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Other Provisions Of The Court Of Justice Of The European Union

Original Language Title: Rules of regulating the market of products and the providing of services and other provisions

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Article 1 Scope

This law lays down rules for the movement of goods and services, available and provided in the Greek market, from economic agents operating in the house, open-air and stasis, and from a distance Tinnitus. For transactions relating to products and services

In addition, the provisions of Article 4 of the Law shall apply from a distance, such as electronic commerce and other forms. NO 2251/1994 (A191) The designated areas shall be without prejudice to more specific provisions.

Arrangements arising from national or Union legislation. From the scope of application of this law,

The official services provided by the liberal professions referred to in Article 48 (2) shall be granted. No 1. Regulation (EC) No 2238/1994 (1 151), as well as a banking, credit, insurance or investment service or individual pension or payment service.

Article 2 Definitions

(a) 'Product': any industrially manufactured product for the purposes of applying this law.

Any chemical product and any product constituting an inmate.

(b) 'Pre-packaged product' means any product which has been placed in a package of any kind, without the presence of the purchaser and in a manner that has been removed from the packaging cannot be altered without apparent opening or alteration thereof. In the case of a harmonised area ': every single day

(d) " Renovated or metabolized or modified by a Community legislation, the product of which is defined by Community legislation and conditions of trade.

': products after their initial sale have been refurbished or reconstructed and re-used. E)' Chemical products': aa) Substance: a chemical element and its compounds in

Physical condition, as taken by any manufacturing process, including any additional necessary to maintain its stability and any precariousness derived from the use of the used process; A solvent that can be separated, without affecting the stability of the substance or changing its composition. B) Mix: a mixture or solution composed of -

Of two or more substances. (cc) Replaced: dissociated, which in turn:

A production line acquires a special shape, surface or design defining its utilitarian function to a greater degree than its chemical composition. (f) "Food" (or "food"): substances or products;

Whether they have undergone complete or partial processing or not, which are intended for human consumption or reasonably expected to be used for that purpose.


First, Since the Official Journal of the European Union, 24 July 2013, Meetings of the Work Decorator of the Work

The following draft law was adopted by the House of Parliament:

Rules governing the market for goods and services and other provisions

(g) 'Food labelling' means non-entries, particulars, commercial or industrial names, commercial names, whether or not listed in an inmate and shall be supplied in each package, document, label, label, ring or periodical accompanying, or (h) 'Pre-packaged foodstuffs': the unit of sale

Which is intended to be presented to the final consumer and to the sole focus groups, consisting of an inmate and the packaging, in which it has been placed before the offer for sale, provided that the packaging is packaged In order to ensure that it is not possible to change the content of the packaging, it is not possible to modify the contents without opening or changing the packaging.

'Electronic service' means any service that is normally provided by a company or a natural person, with the exception of the official services referred to in point (d) of Article 1 of this Article.

The information society, that is to say, any service that is normally provided against a bank, by electronic means at a distance and on the personal choice of a service recipient. For the purposes of this definition, the following definitions shall apply:

The term: aa) Remote: service provided without

Parties to be present at the same time. (bb) By electronic means: service provided

At its starting point and accepted by means of electronic processing equipment, including digital pressure or data corruption, provided, transmitted and taken entirely by telephone (i) grammar, radio transmission, optical fibre or other-pelagnetic media. (cc) Following a specific order of one service,

Service provider: a service provided with data transmission on a specific order. (k) 'Documentdocuments': documents with specific

Details of a trade transaction, such as order or order, sales invoice or proof of service, consignment note, certificate of origin. 'Manufacturer, producer, manufacturer':

Any natural or legal person who manufactures or manufactures or manufactures a product or manufacture or manufacture or manufacture of a product and puts the product on the market under his or her trade Uth time. 'Food manufacturer' means any natural or legal person;

A person, who manufactures, processes, packages, imports from abroad, maintains, maintains or manufactures food consumption. 'importer' means any natural or legal person;

EU-based product with a third world product on the Community market. 'Distribution': any natural or legal person in the

A supply chain, other than the manufacturer or importer, which makes available a product in the market. 'Disposal' means the position for the first time in cyclopho;

Of product or service. 'Disposal officer' means any natural or legal person;

In Greece, the manufacturer or the importer or distributor has a product in the Greek market, which is located in Greece. (a) 'Leading enterprise' or 'retailer': or

(i) the undertaking or the person making the product available to the final consumer; c) 'Wholesale undertaking':

It is based on products from producers or manufacturers and is transferred to retail businesses. 'Quality' means the sum of the data and the

Characteristics of a product or a service that delineate its ability or ability to produce pre-diagnosed needs.

Article 3 General principles governing

The movement and marketing of products and services

Anyone dealing with goods or services shall be charged with ensuring the correct, correct and timely consumer information, which may affect its purchasing decision, the correctness of the change, and all the hygiene rules. And security. The decisions referred to in Article 4 of the Minister for Development and Competitiveness are specified in the above obligations as well as the penalties imposed.

Article 4 Liability for the movement and marketing of products

And provision of services

1. Decisions of the Minister for Development and Addenticity are set out in the relevant issues for the application of this law, and in particular the nature and content of the protection of the goods, the infringement, the act or the omission. (i) the protection of the consumer, the protection of the market, the rules on the functioning of the market, the product characteristics, the conditions for the operation of the various branches and undertakings, the penalties in the event of infringement and any other The Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Rules of Procedure and the Committee of the Rules of Procedure.

2. The decisions referred to in paragraph 1 shall be a single set under the heading 'Rules for the Movement and Supply of Products and Service Providers' and shall be codified every five years.

3. By decision of the Minister for Development and Adequacy, following an opinion from the Committee on the competition and where warranted by reasons of public interest, maximum sales prices may be fixed for contracts; (i) at the level of the wholesale or retail and service sectors, where it is not possible to operate the competition.

Article 5 Granting of printed instructions

In each sale, the supplier must provide the consumer in writing to the Greek language or


International Standard and comprehensive arrangements for the safe use, maintenance, maintenance and complete use of the product and information on risks when used and maintained. The application of the preceding subparagraph shall be excluded from products which are simply in the manufacture, use and maintenance of such products, provided that such products are not supplied by the manufacturer in any language.

