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Delimination Procedure And Defense On Issues Of Water Streams -

Original Language Title: Delimination Procedure and regulations on issues of water streams - regulations of Urban...

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Article 1 Definitions

For the purposes of applying this law, the following definitions have the following meaning:

1. Watercourses or watercourses or relays (non-burdensome, chestnuts, relays and streams): the natural or arranged forms of the surface of the dunes which are the main recipients of the water catchment area and shall ensure the Their passage to other receiving waters at lower prices. In the meaning of the watercourse, it is not included in the water improvement works, such as irrigation and drainage ditches.

2. Small watercourses (superficial degrees of discharge): the surface folds of the soil that are recipients of the surface water drainage, with a water catchment area of less than or equal to 1,0 square metre, when located outside the boundaries of the settlement; or City plans or less than or equal to 0,50, for example, where they are within the boundaries of settlements or city plans. The starting point for the measurement of the water catchment area is defined as each point in the deep end of the surface area.

3. Comte: the natural or arranged transformation of the ε-receptors in which water is flowing or water from the watercourse. It is not included in this concept the areas of permanent or periodic wetting of wetlands.

4. Orthene (forgery): the line that unites the upper limbs of each pram (eyebrow), where this is a distinct form of the environment.

Of the watercourse. 5. Line or Axis: the line joining, the

Further signs of the watercourse of the watercourse. If the physic cote has been replaced by a technical project, a deep line is defined as the technical project.

6. Providing design: the provision of a lizard, as measured for a specific period of return (T), which will be studied by the diet of the watercourse and the possible anti-float projects, on the basis of which the plum lines are to be established.

7. Side effects: lines from both sides of the deep-line of the watercourse, resulting from the hydraulics study and close the lizard zone.

8. Floor belt: the territorial area which is classified by the inland waterways for a specific period of time of recovery and is enclosed by the plyline.

9. Watercourse delimiters: the polygonal lines on both sides of the scale of the dicatorship, which encroached together: a) the banks of the watercourse, b) the plai line and c) - any natural or artificial element, which It is an integral part of the watercourse, which has a nutritional value and needs protection.

10. The delimitation of the delimiters: the marking of the delimiters in the horizontal and altimeter lines provided for in subparagraph (a) of the paragraph. Article 2 (1)

11. Demarcation: The procedure and validation of the thoroughness of the watercourses, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 3, with the aim of ensuring the smooth flow of surface water and environmental protection Water, water and water.


First, From the Official Record of the RKTS, 10 April 2014, No Meetings of the Assembly of the House, in which

The following draft law was adopted:

Demarcation procedures and arrangements for watercourses-Planning arrangements and other provisions

12. Zone of watercourse: the territorial area enclosed by the delimiters of the watercourse.

13. Establishing a watercourse: the intervention in the textile industry, with the execution of the necessary projects with the improvement of the flow conditions, the reduction of the risk-of-effects, and the control of the corrosion and the supply of ferrous materials. These projects include the diversion of the watercourse and its replacement with a closed or open technical project in the same or different position.

Article 2 Policy file-Demarcation proposal

1. The demarcation of the watercourses requires the preparation and presentation in the conventional and electronic format of the delimitation area, which includes the following: (a) Horizontal and altimetric topographical area;

Marking of the watercourse to be demarcated, in an appropriate scale, which depends on the Greek Geodetic System of Reference 1987 (CIC 87) or WGS84 with an indication of the relevant data items, if any required. Hydrological and Hydraulic Study with which

The conditions in the water catchment area of the hydride shall be recorded, the plural benefit is calculated, and the plum lines are determined on the part of the watercourse delimited. If, in the case of Hydraulic it is provided for, settlement projects, the topographical plan referred to in subparagraph (a), shall also be taken into account when they are covered by the construction of these projects. For these projects at the pre-design stage, alternative solutions with actions and outcomes proposed, as environmentally friendly as possible, are considered, and the technical characteristics of these are defined. C) Concise technique A report containing: (aa) data on geological, geomorphous;

(b) environmental exposure in the area of the area of the area to be demarcated; (bb) environmental exposure, describing the

Existing state of the natural and anthropogenic environment of the area to be delimited and the water catchment area of the watercourse. The relevant section identifies and assesses the most important elements of the region, which affect the whole of the area and are affected by it, and describes the ecological status of the watercourse in its entire day. For determining the delimitation of the delimitation (s) (

A proposal for a delimitation of the watercourse, based on the terms and conditions laid down in the provisions of this paragraph, together with the proposals for any settlement projects. This proposal is shown in the topographic plot of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 (a). 1 and includes for a specific period of return: (aa) the plum lines, without the construction of a er;

Of a settlement,

(bb) the drawing-up lines with the construction of any settlement projects, (c) the watercourse delimiters without the

(d) the demarcation of the watercourses of the watercourse with works of art;

The Committee on the Rules of the Rules of This proposal is included in the proposal.

Provide any basis for pre-marketing authorisation for the maintenance and construction of settlement projects as well as the possible future extension of the settlement projects.

2. The drafting of the demarcation file shall take account of the measures, the conditions, restrictions and reductions provided for: (a) in the water catchment area management plan;

The body responsible for the demarcation of water, approved in accordance with Article 10 of the 51/2007 (A΄ 54), as well as (b) in the planar risk management plan

Of that water catchment area and the risk and risk-risk areas that are compatible, in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 thereof. Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 31822/1542/2010 of a joint decision of the Ministers of Internal Affairs, Decentralisation and Electronic Governance, Economic and Finance, Competitiveness and Maritime, Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, Of the Citizen (B΄ 1108).

3. The delimitation can also be made in the waters of the water (non-national delimitation). In this case, the delimitation dossier is accompanied by a hydrological study on the entire upstream part of the atorvastatin study, from a hydraulic study to which the total of the water catchment area to the site is taken into account. The delimitation, for the safe identification of the planus lines, as well as a report on the environment for the delimitation of the area.

4. The Policy Folder may be drawn up by: (a) the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Cli;

Of the General Secretariat of the Directorate-General for Official Publications of the European Communities (DG XXII).

The Ministry of Transport and Networks (SRPP) or (c) of the decentralised Administration or (d) of the Region or (e) of the relevant TABD or (f) natural or legal persons. In the Attica Region, for the above (1), (d),

And in cases where the opinion of the Central Coordinating Committee of Article 140 of the Law is also required. 4070/2012 (1 82), as applicable. The supporting documents of the Policy Frame

They shall be signed by members who have the qualifications required by the current legislation in force.

5. By joint decision of the Ministers for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change and Networks and Networks, the technical specifications of the content of the delimitation area are determined, and -


And any necessary detail for the application of this Article. This decision sets out the technical specifications of the hydraulic plant required for the temporary demarcation of par. Article 5 of this law.

Article 3 Demarcation procedure

AH, Procedure for the delimitation of watercourses without the construction of such projects:

1. The delimitation folder shall be checked and considered to be one of the references in par. Article 2 (4) of Article 2, in the case of cases (e) and (f) of the same parafi where the delimitation dossier is checked and held by the Directorate of Technical Projects of the competent authority within a period of 30 working days from the submission of Of;

2. After the endorsement of the Policy Board, they shall be seated in the outline of the paragraph (a) of the paragraph. In Article 2, the delimitation of the watercourse, as follows:

2,1a. From the Directorate for the Environment and Spatial Planning of the relevant Central Administration, if a decision of the Secretary-General of the Accepted Administration is defined by the Department of Administration. For the purposes of the visa, an opinion is required of the Directorate-General for the Waters of the Decentralised Diocese, or on a case-by-case basis, such as Ar-Haematological, Forestry. The above procedure shall apply in cases where

The delimitation file shall be drawn up by the Services or Entities in (c), (d), (e) and (4) of Article 2 of this law.

2.1b. From the Directorate for Urban Planning Department of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, following the opinion of the Responsible Water Direction of the decentralised Administration or other relevant Office, such as Archaeological, Forestry, in case the Policy Folder is drawn up with a view to the Services of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change.

2.1c. From the Directorate for Development Projects (D7) of the General Secretariat of Public Works of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, following the opinion of the Directorate-General responsible for the Waters of A-Posting Management or other case-by-case Department of Department, such as Archaeological, Forestry, should the Policy Folder be drawn up with a view to the Services of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks.

2.1d.The opinions of the competent services referred to in the above paragraphs (2.1a, 2.1b, 2.1c) shall be provided within a period of five working days after the transfer of the relevant file. Where the above deadline has elapsed, the competent authority shall determine the demarcations without the opinion of those Services. It is not necessary to send the Policy of Policy for the provision of opinions if they have been referred to the person concerned in the submission of the dossier.

2.2 In the event of the demarcation of the

In part or in whole in NATURA 2000 areas, the Policy File is consulted on the opinion and the responsibility for the protection of the Environment Agency, the Environment Management Committee of the Environment Directorate. Management of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, as well as in the case of a protected designation Management Agency, who are known within a time period of forty five working days from Access to the relevant dossier. In the event that the deadline lapses, the competent authority shall determine the delimitation of the demarcations without the opinion of such bodies and agencies.

2.3 For the determination of the delimiters, an opinion of the relevant public or Community Council is required, at a time of one month after the transmission of the dossier. Within this time-limit, the Community or the Community shall be obliged to make a suspension of the provisions referred to in Article 2 (1) of this Act. In the event that the above-mentioned period of time has elapsed, the competent authority shall lay down the rules without the opinion.

3. Following the above procedure, an act of ratification of the definition of the delimitation of water (demarcation) shall be adopted by:

3.1 The General Secretariat of the Faculty of Administration concerned in the case 2.1a of this Article, following a recommendation from the Directorate for Pervenche-dos and Spatial Planning of the decentralised agency.

3.2 The Minister for the Environment, Energy and the Climate Change in the case 2.1b of this article, following a recommendation by the competent agency, Directorate-General for Urban Planning, Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change.

3.3 The Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Networks in the case of 2.1c of this Article following a recommendation by the competent department, Directorate-General for Construction (D7), of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport, and Networking! The instrument of ratification of the definition of the terms of the watercourse shall be accompanied by the descriptive text of the paragraph (a) of the paragraph. 1 of Article 2 shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

4. Exceptionally, when the demarcation of the watercourse is situated in an archeological site or in a traditional settlement, the validation of the definition of the watercourse delimiters shall be carried out by a presidential decree issued with a proposal. The Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Al-hare and the relevant Minister of State. The publication requires the prior recommendation of the Planning Department of the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, when the Policy File is drawn up with a view to the Office, or the Directorate The Committee of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the relevant decentralised Administration, where the delimitation dossier is drawn up with a view to the Office, as well as on cases of, e and f. Article 2 of Article 2 of the Act.


In the case 2.1a of par. 2 of this dossier with the considered demarcation study, as well as the opinions provided for in the case of opinions read by the Directorate for the Environment and the Spatial Planning Directorate of the relevant Central Administration to the Directorate Urban Planning Department of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, in order to ensure that the Office is responsible for the process of issuing the relevant presidential decree. In the case of Natura sites and forests, the above procedure is not followed, because these watercourses are protected by a specific, far-reaching and binding provisions relating to the management of these areas.

5. In the case of the approval or modification of a city plan and the approval or approval of a Member State of the Economic Co-operation and Private Investment Firms, the delimitation of the waters falling into them may be carried out by the administrative operation. The project or the modification of the plan or the approval of the study, respectively. In this case, the demarcation process shall be completed, in accordance with Articles 2 and 3 of this Regulation.

6. The water-delimitation procedure does not apply to the environmental licensing scheme of the n. Regulation (EEC) No 4014/2011 (1 209) and the regulatory acts adopted or adopted by the Council, except in the case of settlement projects/anti-trust projects, provided for in the demarcation of a watercourse. OTHER: Designating watercourse process, I'm covering you.

In the case of the plumber's study, there is a need for a settlement project in this context.

A dossier on the delimitation of the delimitation project is foreseen in the 1st category of works, according to 1958/13.1.2012, the decision of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change (B΄ 21), as measured by the Applicable, then for the approval of the plumber, it is necessary to comply with the procedure for approving the environmental conditions of these works by the environmental licensing authority, in accordance with the provisions laid down.

1.1 In the above case the Environmental Impact Study (MIC) of the settlement projects also includes the delimitation proposal for the corruption of the watercourse demarcation, as well as a summary of the delimitation dossier.

1.2 In each case prior to the execution of techniques near the watercourse, the delimitation of the delimitation (delimitation) shall be required in accordance with the provisions of this law. Following the adoption of the ADI, the process of demarcation of the watercourse is completed, in accordance with subparagraphs 2 and 3 of paragraph 2. In this Article. There is no need to send a declaration of policy for the provision of opinions if these have been added to the scope of the dossier, or if the relevant departments have already been informed in the context of the future. Authorisation.

2. In the event of the foreseeable, by the case study on the demarcation, settlement projects are classified in the 2nd category of 1958/ 13.1.2012 a-decision of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and

As the case may be, the approval of the plumber requires compliance with the procedure provided for in Article 8 of the Law. 4014/2011 Standard Environmental Disks (WHO) for the category of these projects.

3. In order to ensure the technical quality of the works and the safe operation of the works, it is proposed to put the flow of water into another position (deflection of glass) the demarcation is implemented in the new location of the watercourse, as well as in the old, if The study provides for the maintenance of existing ones.

