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Ratification Of The Legislative Act ' Urgent Provisions On The Application Of The Code Of ...

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Article 1

It shall be ratified and shall have effect from its publication in the Official Journal of the Government of 7 August 2013, Act No Positive Contents, 'Urgent arrangements for the implementation of a Code of Conduct for Civil Servants' published in the Official Journal. 176 Leaflet of the Government of the Government (issue A), which reads as follows:


' Urgent arrangements for the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Revenue '


Having regard to Article 44 (1) of the Constitution, 2. The exceptional case of extreme urgency; and

(iii) the need to address the urgent need for the implementation of the provisions of the Code of Conduct for Revenue (D. 356/1974, 1 90) in order to allow the debtor to be placed in the hands of the debtor by the month of May; Won and other exceptional days and hours, in the case of high-established registrants, in order to address cases of tax evasion,

3. The relevant proposal by the Council of Ministers:

Article 1 Amendment to Article 11 of Law 356/1974

At the end of par. Article 11 (3) of the Law 356/1974 (Code of Conduct for Revenue and Revenue-A ' 90) added two paragraphs as follows:

' At the expense of undertakings operating in the above-mentioned periods and having a total established amount of debt outstanding, exclusively to the Bank, in excess of the amount of EUR 50 000, may, by way of derogation from the preceding subparagraph, be subject to the following conditions: The seizure of movable property in the hands of the debtor within the undertaking during the hours of operation and throughout the course of the year. The confiscation during night time shall be a witness to a public servant or a defendant institution. '

Article 2 Entry into force

This power, which will be ratified in accordance with Article 44 (1) of the Constitution, starts from its publication in the Court of Appeal of the Court of Justice.

Lefkada, August 7, 2013




First, From the Official Book of Proceedings, 2 December 2013, No Meetings of the Assembly of the House, in which

The following draft law was adopted:

Ratification of the Act of Legislative Contents'Urgent arrangements for the entry of the Public Revenue Code' (1 176) and other provisions



Article 2 Correction of the Act No Positive Contents

'Urgent arrangements for the implementation of a Code of Conduct for Revenue' (1 176)

At the beginning of the first subparagraph, added to par. 3 of Article 11 of Law 356/1974 (1 90) under the Act of 7.8.2013, Act of Legislative Contents, 'Inappropriate arrangements for the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Public Revenue' (1 176), which is ratified by the first paragraph of this law, after the words'; The word 'and' shall be added.

Article 3

At the end of the first indent of paragraph 1. Article 13 of the Law The following paragraph is added 2238/1994:

' In cases where the acquirer is responsible for the application of this case, the certificate shall not be valid unless the control sheet has been previously notified. Where, pursuant to the above provision, the control sheet is invalidated during the last year of the limitation period, or after the time of the limitation period, the Head of the International Economic Service shall be required to issue and notify New control sheet in one (1) year from the publication of this law. '

Article 15

In par. Article 26 of the EC Treaty The following cases are added as follows: 4075/2012 as in the following indent:

' g. For the insured persons participating from 14 November 2013, hereinafter referred to as the voluntary insurance programmes, which provide for the coverage of the pre-voluntary insurance contributions as defined in the above-mentioned indents of this paragraph, Pension rights are considered in accordance with the pension conditions, applicable at the date of submission of the application for reference to the pre-heretical insurance and if the full payment of the voluntary insurance contributions becomes one-off, 2 months from the date of submission of the application. In this case: aa. The pension right may be exercised;

After the expiry of the period of time, which corresponds to voluntary insurance,

B. The one-off payment of the voluntary insurance contributions shall be made-in accordance with the voluntary termination programme-in full-from the employer directly to the compulsory insurance bodies. The calculation of the insurance contributions for

The application of the case (g) shall be carried out in accordance with the rates of calculation applicable at the date of the application. The costs of these contributions are deductible as an enterprise expense in the determination of the employer's profit by business activity. Absent, which have been included before

14.11.2013, or have applied for voluntary insurance, may, by means of payment by the same person until 31.1.2014, of all the remaining contributions, relating to voluntary insurance to be insured A pensioner's right to the conditions in force at the date of submission of the application. By decision of the Minister of Labour, Social

Insurance and Welfare, it is possible to adjust any necessary detail for the application of this Article, as well as the procedure for the adoption of voluntary insurance and reimbursement of social security contributions. '

Article 5

At the end of article 13 of n. The following subparagraph is added: 3469/2006 (1 131)

" Exceptional testing sent to the General Secretariat of the Government from 23.12 to 31.12 of each year may carry a date prior to the date of issuing of a marketing authorisation and until the last working day. Day of the same year. '

Article 6 Dividends of the Ministry's competence

Education and Religion

Paragraph 1 General Secretariat of the Religious Affairs

1. In par. Article 2 of Article 2 of the Law 2621/1998 (1 136) after the phrase 'Professional qualification (E.K.E.P.)' is added the point of punctuation (,) followed by the phrase "the Foundation for the Management of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens (IAA)".