Article 6 Food labelling

1. The pre-packaged foodstuffs available to the final consumer shall be inspected in accordance with Article 11 of the Food and Drink Code, as is the case, without prejudice to the labelling requirements provided for by specific Union or EU legislation. Mortality provisions applicable to specific foodstuffs, as well as geographical indications Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and Geographical Indication Products (PGI). In order to ensure the safety of the pre-packaged food from any intervention, the packaging must be safe from the producer-packer, so that any intervention in the content of the package becomes apparent from the product. The destruction of the security or characteristic features of the producer-packager.

2. For food which is not pre-packaged and offered at the place of retail sale for direct sale to the consumer or to units of the bar, as a minimum of information on the registration plate: a) The sale or type of sale (b) The quality and variety of this species, if

(c) The country of origin or the place of origin of the consignment;

(d) The measured unit of measurement, as determined by the

The decisions referred to in Article 4. 3. Other products other than food products

For final consumption, they must bear the particulars of the product, manufacturer or manufacturer, importer, distributor, distributor.

Article 7 Maintenance of signs

1. In all products available for consumption either within the list or from open-air sellers, retail signs shall be placed with the particulars required each time.

2. The plaque with the required indications is to be made on or at the place of the product sold and must be directly perceived and fully apparent to the consumer. All indications are indicated in the Greek language, by conspicuous and inconspicuous evidence and in such a way that they are directly visible and perceptible by the creditor. In particular, the final sales price should be in bold (bold).

3. The billboard bearing the required information must not be destroyed for anyone.

Or to be tampered with, the indications given in this indication are altered or removed.

4. The products, pre-packaged or non-packaged, must be exposed in such a way as to ensure that each type of tax is directly perceived by the consumer, based on the indications given on the corresponding plate.

Article 8 Rules on the quantity of products

1. The sale of all pre-packaged products is based on the net quantity of the product. The net quantity does not include any additional packaging units that are included in the primary container.

2. The bulk products may be sold in bulk under the conditions laid down in the decisions referred to in Article 4.

Article 9 Maintenance of business directory

Service provision

1. Undertakings providing all forms of service to their clients are required to re-establish a fixed list on the client side of their registered office or office indicating the prices of the services they provide.

2. The above-mentioned undertakings shall be required to provide the information or receipts (except for the demonstration of the cash machines) which they issue, separately for each service provided by the respective Member State (s) which receive and after VAT.

Article 10 Consumer information services

1. Communication Practices for the purpose of informing the consumer or the promotion of products and services must be done in such a way that the seller is able to perceive all the information required before making a purchase. Product or service.

2. On the sale of products and provision of services and subject to the provisions of the Code of Tax Imaging Code (CCS), the Code and the n. 2523/1997 ('179) ', the consumer is not required to pay the price if he does not receive the legal tender as defined in the relevant provisions.

3. In the field of application of this law, promotions, discounts and pro-kets and service catalogues are included.

4. New good or service is considered to be substantially different from another good or service. (a) the production or supply costs, (b) the cost of production or supply; (c) the quality; (d) the quality; and (e) the production or supply costs; The use.


The change in name or code number, as well as the change in packaging, does not characterise the species as new.

Article 11 Storage media-Refrigerators

Any way of storing food, including refrigeration or freezing, shall be carried out in a manner that ensures the health and safety rules of the consumer.

Article 12 Disposal and movement of products

Each supplier has an obligation to disclose the selling prices of his products to the relevant buyer concerned, if so requested, with any appropriate instrument.

Article 13 Parastical trade and movement

All legal documents shall be issued during the movement and marketing of products or the performance of a service. They shall contain details of the details provided for in the provisions laid down in the provisions. They shall also indicate the total quantity and value, the quality, where applicable, of the provisions, the provenance and the name of the item, if any. The country of origin, if not supervised by other provisions, is required only for products originating from non-EU countries.

Article 14 Measuring instruments

All of these weighing instruments, as well as all other measuring instruments subject to law, shall comply with the requirements of EC type-approval or national approval. These weighing instruments are compatible with the

Having regard to the requirements of the Joint Ministerial Decision, F2-1347/2013 (II 1392), as is the case at all times, and the other measuring instruments comply with the requirements of the Joint Ministerial Decision in force. F2-1393/2007 (B 521), as is the case every time.

Article 15 Discounts-Deals

1. It is permitted to sell goods or to provide services with reduced prices of four (4) times per year, as follows: (a) Regular discounts: aa) from the second Monday of January to

(i) end of February and (ab) from the second Monday of July to the end of

(b) Indirect deductive periods: (a) the first eighteen of May and (bb) in the first 18 months of November. This provision shall not apply to such sales;

Motor vehicles

2. Thirty (30) days prior to the start of the deductions shall be prohibited to the persons responsible for communicating to the public in any way, in particular by means of a transparent, certified or post-posting plate.

3. During the deductions referred to in paragraph 1, in addition to the indication of the old and new prices of goods and services sold at a discount, the indication and the commercial communication of a discount rate may also be indicated. In any other period of tender, only the indication of the old and the new value of the goods or services shall be permitted only.

4. Tenders of certain categories or products may be offered for a period not exceeding ten (10) consecutive days, provided that the price of the product is clearly marked and the new product is clearly marked in a light. (i) the establishment of a single market; and, in any event, to the points where the products offered are estimated. Exceptionally, the time period for offers from car exhibitions may not exceed sixty (60) days. This provision shall not apply to tenders

Grocery products. 5. In any case, the offer is prohibited.

Of which the quantity exceeds 50 % (50 %) of the total of the species at its disposal. The preceding subparagraph shall mean any product code sold in the undertaking. A new offer of the same product is not allowed before sixty (60) days from the previous one.

6. The person responsible for any business situation shall be required to communicate by fax or e-mail to the Observatory of the General Secretariat for Consumer Affairs of the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness of the bids. Which is scheduled to do at least one (1) day prior to their start. The notice lists the products offered and the duration of the offer. The same notice is required to be posted on the website of the website and may communicate in any appropriate manner to the relevant European Association.

