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In This Case, It Is Not Possible To Do So.

Original Language Title: Code on Immigration and Social Inclusion and other provisions.

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Article 1 Definitions

1. For the application of the provisions of this Code: a) Alien is the natural person who does not have

(b) A citizen of a third country is a natural person who is a member of the European Union.

Does not have Greek nationality or the nationality of a Member State of the European Union within the meaning of Article 20 (1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. (c) Nationality is the natural person who fulfils the

The conditions of the New York Convention of 1954 on the status of stateless persons, which has been ratified by the n. REGULATION (EEC) NO 139/1975 (° 176) (d) Citizen of the Union: Any person who has

Citizenship of a Member State of the Union. (e) Subject matter of a passport: citizen

A third country which proves, objectively speaking, to obtain a passport or travel document due to particular circumstances or circumstances. Refugee: The citizen of a third country or a stateless person

On the face of which the conditions for the application of Article 1A of the Geneva Convention are fulfilled.

(g) Beneficiary of international protection: The alien or non-native to whom the competent Greek authority has been granted refugee status or beneficiary of a temporary protection.

Article 17 of Council Regulation (EC) No 141/2013, the alien or stateless person who does not meet the requirements to be recognised as a refugee, but in his face, it is essential that if he returns to his country of origin, or In the case of a stateless person in the country of his previous partner, he is in danger of serious harm, within the meaning of Article 15 of BCE 141/2013 and which he cannot, or because of his risk, does not wish to place himself under the (i) the protection of the country in question; (i) international protection;

(i) a notice issued to the applicant at the time of the examination of the application by the competent Greek authorities of receipt and allows him to remain in the Greek territory until the final decision on the application is adopted. Unaccompanied minor is the person of age;

18 years of age, which arrives in Greece, without being accompanied by an adult responsible for his care, in accordance with Greek law or practice and for as long as no responsible adult does not practise his or her minor in practice Was abandoned following its entry into Greece. A) People's trade is so natural

A person for which there are reasonable grounds to be considered as the victim of any of the offences referred to in Articles 323, 323A, 323B, 339 rather than -


First, From the Official Journal of the RIS, 26 March 2014, No. Meetings of the Assembly of the House, in which

The following draft law was adopted:

Immigration and Social Inclusion Code and other provisions

Graphs 1 and 4, 342 (1) and (2), 348A, 348B, 348B, 349, 351 and 351A, before the criminal prosecution is exercised, and at the expense of one of the above crimes for which prosecution has been initiated, regardless of the If this has entered the country of law or outlaw. Human trafficking, in the previous paragraph, is the victim of the crime of Article 336 of the Penal Code, when this is a minor. The designation of ' victims of trafficking in human beings'

With the Act of the competent Advocate-General, immediately after the prosecution of criminal prosecution under Articles 323, 323A, 323B, 339 (1) and (4), 342 (1) and (2), 348A, 348B, 348B, 349, 351 and 351A, and before Criminal proceedings are instituted for any of these offences. In the latter case, a written opinion, drawn up by two experts with a psychiatrist, psychologist or social worker, serving in a Service or a Protection Unit, is required for the adoption of this report. Relief of Articles 2, 3 and 4 of BCE 233/2003, as applicable, or to the First Reception Service, NGOs or the IOM or to International Organisations or other specialised and recognised assistance and assistance bodies, in accordance with the horizontal In Articles 2, 3 and 4 of paragraph 233/2003. The designation act shall be issued regardless of whether the victim cooperates with the law enforcement authorities, in those cases where the latter considers, in accordance with the opinion of the Prosecutor of the Court of Appeal, that the conditions of Article 1 (1) (c) are met. 2. B. 233/2003, or that the victim is not cooperating because of a missing persons who are in Greece or in the country of his/her pre-registration or anywhere else and that, if this is not protected or removed from The country is faced with a direct threat to the persons referred to above. The above procedure shall also apply to the

A loss of face as 'the victim of a paranus of migrants', as defined in the case-law of this Article. (i) a party to the movement of immigrants is the

The natural person, for which there are grounds to be considered to be the victim of any of the matters referred to in Articles 29 (5) and (6) and (30) of the present Convention, when committed by criminal organisations, as referred to in Article 187 (2). 1 of the World Trade Union, before the criminal prosecution of this and the one against which any of the above-mentioned crimes have been initiated in criminal proceedings, provided that this has entered the country illegally. (m) Parano Monastery: Presence in Greek epi -

A non-conforming citizen of a third country which does not fulfil, or has failed to fulfil, the conditions of entry, as defined in Article 5 (1) of Regulation 562/2006 (Schengen Code) or the other conditions of entry, surrender or residence There is no legal basis for this. (n) The form of a visa (Visa C):

Type C is the visa valid throughout the territory of the Member States of the European Union applying the provisions of the Community Visa Code and is granted for transit through or intended to remain in the territory of the Member States. Member States -

Member States shall not exceed 90 days from any period of 180 days in the territory of the Member States of the enhanced cooperation between Sen-gen. (o) Long duration (National visa-Visa

D): Entry D is the authority designated by the competent Greek authorities for the entry and residence of third-country nationals in the Greek territory for an interval exceeding 180 days and may be up to 365 days, On the basis of the non-aligned status of third-party citizens, national legal arrangements or the Union. Permission to terminate (final title by name) is

Any type of certification provided by the competent Greek authorities in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 (2) (a) of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001; Council Regulation (EC) No 1030/2002 of 13 June 2002 on the introduction of licences for a uniform format for citizens of third countries (OJ L 157/15.6.2002), as is the case at every time, and on the basis of which a third country citizen is allowed to remain legally resident in the territory of another Member State. (q) Certification of an application: Certification document;

(i) temporary legal tender, of an annual duration, granted by the competent authorities for the application of requests from third-country nationals who are to be granted or renewing authorisation holders, with the required supporting documents. This certificate does not provide the right of movement of the Schengen area. In exceptional circumstances, it may provide the right of exit of the holder to another third country outside the Schengen States under the decision of the Minister of Public Order and Civil Protection. In such a case, a post-loyalty period shall be made, after which the holder of the certificate is no longer admitted to the Greek ship. Special attestation of legal basis: Provisional

Title to be granted to citizens of third parties who are in a judicial protection regime which does not allow the holder of the free movement within the European Union.

A copy of a valid statement of the tax declaration, if a tax return had been submitted in the preceding year or a certified copy of the tax return, if, in the year of submission of the application for renewal of the licence, For the first time a tax return was submitted. (c) Recycling: Procedure, which makes it possible to

The entry and residence of a citizen of a third country for the purposes of dependent work in Greece, in a particular employer and on a certain type of employment. Employment: The exercise of activities which

In the case of an employer or an employer, any form of work which is regulated in accordance with national law or in accordance with national legislation or under the direction and/or the supervision of an employer. (aa) Working time: A written agreement with the

(a) the employer must pay the employer's work under the instructions and the supervision of the employer, and the worker must pay the agreed wage; and


Provide any protection provided for by the legislation. The working contract shall be governed mainly by the specific working laws in force and by the provisions of Article 648 of the Staff Regulations.

A service or a project, which is not subject to legal and personal reliance or control by the employer and which does not apply the provisions of the labour legislation. (d) Seasonal work: activity carried out;

For a period of up to six consecutive months, over a period of 12 months, in Greece, in the field of activity related to temporary and seasonal employment. Seasonal worker: The citizen of a third country

Maintaining the main place of residence in a third country and remaining legally and temporarily for reasons of employment in Greek territory in the field of activity-which depends on the change of the seasons on the basis of one or more contracts (i) a number of times that are concluded directly between the citizen of a third country and the employer who is located in Greece;

In the case of Greece, specific legislation, special transnational agreements or to serve the interests of the national economy. (aa) Temporary residence permit: Any kind of pressure;

(i) a statement by the Greek authorities and on the basis of which a citizen of a third country is authorised to remain legally resident in the territory of the European Union for a specific purpose and for a specific period of time which depends on the completion of the objective.

(k) Independent economic activity: The activity aimed at obtaining income from a commercial, industrial, craft or agricultural enterprise, as well as any other company providing services or free professions. (k) Investment activity: The operation of

(b) Eco-independent persons: Citizens of third-country nationals who are nationals of a Member State other than those who are nationals of a Member State other than those who are nationals of other Member States.

Which have sufficient resources at the level of annual income level to cover subsistence expenditure. Family reunion: The entrance and residence

In the country of the members of the family of a third-party citizen who is legally resident in Greece, in order to maintain the unity of his family, regardless of whether family ties have been created before or after the entry into the country. (b) Tory: The citizen of a third country

Law in Greece and apply for family reunification in order to allow entry and residence to members of his family in Greece as specified in this Code. (c) Members of a third-country family: a. The other of the spouses, if it has been fulfilled

In the 18th year of his age, as well as those under 18 years of age, their common children, including those who have been legally adopted in Greece by judgment or by a foreign court judgment

Which is automatically enforceable or has been declared or has been declared or has been recognised in El-Lada. For the rest, under 18 years of age,

The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice Him. (d) Self-contained right of residence: The right to do so.

To the members of a family of a third-country citizen who have been admitted to the Greek territory for reasons of family reunification which is kept exclusively on a personal basis. 0 Member of the Greek family: (a) spouse regardless of nationality, (b) regardless of nationality: the descendants, relatives

In a straight line, spouses, who are less than 21 years old or of no age, if they are dependants, as well as those of the spouse, as regards age as well as the children adopted, (i) also in the case of discrimination;

(c) irrespective of nationality, the direct animity of the citizen of the Union, as well as those of the spouse, if they are dependent. (a) Provisional right of residence: the right

By the name of the family members of a Greek family exclusively on a personal basis. (j) The third country citizen is a third country citizen.

Which acquires the above property, in accordance with Articles 89 and 90 of this Code.) Permit for a long-term resident:

(i) certification provided by the Greek authorities on the integration of the third-country citizen into each of the persons concerned and on the basis of which he/she wishes to remain legally resident in Greek territory, in accordance with his provisions; (a) point (a) of paragraph 1. Article 1 of Article 1 of Regulation (EC) No 2377/80. Council Regulation (EC) No 1030/2002 of 13 June 2002 on the introduction of single-type licences for third-country nationals (OJ L 157/15.6.2002). (i) First Member State: The Member State of the

European Union, which has brought a third-party citizen to the status of long-term resident for the first time.

(b) Second State-Member State: any Member State of the European Union, other than that which first conferred on the status of a non-resident third-country citizen for the first time and in which the person concerned exercises his right of residence.

(a) Student: The citizen of a third country who has been admitted to recognized by the national legislation of an educational institution and which has been allowed entry and residence in Greek territory in order to have as its principal activity Full-time course of study, with a view to obtaining a diploma, a post-graduate diploma, or a doctoral diploma awarded by that institution. The concept of study is also included in the preparation cycle as provided for by the legislation in question, as part of their studies.

(b) Training Foundation: Higher education institution;


However, the number of students in the course of study is higher than in the previous year. However, the number of students in the course of study is higher than in the previous year.

(c) Voluntary service programme: A programme of solidarity activities based on a national or Community programme and pursues a general interest objective.

(d) Vocational training: Training, for the time being, is the study of the Institutes of Vocational Training (I.E.C.), Colleges, Post-Training Centres and Eleftherios Study Centres (E.E.C.).

(e) Research: The original work undertaken in a systematic way to increase all knowledge, including knowledge of the human, cultural and society, as well as the use of this set of knowledge for young people. Medicinal products.

Research organisations: Any private or public body which carries out research and has been grated for the purposes of this Directive in accordance with national legislation.

(g) Researcher: The citizen of a third country, which sets out an appropriate title for higher education which gives access to doctoral programmes, selected by a research organisation to carry out a research project for which The above title is required.

(i) highly qualified employment: Person employment, which:

(i) is protected under the Greek labour law-legislation, which provides genuine and effective work on behalf of or under the guidance of al-loo, regardless of the legal type that has been affected;

(ii) be paid and (iii) have the required adequate and specific knowledge;

It is evidenced by high professional qualifications as defined in this Chapter.

European Union Blue Card ('EU Blue Country '): The' EU Blue Card ' licence entitles the holder to reside and work legally in Greek territory, in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 111 of this Regulation. (v) Certificate of higher education in higher education:

Diplomas, certificates or other evidence of formal qualifications in formal qualifications, issued by a competent authority certifying the successful completion of a higher education education programme, namely a parcel of courses provided by an educational institution, This is recognised by the State in which it is located as a higher education institution. For the purposes of this, a tertiary education qualification shall be taken into account, provided that the studies required for its acquisition lasted for at least three years. (a) Professional experience: The time of reality

And the use of this medicinal product as a legal basis. (b) Nominal-regulated profession: The legislation-

A regulated profession, as defined in Article 3 (1) (a) of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice. Decision No 38/2010 of the EC Treaty ' Adaptation of the Greek legislation to Directive 2005 /36/EC of the European Communities'

Council and the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications (1 78). (c) Returning a third country citizen:

A citizen of a third country or with a voluntary contribution to the obligation to return either compulsorily: (a) in his country of origin or (b) in a transit country, in accordance with Community or bilateral readmission agreements or other arrangements, or (c) another third A country in which he/she voluntarily decides to return and to whom he is admitted. (d) Decision to return: administrative act with the

The third country citizen shall be declared or referred to as the illegal citizen of a third country in the territory of the European Union and the obligation to return. (d) Elimination: Implementation of the Decision

A natural transfer of a third country citizen outside the Greek territory. (nf) voluntary departure: compliance with the obligation

The refund within the time limit set for that purpose in the refund decision.

Article 2 Scope

1. The provisions of this Code shall not apply to the following categories of persons, unless otherwise specified in its provisions:

A. .. To the citizens of the European Union within the meaning of Article 20 (1). 1 of the Treaty of the European Community, as amended and applied.

Other: In the case of officials in diplomatic and consular posts enjoying legal status in the Vienna Convention of 1961 on Diplomatic Relations, ratified by law 503/1970 (1 108), or in the Vienna Convention In the course of 1963, the consular relations, which was ratified, were ratified by the United States. 90/1975 (1 150), as well as to the competent Greek authorities responsible for civil servants, to the extent that their legal status is governed by the relevant international conventions. Beneficiaries of international protection; and

Applicants for international protection within the meaning of the 1951 Geneva Convention and in accordance with national law. To the persons authorised to remain

In Greece on the basis of temporary protection or requesting permission to remain for this reason and pending the adoption of the decision. E. In those persons who have been granted a scheme,

Picuric protection. 2. Persons who have more nationality, than

Which is a Greek or a Member State of the European Union or of a State which is not a member of the EU but applies the acquis communautaire on visas, treated as Greeks or citizens of the Member States of the European Union. In the case of the Court of First instance, the Court of First instance referred to the Court for a second reading.

3. Persons who have more nationalities, which are not included in the Greek, are required to opt for citizenship, with a declaration on Immigration and Immigration,


They are equipped with a passport or other travel document of the State concerned.

4. This law shall apply, without prejudice to any other arrangements provided for:

A. .. Bilateral and multilateral agreements between the Member States of the European Union or the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the countries of the other part.

Other: In bilateral and multilateral agreements between the Greek Republic and third countries. In the European Social Charter of 18 October

1961, which was ratified by n. COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) NO 1426/84. 5. The provisions of this Code are applied by -

And to the stateless.


Article 3 Entry-exit points-Exercise control


1. In each person, it is permitted to enter the ground and to exit from it only from the controlled border crossings. By decision of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Finance, Home Affairs, National Defence, Public Order and the Protection of the Citizen and the Marine and Aegean Sea, the airports, the lakes and land sites at the borders of the country, through which The entry of persons on the Greek territory and the exit from it, as well as the content of each control form, the institutions, and the procedure for the application of judicial and administrative acts relating to entry and exit Of persons from the country. The surveillance of land and sea borders shall be carried out by the competent police and authorities responsible for this purpose. Entry and exit outside the cross-border crossings may be authorised, for reasons of appeal, by a decision of the Minister of Public Order and Civil Protection which determines how the control is carried out.

2. The control of persons entering the Greek territory or leaving it is part of the competence of the Ministry of Public Order and Prussia of the Citizen and is active by local authorities for this purpose, police authorities.

3. The application of this Code does not constitute an entry into the Greek territory of a non-resident citizen of a third country, in transit, in the zone divided by an airport or a member of the country with a view to continuing his taxi-by abroad, with the same or another Aircraft or ship. For residence in the divided area is required

A visa-crossing visa (VISA A) in all cases and under the conditions laid down in the Union acquis (Community Code of Conduct). The third-country citizen, who remains in the appointed zone, is obliged to continue his journey. If it does not depart within a reasonable period of time, it shall be taken on board an aircraft or ship with the care of the police authority. Aerolamine or Illumenical

Authorities are required to assist, if so requested.

4. The competent police, customs, law and health authorities shall retain the right to control persons who remain in the zone of division, if they consider this to be necessary.

5. The Greek control authorities may require a direct departure from a third-country citizen if they find that it does not have a visa when required, and a ticket to continue its journey, both for the country of destination; and The intermediate countries, the territory of which shall be broken down.

6. By decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Public Order and Civil Protection and Maritime and Maritime, it is possible to establish at the borders of the country temporarily a crossing of persons, for a public interest, provided that The conditions necessary for the control of traffic control of the passing of persons will be met. The hours and total running time of these

(i) the application of the provisions laid down in Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 8262than to be applied in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 3 (1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 8262than of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 3262/ 2. Longer period of time.

Article 4 Deny entry

1. Decisions to reject the application of the entry of entry, taken by the diplomatic and consular authorities, need to be justified. In the case of the following categories of citizens of third countries, and without prejudice to the connection of grounds of public order and security: Citizens of third countries, members of the Greek family,

In the case referred to in paragraph 1 of Article 1. Other: Citizens of third countries, members of the family of a citizen

Member State of the European Union. C. Citizens of third countries, whose entry, by -

(i) residence, establishment and employment in Greece applies to the application of EU law. Other: International protection agents and its members

Their family. E. Citizens of third countries, employed on board

Operations located in another Member State of the European Union and moving to Greece for the execution of work or work, in the context of a related undertaking.

2. The Greek control authorities may prohibit the entry into Greece of a third-country citizen if they find that, in this person, at least one of the following falls: a) Does not have a valid travel document Document or document;

(ii) to allow for the crossing of frontiers, recognised by Greece.


(b) It shall not have a valid visa if required in accordance with Regulation (EC) No Council Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 of 15 March 2001 on the list of third countries whose nationals are subject to the visa requirement for crossing the external borders of the Member States of the European Union and the list of third countries (c) does not give reasons for the purpose and circumstances of the pre-employment relationship, the nationals of the persons who are exempt from this obligation;

To date, it does not have sufficient means of survival for both the intended period and the return to the country of origin or transit to a third country where its entry is secured, or it cannot provide (d) It is registered in the Information System (s).

SCHENGEN (SIS) as an adverse event; (e) It is considered a threat to public order, the internal market,

In the case of the Member States of the European Union, the Member States of the European Union and the Member States of the European Union and the Member States of the European Union and the Member States of the European Union and the Member States of the European Union and the Member States of the European Union, of the one part, and the Member States of the European Union, and the EFTA countries, members of the European Economic and Social Committee. 82 of the EC Regulation (EEC) No 3386/2005. (f) The passport or other travel document which

Has not ensured its return to the country of destination or nationality or in a third country. (g) Comes to remain in Greece for

(i) a reason, in respect of which the issuance of a licence is required and does not have the required national visa; or (h) He is involved in any way in a similar way.

In the case of migrant workers from an organised crime group, the entry visa has been withdrawn and the list of non-nationals of Article 82 of the Law has been updated. 3386/2005, as applicable. (i) Submit a forged/grievous travel document;

(j) He has forged or falsified documents; or

There are reasonable doubts as to the accuracy of the content of the supporting documents submitted or the reliability of the applicant's declarations.

3. In the event of a connection of one of the above-mentioned cases to the citizen of a third country, a reasoned decision, stating the reasons for refusal and having the form of a standard form, (Single entry form for refusal of entry). At the same time, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Communities. Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 562/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2006 establishing a Community code relating to the transit of persons from the border) Article 13 (2) and Annex V, as amended and Council Regulation (EC) 610/2013.

4. The Minister for Public Order and Citizen Protection may, by decision, authorise the national border crossings and the temporary posts of persons crossing the entry of a third-party citizen, despite the existence of a prohibitive language. Provided for in the preceding paragraph, if the case is necessary for important reasons of public interest or of force majeure.

Violence or facilitation of a Greek ship, which cannot be served in any other way.

5. A citizen of a third country, who has entered Greece from the zone of transit and is not permitted to enter the country of destination, is not admitted for entry into the country if it does not meet the requirements of the present case, if upon return (i) he/she entered into a third, intermediate, country.

6. It is not forbidden to enter Greece which is shown to have the Greek nationality or the nationality of a Member State of the European Union and whether or not there is a passport or other travel document.

7. The Greek control authorities where, at the time of the entry into Greece of a third-country citizen who holds a residence permit, they find the connection of reasons justifying its withdrawal or rejection of the request, they must notify it. In addition, the Committee of the European Communities, the European Parliament, the Council and the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. In such cases, the entry of the third country into Greece shall be prohibited in Greece until the adoption of a decision on withdrawal or non-authorisation by means of a refusal or refusal of approval without the Greek authorities to retain the licence. A certificate or a certificate of application with complete documentation.

Article 5 Entry into

1. A citizen of a third country who enters the Greek territory must hold a valid travel document, recognised by the competent Greek authorities, which fulfils the following criteria: Anticipated date of departure from the territory of the Member States of the European Union or, in the case of more visits, after the last pre-scheduled departure date from the territory of the Member States; however, A reasoned urgency; such an obligation may be waived, (b) contains at least one Two blank pages, (c) issued in the previous decade.

2. These documents must bear, in so far as this is required by the applicable international agreements, the EU and the EU and national arrangements, visa (VISA).

3. The entry visa shall be issued by the consular authority, within the jurisdiction of which is legally resident in a third country, taking into account reasons relating in particular to public policy and public health and public health; and It is divided into the form of Visa C (Visa LTV) and a visa-long visa (national visa-Visa D).

4. A third country citizen, who has no obligation to enter, is allowed to enter and remain in the Greek territory for a period not exceeding 90 days within any period of 180 days from the date of entry into force of the First-rate. A citizen of a third country entering the country for tourism, conferences, cultural and sporting events, and generally for a short period of time,


Temporarily without a licence, for as long as the consular visa is valid or for a period of up to 90 days within any period of 180 days if it is a third-country citizen who is allowed to enter without consular A visa. The validity period of a given visa and/or

The permitted period of limitation shall be extended in accordance with Article 33 of Regulation 810/2009 if the holder of the visa has sufficient means of disposal and provides evidence of the existence of force majeure or humanitarian reasons Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 3 thereof, This extension shall be effected by the competent authorities of the Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection. The extension of visas shall take the form of a visa sticker.

5. By decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, External and Public Order and Civil Protection, the amount of the foreign exchange for each day by a third country citizen in Greece shall be determined. The decision may be adjusted accordingly.

6. In exceptional cases, a visa may be issued by the passport control services at the time of arrival of the third-country citizen at the entry point, in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Code.

7. The national entry visa shall be issued on the basis of the terms of reference for the permit through the legislative arrangements at present and its duration shall, where appropriate, be attached to that of the intended agreement.



Article 6 General requirements for the right of residence

The right to third-country nationals who are legally resident in Greece for one of the purposes of this Code is subject to the following conditions: a) holding a valid travel document;

In the case of Greece, the validity of which is valid for at least three months after the last estimated date of departure shall contain at least two blank pages and be issued within the preceding 10 years. Especially for the cases in which the citizen

A third country is unable to recruit a valid passport or other travel document, it is possible to read the right to a permanent passport if the third-country citizen invokes specific and justifiable anti-discrimination laws; For special circumstances or circumstances, in response to the opinion of the Committee referred to in Article 134 (2). (b) To hold a national visa in force;

(c) Do not be considered as a threat to public order, under the supervision of one of the reasons for the law, under the supervision of specific provisions of this Code.

Internal security or international relations and not listed as undesirable in national databases. As criteria for the assistance of the grounds and public

Order and security, consistent with the competent authority for the issue of the authorisation by the competent authority: (i) the outcome of a final judgment on a criminal offence (s) or pleas in a prison sentence of at least one (1) year; (ii) the entry in the list (iii) other reasons for public expenditure, which should be specifically referred to in the relevant decision, (iv) particular reasons for adverse events, which shall cease to be appropriate to the granting or a Specific justifications concerning internal security issues. The examination of the grounds relating to public policy and

The country's security is only a prerequisite for the initial allocation of the third country citizen's authorisation and to make it subject to individual long-term permits. For minor children of third-country nationals, the examination of a connection to public order and security shall only be carried out after the 15th year of their age. If there are grounds for public order and security, the competent authority may refuse to grant or renew the licence. The connection of grounds of public order and security arising after the granting of the authorisation shall constitute a reason for its withdrawal. The competent departments of the Ministry of Public Health

The Committee of the European People's Party and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection are obliged to abstain in two months' time. The failure of the services to send an opinion in good time does not preclude the adoption of the decision to grant a licence, unless specifically requested by the above services. The

Diseases that can justify refusal of entry are those provided for by the World Health Organisation and the Union acquis, and other infectious, contagious or parasitic diseases, which require measures to be taken. For the protection of public health. The finding, following the issue of the original authorisation, that the person concerned is suffering from a disease, from which he has been introduced following his entry into the country, is not a reason for the renewal of his or his or her removal from the Territory of the country. The Secretary of State or the Secretary-General of the

A decentralised administration, where appropriate, may ask the citizen of a third country, if there are such indications as to make it necessary, to submit, within three months of the date of arrival, to a medical examination in order to It is certified that they do not suffer from any of the diseases referred to in this paragraph. These medical examinations may not be of a systemic nature. E) Have full sickness insurance, for

Total of the risks covered for the purposes of the project. Without prejudice to specific arrangements of insurance law, citizens of third countries who are resident in the country for work and members of their families, if they are dependent, are insured.


In the event of the insolvency of the institution concerned, the institution of the place of business shall be entitled to the benefit of the institution concerned. Citizens of third countries entering the country for other reasons may be insured in private insurance institutions.

Article 7 Categories of residence permits

1. A citizen of a third country, who has received a visa in Greece for one of the reasons set out in the provisions of this Regulation, must ask for the same reason for his entry into the country for the same reason, subject to the proviso. The specific articles of this Code if it fulfils the conditions laid down in this Code.

2. The categories of licenses, as well as the types of licenses included in these are: A) Empty for work and professional

Reasons A1. Workers with dependant work-benefit -

Services or project A2. A3 special purpose workers. Investment activity A4. 'Blue Card' (B) Temporary residence B1. Seasonal work B2. Fishermen B3. Members of artistic works B4. Citizens of third countries moving from -

Management established in a Member State of the European Union or the European Economic Area, with a view to providing a B5 service. Citizens of third countries moving from -

Management established in a third country for the purpose of the B6 service. Heads of organised group of tourism groups B7. Third-country nationals from third countries

(c) Licence authorisation for humanitarian, exceptional and humanitarian reasons.

And other reasons Humanitarian reasons G2. Excellent ratios C3. General interest in the G4. Other reasons (D) Permission to study, volunteer work,

Research and vocational training, D1. Study 2. Voluntary work D3. Research D4. Vocational training. (e) Licence authorisation for victims of human trafficking; and

(b) Residence permit for family reunification ST1 family reunification. Members of a third-country family of T2. Members of the family of Greek or Native P3. Self-contained family member leave

A citizen of a third country or a native P4. Provisional rights of individual members

Greek G) Permit for long-term leave

Z1? Permission for long-term resident Z2. License for second generation Z3. Permit for 10 years duration 3. Each licence shall be indicated if it is allowed to -

Access to the labour market, without prejudice to the specific arrangements of this Code.

4. It is not permitted to change the purpose of the licences in question for the reasons provided for in Articles 16, 17, 18, 20, 31 to 42, 44 to 48, 57 et-67 and 109 to 124, unless otherwise specified in more specific provisions. The professional or other competence of the holder shall be indicated in these categories.

5. The validity of the original authorisation by means of specific arrangements of this Code shall be two years and the renewal of the three-year period.

Article 8 Granting of a licence

1. A third-country citizen who requests the granting of a direct payment to Greece, for one of the reasons set out in this Code, shall, after entry into the territory and before the expiry of the entry visa, unless the provisions of this paragraph are defined Otherwise, apply for it to be granted.

2. Applications for the granting of licences shall be lodged at the service of the department responsible for Immigration and Immigration of the Accepted Administration of the place of residence by the applicant or the Immigrant Directorate Policy of the Ministry of the Interior, in accordance with Article 2 of the Law. 4018/2011 (A1 215). The submission of applications for the grant of an initial authorisation by means of which supplementary supporting documents and the holder of the authorisation by means of a refusal or rejection of a decision or other documents from the dossier may be made either by self-representative or by a representative of the Member State concerned. In the presence of the citizen of a third country either by representation by a representative of a lawyer or by spouses, stateless persons and adults. It shall be established in writing with a view to the authenticity of the signature of the authorising authority by any public authority. A performance of any document or supporting documents relating to the granting of a licence or a renewal of the authorisation by a court-holder shall not be permitted.

3. By decision of the Minister for the Interior, it may be possible to determine the possibility of contacting the citizens of the countries with the relevant services by means of tabulation, telematics or online, on the Internet, for issues such as the submission of an application, or The submission of supplementary supporting documents, the submission of supplementary supporting documents or the follow-up of the course of the dossier, either for specific types of licences or reception services or as a whole, in accordance with the provisions in force for that purpose. Electronic governance and the available, where appropriate, technical capabilities. A decision can specify the timing of the original documents, where these are required, as well as to amend the procedure for submitting documents and to set out any other relevant issues.


4. Together with the application for authorisation, the applicant must lodge a complaint, as set out in Article 132, and to attach the required documents in each case as laid down in the Ministerial Decision provided for in the Article 136 (1).

