following (a) European Patent Office granted by the European Patent Office (European Patent Office "EPO") and registered in Greece, (b) Diploma in Patent in Greece (Disciplinary Board) Certificate of Liabilities (Postgraduate), and in a Member State (but not limited to US, Germany, China, Japan, Germany, Switzerland), which: aa) has joined the European Patent Diploma (EPC) or co-operates within this framework or (bb) is a member of the OECD or candidate country (accession candidate countries). (i) a country or a State aid scheme (enhanced engagement country).

25. "European research area": a framework of work describing and systematizing research activities and innovation policy throughout Europe and includes: (a) the internal market for research, within which (b) the coordination at European level of national and regional research activities, programmes and policies; c) implementation and financing of the programme;


Initiatives at European level for the concentration and intensification of research efforts at a European Union level and coordination with national and international initiatives.

26. "Date of granting of the aid" means the date of the award to the beneficiary of the legal right to receive the aid in accordance with the national law applicable.

27. "Innovation": the use of existing or new knowledge or the transformation of an idea into a product or process or service.

28. 'aid scheme' means any act on the basis of which, without any further implementing measures being required, the aid may be granted to undertakings which are defined in this act and in general and abstract terms, as well as each An act on the basis of which aid may be granted which is not linked to a particular project in one or more undertakings for an indefinite period or for an indefinite amount.

29. "Innovative enterprise": the enterprise which is developing products, services or processes which are new and substantially improved in relation to modern technology in the industry concerned.

30. "Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC)": the autonomous partnerships, which are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation (EC) No 294/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2008, within the framework of innovation, between research organisations, undertakings and other bodies, regardless of their legal form and operating as a strategic network It is based on a common medium and long-term plan for innovation.

31. 'State aid' means any measure fulfilling all the criteria laid down in Article 107 (1) of the TFEU.

32. "A feasibility study": evaluation and analysis of the potential of a project with a view to supporting the decision-making process in which it is revealed in a meaningful and rational way its strengths and weaknesses, And the threats arising from it, and the resources required for its execution and, in the end, the prospects for success.

33. 'Technology transfer' means the provision of technology as defined by the provisions laid down and at the time of entry into force of this law by the provisions of Article 21 of the Law. 1733/1987 (1 171), as applicable.

34. 'economic activity' means any activity consisting in the supply of goods or services in a single market.

35. 'experimental development' means the acquisition, combination, transformation and use of existing scientific, technological and other relevant knowledge and skills aimed at developing new or improved products, processes or services.

36. "Pre-commercial public procurement" means the purchase of research services where the contracting authority or contracting entity does not take all risks, results and benefits in the exercise of their activity, but not;

They are burdled with market conditions providers. The contract, the subject of which occurs in one or more categories of research and development that is defined in this Framework, is limited in time. With the exception of the original or a limited set of first tests, the purchase of products or services developed under a pre-destined public contract should not be subject to the same contract.

37. "Contract of a certain time": the contract or relationship of a certain amount of time, which is directly between the employer and the employee, the expiry of which is determined by subjectmatter, such as the occurrence of a specific Or the execution of a specific project or the realisation of a specific event.

38. "Advisory cooperation services": advice, assistance and training for the exchange of knowledge and expertise, as well as to improve cooperation.

39. 'technological body' means a legal person governed by public or private law supervised by the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, including in its objectives the development of technology and technological infrastructure and activities; The provision of scientific, specialised educational and technical services to third parties in accordance with State aid arrangements, and the resolution of specific technological problems that occur in the scientific area where He serves!

40. 'technological development' means the development and transfer of technology and know-how in the production process aimed at improving the technological and economic output of products or services, with the application of The Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Financial Committee, the Economic and Financial Committee and the Committee of the European Communities, the Economic and Financial Committee and the Committee of the European

Article 3 Amendment of Article 3 of the Law 4310/2014

1. At the end of Article 3 (2), the following subparagraph shall be added:

' The institutions of the present department also include the servants of the Ministry of Culture and Sports for the scientific research they are conducting.

Article 4 Amendment of Article 4 of the Law 4310/2014

1. The par. Article 4 of the Law 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 1. The formulation and implementation of national policy for research, technological development and innovation is a fundamental obligation of the State. They relate to the coordination of actions, which are intended to promote and effectively promote basic and applied research, technology and innovation in the country, the development of options for the future and the provision of services. It should also be possible to assess the effectiveness of these objectives. The National Strategy


Research, Technological Development and Innovation (E-SETAK) is to capture the country's strategy in the field of the SCCS. (a) Systematic vision, approach and proclamation, with the design of the ESS

(b) Strengthening investment in the SCCS with a view to promoting investment in research and technological development.

(c) Strengthened by the existing or emerging countries, drawing up appropriate actions or programmes, simplification of procedures and strengthening free competition.

D) The contribution to the promotion of equal opportunities for men and women in the field of research and technological development.

With equal integration of women's gender in research and gender-balanced representation at all staffing levels, including the supervisory, management and administrative levels, with implementation for the purpose A policy of equal opportunities in recruitment, at the subsequent stages of professional careers and on selection and evaluation committees in combination with the application of quality and professional qualifications criteria. E) The creation of a Conditions of adequate flow of young people;

Of researchers, providing training and providing researchers with attractive career prospects, achieving a high level of geographical and inter-sectoral mobility of researchers between organisations, sectors, sectors and countries. Ensure that existing barriers are removed. (f) Creation, recovery, maintenance and e -

Expansion of high-quality research infrastructures to support innovative research and innovation by attracting major attention and exploitation, support for new IT and communication technologies, Technical-general application and the pursuit of economic and non-business activities. Furthermore, the development of partnerships and trade relations between public infrastructure and industry. (g) SME support for technological development;

In this context, the Commission has decided to initiate proceedings under Article 3 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 3193/ EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 December 2003 on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in the field of education and training. (h) ensuring balanced and balanced development;

Development of research organisations in the country. (i) The harmonisation of European guidelines

(i) the development of favourable conditions for development of the ETD and the achievement of optimum inter-institutional cooperation in a pan-European and wider international context;

SCCS, with the application of transparency rules and a consistent and appropriate legal, insurance, tax and audit framework. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Development of cooperation between research organisations, technological operators, enterprises and

Other operators. Contribution to social, energy and environmental

The country's future policy. The contribution to regional development and the

Employment, especially young people. To improve the effectiveness of the SCCS and

Of competitiveness by the introduction of modern measurement indicators. (o) The use of each of the appropriate instruments in accordance with

The provisions laid down for the financing of the SCCS (indicative, public contracts and their state-of-the-art forms, such as commercial procurement, competitive dialogue, framework agreements, participation in knowledge and innovation communities). (p) The approach of the European target of participation

Of the public and private sectors in the aid of the SCCS, as shown in each case. (q) Strengthening synergies and complementarity;

(a) the national or regional RTD actions with other centrally managed Union programmes. ';

Article 5 Replacement of Article 5 of the Law 4310/2014

Article 5 of the Law 4310/2014 is replaced by the following:

' Article 5 ECS approval procedure

1. The ESSETE refers to a period of seven (7) years or over a period of one (1) programming period.

2. Epispines operator for the training of ESETAK is the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT).

3. In order to comply with the ESS, the GET is consulted by the institutions referred to in Article 6 and shall consult and cooperate with representatives of the scientific community, the business sector, and the social and economic partners.

4. Taking into account the results of the study, the GPL draws up the final draft of the ECSAK which is voted by law by the Parliament.

5. Where the present law is referred to as the 'Action Plan' means ESETAK. '

Article 6 Amendment of Articles 6 and 7 of the Law 4310/2014

1. Indent 2 of article 6 of n. 4310/2014 instead of the following:

"The Ministry of Education, Research and Religion and in particular the General Secretariat for Research and Technology."

2. The first indent of Article 7 of the Law. 4310/2014 is replaced by the following:

' The design, specificity, implementation and follow-up of the national RTDI national policy and the security of the financial resources of the SCCS actions. '


Article 7 Amendment of Article 8 of the Law 4310/2014

Paragraph 15 of Article 8 of the Law. 4310/2014 instead of the following:

' 15. The submission of proposals to the Minister for Education, Research and Religion for the establishment, formulation, merger, abolition of research organisations, in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 (5), as applicable, administrative and secretarial services Support of the ESI and the Banking Advisory Councils (TES). '

Article 8 Replacement of Article 10 of the Law 4310/2014

Article 10 of the Law 4310/2014 is replaced by the following:

" Article 10 Regional Research Councils

And Innovation (CVT)

1. By decision of the competent Peripheral Report, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, a Regional Advisory Council for Research and Innovation (CVT) is hereby established as an instrument of development actions and implementation of the ERC; TUCK! Support shall be provided by contributions, field studies, records and evaluations of existing sub-structures or available human resources and comparative assessments in relation to the creation of regional clusters of research organisations; Technological operators, companies, other bodies and regional authorities, to promote innovation, to encourage the development of public and private partnerships and to develop conditions and prospects for successful contracts; (i) the involvement of organisations in the regions in national and European research projects. In particular, the content of the proposals and the

(a) In the horizontal networking of regional partnerships,

The Committee of the Regions calls on the Commission to draw up a proposal for a Directive on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security. Together with the GPL analysis of the generals;

(c) The definition of criteria and conditions for the development of the RTD framework in the region and the taking-up of the Centre-Regions

The evaluation of research proposals submitted to the regional authorities; (d) the extension of access to the beneficiaries;

Sources of funding, as well as the integration and interconnection of research organisations in the regions; e) In full use of the research potential

Of the Regions and the strengthening of employment of young graduates at national, Union or international level, with measures such as:

(aa) The support of public research organisations to acquire a suitable research equipment and the development of environmental material that provides them with full use of the available research potential. (bb) Aid for research infrastructures

To which access to a transparent non-discriminatory basis is ensured. (cc) Support for organizing workshops;

(workshops) and conferences to facilitate the transfer of knowledge or to the development of visibility and disclosure activities, as well as to take initiatives to disperse and transfer research results to the country's production sector, in others Member States and international markets. (d) Identify the needs and potential;

The strengthening of the research capacity of the public research bodies existing in the Regions and which can be funded.

2. The TEC consists of eleven (11) members, of which six (6) are lecturers or researchers from research centres supervised by the Minister of Education, Research and Religion. The remaining five (5) members come from professional chambers and scientific associations, cultural operators, local government and productive operators in the region. All members of the CVT must hold at least a double-degree or equivalent instrument with a degree of prestige and have long-term research and professional experience on SCCS issues. The Secretariat of its members (CVT) is four years and may be renewed only once with the procedure in which they were initially selected.

3. The members of the CVT shall be chosen by the following procedure: (a) By decision of the Regional Council,

A European Commission, consisting of two (2) experts engaged in research, faculty of research, lecturer or substitute teacher, two (2) researchers (2) R & D and foreign and one (1) representative of the (b) The Commission shall issue an open invitation to tender for the transport of goods from the territory of the region concerned.

A selection of candidatures, published in the original form and the website of the relevant region and of the GSRT. The Commission shall evaluate the applications and then draw up a list of candidates and evaluators. In the list of candidates agreed by the Commission, it shall be three times, and if this is not possible, a double number of candidates for all the members of the CVT. Candidates included in the list are derived from the national list of judges. The Commission opposes the list of candidates to the Regional Council, which it selects from the latter. The Regional Director shall appoint the members of the CVT selected by the Regional Council. (c) After the appointment of the members of the CVT,

Shall be placed in the body and elect the President,


Vice-President and the Secretary of State with his deputy.

4. The chairpersons and the Vice-Presidents of the CVT shall be composed of all members of the CVT, shall be composed in a body and shall elect the Chairperson and the Chairperson from among their members.

5. The place and time of the meetings, the quorum, the decision-making procedure and any specific issue of the TEC shall be laid down by decision of the President of the CVT, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure. As regards the full scope of the CVT, the above issues are laid down by a decision of the GET.

6. The secretariat and administrative support of the CVT shall be provided by the Region. The PCVs are assisted in their work by the existing structures of the Region concerned. The members of the CVT may participate in the meetings from a teleconference.

7. The provisions laid down by the provisions laid down by the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Communities in respect of the members of the TEC for participation in their meetings are covered by the same resources of the Peri-Ferry.

8. For CVT, Article 7 of the Law shall apply mutatis mutandis. Regulation (EEC) No 2690/1999 (1), as applicable. '

Article 9 Replacement of Article 11 of the Law 4310/2014

Article 11 of the Law 4310/2014 is replaced by the following:

" Article 11 National Council of Research and Innovation (NSRF)

1. The ECJ is the highest opinion body of the State regarding the development of national policy in Research, Technology and Development of and-Law (SCCS) and supports the Minister for Education, Research and Religion and the General Research and Technology Grants on issues relating to their competence.

2. The mission of the ECJ is: (a) Monitoring of national and international developments;

And the submission of relevant proposals to the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs and the GGET. (b) The contribution to the formation and updating of

(c) The submission of proposals for the development of the implementation of its implementation in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation and the preparation and publication of an annual progress report.

General arrangements and the allocation of public funding for the EMAK. (d) The contribution to ensuring close creativity

Cooperation between research, education and production sectors in the economy with a view to introducing innovative processes or the production and marketing of products or the appreciable improvement of these or the supply of innovative services in the context of (i) to promote the international competitiveness of the country and the effort to increase the standard of living of its population.

E) The contribution to the promotion of international cooperation in the shaping of strong links between the Greek and international research community. (f) systematic cooperation with public authorities;

(g) The submission of proposals to the Minister of Education,

Research and Religion on the composition of the eclectic bodies from which the directors of the research centres and institutes are selected. (h) The implementation of other objectives assigned to them;

By the Government or with the present law. 3. The ECJ consists of seventeen (17) members, the

(b) The Vice-President. (b) The Vice-President. (b) The Vice-President. (b) The Vice-President. (c) Eleven (11) -members, specialists in basic thematic

Areas of the SCCS. (d) Two (2) members derived from production

A business space and, aggregated, are holders of a post-graduate study, have experience in the design and implementation of research/restoration programmes and have the status of a senior executive or industry. E) Two (2) members of the CVT. 4. Where the "National Council" refers to the law

Research, Technological Development and Innovation (E-SETAK) means the 'National Council of Research and Innovation' (ECAP). '

Article 10 Replacement of Article 12 of the Law 4310/2014

Article 12 of the Law 4310/2014 is replaced by the following:

' Article 12 Selection, appointment of members, the operation of an ECJ

1. The eleven (11) members of the ESS referred to in paragraph 3 of the preceding Article shall be selected by the following procedure: (a) By decision of the Minister for Education, Research and

A committee composed of: aa) a professor of an A.E.I., internationally established in research or research subject of the research centre of the foreign or foreign research centre, v. Rector or Deputy Rector of (b) The Secretary-General for Research and Technology (b) The Secretary-General for Research and Technology, a representative of the GSRT and a representative of the Group of the European People's Party.

An open call for an event is open for the selection of eleven (11) members, a maximum of twenty (20) days, which is published on the websites of the GSRT and the Ministry of Education, Research and Religion. The case referred to in paragraph 1 of paragraph 1 of this Article shall evaluate nominations and pre-selection among candidates who have submitted a proposal or have been nominated as candidates or members.


The Commission itself or by any third, natural or legal person, public or private sector. To this end, the Committee of the Regions shall include a list which it submits to the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs. This shall include three times the number of members from scientists who are proportionally derived from the knowledge of the research: (aa) agricultural production, food, food, agri-biotechnology and water-crops, (bb) (c) the Ministry of Education, Research and Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education, Research and Religion and religion

Appoint the President, the Vice-President of the ECJ, the representatives of the productive business, the representatives of the CVT and the members of the Committee of the Committee of the case (s), in order to address the subjects of its knowledge. (i) research, with a term of office, lasting four (4) years and may be renewed once. By the same decision, some of the members of the ECJ are appointed by the Office of the ECSC with its deputy. By way of exception, as from the entry into force of this Article, the half of the members appointed in accordance with the procedure laid down in this Article shall have a two-year period. D) If a member of the ECJ resigns, it shall fall or lose weight.

To perform his duties, shall be appointed by decision of the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs for the remainder of his term of office, his replacement, from the list of candidates, if the member is one (1) of the eleven (11) chosen, And in a case-by-case basis, in accordance with the provisions of the Directive.

2. (a) Following the formation of the ECJ in a body, its members are divided into two (2) committees under the responsibility of the President: the Committee on Research and Technology, which consists of nine (9) members and the Committee for Innovation and Development Applies, Which is from eight (8) members. In the first committee, which deals with basic and applied research in research bodies, the President of the ECJ is involved. In the second committee, which deals with innovative applications relating to the country's productive fabric, there is also the Vice-President of the ECJ. The two committees shall work and meet independently and recommend to the end of the ECJ, which shall take the final decision. (b) The place and time of the sittings, the quorum, the quorum,

The decision-making process and any specific issue of the ECJ are defined by decision of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religion, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 13 to 15 of the Code of Education. The meetings of the ECJ may be held by teleconference.

3. The SGET and the ECJ are supported in their work by the Board of Scientific Councils (TES), which are recommended by a decision of the Minister of Education, Errhea and Religion following the agreed opinion of the ECJ and subject to the individual studies. Objects;

The research referred to in paragraph 1 (b). By the same decision, it shall appoint the President and the Vice-President of the TES.

4. The decisions of the ECJ are taken by an absolute majority. In the event of a tie, the President shall prevail.

5. The secretariat and administrative support for the operation of the ECJ shall be provided by the GGET. The participation of an official in the projects of the programme does not consider a second position or employment in the public sector.

6. The costs of transporting, overnight accommodation and the non-contractual reimbursement of the members of the ECJ, and of the TES for participation in their meetings provided for by the provisions laid down in the provisions laid down by the relevant provisions are paid by the GET. '

Article 11 Amendment of Article 13 of the Law 4310/2014

1. The par. Article 13 of the Law 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 1. The research centres, which have been set up in accordance with the provisions of the Law. The Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities. They shall be governed by the provisions of this Regulation and of their bodies, to the extent that the latter does not conflict with the provisions of this law. '

2. The par. Article 13 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 3. Research centres set up, as legal persons governed by private law and the special accounts, research funds of legal persons under the law and the GET, as well as the technological units set up, as tolerated. Companies or legal persons governed by private law for their research, technological, development and innovative activities shall use to serve their purpose the results of the projects and programmes in which they participate. And the own resources made available by the classes and the same resources provided for in Organ or Internal Arrangements. '

3. The par. Article 13 of the Law 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 5. By law they are recommended, merged, disseminated, research centres and their institutes are abolished. They shall also be defined or amended their purpose and legal nature. In the event of the establishment of new research centres or institutes, an economic study will be preceded by a feasibility study and a feasibility study and a compatibility report with the strategic planning and development programme. In these studies, the socio-economic need to be clearly identified by the establishment of this body and which is not covered by existing interpreters must be clearly identified. These studies should have the consent of the ECJ and the approval of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. With a law or


In accordance with Article 19 (a), the seat and resources of the Research Centre or in the United States of America shall be designated for each research centre or in accordance with Article 19 (a).

(b) The number of staff posts by the defendant;

(c) The relationship with training programmes, and in particular:

(d) The possibility to grant scholarships for receiving

(i) a post-graduate diploma or a doctoral diploma from resources not charged to the ordinary budget. '

4. Article 13 of the Law No 4310/2014 is added paragraph 10, as follows:

' 10. Where the legislation referred to is referred to as 'relational centres' or 'research bodies' means'independent research institutes', in which the relevant legislation is applicable. '

Article 12 Replacement of Article 13a of n. 4310/2014

Article 13a of n. 4310/2014 as amended, shall be replaced by the following:

" Article 13a Research Centres-Institutes-Technological Institutions

AH, The Research Centre-Institutes which are supervised by the Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs and the GSRT and are governed by the provisions of this law are the following:

1. "Athena-Research Centre of Innovation in Information Technology, Communication and Knowledge", which consists of the following Institutes: a. Institute of Language Processing (I.E.L.). Other: Institute of Information Systems (IFRIC). Other: Institute of Industrial Studies (IN.B.S.). 2. National Observatory of Athens (E.A. A), which -

It is composed of the following institutes: Geodynamic Institute (C. I.). Other: Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Dialma -

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs Other: Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development

(million ECU). 3. National Research Foundation (E.I.E.), which is -

From: a. The Institute of Biology, Pharmaceutical Studies

And Biotechnology (IBFXB) (according to e.g. 226/1989, A-107 and Article 5 of the Law). NO 4051/2012, PARAGRAPH 40. Other: The Institute of Theoretical and Physical Education (IH)

FX) (in accordance with paragraph 226/1989 and Article 5 of the Law). 4051/2012. Other: The Institute of Historical Research (IAD) (according to

Council Regulation (EEC) No 2052/88 as amended by Regulation (EEC) No 2052/88 as amended by: 4051/2012. Other: The National Centre for Tempting and Electronic

Content of the European Union 4. National Centre for Research and Technological Development

(E.K.E.T.A.), consisting of the following Instis:

A. .. Institute of Sustainable Mobility and Networks (IT). Other: Institute of Applied Bioscience (INEB). Other: Institute of Information Technology and Information Technology -

(million ECU) Other: Institute of Chemical Processes and Energy

(IPA). Hey, Institute of Research and Technology of Thessaly (IE)

(BETH) 5. National Centre for the Research of Natural Sciences " ΔO -

MOKER ', consisting of the following institutes: Institute for Bioscience and Technology (IBE). Other: Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications (I)

(D) Other: Institute of Nanepiton and Nanotechnology

(IN) Other: Institute for Nuclear and Seamatal Physics

(HORSES). Hey, Institute for Nuclear and Radiological Sciences

Energy and Safety Technology (IRSTEA). 6. National Centre for Social Research (NTUA), the

Which consists of the Institute of Social Research.

7. The self-contained research institute in the Greek Institute of Commerce (E.I.P.), in which the provisions of the specific institutional framework governing it are applied.

8. Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (ELGA), which consists of the following Insti: a. Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology

And Aquaculture. B. Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Espo -

Adopted by the Commission on 18 Oceanography Institute. 9. A. .. Research Centre for Biomedical Staff " Alé -

"Flyming again" (E.K.E.R.E. Flaming), which is performed by the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, "Alexandros Flamming". The Hellenic Foundation for Basic Biological Research

Alexander Fleming. 10. The Foundation for Research and Technology (TEI), the

Which consists of the following institutes: Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

(MILLION ECU) Other: Institute of Chemical Engineering

(MILLION ECU) Other: Institute of Electronic System and Laser

(MILLION ECU) Other: Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS). Hey, Institute of Computer Science (I.P.). F; Institute of Applied Mathematics (I.Y.M.). 11. The research centres of Akadis Athens and

The Athens Academy of Forensic Research, for which the issues relating to staff (recruitment, seizures, conditions, hours, etc.) are applied to the provisions of the present case. With regard to the administrative bodies and other matters, for the research centres of the Athens Academy and the Athens Academy of Forecasts of Athens, the provisions of the specific institutional framework governing them and supplementary provisions Of the product.


OTHER: The technical bodies governed by the provisions of this law are as follows:

1. National Network of Research and Technology S.A. (MILLION ECU)

2. Hellenic Energy Committee. 3. National Park of Patras SA. 4. Centre for Performance and Museum of Technology -


Article 13 Amendment of Article 15 of the Law 4310/2014

1. The par. Article 15 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 1. The Management Board shall be set up, composed or restructured by a decision of the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities and consists of:

(b) The directors of the institutes appointed by the Directorate-General for External Economic and Financial Affairs.

(c) A representative, together with researchers, and

Of Special Operational Supervisors (ELE). The representative of the researchers and the ELE and his deputies, who have the status of research/SWR, are elected by a qualified majority of the researchers and the specialists in the research staff. (d) A common representative of the special scientific committee;

Technical, technical, administrative and auxiliary staff. This representative and his alternate shall be elected by a qualified majority of the scientific, technical, technical, administrative and auxiliary staff of the Research Centre. The Board of Directors is composed, in addition to the above

(i) members, and by the Director of the European Central Bank; The Board of Directors may attend meetings of the Board of Directors.

The Committee of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, who is represented by the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs, and may make a recommendation on the subject of the final provision.

2. The par. Article 15 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 2. The Management Board in its first session shall be constituted in a body and shall elect one (1) Vice-President, on a proposal from the President. The Management Board shall meet at the invitation of the President or at the request of three (3) members to its President, who shall convene it at the latest within five days of the submission of the application. The call for a call may be made by electronic mail (e-mail) to those members who have notified the management board of their e-mail address in a timely manner. '

3. The par. Article 15 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 7. The members of the Governing Board and any third party to whom they have been assigned by it shall be prohibited from pursuing the same interests as opposed to the interests of the research centre. '

4. The par. Article 15 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 10. In the event of a vacancy, for whatever reason, the Management Board shall meet as soon as the members of the Governing Council are represented by one half of the total number of its members. Where the number of members of the Board does not make it possible to form a quorum, in accordance with the preceding subparagraph, the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs shall appoint an alternate for the Directors-General for such missing members of the Board. What is necessary in order to form the quorum referred to in the first subparagraph. The decision shall be published in the Official Journal of the Government. This definition is valid for a maximum of six (6) months and, however, up to the definitions of the Board of Directors, in accordance with the provisions of this law. '

5. The case with par. 13 of Article 15 of the Law. 4310/2014 is replaced by the following:

' e. The approval, following a recommendation by the Director of the Research Centre, of its action plan, of the budget and its financial statements. '

6. Article 15 of n. The following shall be added points 15 and 16, as follows:

' 15. If the Director of a Research Centre or Director of the EC Central Directorate and President of the Board of Directors resigns or is missing, for any reason, his duties shall be exercised by the Vice-President of the Board for up to three (3) months. If this period is resolved, and if the Vice-President is missing or is missing, the remaining members of the Board shall propose to the supervising Minister of the Board of Institutes as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Managing Director of the Board, or Director of the Central Directorate of the EP. The Board of Supervisors shall designate this nominee as CEO and President of the Board, to the definition of the new Director and President of the Board of Directors. If no proposal is submitted to the supervising Minister within a period of one (1) ence of the Vice-President's absence or code date, or if the proposal is not unanimous, the supervisor shall select and designate, for that time, as a President. The Board of Directors and Managing Director of the EP or Director of the EC, one of the Directors of the European Communities. If not all Directors are missing, the Minister shall appoint for a period of three (3) months, as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director of the Research Centre or Director of the Central Directorate of the Research Centre, one of the In accordance with the procedure laid down in this paragraph, three (3) Senior Researchers to or from the Research Centre. Up to the definition by the supervising Minister,

The Board of Directors shall be open to the Board of Directors. If the Director of Research Centre or Director

The Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors shall be entitled to If this period is resolved or the Vice-President is absent or unable to attend, the remainder of the Board shall propose a unanimous decision to the Secretary-General, one of the Instis Directors.