7. By decision of the Minister for Development and Antitrust, the period of time during which seasonal species may be offered may be offered at reduced prices. A decision lays down the conditions and conditions for the designation of stock and discount stores and the sale of goods from the stores and the sale of goods from these stores.

Article 16 Functioning of acts on Sundays

1. The following Sundays: a) On the first Sunday at the beginning of time, the following day:

Periods referred to in Article 15 (1) of the present law. (b) Two (2) Sundays before the day of the date on which the first Sunday is to be entered in the first Sunday.

On Christmas.


(c) On Sunday, Vaion. 2. With a reasoned decision by the local authorities,

The Vice-President, which is issued within three (3) months from the entry into force of the present case, defines the areas in which the operation of the trade goods and other Sundays, other than those mentioned, is permissible. (a) in the following conditions: (a) the trade stores are to have an overall effect on the following conditions:

(b) not belonging to any legal relationship in the supply of electricity, as indicated in the electrical supply logbook, up to two hundred (250) square metres,

Chain stores, except in the case of franchisees, (c) do not operate under cooperation agreements;

('shops - in-a-shop ') and do not lie in discount stores ('outlet') , with shopping centres or discount villages. As long as the deadline of three (3) months of

The Vice-President shall be liable to disciplinary action in accordance with Articles 233 and 234 of the Law. 3852/2010 (1987). The decision of the Vice-President may delegate

A decision adopted in January and the first application in January 2015. If the decision is not adopted, the previous regulation applies.

3. A. Without prejudice to specific rules for the statutes referred to in Article 42 of the Law. No 1892/1990 (A ' 101) and Article 14 of the Law. In accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, the time-limit referred to in Article 23 of this Article shall be applied in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article. Regulation (EEC) No 2224/1994, as amended by Article 12 of the Law. 3377/2005 (1202). Other: (Parliament adopted the resolution) Article 23 1

Of n. 2224/1994, as replaced by Article 12 of the Law. 3377/2005 is replaced by the following:

"The above-hours framework is determined for every day until 21:00 hours, on Saturdays until 20:00 hours and Sundays from 11:00 to 20:00."

Article 17 Services for control

1. Services responsible for the monitoring of the application of the provisions of this Regulation and of their delegated powers, other than those referred to in the contested decision, are: a) The services of General Commission of the European Union

(b) The services of the General Secretariat for Consumer Affairs

Of the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness. (c) The General Secretariat of the Industry Department

(d) The Directorates for the Development of the Regions. E) The People's Purchases of Attica and Institutions -

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection, on the proposal from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee

(f) Services of the General Secretariat of the State. (g) The departments of the General Secretariat of the State. 2.

In this context, the national authorities and the competent authorities of the Member State concerned are the competent authorities and the competent authorities designated by the national legislation. The competent authorities and the competent authorities designated by the national legislation are the competent authorities of the Member State concerned. Especially for food subject to a Special Consumption Tax, the competent control body is the General State of State.

3. Criminal and administrative penalties imposed on undertakings not complying with food law are laid down by the provisions of the more specific rules on the control of food law and the relevant regulatory acts. Establish the Central Competent Authorities.

4. Provisions concerning the administrative penalties imposed by the General Secretariat of the State shall be maintained in force.

5. Penalties imposed under the present law do not affect, in particular, administrative fines imposed by the competent bodies by means of an attestation of infringement at the time of inspection at the doors of the open-air carrier ( The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer

Article 18 Checks-Activities of Laboratory Examinations

1. In carrying out the checks, the competent officials have the duties of a special investigating officer in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The competences referred to in par. 1 of the

Article 39 of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 3959/2011 (' 93) is applied analgesic.

2. In the event that officials who carry out checks find evidence of a withdrawal, for which there is no enforcement activity, they shall be required to inform the competent authorities concerned accordingly.

3. The competent authorities responsible for carrying out checks may inspect any premises where services are provided or produced, stored, transported, placed on the market or exposed to products intended for the consumer; and To be subject to relevant checks.

4. For the entry into the premises of the supply or production, storage, handling and disposal of the products of the control devices, the competent authorities must demonstrate the relevant administrative and other documents of the competent authorities. Market surveillance demonstrating the relevant orders.

5. The controlled persons are required in each case to provide assistance to the competent control bodies in the performance of their work.

6. In the context of the audits, the competent officials may receive unexchanged samples.


Of all controlled products for further testing of laboratory tests and for the determination of their compliance with the legislation. All samples taken for the purpose of checks on board controls shall be marked and stamped by the competent bodies in order to be sent for further laboratory testing.

7. The sampling procedure shall be drawn up by the auditors, which shall contain at least: (a) the data of the undertaking where they were received;

(b) product information sufficient to ensure;

(c) the traceability of the sample and the total amount; (c) findings or observations made during the course of the investigation.

An on-the-spot check carried out, (d) signatures by the auditors and the audited, e) signed declaration by the business operator;

(i) where the sample is taken, in which it accepts the correlation of the sample with the purchase terms of the market, which it delivers to employees performing the sampling exercise.

8. In order to obtain the sample, the amount of this, the method of sealing and labelling, the relevance of the identification of the sample, and any details concerning sampling, shall be applied on a case-by-case basis. (i) the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 7182/ EEC on the common organization of the market in milk and milk products. In any event, with the provision of more specific provisions of the subject matter for foodstuffs, the number of samples taken and the quantity of each sample must be reasonable, reasonable and sufficient: (b) for the second, if an appeal is lodged against the

Reference to the first laboratory examination by the economic operators, and (c) for the third laboratory examination, in case of

To ensure that the results are consistent with the first and second laboratory tests.

9. The laboratory testing of products shall be carried out in an accredited or notified or recognised laboratory, or approved by a case-by-case laboratory, as defined in the legislation.

10. The first laboratory examination of the products obtained from the audit bodies is to be carried out by the competent authority. If there is no complete or complete technical documentation for the prepared product, although this is required by the provisions in force, it shall be weighed against the cost of the first examination.

11. If the results of the first laboratory examination show that the notified product does not comply with the conditions required by the relevant legislation, the designated product, after being updated, may appeal against its results. First laboratory examination, within two (2) working days. The cost of the second laboratory test shall be borne by the control.

