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Original Language Title: Urgent regulations of the competences of the Ministry of the Interior.

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Article 6

1. The par. Article 64 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 is replaced by:

' 3. If, for any reason, the Council is not consulted, as set out in paragraph 1, it shall meet without an invitation, for the first term of office of the President of the Council, on the first Sunday of September of the beginning of the publication period at 10 a.m. In the meeting room of the public council and for the second term of office of the President of the Council, on the first Sunday of March of this year, at 10 p.m., at the meeting room of the public council. If the member of the successful co-decision association is absent, it shall be replaced by a symbol of the same combination, in the order of success resulting from the decision of the court. '

2. At the end of par. Article 65 of the EC Treaty The following sentence shall be added to 3852/2010: ', as well as on issues related to the implementation of co-financed projects. '

Article 2

1. Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 79 of the Law. 3852/2010 as replaced with par. Article 6 of the Law 4071/2012 is replaced by the following:

' 1. The President of the municipal council is the member of the majority of the majority who have received most of the cross sentences and in the event of a tie that is the first in the decision to proclaim. When the

The President is absent or prevented from attending, the duties of a member of the Council of the public community, appointed by him as his deputy.

2. The President and members of the Council of the public community may, in a written declaration to the Director, be independent of the association with which they have been elected. The above is to be deleted with a reasoned decision taken by a two-thirds majority, which is calculated on the total number of public contracts and a public procurement community in which the Member State is responsible. You unsubscribe. It is not possible to do so or to remain independent, or to be deleted from the combination with which it has been elected.

3. If the position of the President of the Council of the Republic of Justice is embroidered by the death or resignation or revocation by the office or by any other reason or who has received most of the crosses, he shall not accept the matter in writing; In the case of the President, the President shall take part in a number of crosses, a member of the majority of the majority, and in the case of non-admission, the first to cross-preference crosses of the other combined with the other. The Committee of the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee If a public community has not been nominated for a successful candidate in the combination, the President-in-Office of the President will take the lead in a cross-reference nominee in an election combination of the entity that has been declared. It is in the interests of the public authorities. The non-acceptance of the President's office shall not lead to a loss of the property of the member of the public community. '


First, From the Official Proceedings of the PPD, 10 April 2014, No. Meetings of the Assembly of the House, in which

The following draft law was adopted:

Urgent regulatory arrangements for the Ministry of Interior

2 a. In the title of Article 81 of the Law. The phrase 'and Vice-President' shall be deleted. The par. Article 81 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 repeals -

Is applicable.

Article 3

At the end of par. Article 80 of the EEC Treaty 3852/2010 subparagraphs are added as follows:

' In any event, in any way, without the appointment of the President of the local community, it shall be automatically deduced from the President's claim. The position of the President shall be the subject of a cross-examination of the local community of the same extension. If there is no other member of the local community to be able to take on the duties of the President or who has been elected with the same leave, this position is taken by the second in a row. The Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions, the Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions, the Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions, the Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions In the event that all the local convoys

A community has become independent, the tasks of the President shall be the first to be crossed by any form crossed by any faction, and if it comes."

Article 4

The first paragraph of paragraph 1. Article 77 of the EEC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 3852/2010 and the second subparagraph of paragraph Article 179 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010, as applicable, are replaced by:

' The procedure for selecting the participant shall be taken within six (6) months after the installation of the ars. '

Article 5

1. In verse with par. Article 241 of the EC Treaty The words'indefinite time' shall be added after the words'private justice', after 'private justice'.

2. The first paragraph (a) of par. Article 241 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 (1 87) is amended as follows:

' The Agency shall be adopted by the Regional Council, following an opinion from the most representative trade union organisation for workers. The decision shall be adopted by an act of the General Secretariat of the Central Bank, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. '

Article 6

Article 94 of the EC Treaty 2 of n. Add Case 40, as follows:

' 40. The provision of a service free of charge to citizens on the Internet via the Network or other network or other provider of the network.

Article 7

1. The second subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 225 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 is replaced by the following:

(a) an increase in equity capital; (b) acquisition of fixed assets; and (c) an increase in equity capital; (b) acquisition of fixed assets; (b) acquisition of fixed assets; (b) acquisition of fixed assets; On loan. '

2. The par. Article 226 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 is replaced by:

' 1. The Court of Auditors may, of its own motion, annul any decision of the collective or autonomous bodies of the municipalities and regions, the legal persons of public law and public utilities, DEYA and non-profit-making bodies. The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union

Article 8

The second subparagraph of paragraph (b). Article 265 of the EC Treaty 3463/2006 is replaced by the following:

' This includes arrangements relating to the competent bodies of the company, the conditions and conditions for the award according to the applicable procedure (open, closed competition, conferral of negotiation) the criteria, the procedure The evaluation and selection and implementation of contracts, in order to ensure the principles of transparency and objectivity, as derived from the legislation in force. '

Article 9

1. At the end of par. Article 283 of the EC Treaty The following sentence is added to 3852/2010:

', in any event, already existing in the case of an existing entity of that entity'.

2. At the end of paragraph 32.A. 2 of par. That is not the case, Mr President. The following sentence is added to 3852/2010 (

", as well as from the Bilateral Conception Module, a-potentiated by the Local Communities of Pine, Source, Lithines and Pergulators, based on the Assumption of Local Community Pines. '

Article 10

The par. Point 14 of Article 12 of n. 4071/2012 (A-85) denotes as follows:

' 14. For the purposes of obtaining the recruitment of staff of private law for a certain period of time in return services of Article 205 of the Law. Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 3584/2007 (1), as well as the approval of the recruitment of staff under the law of a certain time and the conclusion of a contract for a project in the OT.A. and to the extent and the legal persons of these private-law contracts; The payment of compensation and other replacements shall be issued by a joint decision


The Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions These contracts are exempted from the obligation to

Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Austria on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Article 37 of the EC Treaty 3986/2011, as applicable at a time. '

Article 11

The par. Question No 34, by the Ninth of the Ninth Commission Regulation (EC) No 4057/2012

' 34. Non-member officials or staff holding an organizational position in the service of the Department of the Department of the Department of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, except those officials who have been subject to mandatory obligations to the institution, where they belong, on the basis of In accordance with the provisions in force, they may be appointed in accordance with the provisions in force, other than those of the Court of Justice, of the United Nations and of the United Nations, without being considered as having regard to the limitations referred to in Article 11. Of n. 3833/2010, subject to an earlier or identical condition with their appointment as a result of the position they have. '

Article 12

The par. Article 230 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EC) No 3584/2007 is hereby repealed.

Article 13

In par. Article 248 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 (' 87), instead of words' The words'shall be replaced by the words'; At least in grade C '. In par. Article 249 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 (1987)

For words'to grade A' means the words' At least in grade C '.

Article 14

The par. Article 73 of the EEC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 3584/2007 (1 143)

' 3. The secondment of an official of Local Government to another Local Government institution shall be authorised, at the request of the staff member and following a positive opinion from the institution of origin, by decision of the appointing body of the O.T.A.D., under-charge. Extraction is made for two (2) years and may be extended for one (1) even. '

Article 15

1. Allocation of civil servants to legal persons or institutions of the same entity shall be authorised, or to a link in which the entity is participating, and vice versa, and between those bodies and their disposal for the purpose of meeting their service requirements, A period of up to two (2) years, which may be extended for two (2) years to the extent of the service requirement. The staff of the civil service industry of the JEPs which can be transferred are excluded.

(i) the same procedure is carried out in a corresponding service (JEP) within the same entity and is governed by the provisions of paragraph 1. Point 19 of Article 12 of n. 4071/2012.

2. The movement shall be carried out by a decision of the relevant commander, following the request of the host institution. The transfer of an official from or to a liaison officer shall be carried out by joint decision of the Director concerned and the President of the Association.

3. The decision to move forward shall determine the paying agent of the remuneration of the staff involved.

4. The staff shall be moved by the relationship that has been and continues to be governed by the administrative, psychological, insurance and pension arrangements to which it was subject before it was moved.

5. The decision to move shall be subject to the statutory audit of the legality of Articles 225 and 238. 3852/2010

6. Moves that have already occurred, in accordance with the above, are considered to be legal tender and form part of the above arrangements.

Article 16

1. The first subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 193 of the EC Treaty As applicable, 3852/2010 is replaced by the following:

" By decision of the Board of Directors of the Regional Development Fund, the Staff of the Fund shall be drawn up, approved by the General Secretariat of the relevant Central Bank. Similarly, the Secretary-General is responsible for the adoption of the amendment to the Staff Regulations. '

2. Modified verses b and c of par. Article 193 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 (1 87), as amended and applies as follows:

(b) The secondments of the previous case shall be taken for up to two (2) years, which may be renewed for an equivalent period of time or more. (c) The servants assigned to them shall receive their remuneration from the institution of their institution.