5. The competent authorities for the receipt of requests from third-country nationals to grant licences, provided that the supporting documents of the preceding paragraph are complete, provide a certificate of application, the duration of which shall be annual. The issue of a certificate of application shall be legally resident in the country for as long as it is valid. If a refusal decision is adopted, the certificate shall automatically cease to be valid. The period of validity of the certificates may be altered by a reasoned decision of the Minister for Internal Affairs, which is issued following an assessment of the possible services. If the application is made at the end of the period of validity of the statement of claim, the service to which the application has been lodged shall be required to issue a new certificate in the preceding subparagraphs, while at the same time informing the tenderers. Concerned about the reasons for the delay.

6. The same application for lodging an application shall be granted, if it is a request for an initial authorisation, when the certificate is missing that an application has been made to the insurer concerned in order to cover the costs of hospitalisation, medical treatment And a working party or health certificate by a Greek State Nursing Foundation, where these documents are required, in accordance with the legislation in force. In such a case, the persons concerned shall refer the missing supporting document within six months from the date on which the application is lodged.

7. The third-country citizen who has applied for the grant of a licence and has received the previous paragraph shall remain in the country for as long as possible. The holder of a certificate of application shall enjoy the rights granted by the requested authority.

8. The Directorate-General of the Decentralised Divius-ing, after checking the conditions of Article 6 of the present, may invite the citizen of a third country for an interview to a specific place and time, and-on the basis of the Migration Board. A third-country citizen's call for an interview to the Migration Board shall be made with a written call. In a case where the call of the third-country citizen to an interview is returned, it is concluded that there is no excuse for the absence of a third-country citizen and the application for authorisation is refused by decision of the Secretary-General of the Decentralised command.

9. The licence shall be issued by decision of the General Secretariat of the Central Bank or the Ministry of the Interior. The competent authorities of the decentralised authorities of the country shall inform the competent authorities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Protection of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Citizen for all decisions that

They shall issue and refer to applications for authorisation.

Article 9 Renewal of a licence

1. For the renewal of the licence, the third-country citizen shall, within a period of two months before the expiry of the authorisation, be required to submit a request accompanied by the required documents in each case. Are laid down in the Ministerial Decision referred to in Article 136 (1). An application for renewal of a permanent residence permit may be submitted for up to one month after its expiry. In this case, the third-country citizen is subject to the payment of a penalty of EUR 50 (50) in favour of the public. The competent body responsible for enforcement and the procedure for attesting the protection shall be laid down in the Joint Ministerial Decision of the Court. Point 11 of Article 136. After the expiry of the period of authorisation, the application may not be lodged. Unless otherwise provided, cases of force majeure shall not be taken, in addition to the month, at the request.

2. Applications for renewal of licences shall be submitted to the department of the competent Directorate of the addressee of the addressee or the competent Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior, in accordance with the provisions. Article 2 of the Law 4018/2011. The submission of applications, the submission of supplementary supporting documents and the holder of the authorisation by way of a refusal or rejection of a decision or other documents from the file concerned may be represented either by a representative of a lawyer or by a lawyer. Spouses, ascending and adult descendants. It shall be established in writing with a view to the authenticity of the signature of the authorising authority by any public authority. A performance of any document or supporting documents relating to the granting of a licence or of any document or justification for the granting of a licence or to be notified by a court or tribunal shall not be permitted.

3. Together with the application for renewal of a licence, the applicant must lodge a complaint, as set out in Article 132, and attach the required documents in each case as laid down in the Ministerial Order provided for in paragraph 1. Point 1 of Article 136.

4. The competent services for the receipt of requests from third countries for the renewal of licences, provided that the required supporting documents are complete, provide a certificate of application, the duration of which is annual. The same certificate shall be issued in the case of expiry of the passport if an attestation by the competent consular authority has been submitted that a request for a new version has been submitted. In such a case, the persons concerned must pay attention to the missing supporting document within six months of submission of the application.

5. The holder of an attestation to lodge an application for renewal of the authorisation shall be legally resident in the country for


This period shall be valid and shall include the rights granted by the previous authorisation by means of which the renewal is applied. If a negative decision is adopted, the certificate shall automatically cease to exist.

Article 10 Performance procedure

1. The licence shall be served on the applicant by the competent authority for the issuing of the service of the Management Committee or by the competent Directorate of the Office of the Interior with proof of performance and of the corresponding decision. At the time of the receipt of such a person, either by person or by proxy, the recipient shall bear the passport or other travel document of the third-country concerned, with the exception of those who have been identified. (i) a significant reduction in the cost of living and working conditions; A prerequisite for the performance of the decision to accept an application for authorisation is to return from the undertaking concerned of the establishment of a deposit.

2. In the event of the discovery or attendance of the person concerned in order to receive the licence issued, the licence shall be held for up to one month after the expiry of the licence and may be given to him, if he or she has come forward. Its representative for its receipt, within the specific timeframe. After the expiry of the above-mentioned period and within a reasonable period of time, an exact copy of the relevant decision of the General Secretariat of the Central Bank or the Home Secretary may be granted only in the event that the The applicant shall be entitled to rely on a legitimate interest. The above-mentioned performance of the decision does not give rise to the possibility of fixing the licence, unless it is demonstrated that the non-timely performance of the licence is due to force majeure.

3. The performance of disapproval decisions or decisions on withdrawal of licences by means of fixed-term returns shall be carried out by the competent authority of the central administration or the competent authority of the Ministry of the Interior. Issued, with proof of performance and an exact copy of the relevant decision. The decision shall be served within a period of five years.

Days from the date of dispatch of a written notice to the interested party. At the time of service of the decision or decision to withdraw the authorisation by a person or person acting as a proxy holder, the recipient shall show the passport or other travel document of the concerned citizen. A third country, with the exception of those who have an antiquated dissolution of a building, and to deliver the certificate.

4. Information on receipt, refusal or withdrawal of authorisation shall be carried out by means of a written notice.

5. After the deadline for performance referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, a copy of the relevant decision-finding or revocation decision is granted to the persons concerned.


Article 11 Procedure for determining the volume of admission to work

1. By decision of the Ministers of the Interior, External, Development and Competitiveness, Maritime and Aegean, Labour, Social Security and Social Security, adopted during the last quarter of each year, the maximum number of The Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. The same decision may provide for an extension of the maximum number of posts up to 10 % in order to ensure unforeseen and exceptional circumstances and any other relevant details.

2. For the adoption of the above Joint Ministerial Decision, the opinion shall be taken into account: (a) the Economic and Social Committee, (b) the OAED, and (c) the Regions of the country, in accordance with the opinion of the Ministers of the Interior and Labour; The Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European These needs will be identified, in particular, on the basis of the following criteria: the consultation between the Regions and employers' interests, the interest of the national economy, the scope of employment, the supply of work by middleholders, European Citizens or legal persons resident in the country of non-member countries by specialisation and unemployment rates by employment. In the light of the above-mentioned opinion, the proposals shall be made within a period of thirty (30) days following the submission of the question, the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Security for the adoption of the common ministerial decision referred to in paragraph 1, It shall take account of these opinions and the interests of the national economy.

3. The arrangements set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied accordingly and for the determination of the volume of admission for seasonal work, the calling of fishermen and the employment of highly qualified persons in accordance with Articles 109 to 127. In particular, in the case of the call for an investment in the agricultural economy, the ministerial decision referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, define the correspondence between the applicant and the applicant's livestock or livestock. An employer with the number of seasonal workers who may request the request.

4.The above shall be without prejudice to the adoption of a joint decision of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs, Internal and Labour, Social Security and Welfare on the suspension of transfers from third countries on the grounds of national interest, national (i) financial or bilateral relations, in particular where a specific third country does not cooperate in the field of reimbursing its citizens.

Article 12 Request for request for citizens of a third country

Independant work

1. Any employer who wishes to employ


Staff for dependent work, on the basis of the positions of work included in the joint decision referred to in Article 11 of the present Decision, shall submit an application to the competent department of the Central Bank of the Central Bank of the place of residence, to which the The number of jobs, the data and the citizenship of the citizens of third parties, the specificity and the time span of employment are reported. The application should be accompanied by: (a) a valid contract of employment for at least one year in Greece showing that its remuneration is at least equal to the monthly earnings of a non-skilled worker and (b) a clearing rate. (i) a copy or a copy of a declaration of taxation of a legal tender, which may result in the possibility of the worker paying the monthly remuneration as defined in the contract.

2. The Secretary-General of the Directorate-General responsible for the Management Board adopts an act approving the employment of a third country citizen for the provision of work in a particular employer only with regard to the employment area. In the joint decision referred to in Article 11 of the present Regulation, the number of posts provided for in the said specification, provided for in the same decision, has not been exhausted. The relevant act of approval shall be forwarded, together with the employer's signed contract of employment, to the competent Greek consular authority.

3. The competent Greek consular authority invites the interested third-country nationals for whom an act of approval has been issued for the entry into Greece for the purpose of providing dependant work. The persons in question are required to present themselves to the said service in order to sign the relevant contract of employment and to grant them the national entry visa, in accordance with the general and specific provisions of the Treaty. Visas.

4. Acts of approval for work in Greece are sent to the relevant Consulates by the Central Board of Directors, either tactically, or at the request of the employer concerned and provided that he takes over the mission expenses, through For example, the use of ELTA or private companies is available. By means of an electronic mail, it shall, in any event, be sent to the consulates and lists concerned with the acts of inquiry for all cases of transfers, in accordance with this Code.

Article 13 Request for the request of a third country

For seasonal work

1. Any employer who wishes to recruit staff for seasonal work on the basis of the positions taken in the Joint Ministerial Decision referred to in Article 11 of the present Decision shall submit a request to the competent authority of the Central Bank. As regards the number of jobs, the data and the imitation of the employment of third-country nationals, the specificity and the length of time for employment will be referred to.

With the application, the employer shall deposit: (a) Proof of payment of a fee of 150

(EUR 150) for each third-country citizen who wants to work, which is received in favour of the Dome and is not refundable. B) Responsible statement that he will employ the workers;

The Committee of the Rules of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European People 's Article 80 of the EEC Treaty NO 3386/2005 (c) Work contracts (in duplicate), signed a -

By the same person, for each worker, and endorsed by the Labour Inspectorate concerned. The contract shall indicate the type of employment, the duration and the remuneration of the worker, which may not, in any case, be less than the remuneration of unskilled worker. (d) A copy of a declaration to the Public Economic Y;

(e) In the case of the institution of the place of business, the institution of the place of business, the institution of the place of business, the institution of the place of business, the institution of the place of business, the institution of the place of business and the institution of the place of business.

(i) a suitable occupation, as defined by the decision of the Minister of Health pursuant to Article 43 of the Law; 4025/2011 (A-228), as applicable.

2. If the employer wishes to employ a citizen of a third country in the agrarian economy or a transfer of par. Article 7 of the Law (') See Part One, No 3232/2004 (A-48), replaced by par. Article 52 of the EC Treaty For the purposes of this Regulation, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice Contributions corresponding to the long-term and to the end of the contract will be paid by the employer by the employer. If for any reason the entrance is not approved

(i) a third-country citizen who is not a member of a non-member country or who does not receive a visa for entry or does not enter the country and is satisfied by the competent institution, the insurance contributions which have been paid back to the employer; Following his/her blood. The insurance contributions corresponding to the length of the period of employment of the transferred shall be returned to the working party-the person who has paid them, provided that he is subject to a procedure of compulsory expulsion or legal proceedings; Expulsion. In the event of termination of the contract by the employer, the employer returns the insurance contributions corresponding to the long-term employment period only if it certifies that the measure has been withdrawn. From the country.

3. If the employer wishes to employ a third-country citizen in the employment area covered by the insurance of the IKA, the legislation in force shall apply.

4. Fees for the examination of the application shall be made in accordance with paragraph 1, in accordance with paragraph 1, a service of the decentralised Administration, which shall send the relevant approval act to the competent Greek consular authority. The acts adopted by the competent Directorates-General of the decentralised Administrations shall be notified;


In the case of employment in the rural household, or on the local branches of the private sector, and the regional offices of the European Economic and Social Committee, in any other case.

Article 14 Request for request for citizens of a third country

For fishing workers

1. Any employer, who wishes to recruit a worker, on the basis of the work carried out in the Joint Ministerial Order of 11 at the present time, shall submit an application to the competent service of the decentralised administration, which shall, in accordance with Article 11 (1) of the Staff Regulations, apply to the competent authorities of the Member State concerned. The Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice (i) the age of employment. With the application, the employer shall submit: (a) Proof of payment of a fee of 150

(EUR 150) for each third-country citizen wishing to pursue, which is collected in favour of the Dome and non-refundable. (b) Table with the data of citizens of third countries

(c) Responsible statement that they will be employed by the worker, including, for example, nationality, family name, family name, date of birth and passport number.

The Committee of the Rules of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European Article 80 of the EEC Treaty NO 3386/2005 (d) Job access (in duplicate), signed a -

By the same person, for each worker to whom the terms of employment are referred, the period of employment and the remuneration of the worker and (e) proof of payment by the employer to the employer;

The insurance contributions, which are provided for in the legislation in force, correspond to a two-month period of employment of the third country citizen. Contributions corresponding to the remaining period and until the end of the contract will be paid by the employer per month. If the entry of the third-country citizen is not approved, or

No such entry visa shall be granted or he does not enter the country and shall be certified by the institution, or reasons of force majeure, in particular, the vessel's movement or defence for personal purposes, the insurance Contributions paid in advance shall be refunded to the employer, on request. In the event of termination of the contract between the employee and the employer, the social security contributions corresponding to the remaining period of the contract shall be returned to the employer only if he/she certifies that you are transferred to the employer. Has left the country. (f) Acknowledgment of the competent authority of the competent authority;

The registered office of the registry, the permissible limit of persons allowed to board the vessel and that the vessel is not decommissioned or delayed.

2. Fees for the examination of the application shall be the appropriate department of the decentralised Administration,

Which sends the relevant approval act to the competent Greek consular authority.

Article 15 Granting and renewal of a permanent authorisation

Independant work

1. The citizen of a third country who has received an entry visa for the provision of dependant work in El-lada shall be granted a permanent residence permit, provided that a contract of employment has been awarded by the institution, that its remuneration is equal, At least in the monthly earnings of the unskilled worker and the required supporting documents.

2. For the renewal of a residence permit for dependant work, a third-country citizen is required to lodge an application in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 and supporting documents showing that the following conditions are met: (b) Existence of a health card, in effect, by the relevant

(c) Predicting a minimum number of non-wage earners

The insurer concerned, as defined in the decision referred to in Article 136 (6). If the third-country national has performed;

For the first time, the number of days of insurance may be paid by the competent authorities of the Member State in which the insured person is insured. In the event of renewal of a two-year or three-year period, this condition must be cumulative for the whole two years or three years.

3. Fees for the examination of the application and the adoption of a decision to grant or renew a licence for dependant work is the relevant service of the A-poised Administration.

4. The third-country citizen may enter into a contract of employment with another employer during the period of validity of his original licence, with the condition that there is no change in the speciality for which the national visa has been issued. Of entry, as well as of the insurer.

5. The holder of a permanent licence for work can work on another Regional Section and change a residency course after one year of the commencement of the initial authorisation.

6. The authorisation to be renewed in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article shall provide the third-country citizen with access to the dependent work and to the provision of services or work.

7. The holder of a permanent residence permit may exercise, subject to special provisions of this Code, an independent economic activity only in so far as it acquires a long duration of the duration of the second paragraph of paragraph 1. Article 7 (2).

Article 16 Grant and renewal of a permanent authorisation

Investment activity

A. 1. The entry and residence of citizens of the country in Greece in order to make an investment which will have a positive impact on the


Human development and economy. For the implementation of the apparel, they may enter and extend to the country of up to ten third-country nationals, depending on the amount of the investment: a) as high-level executives, economic and legal

(b) in order to carry out the activities required for the start of the investment, (b) as experienced and medium-sized enterprises, in order to be able to carry out the activities required for the start-up of the investment;

(c) to provide services during the investment phase, (c) as a qualified employee or technical staff;

In order to be employed in the undertaking during the operational phase of the investment.

2. Prerequisite for the admission of third-country nationals from third countries to be admitted to Greece (a) the recommendation of the Department of Infrastructure and Direct Investment of the Ministries of Development and Competitiveness, The scope of the grant of a licence, to third-country nationals, in relation to the investment.

3. The application and the required supporting documents, as determined by the Joint Ministerial Decision of Article 12 of Article 136, shall be submitted to the Greek consular consular authority of the place of residence of the persons concerned and forwarded to the Ministry Development and Competitiveness. The Department of Intra-MilitalServices Companies and A -

In the case of loans from the Ministry of Development and Adequacy, it shall transmit to the competent consular authorities the recommendation on the designation of the investment in order to grant the required entry visas.

4. The citizen of a third country who has received an entry visa for the purpose of an investment shall be granted a residence permit for the same reason, provided that the required supporting documents are provided. The period of validity of the licence shall be five years and shall be renewed for five years at a time when the operation of the investment activity continues.

5. The above citizens of third countries may, by way of derogation from the provisions of paragraph 1. For the purposes of Article 70, the members of their family shall be entitled to a family re-entry permit which expires at the same time as the consent of the dependants.

6. Fees for the examination of the application and the decision to grant or renew a licence for the purpose of carrying out an investment activity is the Department of Migration Policy of the Minister of the Interior.

7. The provisions of this Article shall apply in the same way as to the entry and residence of third-country nationals in the framework of new investments carried out by the undertakings and undertakings of the EU or from third-country nationals They are already legally resident in Greece and are holders of a licence for independent economic or investment activity.

8. The consent of the citizens of third countries referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be entered 'A-licence for investment activity' and the 'Remarks' field of the holder's professional capacity.

B. 1. They may enter the country if, where necessary, they receive a visa (Visa D), up to ten (10) third-country nationals, per investment, deemed necessary in order to make investments which are of benefit to the public. The Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions opinion on the Commission communication entitled 'Strategic Investments', on the basis of the Interministerial Committee for Strategic Operations in the United Kingdom. 3894/2010 (A1 204). This visa shall be issued free of charge, with the prior

The decision of the Inter-Ministerial Committee for Strategic Investments which characterises the investment as a 'Investment Strategy' and a recommendation of the General Secretariat for Strategic and Private Investment Firms referring to the relationship of third party citizens Countries with the investment strategy body.

2. These shall be granted by a decision of the Secretary of State for a period of 10 years, renewable for 10 years, provided that the two conditions apply.

3. For the grant of the licence, an application shall be lodged with the required supporting documents as laid down in the provisions of paragraph 1. 1 of Article 136, joint ministerial decision, in the direction of the immigration policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A licence shall be issued within a period of five (5) days from the date of submission of the application.

4. The above citizens of third countries may, by way of derogation from the provisions of paragraph 1, apply. For the purposes of Article 70, the members of their family shall be entitled to a family re-entry visa which expires at the same time as the licence of the dependants, as well as by supporting staff, in so far as they are concerned. People with special needs. C. 1. Citizens of third countries in the course of

In this Article and in the present article and by law in the country they are not required to leave the Greek territory in order to apply for a licence.

2. The competent services of the Ministries of Development and Competitiveness shall notify in writing or in writing to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs any change in the development of the investment activity.

Article 17 Grant and renewal of a permanent authorisation

Special purpose

1. Without prejudice to the provisions of the present case, they may enter the country after having obtained a national entry visa, citizens of third countries which are to be employed or extended to Greece under specific legislation, (i) transnational agreements or to serve the public interest, culture, sports and the national economy. This category includes citizens of third countries: a. Members of the Administrative Board, Shareholders, Administrations

At the same time, it is important for the Commission to take account of the fact that, as a result of the adoption of the Directive, the Commission has adopted a proposal for a Directive on the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security. Refer to the


To the competent consular authority, a copy of the Nature of the Court of Justice of the Government of Public Health, or of their choice and, in the case of non-disclosure, a copy of the company's statutes or a copy of a decision of the institution of its body. (ii) companies in their capacity as members of an administrative board or managers or legal representatives or general directors or directors. Workers in enterprises, on the basis of special rates;

(b) the competent authorities of the Member States, the competent authorities of the Member States, the competent authorities of the Member States, the competent authorities of the Member States, the competent authorities of the Member States, the competent authorities of the Member States and the competent authorities of the Member States. Managers, operational and technical staff,

Of the n. (') Regulation (EEC) No 27/1975 ('77') dealing with oil exploration, extraction and extraction of hydrocarbons. Employee staff and legal representatives

Are employed exclusively in companies which have been-fattened in the provisions of the n. EC 12-1986, point 3.4.1. Regulation (EEC) No 378/1968 (1) and Article 25 of the EEC Treaty 1), as replaced by Article 4 of the Law. (') Regulation (EEC) No 2234/1994 (1 142) and to undertakings in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Federal Republic of Germany, as well as undertakings in the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of In the case of third parties, the promotion of products and the provision of technical support to foreign enterprises and consumers, provided that they are entitled to a degree of study or documents showing two years of work experience; Related to the employment-related employment in the company as described in the contract The labour market From the above obligation of title also

In the case of studies or documents of evidence of two-year work experience, staff employed exclusively in companies referred to in the preceding subparagraph shall be exempt if the company employs at least 50 employees. E. Techniques employed in industry or with -

(i) the conditions, except for the period of validity, provided for in the first paragraph of Article 448/1968 (1 130). F; Athletes and sports coaches, who have

Acknowledge by the Greek sports authorities, for the registration, recording or hiring of them in a recognised sports shop, in Athletic Anonyi Company (SA) or in a paid Sportsbook (HR) with a contract/contract, as long as they receive a visa (i) entry and refer to the competent consular authority responsible for the approval of the Greek Athletic Federation of the College, where a copy of the contract is required and confirmed by an individual.

(g) Intellectual charters producing intellectual content, in particular authors, writers, directors, painters, sculptors, actors, singers, singers, choreographers and directors, provided they add to the competent consular authority In the case of an undertaking or body, the object of which consists of activities carried out by or for the creation of intellectual property. Functions of the dominant religion or known

Religion in the country exclusively exercising hierarchically

(i) tasks as long as the competent Greek consular authority is invited to the competent authority, a certificate of the relevant citizen, in order for officials of the current institution or a certificate issued by the Ministry of Education and of Education, or the representative of the known religion; Mr President, I would like to ask the President-in-Office of the Council, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, to make a statement. Foreign correspondents who have been accredited

In the Directorate-General for Information and Communication, or their accreditation process is in progress, with due regard for the competent consular authority to conclude that they have been accredited to the Directorate-General for Communication and Communication. Members of foreign archeological school, the scientific

An activity of which falls under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture and Sports for work in the context of the activity of the school. One: Teachers of foreign schools operating with

Permission of the Ministry of Education and Religion in Greece.

2. Fees for the examination of the application and the outcome of a decision to grant or renew a licence for the first, second, second and second paragraphs shall be the Ministry of Immigration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior. In the case of the case in point (a), (a) and (a) of the same paragraph, the competent authorities for the examination of the application and the issue of the decision to grant or renew a licence shall be the competent authority of the central administration of the place by name. Be concerned.

3. In the above-mentioned third-country nationals, provided that they provide the required supporting documents, it shall be granted for a period of two years or of equal duration with the period of one of them in the country which is renewed every three years, provided that the They are interested in providing their services. The above citizens of third countries can, against

Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 70, they shall be accompanied by the members of their family in respect of a family re-establishment which expires at the same time as the consent of the dependants.

4. The consent of the citizens of third countries referred to in paragraph 1 of this paragraph shall be read 'Licence for special purpose work' and in the field 'Operations' the professional capacity of the holder.

5. Undertakings, bodies, legal persons of public or private law in which the nationals of third countries are employed in paragraph 1 of this Decision are required to report to the competent Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior or to the competent authorities. Address of the decentralised authorities of the country where appropriate, any change in the employment situation of the persons concerned.

Article 18 Temporary residence-Employment with national

Entry visa

1. To citizens of third countries entering the country for a specific purpose and for a specific period of residence, which shall be conditional upon completion of the vessel, issued by the competent consular authority, without prejudice to general and specific provisions (a) the


Hours, national entry visa, other than ninety days, which allows residence for work or other reasons. This national entry visa shall be based on citizens of third countries falling within the following categories: a. Seasonal workers i. To a third country citizen, to whom the

Entry for seasonal work, the competent consular authority, without prejudice to the general and specific provisions on visas, shall issue a corresponding entry visa for seasonal work. The entry visa for seasonal work is equivalent to

(i) the duration of employment, as shown by the relevant contract of employment, cannot be for six months and provides a right of access to the labour market solely for the provision of this work and to the person concerned; (i) the Commission, at the invitation of which it was granted;

Other: After the entry into Greece, it may be imposed, at the request of the Secretary-General of the European Central Bank, in accordance with the provisions of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the grounds of public health. Necessary procedures and not involving workers' expenses.

Iii - The seasonal worker of a third country, with the completion of the period of employment and without prejudice to international agreements, must immediately depart from the Greek territory. If it is not formed, it shall not be able to re-enter the country for any of the reasons provided for in this law and for a period of five years from the date on which it was obliged to depart from the country.

Iv. The seasonal workers are provided with health care after their entry into the country and their employment. For the rest, the provisions of Article 7 of the Law apply. No 3232/2004, as amended by the para. Article 52 of the EC Treaty NO 3518/2006 Other: Fishermen. To a third country citizen, to whom the

Entry for work of a fishing vessel the competent consular authority, without prejudice to the general and specific provisions on visas, shall issue a corresponding entry visa for seasonal work.

Other: The entry into force of the agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of the Republic of Austria, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee and the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the In the case of a specific job and on the project concerned, at the invitation of which it was granted.

Iii - After the entry into Greece, it may be imposed, at the request of the Secretary-General responsible for the decentralised administration, of course, for reasons of public health, for reasons of public health, which is limited to the absolute minimum. Necessary procedures and does not involve the costs of the workers.

Iv. The fisherman of a third country is required to depart from the Greek territory after the signing of the period of employment or if it is resolved,

In any way, the working relationship. If it does not comply, it shall not be able to re-enter the country for any of the reasons provided for in this Code and for a period of up to five years from the date on which it was obliged to leave the country.

V. For those who are subject to the arrangements of the bilateral agreement between the Greek Republic and the Arab Republic of Egypt, which has been ratified. In accordance with Article 2 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 1453/1984 (1 88), if it is solved by any means, the employment relationship, during the period of validity of the entry visa, is allowed to conclude a new contract of employment with another employer for the remainder of the entry visa period. If no new contract of employment is concluded, the entry visa shall be valid for a period of three months and, in so far as the period of time is less than three months, until its expiry. If the employment relationship is solved in the light of the above and the new contract for employment with another employer is concluded, the new employer is required to pay the total of the social security contributions provided for in the legislation in force. They correspond to the period, which will be of concern to the Egyptian alligator. The insurance contributions paid out for the period in question shall be reimbursed to the original employer.

Vi. Third country fishermen are given health benefits after their entry into the country and the start of their employment. For the rest, the provisions of the first subparagraph of Article 7 of the Law shall apply. 3232/2004 (Part II), as replaced by the par. Article 52 of the EC Treaty NO 3518/2006 (1 272). Other: Members of artistic complexes, if pre -

To the competent consular authority: (i) Validated copy of the working contract with

The original of the employer's signature by a public service or a copy of a contract or project contract.

(ii) Evidence of this property, including a certificate from the country of origin of the country of origin responsible for the official registration of the manufacturer. The entry visa is equal to the duration of the visa.

The Committee of the Committee of the European People's Party and the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the European People's Party and the Economic and Social Committee, and the Committee on Economic and Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment, and the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Working Environment Employee laws in an enterprise established

In a Member State of the European Union or of the European Economic Area, moving to Greece for a specific service, in the context of a related undertaking between the above-mentioned undertaking and the counterparty; (i) who carries out his activities in Greece, including the competent consular authority:

(i) a statement of the undertaking, to which the identity and communication details of the undertaking, from which the third-country citizen is transferred, a confirmed and repentant, to which he/she has entered into a contract; (i) with the recipient of the service in Greece; and the purpose of its movement is to be achieved;


A forecast period of the movement of the third-country citizen and taking over from the undertaking which employs the third country citizen in the Member State of the EU or the EU, of the costs of the individual, medical care and reimbursement.

(ii) A copy of a certified health card or European sickness insurance card or other equivalent to a Community document. The entry visa for work is equal to

The time required to fulfil the undertaking's contractual obligation and cannot exceed a total of one year. E. Employees as a qualified technical staff

To an undertaking which is established in a third country and for which provision is made for the provision of specific services within the framework of a pre-supply contract between the undertaking and its activities in the Greece, where the undertaking, from which the third-country citizen is moved, has entered into a pre-supply contract with which provision is made for the provision of specific services, exclusively, in the establishment, testing and operation; and Maintenance of pre-administered species, provided that they are added to the competent consular authority:

(i) Acknowledgement of the undertaking, to which the identity and contact details of the undertaking, the capacity and duties of the worker shall be fully recognised, including evidence of the legality of his work.

(ii) A certified copy of the contract contract between the service undertaking and the business-recipient of the service. In this case, provision should be made for the provision of specific services specifically mentioned in the establishment, testing and maintenance of the pre-used species, the period of service provided, the number and the number of services. (i) the specificity of the subjects to be employed, as well as the taking of the right-to-date, complete medical care and return. The entry visa for work is equal to

The time required to fulfil the undertaking-you and the only contractual obligation of the undertaking and cannot exceed, as a whole, six months. F; Heads of Organization of the Tourist Groups (Tour)

Leaders), who enter the country for this purpose, if the interested parties concerned:

(i) Certification by the competent regional tourist agency, where the Greek tourist office is located, indicating that the work of the foreigner is approved as the Head of the Tourist Group.

(ii) Acknowledgement of the foreign tourist office that the foreign occupation abroad is working and is dependent on it.

(iii) Responsible statement of the Greek Tourist Office which cooperates with a foreign tourist office that the foreigner will not be hired for work and that he will be employed outside the office for the purpose of foreign affairs; The ...

In the case of the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom, the number of tourists for a given period of time shall not exceed eight months.