12. In cases where differences arise in the results of the first and second (on appeal),

On the other hand, it is necessary to ensure that the competent authorities of the Member States comply with the requirements laid down in the Directive.

13. (a) In the case where the laboratory is carried out by the Services of the General Secretariat of the State (GPC), the most specific provisions concerning sampling, chemical examinations, knowledge of and perishable samples shall be applied. The relevant articles of the Food and Drink Code and the relevant Decisions of the High Council (CPC). (b) In addition, for the samples examined

In the Services of the General State of the State, the case of the type or the one from which the third party purchased the goods may lodge an appeal against the outcome of the first examination within the meaning of paragraph 11. The deadline. An appeal shall be carried out by another member of the GDM, with the possibility of a private party, representing the person concerned, in accordance with the relevant article of the JTI on the appeal. The request for appeal shall be forwarded by the notified body to the competent authority of the GPC, accompanied by a duplicate infringement procedure, determined by a joint decision of the Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs and Competitiveness. In that regard, the Court of First Instance held that the Court of First Instance failed to fulfil its obligations under Article 93 (2) of the EC Treaty in respect of the application of Article 85 (3) of the Treaty. The procedures laid down in the relevant article of the JTI. (c) In cases where there is a difference between:

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, A sample of the procedures provided for in the relevant article of the JTI on appeal, without prejudice to specific decisions of the PCA.

Article 19 Special criminal penalties

1. Anyone who attends the control or is required by any means to deliver to the competent officials any information necessary for the conduct of the audit, such as the purchase of sales or other documents, to be carried out by imprisonment. The concealment of the identified data or the falsification of these data or their false report shall be considered and accounted for.

2. (a) Anyone who produces, traffics or has food unsafe or unfit for human consumption or adulterated foodstuffs with a minimum of three (3) months in prison. (b) Anyone who produces, traffics or has an inmate.

(c) Anyone who mixes a paranus and sells articles of a similar nature to health, or harmful to health, shall be reduced to six (6) months.

Of penal qualities, to be served by imprisonment. 3. Anyone who distorts or distorts, knowingly owns

To market, sell, put into circulation or deliver


For the purpose of using other types of biochemical, other than food, falsified or nothea, which is intended for human consumption, is given at least three (3) non-non-non-food.

4. Whoever produces, traffics or has products tested on the basis of the knowledge of the competent services of the GCC, do not comply with the specific specifications and the quality characteristics laid down in the relevant provisions of the Directive. Council Regulation (EC) No 519/1999 of 21 December 2002 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 32451999 (OJ L 185,

5. Anyone in any way embezzles or alters the sound or electro-logical or electronic part of the measuring instruments or the logistical or logarithmic of each organ-related organ, or changes the evidence of the organs (i) the measure or the data receiving or producing the tests, which is to be carried out by at least six (6) months of imprisonment. Measuring instruments and seedling instruments shall be confiscated. The above-mentioned sanctions are also imposed in cases of localisation or tampering. Where, within two (2) years of the imposition of the sanction, a new infringement is found to be re-established, the operation of the undertaking shall be definitively removed by decision of the competent authority, the act designated as that of an infringement. The conditions for the granting of the relevant information.

6. In the offenders referred to in paragraphs 1 to 5 of this Article, in addition to penal sanctions, administrative penalties shall be imposed under Article 22 of this law.

7. Anyone who gathers, grants, manufactures or reproduces the means for the commission referred to in paragraph 5 of this Article, which is to be used for at least one (1) year in prison and by administrative fines of twenty thousand (EUR 20,000) When the person is authorised to do so by an authorised or licensed crew and re-examination within two (2) years from the date of the sanction, the authorisation or authorisation shall be further removed, Decision of the authority or authorised authority, the act designated as a serious infringement of the conditions for granting such authorisation or authorisation.

Article 20 Special penalties for licence holders and

Retail trade of petroleum products

1. At the premises of the holders of the licence and retail trade of petroleum products and of the disposal of biofuel, in any way, any method of tampering or alteration in the electrical or electro-electric or electronic part of the flow meters and the (pumps-fuel dispensers) or the logistic value or the logarithm of any associated systems or the alteration of their statements or the alteration of the data accepted or other evidence of imprisonment. At least six (6) months. The means of tampering or tampering shall be confiscated and

The holder of the authorisation is charged with an administrative fee of thirty thousand (EUR 30 000) for each affected measure.

At the same time, the authorisation of the undertaking in question shall be definitively removed, by decision of the licensing authority, of the operation described as a serious infringement of the conditions for granting the licence, as provided for in Article 17 (3). 6. Regulation (EC) No 3054/2002 (2). For the purposes of this decision, the audit authority shall send the case file, together with a reference to the authorising authority, within five working days of the finding of the infringement. It shall not be possible to grant a new operating licence similar to that of an undertaking in the same place to the offender or to a spouse or to any of its relatives up to a second degree, in so far as the premises or premises are owned.

2. Anyone who is appointed, concedes, manufactures or manufactures the instruments for the commission of the Article 1 (1), which is to be paid in conjunction with an administrative penalty of 100 000 (100,000) euro.

3. Specially if, when carrying out checks by the competent bodies, it is established that the following sanctions are found within or below the following limits, the following penalties shall apply:

Sclal Cirrhosis Sphere

1bis: Benzins-oil-0.5 % < slate ≤ -1.0 %

10 thousand 1b: (10,000) euro for -1.0 % < error ≤ -2,0 % of each controlled

To be measured.

2A: Benzins-oil-oil-1.0 % < slate ≤ -1,5 %

Twenty thousand (20,000) euro for

2 b: Gases of any controlled-2.0 % < slate ≤ -3.0 % measured.

3a: Oil-oil-oil-1,5 % < clutch Remove authorisation

Operation of the undertaking in accordance with the procedure laid down in

3b: A paragraph of paragraph 1 of -3,0 % < actual article.

The sanction is imposed on a carcase even on a counter.

