Key Benefits:
Article 1 Administrative and disciplinary jurisdiction of the Director-General of the General Defence Staff (LFS)
The par. 13 of Article 11 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 2292/1995 (' 35) is hereby amended as follows:
' 13. He has administrative jurisdiction, Chief of Staff, for the military and civilian personnel of his staff and the Organization Units of the Joint Chiefs. It has said-the jurisdiction of Chief of Staff for all the military and civil servants of the armed forces, the range of which, for military personnel, is determined by the current Rules of Procedure."
Article 2
The par. Article 46 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 2304/1995 (DSB, A-83), as amended, as amended by Article 27 of Article 27 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 3883/2010 (1 167) reads as follows:
"In Military Judge I promoted Military Judge II with four (4) years of service in his grade or eight (8) years of service as a total military Judge II and III."
Article 3
1. The contracts for anti-competitive benefits are the need for national defence. Their contents are the implementation of programmes, in the interest of National Defence, in accordance with the priorities of the General Staff and following the Minister's approval.
National Defence. The obligations and obligations arising from the provisions of the Treaty shall be settled in accordance with the conditions of the present and the texts adopted in such a way as to establish the Network of the European Union. Criteria for the adoption of the proposed measures, in the framework of the anti-statistical benefits of programmes, are to ensure the availability of supply capacities, the prioritisation of their needs, the outreach of resources in relation to Other sources of supplies of materials and services relating to the proposed programmes and the promotion of the role of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and the European Economic Area.
2. The contracts referred to in paragraph 1 form part of which the validity of which has expired and for which the intended criminal proceedings have been imposed. Criterion to be considered as such, the validity of which has expired is the inability of the counterparty to fulfil its obligations, based on a reasoned decision of the Directorate-General for Competition and Investment, GNI, Within the contractual time-tests. The period between the applicant's application for an amendment to the contract up to the response of the EUPM shall not be included in the contractual period and extends it accordingly, unless the proposed amendments are justified, They are characterised by the GNI, as acceding and contrary to the area of the contract. The expiry of the contractual time shall be suspended for as long as the failure to comply with the obligations of the supplier has occurred and there is no fault of it.
First, From the Official Record of Minutes, 4 September 2014, Meetings of the Work Decorator of the Work
The following draft law was adopted by the House of Parliament:
Protection of the Ministry of Defence Ministers
3. Since the entry into force of this Agreement, the submission of new changes to the underlying contracts will not be allowed, without prejudice to the increase in the credit obligation of the counterparty because of a change in the main contract due to force majeure, As well as the needs for the implementation of the conditions at present. Final date for the implementation and winding-up of contracts subject to the arrangements at present, without prejudice to its arrangements, shall be as set out in 31.12.2016, unless such arrangements are laid down in the implementing agreements and in However, the Commission has decided to authorise the aid to be granted in accordance with the arrangements provided for in this Regulation.
4. Concerned to be subject to the arrangements at present, they must declare it to the EUPM within a month from the date of entry into force of the present or within the date of the notification to those of the decision to impose penalty clauses. The GNI shall, within the meaning of the submission of the proposed programme, recommend for its approval or rejection. Within two months of the submission of the proposed programmes by the parties concerned, it will be decided if they are frozen at the rates of the present or whether the public will collect on the basis of the provisions of the Code of Conduct of Revenue Amounts owed, as of unfulfilled liabilities, amounts owed. The amounts recovered will be available in the budget of the Ministry of Defence.
5. For the purposes of the provisions of this Agreement, the actual value of the products or services concerned shall be a minimum of four times the credit obligation of the counterparties of the Greek Demon, with the possibility of further consideration. Their exposure to the Armed Forces. Entry under this heading does not exempt those responsible for acts or omissions relating to the safeguarding of the Parties' interests, for the implementation of contracts for anti-competitive benefits, with the granting of guarantees and the validity of guarantees Letters of good performance in the case of contracts.
6. The winding-up of contracts subject to the provisions of this Regulation shall be in accordance with the procedures laid down in the measure not contrary to its provisions. The provisions of this Article are specific and shall prevail over any anti-regulation.
7. It provides that, in the case of any pre-supply of material and services, as well as the provisions of this Article, in the framework of the competition procedures, which are carried out by national authorities, excluding the concession contracts, Material, legal courts are Greek and applied Law the Greek. The interpretation of a safeguard clause is not permitted.