However, at the time of the entry into force of this law, they will follow their services until the time of their secondment. The Regional Director may, after an opinion of the body of the organisation, extend his secondment for a further two years, one or more times. '

Article 17

Decisions of the names of the institutions of the institutions, of the institutions, of the association and of legal persons of public law adopted on the basis of the law. Regulation (EC) No 3584/2007, as well as the regions and Foundations of those adopted on the basis of n. Regulation (EEC) No 3528/2007, subject to the special administrative appeal referred to in Article 227 of the Law. 3852/2010

Article 18

Article 171 of the n. 3852/2010, paragraph 6 is added as follows:


' 6. The provisions of Article 61 (4) shall apply to the Deputy Director, the Vice-President, the members of the financial committee and the members of the administrative committees referred to in Article 164, and to members of the Committee's committees. Article 212 and 213 of the present. '

Article 19

1. The case of par. Article 283 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 is replaced by the following:

' (d) the Director-General for the Financial Services of the Ministry of the Interior. '

2. The last two verses of par. Article 283 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 is replaced as follows:

' The same decision sets out the time for the completion of the project, the special rapporteurs and the members of the Commission's secretariat and are set up on the basis of the work, the administrative department and its secretarial support. A joint decision by the Ministers for Economic and Internal Affairs shall determine, in accordance with the provisions laid down, the reimbursement of the members of the Commission, the special rapporteurs and the members of its secretariat and the manner in which it is paid. In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 76 (2) of the Treaty, the draft of the Code of Revenue and Resources to be drawn up by the Commission shall be submitted to the Parliament for ratification. 6 of the Constitution. '

3. In the second subparagraph of paragraph 3. Article 283 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010, as applicable, 'until 31.12.2011' is replaced by 'until 31.12.2014'.

Article 20 Quality control

1. The provision of par. 1 paragraph (a) of Article 215 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 is amended as follows:

"It is set up at the seat of any decentralised Diiiiki-the Automated Oversight Service, which is to be placed on the organisational structure of the relevant Accessible Management Board directly to the General Secretariat."

2. The provision of par. Article 216 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 is amended as follows:

"In each of the Self-Employed Oversight Service, a position of superiority is indicated, bearing the title" E-Legality ", corresponding to a post of Head of Directorate-General. The Audit Board is appointed for a five-year term. '

3. The par. Article 216 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 (1 87), as applicable, is replaced by the following:

' 6. In the absence or otherwise of the Auditor, the Head of the Department of Supervision of the Supervision Board shall be replaced by the Head of Division of the Supervisory Board. The same Head of Unit shall perform the duties of the Auditor of No Maternity, if the position is vacant and until its repayments. ';

4 a. In the provision of Article 217 (1) of the Law. 3852/2010 between the categories of the IP and the R & D are added to the category TE. Other: The provision of par. The same Article shall be repealed. 5. Article 218 of the Law 3852/2010 (first 87)

Is as follows:

" Article 218 Structure of Automatic Oversight Service.

AH, The Self-Government Service of the OTC Surveillance Authority, with the exception of the decentralised Aegean Administration, has been structured as follows:

1. Quality control. 2. EST.A. Inspection. General and Economic Affairs Division b. Technical Affairs Division 3. In every law of the decentralised Administration, except

In the case of the registered office, an organic unit of the Office is established under the heading 'OTHA Oversight Office and the name of the law' as the decentralised unit of the General and Economic Affairs Division.

4. Until the adequate staffing of the Technical Committee, which is found to be an act of the European Monetary System, the responsibilities of the above-mentioned T are exercised by the other organisers of the UTF Oversight Service. OTHER: The OTH.A. Oversight Oversight Service in the From -

The central Aegean Administration is structured as follows:

1. Quality control. 2. EST.A. Inspection. T. S. North Aegean Oversight Board of Supervisor

Mytilene. B. The Committee of the Supervision Board of the Committee of the

(i) i. Section of Supervision of the Dodecanese Prefecture

Rodos ... Each of the above-mentioned issues shall be exercised by the Commission.

General, Economic and Technical Affairs. 3. In every law of the North Aegean Region,

With the exception of Number of Lesbos, an organic unit of the Office of the Office of Supervision and the name of the law is hereby established as the decentralised unit of the Northern Aegean Sea Surveillance Authority.

4. At the headquarters of the Central Management System, an organic unit of the Office level with the title 'OTHA Oversight Support Office' is established. Which is under the name of the OTC Supervision Board. "C." The staff serving in the decentralised

Administrations, which is placed on the relevant Self-Employed Oversight Service, shall exercise the powers of the audit of the law in an organic unit of the Autonomous Oversight Service of the law to which it was posted at the time of publication. A law. '

6. The provisions of Article 219 of the Law 3852/2010 and they're late.

7. The provisions of paragraph 1. Article 220 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 is replaced by the following:

' 1. The staff of the Self-Government Office of the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities shall be subject to the Staff Regulations of the central administration concerned. '

8. The provisions of Article 221 of the Law 3852/2010 ro be applied as follows: In par. 2 the words'Staff Regulations' are deleted.

Council of the European Union Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 1 (1) thereof, The phrase 'the Staff Council' shall also be deleted and the words'above the Council' shall be inserted.


Other: The provisions of subparagraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 1. The following shall be substituted for:

' a. The General Secretariat of the relevant Executive Board b. The Second Board of Directors ". C. The provisions of paragraph 4 shall be replaced by

The following: " The General Secretariat of the Decentralised Diocese;

The Court of Auditors of the European Parliament, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors and the Court of Auditors. The Second Board of Governors may impose any penalty. ' Other: The provisions of paragraph 6 shall be replaced by the

The following: ' The disciplinary authority of the officials responsible for

They are being relocated to the Office of the Independent Intelligence Service. The Head of the Supervision Directorate A .. b. The Auditor of No Unity. The General Secretariat of the relevant decentralised

Administration. The Joint Disciplinary Board of its staff

Ministry of the Interior, the decentralised Divisions and the bodies responsible for them. '

9. The provisions of paragraph 2 (b). Article 232 of the EEC Treaty 3852/2010 the phrase 'defined by the Control of Unity' is deleted.

10 a. (Parliament adopted the legislative decision) Article 234 of the EC Treaty The word 'one' is deleted from 3852/2010 and the word 'on' is inserted; b. The order of the case (c) of par. 4 of the same

Article shall be replaced by the following: The Deputy of the Head of the Directorate-General

In the case of the UTF, the Secretary of State and the Secretary-General shall be appointed by the Auditor. '

11. In the case of paragraph (a) of par. President. - Thank you, Mr President. 3852/2010 after the word "F" is deleted and the word "Δ΄" is inserted.

12. In the third paragraph of paragraph 2. Article 229 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 after the word "UTF" (a) the phrase 'which is communicated to the General Secretariat of the relevant decentralised Administrations' shall be inserted and shall enter into force.

13. Article 239 of the Law The following shall be substituted for 3852/2010 as follows:

" Article 239 Deletion of Automatic Oversight Service


1. During the first five years from the start of the Autonomous Office of the Oversight Service, the staff serving in each Central Bank and dealing with the legality of the acts of the O.T.A. and its issues Disciplinary responsibilities of the elected representatives of the Local Government, shall be placed under the relevant Self-Service Oversight Services, from the beginning of their operation, regardless of their qualification or category.

2. Non-civil servants of public services, legal persons of public law and local authorities, first and second grades, category of category in the Official Board of the European Communities or of the Civil Service or Public Administration, the Economic and Social Committee

And the IP of Engineers of various branches which have, in the case of a Master's degree, or a previous experience on the subject of Self-Employed Services, they may request their transfer to Self-employed persons. Department of Defense D.O.D. They may also request their transfer to the Department of Public Servants, graduates of the National School of Administration and the National School of Local Government, holders of a legal part of an ISSN or financial year, The Committee of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European For the submission of applications from graduates of the National School of Public Administration and the National School of Local Government there are no restrictions on par. Article 71 of the EEC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 3528/2007 (2), added to the Annex, Article 19 of the Law O BY3801/2009 (163). The application is submitted to the Ministry of the Interior, e -

(1) an exclusive licence (1) from the publication of the invitation to tender for the submission of applications to the Government of the Government, accompanied by evidence of the formal and substantive qualifications of the candidates. At the request of the candidate, the candidate may express a proposal for the Self-Staff Surveillance Authority which he wishes to serve. The transfer of this staff shall be made by joint decision of the Minister of the Interior, and of the competent Minister concerned, which shall be given within three (3) months after the expiry of the deadline for the submission of applications following an opinion. The Staff Councils concerned. The selection shall be made on the basis of the formal and effective qualifications of the candidates to be transferred. With the relevant common operational decisions, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, the time-limit for civil servants, as well as the Self-Service Tax Office, to which they are based, is defined in the Official Journal of the European Communities. The Committee of the Rules of the European Parliament and the Committee of the European The participants shall take the relevant category, industry or specificity. No more than eight (8) employees may be transferred from each institution. Not more than two (2) persons are not allowed to transport more than two persons, and for the regions it is not possible to transfer more than four (4) employees from each region.

3. In accordance with the above-mentioned procedure, they may request their transfer to the Self-Executive Board of Directors of Directors-General of Directors-General and HR for General Duty of Public Services, Legal and Local Authorities and Local Authorities; Administration of the first and second stages. The selection of the measured is based on the elements of their non-food. No more than four (4) employees may be transferred from each institution.

4. The positions of the staff of the previous records shall be included in the provisions of the Statute of each Self-appointed Oversight Service. In those positions, the staff of the preceding paragraphs shall be classified by decision of the appointing authority, published in the Governing Council of the Government. '

14. (a) Following the publication of the present financial services of the decentralised authorities,


The Committee of the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection is responsible for ensuring that the relevant appropriations are included in the budget, in order to meet the needs of the Self-Provisional Oversight Service.

(b) The Automated Oversight Services of the UTF until adequate staffing are supported by the Companies' Offices of the Decentralised Dii-ination.

(c) The selected number (s). 36366/2011 Proclamation (Order of ASEP 4/5.8.2011) as a Regulator, at the request of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, accepts their position in writing, to which they are placed within a period of sixty (60) days from the publication of 1. The other positions, until the entry into office of

The Auditors shall be eligible for a new notice, and shall be covered by alternating persons appointed by decision of the Minister of the Interior within the time-limit referred to in the preceding subparagraph.