Where, within a period of one (1), the imposition of the sanction is detected again in cases 1 and 2 of the above note, the undertaking's authorisation shall be deducted in accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph 1. In cases 1a, 1b, 2a and 2b above

No transfer of the undertaking's authorisation to the spouse or spouse or to a person who has so far been transferred to the spouse or persons with it within a period of one (1) year after the infringement has been established.


4. In order to determine the infringements of paragraph 1, the control may be carried out and specially adapted for this purpose by conventional signs, without prior notification to the control. On the basis of the decision of the Minister for Development and Competitiveness, the details of the control procedure, the types and methods of production and assessment of the official printed data to be made in the control, the maximum tolerances However, there is no need to adjust the effectiveness of the control system as well as any other necessary adjustments.

5. The persons holding, moving and travelling within the meaning of a sentence of at least one (1) year and those holding, dealing and dealing with the normal fuel, shall be counted as at least three years in prison. (3) non-non - The persons referred to in the preceding subparagraph shall be subject to the administrative penalties provided for in paragraph 1, in accordance with the specific provisions laid down in Decision D19/F. 11/ec. 130 98/1156/7.2010 (B' 1039), as the case may be.

6. For the criminal offences referred to in this Article, the legal representatives and the representatives of the management and management of the operation shall be prosecuted.

Article 21 Special penalties for discounts, offers

And operation on Sundays

1. In those who infringe the provisions of Article 15 (1), an amount equal to 0,5 % of the annual turnover and, however, not less than five thousand (5 000) euro. Article 10 of the turnover shall apply to the turnover of the turnover. 3959/2011 (1993). In the event of the second time being imposed for the same infringement within a period of five (5) years, the progress shall be increased to 3 % of the annual turnover of this operation.

2. If the discounts are inaccurate or misleading in relation to their percentage or to the accuracy of the listed prices or as to the quantity of products offered with a discount or by any form of concealment or misdirection, At the expense of those responsible for an amount equal to 1 % of annual turnover and, however, not less than ten thousand (10,000) euro, depending on the gravity and frequency of the infringement. In respect of the second time the same infringement has been imposed for the same infringement within five (5) years, it shall be increased to 3 % of the annual turnover of the undertaking concerned.

3. If the tenders are inaccurate or misleading as to the prices or the quantity of such products or of any form of concealment or mislead, it shall be imposed at the expense of those responsible for fines equal to 1 % of the annual turnover; and In this context, the Commission will be able to take the necessary measures to ensure that the Member States are able to take the necessary measures to ensure that they do not meet the requirements of the Directive. In the case of the second time for the same infringement within a period of five (5) years, the progress shall be increased to 3 % of the annual average.

The business of the company concerned. 4. To those who infringe the conditions laid down by the

Article 16, relating to the functioning of the institutions of the trade arrangements specified therein, shall be charged to those responsible for fines of 1 % of the annual turnover and not less than ten thousand. (10,000) euro, depending on the severity and frequency of the withdrawal. In the case of a second time for the same infringement within a period of five (5) years, the programme shall be increased to 3 % of the annual turnover of the undertaking concerned.

5. The competent authority responsible for enforcing the provisions of this Article is the Secretary-General of the Accepted Administration, where the infringement is established, and who is obliged to notify the relevant decisions to the Secretary-General. Consumability of the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness. In the event of an infringement of the provisions of this Article on ships, the Secretary-General responsible for the enforcement of the provisions of this Article shall be the Secretary-General of the Head of Mission in the area of competence of the institution of the United States of America. Of which he confirmed the breach.

Article 22 Administrative penalties

1. Without prejudice to Articles 20 and 21 and Article 5 (1) thereof, 1 and 7 (7) 10 of n. 2323/1995 ('145 '), for infringements of the present law and of the delegated powers under Article 4 (1), in addition to the criminal penalties provided for in Article 19, shall apply to EUR 500 (EUR 500) of up to thirty thousand (EUR 30 000) depending on the seriousness of the infringement, unless otherwise stated. In the event of a recurrence of the same infringement within three years, the amount of the added value shall be doubled and in the event of a repeated relapse within the same time period the amount of the advance shall be tripled.

2. The decision of the Minister for Development and Antitrust lays down in particular the criteria to be applied and the level of protection imposed for each of the infringements or the category of infringement of this law, within the limits laid down by the However, it is not possible for the Commission to take the necessary steps to ensure that it does not comply with the criteria laid down in the Treaty.

3. Decisions of the Minister for Development and Addensitivity are defined in the procedures for the preparation of the products or the sealing of the premises in cooperation with the legal and police authorities provided for in the provisions laid down.

4. By decision of the Minister for Development and Antitrust, the limit of the protection referred to in paragraph 1 may be adjusted.

Article 23 Additional administrative measures

1. Without prejudice to more specific arrangements of the existing law, in the event of a final judgment in respect of a custodial sentence,


Of six (6) months for the offences referred to in this law, with a decision of the Minister for Development and Competition, the temporary withdrawal of the operation of the undertaking or the temporary suspension of the exercise of an activity must be temporarily withdrawn. Thirty (30) days. In the case of a new ultimatum for the same offence, the period of temporary suspension or temporary prohibition of the pursuit of an activity shall be set at six (6) months and in the case of a third final conviction for the same offence, A final revocation, partial or full, of the authorisation of the undertaking or a prohibition on the pursuit of an activity.

2. If, for these offences, the decision of the criminal court is to be adopted, the decision imposing the provisional application of the authorisation of the undertaking or the temporary prohibition of the exercise of an activity is revoked; or The final revocation, partial or full, of the authorisation of the undertaking or the prohibition of the pursuit of an activity, provided that the service of the undertaking is likely to refer to the undertaking which has adopted the decision referred to in paragraph 1; A copy of the judgment of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice and of the Court of Justice A non-member country.

3. The above decisions of the Minister for Development and Competitiveness are carried out by the service which issued the licence.

4. In the event of a change in the company's body in any way, the operating ban shall also apply to the new operator for the duration of the withdrawal of the authorisation or to prohibit the exercise of the activity.

5. The President of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, A copy to the institution responsible for the application of the additional administrative provisions referred to in paragraph 1.