(iv) Acknowledgement of insurance to cover costs of hospitalization, medical and pharmaceutical care, and for the coverage of an accident at work. In the case of the country of the transnational health insurance agreement and the accident at work, it is sufficient to ensure that the institution of the country is insured in the social security system of the system in a different case. The guarantee of the State of origin, that it will cover the insurance risk from the above-mentioned causes or insurance of a private insurance company covering the above risks for his employment as Head of organised group of Tourism in Greece.

The entry visa for work permits work only for this purpose and may not exceed eight months. Athletes, coaches and other specialized pre -

To accompany them and enter the country for preparation in view of their participation in international sporting events, provided that the interested parties undertake:

(i) The Greek version of the relevant information on their entry into Greece for the purpose of preparing for participation in international sports events.

(ii) Evidence that, in accordance with the decision referred to in Article 137 (6), it provides financial resources, law of origin, to cover its costs of living in Greece without providing for a firm or to exercise (i) a loss of economic activity other than athletic preparations. The entry visa for this purpose does not

May exceed, in total, six months. Third-country nationals from third countries

A child, who is participating in programmes with a view to the practical exercise of the subjectmatter of their studies, against compensation, which permits residence for work purposes, for an interval of not more than six months. National entry visa shall be issued if they have

They are admitted to a traineeship in the course of their studies in a particular enterprise and for a certain period of exchange. As an exchange vectors, the Education Institutions of the country which have concluded bilateral analogous agreements with other foreign institutions and in cases which do not exist, are considered to be institutions of the country. Student changes. In particular, for practical training programmes,

In the case of non-profit-making enterprises, each time, in accordance with the conditions and conditions of practical training of the students and students of higher education and higher education students, they shall apply the conditions and conditions of practice. After the expiry of the visa, the third-country citizen

To leave the Greek territory immediately, without further formalities.


2. Incoming national entry visas for third-country nationals for one of the reasons for paragraph 1 of this Article may not, at the time of its entry into force, be granted a licence for any category.



Article 19 Grant of a permanent authorisation for exceptional reasons

1. The Minister of the Interior may exceptionally grant, following an opinion from the Committees of the parafiscal code of Article 134, a permanent residence permit for citizens of non-member countries in El-Lada and demonstrate that they have developed strong Ties with the country. The authorisation for exceptional reasons may be renewed only for one of the other reasons of this Code. Authorising authorisation for exceptional reasons e -

(a) an entry visa issued by a Greek consular authority at least three years prior to the submission of an application or (b) a licence, even if it has expired, even if it has expired; (d) a fee of EUR 300, as well as (e) documents indicating that they have developed special links with the country which make it necessary for them to remain within the Greek territory. In addition, there is no need to ensure that the

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 3 (1) (a) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 10171b of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 3 thereof, By decision of the Minister for Internal Affairs, it may lay down restrictive documents of certain chronology which demonstrate the applicant's 10-year period of residence in the country, as well as the grounds for referral to the Commission. Article 134 of the present. There is also no requirement for possession of a passport in force.

Where there is evidence of an interest of the interested party to be supplied with any private document, in accordance with Article 6. In the event that the person concerned invokes

In addition, it should be borne in mind that, in the case of serious health reasons of the same person or minor, it should be borne in mind that these reasons have arisen following his entry into the country and are linked to his or her residence. In order to establish a strong link between

In particular: (a) a very good knowledge of the Greek language, (b) the attendance at a Greek school of primary or secondary education, of the person or their children, (c) the period of residence in Greece and in particular of the law; (d) The time of any insured person's insured person (s) and the fulfilment of tax obligations and (e) his related link with a Greek citizen or the non-resident.

2. Fees for the submission of the above applications are the Ministry of Immigration Policy of the Ministry of Interior.

3. The residence permits provided for in this Article shall entitle the citizen of a third country to access the work-related work or work. In the event of an independent economic activity, only if the holder of the above licence had previously held a residence permit which allowed it to exercise an independent economic activity and that the holder of the right to exercise the right to exercise the right to exercise an independent economic activity. This activity continues to exist. For the purpose of renewing the authorisations referred to in the preceding subparagraph, the combination of the conditions for the renewal of the authorisation for independent economic activity shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation.

4. In particularly exceptional cases, it may be referred to the Minister of the Interior in the cases referred to in Article 134 (1) of the present Regulation, requests from third-country nationals who do not comply with the provisions of this Regulation. Article 2 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 1418/1999 (OJ L 185, 15.7.1975), as last Council Regulation (EC) No 31911999 (OJ L 386, 30.12.1989).

5. The lodging of an application for a licence for exceptional reasons in accordance with the provisions of this Article shall not entail the legal residence of the applicant for the time to be required until the examination of the dossier.

6. The issue of a return decision to citizens of third countries who have submitted a request for authorisation for exceptional reasons in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph and held for reasons of public order and security or collector; For the purposes of Article 76 (1) of the Treaty, the principle of non-discrimination is based on Article 76 of the Law. No 3386/2005 of competent organs and shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Law. NO 3907/2011.

7. A decision of the Minister of the Interior shall be granted a residence permit to third-country nationals, if a similar public interest, which is to be obtained by means of bilateral agreements or in specific cases relating to a private party. In particular, foreign policy, defence, internal security, economic and development, investment, education, culture, culture from the case of the relevant public body. This authorisation is granted to the citizen of a third country right of access to the labour market. The authorisation is granted for a period of one year and may be renewed for an equivalent period. Those third-party citizens may also be accompanied by members of their family, who are granted, at their request, a permanent residence permit which expires at the same time as the permit holder's licence.

8. After the expiry of a period of two years from the publication of this law, the authorisations of third-country nationals fulfilling the conditions of subparagraphs (c), (c) and (e) of the third subparagraph of paragraph 1 of this Article may, In the case of the Minister for Internal Affairs, the Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the Court of Justice of the European Union shall be administered by the Secretary-General. The same decision sets out the details as well as in particular issues for its implementation.


Article 20 Other grounds for granting authorisation

A corresponding licence shall be granted to the citizen of a third country which has received a visa for one of the reasons therefor. AH, Economically independent people. 1. By decision of the General Secretariat of the Apoke -

A third country citizen shall be granted a residence permit where the persons concerned have sufficient resources at the level of fixed annual expenditure to cover subsistence expenditure. The residence permit has a duration of two years and may be

Renewed every three years. Such a residence permit does not provide access

In the labour market. 2. The amount of sufficient resources is determined by common

Ministerial Decision in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Decision. Article 136 of this Code.

3. The above citizens of a third country may also be involved in the members of their family, who are granted, upon request, a permanent residence permit which expires at the same time as the permit holder's licence. The requirement of adequate subsistence resources should be either in the person of each family member or aggregated for all members of the family. OTHER: Property owners in Greece. 1. By decision of the General Secretariat of the Apoke -

In the case of a registered office, a residence permit shall be granted for a period of three years, with the possibility of renewal, to a third-country citizen who:

(a) The country has entered the country with any entry visa or legally residing in the country, even if the title by which it holds does not permit an objective.

(b) It has personal ownership, law and possession, real estate in Greece. In the case of a property co-ownership of a value of EUR 250,000, it is only provided that the owners of the property are husband and wife who hold the immovable property. In all other cases of co-ownership, the right of residence shall be granted only if the co-ownership of each co-owner is of a value of EUR 250,000.

(c) Owned by full ownership, law and possession of real estate in Greece, by legal person, whose shares or company shares are entirely owned.

(d) It has concluded at least 10 years' duration of hotel accommodation or tourist accommodation in complex tourist accommodation, in accordance with Article 8 (2). 2 of n. (') SEE PART ONE.

(e) He has entered into a period of time for a reflation in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 1652/1986 "Time for the Temporal Mishmosis and Limitation of Combinations" (1 167), as is the case.

2. The minimum amount of immovable property, as well as the contractual arrangements for the number of hotel accommodation or tourist accommodation at present, is fixed at two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) euro and it has to be paid in full.

The European Parliament, the European Parliament and the European Parliament. The value of a bank cheque or other bank transaction, in particular details of which must be declared by the parties before the author of the contract, shall be entered in the accounts and shall be entered in the accounts. On this. By means of a decision of the Ministers of the Interior and the Economic and Social Committee, the amount of the property in question may be adjusted and will be determined by reference to the agreed values of immovable property or foundations.

3. To the citizens of third countries, owners of real estate are given the opportunity to become members of the property.

4. The above-mentioned third-country citizen may also be accompanied by the members of his/her family who are granted, at their request, an individual licence to expire at the same time as the licence holder's licence. A family member shall mean: (a) spouse (b) the direct descendants of the spouses or of the other

Of spouses, who are under 21 years of age. 5. This authorisation may be renewed for a life-time period.

(i) the duration, each time, if the real estate remains the property of a third-party citizen, or remain in force for the purposes of the parafs of the present and the other, provided for by the law. Assets of immunity from the country are not a hindrance for the renewal of the authorisation. The loss of real estate during the period of validity of a permanent residence to a third-country citizen does not provide the right to grant a licence to the new owner.

6. Paragraphs 1 and 4 of this article-the granting of licences do not establish a right of access to any form of work.

7. In accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 2 of the present Article, it is not relevant for the purpose of obtaining the status of the person concerned and the granting of citizenship to the persons concerned.

8. The issuance of the licence shall be issued within two months of the occurrence of all the items in the dossier in the issuing authority. "C." In the course of the year, the Commission adopted a number of measures to strengthen the

(a) the members of the Diplomatic Mission and the administrative and administrative staff of a diplomatic mission, as well as the children of consular officers and special consulates serving in Greece, provided that they meet their parents. The authorisation shall be granted by a decision of the General Secretariat of the Central Bank for a period equal to the period of service of those persons. D; Dependent family members, stateless persons

Degree of affinity, members of the diplomatic and administrative and technical personnel of a diplomatic mission, as well as consular officers and special consular staff serving in Greece. The authorisation shall be granted by decision of the General Court.

Journal of the decentralised Administration for a period equal to the time of service of the persons concerned.


For the purpose of granting the authorisation, the interest-bearing interest shall be required to pay the appropriate account, unless the sending country relieves the corresponding fees of Greek officials who are there. Such authorisation shall be granted within two months of the submission of all the items in the file to the issuing authority and shall not confer a right of access to the labour market. UH ... By decision of the General Secretariat of the Apoke -

A legal basis is granted to persons who are engaged as private servants of a Diplomatic Mission, in accordance with Article 1 (1) of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which has been ratified by the Council. 503/1970 (1 108), which are abroad and are good in Greece. The residence permit is granted for a period equal to

The duration of their relationship with the member of the Diplomatic Mission and does not confer a right to the labour market. F - By decision of the General Secretariat of the Apoke -

A residence permit is granted in the area of Mount Athos for study or knowledge of the A-festive life, at the request of the one in question from the twenty Priests of Mount Athos and the presentation of the Holy Mountain. Community budget: a. The host Sacred Monastery hereby certifies that

The Committee of the Committee of the European People's Party supports the Commission's proposal for a Directive on the protection of the health and safety of workers at work and occupational diseases.

Other: The Holy Monastery of Mount Athos is a member of the Executive Directorate of the Central Bank of the Central Bank of the Central Bank of the European Communities. The licence shall be valid for one year and may be renewed;

Each time for an equal length of time and cannot exceed a total of five years. F. .. By decision of the General Secretariat of the Court of Justice,

For a period of one year, a residence permit may be renewed for an equivalent period to a third-country citizen who wishes to know the name or to name, if the relevant Priory of the Monastery has become established. (a) to be admitted to the institution of the place of residence or to be admitted. The application for the grant of the licence shall be

It must be accompanied by an equivalent acknowledgement of the costs of medical care.



Article 21 Common rights of citizens of third countries

1. The citizens of third countries who are legally resident in the country have freedom of movement and establishment throughout the territory. A presidential decree, issued on a proposal by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Affairs, National Defence and Public Protection and Civil Protection, may be prohibited, for reasons of public interest, by or by means of public contracts.

Their status in some geographical areas of Chora.

2. The citizens of third countries who are legally resident in Greece shall be insured in the insured persons concerned and have the same insurance rights as nationals.

3. The provisions of Law No 57/1973, as in any case, for social protection, are applied to third-country nationals who are legally resident in Greece.

4. Third-country nationals shall be informed, in a language which they understand, immediately after their introduction into an institution, on their rules of living therein, and on their rights and obligations. It shall also be made easier to communicate with diplomatic or consular officers of the State of which they are nationals or from whom they are nationals and with their attorneys lawyers.

5. The acts referred to in Articles 1 and 2 of the Law. 927/1979 (1 139) and in par. Article 16 of the Law No 3304/2005 (1 16) is hereby dismissed.

6. The validity of the licence, without prejudice to other arrangements set out in this Code, shall not be affected by temporary absences not exceeding six months per year or by absences of more than one grant for the fulfilment of a mandatory requirement. Military service or an absence of a maximum of 12 consecutive months for serious reasons, in particular pregnancy and maternity, serious illness or study or vocational training in another Member State or third country.

7. Civilian citizens of third countries, who are divided into Greek territory, are subject to compulsory schooling, as well as in the case of nationals. Minors of third-country nationals who attend all grades of education have, without restrictions, access to the activities of the school or educational community.

8. For the registration of minor third-country nationals in Greek schools, all grades are required respectively for the relevant supporting documents. Exceptionally, with insufficient justification, they may be entered in public schools and third-country nationals, provided that: They are protected by the Greek State as being

International protection and those under the protection of the United Nations (United Nations). They come from areas where there is a -

Hide status. C. They have applied for international protection. They are citizens of third countries that are divided into the

Greece, even though the law has not been regulated by the law in it.

9. Decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs may lay down the conditions and conditions for the recognition of qualifications of primary and secondary education acquired in the territory of a Member State and the conditions for grading to a grade; (i) the development of the education and training systems of the Greek education system, as well as the registration of pupils who are citizens of third countries in public schools. By a decision, there may be a question of optional teaching of the mother tongue and culture where there is a


The number of pupils who are interested, in the context of the reinforcement actions of the Ministry of Education and Religion, and to define, the working relationship and qualifications of teachers who will teach the mother tongue and the elements of its policy Of their origin.

10. Without prejudice to more specific provisions of the text, citizens of third countries, which have completed secondary education in El Group, have access to higher education, under these terms and conditions, such as And in-house.

11. For the exercise of any professional activity by citizens of third countries and if the other legal conditions are met, the attachment of a certificate of reciprocity shall not be required.

Article 22 Obligations of third country nationals

1. The citizen of a third country, during his time in Greece, is obliged to declare to the competent authorities of the Central Bank of Greece or the Department of Immigration Policy of the Ministry of Interior: a. Any change in the address of his residence. Any change in his personal situation,

However, it is not possible to change the nationality, conclusion, termination or termination of a marriage or birth. The loss or renewal or alteration of the

(iv) the passport or other travel document. The loss of the licence or the residence card; or

It should be used for the first time. 2. Citizen of a third country, holder of a licence,

Shall leave without further notice until the last day of its expiry, unless it has submitted an application for its withdrawal before it has expired and the certificate of paragraph 7 of Article 8 and paragraph 6 has been issued. Article 9.

3. The public documents issued by other bodies, which are required by the provisions of this paragraph, should be confirmed by the entry into force of the Hague Convention where appropriate. In cases where no reduction is required, these documents must bear the validation of the original signature of the foreign institution by the Greek consular authority or the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Rule 23 Sanctions of citizens of third countries

1. The declarations referred to in Article 22 (1) of this Regulation shall be made within two months after the corresponding event occurs. The citizens of third countries who do not fulfil their obligations are subject to a price of fifty (50) euro and 100 (100) euro in the event of a relapse. The competent institution, as well as the procedure for attesting the protection, shall be determined by the Joint Ministerial Decision of Article 11 (11).

2. Citizen of a third country, which violates the

In the case of a voluntary departure or in any other case in the country for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days, it shall be obliged at the time of departure to pay four times the prescribed contraaor for a licence. Annual duration. If the age of the party by a single person is more than 30 days, it shall be obliged to insert eight times the prescribed infringement for an annual period of residence. They are exempted from the imposition of fines: (a) minors;

(b) those who have the status of a spouse or a parent or a parent, a person or a citizen of the EU, (d) those who are part of proceedings and programmes of voluntary repatriation, e) those who breach the law of the year In the case of force majeure, if a Member State fails to comply with the provisions of the Directive, the Council shall act in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 93 (2) of the Treaty. For the exception of the ratio of the exception to each case, the police authority shall rule on the departure control of the other party.



Article 24 Rejection-Withdrawal of a licence

1. The authorisation shall not be granted or revoked or renewed if: They are no longer met or no longer met, the

President. - The next item is the report (-) It is shown by an official document from the Greek State.

Or following an ultimatum judgment that, for the issuance of the licence, it was used-even false or misleading information, forged or falsified documents or that it was committed by any means of fraud or that others were used. Parano-mediate. C. The applicant does not respond within two dimensions

In writing, a written call for any subject matter of the issuing of the authorisation is required. A review of the applicant's review may be made within months of its notification of a-finding of the applicant.

2. Where a licence is withdrawn or refused to grant or renew a licence, the competent authorities concerned shall issue a refund decision in accordance with the provisions of Articles 16 to 41 of the Law. NO 3907/2011.

Article 25 Procedural guarantees

1. The provision of Article 1 (1) 2 of n. For the purposes of applying Article 8 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2503/1997 (OJ No L 107), for the purpose of bringing an action against acts of the General Secretariat of the Central Bank, in accordance with Article 8 of the Law. It shall not apply to the decisions of the Secretary-General of the decentralised Administration, which are adopted pursuant to that Code.

2. Application for treatment against a decision adopted pursuant to this Code shall not be considered, e -


A reasonable period of time exceeding six (6) months after the performance of the decision, except in cases of force majeure.

3. The decision to reject the application for a grant, revocation or non-renewal of the application, which is issued under the provisions of the present case, shall be applied to the competent administrative court pursuant to the provisions of the Rules of Procedure. Article 15 of the Law Case 3068/2002 (1 274).

4. A citizen of a third country for whom a probation decision has been issued or a temporary suspension order a-from the Administrative Court of First Instance on an administrative act against which he has applied for revocation and: a) refusal of renewal (b) the withdrawal of a licence issued by means of a licence; and (c) the refusal of an application for an initial grant of a residence permit, provided that the application has been submitted by full documentation for one of the purposes of this Code; and The certificate of deposit is granted, a special certificate of law is issued. A special certificate of legal form shall constitute a temporary title by name, which shall be valid for an annual period, which may be renewed for an equivalent period of time-to the date of a decision on the application for annulment by the Administrative Court; and Confers on the holder of the rights respectively of the frying pan concerning the authorisation to be withdrawn or not renewed. The special certificate of law on the basis of this

Shall not be granted during the period of validity of a voluntary departure.

5. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall also apply to third-country nationals who: (a) are released with restrictive conditions, including the prohibition of exit from the country, (b) shall be imposed on them during A restrictive condition, the observance of which is to be complied with until the judgment of the case, (c) who are party to the country and denounces criminal offences committed by a criminal organisation referred to in Article 187 of the PK. By order of the Prosecutor's Court of Appeal and the approval of the Court of Appeals The suspension of the deportation until the adoption of an irrevocable decision on the acts which have been made and (d) minors within the meaning of Article 121 of the WHO, which have been submitted to the anororphine measures in (b), (c) and (d) of Article 122; or The therapeutic measures referred to in Article 123 of the same Code. The special certificate of law is granted for -

A year and shall be renewed for an equivalent period of time and shall continue to apply the specified conditions and provide a right of access to the employed person.

6. The application for the specific attestation of law shall be lodged with the competent Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior or the competent authority of the Central Management Committee, depending on the institution which adopted the decision.

7. The licence issued in compliance with final court decisions, upon request, for annulment of a third-country citizen against a refusal to renew a work permit or a permanent residence permit, as well as against such revocation, may (a)

They shall be renewed at the request of the person concerned for one of the reasons set out in this Code. Such a request shall be made within a period of service of the relevant licence, in accordance with the provisions of this Code, in accordance with the provisions of this Code, after the expiry of the period of validity of the period until such time as the above application for renewal is lodged, as In the case of non-member countries, the Member States are required to take the necessary measures.

8. In the first instance of the Dispute Dispute Disputes, which shall be born in application of the law on foreign nationals in general, the Administration shall be issued by an authorised representative for that purpose. In cases where there are grounds for objecting to those provisions to the Constitution, or where cases are of a nature or with a broader interest, the Dii-quay, after its previous document, may Is represented by a member of the Legal Council of the State. A member of the Legal Council of the State shall be exercised by a member of the Management Board by a member of the Legal Council of the State.



Article 26 Obligations of services and employees

1. Public services, legal persons governed by public law, local authorities, public authorities and public utilities and social security institutions are obliged not to provide services to citizens Third country, the-who do not have a passport or other travel document recognised by international conventions and an entry visa or a residence permit and generally do not prove that they have entered and are legally resident in Greece. In the case of third-country nationals who are nationals of third countries,

The first subparagraph of Article 3 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 1360b of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 December 1977 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to restrictions on the marketing and use of medicinal products for human use.

2. The arrangements of the preceding paragraph are excluded: (a) hospitals, therapies and clinics when before

It is for the citizens of third countries that are admitted-to be admitted-for hospitalization, childbirth and for minor children, as well as the structures of social security that operate under the O.T.A.D., (b) the validity of the signature of the signing of the agreement;

(i) foreigners to be authorized to lawyers, in order to be represented before a judicial authority and provided that they are evidencing, in the absence of a public document, the particulars of their identity, (c) complaints or complaints; Courts or

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 83 and 86 of the Law, administrative authorities, parano-employed citizens of third countries. 4052/2012, (d) the exchange of third-country nationals

They are given a voluntary departure scheme only for the settlement of outstanding obligations relating to their departure from the country;


(e) the transaction of third-country nationals who are subject to the extension of their voluntary retirement scheme by the country, (f) applying for licences;

To the competent authorities referred to in Article 19; (f) issuing a refusal or revocation copy;

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 10 (g), the exercise of an application for treatment according to the

Article 25 (2). 3. The directors of prisons and detention centres;

They shall receive and retain passports or other documents proving the legality of the agreement, as well as the identity of third-country nationals. These documents shall be returned to the dismissal of the third country citizen. If the third-country citizen does not have the above documents, the above-mentioned employees should immediately notify the nearest police authority or the nearest service of the decentralised administration.

4. The staff of the above services and bodies which infringe the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall be disciplined and punished, in accordance with the provisions of the Penal Code, for breach of duty.

Article 27 Confidentiality obligations

1. In drawing up a series of transactions in which the parties or tenderers in any way are citizens of third countries, who are represented in person or declaring a place of residence or residence in the territory, the journalists are obliged to They shall establish that they have an entry visa or a licence or a certificate referred to in Article 8 (7) and Article 9 (6) and to make reference to them in practice.

2. Excluding the cases of qualified staff in lawyers in order to represent citizens of third countries in the presence of judicial and administrative authorities, as well as the drafting of documents relating to the recognition of a child, However, it is not possible to take account of the fact that, in the event of a failure to comply with the provisions of Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 207193/ (2), the Court of Justice of the European Communities and the Court of Justice of the European Communities shall apply to the Court of Justice of the European Communities in accordance with Article 3 (2) of the Treaty.

Article 28 Employers'and workers' obligations

Third countries-Sanctions

1. The recruitment and employment of third-country nationals who do not fulfil or no longer fulfil the requirements of a legal entity in Greece is not permitted.

2. The hiring and employment of third-country nationals who are not entitled to access to the labour market or are holders of a right to access the labour market shall not be engaged in employment or visa holders. By means of a law which does not provide access to the market for projects.

If the preparation of a contract or work contract is a condition for granting the authorisation, the contract shall be the subject of a postponement of the granting of a corresponding licence.

3. To employers who infringe the provisions of paragraph 1, in addition to the other penalties provided for by the legislation, the sanctions provided for in the provisions of the Law shall be imposed. 4052/2012, as applicable.

4. To employers who infringe the provisions of paragraph 2 of the Article, in addition to the other penalties provided for by the legislation, EUR 1 500 for each legal person but a party of employment shall be charged at EUR 1 500. If these infringements are found by the departments of the decentralised authorities or communicated to them by other control mechanisms (Greek Police), then the financial year will be subject to a decision by the Commission. General Secretariat of the Central Administration. If these are accredited by the Labour Inspectors, the intention will be imposed by a reasoned act of the competent Head of the Social Inspectorate or of the Centre for the Prevention of Occupational Risks or the Control of Species. Labour Inspectorate based on the provisions governing the functioning of the Soma.

5. When the violation of the provisions of this article is made with a view to promoting third-country nationals in prostitution, other than the other penalties provided for by the legislation in force, the employer is entitled to a minimum of two years' imprisonment, and A financial penalty of at least six thousand (000) euro. In case the victim is a minor, what can be done by sitting for up to ten years and with a financial penalty of ten thousand (10,000) to fifty thousand (50,000) euro. With a sentence and a financial penalty of fifty thousand (50,000) to a hundred thousand (100,000) euro what is to be done if the crime has been committed: a. Against an invitation-younger than fifteen years old, b. With deceptive means, c. By marriage or by marriage, or by marriage or by a stepparent, spouse, commissioner or other person who has been credited with the minor for upbringing, supervision or custody, whether or not temporary, d. By an official who, in the course of his or her service or benefits from his or her capacity, commits or acts in any way in practice. The above offences are considered in each case to be self-contained. The issuing of an irrevocable sentence shall be notified by the competent authority of the Secretary-General of the Central Bank within one month of its adoption. The final decision shall, within one month of the opinion of the decision, be required to withdraw the authorisation of the place or business where the offence was taken, for a period of at least 12 months, and may be consistent with the decision. And in particular circumstances, the final removal of the authorisation.

6. For the employment of citizens of third countries from physic or legal persons who are affected by the Ministry of Defence, as is the case, the military authority is also required.


7. For the employment of citizens of third countries from physic or legal persons who are affected or supervised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as is the case, the competent management of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be required and approved.

Article 29 Obligations of individuals and employees-Sanctions

1. Exclusion of immovable property to a citizen of the country without a passport or other travel document recognised by international conventions and strong entry visa or residence permit.

2. Hotel managers and holiday makers must inform the police of the arrival and departure of the citizens of third countries hosting.

3. Persons who infringe the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2, in addition to other penalties provided for by legislation, shall be imposed by a decision of the General Secretariat of the Central Bank, a financial reserve of five hundred (EUR 500) euro, Three thousand (3,000) euro.

4. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall also be made to persons who submit declarations or certificates provided for in that law and to the delegated acts delegated by them and to the citizens of third parties. (i) persons holding a licence, providing all the work or services dependent on their work or work or are engaged in an independent economic activity, without the required, comparable, permanent or pre-emptive authorization to the labour market.

5. Whoever facilitates the entry into the Greek territory or the exit from a third-country citizen, without being subject to the scrutiny referred to in Article 5, shall be measured by sitting by ten (10) years and a financial penalty of at least twenty thousand. (20,000) If the above act of speculation or by-counter or by custom or crime is performed by two (2) or more jointly, a minimum of ten (10) years and a financial penalty of at least fifty thousand (50 000) shall be imposed.

6. Whoever facilitates the illegal residence of a third-country citizen or makes it difficult for police investigations to be traced, arrest and deportation, to be carried out by at least one (1) year in prison and with a financial penalty of at least five thousand (5 000) If the above act was speculative, a minimum of two (2) years imprisonment and a financial penalty of at least ten thousand (10,000) euro.

7. Any person who holds or uses a genuine passport or other travel document of another person who is required to receive at least six (6) months in prison and with a financial penalty of at least three thousand (3,000) euro. With the same penalty as anyone who withdraws

A passport or other travel document of another person who refuses to deliver this to the competent authority. It is also a penalty for anyone who owns or uses a false passport or other travel document.

8. The Head of the Travel or Migration Office or anyone else shall submit for a third party

The competent authority for the issue of a travel document, with data which does not correspond to the identity of that person, maturing with a minimum of one (1) year and with a financial contribution of at least ten thousand (10,000) euro. The same sentence shall be served on the person on whose behalf the supporting documents are submitted. By decision of the Committee of the Regions, it shall be necessary to remove the authorisation of the office and, in the event of repeated, permanent withdrawal of such authorisation.

Article 30 Transport obligations-Sanctions

1. Captains or captains of ships, vessels, vessels and drivers of any kind of transport transfer from abroad to Greece from third countries, which do not have a right of entry to the Greek territory or to whom it has been prohibited The entry for any reason, as well as those receiving them from entry points, the external or internal borders, to promote them in the country or territory of a Member State of the EU or of a third country or facilitate it; (b) whether or not they are carried out in a Member State other than that of the other Member States; (b) in the case of a person who is not a member of the European Union;

Ten thousand (10,000) to thirty thousand (EUR 30 000) for each individual person, b. A minimum of ten (10) years of age and money

A penalty of thirty thousand (30 000) to sixty thousand (60 000) euro for each person transferred, if the person responsible is profiting from speculation, as an official or by default, or has the status of a public servant or a tourist; or A maritime or travel agent, or two or more acting jointly, c. At least fifteen (15) years of imprisonment and

A financial penalty of at least two hundred thousand (200,000) euro for each individual person, if a-from the operation may result in a person, d. With a life sentence and a financial penalty at least

Seven hundred thousand (700,000) euro for each authorised person, if in the event of a death.

2. Captains or captains of ships, vessels, vessels and drivers of all types of transport are obliged to do not accept for transfer persons who are not equipped with the required travel documents or have not been subject to Normal alpha-steno control. Infringements shall be made in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of that Article. The above punishable act is considered to be a fait accompli in the case of maritime and air transport, since the person who has been illegally boarded at the time of the start of the audit is carried out by the competent State institutions before the departure. Or the landing or after the departure of the vessel or the departure of the aeroplane, in the case of other non-military means, provided that the person who is leaving contraband lies within the latter at the time of the last check or near the border. The penalties provided for in this paragraph shall also apply to the persons referred to in that paragraph.