2. The par. Article 38 of the EC Treaty 3986/2011 (1 152) is replaced by the following:

' 7. The legal persons referred to in Article 1 (1) shall apply. 4 of n. 590/1977 (1) and (c). 4149/1961 (1 41), the Holy Metropoles of the Dodecanese (Ro-dos, Kos and Nisyros, Leros, Kali and Astypalaia, Karpathos and Kassos and Cassos) and the Venetians and their Monies, Patriarchal and Crossismatic Monies in Greece, as well as Patriarchate Patriarchate of Paros not subject to its provisions. 1611/1950 (1)


Article 13 of the EC Treaty Council Regulation (EEC) No 1902/1990 (1 138), Article 14 of the EEC Treaty (EEC) No 2042/1992 (2), Article 3 of the Law Council Regulation (EEC) No 2216/94 (2) and Article 15 (2) (c). 11. 2469/1997 (' 38). '

3. (a) Excluding general provisions relating to the assessment of Article 7 of the Law. 4024/2011 (1 226) and remains in force the existing special system of certification concerning the clergy of the Orthodox Church of Crete, as described by the Holy Rules and the regulations of the Holy B-Parchial Synod of Crete Church of Crete issued-even under the authority of the para. Point 6 of Article 43. 3848/2010 (' 71). (b) The regulations of the Holy Provincial Assembly of

Church of Crete issued under the authority of par. Article 43 of the EC Treaty 3848/2010 (1 71) and (a) - wear the general service status of the Church of Crete, apply mutatis mutandis to the clerics of the Holy Metropoles of the Dodecanese-Kanakos (Rhodes, Kos and Nisyros, Leros, Kali, Karpathos, Karpathos) And Kassos and Symi), of the Enemies and of their Monks, as well as of the Patriarchate of Patmos. The evaluation of the clergymen's clerical staff shall be made in accordance with these regulations. Where these rules meet the term "Holy Provincial Syndrome of the Church of Crete" will be understood as "Holy and Sacred of the Oikonomical Patriarchate", where the term "Metropolitan Council" will be understood as "the Metropolitan", where The term "Epistle of the Church of Crete Apostolos Titos" will be understood to mean "Dodecanese" and where the term "Holy Archdiocese and Hierarchy of the Church of Crete" will be understood as " the Dodecanese Holy Metropoles and the Patriot Patriarchate of the Oikonomical Patriarchate ".

Paragraph 2 Introduction to the Third World Training of Lats

Of serious conditions

Article 39 of the Law 4186/2013 (1 193) and in paragraph 24 of this second paragraph, following the phrase " patients with ulcerative colitis who are receiving immunosuppressive treatment or have received immunosuppressive therapy in the past and continue with a different pharmacological treatment The following sentence is added to the sentence ', as well as patients with ulcerative colitis that have been subjected to a total anticolectomy and non-leopopoietic ileus or hyleopantic imitation with leopleantic anastomosis or imitation of young youths, sufferers from In the case of thrombocytopenia, from Klippel Feil, '. However, in Article 57 of the abovementioned law and in the first subparagraph of that paragraph, after the term 'University', the period is deleted and the phrase 'or TEI' is deleted.

Paragraph 3 Training of Private Education

1. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, the institution of the National Coordination Unit (National Coordination Unit) is defined as the National Coordinating Unit.

European Union programme in the field of education, vocational education and training, sport and youth Erasmus + (2014-2020).

2. In case 13 of paragraph Th3 of par. The first of his first article. 4093/2012 shall be added as follows:

" By decision of the Head of the Section, the Directorate is annexed to the Official Journal of Private School of Primary and Secondary Education, College and Private Institute for Vocational Training (IEK). Opinion of the National Agency for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Qualification (EPEP) to the Minister of Education and Religion, on the suitability of the premises of the education or training organisation. This decision shall be amended by the same procedure at the request of the Education and Training Organisation '.