6. In the case of the imposition of only administrative fines for the application of this or the delegated powers, if within a period of five (5) years it is imposed on the same offender as a whole, a total of more than one year Of one million euro (EUR 1 million), the Minister for Development and Competitiveness with a decision imposing a temporary withdrawal of the authorisation or a temporary ban on the exercise of activities for a period of thirty (30) days. If, during the same period of five (5) years as a whole, a total of more than five million euro (5 million) euro, the Minister for Development and Competitiveness with a decision requires the revocation, partial or full, The application or the definitive prohibition of the exercise of activity.

Article 24 Procedure for imposing fines

1. The fines are imposed by a decision of the Council on the part of the service to which the audit bodies have identified the infringement. In about -

Where the service to which the audit bodies are subject is not responsible for the imposition of a sanction, the fines imposed by a decision of the Head of the Office, which are responsible for the enforcement of the law, shall be transmitted to the competent authority. Exposure report. The audit bodies shall be required to submit within five (5) working days from the date on which the infringement has been established, the relevant reports on the institutions responsible for enforcing the protection. The decision to impose a clause shall be adopted within a period of ten (10) days following the adoption of the relevant report and after hearing the Governing Council's hearing referred to in Article 6 of that report. No 2690/1999 (1 45), and shall be notified to the offender without delay.

2. A summary of the acts adopted in advance of the preceding paragraphs shall be drawn up on the website (site) of the institution or authority which issued the act within three (3) days from the date of decision. The summary shall include the institution or the name of the offender, the seat and the place of the infringement, a description of the infringement and the imprecise infringement.

3. By decision of the Minister for Development and Adequacy, the particular issues relating to the imposition of fines imposed by the competent control bodies at the time of the infringement are imposed on the application of the provisions. Of this law.

Article 25 Recovery and reimbursement of administrative fines

The administrative fines of the present law shall be collected, in accordance with the Code of Conduct for E-Sessions (K. D. 356/1974, A90), and shall be awarded without prejudice to par. Article 16 of the Law 2946/2001 (A224), in the State Budget.

Article 26 Administrative and judicial protection

1. The decision to impose administrative fines of this law shall be subject to an eleventh appeal within a period of thirty (30) days from the date of its notification.

2. The appeal shall be brought before the Minister for Development and Competitiveness, provided that the administrative penalties have been issued by the Department of Justice, and before the General Secretariat of the Head of Mission, in Region of which the infringement was found, in all other cases. The decision on the appeal shall be issued by 30 (30) days from the lodging of the appeal.

3. The decision on the admissible appeal is to be brought before the Administrative Court of the place where the institution which issued the decision to impose fines has been established, within the meaning of Article 66 (1) of the Code. This may be a matter of course. The time-limit for the application of the application and any

Suspension of an application for suspension does not inhibit 20 per cent (20 %) of the protection. By-adoption of a decision by the Administrative Court


The rate of 20 per cent (20 %) collected or wholly or partially reimbursed in accordance with the case.

4. The amount of the administrative fines imposed shall be reduced to half if the person liable within thirty (30) days from the date of notification of the act in question and in any case before the application of the appeal referred to in paragraph 1; Be subject to payment of the protection. This payment shall be made by the self-righteous resignation of the debtor from any right to challenge or to doubt the act of enforcement.

Article 27 Section for the Conservation of Penalties

The Autonomous Tissue of the Penalties Register A-gorilla Code of the Directorate-General for the Internal Market of the General Secretariat for Development and Competitiveness, set up in Article 13 of the Law. 3668/2008 (A115) is converted into or transferred to, as a whole, a set of services, responsibilities and responsibilities, to the Market Surveillance Authority of the General Secretariat for Consumer Affairs of the Ministry of Development and A-competition. The staff employed in this section of the

The publication of this publication retains its existing organic, semantic and clerical situation. Where the provisions of the Rules of Procedure refer to the Autonomous Office for the Conservation of Purchases of Purchases, hereinafter referred to as the Purchase Maintenance Section of the Purchasing Code of the Market Control Agency.



Article 28 Minimum content of wholesale trade contracts

1. The Procurement Agreement between companies and associated companies with the status of the holders of the goods company is drawn up in writing.

2. The contract shall be determined on the basis of negotiations between the company and the operator: (a) the credit policy, the policy of benefits and discounts, including the accounts, (b) the amount and the length of time for which (c) any account rebates for a specific period which does not exceed one (1) year.

3. The amount and duration of deductions granted, other than the accounts, are compulsorily shown in the documents issued by the companies.

4. The same contract provides that the wholesale distribution of liquid fuels and LPG-in-ing liquids is alternatively formed on the basis of: (a) Reference values of non-determinative

Parties and accessible to the premium-ho, more mixed margin. The deductions and benefits referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be calculated

(b) The wholesale distribution of the goods announced in the contract.

In the case of the RAA for the area of each prairie, the deductions provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be reduced. This wholesale price is adjusted on the basis of criteria that are transparent and accessible to the commercial agent.

5. These terms of the contract are amended by a written agreement of the parties. Any provision in the contract for a unilateral modification by the terms of the terms of the terms of reference of the relevant discounts is void.

6. Rectors within the meaning of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to be, and shall be deemed to be, the former persons, in which the supply of liquid fuels and liquid propellants benefit or grant the use of proprietary medicinal products; or May be used as a means of service.

Article 29 Exclusive Procurement Council

1. The maximum duration of an exclusive right to liquid and propellant liquid and liquid propellant is fixed at five (5) years and may be extended by any written agreement of the parties for equal time. The extension of an existing contract after the publication of this law is considered as a new contract. In case of a shedding by the agent or para -

(i) the granting of the use to the sole proprietorship which is owned by the company or paid by third parties, non-affiliated, the exclusive rights contract may be extended over a period of five years, However, it cannot be longer than the duration of half-life.

2. If the exclusive rights contract is either not accompanied by the provision of financial and financial compensation or actual investment by the ferry company or the value of such assets has already been repaid, it may be terminated by its own (i) the principle of equal treatment for men and women; and, without any major reason, after the three-year period, with a deadline of six months.