As President of the Board and Managing Director of the European Parliament, the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors. The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall appoint him as the Director and Head of the Board of Directors for this period. If no proposal is submitted to the supervising Minister for a period of 1 month from the date on which the Vice-President or the Vice-President is not present, or if that is not the case, the supervising Minister shall choose and arrange for that period as President of the Executive Board. Board and Director of the EP or Director of the EP, one of the Director-General of the Institutes of the EC. Until the definition by the supervising Minister, the Board of Directors shall act legal.

16. If a research centre consists only of the Institute, the composition of the Board of Directors of the members referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 15 of the Law. 4310/2014, a member of the Committee, appointed by a decision of the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs. The decision of the competent Minister shall be published in the Official Journal of the Government. This should be qualified according to those of the Director of Research Centre. The definition in this position shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 6 to 14 of Article 16 by the Special Crisis Committee, in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 (6) to the definition by the supervisor of the Governing Board. ';

Article 14 Amendment of Article 16 of the Law 4310/2014

1. The case (c) of par. Article 16 of the Law 4310/2014 is replaced by the following:

'(c) To qualify for the appointment as a researcher of a' grade ' or a corresponding degree of Professor A. E. I. '

2. The par. Article 16 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 2. If, for whatever reason, the director is lacking or is unable to perform his/her duties on a reasoned decision of the Board of Directors, his/her duties shall be performed by a Deputy Director-General.

3. The par. Point 6 of Article 16 of n. 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 6. The Director of the Research Centre and the directors of the institutes are full-time and are appointed by a decision of the Minister of Education, Errhea and Religion for a period of four (4) years. '

4. Paragraph 7 of Article 16 is replaced by the following:

' 7. If, at the end of the term of office of the director of a research centre or a central EC or a research institute, a new Director has not yet been appointed, the existing Director shall continue to perform his duties until his appointment. New and the longest for up to three (3) months. If it is not possible to appoint a new Director within three (3) months after the end of the term of office of the previous Director, exceptionally, the Board of Directors shall, on a temporary basis, delegate, in the case of a relational centre or a central bank. (i) the EC address to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, in the case of a researcher in the Deputy Director;

The treatment of current cases, as laid down in a decision by the Governing Council. If the Chairperson of the Board of Directors for any reason is missing or prevented, the duties of the Director of a Research Centre or a Central Directorate shall be exercised by one of the institute directors, or if all the directors of institutes are missing from One of the three (3) senior Researchers of the Research Centre of the Research Centre until the appointment of the new Director. If the Assistant Director of the Institute for any reason is missing or prevented, the duties of the Director of the Institute shall be exercised by the oldest researcher A΄ degree of the institute and if he is missing, by the most senior researcher B΄ grade Of the Institute, after consulting the Scientific Council of the Institute (ESS). '

5. The par. Point 8 of Article 16 of n. 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 8. A notice shall be issued by the responsible Minister at least six (6) months before the end of the term of office to fill the vacancy of the Director of the EC or an EC Institute. The notice shall be published in one day of the marketing year, which shall be displayed on the website of the European Parliament and of the GET and shall be sent to the relevant international scientific texts. '

6. The par. Article 16 of the Law 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 9. For the evaluation of candidates to occupy a post of a research centre or institute, it shall be established by a decision of the Board of Supervisors, a panel of experts from seven (7) sciences with recognised authority, knowledge of research The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Public Health and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Public Health and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Safety

7. The par. Point 10 of Article 16 of n. 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 10. (a) For the establishment of the Special Committee referred to in paragraph 9 of Article 16 of this law, the Management Board of the Research Centre shall propose to the ECJ a list of at least fifteen (15) members qualified by researchers; (i) not later than two (2) months after the end of the submission of nominations for the post of Director of the Research Centre or the Central Directorate for the EC or the EC Institute. The ECJ is entitled to add other members to this list or, respectively, to deduct from this list. If the above period of two (2) months has elapsed, the ETSC shall propose the members of the accounting officer. From the list of members proposed by the ECJ, the Minister for Education, Research and Religion chooses five (5) members with their alternates. (b) The whole of the research staff of the

The Centre or the Institute, within two (2) months from the end of the submission of nominations for the post of Director of Research Centre or Central Directorate-General or the EC Institute, elects two (2) members with their alternates, who are researchers To the extent that the relevant research centre or the Institute, respectively, and, where there is no or no concentration,


In this case, the number of other research centres or research centres, respectively, is indicated, subject to the condition of the relevance of the subject. If the period within which all of the research staff of the Research Centre or the Institute has to be defined as above, or if less than the envisaged amount is elected, the ETSC shall appoint the two (2) members, With their payers (or missing persons), which are recipients of the relevant research centre or of the Institute respectively and, if the number does not exist or is not collected, another research centre or institute. (c) With regard to the relevance of the relevance of the cognitive function, The decision of the Minister for Education, Research and

Religion is defined as the seven (7) members of the panel of judges as follows: five (5) members come from the list in the first indent of this Article and two (2) members come from all research staff (case (b)). These members shall be appointed by their alternates. (d) Members of the panel of judges shall not permit;

They shall be candidates for the position which has been opened. The panel shall assess the candidates with a specific request and submit to the supervising Minister a table in their order of assessment. For the evaluation of a research centre or a research centre, the opinion of the researchers and the opinion of other staff of the Research Centre or the Institute shall be taken into account, expressed before the Committee. If the selection is to be selected, the opinion of the Director of a Research Centre shall be taken into account, which shall be expressed by the Committee. Where a candidate is the director of the research centre, no opinion shall be expressed by him. These opinions are expressed as provided for in the Agency or Rules of Procedure of the Research Centre. '

8. The par. Article 16 of the Law 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 11. The supervising Minister with a decision, published in the Official Journal of the Government, nominates compulsorily as director of the Research Centre or the Institute, where appropriate, the first person to be assessed, otherwise, in the event of his acceptance. To appoint the applicant, appoint the second, otherwise the third party. By the same decision, the Minister for Education, Research and Religion designates the Director as a member of the Board of Directors. In addition, the same decision is included in the decision to reconstruct the Board of Directors of the Centre. With the Director appointed, a contract shall be concluded for a period of time, or in the event of appointment, as Director, of a civil servant shall be assigned to the Director. The Director of the Centre or Institute shall be entitled under the same procedure to submit a candidacy for one another in the exact same position. The directors who are subject to their first term of office in the publication of the present day shall be eligible for a term of office. Directors serving their second term of office in the publication of the present

They are entitled to apply for another term. '

9. The par. Article 16 of the Law 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 12. At the end of their term of office, the directors of the Research Centre or the Institute shall submit to the Board and to the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs a report on their term of office. At the same time, the Governing Council and the Minister for the evaluation of the mandate of the Director-General are submitted to the Board of Directors respectively. This assessment shall be carried out by all of the staff of the Research Centre or in line with those laid down in the Agency or its Internal Rules. '

10. The par. 13 of article 16 of n. 4310/2014 object as follows:

' 13. The position of the director of the research centre or institute is full-time. At the same time, it may carry out research tasks in the same research centre. If he is a professor of A.E.I., he can teach a six-month term."

11. Article 16 of n. No 4310/2014 is added paragraph 14, as follows:

' 14. A decision of the Board of Directors of the Centre shall designate the Deputy Directors of the Institutes. '

Article 15 Amendment of Article 17 of the Law 4310/2014

1. Paragraphs 2, 3, 6 and 7 of Article 17 of the Law. No 4310/2014 repealed. Paragraphs 4 and 5 shall be replaced by 2 and 3 respectively.

2. The following paragraphs are added to Article 17 of the Law. 4310/2014 as follows:

' 4. In exercising its powers, the Director of the Institute of the European Communities is assisted by the Scientific Council of the Institute (ESI). The E.C.I. is taken from five (5) to seven (7) members (depending on the number of researchers/EES of the Institute). Members of the European Parliament may be researchers or members of the Institute of Grade A or B, who are the majority of the members of the European Parliament. Members of the European Parliament may, for a period of at least three years, be associated with a corresponding degree. The members of the European Parliament shall be elected by a qualified majority of the researchers, the EUs and the associated non-member countries. After it has been set up in a body, the members of the European Parliament shall elect the President of the European Parliament for a preliminary ruling. B. The term of office of the members of the European Parliament shall be two years. The number of

The members of the Committee, the procedure for their election, the mode of operation of the European Parliament, their specific responsibilities and any other relevant details are laid down in the Rules of Procedure or the Agency of each individual institution. A representative of the scientific, technical and administrative staff shall participate without the right to vote without the right to vote. The election of the elected representative is defined by the Internal Market or the Agency of each research body. If no such provision is made, the election shall take place under the responsibility of the Board of Directors.


Other: The Director of the Institute shall participate, as a student, at the meetings of the European Parliament. If the Director suggests a subject for discussion, this is compulsory in the agenda of the European Parliament. If the Director is to be consulted by the Director, who gathers a simple majority of its members, the Director shall submit the matter to the Administrative Board of the Research Centre for the Removal of the Centre. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof,

5. The EESI shall be set up and operated by decision of the Management Board of the Research Centres, in accordance with the provisions of this law and of the existing Internal Rules of Procedure or the Agency of the Centre, to which it belongs. Institute; The SNC shall meet again at once a month and after a proposal by the Director of the Institute, a majority of its members or a fifth of the staff of the Institute concerned.

6. The European Court of Justice shall exercise the following competences as well as those provided for in this law: He shall inform the Director of the Institute of the

European Parliament and the Council of Europe Monitoring the research and development programme

(c) the institution of the Institute and shall submit its opinion to the Director of the Institute and to the Management Board of the Research Centre. It shall contribute to the shaping of the strategy,

The Committee of the Environment, the Committee of the European People 's Supports the Director of the Institute in

Provision of opinions in specific questions submitted by the Administrative Board of the Research Centre.

Hey, For the research work of the institute in relation to the ESETAK.

F; It sets out the crisis committees and the Committee on the Environment, the Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs and Industrial Policy. It shall give an opinion on the vacancy notice.

Researchers and Special Operational Supervisors. '

Article 16 Replacement of Article 18 of the Law 4310/1984

Article 18 of the Law 4310/2014 is replaced by the following:

" Article 18 Research centres and institutes

1. The staff of the research centres and in the areas referred to in Article 13a shall be appointed or invited by a working relationship of public law or private law, a certain or indefinite period of time, in accordance with the provisions laid down and distinguishes between Research (research scientists, experts, experts), specialist scientific, technical, administrative and auxiliary staff. The staff of research centres and research centres shall be elected by open procedure following a contract notice setting out the qualifications of the subject and the marks to which it belongs.

2. Investigators. Researchers are scientists of high scientific experience and training, holders of two -

-double-fold. They also work independently to produce or improve knowledge and their application for the production of products, provisions, procedures, methods and systems. They can provide both educational and administrative tasks. The researcher's office is exclusively responsible for the scientific centres, who have been elected to a degree comparable to their qualifications and experience, and who supervise research projects, projects and groups of researchers. Research policies of each research centre and the GSRT. Depending on their research work, their international recognition and their contribution to the exploitation of scientific and technological knowledge and equivalent to those of teachers, as described in Article 16 of the Law. The researchers are divided into three stages (1, B and C) which are independent and self-contained. Researchers (1st and 2nd grade) are appointed as permanent members;

I. E. They are elected for a three-year term of office. After the expiry of their term of office, they are deemed to be permanent researchers. If they do not, their term of office is renewed up to two (2) times for two (2) years each time, after which a new crisis is followed every time, in accordance with the rules. Where, in their third judgment, they do not require, their term of office shall not be renewed and shall be definitively removed from their post after its expiry. The minimum qualifications required for the initial

The investigator's appointment at each grade is as follows: a) For C grade the researcher is required to have

A well-established ability to design and execute research and technological development projects, to distribute the tasks or phases of the project to other researchers and to guide or supervise them. It is also necessary to have made original publications in scientific journals internationally recognised. (b) For B degree the researcher is required to have

(i) the ability to organise and manage research and technological development programmes, coordinate and direct research and technological development to the individual projects of the research and technological development programme; To seek and attract financial resources from external sources to finance the activities of the institute or centre and to promote innovative ideas in science and technology. It is also necessary to make original publications in scientific and technical journals internationally recognized or have international patent rights and has offered the advancement of science and technology and technology. (c) For the first degree the researcher is required to have his/her application and his contribution to the progress of scientific and technological progress.

The ability to develop research and its implementation in new sectors, to coordinate activities in wider fields of research and technological development, to contribute to the development of research and technological policy and development Research organisations with the attraction of external financing, to be internationally recognised for its contribution to scientific and technological sectors;


In order to be able to contribute to the dissemination and implementation of the knowledge generated by the knowledge-based research, it should have a wealth of literary work in monographs or publications in international journals of recognised competence or significant patents. It has been recognised by other researchers to contribute to the progress of scientific and technological progress. The Director-General of the Directorate-General for Research

In the form of the title of the Principal Investigator, the title of the Principal Investigator shall be assigned to the mark.

3. For each grade the qualifications of all previous stages are also required. Specialization of qualifications may be provided for in the internal regulations of research centres and institutes.

4. The envisaged researchers' positions are common to all grades (1, B, C). The Directorate-General for Research Centres, their institutes and voluntary institutions shall be deemed to be in possession of a provisional investigator's position for all consequences. The temporary posts of researchers in research centres, institutes and independent institutes, which have been taken over by persons appointed to the posts of Directors or members of the Board of Directors of the centres and institutes; They shall be abolished, automatically, when they resign, retire or supplement the current retirement age of the researchers, fail or withdraw for any reason.

5. Special Operating Officers. The Eid-functional experts (ELE) are holders of a teaching diploma or a diploma in foreign or foreign degrees and have experience in the design or implementation of scientific and technological programmes and projects. They are divided into three stages (1, B, C) according to their offer, their specific qualifications and taking into account the criteria and conditions set out in paragraphs 2 to 4 of this Article. The procedure for election and promotion to a degree shall be laid down in the Rules of Procedure or the organisation of the research centre or technology.

6. The above research staff, as long as they do not have reasons of presence outside the research centre in the framework of a research activity, will be able to attend the premises of the research centre at least twenty (20) hours. -weekly, which are allocated to at least four (4) working days, to provide all kinds of services (research, scientific, technical, administrative) to support the research project of the research centre or The Committee of the European Parliament and the Committee of the European People 's

7. The general scientific staff in general carry out specific scientific and technical projects to support research carried out by the research bodies. The staff shall include the technical staff referred to in Article 20 (3) (b) and (c). 1514/1985, as it stands.

8. Technical staff shall support the operation and maintenance of research infrastructures and buildings and the implementation of research programmes and shall consist of the following categories: Technical;

(b) Other technical staff, graduates of secondary schools, etc.;

Education and training. 9. Administrative and auxiliary staff. The administrative

Staff of research centres and institutes; staff of administrative and financial services to support their operation and the execution of programmes and projects. The administrative staff shall be distinguished in scientific and technical education staff and in the administrative department of education. The auxiliary staff supports the operation of the research centres.

10. In accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 7, 8 and 9 of this Article, the internal regulation or organisation of the information centre or technology body shall be allocated in accordance with the provisions laid down in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation and in accordance with its competence; and The specific qualifications required for the appointment or recruitment of it shall be determined. In accordance with the provisions of the Financial Code in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Code, this staff shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Code in accordance with the provisions laid down in the provisions laid down in the provisions laid down in this Regulation. Research and technological bodies.

11. If an organic post is embroidered or left, for any reason, personnel serving as a non-non-research or technological entity with a NITD character, the position is not removed, but is maintained and may be resuscitated in accordance with There are provisions in this area.

12. In addition to the above categories of staff, scientific and technological operators may employ partner research, scientific, administrative and other personnel, with a working relationship of time or sponsorship (fellowship), or Project basis for the needs of research and development and other programmes. The contracts shall be concluded following a decision of the Board of Directors, on a proposal from the Director of the Institute concerned. The remuneration of such staff shall be borne by resources other than a regular budget. In the category of co-operative research staff, teachers and teachers are included in accordance with the provisions of Article 23 of the Law. 4009/2011 (1 195), graduate students. (for the elaboration of a doctoral thesis or a post-graduate diploma), post-doctoral co-workers, visitors to researchers in the field and in particular: a) The post-doctoral partners involved

In the execution of the research project, it is employed under a private-law relationship of some time or under a project contract contract. All types of payments shall be subject to compulsory expenditure outside the regular budget and shall correspond to each other.


(b) Postgraduate students can be employed at 90 % of the respective shares/swabs.

As a result of a scholarship, a scholarship, which is concluded between the research body and the postgraduate student, is also available as scholarship holders. Subtitles are subject to the duration of the contract from the insurance scheme of the students of the students, without prejudice to the right of the investigating institution to provide additional insurance cover for the treatment of specialists. Risks arising in the process of their research activity. The duration, the type of relationship, the obligations and the

(i) the terms of the scholarship, the amount of this amount and all the relevant issues of the contracts referred to above shall be determined in accordance with paragraph 1. Article 28 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014. Pending the adoption of the Ministerial Decision referred to in the preceding paragraph, such issues shall be determined by a decision of the Board of the Research Council in accordance with the conditions of the financing decision or of the contract, signed between (c) Teachers and lecturers in the field of research and development of the research centre or the research centre; c) The teachers and the lecturers in the field of research.

They may carry out research and other work on the research and technological bodies, in accordance with Article 23 of the Law. 4009/2011, as applicable. Their remuneration shall be determined by a decision of the Board of the Investigation or Technology Body and shall bear solely the own resources of the research or technological body or the budget of the project in which they participate. The Agency or the Internal Market of the Research or Technological Centre shall determine the procedure for the conclusion and conclusion of such an agreement and all the conditions and specific details of the cooperation of the teachers.

13. In professors, who have served as management of research centres or institutes, as well as to researchers from the internationally distinguished institution and leaving due to retirement, the title of the researcher can be obtained, After a decision by the Administrative Board of the Research Centre. In particular, for the former directors of research centres or institutes, the opinion of the researchers of the relevant institute or centre is also required and, in particular, the Institutes, the Scientific Opinion of the Scientific Committee. The internal regulation of the Research Centre shall determine the level and assessment criteria of the non-member investigations.

14. Researchers of the research centres NPT and NIFRS retire with the fulfilment of the e-dry seventh year (67th) of their age or with the contribution of 35 years. They are entitled to remain and after the completion of a 35-year period, until after the completion of the sixty seventh year of their age.

15. The Directors of the research centres and institutes should not, at the time of their submission, have completed the third (63) year of their age. In any case, the directors of the research centres and institutes are leaving the Director's post at the end of the

Calendar year, in which they completed their own age (67th) year. This provision also includes those who have paid the 67th year of their age at the time of the entry into force of this Regulation.

16. It is possible for a certain researcher to be a principal candidate in a PhD candidate in A.E.I., following a decision of the General Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors. The ELA Researchers may participate in a maximum of two committees and scientific or administrative boards of the public sector, to which the participation of researchers, and to Commissions, is mandatory. A.E.I. ..

17. Article 1 of n. Regulation (EEC) No 1894/1990 (1 110) shall remain in force and shall apply to the staff concerned accordingly. Article 1 of the n. Regulation (EEC) No 1894/1990, which refers to the provisions of the Law. 1514/1985, hereinafter referred to as the provisions of this law.

18. The members of the research staff of the research bodies referred to in Article 13a of the Law 4310/2014 will be allowed to change their knowledge of the subject, following consideration by the researcher and the project in question, with a decision of the Board of the investigating institution published in its appeal. Government, following an earlier request of the interested party and an opinion of the European Parliament. '

Article 17 Amendment of Article 20 of the Law 4310/2014

The par. Article 20 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 1. The resources of the research centres, their institutes and technology are derived from: a) Public funding for non-economic activities;

(b) Own resources and, in particular, by: aa) the development of the same activity with which the budget is based, in accordance with the principles of the ECSAC, the Action Plan and the provisions of Chapter III;

In any event or in a contract with research organisations, technological bodies, undertakings and other bodies with a view to the commercial or corporate exploitation of intellectual property rights, individual or collective or more general and know-how in Investigation-effects that exist or are created. (bb) The preparation of studies, the provision of services and

The implementation of all kinds of agreements with other public or private bodies. (c) the use of all elements of the movement;

Of their or immovable property. (d) Donations and other third party benefits. (e) Financial research funding; or

Other activities of technological development and of-law by the European Union and other international organisations (except for the WTO). (f) Revenue relating to their activities or activities

Objectives of the research centre from any other sources. '


Article 18 Amendment of Article 21 of the Law 4310/1984

1. The par. Article 21 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 1. Research results produced in public research or technological bodies can be exploited, in Greece or abroad, in various ways, and in particular by: (a) the use of intellectual property;

(b) Disposal by the institution of the competent authorities of the Member States, either directly or through participation in the formation of new ETAK companies, spin-offs or knowledge-intensive companies.

On the basis of the information provided by the Commission, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors and the Court of Auditors. The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Public Health and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Public Health and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Energy

2. The par. Article 21 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 4. Public research organisations shall include in their internal regulations, arrangements for the management of their intellectual property, recognising the supply of their agents or their families, their mutual recognition and conclusion. Specific agreements at the discretion of the public research organisations and of the technological bodies (participation in a company, the award of financial compensation, grant licences, unpaid leave, definition of a qualification for their service, Etc.) '

Article 19 Amendment of Articles 24 and 27 of the Law 4310/2014

1. Paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 27 of the Law. 4310/2014 is replaced by the following:

' 3. Requests by interested parties are judged by a tripartite committee, established by a decision of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology. The committee shall determine whether the candidates have the qualifications referred to in paragraph 2. The decision of the Secretary-General shall be entered in the register of the candidates having the qualifications referred to in paragraph 2.

4. Registered in the Register shall provide written assurance that they will perform their duties, that they will respect the confidentiality and the responsibility for any information obtained by their due access to the information of the proposals. And that they will immediately declare any conflict of interests arising as a result of the work being put to them. The registration in the register shall not create a working relationship with the public. '

2. The last paragraph of par. 8A of Article 24 of the Law. 4310/2014 is replaced by the following:

' In the event of acceptance by the certificate of the natural object of the work, part or percentage of the deliverable research deliverables, either as to the quantity or quality thereof, the Assets shall be cut from the certified by the oath

Accounting for the amount or percentage of expenditure. The use of the chartered accountants concerns actions or programmes which are in progress and have been launched by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph D. 274/2000 (1 225), by way of derogation from those provisions. The provisions of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 3 thereof.

Article 20 Amendment of Article 28 of the Law 4310/2014

1. The par. Article 28 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 2. Researchers of all grades A, B and C-by their application, accompanied by their proposed research activity programme and the opinion of the Director of the Institute, to which they serve, is approved, if not The operation of the Research Centre, on the basis of the decision of the Board of Directors, the granting or modification of a research licence or authorisation to use it, with a view to their knowledge by means of their participation in Research project with a foreign or non-resident research organisation. The research permit lasts up to twelve (12) months from the six (6) years of service or up to six months after the completion of three (3) years of service in their national research centres or institutes. The period of service shall be calculated from the date of conclusion of the contract or, as long as they have received prior exploratory licences, from the date of adoption of the last authorisation. '

2. At the end of par. Article 28 of the EC Treaty The following subparagraph shall be added 4310/2014:

' These scholarships shall not be charged to the ordinary budget. '

Article 21 Replacement of Article 29 of the Law 4310/1984

Article 29 of the Law 4310/2014 is replaced by the following:

" Article 29 Selection of the research staff;

Crisis committees-Paid for research staff-Evaluation of research staff

1. The research staff of the research and technical bodies referred to in Article 13a shall be appointed to institutions as permanent or for a term of office in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

2. The filling of the vacant posts of the research staff in the above-mentioned entities shall be made following a contract notice, specifying the extent to which the investigators or ELCs will be appointed. As long as it is intended for recruitment to any grade or for promotion to B ΄ or to a 'grade', the filling of the position shall be open by open procedure. In the case of progress in grade A, the post shall be filled with a restricted procedure. The notice is published in the website of the research body and its summary is published in a daily newspaper in Athens and one day.


Of Thessaloniki, as well as an appeal court of the centre or institute, if any.

3. (a) For intakes of grades A and B, or for promotion from grade C to B 'or grade B' in the form of a single crisis committee. The crisis committees are composed of the director of the relevant institute of the centre or of the independent research institute, and by four (4) still selected by drawing lots and holding a degree higher or equal to its mark. This is an issue. The members of the Committee should have a relevant subject. Two (2) are members of the relevant institute (or centre) and two (2) are external and come from the national assessor. If the researchers serving in the institute or in the centre are not sufficient for the fulfilment of the necessary number, the crisis committee shall be completed by external judges chosen in accordance with the above procedure. Or promotion from

There are five main crisis committees set up in the General Secretariat of the Council. The crisis committees are composed of the director of the relevant institute of the centre or of the independent research institute and by four (4) members, selected by drawing lots and ranked higher or equal to its mark. In place of position. The members of the Committee should be aware of the subject. Two (2) of these members are researchers of the relevant institute (or centre) and two (2) are externally selected from the national list of judges. If researchers serving at the institute or in the centre are not sufficient to meet the necessary number, the crisis committee shall be met by external judges selected in accordance with the above procedure. The Committee of the

(d) In order to assist the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of the results of the evaluation, the Member States shall be responsible for the implementation of the programme.

