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* * Degree Of Education And Other Courses

Original Language Title: Re-structuring of the Second-degree Education and other provisions

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Article 1 Concept and purpose of the General High

1. The "General Lyceum" (Part One and Evening) is an educational unit of secondary education providing a general education and degree of deepening and specialisation in individual cognitive objects.

2. The objectives of the General Lyceum are in particular: a) The provision of general education at high level,

Will contribute to balanced cognitive, emotional, mental and physical development of all pupils. (b) The promotion of critical thinking, of the first

(c) The cultivation of the national, religious and cultural heritage of the Member States of the European Union.

(d) Respect for human rights, the protection of human rights, the protection of human rights, the protection of human rights, the protection of human rights, the protection of human rights, the protection of human rights and the protection of minorities;

(e) Strengthening the values of freedom, democracy and human rights in the framework of a multi-cultural society.

The Committee of the Environment, Public Affairs and the Committee on Economic and Social Affairs and the Committee of the European People 's (f) ensuring a balance in school life;

In order to ensure that pupils have the opportunity to integrate knowledge, leisure time, creation and ability to participate in the production of and/or projects within the framework of the educational community in which they are involved. Application of knowledge; and

(h) The cultivation of the proficiency of each person for the purposes of the

The approach and the development of utilisation skills

(i) new information and communication technologies; and (i) cultivation of skills which will facilitate

Access for pupils to the labour market. 3. In the Order, the caste shall be entered without examination.

The Gymnasium or other equivalent instrument (s). The first class of the General or Vocational High School shall be entered in the second grade. The first class of the General High School shall be entered in the Third Class.

Article 2 Outline of education programmes

General Lyceum

1. The 1st Class of the 12th grade of the General Lyceum is the only general education in which a study programme of thirty-five (35) hours per week is applied. In particular, a programme of thirty-three (33) hours of week, with nine (9) pupils, which is common to all pupils and an instructional programme of two (2) hours consisting of one (1) hours of study, shall be implemented. This is the first time that it is used between four sections. The courses of the joint educational programme

(a) the Greek language, nine (9) teaching hours,

Discrete teaching subjects: the Ancient Greek Language and Germs, the New Greek Language and Literature for which five (5), two (2) and two (2) hours, respectively. B) Mathematics, five (5) hours, with discrete teaching

In the case of other sectors of Algebra and Yeommetry for which three (3) hours and two (2) hours are available.


First, From the Official Journal of the European Union, 10 September 2013, No Meetings of the Work Decorator of the Work

The following draft law was adopted by the House of Parliament:

Restructuring of Secondary Education and other provisions

(c) Physical attacks, six (6) hours, distinct from two-hour teaching subjects, Physics, Chemistry and Biology for which two (2) hours are available (2) hours. D) History, two (2) hours. E) Policy Education, three (3) hours, Teachers instead of

(f) Religious, two (2) hours. (g) Research Work (synthetic work/project);

Two (2) hours. The Foreign Language, two (2) hours, (English, French, or

(Germany). (i) Physical Education, two (2) hours The courses of selection of the educational programme;

(a) Informatics, two (2) hours; b) Geology and Natural Resources Management; two (2);

(c) Greek and European policies two (2)

(d) Artistic education, two (2) hours. 2. In the 2nd Class of the General High School applied -

A programme of courses, including general education courses, thirty (30) hours of teaching hours and two (2) Groups of Applied Studies, Humanities, Humanities, five (5) total teaching hours each week each week. The group, where pupils are invited to choose one. The courses of the joint educational programme

(general education) are the following: (a) Greek language, six (6) hours of teaching;

Critically taught subjects-branches of Ancient Greek Language and Germatia, the New Greek Language and Literature for which are available at two (2) hours. (b) Mathematics, five (5) hours, with distinct teaching

(3) and two (2) hours, respectively. (c) Natural Bandages, six (6) hours, with distinct bias.

(b) Introduction to the Principles of Computer Science, Physical, Physical, Physical, and Biology for which two (2) hours are available.

(1) (e) History, two (2) hours. (f) Philosophy, two (2) hours. (g) Political education, two (2) hours, subject to teaching

(i) Religious, two (2) hours; (i) Research Work (Synthetic Work/Project);

(1) time. I) Foreign Language, two (2) hours, (English or French or

(Germany). Physical Education, (1) time. Humanities' sections of the Humanities

(a) Ancient Greek Language and Secretariat, three (3)

(b) Basic Principles of Social Sciences (Socio -

The Committee of the Regions welcomes the Commission's proposal to set up a European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (2).

The courses of study are: a) Physics, three (3) hours and b) Mathematics, two (2) hours. 3. In the Third Class of the General High School applied -

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Public Health and Food Safety and Health and Safety and Health Protection at Work, and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Public Health and Food Safety and Health. The Committee of Economic Affairs-Political-Social and Childhood Studies, among which pupils are well-chosen to choose this proposal. Each of these groups includes twenty (20) total teaching hours a week. The courses of the joint educational programme

(a) New Greek Language and Secretariat, six (6).

(b) Introduction to the Principles of Computer Science, two (2) hours and Literature, two (2) hours, and two (2) hours.

(2) (c) History, two (2) hours. D) Religious, one (1) hour. E) Foreign Language, two (2) hours (English or French)

(f) Physical Education, (1) time. The athens of the Oriental Orientation Unit

(a) Ancient Greek Language and Secretariat, 10 (10)

(b) Latin, four (4) hours and c) History of six (6) hours. The sections of the Theti Orientation Group -

(a) Physics, six (6) hours; b) Mathematics, eight (8) hours or Biology eight (8);

(for Health and Safety Supervisors). (c) Chemistry, six (6) hours. The sections of the Oriental Orientation Unit -

(a) Mathematics and Statistics, eight (8) hours. (b) Principles of Economic Impact of six (6) hours, those who have

They drink Pedagogical Chemists: Principles of Natural Science, six (6) hours. C) Social and political aspects 6

(6) hours, those who choose Pedagogical sections: History of six (6) hours. A student of the General Lyceum General chooses

(1) by the Guidance Section of the Guidance and the Scientific Field of Specialty, as defined in Article 4.

4. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, the breakdown of the courses and the timetable shall be determined by class in General Esperina, as well as any necessary detail.

5. In order to exercise the candidates for admission to colleges of higher education required and examination in "special courses" may operate at the level of the Board of Directors and in hours other than morning.


(i) the operation of schools'aid schemes', in both Spanish and Italian, in Spanish and Italian. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, arrangements are set out in terms of the organisation and operation of the 'Section of Section', as well as any necessary arrangements for implementation.

Article 3 Evaluation, Promotion and Dismissal of Students

General Lyceum

1. The evaluation in the courses and the three classes focuses on the essential understanding of the central issues and fundamental concepts of each cognitive and the conquest of higher cognitive abilities and skills, such as criticism. And synthetic thinking, self-assessment, the exploitation of data for the production of documented business, ingenuity and originality during problem-solving. The assessment is primarily aimed at providing

(v) the use of information to improve the provision of education, either at national level (with the improvement of curricula, school books, etc.) or at the level of the teaching curriculum itself; Updated teaching methods and approaches to the benefit of its pupils.

2. The assessment shall, in particular, be based on: (a) in the determination of the examiner;

Basis of thematic units, (b) the ability to interface essential knowledge;

(c) to understand basic concepts or, depending on whether or not they are derived from the broader sections of the curriculum,

The subject matter, events, procedures or processes of each known field and (d) the possibility of critical assessment and recovery;

The Committee of the Rules of the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on Legal Affairs and

3. The written promotion exams in the 1st class of the 2nd grade of the General Lyceum and 1st and 2nd High School are carried out within school and include all teaching courses outside the courses of the Research Labor and Physical Education. (a) 50 % by drawing, by drawing of a 50 % draw, by 50 %, by the teacher or teaching staff, as follows: (a) 50 % by drawing of 50 % difficulty and b) by 50 %, by teachers or teaching staff. The writings are corrected by the teacher concerned. The M.O. of the oral grade of the fourth quarter

Shall be drawn up in accordance with the provisions in force. A general degree of promotion from the 1st Class of part and 1st and 2nd Class of Evening General High School is the quotient of the division divided by the sum of the sections of the sum of the term oral or written, if these are examined. In writing, performance of the student at any point. A prerequisite for the promotion of the

(a) the achievement of a general degree equal to or above 10 (10) and (b) The oral and written marks of a distinct cognitive subject;

-courses: Greek Language, Mathematics at least-10 (10) and at least eight (8) in each of the other courses. Where a learner does not comply with the conditions (a) and (b) of the preceding subparagraph, he shall have the opportunity to attend, and where he does not meet the pre-condition (b) of the preceding subparagraph, by discrete or discrete subject-matter or sub-cases; It is referred to a review to it or to them and shall be forwarded or repeated to the above-mentioned periods.

4. The written pre-export examinations in the 2nd class of the daily and sixth grade classes include intraschool courses and include all aspects other than research work and physical education with common themes for all (a) by a percentage of 50 % by school draw by school, by 50 % and by 50 %, by the teacher or teaching staff, by 50 % of the same school. The writings are corrected by the teacher concerned. The M.O. of the oral grade of the fourth quarter

Shall be drawn up in accordance with the provisions in force. A general level of promotion from the Second Order of the Court of Appeal and the General High School shall constitute the basis of a division divided by all the courses of the sum of the sum of the average or even written condition, if these are examined. (iii) the performance of the student at any of the points. A prerequisite for the promotion of the student is: (a) to achieve a general degree equal to or greater than ten (10) and (b) The oral and written point of degree in a distinct knowledge of the courses: El-Greek language, Mathematics and At least 10 (10) and a minimum of eight (8) in each of the remaining pupils. Where a learner does not comply with the conditions (a) and (b) of the preceding subparagraph, he shall repeat the study, and where he does not comply with the condition (b) of the preceding subparagraph in a discrete or discrete, known or discrete, anti-orientated items or courses; or ------------------------------ What? - Remaining stocks are referred to a review in this or these and shall be promoted or repeated at the level of the above.

5. The written examinations in the 2nd Class of the General Lyceum and the Third Class of the Evening High School include the courses of the New Greek Language and Literature, the introduction to the Principles of Computer Science, Thrombotic, History, Foreign Language (for E-sperm General Schools only include the Era of the New Greek Language and Literature) and three (3) from the courses of the selected Prossa Group, on issues common to All the departments of the same school are defined as follows: a) by 50 %, by drawing from (b) by 50 %, by the teacher or by teachers, of subjects such as difficulty and b). The writings are appointed by the teacher concerned. The Errors of the Greek Language and Germatia

With discrete teaching objects, New El-Greek Language and Literature are considered as a single cognitive subject with a ratio of 60 % Greek Language and 40 % Literature.


The oral score of the fourth and the written text is drawn up in accordance with the provisions in force General for dismissal from the General High School of the General High School; the quotient of the division, divided by the whole of the classes in the class of courses, A summary of the oral or written word, if these are dealt with in writing, of the student's performance. A prerequisite for the promotion of the student is: a) to achieve a general degree equal to or greater than ten (10) and b) The oral and written grades of the courses: New Greek Language and Literature and each of its courses Of the selected Orientation Group at least 10 (10) and at least eight (8) each of the other courses. Where a learner does not comply with the first subparagraph and (b) of the preceding subparagraph, he shall refrain from attending, and where he does not comply with the previous subparagraph (b) of the preceding subparagraph, a review shall be carried out in such a review and shall be dismissed; or It shall repeat the course of study at the level of the above.

Article 4 Introduction to the Higher Education Training

General Lyceum

1. The examinations for admission to the tertiary education are carried out following the dismissal of the student from high school, at a national level with issues from the examination of the order in question: a) by 50 %, by drawing from a bank (b) by 50 %, a-by a central examination committee.

2. The students of the First Class of Greece and the High School of General Lyceum at the beginning of the school year and not later on 20 September have definitively confirmed the Initial Declaration of the Disorientals Division, which they have submitted to The school's school year before the end of the previous teaching year. Achievable student selects one (1) Student Group

Orientation and Epidemic Field Mandatory that corresponds to specific scientific Fields of Schools and Higher and Higher Education in which they wish to introduce them. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion -

The number, the name of the scientific fields, and the inclusion of the Songs, the sections and the Introductory Guidelines in them no later than 30 May of each year and are valid for the next year, is defined and amended. Teaching year. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion -

Which is issued no later than 15 March at the end of the year, the number of entrants and the specific courses per School, Section a, or the Directorate-General of each of the courses per School, Section, or Induction of the current year shall be determined. The determination of the weighting in one (1), by the Panhellenic examiners, by School or Chamber or Directorate-General shall take place by decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, following the progress of the competent governing body. Of the School or of the T, which comes to him until 1

March of each year and applies to the introduction into the Third World Education of the pupils of the school year in which it is proposed.

3. For the introduction into tertiary education, the four-to-one courses of study by the Guidance and Scientific Field of Specialization are as follows: a) Ltd. -Human Studies, Legal: I. Neo-Greek Language and Literature. I - Ancient Greek Language and Secretariat. I II History and IV. Latin. (b) Ltd. -Positive and Technological Functions: I. Neo-Greek Language and Literature. I - Mathematics. I II Physics and IV. (c) H.P.E. -Health attacks: I. Neohellenic Language and Literature. I - Physics? I II Museums and IV. Biology. (d) Ltd. -Economists, Social and Po -

Liquid Science: I. Neo-Greek Language and Literature. I - Mathematics and Statistics Statistics. I II Principles of Economic Science and IV. Elements of Social and Political Science. E) Ltd. -Pedagogical Grants: I. Neohellenic Language and Literature. I - Mathematics and Statistics Statistics. I II History and IV. Principles of Natural Sciences. 4. For the calculation of the Access Protocol to the

Trittovath Education is also promoted by the "Promotion and Disability" (BUTH). For this measure the general order shall be promoted;

Of the 1st class of the 2nd grade, the M. O. Of the general principles for the promotion of the 1st Class of Secondary School, the 2nd grade of the 2nd grade of High School, the General degree of severance of the 1st class of General Lu; In the case of non-member countries, the number of members of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union A-one unit from the grade of M.O. And then the adjusted 'inductive' grade It is multiplied by a factor of 0,4, at the rate of 0,7, and the 'discharge' of the second class of Class 0.9. The summation of the three divided divided by two is the VAA. This quotient (and up to the third decimal point) is counted as a fifth degree for the introduction of the learner in Triitovath Education. If the degree of promotion or dismissal

Is higher up to a single unit in relation to the average of four per group of courses examined in full-time examinations, this grade is not adjusted but multiplied by the expected per class. A contributor. If the degree of promotion or dismissal

Is less than the MH of the four alpha -


In the case of an Oriental study group, the grade is adjusted upwards by a maximum of one unit (and up to the limit of M. O.) according to the calculated rate per class.


Article 5 Concept and Establishment

1. Vocational education is provided by the Vocational High School (ESDP) (Part One and Evening).

2. Professional Lyceum (Public or Private, in accordance with the operating framework of the Private Schools). The Ministry of Education and Religion is founded exclusively by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and is distinguished by the Ministry of Education and Religion. A minimum age limit for the entry into the Evening Professional Schools is 16 years.

3. Professional Standards-High Schools and Professional Schools of Special Education are founded under the auspices of the Minister of Education and Religion. This decision shall specify any necessary detail for the functioning of the abovementioned schools. A full-time Standards-Trainee High Schools of Apprenticeship are also active by the OAED by a joint decision of the Ministry of Education and Religion and Labour, Social Security and Welfare. The decision shall also specify any necessary detail for the implementation of the abovementioned schools.

4. Underground Vocational Schools are set up by a joint decision of the Ministers of Education and Religion and Economy. The decision shall specify any necessary detail for the functioning of the abovementioned schools. The duration of the study is four years, a total of 2,730 teaching hours, divided into four (4) teaching years, and students are either unemployed or unemployed with an unemployment card of the OAU, or other classes of pupils. They can't eat at the original Vocational High School. The graduates of the Evening Vocational Schools have access to the Higher Education Department of the Panhellenic Exam.

Article 6 Purpose

The objectives of the Vocational Lyceum are in particular: a) The provision of a high level of education at high level,

Will contribute to balanced cognitive, emotional, mental and physical development of all pupils. (b) The promotion of critical thinking, of the first

(c) The cultivation of the national, religious and cultural heritage of the Member States of the European Union.

(d) Respect for human rights, the protection of human rights, the protection of human rights, the protection of human rights, the protection of human rights, the protection of human rights, the protection of human rights and the protection of minorities;

(e) Strengthening the values of freedom, democracy and human rights in the framework of a multi-cultural society.

The Committee of the Environment, Public Affairs and the Committee on Economic and Social Affairs and the Committee of the European People 's

(f) ensuring a balance in school life; so that pupils are able to integrate knowledge, leisure time, creation and participation;

(h) The provision of professional qualifications, which is necessary for the development of personal and social integration.

(i) the possibility of monitoring the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women;

Employment developments, as well as the possibility of recruiting and leaving new technological and professional knowledge, skills and competences within the framework of Lifelong Learning.

(ii) the development of measures to ensure the protection of the environment;

Of technical-vocational training.

Article 7 Structure of Vocational Training Studies

And classes of education

1. The Vocational High School offers two courses of study, which belong to the formal education system: a. The "Secondary Study Cycle" and b. The 'Post-secondary course', 'The' -

Teaching ". 2. In the" Deuteronomy Cycle of Studies " in the Holy -

The 1st, 2nd and 2nd classes are working. They shall be entered in the first class without examination, the holders of a final grade or another title. The first class is written by the first class of the General or Vocational High School. In the first class, the first class of the Vocational High School is enrolled. The trainees from the First Class of the Vocational Lyceum are entitled to register in the 2nd Class of the General High School.

3. In the "Student Class" (education at the workplace) which is optional, the certificates of discharge and degree of secondary education of the ESP are recorded. The "Class of Apprenticeship", which is the subject of the dual system of education (student) of the OAED, has a duration of one (1) year and includes Mathematics with education at the workplace, Speciality Matching and Preparatory Courses in the School of Education. Unit dose respectively. The responsibility for the maintenance of the classroom, the placement in the workplaces of the attendees, as well as all the relevant EPAL and the OPCW. The placement in the workplaces of the students and their work is considered to be a training exercise.

Article 8 Orientation groups, Section and Specialties

The Origins of Adaptation with the respective areas and the respective Qualifications of the Vocational School are the following: The Technological Development Agency of the Information Technology Unit 1. Information Technology Techniques


2. Computer and Computer Networks 3. Technical Group of Literature Infections 1. Mechanical Engineering Instalements and

(2) Technical Mechanical Instalment; and

Oil and Gas Technology Engineer 3. Ventilation and climate cooling equipment;

The needle should be used. Battle Technique 5. Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical, Electronic and Informatics.

Table 1. Electronic and Computational Systems -

Electrical and electronic components, Facilities 2. Electrical Discussion, Networks, and

Telecommunications 3. Artificial Disformation The Group of Primary Projects 1. Design of Public Works and Geoinformatics The Environment and Natural Resources 1. Technical Management and Recycling 2. Pollution Control and Installation Techniques A -

Anti-pollution The Faculty of Administration and Economy The Management and Economy Unit 1. Department of Administration and Family Services 2. Warehouse and Contractor 3. Official Trade and Discharge Employee 4. Official of the Economy and Administration in Tourism

The Guidance Section of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Technology, Food Technology and Diagnostics -

Number 1. Plant Production Technique 2. Animal Production 3. Technical Fisheries and Aquaculture 4. Technical Anthology and Landscape 5. Food and Drink Techniques 6. Technical Forestry and Natural Management

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection

The Group of Commanders 1. Captain of the United States Navy Company 1. Hellenic Navy Engineer By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion -

In addition, the Committee of the Regions calls on the Commission to draw up a proposal for a Directive on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to biological agents at work. And the Greek Ministry of Labour and Social Security and the proposals of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare, the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness, the Ministries of Health, Agriculture Development and Development, Tourism, Culture and Sports and Nausea, and the Aegean Islands The Regional Committee for Vocational Training provided for in the case (a) of the Treaty. Article 7 (3) of the Law 3879/2010 is renamed to the Regional Committee for Vocational Training;

Employment, education and training In the last paragraph of the sentence of paragraph 1 of the Treaty of Rome. Article 7 (3) of the Law 3879/2010, subject to the following phrase: ' In this Committee, representatives of the representative associations of workers and employers and of the other social groups corresponding to the development areas of the Region, representing the "The relevant Regional Director of Education" shall be added together with the words "the relevant Regional Director of Education".

Article 9 Programme of Study Studies

Professional Lyceum

1. In the 1st class of AWP, a total of thirty-five (35) hours of week is applied. In particular, an instructional programme of twenty-two (22) hours per week, with ten (10) of General Education courses, which is common to all pupils and a thirteen (13) education programme, consisting of four (4) e-as well as six (6) Skill courses per unit of qualification. A. The courses of General Education are as follows: 1. Greek Language (New Greek Language 3 hours and Literature 1 hour), 2. Mathematics (Algebra 3 hours and Geometric 1 hour), 3. Physical (2 hours), 4. (2 hours), 5. Political Education, (2 hours), with discrete teaching objects, Political Theory and Principles of Law and Sociology, 6. History (1 hour), 7. Religious (1 hour), 8. Research Work (2 hours), 9. Foreign Language (2 hours), 10. Physical Education (2 hours). B. Breakdown by Employee Group in A΄

N.B. is the following: 1. Factor of Technological Development: 1. Principles of Mechanical Engineering (4 hours), 2. Electronic and Electrical Principles (3 hours), 3. Technical Plan (2 hours), 4. School of Vocational Training-Work Environment-Health and Safety

(2 hours) 5. Informatics applications (2 hours) 2. Management and Finance Group: 1. Organisation and Management (4 hours), 2. Accounting Principles (3 hours), 3. School of Vocational Training-Work Environment-Health and Safety

(2 hours); Informatics applications (4 hours) 3. The Guidance Section of Agronomy, Technology

Food and Nutrition: 1. Rural Production Authorities (3 hours), 2. Food Technology Principles (3 hours), 3. Principles of Nutrition (3 hours) 4. School Business Orientation


-Working Environment-Safety and Health (2 hours), 5. Informatics applications (2 hours) 4. The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

1. Naval Art (2 hours), 2. Maritime Knowledge (2 hours), 3. Components of Ships (2 hours), 4. Technical Plan (1 hour), 5. School of Occupational Disoriescent

-Working Environment-Safety and Health (2 hours), 6. Informatics applications (4 hours) 2. In B΄ and Cf class, the programme is implemented.

A total of 30 (35) total hours per week. In particular, a twelve (12) hour-hour training programme is implemented, with six (6) Education and training courses, which is common to all pupils and an education programme of twenty-three (23) hours of work consisting of four (4) Up to and including six-six (6) Qualification courses. Specialty stocks are approximately 50 % theoretical and 50 % laboratory practice. A. The General Education Maps of the 2nd Class ENP.

Are the following: 1. Greek Language (New Greek Language 2 hours

And Literature 1 hour), 2. Mathematics (Algebra 2 hours and Geometric 1 hour), 3. Positive attacks (Physics 1 hour and Chemistry 1 w)

(ra) 4. Introduction to the Principles of Computer Science (1

(ra) 5. Religious (1 hour), 6. Foreign Language (1 hour) 7. Physical Education (1 hour). The General Education courses of the General Education Committee of the European Communities.

The following: 1. Greek Language (New Greek Language 2 hours

And Literature 1 hour), 2. Mathematics (Algebra 2 hours and Geometric 1 hour), 3. Positive attacks (2 hours and 1 hour Physics), 4. Introduction to the Principles of Computer Science (1 hour), 5. Foreign Language (1 hour), 6. Physical Education (1 hour). Other: Breakdown by Specificity Group The Group of Proves -

The Committee of Education and Religious Affairs is a member of the Committee on Culture, Youth, Education and the Media. Under the same decision, the correspondence between the lessons learned and the teacher-specializations in the first and second assignments of the four classes of E-PAH is also defined. Designated pupils of the APPAL documentaries

They are able to join in their application to the Court of Justice, irrespective of the pupils attending the First Order.

3. In the "Class of Apprenticeship", a programme of the laboratory "Ampliative Work-Bachelor of Education of Teaching" seven (7) as a whole, measured in two days a week, is taught in the school unit of the NTSB, as well as in the field of education and training. And the school units of the O.A., by educational staff of the Ministry of Education and Religion;

And the OAU for a school year, i.e. from 1 September to 30 August each year. In the 'Course of Apprenticeship', a 'Programme' of

In the workplace-Apprenticeship in a working area of twenty-eight (28) hours per week, in a five (5) days for a school year. The ' Training programme in the workplace;

A course of work " is governed by a contract concluded between the OAU and the employer (natural or legal person, private or public), with additional incentives to recruit the Student at the end of the period. The laboratory has been performed in Laboratory Laboratories or the relevant Laboratory or School Laboratories of the Ministry of Education and Religion. A teacher of the Ministry of Education and Teachers and the OAED is responsible for the training, laboratory and athletics in the workplace, up to a maximum of 25 pupils. They are, from 1 September to 15 September,

At the same time, the graduates of the school year class of the school year, completed on 30 August of the same year, if they wish, can follow the Preparatory Certification Programme, of a total duration of 70 hours, for the better In order to be able to participate in the procedures for certification of qualifications, the acquisition of a diploma in a diploma, which is carried out annually in the last quarter of the year. By means of a joint decision of the Ministry of Education and Religion and Labour, Social Security and Welfare, each individual detail is determined for the implementation of the Preventive Certification Program.

Article 10 Analytical curricula

1. The detailed curricula of the Vocational Lyceum are drawn up by the I.E.U. And include: (a) clearly worded learning from;

(b) Disabled material in accordance with the provisions of the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 519/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

However, there is no evidence to indicate that the adverse effects of the disease have been observed. The curricula of the laboratory training courses are accompanied by an annex describing the laboratory equipment used for their implementation. C) Teaching instructions, including

The teaching techniques, the teaching methods and the underlying supervisors.

2. The previous paragraph of the syllabus detailed curricula in accordance with the guidelines of the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (European Credit System for Vocational Training) Education and Training-ECVET, described in the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 (OJ C 155/02, 8.7.2009).