Article 30 Provision of financial and financial assistance

Exchange of information

1. In the event of the provision of financial and financial compensation or actual investment by companies with a view to the originator, the value, as well as the way of repayment, is the subject of a separate chapter of the trade between them. Written contract. It does not constitute an investment in the business of retail sale or the installation of the distinctive signs, symptoms and dissiptions of a market which is intended to promote such critical knowledge, except as far as they are concerned. For the benefit of the patron.

2. The repayment of the value, exchange or clothing by the agent shall be effected by the payment of a percentage of fixed or deviated instalments specified in the contract.


3. The contract may provide for the right of the defendant to pay any price on the basis of actuarial valuation of the debtor's debt or of the value of the investment or the investment and to be reimbursed by the respective contract; Reservation of paragraph 2 of the preceding Article. Such contract shall also include clauses relating to the manner and time of amortisation of any investments made by the undertakings to be made to the owners and shall be determined in a transparent manner. Amortisation of investment costs in the benefit and discount policies of the ferry companies to the bank.

Article 3

Article 31 of the Law No 3784/2009 (' 137) is added paragraph 10, as follows:

' 10. With a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Development and Competitiveness, the implementation of integrated control systems and the electronic transmission of input-output data on the free premises of ferry companies Oil tankers and refineries, in the installers of oil drilling equipment, in all sectors of liquid fuel installations private sector and private sector, as well as on chemical products facilities (methanol, methanol, solvents, etc.) which are intended to be combustible in liquid fuels. A decision shall also be adopted on the basis of a decision.

The procedures, procedures, conditions and conditions for the installation of each type of fuel or chemical product, tax electronics, electronic data transmission, the relevant time frame, the relevant documentation, (i) transitional arrangements and any other necessary details. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Anna -

The implementation of the integrated electronic input-output control equipment for oil tankers and the arrangements for procedures and procedures are extended to all levels of development and competitiveness; and The conditions of establishment, the precise timing of the application and any necessary detail. '


Article 32 Oversight of institutions

1. The case 10 of par. Article 210 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 (1 87) is replaced by the following:

' 10. The supervision of the Organization of People's Markets is exercised by the Region of Attica and the company of the Organization of People's Markets of Thessaloniki. It is run by the Governor of Central Macedonia."

Article 33 Annual fee

Article 17 of the Law 1023/1980 (1 47) is replaced by the following:

Article 17 1. The participants in the country's markets

(i) holders of professional or production licences will have to pay a daily contributor fee to these operators, which is intended to cover all functionaries, to safeguard public health conditions; (i) the establishment of the workplaces of the people's markets, the modernisation, improvement and promotion of these markets. The amount of the daily fee, the procedure and the three

The Committee of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Union, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European In the metropolitan area of the Region of Central Macedonia, the activities are approved by the relevant Regional Director. For the other public markets in the country the above losses are regulated by decision of the Director of the Court of Justice. The decision of the Board of Directors or the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors or the Board of Directors may be justified on the basis of the decision of the Board of Directors or the Board of Directors. Obligations of payment of the daily fee to the

In order to be able to take part in the operation of the common market, the Commission will be able to take the necessary steps to ensure that the Member States and the Member States do not fulfil their obligations under Article 21 (1) of the Treaty. Use of the workplaces of the people's markets in par. 9 of Article 13 of Law 24-9/ 20.10.1958 ('171 '). The payment of the daily fee by a debtor

For a period of more than two (2) months, the suspension of the licence may be suspended until the regularity of the debt, imposed by a decision of the Administrative Councils of the People's Republic of Attica and the People's Republic of China. Purchases of Thessaloniki, respectively, for the popular markets operating in the Region of Attica and the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki, of the Region of Central Macedonia, and for the other grassroots markets of the country by decision of the Mayor of Thessaloniki Date of entry into force:

2. The daily end of the preceding paragraph shall be paid as follows: (a) the professional sellers of the markets concerned;

They are charged to the payment of the daily fee by the number of days which, on the basis of the licence, are entitled to operate each calendar month. The original fee is exempt from professional vending machines, who do not come to popular markets, due to incapacity for work, which lasts longer than one (1) month and is defiled by the competent insurer or because of a - (b) Producers holding an attendance permit

In the people's markets, they are obliged to pay the daily fee for as many days as they come to them.

3. The amounts of the fees levied on the public markets, which in no case do not constitute a grant, may be made available by a decision of the competent regional authority for the people of Attica and Thessaloniki. Decision of the Court of Justice for the Laws of the rest of the world


(a) The People's Markets in the People's Market and

(b) The Odourings or Associations, where it is not possible to address the operational needs arising from the operation of grassroots groups and to ensure public health.

There are the federations, active in the grassroots markets for professional and wholesalers to meet their operational needs and the synchronisation and promotion of popular markets. In particular: va) For grassroots purchases of territorial integrity

The Agency for People's Market, the beneficiaries are the Panhellenic Federation of Farmers'Association of Farmers' Producers, the Panhellenic Federation of Soma People's Market and the Federation of Peoples and Producers' Producers Actual Purchase Markets and the amount of the beneficiary shall be set at a rate of 3 % of the daily fee paid by its members. (bb) For grassroots purchases of territorial integrity

The Agency of the People's Market of Thessaloniki is the Association of Producers of Central and Western Macedonia-Thessaly-Thrace and the Federation of Associations of Professional Producers of the People's Market for Macedonia-Thessaly - Thrace and the amount of each beneficiary shall be fixed at a rate of 5 % of the daily fee paid by its members. (bb) For the popular markets of the rest of the country;

The beneficiaries are the two most representative associations or Associations, where there are no Corpses, Professionals and Producers of Farmers of the People's Party, and the amount of each beneficiary is fixed at 5 % on the daily basis. The Committee of the European Parliament, the Economic and

4. The amount referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall constitute the sole contributory fee to the Municipalities for the functioning of the markets in the market in these areas in the form of cleaning fees, lower case and the use of shared chops. This amount is fixed at a rate of 40 % of the annual fee for the whole country and, for Attica and Thessaloniki, is borne by the corresponding Agency's budget.