Article 4
The amendment of the article of the article shall be ratified and entered into force. Regulation (EEC) No 4160/2013 (1 142) on the amendment of the amendment of an amendment to the Convention on the Supply of Torts, as is the case, which provides for the following: ' For the purpose of PK No 5 (PISS), it shall be bound by the State at the time of entry into force of the Annex. What is two million two hundred and four thousand fourteen thousand fourteen hundred and forty-four thousand fourteen hundred and forty-four thousand fourteen hundred and forty-four thousand fourteen hundred and forty-four thousand.
(EUR 2 204.014) in order to be paid to the beneficiaries by sub-contractors of the NBEU, for the purpose of carrying out the construction, handling and activation operations of the PK No5 and the re-entry of all the materials falling within In paragraph 7.2 of Chapter II of Amendment 11 (n. 4160/2013). Any additional expenditure in excess of the amount and the resulting amount and resulting in the drawing, activation and receipt of the PWN Number 5 will be borne by the Contractor and will be covered by any recent means, including the impact on the buyer. Each guarantee of the Contractor and the Retention by the Buyer each paid to the Contractor. '
Article 5
The par. Article 77 of the EC Treaty 4146/2013 is replaced by:
' The Board of Directors of the Equity Fund may, after the approval of the Minister of National Defence, allocate to the day-to-day revenue from the net annual revenue of the current financial year, resulting from the removal from the (i) the total amount of the Fund's own resources, and an amount of 20 million euro (EUR 20 million) per year for the creation of the buffer stock. This Decision shall enter into force on 1 July 2012 and end on 31 December 2016. '
Article 6
In par. Article 26 of the Law The following period shall be added as follows: 4258/2014:
' The Polish Navy may cooperate with three workers other than HSY to carry out other tasks with contracts for a period of time, under this Article. '
Article 7
1. Paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 16 of Decree 398/1974 (1st 116) are replaced by the following:
' 3. By way of derogation from the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 4077/85, the Court of Justice shall, in accordance with Article 1 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 1777/80, be amended by Regulation (EEC) No 1777/80, which provides for the payment of a lump-sum payment for the benefit of the Member State concerned. Another-the main insurance institution.
4. Shareholders who will not notice an act of normalpension, provided that: No advance payment against the one-off
The Court of Justice shall have jurisdiction to apply to the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice.
In addition, the Commission has decided to initiate proceedings under Article 3 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 514/1995.
2. The suspension of the one-off contribution until the adoption of the act of a pension regulation by the public or other pension institution. They have received an advance payment on the one-off basis;
Shall be obliged to return to this medicinal product at the end of the period from the end of their period of time;
Otherwise this advance receives interest from the receipt of the lump sum payment until the payment of the lump-sum aid measure by means of the Act of Accession by the public or other main insurance institution. '
2. Replaced par. Article 11 of the Law 2936/2001 (1 166), as follows:
' 3a. The right to receive a one-off assistance from the Special Army, Air and Air Safety Account shall be justified by the fulfilment of at least 10-year-of-year relationship, and especially for the parties involved, the parties to the discharge and For the purposes of applying the provisions of Article 3 (1) (a) of Regulation (EEC) No 1736,2and in particular Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1736,2and in particular Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1736,2as amended by Council Regulation (EC) No 3193/ 1999 of the Council of the European Communities, Shareholders who will not notice an act of a pension regulation, provided that:
1. They have not received an advance payment against the lump sum, have the right to request either: a. (i) the entry into force of the Treaty on European Union;
The Committee of the Environment, Public Safety and Consumer Protection has adopted a number of amendments to the Commission's proposals. The suspension of the administration of one-off assistance -
(i) until the adoption of the act of a pension regulation by the public or other pension institution.
2. They have received an advance payment against the one-off amount required to repay the lump sum from the end of their contractual relationship, otherwise the down payment has been received.
From the date of receipt of the one-off payment, by means of the act to be taken by the public or other pension insurance institution. B. For those who have died, they are killed.
Or disappeared in a war or in an ordered service in a period of peace, as well as to the outbound from the military due to the physical impotence or death in the service of the service, the provisions of Article 17 of Law 398/1974 ('116 ') apply. '
Article 8
The second paragraph b. Article 20 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4058/2012 (A-63) is amended as follows:
" The total amount of the GOI's debt to El-Greek public from the above cause on 31 December 2014 will be paid in full by 20 years, starting from the year 2015 with the retention of annual amounts from monthly premiums. Contributions to the salaries of staff in active employment: In the years 2015 to 2019, an amount of five million
EUR per year. Over the years 2020 to 2024 an amount of seven million
EUR per year. Over the years 2025 to 2029 amount 9 million
EUR per year. In the years 2030 to 2034 in 1/5 of the
Amount per year. '
Article 9
This law shall apply from its publication in the Official Journal of the Government.
Athens, 2014