3. Air or maritime companies as well as any other natural or legal person who carries out any form of public transport of persons should not accept for transfer and take any measure which excludes the transfer from the Outside-terminal in Greece of third-country nationals who: a) are not equipped with the necessary valid passports or other travel documents and entry visa where required or b) hold passports or other travel documents with signs of forgery Or tampering. In the case of airline companies that infringe the obligations imposed on them, a financial advance from five thousand (EUR 5 000) to thirty thousand (EUR 30 000) is required for each person acting on the basis of an aircraft commander. In the shipping companies, as well as any other natural or legal person, the same person is required by a decision of the Secretary-General of the decentralised administration. In the event of a sub-event within the same calendar year, the above provisions may be increased to twice the amount and, however, not beyond the amount of EUR 30 000 (EUR 30 000), by decision of the institution concerned. It is not imposed on companies which can demonstrate that they have taken sufficient preventive measures to ensure that the citizens of third countries do not fall within the above mentioned cases a 'and b'. Your present paragraph.

4. The persons referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 as well as travel agencies and transport owners shall be responsible for the cost of living and re-routing costs of the above persons abroad. The same responsibility rests with those who have guaranteed the repatriation of a third country citizen if conditions of entry or residence in the country have been violated. The procedure for attesting and payment of the above protection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct for Revenue.

5. The persons referred to in the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 or the owners of transport undertakings or their representatives in Greece shall be required immediately after the arrival of the transport service to deliver to police control services Passports of arrival or passenger lists, which are citizens of third countries, which they carry and are intended for Greece and vice versa. The same obligation has on the arrival of scheduled flights from third countries. By decision of the Minister for Public Order and Protection of the General, the particulars of the above summaries or statements shall be laid down.

6. The above sanctions are not imposed on the cases of rescue of people at sea, as well as transport of people who are in need of international protection, against the requirements of international law.

7. The provisions of Article 253A of the CRP shall apply to the offences referred to in Article 29 and of this Article, regardless of whether the conditions laid down in Articles 187 and 187A are fulfilled.

8. The deadline for the exercise of appeal and its exercise against the sentence of this Article, as well as of paragraphs

5, 6 and 8 of the preceding Article shall not suspend the execution of the decision.

9. For the purposes of the criminal proceedings referred to in this Article and in Article 29, the Court of Appeal shall be the Court of Appeal and shall apply the procedure provided for in Article 20 of that Article. 66), as applicable.

10. Property which is the product of the criminal activity of this Article, as well as paragraphs 5, 6 and 8 of Article 29, or acquired in any way by a product of such criminal activity or property Has been used, in whole or in part, for such criminal activity to be seized and, in so far as it is not present, to the owner, as referred to in Articles 310 (2) and 373 of the VAT Code, it is already required to do so. Judgment. The case may be imposed even if the property is owned by a third party, provided that the property was knowingly committed at the time of acquisition of the property. In cases where the property or product in the preceding paragraph exceeds four thousand (4 000) euro and cannot be seized, they shall be confiscated and released under the terms of the preceding subparagraph assets of equal value. To that of the above-mentioned property or product.

11. The provisions of this Article and of Articles 5, 6 and 8 of Article 29 shall apply and where the offences referred to therein have been committed-even abroad by foreign or foreign nationals, and if they are not criminal against them. Of the man in which they were committed.






Article 31 Scope

1. The arrangements set out in Articles 31 to 44 shall apply to citizens of third countries entering the EL in order to stay for studies or on a voluntary service.

2. The arrangements set out in Articles 31 to 44 shall not apply: Third country nationals who are divided into the

Greece as an applicant for international protection, or in the form of subsidiary protection or temporary protection systems, in accordance with international obligations or national legislation or request that these reasons be deleted and shall be replaced by the following: Adoption of a decision on their status,


Other: The citizens of third countries whose return has been suspended, c. Third country nationals who are members of the family;

The Committee of the Regions and the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee. Third country nationals who have acquired

The status of long-term resident in another Member State of the European Union and requesting entry and residence in Greece in accordance with the provisions of Article 98 concerning the status of third-country nationals who are on-board Dials, e. G. Third country nationals who have been granted leave

By means of a work or an independent economic activity in accordance with its provisions.

3. This is without prejudice to more favourable provisions arising from: Of bilateral or multilateral agreements concluded between the

(i) the European Union and the Member States of the European Union, on the one hand, and one or more third countries on the other, on the other hand, Of bilateral or multilateral agreements concluded between the

(i) overlap between the Hellenic Republic or more Member States and one or more third countries.

Article 32 General requirements for a permanent purpose

Studies or voluntary service

1. The entry and residence of a third-country citizen in accordance with the provisions of Articles 31 to 42 shall be subject to documentary evidence showing that the requirements of this Article and the corresponding provisions of this Article are cumulative. Conditions of the following Articles.

2. Allow entry and residence of third-country nationals in Greece for the purpose of studies or voluntary service, provided that the following general conditions are met: Hold a passport or other travel document;

In the case of Greece, the validity of which lasts for at least three months after the expiry of the entry visa and has received a visa for the purpose of studies or voluntary service, b. They are intended to provide the consent of the parents or to the patient;

If the patient is under 18 years of age, he/she should not be less than 18 years of age. Have full sickness insurance in respect of

(i) a total of the benefits covered respectively for the recipient, d. Are not a risk for public order and a -

Security and public health, e. They have made an offence in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation;

Pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 132 of this law.

3. On behalf of citizens of third countries participating in European programmes to enhance mobility for the European Union or within it and who, within the framework of these programmes, wish to enter and reside in the European Union. In Greece, the admission process is facilitated

To provide for the early issuance of required entry visas and residence permits.

4. Students who are automatically covered by sickness insurance for all risks to which they are normally covered and the grounds for their inclusion in an educational institution shall be deemed to satisfy the condition of the requirement of Paragraph 2 of this Article.

5. Without prejudice to more specific provisions of the present, the competent service for examining the requests for authorisations at present is the competent service of the relevant decentralised Divisification. The application shall be made to the departments designated by Article 8.

Article 33 Grant of a permit for study purposes

1. The citizen of a third country, who has received a national entrance examination in Greece, shall submit a request to the competent authority pursuant to paragraph 5 of the preceding Article where, in addition to the general conditions laid down in Article 6, Cumulatively and the following conditions: Has been admitted to a higher education institution

In the Greek territory to follow a course of study, b. It has sufficient resources to cover the exits;

In the course of the period of study, c. Has paid registration fees to the relevant deductible;

A second ary, where necessary. 2. The study programmes include the following:

Attendance at the Teaching Centres of the Greek Language-you and Politishou performed by Higher Education Institutions.

3. When the programme of study to be followed by the citizen of a third country requires sufficient knowledge of the Greek language as a precondition for its registration, the educational institution concerned shall carry out the necessary checks and shall grant A corresponding certificate, which shall be attached to the competent Greek consular authority.

4. The application of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be accompanied by the required supporting documents.

5. The provisions of Article 8 shall apply to the examination of the application for authorisation and for the adoption of the relevant decision.

Article 34 Duration and renewal of the authorisation for

Reason of study

1. The licence for study shall be valid for one year and may be renewed for an equivalent period, provided that the conditions laid down in Articles 32 and 33 continue to be fulfilled. If the duration of the curriculum is lower than one of them, the residence permit shall be valid for the duration of the course of study.

2. A. It is possible for a third country citizen to apply for a residence permit for a period of validity with the maximum duration of study of this course of study. In this case, at the time of lodging the application,


In the case of a student, a supplementary certificate from the institution concerned for the total year of study of the programme to be followed. For the purposes of issuing the above-mentioned permit,

An amount of EUR 150 (150) per year for each year for which the licence is granted for study. The procedure laid down in Article 132 shall be followed for the payment of this infringement. Other: The student, who holds a residence permit

During the period of validity of the maximum duration of the course of study, he shall be required to submit to the competent department of the relevant Central Bank, every two years, a certificate of registration and participation in the examinations, from the relevant education institution. For the same period, as well as a certificate of analytical assessment for the same period, the general progress of the instrument or a detailed progress report by the competent body, in the case of post-graduate studies or a doctoral dissertation. In case of failure to comply with the above obligation, within two months of the date of expiry of the two-year period following the issuance of the licence, the student shall be withdrawn and the student must leave the Greek territory immediately, without further delay. Formalities.

3. For the renewal of the permits by means of the above-mentioned paragraphs, the third-country citizen is required to apply, before their expiry, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9, the competent service of the application, accompanied by the A-children's supporting documents.

4. The total time of renewal of the licence by non-member may not exceed the period of normal charge-ing which is equal to the minimum number of non-formal qualifications required for the award of the course of study. (i) school, increased by four six-month periods, and half for students in Postgraduate studies, or doctoral candidates. In this period, an additional year is provided for the learning of the Greek language, provided that this has been requested by the education institution concerned.

Article 35 Student mobility

1. Without prejudice to Articles 24 and 25, the citizen of a third country which has already been admitted to study in another Member State of the European Union and forms an application to monitor part of the programme which has already begun or to (i) he/she agrees with the relevant studies in Greece; he/she is admitted within a time period which does not permit the continuation of these studies, while at the same time he leaves the competent authorities sufficient time to carry out the application, provided that: Meets the conditions laid down in Article 32

And 33, except for the condition of national visas. In such cases it is only necessary to consider the entry, in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 539/2001, of the list of third countries which are subject to the visa requirement for the crossing of external borders. Member States of the European Union and of the list

Third countries whose nationals are exempt from that obligation, as is the case.

Other: It shall provide a certificate from the course of study, which also shows the related and complementary nature between the two programmes. It is part of a Community or bilateral programme.

Or has been admitted as a student in another Member State for at least two years.

2. The authorization referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be issued and renewed if the conditions are met and in accordance with the procedure laid down in Articles 32 and 33 respectively.

3. When submitting the application for the grant of the authorisation referred to in paragraph 1, the student shall submit the following supporting documents: a. Accurate copy of the authorisation by means of which:

(b) where the person concerned is a member of the other Member State of the Union. Establishment of the institution's educational institution

Member State of the European Union for the subject of study by the student in it, as well as the supplementary or related nature of the above course of study with the programme to be followed in Greece. Certification of the implementing entity of the corresponding

Programme for participation in the Community or bilateral exchange programme or a certificate from the Member States of the Member States of the European Union has been accepted as a student for at least two years.

4. The condition laid down in paragraph 1 (c) of this Article shall not apply where the student, in the course of his course of study, is obliged to follow part of his duties in another Member State. In this case, the certificate referred to in point (c) of this Article shall be replaced by a certificate issued by the institution of the other Member State-Member of the European Union, certifying that the Monitoring of the programme of these studies in Greece.

5. In the case of a third-country citizen, holder of a licence for studies in Greece, applying to another Member State, under this Article, the competent Greek authorities shall transmit, after a request from the Member State to which he has The application, the information necessary as to the student's residence in the Greek State.

Article 36 Professional activity of students

Third country nationals

Citizens of third countries, who have been granted leave for study purposes, in accordance with the present, are only allowed to work with a parttime employment scheme in accordance with the relevant legislation. In any case, the number of hours of work cannot be less than-hours per week or their equivalent in days or months.


Article 37 Rapid procedure for granting licences

Post-graduate students

1. The highest educational institutions in the country, in which they operate a post-graduate programme, may conclude contracts for the accelerated procedure for the granting of licences by non-member third-country nationals; The Ministry of the Interior, provided that there are specific reasons and subject to the following conditions: The duration of the post-graduate programme;

Is greater than three (3) months. The conditions laid down in Articles 32 and 33 are fulfilled.

For the granting of licences by means of such contracts. In the accelerated procedures, it includes:

The precise title of the post-graduate programme and the specific reasons for the conclusion of the contract, the period of validity and the strength of its renewal, and the obligations of the parties involved.

2 a. For the conclusion of an accelerated procedure, the Ministry of the Interior is represented by the President of the Immigration Policy Directorate of the Directorate-General for Migration Policy and Social Inclusion, and the highest education institution. By a legal representative. B. Applications for the granting of licences

This article is submitted to the Ministry of the Interior and the relevant authorities are granted by decision of the Minister concerned. C. The directorate of the Ministry of Interior

It shall grant the licences, provided that the provisions of this Regulation are met at twenty (20) intervals from the date of receipt of the application with the full supporting documents.

3. The highest education institution shall inform the Greek consular authority in the country from which the citizen of the country is to enter for the accelerated procedure in accordance with the above.

Article 38 Grant of a voluntary service for voluntary service

1. The third-country citizen admitted to a voluntary service programme of more than three months shall be admitted for residence in Greece, provided that he has received a national visa for the vessel.

2. For the granting of the licence by the citizen of the country, the country shall apply to the competent authority, without the need for this purpose the payment of a fee if, in addition to the general conditions laid down in Article 32, the following is met: Conditions: He has completed the 18th year of his age. It has concluded an agreement with the implementing agency

The programme of voluntary service in which the aforementioned implementing body takes full account of travel, subsistence, accommodation, repatriation and health care costs, as well as any other expenditure to be incurred. In the course of the course of the volunteer work in Greece;

(i) including any training for the performance of his duties and which also includes a description of his duties and conditions of employment, as well as his working hours. The Agency for the Implementation of the Programme

In this case, the Court of First Amendment No 3 provides that, in the event of a breach of the principle of equal treatment for men and women, the institution of the place of residence of the institution of the place of residence shall, in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 17, be applied in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 3 of Regulation (EEC) No 7191/ EC. Of;

(3) As long as the conditions laid down in Article 32 and paragraph 1 of this Article are met, the third-country citizen shall apply to, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, a residence permit for a voluntary service in the case of a voluntary service. No charge for this purpose shall be made no later than 15 days after they have been submitted.

Article 39 Duration and renewal of the authorisation for

Voluntary service

1. The licence for voluntary service is valid for up to one year.

2. In exceptional cases and where the duration of this programme exceeds the year, the duration of the authorisation may be granted for a period equal to the duration of the programme in question.

3. The Volunteer, after the expiry of his licence, must immediately leave the Greek territory without further formalities.

Article 40 Revocation or refusal to renew the authorisation by name

For studies or voluntary service

Licences issued in accordance with the provisions of Articles 31 to 39 shall be withdrawn or shall not be renewed, in addition to those specified in Article 24, and in the following specific cases: It does not comply with the conditions laid down in the law in question;

(b) the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in the pursuit of economic activities; Does not make good progress in studies


Article 41 Rights and obligations

1. Unless otherwise specified in special cases, it is not possible to change the purpose of the licence holder for study or volunteer service.

2. Without prejudice to the second subparagraph of Article 89 (2) of Article 89 concerning the status of third-country nationals who are on a long-term basis, the period of permanent third-party citizens residing in Greece In accordance with the provisions of this Regulation, a person or volunteer shall not be taken into account in order to provide such persons with regard to such rights.


Article 42

The arrangements set out in Articles 1 to 30 shall apply to the provisions of Articles 31 to 41 as otherwise provided in Articles 31 to 41.

Article 43

1. Children born in Greece by parents of holders of a residence permit for studies in accordance with the provisions of this Directive, by way of derogation from the provisions of the legislation on family reunification of citizens of third countries, shall be granted (i) an individual member of the family who is a member of a family who is a student who terminates at the same time as his parents or one of their parents.

2. No authorisation shall be granted on behalf of persons to nationals of third countries who are resident in the country for work or professional reasons, with the exception of those who have been admitted for family reunification.


Article 44 Vocational training

1. Vocational training for the implementation of this Decision is to attend the Institute of Vocational Training (I.E.C.), in accordance with the provisions laid down in n. The Court of Justice of the European Union, the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union, Regulation (EEC) No 3696/2008 ('177), as amended and applies, to Free Studies' Laboratories in accordance with the provisions of the same law, as well as to colleges providing exclusive rights on the basis of certification agreements; and (i) the existence of a system of mutual recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications in each of the Member States of the European Union and of the Member States of the European Economic Community; Studies have been certified by international organisations. The Committee of the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Committee of the European 4111/2013, A ' 18). This training can be preceded, where appropriate,

A preparatory year for the learning of the Greek language is required on the basis of the curriculum of the required speciality.

2. The entry of a third-country citizen in Greece for public or private private or private I.E.C., may, in the third country, be admitted by them and granted the relevant approval by the competent body of the General Secretariat of Lifelong Vito Learning, the Ministry of Education and Religion. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion -

, and following an opinion by the competent body of the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning, the terms, conditions and certificates of evidence of language learning required for such approval are laid down.

3. The entry of a citizen of a third country for attending Ke -

In the case of third country nationals admitted to a programme requiring regular and non-distance learning, it has a knowledge of the competence of the language to which they are taught. In the case of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Religious Education of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs will confirm the existence of the existence of an authorisation. This is a very serious matter.

4. The entry of a citizen of a third country for admission to the Centre for Free Studies is permitted if, in addition, the Leaflet of the Government of the Government to which the decision of the Board of Directors has been made available. At the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities. Certification of the knowledge of the language in which the cognitive objects are taught In the case of study periods, the duration of study periods and the duration of study periods.

5. The relevant national entry visa and the corresponding licence, as well as its renewal, are granted in accordance with the conditions laid down in Articles 37 and 38 of that Code, which are applied accordingly.

Article 45 Participation in specific programmes

1. Citizens of third countries, participating in exchange programmes under transnational agreements, in cooperation programmes with European Union funding, as well as ministries of ministries, agencies, community institutions and the State, become - They shall be eligible for residence in the country where they have received an entry visa. The national entry visa shall be the subject of a confirmation by the competent Greek consular authority of the organisation of the corresponding programme or the allocation of the scholarship.

2. The residence permit shall be granted for a period equal to the period of performance of the programme or grant of the grant. The holders of the preceding paragraph shall not be required to pay a parable.

Article 46 Studies in military and productive schools

Citizens of third countries, who have received national visas and have been admitted to attend Shos-as well as the Special Schools of the Armed Forces, Security Shares or the Academies and the Schools of the United States of America receive, at the same time, Except for the duration of their period of study in such cases. Those who have been admitted to attend school as the above-mentioned Schools and Special Schools shall not be required to pay a contraa.


Article 47 Acquisition of medical speciality

1. A national entry visa is required to obtain medical expertise from a third country citizen. Permission granted by the Secretary-General of the Central Administration concerned shall be for one year and may be renewed every two years and until the speciality is acquired. A precondition for the application of the licence is to ensure that the care is taken by a nurse who, in accordance with the relevant legislation, provides a speciality, that it is made to be acquired.

2. The above citizens of third countries may also be accompanied by members of their family, who are granted, at their request, an individual certificate which expires at the same time as the consent of the dependants.

Article 48 Grant and renewal of a residence permit

The Athenian Athenian Akadas of Athos Holy Mount

1. The admission of a third-country citizen of a third country to the Athenian Athenian Church of Mount Athos is permitted, provided that the third-country citizen receives a national visa.

2. The third-country citizen must, at least two months before the expiry of the entry visa, submit to the Holy Mount of Mount Athos, with the retention of Article 8 and the entry into force of the AS in the form of self-determination. (i) a document, a request for a residence permit; Together with the service he has to testify:

A. .. A copy of a passport or other travel document with the national visa.

Other: Acknowledgement of registration in the Athenian Church Akademia.

Other: Acknowledgement of the Holy Monastery or institution of the institution or of a private individual that they take the garden, the costs of his studies and his/her life on Mount Athos.

Other: Acknowledgement of the Sacred Ones or of the Holy Monastery or of the institution or of the private individual, who have taken over his own fundraising, that he is required to fully cover the health care and health care costs as well. Health certificate issued by the Member States

State nursing institutions or health centres or health centres and doctors of the I.K.A., that the citizen of a third party does not suffer from a disease, which, in accordance with the arrangements of the World Health Organisation and of the Law on Legal Affairs, can be Risk to public health.

3. The residence permit of the third country citizen shall be performed by a decision of the Secretary-General of the Accessible Administration, following the recommendation of the Holy Staff.

4. The residence permit is granted for the period of time of study and may be renewed for a further year.



Article 49 Timeframe

1. In third-country nationals who have been identified as victims of trafficking in human beings or of the illegal movement of immigrants in the provisions of Articles 1 and 1 of this Code, if they are not frozen in the provision of Article 1 (1). (2) (2) (2) (c) 233/2003, provided by an act of the competent Public Prosecutor's Office for a period of three months, so that they may be removed from the influence of the perpetrators at the expense of the crimes and restored mentally for the purpose of consciously taking Unaffected decisions on their cooperation with prosecutors.

2. Especially for minors-victims of trafficking or illegal trafficking of immigrants, the same deadline may be extended for two months by decision of the competent Prosecutor's Office and on the basis of the service of the child's interest; Listen,

3. At the time of the deadline, the persons of the preceding paragraphs shall not be removed from the country. A return decision, issued, but not yet carried out, is sent.

4. By decision of the competent Public Prosecutor's Office, the deadline for reflection may be closed before its expiry, where: a. It is established by the appropriate Public Prosecutor's Office that

The above-mentioned person actively reconnected, on his own initiative, on his relations with the perpetrators of the crimes referred to in Article 1 (1) and (l) of this Code, or that they do not, in the end, make the information available to him. Have been taken into account for its designation as a victim of human trafficking or illegal immigrant trafficking, which is required in accordance with Article 1 (1) and (l) of this Code, or b. There are grounds for public order and security.

Article 50 Establishment of victims and special care for minors

1. The competent Public Prosecutor or the competent police authority or the competent social actors, provided for in paragraph 233/2003, such as this, but also any of the bodies referred to in Article 49 of this Code; They shall be known to the citizen of a third country; the victim of a person or of a party or a party to the movement of immigrants that he is entitled to submit a request for authorisation, in accordance with the abovementioned provisions, giving him the necessary information to do so. Information.

2. In the case of a citizen of a third country, a victim of human rights or illegal migration of immigrants


Which is an unaccompanied minor, the competent Prosecutor's Office shall take all necessary steps to determine its identity and nationality and to elucidate the fact that it is not accompanied, it shall make every effort to make it more rapid. The Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee of the Rules of Procedure. The competent Prosecutor of Children, or, where there is no Prosecutor of Adult, the competent Advocate-General, if the family of the minor is not found, or if he considers that under the circumstances his return does not serve the interests of the child. It may order any recent measure to protect it until the adoption by the Court of Justice, to which it is to be sent within thirty (30) days, for the appointment of a Commission, in accordance with Articles 1532, 1534, and 1592 A.K.

Article 51 Periods and benefits during the reflection period

1. During the reflection period, the victims of trafficking in human beings or of the illicit trafficking of transporters have a right of medical care and access to the psychological support services provided by the E.C.Y., by the In accordance with the rules laid down in Articles 2, 3 and 4 of the Law 233/2003, as well as the First Reception Services, as well as bodies cooperating with them above, as well as bodies cooperating with them.

2. The same persons shall ensure that living conditions are guaranteed if they do not have sufficient resources.

3. The competent prosecutors, judicial and police authorities shall, as a matter of priority, ensure the protection and safety of the aforementioned wishes, in accordance with the provisions laid down in the relevant provisions, for the provision of translation services. When they ignore the Greek language, to inform them about their legal rights and the services provided to them, and to provide all necessary legal assistance.

Article 52 Grant and renewal of a permanent authorisation

A citizen of a third country who has been designated as a victim of human trafficking or illegal trafficking in the former Prosecutor's Office, in accordance with Article 49, shall be granted, upon request, to be presented in person or by means of his (a) The competent State Prosecutor, the authorisation or renewal of the authorisation, without the need for the payment of the right to pay, subject to the conditions and procedure of the articles.

Article 53 Conditions for granting and renewal

Authorisation by name

1. After the expiry of the period of reflection, or before the expiry of that period, if the second paragraph of that paragraph is met, the competent prosecutor shall be responsible for the expiry of the period referred to in paragraph 1.

Shall live if one of the following conditions is met and report thereon: a. If the extension of his/her period is considered

A person in the Hellenic Territory to facilitate the conduct of the investigation or the criminal proceedings, b. If the above-mentioned person has shown a clear view;

Cooperation and c. If the same person has ceased any relationship with

The alleged perpetrators of the offences referred to in Article 1 (1) and (b).

2. The examination of the application for authorisation shall be made as a matter of priority and shall be granted by decision of the Minister for Internal Affairs. Without prejudice to reasons of public order and security, a period of 12 months shall be issued if one of the conditions laid down in the preceding paragraph is fulfilled and which is renewed each time for an equivalent period, provided that they continue to apply. The same conditions are met.

Article 54 Issues

(a) the right to access to the labour market, the

(b) benefits and care provided for in Article 52 (c) in the conditions of vocational training; and

Training, in accordance with the specific provisions of Articles 5 and 6 of paragraph 233/2003, as applicable.

Article 55 Special reasons for renewal and revocation

Of the authorisation by means of

A licence shall not be renewed or revoked in accordance with the following conditions: If the beneficiary reconnects its relations with -

Unlawfully and voluntarily with the alleged perpetrators of acts which have denounced. If the competent authority considers that the cooperation or the

The victim's advert is fraudulent or abusive or there are reasons for public order and security. When the criminal procedure for the crimes of the

Article 1 has been terminated in accordance with the provisions of Articles 43 or 47 of the EC Treaty, or has been adopted by the Court of Justice, which closes the procedure. This provision does not apply to victims within the meaning of Article 1 (1). Council Regulation (EC) No 233/2003.

Article 56 Change of purpose by means

Within one month of the completion of the procedure in question with the adoption of an irrevocable decision, it may be granted to the holder of a licence, in the capacity of the victim of human beings or of the illegal movement of immigrants, a residence permit. For one of the reasons and in the corresponding cases provided for in this Code, by a decision of the Minister of Interior or of the Secretary-General of the relevant Colonial Administration. On the other:


The application of the authorisation is taken into account in the light of the fact that the claimant is or has been the holder of a permanent residence as a victim of human or illegal immigrant trafficking.




Article 57 Scope

1. The provisions of Articles 58 to 67 of this Regulation are applicable to citizens of third countries requesting admission and residence to the Greek Territory in order to carry out an investigation.

2. The present is not applicable: (a) to citizens of third countries who are

In Greece as applicants for international protection or temporary protection regimes, (b) to third-country nationals who are requested to

Extend to Greece in its capacity as a spud-in the meaning of Directive 2004 /114/EC on the conditions for admission of third-country nationals for the purpose of studies, the exchange of pupils, the unpaid internship or voluntary service, In order to conduct research into the acquisition of teaching diplomas, (c) citizens of third countries, the return/deportation

Of which has been suspended, d) in the case of a secondment researcher by research

Member State-Member State of the Union to another institution in Greece.

Article 58 More favourable provisions

1. This is without prejudice to more favourable provisions arising out of: (a) by bilateral or multilateral agreements concluded between the

(b) bilateral or multilateral agreements concluded between the European Union or the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the European Union, of the one part, and the European Union, of the other part,

(i) overlap between the Hellenic Republic or more Member States and one or more third countries.

2. The competent Greek authorities retain the possibility of establishing or maintaining more favourable provisions for the persons to whom the present applies.

Article 59 Approval of a research body

1. Any research body which is to receive a researcher in accordance with the procedure of entry and residence set out herein should have been previously approved for this purpose in accordance with the relevant legislation.

2. The approval of a research body is administered by

The General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Religion (GSRT).

3. Non-body research organisations, or other antipersonnel research bodies of the public sector, or the NIFs supervised by a public authority, as well as recognised Higher Education Institutions (AEI), i.e. Paneptor and Technological Education I-courses (TEI) are considered to be approved bodies for the purposes of this Code.

4. Private bodies in order to obtain approval, request accompanied by the following di-and oral: (a) State of the institution in which the institution is established.

(b) Development of research activities in the field of research and development

(i) the organisation and the costs of research and technology activities, as derived from the application of tax deductions for tax purposes for research and technology, according to n. (c) Adequate ness of the need for employment (1 253);

Of researchers from third countries. 5. The above documents shall be submitted to the

GET, from which they are assessed. In the case of a positive assessment, approval of a duration of 5 years is granted.

6. All research organisations are required to submit to the GSRT certification that in the event that a researcher remains illegal in the Hellenic Republic after the end of its contract, the research body is responsible for the payment of Costs by means of and/or return to be borne by the public. The GSRT must send a copy of this certificate to the Department of Immigration of the Hellenic Police Headquarters. The financial responsibility of the public body shall expire six months after the termination of the host contract of each researcher.

7. Research organisations are responsible for checking the accuracy of the data of the CVs of researchers from third countries and their qualifications in the light of the objectives of the research, as confirmed by ratifying instead; Writing of their titles in accordance with Article 1 (g).

8. All research organisations have an obligation to disclose to the GSRT the hosting contracts they have signed. The GPL shall be responsible for the control of such contracts.

9. The GSRT shall be responsible for the compliance and monitoring of the conditions laid down in paragraphs 4 and 6 of this Regulation. If such compliance is found, or if the approval has been fraudulently obtained, or where the recipient has signed a sub-contract with a third-country citizen while circumventing the provisions of this Regulation, the approval shall be revoked or not; To be renewed If the approval is withdrawn or not renewed, it may be prohibited for the particular body to request re-approval for a period of up to five years from the date on which the withdrawal or non-renewal decision is taken. The withdrawal or termination of the approval shall be notified to the Director of the Ministry of the Interior, as well as to the departments responsible for the decentralised operations.

10. The GSRT shall be published and updated annually by the


The reasons for the research organisations approved for the purposes of the present and reporting direct changes to the directorates-general of the Ministry of the Interior, as well as to the relevant departments of the A-poentralised Administration.

Article 60 Access to reception

1. Each research body that wishes to accept a researcher, is signed with the intervention agency with which the researcher undertakes to complete the research programme and the organisation takes the commitment to accept it. The investigator for that purpose, subject to Article 61.

2. Research organisations may sign contracts only if the following conditions have been verified: (a) The research project has been accepted by the

The body of the research body after having obtained the following:

(i) the purpose and duration of the investigation and the availability of the financial resources necessary for its conduct;

(ii) the qualifications of the researcher in the context of the investigation, as confirmed by a certified copy of its title. (b) The investigator shall have, during the period of time, the

However, in the case of the social security system, the social security system, which cannot be less than 900 euros per month, will be able to cover its costs. The amount of sufficient resources referred to in the first subparagraph may be adjusted by means of a decision of the Ministers of the Interior, Economic and Education and Religious Affairs.