Article 4 Exemptions from the Policy

1. No water demarcation is required: 1.1. For the execution of all operations

In this context, the Committee of the Committee of the Committee on Social Affairs and the Committee of the Committee on Social Affairs, Public Affairs and the Committee of the Committee on Women 's Cleaning-the lifting of adhesives of an aqueous solution means any project, with the exception of autopsies, intended to cleanse the cote by Ferry or other vaccines that make it difficult for the water to flow in the watercourse.

1.2. For the purposes of performing arbitrary-construction works.

1.3. For the construction of water-water barriers, such as irrigation, water supply, anti-trust, water supply of water resources for hydro-electricity, hydroelectric power plants, hydro-electric plants, provided that they are located above In the body of the franc, and postponement of the booking of materials in the mountain coites.

1.4. For the construction or repair or launching of bridges and vehicles, as well as other bridge protection projects, provided that they are accompanied by a plumber study which sets out the planar lines for specific purposes. A period of reintroduction and the effects of the construction of the works, the smooth flow of the payment of benefits. In this case, the closure of the bridges of the bridges is implemented outside these lines of plaza.

1.5. For the construction of infrastructure projects that do not affect the existing natural or modular cote of the watercourse and generally its drainage, such as saliva and underground pipelines, and waste water and waste disposal.

1.6. For the construction of mountain water projects, except in cases where the competent forestry service deems it necessary to define, due to the construction of a specific project, as well as forestry works.

1.7. For projects and activities serving national defence purposes, as well as projects or activities necessary for the immediate treatment of natural disasters in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 1 (2) of the Law 4014/2011.

2. For small watercourses, as defined in par. Article 1 (2) of the present Regulation does not require that they be adopted. Exceptionally and where there are special reasons for such protection, it is possible to limit the scope of the


Having regard to the opinion of the General Secretariat of the Directorate-General of the Management Committee, which is issued following a recommendation from the Directorate for Water and the Environment of the relevant Colonial Environment, in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 And 3 of the present. In the case of small watercourses, the Region of Attiki Region is also required to consult the Central Coordination Committee of Article 140 of the EC Treaty. SEE PART ONE, NO 4070/2012.

Article 5 Special provisions

1. The watercourses whose delimiters have been defined in accordance with Article 6 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 880/79 (') and Article 5 of the EEC Treaty. In the event of a significant change in the actual hydraulic, environmental and political data on the basis of which the initial designation has been made, it may be re-delimited in accordance with the provisions of this law. For the opening of the re-delimitation process,

In this case, a decision by the Secretary-General of the Central Bank is required, in this case, to be adopted on the basis of a recommendation from the relevant Directorate-General for the Central Administration, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 3 of Article 3 of the Act.

2. In the watercourses whose delimiters have not been determined, in accordance with the provisions laid down therein, by way of exception, after an undertaking concerned, an expedited operator or an individual, for the purpose of issuing an eco-label close to them, may be carried out. At the same time, the Commission will be able to take the necessary measures to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Treaty. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 3 thereof,

2.1 of the submission, by hand of the operator or individual concerned, a plumber for the whole water catchment area of the watercourse to the extent of the temporary demarcation point, drawn up by an authorisation holder,

2.2 of the definition in a topographical plan, based on the above hydraulics study and based on the physical transformation of the watercourse, without adjustment work, of the planus lines for a period of 50 years, and

2.3 of the control and endorsement of both the above-mentioned hydraulics and the topographic diagram with the proposed lines of plaza, the Technical Service of the Region concerned, which also updates its Water Directorate Relevant A-poentralised command. In all cases, consideration may be given outside the

For the purposes of this Regulation, the following shall be added to the Annex to the Annex to the Annex to the Annex to the Agreement. Article 28 of the EC Treaty No 4067/2012 (1 79), subject to the provisions of Article 9 of this law.

3. Waters of water, within an authorised city or within the boundaries of settlements, which exceptionally are proposed to be settled by technical works of a closed order, shall be delimited with a minimum range of technical works. The surface of the zone

Of the watercourse above the closed arranged decree, a common area is identified, which is not allocated to the required share of the city or settlement in the city or the settlement, in accordance with existing orifice rules.

4. In each decentralised administration, an electronic file shall be kept under the responsibility of the Water Management concerned, in which the administrative acts for the demarcation of water are registered together with the corresponding delimitation dossiers. The number of demarcations made up to now by other Services, with their responsibility, are transferred within one month to the Addresses of the Accessible Administration.

Article 6 Single database

The administrative acts and applications for the delimitation, final or temporary, of this law shall be entered in a single database on an information system of the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change or other public authority. Of the principle, which is supervised by the Ministry. The database of the information system is linked to the database and background of the National Data System. The information shall be updated by the Responsible, each time, for the adoption of the act, an instrument without delay. To establish an environmental protection policy

Of the residential environment and the recording of the relevant actions of the state, is installed in the Department of Environment, Energy and Classic Al-hare dynamic reporting and reporting system for taking operational data. Each year, indicators and statistics on the monitoring of water-water demarcation shall be drawn up by the competent authority for the information system. By decision of the Minister of Environment, Energy -

The Council of the European Union, the European Parliament, the Council, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the European Parliament The Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change and the decentralised Administrations are closely monitored, through an information system, the completion procedures, the time for the submission of applications, time of issue Approvals, as well as the process and progress of any projects required.

Article 7 Counterpoint protection projects

1. The Services of the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, as well as the departments of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and the Responsible Services of the Faculty of Administration or the Region, may study To carry out settlement/anti-navigation protection and maintenance work in watercourses or to outsource them, in accordance with the provisions laid down.

2. A decision of the General Secretariat of the Management Committee may be entrusted to the General Secretariat of the Management Board.


Modules-study, entrustment and enforcement of international protection and conservation works-and the following bodies:

2.1. To the OT.A. countries, where the carbohydrate in question is entirely within their longitudinal limits and is not a branch of another water;

2.2. In the relevant Regional Units, where the watercourse study is entirely within their own boundaries and is not a branch of another water-body;

2.3. In the regions concerned, when the study in question is entirely within their administrative boundaries and is not a branch of another watercourse. If the carbohydrate study is found to be in the

Within the administrative boundaries of more regions with a decision of the General Secretariat of the Directorate-General for Employment may be entrusted with the study and implementation of the settlement/anti-trust projects and maintenance work in the competent services Of the region concerned, for the part of the watercourse located within their administrative boundaries.

3.1. By way of exception, regularisation and anti-trust, water protection projects may be carried out by individuals without prejudice to the derogation provided for in paragraph 1. Article 3 of this law, Article 3 of this Act. (b) a proposal for the definition of the delimitation of the delimitation of the watercourse, (c) a proposal for the definition of the delimitation of the delimiters, (d) the text provided for by the text. Legislation on the environment

Permit or approval of settlement projects, if necessary.

3.2. The above Technical Service shall, after examining and consider the delimitation file, transmit it to the competent Service for the completion of the demarcation procedure, in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 3 (2) and (3) of Article 3. Point. Point. The delimitation dossier, the environmental study,

The supply of settlement projects and the implementation of projects are funded by the expedited private.

Article 8

Within the business parks or organisers of metastatic and business activities, they are governed by the provisions of the Law. 4458/1965, as amended by n. 742/1977, n. No 2545/1997, as well as the provisions of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 3982/2011 is hereby authorised to settle watercourses in particular for hydraulic operation. In the event that, exceptionally, the hydraulic study reveals that for the protection of these areas the watercourse in another place (s) is required (creation of new ones) then the initial comite is measured in the area of land; and An open space shall be left open which, in the relevant policy provisions, is subject to the mandatory uncovered area of the land. In this case, the demarcation procedures and

Environmental licensing of settlement projects

Shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this law.

Article 9 Transitional provisions

1. Validation of the definition of the delimitation criteria which, at the time of the entry into force of the Act, refer to the relevant departments and apply to the exception of paragraph 1. Article 3 (4) shall be drawn up in accordance with these provisions.

2. Validation of the definition of the variables which, at the time of the entry into force of the existing law, refer to the competent services and do not fall within the scope of the exemption. It may be concluded in accordance with the provisions in force at the time of the entry into force of the Treaty or with the provisions of this Regulation.

3. Until the adoption of the decision of the Ministers of par. Article 2 (5) of the present Regulation, with which the technical specifications for the di-and the delimitation of the delimitation of the delimitation sector will be applied, shall apply to the relevant provisions in force.

4. Until the adoption of the Presidential decree provided for in paragraph 1. Article 28 of the EC Treaty 4067/2012, the distances from the planar lines referred to in par. Article 5 of this Regulation shall be defined as follows: For the project and within the settlement limits,

(i) a distance of 10 metres from each of the flue-lines and B. for off-plan areas, a distance of 20 m;

Of each of the floral lines.

Article 10 Repealed provisions

As from the entry into force of this law, the provisions of Article 6 of the Law shall apply. 880/1979 (58);

As applicable, (b) par. Article 6 of Decision 3046/304 /

(c) any other provision which is contrary to the provisions of the Deputy Minister for the Environment, Spatial Planning and Public Works (CSR);

Classes of the present.

Article 11 Arrangements for issuing approvals and driving licences

1. Article 47a of the. No 4067/2012 (1 79), as provided for in Article 27 of the Law. The following is substituted for 4122/2013 (1 49):

' If until the date of commencement of n. A dossier for the issuing of an administrative authorisation to carry out construction work has been submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 1577/1985 as amended, and by way of derogation from any other provision, the deadline for delivery is extended until 8.2.2015. '

2. The fourth paragraph of par. Article 45 of the EC Treaty 4030/2011 is replaced by the following:


" Until the publication of the n. Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 4030/2011 (1 249), a dossier has been submitted for the issuing of an administrative authorisation to carry out construction work on the occasion of its adoption until 8.2.2015. '

3. The validity of the construction permits which expire in 2014, 2015 and until 29/2/2016 are extended by three years.

4. The validity of the repair permits for the repair of buildings to dull and fireproof areas issued in accordance with special arrangements of ministerial decision-making. Regulation (EEC) No 1190/1981 (1 203), as applicable, and which had not expired on 1.3.2011, extended until 8.2.2015.

5. Energy Performance Certificates-even after 6.10.2013 and until the publication of the product by energy inspectors with temporary permission are considered valid for any consequence.

6. Paragraphs 2a and 2b of Article 2 of the Law of 24/31.5.1985 (Δ270), " Modification of the terms and definitions of the land of the entities other than those of the cities and outside the laws of the laws of the Member States preceding the year 1923 Family members' shall be replaced by the following:

' 2a. Installations for the cultivation of flowers and ornamental plants, as well as plants for the disposal of snails, in accordance with the approved studies of the Ministry of Rural Development, and Food, manufactured without permission and limited to the coverage rate of the land, the maximum height and the number of structures.

20 b. By way of exception to the provisions of the preceding paragraph in order to manufacture heat-to-glass heat, their distances from the limits of the land shall be 2,50 metres. '

7. In Article 2 of the Act of 24/31.5.1985 (1 270), paragraph 6 is added as follows:

" It is permitted to install snail farms and the cultivation of these in specified provisions or Z.O.E. or General Urban Plans includes agricultural or agricultural land or rural areas or areas of agricultural cultivation, as well as in rural areas. All the substances in which the use and manufacture of temperatures may be authorised. '

8. "D." Directorate for Urban Planning-p. Head of the Ministry of the Environment, Spatial Planning and Public Works ('A΄ 19) ' is amended as follows:

' D. Directorate for Urban Planning. Head of Civil Engineering, Registry of Civil Engineering, Architects' IP.

9. By way of derogation from the provisions laid down in Articles 39 and 47. 4178/2013 (A ' 174) the total amount of the single special protection, levied in accordance with the provisions of Chapter I of the abovementioned law for any construction or unauthorized changes in real estate, in Kefalonia and Ithaca, For the purpose of the Green Fund, it shall be placed in a special code under the heading 'Environmental balance' and is available for the protection of the currencies of the currencies referred to in Chapter B of the same law. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs and the Environment, Energy and the Climate Change, it may be necessary to specify any necessary detail for the future.

Application of this Article. 10. Extracts outside the city plan or out of range

A settlement which is regulated by more specific provisions of a joint ministerial decision or a Presidential decree on a delegated act. 1650/1986 or of the legislative decree 17.7.1923 or the n. 4067/2012, as the case may be, and in any case outside the protection zones, where the sale and use of the establishment of production activities is not prohibited, the maintenance, improvement, modernisation, extension of histamines is prohibited. (i) facilities or the creation of young people by way of derogation from the special conditions of entry applicable (such as higher volume, division of volume), and the renewal of environmental conditions, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter I of n. (a) A decision by the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy (b) in particular, the adoption and authorisation of a decision;

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 3193/ EC, the Member States shall, in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 519/1999, be adopted by the Council in accordance with the conditions laid down at the time of entry into force of that licence, in so far as it is still in force and the degree of disturbance is not changed in accordance with the provisions laid down.

Article 12 Licensing of Ecclesiastical Property

Of the Church of Crete

1. For the issue of the marketing authorisation and the entry into force of the immovable property of the legal persons. 4149/1961 (1 41) "The Statute of the Church of the Orthodox Church and other provisions of the order" applies the provisions of the Law. 4030/2011 (1).

2. Specially, for any construction work concerning the Sacred Temples, Priests and the existing Metals, Metropolitan Megara (one (1) in each of the Cathedral), which belong exclusively to churches-to the legal persons of the n. 4149/1961 especially with regard to the enclosure and what is within it and serves the community life, the adoption of an issue is published by the Directorate for Economic and Social Affairs (D. O.K.K.) of the Ministry of the Environment, Research and Technology. Clamoral Change.