3. In case 16 of paragraph Th3 of par. The first of his first article. 4093/2012 shall be added as follows:

' In the College of Education and the Private Institute for Vocational Training (IEK), Annex A-Annex with the curricula and qualifications which operate in accordance with the legislation in force, with a decision of the Head of the Chamber of Commerce. Section or the Directorate-General. This decision shall be determined by the same procedure at the request of the Education and Training Organisation. '

4. Paragraph 17 of paragraph Th3 of par. The first of his first article. 4093/2012 (A-222), as amended in the case of paragraph 1 of the para graph of par. The first of his first article. The following shall be substituted for 4152/2013 (1 107):

' An integral part of the licences referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Subparagraph shall be the official title. The distinguishing title of the licence shall be deleted from: (a) the name and the declared title (if a natural person) or the distinctive title (if a legal person or a person has a legal personality) and (b) the title of the certificate; -where the training provided (formal or formal) or the acronym of this private school of Primary or Secondary Education, College, Private Institute of Professional Training (IEK), Centre for Lifelong Learning One (K.P.P.M. 1) and Center for Lifelong Learning Center Two (K.P.M. B. 2), A Guardian or Foreign Language Center."

5. Indent 3 of Subparagraph Th.6. Of par. The first of his first article. 4093/2012, as amended by clause 2 of paragraph TH1 of par. The first of his first article. 4152/2013 (1 107) is replaced by the following:

' 3. The joint screening, notification, disclosure, disclosure or inscription of the training and training units licensed in accordance with the above needs to be carried out using the relevant private school licence title. Primary or Secondary Education, College, Private Institute of Vocational Training (I.Q.), Center for Lifelong Level Learning Center One (K. M.1) and Lifelong Learning Center Two


(K.P.M. B. 2), Guardian or Foreign Language Centre in order to avoid confusion or risk of confusion or misleading consumers about the provider of individual educational services and the type, level and level of The Committee of the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Economic and

6. At the end of the sub-indent (a) of paragraph 5 of Subparagraph Th.3 of N.4093/2012 "Approval With a-sowilling Framework Financial Strategy 2013-2016, etc." (' ' 222) the words are added:

" This obligation excludes foreign non-profit-making legal persons whose schools have been licensed under Article 5 of the Law. 4862/1931 'Foreign schools' (2) '.

7. The first subparagraph of paragraph 5 of the subpara graph Of par. The first of his first article. 4093/2012 is replaced by the following:

' 5. In their building specifications, kindergartens with a potential of up to sixty (60) infants and the preschool kindergartens within children of the same owner, instead of point (c) of paragraph 8 of Subparagraph 3. In this paragraph, a minimum of twelve (12) square metres room and a median of two (1, 2) square metres per trainee in the classrooms shall apply. '

8. In case 1 of paragraph TH.18 of par. The first of his first article. 4093/2012 and in the first subparagraph thereof, after the phrase in brackets-as '(I.I.Q.)' the phrase 'care and information centres and centres of foreign languages' is deleted and in the second paragraph of the case after the phrase ' and Centres for Lifelong Level Two ' The phrase "Frody-Stores and Language Centres" is added.

Paragraph 4 Transfer of the Service of Public Employees and others.

By way of exception of the current provisions on transfers of imports to A. E.I., provisions, students of the A.E.I. who are civil servants and officials, employees of the Dome, a servant of the Department of the Armed Forces and the Sons. Security, civil servants of local authorities or other legal persons governed by public law or elected bodies of local authorities shall be entitled to transfer their attendance status to equivalent, in accordance with the provisions, School or Section. University students, who are students of University or TEI, if they are students T.E.I., based in the city where they serve or provide their services or have been elected. Where there is no such School or T or T at this place, they may carry out their attendance at the nearest SNIC of the city where they serve or provide their services or have been elected. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, arrangements are made for the transfer of the students' schooling, as well as a necessary detail for the implementation of your provision.

Paragraph 5 Correction of Territory

The case of the par. Article 5 of the Law 4051/2012 ' Pension rates of pension content and the urgent arrangements for the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding. '4046/2012' (' ' 40) is replaced by the following:

(a) The Institute for Nuclear Technology and Radiological Protection and the Institute of Radiation and Radio-Diagnostic Products of the NITD. National Centre for the Research of Natural Assets "Damage" (EKATO "D") set up in Article 28 (2). No 1. 1514/1985 (1 13), merged into a new Institute with the oncology "Institute of Nuclear and Radiological Supervisors and Technology, Energy and Security (IFRIC)."

Paragraph 6 Additions and Corrections of Provisions in Bd. 80/2013, Bd. 84/2013 and B. 90/2013

1. A. In Article 2 of paragraph 80/2013 (1 119), paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 are added as follows:

' 3. By decision of the Senate the Laboratories: a) of Electronic Microscopy, (b) Systemic Votan, (c) Physiology and Morphology of Plants, and (d) General and Agricultural Microbiology of the Department of Geo-natal Biotechnology, are transferred to the Department Moderate-Plant Production.

4. Members of the teaching staff, of the Special Technical and Laboratory Staff (SCI), of the Special Technical Laboratory of Personnel (EBRD) and of the Administrative Staff who served in the Department of Geological Biotechnology, at the beginning of the year, Council Directive 80/2013 may form part of the Plant Production Supervisor based on their knowledge and the process of Paraguay 2, 3 and 4 of Article 2 of the 80/2013.