(d) The host contract specifies the legal relationship to be insured for all the risks which are to be paid to the person concerned in accordance with the legislation.

And the working conditions of researchers, in accordance with relevant legislation.

3. Once the host contract has been signed, the investigating body grants the researcher an individual declaration that the financial responsibility for the costs has been committed in accordance with Article 59 (6).

4. The research body shall immediately notify the competent authority, in accordance with Article 61 (1) of this Regulation, of the licensing authority for each event which has the effect of executing the receiving contract.

5. Contracts with research organisations whose approval has been withdrawn cease to be valid. Similarly, the host contract expires automatically in the event that the researcher does not receive a licence, as well as when the relationship between researcher and researcher expires.

Article 61 Granting of a single researcher

1. Provided that the conditions laid down in Articles 59 and 60 are met, the citizen of a third

(a) the country shall apply for the granting of a licence. The application shall be submitted to the services laid down in the provisions of Article 8 hereof and shall be accompanied by the required supporting documents.

2. If the information provided in support of the application is insufficient, the competent authority shall inform the applicant of the required supplementary information.

3. The provisions of Article 8 shall apply for the grant of the licence.

4. Researchers, citizens of third countries, may be accompanied or followed by members of their family.

Article 62 Duration and renewal of the authorisation by a single investigator

1. Permission for a single investigator shall be equal to the length of the receiving contract. In the event of the reception of the host contract, the licence shall be renewed for an equivalent period of time.

2. For the renewal of the authorisation, the investigator shall be obliged to apply, before the expiry of that period, to the competent authority for the receipt of the application for the instrument, in accordance with this Code, which shall be accompanied by the required supporting documents.

3. The provisions of Articles 8 and 9 shall apply to the granting and renewal of the authorisation.

Article 63 Authorisation of family members of a researcher

1. A member of the family of an investigator shall be granted, upon request, a residence permit, which shall expire at the same time as the investigator's permission.

2. The member of a researcher family member shall apply for a residence permit in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of this Regulation, accompanied by the required supporting documents.

3. For the renewal of the authorisation by the member, the member of the family of an investigator shall be required to apply before the expiry of that period to the competent authority on receipt of the application, in accordance with this Code.

Article 64 Right of residence and grant of a residence permit, in Greece, to a third country citizen who has been authorised by a single researcher in another Member State

Of the European Union

1. A citizen of a third country who has been admitted as a researcher in another Member State of the European Union and holds a valid residence permit in that Member State under Directive 2005 /71/EC may take part in its investigation into Greece under the conditions laid down in this Article.

2. If the researcher persists for a period of up to three months in the country, the investigation may be carried out on the basis of the welcome contract concluded in the first Member State, provided that the researcher is not a threat to public policy, public security or public health. Public health.

3. If the researcher stays in the country for more than three months, a new contract is required;


(iii) the reception of the survey in the country, as well as a licence, in accordance with the provisions of Article 61 of the present Regulation.

4. The application for authorisation in the case of the case referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be submitted by the third-country researcher if he is already in the territory of the country in accordance with the procedure and conditions laid down in Article 61 of this Regulation.

5. For the granting of a licence, the persons referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall submit a request not later than three months after their entry into the country in which the application is received in accordance with this Code. It shall be supported by the required supporting documents.

6. The consent of a single investigator shall be equal to the length of the receiving contract and shall be renewed in accordance with the provisions of Article 62 of this Regulation.

7. The researcher may be accompanied or followed by members of his/her family, provided that they have a valid residence permit as a member of the family member in the other Member State.

8. The persons referred to in paragraph 1 above shall be granted a residence permit in accordance with the provisions of Article 63 of this Regulation.

9. Researcher who fulfils the conditions of this article does not have to leave the Greek Territory in order to apply for a licence.

Article 65 Revocation or renewal of the authorisation

Licences issued in accordance with Articles 57 to 64 shall be withdrawn or shall not be renewed, in addition to those laid down in Article 24, and in the following specific cases: When given fraudulent or b. Where the holder does not fulfil the conditions;

(b) the provisions of Articles 59, 60, 61 and 62, or for purposes other than those for which the residence permit was allowed.

Article 66 Teaching

Researchers who are admitted hereunder may provide teaching work in accordance with national legislation.

Article 67 Equal treatment

The holder of a licensed investigator shall have the right to be treated with them in respect of: (a) the recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications.

(b) working conditions, including those of other professional qualifications, in accordance with the national procedures;

(c) the branches of social security as defined in the Treaty;

The Court of Justice of the European Communities brought an action for a decision. Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 of 29 April 2004 on the coordination of social security contributions to selfemployed persons,

Non-remunerated persons and members of their families moving within the European Union. The special provisions in the Annex to the Regulation (EC) Council Regulation (EC) No 1231/2010 of 24 November 2010 on the extension of the provisions of Regulation (EC) Council Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 and Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 987/2009 to the citizens of third countries who are not already saddened by these provisions only because of their nationality, they are applied accordingly, (d) the tax facilities, (e) access to goods and services, and

The flow of goods and services made available to the public.

Article 68

The arrangements set out in Articles 1 to 30 shall apply to those matters which are not otherwise regulated in the provisions of Articles 57 to 67.





Article 69 Scope

1. The provisions of this Regulation are applicable when the tenderer holds a residence permit issued by the competent Greek authorities for a period of validity of at least two years, which enables it to obtain a right of permanent residence, If the members of his family are citizens of a third country, regardless of their status.

2. The arrangements set out in Articles 69 to 77 shall not apply when maintenance is: a. Have applied for the recognition of the same person;

The beneficiaries of international protection, on which the relevant decision is not yet adopted, b. Has received authorisation by means of a temporary pre -

The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union Has received a licence in Greece in force with -

In accordance with international obligations, national laws or practices of the Member States of the European Union or requests for authorisation to be subject to such a regime and pending the adoption of a decision.

3. The arrangements set out in Articles 69 to 77 shall not apply to members of the family of a European Union citizen.

4. The arrangements set out in Articles 69 to 77 shall apply without prejudice to more favourable provisions. Bilateral and multilateral agreements between the EU

Or the EU and its Member States, of the one part, and third countries, of the other part, -the European Social Charter of 18 October;

Date of birth: 1426 /1984, '32', as is the case.


Article 70 Conditions for family reunification

1. The citizen of a third country residing in Greece for a period of two years is entitled to request, upon request, entry and residence in the country of the members of his family. The application shall be submitted and examined where these members are divided outside the Hellenic Territory. Any residence of the members of the members of the Greek Territory, prior to the submission of the application for family reunification, is not a perennial reason and the application for the admission of the entry visa shall be considered, in the case of its members. In the case of a family, the entry of which is requested by the third country, they fulfil criteria for inclusion in the territory as defined in paragraph 14 of Article 136.

2. In order to exercise the right of the preceding paragraph, the maintenance should prove the family relationship with the members of his family for which he is seeking reunification in Greece and that he/she fulfils the following cumulatively. Conditions: a. It is capable of meeting the needs of the

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy, on the proposal from the Commission to the Council (Doc. 4025/2011 (A-228), as applicable. It has a fixed and regular personal income,

Adequate for the needs of the same and its family, which does not come from recourse to the country's social assistance system. This income cannot be lower than the annual earnings of the lowest wage, according to the national legislation, increased by 20 % for the spouse and 15 % for each child. This increase of 15 % for each child is not required in the case of both spouses in Greece. C. He has full sickness insurance in respect of the contract

The Committee of the Committee of the Environment, the Committee on the Environment, the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Committee of the European

3. In the case of a fly, if the maintenance man already has a wife living with him in Greece, family reunification with another wife is not permitted. Family reunification of minors is not allowed

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 3 thereof,

4. In order to ascertain the existence of a family relationship, the competent institution may invite the dependant to a personal interview and to carry out any other inquiry deemed necessary and the application of the dependant to be accompanied by By way of derogation as defined in Article 136 (1).

Article 71 Submission and examination of the application for approval

Family reunion,

(1) The maintenance worker shall lodge a request for family redefinition, accompanied by the required documentation, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8.

2. The competent body responsible for examining the application, in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, is required to consult the relevant police authority on matters relating to public policy and the security of the country, and the opinion of the competent authority. Greek consular authority, with a view to establishing a family relationship and integration, in particular through personal interviews with family members and the examination of risks to public health. Where the members of the family whose entry has been requested by the maintenance staff, in a call for an interview, the relevant consular authority shall make the request for a request. The above opinion shall be supplied within a full three-month period. In exceptional cases related to the nature of the examination, this deadline may be extended for a period of 30 days. The full file of the family resettlement claimant shall be sent to the Consulate concerned by the President-in-Office either promptly or immediately following the request of the person concerned and provided that he takes over the mission expenses, through The European Parliament and the Council of Europe, the European Parliament and the European Parliament By electronic mail, it is sent in all cases to the consulates concerned and lists of citizens who have submitted a request for family reunification. The institution concerned shall examine the application as to the

The conditions set out in Article 70. In the examination of the application for family reunification, the interest of minors shall be assessed in particular. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Opinions, adopt a decision. 3. The competent body shall forward the decision to the

For family reunification to the relevant Greek consular authority, which, if the request has been accepted, grants, if the other conditions are met, to the members of the family the required special entry visas, without prejudice to Provisions prohibiting the entry of Article 82 of the EC Treaty. NO 3386/2005.

Article 72 Grant of a permanent authorisation

1. Each member of the family shall, after entering the country and before the expiry of the entry visa, submit an application for the granting of the relevant licence, accompanied by the necessary supporting documents, to the competent body, in accordance with the provisions of this Article. Provisions of Article 8. For minor children, the application shall be submitted by the person who exercises the relief and is granted a-the permanent residence permit.

2. The application for the grant of a licence shall be accompanied by the required supporting documents. The authorisation shall be granted by a decision of the General Secretariat of the Reserve, or of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, as appropriate.

3. The procedure for family reunification shall be drawn up at the latest within nine months after the request referred to in Article 71 (1) has been submitted, with the required supporting documents, for the approval of the family reunification. In the event of a link with non-discrimination, the above-mentioned deadline may be


Exceeds nine (9) months and up to three (3) months.

Article 73 Duration and renewal of a licence

1. The family members shall be granted initial authorisation by means of the date of expiry of that authorisation. At the time of renewal, the consent of the members shall follow the fate of the dependent person's licence. In the case of the maintenance of the owner,

The long-term residence permit of the members of his family shall be renewed every three years. In the event that the maintenance has already acquired

In the case of long-term residents, the original authorisation by the members of his family for which family reunification has been requested is granted for two (2) years and renewable every three years.

2. For the renewal of the authorisation, the maintenance man should demonstrate that he continues to maintain the family relationship with the dependants of his family and that he has fulfilled his insurance and tax obligations.

3. The member of the family, who wishes to renew the authorisation for family reunification, shall, before the expiry of the period, be obliged to submit an application to the competent institution, where appropriate, of the institution concerned. Supporting documents;

Article 74 Rejection of an application, revocation or renewal

Authorisation by name

1. The authorisation for family reunification shall not be granted, revoked or renewed in the following cases: There is a risk for public policy and security.

Ilea. The examination of reasons relating to the public order and security of the country is a prerequisite for the adoption of family reunification and the initial allocation of the authorisation by family members. B. They shall provide grounds for public health. The maintenance and family members of the family

As if they were conducting a real marriage or family life. D. It is demonstrated by an official document from the competent Greek authorities.

Or final judicial decision, that false or misleading information was used, forged or falsified documents, that it was committed in any way fraud or other illegal means used. It can be seen that the family relationship, especially the marriage -

(ii) the adoption or recognition of children has been concluded with a view to circumventing the provisions of the present case, in order to achieve entry or residence in the country or the residence of the dependent family; and the member of the family does not have Self-contained right-hand side.

2. When revoking or renewing the authorisation by a member of the family of a dependant for reasons of public policy and public health or public health, it shall be examined, in addition to the provisions referred to above, and of the provisions thereof. This Code, the severity or the type of the individual

The risks arising from this person were also committed.

3. Checks may be carried out in any event that occurs in the knowledge of the services and of any incident which may justify revocation of the licence.

4. For the purpose of rejecting a request, withdrawal or refusal to renew the authorisation by name, or in the case of taking a measure of elimination at the expense of the dependant or members of his family, it shall be consistent with the cardholder and the stability of family allowances. The Committee of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Communities, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the

Article 75 Rights and obligations of family members

The third country

1. The members of the dependent family shall have the right to: a. Access to education, b. Access to dependent work; provision of services;

(b) the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women during the first renewal of their authorisation; Access to vocational guidance,

Basic and further training, as well as retraining.

2. Licensing holders for family reunification shall be subject to the general rights and obligations of third-country nationals in accordance with the provisions of this Code.

Article 76 Self-employed family members

1. Persons admitted for the purposes of family reunification are entitled, upon request, accompanied by the required supporting documents, to obtain an independent residence permit in Greece in the following cases: Five years after the beginning of the year;

In the case of family reunification, a residence permit has not been granted for one of the other reasons of the Code, b. Of adulthood. 2. Self-contained license may be granted

Persons who have been admitted to family reunification in the following cases: Death of the dependant, if the members of the

Family members shall reside in the country at least one year before death, b. In the event of divorce or cancellation of the marriage or a -

If you are pregnant, you may become pregnant.

I. The marriage lasted, until the beginning of the trial of divorce or annulment of the marriage or undeclared cessation of the marriage, for at least three years from which one year has been delivered to the widow.

Other: There are particularly difficult situations where, in the event that the member of the family was a victim of domestic violence, while the marriage existed. Each member of the family shall submit an application,

In accordance with the provisions of Article 8 for granting


A separate licence, provided that it fulfils one of the above conditions, accompanied by the necessary supporting documents.

3. The duration of voluntary leave may not exceed one year. Further renewal is permitted for other reasons, outside of the family reunification, in accordance with the provisions of this Code.

4. The right to a child's child is the right to the right of the parent, to whom the defect is delegated.

5. For children who come of age, the autonomous licence, by way of derogation from paragraph 3 of this Article, shall be three years and may not exceed the fulfilment of the 21st year of their age. Such permission shall be granted, subject to the

In the face of the applicant for public safety and security reasons, it shall be renewed for an additional three years with a single obligation to apply the previous voluntary licence. Further renewal is permitted according to the

Provisions of this Code. 6. In the event that the automatic authorisation by a non-member

In the case of studies or vocational training, the third country may, at the end of its studies, automatically renew it for one (1) year. Further renewal may be authorised in accordance with the provisions of this Code.

7. The self-sufficient authorised intermediary provides the holder of the right to immediate access to the reliant project-supply of independent services or work, and to study at any degree of education.

Article 77

The arrangements set out in Articles 1 to 30 shall apply to those matters which are not otherwise regulated in Articles 69 to 76.


Article 78

The renewal of a residence permit for family reliving or self-employed persons is not subject to the provisions of subparagraph (b) (b). Article 32 (2) and (2) (b) Article 33.

Article 7

The regulation referred to in Article 76 (5) takes every citizen of a third country which, at the time of his age, has been resident in Greece with the final title of a legal tender, irrespective of the authority of its issuing authority.

Article 80 Family reunification rates when recommendation

Of the family occurs in Greece

1. In the event of a marriage between citizens of the countries entering the country with a residence permit,

One of the spouses and members of their family who are already legally resident in the country may be authorised for family reunification.

2. The residence of minors born in Greece is covered by the consent of the dependent parent until a request for a permanent residence permit is made.

Article 81 Family members of the family

1. The spouses of non-nationals who are nationals of third countries shall be granted a five (5) year authorisation which provides the right to access to work. Licences referred to in this Article shall be granted

By decision of the General Secretariat of the Management Committee, it is possible to renew, for an equivalent period of time and not subject to the infringement.

2. The spouses, who are citizens of third parties, are entitled to obtain a separate licence because of:

I. Death of the dependent, if the members of the family reside in the country at least one year before his death;

Other: Having regard to the proposal from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Financial Committee and the Committee of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament and of the Council on

Iii - There are particularly difficult situations in which, in the event that the member of the family is a member of the family of domestic violence, as long as the marriage has existed. The duration of the voluntary licence shall be granted;

For one year. Further renewal is permitted in accordance with the provisions of this Code.

3. The arrangements for the preceding paragraph shall also apply to allogenees of Alva, the status of which is governed by the provisions of the Decision adopted pursuant to Article 17 (1). 4 of n. 1975/1991.

4. In the cases referred to above, the right to a child of minor children follows the fate of the right of the parent to whom the defect is delegated.

Article 82 Entry and residence of third-country nationals

Family members of the family

1. In third-country nationals who are family members-Greek and enter Greece, visa-free entry visa or visa-free entry visa, where required in accordance with Article 1.1 of the Regulation (EC) Council Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 or by law, with a definitive or provisional interim instrument, which has been granted by the Foreign and Immigration Services of the Central Administration of the country or the Office of the Ministry of Interior; "Benefit from the family of a Greek family member", subject to a fixed-term condition In the country. The above Bulletin is also given in a number of cases.


Third country nationals who were the holders of Special Identity Card, as allogenistic spouses of the United States, and recognised beneficiaries of international protection. The Bulletin of the European Union is subject to the

Arrangements concerning the issue of licences in the form of the self-contained document in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 of the Law. 4018/2011.

2. The Liaison Bulletin is individual and is granted to members of the family of the next paragraph, by decision of the Secretary-General of the relevant Management Board, subject to an examination of a public order and security and a link between The conditions laid down in paragraph 3 of that Article. Any measure taken for reasons of public policy or public security shall be in accordance with the principle of proportionality and shall be based on the personal behaviour of the person concerned. Previous criminal convictions do not give any self-sufficient reasons for such measures. The personal behaviour of the person concerned should constitute a real, present and sufficiently serious threat, which is directed against the members of society's interests. Justifications that are not linked to the facts of the case or based on estimates of general prevention shall not be made.

3. The member of the family of Greek, who would like to issue a Bulletin referred to in paragraph 1, may lodge an application in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of this Directive to the services of the designated authorities of the country within the period of time. 3 months, from the date of entry into the country or within two months of the date of the conclusion of the marriage. Where the application is submitted within a period of one year from the date of entry or conclusion of the marriage, a financial advance of 50 (50) euro shall be applied. The application shall be accompanied by the required by-account, with which: a. Demonstrates his family relationship in writing

With the Greek. B. It proves in cases b and c of the case -

The effect of the paragraph. 1 of Article 1 of the present case, that is the condition of the dependent part, namely that materials from the Greek or the other of the spouses who are a third-country citizen are supported. In particular, it should prove that it will maintain -

The Committee of the Committee on the Rules of the Rules of the Economic and Social Committee of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, From the Greek.

4. Fees for the examination of the application are the relevant service of the decentralised administration, which is issued by the Ombudsman.

5. The Identity Bulletin has a duration of five years. A-break of the agreement shall not be affected by temporary agents not exceeding a total of six months each year, or absences of longer periods for the discharge of compulsory military service or a absence of 12 consecutive months. Maximum, for serious reasons, in particular pregnancy and non -

Degree, serious illness, studies or vocational training or placement in another Member State or third country.

Article 83 Permanent residence

1. The family members who are legally resident in the country with the Greek for a continuous period of five years have the right to a permanent residence in the country. This right shall not be subject to the conditions laid down in paragraph 3 of the preceding Article. Interruption of the agreement, which does not exceed two consecutive years, is without prejudice to the right of residence to the Bulletin of the European Communities.

2. The member of the family of a Greek who wishes to issue the Bulletin of the European Communities, as referred to in paragraph 1 of that article, shall be required to submit a request for two months before the expiry of the validity of the order referred to in Article 8. Service, within three months of the date of entry into the Country. In the event that the application is submitted within one year of the date on which the subject expires, a financial advance of fifty (50) euro shall be imposed. The application shall be accompanied by the supporting documents.

3. The Bulletin shall be issued by a decision of the Secretary-General of the Central Bank concerned, subject to reasons of public order and security, and shall be automatically renewed for each year. Any measure taken for reasons of public policy or public security shall be in accordance with the principle of proportionality and shall be taken into account in the personal behaviour of the person concerned. Previous criminal convictions are not self-sufficient reasons for taking such measures. The personal contribution of the person who, a measure, should constitute a real, present and sufficiently serious threat, which is directed against the fundamental interests of society. Justifications that are not related to the facts of the case or are supported in general prevention estimates are not accepted. The Bulletin of the European Union is subject to the

Arrangements concerning the issue of licences in the form of the self-contained document in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 of the Law. 4018/2011.

4. After the acquisition of Moni-by-the-sale of the right, it only occurs in the absence of interest from Greece for a period exceeding two (2) consecutive years.

Article 84 Conditions for the maintenance of a right to a citizens of third countries, members of the family of Greek

1. Family members of the Greek family retain a temporary right of residence when:

A. .. The Greek deceased and members of the family reside in Greece for at least one year before his death.

Other: Divorce decree issued and the marriage lasted


At least three years before the submission of a claim for divorce, of which one year in Greece or the benefit of children is legally assigned to one of the spouses who is a third-country citizen.

Other: They are particularly difficult to deal with, in the event that the member of the family is a member of the family of domestic violence, as long as the marriage occurred.

Other: One of the spouses is entitled to the right to communicate with a minor child, provided that by the relevant judicial decision or the written agreement of the spouses it appears that the visits are to be made in Greece and for as long as Therefore, it is required.

2. The right to be kept by the persons of the parafi 1 shall be maintained, provided that such persons demonstrate their status as workers or the pursuit of professional activity, or prove that they have sufficient resources for them. The same and the members of their family, so that they do not, during their stay in El-Lada, the social welfare system of the country, and that they have full health insurance cover in Greece, or, finally (i) demonstrate that they are part of the already established family in Greece of a pre-saving family; Above conditions.

3. The member of the family of a Greek who fulfils the conditions laid down in this Article and wishes to refer to a Provisional Beneficiary, it shall be entitled to apply for an application for a residence permit referred to in Article 8, in A period of two months after the event occurs, as a result of which the person concerned is entitled, to submit to the competent authorities, an application to be accompanied by the required supporting documents.

4. Fees for the examination of the application shall be the relevant department of the decentralised Administration, which shall perform a temporary residence permit.

5. The temporary residence permit has a duration of five years and is renewed for five (5) years at a time.

6. Citizens of third countries who are legally resident in Greece for one of the reasons of this Code and after the conclusion of a marriage with a third-country citizen or a Greek citizen has transferred their status and obtained either a residence permit for reasons For the purposes of this Regulation, the Member States may, in accordance with Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 5101/ (2), have the possibility to rejoin the previous scheme by means of: a. The citizen of a third country or the Greek is deceased and

Are not entitled to self-employed or personal right to a single person. B. An unsolicited divorce or hearing decision has been issued.

In the case of a person who is not entitled to self-employed or selfemployed persons, they are entitled to the same right of residence. The above possibility is also provided in respect of

(iii) family members in the country of residence and transferred their residence status accordingly.

Article 85 General provisions on behalf of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Permanent Representatives, Non-Provisional and Temporary

Third country nationals

1. The issue of the Offer, the Bulletin of Moron and the Provisional License, is not subject to payment of a violator.

2. The spouse, regardless of the nationality and the descendants, of family members in a direct line, of the spouses, in accordance with Article 82 (2), who hold the Bulletin referred to in Article 82 (2). Or-a professional and professional activity.

3. Holders of Non-Prompt and Proper Beneficiaries have access to completed work-service or work provision and professional activity.

4. Without prejudice to paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article, citizens of third countries who are members of the Greek family shall enjoy equal treatment with the citizens of the Union if they have the right to a permanent or permanent residence.

Article 86 Non-recognition-Loss

The right by name

1.The Ombudsman shall not be granted, revoked or renewed except in the cases referred to in Article 24, and in cases where:

A. .. It is demonstrated by an official document of the Greek Authority, or an ultimatum, or an irrevocable penalty, of the competent court, that false or misleading information has been used, in the form of false or misleading information, or that it has been committed. In the case of fraud or fraud, any fraud or fraud involving fraud or fraud, as in the case of a mock-up, is a fraud or fraud.

Other: The Greek and members of his family are the same as having a real marital or family life.

Other: It is noted that the family relationship, in particular the marriage, the adoption or recognition of children has been concluded with the main aim of circumventing the provisions of this Code in order to obtain the Ombudsman or the Permanent Invalidity Bulletin.

The family relationship shall be deemed to have been concluded for this purpose, in particular where the family members are not satisfied or there is no possibility of a society or when a spouse is unaware of the identity of the other spouse.

2. Where the grant or renewal of a licence is refused or a licence has been issued, the competent authorities may issue a refund decision in accordance with the provisions of Articles 16 to 41 of the Law. NO 3907/2011. The provisions of Articles 22 to 24 of the EC Treaty and Articles 22 to 24 of Law No 106/2007 (1 135) as regards the terms and conditions for the issue of return decisions to the detriment of citizens of third countries.

Article 87 Parents and minor siblings

By decision of the Secretary-General of the Central Board of Directors, the Board of Directors shall be entitled to refer to the parents of underage groups in Greece, irrespective of the size of their children of the Greek population. I-rudeness. The same bulletin is issued in a number of older brothers and sisters. In the case of the dispute and the other conditions for granting and renewal,


In the case of a parent or underage brother, the arrangements for Articles 82 to 86 are applied.







Article 88 Scope

1. This Section shall apply to citizens of third countries which are legally resident in the Greek territory, including beneficiaries of international protection.

2.This does not apply to third-country nationals who: (a) have a residence permit for study or vocational training;

(b) They have been authorised in Greece under the provisions of this Code.

(c) They have been authorised in Greece for the same reason and are asking for permission to be protected for the same reason and by reference to their status.

(d) They have submitted an application for protection of protection other than international protection, in accordance with international obligations or national law, or seek permission to extend for the same reason and by decision on their status. Administered and

(e) Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 3 (3) thereof,

The provisions of this Code and to the members of the family accompanying them, where this is provided for. (f) Enjoying the legal status of members of the

The 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomacy, which was ratified by Decree-Law No 503/1970 (1 108), the 1963 Vienna Convention on Foreign Relations, which was ratified by n. 90/1975 (1 150).

3.The present application is without prejudice to other provisions: (a) Parties and multilateral agreements between

Member States of the Community or of the Community and its Member States, of the one part, and third countries, of the other part. (b) Parties and multilateral agreements between El -

(c) The European Convention for the Protection of the People's Republic of China

Of 13 December 1955, of the European Social Fund

A Charter of 18 October 1961, ratified by the n. 1426/1984 ('32 ') and paragraph 11 of the Protocol on the Convention on the Law of the Sea of 28 July 1951 relating to Law No 3989/1959 (AA201), as amended by the New York Protocol of 28 July 1951. 31 January 1967, ratified by. 389/1968 (A' 125).

Article 89 Conditions for obtaining the scheme

Long-term resident

1. The citizen of a third country which is resident in Greece, law and uninterruptible, in the five (5) years immediately prior to the date of submission of the relevant application, without prejudice to paragraph 3 of that Article, the status of a person shall be granted. By means of a combination of the following conditions: It has an income, sufficient for its own needs.

The Committee of the Committee on Social Affairs and the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee of the This income may not be less than the annual salary of the person who is paid at the lowest rate, in accordance with national legislation, increased by 10 % for all the dependent members of his/her family, including Amount pre-coming from a demonstration of regular unemployment subsidy. The calculation of income shall take into account the contributions of the members of the family. The regular nature of the above income shall be demonstrated by the performance of its insurance and tax obligations. He has full sickness insurance in respect of the contract

(b) the benefit of the benefits covered by the respective categories of insured person, which also covers the members of his family. Meets of integration into Greek society,

In accordance with Article 90 (2). 2. The periods of residence mentioned in the

Article 88 (2) and Article 88 (2) shall not be taken into account for the calculation of the maximum five-year period. Special periods of residence for study purposes or

(i) vocational training shall be taken into account only and half for the calculation of the same period. For beneficiaries of international protection,

The period referred to in paragraph 1 shall be taken into account during the period or half of the period between the date on which the application for international protection under the international protection application was granted and the date of issue of the licence. In accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 24 of Directive 2011 /95/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 December 2011 or the whole period, if more than 18 (18) months.

3. Periods of absence, if less than six consecutive months, do not exceed a total of 10 months within the five-year period, shall be counted in the calculation of the five-year period.

4. The Ministry of the Interior and the Competent Bodies for the submission and examination of the application, and for the grant of long-term residents' leave to inform the interested parties,


The conditions and procedures for the acquisition of the competent person in an individual case and for the rights and obligations arising therefrom. The information shall be made in particular through information leaflets, posting of information material on the websites of the above bodies or any other recent instrument. This material shall be updated on a regular basis. To inform beneficiaries of international protection and the Asylum Service.

Article 90 Acquisition of status and authorisation

For a long-term resident, the

1.If the conditions laid down in the preceding Article are cumulative, the third-country citizen shall submit an application for a permanent residence permit to the competent authority referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, accompanied by The relevant supporting documents.

2. The conditions for the accession of a third country citizen to the Greek society referred to in Article 89 (1) are met in the following cases:

Greek language and knowledge of Greek history and Greek culture in accordance with Article 107 or (b) as long as they hold a permanent residence card

(c) if there is a relevant recommendation from a committee

The naturalisation of Article 12 of the Code of Greek I-rudeness and in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 5A of the same Code or d) if legally resident in Greece for 12

2 years. 3. The institution responsible for granting the authorisation

In the case of long-term residents, it is the one that granted the last residence permit. For beneficiaries of civil protection, the competent institution for the grant of a permanent residence permit shall be the Secretary-General of the Head of Mission responsible for the administration. On receipt of the authorisation by means of a long-term resident, the beneficiary of international protection shall deliver the authorisation by means of a beneficiary of international protection transmitted to the Asylum Service and shall cease automatically to apply.

4. The competent body, after consulting the police authority on matters relating to the public policy and security of the country, shall examine whether the conditions laid down in Article 89 are met.