3. For the above projects, the opinion on the Architects' Opinion is issued prior to the adoption by the Council of Ecclesiastical Architecture and the Dodecanese of the next paragraph.

4. It is recommended to the Church of Crete, the Council of Ecclesiastical Architecture of Crete and the Dodecanese, consisting of: a) a clerical or professor of architecture in Poly -

Technical School, as President, (b) an Architect, official of the Ministry of Peri

(c) an Architect representative of the Technical Commission; (c) an Architect representative of the Technical Commission;

A Greek building, which is proposed to his deputy by the President of the TEI,


D) an Architect Engineer, member of the Board of Directors, e) a Civil Engineer or Mechanical Engineer; or

Electrical Engineer, Board of Directors, depending on the issue of the session, f) a painter or wood-sculptor or marogler

(g) an Architect, an official of the Ministry of Culture;

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 3 thereof, The President, members, with their alternates,

Except in the case of (b) and (a), and the Secretary of the Council is appointed by the Holy Provincial Assembly of the Church of Crete, following an opinion of the Honorary Patriarchate, with a two-year term of office, which may be renewed.

5. After the approval of an application, the authorisation to use and the use of worship sites or the authorisation of the use of worship sites shall be issued in accordance with the provisions of the provisions of the Law of the Church of Crete referred to in paragraph 6 of this paragraph. A-thru. In addition to those provided for in the provisions of the Act, the authorisation shall be sent to the competent authorities of the European Union and shall be a record of the initiation of the verification procedure. Of vessels in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. 4030/2011.

6. It is recommended to the Church of Crete and the Holy Metropolis of the Dodecanese, Service (Y.DM.), which exercises the responsibilities of the United Kingdom. 4030/2011, as applicable, and issues the authorisation of the territorial jurisdiction of the Church of Crete exclusively for: (a) Metropolitan (1) in each of the Matters;

(a) B) The Holy Temples if they belong exclusively

And only to church legal persons of n. 4149/1961 and the Dodecanese Prefectures and their additions. The building of an invitation is only allowed in Sacred Temples, belonging to the church's own legal persons. 4149/1961 and if they are a single architectural ensemble with the Holy Temple and serve the Holy Temple. (c) Priests especially with regard to the enclosure

(d) In any event, the adoption of an application and the adoption of a decision should be taken as soon as possible.

A licence for private Holy Temples and chapels shall be issued by the competent local authorities (Y.DM) of the municipalities. Permission to use worship or use license

(i) non-cult areas are a non-essential condition for the commencement of the work or uses which are licensed under the licence and may be incorporated in the same strain.

7. The aforesaid Service of the Church of Crete is subject to the supervision and control of the Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change. The staff of the service is hired and paid by the Church of Crete. The Agency shall be integrated into the information system in question, in which the other HEIs are connected.

8. The interested party, for the submission of an application for

In the case of the Office for Official Publications of the European Union, the European Parliament and the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Parliament, the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee and the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee. The above procedure is adhered to for every Holy Monastery or Holy Temple, which follows the glory of the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christ, or belongs to an ecclesiastical legal personality, either a natural person or a legal person of private law within the meaning of the Constitution. The territorial integrity of the Church of Crete and the Holy Metropolis of the Dodecanese.

9. For the iconographic and other dimension of all the Holy Monastery and Holy Temples, which is artistic work, permission from the Y.DM of the Church of Crete and an opinion of the Council of Churches of Ecclesiastical Architecture is also required Church of Crete and Dodecanese.

10. Regulation of the Holy Provincial Synod of the Church of Crete, issued, following an opinion of the Oikonomical Patriarchate, specializes in setting up, organisation, responsibilities, administrative support, operation and service status Of the above services and bodies, the creation and maintenance of their electronic file. By decision of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, the method of informing, linking and exchanging data in the file of the Office of the Service with the authorities responsible for compliance with the provisions 1-4 of the Staff Regulations is determined. N. 3843/2010 (Part II 62) and its implementing regulations, whichever is the case.

11. The buildings referred to in paragraph 2 are specific buildings of public interest and derogations may be granted by decision of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, as referred to in Article 27 of the Law. 4067/2012, as is the case, after an opinion and the Council of Churches of Ecclesiastical Architecture of Crete and the Dodecanese Islands.

12. For the construction or repair of the buildings in case B, instead of the title of ownership, the persons concerned are obliged to provide the following supporting documents for the issue of approval and authorisation. Documents: Certificate from the Ministry of Social Security

Where the property is not claimed by the public or the FRT.A. OTHER: An enactment document, drawn up in accordance with

The provisions of Article 7 of the Law. 3800/1957 (A-256) or 88 of the Law 2200/1940 ('42), signed by the legal representative of the ecclesiastical party and accompanied by a surveyor. Act and the above provisions shall be drawn up for the immovable property of the Holy Monastery. "C." In order for existing buildings to be responsible for

In the case of 1599/1986, where the time of their uprising is declared.

13. The provisions laid down in the above paragraphs on the immovable property of the legal persons. The Patriarchal Patriarchate of the Patriarchal Patriarchate of the Patriarchal Patriarchate of the Patriarchal Patriarchate of the Patriarchate Patriarchate of the Patriarchate Patriarchate of the Patriarchal Patriarchate of the Patriarchate Patriarchate of the Patriarchate Patriarch of the Patriarchate of the Patriarchate Patmos. For the Pan-triarchal Authority of Paw the application for the adoption of an interview referred to in paragraph 8 of this report,


The relevant documentation shall be submitted to the competent Y.DM. The Patriarchal Exarch, with the previous agreement of the Oikos Patriarchate.



Article 13 Definitions

For the implementation of this chapter, as a world-class Football Sports Installations (A.E.P.) within the residential tissue of the cities, all sports facilities and infrastructures are located in the building blocks within a project. (i) the application of the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 8152/ EEC on the application of the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 8152than to be amended: 1577/1985 (C.O.C.) and other sports activities are also used for the performance of professional championships of the First and Second National Championships (football clubs of Super League and Football) (ii) and for which specific specifications of the installations are required, in accordance with the special Greek regulations and international regulations of the European Union (U.E.F.A.). Exceptionally, within a period of two years from the date of application of the building identity, in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 3843/2010, with the responsibility of the interested parties listed all the AEDs in this Article. By decision of the Committee on the Environment, Energy and Climate Change and the Civil and Political Affairs and Sports Ministers, each necessary detail shall be laid down for the implementation of this Regulation.

Article 14 Installation motives

Incentives are defined as an incentive to transfer the SIA to a planned project of spatial planning or land use in accordance with the provisions in the non-project area provided that the existing buildings and installations are demolished and are attributed. Sharing as parks and grinding as follows: By way of derogation from the applicable wartime

Provisions, in accordance with which the terms and conditions of cover are laid down, the rate of entry and volume of the building through the process of the Bank of the Land of Articles 32 to 37 of Chapter VI of the Law. 4178/2013, may be transferred, in addition to the one-to-one, by taking into account the existing IPP at the time of demolition. The extent of the AWP is being demolished.

The Committee of the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection at the meeting of the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection.

Article 15 Fire safety-Static Public Public Access

1. To ensure the required standards for fire safety, static proficiency and access, in accordance with national and international regulations;

Conditions governing the authorisation and operation of the MAGs for the conduct of competitions shall be permitted to derogate from each other plantings in accordance with the subsequent authors.

2. It is permissible to manufacture emergency bags and to make any other necessary addition or modulation of the AIA to ensure the costs of transparency and the servicing of persons with disabilities or by means of persons, by way of derogation from each applicable legislation. In accordance with the relevant safety and accessibility studies, the provisions of the Regulations shall be laid down in accordance with the relevant safety and accessibility studies.

3. In cases where, from the required recovery and/or strengthening study of the carrier and in order to ensure the static clemency of the A.E.P.A., there is a need to perform relevant construction work, the structures are allowed. (i) data from the AAR to be extended outside the legislative programme of the building and not beyond 1.50 m;

4. In addition to the legal description of the building (or buildings) and in excess of the applicable trade provisions, other preparations may be implemented and other preparations which postpone the IMP or are necessary for their better functioning; and The safety of spectators such as arteries, shelters, entry barriers and illumination pylons.

Article 16 Homepage-Energy Reading-A. E. E.

Pillar Pillars

By way of derogation from each applicable trade agreement, it may be possible to add the forecast projects from the CENS study to the energy market, in accordance with the relevant specific provisions on energy. Upgrading of the buildings. On the other hand, there is the possibility of a

Photovoltaic systems photovoltaic systems. With a view to the functioning of the AEDs, such as the illuminating pylons, they may, where appropriate, amount to the amount required for their operation in excess of the permitted height of the A.E.P. .. The relevant installations are used exclusively to cover the industrial needs of the athletic installation, from another economic objective. In the case of the construction of roofs, the lighting installations are necessarily integrated into the roofs and the existing pylons are established unless their preservation is necessary according to an approved illumination study.

Article 17 E commercial uses

AHQ is allowed to be used for the installation of sports activities with non-aligned participants, as well as commercial activities with the corresponding closed-side routes (but not limited to: anguish-café, Restaurants, shops, trade shops, a conference centre with-as 300 seats, one quarrier up to 300 seats,


Entertainment and recreation areas, etc.). Summaries and commercial activities may not, in any case, exceed 15 % of the total percentage of the existing implementation of the IPR. The above uses are permitted in excess of the permitted land uses of the-cutlass-building block and of the area located by the Ads. For the remainder of the required approvals and authorisations, 31252/ 22.7.2009 (ASAP 396) decision of the Minister of Environment, Spatial Planning and Public Works.

Article 18 Capacity of ADE.

1. Performing textual kernels for the addition or conversion of existing sites, as well as the addition of new kernels with their sub-supporting equipment in accordance with the specific specifications and special national experts The Committee of the European People's Party (EPP-ED, DE), on behalf of the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee on the Rules of Procedure.

2. In any case, the above additions to the AIMPs should not exceed the maximum permitted height in the vicinity of the property. On the basis of the decision of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and the Climate Change and following the opinion of the Council of Architecture, a derogation may be granted in respect of the height and volume of the HE.P.A., the ckers with the roof tops. (i) and, in accordance with Article 15 (2) (c) of Regulation (EEC) No 2019/1999, the Commission shall, in accordance with Article 15 (2) of Regulation (EEC) 4067/2012 (V79).

3. The extension of the list of seats on the basis of the AWP of the AWU and from the opposite ends shall be permitted subject to a height of at least five (5) metres from the foot of the promenade. The above extension in case-case may not exceed in a horizontal projection the tip of the crust of the crust. If the above extension is above a pedestrian, the construction may not exceed one-tenth of the length of the pedestrian area.

4. In the event of the addition of candles and commercial uses in previous articles in existing ETPs of this chapter there is no obligation to present new sites for use in application of the 111/2004 (1st 76). For the Region of Attica and the Federal Republic of Germany, for the rest of Greece.

Article 19 Authorisation procedure

1. For all cases of implementation of the construction work referred to in Articles 2 to 7 of this Regulation, the fees for the issue of the approval are the IAEA of the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change and for the authorisation of the General Secretariat. Athletic grounds.

2. For the purposes of the work referred to in Articles 2 to 7 of this publication, or above,

For the purposes of the adoption of a measure other than the other supporting documents in accordance with the provisions of the Law, it shall also apply to the work outside the legal framework of the AEDs. 4030/2011 requires the prior approval of the CRESCASE in which it should be justified that the main purpose of the commonalities and uninterrupted and uninterrupted use is secured.

3. For existing football facilities which fall within the scope of the Presidential Decree of 14.5.2013 (AAP 161), the adoption of an application and the authorisation of an application shall be issued in accordance with the relevant product plan in accordance with the provisions of this Article. Decision of the Minister for Surward-dos, Spatial Planning and Public Works (AAP 510) and without prejudice to the other provisions of the above-mentioned office.


Article 20 Amendments to n. 4067/2012 (V79) (V.C.)

1. The par. Article 1 (2) of the Law 4067/2012 is replaced by:

' 2. The following provisions of Article 2 (a) of Article 2 shall be applied in areas other than authorised medicinal products: (a) Article 2, with the exception of paragraphs (a);

(b) paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Article, (c) Article 4 (d), Article 5 (e), Article 6 (3) (3) of Article 8 (g), Article 11 with the exception of paragraph 2;

Record 6m, 6q, 6p for Article 19 as referred to in Article 12 (3) and (4) (i), Article 13 (j), Article 16, except paragraphs 5c, 6, (k) in Article 17 other than paragraph 2a, 2b, 2f,

Article 21 (m), Article 23 (n), Article 25, Article 26 (p), Article 28 (q), Articles 29 to 37. ' 2. The second paragraph of paragraph 2. Point 3 of Article 1

N. 4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by the following: "(b) paragraphs 4 and 5 of this Article." 3. The first definition of Article 3 of the Law.