3. In order to comply with the curricula of each area and specificity, they shall be taken into account.


There are, and the relevant professional programmes, certified by the National Agency for the Certification of Qualifications and Professional Practice (E.P.A.), in accordance with Article 3 of the Law. 3369/2005 (171)

4. The timetables and syllabuses are re-evaluated, evaluated and, if considered, updated every six (6) years.

5. The decision of the Minister of Education and Religion shall determine any necessary detail for the application of this Article.

Article 11 Evaluation, promotion and dismissal of students

1. The evaluation in the courses and the three classes focuses on the essential understanding of the central issues and fundamental concepts, as well as the acquisition of higher cognitive abilities and skills, such as critical and synthetic thinking, Evaluation, e-piloting, problem resolution and originality.

2. The assessment shall, in particular, be based on: (a) in the determination of the examiner;

Subject to thematic units, (b) the ability to communicate essential knowledge,

(c) to understand basic concepts or, depending on whether or not they are derived from the broader sections of the curriculum,

The subject matter, events, procedures or processes of each known field and (d) the possibility of critical assessment and recovery;

The Committee of the Rules of the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on Legal Affairs and

3. The written promotion and authoritative examinations in all the ESDP Classes are carried out intraschool and include all teaching courses, general education and the courses of the Faculty of Appraisal, except in the field of research. Labour, Physical Education and the School Vocational Qualification Environment-Environment-Health and Hygiene at issues common to all aspects of the same school. The issues of General Education are defined as follows:

As follows: (a) by 50 %, by drawing lots of demoralised difficulties and b) by 50 %, by the teacher or teachers. In the other writings in writing, the issues are dealt with by teachers or teachers. In any case, the writings are corrected by the teacher concerned. General extent of promotion in all grades of E -

It is the quotient of the division by the combination of the lessons learned from the sum of the term oral or written, if they are unwritten, in writing, of the learner's performance in each of them. The oral score of the fourth and the written part of the oral question is carried out in the relevant provisions. When the student does not achieve the basic instrument and has a score of up to two sections of less than 10, it is referred to an examination in September and, depending on the results, the results are either induced or resolved. A prerequisite for the promotion of the

Is the achievement of a general degree equal to or greater

Of 10. Where a student fails to meet the condition referred to in the first subparagraph, he shall repeat the course of study. The degree of the diploma and degree of professional qualification;

It is apparent from the average of the general mark of the written test subjects of general education and specificity, as well as the prophetic degree of Physical Education of the student.

Article 12 Titles of Studies and Professional Rights

1. Graduate of the "Secondary School of Study": a. High school diploma (equivalent to the Ge -

It is recommended that the medicinal product should be administered in combination with other medicinal products. Qualification Level 3, following intraformity;

SATs from the PA.L. 2. The graduates of "Class of Class" are receiving

Level 4 Qualification Level 4 from the Ministry of Tourism and Religion and the OAU together, following the completion of the procedures for certification of their qualifications, in accordance with paragraph 4 of the present.

3. Graduates of the Evening Vocational Schools do not have an obligation to access the 'Service Order' for their attachment to the qualification procedures, provided that they have completed at least 600 days in the area of competence; They are graduating from the Third Class of the Evening Vocational School.

4. The IFRSs, as well as in cooperation with the OAED, and the formulation of an opinion by the professional chambers or the scientific associations, is the body implementing the qualification procedures, for the award of Qualified expert at the high school alumni alumni. Where appropriate, in the organisation and carrying out of the certification examinations, the Ministries responsible for carrying out the corresponding authorisation for the exercise of an Esprit shall also be carried out for those specialties. The diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications, as well as the diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications, as well as the diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications, as well as the diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications, as well as the diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications. By joint decision of the Ministers of Education and

The Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Define the system for certification of the Transnational Study of Studies (Class of Course) of the Vocational Qualifications (ESDP), including the terms, conditions and supporting documents, the examination procedure, the Organisational structure, the type of securities and certificates given, and the amount and amount; and The method of payment of the certified certification. With the same decision, it is recommended that the Central Committee of Inquiry into Vocational Education (KET), with the participation of members of the Board of Directors, members of the Committee of the Regions, and members of the Board of Directors, and members of the Board of Directors, is recommended by the Board of Directors. (i) experts from the public or private sectors of the public, representatives of ministries, professional associations;


At the same time, the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Food Cycle of Studies (Class of Apprenticeship) of ASPs, are composed of bodies and committees of a temporary nature for the assistance of the Hellenic Republic in carrying out the examinations, whose constitution and definition are made by decision of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors. From the recommendation of the CDC and determined the height, the way and the process The Committee of the Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Environment, the Committee on the Environment, the Committee on the Environment, the Committee on the Environment, the Committee on the Environment, the Committee on the Environment, the Committee on the Environment, the Committee on the Environment, the Committee on the Environment, the Committee on the Environment, the Committee on the Environment, the Committee on the Environment, the Environment and the Committee on the Environment, By decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, which is not published in the Court of Appeal of the Government, the constitution of the Communist Party of Greece is determined.

5. The professional rights of the graduates of the Vocational School shall be determined by Presidential decree, which shall be adopted in accordance with the last subparagraph of paragraph 1. Point 9 of Article 4 of n. 3879/2010.

Article 13 Access to the Third World Education

1. The graduates of the secondary course of study, as well as those who are entitled to a high school qualification, have the right to participate in specific examinations for admission to schools, courses and introductory courses of courses. A.T.E.I., in relevant or relevant qualifications of their diploma and a special rate of positions, laid down by decision of the Minister of Education and Religion. Candidates-are examined in four sections of Grade E-PAL, two courses of general education with a weight of 1,5 and two courses of speciality with a weighting of 3.5 which are determined by a subjective decision published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Examinations for admission to third-country education shall be carried out following the dismissal of the student by the Vocational High School, at a national level with the subject matter of the examination of the order concerned: (a) by 50 %, by drawing from the (b) by a rate of 50 %, by a central examination committee, of the subject-matter. Special examinations can be taken during the same school year, with the decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, following a specific reasoned opinion from the National Expanding Agency.

2. The graduates of the secondary course, as well as those who have the title of a vocational lyceum, have the right to participate in a Panhellenic course; trends for admission to the Panepitons and T.E.I., subject to the same conditions and conditions, They apply to high school graduates.

3. For what matters are not regulated by the provisions of the present regulations, the provisions regulating the education of the graduates of the General Schools in the tri-tobachev education.

Article 14 Special Mathies

1. The "Student Class" is implemented by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and the O.A.E.D., as part of the Maritime Training Unit implemented by the Ministries of Tourism and Religion and Marine and Aegean. The responsibility for placement in the workplaces of the seniors, as well as all of them, have the EASL and the OAED together. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Education and Religious Affairs and Social Security and Social Security, each necessary detail is required for the creation and operation of the 'Class of Apprenticeship'. A joint decision by the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs and the Marine and Aegean Sea sets out all the necessary details for the setting up and operation of the "Class of Apprenticeship" of the Adoptive of Maritime Training.

2. The issue of health certificates and the medical instruments required for the course of learning at venues, if pupils are not directly or indirectly, are made free of charge by public hospitals or by physicians who are advised to do so. Public or social security benefits.

3. The Symposium covers the costs of the medical and nursing care of the pupils, who have had an accident during the exercise of the E-Occupational Lyceum, in the Laboratory Centres, in the Laboratory of Gymnasium and General Lykeion, in the The Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

4. With a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Education and Religion, Labour, Social Security and Health and Health, the method of covering expenditure as well as the conditions and issues relating to the implementation of its provisions This article. The same decision regulates the participation of the Council in the contributions and compensation of pupils and employers at the course of the course of the course.

5. The "Student Class" may be financed by national and/or Community funds in accordance with the provisions in force.

Article 15 Schemes

Grants or prizes from the State Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y) may be awarded to the students of the State Scholarships in accordance with the provisions. (') Regulation (EEC) No 2158/1993 (' 109), as applicable at a time. For the purpose of drawing up the relevant programmes in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 (b). Article 1 of Article 1 of the Law 2158/1993 take into account educational, social and economic criteria such as school performance, the family situation, income and professional qualifications, specialties and qualifications, designated by the Council Lifelong Learning and the Employment Pact provided for in par. Article 5 of the Law 3879/2010 (1 163) as particularly important for the development of the national economy.



Article 16 National Examination Agency

1. An independent administrative authority is hereby established with the 'National Examination Agency'. (E.O.E.) and international name "National Exams Organization". The E.O.E. is based in Athens, has administrative autonomy and is supervised by the Minister of Education and Death for the control of the legality of its actions. It is an epifinal scientific body responsible for issues relating to written promotion and authoritative examinations at the General and Vocational High School, in the examinations for admission to higher education and in the creation and operation of the Of the Bank of Themes of Trials of Investigation, in cooperation with the I.E.P.

2. The Mission of the Agency is to ensure the provision of quality and transparency of the Examinations of the General and Vocational High School. In the context of its mission, the Agency shall be responsible, in particular, for: (a) the determination of the matter of matter with a thematic

(b) the formulation of a proposal for the establishment of the

(c) the formulation of a proposal for the definition of a certain degree of flexibility in the work of the Committee of Inquiry;

(d) the organisation of the examinations at regional and local level, in order to assess the results of the examinations for admission to higher education in higher education;

Central level and the definition of each relevant issue, such as overviews, duration, process of registration and deferral, e) cooperation with official support

The competent Directorates and departments of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs on the organisation of the opinions, opinions and opinions

(g) the evaluation of the examination procedures by the Minister for Education and Religious Affairs or of the Ministry of Education,

The creation and operation of the Bank of the European Union, the creation and operation of the Bank, and the preparation and submission of institutional proposals;

The Committee of the European Communities, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European

(i) the provision of a contract of opinion to the Minister for National Networks, bodies or organisations acting in connection with his mission;

Education and Religion for the definition per year of the members of the Central Committee of Inquiry which has the effect of defining the issues of the Panhellenic import examinations in the Tritovath programme. The Central Committee of Inquiry shall be composed of the Chairperson of the Authority, the Director-General of Secondary Education, the Director of the Department of Investigations, who participate autonomously, and a Professor Panepistis;

In the case of the country or of the rest of the world, a School of Education, a School of Educational Studies and Class, four teachers of secondary education per Speciality of Education and Class The number of students in the course of study is higher than in the previous year. The decision of the members of the Central Committee of Inquiry shall be non-financial.

3. The Board of Governors of the Agency shall be the Council. The members of the Council shall enjoy in the performance of their duties personal and functional independence. The Council of the Authority shall consist of the following members: (a) The President, who shall be a scientific officer;

(i) a level of scientific work and proven experience in examinations and in general terms of the secondary project of secondary education. The President is appointed by the Minister of Education and Teaching, following a public tender of the position and opinion of the Committee on the Rules of Procedure. (b) The President of the I.E.P.

(d) A Professor of University of the country or of the competent authority of the Member State in which he/she is a doctoral degree in the field of education and training.

(e) A School of Advisor per Sector by correspondence in each of the Member States.

There is no evidence that the symptoms are the same as yours. (f) The Director-General for Secondary Studies;

(g) The Director of the Directorate-General of Investigation;

No, 4. (a) The Council of the Authority shall be composed of the

Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, following the progress of the President of the Authority for the members of the case (c) and (d). The Chairperson of the Authority shall be required to propose that he shall be the first to be placed first in the relevant assessment table. (b) The Vice-President of the Council of the Authority shall be appointed;

(c) The term of office of the President and his other members

The Council shall be four years. (d) In the absence of a member of the Council of the European Union, it shall not be possible to appoint a member of the members for more than two terms, whether or not.

A new member shall be appointed for a term of office until the end of the term of office of the Council. The term of office of the President and of the other members of the Council shall be automatically extended to the number of young people, in the case of previous cases, and not for more than three months from the end of their term of office. E) President of the Council of the European Parliament.

Full and exclusive employment and receive remuneration, while the other members of the Council of the Authority shall receive compensation for their participation in Council meetings. The amount of the President's remuneration shall be determined by a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Education and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities and may not be higher than the salaries of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the European Communities.


The main body of surgery, as it was formed with the n. 3833/2010, Article 2 (1) and (2), and paragraph 8 of Article 1 (1). NO 4093/2012. The amount of compensation per meeting of the other members shall be determined in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down in Article 21 of the Law. 4024/2011 (1 226). (f) No member of the Council may be appointed;

He has an inability to appoint a civil servant, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 8 of the Code of Conduct for Public Administrations and Officials of the Civil Service. The property of a member of the Council shall be deduced from the provisions of the provisions of Article 149 of the same Code under Article 149 of the same Code. Discipline responsibility for Council members in their capacity is regulated by the Agency's Statute. (g) Members of the Council may take

And specific competences assigned to them by a Council decision following a recommendation by the President of the Authority.

(a) The President of the Authority shall have the general responsibility for the achievement of the objectives and mission of the Authority and shall exercise, in particular, the following responsibilities: (aa) The Authority shall represent the Authority in court and out of court. (ab) It shall be convened by the Council and chaired by the Council.

His lances. (ac) The agenda shall be inserted after the agenda:

(a) It shall follow the course of implementation of the decisions;

Council and the overall work of the Council. (e) Appoint the Director and other staff of

(b) If the President is absent, missing or prevented, a -

It shall be taken by the Vice-President. In the case of miss-relief the replacement lasts until the definition of a new President.

(b) The Director of the Authority shall be appointed by decision of the Director of the Authority for the administrative and scientific operation of the Authority.

The President of the Authority after a public proclamation of the position and assessment of candidates from a committee appointed by the Council to the Council between its members, after having been given the President for a three-year period. Candidates for the position of the Director may only be active educators of public or private primary and secondary education who hold a doctorate in the field of doctorate and are subject to documented knowledge and experience. Issues of governance of the primary or secondary education. (c) The Director shall be responsible for the well-being of the Director of the Authority, as well as the procedure and selection criteria set out in the Authority.

(i) the operation of the administrative and scientific support services of the Authority and, in particular, carries out the following responsibilities:

Administrative department and their units. (cc) Rapporteurs the President of the Council;

The Council and the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the European Union

Meetings with no voting right. (cc) He is responsible for the implementation of the decisions;

(c) He is administratively and disciplinarian in the form of guidance and any other acts of the Authority.

Of the special scientific and administrative staff. (a) It may alter the right of signature and

To authorise members of the staff of the Authority to sign documents or other acts'by order of the Director'. (f) He shall be responsible for the expenditure of the Authority and shall represent the Authority in court and shall not be required to do so.

Case of the President's suspension or absence. Additional and more specific responsibilities may be

(d) The address of the administrative and scientific sub-agent;

(b) In the case of the following sections, the following points shall be added: (b) Economic and administrative support (e) The most specific responsibilities of the departments, the

In the case of offices, the precise name of the address, sections and offices, as well as the categories, sectors and specializations of their products are defined in the Authority's Statute.

7. The official needs of the Authority shall be covered by a detachment. In order to meet the needs of a staff member or a working relationship with private-law work of indefinite duration, including education and training of primary or secondary education, as long as it is intended to meet needs, Special scientific staff shall be applied in accordance with the procedures laid down in the provisions of the articles of (d) 291/1998 (1 210) without prejudice to the provisions laid down herein and in which those provisions refer to the Ombudsman's Advocate General. The institution shall be the President. The President of the Authority, who shall be pictured by the Director, shall be responsible for the posts. The evaluation of the staff to be seconded shall be assigned to a tripartite committee appointed by the Chairperson of the Authority and composed of the President and two members of the Council of the Authority. The Committee shall recommend to the Council of the Authority the most appropriate staff to be seconded. The secondment shall be made by a decision of the Minister concerned, on a proposal from the President of the Authority, without having regard to the opinion of the official chambers concerned by way of derogation from any general or specific provision. For the purpose of the proposal of the President, the assent of the Council of the Authority, which forms part of a reasoned opinion of the Committee for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products, is required. The secondment lasts three years, may be extended or prolonged for an equal period of time and is mandatory for the service of the staff member. The President of the Authority may, following an opinion of the Council and an assessment of officials, decide to extend their secondment by means of a relevant accreditation. For the rest, the staff seconded by Article 25 of the Law shall apply. 4024/2011.

8. The appropriations for the operation of the Authority;


The Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs is under the same body as the Ministry of Education and Religion. The budget is headed by the Minister for Economic Affairs, the President of the Authority.

9. The Authority drafts and submits to the Minister of Education and Religion annual reports and reports.

10. (a) Presidential decree, adopted by the Council of Ministers for Administrative Reform and the Governance, Economic and Education and Religious Affairs, ratified by the Agency of the Authority, drawn up by itself in six (6) months after the establishment of the Council, and sets out the issues of the internal organisation and operation of the Authority, the Staff Regulations of the members and its staff, the issues of administrative support for the EDPS, and each of them. A matter relating to the application of the provisions of this Article. (b) Not later than Two (2) months from the public

This law is hereby appointed by the President of the EU. Within three (3) months at the latest, the President-in-Office shall complete the procedures for the appointment of the members of the Council of the Authority and of the Director of the Administrative and Administration Directorate. At the time of the first application of the provisions of this Article, the selection of the Director of the Council of the Authority shall be determined by the public prior to the adoption of the procedure, including an interview stage of the candidates, the criteria on which the Director-General's qualifications and qualifications. The selection shall be made in accordance with the criteria laid down in the contract notice and the principles of financial transparency, transparency, antidiscrimination and non-discrimination shall be respected. (c) In the first application of the provisions of the Statute, the President of the Authority shall be appointed by the President of the Authority.

Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European Communities, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the

These arrangements are regulated by a decision of the Council of the Authority published in the Official Journal of the Government.



Article 17 formal education bodies

1. In the context of non-formal education, i.e. education provided in an organised educational context outside the formal education system and can lead to the acquisition of certificates of recognition at national level, (a) the School of Vocational Training (SIC) or the Department of Vocational Training (SIC);

(b) the Institute for Vocational Training (IEK), which provides initial vocational training to the graduates of compulsory formal education;

Which provides initial vocational training to graduates of the formal compulsory secondary education, GEL, and NEPs, as well as the S.E.C.,

(c) the Centre for Lifelong Learning which provides advanced vocational training, general adult education, vocational guidance and counselling and (d) the College, which provides non-formal education;

In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of the First Article. 4093/2012, graduates of formal compulsory secondary education.

2. The above entities may be public or private. Private institutions of formal education shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of the First Article. 4093/2012 (222). The performance of the institutions, public and private and the non-compliance with the training framework of the educational framework in the General Secretariat of Lifelong Learning by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, while the certification of their "input" into the EU PAPS. And to the services of the Ministry of Education and Religion and their 'outflows' in the EU.

3. The Regulation of the above entities, public and private, is established by the General Secretariat of Lifelong Learning by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, ratified by a decision of the Ministry of Education and Religion. (a) matters relating to the organization of the market;

In addition, in the case of students, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers, teachers and teachers, (b) the competent bodies, procedures and criteria for their application;

For quality assurance in Lifelong Learning, c) the transparency of all administrative and teaching

Procedures and decisions, followed, (d) self-evaluation procedures, re-evaluation;

(i) the structure and evaluation of students, as well as the evaluation process; and the external evaluation, e) the duties and responsibilities of the trainers;

(f) the tasks of private bodies, as well as the evaluation process, (f) the staff and disciplinary matters;

(i) the staff of private bodies, the procedure for issuing the training qualifications of the private bodies, and any other details relating to the organisation and operation;

(i) the administrative bodies, the other issues of a detailed nature;

Concern the organisation and operation of public bodies.

4. The public bodies of formal education of the Ministry of Education and Religion as a set of responsibilities, positions, personnel and logistical services constitute regional services, which denote the decentralized services of the General Secretariat. Secretariat of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, they may be founded, transformed, merged and abolished. For their stay, use of school units of Secondary Education units or other buildings, which fulfil the relevant conditions.


5. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, the public bodies of formal education of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs provide expertise, organise courses, in accordance with national and regional needs of the national economy, The proposals of the Regional Committees for Vocational Education and Training, the G.S.E.U. And the G.S.E.B.E.C., of the Chambers of Commerce and of the Scientific Associations and the proposals of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare and OAED, Ministry of Development and Competitiveness, Ministries Health, Rural Development and Tur-fi, Tourism, Culture and Sports and Maritime and Aegean.

6. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Education and Religious Affairs and of the relevant competent Minister, they may be set up, converted, merged and abolished public bodies of education by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Rural Development and Food, the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Ministry of Shipping and the Aegean, or by legal persons of public law (NPD), in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 1 of the Law NO 4093/2012. The competence of the organisation and functioning of those bodies shall be owned by the Ministry or the legal person governed by public law and the competence to comply with and supervision of their training framework belongs to the General Secretariat of the Council. Learning from the Ministry of Education and Religion.

7. Public and private providers of non-formal education may provide training programmes for distance learning. The competence of the Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the Court of Justice of the European Union for the use of new technologies and the promotion of digital content in the Lifelong Learning Programme, including the development of adequate educational materials Approved programmes-subject to studies and the approval of training materials for the training of authorised programmes of study or part of these modules, by their three, public or private bodies or private bodies. Distance training programmes with respect to the total of a speciality in their graduates is entitled to the Certificate of Professional Training and the right to participate in the procedures for the certification of the IFRIC. Under the decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, each necessary detail is required for the implementation and operation of the provision of distance training courses.

8. For the students of the public institutions the outcome of the health certificates and the medical instruments required for the course of work at workplaces, provided that pupils are not directly or indirectly insured, are made free of charge by public hospitals; or In this case, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Union The Symposium covers the costs of medical and medical care of the pupils, which have been incurred during the exercise of the School of Vocational Training, or in the SAE of the NEPs or in the Laboratory Centres or the I.E.C. Gymnasium and General Lyceum workshops

Or in the working premises, where such expenditure is not covered by direct or indirect insurance. The Courses or the Practical Exercise both in private and public bodies may be financed by national and/or Community funds, in accordance with the provisions in force at any time.

9. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Education and Religion and Health, arrangements shall be made to cover expenditure, as well as the conditions and matters relating to the application of the provisions of this Article. The same decision regulates the participation of the Dome on the contributions and losses of pupils and employers during the course of the course of the course.

Article 18 Professional programmes and

Education programmes

1. In order to comply with the curricula of each qualification, account shall be taken of the relevant professional qualifications attested by the National Agency for the Accreditation of Qualifications and Apartagonal Orientation (IFRIC). The provisions of Article 3 of the Law. 3369/2005 (A171), as amended by Article 30 of the Law 3879/2010 ('163) and para. Point 5 of Article 19 of n. 4115/2013 (A-24), if applicable, or on the basis of qualified professional qualifications. They shall be assessed and re-examined and, if necessary, shall be renewed every six years at least.

2. The curricula of the initial training are reflected in the respective professional qualification groups, the field or the course of study guides. The course of study of each speciality clearly includes professional profiles, learning events, which are analysed in knowledge, skills and/or skills, as well as speciality, credit ratings, qualifications and classification. The Committee of the Regions believes that, in the context of the European Union, the European Union and its Member States, the European Union, the European Union and the Member States, the European Union, the European Union, the European Union, the European Union, the European Union, the European Union, the European Union, the European Union, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States, the United States and the United States. The pre-curricula by specialisation of initial vocational training are being developed and supervised as to their implementation by the Secretary-General. The certification of curricula is carried out by the National University of Athens.

3. The courses of study of initial vocational training can link learning outcomes with Credit Units, in implementation of the National Qualifications Framework and the European Credit System for Vocational Training and Education and Training; ECVET described in the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 (OJ C 155/02 of 8.7.2009), the performance of which allows both the comparability of qualifications and the equality of qualifications. As well as mobility between different educational systems and the different countries Of the European Union.


Article 19 School of Professional Training (SSC)


1. The aim of the School of Vocational Training is to provide the services of initial vocational training, lasting three years, to graduates of compulsory formal education. Students over twenty (20) years of age are registered in Espernian S.E.C.

2. Attendance at public vocational training schools is provided free of charge.

3. It may be established Schools of Professional Training Evening, public and private, as well as Experimental and Special Education, which are exclusively public. In the decision to establish them, each necessary detail for the operation of the above-mentioned SEK .. The Evening School of Professional Training may be public or private. The decision to establish them shall also specify any details necessary for the functioning of the abovementioned Schools. The duration of the study is four years, in total not less than 1,618 teaching hours of speciality, e-ppe in four (4) teaching years, and they attend either workers or other classes of learners. Students of the Esperins S.E.C. who are listed in the Student Class shall be entitled to the Certificate of Professional Training without the obligation to apply to the Courses Class for their attendance in the qualification procedures, if they have Shall pay at least 600 days in the professional capacity of the SIC, graduating from the Second Class.

4. For the licensing of the private S.E.C., the provisions of paragraph (D) apply. 4093/2012 on the authorisation of Private I.E.C.

Article 20 Orientation groups and SIC specialties.