A number of members are appointed by the Director of the relevant institution and two (2) members, which are researchers of the respective grades or of the respective grades. The two (2) members of the tripartite committee should be of the same or relevant subject matter with that of the post to be filled and it is not necessary to neglect the members of the Crisis Committee. These members shall, following a draw, be drawn from the national list of Member States. E) The Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs and the Committee on Economic and Social Affairs and

Trophies are appointed by the Scientific Council of the Institute. (f) In the technical bodies, the above committees

As above, are defined by the Board of Directors. 4. The decision of the Crisis Committee is taken by the

A majority of all members shall be submitted to the Board of Directors of the Centre or the Director of the Institute and shall be binding.

5. All the judgments provided for in this article

And Article 35 shall be completed in May, and the deadline shall apply from 1 September.

6. In particular, the issues of the pre-private crisis process and any necessary detail are regulated by the internal regulations of the research centres and independent institutes or the organisation of the technological body.

7. Group Researchers are appointed for three years. After the expiry of their term of office, they shall be deemed to be permanent researchers. If they do not qualify, their term of office shall be renewed for up to two years for two years at a time after the end of which a new crisis has been followed in accordance with the above. If they fail to do so in their third judgment, their term of office shall not be renewed and shall be removed from their post after its expiry. They are entitled, at their request, to be submitted to the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs within an exclusive deadline of three (3) months from the end of their term of office, to be appointed on a temporary basis. Staff in the same or any other centre or institute following an opinion by the Board of Governors of the Centre or the Director of the Institute or the Director of the Institute, or in commensurate with their qualifications, the face of the public sector. This position is recommended in excess of the organic positions under the auspices of the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs. This provision does not, in any event, give the applicant to the new post of remuneration of the special salaries of researchers and, more generally, other than the remuneration of the position, in which he is not entitled to appoint or prevent him in a position of equal value; And neither option selection for appointment or recruitment.

8. Researchers of the 2nd degree are permanent. At the end of the fourth year of their service, they shall be judged, at their request, for appointment to a post-recipient post. If they are successfully judged, they are assigned to the 1st degree. If in this crisis the researcher fails, it is re-judged every three (3) years.

9. Researchers' grade are permanent. 10. The above points are independent and are -

You complete. The individual positions may, depending on the needs of the research centres, be taken by researchers III, B or C, in accordance with the provisions of this law. The allocation of the vacant posts to the grades each year by the end of March following a proposal by the Board of Directors of each centre or director of each post-dependency research institute, by decision of the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs, Published in the Official Journal of the Government.

11. The special scientific-technical, technical, administrative and auxiliary staff of the research bodies which have the legal form of the NIFRS shall be assessed at two (2) years, in accordance with the procedures laid down in the Agency or the Internal Market. Regulation of the Centre, self-contained institute and technical body. Based on the results of the evaluation,


(b) the provisions of the Rules of Procedure, the provisions of the Rules of Procedure, the provisions of the Rules of Procedure, the provisions of the Rules of Procedure, the provisions of the Rules of Procedure and the provisions of the Rules of Procedure. '

Article 22 Replacement of Article 30 of the Law 4310/2014

Article 30 of n. 4310/2014 is replaced by the following:

' Article 30 National list of judges

1. It is recommended that a national list of judges, who shall automatically receive all the directors of the centres and their institutes, the chairpersons of the technological bodies, the teachers in office and alternating teachers, and The active researchers from the 1st and 2nd degree of the referral. This list shall be used by the scientific and technological bodies referred to in Article 13a for the seizures of the research staff and by the Ministry of Supervisor for the evaluations of those bodies.

2. In the national list of assessors, they may include prominent and early scientific experts of the foreign or foreign policy. In contrast to the persons referred to in paragraph 1, a decision of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, which shall be referred to them, shall be required by the Secretary-General of the Directorate-General for Education and Religious Affairs. Technology, the ECJ, or research centres or institutes.

3. The ministerial decision referred to in paragraph 2 may be updated annually, published in the Governing Council of the Government. '

Article 23 Replacement of Article 37 of the Law 4310/2014

The par. Article 37 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014 is replaced by:

' 5. The permanent staff and private private-law staff of the research and technology bodies referred to in Article 13a, which shall be seconded to the General Secretariat for Research and Technology, may be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. In accordance with the provisions in force, the Court of Justice shall, in accordance with the provisions in force, transfer to the General Secretariat of the Court of Justice of the European Communities in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of the Court of Justice. A civil code, as is the case. The socio-safety aspects of the metastases are preserved. Personnel shall, on the basis of the present order, be governed by the provisions on points of order and the salary development of public servants, as each time shall apply. ';

Article 24 Charges for research and technological bodies and the Special Accounts Account

Research of the research and technological actors and the A.E.I.

1. Article 93 of the Law 4310/2014 is replaced by the following:

' Article 93

The research and technological bodies referred to in Article 13a, the Special Investigations Account (ELECs) of the A.E.I. and the Research Panepiton Institutes (H.P.I.), established pursuant to Article 17 of the Law. 2083/1992 may, for the execution of programmes or projects financed, in whole or in part, by Union, international, own resources or private funds, employing a research, technical, scientific and general staff; (i) with private-law work-based contracts for a period of time. These contracts are concluded and extended by a decision of the Board of the Research Centre or the technical institute or institute or the Research Committee of ELKE, without limitation until the end of the projects. Implementation of which has been concluded, and within the authorised budget limits of the project or programme, while those contracts are linked to the resulting effect of the project for which, by way of derogation from The provisions of the n. 2190/1994, para. Amendment No 8 to Article 9 of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 3812/2009 and (EC) No 33/2006 as far as their expenditure is covered by the programmes or projects for whose needs have been concluded. There is no way in any case their recognition as contracts of an indefinite period. '

2 a. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic, Economic, Development and Tourism and the Minister for Education, Research and Religion, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, an ELKE may be consulted on funding for research; and Technological programmes and projects carried out by the General Secretariat or the supervised research institutes of the present. These special accounts may be funded and research programmes carried out by researchers or groups of researchers who are professors. The transfer of the funds necessary for the collection of their accounts or the fulfilment of their own funds by a special appropriation, entered each year in the budget for public investment, shall be allocated to the Bank of Greece; A d. The same ministerial decision sets out the purpose of these special accounts, and the resources of these accounts are also provided for and the transfer of funds to the next year of the financial balance is established outside the appropriations of the ordinary (e) the administration and management bodies shall be determined by the management and administration procedure;


In the case of the funds, the financial control and any other relevant details necessary for the operation of these accounts. Research centres and technological bodies

Article 13a of n. 4310/2014 draw up a Financial Guide to the Special Account, detailing the institutions and procedures for the evaluation, selection and financing of the activities financed via Logaria-ou, for the The financial management of the projects and the dissemination of the results of the surveys and other activities carried out. The Guide also specialises, the responsibilities and obligations of the project promoters, the issues of remuneration and the movements of participants in projects financed through the Account and the pre-accession issues that are necessary. For the implementation of projects. The Funding Guide is drawn up by the Board of the Research Centre and approved by the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs and published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. The Financing Guidelines may, if necessary, be amended and supplemented. The legal persons of private law and the technical bodies set out the following questions in their Internal Rules.

3 a. The Special Research Accounts (ESA) of the R & D R & D research and technological actors. 4310/2014 and ELKE of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Research and Technology Centre and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs; , respectively. The Internal Rules of Justice of the Hellenic Republic shall form part of the Agency's Rules of Procedure and shall form part of that body. The Agency shall be set up by the Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products.

The Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions of the European Research Area (ELKE), the positions of responsibility and their respective positions with the other organisational structure of the AIA. The Research Committee sets out an Internal Rules of Procedure of the ELKE which is approved by a decision of the Senate and is published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. To the Special Investigations of the Research Funds

(ELKE) of the A.E.L., is assigned different from the Foundations to which they belong, a tax register (FM).

4. Points (b) and c (c) of the c. Article 7 of Regulation (EEC) No 679/1996 (B826), which was ratified by Article 36 of the Law. No 3794/2009 (A156) is replaced by the following:

' b. Commissions of goods or services or executions of expenditure of up to EUR 20 000 (without VAT) each one shall be awarded directly without tender or tender, following an assessment of the prices offered by the market. C. Supplies of goods or services or executions;

An amount of expenditure of EUR 20 000 (without VAT) each and above shall be executed by a draft, regular or international competition, in accordance with applicable law.

5. The par. Article 2 of Article 2 (2) of Article 2 of the Law 4336/2015 (1 94), replaced by the following:

' 2. In the field of application of this law, non-seat transfers of all types of personnel employed for the needs of programmes or projects (research, development, etc.) of research and technology bodies and ELVs are not included. The AAR, financed exclusively by the European Union or by international organisations or private funds or own resources, provided that the expenditure concerned is covered by the programmes or projects, for the purposes of which they are moved. '

6. At the end of par. Article 28 of the EC Treaty The following subparagraph shall be added 4314/2014 (1st 265):

' From 23.12.2014, the costs of the grants awarded by the research centres or institutes in accordance with the conditions laid down in paragraph 1. Article 28 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014, by the A.E.I. according to the n. In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 4009/2011 (A-195), as is the case with the Government of State Hygiene-food (I.C.U.), according to the n. (A '109) and paragraph 321/1999 (A' 306) are eligible for funding from the above operational programmes. These amounts are not subject to any income and are not subject to any tax or reservation. This provision shall also apply to migrant workers. '

7 a. The public procurement concluded by the research and technological bodies referred to in Article 13a of the Law 4310/2014, the GPL's Special Research Account and ELKE of the said research and EL-JVs, the Special Faces (Companies) for the Development and Management of the AIA, set up under its authority Par. Article 41 of the EC Treaty 2413/1996 (1 124) and the Research Panepiton Institutes (E.P.I.) established in accordance with Article 17 of the Law 2083/1992 in the context of the implementation of projects managed, with the execution of works, the supply of goods or services, are subject to the provisions of Article 139 of the Treaty. 4281/2014 (1 204), if their value is higher than the amount of EUR 1 000 (without including VAT). Other: The deadline referred to in Article 4 of the Law No 4354/2015

Is closed until 30.6.2016. 8. A. .. The par. Article 22a of the EC Treaty 4172/2013

('167)' Income Tax Code ' is replaced by the following:

' 1. The cost of scientific and technological research, including the depreciation of equipment and instruments used for the purposes of the implementation of scientific and technical research, shall be deductible from the Gross income of the enterprises at the time of their operation increased by 30 % (30 %). The criteria for defining the above expenditure are laid down by a joint ministerial decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs and Education, Research and Teaching. If any losses occur after deduction of the above percentage, they are transferred on the basis of Article 27 of this ... '. In Article 24 (4) of that law,

Add a new asset class with opposite-the depreciation coefficient and a new period as follows:

" Equipments and instruments used for the performance of scientific and technological performance


Research .. 40 As equipment and instruments used for

The need for the implementation of scientific and technical research, as described in the relevant article of the Joint Ministerial Decision of Article 22a. '

9 a. (Parliament adopted the resolution) Article 7 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 432/1981 (1 118), as amended by paragraph 1 of Article 1 (1) of the first paragraph of Article 7 (1). 4093/2012 (A-222), shall be replaced by the following:

' a. The Research Committee, after approval by the Council of the University or of the TEI Assembly, may have up to fifty percent annually (50 %) of the unallocated reserves of ELKE to meet its operational needs, once or for all. Or by giving it to the budget of the respective A. E. R., either by giving it to the Pension and Management Company of the University of Athens, or by managing the same amount on behalf of the institution." Other: The research and technological bodies of the article

13a of n. 4310/2014 and the Special Investigations Account (s) of these, the Special Investigations Account of the Joint Research Centre, the Special Faces (Companies) for the Development and Management of the AIA, set up under the authority of Par. Article 41 of the EC Treaty 2413/1996 and the Investigative Service Institutes (H.P.I.) established pursuant to Article 17 of the Law. No 2083/1992 may carry out expenditure related to services and security services, fuel supplies, maintenance and repair services of buildings and equipment and services of general interest of the relevant research; and Technological operators referred to in Article 13a of n. 4310/2014 and A. E. I, respectively. The research and technological bodies of the article

13a of n. 4310/2014 and the Special Investigations Account (s) of these, the Special Investigations Account of the Joint Research Centre, the Special Faces (Companies) for the Development and Management of the AIA, set up under the authority of Par. Article 41 of the EC Treaty 2413/1996 and the Investigative Service Institutes (H.P.I.) established pursuant to Article 17 of the Law. No 2083/1992 may pay a fee for additional employment and/or profitability for workers and/or employees with any relation (work, project or mandate) to the above bodies, where there is a relevant Commission decision. Investigation of the ELKE or the Board of Directors of the research or technological body and provided that the limits laid down in Article 28 (1) of the Law are complied with. 4354/2015. Other: The arrangements for its previous cases

This paragraph applies retrospectively from 2010.

10. The par. Point 4 of Article 69a of the EC Treaty 4270/2014 object as follows:

' 4. As of 31.12.2015, all Central Government institutions, in addition to those belonging to the Central Government, shall be transferred to the United Kingdom, subject to corresponding sub-accounts. On the basis of the decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs, which is issued as the date shown above, the arrangements for the operation of the sub-accounts shall be determined, the operation of their respective departments.

Management, accounting for their movements, their further structure, and any other relevant details. With the same decision or decision, account shall be taken of the accounts excluded from the obligation of transport to the Single Account. The above decisions have retroactive effect as of 31.12.2015. '

11. The remuneration of profitability provided for in paragraph 1. Article 38 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 3205/2003 (A-297) and appropriations entered in the three (3) previous years to the research or technological body by the research or technological body or programmes financed exclusively from private funds or programmes financed by the European or international funds or from surpluses derived from sales of products or services, can be paid, under the auspices of the Board of Investigation or Technology, to all the staff of the institution which participated in the project. Any project or programme or the sale of goods or services. This staff includes, in addition to the Researchers and Special Functionists, all the categories of staff of the Research and Technological Entities in Article 13a of the Law. 4310/2014.

12 a. Responsible for the projects carried out by the research and technological aspects of Article 13a of the Law. 4310/2014 may be researcher/ELE, all personnel (permanent or under private law) of the institution itself, are holders of a post-graduate Diploma. They may also be professors, lecturers and lecturers, as well as external collaborators, as long as they hold a doctoral degree. To this end, a decision of the Board of Directors shall be required. Individual responders of the projects carried out;

The Committee of the Scientific Committee for Research, Technological Development and Energy, and the Committee on Research, Technological Development and Energy, and the Committee on Research, Technological Development and Energy, and the Committee on Research, Technological Development and Energy, and the Committee on Research, Technological Development and Energy. They may also be external partners, as long as they are a PhD qualification. The possibility to be certain or all of the above categories of persons responsible, as well as the special conditions set out in the European Monetary Institute's Funding Guidelines.

13 a. The par. 2 cases in Article 23. No 4009/2011 (1 195) is replaced by the following:

' To be paid out of financial projects handled by the Special Investigation Account (ELKE), or the NIFRS of any AEA, provided for in Article 58, or any research institute or centre supervised by Any Ministry ". B. The par. 2) Article 23 (2)

N. Having regard to Decision No 4009/2011 (A19195), shall be replaced by the following:

The limitation of the restrictions provided for in paragraph 1 (c) of this paragraph and after the establishment of the Factor of the School in which it is located. The failure to comply with the above obligation shall constitute a disciplinary offence in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 23 (1) of the first paragraph of Article 23 (1 220). ' Other: The par. Article 23 of the EEC Treaty 409/2011 (1195)


It is understood as follows: ' The fees of teachers and service assistants -

Full-time cases in the first paragraph of the preceding paragraph shall be collected through the European Research Account of the institution, where they serve and are subject to a deduction of five per cent (5 %) of gross amount. The above deduction is a resource of the Special Investigation Account of the relevant AWU. The teachers and the serving lecturers shall be full -

The Committee of the Regions calls on the Commission to submit to the Council a proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 2052/87 on the common organization of the market in milk and milk products and amending Regulation (EEC) No 2052/87. The above-mentioned amount is a resource of the Special Investigation Account. Failure to comply with the obligation to comply with the obligation shall constitute a disciplinary offence in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 23 (1) of the first paragraph of Article 23 (1 220). By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs and

Education, Research and Religion is determined by the procedure for recovery or digitisation of the amount in the Special Investigation Account, the manner and type of debt adjustment, the number and type of dose adjustment, and Any other technical or detailed matter. By decision, it may be possible to amend the percentage of cases in which case (a), (c) and (i) which is a resource of the Special Investigation Account. '

14. The Institute of Geological and Metal Workers (I.C.U.) and the Institute of Computer Technology and Publications "Diophantus" (I.T.U.) in the management of their research projects funded exclusively by European or international The scope of the application of paragraphs 1, 5 and 7a of this Article shall be entered in the scope of this Article.

Article 25 Transitional and final provisions for Research,

Technological Development and Innovation

1. Where in n. 4310/2014 GSC refers to the GSC.

2. The deadline of six (6) months of par. Question No 1, by Mr Desselo 4310/2014 is extended until 31.7.2016.

3. The institution of the following research bodies is suspended until 31 December 2016: Western Greece Research Centre (EKEDE) with

Headquarters in Patras. OTHER: Eastern Macedonia Research Center -

(')-'Karatheodorou' based in Komotini. "C." Research and Business Innovation Centre

Central Greece (E.K.K.). D; Institute of Optics and Optics, as NORD, with a

It works in Heraklion Crete. UH ... Institute of Tourism Research (IPO) as

NIS. Based in Rhodes. For the establishment of the above research bodies a -

The procedure provided for in paragraph 1 shall be followed. Article 13 of the Law 4310/2014, as amended, as amended by this law.

4. A. The ELR of any degree (1, B, C, D), which holds a doctoral degree and are assigned a personal research centre or institute or an independent institute, supervised by the Ministry of Education, Research and Religion, and have Submit an application within the three months of paragraph 6 of Article 47 of the Law. 4310/2014, they may be judged for the occupancy of a temporary position (1, B, C) within the body of which they are making staff, according to the following procedure: The ELE must submit a supplementary application

To the organisation, indicating the extent to which they wish to be judged. The subject-matter of a post-filled position shall be determined by the Director of the Institute in which he/she serves, following an agreed opinion of the scientific council of Article 17 of the Law. 4310/2014. Candidates must have the minimum pre -

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 18 (2) thereof, 4310/2014. The crisis committees are set up, in accordance with the

Article 29 of Law 4310/2014, depending on the degree for which the candidate wishes to be judged. The decision of the crisis committee shall be submitted to

Board of the institution or director of the institute and shall be binding. The ELOs, which are deemed to be successful, enter into a working relationship of indefinite or some time analgedy to the extent to which they are classified as provided for in Article 18 of the Law. 4310/2014 or belong to a public-law relationship in the case of a corresponding position in a public research or technological body. In the event of a negative crisis, the candidates maintain the position they already had. The crisis procedures must be completed by 31.12.2016. Other: The general scientific-technical staff -

(permanent or non-permanent working relationship) which holds a doctoral degree and is a staff of the research centre or institute supervised by the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs and has applied within it. The European Parliament and the Council adopted a common position on this proposal. Point 6 of Article 47 of the Law 4310/2014, it may be judged for the occupying of a temporary post office or a member of the research centre or institute of which they are staff, in accordance with the following procedure. The staff of the present case shall be

Where an additional application is made to the institution, the extent to which the mark is to be made shall be indicated. The subject-matter of the post-filled office shall be determined by the Director of the Institute in which he/she serves, following a unanimous opinion of the Council of Article 17 of the Law. 4310/2014. Candidates for researcher positions must be

The minimum qualification per research point, as provided for in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Article 18 of the Law. 4310/2014. Candidates for EUA positions must have the

Minimum qualifications per grade, in accordance with the provisions of this and the internal regulation of their organisation. The crisis committees are set up, in accordance with the


Article 29 of Law 4310/2014, depending on the degree for which the candidate wishes to be judged. The decision of the crisis committee shall be submitted to

Board of the Centre or the Director of the Institute and shall be binding. The staff of the present case, which shall be deemed to be successful, shall enter into a working relationship of a maximum or a certain time, depending on the extent to which it is classified as provided for in Article 18 of the Law. 4310/2014 or part of a public-law relationship in the case of a similar position in a public research or technological body. In the event of a negative crisis, the candidates maintain the position (non-permanent or indefinite) that they already had. The crisis procedures must be completed by 31 December 2016. Other: All applications already submitted in accordance with

The provisions of Article 47 (6) of the Law. 4310/2014 must follow the procedure and other conditions provided for in this Article. In addition, for the single management of all operations, any crises that may have been completed by the time of the present are repeated in accordance with the procedure and the terms of the present. '

5 a. Procedures for the crisis of research personnel for which, at the time of entry into force, a selection or development decision has been adopted in accordance with Article 29 of the Law. No 4310/2014 are affected. Applications for a crisis of research staff submitted after the entry into force of the Law. No 4310/2014, and for which, until the date of entry into force of the Act, the decision to choose or to develop by a qualified judge referred to in Article 29 of the Law has not been adopted. 4310/2014, in accordance with Article 29, as amended and applicable.

6. The term of office of Regional Councils of State and Innovation has been set up in accordance with Article 10 of the Law. 4310/2014 and re-gated in accordance with the provisions of that Article, as amended and applicable.

7. Invitations for applications which have been issued and the decisions to be made by committees which have been published in the first instance. Article 10 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014, as the case may be, shall be automatically withdrawn and reissued in accordance with the provisions of this point.

8 a. From the date of entry into force, the term of office of the members of the ESI Funds, set up in accordance with Article 46 of the Law, shall expire. Regulation (EEC) No 3848/2010 (' 71) and whose term of office was extended under Article 30 (1). 4327/2015 (1 50). Other: Pending the establishment of the ECJ in accordance with the procedure,

Application of Article 12 of the Law 4310/2014, as the case may be, by decision of the Minister of Education, Research and Threat, a provisional ECF shall be established. This collective body is composed of seventeen (17) members and their choice is at the discretion of the Ministry. The ECSC shall exercise the powers provided for in the n. 4310/2014, as applicable. The term of office of the members of the provisional ECJ which will be

They shall be selected on the basis of point (b) of this Annex.

In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 12 of the Statute, the graph shall end with the establishment of the ECJ. 4310/2014, and not later than 4 months after the date of entry into force of this law.

9. Until the establishment of the TES, in accordance with paragraph 2. Article 12 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014, the TES, which had already been set up and operated in accordance with Article 9 of the Law, continue to operate. 1), as the case may be, and shall exercise the powers referred to in paragraph 12d, as well as those referred to in paragraph 12d, and those referred to in paragraph 12d. 4310/2014 expressly commissions them. The ETUC shall, in accordance with the provisions of this law, automatically end the term of office of the RUs which has been set up on the basis of provisions preceding this law.

10. If at the time of the entry into force has been the term of office of a Research Centre or a Central Directorate of the EC or a Research Institute, the Director shall continue to perform his duties until the appointment of the new and no later than 6 (6) months from the publication of this publication. If it is not possible to appoint a new manager within six (6) months, the Board of Directors shall, on a temporary basis, in the case of a research centre or central EC address, to the Vice-President of the Governing Board, in the case of the Executive Board. A research institute, the Deputy Director-General for the management of current affairs, as defined in the decision of the Governing Council. If the Vice-President of the Board is missing or obstructed, the tasks of the Directorate-General for Research or Central Directorate are to be performed by one of the directors of the institutes, in accordance with paragraph 1. Point 15 of Article 15 of n. 4310/2014, as valid until the appointment of the new Director. If the Deputy Director of the Institute is missing or unable to attend, the duties of the Director of the Director shall be exercised by the oldest researcher in the institute or in the event of a lack thereof, by the oldest researcher b. An institution, following a unanimous opinion of the ESS.

11. The notices for the positions of Directors of Research Centres, Directors of Management Central and Directors of Research Institutes, issued after the entry into force. 4310/2014 are legal tender and the selection process of the above positions shall be conducted in accordance with the objectives defined in n. 4310/2014, as amended and applied by the present. The following two (2) months of (a) and (b) (b). Point 10 of Article 16 of n. 4310/2014 starts from the entry into force of this law.

12. The Management Board of the Research Centres is reconstituted, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 15, within six (6) months from the publication of this publication. Until then, it shall meet with the existing in the publication of this formula.

13. The number of nominees for the National Council for Research and Innovation (E.S.E.C.), the Regional Council (T.E.C.), the Regional Council;


Research and Innovation (SEA), as well as the members of the Scientific Advisory Councils (E.C.) of the Research Centres and the Scientific Advisory Councils (E.C.) of the Research Institute, is based on scientific excellence, and In accordance with the application of a minimum-1/3 quota for the sex under Article 116 of the Constitution, the candidates shall have the necessary qualifications to cover the relevant, where appropriate, a position.

14. The Scientific Councils of the Institutes established under paragraphs 2, 3, 6 and 7 of Article 17 of the Law. 4310/2014 shall be automatically repealed from the publication of this publication.