5. The provisions of paragraphs 6,7,8,12 and 13 of Article 1 (d. 80/2013 shall also apply to the Biotechnology Section. '

Other: The par. Article 2 of Article 2 of the 80/2013 shall be referred to in paragraph 6. Other: The provisions of this case shall apply from

The validity of p. 80/2013. 2. The first four verses of par. Article 8 1

Point 90/2013 (A ' 130) shall be replaced by the following: The World Trade Association of the Technological Institute of Western Europe

The Republic of Macedonia is still active in its existing form until 31 October 2018, in which case it is repealed. The maintained until 31.10.2018 T is operated in parallel with the merger of the merger, which operates from 1.9.2013. After the abolition of the T, the attendants belong to an act of the President of the relevant T.E.I. in the Department of Business Administration of the School of Administration and Economics of the T.E.I. of Western Macedonia based in Grevena. The Educational Programme of the International Commission of the Technological Educational Institute of T.E.I. Western Macedonia based in Kastoria is part of the Business Administration of the School of Administration


On the basis of a reasoned decision of the Convention or of Article 13 (1) of the Constitution, the President of the European Central Bank of Western Macedonia is based in Grevena. 31 of the 3149/2003 at the latest by 31.10.2018. '

3. Where in the provisions of paragraph 84/2013 (A΄ 195), the phrase "School of Sound and Musical Instruments Technology" is replaced by the words "Sound of Art Studies".

Paragraph 7 Transport of positions of introduction into an ADI.

1. In the first paragraph of paragraph 1. Article 34 of the EC Treaty After the words'the school year', the words'2009-2010' shall be inserted after the words'the school year' and in the last paragraph of the same paragraph after the words'per capita', the rest of the sentence is deleted.

2. In the first subparagraph of paragraph 2. Article 34 of the EC Treaty 4186/2013, the phrase "Every University, if successful in University or Technological Educational Institute (TEI) has been successful, signifies." And the phrase "corresponding T or School of University" has been placed in place and has been achieved in University, or TEI, if successful. They hit T.E.I.."

3. In the first subparagraph of paragraph 3. Amendment No 8 to Article 34 of the Law 4186/2013 the words'and their disease have been medically established according to the subjective decision F.151/19785/B6/12.2.2013' and the phrase ' As amended and in force ', in the same subparagraph, the words' located in the city of the permanent residence of their parents or in the absence of an ADI not present there shall be deleted in the nearest town. ' "By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, the details of the application of this article will be determined", following the phrase "if they are in TEI". The words'which they shall choose' shall be added.

Paragraph 8 Reviews on intermediate management bodies

NSRF operations

Decisions signed by the Secretary-General from 10 to 31 December 2012 shall be signed by the competent authority of the Member State concerned. Article 4 of the Law 3614/2007 (A-267), as the first subparagraph was replaced by Article 1 (1) of the Act of 18 December 2012 of the Act of Legislative Contents " Urgent

Arrangements for the economic development of the country ' (1 246), which was ratified by the first article of n. They shall be deemed to be laws and shall have effect from the date on which they are signed.

Paragraph 9 Examinations February and June 2014

The students of the Higher Education Institutions may be considered in the examination period of February and June 2014 in all areas due to previous six-month periods, if they are taught at spring or spring. For the first time.

Paragraph 10 Graduates of graduates in Tertiary Education

The par. Article 15 of the EC Treaty (EC) No 3404/2005 (A ' 260) is read as follows:

' 2. The percentage of the grades of University Graduates, T.E.I., or equal to them, S.H.I.E.L.D., Greece or abroad (recognised by the D.O.A.P.), as well as the holders of degrees of higher education and two-year courses The Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and other Ministries is set at a rate of 12 % of the number of entrants to each section of the University or TEI. In addition to this percentage, the classification of dentists in dentistry at the University of Medical and Graduate Medicine, in the course of medicine, is performed at a separate rate of 3 % of the number of students in the T-section. ' The validity of this paragraph shall be initiated by

Entry into force of n. 4186/2013 (193).

Paragraph 11 Certification of professional qualifications of Personal Security

Until the adoption of the provisions laid down in Article 25 of the Law. Decision No 4186/2013 (A ' 193) of ministerial decisions, the procedure provided for in Law 2518/1997 (1 164), 3707/2008 (A-209) and Joint Ministerial Decisions 4892/1/76-c from 17.5.2010 (B΄ 664) and 1016/109/183 from 17.2.2012 (Bl 606) and issued by The relevant regulatory framework is still valid.


Article 7 Entry into force

The provisions of the articles of this law shall apply from 9.8.2013.


Athens, 2013