(d) The applications submitted for the transfer to these services are examined by the relevant departments of the Central Bank of Central Banks. To that end, the parties concerned should submit a written statement, in which they shall be informed of their initial request for transfer. The written statement shall be submitted to the Ministry of the Interior within a period of one month from the publication of the letter.

(e) During the transitional phase, from the start of the Autonomous Office of the Oversight Service until the selection of products in accordance with the legislation, the General Secretariat of the Management Board with a decision designates deputies. Superiors of the EST.A. Inspection Directorate and its departments. The heads of staff shall be selected by officials placed in the Department of Self-Management, with the exception of the Department of Public Affairs, which may be placed in the service of another department of the mechanical engineering industry. Decentralised command, in case no branch of the same branch is placed in the Self-Employed Service. At the time of the selection, account shall be taken of the position in which the official, who exercises control of legality in the publication of the present time, and his term of office, shall apply to the remainder of the provisions of the Staff Code. '

15. The conformity check shall be terminated by the adoption of a relevant decision of the Auditor.

16. Where in the provisions of Articles 215 to 238 of n. 3852/2010 refers to the Minister for Home Affairs, Decentralisation and e-Government, the Minister of the Interior, and where, in the above provisions, the Ministry of the Interior, the Central Government and the Electronic Government are defined as the Ministry of Interior; Home Office.

Article 21

Article 235 of the Treaty 3852/2010 is repealed.

Article 22

The par. Article 236 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 is replaced by:

' 2. If a final sentence of the judgment of the Criminal Court is issued, for the purposes of the previous paragraph or a judgment in a first degree for offences, the Court of Auditors shall lay down the sentenced person to be sentenced to death. "..." The self-fair position on a public holiday shall be imposed in accordance with the same procedure and in the event of an irrevocable request for a hearing, if restricted conditions or provisional detention have been imposed. If an ultimatum is adopted an acquitative decision, in which case the holiday and the administrative measure shall be regarded as neutral and neutral. In that case, account shall be taken of the compensation paid to the person who has been restored from the time of issue of the act. '

Article 3

Article 186 of n. 3852/2010 par. The following point 8a is added:

" The grant of charitable offices and institutions, whose purpose refers to the protection of minors who face problems of abandonment, domestic violence, abuse, and general weakness of the treatment of minors. Care for their families due to poverty, delinquency, or psychosocial problems."

Article 24

1. The case in par. Article 14 of the Law Reformulated 3852/2010 as follows:

(f) Governors, sub-governors, presidents of administrative bodies, directors or members of legal persons governed by public law, public private-law persons, public undertakings and undertakings. Which directly or indirectly defines the public with an administrative act or shareholders who are not elected by local authorities or have not been elected to the above-mentioned persons, to whom they have their registered office. During the 10-month period prior to the elections. '

2. At the end of the case (d) of par. Article 117 of the EC Treaty The following subparagraph is added as follows:

' In the previous subparagraph, the directors of primary and secondary schools are not responsible, as well as the directors of the departments, units, clinics and medical laboratories of the ESU. '

3. The par. Article 160 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 is replaced by the following:

' 1. The district chief is assisted by the Vice-President, elected directly, as well as three (3) to six (6) additional Vice-President, appointed by a decision of the Regional Governor published in the Official Government. '

4. The first subparagraph of paragraph (b) (b). 2 of


Article 18 of the Law 3852/2010 is replaced by the following:

(b) candidates for public procurement, at least equal to the number of seats in each of the regions with an increase of up to one hundred per cent (100 %). '

Article 25

A register of the NIFs of the municipalities and of the regions, which includes information on their recommendation and operation, shall be established. The above data shall be communicated by the OTC (a) and (b) to the relevant Central Command which maintains a relevant database, and shall be notified after verification of their completeness at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On the basis of the records of the Registry, the Apoke -

Each year the institution shall issue an attestation, which shall contain the details of any public law pre-rendered law and of each regional institution listed in the above register. Not permitted to collect any funds

The amount, by an institution of the public sector, if not submitted by the legal persons referred to above together with supporting documents, and the confirmation referred to in the preceding subparagraph. By decision of the Minister of the Interior, which issued the

Following the opinion of the CEECs and the Union of Peripheral Regions, for the ODA and to the extent, respectively, the data provided by the NIFs, the time and the way in which they are submitted, the formation and maintenance of the Agency, The Committee of the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Rules of Procedure and the Committee of the

Article 26

A Register of Enterprises of the Municipes and Regions shall be established, which shall include information on their recommendation and operation. The above data shall be communicated by the OTC (a) and (b) to the relevant Central Command which maintains a relevant database, and shall be notified after verification of their completeness at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. On the basis of the records of the Registry, the Apoke -

Each year a certified management shall issue an attestation, which shall contain the details of each municipal and regional enterprise listed in the highest register. This certificate shall be submitted to the Public Economic Service (IAS) together with the company's tax return. Operation ODA a. A ' and a b degree is not permitted

To participate in a public tender or to receive any financial amount by an institution of the public sector if it does not submit, together with the necessary supporting documents, the confirmation of the preceding subparagraph. By decision of the Minister for the Interior which issued the

The information provided by the companies, the time and the way in which they are submitted, the procedure for creating and maintaining them, following an opinion of the CEE and the Union of Peripheral Regions, for the CSR and the Union of Peripheral Regions, The Committee of the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee of the

Previous provisions regulating the above shall be abolished.

Article 27

In par. Article 177 of the EEC The following subparagraph shall be added after the first subparagraph:

' The employee who is employed in the territory of another Member State may, if there are serious grounds of need, receive a normal licence with a maximum of ten (10) working days per year. '

Article 28

1. In par. Article 73 of the EEC Treaty The phrase 'and vice versa' shall be added after the words'and DOA' shall be inserted after 'and DOA'.

2. In par. Article 247 of the EC Treaty The words'and vice versa' shall be added after the words'and legal persons of public law' after the words'and legal persons of public law'.

Article 29

In the case of staff carried out by the Directorate-General for Official Publications of the European Union, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Union. In this case, the Commission has taken a decision on the basis of Article 204 of the EEC Treaty. Regulation (EC) No 3584/2007.

Article 30

The members of the administrative council, the President, the managing director and the Directors-General and Directors of the Legal Persons with the honors "Hellenic Society for Local Development and Self-Government SA" And distinctive title "E.E.T. A. A. A.E.", "Education-Training Development Local Development Anonym Development Agency OTHA". And distinctive title "PETA SA", "Institute of Local Self-Government" and distinctive title "I.T.A." And the "Gender Research Centre" and the distinctive title "C.E.T.I." They are obliged to submit the annual declaration on their property, in accordance with the legislation in force and to be published on the website of the person.

Article 3

1. At the end of par. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 1 (1) thereof, The following subparagraph is added as 4147/2013:

' Until the adoption of the relevant decisions, the arrangements in the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 shall continue to apply. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 206 thereof,

2. The par. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 1 thereof, 4147/2013 is replaced by the following:

' 2. Time for the commencement of the exercise by the bodies of the competences transferred to them in the framework of


The provisions of the Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 8101/ (2). Article 95 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010, for which support is provided, is defined at the end of the term of the Medium-term Framework Programme 2013-2016. Until the end of the period of application of the above medium-term framework, the arrangements for Articles 2, 3 and 4 of Article 95 of the Law continue to apply. 3852/2010, by way of derogation from the relevant deadline. During the above period, with a decision of the

The Governing Council of the Governing Council may establish the adequacy of personal and logistical support for the exercise of a specific competence or responsibilities of the preceding parts of the services of the Republic and to The timing of their exercise is determined. This decision may have retroactive effect from 1.1.2013. The decision of the Board of Directors shall be published.

To the General Secretariat of the decentralised administration in the Governing Council of the Government. '

Article 32

The par. Point 5a of Article 18 of n. 1735/1987 (1 195), replaced by Article 12 of the Law. 3231/2004 (1 45) is replaced by the following:

' 5a. Regular staff of the DCPs, NIFs and their institutions, non-profit-making agents, non-profit-making non-profit-making, or in which the municipalities are nominated, and regulators Officials of the municipalities brought together in the new party resulting from the concatenation as well as regular officials of the Regions who resign, necessarily, in accordance with the current situation, where appropriate, shall be re-established. If they are not elected or expired, they will be elected for their election, if they are not elected or expired. Any reason for their term of office. The other arrangements of the preceding paragraph shall also apply to the officials of that paragraph. These officials, if they are, if they understand a position of responsibility as Presidents of the Board of Directors or the Presidents or Presidents of the People's Party, may choose the positions of the position they occupy or the organisational position that they are taking. They possessed."


Article 33

The provisions of paragraph 315/1999 (1 302) applicable to the municipalities of the General Secretariat of General and Analytical Accounting-Costs, as well as for the public institutions, the legal persons governed by public law, and Of these, with the exception of school committees. Similarly, the provisions of paragraph 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis. Article 209 of the EC Treaty In the event that their own functioning is not carried out by the bodies set up by them, 3463/2006 (1 114).

Article 34 Setting-up of loans for DEYA

Any outstanding debts on 1 January 2014, and on 1 January 2015 from loans from the Deposits and Loans Fund to DEYA, the funds shall be served by a retention of the System of Central Banks of the municipalities concerned. Provide the relevant guarantee for their inclusion, which may be repaid without additional incursions, in 2014 for the year 2013 and in 2015 for the year 2014, at a maximum of 11 monthly equal instalments per year; Starting from 1.1.2014, for the debts of 2013 and a-from 1.1.2015 for the debts of 2014. Decision of the Council of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament.