15. With the decision of the Board of Directors of ELPTE, it may be necessary for the research vessels of ELCSE personnel with a private contract for a limited period of time for full or partial employment. It is also permitted by the same procedure for the staffing of the maritime service of the centre, the recruitment and the need for the general management of the bodies of the European Parliament and of other maritime personnel with a working relationship with private law. A certain time, for a full or partial employment. The working conditions and the level of all types of staff of the above staff shall be determined by joint decision of the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs and the Minister for Economic Affairs. Pending the publication of this Decision, the Joint Ministerial Decision shall remain in force on 2/29117/0022/2009 (B' 1385). In addition, in the staff of the ELCCTH, as well as to any person authorised by the ELKETED person who is on board (proprietary or rented-a) of ELCCTH, it may be possible to grant compensation for embarkation, facilitation and work on board vessels, Compensation for underwater operations or the survival of persistent scuba diving. These allowances shall not be charged to the ordinary budget but the corresponding programme. The amount and categories of staff who may receive the above statements shall be determined by a decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs and the Minister for Education, Research and Therry, following an opinion by the Board of Directors.

16. For secondments, certain or indefinite periods, to the General Secretariat for Research and Technology in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 (b). 706/1977 (1 279), only a decision by the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs is required.

17. Par. Article 5 of the Law Regulation (EC) No 2919/2001 (A-128)

' 2. A joint decision by the Minister for Economic Affairs and the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs is entitled to participate in the exclusive ownership of the National Park of Patras (EPD). This Decision regulates all the specific losses relating to the transfer of the shares of the AWP to FORTH, as well as any other relevant details. '

18. Costs of the legal person governed by private law with the authority of a "SCIENTIFICATION CENTRE AND SOCIAL TECHNOLOGY", which has been carried out despite the absence of the budget.

By the Ministry of Supervisor, in accordance with Article 63 of the Law. 4270/2014, no nullity of this speech.


Article 26 Administrative issues of universities and TEI.

1. At the end of par. Point 15 of Article 8 of. For a four-year term of office, 4009/2011 (1st 195), as applicable, is added.

2. The last verses of subparagraphs (b) and (d) of par. Article 8 of Article 8 of the EC Treaty No 4009/2011 (A-195), as it stands, will be repealed.

3. In the last paragraph of the case with par. Article 8 of Article 8 of the EC Treaty No 4009/2011 (1 195), as this letter has been replaced, was finally replaced by the paragraph. Point 8 of Article 2 of the Law Article 6 of Regulation (EEC) No 4076/2012 (1 159), with Article 6 of the Act of Accession of 7 October 2015, ratified by Article 12 of the Law. The words'and Quaestors' are deleted from 4350/2015 (1 161).

4. Article 8 of the Law As applicable, 4009/2011, paragraph 13B is added as follows:

' 13B. Where the Council decides to take a decision or to exercise all or part of its powers or act in accordance with its foreseeable powers, it shall be replaced by the Senate of the IEA. In the event of an opinion or adoption of an approval decision, the opinion or the approval shall be deemed to have been granted after a 30 (30) days after the date of the date of receipt or of the decision in question. The decisions taken by the Senate

The Founding Fathers until the publication of this publication in the preceding paragraph due to the inability of the Council to function is legitimate."

5. In par. Article 10 of the EC Treaty In addition, the words'or set up' shall be inserted after the word 'hereby established'.

6. The case (c) of par. Article 80 of the EEC Treaty EUR 4009/2011 is replaced by the following:

(c) Until the entry into force of Article 5 of each institution and its Article 6 of the Rules of Procedure, the matters referred to therein shall be regulated by decisions of the Senate, published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Governor-as. '

7. All procedures for the election of the Comoros held after the beginning of Article 6 of the 7.10.2015 Act of Legislative Contents (A΄ 127) which was ratified by Article 12 of the Law. No 4350/2015 (1 161) have the legal status and acts of appointment of the Assets adopted pursuant to the provisions of the Treaty.

8. The Prytanian Councils which are in operation at the time of entry into force and have been set up by decisions of the Syrians concerned after the entry into force of the Law. They shall be deemed to have agreed on 4009/2011 or set up after the publication of the present act.


9. The Research Paneptic Institutes (H.P.I.) established pursuant to Article 17 of the Law. 2083/1992 and of which the operation ended at 31 December 2015, continue to operate and freeze in force for the operation of the Research Institute (E.P.I.) provisions. The validity of this paragraph shall begin on 1.1.2016.

10. Quantities which have been allocated to Directors of Research Centres or Institutes, which, during the course of the period from 1997 to 2008, have been allocated to the Directors of Research Centres or Institutes from 1997 to 2008. As a result of the work of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Group on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Group on Employment and Social Affairs Any increments may also be deleted and the relevant debiting is not carried out.

Article 27 Setting up of Teaching, Teaching,

Laboratory and Technical Personnel of special categories of University and TEI.

1. Until the adoption of the presidential decree provided for in paragraph 1. Article 29 of the EC Treaty For the purposes of this Article, Regulation (EC) No 118/2002 (1999), (1999) (1999) and (d), 147/2009 (A-189) apply to the requirements of this Article.

2. The par. Article 29 of the EC Treaty Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

' 6. A presidential decree, issued on the basis of a proposal by the Ministers of Internal Affairs and Administrative A-constitution, Economic and Education, Research and Religion, shall determine the score and salary situation and progress of the members of the above. Staff categories and arrangements relating to their general service status, such as immunisation, transfers, secondments, grant and other licences, and any other issues relating to their obligations and their rights. '

3. For the degree and salary classification of the staff and the appointments during the publication of the current members of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Communities, account shall be taken of the total time of service of the staff above to the public. With any employment relationship. The members of the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, and until its adoption in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty. Article 29 of the EC Treaty Special Report No 4009/2011 Presidential Decree No 4009/2011, classified in par. Article 1 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 118/2002 (1999). For the ranking of the services and the appointments to be made available at the time of the publication of the current REC, account shall be taken of the recognised total time of service of the staff at the public with any employment relationship. The members of the Scientific Committee for the Unions, from the publication of the product, and until its adoption in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty. Article 29 of the EC Treaty Special Report No 4009/2011 of Presidential Decree No 117/2002 (1999). For the classification in the grades of the members of the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, the duration of the term of office of the Board of Directors

It is used as a three-year period and the time taken is taken into account for progression to subsequent stages. Where the relevant provisions of paragraph 118/2002, as is the case, refer to the European Parliament and the European Parliament, the EP and the European Parliament respectively. The members of the E.E.P., E.E.P. and E.T.A. of the T.E.I. and the UNSCR continue to maintain their mark status and fall into the provisions of Chapter V' s. 4354/2015, until its adoption in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty. Article 29 of the EC Treaty 4009/11 presidential decree.

4. Paragraph 1 of par. Article 68 of the EEC Treaty 4235/2014 (1 32) is replaced by the following:

' 1. Services in the publication of the present members of the categories of EDE. (i and II), ER.D.E.P., E.T.E.U. And E.T.P. of the A.E.I. are included in the respective positions provided for in Article 29 of the Law. 4009/2011 categories of E.E.P., E.D.S. and E.T.A. .. For the inclusion of the members of the above-mentioned sections, an accreditation of the relevant act is published in the Official Journal of the European Communities and the department concerned is taken into account for each service, grade and salary. The Committee of the In particular, from the publication of the present, the serving members of the categories of EDE. (Sectors I and II), E.T.E.P., E.T.P. and EP.IA, which are provided for in Article 29 of the Law. 4009/2011) Qualifications of the categories of E.E.P.A., E.D.S. and E.T.A., respectively, are self-righteous in empty organisational positions or the recommended conversion of their themes, while those who do not have formal qualifications fit in a fair way. Corresponding pre-natal positions as above. In the event of the formal qualifications of the categories of staff of the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the European Parliament, the members shall be placed in organisational positions under the same procedure. For this process of self-righteous integration, it is not necessary to have a PhD in dual or post-graduate studies on well-known objects of exceptional and unquestionable specificity, for which it is not possible or normal to work. Doctoral thesis or the acquisition of a post-graduate qualification ".

5. The par. Article 55 of the EC Treaty 4264 (1 118) objects as follows:

' 2. With the completion of the accession process provided for in paragraphs 2 and 5 of the accession process, Question No 3, by Mr Desselo 4235/2014 (1 32), the positions of the members of the CSR category referred to in Article 29 of the Law For the purposes of Article 29 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 4009/2011, the permanent administrative staff and private-law employees who have been assigned to the AIA shall act autonomously in lieu of the positions referred to in Article 29 of the Law. No 4009/2011, of members of the European Union, with a corresponding delay in the exercise prior to their accession. The above categories of staff who are included in the categories of categories of ADR which have the provisions laid down in Article 29 of the Law. 4009/2011 formal qualifications of the respective category are either empty or recommend to the conversion of the organisational positions of the EU."

6. For the educational licences and translations of the members of the European Parliament and the European Parliament, the provisions of paragraph 147/2009 (A189) are applied as they apply. The same provisions of the above presidential decree


They also apply mutatis mutandis to the members of the E.T.E.U. Of Panepisos, as well as the categories of E.E.P., E.P.A. and HPD serving in T.E.I. and in ASPAITE. In addition, an educational leave may be granted for a year-end survey of one year with the forecast each time for every six years of service or six months for each of the three years of service, in accordance with the conditions and conditions laid down by the Commission. They shall be specialised in a regulatory decision of the Senate of the institution concerned. A-from the publication of the Official Journal of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities is a member of the Court of Justice. They shall continue and shall be completed in accordance with the provisions of this publication in the publication of the present procedures or applications.

7. The services are served by the members of the European Economic and Social Committee, which have been assigned to these categories by the categories of the members of the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee. For which no known subject matter has been established, they may request a relevant request to the academic unit responsible for determining it. For its definition, the teaching or scientific work or postgraduate studies of the applicant shall be taken into account. The determination of the subject is done by means of a statement by the Rector published in the Court of Appeal of the Government, and is adopted by a decision of the academic unit (Division of the School, School of the School or of the Council). The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission. In the areas in which you are operating, the decision to adopt the Convention requires the prior opinion of the field in which the Haitian serves. The above-mentioned procedure is also required in the case of a change of knowledge already defined.

8. In the case of a "ah" of par. Article 6 of the Law The phrase ', as well as to the Special Technical Laboratory of Personnel (E.T.A.), referred to in Articles 28 and 29' shall be replaced by the words'provided for in Article 28'. In the case of paragraph b. Article 6 of the Law The words'and the Special Technical Laboratory of Personnel (E.T.E.U.)' are added after the word '(E.D.I.P.)'.

9 a. The case b of par. 1 and the second indent of paragraph 1 (b). Article 29 of the EC Treaty EUR 4009/2011 is replaced by the following:

(b) The positions of the staff belong to the Foundation and are allotted by decision of the Senate to the Schools, to the Schools or to the Foundation, after consultation of the Rector or the Costs or the Presidents of the chambers. By decision of the Assembly, the positions of the members of the European Parliament and of the European Parliament may be adopted in accordance with their knowledge of the subject. ' Other: The case b of par. Article 29 (3)

N. Special Report No 4009/2011 is replaced by the following: " The positions of this staff belong to the Foundation

And be allocated by decision of the Senate to the Schools following a recommendation by the Rector or the agents. By decision of the CoC, the positions of the TEC.

They are allocated to the sections, while a decision of the Section for Currency may be allocated to the sectors, Laboratories or clinics, according to their needs. In special cases the positions may belong to the Foundation or to the School. ' Other: Responsible institution for all issues relating to

The members of the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the European Parliament. In cases where matters belong to the School or to the Foundation, this competence shall be exercised by the Assembly of the School or the Centre, respectively. '

10. The par. Article 29 of the EC Treaty 4009/2011 is replaced by:

' 4. The appointment in positions of the categories of the preceding paragraphs shall be made by means of a contract notice and selection of candidates from the Assembly or the School or the Senate, depending on the academic unit to which the position belongs. The terms and conditions for the proclamation of the posts and the procedure for the selection and periodical assessment of the above staff shall be governed by the institution of the institution and until its adoption by its regulatory decision. Senate to be published in the Official Journal of the Government. For the purpose of the decision and the selection procedure, the provisions of Articles 2 and 3 of paragraph 147/2009 (1 189) are taken into account. The same provisions shall be applied to all categories of staff of the present article of the universities, T.E.I. and ASPAITE. '

11 a. The members of the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee are obliged to report to the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Party, on the basis of a report drawn up by the Committee on Social Affairs and Employment. (b) In the case of a number of Member States, the number of members of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank shall be determined by the Court of Justice of the European Union. Members of the European Parliament are required to attend.

At a minimum of twenty-six (26) hours, on a minimum basis, and providing all forms of specialized technical laboratory work.

12 a. The last subparagraph of paragraph 1 (a) of the Treaty. Article 29 of the EC Treaty No 4009/2011, as the case may be, is expressed as follows:

" Doctoral degrees, either in the members of the terminal branch, may be awarded teaching, teaching courses for small groups of students under the supervision of the faculty of the faculty, and may participate in the study. On-the-spot or other work. ' b. The case of the par. 12 of Article 44a of

N. 4115/2013, as applicable, also applies to the members of the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee. At the end of the case (c) of par. Article 2

14 of n. The following sentence is added: 4369/2016 (Α-33), the following sentence is added: ', and the Special Technical Laboratory Staff (E.T.A.) of the A.E.I.'. For the services at 31.12.2015 E. T.I.Q. Or

The Board of Omniers, which served on 1.11.2011 as the E.T.E.P., their salary status and evolution, with the application of the provisions of the United Kingdom. (EC) No 3205/2003 until 31.12.2015


Legal tender, taking into account all their readable time of service. The remuneration paid in respect of the above staff until 31 December 2015 is considered to be legal tender and may not be sought, and for the application of Article 27 of the Law. 4354/2015 the remuneration paid at 31.12.2015 is counted. From the publication in the Official Journal of the Government of their accession to the EC category, in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 5 of the Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal. Question No 3, by Mr Desselo 4235/2014 (A32), the members of the European Parliament shall continue to be paid until 31 December 2015, in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement. The Commission adopted: 4024/2011, respectively. From 1 January 2016 to the date of publication of the present, the members of the European Economic and Social Committee, which were included in this category from the category of members of the European Parliament or of the officials of civil servants or private-law employees, Are subject to the salary arrangements of Chapter VI of the n. 4354/2015.

Article 28 Settlement of goods for the effective operation of the

Panepins and TEI.

1. In par. Article 24 of the EC Treaty The following shall be added to the following: 4009/2011 (A19195) as applicable:

" The Deputy Rector of the University and the Deputy Presidents of the TEI, may be exempt from all or part of their teaching staff following a decision by the Senate of the institution to which they serve after his opinion. The Court of Cassation. The Presidents of the Administrative Councils of the

Of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs during their term of office, may be exempt from their teaching and personal duties in the University or the TEI in which they serve. '

2. The par. Article 25 of the EC Treaty Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

' 2. The salaries of the Rector and of the Deputy Rector of the University and of the President and Deputy Presidents of the T.E.I., the President and Vice-Presidents of the Board of Directors of the Greek Open University, and the International Panepi - In the case of Greece, the Costs and the Presidents of the Chambers shall be determined by common decision of the Ministers for Economic and Education, Research and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

3. The provisions of Article 5 (d. 407/1980 (A1112), for the recruitment of scientific experts, either doctoral degrees or exceptional technical or artistic activity with a working relationship for a period of time; In the field of teaching, research and scientific work, they shall be applied by analogy to all of the Member States of the country and to all their bodies and do not concern a number of JEPs or OPs or teachers or L6 servants. The case (d) of par. Article 2 of the Law 1674/1986 (1203) is hereby repealed.

4. The teaching assignments and contracts are soon available.

Working conditions in accordance with Art. 407/1980 (1st 112), Article 19 of the Law. (EEC) No 1404/1983 (1 173), as is the case, paragraph 163/2002 (1) (1) (1) (c) and (c)). Article 29 of the EC Treaty 4009/2011 (1195) as completed by the par. Article 34 of the EC Treaty 4115/2013 (A-24) for the academic years 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015, which concerned approved appropriations for corresponding ministerial decisions.

5. At the end of par. Article 24 of the EC Treaty Special Report No 4009/2011 (Al 195), as amended by Article 34 of the Treaty. Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 4115/2013 (' 24), the following subparagraph is added:

' In the case of the preceding subparagraph and at the request of the Professors concerned, the duration of the time of suspension of their noses shall be calculated as a period of time to the degree they serve, following a decision of the Assembly. Section, from which it would appear that the professor was exercising throughout the time of the suspension of his duties. '

6. (a) par. Article 27 of the EC Treaty No 4009/2011 (1 195) is replaced by the following:

' 4.a) Each professor shall be required to serve in the AWU from which he was granted scientific leave or another ADI if he was elected to a T or School for three (3) years after the expiry of the above licence. In a different case, the remuneration received at the time of the licence was charged to the Member State (b) in the case of the present case.

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Public Health and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Energy

7. The par. Article 39 of the EC Treaty The following shall be replaced by 4009/2011:

' 5. (a) By decision of the General Assembly of the Special Report, it is defined for each applicant institution as a supervising professor and with the condition that he/she consents to the nominated teacher of the same or tenderer who is known as the Which is interested in the PhD candidate. With the same trial, more than one person may be appointed by the same or other faculty members or rather than a number of researchers from a research institution of the country or abroad. (b) Facts of TEI are allowed to cooperate

In this context, it is important to stress the importance of the development of a doctoral thesis in the field of education and training in the European Union. Cooperation shall consist of the definition for each sub-digit doctorate, with decisions of the institutions of the institutions of the Professor T.E.I. of the same or relevant knowledge of the subject for which the PhD candidate is concerned, as co-supervisor, With the consent of the designated person. The criteria are to be met by the TEI of the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) in order to work with the departments of the University of the Netherlands for the preparation of doctoral dissertations, as well as any other necessary for the convention. By decision of the Minister for Education, Research and Religion. '

8. The decisions of the Senate of the National


And a Kapodistrian University of Athens of the meetings 20.2.2012 (B΄ 1317) and 22.3.2012 (B΄ 1649) with which the procedure for election, redemption, permanent appointment, appointment to teachers' positions was established. Prior to, the n. Regulation (EC) No 4009/2011, a legislative regime for which a selective body was established by 31 December 2012. Election, development and ionization procedures

The decisions referred to in the preceding subparagraph shall be valid and shall be deemed to be valid only in full from the time of completion, irrespective of any incipient revocation or cancellation for a reason related to the law; (i) the implementation of the decisions of those Member States;

9. In par. Article 15 of the EC Treaty The following is added to the following indent (' 78):

(j) During the term of office of the President of the EP and the Presidents of the Council of Higher Education Education, the Council of Higher Technological Education and the Council of First-born and Secondary Education, To be exempt from their teaching and administrative tasks in the University or TEI in which they serve. '

10. For administrative and technical support, as well as all kinds of services concerning the operation of the Hellenic Open University and the Computer Technology Institute "I.T.Y.E.-Diophantus", can be Re-concluded as contracts for a certain period of time or contracts for a project up to 30.6.2017 for individual projects or working contracts for some time or contracts with any legal form with them as such; Have expired until 31 December 2015, notwithstanding the provisions of the n. No 2190/1994, PYS, and Article 9 (2) (c). 8 of n. NO 3812/2009 The costs of the contracts will be covered exclusively by the own resources of the entities and will not be borne by their regular budget or government grant. There is no way in any event the recognition of such contracts as an event of indefinite duration, as well as the recognition of any other rights arising from these agreements.

Article 29 Adoption of the Court of First Review

Accreditation of the Securities and Information Security Agency

Article 4 of the Law The following shall be added: 3328/2005 (A-80)

' 9. A. .. Postgraduate diploma in music, theatrical and dance studies of the host of the rest of the rest of the world, who was awarded after admission and attendance in accordance with the Master's Degree Programme, is recognised as self-sufficient without (a) at the time of entry into the Master's Degree, under the following conditions: aa) at the time of entry into

(i) a degree of specialization in the field of specialization in the field of education; and

(bb) the studies have been carried out in the country by the law of the title. Doctoral degree in music, theatrical and

In the case of a foreign national, foreign nationals must be entitled to the benefit of the host Member State in accordance with the conditions laid down in paragraph 1 of that paragraph. '

Article 30 Other provisions on university and T.E.I.

1. Fixed monthly compensation for the creation and updating of a library, as well as for participation in participation in the permanent and temporary staff of the AEDs and of the research bodies is not taxable income and is not taxable income. Withholding tax from the financial services of the relevant Agencies and the researchers' organisations. This provision shall apply as from 1.1.2015 and any contrary provision shall be repealed.

2. Article 56 of the Law. Paragraph 4, paragraph 4, is added as follows:

' 4. Grants awarded in the context of the special purpose of the special purpose of the para. Article 50 (2) of Article 50 shall be deducted as expenditure in accordance with Article 22 of the Law. 4172/2014, from the taxable income of the debtor. '

3. In par. Point 6 of Article 13 of the Law ), as follows: 2503/1997

"Excluding Panepitons and T.E.I., which carry out the process of promoting pre-donation-sponsors, for the supplies of the above-mentioned species".

4. The first subparagraph of Article 31 of the Law. 4186/2013 (1 193) is replaced by the following:

" Those who provide educational work against a recognized Institutes of Professional Training (I.E.C.), Vocational Training Centres (K.E.C.), Free Studies Workshops, Lifelong Learning Centres Level 1 and 2 and Colleges for supplies; In the absence of an operating licence issued by the competent institution of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, the alternates and hours are deduced from the teaching of the Second Chance Schools in Article 5 of the Law. 2525/1997 (1 188), workers at the Teaching of New Greek as a Foreign Language (DNEL) of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the workers at the School of Foreign Languages of the National and Kapodistrian University of A-Beast, as well as Workers at the School of Greece-the Aristotle Language of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki are subject to the insurance of I.K.A.-E. T. A. M., in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of the Law 1846/1951. '

5. In par. Article 11 of the Law Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 6 (2) thereof,

' a. This prohibition is without prejudice to Article 23 of the Law. No 4009/2011 (A-195), does not apply to the capital in Athens by the company with the "AGIA TRAS SA". And the distinctive title 'EUR-OP' for a period of two (2);


Of the entry into force of this Decision, subject to the express condition of the participation in the course of the project, with more than 80 % of the National and Clerical University of Athens or of the maintenance by the same establishment of management, The requirement that the provision of services is provided beyond the full-time working hours of the university doctors. ' The National Institute for Research and Technology-Hellas

And a Kapodistrian University of Athens (E.P.A.) with a decision of the Research Committee and the approval of the Council, it may conclude programmes or contracts for a certain period of time or contracts with the "EFTAINIDAY". THIRD-THIRD "THE THIRD" ANONYMOUS COMPANY ", provided that the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (E.T.A.) has more than 90 % of its own, in the sole support of research, education and operation. Panepistima Monadas and the use of sites and medical equipment between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Healer."

6. Article 21 (1) 9 of n. Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 4332/2015 (A '76) after the period (') following the word 'text', the second subparagraph is added as follows:

' In the cases referred to above and in so far as the date of registration is not provided for by the legal framework for transposition, the Commission shall, by way of its unanimous decision, be prepared to propose to the Minister for Foreign Affairs; The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Union

Article 31 Settlement of goods for the proper functioning

Of the State Scholarship Foundation

1. At the end of par. Article 3 of the Law (1) The following subparagraph shall be added:

' The conditions for awarding grants, grants and prizes for this publication, the number of awards, the manner in which it is covered, and the amount of the grants, the amounts allocated to the beneficiaries and all the issues necessary for the award of grants. (i) the law, payment and selection of the rights, as well as the corresponding programmes and the provisions governing them, are defined on a proposal by the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors, by joint decision of the Minister of Education, Research and Religion and the Minister of Finance and/or Minister of Finance, Development and Tourism (i) depending on whether the financing originates from the State Budget or the Public Investment Programme instead. ';

2. The par. Article 59 of the EC Treaty 3966/2011 (1 118) is hereby replaced by:

' 6. The evaluation of applications for the grant of undergraduate scholarships and financial aid from the I.C.U., as well as applications submitted in the context of the research programme of the I.C.U., is carried out individually by its most prominent scientific experts. Greece and abroad selected by decision of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Education, Research and Religious Affairs and the Economic and Social Committee, adopted on the basis of the

A proposal from the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors and published in the Official Journal of the European Communities is to determine the reimbursement of each evaluator, as well as the other relevant expenditure required for the assessment. A-compensation may not be higher than eighty (80,00) euro per assessed application, depending on the subject of the application, and the total annual amount of each evaluator will not exceed the amount of two thousand four hundred and four hundred thousand. (EUR 2,400,00) of the number of assessments carried out. '



Article 32 Setting up of the State Certificate of Glossary

The par. Article 3 of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 2740/1999 ('186) is replaced by the following:

' 1. A decision by the Minister for Education, Research and Religion is recommended in the Committee of the Regions, which is composed of members of the Administrative Staff (Administrative Staff) or the non-profit-making bodies of the foreign languages of the A.E.C., or Education of public and private education in the education of the branches of English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Turkish literature. The same decision shall specify at least two rapporteurs for each language in question from the listed members. The term of office of the members of the Committee of Inquiry shall be two years, beginning on 1 January and shall end on 31 December of the next item. The President and the Vice-President of the Central Committee of Inquiry are appointed by the same decision, together with a Secretary-General of the Central Committee, by the officials of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religion-of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religion-of the, branch of the IP, who are aware of a foreign language or by teachers of public education in the areas of university education in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish And Turkish Philosophy. For administrative support of this Committee, further secretarial staff may be set up by the same decision. '

Article 33 Settlement of the Staff Regulations

Staff of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religion

1. For the period from 8.12.2014 to 15.12.2015 the period of service of teachers in schools in Cyprus and Spanish schools abroad, provided that it has not been used for a-pain or pension, as well as the total time In the case of private education, it is necessary to take account of the accession of the Member State concerned to the provisions of the Staff Regulations. 4024/2011 (A-226) and its official status, without the seven-year limitation period.