5. The competent body shall, after taking the utmost account into account, adopt a decision not later than six months after the date on which the application is lodged with all necessary supporting documents. The above-mentioned above may be extended for an additional period of three months and only if there are justified special conditions. In the case of a positive decision, the citizen of a third country shall be granted a single uniform format for the implementation of the Regulation (EC). Council Regulation (EC) No 1030/2002 of 13 June 2002 establishing authorisations for a uniform format for citizens of third countries, as is the case. In the title 'type of licence' a -

It shall be recorded 'long-term-EU'. For the purposes of international protection, the term "Remarks" of the licence is stated: "International protection has been granted by the Hellenic Republic on (date).".

6. Where a long-term licence is granted by means of a beneficiary of an international protection granted by means of an individual resident in the territory of a Member State, issued by another Member State, it shall appear in the authorisation by means of a permanent residence permit. Member States and the Member States, the Commission and the Member States. Before showing such observation, the competent body shall request the Member State referred to in the observation to provide information on whether the individual is still a beneficiary of international protection. If the international protection has been established by a final decision of the abovementioned Member State, the remark in question shall not be indicated. In the case of the other Member requesting information, the Asylum Service shall reply within one month of receipt of the request for information.

7. The status of long-term resident is permanent, without prejudice to Article 93 of this Regulation.

Article 91 Duration and renewal of a licence

Long-term resident

1. A permanent residence permit shall be valid for a period of five years, renewable for five years at a time, without the need to associate the conditions laid down in Article 89.

2. For the renewal of the licence, the person in question shall be obliged to apply, before expiry of the period, to the competent authority responsible for the request, in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation, accompanied by the required Excuse me, please.

Article 92 Rejection of an application for a permanent residence permit for public order reasons

Or public safety

1. The application for a long-term residence permit may be refused for reasons of public policy or public security.

2. The examination of the grounds relating to public supply or public security of the country is a prerequisite for the examination of the application for a long-term residence permit and the granting of the licence.

3. Consideration shall be given to the seriousness or the type of the individual against the public policy or public security or the risk arising from the person concerned, consistent with the duration of the agreement and the existence of commitments. I don't know. The refusal to grant the authorisation by a single person cannot rely on grounds of general budget policy being invoked.


Article 93 Revocation or loss of status

Long-term resident

1. The individual shall not be entitled to maintain the status, provided that: It has been shown that it has acted fraudulally.

Status of the scheme. A return decision has been issued to the face

In accordance with Article 95. Other: It has been absent from the EU's territory for -

Is greater than or equal to 12 consecutive months. It constitutes a threat to public order, consistent with

The seriousness of the offences committed, whether or not this threat is a reason for reimbursement within the meaning of Article 95. Hey, It has acquired the status of long-term

In the context of the exercise of the right to the other Member States, under Directive 2003 /109/EC, in another Member State of the European Union. F; It has been shown, in any way, that it has an air -

In the case of the United States, the Commission has decided to extend the period of six years. Returned or refused renewal application every -

International protection in accordance with Articles 14 (1) and 14 (2). 3 and 19 par.3 of Directive 2011 /95/EU. The Asylum Service shall inform the Secretary-General of the Head of Central Administration in the event of revocation or renewal of the international protection status of holder of a permanent residence permit.

2. The expiry of the authorisation by means of a long-term resident is not, in itself, a reason for the revocation or absence of a long-term resident status.

3. Where the withdrawal or loss of the scheme does not justify the taking of a measure of refund within the meaning of paragraph 3. Article 95, the citizen of a third country may apply for another reason, other than the application of the Statute for a long-term resident, in accordance with the provisions of this Code, without the need to grant national visas. In the case of a beneficiary of international protection, the Asylum Service shall be informed of the authorisation by a beneficiary of a beneficiary of international protection.

Article 94 Recovery of the long-term resident status

1. The third-country citizen, who has lost the status of long-term resident, may request his recovery in the following cases: When it has lost the status due to absence a -

From the territory of the EU for an interval of more than 12 consecutive months or b. When it has lost the status in Greece,

I grant this status to another Member State of the European Union.

2. For the recovery of the scheme, the citizen of the country applies to the institution which originally granted him the status of long-term resident, accompanied by the supporting documents laid down in the ministerial decision referred to in paragraph 1. Article 136.

3. For the rest, the procedure of Articles 90 and 91 is followed.

Article 95 Return-protection from return

1. The return of a citizen of a third country with long-term resident status may be applied in accordance with the provisions of Articles 16 to 41 of the Law. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EC) No 3907/2011, when it constitutes an establishment and a specific justifiable threat against public policy or public security.

2. The return decision cannot be based on the pleas of a more general budget policy.

3. When considering the reasons justifying the take-back to the person of the person concerned, they shall be together: The duration of his residence in Chora. The effects on the family and members of the family

. C. The commitments to the country by the country or the absence of commitments

In the case of the country of origin. The age of the person concerned. 4. Where the refund relates to a beneficiary

Of international protection with a long-term resident status requested by the Member State referred to in point 6 of Article 90 (6) to confirm whether that person continues to be entitled to international protection in that State. In the case where a Member State submits such an application for information, the Asylum Service shall, within one month of receipt of the application.

5. If the person concerned continues to be entitled to international protection in the Member State referred to in Article 5 (4), it shall be returned to that State. By way of derogation, the person concerned may, in accordance with the international obligations of the country, be returned to a country other than the Member State which granted him international protection, provided that it fulfils the conditions laid down in Article 21 (1). 2 of Directive 2011 /95/EU.

6. In the case of a Member State, it shall return to the third country long-term resident designated by international protection status in Greece, which is in force, without prejudice to the application of European or national legislation. And the unity of the family, it allows for immediate readmission of the family members and members of their family.

7. This Article shall be without prejudice to the provision of the principle of non-refoulement in accordance with the international obligations of the country.

Article 96 Right of appeal

1. The decision to reject an application for permission by means of a permanent resident, revocation or refund must be justified. The decision shall be notified to the interested party, who shall be notified of the notification document referred to in this Article, in the form of protection, as well as for the time-limit for their exercise.

2. In the case of decisions adopted under the


In accordance with Article 24 of the Law, a request for treatment is applied. Regulation (EEC) No 2690/1999 (1), as applicable.

3. The decision to reject the application for a permanent residence permit, whether to be invoked or not renewed, the loss of any part or a refund decision, shall be applied to the competent administrative authority. The Court of Justice shall apply the provisions of Article 15 of the Law. Case 3068/2002 (1 274).

4. For the exercise of the court of appeal against the decision of the Court of First Instance, it shall be granted to the person concerned who does not have sufficient resources for this purpose, the legal aid, in accordance with the provisions of the text.

Article 97 Rights and obligations on long-term residents

1. The individual shall enjoy equal treatment with regard to: a. Access to the intuitive or non-employed person

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Public Health Access to activities relating to the exercise of public authority shall not be allowed. Education and vocational training,

In the case of study fellowships, including study grants. C. (i) the recognition of professional qualifications;

In the case of other securities. D. Social security and the basic benefits -

(ii) social assistance and protection, as defined in the framework in particular. 4051/1960 "Aid for unprotected children" (1968), D. c. 57/1973 "Social protection measures for the economic and social protection of the economy and the abolition of the provisions of the provisions of the Treaty" (149). 1302/1982 ' For the ratification of the International Labour Convention No 103/1952 (1 133), p. 2101/1992 "The International Convention on the Rights of Children" (19192) and the United Kingdom. "Strengthening of the-family and other provisions" (1 75). Hey, The tax concessions. F; Access and provision of goods and services

Which are at the disposal of the public and have been affected by the procedures for obtaining accommodation. Freedom of association and the freedom of association

(b) in the event of a failure to comply with the provisions of Article 3 (1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2026/1999, as amended by Council Regulation (EC) No 1390/1999, as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1390/1999, and in particular Article 3 (3) thereof, In respect of public order and public security. The free movement and installation in total

Of Territory. This right may be restricted in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 (1).

2. The right to equal treatment provided for in the provisions of subparagraphs (b), (e), (f) and (g) of paragraph 1 shall be exercised in cases where the place of residence of the person concerned or the members of the family for whom he/she is seeking The provision of such rights is situated within the territory of

A country 3. The right of equal treatment is limited as

To: a. Access to a paid or non-paid activity

Which, in accordance with the provisions of the text, is exercised exclusively by Greeks or citizens of the European Union or the European Union. Access to education and vocational training

A recharge, which may be required to demonstrate the person concerned for that purpose by linguistic competence. C. Entrance to Higher Education Institutions

University and Technological University of Higher Education, which requires the prior fulfillment of the educational requirements of the applicable legislation.

4. As regards beneficiaries of international protection paragraphs 1 (d) and 3 shall apply under the provisions of Directive 2011 /95/EU.

Article 98 Right of residence and grant of a residence permit in Greece, to a citizen of a third country with a long-term resident status in another Member State

Of the European Union

1. The individual who has acquired this status in another Member State of the European Union may, under conditions, reside in the country for a period exceeding three months for the following reasons: For the pursuit of an activity salary. He told you ...

In this case, the person concerned must have entered into a contract of employment from which his or her remuneration is equal, at least with the monthly remuneration of the unskilled worker. The conditions and procedures for granting the relevant licence shall be determined in accordance with the corresponding provisions of the Code. For the exercise of a self-employed activity,

And for the economically independent persons. In such cases, the relevant provisions of this Code shall apply to the terms and conditions of the granting of the relevant authorisations. To study. In this case, the persistent

They must be registered or accepted for registration in the education institution concerned, in accordance with Article 33. The terms and procedures for the application of the relevant licence shall be determined in accordance with the respective provisions of this Code. For vocational training. In the case

The person concerned must have been obtained from the Institute of Vocational Training (I.E.K.) and have been granted a prior study by the competent institution of the General Secretariat of Lifelong Learning, the Ministry of Education and Religion, in accordance with Article 44 of this Code. The conditions and procedure for granting the relevant licence shall be determined, as appropriate, in accordance with the respective provisions of this Code.

2. For the grant of an authorisation through the above


It is necessary to demonstrate that the interested party has: a. Adequate resources at fixed income level;

To cover subsistence expenditure in accordance with the provisions of this Code. Sickness insurance that covers risks

In accordance with the provisions of this Code, those of the nationals.

3. In the cases referred to in points (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 of this Article, priority shall be given to the citizens of the European Union, the citizens of third countries, if provided for by Community legislation and third-country nationals. In the case of Greece and the United Kingdom, they are legally resident in Greece and receive a benefit.

4. For the purpose of granting the corresponding licence, the persons referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall lodge an application not later than three months after their entry into the competent body, provided that the above conditions are met, Is accompanied by the required supporting documents.

5. Service fees for the examination of licence applications at present is the competent authority of the relevant Central Administration. The application shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of this Code. The department of the central administration shall examine the application and, if the above conditions are met and there are no grounds for public safety, public safety or public health in accordance with Article 100 Shall present a decision granting the corresponding authorisation by means of a decision. This decision shall be notified to the point of contact, in accordance with the provisions of Article 104 of this Regulation.

6. The procedure for examining the application shall be completed no later than four months after the application has been submitted with the required supporting documents. If the application is accompanied by incomplete supporting documents or exceptional reasons, the above deadline may exceed four months and up to three months. The institution responsible shall inform the applicant accordingly.

7. The term of validity of such a permit, and the procedure for renewal thereof shall be determined, where appropriate, in accordance with the provisions of this Code.

8. This Chapter shall not apply to the citizens of third parties who are individually designated in another Member State of the European Union: Employed persons employed by the labour force

A service provider in the context of a cross-border provision of services, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 18 of this Code; b. Providers of cross-border services. 9. Citizens of third countries who are on-board by -

Applicants in another Member State of the European Union may enter the time for seasonal work in accordance with the provisions of this Code.

10. On matters relating to social security of third-country nationals with long-term status

By resident in another Member State and exercising their right of residence in Greece under this Chapter, Union law in the field of social security shall apply.

11. In the event of a request from another Member State, the competent body shall, within three months of the observation referred to in Article 90 (5), be amended in accordance with Article 90.

12. If an international protection regime is granted to a citizen of a third country in which another Member State has previously granted a long-term resident status, the Asylum Service shall request the Member State which has issued the authorisation by the Member State concerned. (i) a long-term resident to amend it in order to include the observation referred to in the last subparagraph of Article 90 (5).

Article 99 Members of a third country citizen of a third country exercising the right of residence in Greece as a person

To another Member State of the European Union

1. The citizen of a third country with a status of long-term resident in another Member State of the European Union may be accompanied or reunited with the members of his family if the family had already been formed in the other Member State. The above family members submit an application for

The granting of a licence, to the competent authority for the request for a service, in accordance with the provisions of this Code, not later than three months after entry into the country, accompanied by the required supporting documents.

2. Fees for the examination of licence applications at present are the competent authority of the relevant Central Administration. The application shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions of Article 8. The competent authority of the Accepted Administration shall examine the application and, if the above conditions are met and do not include reasons relating to public policy, public security or public health in accordance with Article 100 It shall adopt a decision granting a residence permit for a family re-establishment which follows the fate of the dependent person's licence. This decision shall be notified to the point of contact, in accordance with the provisions of Article 104 of this Regulation. The procedure for examining the application shall be completed.

Not later than four months after the application has been made with the required supporting documents. If the application is accompanied by incomplete supporting documents or in the case of special reasons, the above deadline may exceed four (4) months and up to three (3) additional months. The competent body shall inform the applicant accordingly.

3. In the event that the family was formed after the exercise of the right of residence in Greece, the provisions of Articles 69 to 77 shall apply.


Article 100 Rejection of an application for a residence permit for a third-country citizen with a stress regime

By resident in another Member State of the European Union and members of his family, for reasons other than

Public order, public safety or public health

1. The application for authorisation by means of a person by person or members of his family under this Chapter may be refused on grounds of public order or public security. The extermination of the grounds relating to public policy or public safety of Chora is a prerequisite for the examination of the application for the grant of the relevant licence.

2. When examining the issues relating to public policy or public security, the seriousness or type of the individual or the risk represented by that person shall be examined. The refusal to grant the authorisation by means of this Chapter may not be based on grounds of general budgetary policy.

3. The application for a residence permit to a citizen of a third country with a status of long-term resident in another Member State of the European Union or members of his family under this Chapter may be rejected for public health reasons. The only diseases that can justify

A refusal to enter or the right person is there-provided by the World Organisation for Health, as well as other infectious diseases, which require measures to protect public health. The finding, following the issue of the original authorisation, that the third country is suffering from a disease, from which it was paid after its entry into the country, does not give a reason for the renewal of its authorisation or removal from The territory of the country.

4. The provisions of Article 96 of these Rules shall also apply to those licences.

Article 101 Rights and obligations of citizens of a third country

A long-term resident status in another Member State of the European Union

Permission by residence in Greece

1. The citizens of a third country with a status of long-term resident in another Member State of the European Union who are resident in Greece under the heading of capital shall enjoy equal treatment with them in the fields and under the conditions laid down in that Article. 97.

2. The citizens of a third country with a status of long-term resident status in another Member State of the European Union for the purposes of the pursuit of an activity, under the present scheme, shall not be allowed in the first place. 12 months, to be employed in another speciality than that for which they were granted the original permanent residence permit, and to change their insurer.

3. The persons entering the hour under points (c) and (d) of par. Article 98 of the EC Treaty

They may be employed only with a status of employment in accordance with this Code.

4. The members of the family who are holders of a licence under this Chapter shall be subject to the rights and obligations referred to in Article 75.

Article 102 Withdrawal of authorisation and obligation to readmission

1. Until the citizen of a third country acquires every single person resident in Greece, his or her licence is not renewed or revoked, and the person concerned and members of his family are obliged to leave the territory of the country, Of the following: a. For reasons of public policy or public security,

According to Article 100. Other: Where the terms and conditions of Articles 98 and

99 are no longer met. When the citizen of a third country is not legally resident

In the hour. 2. If one of the measures mentioned in

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 1 (1) thereof, the third country concerned must be returned immediately to the first Member State which has granted it a long-term resident status.

3. In the event that one of the measures referred to in paragraph 1 is taken by a second Member State and concerns a third-country citizen who has been subject to the status of long-term resident in Greece and exercising his right of residence in Greece. In the second Member State, the competent Greek authorities are required to allow immediately and without formalities, the readmission of this and the members of their family in El-Lada.

4. Until it has a long-term resident status in Greece and without prejudice to the readmission obligation provided for in paragraph 2, the competent Greek authorities may remove the third country citizen from the territory of the European Union; In accordance with Article 95 of the present Treaty and under the guarantees provided for in this Article, for serious reasons of public policy or public security. In such cases, the competent Greek authorities shall consult the respective authorities of the first Member State. The competent Greek authorities, within the framework of the

Consultation shall require, by the first Member State, the information necessary for the adoption and enforcement of the deportation order.

5. Return decisions based on paragraph (b) and (c) of par. 1 of this Article shall not be accompanied by a permanent ban.

6. In the event that one of the measures referred to in paragraph 1 is taken, the competent Greek authorities request that it be readmitted to the Member State which granted the status of long-term resident status in accordance with paragraph 1. 2 of this Article, the third-country citizen and his family members shall retain the right to move to a third Member State of the European Union.

7. Paragraph 4 of this is not applicable to


Beneficiaries of international protection by means of a permanent residence permit by another Member State, unless the international protection has been lifted or if the person concerned is in one of the categories set out in Article 21 (1). Having regard to the proposal from the Commission, This paragraph shall be without prejudice to Article 21 (1). 1 of Directive 2011 /95/EU.

Article 103 Acquisition of long-term resident status

In Greece as part of the exercise of the right to a longer-term residence in another Member State of the European Union

The citizen of a third country, which has been granted the status of long-term resident in another Member State of the European Union and remains legally resident in Greece under this Chapter, may apply for the granting of a scheme. In accordance with the conditions and conditions laid down in Article 98, Member States shall, in accordance with the conditions and conditions laid down in Article 98. This decision shall be notified to the first Member State in accordance with Article 98.

Article 104 Contact point

1. The Department of Immigration Policy of the Ministry of Interior is defined as the Greek point of contact with the relevant competent services of the Member States of the European Union for the exchange of information specified in the "Ron"

2. The relevant departments of the Central Bank of Greece are obliged to inform the Department of Migration Policy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the applications submitted and the authorizations granted in accordance with Provisions of Articles 98, 102 and 103.

3. The Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection is required to inform the Ministry of the Interior Policy of the Ministry of the Interior on the return decisions issued at the expense of citizens of third countries who have been granted leave In the case of Greece as long-term residents of another Member State of the European Union.

4. The Asylum Service provides all necessary information to the Greek contact point on beneficiaries of international protection.

Article 105 Special provisions

Citizens of a third country authorised by means of an unlimited or 10-year period, on the basis of the provisions of laws 2910/2001 (1 91) and 3386/2005 and the corresponding provisions of the Code, shall not benefit from the rights referred to in Article 88. Up to 103.

Article 106

For those issues that are not regulated differently in

Articles 88 to 105 shall apply to the arrangements set out in Articles 1 to 30 of this Code. The provisions of this Chapter shall apply

According to the citizens of third countries or stateless persons who have been granted or granted refugee status or subsidiary protection status, in accordance with the provisions of Presidential Decree 114/2010 (A19195), 96/2008, 61/1999 ('63) and 11975/1991 (184).


Article 107 Evidence of sufficient knowledge of the Greek language

And elements of Greek history and culture for the purpose of obtaining the status of

-long-term resident

1. Adequate knowledge of the Greek language, history and culture is evidenced by one of the following: (a) the graduation of at least the compulsory education of Greek schools in El-Lada, (b) Graduation from high school (c) a recognised degree of graduation from the foreign language (s) of the foreign language system, (d) a minimum level of V1, which is issued in accordance with point (d). 60/2010 and (e) specific certificate of sufficient knowledge of the Greek language and data Greek history and culture after a successful examination carried out under the responsibility of the General Secretariat of Lifelong Learning in cooperation with the Centre for the Greek Language, within the framework of its responsibilities for the certification of Greek learning.

2. Holders of a Level A certificate issued in accordance with paragraph 363/1998 (A-242), or A2, issued in accordance with paragraph 60/2010 (1 98), are deemed to have sufficient knowledge of the Greek language, history and culture. In order to comply with the provisions of paragraph 150/2006 (1 160), since they additionally received certification of sufficient knowledge of Greek history and culture, in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Joint Ministerial Decision of Par. Point 3 of this Article.

3. The process of obtaining the specific certificate of sufficient knowledge of the Greek language and elements of Greek history and information from the General Secretariat of Lifelong Learning, as well as the certification by the GDBM of sufficient knowledge Greek-style and cultural certification for holders of a level A or A2 certification, as well as any other relevant detail, are regulated by a decision of the Ministry of Interior, Economic and Education and Religious Affairs, published annually. In the Official Journal of the Government.

4. In the examinations for the certification of the certificates provided for in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Article, those of third countries may participate legally in Greece.

5. By joint decision of the Ministers of Internal Affairs and Education and Religion, they may be excluded from the examination procedure for the acquisition of


Certificates referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Article, citizens of third countries which have successfully completed the monitoring of articles of the Greek language and the acquisition of knowledge of Greek The Committee of the Environment, Public Affairs and Citizens'Rights and the Committee on the Environment, Public Affairs and Citizens' Rights and the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens'Rights and the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights and the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights The same decision sets out every other issue concerning the organisation and content of the specific programmes of the Greek language and the knowledge-based knowledge of Greek history and culture.

6. For the purposes of participating in the examination referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, it shall be paid by the interested party in favour of the Annex. The amount of the reserve and the procedure for its payment shall be determined by a decision of the Ministers for Economic and Education and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

Article 108 Second-generation authorisation

In adult citizens of third countries born in Greece or who have successfully completed six classes of Greek school in Greece, prior to the completion of the 21st year of their age and by law in the country, they are granted, provided that they are employed. No supporting documents, a five-year authorisation granted to the holder of the rights referred to in Article 97. The residence permit shall be renewable for five years, each

In this case, the use of these medicinal products should be subject to the authorisation of the competent authorities of the Member States. Such authorization may be renewed, under the conditions laid down in

The provisions of this Code shall, at any time during the period of validity of the Code, be subject to the rules of procedure of the Member State concerned. The licence shall be revoked or not renewed, if

The reasons laid down in Article 93 shall apply to the person of the holder.




Article 109 Scope

1. This Chapter applies to citizens of third countries applying for admission and residence to the Greek Territory for the purpose of highly qualified employment in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.

2. This Chapter shall not apply to third-country nationals who: (a) have received a residence permit allowing them to

(b) granting international protection under international protection in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 1416/1999 (2).

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission, 96/2008 Presidential decree ' Adapting the Greek legislation to the provisions of Council Directive 2004 /83/EC of 29 April 2004 laying down minimum requirements for the recognition and status of third-country nationals Stateless persons as refugees or as persons in need of international protection for other reasons (1 152), as applicable, (c) they shall receive protection in accordance with national law;

(d) apply for a residence permit in Greece; legislation, international obligations or have applied for protection in accordance with the previous and for which the application has not yet been definitively adopted;

As investigators in accordance with the provisions of the Code provided for in Directive 2005 /71/EC of 12 October 2005, 'on a specific procedure for admission of third-country nationals for the purposes of scientific research' (OJ L 289, 3.11.2005), Are members of a family of citizens of the Union who are:

In accordance with the provisions of the Rules of Procedure, they have exercised their right of freedom of movement within the European Union in accordance with its provisions. 106/2007 Presidential decree "Free movement and residence in the Greek Republic of citizens of the European Union and the members of their families" (1 106), (f) enjoying a European status for long term

By resident in a Member State in accordance with the provisions of this Code incorporating Directive 2003 /109/EC on the status of third-country nationals who are on-board residents (OJ L 16/44, 23.01.2004) and exercising their right to (g) enter Greece on the basis of commitments entered into in Greece in order to pursue an economic activity or an independent economic activity;

(b) in the case of an international agreement to facilitate the entry into and the temporary intermediary of certain categories of natural persons in relation to trade and investment activities, they have been admitted to Greece as a seasonal worker;

Persons, in accordance with the provisions of the text of the text, shall be subject to judicial deportation or in a proceeding;

The Committee of the Committee of the Rules of 3907/2011 (first 7) or the n. No 3386/2005 (A ' 212), which has been suspended for real or legal reasons, is subject to the provisions of the No. 219/2000

Presidential decree 'Measures for the protection of workers seconded to work in the territory of Greece, in the framework of a transnational provision of services' (1 190), with which Greek legislation has been adapted to the Directive Directive 96 /71/EC of 16 December 1996 concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services, as long as they are posted in Greece. This Chapter shall not apply to citizens of three

Of the countries and members of their family,


On the basis of the conclusions of the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities brought an action before the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling on the interpretation of Article 3 (2) of the Treaty. President. - The debate is open.

3. This Chapter shall be without prejudice to any agreement between the European Union and/or its Member States, on the one hand, and one or more third parties, on the other, as long as there are no trade barriers that should not be caught in the present Chapter, in order to protect the human resources of those developing countries as a participant in these agreements, it should be ensured that their citizens' recruitment shall be carried out in accordance with the rules of conduct in the field of Suffering from a lack of personnel.

4. The provisions of this Chapter shall be without prejudice to the right of the competent Greek authorities to issue permits, except for the 'EU Blue Card', for any purpose relating to employment. Such licences shall not confer a right on the other Member States, as provided for in this Chapter.

Article 110 Favor provisions

This Chapter is without prejudice to more favourable provisions: (a) European Union legislation, including

(b) bilateral or multilateral agreements concluded between the European Union or the European Union and the Member States of the European Union and of the Member States, of the one part, and the Member States of the European Union, of the one part, and the Member States of the European Union, of the one part, and the Member States, of the one part, and the Member States, of the one part, and the Member States, of the one part, and the Member States, of the one part, and the Member States, of the one part, and the Member States, of the other part, of the one part, and the

Between the Hellenic Republic or more Member States and one or more third countries.

Article 111 Conditions for the right of residence

1. Without prejudice to Article 112, a third country citizen who requests the granting of a 'EU Blue Card', subject to the conditions laid down in this Chapter, must satisfy the following conditions:

A travel document which is recognised in accordance with national law and has received a national entry visa for the purpose of employment in the field of qualification. The period of validity of the travel document should cover at least the original duration of the licence. The competent consular authorities of the country shall grant to the citizen of a third country any facility to grant the required visa. (b) To have a valid contract of employment with -

In the case of highly qualified employment for a period of at least one year in Greece, it is clear that its remuneration does not fall below the threshold for highly qualified employment determined and published for the first time. (i) the purpose of this measure by the directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This threshold is at least equal to

1.5 of the amount of gross annual salary in Greece, as shown on the basis of the speakers of the Greek Statistical Authority. The above-mentioned salary rate for the calculation of the national threshold for the admission of third-country nationals for the purposes of high-level employment may be adjusted each time by the decision referred to in paragraph 1. Article 11 By the same decision and in the case of employment in occupations where there is a particular need for workers from third countries and which are included in Classes 1 and 2 of the International Standard Business Class (ISCO), it may (i) to determine, by way of derogation from the above, a different level of salary, which may not be less than 1,2 times the amount of gross salary in Greece. In this case, the competent national authorities shall report annually to the Commission on the list of professions for which such a derogation has been decided. (c) In the case of legal arrangements with

Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons and their families moving within the Community 38/2010 Presidential decree 'Adapting the Greek legislation to Directive 2005 /36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7.9.2005' (1 78) resulting from the exercise of the above-mentioned professions by its citizens European Union in Greece or, in the case of an appeal not included in them, by the relevant provisions of the national legislation regulating them by citizens of the European Union in Greece. (d) In the case of non-legislative arrangements, the determination of the relevant provisions shall be carried out on the basis of the description of the institution in the contract concerned.

(a) to provide proof of the high professional qualifications attested by the qualification of a third-time education or, where this is provided for by a derogation from the national legislation of at least five years of professional experience; On the subject of higher education qualifications and related to the profession or sector attached to the contract of employment and which must be related to the profession or sector attached to the contract of employment. E) Has full sickness insurance for the contract;

The Committee of the Environment, the Committee on the Environment, the Committee of the European (f) There is no risk to public policy

(g) Do not constitute a risk to public health,

In accordance with Article 6. 2. In the event that the pros -

Application of specific collective agreements or arbitration decisions or joint decisions on the definition of the conditions for the mutual and working conditions of certain categories of workers will be applied to the workers in question. (ii) the possibility of a reduction in the remuneration laid down for the workers concerned, provided that the remuneration laid down for the workers in question does not fall below the relevant threshold of paragraph 1b, as will be published each time, while at the same time being applied; And the others -


Such conditions. 3. This Article shall be without prejudice to

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Public Health and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social

Article 112 Defining the volume of incoming citizens of third parties

Countries for highly qualified employment

For the determination of the volume of admission of incoming third-country nationals for highly qualified employment, the requirements laid down in Article 11 shall apply.

Article 113 Submission of application for administration

' EU Blue Card '

1. The citizen of a third country applying for 'EU Blue Card' in Greece, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 126, shall, after entering the country and before the expiry of the national entry visa for the purpose of highly qualified employment, Submit an application for her grant. Applications for the narration and renewal of the 'EU Blue Card' shall be deposited and examined by the competent Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior, while the relevant decisions are taken by the Minister of the Interior. By decision of the Home Secretary, it is possible to determine the departments of the decentralised Administrations as the departments responsible for the submission of requests from third countries for the granting and renewal of the 'EU Blue Card', the issuance of Of relevant decisions and any other details.

2. Together with the application for the EU Blue Card, the applicant shall attach the required privileges, in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 111. The arrangements referred to in Article 132 shall be applied analogous.

3. If the supporting documents submitted by the submission of the relevant application are incomplete, the competent authorities shall inform the applicant and fix a deadline for the submission of the required supplementary information.