Article 35 The cash services

In the event that the Secretary-General of the Central Management Committee finds that a recommendation from the same institution is lacking or is not due, the provisions of paragraph 1 shall apply. Article 266 of the EC Treaty Having regard to Decision No 3852/2010 (' ' 87) and the possibility of concluding inter-party cooperation for this purpose, with a reasoned decision, which shall be adopted within six (6) months from the date of publication of the present Agreement, which shall specify the institution to be served. In particular, taking into account the geographical location and the operational capability. The same decision regulates in particular

Procedural issues, the anti-profit benefit for the law to provide its services, as well as other obligations and rights of the two Parties. Decisionor opinions, decisions or opinions, decisions or opinions

They are provided for by the legislation of the Member State concerned, or collectively elected bodies, shall be exercised by the person being served. Until the adoption of the above decision, the

The operation of these Annexes may be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 166 of the Law. 3463/2006 (114). In the event that the services of a IM acquire -

The decision of the General Secretariat of the decentralised Administration shall cease to be valid.

Article 36 Programmable contracts

In par. Article 100 of the EC Treaty The following is added to 3852/2010 (' ' 87):

' d. In the case of insular entities, it is possible to enter into pre-scheduled contracts with regard to environmental protection and civil protection actions between the parties in the first instance. Article 100 of the EC Treaty Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 3 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 3852/2010 ('87) and non-profit-making non-profit-making companies, where the largest proportion of their capital is owned by one of the operators in the case a ' and, in the case of civil protection and forestry measures,


This is the case where they have been certified by the Fire Department. In the performance of these pre-scheduled contracts, the above companies are considered to be project promoters within the meaning of paragraph 1. Point 7 of Article 1 of n. 3669/2008 (A΄ 116) and carrying out these contracts with the provisions laid down in the case-law of the same Article and of the institutions and servants which constitute decisions of their administrative advisors. The provisions of Article 14 of the Law shall not be affected. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 3013/2002 on voluntary protection of civil protection, as amended by Article 118 of the Law. 4249/2014 (1 73), as well as the provisions of the Law. 4029/2011 (245). In the context of the above-mentioned programme contracts, voluntary or other forms of voluntary or other organisation for action in the field of civil protection are not allowed. Subsequent requests for implementation of the Treaty may be regulated by a joint decision of the Ministers of Home Affairs and Public Order and Prussia. '

Article 37 Commitment of institutions of Local Government and their legal persons

1. The third subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 21 of the EC Treaty 2362/1995 is replaced by the following:

' Specially, for the first and second grades of the Local Government of Local Self-Government and the legal persons involved in the agents of the General Government, the approval shall be given by its decision by the law of the appointed competent body, Which is a subject of each of these obligations. The decision of the preceding subparagraph shall be notified.

The relevant Self-Finance Service of the Agency, in order to be taken into account in the audit of the budget of the financial year relating to the expenditure concerned. '

2. Commitments carried out by the above-mentioned entities prior to the entry into force of this provision and shall be borne by non-residents or by non-members over the years of the medium-term Financial Strategy Plan, are strong and rather than - There are no legal effects.

Article 38

The par. Article 202 "Subsidies and aids" of the Code of Conduct and of the Communities (n. 3463/2006) is replaced by the following:

' 1A. A decision of the Governing Council shall be the provision of financial grants:

I. To legal persons of public law, including ecclesiastical, as well as to sports and cultural associations, having their head office within the administrative boundaries of the law;

Other: Local action groups of Pan-Hellenic Action Organisations, developing social and cultural activity,

Iii - In a non-profit-making associations which are intended to provide assistance and support for each form, in children who are, in particular, victims of dependency, abuse, members;

In the case of non-discrimination, the Court of Appeal referred to the Court for a ruling of the Court of Appeal. An additional condition for this grant is the training of the association's action programme, for the rather than-to-point Project and its adoption by the General Secretariat of the decentralised Administration,

Iv. In primary trade union organisations with regard to the issue of social and cultural events; and

V. Legal persons of public law of the law, including the school committees, in addition to the regular grant they receive. OTHER: The provision of financial grants is permitted

Only if the budget is credited to the budget for that purpose. The total amount of grants may not exceed one-half-half (1.5 %) of the regular income. The provision of the preceding subparagraph shall not apply.

If the amounts of aid granted by the entities to the above entities come from exceptional financial aid intended for the above-mentioned entities, or if the operators involved are school committees. '

Article 39

The par. Article 266 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010, as amended by: Article 43 of the EC Treaty 3979/2011 is replaced by the following:

' 9. At the end of each quarter, the Economic and Social Committee, after the end of each quarter, shall submit to the Council a report on the results of the budget implementation, over the period from 1 January to 31 December 2002. The beginning of the financial year until the end of this quarter. The report also refers to the observations of the minority and attached to this report by the financial services responsible, and the report of the previous quarter. The position after its meetings shall be submitted to the Council within a period of thirty (30) days from the end of each quarter. If, in the above report of the second and third

3 months of each financial year, it shall be established by the economic committee, in accordance with the course and on the basis of revenue collection, that the budget has entered over an estimated revenue or revenue estimated that will not be collected until the end. On the basis of a decision taken within a period of fifteen (15) days from the date on which the report is to be used by the economic committee, with a decision taken by the Economic Committee, by reducing the above revenue, in accordance with Having regard to the proposal from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and In the case of a defective budget. In cases where the report shows that

No adjustment of the budget shall be required, this shall be determined by the public Council in a decision taken within the same deadline, which shall be made subject to compliance with the budget referred to in the preceding subparagraph. These decisions shall be submitted to the Auditor.


Quality control for control. The report, after its meetings and the decision of the Council of Ministers, shall be placed on the website of the relevant network and on the Internet, in accordance with the objectives set out in n. Regulation (EC) No 3861/2010 ('Pre-secretarial services'), the relevant web suspension numbers (ASAP) to the Auditor and to the relevant Commissioner for the application of Article 277 of the Law. 3852/2010 The data to be included in the ec -

A decision of the Minister of the Interior shall be laid down by decision of the Minister of the Interior. '

Article 40

The par. Article 268 of the EC Treaty Council Regulation (EC) No 3852/2010, as amended by: Article 43 of the EC Treaty 3979/2011 is replaced by the following:

' 10. At the end of each quarter, the Economic and Social Committee, after the end of each quarter, submits a report to the Regional Council on the results of the budgetary discharge at the time of its adoption. Period from the beginning of the financial year until the end of this quarter. The report also refers to any comments from the minority and is attached to this report by the responsible financial services and the report of the previous quarter. The report shall be submitted to the Regional Council within a period of thirty (30) days from the end of each quarter. If, in the above report of the second and third

3 months of each financial year, it shall be established by the economic committee, in accordance with the course and on the basis of revenue collection, that the budget has entered over an estimated revenue or revenue estimated that will not be collected until the end. Of the use, the Regional Council shall implement this measure by a decision taken within a time-limit of fifteen (15) days following the submission of the report by the economic operator by reducing the above revenue; In accordance with its recommendation and, respectively, the portion of the waste, so that it is not made in In the case of a general budget, the budget. In cases where the report shows that

No adjustment of the budget shall be required, this shall be determined by the Regional Council with a view to taking it within the same deadline, making it possible for the reasons set out in the preceding subparagraph. These decisions shall be submitted to the Auditor.

Quality control for control. The report, after its meetings and the decision of the Regional Council, shall be posted on the website of the Region concerned and on the Internet as defined in n. Regulation (EC) No 3861/2010 (hereinafter referred to as 'the' Framework Programme '), of which the relevant number of Internet suspension (ADE) is available to the Auditor of Legal Service. The data to be included in the ec -

A decision of the Minister of the Interior shall be laid down by decision of the Minister of the Interior. '

Article 41

The transcription of the decisions of the Court of Justice Article 274 of the EC Treaty Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3463/2006 (1 114), provided that it has not been prepared until the publication of the present day, it shall be made by a decision of the Director of the Government, which shall be published in the Nature of the Government of the Government of the Government of the European Communities, and shall be free of charge to the Member States concerned; In the case of non-member countries, the Court of First Instance held that the Court of First Instance did not apply to the Court of First Instance of the European Court of First Instance.

Article 42

Article 194 of n. The second paragraph is added as follows:

' Exceptionally, direct and non-public property rights are permitted for the temporary coverage of accommodation needs of primary schools of primary and secondary education in the event that the tender procedures have not been completed. Up to two (2) months prior to the start of school, or there are urgent and unforeseen reasons for the duration of the school's attendance in another building. The Convention shall require a specific statement of the decision taken by the public Council with two thirds of its members, as well as the assessment of the competent committee responsible, in accordance with the provisions in force at any time. By way of derogation from the provisions, the period of validity shall be set for one (1) year with the possibility of extension for another year, provided that the above reasons continue to exist. Distillation is not permitted. '

Article 43

Article 209 of the Law The eleventh paragraph is added as follows:

' 11. It is permissible to grant and pledge funds from the cost-effective fees for the provision of any public procurement contracts, in particular work, pre-service, concession, public procurement and private sector. Council Regulation (EC) No 3389/2005 and on an action in the field of energy efficiency. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article J. 3 of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 3 thereof,

Article 44

(Parliament adopted the legislative decision) 4-Article 94 of the EC Treaty The following paragraph is added 3852/2010 (1 82):

" The above also apply to the salaries of buildings for the accommodation of Primary and Secondary Education from the Dor. Relevant decisions of the eligibility committee for school property issued after the start of the merger. 3852/2010 until the publication of the present either by the Regional Director of Education or by the Director, shall be considered as legal tender. '


Article 45

1. The scope of the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 9 (4) of the Law No 4071/2012 (1 85) is subject, by the entry into force of this Regulation, of all kinds of property and property charges, which are paid by the Danish and NIFs, including charges for real estate, in the sense of Article 638 ff. Of the Civil Code. Decisions taken to reduce wages on the above-mentioned substances in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Article 9 (4) of the Law 4071/2012 are considered to be legal tender.