2. (a) The last paragraph of par. Article 4 of the Law 3687/2008 (1 159), as replaced by par. Article 36 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 ('193 '), is replaced by the following:

(Failure of a Member State to comply with the principle of equal treatment for men and women) (Full Court of Justice of the European Union) (Full Court) (Second Chamber) This paragraph shall be initiated by the

School year 2016-2017 Especially for the 2015 -2016 school year, applications for the resignation of teachers submitted in the last 18 months of April are deemed to have been accepted at the date of submission of the application and their official relationship is automatically dissolved. The teachers remain in their service by the end of the school year and until then their salaries are paid. The pension starts to be paid from the next

The end of the school year. 3. The g's case of par. Article 31 (2)

N. As amended by Regulation (EC) No 3848/2010 (1 71), as replaced by the par. Article 37 of the EC Treaty Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

"G) in the Executive Board of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs and the Special Administrative Services".

4. At the end of par. Article 6 of the Law (') No 2817/2000 (1 78), as the case may be, shall be added as follows:

' By decision of the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, the allocation of the primary education and training staff to Directorates of Education, by region, is carried out by the Ministry of Education, The Committee of the Committee of the European

5. (a) The case of paragraph 6 (b). Article 25 of the EC Treaty 4203/2013 (1 235) is replaced by the following:

' 6. (a) Teachers who do not comply with the teaching schedule can be employed up to the completion of their compulsory teaching schedule: (aa) in programmes of teaching aids or additional teaching support; (b) secretarial support at the school in which they serve or at school in which they serve, or at the same time, and (c) in the administration of the education department in the Directorate of Education to which they serve. A condition of the award in question for the fulfilment of the mandatory teaching hours is to be the written confirmation from the Director of Primary or Secondary Education, which is referred to in the relevant Regional Director. However, it is important to note that, in the context of the education and training systems, it is clear that the training needs of teachers and teachers in schools or schools of the relevant Education Directorate have been fully covered. Employment to meet the compulsory teaching hours of teachers is determined by a decision of the Executive Director of Primary or Secondary Education, issued following an opinion from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education. Having regard to the provisions of the Treaty establishing the European Community,

The full coverage of teaching requirements at school in service or at other schools of the Education Directorate. The decision of the Directorate-General for Primary or Secondary Education for the completion of the compulsory hours of education is adopted by a decision of the Regional Director of Primary and Secondary Education. Under the responsibility of the Director-General for Primary or Secondary Education, the above-mentioned entrustment and approval for the fulfilment of the teaching curriculum of teachers is compulsorily completed within September; In the teaching year. In particular, for all the common specializations

Provisional and Secondary Education (IP05, WP06, IP07, WP11, WP16, WP19/20, WP32) shall be further written by the relevant Director of Education to the relevant Regional Director of Primary and Secondary Education. For each of the relevant qualifications of the Education Department in accordance with the provisions laid down in the relevant provisions, they have been fully covered in teaching hours for each of the relevant qualifications. Completion of the total number of common primary and secondary education levels is performed in school units and both (2) degree of training, with priority to the degree to which the teacher is located. The allocation and aggregation of the teaching hours of all the common specialities of primary and secondary education shall be determined by a decision of the Regional Director of Primary and Secondary Education, Having regard to the opinion of the PSATs, meeting on this issue at a joint meeting. This meeting shall be held under the responsibility of the responsible Regional Director of Primary and Secondary Education, compulsory within the first eighteen of September each year, which shall designate the President of the Joint Committee. The European Union In the preceding subparagraphs, the Commission considers that the

The Committee of the Committee of the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Committee of the European

(b) From 1 October to the end of the teaching year, the extra teaching hours are assigned to cover the teaching gaps. The development of teaching hours to meet the special needs is the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Primary or Secondary Education in accordance with the provisions laid down. In particular, on the understanding of the common specializations of primary and secondary education, the above award is given to school units and the two (2) degree of education, with priority to the degree to which the teacher belongs, with responsibility The relevant Regional Managers of Primary and Secondary Education. ' (b) The validity of this paragraph shall be initiated by

School year 2016-2017 6. The par. Article 48 of the EC Treaty Court of First Instance

It has been replaced by the par. Article 36 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 (Α193), is replaced by the following:

' 9. Empty places in experimental and standard templates


Schools may also be covered by the duration of a school year of permanent education, with the same increased academic qualifications as provided for and for the filling of posts. The choice of teachers to be determined is done by the following procedure: Each ECA announces before the end of the school year, at a time when it is defined by the ICPAs, the vacancies of its schools. Applicants to fill the vacant posts shall submit a dossier with the required supporting documents to the EDPS of their first proposal, which shall draw up the relevant table, giving each qualification the limits set for them. Positions with tenure. The total table is curved by a decision of the Board of Directors, which shall report thereon to the competent central advisors (SSSPE). The secondment of teachers is carried out by decision of the Minister for Education, Research and Religion. For the rest, the applicable provisions on secondment of teachers are provided.

If, during the course of the school year, there are any reason for the needs of regenerative instructors serving in WITSEC, they are hired by payers who have the same increased academic qualifications as are provided for in Filling posts with a mandate. For the selection of the trainers referred to in accordance with the preceding subparagraph, the ECA shall issue an invitation to tender. If, for any reason, it is not possible to recruit alternates with an increased academic year, in accordance with the above, the gaps are covered by the reserve lists of alternates of non-standard and experimental schools. The placement of the teachers selected is made by decision of the Board of Directors following a recommendation of the ECA which issued the call for interest."

7. Non-education teachers of primary and secondary education may take part in matters referred to in Article 29 of the Law. 4009/2011 (1st 195) of the Laboratory of Teaching Staff (NTUA) of the University and the TEI, with the year-long transfer of their position and expenditure, if they are cumulative: a) are holders of a doctorate. Unknown;

(b) have a published work in international scientific journals (see section 4.4). (b) published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

Magazines and congresses, relevant to these and (c) have post-doctoral Diploma

At least two (2) colloquial years in a Greek AWU or the foreign institution of foreign relevance in the case of a ' scientific/application/research project and they have an educational experience, or Experience in laboratory-application-didactic work or by-the-know professional/research project in relevant scientific field or have at least two years' related work in research centres of the country or of the Commission or the combination thereof. (a) relative order of the party concerned;

The amount of the teacher concerned to be submitted

(b) the approval of the competent official Council in whose competence the education and (c) decision of the Court of Justice is subject, following the recommendation of a tripartite committee, or This is the subject of two professors and a member of the European Parliament appointed by the Commodore.

The transfer of the teacher to the post of Laboratory of Teaching Staff is in conflict with the decision of the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the Government. The integration of the teacher into an EP position in the relevant Foundation shall be carried out by means of an accreditation of the Rector.

The staff involved are governed by the classes of the degree of degree and salary progression of the members of the A.E.E.I., as each time they apply. For the assessment of the degree and salary classification of the trainees, the total amount of service at the Symposium will be recognised at the International Symposium on any employment relationship and until its adoption in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 29 of the EC Treaty Special Report No 4009/2011 of the Presidency of the European Union shall form part of the scope of the Presidential Decree. Article 1 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 118/2002. The term of office in the introductory point is calculated as a three-year period and the time taken is taken to take account of developments in the subsequent stages. After accession to the category E.D.S., the staff involved are governed by the provisions of the Law. 4009/2011 (A195) and all laws in force concerning the members of the A.E.I.

The transfer may take place independently of the period of time elapsed since the transfer of the applicant to another degree of education.

8. At the end of case b of par. Point 6 of Article 20 of the Law 3966/2011 (1 118), as applicable, the following subparagraph is added as follows:

' The staff of this case may decide on the decision of the Minister of Education, Research and Thrace to be seconded to other departments, institutions and other bodies of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs on the inside or in the (i) external, in accordance with the legislation applicable to other officials of the public sector. ';

Article 34 Settlement of the Institute's competence

Educational Policy

1. The second indent of paragraph 1. Point 10 of Article 11 of the Law 3966/2011 (1 118), which has been added in the case of par. Article 36 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 (1 193), is replaced by the following:

(b) The Group of the European People's Party and the Rapporteurs shall be selected following a call for expressions of interest for teachers and administrators of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs or other ministries in the last six months. Before the expiry of each four-year term of office, they shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the next para graph. In case of a positive assessment, the term of office


May be renewed for a further four years after the expiry of which they shall return to their organizational position. The staff of this case may be assessed in accordance with the provisions of the next paragraph every two years. '

2. The first subparagraph of paragraph 2. Article 11 of the Law 3966/2011 (1 118), as amended in the case of paragraph 1 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 3966/2011. Article 36 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 (1 193), is replaced by the following:

' 12. The negative assessment, in accordance with the two preceding paragraphs, for those assessed in the case under point (a) of paragraph 10 constitutes a reason for the termination of their contract, for the reasons given in case b. And/or completion of the four-year term. '

Article 35 Setting-up of school units

Primary education and training

1. (a) par. Article 3 of the Law 1566/1985 (1 167), as replaced by Article 18 of Article 45 of the Law. The following shall be substituted for 4264/2014 (1 118):

' 5. The kindergartens, depending on the number of kindergartens of kindergartens, are name or location. The organisation of kindergartens is determined on the basis of kindergarten teacher equivalence and which cannot exceed one (1) kindergarten teacher for every twenty-five (25) infants and not less than: a) ten four (14) infants and (b) 5 (5) no longer in school units from remote, dysfunctional and para-border areas or areas with access to or areas for which registration is required in accordance with existing laws and regulations. Acts; The responsibility for the maintenance of the number of pupils per section is the relevant Director of Primary Education. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Education, Research and Religion, the number of pupils corresponding to each kindergarten is determined. Infants which operate within children's centres may be designated or polyposous, depending on the number of students attending and on the basis of the equivalence of a preschool position to twenty-five (25) infants. '

(b) The validity of this paragraph shall be initiated by the school year 2016-2017.

2.a) At the end of par. Article 7 (3) of the Law Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

" In particular, the entries for pupils for the first time in the kindergarten and in the first class of primary school shall be made exclusively from 1 to 20 May of the preceding teaching year, subject to the provision of the second subparagraph. '; This paragraph begins the school bus

2016-2017 for students attending primary education schools from the school year 2017-2018 onwards.

Article 36 Setting up of primary education strains

1. The Managers' positions of the schools of first-time education launched in accordance with

The provisions of Chapter VI of the n. Regulation (EEC) No 3848/2010 (' 71), as applicable, applies to four-seat school units and above. Director of the School of Primary Education, whose function is formed in accordance with the required number of pupils within the month of September under the four-month period, is defined for the school year. Head of the specific relational unit. This definition is made by a decision of the Regional Director of Primary and Secondary Education, following an opinion of the Regional Advisory Council of Article 16 (2). 13 of n. Regulation (EEC) No 3848/2010 (' 71). The above opinion of the Council shall be delivered following a recommendation by the Director of the Education Committee concerned. From the date of the above decision and until the end of the school year the demonstration, the mandatory teaching hours and the designation of the place shall be adjusted accordingly.

2. The positions of Heads of two-seater and three-seat schools of primary education proactive in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VI of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 3848/2010 (1 71), as applicable, applies to two-and three-seat organisers. Head of a two-seater or three-seat school of primary education, the institution of which is formed in accordance with the required number of pupils within the month of September in four parts and above, is defined for the school year. This is to be seen as the Deputy Director of the particular school unit. This definition is made by a decision of the Regional Director of Primary and Secondary Education, following an opinion of the Regional Advisory Council of Article 16 (2). 13 of n. Regulation (EEC) No 3848/2010 (' 71). The opinion of the Council shall be adopted after the entry into force of the Director of Primary Education. As from the date of the above decision and until the end of the school year, the demonstration, compulsory teaching, as well as the authorisation of the post shall be adjusted accordingly.

3. The validity of this article is started by the school-Year 2016-2017.

Article 37 Issue of import duties in higher education

The par. Article 51 of the EC Treaty 4369/2016 (1 33) also applies to the students of: (a) General and E-vocational schools of the Secondary Unity, which belongs to the Regional Section of Kefalonia, (b) the General and Vocational Lyceum of Ithaca which belongs to the Regional Section Ithaca, (c) of the General Lyceum Mytika of the Secondary School of Allie, belonging to the Regional Section for Applicant-Carnania, (d) of the General Lyceum of the Municipal Unit of Astakos, which belongs to Regional Section Etoloakarnania and (e) of the high-school classes of the Gymnasium of Palais, of the General Lyceum Voni; Of the General High School of Vonitsa, Vonitsa, of the Municipality of Aktio-Vonitsa, which belongs to the Regional Section for Applicants.


Article 38 Settlement of Greek-language matters

Education abroad;

The case of the par. Article 5 of the EC Treaty 4027/2011 (1 233) is hereby repealed. The Schools set up under the provisions of Decree-Law 695/1970 (1 221) in the Federal Republic of Germany of the competent authorities are the Greek diplomatic or consular authorities continue to be strengthened in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 4027/2011 (1 233).

Article 39 Setting-up of training staff

Formal education institutions

Especially for the 2015-2016 school year, the last one of the par. Article 27 of the Law 4186/2013 (' 193) applies to staff in cases (c) and (d) of that paragraph. This provision shall apply from the entry into force of the n. 4351/2015 ('164).

Article 40 Cancellation of payments

Rehire of teachers;

Teachers have been raised to be available with an 82-year-old. 4172/2013 (A΄ 167), who did not apply for their inclusion in the Communications of the Ministry of Administrative Reform and the Internal Governance for any reason and for whom no evidence of dismissal has been issued; If they were paid 75 % of their salary during the period from 22.3.2014 until the publication of the n. 4325/2015 (A ' 47) are not required to refund the funds received.

Article 41 Placing of teachers at public I.E.K.

The par. Point 10 of Article 26 of the Law 3879/2010 (1 163), that it has been replaced with par. Point 6 of Article 6 of n. 4327/2015 (1 50) is replaced by the following:

' 10. By decision of the Regional Director of Education, which is issued at the request of the public I.E.C. who are subject to the competence of the General Secretariat of Lifelong Learning, a recommendation by the competent authority and the proposal of the Director concerned. Secondary Education, it is possible to make a total or partial allocation of educational secondary education to public I.E.C., as a matter of priority in the area of competence of the relevant Secondary Education Facility, for To cover their mandatory teaching hours.

To meet the educational needs of the public I.E.C., priority will be given to teachers who are available, in accordance with the previous year and, if they are not sufficient in accordance with the provisions laid down for recruitment. Trainers at I.E.C. ..

Provisions relating to the application of this paragraph shall be determined by a decision of the Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. '

Article 42 Settlement of Lifelong Learning

(C. N.A.)

1. The par. Article 18 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 ('193 ') as amended by Article 47 of the Law. The following shall be substituted for 4264/2014 (1 118):

' 3. The graduates and trainees of the I.E.C., and graduates of education and training courses, may be classified in relevant ratings of the I.E.C. Exempt from the courses which have already been taught or classified in a full semester. In addition to the first and related specializations I.E.K., according to the approved curricula and after the approval of the G.E.A.R.N.G. By decision of the Secretary-General of the Federal Republic of Germany, according to the relevance of the skills and content of the studies, their participation in a six-month period, the duration of the study, the conditions, the conditions and the procedure for the transition from a level of training to Other, as well as any other relevant, technical or detailed matter. '

2.a) At the end of par. Article 23 of the EEC Treaty The following subparagraph shall be added as follows: 4186/2013 (A193), as applicable:

' For the operation of the above-mentioned PCC, special arrangements may be issued by which, in addition to the items referred to in Article 17 (3) (3), specific operational and staffing issues may be set up, As regards educational methodology, special educational staff, education and training qualifications, supervisory, special procedures and committees of evaluation, substructures, and any other issues related to the content of training courses. Education and training and their physiology '.

(b) par. Article 23 of the EEC Treaty The following shall be replaced by the following: 4186/2013 (1 193)

' 5. Students of the I.E.C. may take place on Practical Exercise or Mathematics in natural persons, NEPD, and public services under the terms and conditions of this law with the responsibility of the I.E.C. in which they attend. The period of practical exercise may be continued or non-static. '

(c) par. Article 23 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 (1 193), as amended by the par. Article 47 of the EC Treaty The following shall be substituted for 4264/2014 (1 118):

' 7. Attendance at the I.E.K. starts at the same time or last quarter, lasts five (5) as a whole, and consists of four (4) theoretical and laboratory training for a total duration of up to 1,200 hours, according to the At the end of the year, the number of students in the course of study, and one (1) of a 60-hour traineeship or a total duration of 960 hours. The Department of Education and the Department of Education and Training may also take part in the course of the first two-year period. The maximum number per instructor is defined in thirty (30) trainees, in laboratory or theoretical or mixed courses. Graduates of secondary education or non-compulsory education or higher education are entitled to study at I.E.E.s. '

3. (a) par. Article 44 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 antique -


It shall consist of: ' 1. By decision of the Minister for Education, Research and

Religion: a) Establish the procedure, qualifications, criteria

(i) selection and any other relevant issues or necessary for the filling of Directors and Vice-Directors of the IEK and the School of Second Chance (RICA). (b) Added certified specialties are added to the

They're being slaughtered by the I.E.C. .. " (b) par. Article 44 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 (193)

Paragraphs 3 and 4 shall be deleted and paragraphs 2 and 3 respectively.

4. Article 26 of the Law is repealed. Regulation (EEC) No 4186/2013 (1), as applicable, from the date of publication of this law. The responsibilities of the repealed directorates of Lifelong Learning which have not been set up in accordance with the provisions of this Article shall be included in the Dividend of Lifelong Learning by the General Secretariat of the Divine Learning and New Generation. Where in the provisions of n. 4186/2013 ('193 ') or other provisions of law, refer to Directorates for Lifelong Learning (D. BM), hereinafter referred to as the Directorate for Lifelong Learning, General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning and New Generation. The institution which has been transferred to the repealed DIPs under paragraph 10 of the repealed Article with accredited acts of the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs of the Hellenic Republic shall continue to serve in them.

5. The par. Article 5 of the Law (') See Part One, No 2525/1997 (1 188).

' 2. The foundation of the Second Chance Schools is made following a recommendation of the Lifelong Learning Directorate of the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning and New Generation."

6. Indent 14 of paragraph I. 3 of the para graph of the first article of n. 4093/2012, as amended and applicable, shall be replaced by the following:

' 14.a. The licences of cases 1 and 2 shall be updated by the institutions which, where applicable, shall be allocated every two years in accordance with the notification procedure referred to in the second and third subparagraphs of Article 3 (1). 3919/2011 (A-32), with the following:

(i) Declaration of n. 1599/1986 (1 75) on the non-modification of the conditions for granting the authorization of Annexes 4, 5 and 6 and the building specifications referred to in paragraphs 8 and 10 of this Regulation. If changes have occurred in the conditions for notification of the notification, all the relevant documentation specified in cases 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 of this subparagraph shall be reported.

(ii) Tax and insurance information, where this is required for the issuance of the licence.

(iii) A certificate relating to the bankruptcy or the non-payment of an application for a declaration of bankruptcy where required for the issue of the licence.

(b) Entities authorised in accordance with subparagraphs (a) (a) and (b) of paragraph (18) of the para graph shall submit the notification accompanied by the supporting documents required for the authorisation of paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 and Building-the specifications referred to in paragraphs 8 and 10 of sub-paragraph Th3 of paragraph 1. (c) Notification shall be submitted by 31 May each

Second year. The deadline for submission of the announcement update of the authorisations of the institutions of the period 1, with the exception of the private schools of primary and secondary education, and of case 2a authorised in 2013 and 2014, Extended until 31 July 2016. '

7. The second subparagraph of paragraph 16 of paragraph 3 (I) of the first article of the v. 4093/2012, as applicable, shall be replaced by the following:

" In the College of Education and the Private Institute of Vocational Training (I.Q.), Annex A-Annex with the curricula and qualifications which operate in accordance with the applicable law and the authorisation of the Lifelong Learning Centres Level One and Two annexed Annex to the curricula, with a decision of the Head of the Section for the Section or the Directorate-General. This decision is amended by the same procedure at the request of the Education and Training Organisation. '

8. At the end of par. Article 17 of the EC Treaty The words'or practice' shall be added to 4186/2013.

9. A) Article 239 of the EC Treaty 4281/2014 (A-160) is replaced by:

" For the exercise of the professional skills of the barber-barber and hand-by-foot care professional requires the possession of one of the following training and training qualifications:

1. For Knife-Barber a) Professional training degree and mast -

The level 2 of n. 2009/1992 Specialty of Technical E-Professional School "Knowledge and Touching" or Bachelor's Degree in Vocational Education and Training Level 2. (b) Training in vocational education and training course in the field of vocational education and training in the field of vocational education and training.

A level 3 of n. (c) Diploma in vocational education and training; c) Degree in professional education and nine (9) months of experience; c) Vocational education and training courses;

Of the n. 3475/2006 ASAP speciality. (d) Degree in vocational training qualifications (9) (d) Diploma in vocational training qualifications

At the same time, there is a need for a number of studies to be carried out in the field of education, training, education, training, education, training, education, training, education, training, education, training, education and training. Vocational training qualifications

At the same time, the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and the Environment, Public Health and Public Health Is awarded to the graduates of the First Class of Vocational Lyceum (HPD) after an intra-school examination, a "Chamber of Commerce" and six (6) months of service. (f) Diploma in professional qualifications;

At the same time, the Commission adopted a proposal for a Directive on the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security.


(g) an attestation of competence of the European Parliament following the follow-up of a continuing vocational training programme of at least six hundred (600) hours to a certified Centre for Lifelong Learning (ICBM), compatible with the current professional qualification; The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Policy and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Policy and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Participation in the certification examinations referred to above shall be subject to the non-qualification of studies, which until 31 December 2017 will have a prior experience of three (3) years or more or nine hundred (900) half-life, with dependant or non-work, in The Committee of the Regions calls on the Commission to present a proposal for a Directive on the protection of the environment and the environment.

2. For Hand and Foot Care Technists a) Qualification of professional qualifications

(b) Diploma in vocational training; (b) Diploma of vocational training qualifications; (b) Diploma in vocational training; (b) Diploma in vocational training;

Post-secondary vocational training, I.E.K. status. "Aesthetics and beauty-in the night" or Diploma in Professional Qualification Education and Training Level 5, Specialty I.E.K. (c) Certificate of competence of the European Parliament following a statement by the European Parliament and the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

A continuous vocational training programme of at least six hundred (600) hours at a certified Centre for Lifelong Learning (NTUA), compatible with the current professional profile and accompanied by (i) an established experience of twenty-four (24) months in the institution, acquired before or after graduation or during the course of study, and certification by the European Medicines Agency. Participation in the above certification examinations in non-curricular subjects who, by 31 December 2017, will have a background of three (3) years or more or nine hundred (900) half-life, with dependant or non-work, in In the case of an institution or a barbershop or a certificate of employment by a Local Government Agency. '

(b) The last sentence of Article 240 (b) of the Law. 4281/2014 is replaced by the following:

' The persons listed in the Register referred to in this Article shall have the professional rights of the corresponding species as defined in Article 237. '

Article 43 Settlement of the institutions of the Rizzarium

Church School of Churches

(Parliament adopted the resolution) Article 23 of the EEC Treaty As amended and operative, 3432/2006 (Part II), as follows:

" Especially in the General Ecclesiastical Lyceum of the Founding of the Rizarios Ecclesiastical School, for the sake of functional gaps, which mainly concern you

At the end of each teaching year it has not been possible to pay, and, until 15 October of each year, it has not been possible to pay them, taking into account, or even hours, teachers in accordance with the procedure laid down in this Article. At the same time, the Commission has decided to initiate proceedings under Article 3 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 519/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the application of the principle of proportionality. By decision of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, which is published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, the minimum data may be included in the CV or in the above-mentioned partnership. The appeal of the person concerned to serve in ecclesiastical schools is found. '

Article 44 Organ Ministry of Education,

Research and Religion

1. The par. Article 33 (5) of Article 33 (1) (1 181) shall be replaced by the following:

' 5. The Second Mobility of Deuteronomy of Secondary Education is responsible for: (a) the conversion of Teachers of Secondary Education

(b) the secondment of teachers, (c) teachers' transfers, (d) the handling of any other relevant issues. " 2. Paragraph 5 of Article 32 (d. 114/2014)

(1 181) shall be replaced by the following: The European Movement for the Mobility of Purchases

(a) the conversion of education and training systems in the Member States;

(b) the secondment of teachers from education and training

(c) the training of teachers in the first place;

(d) the handling of any other relevant issues. ' 3. The par. 5 of Article 39 of the first paragraph of Article 39 (1) (1 181);

As has been replaced by Article 44 (2). 4 of n. 4351/2015 (1 164) is replaced by the following:

' 5. The Section for Personnel Administration is responsible for: (a) the strain of teachers in Alloda;

Of the family, foreign, minority, minority, and educational units of Greek language education abroad, b) the issues of educational staff involved

The International School of Larissa and the School of European Education (S.E.P.) of Heraklion Crete, (c) any secondment of teachers in the Hellenes;

In this context, the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the Of the European Schools and the School of International Organizations, the selection of national primary and secondary education inspectors of the European Schools, the selection of the members of the Committee members of the National Baccalaureat and the Command issue


(d) any issue relating to the service situation;

(e) all issues relating to the evaluation of the education and training systems in the Member States;

(f) the recruitment of administrative and auxiliary staff in the above-mentioned school units;

(g) the composition, selection and fulfilment of private-law work in relation to private law;

The position of coordinators and the management of any other relevant issues. ';


Article 45 Repealed provisions

1. Without prejudice to the transitional provisions, any general or specific provision which is contrary to the provisions of this law shall be abolished.

2. N. Regulation (EEC) No 2811/2000 (2) is hereby repealed. 3. The par. Article 18 of the EC Treaty 4027/2011 (A1 233),

As amended by Article 35 (1). No 4186/20132 (1 193) repealed. The validity of this field is beginning in the school year 2017-2018.