1. The Origins of Orientation with the respective Liabilities of the School of Vocational Education-are the following: a) Agro-Technology of Orientation, Technology

Food and Nutrition: 1. Animal Production Technique. 2. Plant Production Technique 3. Fish and cultivation techniques. 4. Technitis of Flight. 5. Member of the Commission of the European Communities. 6. Artistic Artides. 7. Artistic Artistic Artificial Humans and Kata -

' vessels. 8. Artificial Anthrax-Handicraft. 9. Beekeeper technician. 10. Technicolor Dairy-Tyroko. 11. Technician Engineer Engineer. (b) Factor of Technological Studies: 1. Construction of Construction Industry (Buildings-building)


2. Technical Colonial Techniques. 3. Lithoxovirus-Marker and Stone engraver.

4. Mining Techniques-Glass and Buttons.

5. Mosaic-Flood Technitis. 6. Maintenance technician. 7. Coptic Technician-Radical. 8. Artides of clothing and garment. 9. Artides of Infrastructure. 10. Artides Electrical Automobile Movement. 11. Artificial Factor and Diving Vehicle. 12. Shipbuilding. 13. Electronic device technician. 14. Motorcycle Mechanics Engineer

And sea machinery. 15. Technique Mechanical Engineering Works (Gera -

In the case of non-steroidal antioxidants. 16. Machine tools, milling machines, torna -

The Commission 17. Technician of Electrical Facilities. 18. Hydraulic and Thurber-hydraulic Eagles -

Of films. 19. Artificial Dome and Matching Airline Components -

Fans! 20. CNC machine tools. (c) The Group of Orientals for Applicable Arts

2. Technitis of Argyrochsmith, 2. Technitis of the silversmith. 3. Arts and Literature Artides. 4. Woodworking and Furnishing Technique. 5. Photography Workshop technician. 6. Artistic Camera-Vascular art. 7. Artides Artistic of Images and Spellings. 8. Computer technician. 9. Woodworking technician. 10. Ministry of Hyalurgy-Divigraphy-Yalogram

(a stained glass) 11. Artificial Grass Manufacturing Engineer -

United States 12. Artistic of Graphic Arts. 13. Manufacturer of Interactive Applications. 14. Character technician. 15. Musical Instruments Maintenance Technician. 16. Art Maintenance Technician and Booklet

(d) The Oriental Sector of Tourist Professionals;

Business and Enterprise Hospitality: 1. Technists of Tourism units and Business

Hospitality (Reception service-Eixample Dret Service).

2. Posts and Wine Artides (Baristas). 3. Department of Focus-Food (Servitiros). 4. Pastry and Bakery Technique. 5. Cooking Art Technique. (e) Informative and Epiphospels: 1. Artistic Art and Makeup Technique. 2. Artistic Art. 3. Technician Aesthetics of Podology-Toiletries

Of viruses and nightwear. 4. Computer operator and telephone switchboard,

Providing information and customer service for blind people and individuals with vision problems.


Article 21 SEK Studies Programme.

1. The 1st, B, and the Student Class are in operation. In the first class they are written without examination, the building of Cagnassia or another title, in the second class, is written by the first class and the Student Class is written by the first class member from the 2nd grade of the S.E.C.

2. In the 1st and 2nd classes of SSR, a total of thirty (30) hours of work is applied. In particular, a training programme of four (4) hours per week is applicable, with two (2) courses of Education, Greek Language and Mathematics, which is common to all pupils and an education programme of twenty-six (26) hours per week, Which is composed of specialty courses. Specificity stocks consist of approximately 50 % of theorifice and 50 % laboratory.

3. In the "Class of Apprenticeship", a programme of the laboratory study "Amplification Bachelor of Education" 7 (7) as a whole, applied to two (2) days a week. In the S.E.C. of the Ministry of Education and Teaching, the programme is taught in the schools of the S.E.C. and the school units of the O.A., by the educational staff of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and the OADD. For one school year, i.e. from 1 September to 30 August each year. In the 'Course of Apprenticeship', a 'Programme' of

In the workplace-Apprenticeship in a working area of twenty-eight (28) hours per week, in a five (5) days for a school year. The ' Training programme in the workplace;

A course of work " is governed by a contract concluded between the OAU and the employer (natural or legal person, private or public), with additional incentives to recruit the Student at the end of the period. The laboratory has been performed in Laboratory Laboratories or the relevant Laboratory or School Laboratories of the Ministry of Education and Religion. At the same time, from 1 September to 15 September,

However, in order to ensure that the Member States comply with the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 1765/2007, the Council of Ministers, acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 93 (2) of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, shall, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 93 (2) of the EC Treaty, be consulted on the basis of the opinion of the Court of Justice. The most appropriate preparation for their participation in the procedures for certification of qualifications, the acquisition of Qualifications, the Internal Market, which are carried out annually in the last quarter of each year. By common decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, Social Security and Welfare, each necessary detail is required for the implementation of the Preparatory Certification Programme.

4. The courses per Specialty Orientation group in the 1st and 2nd classes of S.E.C., as well as their teaching hours are determined by decision of the Minister of Education and Religion.

5. A decision by the Minister of Education and Religion shall determine each necessary detail for the establishment and operation of the Class of Apprenticeship.

Article 22 Evaluation, Promotion and Dismissal of Students

1. The evaluation in the courses and the three classes focuses on the essential understanding of the central issues and fundamental concepts, as well as the acquisition of higher cognitive abilities and skills, such as critical and synthetic thinking, Evaluation, e-piloting, problem resolution and originality.

2. The assessment shall be based in particular: (a) in the determination of the examiner's assessment;

Subject to thematic units, (b) the ability to communicate essential knowledge,

(c) to understand basic concepts or, depending on whether or not they are derived from the broader sections of the curriculum,

The subject matter, events, procedures or processes of each known field and (d) the possibility of critical assessment and recovery;

The Committee of the Rules of the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on Legal Affairs and

3. The written promotion examinations in the 1st of the School of Vocational Training are carried out within the school and include all teaching courses, general education and speciality with common themes for all sections of the same school, Which are defined by the teacher or teachers. The writings are corrected by the teacher concerned. The general degree of the First Class and the 2nd Class

It arises from the average of the oral and/or lines, if this is dealt with in writing, the student's performance at any of the points. A prerequisite for the promotion of the

The achievement of a general degree equal to or greater than ten (10). In the case of the first class of the SEA class,

The Court of First Instanceof the Court of First Instanceto the Court of First Instanceof the Court of First Instanceof the Court of First Instanceof the Court of First Instanceof the Court of First Instanceof the Court of First Instanceof the Court of First Instanceof the Court of First Instanceof the Court After the successful completion of the Class of Education, Level 3 vocational training certificate is granted. Necessary condition for the dismissal of the student

Registered in the Student Order is the successful examination of certification examinations. The successful candidate is awarded the Qualification Bachelor.

4. Graduates of the S.E.C. do not have a right of access to the Tritovath Education.


Concept and Establishment

1. The aim of the Institute for Vocational Training is to provide initial vocational training services to graduates of secondary school education and graduates.

2. Training in the Public Institutes of Vocational Training is provided free of charge.

3. Can be established I.E.K. Experimental trials deviate from public and special public and private. In the decision to establish them, each necessary detail is required for the operation of the above.


4. Students of the I.E.K. who have completed at least 150 days in their residency are exempted, if they wish to do so, by means of a statement of Article 8 of the Law. 1599/1996, from the obligation to study the College of Practice and to provide them with the Certificate of Professional Training with the completion of the four memorials of the theoretical and laboratory training.

5. Students of I.E.C. may, in addition to its duration, under the responsibility of the private I.E.C. attending, perform on natural persons subject to the conditions and conditions of the students of the S.E.C. students. NPD. Or NPD. The period of traineeship must be continuous or non-consecutive without more than one (1) calendar year.

6. Supervision, coordination, assurance of the quality and evaluation of the practical exercise shall be carried out under the responsibility of the Director of the I.E.C. or other person designated by him as the Coordinator of Practical Training, whose Is the monitoring of the presence of the bluetongue virus, the safety of the quality of the working environment of the person concerned, the on-the-spot check in the undertaking and the maintenance of an individual traineeship dossier with the monthly reports. Progress.

7. Attendance at I.E.K. is a total of five (5) in a total of four (4) theoretical and laboratory training of a total duration of up to 1,200 teaching hours, according to the approved curricula and in one Of a total duration of 1,050 hours of Practical Training or Apprenticeship. Attendance may be initiated during the spring or spring semester at a secondary level of compulsory formal education and/or higher grades. The fifth-month traineeships may take place during the second, third and fourth years of the semester. The maximum number of numbers per year is determined in thirty (30) trainees, in laboratory or theoretical or mixed courses.

8. Licensees for the establishment and operation of a Private Institute of Professional Training (I.Q.), in accordance with the provisions of the subparagraph THA of the first v. 4093/2012 (A ' 222), such vehicles are licensed without an additional condition and for the establishment and operation of a School of Professional Training (SIC).

9. The decision of the Minister of Education and Religion is regulated on a number of subjects and every detail of this Article.

Article 24 Group of Origins, Section

And I.E.C. Specialties.

1. The Orient groups with their respective sectors and with the respective Qualifications of the Institute of Vocational Training are as follows: (a) The Technological Institute of Technology.

Cat: The Informatics Board 1. Network and Telecommunications Techniques

2. Computer technology 3. Computer technician 4. Information Technology Techniques (Multimedia)

Web designer-Developer/Video games The Group of Chemical Supplies 1. Technical Chemical Laboratories and Quality Control

Material. 2. Techniques for medicines, cosmetics and cosmetics

-Product - The Clothing and Footwear 1. Technical and Submission Technology -

Fashion Designer. Project number 1. Designers of Public Works and Geoinformatics The Engineering Department. 1. Technical Engineer of Thread Facilities, and

Petroleum and Natural Gas Technology Engineer 2. Air-cooling and climate cooling plant

The needle should be used. Mechanical Engineering 4. Renewable Sources of Renewable Sources

The work of the Electrical, Electronic and Indy -

Table 1. Technique Techniques 2. Techniques (b) Factor of Management and Families -

The Committee of Administration and Economy 1. Head of Administration and Finance 2. Administration and Finance Executive in his area

Athletic 3. Head of Administration and Economy in its field

Maritime transport 4. Head of Administration and Finance in his area

Tourism 5. Head of Administration and Finance in his area

Political group 6. Head of Administration and Economy in its field

Health 7. Head of Administration and Finance in the field of

Transport 8. E-porter, Apparture and Promotion Executive

Product (Marketing) 9. Department of Supply Chain Services

[Logistics] 10. Executive Director of Infections-Fo -

Office for Official Journal 11. Stress of Statistics and Surveys 12. -Property management executive 13. Financial and Insurance Executive Officer

Work 14. Cost Executive Officer 15. (c) Agronomics of agriculture, technology, technology, technology, science and technology

Food and Nutrition: Geology 1. Head of Administration and Economy in its field

Rural Economic Area. 2. Rural technician 3. Technical Technology Techniques and installers;

The Committee of the Environment, the Committee of the Environment, and the Committee of the Environment, Nutrition and Dietology Executive.


Food and beverage sector 1. Technology and Food Control Executive and

(d) The Faculty of Orientation of Applied Arts

And Artistic Studies: The Organization of Artistic Studies and Applied Studies

Arts 1. Art photography 2. Painting Art 3. Metalworking 4. Character art 5. Art mural 6. Carnal art 7. Mosaic art 8. Internal architecture interruptions and design

To be used in patients 9. Music technology 10. Twenty-one. Hiliary 12. Electronic image syncade operator

(monter) 13. Literary translation there and correction,

Expense there 14. Creative writing 15. Art of sketch-pictography-Graphics 16. Linked Image Technique-Electronic Company -

Of the text of the Bible 17. Acting Art Theater-Cinema Artist 18. Writing Art 19. Art Direction 20. Art of scenography-elevenology 21. Applied dance arts 22. Music, song 23. Editorial and Electronic Media. 24. Conservators of Art and Antiquities. E) The Communication and Media Team

The Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union. Radio producer 4. Organisational production coordinator 5. Television producer. (f) The Tourist Professionals Group

Business and Business in Hospitality: 1. Technical Tourist Units and Business

Hospitality (Reception Service-Eixample Dret Office)

2. Technician Bakery-Pastry 3. Cooking Technician (chef) (g) Head of Health and Social Welfare Unit:

1. Physiotherapy Assistant 2. Assistant Pharmacy 3. Assistant Nursing Unit 4. Assistant Labor 5. Assistant Radiology and Radiology 6. Assistant Medical Lab 7. Assistant Dental Technology 8. Optical and Optical Counter 9. Assistant to the Infant

10. Assistant Nursing General Hospital 11. Assistant Nursing Department 12. Assistant Nursing Surgery 13. Assistant Nursing Oncological Passion

14. Assistant Nursing Intensive Care Unit

15. Assistant Nursing Ato with Diseases 16. Passenger-Full Ambulance. (h) Informative and Epiphospels: 1. Aesthetics Technique and Makeup 2. Technician art 3. Technical Aesthetics of Podology-Toiletries

Nails and Nightgun 4. Head of Security Personnel and Subsection 5. Driver's Instructor for Car Drivers and

-6. Flight number 7. Transport Services Officer 8. Treatment of Thalassotherapy/Lurotherapy -

Spa 9. Coach Innocent.



Article 25 Vocational education and training qualifications

And professional rights

1. The following instruments of vocational education and training are hereby established: General Lyceum grade 3, which dance -

(ii) to be given to the graduates of the General Lyceum (LL), b. Level 3 professional qualification successfully,

(i) awarded to graduates of the first class of vocational schools (PPS), c. Level 3 professional qualification successfully,

(i) awarded to graduates of the School of Vocational Training (SIC); Level 4 professional qualification successfully,

Awarded to the graduating class of classes, e. Qualified professional qualification level 4,

(i) awarded to graduates of I.E.K.2. For the definition of professional rights;

The provisions of Law 187/1973 (1 261) apply to the holders of vocational education and training qualifications of vocational training and training of level 3, the Specialty of Masters and Engineering of the Navy.

3. Joint decisions by the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs and the case-law of the Ministry of Education, a national list of recognized vocational qualifications is drawn up and the levels of vocational training laid down for each Family name.

4. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, following a recommendation by the Board of Governors, the conditions and conditions governing the certification of vocational training for senior citizens are regulated. Type of vocational schools (lower technical schools, intermediate schools, etc.). The same decision sets out the conditions and the procedure for vocational training of professional qualifications which do not have a recognised professional title and the certification of vocational training certification. Vocational education and training qualifications of this Article. The training and training qualifications of this article.


5. The graduates of the bodies referred to in Article 17 (1), other than the College, shall receive an attestation of Professional Training and may, if they wish to do so and if they fulfil the relevant qualifications by residency, participate in six-year-old. (i) certification, which shall be carried out annually in the last quarter of each year by the National Agency for the Certification of Qualifications and Professional Professionals (IFRSs). The EDPER, as well as in cooperation with the Professionals or the Epidemiological Associations, is the body which applies the qualification certification procedures for the award of a Qualification Diploma. Where appropriate, the organisation and carrying out of confirmations shall be carried out and Ministries which grant a licence for the exercise of a licence, for as long as there is such requirement. The successful candidates in the certification examinations, together with the prescribed degree of qualification, acquire the official authorisation to exercise an enrolment, provided for by the legislation in question for the specific level of qualification. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Education and Religious Affairs and Economic Affairs, published following a recommendation by the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Committee of the Regions of the European Communities, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee. It is published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, sets out the system for the certification of vocational training of all the qualifications of graduates of Vocational Training Schools (S.E.C.) and Institutes of Vocational Training (I.E.K.), In the case of non-compliance with the conditions, conditions and supporting documents -the examination procedure, the examination procedure, the organisational structure, the type of securities and certificates, and the amount and arrangements for the payment of the certification tests. The same decision is recommended in the FDA. Central Committee of Inquiry into Professional Training (K.E.E.P.S.), with the participation of members of the European Parliament, executives of the European Parliament or of executives, experts and experts from its public or private sector The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Food Policy, Public Health and Food And relate to the certification of the initial vocational training of graduates SEK and I.E.K., are recommended instrumentals and committees for the purpose of assisting the E.P.A. in carrying out the examinations, the setting up and the definition made by decision of the Board of Directors following a recommendation of the Board of Directors. The Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance Certification of the professional training of SIC graduates and I.E.K. .. By decision of the Minister of Education and Teaching, which is not published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, the establishment of the CIC will be established.

6. The professional rights of graduates of the institutions of formal education shall be determined by pro-active provisions adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in the last subparagraph of paragraph 1. Point 9 of Article 4 of n. 3879/2010.

7. With the decisions of the Minister of Education and Teaching, published in the Official Journal of the European Union, the specific, technical or detailed questions of application of this article are regulated.



Article 26 Regional Services of the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning by the Ministry of Education and

Religion-Lifelong Learning Directorate (DΔBM)

1. In each regional unit provided for in Article 3 of the Law. 3852/2010 (1 87), it is recommended that the Directorate for Lifelong Learning (DIPO) is responsible for this regional unit and based on the seat of the regional unit concerned. The DIPs constitute regional services, which are decentralised agencies of the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. Regional services of each TEN-T, which are

Its decentralized services are the Vocational Training Schools (CVT), the Vocational Training Institutes (IEK), the Second Equal Opportunities (SPS) and the Lifelong Learning Centres (KIM) located within the area of competence Of the enlargement.

2. Specially, in the numbers of Attica and Thessaloniki, the following DIPs are recommended: a) In Attica: For the purposes of this Regulation, the following shall be added:

The region of the Municipality of Athens and of the Municipalities of Philia-Chalkida and Galaclio, Zografou, and-Sararani, Byron, Ilioupoli and Daphne-Y, Penteli, Kifissia, Heraklion, Metamorphosis, Pet-kis-Lycophasia, Psychico - Filotheis, Holargos-Papagou, Nea Ionia, Vriety, Agia Paraskevi and Halandri, bb) B DΔBM: where the territory is situated in the territory of the Community;

The region of the Municipalities of Glyfada, Greek, Ali-a, Palaios Faliro and Argyroupolis, Agios Dimitrios, New Smyrni, Kallithea and Moschou-Tau, Peristeri, Egaleo, Haidari and Agia Varvas-Era, Petersburg, Ilion and Agioi Anargyroi - Half-ed, cc) For the purposes of this Regulation, the following shall be added:

Region of the municipalities of Piraeus, Troisinias, Kythira, Agistri, Spetses, Hydra, Poros and Aegina, Korydallos, Nice-Agios Ioannis Rentis, Keratsini-Drapetsona, Perama and Salamina, ss) DΔBM: where the territory is situated in the territory of the Community;

The region of all the municipalities of the former Law of Attica, and


I) In the territory of the Municipalities of Oropos, Marathnos, Dionysos and Acharnes, Rafina-Peker, Pallini, Palli, Pyrni, Spata, Spata-Arte, Lavrion, Saronic, Kipia, Markopoulo, Markopoulo, Mediterranean, Varis-Voulas - Voulianamen. (b) In Thessaloniki: 1 ΔBM of Thessaloniki: with a place of residence;

In the territorial circumference of the same Dor and of the Baths, Thur, Thermal, Therma and Pilea-Hur-tiate and bb) BID of Thessaloniki: with a place of residence;

In the territorial circumference of the Municipality of Correti-e-ou, Neapolis-Sykes and Garden-LAGs, Delta, Lagada, Volvis, Oreokastro, Chalkida, and Pavlos Melas.

3. Each IPO is headed by a Director, appointed and terminated by a decision of the General Secretariat of the Lifelong Learning. The Director is a deodorant, a teacher of public secondary education with a degree in tertiary education, or an equal degree of study of the foreign or foreign language, decapitation, at least, educational service and education. (i) administrative and scientific qualifications in non-formal education. The term of office of the Director shall be four years.

4. The selection of DBM heads shall be issued by the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning, published in the original press and specifying the positions to be paid, the supporting documents submitted by the parties. Candidates with their applications and the deadline for submission of tenders. For the evaluation of candidates for the post of Director DIM consistent with the experience and activities of the management of education, non-formal education, training and adult education, postgraduate studies, compliance, knowledge Foreign languages, the organisation and participation in scientific and educational seminars or other scientific activities and events, the ability to implement programmes and innovations, the knowledge and the ability to address teachers The Committee of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European Efficiency in the educational and administrative work, the ability to take initiatives and decision-making, the organisation of teachers, social and cultural events, and the overall comparison and personality of the candidates. The selection procedure and selection criteria are determined by decision of the Minister of Education and Religion.

5. Director of ICBM, missing or missing, shall be fully replenished in his duties by the head of the administrative and financial matters. The Director of DARM, who, for any reason, shall withdraw from public education, automatically deducts from his position. The replenishment of the ICBM which is missing takes up until a new one.

6. The Director of DIPM shall, in particular, carry out the following responsibilities:

The General Secretariat of Lifelong Learning at the level of the place and his area of competence and (b) exercise in its place of competence

Administration, control and supervision:

(aa) of the Vocational Training Institutes (IEK), Vocational Training Schools (CVT), Second Chance Schools (SPS) and the Lifelong Learning Centres (CSBM) and (bb) of vocational training officers; and

(c) responsible for the financial management of the Board of Education and Religious Affairs of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Department of Education and Religion; Is responsible for the respect of the laws, regulations and

On the basis of the conclusions of the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice, the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Union

To inform the General Secretariat of Lifelong Learning, whether or not electronically, and cooperates with the Central and the Responsible Regional Directorates of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs on the regulation of each operational issue The Court of Justice of the European Union and the Court of Justice of the European Union. Or he says --

The initial power of the preceding subparagraph shall be exercised, in respect of teachers in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 47/2006 (A-48), for administrative purposes, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Code of Conduct for Public Administration. Employee and Employee NEPD, which was ratified by its first v. Regulation (EEC) No 3528/2007 (1).

7. Each dBM shall be structured in the following services: (a) administrative and financial matters;

Of six (6) to fourteen (14) deodorant or moderated administrative staff of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs or the supervised bodies or teachers of the secondary education, depending on the The number of regional services covered by the DBM concerned and is further structured in the offices of: (aa) administrative affairs, with competence in issue;

The administrative nature, such as the maintenance of a protocol and the movement of documents, the drawing up and the promotion of draft administrative acts, the monitoring of the staff situation and the management of the logistical infrastructure (i) the collection and processing of statistical data relating to the operation of the DPRM and the services of entities subject to it and (b) economic affairs, with a view to

The economic nature, such as the remuneration of the staff and the concentration of supporting documents for payment of public expenditure, the preparation and processing of the necessary data for the preparation of the budget; and (b) Legal support, with the responsibility of the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the European Parliament.

(i) support for the implementation and exercise of responsibilities of the IPM and of all the regional services covered by it, staffed by three (3) to seven (7) departmental or supervised administrative staff; The Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs or the supervised entities or teachers of primary or secondary education, according to the number of regional services covered by the DWM concerned.


8. In the Section for administrative and financial matters, there is an administrative staff of the Industry or the IP of the Administrative-Economic or Training category of the IP. In the Office of Administrative Affairs and the Office of Economic Affairs, there are two civil servants in the IP of the Administrative or Economic and Financial and the IP of the Economic and Social Committee of the Economic and Social Committee of the Economic and Social Committee. The heads of the Section for administrative and financial affairs and of its offices shall be selected and managed in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct for Public Administration and Civil Service. The Department of Legal Assistance is headed, administratively, deodorised in the Department of Graduates of Legal and Political Sciences, a diploma in law, with a decision of the Director DWM.

9. The Head of the Department of Administration and Household Affairs and the Head of the Legal Service which are missing, are absent or missing, are fully in their duties, in accordance with the provisions of Article 87. Public Prosecutor's Code of Civil Service and Civil Servants. Replacement of missing products lasts until the placement of new ones.

10. The vacant organisational positions in the DIPs, on 23 July 2013, are three hundred and twenty-five (325) and are covered by administrative departments of the regional departments of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs or of the departments of In accordance with the procedure for the approval of the PSP Committee, the Committee of Education and Religious Affairs and the teachers of secondary education with an act of transition, issued by the Minister for Education and Religious Affairs, as the case may be. The above are in the positions of a related or non-division of the same category, with the degree and the M.K. holding, with the simultaneous removal of the positions from which they are derived. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, the above staff shall be classified by DIPs in charges, branches and specialties.

11. For the purposes of office and service, a change from the performance of the tasks and the posts and positions after the expiry of the mandate of the DIM Managers and the heads of the DIPs, the provisions of Article 25 shall apply mutatis mutandis. And 27 of n. NO 3848/2010.

12. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs and in the case of the relevant Minister, any details of the application and specificity of the above paragraphs shall be adopted.

Article 27 Management and staff of Vocational Training Schools (CVT), Vocational Training Institutes (IEK), Second Chance Schools (SPS) and Lifelong Learning Centres (CSBMs)

(a) by the Director, (b) the Deputy Director and (c) the teacher's assembly; (b) the Director, (b) the Deputy Director and (c) the teacher's assembly. The Director and the Deputy Director shall be seconded.

Teachers of secondary education and

They shall have two (2) years. The selection of the Director and the Director of the TEC, IEK, SAB and KIM shall be made by the General Secretariat of Lifelong Learning. The procedure and selection criteria are determined by the Minister of Education and Religion. The Director shall be placed in CVT, IEK, SAB and CMS that attend more than one hundred and eighty (180) students. In CVT, IEK, SBS and KIM with more than four hundred (400) students shall be placed in a second vice-principal.

2. The time for the performance of the duties of the Director and the Deputy Director of the TEC, the IEK, the SAB and the KIM is also counted as a time for the exercise of teaching duties.

3. The Director shall be responsible for matters relating to the effective and effective functioning of the TEC, ICRC and the financial controller of the CVT, ICM, and the financial controller of the CVT, ICM and the financial controller. A teacher is defined as an educator of public secondary education with a tertiary education degree or equal to the degree of study of the foreign or foreign, at least eight years, and at least an educational service and official administrative and scientific evidence. In the case of non-formal education, it should be fully aware of the possibilities of development but also the working needs of its period, to have relevant expertise from participation in its pedagogical-productive activity. Of the site.

4. The Director of the TEC, the ICM, the SMP and the CSBM shall, in particular, exercise the following responsibilities:

(b) responsible for the respect of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States;

(c) it shall inform and be responsible for the timely and appropriate decision of the competent authorities of the Member States.

To inform the Directorate for Lifelong Learning and the General Secretariat of Lifelong Learning, including electronically, and cooperates with the Central and the responsible Regional Directorates of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs (d) it is responsible for the timely and reliable maintenance of each of its functions;

(i) the European Parliament, the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.

(f) entrusts to teachers of the CVT, IEK, the GFS, and other programmes for students with disabilities or special educational needs;

And CSBM specific responsibilities associated with the overall educational project, such as those relating to vocational guidance, the implementation of innovative educational programmes and actions, laboratory training And the Practical Exercise and Teaching of the students, the implementation of the introduction and teaching of new technologies and information, as well as the functioning of the TEC, IEK, SAB and KIM.

5. The Director shall be a disciplinary head of CVT, IEK, SAB and KIM. The disciplinary power referred to in the preceding subparagraph shall be exercised, in the case of teachers;


In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 47/2006 (1) (48), and for administrative officers in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Code of Conduct for Civil Engineers and Officials, which was ratified by Article 1 of the Law. Date of entry into force: 3528/2007 (A-26).