2. The par. Article 5 (2) of the first paragraph of Article 5 of Regulation (EEC) No 34/1995 'Code of laws on the laws of the Member States', as amended by Article 6 (1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice of the European Union, 7. 2741/1999, to be read in paragraph 2a. Subsequently, this is added to the existing

Article 5 (2) A new paragraph 2b, with the following:

' 2.b. In particular, the professional impressions of public real estate with a salary of a grade or NPISH, or NPISH, or public or public utility or public institution, that have been subject to a minimum 10-year period from the initial start (a) the person who is legally resident in the territory of a Member State who is resident in the territory of a Member State who is resident in the territory of a Member State who is resident in the territory of a Member State who is resident in the territory of another Member State. (c) has been concluded during the last 12 months before the date of publication; In the event of a competitive bidding procedure, a tendering procedure should be concluded. '

Article 46

1. The par. Article 109 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 is reduced to 9 and a new paragraph 8 is added as follows:

' 8. The arrangements for the last two subparagraphs of paragraph 1. At present, they are applied accordingly and for the threats of the anonymised and development companies, which the UTF and other local authorities have the majority of their share capital. The amount of the amount of the debt, which each institution may assume, is derived from its contribution to the share capital. In the case where a region is a region or was formerly a legal authority, the rights and obligations of which it has entered, the acceptance and payment of the amounts owed to it shall be made after a reasoned decision. Of the Regional Council, which shall be adopted by an absolute majority of all its members. '

2. The deadline provided for in the last paragraph of paragraph 2. 7b of Article 109 of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 3852/2010 ('87) is hereby extended until 30.6.2015.

3. The par. Article 10 of the Law No 4071/2012 applies also to the liquidators of the articles of this article.

Article 47

The par. Point 5 of Article 9 of the Law No 4071/2012 (A΄ 85) is used as follows:

' 5. In the works of the Municipalities and the Regions,

In addition, there is no formal notice in the tender documents in accordance with paragraph 2. Point 7 of Article 17 of the Law 3669/2008 may be separated and added at the end of the general costs and benefits of the project, which is set at 18 % irrespective of the source of funding. For projects whose Declaration has been published before the date of force, the percentage for the general expenses and the benefit of the contractor and the non-member States, which shall be borne by the contractor, shall be those set out in its declaration. Council of the European Union. For the contracts referred to in the preceding subparagraph, reservations in favour of third parties not provided for in the Declaration of Government shall be borne by the principal of the project and shall be attributed to it. '

Article 48

The par. Article 170 of the EEC Treaty 3463/2006 (1 114) is replaced by the following:

' 2. The institution responsible for providing the facilities referred to in paragraph 1 shall be the head of the department of the entities for a basic debt of up to EUR 50 000, the economic committee for a basic benefit exceeding EUR 50 000 and shall be EUR 150.000 for a basic debt exceeding the amount of EUR 150 000, up to EUR 150 000. Debtors of legal persons governed by public law responsible for the provision of assistance shall be the Board of Directors, which may decide to divest the competence, either in whole or in particular, on a basic basis. Debts, services or employees of the legal person. Any inconvenience provided for by its legislation

Paragraph 1 shall be filed in favour of the person in his/her own department. A decision of the Ministers for Economic and Internal Affairs may lay down any other necessary matters concerning the application of this Article. '

Article 49

The remuneration, remuneration, allowances and remuneration laid down in the special account of Article 12 of the Staff Regulations 2/37345/0004/4.6.2010 et seq. Of the Ministers of Internal Affairs, Decentralisation and e-Government, as amended and applied, held by the obligors of UTF and assigned to their staff via the Single Payment Authority May not be registered or pledged or seized. It may be deposited in the above accounts.

By the institutions responsible for the whole of the total-as remuneration, remuneration, allowances and the abstention of their staff, which covers up to two months.

Article 50

1. At the end of the case (c) of par. Article 13 of the Royal Decree of 20.10.1958, as amended by Article 3 of that article, was replaced by Article 3 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 1080/1980, as amended by (c). Article 16 of the EC Treaty The following is added to 3254/2004:


' By decision of the public Council, it is necessary to provide for the payment of the ratio in the year in equal instalments without requiring the deposit of a letter of guarantee, provided that it is made by the debtor before it is delivered. Part of the end. The decision of the Council of Ministers sets out the percentage of the annual fee to be paid before the licence is granted, which in any event cannot be more than 30 % (30 %) of the debt. The number of instalments for the reimbursement of the remaining amount. The authorisation is granted subject to redemption of all

Of the tranches within the prescribed timelimits, a copy of the number of the number of invoices corresponding to the amount paid before it was granted, the number of instalments being paid to be repaid and the deadlines paid; Of their own. The long-term payment or payment of at least one instalment shall entail an autonomous and no other withdrawal of the authorisation and arbitrary use of the shared space by the debtor. Any instalments already paid shall not be reimbursed. In order to verify the payment of the instalments as above, the licence shall be deemed to have been shown on the basis of the record numbers of the recovery plans. '

2. The par. Article 13 of Article 13 of the Royal Decree of 20.10.1958, as amended by Article 3 of that Article. 1080/1980 and as amended by paragraph 1. 5 of Article 26 of the Law. Article 6 of Law No 1828/1989 and Article 6 of the Law 1900/1990, instead of as follows:

' In the event of an arbitrary use of shares, the grant of which has been authorised by the decision referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, it shall be imposed at the expense of the infringer, with the decision of the Mayor, with the exception of the corresponding fee and However, it is not possible to determine whether or not the value of the product is used. A decision must be made before the Court of First Instance, at the expense of the person making arbitrary use of a place whose use has not been authorized, equal to twice the size and the square metre of the amount fixed by the decision of the Paragraph 3 for the sites for whom the concession is granted for the use. Such an arbitrary use can be found by the de -

The European Union and its Member States In the event of an arbitrary use of the space as a result, the above-mentioned fines are levied up to twice and if for the third time an arbitrary use is found, the entity with its own crew makes the removal of all types of objects, (i) to ask for the assistance of the police authority concerned for this purpose. The objects shall be recorded in a special condition signed by the head of the workshop and shall not be reimbursed if not paid, a special precursor for transport and storage costs, as determined by the decision of the public The Council referred to in paragraph 3 of that Article. If the above specific qualification is not repaid within an exclusive time limit of three (3) months from the day of removal, the species shall be occupied and may be disposed of, sold or maintained.

They shall be replaced by the latter in accordance with Article 199 of the Law. 3463/2006. '

3. Benefits from the provisions of the above paragraph that have been imposed from 1.1.2010 and until the entry into force of this law have been reduced by 50 %, irrespective of any other means. Any sums paid shall not be refunded.

Article 51

1. Time-limits to the municipalities may be regulated and paid as follows: A) Terms of payment due have been established by

31.12.2009 subject to the arrangements for the relevant provisions of the Law. NO 3801/2009. (b) As long-term liabilities have been established

1.1.2010 may be adjusted as follows: (a) one-off, with a percentage exemption of one hundred per cent;

(b) For arrears up to 5,000,00 euro in twenty-four (100 %) of the anti-trust fund (100 %)

(24) doses, with an 80 % exemption from the anti-Communist Party (80 %) of the tenders for the first time and the fines and provided that each instalment is not less than EUR 100. (c) For debts from EUR 5,000.01 to 10.000.00 a

(d) For debts of EUR 10.000.01 to 20.000.00, in forty-eight (48) instalments with an exemption of 50 per cent (50 %) by the anti-government contracts.

Euro at week 90 (72) (72) instalments with a 30 % exemption (30 %) by the anti-C.E.U. Increments of early payment and fines. E) For debts of EUR 20,000.01 and over a hundred

(100) instalments with a 10 per cent discharge (10 %) by the anti-Communist Party (s). It is possible to pay the debts in less

Of the above prescribed instalments following the debtor's request and in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Article. The instalments are modest and equal, other than the latter, which may be lower than the others and are subject to pre-maturity increases calculated on the basis of the applicable reference rate for operations. Refunds of the European Central Bank at the date of the application for submission of eight percentage points per year calculated and remains stable throughout the period of adjustment.

2. This Regulation obliges all established and overdue debts until the publication of the present law, including wages with the payment of late payment, interest of late payment, or any other payment. Other clauses which are imposed on them by that date, without the right of the debtor to apply for such exemption. The following are excluded and are not subject to regulation: (a) due to any type of arbitrary and arbitrary nature;



(b) debts falling under the scheme of more specific, more effective payment provisions in instalments. In any case, this exception shall not apply.

In the lump-sum payment of the arrears by a percentage of 100 % (100 %) of the liabilities of the Board of Directors.

3. The debtor's application for membership of the regulation shall be submitted to the institution concerned no later than four months after the publication of this law. In order to be subject to the regulation, the economic committee of the entity, which appears following a relative recommendation of the economic service of the entity, is examinedby the financial committee.

4. The payment or the first instalment of the rate of payment shall be paid within three working days of the day on which the application for membership of the arrangement is made, and in the event of payment, the application shall be considered to be non-authorised. Application of new applications. Subsequent instalments shall be paid up to the last working day of the following months, without requiring special notification of the operator.