4. The third-country citizen who has lodged an application for 'EU Blue Card' with all required supporting documents, provided for in Article 8, a certificate of deposit, which is deemed to be legally resident in the country for as long as possible. This is the case. If a refusal decision is adopted, the certificate shall automatically cease to be valid.

5. The competent service shall examine the application with all necessary supporting documents and, if the conditions laid down in Article 111 are met, shall issue, in a maximum of 90 days at the latest, from the date of arrival in all of the required documents. A decision on an EU Blue Card entitled 'Blue Card'.

6. The relevant decisions shall be notified in writing to the applicant in accordance with the notification procedures provided for in this Code. In the case of rejection of an application for the renewal or renewal of a 'EU Blue Card' or a revocation, the decision shall state the legal and real reasons for its adoption, together with information on the available legal instruments and procedures. The timelimit for exercising this

Of which: Article 114

Administration and renewal of ' EU Blue Card '

1. A citizen of a third country who has applied for, in accordance with Article 113, if it fulfils the conditions laid down in Article 111 and does not meet the reasons set out in Article 115, a 'EU Blue Card' shall be granted.

2. The validity of the 'EU Blue Card' is a two-year term. If the contract for employment covers a period shorter than the previous one, the 'EU Blue Card' shall be issued for the duration of the contract increased by three months.

3. The EU Blue Card is issued by the competent service using the uniform format set out in Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001. Council Regulation (EC) No 1030/2002 of 13 June 2002 on the introduction of licences for a uniform format for citizens of third countries, as it stands, laying down conditions for access to the labour market. 'Blue Card of the European Union' shall be entered in the 'Class of authorisation' section of the licence.

4. The citizen of a third country to whom the EU Blue Card has been issued, in accordance with this Chapter and during that period: (a) is entitled to enter, re-enter and

(b) withdraws the rights conferred upon it by the Member States;

This chapter is based on this Chapter. 5. For the renewal of the 'EU Blue Card',

The third country is required to submit an application to the competent authority before the expiry of that period, accompanied by the required supporting documents. The competent authority shall examine the application and, if the conditions laid down in Articles 111 and 113 are met and the grounds for Articles 115 and 116 are not met, it shall adopt a decision by which the Blue Card shall be renewed for three years. Of the EU '. If the contract for employment covers a period shorter than the previous one, the 'EU Blue Card' shall be renewed for the duration of the contract increased by three months.

Article 115 Rejection of a request for a grant

' EU Blue Card '

1. The 'EU Blue Card' shall not be granted if the applicant does not comply with the conditions laid down in Article 111, or if the annexed documents have been falsified or falsified or otherwise adulterated, in accordance with the provisions of this Article. Article 24

2. Application for 'EU Blue Card' is rejected in the following cases: (a) If the maximum number of posts has been reached;

The Committee of the Committee of the Rules of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the (b) If the employer has been sanctioned in accordance with

This is the case with the legislation on undeclared work and/or employment.

3. An application for "EU Blue Card" may be


In order to ensure ethical recruitment in areas suffering from a shortage of legal personnel in the countries of origin.

Article 116 Revocation or renewal of ' EU Blue Card '

1. The "EU Blue Card" issued under this Chapter shall be revoked or not renewed in the following cases: (a) when it has been fraudulently acquired or has been forged;

(b) where it is apparent that the holder did not meet or did not

It now fulfils the conditions of entry and residence laid down in this Chapter, or remains for purposes other than those for which the holder has been resident, (c) when the holder has failed to comply with the restrictions laid down by the

Referred to in Articles 117 (1) and (2) and 118.

2. The lack of the declaration provided for in Article 117 (1) and Article 118 (3) is not considered sufficient reason to withdraw or renew the 'EU Blue Card' if the holder can prove that the declaration was not forwarded to the No service is available for reasons not to be given to the applicant.

3. The "EU Blue Card" issued under this Code shall be revoked or not renewed in the following cases: (a) For reasons of public order and public security;

(b) When the holder of an EU Blue Card does not

It provides sufficient resources for its maintenance and, where appropriate, the maintenance of the members of its family, without recourse to the social welfare system of Greece. These resources shall be assessed in accordance with their nature and regularity, and shall take account of the level of the minimum wages and pensions, and the number of members of the family of the person concerned. This value shall not be carried out during the period referred to in Article 120. (c) When the EU Blue Card holder requests the

The provision of social assistance, provided that the service responsible for granting the 'EU Blue Card' has been informed in advance for this issue.

4. Unemployment as such does not constitute a 'EU Blue Card', unless the unemployment rate exceeds three consecutive months. If unemployment occurs more than one time during the term 'EU Blue Card', the duration of unemployment should not exceed three months.

Article 117 Access to labour market

1. During the first two years of legal employment of the person concerned in Greece, as the owner of a 'Blue Cape', their access to the labour market is defined in the exercise of a high degree of employment, in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 111. During this period, for the change of employer,

A prior written authorisation by the competent authority for the granting of the 'EU Blue Card' shall be required in accordance with the national legislation in force and within the time limits provided for in Article 113 (5). In the case of changes affecting the conditions of admission, an earlier declaration is required in accordance with Article 113.

2. After the first two years, the person concerned is required to declare to the competent authority, in accordance with the national legislation in force, any change to the employer's change and the conditions laid down in Article 111.

3. EU Blue Card holders do not have access to employment in the case of activities which: a) relate to even occasional participation in the

Exercise of public authority and responsibility for the existence of general interests of the State, in cases where the national or Community legislation in force is intended for Hellenes only, (b) in accordance with the applicable national law; Or Community law;

Legislation is carried out exclusively by Greek or European Union or EEA citizens.

4. The provisions of this Article shall apply without prejudice to the principle of Community preference, as laid down in the relevant provisions of the Acts of Accession 2003 and 2005, in particular on the rights of citizens of those Member States. Of the European Union on access to the labour market.

Article 118 Temporary unemployment

1. At the time of unemployment as defined in Article 116 (4), the holder of the EU Blue Card shall be authorised to seek and take up employment in accordance with the conditions laid down in Article 117.

2. The holder of a 'EU Blue Card' may remain in the country until the grant or rejection of the required approval provided for in Article 117 (1). With the submission of the declaration provided for in Article 117 (1) and (2), the period of unemployment shall apply.

3. The holder of a 'EU Blue Card' is obliged to declare, within a period of months, the beginning of the period of unemployment in the competent service, in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 22.

Article 119 Equal treatment

1. The holder of a 'EU Blue Card' shall have the right to be treated with them as regards: (a) Working conditions, including

(b) Freedom of association, the right to freedom of association, the right to freedom of association and freedom to provide services.

The Committee of the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and


(c) Education and vocational training. (d) The recognition of diplomas/certificates for the recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications.

(e) The provisions of national law on the application of the provisions of national law on the application of the provisions of national law.

The social security branches as defined in the Regulation (EC) No Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 883/2004 on the coordination of social security systems for workers, selfemployed persons and their families moving within the European Union. The specific provisions of the Annex to the Regulation (EC) No Council Regulation (EC) No 1231/2010 on the extension of the provisions of Regulations (EC) Nos 883/2004 and 987/2004 to citizens of third countries which are not already covered by these provisions on the ground of their nationality shall apply. Without prejudice to existing bilateral agreements,

(i) the payment of sums relating to an oldage pension under the legislation of a Member State in respect of oldage pensions at the level provided for in the national legislation or the legal status of the Member States of the European Union which, in the event of such a measure, are subject to the conditions laid down in Article 1 of Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71; (g) Access to goods and services and pre-accession to third countries.

The supply of goods and services to the public, including procedures for access to housing, and the information services and advice services provided by the employment services. This right shall be without prejudice to contractual freedom in accordance with Community and national legislation. (h) Free access to all concerned;

Let us! This right may be limited in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 (1).

2. With regard to paragraph 1 (c) and (g), the right to equal treatment shall be limited to grants and student loans or other benefits and loans in the context of secondary and higher education and higher education. Vocational training, as well as the procedures for the provision of land. With regard to the provisions of paragraph 1 (c): (a) access to university and broadcasting;

(b) the right of equal treatment is limited to the fulfilment of the special conditions in accordance with national law;

Cases where the residence or usual residence of the EU Blue Card holder or the member of his/her family for which he requests benefits is found within the Hellenic Territory.

3. The right to equal treatment as referred to in paragraph 1 shall be without prejudice to the right of the competent authorities to withdraw the 'EU Blue Card' or refuse to renew it, in accordance with Article 116.

4. In the event that a third country to whom a "EU Blue Card" has been issued by another Member State of the European Union enters the Hellenic Territory, in accordance with Article 122 and the competent authority has not yet ruled on it Application for 'EU Blue Card', equal to

Is limited to the areas referred to in paragraph 1, except for points (b) and (d). If, during this period, the applicant is authorised to work, equal treatment with them shall be granted to all persons referred to in paragraph 1.

Rule 120 Members of the family

1. The members of the family of a third-country citizen of a 'EU Blue Card' may accompany or come to meet the dependent, if this proves that it has a fixed and regular personal income, sufficient for its needs. He and his family, in accordance with the provisions of Article 70.

2. The residence permits for the family members of the preceding paragraph shall be granted on a derogation provided for in Article 72, provided that the conditions for family reunification are met, at the latest within six months from the date on which the application is submitted.

3. The period of validity of the authorisations by one of the members of the family referred to in paragraph 1, by way of derogation from Article 73 (1), shall be the same as the duration of the authorisations granted to the "EU Blue Card" to the measure where the Allow the period of validity of their travel documents.

4. By way of derogation from Article 75 (1), no time limit shall apply with regard to the labour market.

5. For the calculation of the five-year period required for the acquisition of a separate licence by way of derogation from Article 76 (1) (a), the residence in different Member States shall be taken into account. In this case, the provisions of Article 121 relating to the overlapping of periods of residence in different Member States by an owner of a 'Blue Cape' shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Article 121 Long-term resident status in the EU for

EU Blue Card holders

1. By way of derogation from Article 89 (1), in the case of an EU Blue Card holder, which has used the option provided for in Article 122, aggregation of cumulative periods by one of the different Member States of the EU may be taken into account; Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Union, in order to satisfy the duration of the agreement, if the following conditions are met:

European Union's incontinence as the holder of a 'EU Blue Card' and (b) two years of law and uninterrupted permanent residence,

Prior to the submission of the relevant application, as the holder of a 'EU Blue Card', in the Greek Territory, to which the application for a permanent residence permit is submitted to the EC.

2. For the calculation of the period of law and suspensive period in the European Union and a derogation from Article 89 (3), periods of a-sale from the territory of the European Union


Shall not interrupt the period referred to in paragraph 2 (a) of this Article if they are less than 12 months and not more than eighteen months within the period referred to in paragraph 2. A ' of this Article. This paragraph shall also apply in cases where the holder of a 'EU Blue Card' did not use the possibility provided for in Article 122.

3. By way of derogation from Article 93 (1) (c), it shall be extended to 24 consecutive months for the absence by the European Union of a holder of a cross-border authorisation holder in the EU with the remark referred to above. In paragraph 7 of this Article and to the members of his/her family who have been granted each other in the long term resident in the EU.

4. The derogations from the harmonisation arrangements of Directive 2003 /109/EC set out in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article shall be limited to cases where the third-country interested third party may refer to evidence. Proof that he has been absent from the territory of the European Union in order to pursue an economic activity or an independent economic activity or to offer voluntary service or study in his country of origin.

5. Articles 119 (f) and 120 shall continue to apply to holders of a residence permit by means of an observation referred to in paragraph 7 where applicable, after the holder of the 'EU Blue Card' has acquired the status In the case of the individual resident in the EU.

6. "EU Blue Card holders" who fulfil the conditions laid down in this Article for the purpose of obtaining the status of long-term resident in the EU shall be granted a residence permit in accordance with Article 1 (1). 2 point (a) of the Regulation (EC) No Regulation (EC) No 1030/2002. 'Former EU Blue Card holder' shall be entered in the 'Former Blue Card holder'.

Article 122 Right of residence in Greece to an EU Blue Card holder from another EU Member State

1. After eighteen months of legal tender in the first Member State as the holder of a 'EU Blue Card', the person concerned and his family members can be moved to Greece for the purpose of highly qualified employment in accordance with Conditions laid down in this Article.

2. The holder of a 'EU Blue Card' shall submit the following within a month from its entry into El-Lada, an application for a 'EU Blue Card', submitting all the documents proving that the conditions are met; Referred to in Article 111.

3. In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 115, the competent authority shall carry out the application and, in writing, inform the applicant and the first Member State of the decision or: (a) to grant a 'EU Blue Card' and to allow it;

Allow the applicant to remain in the Greek State;

For highly qualified employment, provided that the conditions laid down in this Article and Articles 111 to 119 or b) refuse the "EU Blue Card"; and

To oblige the applicant and his family members, in accordance with the provisions of national law in force, and Article 21 of the Law. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EEC) No 3907/2011 (2) as amended by Regulation (EEC) No 3907/2011 (7), by means of the refund procedure, to abandon the Greek Territory if the conditions laid down in this Article are not fulfilled.

4. The third-country citizen who has lodged an application for 'EU Blue Card' with all required supporting documents, provided for in Article 8, a certificate of deposit, which is deemed to be legally resident in the country for as long as possible. This is the case. If a refusal decision is adopted, the certificate shall automatically cease to be valid.

5. The applicant and his employer shall be consulted on the reimbursement and readmission expenses of the 'EU Blue Card', as well as the members of his/her family, in accordance with the provisions laid down in paragraph 1. Article 37 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EC) No 3907/2011, including the costs which may be incurred by public funds, in accordance with paragraph 3 (b).

6. The arrangements provided for in Articles 11, 112 and 126 shall apply to the application of this Article.

7. Since the second time the holder of a 'EU Blue Card' and, where applicable, his family members make use of the possibility of transferring to another Member State in accordance with this Regulation, the 'first Member State' shall mean the State; (i) a member from which the person concerned also departs as a "second Member State" in the Member State in which an application for authorisation is made.

8. If the application for a 'EU Blue Card' for a third country citizen who already holds a 'EU Blue Card' in Greece, is deported from a second Member State, the competent Greek authorities are obliged to accept immediately and without delay. By printing the holder and members of the family member and in the event that the "EU Blue Card" issued in Greece has expired or has been revoked during the period of examination of the application. The provisions of Article 118 shall apply after readmission.

Article 123 Residence of the members of the EU Blue Card holder who exercises the right

By name in Greece

1. When the EU Blue Card holder moves from the first Member State to Greece, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 122, and when his family has already been set up in the first Member State, he is allowed to take part in the members of his family. Have been escorted or reunited with him.

2. Concerned members of the family or persons concerned, holder of "EU Blue Card", in accordance with national legislation, shall submit to the competent service at the latest within a month from their entry into the country of an application for authorisation.


Family member is a family member. 3. In the members of the family of a third-country citizen,

A request for a residence permit for family reunification has been submitted, and provided that the required supporting documents for the fulfilment of the conditions set out in paragraphs 4 and 5 are provided for in Article 8 of the certificate. In the case of the United Kingdom, the Commission has decided to initiate proceedings under Article 3 (2) of the EC Treaty. If a refusal decision is adopted, the certificate shall automatically cease to be valid.

4. For the exercise of the right of family reunification, the maintenance, holder of a 'EU Blue Card', should provide evidence that it provides stable and regular resources, sufficient to maintain its own and its members. His family, who do not come from an appeal to the social welfare system of Chora. When examining the application, these resources shall be assessed in accordance with their nature and regularity and may take account of the level of the minimum national salaries and pensions, as well as the number of members of the family. The amount and the corresponding supporting documents showing sufficient resources shall be determined by the Joint Ministerial Decision provided for in Article 136 (6).

5. The interested members of the family who apply, in accordance with paragraph 2, shall fulfil the following conditions: (a) holders of a valid passport and authorisation

By means of the first Member State or authenticated, as well as an entry visa, if it is required, (b) to demonstrate that they have stayed as members of the family;

'EU Blue Card' in the first Member State, (c) to have sickness insurance for the whole

The risks covered for the individual or the holder of a 'EU Blue Card' shall have an appropriate security for them.

6. The derogations provided for in Article 120 shall continue to be applied in respect of each of the accounts.

7. When the family was not already set up in the Member State, Article 120 shall apply.

Article 124 Contact point

1. The Department of Immigration Policy of the Ministry of Interior is defined as the Greek point of contact with the relevant competent services of the Member States of the European Union for the exchange of information specified in the Articles 121 and 122 and Article 20 of Directive 2009 /50/EC.

2. The above-mentioned Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announces to the Commission and the other Member States whether legislative or regulatory measures have been adopted in respect of Articles 6, 8 (2) and 18 (6) of the Directive. Decision 2009 /50/EC. If Article 8 (4) of the above Directive applies, it shall notify the Commission and the other Member States of a duly justified decision stating the countries concerned.

And areas. 3. The above-mentioned Directorate of the Department E -

For the first time and for the first time no later than 19 June 2013, it shall communicate to the Commission, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, no later than 19 June 2013, the Commission shall communicate to the Commission, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, no later than 19 June 2013. 862/2007 statistical data on the number of citizens of third parties granted "EU Blue Card" and, where possible, whose card has been renewed or withdrawn during the calendar year preceding the calendar year, A reference to their nationality and, where possible, their blood vessel. The statistical data on the members of the family of the family should be communicated in the same manner, except for information on their business. For the holders of 'EU Blue Card' and the members of their family admitted, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 18, 19 and 20 of Council Directive 2009 /50/EC, the information provided shall also specify, in its measure, As far as possible, the Member State before the previous one.

Article 125

The arrangements set out in Articles 1 to 30 of this Regulation shall apply to the provisions of Articles 109 to 124.


Article 126 Setting-up of an incoming volume procedure

Third country nationals for highly qualified employment

1. Any employer who wishes to recruit staff for highly qualified work on the basis of the jobs covered by the Joint Ministerial Decision of Article 11 shall submit an application to the competent Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior. Which will refer to the number of jobs, the data and citizenship of the citizens of third countries, the specificity, and the time period for employment. The application should be accompanied by: (a) a valid contract of employment which is a highly qualified employment contract for at least one year in Greece, showing that the worker's remuneration does not fall below the threshold; A highly qualified employment, that is to be determined each time, in Article 111 (1) (b) and (b) the title of third-party training relating to the profession or the sector identified in the contract of employment; And confirmed. Where the high professional qualifications of the third-country citizen concerned are only certified by professional experience, in accordance with national law, the years of professional experience should be accepted, as in the case of Other corresponding requirements of national legislation.

2. The Minister of the Interior publishes an act in which the employment of a third country citizen is approved for the provision of highly qualified work in a specific employer only if the title of his/her studies is carried out;


It is relevant to a speciality included in the decision referred to in Article 11 and the number of posts in which such relevant speciality, provided for in the same decision, has not been exhausted. The relevant act of approval shall be transmitted, together with the employer's signed contract of employment, to the competent Greek consular authority. In order to determine the relevance of the course of study with a speciality provided for in the joint decision of Article 11, the competent authorities for the examination of the application may, in the event of a doubt, request a relevant opinion of the departments concerned. Department of Health and Environment.

3. The competent Greek consular authority invites the interested third-country nationals for whom an approval act has been issued for the entry into Greece for the purpose of providing highly qualified work. The parties concerned must present themselves to the above-mentioned service by submitting the required qualifications, legal tender, and a certificate from the competent authority of the country of origin to be certified as successful. (i) the drawing-up of a training programme following secondary education, i.e. a parcel of courses provided by an educational institution, which is recognised as an institution of higher education from the State in which it is located; Sign the relevant contract of employment and provide them with the national entry visa, Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 3 thereof, In the case of a legal guardian, the concerned citizen of a third country should be entitled to a title of study, academic recognition in Greece and to fulfil the other requirements of the legislation for the exercise of that law. Period of time.

Article 127

1. In order to cover the costs of removal provided for in the provisions of the previous Directive, the provisions of Article 80 of the Law shall apply mutatis mutandis. Regulation (EEC) No 3386/2005 and the Joint Ministerial Decision adopted pursuant to Article 80 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3386/2005 No 3386/2005 (A-212) and Article 83 (5) of the same law.

2. Citizens of third countries, holders of licences issued in Greece for which a change of purpose is permitted, in accordance with the provisions of this Code, may request, upon renewal of their authorisation, the granting of a 'EU Blue Card', E-as long as the conditions laid down in the provisions of the preceding Chapter of the provider are met.

3. In any event, no change may be allowed for holders of an EU Blue Card licence.

4. By way of derogation from Article 7 (4), holders of licences for the reasons provided for in the arrangements laid down in Articles 31 to 37 and 57 and 57 to 68 may be subject to the provisions of the preceding Chapter of this Regulation, provided that the Have the relevant conditions, as well as the criteria

Which are laid down by a decision of the Ministers of Internal Affairs, Education and Religion, Labour, Social Security and Welfare and Health.



Article 128 Scope

1. The policy of social inclusion aims at the smooth adaptation of citizens of third countries to the Greek society and to the recognition by the Greek society of the possibility of equal participation in economic, social and cultural life. Of the widow. The citizens of third countries in the accession process

In the Greek society they have rights and obligations, as well as Greek citizens. Their basic obligation is to respect the legal order and fundamental values of Greek society.

2. The integration policies and the actions implemented in them are applied to all legal persons from third countries and members of their families within the framework of the arrangements for family reunification. They also apply to immigrant children, to beneficiaries of international protection and to members of their families.

3. The strategy for the integration of immigrants may be combined with foreign policy actions in relation to their countries of origin with a view to creating favourable socio-economic conditions for possible return to them.

Article 129 Basic principles of social inclusion Complete Action Programme

1. For the integration of the citizens of third countries legally resident in the country of the Ministry of the Interior in cooperation with the relevant ministries and agencies implementing a strategy that includes a structured Action Programme. The National Strategy for the Integration of citizens of third countries and the whole-clandestine Action Programme is based on the following principles:

(b) Respect for fundamental rights of the citizens of the European Union

Third countries and the protection of cultural diversity.

2. The Integrated Action Programme is structured in sectoral programmes including: a) learning of the Greek language, history and history;

(b) information campaigns for citizens of third parties;

Health, social security and work-related matters;


(c) awareness of the common opinion on xenophobia, human rights and illegal immigration, d) education and awareness of workers;

The Committee of the Committee of the European People's Party and the Committee of the European People's Party (European Democrats) and the Committee of the European People's Party (European Democrats) and the Council of Europe

(i) collective actions in the Association of Immigrant Associations.


Article 130 Committee for the Coordination of Migration

Political and Social Inclusion

1. For the coordination of the migration policy, a Commission, composed of the General Secretariat, is hereby set up, with deputies for the competent General Directors, the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Economic, Development and Competitiveness, Religion and Religion, Culture and Sports, Labour, Social Security and Welfare, Health, Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, Public Order and Civil Protection, Marine and Aegean Sea and the General Secretariat Decentralised Attiki Administration, which meets, whenever this is considered Necessary at the initiative of the General Secretariat-the Social Cohesion and Social Cohesion for issues relating to the legal migration or the General Civil Protection Officer of the Ministry of Public Health and Citizen Protection for issues Concern issues of illegal immigration, refugees and beneficiaries of international protection.

2. The Commission's work is the processing of migration (legal and illegal) and integration, based on the evolutionary course of the phenomenon, the adoption of guidelines for the purpose of coordinating the case-by-case of stakeholders; (i) the introduction of the euro and the introduction of the euro, and the introduction of the euro, and the introduction of the euro in the context of the euro.

Article 131

In order to facilitate its work, the Commission is assisted by the Scientific Committee, which meets once every six months and has as a task the preparation of the issues examined and the introduction of appropriate measures. This Scientific Committee shall be set up by a decision of the Minister of Internal Affairs. The same decision states the President and its secretarial support, as well as in particular operational matters.

Article 132 Delivery-Protecting fines

1. The application for the granting and renewal of the following units shall be accompanied by an inconvenience which, if not otherwise specified, is defined as follows:

A. .. For the duration of one year licences in EUR-50 (150).

Other: For authorisations for up to two years in three hundred (300) euro.

Other: For the permits for up to three years in four-to-a-half (450) euro.

Other: For the permits for up to five years in net-world (EUR 500).

Hey, For licences for the period up to 10 years to 600 (EUR 600).

2. The dispute, which is paid at the time of the application for the entry into force of the scheme, amounts to the amount of EUR 400 million. They are not subject to the payment of the above-mentioned infringe ment of those already in possession of a permanent, 10-year or five-year duration of Article 108 and request that they be subject to the status of long-term resident. Especially those who apply for the acquisition of -

In the case of non-compliance with the provisions of this Regulation, the Commission is required to comply with the provisions of this Regulation. For the purposes of Article 138 (1), it shall pay the amount of EUR 900 (EUR 900), while for the renewal of the licence, the amount of four hundred and fifty (450) euro shall be paid each time. Those applying for the acquisition or renewal of the

On the basis of Article 108 of the Treaty, Article 108 (3) shall pay the costs of three hundred (300) euro.

3. The application for national visas to be issued under the arrangements referred to in Article 18 of this Regulation shall be accompanied by an inconvenience which, if not otherwise specified, shall be set at an amount of EUR 150 (150).

4. The fines and fines provided for in this law shall be collected in favour of the Court of Justice and shall be adjusted by a decision of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs, Finance, Foreign and Commonwealth Protection and Protection of the Citizen.

5. Civilian citizens of third countries are exempt from the obligation to pay the violator.

6. The participants in the arrangements of the Agreement between the Greek Republic and the Arab Republic of Egypt, ratified by its first article. No 1245/1982 (1 45) is not subject to the obligation to pay the infringe ment.

7. The participants in the arrangements of the Agreement between the Greek Republic and Canada on the youth and mobility of young people, ratified by their first article. No 4091/2012 (1 219) is subject to the obligation to pay offenders, the amount of which is determined by a joint decision of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs, Economic and Internal Affairs.

8. The fringe of this article is collected by the procedure of the electronic violator.

9. The proceeds from the infringements referred to in this Article shall be treated and monitored in special Codes, Parts of Revenue (OEM) of the State Budget, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 2 of Article 2 of the Law 4018/2011 (A' 215).

Article 133 Single information system-Keeping register

1. The Ministry of the Interior and the Central Bank of Greece operates information technology in the registration and processing of data which a -


These include the granting, renewal, revocation of licences and decisions to reimburse citizens of third parties who are resident in Greece. By decision of the Ministers of the Interior,

The Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens'Rights and the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights The competent authorities of the Ministry of the Interior, the departments of the Accepted Administration and the competent departments of the Ministry of the Interior, in order to keep a public register of third-country nationals and to meet other needs, are processed and processed. The application of the relevant legislation. The same decision lays down the procedures and bodies for the collection, monitoring and processing of these data, the conditions of their notification to the right of natural persons to whom they relate, as well as the procedure and conditions File link.

2. The competent bodies of the Ministries of Education and Religious Affairs and Health are required to maintain statistics of the laws, asylum seekers and the illegal citizens of third-country nationals who use their services.

Article 134 Committees

1. The Ministry of the Interior recommends five Immigration Troops, which are aware of the link to citizens of third countries of particular and strong links with the social life of the country, in order to obtain a permanent residence permit, as well as And in any case referred to them in the context of granting or renewing a licence by decision of the Minister of the Interior. The Commission's decision shall be made by the Commission and appointed by the President, their regular and up-to-date members and their alternates. An additional committee may be set up if it is required to speed up the handling speed of the latter. Committees shall consist of: a. Three employees of the Ministry of Interior and

Frying pan. Other: A representative of the Civil Society, which

Proposed by the National Commission for the Rights of the Front. A representative of the Communist Party. Function of rapporteurs to Migration Committees

The employees of the Department of the Interior Ministry responsible for the relevant dossiers. With the decision of the Minister of the Interior, it is appropriate to recommend more than those provided for above, as provided for in order to speed up the relevant submissions as soon as possible.

2. In the Ministry of the Interior, a special tripartite committee is recommended, which is aware of the existence of temporary or permanent non-discrimination against a strong passport and is constituted by the Minister's decision as follows:

A. .. A President of the Council of the Interior Council of the Ministry of the Interior, as President, with his first officer, b. Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Secretary of State for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with a deputy to the official of the same Section and c. An official of the Greek Police, who -

It is proposed by the Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection. The rapporteur and the secretariat shall be appointed to the Commission.

Competent authorities of the competent authority of the Ministry of the Interior, with their alternates.

3. In every law of the decentralised Administration, the Committee of Migration Board, consisting of four officials of the central administration, one of whom is the Head of Mission, who is the Head of Mission, who is the Head of the Department of Immigration. And presided over by a representative of the police authority. For the Decentralised Administration of Attiki, a Commission for each competent service. Under a decision of the Secretary-General of the decentralised administration, the Commission shall be set up and appointed by its Vice-Chairmen, the Secretary-General and the rapporteur, and the rapporteur, without voting, together with his alternate. The rapporteur and the secretary are employees of the department responsible. By decision of the General Secretariat of the Apoke -

The European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European In the case of migration, where this is necessary for the rapid completion of their work. The establishment of the Committees, in each Noble -

In the case of a registered office, it may be possible to take part in any service of the same law, provided that the staff of the relevant department are not sufficient. Project of the Migration Board of the present

The first paragraph is the expression of an opinion on the granting or renewal of a third-party citizen's licence. In order to adopt its opinion, the Commission shall take account of the provisions of this Code provided for in this Code and the general interest of the third-country citizen.

Article 135 Application surveillance

1. Responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the provisions of this Code, and on the coordination of competent bodies, and on the representation of the country abroad at European and international level, for each It is the Ministry of Interior which is associated with the entry, residence and integration of the third countries in the Greek Territory.

2. The competent authorities of the Ministry of the Interior and the decentralised Administrations, the police,


In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and the Department of Social Security and Welfare Department are responsible for monitoring the application of this Code, to carry out checks and to verify the infringements. By decision of the Secretary of State for the Interior and in the case of a competent minister, the questions referred to the Court of Justice may be dealt with in the manner in which the checks and procedures are carried out.

Article 136 Authorific provisions

1. The joint decision of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs and the Interior shall specify the specific supporting documents by category of national visa and the supporting documents required for the issue of the respective licences.