6. The Director shall grant the staff of the CVT, IEK, SAB and CSBMs of which the laws are in place. For the purposes of granting the above licences, the Director shall inform the DIM concerned of this matter.

7. The director of the S.E.C. and the I.E.C. does not perform any digestive duties.

8. The director of the S.E.C. and the I.E.C., when he says, is absent or obstructed, is replaced by the director. If the Director is absent or unable to attend, the Director shall be replaced by an instructor serving in the TEC, IEK, SAB and KIM, as defined by a decision of the Director. If, in the TEC, the ICRC, the SSR and the KIM have been placed in two Vice-Chairmen, the Director shall be replaced by the Director appointed by his decision and in the event that he is absent, absent or prevented from attending, by the second Vice-Director. If the second Vice-Director is absent or absent, the second Vice-Chairman, or if the second Vice-Director is not present, the Director, the Director, shall be replaced by a representative in the TEC, IEK, SAB and KIM, the Is defined by a decision. If no alternate is appointed for any reason, the Director shall be replenished by the oldest teacher of the TEC, IEK, SAB and KIM.

9. The Deputy Director of the TEC, the ICM, the SSS and the KIM shall assist the Director in the performance of his duties and shall make up for it. The Deputy Director must have knowledge and experience in the teaching methods of vocational training, in the training of trainers, to be able to monitor and pursue the educational process, but also to co-finance the training process. An evaluation process. In particular, the Director shall, in particular, exercise the following responsibilities: (a) to implement the administrative work;

(c) the number of students involved in the training of students and (c) any other responsibilities assigned to him by the Director;

Dis ... 10. To the TEC, IEK, SSR and KIM which have been placed;

Two sub-directors, the allocation of responsibilities among themselves shall be made by decision of the Director. The Sub-Director exercises instructive duties, which are opposed to two-thirds of the compulsory teaching hours of teaching, the same industry and time of service.

11. In each TEC, IEK, SAB and CSBM, the teachers, in which the teachers who serve in the unit with a working relationship are involved, are involved.

12. In the Association of Teachers, the Director of the TEC, IEK, SAB and KIM shall be chaired. The teachers' meeting shall meet, on a regular basis or in exceptional circumstances, at the invitation of its President. Regular meetings are required before the beginning of the teaching year and at the end of each semester or quarter. The assembly of teachers is convened by the

Where the President considers it necessary, or at least one third of the members of his or her written reply, to whom it shall specify the questions for which the request is sought. The provisions of Articles 13 to 15 of the Code of Conduct, which were ratified by Article 1 of the Code, are otherwise applicable. NO 2690/1999 (45).

13. The teacher's assembly shall exercise, in particular, the following responsibilities: (a) contribute to the formulation of guidelines for implementation;

(i) implementation of the education policy at the level of CVT, IEK, SAB and KIM, in their smooth operation, as well as in the pedagogical management of student losses, (b) ascertains and evaluates the training courses;

(c) decide on matters of course, performance and performance, and shall make use of the possibilities for cooperation between staff, training officers and local actors;

(d) propose to the Director of the TEC, the ICRC, and

KIM the type and form of education training and education and contribute to its implementation.

14. In the educational staff of the CVT, IEK, the SAB and the CCMI of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs may belong to: a) Teachers of second and first

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Public Health and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Food Policy and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food The above-mentioned sections of the same category, to the extent and the M.K. they hold, together with the positions from which they are obtained, in accordance with the procedure for the approval of the Commission of the HRS, as applicable. The vacant organizational positions of the staff of this category, on 23 July 2013, are nine hundred and twenty-five (925). By decision of the Minister of Education and Teaching, the above staff shall be classified by DDBM in categories, branches and specialisations. (b) Teachers of the second and first

(c) Adult-based adult education, for example, in the case of adult education, for example, in the case of long-term teaching, alternates, or hours; (c) Adult learners, subject to subject

(d) Members of the Special Education Staff for a certain time or contract.

(N.B.) and of the Special Auxiliary Staff, as provided for in Articles 17 and 18, instead of-stacked, of n. Regulation (EEC) No 3699/2008 (1 199) as applicable. Official Journal of the European Communities, series C, p.

And KIM may be detached, for one year, on the basis of the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning, which is issued following a recommendation by the competent Peripheral Director of Primary and Secondary Education, to school units of ESDP, In the course of the year, the Commission will be able to take the necessary steps to ensure that the Member States comply with the requirements laid down in the Directive.

15. (a) A Adult Instructor is defined as a professional, who possesses the typically and substantially pre-natory exercise for the exercise of his or her family, and the-child-certified educational proficiency,


General education and vocational training within the framework of the Lifelong Learning, as specified in the current accredited vocational training programme. (b) The adequacy and the constant renewal and updating;

(i) the training of trainers and the use of appropriate educational methods and tools, including technical education, are essential requirements for the provision of high-quality services; A training course. For this reason, the curricula include clear guidelines on the qualification of trainers per Th.E. and with the necessary educational tools, methodologies and tools. The issue of instructors of public CVT, IEK, SAB and KIM shall be proclaimed by the GSG or by another NRP or NIS D, whose decision the Minister of Education and Religion has delegated. The pre-preaches indicate: the duration of training, the specific tasks decided to operate, the DGs per speciality with reference to their type (theoretical-laboratory) and to the study programmes provided for in the programme. Teaching by Th.E., the beneficiaries of participation, the required rights, the selection criteria, the working relationship, the way and the maximum date for the submission of the applications of the trainers, the procedure for the submission and treatment of any (c) The right to submit an application is granted by all private individuals;

As well as any working relationship with regard to the public sector, which are formally qualified. The qualifications required by the pedagogics are described in the approved and specific curricula of the qualifications of the qualifications of initial vocational training. A requirement for the submission of an application is the registration of the qualified instructor in the Sub-register of Instructors, which is kept by the National Institute of Education. Under the decision of the Board of Directors, every single detail is determined for the maintenance of the Sub-Board of Trainers. The selection of trainers shall be made by a tripartite committee composed of the Director of the relevant DIM, the Director of the relevant CVT, IEK, SAB and KIM, and a member nominated by the Secretary of State for the selection of the trainers shall be associated with the selection of trainers.

In relation to the respective Th.E.: the work experience, the teaching experience, the expertise in the knowledge that they wish to teach, the participants with the subject of post-graduate degrees, performance, consistency and level (e) By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, cooperation in the case of previous cooperation with the IEK and social criteria.

However, it is important to note that, as a result of the adoption of the Directive, the Court of Justice of the European Communities brought an action before the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling on the interpretation of the provisions of the Treaty. (f) The relevant provisions of Adult Instructors

Can also be covered by co-funded NSRF programmes.

16. (a) In each TEC, IEK, SBS and CSBMs, for the support of this project, the Office of the Secretariat operates. This office covers all the matters relating to the maintenance of a protocol of correspondence between the Commission and the Member States.

(ii) the use of documents, the filing of documents, the archiving of documents and the reproduction of documents and the reproduction of printed materials. The posts of officials in the Office of the Secretariat shall be covered by administrative officers seconded by the relevant Regional Training Directorates of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs or with the provision of the relevant DIPs. The following positions may be covered and carried out by officials, of the Board of Directors of the Regional Services of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs or the services of its supervised entities, which are set up in practice. The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, adopted by the Minister for Education and Culture, in accordance with the procedure for the approval of the Commission of the European Communities, as amended. (b) In TEC, IEK, SAB and KIM which are attending up to 11, the following shall be placed in positions of relevant or non-divisions of the same class, with the degree and the

Eighty (180) students are staffed by two (2) persons. In CVT, IEK, SBS and KIM up to four hundred (400) students the Office of the Secretariat is staffed by three (3) persons. In CVT, IEK, SBS and CSBMs who attend more than four hundred (400) students, the Office of the Secretariat is staffed by four (4) persons.

17. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs and in the case of the relevant Minister, any details of the application and specificity of this Article shall be adopted.


Article 28 Special education issues

1. Paragraph (c) of paragraph 1 of Article 8 of n. 3699/2008, amend to read:

(c) the structures of secondary vocational training are the following: (a) The Special Professionals (SCA), the

At the end of the year, the Commission adopted a proposal for a Directive on the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security. This programme shall be applied to the completion of 9-year-old sub-debt education and the provision of vocational training. The EEGs belong to compulsory education and

It is true that in the case of special cases, they grant the second-class title of a Gymnasium and in the first class, a degree with Professional Rights of Level 2b. In the first half of the year, the practical exercise, with the

Support for school partnerships with a view to the skills of learners' skills and the acquisition of professional experience. When the student has completed his/her studies,

It is in the first class of the Special Vocational Lyceum and of the Vocational Lyceum (daily or Evening), following the recommendation of the KEDDY, to a specialty of the orientation group.


If the student wishes to attend a residency of a different Oriental group, while he has completed his/her studies in the Special Vocational School, he will be enrolled in the 1st class of the Special Vocational School or the General. (b) Special Professional Schools (LFS), in which the

Graduates of the Vocational Gymnasium and the Special and General Gymnasium and High School graduates. In this connection, this study consists of four classes in association with the Evening Vocational School. The LFS is awarded to graduates of high school graduates and a degree with professional rights at level 3. (b) In the secondary vocational training programme,

The EEG may be operated by an EEF class, which includes the structures of subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph under a single address as a primary school unit in cases where no corresponding school structure is in place in the law. The co-operating and co-operating school units of EEG and LFS are also under single management. (bb) For the proficiency of pupils who

They shall attend EEG and LFS in accordance with Article 6 (2). 3 of n. 3699/2008 (b) For students who attend SAVE, the party;

The Committee of the Management Committee and the Committee of the Management Committee and the Committee of the Management Committee and the Committee of the Management Committee and the Committee of the Scientific Committee for Forestry. The Commission shall conduct the examination by decision of the Director of the SMPAC. They are already in the new school structure in the respective classes in the 1st and 2nd stages. In addition to the already graduates of the European Union and the TEE special treatment (a) and a 'b' grade, it is granted by the Directors of the Schools, a certificate stating that the previous title has a level of degrees of level 2 a, 2 b and 3 respectively and in accordance with the procedure. (c) The Special Professional Training Workshops;

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and These include graduates of general or specific schools, covering the compulsory nature of secondary education. The ESCs are school units that are read in secondary education and grant to their graduates a level of a level 2a with professional rights and the right to subscribe to the CVT, following the recommendation of the KEDDY. In the final class of the European Parliament, a practice of at least 2 micronutrients is adopted within the framework of the laboratory tests identified by the Association of Teachers. The timetable for the first class is supplemented by courses in the preceding classes, depending on the specific educational needs of pupils, such as those resulting from the educational assessment. In order to achieve the skills of learners' skills and familiarize them in the working environment, in order to improve the skills of pupils and to familiarize themselves with the skills of the learners and their familiarity with the work environment. If it is not possible to practice pupils, then it is possible to support the school partnership. For students who attend the SNC, the foetus -

Is characterized as sufficient or not by the Association

Forests, who shall decide on a case-by-case basis and irrespective of the number of absences, taking into account the adequate conquest of the teaching objectives, the specificities of each student and the advice of the ESIF, if established. The students of the SNC who are enrolled and were to attend the academic year 2013-2014 for the sixth, fifth or eighth year, if they have successfully completed at least the first 4 classes, are classified in the Pet class of the new School structure. In a case where the practice of pupils is not possible, then this is done with the support of the school association of all the ACCEs in which he has stood. From the application of the law, all the TEE special -

The Committee of the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Food Policy and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Food Policy and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Policy and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Food The educational staff, specialist training staff and special auxiliary staff of these schools serving in them, continues to be organically active in the new school units. The non-servile unitary organic positions are transferred to the respective new school units. The same applies to any other organic workers employed in the above-mentioned structures. Managers and staff who are already serving in

Schools of deaf and blind pupils continue to perform their duties, regardless of the qualification-not of the intellectual language and Braille writing. For the school year 2013-2014, the learners of the E.E.E.C., EEG, ESL, can change the laboratory following a decision of the Teachers Association and the approval of the School Board of NEAC.

2 a. Present in the General Training for Recruitment, Appointments, Deposits, distractions and placements of Teachers of Primary and Secondary Education, as well as for areas, specializations, sectors (i) the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Special Education. A number of variations in all the above, due to special circumstances in Special Education, will be determined by ministerial decisions to be adopted by the Directorate for Special Education and Religious Affairs. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion -

(a) by the President of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities, composed of: (a) by the President of the Staff Regulations; (b) by the President of the Staff Regulations; Vice-President of the Staff Regulations of the Vice-President of the Council, (c) by a Director of Education Deputy from another Director of Education on a proposal for studies or experience in the Special Agree ment and (d) two elected members of the EDPS Deputies for the elected representatives of the EDPS. The Rapporteur was the President and Secretary-General responsible for the management of the Directorate-General for Employment.


Other: For the permanent appointments of the SPDs and the EDPS, and for the selection of heads of office of the CEECs, the CIRSPSPD meets under the chairmanship of a Regional Director of Education, preferably with studies or experience in the special treatment, anathema - By another Regional Director of Education, the participation of a school member of EBA with its Vice-President, also, the Head of the Directorate for Special Education, Deputy Head of the Deputy Head of the Directorate, and both The EDPS shall take part in the EDPS in order to ensure that the EDPS is responsible for the implementation of the SPD. The ministerial decision of the preceding paragraph will lay down the criteria and conditions for the selection of Heads of State for a term of office following a recommendation from the Directorate-General for Education.

3. In the Regional Directorates of Education, the Regional Advisory Council of Human Education (HEIs), which is one of the Directorates-General, consists of a Director of Education, on a proposal for studies or studies, or In the case of the special treatment as the President, a Director of Education on a proposal to study or experiment with the special education, a school board and two elected members E-OPs alternated from deputy SPDs. This is defined by the Regional Director of Education, administrators, who serve in the Regional Directorate of Education. The issues at the PHESPs are presented by the President or a member designated by the President. When considering issues related to the IPP at conferences, a representative of the EPD shall be appointed as well as the alternates of all the members of this paragraph.

3 a. For the Directors of all ACCEs, disclaimers (a position of responsibility), as opposed to those of the CEECs as provided for in Article 18 (d). 4024/2011.

4. References to the same SMPR cellmate or those which have a common transfer of pupils are listed in their timetable following the relevant examination of the special treatment advice.

5. Where a degree of accreditation is required for the certification of the pedagogical proficiency of the SPD, this is also covered by a degree of pedagogical or foreign diploma in the country or abroad recognised by the competent bodies.

6. At the end of par. Article 10 of the EEC Treaty The following subparagraph shall be added 3848/2010 (1 71):

" For the purpose of filling the positions of responsibility in the case of sediment, ith, C, C, C, C and C, it shall comply with the same conditions and conditions as provided for in Articles 11 et seq. The special category of training personnel for the IP serving with organic matter in SMSE and the CEDH. ';

7. The members of the E.E.P. and E.B.P. who serve in S.T.A.R. and K.E.D. are monitoring educational programs, compiled by the Regional Educational Centres (P.E.C.) and other institutions. For matters relating to the organisation and operation of such programmes, the invitation, study and obligations of the persons concerned shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions applicable to compliance with the provisions of the Treaty.

Education, education, training, where possible, for the specific features of the case and teachers for each sector. The training of teachers and teachers in education and training is an important part of the education and training programme.

8. In the case of par. Article 6 of the Law Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3699/2008 and the second subparagraph thereof, the word 'regional' shall be deleted and the sixth paragraph shall be added as follows:

"Home teaching is not compulsory from an educational R&D&I but only if knowledge of the relevant KEDDY is known."

9. Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 7 of the Law. 33699/2008 shall be replaced by the following:

" A prerequisite for the selection of Director and for the placement of teachers-SPDs in the deaf schools-Blind, is the certification of the Greek Legal Language (E.N.G.) and Braille writing and if the above condition is not met, They are placed to meet the operational needs, which are less qualified."

10. The par. Article 7 (3) of the Law 3699/2008 exists as follows:

' 3. The competent certification body of the Greek Language Language (E.N.G.) and Braille writing is the National Organization for Qualification and Professional Orientation (EPLP), which for this purpose cooperates with the Institute. The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Compliance with the Greek

(b) The certificate of proficiency of the Greek law; b) the certificate of competence of the Greek law;

Language and Braille writing to already users. Until the establishment of the Commission, the attestations of competence of the Greek Legal Language awarded by the Greek National Workers' Federation and by the Pedagogical Education Department of the Deaf of the Fauna of the University of Patras, are in force. They are approved by the Department of Education and Religious Affairs on a proposal from the Institute of Educational Policy, which will continue to apply after the establishment of the Institute for the already owners as equals. Confirmations of the EEDS. The same applies to the certifications of Braille. At meetings and meetings of the associations of teachers, a new ENI may be present when a deaf-grader is present in them, as long as this is possible. (a) The evaluation of all the educational materials that are available in the JEPs are carried out:

(b) Cooperation with scientific institutions and bodies shall be produced by the Hellenic Legal Language and Braille, before being integrated into the education process.

The Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee and the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the European Parliament and the Committee of the European By joint decision of the Ministers of Education and

The Governing Council of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors.


(N.G.), including the conditions, conditions and supporting documents, the examination procedure, the organisational structure, the type of title and certificates, and the amount and arrangements for the payment of the examination Certification. By the same decision, it is recommended that the EDPS permit certification of the competence of the E.N.G. and the writing Braille, in which one (1) representative of the Greek State of Deaf, the National Institute of the Deaf, of the National Penitentiary, is included. The Blind and the Centre for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind, as well as members of the Board of Directors, officers of the European Parliament and officials, experts and experts from the public or private sector in the field The examination and the recommendation of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors. Its responsibilities and related to the certification of the Greek Legislature (E.N.G.) are recommended and recommended for the purpose of assisting the European Parliament in the conduct of the examinations, the establishment and the definition of The decision of the Board of Directors shall be made by decision of the Board of Directors following the recommendation of the Certification Committee and determining the level, manner and procedure for the reimbursement of all the above, the mode of operation, as well as any other relevant information, A technical or detailed account, which concerns certification examinations. Under the decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, it is not published in the Official Journal of the European Communities-as the establishment of the Committee for the Certification of the Greek Legal Language (E.N.G.). For the learning of the legal language, as well as Braille, the competent bodies shall be certified by a procedure in accordance with a decision of the Board of Directors of the Board. Until the committee is set up, the Member States shall apply.

The proficiency of the Greek Legal Language, awarded by the Federation of Deaf of Greece and by the Pedagogical Society of Secondary Education Unit of the Deaf of the University of Patras."

11. A Scientific Committee shall be set up to examine the relevance of the postgraduate-teaching qualifications to the CFI. The composition and functioning of the Commission will be determined by a ministerial decision.

12. In par. Article 20 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EC) No 3848/2010 is hereby added as follows:

"For the selection of heads of CEDIs, the term of office of the deputy heads of the CEECs shall be chaired."

13. The fourth paragraph of par. Article 4 of the Law EUR 3699/2008 is replaced by the following:

' Over 18 years of age, which have been classified as a person with disabilities or special educational needs, shall be subject to the competence of the CEDIs. '

14. The CIFs have the exclusive competence of the classification, registration, registration and study in the appropriate IC school unit, as well as the appropriate support framework for the general school. Where there is disagreement with the parents or gardeners of the learner, either personal or because there is a distance between the opinion that was finally issued by the KEDDY and the one that the parents or the holders of the learner may have received from The educational centre in which no special educator has been carried out,

The opinion of the ECHR and the parents or gardeners may appeal to the Deuteronomy for which the decision is final.

15. In the case of bb (b) of par. Article 6 of the Law Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 3699/2008 shall be replaced by the following: " Where students are enrolled with disabilities and educational needs, and in which the maximum number of pupils has been completed, the number shall be reduced in proportion to each of the pupils. Disabilities or special educational needs, by three pupils less and pupils are equally divided into the sections of the same class following a decision by the teacher of the school unit and the approval of the competent School Council. '

16. In Article 6 par. 2 of n. Second subparagraph is added as follows: 3699/2008

' The possibility of supporting pupils in the preceding subparagraph may also apply to a school nurse and to the knowledge of a public hospital. '

17. All the opinions of the KEDDY and the Medical Pedagogical Centres for any reason, have a permanent effect. By way of exception, proposals for an appropriate course of study, for the provision of parallel support, for home teaching, for the provision of a special assistant, for a fixed programme, and those relating to a change of school, will - They are defined in time intervals, which will necessarily arise with the knowledge of the ESDY.

18. (1) (a), (b), (d) (d) (c). That is not the case, Mr President. Shall be replaced by the following:

" Attendance of autistic pupils in the appropriate structures of CEE or in the appropriate supportive framework of the general school is the exclusive competence of the CEDIs. In the event of disagreement with the parents or funeral members of the student, the Deuteronomy E-IRR shall decide, the decision is final. The other-the support of autistic pupils, as well as any other disability or special educational need, can be found following a relevant recommendation from the KEDDY and the parent of the student's parent. The support of the student can be implemented by a special assistant who recommends and has the family of the student following an opinion of the Director and the Association of School Teachers. The same applies in the case of support from a school nurse following a public hospital knowledge. '

19. Par. Article 15 of the EC Treaty 3699/2008 exists as follows:

' 1. The Board of Directors of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs is entitled to a Personnel Department (HR). The Staff Section, which is headed by an administrative or secondment teacher in the Ministry of Education and Teaching, is responsible for handling matters of appointment, transfer, secondment, interdepartmental transfers of the EDPS and the EDPS. CEECs and ACCEs, as well as the Administrative Staff of the CEECs, the car drivers and escorts of the SMSs, as well as for the allocation of issues, which are taken into account by the SEA. The recruitment of alternate SPDs and IMPs until the creation of a single table in the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs are carried out by the existing lists of regional Directorates.


20. Expenditure carried out by the regular budget of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs concerning teachers' educational skills and secondary education recognised as being recruited by the single tables Special Report on Competition Policy 2005 (Article 2 (2) of the EC Treaty) (Article 2 (2) of the EC Treaty). 1) without exceeding the appropriations, they are legal and produce legal effects.

21. The first paragraph of paragraph 2. Article 4 of the Law 3699/2008, amend to read:

' The LPD of other Ministries shall constitute a recognised diagnostic and evaluation body and their opinions shall be valid even when it is not possible to participate in them. '

22. In par. Article 4 of the Law EUR 3699/2008 shall be added as follows:

' The KEDDY shall be required to meet within a closed deadline of 45 days (45) of the application. Where there is a need for an extension of the above deadline, this extension must be fully justified. '

23. The placement of school heads in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 24 (10) and (11). For the purposes of Article 11 (4) of Regulation (EC) No 3848/2010, it shall be possible for the ACCEs to comply with Article 11 (4) of the same law.

24. Teachers of R & D taking, in accordance with the provisions, as alternates of full or reduced working hours or hours in Directorates of Provisional or Secondary education, may, as long as they are required to comply with the mandatory requirement Their work in SMSE and KEDDY outside the administrative boundaries of the relevant Directorate of Education, without changing their area of recruitment.

Article 29 Higher School of Pedagogy

And Technological Education (S.H.I.E.L.D.)

1. (a) par. Article 4 of the Law Commission Regulation (EC) No 3027/2002 is hereby amended as follows:

' 1. (a) Established in Athens Higher School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (A.S.I.S.), the former is a legal person of public law fully charged in accordance with Article 16 (2). 5 of the Constitution, the provisions of this law and the Internal Regulation. The School consists of the sections: (aa) Pedagogical section. Ab) Educational Electrical Engineering

(i) Educational Electrical Electrical Engineering; (i) Educational Electrical Engineering. Ii) Educational Electronic Engineers. (b) In the first paragraph of the first indent of the first indent of the first subparagraph of Article 3 (a) (b), the first subparagraph of Article 3 (2) (a) (b) of Regulation (EEC) No 3280s;

Paragraph 2.a of Article 4 of the Law (c) The words'not operational' shall be replaced by the words'not operational'. C) The sub-indent c). Article 4 of the Law

EUR 3027/2002 is hereby amended as follows:

" The diploma awarded by the sections of the Aristotle University provides a right of teaching in the field of secondary education and is also a degree of professional competence which, in the case of professional rights, is equal to and Associated with these TEI .. The diploma bears both titles, that of the teacher and of professional expertise, with a minor degree. The diploma is awarded following a course of study of ten academic years, including the six-month degree of development work and practice in the field of practice. For graduates, there is the possibility, not later than the beginning of the academic year 2013-2014, to declare with a responsible statement those who wish to complete their studies at eight and not later than 31.10.2018. They receive only the first degree of education without the possibility of continuing their studies for another two six months. For the rest, the provisions for the first 10-year degree are applied. ' (d) The sub-case of par. Having regard to the Treaty

N. Regulation (EC) No 3027/2002 is amended as follows: " By decision of the Chairman of the Board of Directors,

Member of the Board of Directors, together with the Deputy Director of the School or an employee of another category. A decision shall specify how to organise and operate the Board of Directors. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Religious Affairs and Religious Affairs, the President, the Vice-President, the members and the secretariat of the Board of Directors are concerned. ' (e) The subcase (a) of par. Article 4 of the

N. EUR 3027/2002 is amended as follows: ' (a) The School, by decision of the Council, organises

And operates, complementary to the specificities of its sections, co-financed or self-financed programmes of up to two academic years: (aa) pedagogical training, for teachers or candidates for teachers and (bb) Education or training, education or training. The function of these programmes will be covered by the EBRD of the AAR, and from the pre-coming of these programmes, revenue, in accordance with the relevant decisions of the Special Account (EBRD). The case of the v. Article 4 of the Law Decision No 3027/2002 is repealed. (f) The sub-indent (b) (b) of par. Article 4 6

Of n. Regulation (EC) No 3027/2002 is hereby amended as follows: ' Until they are drawn up in accordance with the text,

Adoption, the programmes of study of the departments of the School Board, are drawn up by a decision of the Board of Directors, which shall be set up for the purpose of this purpose by the opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs Committees. The committees shall report to the Governing Board, which shall take the final decision. '

Article 30 Shivitanidical Arts School of the Arts

And vocational training

1. The appointment of a representative of the School of Education and Religious Affairs of the Ministry of Education and Religion, following a proposal by the Board of Directors of the School, as provided for respectively.