4. The par. Article 51 of the EC Treaty 3966/2011 (1 118) is hereby repealed.

5. The entry into force of this law shall be deleted: (a) the second indent of paragraph (b). Article 3 of Article 3

N. (b) Paragraph 4310/2014; Article 4 of the Law 4310/2014, (c) par. Article 6 of the Law 4310/2014, (d) par. 13 of Article 8 of the Law. 4310/2014, (e) par. Article 21 of the EC Treaty (f) Article 26 of the Law 4310/2014, (g) paragraphs 9 and 10 of Article 31

N. 4310/2014, (h) paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 36

N. 4310/2014, (i) par. 2 subparagraph (a) of Article 49 of the Law 4310/2014, (j) Article 83 of the Law 4310/2014, (k) the case (s) of par. Article 2 of the

N. 1674/1986 (1203), (l) the Article 44 of the EC Treaty Article 26 of Regulation (EEC) No 4186/2013 (1 193), 4186/2013 (1 193), (n) the (a) (a) (a) Article 5 of Article 5

N. 4027/2011 (1 233).

Article 46

Article 34 of the Law 4369/2016 (A ' 33) is replaced by the following:

' 1. The Press Office of the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction are recommended to be dated 23.9.2015 and in accordance with the provisions of Article 67 of the Law. 1943/1991 two (2) additional posts for the Deputy Minister responsible for the departments of the former Ministry of Administration

Reforms and e-Government, and two (2) additional posts for the Vice-Minister, responsible for the departments of the former Ministry of Public Health and Civil Protection, to meet their respective needs.

2. The recruitment of the publications referred to above shall take place at the time when the persons of these positions are to be executed, and in their contract the condition is obligatory, that it is automatically and without compensation, and that the employed person is employed. Shall be made redundant for any reason for the Deputy Minister, the needs of which it covers.

3. The expense incurred shall be borne by the budget appropriations for the Services of the former Ministry of Administrative Reform and e-Government and the Public Order and Protection of Po-liite as a result of the Deputy Minister, Of the person's needs are covered by the corresponding journalists. '

Article 47

1. Ownership and any other rights in respect of the total immovable property of the Ministry of Health, which relate to areas which have been expropriated in favour of the Greek Dept. Of the Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health, Public Health and Consumer Protection). (iii) and were intended for housing programmes for refugees of 1922, thetheopinionists, the homeless, falling under the provisions of v.d. 775/1964 (A-254) on popular and immovable property, which have come to the management of the Health Ministry The application of housing promotion programmes through international institutions, from the Y - The Ministry of Health at the Ministry of Health at the Ministry of Health at the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, and the Ministry of Health at the Ministry of Agriculture, Social Security and Social Solidarity, are responsible for the work of the Ministry of Agriculture. Books of the prison mortgage. Transmission shall be carried out without compliance with any type of act or agreement, without prejudice to the subject-matter of the provisions laid down by donations, heirs and bequests.

2. Within a deadline of six (6) months from the date of publication of the present, the Directorate for Social Security and Social Security for the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity An inventory of all immovable property, which, in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, shall be the property of the above-mentioned office and the reporting of the relevant reports to the General Welfare Office. As a result of the census of the above real estate, acquired and owned by the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, and the other aspects of the right of the above real estate, it is free of charge. In the relevant books of the sub-keeper.

3. Exploitation, divestiture, divestiture, concession, etc., and the management of the immovable property referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article shall be made by decisions of the General Welfare State.


Article 48 Amendment of the provisions of the b.w. 104/1973 (1 30)

"A recommendation on the part of the Athenian institutions in the context of" TRAINING THE GAME "

And the approval of the Agency '

1. The provisions of Article 4 (1), (2) and (4) of Bull. 104/1973 are replaced by the following:

' 1. The Foundation is managed by a Board of Directors for a three-year term, established by a decision of the Minister of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity and consists of: a. Two (2) members, namely a recognised competence and value;

The President and an official of the Directorate-General for the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Security and Social Solidarity. Three (3) members indicated by alternates;

Ask them from the conservatory. Two (2) reputable persons appointed with their

In accordance with the provisions of Article 94 (1), they shall be replaced by the following: 3B of n. 3852/2010 (187), as applicable.

2. The Board of Directors shall elect the Vice-President, the Secretary-General and the General Secretariat of the Board of Directors.

4. In the event of an eclipse or withdrawal for any reason or loss of the property, under which a member of paragraph (b) of paragraph 1 of this Article has been designated, the replacement shall be indicated by the Board of Directors. ';

2. The second subparagraph of paragraph 2. Article 5 (1) of point 104/1973 shall be replaced by the following:

' b. The Board of Directors shall be deemed to be a quorum with the presence of four (4) members, whose decisions are taken by a majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the President or his deputy shall have the casting vote. '

3. The par. Article 8 (2) of the first paragraph of Article 8 (2) is replaced by the following:

' 2. The budget of the institution shall be drawn up by the Management Board and shall be submitted to the competent authority in accordance with the provisions of Article 94 (1). 3B of n. 3852/2010 (A187), accompanied by a full explanatory statement, three (3) months before the beginning of the year. This budget is also deposited with the relevant departments of the General Secretariat for Welfare of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Security. '

4. In the provisions of Article 10 (d. 104/1973), a third paragraph shall be inserted as follows:

' 3. The institution shall submit to the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity and to the Court of Auditors, by the end of the month following the end of the financial year, a separate account of the institution provided by the General Government's bodies; Allocation or financing, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 41 and 42 of the Law. (') 4129/2013 ('52) and Article 12 of Law 1264/1942 (' 100), as applicable. '

5. The par. Article 14 (1) of the first paragraph of Article 14 (1) of the EEC Treaty is replaced by the following:

' 1. The institution is under the supervision and control of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, in accordance with the provisions laid down. '

6. The first subparagraph of Article 16 (d. 104/1973) is replaced by the following:

" In the Foundation may be appointed by decision of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity as the Government Commissioner responsible for the Directorate-General for the General Secretariat for Welfare. '

Arthro 49 Transport of the General Secretariat of Social Security

1. The posts of staff of the Foundations of Fire Protection (Mary) by category, industry and number of posts transferred during the course of the year. 20 of Article 9 of the Law. 4052/2012 ('141), at the Ministry of Education, Social Security and Social Sequence, as well as the staff, which holds these positions in the publication of this law, are automatically entitled to the "Centre for the Children's Mary of the Arramen" Papafio Thessalonikis " (Art. 127 par. 1. N. 4199/2013, A΄ 216), in the "Insanitarium of chronicles of Evritania" (no. 18 par. 5. 4302/2014, A225) and the decentralised services-annexes to the Social Welfare Centres in Article 9 of the Law. 4109/2013 (A16), as it stands, in which it continues to offer its services.

2. The above staff: (a) carried out by the same working relationship, same category, class, rating, grade and salary scale, (b) maintain the primary and secondary insurance and the one-off payment of the same status as the other. Publication of this law. The period of time, which is from the beginning,

The law of the present law until the publication of the provisions of this Article, in accordance with the provisions of this Article, shall be considered for each consequence as a period of the actual service of such staff to the service. The Committee of the Committee of the Committee of the European People's Republic of

3. The total amount of service of the transferred staff, which has been distributed to the originator, and the time, which has been recognised as a time of reception, shall enjoy a time of real service for the issues of degree and salary. Development and for any other consequence.

4. Referrals, during the publication of this law, recruitment procedures in organisational positions, the fulfilment of which was approved under No Council Regulation (EC) No 277/8641/1.6.2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the application of Article 2 (2) of the Treaty Question No 1, by Mr Lalor (') See Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 33/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council ('). 3K/ 2009 (University and Technological Education) and 5K/ 2009 (Secondary Education) of the ASEP, and the achievements of the


They are placed in corresponding translated organizational positions of the "Centre for the Children's Mary-one Arrenes Papafion of Thessaloniki", the "Teri-building of chronicles of Evritania" and the central services-the annexes to the Centers Social Welfare (Child Protection Institutions). The provisions of Articles 10 and 11 of the Law 3833/2010

(1-140), as applicable, apply to this staff as well.

5. The self-equity of such organic matter and personnel, which is held by them, is carried out by means of an act of the Minister for Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity. For the rest, the provisions apply accordingly.

Of par. 20 of Article 9 of the Law. 4052/2012 ('141), as applicable.

Article 50 Determination of relevance

Official Journal of the European Union

The par. Article 28 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 (A19193) a-Displayed as follows:

" At the Institute of Educational Policy (JEPs) a Scientific Committee, which will define the assessors and examine the relevance of post-graduate degrees in Special Education and Education (EPE), as well as in the School Psychology (i) the training of young people in education and training, and of secondary education, and of the Special Education Staff (SEA). In addition, it will examine the relevance of the postgraduate-doctoral qualifications of the SPD with the specificity of the sector to be filled. By decision of the Minister for Education, Research and

Religion, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, determines the composition and functioning of the above Commission. '

Article 51 Council of formal qualifications of teachers

Of the IT industries

1. At the end of the case (i) case (b) of (b). Point 8 of Article 8 of the Law The following sentence is added: 3194/2003 (A-267):

"Or Diploma" of the "Technology Management" of the "Technology Management" of the University of Macedonia for graduates that were introduced after the academic year 2013-2014 or the "IT and Telematics" section of Ha - The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs

2. At the end of the sub-case (ii) case (b) (b). Point 8 of Article 8 of the Law The following sentence is added: 3194/2003 (A-267):

"Or diploma or diploma of the" Telecommunications and Networks "of the TEI of the Mediterranean or recognized equivalent and equivalent qualification of the higher education institution".

Article 52 The definition of clock movements

Secondary education secondary education

1. The par. Article 42 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 ('193 '), replaced by par. Article 45 of the EC Treaty 4264/2014 (118), replaced by the following:

' 1. A presidential decree issued with a proposal by the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs, following a recommendation from the Institute of Educational Pathology (I.E.P.), specifies the procedures and procedures for the certification of students of general interest."

2. The second indent of paragraph 2. Article 42 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 (0193), as agreed with the par. Article 45 of the EC Treaty 4264/2014 (118) is replaced by the following:

' b) (aa) The activities of the second-to-board sections of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Communities. (b) in the course of the education programme, the four classes of the ESU, (bb), are set out in the text of the Official Journal.

"3." "3." In the case of "a" par. Article 43 (1)

N. 4186/2013 (0193), as agreed with the par. Article 45 of the EC Treaty (') 4264/2014 ('118), the phrase' the timetables for the daily and Esperines of the ESP ' shall be deleted.

4. The validity of this article starts from the school year 2015 -2016.

Article 53 Matters in excess of the registration of high-school graduates

1. The case (a) of par. Article 8 (4) of the Law 3194/2003 (A2-267), as replaced by Article 41 of the Law. 4342/2015 (Α143), is replaced by:

(a) Holders of a General or Vocational Lyceum, who during their studies in the High School have been distinguished in the Balkan or International Literature, Informatics or Rheumoptic, Physics, Chemistry or Biology. The first, second or third prizes (gold, silver or bronze medal) are recorded in excess of the number of students enrolled in schools, sections or introductory courses of the Panepresis, if the latter has been distinguished from All units are included in the sections of the Guidance section chosen by the Candidates in the last class of Lykei. Specifically, the award in Roompotic, which develops targeted IT applications, is considered to be an Informatics award. This also applies to the holders of a High-School Board of Staff who, during their studies in high school, have been distinguished in the European competition for young people with the exception of the first, second or third parties. A prize. '


2. The validity of this article is to be started from the academic year 2016-2017 and refers to the holders of a General or Professional High School of the school year 2015-2016, as well as the graduates of the school year 2014-2015.

Article 54 Settlement of Council matters

Identification of Professional Qualifications

1. The case (a) of par. 2 of Article 56 p. 38/2010 (1 78), as replaced by Article 71 of the Law. 4310/2014 (A-258), re-replaced as follows:

(a) A Chamber of the Legal Council of the State (NSC) as President. If the President is prevented from attending, he shall deputise a member of the Council, which shall be appointed on a case-by-case basis by the President. '

2. The first subparagraph of paragraph 2. 8 of Article 56 p. 38/2010 (' 78), as it has been replaced with par. Article 71 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014 (A-258), re-replaced as follows:

' Rapporteurs shall be laid down, before the Council, by officials of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, with the approval of the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning and New Generation, following an assessment of the Head of the Unit in which he was responsible; The GDP. The rapporteurs shall develop their report and withdraw before the vote. '

Article 55 Setting-up of the General Secretariat

Religion of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religion

1. The sub-indent in the first paragraph of Article 23 of n. 3475/2006 (146) is replaced by the following:

(f) one (1) position of the Holy Metropolis of Zounds and Nefrokopi, in the position of an HR/striker branch. '

2. Paragraph 1 of par. Article 68 of the EC Treaty 4235/2014 (' 32), as replaced by Article 17 of the Law. 4283/2014 (A189) re-replaced as follows:

' 1. A number of clerics of the Holy Metropolis of the Church of Greece, the Church of Crete and the Dodecanese, which took place until the year 2010 and were not published in turn by the Government of the Government, even though the clergy took over The tasks and salaries are to be published by the date of entry into force of the Treaty. '

3. The last paragraph of par. Article 46 of the EC Treaty 590/1977 ('146 '), as replaced by paragraph 7 of paragraph 7. Article 68 of the EC Treaty 4235/2014 (A32), re-replaced as follows:

' These companies shall not be allowed to participate in any manner of participation by a natural person or legal person, where such a request is sought. '

4. The par. Article 44 of the EC Treaty 4301/2014 (A.223), as follows:

' 1. Five (5) blank, temporary and temporary, Holy Metropoles of New Liosia, Agias and Sykourion, Agias and Megalopol, established by Article 12 of the Law, are abolished. 1951/1991 (1 '84), while the functions of the Hierarchy Non-Tropical Timber, Worker and Polychestar and Stares and Meteoras are preserved as permanent members to be paid in accordance with the provisions of Law No 590/1977' of the Statute of the Church of Churches Of Greece ' (A-146). '

5. Article 16 of n. A new paragraph 4 is added as follows:

' 4. Exceptionally, as long as the public figures of 25153/ 26.2.1957 (B'86) and 78871/ 22.3.1962 (Β-125) Joint ministerial decisions of the Ministers of National Education and Religious Affairs do not serve as a teacher of the Catholics The Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee of the European Union, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Education, it is possible to recruit, per school year, teachers other than their own Table of substitute teachers for the teaching of the religious of the Catholic Church and for the teaching of the religion and language of the Jewish religion. The selection and recruitment of the teacher is made by decision of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religion, following a proposal by the Holy Synod of the Catholic Church of Greece (S. K.I.E.) and the Central Board of Jewish Council (K.I.C.) Respectively; For recruitment, a degree in pedagogical or Catholic or Hebrew Studies, respectively, of a Higher School of Education or a diploma in foreign language recognition by the board of directors, is required. In the case of a foreign language course, an excellent knowledge of the Greek language, which is accepted in accordance with the provisions, is required. '

6. (a) In the first subparagraph of paragraph 1, Article 42 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 (A.D. 193), as it has been replaced and does, after the phrase " and opinion of the competent art committees for the Musical and Artistic Body-Boots and the Supervisory Board of Deuteronomy Education (E.S.R.) for (b) In the case of para. (b) In the case of para. (b) in the case of para. (b) in the case of para. (b) in the case of para. (b) in the case of para. Article 42 (2)

N. 4186/2013 (A19193), after the phrase "of special, special, ecclesiastical," is added the phrase "My-Suite-Soul of Thrace".

7. At the end of par. Article 63 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014 (A'258) a new subparagraph is added as follows:

"Specially for the issue of teachers serving in the minority language programme, the relevant responsibilities of the NSRF and K.D.E.D. are hereinafter referred to as the relevant NOPD. And A. POSSS."


Article 56

1. The par. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof, (3463/2006) is replaced by the following:

' 2. At the end of the quarter, no expenditure on the basis of the budget for the past year except those relating to: (a) staff remuneration and payment of a fee shall be prohibited.

(b) the payment of the benefits granted by the municipalities;

(c) payment of the deprivation of deprivation to the courts;

' 2. A) In the case of par. Article 2 of the

From 10.9.2015 Act No positive Contents "Mrs-Urgent arrangements for the smooth start of the school year 2015-2016 and the orderly functioning of the school units" ratified by article 10 of n. 4350/2015 (0161), as amended by the par. Article 60 of the EEC Treaty The words'including those who have been re-declared for any reason' shall be added after the words'in the participating competitions'. (b) par. Article 2 of the Act of 10.9.2015

"Emergency arrangements for the smooth start of the school year 2015-2016 and the orderly functioning of school units", ratified by Article 10 of the Law. 4350/2015 (0161), as amended by the par. Article 60 of the EEC Treaty 4369/2016 (Α-33) is replaced by the following:

' The costs of transport by public schools carried out by the start of the school year 2015 -2016, in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Regulation, and until the conclusion of the relevant contract, including expenditure and the Any reason for cancelled and re-issued invitations to tender, as well as of the costs incurred during the period of the re-declaration procedure, shall be paid, provided that the relevant constituent of the proceedings has been carried out by the Member State concerned. (i) transport of pupils, and where the amount of the relevant expenditure is consistent with the Decision to award the relevant economic committee of the Region. ' C) After par. 6 of Article 2 of from 10.9.2015

'Emergency arrangements for the smooth start of the school year 2015-2016 and the orderly functioning of the school units', ratified by Article 10 of the Law. 4350/2015 (0161), as amended by the par. Article 60 of the EEC Treaty (') 4369/2016 ('33), added paragraph 7 as follows:

'The contracts concluded in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be exempt from the provisions of the Court of Auditors' audit opinion. '

3. The first paragraph of Article 167 of the Treaty. (') No 4099/2012 (A'250), as applicable, shall be added as follows:

' Especially for the extent to which the revenues of the contributory service are not sufficient to cover the costs of salaries and insurance for the above staff, they may

Are covered for the current financial year, by each item in general and not intended to cover their own costs. '

Article 57 Setting up for the non-autonomous T-sections of the A.E.I.

1. In par. Article 15 of the EC Treaty 1), as amended by Article 121 of the Law. 4316/2014 (A'270), the last subparagraph shall be added as follows:

(a) appointment of eight (8) teachers or Lexalers who are at least four (4) to the extent of the Prof. Or Alternate Professor and (b) recording an independent function. Graduating class.

2. The par. Article 39 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 (A193) is replaced by the following:

' a. In all the sections of the AWU, the requirement for self-determination is not met. 1), as amended by Article 121 of the Law. 4316/2014 (Af 270), in conjunction with Article 13 (2). 51). A temporary Assembly, which is mandated by all the Professor and serving lecturers of the T, and two (2) students, are appointed by their respective collective bodies. The temporary Assembly shall act in accordance with the provisions in force in the case of non-nationals. The Interim Assembly shall be defined by an act of Pru;

Or the President of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors and the President, who must come from the degree of the Professor or if. Professor of the Department of the Department. The Interim Assembly shall exercise the powers provided for in the provisions laid down in the Section for the Convention. Within a period of one month following the fulfilment of the conditions of self-determination of the Bank, it shall be the responsibility of the Rector or the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the procedure for the election of the President, Chairman, and the establishment of the Convention. In the event of a temporary assembly operation

Section with fewer than five (5) Professors or lecturers from the relevant Section, the Senate meets the members of the Interim Assembly up to a number of five (5) Professors of all grades of the most commonly known In the case of the non-self-setting of the non-self-immolar unit. '

Article 58 Reviews on the effective operation of the institution of the Panepolar Scholarship

In the AAA of the country

The par. Article 29 of the EC Treaty No 4009/2011 (AA195), that is the case with the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 34 of the EC Treaty 4115/2013 (24) and Article 95 of the EC Treaty. 4310/2014 (A-298), and after replacing the last subparagraph with the provision of Article 44 of the Law. 4369/2016 (Α-33), referred to in paragraph 7 and denoted as follows:

7. On the other hand, in the case of a doctoral degree or a doctoral degree or of exceptional technical experience, it is necessary to make the following information:


They may be employed as academic scholarships by means of an act of the relevant Chamber, for the conduct of a business, research, scientific, organisational, laboratory or clinical project, defined by the participant. The contracts concluded in accordance with this Article shall not be subject to the provisions of Chapter 1, B and C to. Regulation (EEC) No 2190/1994, falling within the scope of the derogations from the BHCR ('280 '). The proclamation of the cognitive subject shall be made after a proposal of the General Assembly of the Sector and approved by the Assembly. The duration of the contract shall be determined for a period of one academic year, where appropriate, depending on the needs of the sector. It may be renewed or extended. In each case, the total duration of the contract may not exceed three (3) academic years.

Other: It shall not be possible to work as an academic supporter of the members of the person concerned or of the foreign or foreign or pension-holders of the wider public sector. The employment of the above may be made up of

The Committee of the Regions calls on the Commission and the Member States to ensure that, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union and the Member States, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee and the Economic and Social Committee and the Economic and Social Committee, shall be responsible for the implementation of the programme. The Court of Justice of the European Communities brought an action for a preliminary ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

Article 59 Conditions for the implementation of the practice

Students' exercise in the A.E.I.

The joint ministerial decisions adopted or adopted regarding the practice of the students of the Higher Education Institutions of the country, for the academic years 2014-2015 and 2015 -2016, apply retrospectively from the date of publication. (i) a decision on the relevant decision of the competent authorities of the relevant institution;

Article 60 Establishing, self-opening, dismantling, mergers of laboratories, museums, clinics and other Units of the AWU and proceedings

Amendments to their internal regulations

Article 96 of the Law 4310/2014 (A-258) is replaced by the following:

' 1. Until the adoption of their bodies, educational institutions may establish laboratories, clinics, museums and other units by instrument of the Rector or the President, where appropriate, following a decision by the Senate or the Assembly. In the case of the Court of Appeal, the Court of Appeal, the Court of First instance, referred to the Court for a preliminary ruling two questions on the interpretation of Article 1 (2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 31911999 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 December 2001 on the common organisation of the market in fishery products.

2. In the same procedure, it is possible to reduce, eliminate, amalgamate and amend the internal regulations of the above, laboratory and other units.

3. This provision also applies to the Greek Alone-katta Panepismos (EAP). Until the operation of the European Court of Justice, the act referred to in paragraph 1 shall be signed by the President of the Administrative Commission following a corresponding decision of the Administrative Commission. ';

Article 61 Arrangements for the orderly functioning of the Greek Open University

1. The par. Article 2 of the Law 2552/1997 (1 266) 'Greek Open University and other provisions', as applicable, shall be replaced by the following:

" 2.a) The E.U. Consists of the following Shaho-words: a) Social ists, (b) Humanities, (c) Positive Supervisors and Technology, (d) Performing Arts. A presidential decree, issued by a proposal by the Minister for Education, Research and Threes, following an opinion by the Senate of the European Parliament, may be set up, repealed, agreed, classified or renamed Schemes. E. A. P., according to the relevant provisions on A. I. b) The Schools provide Study Programmes. Each Programme of Studies is composed of a combination of Thematic Unity (Th.E.), Laboratory Themational Unity (E.T.A.) or the Unity of Practice (H.P.B.). By decision of the Senate of the European Union, they can be created, eliminated, renamed, or even merged. ED, E. ED. And H.P.B. of the Schools. It is not allowed to create a Th.E., E.P.E. or H.P.B. with the same cognitive object in more than one Schools. The content and the date of entry into laboratory cycles of the EU and the European Union shall be determined by decision of the Senate, following a proposal from the Court of Justice. (c) The Parties shall be determined by decision of the Senate, following an opinion or a proposal by the Senate. Closer, and approved by decision of the Minister of Education, Research and Threat. The opinion of the Court shall be deemed to have been adopted and the decision of the Senate shall be taken as soon as thirty (30) days have elapsed since the expiry of the question to the Court of First Instance. By a decision of the Senate, following the recommendation of the Assigned Costs, the specific information of the courses is identified and the relevant THEY, E.P.E. and H.P.B. in the relevant Programmes. D) Decision of the Senate, Following an opinion or a proposal from the respective Costs and Adoption by the Minister for Education, Research and Threat, it is possible to draw up a Study Programme from two or more Schemes of the European Union with the combination of Th.E. belonging to them. The opinion of the Court is deemed to have been given and the decision of the Council shall be taken as soon as the decision is taken as soon as thirty (30) days from the date of the date of the date of receipt of the request to the Ombudsman. E) As Director of Programme Studies for each programme. It is defined by the Ombudsman for a period of two (2) years and a series of seniority, one of the students of the European Commission who is the coordinator of a programme of this programme. In the case of only one teacher of the above class, the term of office


Of the Director of the Programme for Study Programmes shall be renewed. In the event that no professor of the above class serves, the order shall be extended to the alternates of the teachers of the European Parliament, the teachers and alternates of teachers who are members of the Collaborating Training Staff. S.A.R. of the S.A.R. The tasks of the Director of the Programme shall be defined in the internal rules of the European Union. '

2. In the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 (a) of the paragraph Article 5 of Article 5 of the Law 2552/1997 (A6-266) after the word (,) the word 'provided' and before 'and' shall be added to the word 'or'.

3. The last sentence of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 10 of the EC Treaty (EEC) No 2552/1997 (ref.

"This is the same decision as the Chairman of the Board of Directors." 4. In point (b) of par. Point 7 of Article 10

N. 2552/1997, as the following sentence is added: After the period (.) Placed at the end of the period;

"For any other reason" and before the beginning of the phrase "In case of resignation ..." The phrase 'The President may in all circumstances be able to exercise the same qualities'.

5. At the end of the second subparagraph of paragraph 5. Question No 2, by Mr Desselo 4368/2016 (A21) after the phrase "... is active in Greece in these" and before the period (.) The following is added (,) and phrase as follows: 'except those operating in the country's Educational Institutions'.