5. If the debtor wishes to repay any lump-sum payment at any one of the other instalments of the settled debts, the grant may be granted as a percentage of the amount of the increments of the deadline. In the case of payment, equal to that corresponding to the number of monthly instalments, which is eventually transformed, by decision of the competent body referred to in paragraph 3 of this Regulation.

6. The regulation is subject to a selection of the debtor and: (a) overdue debts, up to the date of accession;

(b) the date of submission of the application for the submission of the application for the purposes of administrative or judicial suspension;

The payment of non-payment by the national authorities in accordance with Articles 13 to 21 of the Law. 2648/1998 (A-238) or other regulation whose terms are observed at the time of submission of the institution for the purposes of this Regulation, (c) debts until the date of submission of the claim;

The Court of Justice of the European Communities brought an action before the Court of First Instance for a preliminary ruling on the interpretation of Article 32 (2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1672/1999 of 21 December 1999 on the application of Article 85 (3) of the Treaty to certain categories of agreements concluded between Member States and third countries. 1080/1980 or discussed and the proposals have not been introduced for discussion in the relevant Council until the publication of this law.

7. During the course of the regulation, if these conditions are met, the debtor has paid 30 % (30 %) of its regulated debt: (a) The latter shall give an order to withdraw the payment.

(b) The debtor is, in the event of a delay in payment of an evidentiary tax, and in order to redirect it in the event of a delay in payment of at least one of the instalments.

The meaning of Article 285 of the Law. NO 3463/2006. Upon payment of the first instalment, the

A continuation of the enforcement proceedings on movable or immovable property, provided that it has been carried out;

In the case of non-compliance with the provisions of this Article, only debts shall be incurred. This suspension does not apply to persons who have been placed on the hands of a third party or have been ordered to do so, the amounts paid by them are taken into account for the payment of a dose or tranches of the regulation, provided that they are not accepted by the Commission. Other liabilities not regulated. If the Court has lost the benefit of the regulation, the suspension of the suspension shall continue.

8. The cancellation of the debts, for which a request for such a request is made in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph, shall be suspended from the date of the application and for the whole period covered by the regulation, regardless of the nature of the debt. Any amount paid and not paid before one (1) year after the end of the last instalment.

9. Individuals who are responsible, together with the originator for the payment of debt, are entitled to regularise only that part of the debt with these provisions.

10. The payment delay of a single dose will entail an increase of 15 % (15 %). This pro rata dose should be paid no later than the date of expiry of the time-limit of the next dose.

11. The adjustment is terminated, with the result that the balance of the balance of the debt must be paid in accordance with the original attestation and the direct pursuit of its recovery with all the measures provided for in the legislation in force, if the The debtor: a) does not pay by time a dose of adjustment

More than one time, b) delays payment of the last instalment

(c) does not submit to the person the prescribed amount for a period of more than one month;

(i) the levying of charges levied on imports of certain products originating in the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of (d) is not applicable to its debts by the institution;

(e) the date of entry into force of the regulation, and the date of entry into force of the decision.

The regulation is administered. 12. Amounts paid up to submission

The application for membership of the regulation shall not be returned or adopted.

13. The rates of this Article are also subject to the statutory debts of the Danish Tax on the Island of Ten.

14. The validity of this Article shall begin with its opinion.

Article 52

1. During the implementation of the Medium-term Framework Programme, the criteria and the procedure for allocating the total revenue of Article 27 of the Law. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,


However, it is not possible to do so in the light of the conclusions of the Court of Justice. 4079/2012 (1 180) shall be determined by a decision of the Minister of the Interior, which shall be adopted following the opinion of the CEE. These are also included in the above-mentioned paragraphs. 4a of Article 281A of the n. 3852/2010 as applicable.

2. The second subparagraph of paragraph 2. Article 281A of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 (' 87), as replaced by Article 20 (2) of the EC Treaty. No 1. Council Regulation (EC) No 4147/2013 (' 98), as follows:

(b) By decision of the Minister of the Interior, published on the basis of an opinion from the CEE, a part of the proceeds of the bodies deposited at the Board of Deposits and Loans from the Beer Tax Board (Article 9 of Decree 703/1970). 219) and Article 12 of the Law. 1080/1980 (A-246)), the end-to-formation of category D (Article 9 (2)). 6a of n. Council Regulation (EC) No 2880/2001 (2) and 15 % of the Manual of Property (Article 24 (2)). 19 of n. For the purposes of Regulation (EEC) No 2130/1993 (' ' 62 '), they shall be allocated to the financing of the' ACSIA ' programme. Such a decision shall determine the amount of the total amount allocated and any other necessary details. '

Article 53

In par. 3 of Article 22c (c) 774/1980 (1 189), as inserted by Article 82 of the Law. 4055/2012 (1 51) and codified with par. Article 41 of the EC Treaty 4129/2013 and as replaced by par. Article 29 of the EC Treaty 4223/2013, the last paragraph shall be added as follows:

' For the first and second grades and their legal persons, the above obligations are performed by the incorporation of their financial data into the databases of the Ministry of Revenue, in accordance with the provisions in force, In combination with the defined numbers. 74712 and 74713/ 29.12.2010 (B΄ 2043) decisions of the Minister of Interior, Decentralization and e-Government, as every time they apply."

Article 54

Goods of all kinds may be provided, from a legal person to the legal person governed by public law, and governed by law, which provides social services for the exercise of its responsibilities, following a decision by the latter and the decision of the Court. The Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors and the Court of Auditors. The value of the goods in use shall be determined by the decision of the Governing Council and shall be reflected in a relevant delivery protocol. The total amount of the above benefits for each financial year may not exceed a percentage of 50 % (50 %) of the amount of the grant-transitional payment that the entity has to submit to its legal person for that year and It shall be agreed with the grant or transitional payment of the same or next financial year. By decision of the Minister for the Interior, any necessary issue may be set for the implementation of this article.

Article 55

Expenditure on the payment of the nutritional performance of the nephropathic nephropathic and transformative month of December 2012, for which the provisions of non-contractual obligations have not been complied with as a result of a lack of funds, may be cleared, (i) to the detriment of the budget appropriations for the regions of the current financial year, by way of derogation from the above provisions.


Article 56 Amendment of paragraph Article 1 (2) of the Law NO 2503/1997

The provisions of paragraph (g) of par. That is not the case, Mr President. 250 3/1997 (1 107) are replaced by the following:

' The Secretary-General of the decentralised Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; Of the provisions of Article 54 (2) and (4) of paragraphs 2 and 4 of paragraph 63/2005. The General Secretariat of the Central Bank shall be replaced by the oldest General Manager when he is absent or unable to attend. It shall also perform the duties of the Secretary-General when the position is vacant. In the event of the existence of an outdated General

Shall be replaced by the Director-General of Internal Revenue. ';

Article 57

1. The common administrative boards of officials of the legal persons of public law which are supervised by the decentralised administration may be consulted by region and, where necessary, a common organisation may be set up. Commission of the European Parliament and of the Council of Ministers.

2. In the event that it has not been possible to complete the procedure for the appointment of elected representatives at the joint meetings of the preceding para graph by 31 December 2012, the electoral procedure for four months is extended, exceptionally, From the publication of the present text. The General Secretariat of the decentralised Administrations shall be responsible for determining the deadlines of the electoral process, as well as the timing of the elections within the maximum time period.

3. Until the new departments of the departments referred to in paragraph 1 are set up, the operations of the employees at 31.12.2012 shall be extended.

Article 58

The provision of the sub-paragraph in paragraph 1. Article 1 (2) of the Law The following shall be replaced by the following:

" The Secretary-General of the Decentralised Diocese -


In the case of the matters referred to in its Staff Regulations, the Minister of the Interior. '

Article 59

The seventh subparagraph of paragraph 1 shall apply. Article 2 of the Law 4018/2011 (Part II 215) is replaced by the following:

' The amount of the financing of the decentralised agencies for the implementation of these programmes depends on the estimated cost of using the provisions of the provisions and the employment of the officials concerned. '


Article 60

The par. Article 6 of the Law No 4071/2012 (1985) is replaced by the following:

' The regions may award, directly or through a short-term procedure (a rough competition), public procurement of works, supplies and services not subject to the provisions of the Law. In accordance with the provisions of Article 83 of Law No 3316/2005 (Part II 42), the conclusion of public procurement in accordance with the provisions of Article 83 of the Treaty. 2362/1995 (1 247), as regards the permitted financial limits, as set out in the relevant decisions of the Minister for Economic Affairs. A decision of the Regional Commander, without a prior decision of the Council, shall be required for direct award. In this case, the editorial issues are approved by the regionalist. For the accelerated procedure (rough competition) a decision of the economic committee responsible for the editorial and editorial issues is required. '

Article 61

The provisions of Article 16 (d) 171/1987 shall be printed as follows:

' Setting up a reception committee 1. The provisions of Articles 73 and 75

N. 3669/2008 (A-116), works by the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the Board of Directors, after prior notice of the Management Board announcing the conclusion of the project and the preparation of the final measure to the Head of the Authority and requests for receipt of the final decision. Of; The receiving committees shall, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1. 2 of Article 15 (d) 171/1987 (' ' 84), consist of a public contract and: (a) For projects up to EUR 1 000 million

From two employees of the Engineering category of Engineers or of an Employee category of Engineers and an Employee of the Engineering category. (b) For budget projects above EUR 1 million

Of three employees of the category of PE Engineers or two employees of category PE Engineers and a category of TE Engineers.