And for the recruitment of temporary substitute teachers from par. Point 8 of Article 5 of n. In accordance with the procedure for the approval of the MAH, as applicable. Transactions-with the training of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors to Deuteronomy Public Education and vice versa in organic gaps shall be carried out at the same time as the Deuteronomy of Secondary Education, after A request from interested parties and covered by a decision of the Ministry of Tourism and Religious Affairs, issued after consultation of the relevant Staff Councils and a decision of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors. For temporary substitute teachers who served in the Sivitan School and had completed an alternate service experience of at least 30 months until the publication and validity of the n. 3848/2010 and the speciality of which is not included in the tables of secondary education of secondary education of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, and served on it up to 30.6.2013, is applicable according to par. Article 5 of the Law NO 3687/2008

2. The S.T.A.T.E. may act as an examination centre for qualification of graduates of various disciplines of Technical-Vocational Education and Training as defined by the relevant legislation (v. NO 3879/2010. The S.T.A.T.E. may set up the function of a Department of Vocational Training in the field of specialties and with a specific programme of study, as it will appoint a decision of the Minister of Education and Teaching, following a unanimous opinion of the Board of Directors. Council of the Institutions (par. Article 61 of the EC Treaty NO 1566/1985 The S.T.A.T.E. may also establish a high-level high school, with the decision of the Minister for Religious Affairs and Religious Affairs, following the opinion of the Board of Governors. The S.T.A.T.E. may establish the functioning of the College of Experts with the specialisms and special curricula, as it will determine the decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, following a unanimous opinion of the Board of Governors. In the SAARC, the activation and operation of productive units for the training of pupils, as well as the use of equipment, provided for in Article 61 (1) (c), will be allowed. 10 of n. 1566/1985, in accordance with the applicable provisions and the relevant decisions of the Board of Directors of the Civil Service.

3. For the establishment, organisation, abolition and operation of the Vocational Schools, as well as the re-establishment of the S.E.C., a decision of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs is required following a decision by the Board of Directors. School of SibiTanis.

4. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, following a decision by the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors, procedural issues and all the details necessary for the implementation of this article are laid down.

Article 31 Attendance at IEK, CEC, Free Studies Laboratory, Lifelong Learning Centres and Colleges

(i) the training of teachers and trainers;

In the field of vocational training, vocational training centres (I.E.K.), Vocational Training Centres (K.E.C.), Laboratories, Lifelong Learning Centres, Lifelong Learning Centres 1 and 2 and Colleges of income-one with a licence issued by the The competent institution of the Ministry of Education and Religion shall be frozen in IKA-ETAM insurance in accordance with Article 2 of the Ministry of Education, 1846/1951. They shall be exempt from IKA-ETAM insurance other than those of the persons referred to above by reason of the property in the main security of another institution and those who provide their employment as a consequence of an application in this case of the provisions of Article 5 Of Regulation (EEC) No 1846/1951 and Article 39 of the Law. 2084/1992. For the persons referred to in the last subparagraph, a contribution of 10 % on the salaries of the General Insurance Capital Solidarity Fund (ACCEE) shall be made in accordance with Articles 149 and 150 of the Law. Regulation (EC) No 3655/2008, which is to be borne by the employers and employees in their position. The following contribution shall be paid at the same time as the contributions of each salary period within the prescribed timelines. In the event of a deprivation of payment, it shall be charged with the foreseeable additional fees and shall be sought in the case in respect of the statutory debts for IKA-ETAM.

Article 32 International University of Greece

1. The first and fourth subparagraphs of paragraph 1. I would like to thank the Commission for its support. The following are amended as follows: 3391/2005

' 1. The PPP consists of three Schools: the Society of Humanities, the School of Economics, Management and Law Firms and the Faculty of Technology of Technology.

" By decision of the Senate of the Hellenic Republic, a decision by the Minister of Education and Teaching, the Hellenic Republic may provide a university from a distance of education, the Programme of Study of which may not exceed 50 % (50 %) of those involved in monitoring. '

2. The first paragraph (a) of par. Article 3 of the Law 3391/2005 is amended as follows:

' 2. Until the automatic operation of the University, the administration and its management are carried out by the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors, whose members are appointed by decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs. '

3. (a) The third paragraph of paragraph Article 4 of the Law 3391/2005 is amended as follows:

" Necessary preconditions for the registration of non-graduate students are: (i) the possession of a title by Greek A.E.I. or a foreign university, equal to or equivalent to the qualifications of the Greek A.E.I. and (ii) her excellent knowledge. English language. (a) the degree of degree and/or folklore of the first course; (b) the degree of equivalence of the cognitive subject of the Postgraduate Programme; (c) the University/Student Handbook; School/Department of Origin of the first course (writing on the NARRIC list) and (d) two references.


Pistols, of which one (1) originates from a member of the academic community of the Founder, which has a direct knowledge of the candidate's minorities and performance. ' (b) The last paragraph of par. Having regard to the Treaty

N. 3391/2005 and par. Article 4 of Article 4 of the Law 3391/2005, repealed.

4. Article 3 (2) and (3) are referred to. 3391/2005 in 1 and 2 respectively and paragraph 3 with the following content:

' 3. Until the conditions for the automatic operation of the Schools of the PPAs are ensured, they shall be exercised by a Interim General Assembly, which shall be defined by an act of the President of the Board of Governors following its decision. The Interim General Assembly consists of at least five (5) members of the Board of Directors of Greek or foreign A.E.C., whose subject matter should be relevant to the episti cultivating the School. The same act shall be defined between the members of the President and the Deputy President, who must hold a post of D. P. of the degree of Professor or Associate Professor. The Secretariat of the School or an administrative staff member shall be active in the case where no Secretary of State has been placed. ';

5. The par. Article 18 of the EC Treaty 3577/2007 is replaced by the following:

' 7. Institutions determining whether or not they are executed in accordance with the legislation of the International University of Greece, until such time as it has an organised technical service, the following are defined as: ' Overlooking Servant -

"Is the" Directorate for Technical Works of the Region of Central Macedonia ". (b)" Head of the Authority "or" The Authority " is

(c) Directorate-General for Information, Communication, Culture, Education, Information, Communication, Culture, Youth, Education and the Media

The implementation of technical projects is the Technical Council of the Region of Central Macedonia. In response to requests for treatment on issues related to

Comply with the provisions of Law 3669/2008 and 3316/2005, as in any case, in the case of acts or omissions of the institutions referred to in this paragraph, shall be decided by the Senate or the Management Committee of the International University of Greece after its opinion. Technical Council of the Region of Central Macedonia. With a proposal from the Senate or the Administrative Commission of the International University of Greece and its acceptance by the competent institutions of the Peri-Treary of Central Macedonia, it is possible to delegate additional tasks, such as the elaboration of studies, or Oversight of studies, the supervision of technicians and the supply of equipment. By decision of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, following a proposal by the Senate or of the Board of Directors of the Greek National University of Greece, the arrangements for implementing the provisions of this paragraph and the provisions of this paragraph are laid down. Necessary administrative expenditure for the implementation of the items referred to in the preceding subparagraph. '

Article 33 Private education issues

1. In Subparagraph Th.6 of the first paragraph of Article 1 v. 4093/2012, as replaced-in accordance with Subparagraph Th.2 of the first paragraph of Article 1 (2). Case 4152/2013, indent 5 is added as follows:

' 5. In their building specifications the kindergartens with a capacity of up to sixty (60) kindergartens and preschool establishments within children's holdings of the same owner, instead of point (c) of paragraph 8.3 of the present Paragraph, there is a minimum of fifteen (15) square metres of square metres and a median of two (1, 2) square metres per trainee in the classroom. Discipline of the former case which are co-located with children's staff of the same owner and have been authorised in accordance with paragraph 9 of the Decision of the Minister of Education and Religion 77053 /D5/ 28.7.2006 (B 1149), as amended Subsequently, instead of the procedure in paragraphs 8, 13 and 14 of paragraph 3 of this paragraph, it is authorised to submit a declaration of n.1599/1986 by the owner or the legal representative or the person responsible, that they do not have Changes are made to the conditions under which a copy has been authorised and a copy has been issued. The authorisation of the child staff administered by the competent authority. The previous-impact assessment applies from 19.11.2012. '

2. Point (g) of (8) of sub-paragraph (3) of the first paragraph of Article 1 (f). 4093/2012, amend to read:

' (g) in kindergartens which have a potential of up to 60 (60) infants and in the co-ordinated kindergartens of the same owner (s) of the same owner, they do not have the data, e, and the present ones. The building in which they are housed shall have a valid building permit and fire protection as set out in the relevant provisions. The co-administration of nursery schools in the same owner (s) may have a common room of multiple uses as long as this is not used simultaneously within their working hours of different age groups, but Separate and exclusively from each age group. '

3. Article 20 (1) 2 of n. A second paragraph shall be inserted as follows:

' In the context of the IP 16.01, as well as those of the teachers in the IP 16 of this Article, 1 (a) of this Article had been dismissed mainly because of the abolition of the private schools, classes or sections serving or with After the entry into force of this law, before the entry into force of this law, before the entry into force of this law, i.e. before the date of 13 July 2006, they were invited to participate in Public Education having the required standard in accordance with the provisions of this law. Article 13 (2) 2nd of n. 2986/2002 (1 24), as amended and valid, except that they were not completed until the date above. On the basis of a formal decision by the Minister for Education and Religious Affairs,


It shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities and published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. Article 13 (2) of the Law Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2986/2002 (' 24), it shall be credited for each training and at its request, the self-fairness of its branch in the IP of 16.01 in all its decisions. '

Article 34 Transfer of import positions to A.E.I.

1. All successful candidates who have either taken part in the academic year of the school year 2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 or made use of the access certificate for the previous two, of their introduction, years and ranked in place Introduction into a school or a higher education institution, subject to a right of transfer of their entry into a corresponding School or T, if the annual income of the potential beneficiary and the members of his family in the year 2012 Exceed the amount of nine thousand (9,000) euro per capita. For single-parent families and successful candidates from the listed in the Annex to the Directive. F.151/122732/B6 (Bl 1612/2010) of a joint decision-making conditions or having performed here-an organ or bone marrow in a relative (a) or (b) degrees or their parents or wares, one of two or both of which have been accrued; 8 (8) months of unemployment in the year 2013, the above income is estimated at twice that-eight thousand (18,000) euro per capita and the above, the right to a position is also to the successful people who took part in the job. The academic year of the school year 2009-2010.

2. The above-mentioned transfer of the position is made by decision of the Minister of Education and Teaching and is only allowed by Panepistis in University or TEI in TEI. The number of passenger seats may not exceed 15 % of the total number of entrants per School or Bank based in the Attica and Thessaloniki areas and 15 % of the total number of entries in the other Schools; or Section 3. Of the 10 % allocated to the school year for the 2009-2010 school year, 30 % will be allocated to the school year 2010-2011, 30 % in the school year 2011-2012 and 30 % in the entrants. Of the school year 2012-2013.

3. The beneficiaries of transport may submit a request to the Central Office of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs for a corresponding Section-up to two different universities or T.E.I.

4. Criteria for the classification of potential beneficiaries per School or Bank shall be in a priority order of the following:

(b) The beneficiary is suffering from the reported exposure in the year 2012;

Annex to the Official Journal F151/122732/B6 (B 1612/2010) of a joint ministerial decision or a donation of an organ or bone marrow to a relative a (a) or (b) (c) The beneficiary has a brother or sister, active pho -

Of the first cycle of study as defined in Article 2 of the Law. 4009/2011 (A19195), as long as he is not already the holder of a diploma, a post-graduate or doctoral degree, graduating in University or T.E.I. or in the High School Academies or the Higher School of Education and Technological Education (A.S.A.IT.E.); As well as in the Higher Education Schools of the Ministry of Tourism of a different city of the permanent residence of their parents or the beneficiary belongs to the category of children who participated in the same school year in (d) The beneficiary to be a member of the tertiary education institution (d) Multilage or trie -

(e) The beneficiary must have parents, children, siblings, or members of the family.

Balances of the kind referred to in the Annex to the Directive. Φ151/122732/B6 (Bl 1612/2010) of a joint ministerial decision or a donation of an organ or bone marrow to a relative of a relative or a degree or the beneficiary is an orphan from both parents. (f) The beneficiary shall be a child of its victims;

The European Parliament and the Council of Europe Article 1 of Article 1 of the Law DECISION NO 1897/1990 (120) (g) Importation limits for potential beneficiaries,

Descending order of rank. 5. The procedure for the submission of applications, the

(i) the introduction of the introduction, the specificity of the criteria for the granting of transport, and any other details on the application of this Article, is determined by a decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs.

6. The correspondence between the Schools and the bodies of the A.E.I. is determined by a decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, taking into account the titles of the respective Schools, Sections and Importers of these Guidelines, as well as the ones provided e - Professional rights, where these exist. The decision is issued following an opinion delivered by the IPPC, which includes the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs within the exclusive deadline of ten (10) days from the advent of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.

7. As an exception to the above, the successful candidates referred to in paragraph 1 of school years who have taken an import position with the 5 % category may, on request, transfer their issue to any University, if they have succeeded in doing so. University or TEI, if successful in TEI, indicate. The positions that will be taken by those belonging to the category of successful candidates will not fall within the percentages referred to in paragraph 2, and therefore the successful candidates will be able to take over. The decision of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs will determine the procedure for the submission of applications and any other details of the application of this Decision.

8. Students who have been enrolled in any school year in Athens, and continuing their studies, have been given the same status as the diseases referred to in paragraph 1. Article 35 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 3794 (1 156) and their validity has been medically established in accordance with the Ministerial Decision F151/19785/B6/12.2.2013,


May take their place of study in place of-day school or university, if they are obtained by university students or T.E.I. if they are enrolled in TEI, located in the city of permanent residence of their parents or in case of There is no E.E.R. there in the nearest town.

Article 35 Foreign language training courses abroad

1. In par. Article 18 of the EC Treaty 4027/2011 "El-Greek-language education abroad and other classes" (1 233), the phrase "completed a five-year service with secondment to foreign students and".

2. The par. Article 18 of the EC Treaty 4027/2011 is replaced by:

' 4. Teachers who are seconded to Greek-language groups abroad as long as they are held in a school in Greece, maintain this issue during the period of secondment and return to it after the end of their secondment. In the event that their secondment is extended beyond five years, for personal or family reasons and not for service needs, then the organisational position held will be considered as vacant following the start of the sixth consecutive school year. Of secondment with the consequences defined in Article 16 (9) of the Law. CASE 1566/1985. '

3. Paragraph b (b) of par. Article 14 of the Law 4027/2011 is replaced by the following:

' For Directors of the Foreign Language Education Unit, provided that they have an organizational position in a school in Greece, the provisions of Article 18 (4) of this Law shall apply. '

4. The par. Article 12 of the EC Treaty 4027/2011 is replaced by:

' 4. A. .. The decision of the Minister for Education and the Court of Justice shall lay down the specific tasks and responsibilities of the training coordinators, their seat, their area of responsibility and any other relevant issues. In the event of a reduction in the number of Coordinators of Education, the abolition of the position of the Coordinator for Education, the Coordinating Office and any more general redistributive of the seats and areas of responsibility of the Coordinators of Education, it is permissible to Continuing the operation of the former Coordinating Office in the form of a liaison office to be supervised by the Coordinating Office in the area of responsibility of which the competences were transferred. A member of the Bureau shall be appointed on a proposal from a staff member who has already served on it, and shall be termed "Brief" whose term of office may not exceed the year. Its selection and any other relevant office for office will be determined by a ministerial decision following a recommendation by the WTO which will include an evaluation. During his term of office, he will receive a special report, which shall be laid down by a joint decision of the Ministers for Education and Religious Affairs and Finance. Under the decision of the Education Coordinator, they are allowed to be selected for up to two qualified teachers or civil servants on a direct basis to those who served in the former Coordinating Office. '

5. The par. Point 7 of Article 12 of n. 4027/2011 is replaced by:

' 7. Training Coordinators shall, during their term of office, take up duties and responsibilities similar to those of the Director of Education. Training coordinators shall, in their area of competence, be liable to disciplinary action in respect of education and training, seconded to the administrative staff, seconded to or hired for the purposes of the second subparagraph of Article 6 (1) (b). Article 2 (1) of Article 2, corresponding to the disciplinary powers of the directors of the addresses of the addressee. '

6. The par. Article 59 of the EC Treaty 3966/2011 (1 118) is hereby repealed.

7 a. The case referred to in paragraph 10 of Article 59 of the Law. 3966/2011 "Spectacular framework of the Standard Schools, Establishing an Institute for Educational Policy, Organization of the Institute of Computer Technology and Publications" DIOPHANTUS "and other provisions" (1 118) is replaced by the following: " a) Pedagogical Academy of Thessaloniki (H.P.A.T), which was published in the Official Journal of the European Communities 31/1968 (A-8), is repealed on 31.8.2014. The issues arising from its application, in particular, issues of property, file, issues of outstanding, professional rights, graduates, are regulated by a decision of the Minister of Education and Religion. A joint decision by the Ministry of Administrative Reform and the Government of Education and Religion, which is published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, is published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. Government of the Government. ' Other: After paragraph 10 (b) of the ar -

Article 59 of the EEC Case 3966/2011 is added (c) as follows:

(c) Until the removal of the Special Pedagogical University of Thessaloniki (H.P.A.T.), the departmental status of its educational staff shall be examined, in exceptional cases, by the Central Staff Council; Management of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. ' Other: The validity of the provisions of this paragraph

It shall begin on 1.9.2013. 8. Recognised as foreign schools in the sense

Article 1 (1) of the Law 4862/1931 "Foreign schools" (1 156), as applicable, the following schools:










Establishment and operating licence. 9. Subordinate training coordinators that

They are subject to a ministerial decision in the school year 2013-2014, held at positions which are situated for a maximum of three (3) years from their position, on a voluntary basis. Their secondment may be extended for a further two years without a charge. Further extension of the posting is excluded.

Article 36 Reviews on the Institute of Educational Policy,

On the Standard High Schools and other provisions

1. Article 11 of the Law (a) The first subparagraph of paragraph 5 shall be replaced by the following:

As follows: 'For recruitment in a place of Advisor',

However, it is not possible to assess the degree of qualifications required in the course of the studies, or at least one of the original scientific qualifications in the course of education (education) or to a degree of study and at least two studies in scientific journals. (treatment) as well as at least a five-year educational service. ' (b) Paragraph 6 is replaced by the following: For recruitment to a Raptor position required,

As special qualifications, a post-graduate qualification in education (education) and 10-year-old, at least, educational service or twenty-five-year, at least, educational service and, at least, a year-long experience in matters of education. The management and implementation of cofinanced European programmes. ' (c) Paragraph 9 is replaced by the following: The filling of the Council's vacant posts,

In accordance with the provisions of Article 19, the Advisory Committee of the Advisory Committee for the Protection of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection, N. 2190/1994 (A-28) or for a four-year term of office

An invitation to tender, selection and secondment of teachers and administrators of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, in accordance with the approval of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors, as appropriate. Candidates may also be members of the personal computer. In the contract notice and the call for expressions of interest, it shall be taken to ensure that the composition of the scientific staff of the I.E.U. Is avoided in a known and educational manner. In order to ensure the adequacy of staff in matters relating to compliance, evaluation, research, management of education, specific education and training and the development of curricula. In the case where the full of the vacant positions of Council, Council, Council, Council and Rapporteurs shall be made following a call for expressions of interest, selection and secondment of officials and administrators of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs; or In the case of other ministries, the nominees must have as a minimum qualification the special qualifications provided for in parafs 3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively. ' (d) the first subparagraph of paragraph 10 shall be replaced by:

' 10. (a) The Group of the European People's Group (2)

And the Rapporteurs, who are selected following a notice, are engaged in a contract for the work of an open-ended private contract. ' (e) paragraph 10 shall be added as follows:

Hereinafter referred to as 'b) The' First ',' B ',' B ',' B 'and' B ', and

Rapporteurs, who are selected following a call for expressions of interest for teachers and administrators of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs or other ministries during the last six months before the end of each four-year term, shall be evaluated. In accordance with the provisions of the next paragraph. In the event of a positive assessment, their term of office shall be renewed for a further four years after the expiry of which they shall be returned to their organizational position. ' The first subparagraph of paragraph 12 shall be replaced;

' 12. The negative evaluation, in accordance with both

In the preceding paragraphs, for those assessed in the first paragraph of paragraph 10, shall constitute a reason for denounting their contract for the purposes of paragraph (b) as an obstacle to the renewal of the four-year term. '

2. Article 12 of n. 3966/2011 is added to paragraph 4 as follows:

' 4. The needs arising from the existence of certain administrative staff in the I.E.P.S. may be covered by either administrative staff of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs or other ministries or teachers from the Publications Office. (i) the application of the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 8191/ EEC on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to members of their family members and to members of their family members. The secondment shall be four years and shall be carried out by a decision of the Minister of Education and Religion and of the Secretary-General in the case of officials of other ministries, following the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors. In addition to the


In the same procedure and for the same year it is also possible to draw up and up to five (5) teachers of public education, per project, for the implementation of projects which are integrated into the EC and are implemented by the IMP. Under the Rules of Procedure of the Internal Organization and Operation which are laid down in Article 19, the appointment of vacancies or the delegation of tasks to the teachers and administrative staff of the Member States shall be set up. The Committee of the European Communities, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European People 's

3. The par. Point 6 of Article 13 of the Law 3966/2011 is replaced by:

' 6. (a) In each of the Office there is a 'A' or 'B' or 'C', selected for a two-year period which may be renewed on the basis of the evaluation of its work, by decision of the Board of Directors, after the President has been admitted. Especially in the Office of the funded and co-financed programmes, there is a administrative staff of the Ministry of Tourism and Religious Affairs or of other ministries, or in the form of public education, the holder of a transfer of title, and 10-year, at least, training experience in public education and with a minimum of three years experience on management and implementation of co-financed European programmes. The Head of the Office of the Financial and Co-funded Programme shall be selected by a decision of the Board of Directors, following a recommendation from the President, for a period of four years and from the decision of the Minister of Education and Education; (b) By decision of the Board of Directors, acting on a proposal from the President, a member of the Board of Directors of the Scientific Service shall be appointed by a decision of the Board of Directors. The Coordinator is a direct head of the Head of the Offices of the scientific department. The Coordinator's responsibilities shall be specified in the External Organisation and Operation Agency referred to in Article 19. '

4. Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Article 14 of the Law. 3966/2011, as referred to in paragraph 3, replaced by Article 7 (3) of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 4076/2012 (' 159) is replaced by the following:

' 1. The Administrative Department of the I.E.P. is structured in the following sub-directorates: (a) Director of Administrative Services including the Department of Public Administration and the Guarantee Section; The Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs includes the Economic Support Office and the Competition and Procurement Act.

(a) The Personnel Department shall include the following Offices: (aa) Personnel office, in particular, on the staff of the staff of the I.E.P. (b) Personnel Training Office, in particular, the training of the staff of the Personnel Department; (c) Technical Support Office with competence, in particular, the support of the I.E.P. on technical matters. (b) The Bank Support Office is not

In particular, the administrative support of the institutions and the scientific service of the private sector, the pension,

The handling and archiving of the minutes of the Board of Directors, as well as on the issues of compliance with the protocol, handling and processing of documents.

(a) The Economic Support Office shall include the following Offices: (aa) Office for Economic Cooperation and Development of Projects with competence, in particular the drawing up and implementation of the budget of operations (projects) and sub-projects, drawing up Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 3 thereof, (bb) Regular budget and payment appropriations, in particular the compilation and implementation of the regular budget, the balance sheet and the balance sheet, the concentration of the entitlements and other supporting documents And the clearance of the employees' salary. (cc) Logical Support with competence, in particular, the entry of supporting documents and other documents in the books concerned, and the actual payment of any payment nature to natural or legal persons of the public or private sector. (b) The Section for Competition and Contracts is not -

, in particular, for the administrative support for the execution of all forms of competitions, the drafting of specifications and declarations, the drawing up of contracts, the monitoring of the implementation of contracts carried out in the context of co-financed operations; (i) or programmes, as well as all kinds of monitoring, other than economic, programmes, actions and projects carried out in the I.E.P., in cooperation with the Funding and Co-financed programmes of the Commission; The Committee of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European People 's

5. The par. Article 14 of the Law 3966/2011 is replaced by:

' 5. (a) For the internal audit and monitoring of the implementation and enforcement of the Internal Organization and Operation and the Legal Service concerning the I.E.P., it is recommended that the Internal Auditing of Internal Audit is subject to direct control. The President, to whom he presents an annual report on contracts and proposals to improve the way in which the I.E.P. operates. The autonomous Section for External Control is staffed by teachers of public education or administrative staff of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs or other ministries who have been in employment for at least 10 years. Head of the Self-Employed Department of Internal Audit shall be designated as a teacher of the training or administrative staff of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs or of other ministries with at least 10 years' training experience in the field of education. (b) For the legal support of the I.E.P., it is recommended that the public education and training be carried out at least three years.

A Legal Support Section which is directly subordinated to the President. The independent Public Support Unit is staffed by lawyers with a mandate from deodorant teachers in the field of education in the IP13 sector Graduates of Legal and Political Supervisors, graduates of the law, as well as from The vaccine should be used in combination with other medicines.