Article 62 Extension of the Education programme

And Teaching proficiency in the Pedagogical Section of Special Education of the University of Thessaly

The case (c) of par. Article 2 of Article 2 of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 3848/2010 (' 71), as it stands after its replacement, in the case of paragraph c (c) of the Directive. Article 36 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 (A193) is replaced by the following:

" With the possession of a PhD in Pedagogical T courses. (Pedagogical education, education and education courses in the Ministry of Education and Education, the Faculty of Philosophy-Pedagogical-Psychology, Philosophy of Philosophy-Pedagogical and Pedagogical Society of Special Education) ". Starting from the entry into force

Of n. 4186/2013 (193).

Article 63 Amend ment No 85/2000 (' 72)

Board of Art at the University of Ioannina "University of Ioannina" and in BCE 96/2003 (A'86)

Of the Art of Art at the University of Ioannina "

1. Ref. 85/2000 (A' 72) "The Foundation of the Foundation for the Art of Art at the University of Ioannina" as amended in p. 96/2003 (A'86) "The importance of the Board of Art of Art at the University of Ioannina" and applies, is amended as follows: Article 1 (1) as applicable

It shall consist of: ' 1. It is founded in the University of Ioannina, Greece.

Arts and Letters of Art." (b) Article 1 (3) as applicable

It shall be read as follows: The Art of Visual Arts and Letters of Music

(a) to cultivate and promote the arts with the acre -

And the application teaching of visual arts-painting, sculpture, multimedia/graphic arts, to provide the necessary theoretical and technical knowledge in photography, video, view-art forms of art (design, design, etc.). 3-dimensional image-animation), graphic design and contribute to the development of aesthetic education and the promotion of culture. At the same time, the T will educate his students in history and art theory. In particular, a decision is given to the individual counterparties that define the distinct directions of the pelvis as specific and well-defined species and professional orientations: a Painting, b. Sculpture, c. Polym-Graphic showing, d. History and Theory of Art. (b) To provide the students with the necessary supplies

(c) to provide specific training and training for workers in the field of health and safety at work; (c) provide specific training and training;

(d) Graduates of the Visual Arts Department for the teaching of art classes and aesthetic education and history of art in primary and secondary schools.

Art attacks on the basis of specialised scientific knowledge have the potential of professional involvement in public or private sector bodies-Panepistis, Scientific Institutes, Museums, Art Gallery-which have as their own The activity of art in one or more occupations and qualifications from those working in the Tome. However, they are given the opportunity to teach Primary or Secondary education the Artistic Trades-Aesthetics Education, as well as the Art of Art, or to work as a free professional. Graduates of the Department who wish to exercise the teaching of art in education, regardless of their direction, are obliged to attend and be examined successfully in the course of study and the rule of law. In the field of education, education and training have been set up. ' (c) Article 2 shall be replaced by the following:

" Article 2 Introduction-Taxation-Duration of Study


1. The number of each year in the Section shall be defined in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 1 (1). 5 of n. 1351/1983 (' 56), as is the case at a time.

2. The admission of students to the Bank shall be carried out in accordance with paragraph c (c) of paragraph 1. Article 2 of Article 2 of the Law 2525/1997 ('188), as is the case at a time.

3. The minimum compulsory period of study in the Section for obtaining the licence is set out in ten (10).

4. From the Art of Visual Arts and Letters of Art, titles of studies up to and including cross-section -


-double-fold. 5. The single diploma of the Art of Visual Arts

(a) Painting, (b) Sculpture and (c) Multimedia-Graphic Arts, d) History and Theory of Art. The start time and the academic year of each direction and specialisation, such as the selection and selection procedure of the students, shall be determined by a decision of the General Assembly of the Section. The direction is indicated in the diploma awarded by the LAG. '

2. The current starts from the academic year 2017-2018.

Article 64 Employment rates for members of the European Union

IFIs in clinical, laboratories and other units of Panepresotic agents or universities

Clinical observations and other arrangements

1. (a) In par. Article 29 of the EC Treaty No 4009/2011 (A195) is added as follows:

" The members of the EP can offer their services to university-based clinics, laboratories, or units located in hospitals of the E.C.U. Or the A.E.L., and be paid out of the performance of the clinical project which does not The European Parliament and the Committee of the European (b) At the end of par. Point 6 of Article 13. 2889/2001

(' 37) the following paragraph shall be added as follows: " In the members of the EP working in Panepistis;

At the same time, the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Health and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Health and the Committee on Economic and Social Affairs and Of the Ministry of Economy, Health and Education, Research and Religion. '

2. In the case of par. Article 79 of the EEC Treaty 4009/2011 (A19195) as replaced with par. Article 39 of the EC Treaty The following words shall be added to the first paragraph after the word 'one' shall be inserted in the first subparagraph:

The words'or in organisational positions for service' and after the word 'Establishment' is deleted and the words'or in a hospital' shall be inserted, followed by a party (,).

Article 65

Article 37 of the Law Paragraph 6 (6) is added as follows:

" 6.a) Students who follow a course of study to receive a second degree shall receive teaching materials free of charge. (b) From the date of publication of the notice, any anti-matter or special provision, as well as the provision in the case of paragraph (a) thereof, shall be deleted. Article 80 of the EEC Treaty NO 4009/2011 (°).

Article 66 Reviews on issues

Of vocational education

1. Paragraphs (c) and (d) of par. Point 3 of Article 5 of

N. No 4186/2013 (193) are repealed. 2. The par. Article 5 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 (193) a -

As follows: " 4. Business Lyceum Business Schools are founded by

The decision of the Ministers for Education, Research and Threes and Economies, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This decision shall also specify any necessary detail for the functioning of the abovementioned schools. The duration of the study is four years, and they are attended by either workers, or unemployed with the unemployment card of the O.A., or other classes of pupils who are unable to attend the original Vocational High School. '

2. Article 7 of the Law 4186/2013 (193), as applicable, is replaced by the following:

Article 7 Structure of Vocational Training Studies

And classes of education

1. The Vocational High School offers two courses of study as follows: The "Deuteronomy Circle of Studies", which belongs to

The formal education system and b. The 'Metallyl year-class of pupils', which

It is a "Released Circle of Studies" and belongs to the non-formal education system.

2. In the "Deuteronomy Cycle of Studies" in the Sacred-Asia LLC, the A΄, B and Gth classes are working. They shall be entered in the first class without examination, the holders of a final grade or another title. The first class of the General or Vocational Lyceum, as well as graduates of the Secondary School for the acquisition of a degree, is written in the second grade. The first class of the Vocational Secondary School is written in the classroom. The trainees from the First Class of the Vocational High School are entitled to register in the 2nd Class of the General High School. Graduates of a given law may be entered: (a) in second grade in another area from which they graduated or (b) in a second grade in another speciality of the same area from which they graduated. By decision of the Minister of Education, the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, the correspondents and the entries of graduates and pupils of the following types of technical schools are to be established. Education (TEL, EIA, ASAS, TES, NEPL. 3475/2006 and HP.A. NO 4186/2013.

3. "Metallyl year-class of immortality" is optional. A prerequisite for inclusion in the "Aftermath of the year-class of students" is a diploma and a diploma in the secondary course of the Ministry of Education, as well as older types of schools of Technical Education and training of the Ministry of Education. A law. The "Siliceyear-class Course" applies the dual system of education (learning), has a duration of one (1) school year and includes: a) learning courses at the workplace and b) Qualification courses and Preparatory Mathematics-the Certification in the school unit, respectively. The responsibility for the implementation of the "Post-Book Year-Class of Apprenticeship", has the NEPL or the EP. By joint decision of the Ministers for Education, Research and Religion and Labour, Social Security and Social Security


The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Union, published in the Official Journal of the European Court of Justice, lays down all the details of the administrative management of the event held in cooperation with the OAED. The placement in terms of the work of graduates and their follow-up is considered to be an educational project. By decision of the Minister of Education, Research and Religion, which is published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, the relationship of the educational work of this paragraph with the work and teaching hours of teachers is determined.

4. (a) Article 8 of the Law 4186/2013 (' 193), as applicable, shall be replaced by the following:

" Article 8 Sectors and Specialties

1. In the Third Class of Vocational High School I recommend courses, which are divided into individual specialties in the first class.

2. By decision of the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, the Public Vocational Schools have the areas and specializations organised in accordance with its national and regional needs. National Economy, the proposals of the Regional Investment and Training Supervisors, the G.S.E.C. and the G.S.E.C., of the Chambers of Commerce and of the Epidemiological Unions and the proposals of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Employment Insurance and Social Solidarity and the OAU, the Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism, Ministries of Health, Rural Development and Food, Culture and Sports and Maritime and Island Policy. The Regional Committee for Vocational Training provided for in the second subparagraph of paragraph 1. This is a very good thing, Mr President. 3879/2010 is encouraged by the Regional Committee for Vocational Education and Training and is involved in this and the relevant Regional Director of Education. In the event that no proposals are made on behalf of the Regional Training and Training Supervisors (PIC) within twenty (20) days following the submission of the relevant application, the decision provided for in this Article They are issued without their intentions. ' (b) The validity of this paragraph shall be initiated by

School year 2016-2017 (a) Article 9 of the Law 4186/2013 (' 193), as applicable;

Shall be replaced by the following:

" Article 9 Programme of Study Studies

Professional Lyceum

1. In A΄, B and C class, a total of thirty-five (35) hours of total hours are applied. The 1st class has a single programme and lessons are taught in general education, memorandums and selection courses. The second class is divided into the fields of study and taught in general education and technology-professional sports of the sector (both theoretical and laboratory). The second class is divided into specializations and courses are taught.

(i) education and training courses (in theory and laboratory). The above shall be applied in proportion to the degree of study programme in the ESPD. Under the Decision of the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs, adopted after an opinion of the Institute of Educational Policy and published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, the assignments of teaching courses are laid down. Branches-specializations of teachers of all classes of ESP ..

2. Designated pupils in the first class of ASPs who are enrolled in the 2nd class can be included in any of the areas they wish to see. The first class of students who are enrolled in the 2nd class can be admitted to their application in order to be a member of the second class.

(a) a total of seven (7) hours a total of hours, which is taught in the school unit of the NTSB or the E.K., by a staff member of the NEPL or the European Parliament for a period of three years. (b) A training programme in the field of work-Learning in a working area of twenty-eight (28) hours of week, on at least four (4) days for a school year. The total duration of the training programme is nine (9) months. The ' Training programme in the workplace;

A course of work is governed by a contract concluded between the student and the employer (natural or legal person, private or public) and is considered by the Director of the relevant school unit. (a) to be denounced in accordance with the laws in force, (b) to be annulled by decision of the Director of the CPIC following the recommendation of the Head of Education of the ESDP or the European Parliament, Is responsible for monitoring and control of the learning programme in the workplace. The laboratory has been performed at the relevant Laboratory Centres or the School Laboratories of E-PAH. Each ESP or EP educator is responsible for the learning of the workplace at a minimum of twenty-five (25) pupils. The provisions in force for the laboratories of the NEPs and the European Communities are applied to the laboratories of the laboratories. By decision of the Minister of Education, the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, each necessary detail shall be laid down for the organisation and operation of the 'Aftermath class'. With the completion of the " Silent Year-ta -

In the case of non-member countries, the Commission has decided to initiate proceedings under Article 88 (2) of the EC Treaty in respect of the award of a certificate. The graduates of the 'high-school year-learning class' of their school, who have completed, can monitor annually a Preparatory Certification Program, of a total duration of weeks (70) hours, organised and The Committee of the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Public Health and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Public Health and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Con Are listed annually by the European Parliament. By decision of the Y -


The Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, determines the manner, time, conditions, procedure and any other necessary detail for the implementation of the Pre-manufacturing Certification Programme. ' (b) The power of this paragraph shall be initiated by

School year 2016-2017 6. In par. Article 11 of the Law 4186/2013 (1993),

As is the case, after the words'The Assessment in the Math-the' shall be replaced by 'all three' by 'all'.

(a) par. Article 11 of the Law 4186/2013 (193), as applicable, is replaced by the following:

' 3. The written promotion and authoritative practices in all classes of the daily and esperious E-P.A. are carried out within the school and include teaching courses, general education and courses-the sectors and specialties. The President-in-Office referred to in Article 43 (1) may set out immortals, which are excluded from the written and oral examinations. The issues are defined exclusively by the teacher or the teachers. The writings are corrected by the teacher concerned. The Bank of Goods created under the Horizontal Act 466112 NSRF may act as an optional advisory tool for learners and teachers. For the promotion of pupils, a general average of at least nine and five tenths (9, 5) is required, resulting from the M.O. of the degree of annuity of the student. The acquisition of a licence shall require: (a) a condition of the degree of annuity of the annual performance of the written specialisations of at least nine and five tenths (9, 5); and (b) the degree of annual performance of the specialisations. Of the last class to be less than eight (08). ' (b) The validity of this paragraph shall be initiated by

School year 2016-2017 8. Article 12 (2), (3) and (4)

N. 4186/2013 (1 193), as replaced by par. Article 72 of the EEC Treaty 4310/2014 (A' 258), the words "of Class" ", shall be replaced by the words" of the "Silicial Year-Class of Apprentice" ".

9. In par. Article 12 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 (A19193), as replaced by par. Question No 5, by Mr Arndt (S) 4310/2014 (A' 258), the words "from the Third Class of the Evening Professional Lyceum" are deleted.

10. (a) The first subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 13 of the Law 4186/2013 (A19193), as replaced by par. Article 58 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014, replaced by the following:

' 1.i) Holders of a Diploma in Vocational Training, if they hold a secondary course of study, (ii) the holders of a General Secretariat, if they hold a diploma in speciality, and (iii) holders of securities Professional Lyceum have the right to participate in specific national examinations for admission to AACPITE and to Shaho-say, Sections and Introductory Guidelines of the TEI, in relevant or relevant qualifications of their degrees, of Higher Schools Tourist Education, the Military Schools of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces

The School of Astronomy, the School of Education, the School of Pastoral, the Schools of the Academy of Education and a special rate of seat of the total number of entrants, an approximate proportion of the number of candidates for graduates of ESP graduates. In relation to all the candidates from the GEL and EPAL for TEI, defined by a decision of the Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs or in the case of the competent Minister. The participants in the above-mentioned specific examinations have a right to claim posts and to the university faculties, for a special rate of extra 1 % on the number of posts in the area, in the areas in question, respectively. Students graduating from school. By decision of the Minister of Education, Research and Religion, issued following an opinion of the SAB and the SARAH, and published in the Government of the Government, the equivalence of the courses of the higher education institutions with the members of the AWP, as well as Any other detailed application of this provision. '; (b) The power of this paragraph shall be initiated by

School year 2016-2017 11. (a) par. Article 14 of the Law 4186/2013 (193)

Is replaced as follows: " 1. The ' National Year-class of Mathematics'

It is the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. The responsibility for placement in the workplaces of the attendees, as well as all the relevant departments of the NRA, or the NRA, and the OAED together with the IFRSs. For this reason, partial or total ECAEL teachers may be available to IFRSs at their request. On the basis of the decision of the Minister for Education and Religion-of: (a) detailed arrangements for the way, the time and the procedure for the disposal of teachers and (b) are available the teachers of the preceding subparagraphs. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Education, Science and Religious Affairs and Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, each priority shall be laid down in the organisation, operation and administrative aspects of its administrative management. Article 7 (3) of this law. By joint decision of the Minister for Education, Research and Religion and Maritime Affairs and Island Policy, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, each necessary detail is laid down for the establishment and operation of the " Transnational Year-Class Courses "of the Maritime Professional Sector." (b) The validity of this paragraph shall be initiated by

School year 2016-2017 12. After the last paragraph of par. Article 4

14 of n. Regulation (EEC) No 4186/2013 (193) shall be added as follows:

" Students are insured under IKA for the period of sickness in the sickness benefits branch in kind and in the sickness benefits area, and their time of insurance is pension. The remuneration for the period of sports is equal to 75 % on the seat of the unskilled worker. '

13. In par. Article 14 of the Law 4186/2013 (A19193), the sentence 'The' Class of Apprenticeship 'is replaced by the words' The High School Year-let ' '.


14. In n. 4186/2013 (193), as applicable, a new Article 14A is added as follows:

" Article 14A Special issues of teachers

1. The recognised as a real service under Article 39 of the Law. 4369/2016 ('33) of the teachers who have been placed in a system of availability, are also recognised as a training service for each consequence.

2. PAPS teachers who do not comply with their mandatory teaching hours may be appointed for their completion and in other Primary or Secondary Education units. By decision of the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, the courses are laid down, which may be awarded to teachers for the fulfilment of their mandatory teaching hours, As well as their equivalence with the sectors and activities of the teachers. The arrangements shall be made in accordance with the provisions in force at any time.

3. The teaching hours of those responsible for the workshops and specializations of the E.K. and ESAEL are divided by two (2) teaching hours from the current teaching hours for the teacher, with a lower limit of eighteen (18) hours, if a certificate is available. The Director of the school unit to the Director of the relevant secondary education Directorate shall be responsible for the operation of a corresponding laboratory. For teachers who have designated laboratories: (a) information on primary education or (b) information technology in secondary education or c) physical attacks in secondary education does not provide for a reduction of teaching methods. However, they take the responsibility of the laboratory as a closed out-of-office work on the distribution of work by the teachers' association.

4 a. The teachers in temporary temporary posts set up by ministerial decrees issued in accordance with Articles 10 and 11 of Article 42 of the Law. 2413/1996 (C124) and (A) belong to a branch to which it is provided for; or

Specialty of the industry in which the teachers were transferred to them, carry out the teaching work provided for teachers in the sector in which they were switched, and with the weekly working hours. (b) does not belong in the case of 'A' and those who are trained.

They are derived from the Public Sector (PPC) provide the teaching work provided for the trainers of the sector from which they were transferred and with the weekly working hours for this sector, b. After publication of this paragraph

It shall cease to apply. Question No 15, Rule 42 of the Rules of 2413/1996.

15. (a) The indent of paragraph 1 (d) of the Annex. Article 43 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 ('193) as applicable, repealed. (b) The validity of this paragraph shall be started by

School year 2016-2017 16 (a) In par. Article 43 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013

('193 '), as is the case, cases are added; and

The following: ' (k) define the areas and areas of activity;

(l) after consultation of the Institute for Educational Policy, the Committee shall define the areas and specializations of the Institute.

They are operating in every NRL .. " (b) The power of this paragraph shall be initiated by

School year 2016-2017 17. The par. Article 43 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 (A193);

As applicable, replaced by the following: " 3. By decision of the Minister of Education, Research and

Religion, issued on the basis of an opinion of the SAB and the SARAH, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, shall specify: (a) the programmes of study of the Schools, the T -

(b) the diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications in the field of education, training, education, training, education, training, education and training.

Learners for their introduction into Schemes, Sections and Introductory Guidance Sections of the TEI, of the Primary Schools of Tourist Education, the Physical Education Schools of the Armed Forces, the Fire Department, the School of Astronomy; and (c) the specific criteria and the procedure for the operation of the Schools of the United States of America and of the universities;

Education of graduates of the NRPs in Schools, Sections and Inductive Guidance Sections of TEI, Higher Schools of Tourist Education, Physical Education Schools of the Armed Forces, of the Fire Department, of the School of Astronomy; and Of the Schools of the United States Navy and of the Panepisos. '

18. The para. Article 43 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013 (' 193), as added in the case of paragraph 13 (c). Article 11 of the Law (') 4229/2014 (1 8) is replaced by the following:

' 5. In particular, for the Business School of the Professional Lyceum, the definition of the timetable, the content, the teaching and the subject matter, the qualifications of the teachers of the shipping industry, and the other issues The Ministry of Education, Research and the Ministry of Education, Research and the Ministry of Education, Research and Shipping and the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. Policy, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. '

19. At the end of Article 46 of the Law 4186/2013 (A193), as replaced and applied, paragraphs 15, 16 and 17 are added as follows:

' 15. The implementation of the new structure and the new curricula provided for in Article 9 of this law, foreign from the school year 2016-2017 for the 1st and 7th class of the daily and esperines, from the school year 2017-2018 for the 2nd class ESP daily and esperins and from the 2018-2019 school year for the 1st class of the ESDP .. Students who attend the school year 2015-2016 in the 2nd class of ASPs will be enrolled in the first class in accordance with the provisions in force before the publication of the law.


16. (a) The publication of this law shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. Exceptionally, the public sector (SEA), which belong to the Ministry of Education, Research and Religion, may be converted into adult graduates with compulsory education, sensitive social groups with a decision. The Minister for Education, Research and Religion, issued following a recommendation by the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning and published in the Official Journal of the European Communities and with the latter, set up any necessary detail for its implementation. (b) Specially the public and private schools of professionalism;

(a) gradually, the 1st class of the S.E.C. during the school year 2016-2017, the 2nd class of the SEA, during the academic year 2016-2017, in the course of the year. School year 2017-2018 and the C class of the SAR during the 2018-2019 school year, and (b) definitive on 31.8.2019. ' C) By decision of the Minister for Education, Research and

Religion, which is issued after an opinion by the General Secretariat of Lifelong Learning and published in the Official Journal of the Government, the issues necessary for the application of the points (a) and (b) of this paragraph are regulated.

17. The operation of the NEPs of the Ministry of Education is extended. 3475/2006 (1 146), as amended and valid until the school year 2020-2021. Experts who attend the 1st class of PSURs and the school year 2020-2021 continue in the 2nd grade and complete their studies in 2022. Any other general or special provision regulating different matters at present is hereby repealed. '

20. The first application of this law, the decision of Article 8 of the Law. 4186/2013 (1 193), as is the case, is issued only by the Minister of Education, Errhea and Religion.

Article 67 Arrangements for its orderly functioning

National Agency for Certification of Qualifications and Professional Orientation


The provisions of paragraph 1. Article 3 of the Decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Athletics' Association for the Certification of Adult Education for Minors of Non-Standard Education (B 2844), which was ratified in par. Article 47 of the EC Treaty Decision No 4264/2014 (Α118) are amended as follows:

' 17. If the candidate's dossier is fully qualified, the evaluators shall integrate the candidates into one of the following categories: (a) Direct certification of educational proficiency: (aa) for holders of a degree in education;

(i) the creation or continuous education and training or continuing education and training policy by a higher education institution or by a corresponding recognized institution-the foreign population, within the framework of the Vocational training

They were promised, they analyzed, or they implemented Micro-carvings. They are directly included in the Education Register and are assigned a unique code, which applies to every cooperation of the instructor with all the institutions of the National Network for Lifelong Learning, b) Direct participation in a process. Certification

Education proficiency. In this category they are: aa) Those who have a Master Degree Diploma Diploma

(i) education and training or continuing education or continuing education and training policy and education policy from a three-year-old education institution or a foreign institution of the rest of the world; (b) The instructors who are enrolled in the institution of the United States, who, in the course of their studies, have drawn up, or even have been, Micro teachings.

The Committee of the Committee of the European People's Education and Culture Committee has been consulted on this issue. 113613/3.11.2006 (') See Annex' Question Time '. 113172/2005 (B1593) of a Joint Ministerial Decision of the Ministers for Economic and Economic and Employment and Social Protection on the Certification of Children of Adult Instructors or other Trainers' Registers and have successfully attended Programme of training of 300-hour trainers from the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection, or have successfully completed the training of instructors at the public and wider public sector, of at least 100 " Hours. (cc) Instructors with teaching experience at least

150 hours in adults, c) Participation in a Certification process

The Committee of the European People's Party (Christian-Democratic Group of the European People's Party) is a member of the Committee on the Environment, the European Parliament and the Commission.

Over two categories, in order to participate in a training proficiency qualification process, they will have to successfully complete a training course accredited by the National Institute of Education. The recapitulative statement '2' of the same decision

As amended to comply with the above. '

Article 68

Cataloguing data and any amount of interest, surcharges and other charges linked to expenditure incurred by the Special Account of the University of Crete, carried out between the years from 1996 to 2004 Under the Joint Ministerial Decision K/679/1996 (BM 826) for other (education, training, development, etc.) activities of the University, except for research, which have been identified as "the terms of payments" with the No. First, 4938/ 30.6.2005 Management audit report of the Directorate-General for Economic Inspection, as agreed with the No. First, 938/ 10.2.2006 report, if not executed until the publication of the present, is reproduced and not executed and any amounts established shall be deleted.


Article 69

The University lecturers may offer teaching, research and general scientific work in Postgraduate Studies and to participate in research programmes or to deliver scientific research officials. The European Commission will be able to participate in research and development programmes in the field of research and technological development. Programme, until such time as the withdrawal of such persons begins before the date of commencement of their service. At their request and a reasoned decision of the General Assembly of the General Assembly, they may provide teaching work in the undergraduate programme up to 5 hours per week for the academic year. For the provision of this work, the United Professors are not entitled to any single payment or compensation.

Article 70

1. Article 19 of n. As applicable, 4009/2011 (0195) shall be replaced by the following:

' Article 19

1.a) A pre-condition for election to a professor position of all grades is the possession of a doctoral degree and the relevance of the general research, scientific or artistic work of the candidates with the known subject of the position to be filled. The requirement to hold a doctoral diploma to occupy a teaching position does not apply in the case of an exceptional and unquestionable peculiarity, for which a doctoral thesis is not possible or habitual. By the rules of the house of art or commission (de lege artis). In the case of the preceding subparagraph, a prerequisite for the implementation is the recognised work with awards in national and international competitions, participation in national and international fairs, and generally national and international recognition of Project; For the specific cases referred to in the preceding subparagraph, the first subparagraph of paragraph 123/1984 (A '39) as amended in point 111/1994 (1 4), paragraph 119/2005 (A177), para 187/1996 ('145') and 390/1995 (A-217), until the adoption of the first subparagraph of Article 1 (1) (a) of the (b) For the qualification of constituents in the seats of each Member State;

The provisions of Article 14 of the Law shall be applied without prejudice to the preceding paragraph. (') Regulation (EEC) No 1268/1982 (' 87), as was the case at the time of publication. NO 4009/2011 (°). (c) The professors and the minions of the lecturers shall be responsible for the application of the provisions of this Article.