4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by the following: " H: is the maximum actual height of the kti -

In the event that the rate of increase is exhausted, the rate of increase is likely to be exhausted, as shown in the course of the sale of the licence or the maximum amount, in the event of failure to do so. I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I -

4. Par. Article 4 of the Law 4067/2012 (1 79), as follows:


' 1. A licence within the meaning of Article 1 of the Law. 4030/2011 (1 249) is required for the execution of any job, such as: a. Construction Demolition. In the event that you -

The whole building, and not its part, does not need to be submitted for an evaluation. Excavations or aggregations greater than/minus

0.80 metres, as well as coatings, forms of land and land for use. C. Rebuilding, adding, repairing, building and paw -

The results of the studies have been improved. Pool construction. Change of use, in case it comes but -

(b) to the extent to which it is necessary to determine whether or not it is necessary to comply with the requirements laid down in Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 20719/1999, as amended by Council Regulation (EEC) No 20619/1999. F; Wallings and fences not defined by

Paragraph 3g. G. Construction of underground tanks. Any new construction or addition that

Is not defined in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4. No new construction permit is required; or

Add or install if it is otherwise specified by more specific provisions. No authorisation shall be required, approval of a small scale or an update at the time of the case of the work of internal agglomerations, short-service doors and windows or isolated repairs for use and hygiene, in particular. In the case of a single repair, a small part of the water flow, repair of agglutination, etc. "

5. The first paragraph of par. Article 4 of the Law 4067/2012 is replaced by the following:

' It shall be required, before 48 hours, to inform the relevant Directorate-General responsible for carrying out the following tasks. '

6. The case in par. Article 4 of the Law 4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by the following:

' f. Maintenance, repair of roofs or eyes without use of scaffolding. '

7. The case of par. Article 4 of the Law 4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by the following:

' i In the context of the programme 'Habitat for Household', the placement of external heating or the heating of roofs or the installation of passive systems or replacement of external samples or placement/replacement of women in the Exterior facets of weaving buildings with no use of scaffold. For the above operations of this case where the use of scaffolks is required: (a) the deposit of a project and the safety and health plan of the project with a definition of the coordinator responsible in accordance with the relevant provisions in point (d). 305/1996 (1 305); and A statement of liability on the part of the project supervisor and (b) the adoption of the work approval process referred to in paragraph 3. By decision of the Minister of Environment, Energy -

However, it may be necessary to specify, in addition to the above and other cases where no authorisation is required, but the approval of a work by the competent authority of the competent authority. '

8. Par. Point 6 of Article 4 of this Regulation. 4067/2012 (1 79) a-Displayed as follows:

' 6. In the case of an arbitrary construction, which complies with the applicable war provisions or those which are in force at the time of its construction, it is possible to make it possible after the adoption or revision or update of the permit or after the adoption of such measures. Transmission approval of small scale operations for the projects referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article. In the event of the arbitrariness of the proceedings referred to in paragraph 3, a small scale shall be adopted only with the submission of a technical report. After the adoption or revision of the above licence, the construction ceases to be arbitrary and demolished. The purpose of an arbitrary construction is not to be applied in the event of a review of an authorisation, which is in force, if the structure of the building, the duty rate and the volume factor are respected. '

9. Article 5 of the Law 4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by the following:

" Article 5 Building use

1. Change in the use of the building or its part shall be without prejudice to the provisions laid down in the following paragraphs only if the new use is provided by the respective economic provisions. If the change occurs to the most part, the elements of the diagram or the consignments of the static study or the change of the technical-sound installations in relation to their crossings from other floors or Public areas a-issue of a License Agreement and an update of the Identity Card. In any other case the baggage is deemed to be arbitrary.

2. Areas for which an authorisation has been granted with a specific use may alter their use if the new use is provided for by the relevant trade provisions and there are no changes in paragraph 1 of this Article. In this case, it is necessary to update the value of the Buildability and do not need to issue a License Agreement.

3. In buildings no longer exists within an approved plan or settlement, it is possible to change the use of existing land uses in the area in force in accordance with the current financial plan, and regardless of any other conditions of implementation. In non-project non-project buildings and outside the settlement limits, it is possible to change the use of the land in the area in force and provided that they do not exceed the permitted use of the new use.

4. In any event of a change in the use of a building or a building site, it is necessary to ensure accessibility to persons with disabilities or platforms-to persons in the common areas of the building subject to the condition that the organism is not affected. Of the building. Otherwise the construction shall be deemed to be arbitrary. '

10. At the end of par. Article 7 of the Law The following subparagraph shall be added: 4067/2012 (A-79):

' Levels which do not have a person in an approved route when they cannot be taken care of;


Building a person on an approved route may be built by a decision of the General Secretariat of the Head of Mission only if the absence of the person has taken place before the entry into force. 651/1977, no fault of the applicant. '

11. The case (d) of par. Point 6 of Article 11 of the Law 4067/2012 (1 79), replaced by the following:

' d. The surface of the mandatory according to the building regulation of shared tracts, including lifts and blasts, and for surface up to 25 floors per floor and a-staircase and 40 volumes at the level of the entry Of the building that has a shared staircase. In the case of an addition to an existing structure,

A minimum of 10 volumes, as well as in the case of immunisation of insolent structures in existing buildings that may be included in the provisions of this Regulation, the whole of the surfaces of the existing post-war period in accordance with In the case of insolvent provided that the insolent structures have been implemented before 28.7.2011. '

12. The case with par. Point 6 of Article 11 of the Law 4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by the following:

' e. The surface of up to 12 points in total in each individual independent property when there is no communal pool in the building. In addition, in addition to the existing buildings of the

In the case of non-member countries, the Council of the European Union and the Council of the European Union, the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the European Parliament According to the above figures, the arbitrary constructs have been implemented before 28.7.2011. '

13. The case z of par. Point 6 of Article 11 of the Law 4067/2012 (1 79), replaced by the following:

' g. Risk scales where the provisions of the applicable fire protection regulations are applied in accordance with their minimum dimensions. '

14. The case of the par. Point 6 of Article 11 of the Law 4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by the following:

' or. The surface of vertical bars, irrespective of dimensions, at least 0,50 t. For the collection and operation of the sound installations, and the surface of the room and all the windows or rows operating as lamps; or As air circulation pipelines, such as air-conditioning units, for the building's roads. '

15. Case Cl 1 of par. Point 6 of Article 11 of the Law 4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by the following:

' l. 1. For special buildings, the first underground floor of the building of a theatre, museum, hospital or treatment facility, non-primary education, research centre, multi-engined research centre, independent fulfilment of conditions of physical nature Lighting-ventilation, surface area equal to that which takes place in the building, as well as this other than that of the superstructure in accordance with paragraph 6 (b) of Article 17, provided that in addition to the programme a space is served (b) equipment for the operation of the building or necessary for the operation of the building; Support for energy

Design of the building of the management and conservation of water and of the IPR and the Production of Electricity and High Performance (HIRR), as defined by the specific regulations governing such installations. '

16. In the case of the para. Point 6 of Article 11 of the Law 4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by the following:

' n. Internal balconies (mats) with a total of less than or equal to 10 % of the building of the building, without being an independent floor, without forming an independent property, and where the space provided by it ensures space conditions The main use. Internal exodus (s) in the case of the addition of an existing structure which has a residual rate of variation, with a combined effect of less than or equal to 10 % of the permitted use in accordance with the conditions of employment At the time of issue of the addition permit. '

17. The case of par. Point 6 of Article 11 of the Law 4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by the following:

' o. Compensates with a total walk of less than or equal to 1/2 of the area of the underlying floor, which is functionally linked, without being independent-the floor and where the average free height is less than 2.20 m. '

18. The case of the q. Point 6 of Article 11 of the Law 4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by the following:

' q. The free space created when the building is constructed in a sub-column (pylar) and which can and may extend to different perps, if it has:

(i) a surface of at least 50 % of the surface of the building;

(ii) floor up to 0,50. Up or down (± 0,50 µ.) from the final ground level at each of its points,

(iii) a free height of at least the intended principal place of use and where,

(iv) there is a functional connection of all levels where it extends. In the present case, they are also not included

Areas of climate, lifts, inputs and surface area environments with a surface area of-as 40 ° for each class of bar. '

19. The case of par. Point 6 of Article 11 of the Law 4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by the following:

'; The surface of the insulation as a whole has a thickness of more than 6 cm in the construction of new buildings. '

20. At the end of par. Point 6 of Article 11 of the Law 4067/2012 (1 79), the following is added as follows:

' la. The constructions which are imposed following the beginning of the beginning of the year, for the protection and enhancement of these services by the competent departments of the Ministry of Culture and Sports. '

21. Par. Article 12 of the EC Treaty 4067/2012 (1 79), replaced by the following:

' 4. The calculation of the permitted coverage of the land does not measure the surfaces of the correct projections in a horizontal plane: a. The contents of the uncovered space included in the

Building, regardless of their width and depth, and whether they include a carrier. B. Open and shut-off.


Other: Articles and structures referred to in Article 11 (a), (c), (C), (C), (C), (C), (C), (6), (6), (6), (6), (6), (6), (6), (6), (6), (6), (6), (6), (6), (6) and (6) (6) Other: Countries and structures as defined in Articles

16 and 17 with the minimum dimensions prescribed therein. E. Halls and any other forms of cross-section

The premises of the building, irrespective of the size of the building, in the case of the permanent part of the building, and only for the part not covered by a superstructure. F; 50 % of the surface of the underground buildings or

Section of buildings for residential use and 20 % for other uses. If the rate of cover is manufactured, the percentage of cover may be increased, but not more than 70 %. (g) The surface of the mouth when constructed without

Supports and without the construction of a floor above this surface. Risk-scales if required by application

(i) the provisions of the applicable rules applicable to fire protection and only to existing rules before the regulation of buildings to which the maximum permitted rate of cover of the habitat has been exhausted. '

22. The par. Article 13 of the Law 4067/2012 (1 79), replaced by the following:

' 2. For the calculation of the actual volume of the volume, the following: (a) To be measured: - the volume of spaces measured in the constitution;

A smooth operation, - the volume of open spaces, - the volume of spaces defined in subparagraphs (b),

(e) in Article 11 (6) of Article 11 (6), the place of the roof only when it is not under -

Charging, - the basement area from the final ground level

(b) Not applicable: - all cases referred to in paragraph 6 of Article

11 except for (b), (e), (e), (c), (c), (c). " 23. Article 15 of the Law 4067/2012 (1 79)

Is as follows:

" Article 15 Height of Building Height Measurement

-Draw width

1. The maximum permitted height of the building is determined by reference to the permissible rate of the area as follows: for a rate of use up to 0,4 heights of 10,75. For the rate of use up to and including 0,8 height 14,00. For the rate of use up to and including 1,2 Height 17.25. For the rate of sale up to and including 1,6 height 19.50. For a valuation coefficient of up to 2,0 heights of 22.75 µ g. For the rate of use up to and including 2,4 height 26,00. For a rate of difference of 2,4 or more, tenfold

The permitted rate at a maximum of 32,00 m. In the case of the construction of incubated areas,

Of less than 50 % of the net surface area allowed to exceed the height such as this

Shall be valid, by 1,00. And 0.40 m dry. And similarly to existing buildings where the height of the area has been used up.

2. Derogations are allowed in terms of height and volume by decision of the Minister of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, following the opinion of the Central Council of Ministers: (a) for special buildings other than offices; In the case of

With a valuation coefficient of up to 1,2 and a justified proposal by the competent body, with the following values: for a rate of up to 0,4 height of 13,00. For the rate of use up to and including 0,8 height 18,00. For a duty rate up to and including 1,2 Height, 21,00, (b) in case of added height in a building,

It has been raised by a legal basis, provided that the rate of sale has not been exhausted.

3. The maximum height of the building at each point of the building is measured by the final stage of the building in any measure of measure or by the status of the pedestrian, if the facets are placed on the one-hand line. On plots with faces in more than one

Common areas, for which there are different levels of permitted altitudes and at least one of them not defined under this paragraph, is subject to compliance with the lowest of the permitted heights until the distance of 9,0. The Committee of the Committee of the Environment, Public Employment and the Committee on the Environment, Public Employment and the Committee of the Environment, Public Employment and the Committee of the European In the case of a basement with a low court (coursanglaises) the height shall be measured by the final ground level of the ground floor in the corresponding position.

4. In the uncovered areas of the land, a partial excavation or deterioration of the natural habitat is permitted for the adaptation of the building to this condition, provided that at no point the permanent status of the soil will not be higher or lower. From 1.50. From its physical status. In the case of excavation or coating of hum -

Of the land for land with a slope of more than 20 %, the status of the natural soil can be artificially lowered to 2.00. And to be charged up to 1,00. Excavations or ground handling exceeding the limits above, for buildings of public interest and importance, is authorised by the opinion of the Council of Architecture.

5. The building (except for crowns) that can be constructed on the plot must be entered into the ideal solid, defined as: (a) on the faces of the land, from the vertical

A surface that passes through the construction line and the maximum values of which are at a height of 1,5 % which cannot be less than 7.5 µ., from the site of the lower case of the crate, b) of an inclined surface that passes through the Senior -

The points of the vertical surface defined in the preceding paragraph and forming an acute angle of 1: 1,5, (c) on the other sides of the plot of land;

Surfaces that pass from the boundaries of the building or from the limits of the distances imposed.


6. In cases of platoons or enlargements due to crossroads with or without notice, to determine the height of the facade of the buildings in the area facing the enlargement or the square, it shall be taken to the most extent of the size of the buildings in the area. This is a very complex issue. When the approved common area of the environment -

Is the largest part of an eco-block and communicates with another shared space from a two-way street, as size II to determine the height of the facade of the buildings that see it, the width of the passage at the site of the event. In this area.