The EIF in the framework of the implementation of co-financed programmes. The Teachers of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs are seconded by a decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs and provide cleaner legal projects. For the selection and secondment of teachers in the WP13 graduates of Legal and Political Experts, the last two subparagraphs of paragraph 6 shall apply. Head of the Self-Support Office is defined as sub-debtors by the lawyer with most years of practice and in the case of serving in the I.E.P. of higher education the latter. C) For the strategic Design and design of design

It is recommended that the President-in-Office of the Strategic and Political Plan should be directly attached to the President. The Autopean Strategic and Political Plan is staffed by administrative officials of the Ministry of Tourism and Religious Affairs and teachers of public education with at least 20 years of experience. Head of the Autonomous General and Political Planning Department is defined as an educator of the public education of the two sectors of the P2, or PE3 Mathematics or PE4 (Physics, Chemists, Trio-known, Biologists, Geologists) which is required to Has a minimum of 25 years of service in public education, of which at least 12 years must be a real teaching service, and for at least two years in administrative terms of responsibility. A separate section of the

It may not be more than five (5), including Heads of State (s) in this paragraph. '

6. The par. Point 6 of Article 14 of the Law 3966/2011 is replaced by:

' 6. (a) The positions of the Head of Division, the Chambers and the Offices of this Article may also be met with teachers of public education or administrative staff of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs or other Who have been in employment for at least seven years. In this case, the choice of training and administrative staff shall be made following a call for expressions of interest to which they are identified and their specific qualifications and their mandate with the needs of the post in question and the This is the case for a four-year term of office after secondment. The invitation is issued and the selection is made by the Board of Directors of the EIF. In the event of resignation or discharge from their duties, posts in the posts of Heads of Education and administration officials remain in the I.E.U. As seconded by the end of the school year within which it was submitted. Resignation or act of discharge. At the end of the school year they return to their organizational position for teachers at school level for the administrative staff at the Directorate-level. B) The specificity of the responsibilities of the Director-General.

The Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Communities,

In the Rules of Procedure of the Internal Organisation and the Court of Justice referred to in Article 19. As the publication of the Regulation, the matters referred to in this paragraph shall be regulated by decisions of the Council of the Council, issued following the opinion of the President and published in the Governing Council of the Government. '

7. Article 14 of the Law. 3966/2011 entries 7 and 8 are added as follows:

' 7. (a) The heads of the administrative department shall be paid, for as long as their duties are to be performed, a monthly position of position equal to the respective influence of the Heads of Administration provided for in the Subparagraph (a) of Article 18 (1) of Article 18 (1). 4024/2011 as the case was added-in the case referred to in point (b) of Article 3 (2) of Presidential Decree 16/ 16.12.2011 (A ' 262), as last amended by Article 1 of the Law. NO 4047/2012 (31). B) In the heads of the departments and the self -

The fees shall be paid for as long as they carry out their duties on a monthly basis of responsibility equal to the respective demonstration of the heads of Administration provided for in the sub-indent of paragraph 1 (a) of the Act. Article 18 of the EC Treaty 4024/2011, as in the case referred to in point (b) of Article 3 (2) of Presidential Decree 16/ 16.12.2011 (A-262), as last amended by Article 1 of the Law. 4047/2012 (31)

8. The performance of the duties of Head of Division or of the Office or of a separate Bureau or Office shall be set up for the selection of a staff member in accordance with Articles 10 to 29 of the Law. Regulation (EC) No 3848/2010, such as the carrying out of tasks of the Central Office of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. '

8. In the fourth paragraph of paragraph Article 20 of the EEC Treaty 3966/2011, as this subparagraph added to Article 10 of the Law. (') 4142/2013 (' ' 83) and paragraph 2 had been replaced by sub-indent (b) of the subparagraph (a). Article 329 of the EC Treaty Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 4072/2012 (A-86), the words'not later than sixty (60) of the date of publication of the present' shall be replaced by the words'after the five-year period in their respective positions'.

9. The par. 13 of Article 11 of the Law. 3966/2011 applies also to the Council of Europe.

10. The special account established by H/ 3273/ 27.4.1994 Joint Decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, National Education and Religious Affairs, Research and Technology (B ' 352) and transferred from the closure of its operation A Pedagogical Institute in the I.E.P.A., as well as the provisions governing his organization and operation are hereby repealed. The expenditure incurred in the course of its operation shall be considered as legal tender. The co-financed projects continue to be implemented by the EIF.

11. (a) Limits in relation to the application of Article 20 (19) of Law 3966/2011 and with the balance sheets and accounts of the repealed vectors referred to in Article 21 of the same law shall be governed by a decision of the Minister of Education and Religion; ---- Until the completion of the procedure,


The assets of the Institute of Extractive Policy (I.E.P.) are calculated on the basis of the assets of these entities which came to it and recorded in an inventory carried out by its institutions. The financing of the EIF from the regular budget and the collection and management of resources from the co-financed programmes or other sources is not affected by such operations. (b) By decision of the Board of Directors of the EIF.

Instruments or decisions of the institutions of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs which have been repealed under Article 21 of the Law may be drawn up. 3966/2011 concerning the implementation of the regular budget, the implementation of European programmes, and the implementation of co-financed operations and sub-projects under the Operational Programme "Education and Lifelong Learning" Learning ' and which were not posted by the case-by-case basis at the time of their adoption. Any suspension made in accordance with the preceding subparagraph shall be deemed to be done without delay. The provisions of the preceding subparagraphs shall be valid on 1 May 2013. The preceding subparagraphs shall also apply to acts or a -

Decisions of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Administrative Board.

12. At the end of Article 4 (5), the following subparagraph shall be added:

' Member of the Board of Directors who shall leave the service due to the completion of the age limit shall retain his position on the Board of Governors until the expiry of the term of office. '

13. The para. Article 20 of the EC Treaty 3966/2011 is being hunted.

14. (a) In Article 37 of the Law. 3966/2011 is added as follows:

' 6. Where a secondary education directorate is defined as a Standard Time or High School and no Standard High School Standard or High School Standard is defined, the application may be submitted by the secondary and secondary schools operating in the secondary school. The same region for their designation as Standard Pool. The candidate countries shall submit the dossier by 30 April each year at the latest. ' (b) For the school year 2013-2014 the dossier from

In accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 37 (6), as referred to in paragraph 6 of Article 37, shall be submitted by 30 September 2013 at the latest.

15. Paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article 44 of the Law. 3966/2011 is replaced as follows:

' 4. The introduction of pupils in the Standards of experimental studies and lykeions is made by a decision of the Board of Directors, published in the Governing Council of the Government, following examinations or tests (tests) of skills carried out per WITSEC in accordance with the terms of reference. In paragraph 5.

5. For the purpose of testing the selection of the subjects is the responsibility of the ICRA by the Scientific Committee set up for this purpose. The preparation, organisation, conduct of the examination

The Committee of the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. The evaluation of the written procedures is carried out by special committees in one or more centres designated by the Board of Directors. With the responsibility of the ECA, the indignation of the tickets and the learners is made. '

16. The par. Article 48 of the EC Treaty 3966/2011 as amended by sub-indent (ii) (ii) of the par. Article 329 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 is replaced by:

' 9. If, during the course of the school year, there are, for any reason, the needs of replacement, who are serving in WITSEC, they are invited to be consulted with the same increased academic qualifications as provided for and for filling in. Of posts in office. For the selection of the trainers referred to in accordance with the preceding subparagraph, the ECA shall issue an invitation to tender. For the selection of the alternates, it is necessary to have achieved the degree base in the final competition of the SNAP. If no applications are submitted for the recruitment of alternates with an increased academic qualification, the gaps shall be covered by the listing tables of substitute teachers of the experimental schools. The placement of the elected representatives is made by decision of the Board of Directors following a recommendation from the European Investment Bank which issued the call for interest. '

17. Par. Article 50 of the EEC Treaty 3966/2011 is replaced by:

' 8. The provisions of Article 37 (4) shall apply to the directors and other teachers of whom the term of office shall expire and not to be renewed. In the case where managers or teachers do not participate in the assessment process or are assessed negatively, they shall be set up in the course of the EEAP and do not have the right to submit a candidature for a position of five years. In three years' time. '

18. In Article 14 (d) 50/1996 (1 45), as amended by paragraph 2 of Article 12 (2) d. 100/1997 (1 94), paragraph 13 is added as follows:

' 13. In order to establish a surplus of teachers and to adjust it in accordance with the relevant provisions of the preceding paragraphs of this paragraph, the PERS4 (Physics, Chemists, Physiogy, Biologists, Geologists) sector shall be treated uniformly, Regardless of the specificity to which they belong. '

19. The second subparagraph of Article 9 (2) and the second subparagraph of paragraph 2 of Article 9 (2). Article 27 of the EC Treaty 4115/2013 (' 24) shall be repealed with effect from the date of its entry into force. 4115/2013.

20. The para. Article 4 of the Law 3687/2008 (A ' 159), as amended in the second indent of (b). Article 329 of the EC Treaty 4072/2012 (A-86) is replaced by the following:

' 2. Applications for the application of education and training secondary education, which are submitted after 31 May as well as during the next teaching year, are accepted by decision of the Minister of Education and Education; The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy


The Committee of the Regions calls on the Commission to draw up a proposal for a Directive on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to asbestos at work. An application for the resignation of an educational primary and secondary education submitted in the last 18 April shall be deemed to have been accepted and automatically terminated by the end of the year. '

21. The first two verses of paragraph d of par. Article 9 of the Law Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

" The teacher after the termination of his training is obliged to offer his services to the training of the degree or other mark for a period equal to the time of his/her licence and, however, not (b) greater than 5 years of age. From the total period of two (2) years, at least two years, they must be distributed to the educational degree, to which the teacher used to administer the educational leave. '

22. (a) The second subparagraph of paragraph 1 (a) of the Treaty. Article 2 of Article 2 of the Law 3848/2010 (1 71) is replaced by the following:

' This programme is drawn up by a decision of the Council of the European Union, approved by the Minister of Education and Religion, following an opinion of the Institute of Educational Policy (I.E.P.), and is held after the first year of operation. In accordance with the provisions of Article 1 (1) to (9) of the Treaty, the Court of First 3374/2005 (A-189), or '. (b) The second and third paragraphs of the second and third subparagraphs

Par. Article 2 of Article 2 of the Law 3848/2010 is replaced by the following:

' Condition is the existence within the curriculum of the teaching of teaching subjects which fall in the following areas: 1. Thé-education and education. 2. Learning and teaching issues. 3. Special teaching and internship. The curriculum is assessed in the context of the evaluation of the Section. In order to ensure child-education and teaching proficiency, a formal decision by the Minister for Religious Affairs and Religion shall be adopted following a proposal by the Council of the relevant AWU and an opinion of the Institute of Education Political (IEP). The accreditation shall maintain its validity and shall not be renewable unless, in respect of the pedagogical and teaching competence provided, the course of study on the basis of which the accreditation has been issued. ' (c) The case (c) of par. Article 2 of the

N. Regulation (EEC) No 3848/2010 is replaced by the following:

A.I.. (education and education courses, education and education courses in the accession to the European Union, the Faculty of Philosophy-Pedagogy-Psychology, Philosophy/Pedagogical Engineering) ". (d) Items 5 to 8 of the case b)

Par. Article 3 of the Law 3848/2010 is replaced by the following:

" Possession of a post-graduate qualification of a minimum of academic year in the cognitive subject of the industry or of the speciality for which the candidate has competed: three (3) units.

The possession of a post-graduate qualification of a minimum of academic year in the teaching of the knowledge of the sector or of the speciality for which the candidate or the applicant has competed: three (3) units. The possession of a doctoral degree in the cognitive

Date of entry into force of the agreement between the Community and the Member States of the European Union. Possession of a doctoral diploma in teaching

A known subject of the industry or the specificity for which the candidate or applicant has competed: five (5) units. ' (e) par. Point 6 of Article 9 of the Law Regulation No 3848/2010

It exists as follows: " 6. The provisions of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of the

Article 2 shall apply to those imported into non-EU Member States during the academic year 2013-2014 onwards. For those who have been admitted to TIMs before the start of the academic year 2013-2014 for their participation in competitions for drawing up a board of teacher classification by industry and residency for the purpose of appointment or engagement In the first instance, and secondary education, the text is valid before the entry into force. Regulation (EC) No 3848/2010 on the publication of these provisions. '

23. A) At the end of par. Article 26 of the EC Treaty The following subparagraph shall be added to 3879/2010 (1 163):

' For the rest of the school contracts in this paragraph, all the provisions are applicable to the school advisors. 3848/2010 (1 71). ' (b) In the first subparagraph of paragraph 1, Article 33 of the

N. 4038/2012 (1 14), as amended by Article 9 of the Law. 4142/2013 (' ' 83), after ' in accordance with the provisions of the Second Capital of n. Regulation (EEC) No 3848/2010 'shall be replaced by the words' and in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 26 of the EC Treaty 3879/2010 ';

24. It is extended for eight (8) months even the first sentence of paragraph (b) of par. Article 329 of the EC Treaty Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 4072/2012 (6), in order to adopt the provisions of the Treaty establishing the institutions, the procedure and the criteria for the assessment of the principles of primary and secondary education, as well as the gravity of the Criteria for promotion and evaluation of the term of office of teachers in positions of responsibility. The extension shall begin on 11 March 2013, in which case the accelerated deadline expired, and expires on 10 November 2013.

25. The definition of qualifications and the recruitment of the beneficiaries of the benefits of the Community benefit, for their employment in schools of all types and grades and special treatment units, shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of the Subparagraph. P. 1. 4152/2013, by way of exception of the procedures laid down by the current institutional framework for the recruitment of teaching staff and other staff in education.

26. The I.E.P. works with the Writing and Publications Office of the Evgenides Foundation in writing and printing the books of professional education. The application of this paragraph shall be determined by a decision of the Minister of Education and Religion.


27. In the second paragraph of paragraph 2. Article 5 of the Law 3848/2010 the word 'four' is replaced by 'eight'.

28. 2/62285/0022/ 30.8.2012 Joint decision of the Ministers of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Economic Affairs and Finance for the mutual recognition of persons, persons, facts, assessors, evaluators and experts. The programme "Introductory training for newly-appointed and accessible as replacements for teachers of school year 2011-2012" of the Operational Programme "Education and Lifelong Learning" also applies to the corresponding programme Of the school year 2012-2013.

29. In the I.E.P., a Watchtower is recommended for the theme-the recording and management of the passive-flow. The Observatory is an organic unit of the I.E.P. Its organisation and operation issues, its specific responsibilities, and the staffing and qualification criteria and selection criteria are laid down in the Rules of Procedure of the Internal Market and Operation provided for in Article 19 of the Law. 3966/2011.

30. The par. Amendment No 8 to Article 44 of the Law 3966/2011 repeals.

Article 37 Thems of the Greek Open University (EAP)

1. Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Article 2 of the Law. 2552/1997 "Greek Open University and other provisions" (1 266) are replaced respectively by:

' 1. (a) The main functional unit of the E.U. Is: (i) Thematic Section (Th.E.); and (ii) The Laboratory Thematic Unit, each of which covers an area known as an undergraduate or postgraduate level. Includes three-monthly courses, with a curriculum corresponding to a three-hour week-long teaching curriculum of the AE.I. II. (ii) Each E.T.A. includes a number of laboratory exercises, in addition to the theoretical course of study. May be included. The educational content of the European Economic Area corresponds to three symbolically held monthly courses. (c) (i) The teaching of each Th.E., including the examination, lasts for no more than 10 months. (ii) The ETF is divided into one, two or three courses of study. Studies in each of the projects will last an academic year, but the execution of the experiments and the performance of laboratory activities may be planned for a specific period within the calendar year. (iii) By decision of the Senate, the term 'Themational Modules and Laboratories', as well as their dates of entry and termination, shall be defined by the Senate. These dates do not necessarily have to be covered by all the European Union and the European Union. The Decision specifies the number of sub-modules and laboratory cycles of each of the CSR and E. Th.E. respectively.

2. (a) The EAP consists of the following Schools: (a) Social ists, (b) Humanities, (c) Positive Labels and Technology, (d) Art. Of Art. With a presidential decree, issued with

A proposal by the Minister for Education and Religious Affairs, following an opinion by the Senate of the European Parliament, may be, to be repealed, merged, to be taken into account or to be taken into account by the European Court of Justice, in accordance with the provisions of the EC Treaty. Schools provide courses of study. Each study programme is set up by a combination of Th.E. and/or E. Th. On the basis of the decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, in the opinion of the Senate of the European Court of Justice, they may be created, eliminated, renamed or merged with the European Schools. It is not possible to create a Th.E. or E.T.A. with the same cognitive subject in more than one faction. The content and date of entry into laboratory areas of the European Union shall be determined by decision of the Senate on a proposal from the Court of Justice and shall be adopted by decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs. A decision by the Senate, following a proposal by the Committee, and adopted by decision of the Minister of Education and Religion. By decision of the Senate, following a recommendation from the respective Assets, the specific content of the activities shall be determined and included in the relevant sections of the European Parliament and the Committee of the European Communities (CSR). A proposal from the respective governments and the approval by the Minister of Education and Religion, it is possible to draw up a programme of studies from two or more European Schools with the combination of Th.E. e. E) As Director of Programme Studies for each Study Programme are defined by the Ombudsman for a period of time. Two (2) years old and a series of seniority, one of the lecturers of the European Parliament who is a member of the European Parliament. In the event that only one teacher of the above class serves, his term of office as Head of Programme shall be renewed. In the event that no professor of the above class is responsible, the order is extended to the Associate Professors of the E.A.P., the teachers and the substitute teachers who are members of the co-worker (S.A.P.) of the E.R. The Director of the Director of Study Programmes is defined in the Internal Staff Regulations.

3. (a) The Teaching of Theta and E. Th.E. is performed by the corresponding Educational Personnel Unit (O.D.P.), which includes members of the Administrative Research Staff (NTUA) of the E.A.P., and the number of members of a Council of Education Staff (SAB). , according to the requirements of the programme, in accordance with the procedure for the approval of the MAH Committee, as is the case. By decision of the CoC, the Board of Directors of the E.U. Elected in Th.E. and belongs to the O.D.P. as Coordinator of the O.D.P. .. b) In some cases it is possible to offer a Th.E. and E. Th.e. And from O.D., which includes only I. E. G. E. In this case, the Coordinator of the respective Faculty of School or LLC, which is part of another EU Member State or member of the SAB, is also the member of the N.E.P. In the last two cases, the Co-operative is determined by a decision of the Court of Auditors on the condition that its known subject is relevant.


Or relative to the cognitive subject of THA .. 4. By decision of the Senate, following a recommendation

The Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. The Rules of Procedure are set out in Article 5 (2) of the Rules of Procedure. 3 of n. 2083/1992 and any other specific issue concerning the implementation of distance learning. '

2. The par. Article 3 of Law No 2552/1997 is replaced by the following:

' 5. (a) Costs are the highest organ of the company. It consists of the Factor and all the ISP members of the Faculty of Medicine. In the event of a tie, the Ombudsman's vote takes precedence. (b) The Centre for the smooth operation of the Study Programmes and the Technological Development Funds, which are part of the programme, is allocated to the Committee of the European Communities and the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the European Parliament. The Committee of the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Public Health and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Public Health and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Safety

3. The par. Article 4 of Law No 2552/1997 is replaced by the following:

' 10. The members of the Associate Teachers' Association (SEPs) are either members of the Board of Directors of other universities or of the foreign or non-member countries and are invited to participate in contracts for the award of a project, for the duration of an academic year, to cover Conflicts of educational needs. In exceptional cases, the European Court of Justice may employ holders of degrees of specialization in well-known exceptional and unquestionable specificity for which it is not possible or usual to draw up a didactic thesis. The number of contracts for each academic year is defined by a decision of the Senate adopted by a joint decision of the Ministers for Education and Religion and Economic Affairs. The positions for the SAEP are proclaimed for specific Themes with a decision of the Senate every three years. By decision of the Rector, it is set up by a thematic unit to be a tripartite committee with an equal number of reserve members consisting of a priority of the ICAP and other Greek A.E.I. with the same subject matter or, if not There are, with relatives known to be familiar with the subject of non-evidence of Thematic Unity (Th.E.) or of the Laboratory of Unity (ET). The Committee shall be submitted to the Committee by submitting two lists of selected SAB members which will be valid for three (3). Table A will include as many of the members of the SAB group were active members of SAB during the preceding academic year and in Table B those members of the SAB, were not active or assessed for the first time. For each academic year, the delegation of the required number of members of the SAB will be assigned to 85 % from Table A and 15 % from Table B. Each academic year selected in Tables A and B will submit a statement that they wish to be members of the SAB during the following academic year and until the end of three years of the spring. The Company selects and the evaluation act is refrained by the Senate. The evaluation criteria

And the terms of the contract, their obligations, their duties and obligations shall be determined by a decision of the Council. The salary of the members of the SAB is broken down by the budget of the Foundation or the Special Account Management Committee. As the seat of members of the SSP, the place of residence is considered to be the place of their permanent residence. '

4. Paragraphs 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17 and 18 of Article 5 of the Law. 2552/1997 is replaced by the following:

' 1. The EU provides: (a) Certificate of follow-up certificates. (b) Certificate of undergraduate training. (c) Certification Certificates. (d) Degrees. E) Post-graduate courses. (f) Doctoral Diplomas. '

' 6. (a) The students are charged with the acquisition of the necessary educational, informative and material evaluation and participate in the specific communication relating to the implementation of the distance education system. The Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities. (c) The Ministry of Education and Religion is published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. It may also be a resource of the Management Committee for Special Locking-in the previous year, provided for in the previous financial participation. By decision of the Senate up to 15 % of the amount of student participation is used for the award of works for the administrative support, the development of the Study Programmes and the implementation of the systems of technology, information technology and technology. Communication and Communication and the implementation of the specific system of distance learning.

7. The studies in the Greek language are made in Greek. In special cases defined by a decision of the Senate, following a discussion of the Commands, the European Commission may offer a foreign language programme or Themeni Modules.

8. Students during an academic year may follow up to a maximum of three (3) Th.E. and, in addition, in the course of study programmes provided for by E.T.E., students may attend a maximum of three Laboratory tests independently of the number of persons receiving the same academic year.

9. (i) During the period of the teaching of a TH.E., the E.A.P., following a decision of the Bank, organizes the informal meetings at its headquarters as well as in other cities. The number of these meetings, which are mainly related to non-working days and hours, is defined by a decision of the Commision and may not be less than the number of subsection IA. In these meetings, a member of the O.D.P. and the students he is attending are participating. The organization of the SEA can be replaced by the creation of virtual classes based on technology, communication and information services.

(ii) For the teaching of the theoretical content of the E.T.S., the methodology of the evaluation of the Education of Education with or without the conduct of OAS is followed.


By a decision of the Marketing Authorisation for each study programme. The completion of the experiments and the laboratory activities is carried out either by distance or in the laboratory facilities of the European Commission.

10. (a) The number of written tests of evaluation is determined by a decision of the Marketing Authorisation, after consultation with the Coordinator of the respective NPR. This number may not be less than the number of sub-modules. The participation of the student in the evaluation process is compulsory. (b) Final exams are made after the end of a Th.E. section and are repeated for one more time. The dates of entry and termination of the final transactions shall be determined by the Senate. These examinations are carried out at the seat of the SNP, as well as in other cities. The method and format of the final examination for a Th.E. and E. Th.E. determines the Coordinator, after consultation with the members of the respective O.D.P.

11. In order to obtain a degree from the students of the E.R., a successful follow-up and a further 12 (12) will be required. For the purpose of obtaining a diploma in the Studies of Studies, which includes one or more LATs, the successful follow-up and completion of the E.T.S. in addition to twelve (12) Th.E. .. A small number of Th.E. selection of Undergraduate Studies may be optionally covered by a graduate work in the cognitive area of a Th.E. .. The operation of the undergraduate work is similar to that of Th.E. and specialises in the Studies Regulation. The University students who have obtained a degree in tertiary education can, by decision of the Faculty of the Faculty, ensure that the source and/or laboratories of the Founding Foundations are available as parts of Th.E. and/or ER.E. cycles. Respectively;

12. (a) For the acquisition of a Master's Diploma in Law, a diploma or a higher education certificate is required, a successful monitoring and examination of at least four EUA, where provided for and drawn up. The Committee of the European People 's The Senate, with the proclamation of candidatures and after consulting the Faculty of School, specialises the required pre-nominations of nominations per programme. '

' 16. Certificates of OSH and/or E. Th.E. are provided to students of the E.U. At their request and with a successful examination in one or more Th.E. and/or LLC. For the purposes of the certificate of attendance of Article 5 (1) (a), the student must declare that he does not wish to complete the course of study in which he or she is attending.

17. Subsequent provisions relating to non-domestic or foreign transmissions and the introduction of students of higher education in the European Union are applied by students of higher education in the European Union. In the case of internal and classifications of examinations, a decision of the School of the relevant Faculty of the European Court of Justice is guaranteed as part of Th.E. and/or as EPAs. Courses and/or workshops respectively from the Founding Foundation. The decisions of the Minister for Education and Religion shall lay down the specific issues relating to the

The criteria and the percentage of national or foreign transmissions, as well as the introduction, after qualifying examinations, students of higher education in the European Union,

5. A student may discontinue his studies after the successful follow-up of one or more Th.E. and/or E.T.A., where it is anticipated and continued after a period of time, which may not be more than three (3) years, Monitoring the next Th.E. or E.T.I. .. The par. Article 81 of the EC Treaty 4009/2011 'Road, operation, assurance of the quality of education and the internationalisation of higher education institutions' (1 195) remains in force.

6. A. The par. Article 10 of the EC Treaty No 2552/1997 reads as follows:

' 12. Until the Senate is set up, all the members of the SAB are appointed by decision of the Board of Directors, following a contract notice. The procedure, the evaluation criteria, the terms of the contract, their obligations, duties and remuneration are determined by the decision of the Board of Directors. Responsible for the selection of the members of the SEPs per Th.E. or E. DE. Is a tripartite committee with an equal number of members appointed by decision of the Board of Directors, to which the President or Vice-President of the Board of Directors participate, as Chairperson, members, If there are no known objects or if there are no known contraindications with the cognitive object of the respective TE e. E. G. E. G. The Board of Directors is responsible for the implementation of SAB members appointed at the same time and at the same time as Director of Programmes of Studies or Coordinators of the EU. Twenty (20) teaching staff posts, which are distributed by the Board of Directors at the universities of the University, are recommended. ' Other: The case IV of par. Point 3 of Article 10

N. No 2552/1997, as amended by Article 3 (7) (n). Regulation No 3027/2002 is repealed.

7. The award from the Greek Open University-to the post-graduate qualification of the Master's Degree in Postgraduate Studies "Studies in Education" is part of the post-graduate degrees of study in the course of action, according to the To be defined in the case (d) of par. This is a very good report. Regulation (EEC) No 3848/2010 'The role of the educator, the establishment of rules for evaluation and value-rule in education and other provisions' (1 71).