They are required to submit a request for development to the following mark or to the date on which they were appointed, with the inclusion of a three-year service from the publication in the Official Journal of the Government of the act of the Court of State for their appointment to the mark. They serve at the time of their application.

2. The Electoral College for Election, Evolution and Unification of Professors consists of 15-de (15) members of an equal or higher degree with the pre-rendered position and, in particular, Professor, Anna-paid Professor and Honorary Professor. Or

Researcher of a corresponding degree with scientific work in the same or, if not available, in a related subject with that of the post-filled position.

(a) The President-in-Office shall be composed of a fully-valued member of the General Assembly's decision of the General Assembly of Special Report, within an exclusive time-limit of ten (10) from the date of expiry of the deadline. By seven (7) teachers with their representatives who belong to the same Section of the relevant AWU and eight (8) teachers with their per-payment, the same or other AWU of the Immigration, or the Joint Committee of the United States. Foreign or Researchers of the Foreign or Alien, of the same or the relevant cognitive subject; (b) In the case of a qualified number of elected members, the

The Court of Justice of the European Union and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and of the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice It is carried out by professors, with the same or symmetrical subject, other bodies of the relevant AWU or other AWU of the foreign or group of foreign or investigators of the foreign or other party, without adherence to the provisions of this Regulation. Paragraph (a) of paragraph 3 of this Article. (c) In the event that the Number of the proposed

With a criterion of the same or a relevant cognitive subject-greater than the number required for the completion of the Electoral Soma, a conjugation is carried out for the above categories by the General Meeting of the Section. The responsibility of the President of the Bank, (d) It is not permitted to carry on a Chosen

Professor, who is a spouse or associated with a family of up to a fourth degree of blood or gallows with a candidate. E) During the procedure for the administration of the Electoral

However, in the overall number of electors, those who are absent due to a legal authorisation or for reasons of force majeure certified by the Directorate-General for Special Composition of the Section for reasons of force majeure shall not be treated in full with a full reasoned decision. In case of a request for sickness, a certificate from a public hospital is required. Following the establishment of the Electoral College, its composition shall not be changed unless a member of the Executive Board resigns or is absent or found in law. In such cases, the member of the Chamber or the external member shall be replaced by the first in a series of replaceable alternate member of the list of replaceable members appointed during the constitution of the Electoral Union.

4.a) The President of the Chamber shall convene the Electoral Party for its first meeting within ten (10) days of its establishment in order to meet the tripartite committee. The Electoral Party shall be present in a quorum when one and a half of the number of members of the Electoral Union is present. In the case of a quorum, the existence of a quorum shall be repeated within an exclusive basis;


In one of (1) weeks of participation of one of the three (1/ 3) of the number of members of the Chosen One. (b) At least one member of the tripartite rapporteur.

(c) The tripartite Committee of the Committee shall be required to belong to another Section of the relevant AWU or other AWU of the foreign institution or of the foreign national or foreign.

A closed deadline of forty (40) days from its conclusion and not earlier than twenty (20) days to table an explanatory report with the comparative assessment of the work of candidates and evaluators. In order to assist in its work, the Committee may request letters of recommendation from experts from abroad with a relevant subject. The explanatory report shall be communicated immediately following its statement to the members of the Electoral College and the candidates under the responsibility of the President of the Chamber. D) If a member of the tripartite Committee of the Committee

Resignation of an explanatory statement, the members of the tripartite committee may submit within the same time-limits, which in no case do not have the issue of an explanatory report.

5.a) Within an exclusive deadline of twenty (20) days following the submission of the report, it shall be convened before the General Assembly of the Chamber, the Electoral Party to conduct the election. In the event that the deadline for the rapporteur's report has lapsed, the President of the Chamber is obliged to convene the Electoral Party within a period of fifteen (15) days after the deadline, to make a judgment. (b) The President of the Chamber shall draw up an opinion;

It shall inform the members of the Electoral Union and the General Assembly, as well as the candidates on the relevant agenda, eight (8) at least days before the date of convening of the joint meeting on the conduct of the election or delegation. (c) The President-in-Office of the Council shall meet in the

The Court of First Instance held that the General Assembly of the Council was not in a quorum. (d) Applicants are entitled to submit a complaint to the members of the General Council or to the General Council or to the General Council of the European Communities.

At least five (5) days prior to the administration of the Electoral College, which is available without delay to the members of the Electoral Union. (e) If unpractical, with the responsibility of the President

In the case of the Section, the President of the Court of First Instance is compulsorily convened by the Ombudsman or the Vice-Chancellor in the case of a full-time school, within ten (10) days after the deadline. The date on which the President of the Chamber was required to invite the Electoral Group. In such a case, at the meeting of the Electoral College, the Director or the Vice-Rector responsible shall be responsible, without the right to vote, and shall carry out all the acts entrusted with the provisions of the Statute.

For the President of the Chamber concerning the procedures for election, development or development of members of the Governing Council; (f) Members of the Electoral Party of other IEDs.

Have the opportunity to participate in the meetings of the conference, with a view to ensuring the integrity of the meeting, the certification of the identity of the Electoral Party, the security of the electronic voice movement, data; And the integrity of information as well as the integrity of the information. In each case it is recorded in the minutes that this provision has been applied and which is made explicit, which specific members of the Administrative Board participated in a telex. (g) At the beginning of the meeting, candidates may

(h) The election process, the election process, the electoral process, the electoral process, the electoral process, the electoral process, the electoral process, the electoral process, the electoral process, the electoral process, the electoral process, the electoral process, the electoral process, the electoral process, the electoral process, the electoral process, the electoral process, the electoral process. Clinical trials in

(a) The outcome of the crisis is positive for the non-profit-making process.

A nominee if it obtains eight (8) positive votes, otherwise the procedure is declared barren. (bb) In case of more applicants, if

No candidate obtains eight (8) positive figures, the vote is repeated at the same conclusion between the two (2) predominant. In the event of a tie between more than two (2), the second ballot shall be composed of all the votes cast. If, in the second vote, one of the candidates does not raise eight (8) votes, the procedure is declared barren.

6.a) The President of the Chamber, within a period of thirty (30) days of the completion of the election process, shall transmit the report of the E-clitoris, together with all relevant documents, for the election, development or development of a professor (b) In the case of a legal and administrative procedure, the Court of First

Appointment of members of the Governing Council shall apply to the publication of the n. Regulation (EEC) No 4009/2011 (').

7. By decision of the Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, the provisions of the provisions relating to the procedure for the election, evolution or development may be adopted in accordance with the provisions of this Treaty. The Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice.

2. The par. Article 19 of the Law As applicable, 4009/2011 (A19195) is replaced by the following:

' 2. The Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs shall check the legality of any election, either of its own motion or after an appeal brought before it by anyone with a legal interest. The appeal may be brought if an act of the election or development has been adopted within a period of 60 days following the publication of the act to the Government of the Government or of its notification or after it has been informed of such an act. The administration of the


Of the contested act. In the case of a single election, the appeal may be brought within two (2) days following the adoption of the relevant declaration by the Rector. The statutory audit by the Minister shall be completed within an exclusive period of six (6) months from the expiry of the dossier to the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. '

3. The following articles shall be deleted from the publication of the abovementioned articles:

(a) Article 17 of the Law No 4009/2011 (0195), as amended by Article 34 of the Law. 4115/2013 (A) and (24).

(b) Article 18 of the Law 4009/2011 (A ' 195), as applicable. (c) Law No 122.1/1137/145793/B2/9.10.2013 (B)

2619) Joint Ministerial Decision of the Ministers for Economic and Education and Religious Affairs entitled ' Development and functioning of an electronic system of integrated administration procedures for the election and development of teachers, and training and maintenance Internal and external members. ';

4. Developments in progress in the publication of the aforementioned articles of election and evolution continue and are concluded with the publication of the articles of the legal status.

Article 71

As the length of time in which the connection or part of the lack of military service of the recruited staff of the High Council of Selection Board is considered, the date of the oath is considered to be the date of the appointment. And department of service. This regulation applies and applies to both parties and to those included in the tables of the ASEP of past years.

Article 72

The building block of the SETH post office in Kilkis after the construction of 60,000 volumes. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 1102/92 on the common organisation of the market in olive oil, granted by the Minister for Agriculture, 4104/ 30.1.2002 Decision-change in full ownership, law and possession at the TEI of Central Ma, which is defined as a universal successor consequence of the merger of the original "Production and Design Board" of the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki " Department of Design and Technology of TEI of Central Macedonia. A prerequisite for the transfer is the prior final acceptance of the project by the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki.

Article 73

(Parliament adopted the resolution) Article 18 of the EC Treaty No 4009/2011 (1 95) is replaced by the following:

' Members and alternates who have been judged and not developed in the next degree shall have the right to request again the notice of their position after one (1) of at least one year from the decision on their own evolution. '

Article 74

1. In par. Article 1 (2) of the Law Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2841/2000 (A203), the words'of Regulation No 2039/1939' shall be replaced by ' the n. 4182/2013 '.

2. The second subparagraph of paragraph 2. Article 1 (3) of the Law EUR 2841/2000 is replaced by the following:

" The Foundation is awarded annually by the Greek Parliament, the relevant departments of the Ministries (Ministry of Culture and Sports and Ministry of Education, Research and Religion) and other bodies. It may also be administered by private operators. The amount of the grant per year shall be determined by a decision of the President of the House, the competent Ministers and the heads of the competent State bodies, taking into account a reasoned report by the Foundation for its needs. '

3. In the final paragraph of paragraph 1 of Article 1 and in the first paragraph of Article 5 of the "Agency for the Management and Management of the Public Benefit" with the onslaurea "NATIONAL RESULTS OF RESULTS AND MEMBER STATES". VENIZELOS " (Institutions of the Foundation), as declared by Article 2 of the Law 2841/2000, the words'.n. 2039/1939' are replaced by ' the n. 4182/2013 '.

4. In the last paragraph of Article 2 (2) of the Statute of the Foundation, the phrase ' Article 33 of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union 18/ 23.6.1941 of the regulation 'is replaced by' Article 56 of the Law. 4182/2013 '.

The first subparagraph of Article 2 of the Statute of the Institutions shall be replaced by the following:

" (i) The creation and organisation of museums, centres, events, etc. in Greece and abroad, with the aim of promoting and disseminating the history of Eleftherios Venizelos, as well as the preservation of the historical memory, with a single or a Cooperation with the State, the local authorities, the scientific community and other relevant actors in the region and abroad. In the context of the promotion of the timacy of Eleftherios Venizelos the materialization of works and social research on the issues of the modern Greek, European and international environment, as well as related issues related to new technologies Education, culture and social economy. '

6. The last two subparagraphs of paragraph 1 of Article 4 of the Statute of the Institutions shall be replaced by the following:

(a) The President of the Greek Parliament, as President, (b) the Metropolitan of Kydonia and Apokoron, (c) Vice-President of the Regional Union of Chania, (d) the President of Chania, e) the President (f) the representative of the "Aghia Sofia", (g) representative of the World Trade Association, (h) the President of the National Chamber of Commerce, (i) the President of the Pagrati Association-as, j) the Rector of the Technical University of Crete, Director of the Benaki Museum, (l) the Members of the A-Diidaidon of Chania, (m); The ancient St. Nicholas,


Heraklion and Rethymnon, (n) representative of the Cooperative Bank of Chania, (o) the President of the Technical E-Bank of Greece-Bank of Western Crete, p) The President of the Trade and Industry Investment Firm of Chania. The members of the Board of Directors shall elect the members of the Governing Board.

The remainder, which must be of high standing with-faithful or interdisciplinary members of the Greek society. The President of the Hellenic Parliament is involved in the

The Board of Directors, with the aim of strengthening the Foundation's and exclusive competence, the convening of the Board of Governors of the Foundation for the year, preferably on the anniversary of Crete with Greece or by the Board of Directors. An annual budget of the Venizelos Eleftherios Venizelos Foundation, on the basis of the scientific basis of the annual programme for the pursuit of major objectives of the Foundation. In all other cases, the responsibilities of the President of the Council shall be exercised by the Director-General of the President, who shall represent the institution of the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice. '

7. Paragraph 2 of Article 4 of the Statute of the Institutions shall be replaced by the following:

' 2. The Board of Governors shall elect, by an absolute majority, three (3) Vice-Presidents, the General Secretariat, the Special Secretariat and the Section. A priority for the election to the posts of A-vice president have the Metropolitan of Kydonia and from-corone, the Deputy Head of Regional Union of Chania and the Prefect of Chania. A priority for the election in the position of the Secretary General has the President of the Bar of Chania. If they do not accept their election as above, the election shall take place between the others. '

8. Paragraph 3 of Article 4 of the Institutions' Statute shall be replaced by the following:

' 3. The term of office of the members of the Board of Directors shall be six years, with the possibility of re-election for one more term of office, with the exception of the members of the Board of Directors, as long as they continue to remain unchanged. The Director-General serving at the time of the publication of the present shall continue to exercise his/her close to the end of 2016 with the possibility of resigning. '

9. The Vice-Presidents, the Secretary-General, the Special Secretary and the Members who have been elected for the period from 22.9.2012 to 21.9.2016, during the Council of 27.6.2012, will run out of their term of office if they retain their mandate. The Board of Directors of the Board of Directors shall be entitled to participate in the Governing Council.

10. At the end of Article 4 (5) of the Statute of the Foundation, the phrase 'with reference to the provisions of the provisions of the constituent acts referred to in Article 99 of the Treaty shall be deleted.'.

11. Paragraph 6 of Article 4 of the Statute of the Institutions shall be replaced by 'four' by the word 'six' and the words'or of the General Director' shall be added at the end.

12. The first subparagraph of paragraph 11 of Article 4 of the Statute of the Institutions shall be replaced by:

' The Board of Directors, by its decision, recommends, by its members, or by its members, a new Executive Board, in which it transfers all its responsibilities, in full, in addition to the non-programming period. In the framework of general directives, it may also be entrusted with the implementation of a specific project. '

13. The last paragraph of paragraph 11 of Article 4 of the Statute of the Founder is replaced by the following:

" In the Executive Committee, the Prefect of Crete, the Metropolitan of Kydonia and Apokoronou, the Prefect of Chania, the Prefect of Chania, the President of the Bar Association of Chania and representative of the Cooperative Bank Ha - " ... The Executive Committee shall be chaired by the Director-General of the Foundation. The remaining members shall be elected by the Management Board or by the other members of the Executive Board. The term of office of members who do not participate in the Committee as a member of the Committee shall be six years, with the right to vote for a further six years. Participation in the Central Committee, without the right to vote, of the President of the Association of Friends of the Foundation and the Forests of the Foundations of the Foundation ".

14. Paragraph 12 of Article 4 of the Statute is replaced by the following:

' The replacement of a member of the Board of Directors or the Executive Board of the Foundation shall be prepared by the Director-General. '

15. Paragraph 13 of Article 4 of the Statute of the Institutions shall be replaced by the following:

' 13. The Board of Directors shall, by decision, constitute annexes to the country and abroad, with a view to promoting and promoting the aims of the Foundation. The recommended annexes are under the control and guidance of the Foundation. '

16. In the case of Article 5 of the Institutions'Statute, the words' Articles 101 and 102 of the Statute of the Court of First Inst. 2039/1939 and of 20.12.1939 b.w. (A΄ 552), shall be replaced by the words' Article 59 of the Law. 4182/2013 '.

17. In the case of Article 8 of the Statute, the phrase 'in one of the credit institutions laid down in Article 73 of Regulation No 2039/1939' is replaced by ' under the terms of Article 67 of the Law. 4182/2013 '.

18. In the case of B (b). The phrase 'and considers the minutes of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board' shall be added to Article 7 of the Statute of the Foundation.

19. Articles 9 and 10 of the Foundation's Statute are repealed and Articles 11 to 18 shall be reduced to 9 to 16.

20. In Article 11 of the Statute of the Foundation, the indent shall be replaced by the following:

' (a) It shall be chosen by the Executive Board of the Council, which shall, in its contract and term of office, appoint. By decision of the Board of Directors or the Executive Board, a position of Deputy Director-General may be held. The relevant contract shall specify its term of office, its powers and its mutual assistance. In any case, it must be


He is a graduate, preferably a political scientist or a historian."

21. In the case of the above article of the Foundation's Office, the word 'coordinator' is added after the word 'coordinator'.

22. The last paragraph of this Article shall be replaced by the following:

' For the smooth running of the institution, the Director General may exercise the responsibilities of the General Secretariat. '

23. At the end of the case referred to in paragraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 14 of the Statute of the Foundation, the words' and other elements defined by the provisions of Article 34 of 18.1.1941 of the regulations shall be deleted. '

24. In the case of the second paragraph of Article 16 of the Statute of the Foundation, the word 'meeting' shall be replaced by the word 'Authorised'.

25. In Article 17 of the Statute of the Foundation, the words'of Articles 98 of Law 2039/1939 and 110 of the Civil Code' shall be replaced by ' Article 52 of the Law. 4182/2013 and 110 of the Civil Code '.

Article 75

1. The validity of the provision of the para. Article 65 of the EC Treaty 4369/2016 (Α-33) is extended until 30 September 2016.

2. The par. Article 65 of the EC Treaty 4369/2016 (Α-33) denotes as follows:

"Until the accession of the Acts" Encouraging and supporting the participation of women in positions of responsibility and representation at regional and local level " within the framework of the NSRF of the 2014-2020 programme, the funding for the (i) the management of the operational expenditure and, in particular, the employment of the staff of the case referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be covered by Article 259 of the Law. 3852/2010, who, under the decision of the Minister of Interior and Administration, are directly attributed to the Central Department of Municipalities of Greece (KEDE) and the Association of Regions of Greece (EMS), as competent bodies for its operation Corresponding service on the basis of an account balance. The provisions of the preceding subparagraph shall also apply in the event of the inclusion of the above-mentioned Acts in the framework of the ECC of the 2014-2020 programme. '

3. The validity of the provision of par. Article 72 of the EC Treaty 4342/2015 (A143), as regards the part concerning the Advisory Centre of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Guardians in the Region of Western Macedonia, as well as the Congressional Centres and the Guest House for women victims of violence In the case of Western Macedonia, it is extended until 31 December 2016.

4. The par. Article 72 of the EEC Treaty 4342/2015 (A143) is as follows:

'Until the entry into force of the Acts and Services of Local Government for the benefit of women in the fight against violence-Hospitality services' and ' Operation of structures and services -

Local Government for the benefit of women to fight violence against violence at local level at local level " within the framework of the NSRF for 2014-2020, funding (a) the budget of the Ministry of the Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, in order to cover the operational costs and in particular of the activities of the staff in question referred to in paragraph 1 of this paragraph; (b) resources of Article 259 of n. 3852/2010, who, by decision of the Minister of Interior and Administrative Readence, are directly attributed to those who are responsible for the operation of the relevant service, on the basis of records. The provisions of the first subparagraph shall also apply in the event of non-entry into the NSRF of the 2014-2020 programming period. '

5. The provisions of this Article shall apply from 28 April 2016.

Article 76

After the first paragraph of paragraph Article 167 of the EEC Treaty The following subparagraph is added: 4099/2012, as applicable, the following subparagraph is added:

' The automatic extension of the individual contracts referred to in the preceding subparagraph shall be applied by the entry force. 4325/2015 (A47) and for the contracts of the staff recruited for the treatment of seasonal, seasonal or temporary needs in the area of cleanliness with a contract of private law for a period of time, the duration of which is not Exceed two (2) months within a total interval of 12 (12) months. '

Article 77

The comparability of schools and courses of the higher education institutions is carried out in the course of the year. Ministerial Decision No 139804/B1/2014 4264/2014, Art. 53 (5), is extended to the sections: Visual Arts of the Athens School of Fine Arts, Visual and E-pharmaceutical Arts of the School of Fine Arts of the University of Thessaloniki and Visual Arts; Of the School of Fine Arts of the School of Fine Arts, Florina of the University of Western Macedonia. Exceptionally, students and students of higher education

Based on evidence from the CSFR with a disability of at least 67 %, they may, without restrictions, be transferred to the city following their treatment, in the respective sections of the school of scientific or cognitive direction, which They have the same duration of study and in which the opinions of the members of the MCAs which serve in them are identical or exceptionally similar between them, and also taking into account the titles of the respective Schools, In addition, the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the European They exist.


Article 78

Article 16 of the Law (') 4146/2013 (' 90), as applicable, add paragraph 3A, which reads as follows:

' 3A. (a) It shall be without means of exchange in the Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, for twenty (20) years, the use of immovable property after its components and Annexes, which are described in the subsequent sub-paragraph, for the purposes of the application. (b) Buildings which are located in the A2 zone of the United States;

In its provisions of 26.3.2002, Presidential Decree " Adoption of Special Plan of Complete Development (E.S.O.U.) Persistent Treatment of BeachVolley and Replication of the Tax Office of the Tax Office (N. Attica) " (December 2002), all of which are depicted in the relevant presidential decree, defined in the floor plan and in the general topographic reference number A5-AT-KZXX-001-0, Annexes I and II of the present (c) By decision of the Minister of Justice, the article, namely the building A210 and the building of the A240 building, enclosed between the letters 8 and 1 and the parking of accredited and V. VIP.

(d) Any contrary provision to the abovementioned regulation shall be laid down in each of the above-mentioned substances.

Is deleted. '

Article 7

In the case of public works carried out with the Hellenic Territory, without providing for the advance payment of an advance on their procession, which, although not cofinanced projects from the European Union's programmes, but They shall be financed in any way either from the beginning or after they have been completed, either after they have completed their specific stage, by a foreign public or private body at any rate, to be issued to the concessionaire by an advance payment by the contractor. The provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 51 of the Law shall apply. 3669/2008 'Ratification of coding for the construction of public works' ('116 ') may not exceed 10 % (10 %) of the total amount of the contract (without revisions and VAT). In this case, the guarantee of execution provided for in the legislation applicable to the award of works, studies, pre-morals and services shall also cover the payment of an advance payment to the contraaor, without requiring the lodging of a guarantee. The advance.

Article 80

As a reward of the Higher Education Institutions (A.E.I.) of the Hora to achieve energy savings, a discount is defined on the opposite-regulated electricity and gas charges as follows:

1. Effect on the Charges for the Special End for the Reduction of Flow Reports (EFMEURs) of Article 143 (3) (b). 2 Case C of n. EUR 4001/2011 per

It shall be taken into account in the electricity accounts. The provided fee is equivalent to a 2 % discount for each percentage point (1 %) of total electricity or gas savings from the launch of the pilot programme. The percentage of the discount provided is not intended to result in a positive charge of less than 20 % of the EMCDDA price, as determined on the basis of the decisions of the Energy Regulator for Energy. There are no differences in the number of factors in the methodological response of the individual Member of the European Parliament. Article 143 of the EC Treaty NO 4001/2011.

2. Discount on other regulated charges of electric currents and natural gas (YKO, Distribution Network Charges and Use of Transmission Contracts). The provided fee is equivalent to a 2 % discount on the corresponding amount regulated by each individual unit (1 %) of total electricity or gas savings from the start-up of the pilot scheme. Of the programme. It is defined as an energy saving threshold of 40 % for the remainder of the rebate provided. Relevant discounts on the above regulated tariffs, other than ETMI, for all beneficiaries, may in any event not exceed the sum of 15 million euro (EUR 15 million) for each year. This amount shall be adjusted by decision of the RAE on the basis of the annual change of the Consumer Prices Index.

3. The achieved savings shall be calculated on a methodology adopted by a joint decision of the Ministers for Education, Research and Religion, and the Environment and Energy, following an opinion by the RAE, within the first six months of 2016, It shall take into account the difference resulting from the convergence of the consumption of electricity or natural gas during a calendar year as reflected in the consumption figures by the competent administrator. Network, during the start of the year of initiation of the pilot programme, as well as changes (ii) information relating to the infrastructure and operation of the High School Institutions of Chora.

4. The discount provided, in accordance with the above, shall be determined by decision of the RAE within the first quarter of each year, on the basis of the accredited consumer information in the RAE with the responsibility of the Network Manager, within Of the month of each year. Within the same deadline, any additional information necessary for the calculation of the energy savings, as set out in the Joint Ministerial Decision of the Committee, may be provided by each institution under the same deadline. In the case of

5. Specifically for the year 2016, energy savings shall be certified by an RAE decision taken in September 2016, based on the data of the first six months of 2016, and the corresponding dimension of 2015 as well as of the required data By the managers and other entities until the end of August 2016.

6. Discounts are applied retroactively from


1 January of the year in which they relate, disputes shall be settled by the competent Administrator, within a period from the adoption of the envisaged decision of the RAE.

7. The amounts of the rebates provided hereunder are recovered through the respective application of the methodologies related to the regulated charges.

8. Decision of the Energy Regulator (R.A.) may specify any necessary for the implementation of this point.

Article 81

Article 77 'Rehabilitation of Higher Education' of the n. 4310/2014 (A-258) is replaced by the following:

' It is added. 36 in Article 39 of the Law. 4186/2013 (193) as follows:

' 36. By way of derogation from the provisions of paragraph Page 4

Article 7 of the Law 4142/2013, "Quality Assurance Authority in Primary and Secondary Education (A83)" (AA83), up to the academic year 2012-2013 enrolled students of the non-navigational directorates with no - In addition, the number of students in the course of study is given in the course of study, as shown by the implication. In particular, it is possible for the academic year 2012-2013 to be admitted to students of the technological directorates, which are renamed or merged with a parallel release of their cognitive discourse, or an increase in the number of students. In this context, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Programme of study of the section. '



Article 82 Entry into force

The validity of this law shall commence from its publication in the Government of the Government of the Government, unless otherwise specified in its own provisions.


Athens, 2016