7. The heights for the application of the ideal stereo are obtained from each site of the muscle line in the final form of a lower case of lower case, that is confirmed by the operator and is responding to the topographical plan and the (iii) a programme of cover by the competent authority of the entity. If there is no definite lower case, the

This is determined by the approved elevation study of the road. If there is no elevation study of the road, the study

Be drawn up by a private machine and approved by the competent authority of the entity. A new altimeter may be used in the event of a tax on the amount of the road.

8. The height may be exceeded, as is the case, up to 1,00, in cases where the basement of the building is used by at least 50 % for car stamped. The same applies when in the above case the building is constructed on columns (pillars) pursuant to paragraph 6 of Article 11 of this law, and its open-air space is available exclusively for status purposes. Motor vehicles. '

24. Article 16 of n. 4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by:

" Article 16 Functional, energy and transitory elements in

Aspects of the building

1. On the sides of the building envelope both for the new buildings and for additions to existing buildings and if they do not create closed or open areas of use of the building, they are allowed and disposed of freely in any position and According to the architectural design: a) architectural protrusions and architectures

(b) oncooplastic protrusions and transducers;

(c) mobile or fixed shading and control systems

(d) constructions for the maintenance of the shell, e) with the apparent type of tubing of technical systems,

How to prevent the use of air ducts, air ducts, water flows based on pre-viewed specifications, maximum width equal to 1/4 D or 1/4 d. The distance of the above elements from the boundaries of the plot cannot be less than 1,00.

2. Outsiders and housed spaces of buildings with any horizontal or vertical and horizontal drones;

However, it is not possible for the Commission to take the necessary steps to ensure that the building of the building is located in the building of the building.

3. Open balconies may protrude the line up to a width of 1/10 P and not more than 2,00. When this is the same as for the film, they must be constructed at a height of at least 3,00 metres from the foot of the pedestrian. Alone balconies within the compulsory rigid sections of the land may be constructed to a width of 1/4 X D or 1/4 X d. The exodus, architectures and other structures referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be at least 0,50 if they are outside the mark. From the edge of the crank to the foot and to the side of the muscle line in a horizontal projection.

4. Vertical mobile protectors are permitted to be manufactured in any position, even at the top of the top-of-the-board areas, provided that they are based on the balconies and not extruded by the On the other hand.

5. Closed balconies are manufactured with the following conditions: a) The summation of the surfaces of the correct views

(b) The maximum projection is not more than 0,80 µ; (c) In the case of the construction line of the buildings of the buildings, it is not possible to exceed 20 % of the surface area of the buildings. The effects of

(b) The closed doors are only allowed for a block width of more than 8 metres, and in any case should be more than 5,00 metres from the permanent status of the pedestrian. Balconies are allowed within weapons -

Of mandatory acallatents, at a height of more than 3,00. E) Not allowed to manufacture open outsts in

Extension of closed-off crowns. It is possible to manufacture open outsts next to (in contact or distance) from a closed balcony.

6. In lowercase and gentle traffic, the construction of the previous paragraphs at a height of more than 3.00 is allowed, following a confirmation by the competent authority that they do not interfere with the operation of the pedestrian.

7. In buildings and entrances of buildings above and beyond-use spaces are permitted to be constructed on a permanent basis without vertical support. Within the distance D of the building from the boundary or from another building of the same plot, the above-calves may be constructed with a width of up to 1/2 D or 1/2 d.

8. Within the minimum distances D or d of the mandatory uncovered space constructions are permitted for the service of people with disabilities and/or suffering persons.

9. Among the open-housed spaces, in the balconies and in the open spaces of buildings, there are signs of paraphernalia and separatist elements between the property or the co-owners.

10. Technical fishing or heating systems and Hot Water Production (ZNX) systems, such as wall mounted


Gas boilers, in the case of new structures, they should be integrated into the building's shell and do not protrude from the surface of the facets of the building. In existing buildings, they are allowed to run until

50 (50) cm and only when unable to be placed on the outsides or the sights, to be-measured at a height of more than three (3,00). In the case of non-pedestrian-controlled buildings and the provision of adequate water supply for buildings located in the construction site and their operation does not exceed the maximum noise limits. Facets on the building shell are permitted to install measuring and regulatory provisions of the building's technical systems. '

25. The case of par. Article 23 of the EC Treaty 4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by the following:

(d) if there is a requirement of the Royal Decree of 9.8.1955, or was exempted from the provisions of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 1337/1983, or has been definitively excluded in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 4178/2013. '

26. Case C of par. Article 23 of the EEC Treaty 4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by the following:

' c. Provisions of this law relating to the construction of data defined by this law and not defined at the time of construction of the existing building, such as internal processes, attics, etc., in the study The provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall apply. ';

27. The case (a) of par. Article 23 of the EEC Treaty 4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by the following:

' (a) By extension or in accordance with the provisions of this law and in accordance with the specific economic provisions in force in the region. The total allocation may not exceed, at the time of issue of the addition of the addition, the rate of application of the area with the retention of the provisions laid down in Article 25 (1) and (2). 4178/2013 (1 174). '

28. The second indent of paragraph 2 (b). Article 23 of the EEC Treaty 4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by the following:

' (b) In particular, the extension may extend to the outline of the building, even if the latter exceeds the limits of the building plot of the land as determined by this law or by the special provisions. Applicable in the region. In particular, for the buildings referred to in Article 23 (1) (d) of this Law, the extension may extend to the legal period of those countries where this is defined as that which is not contrary to the provisions in force. To those which were in force at the time of manufacture, if they are more likely. '

29. Par. Article 23 of the EEC Treaty 4067/2012 (1 79) a-Displayed as follows:

' 5. In the case of a shareholders' consensus with an increased majority (67 %) of land owners, it is possible to integrate the properties of the property for as long as it is expected from the private sector.

A contract where the static competency of the buildings is ensured after the planned arrangements. In the event of a consensus with an increased majority

(67 %) owners of self-owned properties of the same building are possible for their functional integration as long as the structural adequacy of the building is ensured after the planned arrangements. '

30. The par. 5 of Article 17 of the Law. 4067/2012 (1 79) a-Displayed as follows:

' 5. Housing of atrium-based right-hand property of the DIOC, NITD, O.T.A.D., O.S.K., S. S. A. and private intergenerals with pergolas covered with light alloyed materials or with hinged camping sites are permitted. ' "

31. The case (c) of Article 19 (2). 4067/2012 (1 79) is replaced by the following:

' (c) Enjoys of an elevator shaft with a lift in the view and lift shaft with the minimum necessary dimensions and a maximum external height of 3,80. From the finished surface of the final floor of the building. On top of these ends the installation of any construction or installation.

32. In a pergola that exists only after the adoption of the competent committee of architecture and before the power of the v. 4067/2012 (A ' 79) may replace the approved cover with a protective material whose thickness no longer exceeds that of the coronation of its authorised frame.

Article 21 Amendments to Council provisions

Architectural and Congressional Planning and Contracts of Unity

1. The par. Article 21 of the EC Treaty 4030/2011 (A-249) is replaced by the following:

" 1.The Architecture Councils are responsible for the knowledge on architectural studies in the following cases: a. For any construction work in buildings or land,

Located in traditional urban areas, in traditional villages, in historical places, in areas of particular natural beauty, in archaeological sites and special buildings. The opinion shall not be required for construction work or technical or other projects within an existing building which do not make any changes to its facets. For any construction work in buildings or premises

Have been declared preserved or at the discretion of the Minister for the Environment, the Environment Minister, Energy and the Secretary of State, or the Secretary-General of the relevant Distinguishing Administration or other department of services. Preserved, and in buildings or stadiums which are in contact with a building or area declared to be preserved. C. For each construction work referred to in

By the Minister for the Environment, Energy and the Climate Change or the services of the central administration.


Other: For construction works by means of communal or domicile spaces, except where an architectural competition has been carried out. E. For architectural studies that are differentiated

From the morphological data and the typology which is subject to specific provisions adopted by region. F; For all cases of demolition permits,

The Council of the European Union, the Council and the Commission (g) For the split of the single building of the case

(a) Article 6 (1) of Article 6 (1) (d) 24/31.5.1985 (1. 270). Or ... For the construction of the unwell land of the ar -

Article 25 of the EC No 1337/1983 (1), as is the case. For the purpose of implementing the provisions of this Regulation,

The general housing of Article 41 of n. 1337/1983, as applicable. '

2. Article 21 of the Law 4030/2011 (1 249), paragraphs 4 and 5 shall be added as follows:

' 4. Without prejudice to the above cases and after the repeal of the ALMPs referred to in Article 45 (2a) of the present law, the procedure with regard to the architectural studies provided for by existing laws and other regulatory acts shall cease. Administration.

5. By decision of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, any necessary detail may be laid down for the opinions of the Council and the adoption of directives to the members of the Council. '

3. Delay the par. Article 25 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4030/2011 (1 249) and paragraph 4 shall be referred to in paragraph 3.

4. Article 27 of the Law 4030/2011 (1 249) is replaced by:

' 1. The Central Council of Architecture has the following responsibilities: a. Hereby recommends and opinions to the competent minister

For matters relating to the architectural relations of its own motion or on the relevant question by the Minister, b. To be consulted in specific cases and after

An explanation of the reasons for the architectural styles of the case under Article 21 of the present case, and of the cases referred to in Article 10 of the Law. 4067/2012, transmitted to it by the Council of Architecture, c. Shall decide on the objections submitted.

The decisions of the Architectural Councils in the case of Article 21 of the present and the cases referred to in Article 10 of the Law. 4067/2012.

2. The Central Council of Architecture of the Aegean has the following responsibilities: Recommends and opinions to the Marine Minister

The Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. To be consulted in specific cases and after

An explanation of the architectural features of the case in accordance with Article 21 of this Decision;

To be transmitted to it by the Board of Governors, c. Shall decide on the objections submitted.

Against the decisions of the Architectural Councils. 3. The Central Council of Architecture of Architecture

And Thrace has the following responsibilities: a. Recommends and opinions to the Minister of Macedonia;

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Safety To be consulted in specific cases and after

An explanation of the reasons for the architectural styles of the case under Article 21, and of the cases referred to in Article 10 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 4067/2012, divided by the Architectural Councils, c. Shall decide on the objections submitted.

The decisions of the Architectural Councils in the case of Article 21 and the cases referred to in Article 10 of the Law. 4067/2012. '

5. The case (a) of par. Article 28 of the EC Treaty 4030/2011 (1 249) is replaced by the following:

' a. Minister of Macedonia and Thrace. " 6. The last three paragraphs of Article 32

N. 4030/2011 (A-249) shall be replaced by the following: " In this case the President shall be appointed as President;

To the Council, acting by a qualified person and to the Council, also a lawyer appointed in accordance with the rules of procedure. Where a member of a lawyer is involved, he shall be selected by drawing lots from each regional unit, with a view to the General Secretariat of the Central Bank, and in accordance with the opinion of the Court of Justice. Reason. Until the adoption of the relevant decision-making decisions on the establishment of the institutions for the participation of a lawyer, these work with the previous composition. '

Article 22 Amendments to specific trigger arrangements

1.1. The case of the par. Article 6 of the first paragraph of Article 6 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (c) Is amended as follows:

' (a) The division of the single building is hereby authorised following the assent of the Council of Architecture and the following conditions: aa) The individual, after the split, buildings in each case form an integral architectural ensemble, (bb) In the case of A single building which is a synthesis of both volumes, such a connection should be at least 1,20. And, at least in one of the rates of duty or cover, or even if several independent buildings are provided for, it may not be more than three and may not be more than two years apart from a distance of more than three years. Of 2D, as in D, is defined in Article 3 of the Law. 4067/2012. By decision of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and the Climate Change and the other relevant Secretary-General, any necessary detail may be laid down for its implementation.


This is the case, as well as cases where such exceptions are imposed by the approvals of other entities or services in accordance with specific provisions. '

1.2. Licences for building or addition of buildings for which a licence has been issued against the earlier provisions in accordance with the approval of a breakdown of the volume by an EIF decision shall be issued and executed in accordance with the products concerned; The provisions.

2. In par. The following subparagraph is added to Article 2 of the first paragraph of Article 2 of the first paragraph of Article 2 (1 76):

" In the case of the application of this result more than four (4) required posts for a dispute or occupation, then the addition of the four positions to be used by the institution concerned or the In accordance with the provisions of Article 4 (6) of the Rules of Procedure, a particular residence may be ordered in accordance with Article 4 (6). 98728/7722/93 (Dl 167), Decision of the Minister for the Environment, Regional Planning and Public Works. '

3. The par. Article 1 (9) of, from 24/31.5.1985, as applicable, shall be replaced by the following:

' 9. The maximum height of the buildings is prohibited in order to reach the maximum height of the buildings. Excluding radio and mobile antennas with the necessary buildings for their operation, installations and infrastructure for generating renewable energy sources, as well as the enactments; and Subsections of observatories owned by public entities or bodies of the wider public sector serving their function. '

4.1. An approval may be granted and an authorisation to take on immovable property within the limits of such limits, such as those limits, as shown in the diagrams and decisions of the competent authorities under its provisions, from 24.4.1985, Presidential Decree (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (c) and (2) (c) of Regulation (EEC) No 574/72. At the request of the competent authority, a -

From the General Secretariat of the decentralised Administration, a geological fitness study for the whole settlement in order to determine the sections of the settlement as appropriate for an operation. If projects are to be applied by the study

Rehabilitation for the sections of the settlement which have been qualified under conditions for consideration to issue approvals and authorisations from the LIOM to all or part of the settlement, the previous version of an accredited certificate is required. Decision of the General Secretariat of the Central Bank for the completion of the projects following the knowledge of the technical service of the region.