Article 38 Submissions of IFRSs and the Certification of Adult Instructors for Adult Education

1. The par. Point 15 of Article 16 of n. 4115/2013 is replaced by the following:

' 15. The proceedings of the Board shall be signed by the President and the Registrar of the Board of Directors. Decisions taken by the Board of Directors as urgent and directly enforceable, are directly signed and executed. The minutes of the Board shall be authenticated, as a whole, by the Management Board in itself or at a subsequent meeting. ' This provision shall apply from the publication of the n. 4115

2013. 2. After par. Article 27 of the EC Treaty 4115/2013

Paragraph 3A is added as follows:


' 3A. By decision of the Minister of Education and Teaching and of the relevant competent Minister, following an opinion from the Administrative Board of the European Parliament, the transfer of staff serving under private-law contracts may be transferred to the Ministry of Education and Science. Time in the European Union, following their request to other organisations of the Ministry of Tourism and Religious Affairs or other bodies and services of the Law, in accordance with the procedure for the approval of the MAH Committee, as applicable. '

3. A. From the publication of the present law, the provision in case 4 of sub-paragraph Th.15 of paragraph I of Article 1 (1) of the first subparagraph of Article 1 (1) of the first paragraph of Article 1 of the Statute of the Court of First Instance 4093/2012 ' The deadline for the medium-term Framework Decision 2013-2016-Emergency measures for the implementation of the Law. 4046/2012 and the Medium-term Framework of Financial Strategies 2013-2016 "(A΄ 222) and Article 5 of the Bd. 208/2002" Instructors "Instructors, Driving Schools, Theoretical Training Centres, Designated Guides and arrangements of Syrian Directives" (1) 194), as amended and applies, except for paragraph 6 thereof. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

Article 19 of the Law No 4115/2013 is hereby repealed: Decision No 10141/IA/2012 Joint Decision of the Ministers for Education and Religious Affairs and the Economic and Social Committee of the Economic and Social Committee of the European Communities. (B 3056), as well as the term of office of members and the secretariat of the Central Bank, which was set up under the terms of the Treaty. B/2389/2013 decision of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Republic. (million ECU) Officials of Special Positions and Institutions of the Agency for the Law of the European Communities and of the European Communities (24.1.2013).

4. The par. Article 21 of the EC Treaty 4115/2013 is amended as follows:

' 3. The provisions of Article 19 of this Article shall apply to the register of Adult Instructors for Adult Teachers. Regulation (EEC) No 3879/2010 (2009) of which paragraph 2 is replaced by the following:

' 2. From 1.9.2014, the certified academic year is a prerequisite for an instructor to take part in a public-funded programme of formal education. '

Article 39 Matters of tertiary education

1. The first subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 27 of the Law EUR 4009/2011 is replaced by the following:

' It is permissible, following the recommendation of the Court, of a decision of the Court and the relevant act adopted by the Rector, following a review of legality and purposes, the grant of unpaid leave to teachers of the institution, provided that it does not interfere with the law. The smooth running of the school. '

2. The third subparagraph of paragraph 1 (a) of the paragraph Article 19 of the EC Treaty Special Report No 4009/2011 shall be replaced by the following: " Foreign members shall be registered as teachers or alternates of other faculty members of the foreign and foreign affairs of the rest of the rest of the world, as well as instead of-aligned researchers of research institutions in the field. And the foreigner. '

3. After the d's case. Article 78 of the EEC Treaty Case 4009/2011 is added as follows:

(e) For teachers who hold a personnal position in the publication of this law, the possibility of transferring the provisional position, held in a regular position of an associate professor, is still valid in accordance with the provisions laid down by the Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, Article 6 of the Law 2916/2001 (1 114), if a request has been made by the participating Member State for the conversion of its position until 1.7.2011. In addition to this Catalan area, for the above EU Member States, the possibility of transforming the provisional position into a regular and upward trend is based on the provisions laid down in paragraph 1. Article 78 of the EEC Treaty 4009/2011. '

4. At the end of the first subparagraph of paragraph Question No 4, by Mr Arndt (S) The following subparagraph is added to 4009/2011:

" In particular, in the case of Alternate Teachers of TEI, who hold this position from the point of view of the temporary position of Assistant Professor in a regular position of the Alternate Professor, the evolution of the professor's grade is made under - In accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph (b) of paragraph (b) of the Treaty, it shall cease to apply in accordance with the procedure laid down in subparagraph (b). Article 6 of the Law NO 2916/2001 (1 114). '

5. After par. Article 26 of the EC Treaty Paragraph 4 is added as follows:

' 4. The members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors have the right to leave, regardless of the license provisions, in order to engage in Greek Studies of Greek Studies abroad for a period of up to three years. The relevant licence shall be issued by an act of the Rector, following the recommendation of the Court, provided that the function of the Faculty is not present. '

6. The first and second paragraphs of par. Article 69 of the EC Treaty EUR 4009/2011 is replaced by the following:

' 7. The Centre is headed by Director of Research and Studies, who holds a doctoral degree. In the case of scientific support for the activities of the Centre, the Council of the Authority, by a decision published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, may recommend the Scientific Council to set up a Board of Governors. '

7. In par. Article 10 of the EEC Treaty No 4009/2011, second paragraph, as follows:

' The same person cannot be re-elected President for the third consecutive term. '

8. The Research Committee of the Special Account for Funds and Research of the TEI resulting from the merger of two Institutions, for the transitional period and not later than 30 November 2013, is set up by the members and two committees of the merging parties. The President of the T.E.I. who drinks, taking into account the changes resulting from mergers and disclosures, is chaired by the President.

9. Since the date of publication of the presidential decrees concerning the merger of the Foundations up to 30.11.2013, all kinds of di-housing and financial management operations (expenditure effected or accounted for), which have been


They shall be deemed to have been adopted by the competent bodies of the Institutions, which have been merged.

10. The Higher Education Institutions may have a special educational staff with a view to facilitating their regular budget and without any additional funding from the State Budget for the remaining financial resources. (i) the number of years preceding the date of entry into force of the Regulation; The amount of the remuneration of the Board of Education Staff is determined by the decision of the Ministers of Education and Religion and Economic Affairs.

11. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, Article 7 of the Law 4142/2013 "Principle of Assurance in Primary and Secondary Education (A.I.D.S.)" (A΄ 83) in the academic year 2012-2013 enrolled students of the universities which are not affected by their changes. Known to the subject, provided the title of body of the body as shown by the immunization. In particular, it is possible for the academic year 2012 to 2013 to be admitted to the academic year of the academic year 2010-2013, which are the subject of an irregular change in their cognitive or cognitive change in the number of students. They shall receive the title of study, as shown by the emphasis, following the follow-up and successful completion of courses, to be determined by decision of the relevant Convention and in accordance with the new programme of study of the section.

12. The co-financed project-ESPAP-of the Pan-European Sterile Greece which was abolished in the framework of 99/2013 (1st 134) are automatically transferred and implemented by the University of Thessaly, as a universal successor. Accordingly, the co-financed projects-NSRF-of the Pan-Hellenic University of Western Greece, which was committed in the first half of 89/2013 (1 130), are being transferred-rightly and implemented by the University of Patras as a universal successor.

13. The Research Committee of the TEI of Central Greece established in accordance with Article 8 (2). 18 on the case of the n. 4009/2011, as amended by n. Regulation (EEC) No 4076/2012 (paragraph 20) shall be deemed to be a structured, up to 30.11.2013, taking into account the changes resulting from mergers and delays.

14. The Research Committee of the Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece, formed by the concatenation of the TEI Committees. In the case of Patras and the Technological Institute of Mesologia, it is legally constituted, until 30.11.2013. E-Research of the Technological Educational Institute of Greece, which was involved in the consolidation of the TEI Research Committees. Labor and T.E.I. It is considered to be legally structured, up to 30.11.2013, taking into account the changes resulting from mergers and fractures.

15. The expenditure incurred and the legal acts undertaken by the Investigation Committees of the Merged Agencies (T.E.I. of Messologia and T.E.I. of Patras, T.E.I. of Chalkida and T.E.I. of Chalkida), from the date of publication of the Law 94/2013 (1) 132) and p. 100/2013 (1 135) up to and including the establishment of the Research Committee of the T.E.I. of Western Greece and of the

TEI of Central Greece are considered to be legal tender and are covered with retroactive effect.

16. Chair of the School of Agricultural and Food Technology and Nutrition of TEI. Thesularity is Larissa.

17. The second indent of paragraph 1 (b). Article 4 of the Law The following shall be substituted for the following: 3328/2005 'Intermediate Agency of Identification and Information and other provisions' (' ' 80) shall be replaced by the following:

(b) The entire course of study has been circulated to the Study Institutions and at least half of the programme or two years, in the event that the course of study is five years, has taken place at the Foundation where the title is awarded. An exception to this minimum degree of study may be the intermittently intermittently accentuated training programmes. The duration of the studies shall be calculated in academic terms, either for either teaching or teaching units or in combination. '

18. After the second indent of (b). Article 9 (4) of the Law Special Report No 3685/2008 'Thematic framework for post-graduate studies' (1 148) is added to the addition of b.1. As e-to:

' b. 1.) In the event that the Practical title of a doctorate is signed by four members of the Commission, and a member of the Committee has signed the draft report, the title shall be deemed to have been authorised. '

19. Cases (b) and (c) of par. Article 2 of the Law 2530/1997 " Staff Regulations and Conditions of Employment of the teaching and research staff of the Higher Education Institutions-of the Higher Education Institutions (T.E.I.. - T.E.I.) - Mi-morphological arrangements for researchers, Other relevant categories and other provisions' (1 218) are replaced respectively as follows:

' b. To deliver undergraduate and post-graduate courses, as well as to teach in schools or clinics, workshops or clinics, embroidered in the Study Programme of the Section, to which they belong or to another Section or to the Study Programmes of the relevant A. E. C., at a minimum of eight (8) hours a week, only after relevant decisions of the competent institutions. To be present at the universities and universities;

12 (12) hours a week, as a minimum, apart from eight (8) hours of teaching and providing all forms of teaching, research-scientific and administrative work. '

20. The hours of the weekly teaching employment of the members of the European Parliament, as defined in paragraph 1. Article 20 of Article 20 of the EEC Treaty The Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

21. The case (d) of par. Article 79 of the EEC Treaty EUR 4009/2011 is replaced by the following:

(d) Within three months of the publication of the institution of the institution, the permanent members of the institution, as well as the servants with contracts of indefinite duration, have the right to ask for their inclusion in the category E.D.S. Which pre -


See Article 29, provided that they are holders of a teaching degree with a known subject or similar to the known antiques that heals the institution. The entry shall be made by decision of the Court, following the recommendation of a tripartite committee, which is composed of two teachers and a member of the European Parliament, designated by the host, and a relevant act published in its appeal. Government. '

22. At the end of par. Amendment No 8 to Article 7 of the Law The following subparagraph shall be added 4009/2011:

" In the AWU resulting from a merger, in accordance with that article, when the Council has not been elected, the institution responsible for the adoption of the annual regular financial budget and its amendments, of its final financial statement Institution, as well as the programme of public investment related to the institution, is the Senate. '

23. After par. Article 35 of the EC Treaty No 3794/2009 (A156) is added paragraph 7 as follows:

' 7. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, following an opinion of the General Meetings of the School of Fine Arts of the School of Fine Arts. Athens, the Art of Fine Arts of the School of Fine Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Athens School of Plastic and Art Ones of the School of Fine Arts of the University of Ioannina and the Athens School of Fine Arts. Official Journal of the European Union of Western Macedonia, ratified by the Senate of the relevant institution, may be inserted after a special examination of the candidates referred to in paragraph 1 above. Inductees at 5 %. The same decision shall specify the supporting documents, the place, the time and the way in which they are submitted, as well as the procedure and the procedure for establishing the relevant artistic skills for the introduction of the opinion and any other necessary details. For the implementation of this provision. '

24. The par. Article 35 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 3794/2009 (A156) is amended as follows:

' 1. The candidates of the listed categories listed below are admitted without examination in the Higher Education Institutions (A.E.I.) of Pan-Hellenic and Technical Direction other than the School of Fine Arts of the School of Fine Arts. The Athens School of Fine Arts and the Art of Art of the School of Fine Arts of the University of Ioannina and the Arts of Visual and Applied Arts of the University of Thessaloniki and Western Macedonia in support of the number 5 %, as long as they hold a high school or foreign qualification in high school or foreign school: blind, with reduced visual acuity (with an disability rate of at least 80 %), deaf, deaf, Mediterranean sufferers, Sickle cell or microsickle cell anaemia, suffering from congenital hydrocephalus with a muscle Technique-the drainage of cerebrospinal fluid (shunt), accompanied by other artefacts such as arachid cyst with apparent epileptic seizure, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, from heavy vascular dysplasia of the brain stem, From malignant neoplasms (leukaemias, lymphomas, benches), from the Bund Chiari syndrome, Fabry disease, from a heavy fibrocystic disease (pancreas,

2), from multiple sclerosis, from a severe myasthenia of a medically treated medically treated, nephropathic undergoing dialysis or peritoneal dialysis, patients with persistent haemorrhagic disposition-haemophilia and Treated with coagulation factors suggestive of bone marrow or bone marrow transplant, cardiac, heart, liver, lung, kidney, pancreas, small intestine, strands of insulin-dependent juvenile diabetes Type 1, Evans' syndrome, well-studied sufferers from -haemolytic anaemia, with motor problems due to a disability of at least 67 %, bone-in phenylketonuria, congenital thrombocytopenia and treated with anticoagulant therapy, by arrhythmia, right ventricular dysplasia, Defibrillated defibrillator, as well as Gaucher disease, sufferers from congenital cardio-pathogenicity, or non-pulmonary hypertension greater than 50mm Hg, single abdomen, joint arrhythmia, myocardial diseases Effects of a heart failure of the heart (ejection fraction < 35 %), Based on clinical signs of cardiology and confirmed in a cardiac field of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, primary pulmonary hypertension, from severe pulmonary fibrosis of any patient. Justification, from the Brugada syndrome, from idiopathic ventricular tachycardia with defibrillator placement, cirrhosis sufferers, cirrhosis of the liver, from portal hypertension due to hyperplasia of a portal vein, sufferers of Crohn's disease, liver failure Patients receiving immunosuppressive treatment or receiving immunosuppressive therapy In the past and continue with a different medication, patients with Wilson's disease, from multiple neuroinasen syndrome (Recklinchausen), from multiple myeloma, sarcoidosis under major immunosuppressive therapy due to infection Lung and/or CNS, of systemic scleroderma with diffuse skin infestation, from systemic lupus erythematosus under major immunosuppressive therapy due to renal failure and/or CNS and/or serotypes and/or blood from autoimmune hepatitis; For juvenile idiopathic arthritis with active efficacy after 14 years of age Biological treatment, laryngeal laryngectomy, from cranial angiography of the brain, of an acquired immunodeficiency virus (AIDS) in antiretroviral treatment, from nocturnal compulsive haemoglobinuria with the need for regular transfusions On a chronic basis, from idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura under major immunosuppressive therapy, autoimmune haemolytic anaemia under major immunosuppressive couplings, as well as sufferers of various rare congenital, inherited or acquired syndrome; Diseases when given with serious clinical manifestations that give rise to disability At least 80 % considered as appropriate.

25. Where with the provisions of n. Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 2725/1999 (') and the other provisions of the text of the text, it is required for the issuing of a licence, recruitment, appointment or selection in a certain position, the possession of a diploma in the Federal Republic of Germany;


The concept of these terms is that the title on which it is intended is based on a course of study in the field of Physical Education and Sports (T.E.P.A.) with a key or a first specialty in a particular sport, or a speciality of a particular TBI. Which, on the basis of the individual course of study attended by the graduate, (compulsorily courses and courses of choice), shall fully cover the subject-matter of the knowledge in question. This certificate shall be issued by the Bank which has granted this qualification. The above-mentioned specification of a specific subject in the title of a study which was issued by the T.E.P.A. to the entry into force of this law, has a position on the following attestation.

26. After the third paragraph of par. Article 12 of the EC Treaty The following paragraph shall be added 3328/2005 (' 80):

" They are also excluded from the recognition of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications awarded by non-member countries following their accession to the European Union and the provisions of these provisions are therefore applicable. Article 4 (3). '

27. At the end of par. Article 29 of the EC Treaty Paragraph 3A is added as follows:

' 3A. By decision of the Senate, which is issued following the recommendation of the Assembly of the relevant Section, it may be entrusted to the members of the European Laboratory of Teaching Staff (E.D.S.) and Special Technical Laboratory of Personnel (E.T.A.). This is an important part of the project. This provision also includes the members of the Laboratory of Teaching Staff (ERT.) and Special Technical Staff (E.T.P.) of TEI .. "

28. Decisions on transfers of successful positions, etc. Article 34 of the EC Treaty 4115/2013, issued by taking account of the Associations of the Schools or Sections A. E. I. within the meaning of No 4115/2013. 67859 /B1/5.7.2006 Decision of the Minister for National Education and Religious Affairs'Comparability of University Studies' (B2 874) and No. 69066 /E-5/7.7.2006 "T.E.I. Rates." (B998) a decision by the same Minister, as amended and in force at the time of the entry into force of the abovementioned law, is legal, irrespective of the outcome of the above ministerial decisions and the transfer of posts. No, no, no.

29. At the end of Article 41 v. The second paragraph shall be added as follows:

' 2. A. .. The same arrangements, including Article 27 (2) (a) of the Rules of 1 paragraph (a) of the 60/2006 (A65), as applicable, shall apply as appropriate to all the children adopted by the Hellenic Parliament a-natal children of the military or of the officers of the defence bodies during the course of the duty. In accordance with paragraph b (b) of paragraph 13b of the

Article 9 of the Law Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof, Decision of the President of the Greek Parliament (B΄ 1108). '

30. In all the contracts of AWU, the conditions of the n are not met. 2454/1997 in conjunction with Article 13

Par. 51). 3149/2003 for self-harm, the President of the Chamber is defined by an act of the Rector of the A.E.I. The responsibilities of the General Assembly of the Court of Justice and of the Chamber, to its self-determination, shall be exercised by the Court of Justice, and the relevant acts of decision-making shall be signed by the Rector following a declaration of legality and marksmanship.

31. Exceptionally and for reasons of protection of human rights, Christina Chiserika, Georgiou and Irini, is introduced into the Military School of Medicine (Medical), in excess of the number of tickets, and regardless of whether or not the Extent, limits or other specific import conditions. The entry shall be made by means of a recording of the recording in the Secretariat of the School, accompanied by the required supporting documents, within the meaning of the entry into force of the present law.

32. At the Danish University of Thrace, five (5) temporary private-law positions of time, educational degree DE, specific administrative lines, which are added to the prescribed positions of Article 24 of the BCE, are established. 96/2006 "Agency of the Administrative Services of the University of Thrace" (1 98).

33. Holders of any type of Lu-Q type, which provides access to the tertiary education, who wish to claim their education in T, School or Introductory Direction A. E. I. May carry out for the introduction Them at 10 % of the seats of each T, School or Importer, without further examination, based on the score of their last examination in the following subjects, specific courses and practical tests for access. In tertiary education. This right shall be exercised within one (1) year of that following the last examination in the Panhellenic examinations, specific courses and practical tests for access to higher education. A decision by the Minister of Education and Religion shall determine any necessary detail for the application of the provisions of the paragraph.

34. Bd. 92/2013 " Meatonism-abolition ... (a) Article 4 shall be replaced by the following: " 4. The provisions of Article 1 (1) (c) of the Treaty Council Regulation (EEC)

1993 (' 65). This forms part of the independent Economic Area. ' (b) The case (b) of par. Article 5 (1)

Is inserted and replaced by the following: " 1a. In the University of Thessaly, Schools are founded

As follows: (i) Positive Supervisors, based in La Moulia, which is established by the Information Technology Section for Biomedicine and Informatics and (ii) of Physical Education and Athletics, based in Tri-kala, which is part of the area. Section a. Where reference is made to an institution established at the present time, the schools are to be defined as institutions. ' (c) The sub-indent (vi) of the case

(d) At the end of Article 5 (2), paragraph 2 of Article 5 shall be deleted;

Is the case in the following case:


(f) School of Physical Education and Athletics-based in Trikala, with the Bank of Physical Education and Sports. '

35. To the learner teachers of Protein and Deuteronomy Education in Higher Education Institutions for teaching staff, the time of secondment is recognised as a teaching time for all consequences. A decision of the General Assembly of the Board of Directors shall be conducted by a decision of the General Assembly.

Article 40 Founding of State Scholarships (I.C.U.)

Article 23 of the Law 2083/1992 'Modernisation of Higher Education' (1 159) is replaced by:

" Article 23 scholarships and loans

1. To undergraduate students of University and TEI are awarded scholarships from the academic year of the academic year 2013-2014, under the following conditions:

Students with first criterion the financial situation of the student and their parents and the second criterion of their performance, in an absolute order of success, in the introductory or pre-promotion examinations of each of the studies. In order to obtain a scholarship, undergraduate students should have achieved an average degree of degree of degree of degree of at least 8.51 on a score scale of 0-10 in the curricula of the intraocular curriculum, within its first or second phase. (b) Specialization of the conditions for the granting of aid in respect of

Scholarship, the number of scholarships, the amount to be awarded for the scholarship and the other details; the award of the grants, as well as the programme and the regulatory provisions governing it; the decision of the Minister of Education; and Religion, which is published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, following a recommendation by the Board of Directors of the Board of Governors, (c) In the case of undergraduate students,

From the institutions in which they attend, from the academic year 2013-2014, interest-free loans and financial support to cover their specific educational activities on the basis of their individual or family situation and their performance in the Education; The process, the procedure and the conditions for granting such loans and aid are determined by a pro-active dimension, adopted by a proposal by the Ministers for Economic and Education and Religious Affairs.

2. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, each necessary detail is required on the application of this Article. '

Article 41 Sports Academies

1. A presidential decree issued by a proposal by the Minister for Education and Religion and Economy;

There are Sports Academies founded as regional services, which are decentralised agencies of the Ministry of Education and Religion. The Athenian Akadas are two (2) and are based in Attica and Thessaloniki. In the context of each Athletic Academy, they operate school units, according to the same provisions, Athletic School and High School, as well as a School of Research and Technology (S.E.T.).

2. The purpose of sports events is, in particular, ensuring public and free high quality education for all, which contributes to the overall, harmonious and balanced development of pupils through the promotion of sport and sports; Support for the objective of creativity, innovation and excellence in sports.

3. The CEET has the main purpose of promoting the research and development of academic staff for the needs of school and university sports, the use of its results, collection, documentation and dissemination Information on scientific and technological interest in the field of technical issues, the detection of pupils-athletes for their integration into sports schools, education, compliance and implementation of scientific methods for The effective treatment of sports events and professional training of Educational physical education. For the fulfillment of its aims, it cooperates with the T-forces of Physical Education and Sports (T.E.P.A.) and other bodies. In addition, it may participate or cooperate with organisations or non-legal entities governed by public law (NIFs) or legal persons governed by private law (NIS) which have as its object the prevention of injury, couture and rehabilitation. The Committee of the Committee of the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Rules of Procedure and the Committee of the

4. The governing bodies of Athletic Akadas at the national level is the Administrative Commission of Sports A-Cities (ICRC). The Board of Directors is responsible for the decision of the Minister of Education and Teaching, published in the Official Journal of the European Parliament for a term of three years by the following members: a) A Professor or an Associate Professor of A.E.I. with a cognitive (b) A member of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the competent authority of the Member State in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of the Court of Justice or the Court of First Instance of the European Communities. (c) An education of public secondary education with an increased level of education. (d) A Regional Director of Education, e) Two personalities of the authority or foreign authority on the issue of sports and (f) A member of the scientific staff of the I.E.P. or a school board. Secondary education with an exalted academic qualification in the sciences of the sports section. The Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Central Office of the Central Office of the Ministry of Justice and Religious Affairs is also appointed by the Board of Directors of the ICMG and its deputy. The Board of Directors shall exercise, in particular, the following responsibilities: it shall support the implementation of the education policy of the Acadia, selects the Director and the teachers of such schools;


Cooperate with the IEDs, the I.E.P.A., schools, educators, social bodies and research centres of the United States and abroad and promote international co-operation.

5. The President-in-Office referred to in paragraph 1 shall set out all matters relating in particular to: (a) organisation, operation, financing

(b) the conditions and the selection procedure for the Athletic Akadas, the CEET, the ICMG and the workers in the school units;

(ii) pupils, pupils, timetables, timetables and school programmes, teaching periods, teaching periods, enrollment, enrolment, attendance, penalties, conduct evaluation, evaluation of (i) pupils, the periods of study and the qualifications, the procedures for admission to higher education, holidays and holidays, the procedure, the reasons and the rules governing the termination of the courses and their completion And to extend the teaching of the life-life organisation and the general framework of (c) any other detail related to the organisation of school events held in schools and colleges;

And the function of the Athletic Akadas, the ICMG, the SSC and the workers in the school units.



Article 42 Authorising provisions for capital

1. With a presidential decree, issued on the proposal of the Minister of Education and Religion, with the gross anatomy of the orientation of the Second Class of the Hellenic Republic, the sections of the population of the 2nd class, as well as horrendations. Programmes of all classes of GL .. In the same way, the timetables for all schools in secondary education are also defined.

2. By decision of the Minister for Education and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities: (a) The analytical programmes for pupils are approved.

(b) The courses provided for in this section are included in the following sections:

(c) The thematic development cycles shall be defined in the four classes of the institution in the four classes of the institution.

(d) Specialised and harmonised procedures for the organisation and conduct of the research work, and any relevant details concerning the organisation and conduct of the research work.

The Committee of the Environment, Public Relations and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Relations and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Relations and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Process and the issues e -

(f) The method for adjusting the VAF is to be determined in accordance with the procedure provided for in this Regulation.