(a) Chairperson of the receiving committee shall be the oldest of the members of that committee, without prejudice to the provisions of the third subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 73 of the EEC Treaty 3669/2008 (b) The head of the Management Board and the

(c) In the receiving committee, they may not be members of the receiving commission.

A technical staff member corresponding to the category of project being taken.

3. The procedure provided for in Article 26 of the Law shall apply to the aggregation of the acceptance committee. 4024/2011 (1 226) draw. In the case where the technical staff of the project body are not duplicated-the ones defined in paragraph 1 of the product to carry out the applicable draw provisions, then participation is possible. And technical staff of the Office of the Headquarters of the Member State, other than the relevant Regional ity of the Region concerned so as to ensure at least twice the number of persons required. Employees who will take part in the collection and do not belong to the Contracting Authority, shall be represented by the competent bodies of the bodies to which they belong. The draw shall be carried out by the competent technical service of the project manufacturer, without prejudice to paragraph 2 (b) of this Article.

4. For the selection provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article of this Article, a draw shall be drawn up between the members of the Board of Directors.

5. The costs of moving and on the basis of all the members of the receiving committee shall be paid by hand to the Contracting Authority in accordance with the provisions. '

Article 62

The FAA and the legal persons of those who carry out their supplies in accordance with the provisions of the No. 11389/1993 Decision of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, may conclude framework agreements and appeal to electronic auctions of Articles 26 and 28 respectively of paragraph 60/2007 and below the thresholds laid down in Article 6 thereof. Above Presidential decree.

Article 63

The rate of deduction provided for in Article 41 (d) 173/1990 and Article 42 of the No. 11389/1993 Decision of the Minister of Interior (EC-PORTA), in the oil tanker competitions, shall be calculated on the basis of each species, of the area, of the Watchtower of the Ministry of Development, and Competitiveness, as defined in the notice of competition. The following percentage may be negative, but not more than 5 %.

Article 64

The conclusion of an agreement with companies which comply with the legal requirements shall be authorised, following a tendering procedure, on the basis of the provisions set out in paragraph 270/1981 'on the determination of the institutions, the parties'.


(a) the collection of abandoned vehicles: (a) collection of derelict vehicles, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 519/1999 (2);

In accordance with point (d) 116/2004 (1 81), ' measures, terms and conditions for the alternative management of vehicles at the end of their life cycle, their use of spare parts and the deactivated catalytic converters in compliance with Provisions of Directive 2000 /53/EC 'for the end-of-life period of September 2000', (b) collection of electrical and electronic waste

In accordance with point (d) 117/2004 (1 82),'s, terms and conditions for the alternative management of waste electrical and electronic equipment in compliance with the provisions of the Directives 2002/1995 ' on its limitation The use of dangerous substances in electrical and electronic equipment 'and' on electrical and electronic equipment 'of 27 January 2003'.

Article 65

The forecast in par. Article 1 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 582/1968 shall be composed of the following staff:

B) The Head of the Environment Directorate, and in the case of non-existence by the President of the Technical Service of the Office.

(c) The Head of the Directorate for Health and Health at the Department of Public Health

The Committee of the Regions calls on the Commission and the Member States to take the necessary measures. The Committee shall be the senior member of the Committee.

A parallel which together with the remaining members and their legal alternates is defined by the decision on the establishment by the Secretary-General of the relevant A-poised Administration. The responsibilities of the Committee shall be as follows:

The provisions laid down.

Article 66

The par. Article 4 of Article 4 of the Act of Legislative Decree published on 12.12.2012 (1 240) and ratified by Article 48 of the Act. Regulation (EEC) No 4111/2013 (18) is hereby amended as follows:

' 4. (a) and (b), and (b), and (b), in the case of the Directors-General for Water Management (IAS). 1069/1980 and p. Regulation (EEC) No 890/1979, and to non-member companies under Articles 265 and 266 of the Treaty. No 3463/2006 and Article 194 thereof. 3852/2010 may be expected, for their own needs, of the species listed in the present context through the nomination procedure for suppliers of any of the municipalities or regions who have recommended them at their request, Otherwise the pre-nomination procedure for suppliers of such articles may be made separately from each legal person without any authorisation being required. '

Article 67

The provision of par. Article 199 (3) of the Constitution of the European Communities. No 3463/2006 (1 114) is hereby repealed.

Article 68

The first paragraph of paragraph 1. Article 17 of the EC Treaty 2539/1997 (1 244), as originally replaced with par. Article 22 of the EC Treaty On the basis of the Commission's report, the Council adopted a Point 8 of Article 24 of the Law He proposed that the Court should rule as follows:

" The breakdown of public works and the drawing-up of the corresponding studies shall be permitted by indicating in the budget of the appropriations allocated for the execution of such projects, by public or local communities, or in organised settlements with less than 200 Inhabitants of island communities with populations up to 2000 inhabitants. '

Article 69

1. Article 100 of n. The following changes: (a) in paragraph 2 after the words' extensions of the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 4182/2013 (1 185) shall apply:

(b) a new paragraph shall be added as follows: '6 shall be added to the decision of the Regional Council'. Transport expenditure, which has been carried out;

They have been distilled from the beginning of the school year on 11.9.2013 until the extension of the contracts referred to in paragraph 4 of paragraph 4 of this Regulation, which are to be paid by way of derogation from each specific and general principle. A provision where the Committee of the Regions establishes, with a relevant act, the performance of the transfer of learners and the amount of the expenditure concerned which cannot be defined in this Article. ';

2. In par. Article 94 of the EC Treaty Subparagraph 18, with effect from 1.7.2013, shall be added as follows: "The feeding of pupils and art schools."

Article 70

Candidates for recruitment to positions of special civil police officers who have been vindicated after an irrevocable court decision, as well as candidates who have in any legal manner included in the final tables Appointments to members, excluding education provided for in the provisions of Article 10 of the first paragraph of Article 10 p. 135/2006, shall be appointed to the members concerned and shall be available from the publication of the present. The provisions of Article 81 (2) and (3) shall apply. 4172/2013.

Rule 71 Abolition of public policing schools

1. Legal persons governed by private law with the honors "School of Decoration of Ptolemaida",


"School of Public Police Department" and "School of Public Police Conitsa", set up with the provisions of Article 62 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 3801/2009 ('163) repealed by the publication of the notice. The assets of the legal persons governed by the law in question are included in the premises, and the liquidation shall be carried out by a special commission appointed by a decision of the Minister for Internal Affairs.

2. The staff with a private-law working relationship of indefinite duration of the above mentioned legal persons shall, ipso facto, be buried in the Konitsa Strait, with the same work relationship and are classified as equivalent to a training degree and rating. Personal circumstances, taking into account their past experience, for each consequence.

3. The publication of this law abolishes the Education Council of the School of Public Health, which has been set up under the provisions of the Law. 46302/7.12.2012 decision of the Minister of Interior.

Article 72

Article 22 of the Law A paragraph 5 shall be added as follows:

' 5. The decisions adopted by the Monitoring and Election Control Board of Article 12 of the Law. In accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, following an objection to the head of the combination or the manager of the financial combination, they are hereby amended or replaced by the provisions of the preceding paragraphs. The candidate, which shall be brought before the Committee within 60 days of the notification of the decision. The order shall enter into force on the date of its publication. 3870/2010. '

Article 73

In par. Article 5 of the Law 1069/1980, as follows:

' i. It shall act by an absolute majority of its members on the provision of financial grants to the public, local authorities and legal persons of public law, for the purpose of fulfilling the purpose, which is linked to programmes and services; Cultural activities, such as the promotion, promotion and maintenance of archaeological monuments, the interventions in preserved or traditional buildings and settlements, the construction and operation of cultural facilities. It also decides on the same majority for the provision of financial grants, which will be available for social purposes. The above decisions are taken as long as this budget is credited to the budget concerned for these purposes, which in no case may not exceed five per cent (5 %) of annual regular revenue. '

Article 74

1. Article 68 (1). Point (o) is added as follows: 3, paragraph 26/2012.

' (o) Civil servants with grade A, B, C or D of the Court of Auditors and the General Commission of the State at the Court of Auditors. '

2. Article 68 (6) (d) of paragraph 26/2012 is amended as follows:

(d) The Court of Auditors, the names of the delegates and its rapporteurs, and of the civil servants referred to in paragraph 3. '

Article 75

1. Within two (2) years after the entry into force of the existing law, those who have placed inscriptions on buildings as defined in case 56 of Article 2 of the Law. 4067/2012 (A ' 79) except for roofs, in breach of Article 6 of. 2946/2001 (1 224) and the authorisation of the decision adopted should be adjusted to the content of these arrangements, as applied during this period. During this period the administrative and penal sanctions provided for in the above-mentioned bases are not imposed.

2. Benefits from fines imposed for infringements of the preceding paragraph and not collected until the entry into force of this law are subject to the arrangements laid down in Article 53 of the Act.

3. The offence and the prosecution of the offences referred to in paragraph 1 shall cease until the entry into force of this law.

Article 76

Subparagraph F. 2 of the first article of n. 4093/2012 (1 222) is replaced by the following:


1. From the entry into force of the provisions of Articles 2 and 3 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 3919/2011 ('32) applies also to the concession, in exchange, of the right of use of the cases in question. 1044/1971, as well as the canteens, cafés and barns within the municipal buildings, the local authorities and the NIFs.

2. The deadlines set out in Article 2 (3) and (4) and Article 3 (1) and (2). Regulation (EEC) No 3919/2011 starts from the date of entry into force of the notice to the Court of Appeal of the Government.