2. The decision of the Minister of the Interior may specify issues relating to the type and the nature of the applications, the procedure for the performance of the mission departments to the beneficiaries, and the type of attestation of application for the application of Article 8.

3. By joint decision of the Ministers of Internal Affairs, Social Security and Social Security and Health and Social Security, all the risks to be covered, by analogy with nationals, should be covered by full sickness insurance. Citizens of third countries which can be insured in private insurers.

4. With a joint decision of the Ministers of Interior, Development and Competitiveness, Labour, Social Security and Welfare, Health and Rural Development and Food, in particular, issues relating to the procedure for determining the volume The Committee of the European People's Party and the Committee of the European People's Party will be voting in favour of the report by the Committee on Economic and Social Affairs and Employment.

5. By joint decision of the Ministers of Internal Affairs, Employment, Social Security and Welfare and Rural Development and Foodstuffs, the rights should be laid down by every employer, who wishes to recruit staff for Seasonal work or as fishermen, on the basis of workplaces included in the joint ministerial decision of Article 11.

6. By joint decision of the Ministers of Internal Affairs, Social and Employment, Social Security and Social Security, the minimum number of days or the minimum period of insurance shall be determined by insurance institution, where this is required for the purpose of: (i) the introduction of the licences at present, the required, where appropriate, evidence, as well as any other subject matter.

7. Where the provisions of this Regulation and the relevant regulatory arrangements provide for the allocation of sufficient resources, their size, their adaptation and the way of proof are laid down by a joint decision of the Ministers of the Interior; Economic and labour, social security and welfare.

8. By means of a joint decision of the Ministers of the Interior, the Economic and Social Committee and the Protection of the Po-ies shall determine the amount of the cost of re-entry and of all forms of reimbursement, as appropriate.

And the procedure for the reimbursement of the amount of the letter in question in the event of its collapse in favour of the Dome, by the credit institution concerned or the Depositary and Loan Fund in the State Budget.

9. By decision of the Ministers of Internal Affairs and Labour, Social Security and Welfare and the case-law of the competent Ministers, other categories of third-country nationals may also be defined, and the more specific conditions, the procedure And the type of authorisation to be subject to the provisions of this Code.

10. By decision of the Minister of the Interior and in the case of case-law of the competent Ministers, where this is required, any specific issue may be set out in the application of the provisions of the Code.

11. By joint decision of the Ministers of Internal Affairs and Finance and the relevant competent Minister, the competent body and the procedure for the consolidation of the provisions of this Code shall be laid down.

12. By decision of the Ministers of Interior and Development and Competitiveness, the amount of the investment is determined, the competent service and the justifications for the approval required for the purposes of subjecting the provisions of Article 16. In addition, the number of licences issued by natural persons necessary for the proper functioning of the investment is also available.

13. By joint decision of the Ministers of the Interior, E-foreign and Public Order and the Protection of Po-litis, the documents must be drawn up, which must be taken into account by citizens of third countries who are deprived of travel documents and are not made available. The European Parliament and the Council of the European Union will be able to adopt a common position on this matter.

14. By joint decision of the Ministers of Interior, External and Public Order and the Protection of Po-litis, the accession criteria are laid down for the examination of family reunification issues.

15. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Internal Affairs, the procedure for the payment of the violators referred to in Article 132 may be determined differently.

16. By decision of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the general supporting documents and the procedure for the grant of long-term visas are laid down.

17. The decision of the Minister of Health sets out the reasons for a threat to public health, and to the infectious, contagious or parasitic diseases that require measures to protect public health.

18. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Finance, it is possible to differentiate the pre-foreign fees according to the states in which the consular authorities and consular offices are located.

Article 137 Encoding

1. With a presidential decree, issued on a proposal by the Ministers of the Interior, Foreign Affairs, Social Security and Welfare and Social Security and Citizen Protection, they may be indeited in a single separate text. Orders:


Provisions relating to the entry and residence of aliens in Greece, the procedures for the return and their movement from the country to asylum and international protection matters, as well as any other provision of law or regulation on matters relating to Treatment of foreigners.

2. The codification is authorized, where it is strictly necessary for the precise legal performance, to remove provisions which are expressly or implicitly repealed and the provisions which do not have scope, the new Articles, the different classification of such articles, their annexes and their territories, the subdivision of articles into more and generally any revision of the provisions to be codified, for their best legal status, without a legal Changes or changes of terminology, as well as the adaptation of the different classes Administrative and other bodies in the existing organisational form of central and decentralised public services, the legal persons of the public sector and local authorities. If there is a doubt in the meaning of a device encoded the original text of the device encoded.

3. By decision of the Ministers of the Interior, External, Labour, Social Security and Welfare and Public Health and Citizen Protection, the Commission is set up, as well as all other issues relating to it. Functioning. The members of the Committee shall not be treated as compensation.

4. Future changes to this legislation shall be made by an amendment to that decree.


Article 138

1. A citizen of a third country who was authorised to enter into force at the time of entry into force. No 3386/2005, due to the payment of 10 years of residence in Greece in the last 10 years prior to the submission of a request, is entitled to a 10-year residence permit, subject to the provisions of Article 6, which Provides a right of access to the labour market. For the purpose of filling the 18-month period, the period during which the person concerned held a Greek nationality or a permanent residence in the territory of a Member State, irrespective of the date of its adoption. The licence shall be issued at the request of the citizen.

The country and decision of the competent authority that has performed the last licence, provided that the applicant: (a) has full coverage of health care and hospital care; (b) fulfills its tax obligations; Renewal for one of the licences of this Code.

2. Authorisations by means of an unlimited duration are automatically converted into licences by means of a 10-year period-as referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article during their re-publication. In order to obtain the licence for a period of 10 years, the payment of a contraa shall not be required.

3. Licences issued in accordance with the provisions of Article 91 (2). 2 of n. As well as those issued in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, they shall be renewed in accordance with the provisions of this Code for the acquisition of the status of long-term resident in accordance with the provisions of this Code. Provisions laid down in Article 89 of the Treaty. If the conditions for their application are not met in the long-term resident status, and if the person concerned proves to be resident in Greece, the interruption of which is not the case of two (2) consecutive years, (b) fulfils the conditions laid down by the (c) it has full coverage of health care and hospital care, its residence permit, pursuant to the other provisions of this Code, shall be renewed for three (3) years at a time and shall permit Access to an exported work-provision of services or work or an independent economic activity; The criterion of the work or professional activity carried out with the permanent or indefinite duration of a permanent residence permit.

4 a. The certificates and provisional authorisations subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 shall apply. Article 76 of the EEC Treaty 2910/2001 and Article 24 of the Law 3013/2002 (1 102) are replaced by annual licences, provided that the persons in which the attestations referred to in that paragraph have been granted are other third country nationals and continue to be resident in Greece. A request to obtain the above licence shall be submitted to the competent services within one (1) year after the performance of the relevant decisions. Licences referred to in the preceding paragraph

Are granted if: va) there are no grounds for public order and security;

(b) the applicant has not been convicted of an ultimatum by the applicant;

A decision to use false information, weapons or falsified documents, and for fraud. C. This authorisation shall be granted to the citizen.

Of the country's right of access to the dependent projects-service or project, and shall be renewed with the conditions and procedure of the provisions of this Code. The possibility of exercising an independent economic activity shall only be provided to the extent that the holder of the above-mentioned authorisation by means of an independent economic activity and activity continues to exist. For the purpose of renewing the authorisations referred to in the preceding subparagraph, the connection of the conditions for the renewal of authorisations for independent economic activity in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 shall also apply. 8 of this Article. D. The above authorisation is granted independently.

To the members of the applicant's family, where they have been resident with him for six years before the adoption of a decision on their family status and continue to reside in the country. On the basis of a finding of a lameness of supporting documents, it shall be borne personally by the non-member of the non-family member of a third country.

5 a. Any person who is withdrawn is granted;


Greek nationality shall be granted on a permanent basis, provided that they have their application before the competent authorities of their place within one (1) year after the performance of the relevant decision. Licences for the previous variant shall be issued;

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

(b) the applicant has not been convicted of an ultimatum by the applicant;

A decision to use false information, weapons or falsified documents, and for fraud. C. This authorisation shall be granted to the citizen.

Of the country's right of access to the dependent projects-service or project, and shall be renewed with the conditions and procedure of the provisions of this Code. The possibility of exercising an independent economic activity shall only be provided to the extent that the holder of the above-mentioned authorisation by means of an independent economic activity and activity continues to exist. For the purpose of renewing the authorisations referred to in the preceding subparagraph, the conditions for the renewal of the renewal of licences for independent economic activity shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 7 of this Article. The above authorisation is granted independently.

The members of the claimant's family, if they were to live with him for six years prior to the revocation of the Greek nationality granted and continue to reside in the country. A finding of a forgery of supporting documents shall be borne by the citizen of a third country which has acquired them and not the children of his or her family who were minors at the time of the application of nationality. In the arrangements of this paragraph,

Citizens of third countries whose nationality is granted-as Greek nationality has been revoked before the date of entry into force of the provisions of this Code and has since then continued to reside in the country if the applications are submitted within one (1) Year a-from the entry into force of this Regulation.

6. Licences issued before the entry into force of this Code, based on the provisions of this Code. Regulation (EC) No 3386/2005 and corresponding to a temporary arrangement under the provisions of this Regulation shall remain in force until the end of their period of validity.

7. Licences for independent economic activity in force at the time of entry into force of this Code shall be renewed for three (3) years' time, provided that: The activity is still carried out and b. Tax and insurance payments have been met

Obligations, that is to say the minimum number of days or the minimum period of insurance per person and insurer.

8. Applications for humanitarian reasons submitted until the entry into force of this Code at the Ministry of the Interior are examined by the Directorate for Migration Policy of the same Ministry.

9. Exact applications at the time of entry into force of the

This Code shall be examined in accordance with the rules laid down in that Code.

10. Licences issued in renewal of transitional types of licences shall have a duration of two (2) years.

11. (a) The validity of licences issued by third-country nationals issued by the Foreign and Migration Services of the Islanders of Chora which expire from 1.1.2014 to 30.4.2014 shall be extended automatically up to five -as from the date of expiry thereof, without the need for a relevant accreditation. During the period of the five-month extension, the citizen of the country is legally resident in the Greek State. Applications for renewal of the above authorisations may be accepted throughout the time of the event, provided that the parties concerned are invoking an appropriate reason. By decision of the General Secretariat of the Central Administration, requests for renewal of licences may be accepted at the time of the extension.

(b) Certificates for lodging an application for the grant or renewal of a licence issued in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 11 of the Law Regulation (EC) No 3386/2005 until the publication of this law has been published for a period of one year from the date of its entry into force.

12. Applications for renewal of authorisation by civil servants of the countries for dependent work and the provision of services or work or for a long-term authorisation, and the application of family members and family members to the granting or renewal of a licence. For family reunification, submitted in the years 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 and reporting to the Immigration and Immigration services, the payment of the required number of days of insurance, as determined by the N.p.a. 15055/546/2011 (B΄ 1886), renewed, subject to a health booklet In effect. The above arrangements also include citizens of the Community.

Of countries whose licences expire on 30 September 2014. In the arrangements referred to in subparagraph (a) of this paragraph,

It also includes applications which have been defaulted in the years 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013, due to non-fulfilment of the above condition, provided that the interested third-country citizens have lodged a complaint until the date of its entry into force. The Code and are subject to temporary judicial protection, provided that they are renounted by the remedies and remedies available. For the purposes of the provision of temporary legal protection under the arrangements referred to in subparagraph (a), a request shall be made until 30.6.2014, in which the other supporting documents provided for in the Code for renewal In this case, the Court of First instance referred to the Court for a judgment of the Court of First instance. Licences issued on the basis of the provisions of the

Of this paragraph shall have a three-year period of residence and shall be renewed in accordance with the provisions of this Code if the persons concerned advance an additional fee of 150 (150) euro.


Licences issued in accordance with this paragraph shall expire in the years 2013 and 2014 and shall be renewed for the same reason or for the acquisition of a long-term licence, in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 (2). This Code is not subject to arrangements for the fulfilment of the required number of illustrations.

13. Citizens of third countries who fulfil the conditions under which they are subject to the status of long-term residents, other than pre-condition for the possession of adequate income, as defined in the provisions of Article 89 (1a) of the present Capacity to be subject to the status of long-term resident provided that they have an individual or family income of EUR 8,500 that has been acquired during the last two financial years before the date of submission of the relevant At the request. The relevant request shall be submitted by 31.12.2014.

14. Citizens of third countries who have received authorization under the provisions of Article 44 (2). 1 on the case of n. They have the possibility to appeal to the provisions of Article 108 of this Code, if at the date of publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities of the provisions of that Code, it had not been possible to renew them for The reasons for the law and have thereafter continued to reside in the country. Applications should be submitted within one (1) year from the beginning of the present day.

15. Where in the provisions of the text, reference is made to the provisions of the law. Regulation (EC) No 3386/2005, in order to implement EU Directives and regulations adopted on the basis of the authorisation. No 3386/2005, hereinafter referred to as the content of the relevant provisions of this Code.

16 a. Citizens of Albania, who request their appeal or the renewal of the Special Bulletin of the European Communities, and their request, are rejected, as they have not demonstrated the general status, have the possibility to comply with the provisions of this Directive. At present, with:

I. They are for at least three (3) years in the country. Other: A final judicial decision has been issued on the

(i) the application for annulment of the decision in question.

Iii - Criminal proceedings have not been brought against them for the use of false information, false or falsified documents, and for fraud.

N. They shall not be subject to the reasons for public safety and security. The application for the authorisation of a permanent sub -

To the competent authority within three (3) months after service of the rejection decision or the final judgment on an application for revocation or within three (3) months from the publication of this Code for decisions already taken He's on trial. Such permission shall be granted to the national of a Member State.

The country's right of access to paid employment and the provision of services or work and has an annual basis. The possibility of exercising an independent economic activity shall only be granted if the holder of the above authorisation was exercised;

The economic activity of the Community and its Member States and the Member States. For the renewal of the preceding subparagraph, the conditions for the renewal of authorisations for independent economic activity shall be examined. The licences may be issued for the period 1 January to 31 December.

In accordance with the conditions and procedure laid down in that Code. The same authorisation is also granted to members of the

Of the applicant's family, if they were to live together with him and continue to reside in the country. A finding of a false claim shall be borne by the citizen of a third country who has acquired them and not the children of his/her family who were minors at the time of the acquisition of Special Identifier of the Nationality (E.R.). Other: The right to apply to the abovementioned procedure;

The Committee of the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety and Health Protection of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety and Health Protection of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety and Health. The adoption of a final acquitative decision on the commission of these offences or within three (3) months from the publication of this Code; for decisions taken before the date of publication of this Code.

Article 139 Repealed and maintained provisions

1. From the date of entry into force of the provisions in force in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3, the provisions of the Law shall be repealed. The provisions of Articles 1, 18 and 19 of the Law No 3386/2005 (A-212) and the regulatory acts adopted pursuant to the same law, without prejudice to the provisions of this paragraph. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, Council Regulation (EC) No 3613/2007 (A-203) Article 39 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 3731/ 2008 (2), paragraphs 4, 5, 6, 7 of Article 40 of the Law Article 45 of Regulation (EEC) No 3731/ 2008, the indent of Article 45 of n. No 3731/2008, paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 43 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 3801/2009 (1 163), Article 43 of the Law Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 7 thereof, Council Regulation (EEC) No 4018/2011 (1 215), Articles 22 to 41 of the Law. No 4071/2012 (Art. 85), Article 6 of the Law 4146/2013 (' 90), and Presidential Decree No 150/2006 (1 160), 128/2008 (1 190) and 101/2008 (A-157), paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 of Article 11 of the Law. Council Regulation (EC) No 4147/2013 (1 98), Article 94 thereof. 4139/2013 (' ' 74) and Article 31 thereof. The second subparagraph of Article 1 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 4115/2013 (2) and the second subparagraph of Article 1 (2) (c) of the Treaty 7. NO 2949/2001

2. The provisions of Articles 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83 and 89 (paragraphs 1-3) are maintained. The provisions of Article 15 of the Law No 3386/2005 shall apply. (') The provisions of paragraph 1 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 3536/2007 (2) Question No 8, by Mr Arndt (H - Regulation (EEC) No 3870/2010 (1 138), p. 106/2007 (' 135) and Council Regulation (EEC) No 23443/2011 (2. 2225) and 15055/546/2011 (II. 1886).

3. D. 131/2006 (A143), as amended by Presidential Decree 167/2008 (1 223) and 113/2013 (A-146), is maintained in force by -


Solely for the family reunification of the regulated legislation for beneficiaries of international protection legislation.

Article 140

1. In the Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, a legislative process is recommended, the work of which is to process and propose provisions for the amendment of the Law. In accordance with Article 3 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 3068/2002 (1 274), as is the case, the provision in national law of the issuing of an enforceable title when the underlying contract is an administrative contract.

2. The legislative committee shall be set up by judicial officials of the political and administrative courts and of the Court of Auditors (E.C.), which shall be indicated in the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 41 of the EC Treaty 1756/1988 (1 35), members of the Legal Council of the State (N.C.C.), members of the University of Europe (active and/or non-active), members of the Single European Council of the Public Procurement Authority (IASHR) and officials of the Ministries of Economic and Financial Affairs; Transparency and Human Rights that are shown in the same way, with their alternates.

3. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs and Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, its members are defined and assigned to secretarial and assistant secretariats to officials of the above ministries.

Article 141

Paragraph 1: Extension of an entitlement to a pensioner due to invalidity The last two paragraphs of Article 66 of the Law. 4144

2013 (1 88), as this is the case after its completion with par. Article 8 (2) of the Law 4237/2014 (A-36), as follows:

' The above arrangements apply to all transactions granted on the basis of disability (pre-legal, severe invalidity, non-institutional disablement, etc.), as well as pensions with the cause of disability (ies of death to incapacitated persons). For the same year, the health care of those who fall under the article is extended for the same year. The validity of this article for all persons falling within its scope shall expire on 30 April 2014. Those persons who, pursuant to this Article, have been entitled to a period of payment of the payment of the pension or of their invalidity and such an extension until 30 April 2014, shall be entitled to an additional period of six months. An extension of the pension or of their dessert, if it continues to be carried out in the health committees of the CEC. Their medical judgment without their own fault. '

Paragraph 2: Complaint of pension insurance and pension insurance. TAP-OTE From the power of Article 5 of the Pyote 6/ 28.2.2012 (1)

38), for the retirement pension in the pension insurance sector of the former TAP-OTE, it is not necessary to terminate them because of the disease, but the solution is sufficient.

(i) in any way, the fulfilment of the relevant provisions of the relevant years of insurance, as well as an invalid rate of disability resulting in an inability to carry out any work or inability to carry out any work or inability to do so, Work that he has sent to provide.

Paragraph 3: Primary and Deuteronomy Y-neighbouring Committees of the ESA Article 30 of the EC Treaty 3918/2011 (A-31), the

The European Parliament and the Council of Europe 2 under the heading ' Amendment of the provisions of n. Regulation (EEC) No 3918/2011 ('31) ' of Article 54 of the Law Shall be replaced by the following: 4223/2013 (A-287)

' 3.a. By decisions of the Minister of Health, following a proposal by the Board of Directors of the ESA, they shall be set up in the European Medicines Agency and Subcommittee on the discharge of health care, certification of disease carried out by the Ministry of Health. (i) a capacity for work, as well as a capacity for work to be employed in order to be subject to voluntary insurance, specifying the composition, their numbers, and any other necessary details concerning their operation. '

Rule 142 Matters of nationality

1. Article 5 of the Greek Citizenship Code (v. Regulation (EC) No 3284/2004), as amended by Article 2 thereof. Regulation (EC) No 3838/2010 is amended as follows: At the end of the second indent of paragraph (b). Article 1

5 is added as follows: ' Penal condemnation of aliens, as described above,

It was imposed on the suspension of the execution of the sentence, as an obstacle to the acquisition of Greek nationality by naturalisation, even if the time of suspension was provided, without it being lifted or suspended. ' Other: The par. Article 5 (2) shall be replaced by the following: " By decision of the Minister of Interior,

The titles of a permanent residence document referred to in point (e) of the preceding paragraph shall be replaced or deleted, and new legal tender securities are added. ';

2. In par. Article 6 of the Code of Greek Law, as amended by Article 4 of the Law. The second subparagraph is added as follows: 3838/2010

"The obligation to submit a naturalisation declaration shall be exempt from the foreign nationals."

3. The par. Article 9 of the Code of Greek Nationality is replaced by the following:

' The oath shall be given before the General Secretariat of the Central Board of Directors or, in the case of a homogeneous person residing abroad in the presence of the Greek consul. The oath shall be drafted in a practical manner. '

4. In par. Article 10 of the Greek Code of Conduct, as amended by the Law, has been ratified. The second subparagraph shall be added as follows:

' The competent police authorities of the Ministry of Public Health and Citizen Protection shall be required to deliver an opinion on matters which may be


They refer to the country's public policy and security within a period of four months. The failure of the competent police authorities to send an opinion in good time shall not obstruct the adoption of the decision of the Minister. '

5. The provisions of the second subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 10 of the Code of Greek Citizenship, as amended by this paragraph, has been inserted in the second paragraph of Article 10 of the Code.

6. In Article 12 of the Code of Greek Citizenship, it was originally replaced by Article 8 of the Law. 3838/2010 and then with par. Article 26 of the EC Treaty 3938/2011, add paragraph 6 as follows:

' 6. A decision by the Minister of the Interior, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, may provide for the setting-up of other Scientific Committees. This ministerial decision lays down the local competence, composition and terms of office of these Committees. '

7. In par. The second subparagraph of Article 25 of the Code of Greek I-rudeness is added as follows:

' Summary of decisions concerning the acquisition of Greek nationality shall be published in the Court of Appeal of the Government. '

8. The first paragraph of par. Article 22 of the EC Treaty 3838/2010 is replaced by the following:

' 1. Applications for naturalisation applications shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions concerning the indexing procedure, with the exception of the provisions of paragraph 1 (b). Article 5 of the Code of Greek Law, as amended by Article 2 of the Law, has been replaced by Article 2 of the Code. Regulation (EC) No 3838/2010 applicable to those issuing applications. '

9. Article 23 of the Law 3838/2010 is amended as follows: a. In par. Article 23 (1) shall be added

(e) Responsible statement with the name and address of the

However, it should be noted that, as a result of the adoption of the Directive, the Commission has not yet adopted this regulation. The person may, if he/she wishes, proceed with the development of the main unit and of his staff. ' Other: The par. Article 23 of the EEC Treaty Regulation (EC) No 3838/2010

Exists as follows: ' 3. For the acquisition of Greek citizenship,

The publication of a summary of the decision of the General Secretariat of the Head of Government of the Government of the Central Bank of the European Union is required. Greek nationality is obtained from the publication of the above Decision, non-medicated according to Article 9 of the same Code. The decision shall be justified in accordance with Article 8 of the Code of Greek Citizenship, as amended by this law, and shall be issued and published by the year following the submission of the application with full supporting documents. ' Other: The provisions of paragraph 1. Article 23 of the EEC Treaty 3838 /

2010 as replaced in the second paragraph of this paragraph, applications shall also apply to the issuing applications. (Parliament adopted the resolution) Article 23 (4), as

This subparagraph has been replaced by par. This is a very good report. 3938/2011 is replaced by the following:

' The provisions of paragraph 2 (b). 1 of Article 5 (5) of Article 5A (b) and (c) (c). (2) Article 7 and Article 8 of the Code of Greek Citizenship, as amended by this law, shall be treated in proportion to the said applications. '

10 a. From the entry into force of this law to the Ministry of the Interior, up to three members of the Committee shall be composed of: aa. A Head of Division or Section of Ye -

The Ministry of the Interior, as President, as President of the Ministry of Interior. Two ICPs in the field of humanitarian aid,

If you have a higher education institution, you will have a higher education institution. A Head of Division of the Itha Directorate;

Of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of the Interior. An official, branch/residency director -

-the Directorate-General for Citizenship of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of the Interior. The above Committees carry out the responsibilities

Provided for in Article 12 of the Code of Greek Citizenship, as was the case before its amendment to Article 8 of the Law. Regulation (EC) No 3838/2010 and operating until the adoption of a decision on the dates of entry into force of the decision. 3838/2010 naturalization applications. C. The Committees referred to in this paragraph

Shall be adopted by decision of the Minister of the Interior. The same decision sets out the substitutes of the President and the members of the Committees. The Committee of the Regions shall be responsible for secondary education, serving in the Directorate for Citizenship of the Ministry of the Interior, designated together with its Deputy with the above decision. In the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection,

(i) an official who is not entitled to vote, the official who is dealing with the case. The term of office of the members of the Commission

It is a two-year period. The par. Article 22 of the EC Treaty 3838/2010 repeals -

Is applicable. Until establishment and operation of at least one

The Commission shall continue to operate the Naturalization Committee provided for in the abovementioned repealed provision.

11. The first subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 13 of the Law 4018/2011 (A΄ 215) is amended as follows:

' 1. In the case of citizens of Israel or of other countries, Jewish persecution, evidence of public documents, which were born until 9 May 1945 in Greece and have been observed in life, Greek citizenship is once again granted, if they have had in the past. The Greek nationality since birth and lost it in any way. '


Article 143

1. Indent (a) of Article 1 (12). 4065/2012 (1 77) is replaced by the following:

' a. The Commission's audit shall be completed by 31 December 2014. '

2. The case of B. i. of par. Article 3 of the Law EUR 3213/2003 is replaced by the following:

' b.i. The audit of the original declaration concerns the credit of the true content of the existing at the time of the submission of the assets. For subsequent years the audit, in addition to the finding of the true content of the declaration, includes, in any event, the calibration, if the acquisition of new assets or the augmentation of existing assets is measured by the level of all nature. Revenue, in conjunction with the cost of living of the accounting officers in a declaration of persons. The declaration shall not be considered to be inaccurate or incomplete in the event of a minor inaccuracy or lack or if, at the invitation of the inspection body, the legality of the source of origin of the inaccurately declared element shall be demonstrated. '

3. In par. Article 1 (2) of the Law The words'two years before,' shall be deleted and the following shall be added as follows:

' The audit shall be carried out on the basis of the statements made, the available documents and the available tax returns, without prejudice to paragraph 8, if the Committee considers that there are due cause for this. The remainder shall apply to the provision of paragraph (b) of the Annex. Article 3 of the Law 3213/2003.

4 a. The par. Article 9 of the Law No 3213/2003 is replaced by:

' 2. At the fault of the offences referred to in Articles 4, 5, 6 (2) and 8 (2), the rights of the right of one (1) to five (5) years, if the sentence is imprisonment, and of two (2) to 10 (10) years, should be suspended. The sentence is imprisonment. The reduction of the amount by the elected public, municipal or Community value, or public, public or Community position, as a consequence of the withdrawal of the political rights, is right as soon as the judgment has been reached. However, it cannot be excluded from the application of Article 64 of the Criminal Code. ' Other: The case b of par. Point 3 of Article 9

N. EUR 3213/2003 is replaced by the following: The assets that were not declared in the

In the case of one of the offences referred to in Article 6 (1) and (2), and where it has not been preceded by Article 2 (5), they shall be published, unless the person responsible demonstrates their legal origin. '; Other: The case (c) of par. Point 12 of Article 1

N. 4065/2012 is replaced by the following: " In particular, if a licence is obtained,

And an increase in the acquisition or augmentation of assets, a report shall be drawn up, sent to the Director-General of the Territory for the contingent liability of the debtor in accordance with the provisions laid down. If criminal proceedings arise, the report shall be sent to the institution responsible for criminal prosecution. '

Article 144

1. After the fourth paragraph of case 4 of sub-paragraph Z.1 of par. For the first part of his article. 4093/2012 (A222), as replaced by par. Article 91 of the EEC Treaty 4172/2013 (1 167) and supplemented by par. Article 54 of the EC Treaty 4178/2013 (1 174) and Article 12 of the Law. Council Regulation (EEC) No 4210/2013 (2), amended by Article 44 of the Treaty. The following subparagraph is added: 4238/2014 (A-38):

" Especially in the case of Amendment No 2. Decision No 10/2014 (B479) Announcement of the Minister for Administrative Reform and Electronic Governance, the previous subparagraph, as referred to in the preceding subparagraph, for the submission of applications-responsible declarations by officials concerned Shall be extended from the end of the period to and including Friday 21.3.2014. '

2. The validity of the above subparagraph shall begin on 13.3.2014.

Article 1

For the purposes of applying Article 5 of the DIIPBT/B. 2/EC.21634/2013 (B ' 1914) Decision of the Administrative Reform and Electronic Governance, and in the event of a lack of the pre-existing evaluation reports for officials made available in the article 92 (1) No 1. 1943/1991 (1 50), provided that this deficiency is not due to their fault, these reports for the years 2012, 2013 and thereafter may be taken and placed on a voluntary basis within two (2) months from the date of entry into force of this Regulation. To be extended by decision of the above Minister. The assessment shall be made by the persons or bodies

To whom these persons have been allocated. The state of the art, the press, the procedure as well as the relevant rights-of the officials assessed, set out in paragraph D. 318/1992 (1 161), shall be adjusted accordingly to the special conditions governing the performance of the duties of senior officials with a decision of the same person. A Minister, who shall determine any other details which may be necessary for the implementation of this paragraph.

Article 146

Article 25 (c) of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 "Kallikrates Program" is repealed.

Article 147

The par. Article 383 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is replaced by the following:

' 4. The list shall be made up of equal numbers of names of men and women. It contains a total of: a) for Athens up to 2,400, not least of 2,000 units, b) for Thessaloniki, Piraeus and Patra up to 1,000, not less than 600 units; and (c) for the remaining cities up to 750, not more than 150 units. '


Article 148 Entry into force

The validity of this Decision shall begin two (2) months after its publication in the Government of the Government, with the exception of the provisions of Article 138 (11) and (12) and Articles 141, 142, 143, 146 and 147, in force from the date of publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. Head of Government, as well as Article 144, in force on 13.3.2014.


Athens, 2014