4.2. A decision by the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change may specify specific requirements for the preparation and approval of the specific geological study.

5. The validity of the contracts referred to in Articles 20, 26, 30 and 35 is extended.

Of n. Regulation (EEC) No 4030/2011 (1 249) one year after the end of their term of office, irrespective of whether the term of office has expired during the publication of this law.

6.1. Licensing procedures for water-liners, whose decisions to approve environmental conditions or decisions were adopted prior to the adoption of the Special Framework for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development for Aquaculture. They shall be completed in accordance with the provisions laid down.

6.2. Licensing operations issued after 4.11.2011 under the above conditions shall be subject to legal tender.

7. Plots found in the building blocks of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture, which were approved before the year 1975, are considered to be the year in which these projects are plots of land. Design, whether or not included in the distribution table. These plots contribute to the war plan and are structured under the same conditions and under the same conditions as the land of the distribution board. In this case, the provisions of paragraphs 48, 49, 53 and 76 of Article 2 and paragraph 76 shall apply in this case. Article 8 of the Law 4067/2012 (P.O.K). The following shall be considered in accordance with the general and specific provisions for the non-project implementation of the preceding subparagraph.

8. Article 209 of Article 209 of the EC Treaty The following shall be replaced: 3463/2006 (1 114) "Ratification of the Code of the Municipalities and Communities" shall be replaced by:

' 6.By way of derogation from the munitive provisions, projects and installations serving the drainage and sewerage of dwellings or communities, their irrigation areas and the construction and construction of a sanitation area. (HY.T.A.) and Carrier Reviews, which are provided for by technical studies, are not subject to the conditions and restrictions of these provisions and to manufacture them not to require the issuance of an authorisation by the competent authorities. Those of the technical works and these installations have a large volume or height carried out following the opinion of the Council of Architecture. '

9. In areas of Zones, regulated by Presidential decrees where the entry into force of an action plan is to be prohibited in the course of the year, the properties which have a face in this action shall be eco nomic in accordance with the provisions in force. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in accordance with the conditions laid down in the Act of Accession of the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Finland These buildings shall be built according to the above exceptions to the relevant provisions and irrespective of the arrangements of the relevant zone. For the rest, the provisions laid down in the relevant provisions are required.


10. In the case of par. Article 10 of the EC Treaty The word "Chania" is added to the word "Heraklion" after the word "Heraklion".

11. The fourth subparagraph of paragraph 1 is amended. Article 22 of the EC Treaty 4178/2013 (1 174) as follows:

' In the event that the relevant cross-border crossing point indicates that the maximum bandwidth exceeds two thousand two hundred (2,200) euro at a rate greater than 10 % of the area of the public sector concerned, account shall be taken of the minimum area Applicable to the extent of the case concerned. '

12. Paragraph added to par. Article 22 of the EC Treaty 4178/2013 (1 174) as follows:

' Especially for the properties of the preceding subparagraph that are located in areas outside the town plan and outside the boundaries of a settlement, which has not been established, in accordance with the Ministry of Economic Interest System, is taken into account. A minimum area in the area concerned and the minimum area in which the area in question has not been established in that area, provided that the maximum zone in question does not exceed two thousand of the maximum zone in the area concerned. (2,000) euro at a rate more than 10 % of the area of the relevant public community. For the assistance of the above-mentioned case, an accreditation of the relevant entity shall be issued. '

13. The first subparagraph of paragraph 1 is amended. Question No 4, by Mr Arndt: 4178/2013 (1 174) as follows:

' 4. Indivisible structures before 28.7.2011, which have been demolished, are subject to the provisions of this derogation provided for in Article 2 (2) of this Article, with the payment of a total of EUR 500-EUR 500. '

14. Delete the word 'attestation' in the first paragraph of the paragraph. Point 8 of Article 24 of the Law 4178/2013 (1 174).

15 a. Implementing measures ratified by the competent authorities may be ratified by decisions of the Competent Authorities, provided that they are ratified by the competent authorities at their time of ratification. The validity of these decisions is at the date of adoption of the original administrative acts which, after the adoption of the relevant decisions of the regionalauthorities, are eliminated by the end of the year.

15.b. Paragraph 1 of Article 31 of the Law. 3937/2011 (1 60) is replaced by the following:

' 1. Urban planning (such as scallops with extensions, local government projects, urban renewal studies, business and land use planning studies) adopted by means of bilateral instruments adopted by the institutions Presidential decree, issued on a proposal by the competent minister and opinion of the competent authority, provided that they are deemed to have been obtained after a finding by the competent authority of the Region concerned that It is possible to re-approve the project as it stands. The procedure laid down in Article 3 of the Presidential Decree of 17.7.1923 is required in the event of a differentiation of the above arrangements.

A Ministerial Decision lays down the conditions and specifications to be met for the re-approval of these plans. The powers of the President-in-Office refer to the date of publication of the first administrative acts, which are expressly repealed with the same Presidential decree. Eco-friendly licences issued in accordance with the above administrative acts adopted by a competent body are considered to be legal and strong, and are made legal as the construction work before them. The registration and approval of licences may be entered into, or the approval of a small branch in accordance with the conditions of use of the licence. Revisions for the extension of these financial permits, until the adoption of the relevant presidential decree, are permitted in the light of the completion of the body of buildings for the completion of construction work. -Compensatory permits and revisions of these habitats to watercourses shall be issued as soon as these are complied with in accordance with the specific provisions relating to watercourses. '

16. The par. Article 189 of the EC Treaty EUR 4001/2011 (1 179) is replaced by the following:

' 3.1. In areas which have been issued in the chair for the establishment of Housing Control Zone (Z.O.E.), Presidential Protective Provisions or General Resources, the distance to be followed by the line of wind and the line. The construction or installation of a building or installation of a power station or distribution of electricity is set at 30 m; the construction of a building or an installation or distribution of electricity is set at 30 m.

3.2. It is permissible to keep the distances covered by these plans when it comes to the effects of existing Electricity Production Units within the same land. In any case the distance cannot be less than 30 µ. From the pellet line. The provisions of Decree-Law No 439/1970 (1 36) are not affected by these arrangements.

3.3. In addition to the decision of the competent Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Al-hare, following an opinion of the CESCASE, a derogation may be granted from the conditions of entry before the specific provisions of the above-mentioned provisions. Of domestic transactions and on the condition that the Environmental Impact Study concerned has been identified. '

17. In public immovable property and immovable property NITD in a project which has been classified as common premises for the construction of public utility buildings, the use of open spaces may be used until the issue of the licensing of the erection of buildings. Of buildings and in any case up to 3 years from the publication of this law.

18.1. The par. Article 26 of the EC Treaty 947/1979 (1 169) is replaced by the following:

' 2. If, within a period of five years following the publication of the provisions of Article 14 (1) of the Presidential Decree, it has not been put into effect in the more specific provisions, the programme of active competition with the management of the place of business shall be lifted. Ha --


On the other hand, the Court of Justice of the European Communities brought an action before the Court of First Instance of the Court of First Instance of the Court of First Instance of the Court of First Instance. This application shall be submitted within a period of three (3) months from the beginning of the five years starting from the publication of Article 14 (1) of the Presidential Decree. In cases of extradition of the President before the publication of this law, the application shall be submitted within a period of three (3) months after the publication of the term 'law'. '

18.2. Where, in the publication of this law, it has already been published, the description of the area as an active warring area shall be automatically lifted in accordance with Article 25 (1). 2 of n. Regulation (EEC) No 947/1979, as it stood before its amendment, and provided that the settlement of the site of the construction work had been carried out by a Mixed Economy within the five-year period following its publication in Article 14 (1). In the light of the foregoing, the President of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Secretary of State for the Environment, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Energy and the Climate Change, issued within three months of the date on which the relevant application was submitted, was obtained by the Secretary of State for the Environment. -OHH. .. In addition to the above: (a) the contract of establishment of the Mixed Economy Company and the undertaking of the project concerned, as well as any amendments thereto, (b) lays down any additional obligations of the Mixed Company. Article 28 of the Treaty on European Union. NO 947/1979 In this case, it is considered as a law that all the changes in the field of goods in the JEPs, which took place until the beginning of the present period, from which the five-year period referred to in Article 26 (2) (c) of the EC Treaty have been introduced. 2 of n. NO 947/1979

19. They are subject to the limitations of the amount, but are not subject to the number of floors laid down by the provisions of 24/31.5.1985 of the Council of Ministers ('270) ' Modification of the conditions and restrictions on the treatment of land (b) In addition to the provisions of Article 4 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 40281/ EC, the provisions of Article 4 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 40281of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, Of the order.

20. For the installation of transport activities-regardless of degree of disturbance, within the limits and-thwarted by land-use designs (GPL, Z.O.E., etc.) of industry-biometrical and/or high-welding industry, do not have Application of the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 4 of the Act of Accession of 24/31.5.1985 of 24/31.5.1985 of the Presidential Order ('270) concerning the performance of closer settlement and the specific conditions and restrictions of the approved project are applied.

21. The case of the par. Article 16 of the Law 4178/2013 (1 174) is replaced by the following:

' (h) of sports facilities and backgrounds in the buildings of the General Secretariat of Sports and NIFs that are supervised by it; and

(ii) sports facilities and support for those buildings belonging to Sports Schools and-have been erected on land assigned to them by the Public or NPD, O.T.A.D., supervised by the State, granted for Maintenance or extension of their facilities from the regular budget and operating on land assigned to them by the State or by NPD. '

22. The time limits provided for in Article 18 (5) of the Law. (EC) No 3208/2003 (A-303), as referred to in Article 19 (4) of the Law Article 24 of Regulation (EEC) No 3467/2006 ( Regulation (EEC) No 3748/2009 (2) and (c) Article 42 of the Law 4030/2011 (A-249) extended until 31.12.2014.

Article 23 Properties of DOJ-Creation of Regional Environmental Protection and Exploitation Parks

1. Properties owned by full ownership, law and possession at the Greek State or in NIFIC and have lost their forest character prior to 11.6.1975 on the basis of contracts that took place on the basis of an administrative act covered by the Tc; The Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament, the Council, the European Parliament and the Committee of the Regions. As a reason for the loss of this character, the buildings in the city plan and their designation as a building block are also meant to be lost. By means of a decision of the Special Secretary of Forestry following a recommendation made by the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, an act of formal notice shall be drawn up as regards any administrative acts adopted for the abovementioned immovable property. The protection of the area under forest law. (a) a forester of the Forestry Charts of the Special Secretariat of Forestry, (b) a forester of the relevant decentralised administration and (c) a number one teacher. The President of the Commission shall appoint the Director-General of the Directorate of the Special Committee for Forestry.

2. For the above properties that may have been engraved by forest or affluent areas, they are permitted to be exploited for the creation of a regional park of n. Regulation (EC) No 3937/2011 and public utility works in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation and only under the following paragraphs.

(a) In the light of a proposal by the competent Minister for the Environment, Energy and the Secretary of State, the Secretary of State for the Environment, or the Secretary-General, may be determined on the basis of the above property, on the basis of an amended Special Report, in accordance with paragraph 1. Article 6 of the Law Regulation (EC) No 3937/2011, which provides a basis for the economic importance of the region, the terms of reference, and any detail necessary for the application of this Article. In any event, the permissible level and only on the immovable or immovable property, which were included in the abovementioned city plan, does not exceed the rate of entrustment determined by the inclusion in the city plan and each occasion. The applicable average rate of valuation of the period.


(b) For such immovable property or parts thereof, which were entered in the city plan before 1975, the limits and special arrangements laid down in the special provisions for the protection of the presidential decrees adopted Postnatal. (c) The new arrangements for the association of these immovable property rights shall be laid down in the provisions of this Article by the President of the European Court of Justice.

It is necessary to complete the proposed projects for the protection, management and/or demonstration of the natural environment of the Regional Park, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 6 of the Law 3937/2011, special report on ecological status. The completion of the projects shall be determined by a decision of the General Secretariat of the Centre, following a recommendation by the Management Committee, which shall be set up by a decision of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change. This ministerial decision sets out the composition, responsibilities and procedures for the control and acceptance of projects, in accordance with the procedures laid down by the Presidential Decree.

Article 24 Temporary accommodation in cultivated areas

1. By way of derogation from the conditions of sale and land use applied for each region, the establishment of temporary accommodation units within a-gourmet, in accordance with the conditions, limits and authorisation procedure described above; The following paragraphs shall apply to the following paragraphs.

(2) As a temporary occupancy for the needs of the provider, the temporary construction comprised entirely of dry matter (such as threaded, wood construction, container approved), which is installed on a light basis, or In this case, the Commission has decided to initiate proceedings under Article 3 (2) of the EC Treaty.

3. As a field for the needs of the present, the continuous and unitary cultivated area belonging to one or more owners or is remunerated. This single area may consist of individual parts of agricultural land belonging to one or more owners or are remunerated.

4. The minimum walk to which provisional accommodation is allowed is set at 10 strata per farm.

5. The temporary occupancy is only equal to a maximum of 4 metres and may not cover more than 1 % of the farm, regardless of the legal structure of the buildings or envisaged to be recovered under the relevant provisions. Within this life, and beyond the prescribed above cover, the installation of a generator, water tank and a chemical toilet and/or toilet seat is allowed.