3. A decision of the Council of Ministers shall specify the positions of the case and shall be reflected in relevant topographical lines of weightings, in which they shall be clearly displayed on the basis of the art and the scientific basis; The environment, the environment and the wider public, the environment and the environment. This Decision shall be adopted after an opinion of the relevant public or local community and a recommendation from the Committee on Quality of Life, where it exists. In accordance with the provisions of Article 20 of Law 1044/1971, a decision may be taken in accordance with Article 20.


For the adoption of this Decision, an opinion is required of the relevant police authority, which examines the appropriateness of the area in terms of the safety of pedestrian and vehicle traffic, which is not permitted in the case of case-law. Of a negative opinion. The opinion shall be delivered within a period of twenty (20) days from the date of receipt of the question referred to in the first subparagraph of this Article and a positive opinion on the appropriateness of the area in terms of safety. For the purpose of determining the positions of the stand-holders,

(i) account must be taken of the existing provisions applicable to the protection of the natural, cultural and cultural environment, forest areas, archaeological and historical sites, public traffic, aesthetics and functional Physical awareness of the urban environment and the general protection of the common use. With local regulatory decisions, the specifications for the construction and installation of the couplings, depending on the local characteristics, are laid down.

4. 30 % of the abovementioned positions, which are determined by public order, shall be granted a fee based on the annual family income and if the condition laid down in Article 285 of the Law is fulfilled. 3463/2006: (a) in persons with disabilities (Ape. A), (b) multiple children and c) in persons who are praiseworthy,

In the case of the United Kingdom, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice 1964 in Tilliness and Nicosia and in 1967 in Kofinou and the Holy Theodoos of Cyprus. The application of this case shall be exempted from those who have been engaged during the above periods with any party to the detriment of the legal function of the political party of the Republic of Cyprus. Any decimal number shall be rounded to e -

An integral part of the unit, if the fraction is equal to half of the unit and above. The fee shall be determined by the public Council and shall be collected, in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of 20.10.1958 of the Royal Decree, as shall apply. For the purpose of granting this right, subal -

Applications shall be submitted by the beneficiaries following a contract notice setting out in particular the positions and the amount of the annual fee. In addition to the application, they shall be submitted by the interested party, a certified copy of the identity of the police officer and a clearing member of the tax office. In addition to these supporting documents: a)

For persons with disabilities the addition of a certificate of Primary or Deuterine Hygiene in Article 6 of the Law. 2556/1997, as is the case, from which to show the condition and the amount of invalidity, (b) for the polymeric certificate of the Higher Technical University of Greece, which certifies the polyecular property and (c) for the polemists Cyprus complete certificate of formal status of type A and certificate of the relevant

(i) association or association of polemics, recognised by the Ministry of Defence. The positions shall be allocated to the beneficiaries with a view to the

A draw, in which the representatives of their associations may be present. Specific provisions relating to a change in the above persons from the payment of a fee or exchange shall not apply.

5. The granting of the right to use the other positions of the stands shall be made by public authorities, in accordance with the provisions in force concerning public immovable property, excluding the possibility of direct concessions. The declaration, in addition to the provisions laid down in the above provisions, shall include the following conditions: (a) the further concession shall be prohibited;

To be used to third parties, subject to the provisions of paragraph 7. (b) The conclusion of the concession contract requires -

The lodging of a security in favour of the person concerned in order to ensure the proper performance of the conditions of the contract relating to the location of the case. The amount of the guarantee shall be refundable, when it is determined by the maintenance of the above-mentioned conditions and in any event within an exclusive period of one month from the date of notification to that of the completion of the pavilion. As a result of this deadline, the guarantee shall be reimbursed by the person. The determination of the amount of the guarantee above, the manner in which it is to be carried out, and any other necessary details, shall be determined by the institution which has the competence to conduct the investigation and shall refer to the declaration in question. The amount of the guarantee shall be set at a rate of 70 % of the cost of the demolition of the case and the restoration of the events in the earlier state of its construction. For the determination of the starting point of the payment,

However, it is necessary to take account of each element of the value of the position of the case, in particular the traffic data, the transfer of roads and the possibility of a further concession for the development of a common area for development. Of its family of activity. In any case of concessions of the right

The provisions of Article 13 of 20.10.1958 of the Royal Decree shall apply, in addition to the provisions of Article 13 of the Royal Decree, as applicable.

6. The decision of the Board of Directors shall determine the time for granting the right to use the positions of the stand, which in any case may not exceed 10 years. A spouse or adult children becoming an heir to the superiors during that period shall be entitled to the right given above, provided that they express their wish to the competent authority. In the case of a number of successors in the case of one of the parties referred to above, a declaration of the n shall be attached. 1599/1986 which states the determination of the other to be given the right to the applicant.

7. Withdrawal of the right to transfer to them may only be granted for old-age or in the case of an invalidity benefit of the beneficiary at a rate of 67 % and shall be demonstrated on the basis of the claim;


Of the provisions. The duration of the conversion may not exceed the time of the initial concession. A copy of the salary shall be attached to the person concerned, who shall issue a notice on the date on which the above concession is established. In the event of the death of the beneficiary, the beneficiaries

The person concerned shall be required to notify the person concerned of the death of the person concerned. In the case of this case, the non-expired contracts will be valid until their expiry. If there are no successors, the balance shall be continued until the end of the period, at the request of the creditor and the shares and end of that period shall be paid to the entity. The beneficiary may be replenated by the spouse and

The adult children whose details are given in the concession act.

8. The provisions of the above paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to the provisions of the provisions of the General Agreement of the Council of the European Communities and of the Council of the European Communities.

9. The granting of the right to use the canteens, cafes and barns within buildings occupied by the services of the United States, the ODA and the legal persons governed by public law for the purpose of serving these staff and dealing with them. They are to be carried out by the hosts, in accordance with the provisions in force on the payment of their real estate, from the point of view of their right of direct concession. For the rest, it shall apply mutatis mutandis to paragraphs 3 to 7, including the relevant provision for persons with disabilities, polytechs and the Cyprus poles.

10. Existing administrative leave shall be maintained in the form of administrative permits. (a) the spouse of the deceased beneficiary or (b) in the adult children of the deceased, if they belong to the category of Ape with an invalidity benefit of 67 % or more. From 1 January 2014, the beneficiaries are subject to sub -

The fee to be paid for the communal area occupied by the construction of the case, in accordance with Article 13 of the Royal Decree of 20.10.1958. In addition to the above mentioned provisions, the provisions of this Regulation shall apply from the entry into force of this law. The beneficiary can make up for the spouse and adult children whose details are written in the concession act. Since the entry into force of this Regulation,

Fees from other cases, as well as canteens, cafes and barns within buildings occupied by the services of the O.T.A.C., whose beneficiaries have died, are paid to the O.T.A.D., until the end of the islation. For existing ones, at the time of publication

(b) the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in the territory of a Member State other than the competent institution of the Member State in which the person concerned is situated.

11. Those who have become beneficiaries due to a succession before the entry into force of N.4093/2012 (A'222) and the related process of transfer of the case-law of a case may be completed by a decision of the relevant Council.

12. The monitoring of the application of the provisions

They refer to the legislation governing the case in general, which is entrusted to the Greek Civil Service and to officials of the same person, in particular in the third subparagraph of paragraph 3. Article 81 of the EC Treaty NO 4172/2013 (1 167) All committees have been set up in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. U.s. a. F.454/10/159768 (B 1080) are hereby repealed.

Amendment No 13 is repealed. F.443531/24/3030/1969 (Bl 588) Decision of the Ministers of National Defence, Council and Public Works'of the type and dimensions of the handicaps' and any general or general provision contrary to the provisions of paragraph F. 2. '

Article 77

1. The provisions referred to in subparagraph (a) of paragraph 1. Question No 1, by Mr Desselo 4071/2012, as is the case, an interval of confusion between the existing FSC in the Restrictive Tax Code of Article 13 of the Law, as it stands, is extended until 31.12.2015. This provision shall enter into force on 1.1.2014.

2. The implementation of the special burial fee provided for in paragraph 2. Article 43 of the EC Treaty It shall be suspended until 31.12.2015.

Article 78 Amendment of Article 17 of the Law 3870/2010

Article 17 of the Law Passport No: 3870/2010 (1 138) is replaced by the following:

' The provisions of Article 28 of the Law 2190/1994 (1 28) apply for the period of one month preceding the date of the holding of the regions and municipal elections until the establishment of the elected bodies. At the time of the first application, the restrictions hereunder do not apply to the recruitment of private-law staff in some time and the conclusion of a project agreement, and their preparatory actions, by the UTF and the Their legal persons, in order to specialise in lifeguards, hydro-irrigation systems, machine operators, workers in the field of fire safety, children's staff, cleanliness, Open Press Centers Isolated (K.A.P.H.) and the disabled through NSRF programmes, workers in the Hunting and camping." The power of the present begins with its resolution.

Article 7

In par. Article 107 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 (1 87), as applicable, a new subparagraph is added as follows:

' Non-corporation of which the company has or will acquire, within a period of one year after the entry into force of the validity of the provisions referred to in this subparagraph, with a fixed capacity in the territory of a company, may They accept shares in the non-member non-member company, transferred to them with due cause (life or cause of death), provided that their participation in the third party is taken into account in a proportion of the percentage it has or will acquire. This publication does not exceed 30 % of the total share capital of the European Union. Of the third anthem company. '



Article 80 Entry into force

The validity of this law shall start from its publication in the Governing Council of the Government, unless otherwise specified in the individual provisions.

Athens, 2014