Compared with the average of the written score of the undeveloped panhellenic courses and the weighting of the degree of seriousness of the degree of progress of all classes of the LL for the introduction into higher education. The lessons learnt from the lessons learnt;

(b) the definition of the type and content of the goods in the first (first) and second (b) subdivisions.

(i) the organisation and operation of the securities;

(i) any other necessary details of the aid shall be provided for:

Classification of the provisions of Chapter A3. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion -

(a) the number, the names of the scientific fields, the names of the scientific fields and the incorporation of the entries, the sections and the Introductory Guidelines to them, at the latest by 30 May Of each year and shall be valid for the next teaching year.

4. (a) By decision of the Minister of Education and Teaching, published in the Court of Appeal of the Court of Justice and issued no later than 15 March of each year, the number of cases and the specific courses per School, Section, or (b) The determination of the coefficient of gravity in one (1), as well as the weight-of-the-mark weightings per school, point or entry point of the current year.

A breakdown by School, Section a or Contributions shall be made on a proposal from the General Secretariat to the Minister for Religious Affairs and Religion, which shall come to him by 1 March each year. If the proposal is not successful, it is defined by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs.

Article 43 Authorising provisions of Chapter VI

1. With a presidential decree, issued by a proposal by the Minister of Education and Religion, it is defined: a) the way, the procedure and the evaluation bodies

(b) the disciplinary proceedings and the penalties provided for in the Staff Regulations, including the pupils of the classes of classes, including the pupils of the classes of education, and the procedures and the questions of examination in the confirmations of September;

(c) the competent bodies, procedures and criteria shall be submitted to the pupils, as well as the competent bodies and the procedure for enforcement;

To ensure quality in the HP.A. and the Courses of Mathematics, taking into account the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2009 (OJ C 155/02 of 8.7.2009) to establish a European reference framework for the The quality of vocational education and training, and (d) the areas and specializations of the PPS. 2. By joint decision of the Minister of Education and Education;


(a) organized by the Court of Justice in the Official Journal of the European Communities (a) organized by the Ministry of Education, in accordance with the provisions of the Staff Regulations.

In accordance with the national and regional needs of the national economy, the proposals of the Regional Investment and Training Supervisors, the E.C.E.U. And the G.S.E.C., of the Chambers of Commerce and of the Scientific Associations and of the Proposals from the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Forests-as well as the OAU, the Ministry of Development and Competition, the Ministries of Health, Rural Development and Food, Tourism, Culture, and Health and Maritime Affairs; and (b) Set the start and end time of the school;

(c) the procedure, the reasons and the institutions, the duration of the teaching periods, the duration of the teaching periods, holidays and holidays;

Who decide to discontinue the courses and how to replenish it or to supplement it with an extension of the teaching year; (d) set issues relating to the organisation

In the case of non-life forms of life, as well as the conduct of school events, walks, teaching visits, migrations and exertion within and outside, (e) classes of pupils are defined, for which they are:

It is particularly difficult to monitor the programme of the number of technological highs and the extent to which they are to be found in these categories, f) they are converted into ESPs from daily to last year.

And vice versa, (g) set out the issues relating to registration; or

The conversion of pupils, as well as all issues relating to their attendance, shall be set at the maximum number of pupils per class.

Or a class or other section, (i) the formula and its contents shall be determined;

(i) arrangements for the exchange of information and other evidence of formal qualifications awarded to graduates;

To the organisation and operation of the NEPs.

3. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, issued following an opinion of the SAR and published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, they shall be replaced by:

(b) the areas of speciality in which they are considered to be relevant or related to the subject-matter of the areas of competence of the host Member State and of the information society.

(c) the specific criteria and the procedure for the type-approval of the TDI Group for the purpose of introducing them into Schemes, Sections and Importers of the TEI;

The graduates of the ESDP graduates in schools, sections and Introductory directions of the TEI's courses.

4. By decision of the Minister for Education and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, the other issues relating to the organisation and implementation of procedures for access to third-country access to third countries are regulated. High school alumni association.

Article 44 Authorising provisions of Chapter I, IV and VI

1. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, published in the Official Journal of the Government: a) may be assigned to the place of residence

The IMBM with the territorial region of one or more of the municipalities or modules referred to in Articles 1 and 2 of the Law. 3852/2010 or subsets thereof, (b) established and redefined

DEBM, (c) specialise the responsibilities of the DBM, as

(d) the specific tasks and responsibilities shall be adopted;

Modalities: directors or heads of directors, directors of the teachers' meeting, the departments of the other regional departments of the Y-Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and their departments, (e) the arrangements are set out, Qualifications, criteria e -

The Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice. Until 31 May 2014, they shall be formed and operated;

The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, on the selection of the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament.

2. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Financial Affairs and the Electronic Governance and Education and Religious Affairs Committee, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, new DIPs may be recommended and existing ones removed.

3. With the common decisions of the Ministers of Education and Religion and Tourism, they are hereby repealed, amalgamation of formal education institutions of the Ministry of Tourism and arrangements concerning the organisation, administration and operation. Of these bodies. The same decisions are defined as the terms, conditions and procedure for the admission of pupils and the implementation of the class of Apprenticeship-Training of the skills of the professional tourist industry. The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Public Health The educational and educational staff who, at the time of the entry into force of the law, serve in the Professional Schools (E-PPS). The Ministry of Tourism has decided by a decision of the Minister of Tourism with the same working relationship. The same geographical area shall be established in accordance with the provisions of this law. The qualifications of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Justice of the Ministry of Tourism are classified by category, speciality and industry as defined in Article 14 of the Law. 1566/1985 (1 37), as amended and valid.

Article 45 Transitional provisions

1. The educational programme of the first class of the GET, the way in which the promotion is to be assessed and carried out;


The first and every other regulation introduced by the provisions of the first class of the 1st class of the 1st class of the 1st class of the first class of the first class of the first class of the first class of the first year of the first year of the first year of the first year of the first year of the first year of the first year of the first year of the first year.

2. The educational programme of classes B΄ and C΄ of the GET, the way in which the pre-export examinations of the classes B and C are assessed and carried out, and any other arrangements established by the provisions of Chapter I and related to the operation The grades B and C of the GCC are gradually being implemented and implemented by the school year 2015-2016.

3. In the school year 2013-2014 the 2nd and 1st class of the Greek Law and the 1st and 2nd class of the mid-school year 2014-2015, the 1st class of the daily GNL and the second class of the ESL will work in accordance with the provisions. Of n. 2525/1997 (1st 188), as amended and applicable.

4. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, published in the Governing Council of the Institute of Education Policy, it may enter into force from the school year 2013-2014 transitional educational programme For the students of the second class of the esperins of the European Union, so that the next school years, 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 will be able to follow the new educational programmes of the 1st and 2nd class, respectively. A decision is set for access to the tertiary education of graduates of the school year of the school year 2014-2015 which, in this year, qualify for admission to higher education.

5. Following the recommendation of the Artistic Committee of Musical Schools, by decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, published in the Court of Appeal, the timetable of the three classes of the General Lyceum of Musicians is defined. Schools, which may vary in the areas and teaching hours of the joint educational programme and general education and the courses of choice in relation to those defined in Chapter I of this law. The programme for the teaching of the Music Schools is governed by the provisions of the Rules of Procedure. G2/3345/2.9.1988 Ministerial Decision "Establishment and functioning of the institutions" (B 649) which was ratified by Article 16 of the Law. COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) NO 1824/88.

6. The previous paragraph applies mutatis mutandis to the Artistic Schools. The above decision of the Minister of Education and Religion is adopted following a recommendation by the Kali-Technical Schools Committee.

7. In the Esperina Schools, they can be registered with adults, without a certificate of employment or unemployment, as well as minors who are employed in a family business with a responsible declaration of their parents or their children.

8. Students of the 1st class of General Lyceum and HPD after their promotion may participate in certification examinations for the award of the Certification Certificate. These examinations are carried out within the school unit. By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion published, the modalities of the present arrangements are regulated.

Article 46 Transitional provisions Chapter II

1. The educational programme of the first class of the European Parliament, the way in which the pre-class examinations of the pupils of the first class are assessed and carried out, and the other provisions laid down by the provisions of Chapter II concerning the operation of the 1st class Of the HPD. They enter into force from the school year 2013-2014.

2. The educational programme of classes B΄ and G΄ of the EIA, the mode of evaluation and conduct of the pre-export examinations of the classes B and C and any other arrangements established by the provisions of Chapter B and related to the operation The classes B and C΄ of HPD are gradually being implemented and implemented by the school year 2015-2016.

3. In the school year 2013-2014 the 2nd and 2nd class of the EASL, the 1st and 2nd classes of the E.A. and the 1st and 2nd classes of the NAPs. And during the school year 2014-2015, the 1st class of the daily E-P.A., the second class of the ESA, and the 1st class of the ESDP. The Second Class E shall operate in accordance with the provisions in force at the time of publication of this law. In particular, the OAED Course of the OAED will be

(a) the school year 2013-2014 in accordance with the provisions of the Directive. 48071 /10-62913 a notice of admission of pupils, as amended and supplemented by no. 52494/ 25.6.2013 proclamation, and ending on 15 September 2015.

4. The function of the 1st Class of the Ministry of Education and Religion ceases the school year 2012-2013. The function of the 2nd Class of the NEPs of the Ministry of Education and Religion ceases the school year 2013-2014. The NEPs of the Ministry of Tourism and Religious Affairs on 15 September 2014 and the other ASPs on 15 September 2015 shall be repealed.

5. The educational staff of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs belongs to the educational staff of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, within the same Directorate, The availability of the necessary educational staff in the BO Class of AWP, with its completion, shall be carried out under the responsibility of the Director of the relevant AWP, in accordance with the applicable provisions. These teachers are deemed to have been assigned to the NTSB from their initial position at the NTSB.

6. The exception of the availability, in accordance with the provisions of Article 82 of the Law. 4172/2013, educational background of the eliminated specialties is available for the provision of educational work in ESDP and NEPs within the same directorate in which they have been transferred for the school year 2013-2014. The installation shall be carried out by a decision of the Director concerned.

7. The term of office of the Directors and Assistant Director of the European Union is hereby extended until 10 September 2015.

8. The School Laboratory Centers (hereinafter referred to as "Laboratory" Centres).

9. At the first application of this law, the decision referred to in Article 8 of this Act shall be issued only a -


By the Minister for Education and Religion. 10. From the publication of the present, where applicable

They shall be established in accordance with the provisions of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which shall be established in accordance with the laws of the Member States.

11. Exceptionally, for the 2013-2014 school year, students can be registrations in the 1st year of the EDP of ELEKA DIMITRA, as well as of the National Health Service EPAs, which operate until 15 September 2015.

12. Specially for the specialties of the Association of Agro-Families of Agriculture, Food Technology and Diagnostics, the OAED and the OAED work together for the poetry of the Class of Apprenticeship with GREAT-DIMITRA and as a place of implementation, as well as its In the case of the Ministry of Rural Development, the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, the Ministry of Rural Development and the Ministry of Rural Development and the Ministry of Rural Development and the Ministry of Rural Development. For the purposes of the certification of the scientific disciplines in agricultural specialties, EOPPA cooperates with ELGA-DIMITRA.

13. Students of forty-nine (49) schools of secondary education assistants, who are under the supervision of the Ministry of Health, who have already been admitted to the schools of OAS for the academic year 2013-2014, are granted, Their graduation, the school year 2014-2015, the National Nursing Assistant.

Article 47 Transitional provisions of Chapter I, IV and VI

1. The teaching year in Vocational Training Schools (CVT), in the Institutes of Vocational Training (IEK) and the Second Chance Schools (GPA) starts on 15 October, and is transferred, on Saturday or Sunday, to the next day. Monday, and ends on the 15th of June each year. The entries in the above entities shall be made from 15 September to 14 October each year.

2. The students of the IEK who, at the time of the publication of the present, have completed a two (2) course in specialties to be removed at the rates of the present, continue to attend them until their completion.

3. In the first application of this law, the decision referred to in Article 17 (5) of the present Act shall be adopted only by the Minister of Education and Teaching.

4. The process of transferring students from S.E.C. to S.E.C. and from IEK to IEK takes place from 15 September to 14 October each year.

5. Until the Director-General of the TEC, the Director of the closest IEK is in debt.

6. Certificates of study programmes, in accordance with the provisions in force, not included in the specialities of CVT and IEK, are provided by the CCMI.

Article 48 Repealed provisions

From the publication of this law, with the exception of transitional provisions, any other general or special provision that regulates the issues of this law is deleted.

Article 49

1. The members of the Council of State, the Court of Auditors, the General Committee of the Court of Auditors, the political and criminal courts and the public prosecutors and of the ordinary courts, who are members of the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors and the The amount of 50 (50) euro as motor costs shall be paid monthly at the time of the performance of the procedural documents. This amount may be adjusted by a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Justice, Lifelong and Human Rights. The provisions of Article 5 of the Law shall not apply to them. 2685/1999.

2. In par. Article 40 of the EC Treaty The following paragraph shall be added:

' The allocation of posts to be filled shall be carried out by decision of the Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights. '

3. In the case of par. Article 37 of the EC Treaty Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

' By way of exception, in the event of an increase in the number of students admitted to the National School of Judicial Operators, by modifying the contract notice, the above application shall be submitted at least twenty (20) days before The day of commencement of the competition. '

4. With effect from 1 July 2015, the organizational positions: (a) the presidents of seven years increase by one (1) and their total number is set at one hundred and five (105), (b) the seven-year-olds are increased by thirty-eight (38) and their total number is set at Four hundred and fifty-eight (458), (c) prosecutors of seven years of age (1) and their total number is set at 45 (45) and (d) seven (7) Counter-Prosecution and their total number is set at one hundred and eighteen (118).

Article 50 School of Schools of Schools

1. Indent (c) of Article 18 (1). 3870/2010 (1 138), as replaced, is replaced by the following:

' c.i. The contracts for the work of the para. Question No 5, by Mr Arndt (S) 1892/1990 (1 101), as amended and applied, shall be drawn up for the years 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 in accordance with the arrangements set out in those provisions.

Other: Since the beginning of the teaching year 2015-2016 and since the needs of the municipalities for the cleanup of school units are not covered by the first


In the event of an accident at work, the person concerned may be covered by the relevant legislation in accordance with the legislation in question.

Iii - For the cost of employment with the staff of the preceding subparagraph, for the year 2015-2016, a special appropriation will be entered in the budget of the Ministry of the Interior which shall be allocated by decision of the Minister, By analogy to the persons concerned, following a reasoned proposal from the Ministry of the Interior to the State Accounting Office of the State from which the need to recruit staff for the cleaning of schools is necessary. To be used. In the course of this year, however, it is still possible to apply the following year. Article 113 of the EC Treaty The Committee of the Committee on the Environment, the Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs

2. In par. Article 2 of the second paragraph of Article 2 The final paragraph is added as follows: 4087/2012 (1 196), the last paragraph is added:

'This amount shall be attributed directly to the municipalities where the relevant programme or via the relevant O.T.A. is applied to their bodies implementing it, on the basis of records and documents.';

Article 51

1. The second indent of paragraph 1. Article 24 of the EC Treaty No 3187/2003 is deleted.

2. The case (c) of par. Article 24 of the EC Treaty Reference: Council Regulation (EC) No 3187/2003 is replaced by the following:

' b. Special Supervisors, who are the holder of a double-blind or exceptional technical experience, with a contract that may last up to two teaching units. It is expected that this provision may be renewed for the whole of the academic year 2013-2014, the contracts of staff working in the academic year 2012-2013. '

3. The arrangements set out in this Article shall also apply to military teaching staff. The identification and payment of the reimbursement of military teaching staff shall be made by analogy to non-military personnel teaching staff.

4. In par. Article 25 of the EC Treaty No 3187/2003 (1 233), as replaced by Article 11 of the Law. Article 88 of Regulation (EEC) No 3413/2005 (2) and Article 88 (23) of the EC Treaty The following subparagraph shall be added 3883/2010 (1 167):

' c. The decisions of the competent body responsible for the implementation, selection, development, integration of the Teaching Research Staff, the Special and Laboratory Staff and the Special Technical and Laboratory Staff, as well as the In order to take effect, they shall be validated by the Commander of the Supreme Military Education Institute concerned. '

Article 52

1. Obligations of the OTA and B ' Vath, as well as those of the Legal Persons, which are carriers of the Government of the Republic of Germany, to the companies of EEDAP SA; and

EVALS SA, which have become established on 31 July 2013, shall be repaid on behalf of the relevant institutions by the State Budget, with a transfer of appropriations in the budget of the Ministry of Revenue, removable any fines, Increase-up-time payment or other charges. The amounts to be paid by the State Budget for the reimbursement of outstanding liabilities of TABs, which have been created for the period from 1.1.2012 to 31.7.2013, shall be deducted from those from the State Budget from the State Budget. -to the local authorities, the provisions of Articles 259 and 260 of the Treaty. Regulation (EC) No 3852/2010, as applicable in the years 2015-2020, by the OTA, which has created a period of time from 1.1.2012 to 31.7.2013.

2. A. The amounts are fixed annually and by means of a decision of the Ministers for Economic and Internal Affairs, taking into account the data of EYDAP SA and UNIT SA. Any resulting differences shall be applied as advances against future water treatment by the operators concerned and shall be determined by a decision of the Governing Council or of the Board of Directors of the institution, the It shall be issued following an agreement by the above-mentioned companies, which shall be made within an exclusive period of two (2) months from the date of publication of the above Decision. The same decision regulates the procedure for

The number of amendments to the accounting of the size of the budget and balance sheets of the institutions, the supporting documents of the diaper concerned, and any other requirements for the application of this Article.

3. Any premature, incremental or other charges that have been paid by the present time and relating to the above-mentioned period shall not be sought. The repayment of these debts shall be extinguished by all the requirements of the abovementioned companies, relating to the above-mentioned obligations.

4 a. The amounts paid under paragraph 1 of this Article shall be exempted from the retention provided for in paragraph 4a of Article 281 A of the Law. 3852/2010, as amended and applicable. Textile debts of the Hellenic Foundation

To the account of one-off staff of the NSRF (Article 26 (2)). 1-b. 2939/2001) paid by the State Budget (Ministry of Development and Competitiveness and Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, Special Report No 2939/2001). Body 35-990 CEE 9299. The above-mentioned debts, as well as the maturity obligations of the public supply accounts of the Board of Directors, and the entities referred to in paragraph 1 to EEDAP SA and EASTH, which exist at the time of publication of the present proceedings, shall be discounted. Having regard to the Treaty on European Union,

Article 53

1. At the end of the "D" case. Article 90 of the EEC Treaty No 4172/2013 (1 167) shall be added as follows:

" (f) Employee of private law of the most part


(Board of Directors) who has been made available under Subparagraph G. 4. The parafi of the article first of the n. 4093/2012, (g) governed by the provisions of Articles

No 18, 3448/2006, 19. 1911/1990, as applicable, 5 of n. 2452/1996, 5 v. EC 6-1991, point I would like to thank the Commission for its support. (a) officials whose salaries are covered by the Staff Regulations;

2. In Article 3 of the Law. 4013/2011 (1 204)

Paragraph 8, as follows: In the event of a regular replacement,

A member, other than the President, misses or withdraw for any reason or forfeit the property on the basis of which he has been appointed, the vacancy may be appointed for another regular or substitute member, without re-examination of the opinion of the President. Responsible for the Parliament's decision. For the purpose of applying the final subparagraph of paragraph 2, the terms of office provided shall be complete. '

Article 54

1. Article 13 of the Law 3698/2008 (1 198) is replaced by the following:

' Article 13 Payment of a special levy in milk

1. The special contribution of 1 % provided for by the classes of par. Article 94 of the EC Treaty 2127/1993 (A-48), as is the case, is fixed at a maximum of 0.75 % per kilogram of milk and milk products used for further processing into milk and milk-based desserts (milk or milk). Heat-treated, concentrated, milk cream, cheese, milk powder or milk protein powder), regardless of origin.

2. For the collection and payment of the special levy referred to in paragraph 1, account shall be taken exclusively of the concentration of the processing or marketing of milk (such as dairy, cheese mills, ergonomics and dairy products); and Subsidies, milk and milk-based products and livestock breeders who carry out their livestock rearing, which buy the product on their own, operating as first buyers in the country.

3. The above levy shall be paid as follows: (a) The producer/breeders' milk producers;

(b) The undertakings referred to in paragraph 2 shall pay a special levy of 0,25 % of the value of all types of milk; (b) The undertakings referred to in paragraph 2 shall pay a special levy.

A levy of 0,50 % on the per kilo value of all milk and milk products of the parietal 1, when they use the supporting-logistical and laboratory substructure of 'ELLINI-COO AGRICULTURAL -DIMITRA' (EL.G. O.) DIMITRA. In the case of the above-mentioned undertakings, the special levy

Further information:

(aa) At 0,45 % per kilogram of raw cow's raw milk and 0,40 % per kilogram of the value of the other milk and milk products listed in paragraph 1, when they use the laboratory for the laboratory of ELGA. -DIMITIES for withdrawals and only take account of their responsibility and expenditure. The sampling is subject to the approval of ELGA. -DIMITRA and in accordance with Union law and international standards. (bb) At 0,35 % per kilogram of the raw cow -

In the case of milk and 0,20 % of the value of the other milk and milk products listed in paragraph 1, where the laboratory is not used in the case of ELGA. CITY HALL. The laboratories of the self-controlled or private

Laboratories used for milk analyses must be approved or registered by the competent veterinary authority or the ELGA. -TOWN HALL. The analyses shall be made in accordance with Union law and international standards.

4. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Rural Development and Food, the procedure is determined and the method of payment, collection and performance in ELGA. -INFORMATION of the above levy, and any relevant issues. '

2. Since the entry into force of this Article, the provisions of paragraph 1 shall be repealed. Article 94 of the EC Treaty 2127/1993, as applicable.

Article 55 Extension of registration certificates


1. The attestation of registration of registered undertakings in the classes 3 to 7 of the Registry of the Workers' Registry (MEC) of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Infrastructure, With-Exports and Networks, which have date A letter from 1.1.2013 to 31.12.2013 or have been referred to in accordance with Subparagraph 3 of paragraph H. 6 of Article 1 v. 4093/2012 to 30.6.2013, extended from the date of expiry of that date until 31.12.2013, provided that the undertakings are subject to a request of up to sixty (60) days after the entry into force of this law or have been submitted to the Agency for compliance with the date of entry into force of this Regulation. MCA, review request. The entry into force of this paragraph shall begin:

From its resolution.

Article 56 Extension of protection of disabled persons

After the end of par. Article 11 (1) The following subparagraph shall be added: 3227/2004 (1)

" The Disabled Persons who have been employed in the last year prior to the publication of the present in business or transit operations or institutions of par. Point 8 of Article 2 of the Law 2643/1998 (1 220) with any form of work or decision-making or temporary injunctions, it is considered to be the consequences, that they have been placed and continue to provide their labour force. 2643/1998, with the employer stating that he wishes to continue to employ them. '


Article 57

Article 15 of the Law Decision No 3404/2005 is amended as follows: The par. (2) Article 15 2. The percentage of the total

University graduates, TEI, Greece or abroad (recognised by the D.O.U.) are defined at 10 % of the number of entrants in each part of the Panepresis. In addition to the above percentage, graduates of dentists in dentistry Medicine and Graduate Medicine in dentistry courses are performed in a separate account of how much-3 % of the number of subjects in the T-section. ' Other: The par. Having regard to the proposal from the Commission, If the number of pre -

Occurs has a decimal place, rounded up or down to the nearest one-horn to the ground. If the decimals are exactly the half of the unit, the rounding is done upwards towards the straight-up whole unit. By definition of the above percentage according to the pre-accession of the candidates for the classification of graduates or by-allocation of any residual percentage to other non-registrations or classifications, it is not permitted. ' Other: The par. In Article 15, 4. Exceeds the amount

The classification of the classes is not permitted. The selection of candidates for the classification of graduates shall be reserved for three courses of development. The selection of candidates should ensure transparency and openness in the process. The order of success of the parties is determined by the summation, the degree of degree of all the subjects considered. This series is taken by those who have accumulated a total score of at least thirty (30) units and provided that they have collected, at least ten (10) units in each of the three (3) pupils. The class is gradually decreasing until the expected rate has been reached. If there are more candidates with the same overall score, for the avoidance of exceedance taking into account the possession of a T-section with relevant sections of the classification, as defined by the opposite-mentioned curricula. Although the number of participants

On the other hand, the number of candidates is the same as the number of candidates, the equivalent of the number of candidates. No selection of candidates to be allocated to the last classifier in the above-mentioned section shall be selected. A joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs and Education and Religious Affairs may provide for the payment of a fee for the participation of candidates for the classification of graduates in the selection procedure. ' Other: The par. In Article 15, 5. The full-time classification

Graduates in T are defined by the competent institutions of the School and may not be higher than the 7th semester for six-year or five-year periods for a five-year or four-year period. Under the decision of the General Assembly of the World Bank or the General Assembly of the Technological Educational Institute of the Technological Educational Institute of the Technological Educational Institute of the Technological Educational Institute of Greece or the General Assembly of the Technological Educational Institute of Greece. Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament, the Council, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the European Parliament By the same decision, the parties are obliged to consider courses or exercises which, in accordance with the terms of reference, are deemed not to have been fully or adequately taught in the Chamber or the School of Origin. In any case the persons concerned shall be exempt from the examination of the items to which they have been examined for their classification, in so far as these courses correspond to the courses of the Student Handbook. ' Hey, It is added. 6. As follows: By decision of the Y -

The Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs sets out a number of issues and any other details concerning the procedure for the classification of higher education graduates. '

Article 58

The administrative staff of TEI of Thessaloniki, which until 31.8.2013 had been placed in the former annexes of Kilkis and Katerini, may be applied only by application and by way of derogation from the provisions of the said provisions, without exception. A notice, at the TEI of Central Macedonia in which they joined in accordance with the above points 82/2013.



Article 59 Entry into force

The validity of this law shall be initiated by its publication in the Official Journal of the Government, unless otherwise specified in its individual provisions.

Athens, 2013