6. In addition to the superior specified maximum level, roof construction of up to 1,5 µ g, in-house, photovoltaic and solar heat and

Pontoons. 7. Temporary occupants are included under -

Compartments that provide hygienic and living conditions such as sanitary facilities, kitchen, sleepwalking.

8. The temporary residue is placed in a fir-at a mandatory distance of 2,5 µ. From the boundary of the field and to maximum 10 µ.

9. In the event that the farm has access to a national, provincial and municipal road, the placement of temporary accommodation shall be carried out in the following cases: They may not be placed on the point;

Of the agricultural area having façade of national, e-parchial and municipal road, b. The measures provided for in this Regulation are complied with.

Paragraph 8 of this Article distances. 10. By decision of the Council of Ministers,

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy, and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy, adopted a resolution on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to veterinary medicinal products.

11. For the authorisation of the installation of the proprietary product, it is issued by the competent authority of the Ministry of Agriculture at the request of the grower and the following supporting documents: a. Certification of the Directorate for Agriculture of the relevant Pe -

The Committee of the Environment, Public Administration and the Committee on the Environment, Public Administration and the Committee of the Environment, Public Administration and the Committee of the European Responsible farmer's statement, with which

Certifies that he is the sole owner of the farm or, in a different case, a declaration of his/her/her owner (s), on the basis of his/her opinion on the placement of the temporary occupant. C. Securities of ownership and other evidence of legality. D. Topographic diagram dependant, with the

(i) scale of the medicinal product (position, dimensions, distances, etc.). Hey, A copy of a standard architecture study, such as

Has been approved by the RP and the responsible person. F; Major inhabitant/part of a 1/100 scale. (g) Responsible mechanical statement, to which they are certified;

It is considered that the provisional list meets the requirements of this Regulation.

12. The Service after the submission of the above-mentioned documents shall be issued by the approval of a small scale, in accordance with the provisions of 55174/4.10.2013 (B΄ 2605). At the end of the three years after the adoption of the approval of a small scale with the responsibility of the person to whom it has been granted, the removal of the allowances is necessary, otherwise the procedure of the text of the legislation should be followed. Arbitrary construction.

13. Upon completion of the work of installation of the temporary catalyses, a responsible statement of Engineers shall be attached to the competent YDOM, stating that the work has been completed in accordance with the approval provided for in the approval, differentiating between


The Committee of the Rules of the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the Council and the European Parliament It is possible to renew this deadline every two years, with an application by the person concerned to the Employment Service which is subject to a statement of his/her statement on the change in the work data of a small scale, as well as A certificate issued by the relevant Directorate for Agriculture on the continuation of the cultivation of the agricultural land or a declaration of IACS agreement by a responsible declaration of the growing crop.

14. Technical and technical issues relating to the implementation of the present may be defined by a decision of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Rural Development and Food and Food and Public Protection Of Citizen.

Article 25 Financing of sports facilities

In Article 186 Chapter II of n. Case No 3852/2010, point 22, as follows:

' 22. The regions may finance the construction, in whole or in part, of the refurbishment or repair of sports facilities owned, owned or by use, in amateur sports clubs or non-profit-making associations. The above entities may be compatible with the provisions of Article 100 of the Treaty. 3852/2010. '

Article 26

1. For the Y/B "BOOTH", "MATORGOS", "GOOD-NIS" and "OKNEAAS", which belong to the Greek public and are located in the premises of HSY, the Greek public in the context of the law of the law and occupation in them, delegate - In the Polish Navy, the completion of the necessary works and tests for their certification and their operational integration in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 2 to 7.

2. The completion of the Y/B completion will be carried out in the area of HSY, where they are currently, by the Polish Navy, the employees of HSY and the necessary subcontractors. The necessary premises of HSY, the infrastructure and equipment will be used by the Polish Navy, without any exchange.

3. The Polish Navy will be consulted with the employees of HSY, in order to provide their services, until the completion of the work on the Y/B and their operational functioning. The Polish Navy will pay the monthly fees to be agreed for each of the employees in the same way as the insurance contribution for the services to be provided. This relationship does not create a status of dependent working with the Polish Navy, or any successor of the Polish Navy to the existing employment of the workers against HSY. Employees maintain their existing work relationship with HSY and all of them derived therefrom.

Of the The relationship of the Polish Navy to the workers is completed and automatically terminated with the complete completion of the Y/B work.

4. The Polish Navy is hereby authorised to conclude any necessary information for the execution of the project with third parties before suppliers, and by contractors for each individual item in the area affected by the project. In order to meet all the necessary requirements and conditions for the certification of the Y/B, they have already carried out work in the Y/B in the same area.

5. All payments for the completion of the Y/B projects, in accordance with paragraphs 1-4 of the Act, will be made by the Polish Navy, from the entry into force of the present time, in accordance with the current control legislation and up to 75,5 cm. Which are already registered in the budget of the Ministry of Defence.

6. N. Regulation (EC) No 3885/2010, as amended by Regulation (EC) No 3885/2010, continues to apply to the regulation of the goods not regulated by this provision.

7. Without prejudice to the present, the Ministry of Defence of Defence does not have any responsibility for the management of the Scar Ships.

Article 27 Rental of shale plates

Article 16 of the Law 3851/2010 (A-85), as applicable, is replaced by the following:

' 1. Legal and natural persons who switch to the site of shale plates, whether or not in the scope of Article 34 of the Law. (') No 2115/1993 (1 15), as replaced with par. Article 14 of the Law 2702/1999 (' 70), where so far they have not been authorised to transfer or have not entered into a contract with the public, as referred to in Article 9 (1) of the Law. 1428/1984, as replaced by Article 9 of the Law. (a) have lodged an application under the jurisdiction of the competent authorities of 21 April 1993, under the following conditions:

The recognition of ownership in an area which includes the individual area within the meaning of Article 34 of the Law. Article 14 of Law No 2115/1993 or Article 14 of the Law. 2702/1999 or Article 58 (1) of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 4030/2011, or (aa) have not lodged an application within the meaning of

In the case of the provisions of the Treaty, the Court of First Instance held that the Court of First Instance failed to fulfil its obligations under Article 93 (2) of the Treaty.

However, they have not submitted an application within the time limits laid down in the above provisions and are transferred to the final stage, as reflected in the orthophotomaps, in 1996 and (b) they have already submitted or will Submit in the same way,

Within a period of six (6) months from the date of entry into force of this: (aa) an application for the approval of a contract or a concession;

In accordance with Article 57 of the Law. 998/1979,


(b) a technical study in accordance with Article 9 of the Decision;

N. 1428/1984 (Art. 43); (d) an Environmental Impact Study; and (e) an application for direct contract award;

In the case of a public speaking area or an application for non-recognition of the area. The request may be submitted by the dealers, in the event that they are not owners of the land, but are equipped with compensation and authorization of the treated owners, c. The legal and natural persons involved in the proceedings;

In the case of small shale structures and have the same-acquired rights already recognised as administrative or legal, they only submit the data from the point of view of the territory.

2. The spatial relevant addresses of the environment are prioritised by the Environmental Impact Studies (MIFs) of the vertebral plates referred to in paragraph 1, in order to issue an Environmental Conditions Decision (A. P. O.). For the first time in five (5) months of deposit. The transfer of the funds shall be continued on the basis of the submitted study until the adoption of a measure of its rejection. Where the application is rejected, the operation of the operation shall be discontinued and the administrative acts on the protection of woodlands shall be adopted in accordance with the forestry legislation. The individual area of the funds referred to in paragraph 1

This is considered to be the one in the diagrams accompanying the approved technical study of Article 9 of the n. 1428/1984. The administrative acts referred to in paragraph 1 of this paragraph shall be adopted on this basis.

3. The transfer referred to in paragraph 1 shall cease to be valid only if, within an exclusive, a period of three (3) days from the expiry of the above-mentioned deadline, the request for authorisation is not granted to the applicants or, in the case of a public office, no The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union In the case of conclusion of a contract with the public, the case for its activation is the lodging of a credit institution's letter of credit for the debts owed to the Public balance of the period up to the value of the ownership of the property. The extent to which the funds referred to in paragraph 1 are carried out. By decision of the Minister of Environment, Energy -

The text of the guarantee letter in relation to the level, its duration, the conditions of its impact and any other relevant details shall be laid down. Until the recognition of the right of ownership on such areas, the approval will be issued on a public basis and a trade exchange will be paid in accordance with the provisions laid down in paragraph 1. Article 45 of the EC Treaty 998/1979 (A-289) in four equal instalments and a deposit and a credit institution's letter of credit equal to the balance of the three instalments, which may be reduced by the corresponding amount of payment. In the event of non-payment of one instalment the guarantee shall be forfeited.

A letter in favour of the Dome and the amount is deposited with the Special Forestry Service of the Green Group and the member of the Court shall be expelled by a relevant protocol of the relevant forest authority. When the application for approval has been submitted after the application has been made. 4014/2011, the adoption of a contract is joined to the Hellenic Republic. Within the period of three (3) years above,

(i) the competent authorities are required to have completed their respective activities and have been definitively shown on the submitted blood vessels by way of the operation of the shale stones.

4. The Council of Ownership of Forests (S. I. D), which has been subject to requests for recognition of ownership or of another body of law, in accordance with paragraph 1. Article 34 of the EC Treaty No 2115/1993 or Article 14 of the Law. 2702/1999 or with par. Article 58 of the EC Treaty No 4030/2011 is required to take a decision not later than 20 months from the date of entry into force at the latest. Such a decision may not be brought before the Revised Forestry Council.

5. Until the settlement of the proprietary medicinal product in accordance with the preceding paragraphs is replaced by the following: The recovery of the fines imposed on

However, it is not possible for the Member States to decide whether or not to apply the provisions of Article 3 (1) of the Directive. Regulation (EEC) No 1650/86 and Article 15 thereof. NO 669/1977 (241). Other: The implementation of the administrative procedures

The Committee of the European Parliament, the Economic and Financial Committee and the Committee of the European People 's Administrative elimination protocols, preaching

To give rise to reforestation, administrative penalties or other administrative penalties and any other administrative act provided for by the forestry legislation for the protection of woodland areas in the Member States referred to in paragraph 1 of this paragraph; Are required by an act of the institution, if the conditions of the above provision have been met. Until the completion of the prescribed procedure, administrative acts shall not be adopted for the protection of the land, in accordance with forest law. '

Article 28

1. The Office of the Hellenic Presidency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is maintained until 31 December 2014 for the integration of the management of its economy. The Head of the Office shall remain responsible manager of the expenditure at the same time until the completion of the procedure referred to in the first subparagraph.

2. Non-permanent staff of Class D of the Netherlands and the private-law employees of private law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, serve exclusively in the Central Office and its Regional Authorities, Of the transfer or secondment to the authorities of the external service.


Article 29

1. In Article 4 (II) (d) (i 83), as amended in point 158/2013 (A΄ 250), the following is added as follows:

" Specially for the evaluation of investment projects submitted between 1.11.2013 and 5.3.2014 (1 Evaluation cycle for 2014), with the exception of the Large Investment Plans referred to in Article 13 (2). 1 on (b). 3908/2011 (1 8), the average score of the two evaluators is the mark of the investment project. The same procedure shall be followed as necessary as regards the determination of the costs of the investment project. '

2. Specially for the assessment of the investment projects submitted between 1.11.2013 and 5.3.2014 (First Assessment cycle 2014) is not applicable for the classes referred to in Article 5 (3) and (4) of Article 5 (3) (d).

Article 30 Setting up of public works and anti-dumping measures

Consequences of natural disasters

1. The attestation of registration of registered undertakings in the classes 3 to 7 of the Registry of the Workers' Registry (MEC) of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Infrastructure, With-Exports and Networks, which have date An extension until 30.6.2014 or has been extended, in accordance with Article 55 of the Law. 4186/2013 shall be extended from the date of expiry of the date until 30 June 2014, provided that the undertakings submit a request for up to sixty (60) days from the date of entry into force of the party or have submitted a request to the Office for Compliance with the MCA. A review. The entry into force of the above paragraph shall be initiated by its adoption.

2. The provisions of paragraph 2. Article 35 of the Code of Practice for Construction of Public Works (bc. 3669/2008), as applicable, shall apply to cases under ongoing contracts for which an additional guarantee of good performance has been provided by the adado. The provisions of the preceding subparagraph shall not apply in cases where the performance of the contraaor's revocation procedure in accordance with Article 61 of the Code of Conduct for Public Works or finalised in Article 61 is in progress. Referred to in Article 60 of the Code of Practice for the Construction of Public Works, a special order.

3. In article 2 of the. Regulation (EEC) No 1190/1981 (Part 1), paragraph 7A, as follows:

' 7.A. A joint decision by the Ministers for Economic Affairs and Infrastructure, Transport and Networks may, in cases of sequins, specify the necessary number of persons authorised annually on the basis of the seat of residence of the staff serving or available. At the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks for the status of damage caused by the authorities, by way of derogation from the provisions of the Law. HAVING REGARD TO THE PROPOSAL FROM THE COMMISSION, The provisions of this Regulation apply

From 1 November 2013 and in the first application, the above Joint Decision shall be adopted within the period from the publication of the present Decision. '

4. It is recommended to be account of the Bank of Greece, to which funds are deposited by any interested natural or legal person for the assistance of the persons affected by the operations of 26 January 2014 and 3 February 2014. -Cephalonia and Ithaca. They are not included in the State Budget at the end of this year. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Social Affairs, Transport and Networks, the categories of beneficiaries, the manner in which the funds are allocated to each category, the three-year-old and the time for their disposal to the beneficiaries, In all cases supporting documents, the movement and management of the account, as well as the control body for its management.

Article 3

1. Approvals given to TAA (a) and (b) and to NPISH of self-government, according to the provisions of Article 2 of the MAH as applicable, or in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 (2) (c). 14 of n. EUR 4071/2012 from 1.1.2013 to 31.12.2013 can be implemented until 31.12.2014.

2. The staff of the grades belonging to the cleaning service, which operate, in accordance with the law, on a 24-hour basis, does not affect the limitation of sixteen (16) hours per month provided for in Article 20 (2). No 1. 4024/2011. For the above staff of cleaning services-the relative limit for long-term work for the Canary and Exclusive Days, as well as during the late hours cannot exceed thirty (30) hours per month.

3. The instruments of individual protection and the milk of past years which have not been granted until the beginning of this law are valued at the time of the competition and are attributed to the following conditions: There is a need for competition and competition.

(b) to recognise the debt owed to the workers by means of non-participation by non-participating Member States or the latter having been declared unlawful;

Of the relevant TABLES. (c) the corresponding codes and the opposite numbers;

Appropriations for the budgets of the OTA. (d) The payment of up to 12 monthly instalments

Doses; 4. Assumption of civil servants to agencies;

The Committee of the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe 3528/2007 and until the entry into force of the provisions of Article 64 of the Treaty. Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community ('), as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 1416/95 (1); Consequences.


Article 32

1. A. In paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 159, paragraph 1 of Article 159A, in the first subparagraph of Article 235 (1), paragraph 1 of Article 236, paragraph 1 of Article 237, and paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 237B of the Penal Code, The words'any kind of benefits' and 'any kind of benefit' shall be replaced by 'any nature of the benefit' and 'of any nature of the benefit' and 'of any value of the benefit'. B. In the second subparagraph of paragraph 1 of Article

Article 235 and Article 235 (2) of the Penal Code, the words "or the benefit" shall be replaced by the words "or the immaterial benefit".

2. A. In paragraph 2 of Article 159A, paragraph 3 of Article 235 and paragraph 3 of Article 237 of the Penal Code, the words'imprisonment up to three years' are replaced by 'imprisonment'. In paragraph 4 of Article 235 and the other

Section 3 of Article 236 of the Penal Code, the words'imprisonment up to two years' and 'imprisonment up to two years' are replaced by 'imprisonment' and 'incarcerated' respectively.

Article 33 Setting-up to determine the values of EASAP

And THAH, Completion of provisions on the Lime Regulatory Authority and other provisions

1. The par. The Committee of the Rules of No 4117/2013 (1 29), as amended in the case of Article 1 (1) (C) (9) of the Law of the Law of n. The following shall be substituted for 4254/2014:

' 3) Amendments to Article 3 of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 2744/1999 (2), amended by Article 19 of the Law EC 10-1980, POINT 2.1.106. (a) Article 3 (1) and (2)

N. Regulation (EEC) No 2744/1999 (2), replaced by Article 19 (1) and (2). 1068/1980 (1 190), is consolidated in one paragraph as paragraph 1 and reads as follows:

' 1. By the end of June 2015, the water and sewerage services for the different categories of consumers and users are approved by the Minister for Economic Affairs on a proposal from the Special Water Sector. These decisions by the Minister for Economic Affairs, together with the attached proposal of the Special Secretary of State, are published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. ' (b) After the end of paragraphs 1 and 2 thereof,

Article 3 of Article 3 of the Law (') Regulation (EEC) No 2744/1999 (2), as consolidated and replaced by paragraph 1 of this law, shall be added to the following paragraphs 2, 3 and 4:

' 2. As from 1 July 2015, the prices for water and sewerage services for the different categories of consumers and users are approved by a -

In the case of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Should the decision of the Special Secretary of State differ from the proposals made by the Minister for Economic Affairs, as stated in the consultation, they must be reasoned and published together with the publication of the decision. In the Official Journal of the Government.

3. Decisions concerning the prices of water and sewerage services for the various consumer and user-generalisations are valid for a period of five years and are issued at the end of each period for every five years.

4. By decision of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors, which is approved by the Minister for Economic Affairs on a proposal from the Special Secretary of State of the European Communities, a special register of water management or sanitation may be established for residents, Operation and general users, who are operating on the same network, either water or sewerage-as, irrespective of the single water supply and transport network. '

2. Article 21 of the Law Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 2937/2001, as amended by the first subparagraph of Article 10 (1) (R) of the first paragraph, 4254/2014 shall be replaced by the following:

' Article 21

1. By the end of June 2015, the water and sewerage services for the different categories of consumers and users are approved by the Minister for Economic Affairs on a proposal from the Special Water Sector. These decisions by the Minister for Economic Affairs, together with the attached proposal of the Special Secretary of Water, are published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

2. With effect from 1 July 2015, water and sewerage services for the various consumer and user-generalisations are approved by-stages of the Special Water Sector after consultation with the Minister of Finance and others. (i) a number of bodies, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities; Should the decision of the Special Secretary of State differ from the proposals made by the Minister for Economic Affairs, as stated in the consultation, they must be reasoned and published together with the publication of the decision. In the Official Journal of the Government.

3. Decisions concerning the prices of water and sewerage services for the various consumer and user-generalisations are valid for a period of five years and are issued at the end of each period for every five years.

4. By decision of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors, which is approved by the Minister for Legal Affairs on a proposal from the Special Secretary of State, a special register of water supply or sanitation may be established for residents, Undertakings and general users, which are operated on the same network either as a water supply or a sewerage,


The single network for the water supply and sanitation of the Company. '

3 a. Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 43 of the Law 4150/2013 (A ' 102), as amended and applicable, shall be replaced by the following:

' 2. The R.A. is composed of 9 members and is assisted in its operation by organisers who specialise in the presidential decree of par. 9b of the present. The members of the R.A. shall be appointed by an act of the Subcommittee;

Council, following the recommendation of the Minister for the Interior and the Aegean. Their term of office shall be five years. By way of exception, the first term of office of the members of the R.A. is divided into two years and may only be renewed once for a period of five years, with an act of the Council of Ministers meeting in the Ministry of Shipping and the Aegean. The President, the Vice-President and two Rapporteurs, who are both full and exclusive, are one of them.

3. The members of the R.A.L.S., which enjoy personal and functional independence and in the exercise of their powers only be bound by their law and their consciences, are persons of recognised competence which are distinguished for their Their scientific training and more specific knowledge of the functioning of the courts and the law of competition and with experience in shipping and business activities. The President of the Lip Regulator is a -

The Committee of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Other: At the end of Article 43 (5)

N. 4150/2013 (A ' 102), as amended and applicable, the following subparagraph is added:

"The decisions of P.A.L. are public, registered in a special file, accessible via the page of the P.A.L., and are posted on the Internet" Broadcast " according to the horizontal in n. Regulation (EEC) No 3861/2010 (1 112), except in the case of acts published in accordance with Article 18 of the Code of Administrative Procedure (CST), in which case they shall be published in the Official Journal of the Government. ' Other: The first subparagraph of Article 43 (6)

Of n. Regulation (EC) No 4150/2013 (A), as amended and amended, shall be replaced by the following:

" The implementing acts of the R.A. shall be notified to the persons concerned and to the Minister of Shipping and the Aegean. They shall apply for a review in accordance with the provisions of the CST, in so far as they consider that the decision is contrary to the law and the regulations of the P.A., which is exercised within a period of one day by the knowledge or notification of such a decision. Concerned persons or the Minister for Maritime Affairs and Defence. ' Other: In the case under point (a) of paragraph 8 of Article

43 of n. 4150/2013 (A '102), as amended and amended, shall be added immediately to the text of the text, the words' for free access to the legal services'.

Hey, The first subparagraph of Article 43 (11) of the Law Regulation (EC) No 4150/2013 (A), as amended and amended, shall be replaced by the following:

"The resources of R.A.L. come from an end, which is imposed annually by a decision of the Ministers of Economic, Internal and Maritime Affairs and the Aegean on the Orgasms of Li-E-E. and of the Li MPs." F; The case (a) of Article 12 (12)

43 of n. Regulation (EC) No 4150/2013 (A), as amended and amended, shall be replaced by the following:

' (a) In a reasoned decision by the R.A., it shall be possible to record or increase appropriations in its budget by reducing other appropriations during the financial year. ' (g) At the end of Article 43 (13)

N. 4150/2013 (A ' 102), as amended and applicable, the following subparagraph is added:

' Prior to the conversion of the R.A.L. to an Independent Body, its role and its responsibilities will be more widely assessed and promoted any reforms deemed necessary. ' Or ... Article 43 of the n. 4150/2013 (A-102), as

Has been applied and applicable, paragraph 14 is added as follows:

' 14. The methodology for the adoption of regulatory instruments, including the assessment, shall be determined by the end of June 2015 by a decision of the Marine and Aegean Sea, published in the Governing Council of the Government, after reading of the opinion. The Court of First judgment delivered an opinion on the proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1671/2002 laying down general rules for the application of Article 85 (3) of the Treaty. Since 1 July 2015, the respective decisions have been adopted by R.A. after consultation with the Minister of Shipping and the Aegean and others. In the event that the R.A. adopts a decision other than the opinion of the Ministry of Maritime and Aegean, it is required that it be justified and published at the time when the decision is published. On July 1, 2016, P.A.L. becomes a fully independent authority. With a presidential decree, issued on the basis of a proposal by the Ministers for Economic and Maritime Affairs and the Aegean, which will be issued until 31 December 2014, the precise arrangements for the performance of which the R.A. are responsible are determined. '

4 a. The second subparagraph of Article 22 (4) of the Law No 2367/1953 (1 82) is repealed. At the end of Article 36 (1)

N. (') New ground shall be added as follows:' Exceptionally, in the event of a standstill area;

A private use, car or motorcycle, in the first subparagraph of this year, within the year 2014, the marketing fees for this year shall be paid for the remaining months by the end of the year, including its month. Lifting of alpha-kinesia and before the removal of immobility. By an act of the relevant department of the Tax Administration, the amount due is determined on the basis of the precise date of the removal of immobility and re-introduced the vehicle. '

5 a. The last paragraph of paragraph 3 of Article 8 of n. 3832/2010 (1 38), as added


Article 93 (2) of the EC Treaty 4182/2013, it has been delayed since it prevailed. In the case referred to in paragraph 1 of Article

No 17. 4174/2013, as amended by the footnote (d) in case 3 of Subparagraph D. 2 (D) of the Law. The words'as well as to the authorised officials of the Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.) in the framework of its jurisdiction' shall be replaced by 'as well as to authorised personnel or persons empowered to do so'. In accordance with the provisions of Article 8 (3), the Hellenic Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.) 3832/2010, as is the case, in which the error is defined in each case, the confidentiality of the information. '

6. The deadline referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 21 of the Law. 4123/2013 (1 43) is hereby extended until 31 March 2015 for the non-imposition of sanctions against the emergency reserve requirements of Article 19 of the same law in the following products of the categories of par. Article 3 of the Law Council Regulation (EC) No 3054/2002 (C). Incorrect (category IV) b. LPG-LPG (category V) c Lubricants (category VI)

Article 34

Where there is a judicial dispute between an owner of a building and an engineer supervisor for the payment of this remuneration, following a request from the person concerned and a controller of an appeal in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 4030/2011 is issued on a proposal for the composition of the product in accordance with the authorisation and the relevant SGM to accede to the approval of the authorisation for a period of one year in order to link to the utility networks. This procedure is taken every year until the final judgment is issued by the competent court and the enforcement of the supervisory board in accordance with the law on the final approval of the licence in accordance with the specific provisions.

Article 35

1. The "New Life" area of the Municipality of Panhellenic Attica, which occurs in the Town Planning Section 5 of the approved General Plan of Urban Development (DOD 366/2003, D1 1066), is considered residential and fought according to Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, Decisions, which have been declared retroactive territorial areas of the area above, are to be considered as withdrawn from the publication of this law in the Governing Council of the Government and the consequences of these acts are removed.

2. With a ministerial decision of the competent Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, each necessary detail is required for the implementation of the present, as well as the technical and detailed arrangements for applying the law. 17.7.1923 (A-228) and Contributions are not levied on land, except for only financial matters for the expropriation of public and private premises and the execution of the infrastructure projects, which are attested by the responsible person to 10 % of the immovable property value.

3. From the date of entry into force of this Decision, any provision which regulates the above issues in a different or different manner.

Article 36

The fifth paragraph of Annex I to the Treaty on European Union Article 10 of the EC Treaty (A) 4164/2013 (1 156) is replaced by the following:

1. The words'and second' shall be inserted after the words'entry to the plots of the press'.

2. After the words'this paragraph', the words'and irrespective of the existence of a concession' shall be deleted and the sentence shall be restated:

' In addition to the foregoing, by way of exception, the sale of the first and second subparagraphs of paragraph 2 may be authorised before the establishment of the network of shared areas, provided that they have been implemented by the competent public authority. A-error or maintenance or transit of common-user networks. '


Article 37 Entry into force

The validity of this publication shall be published in the Official Journal of the Government, unless otherwise specified by the individual provisions.


Athens, 2014