5. The Compulsions or Associations, in which there are no musings, of the people active in the grassroots classes and of sellers, to collect the amount provided for in point (b) of paragraph 3 of this Article, which It shall be made by the decision of the Chief of Staff or of the Chief of Staff, where appropriate, under an obligation to submit to the operator of the markets in the popular markets an application with a prescribed decision of the Board of Directors, to which the vessel is clearly defined; Of which the amounts are to be paid. Operators of the popular markets, in particular

The Administrative Councils of the institutions of the People's Republic of Attica and of Thessaloniki or the public councils, as the case may be, shall confirm the existence of the relevant credit and approve the scope and the allocation of the amount envisaged. The decision of approval shall specify the purpose for which the amount is to be allocated, the period from the date of the discharge.

The Committee of the Committee of the European People's Party and the Committee of the European People's Party and the Committee on Social Affairs, Employment and the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Verification of Documents, documents and documents, which cannot be more than one (1) month. In the event of non-compliance with the law, the

An approval decision is withdrawn by the approval body and the Association or the Association is required to return the amount awarded, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct for Revenue (D. 356/1974, A90) and shall be excluded from each other. (b) for a period of two (2) years.

6. The decision referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article shall be adopted by the end of December each year, following a proposal from the relevant authorities in the region of which grassroots markets operate and concerns cleaning fees, pedestrian occupancy fees; A current period of time and the use of commonplace areas. The proposals of the relevant bodies shall be submitted to the Regional Director by the end of September this year. If no proposal is submitted, the decision shall be adopted without the proposal.

7. Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 26 of Law 3913/1958 (199), as they came into force and were fulfilled by paragraphs 1 and 2 of paragraph 12 of Article 27 of the Law. (EEC) No 2130/1993 (' 62) are repealed.

Article 34 Inplacement of popular markets

For the secular markets of Athens and Thessaloniki, in the event of a binding proposal of the relevant Agency, where there is, and after an opinion of the relevant Chamber and the relevant Chamber, the following is a reasoned decision of the Court. A State Authority, which only rules on the impact of the functioning of a particular grassroots market, determines the exact location of the popular markets and any change and effect of the market. The proposal from the Agency shall be sent by -

The Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance, who are required to reply to thirty (30) days, otherwise the Head of State shall give the decision without their opinion. For the grassroots markets of the rest of the country, the exact location of the popular markets and any change and effect thereof shall be determined by a decision of the relevant commander following an opinion from the relevant Police Authority. The authorities are obliged to provide, in any event, the priority to producers in the country of their country of responsibility.

Article 35 Administrative Board of the People's People

Attica Markets

1. The par. Article 7 (1) of the Law 2323/1995 ('145 ') is replaced by the following:

' 1. The Organization of People's Market for Attica is managed by a new Board of Directors, which -


Is defined by: The president. A representative of the Region of Attica. A representative of the Regional Union

To be used in Attica. A representative of the Workers' Association

Association of People's Markets Attiki. A representative of the Panhellenic Federation

Professional People's Market for People's Market. A representative of the Pan-Hellenic Federation

Associations of Producers of Agricultural Products for Sale People's Market. A representative of the Professional Training Foundation

Sellers and Producers of People's Market Region Attiki carrying out his professional activity-in the Attica Region. A representative of the Single European Control Agency -

In the case of: A representative of the Ministry of Development and A -

Of the competition, defined by decision of the Secretary of State. Items under (b) to (i) of the Governing Council

They are defined by the institutions and bodies concerned, within a period of one (1) of the relevant branch of the Region of Attica. In the event of the expiry of the period in question, the above members shall be determined by the above-mentioned Head of Staff. ';

2. The third paragraph of paragraph 2. Article 7 (2) of the 2323/1995 ('145 ') is replaced by the following:

' 2. The President shall be appointed by a joint decision of the Minister for Development and Competitiveness and the Director of Attica. The Board of Directors shall elect its member as Vice-President. The term of office of the members of the Board shall be two years. The Board of Directors is the rapporteur for the right to vote in the Head of the Directorate of the People's Market for Attica. A member of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, together with his alternate. '

3. In par. Article 7 (4) of the Law The following subparagraph shall be added 2323/1995:

' In the People's Market of People's Purchases, a lawyer's position is recommended, however, in relation to a remunerated mandate, which is attached to the procedure laid down in Article 11 of Law 1649/1986 on the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Union. Its remuneration shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 4 of the Law 4024/2011. '

Article 36 Board of Directors of People's Markets of Thessaloniki

1. A. The first paragraph of paragraph 1. Article 8a of the Law 2323/1995 is replaced by the following:

' 1. A legal person governed by public law with the province of the People's Market of Thessaloniki, supervised by the Regional Director of Central Ma, has its seat in Thessaloniki and its jurisdiction extends to the Regional Section of Thessaloniki. "'" Other: The case of the par. Article 8a (2)

N. 2323/1995 is replaced by the following:

' 2. (a) The Organization of People's Markets of Thessaloniki is administered by a new Board of Directors, composed of: The president. A representative of the Central Ma Region -

Of cedonia; P. A representative of the Regional Union

In the case of Central Macedonia. A representative of the Association of Associations Pa -

The Central and West Mace-Thrace-Thrace-Thrace People's Market-Thrace. A representative of the Soma Department E -

Professionals Productions Peoples of Thessaly, Macedonia and Thrace. A representative of the Agricultural Producers

For Sale of People's Markets which exerts its professional activity in the Metropolitan Area of Thessaloniki and is proposed by the most representative association of producers within the upper administrative boundary. (j) A representative of the Employees in the Agency;

In the People's Market of Thessaloniki. A representative of the Single European Control Agency -

Of food. Inf. A representative of the Ministry of Development and

Competitiveness defined by decision of the Ministry. The items under (a) and (a) to the members of the Board

The Council is appointed by the institutions and bodies, within a time frame of one (1), from the relevant invitation of the Region of Central Macedonia. In the event of the expiry of the period in question, the above members shall be determined by the above-mentioned Head of Staff. '

2. The first and fourth subparagraphs of paragraph c of par. Article 8a of the EC Treaty 2323/1995 (A145) are divided as follows:

(c) The President shall be appointed by a joint decision of the Minister for Development and Competitiveness and the President of Central Macedonia. The Board of Directors shall elect a member as Vice-President. The term of office of the members of the Board shall be two years. The Board of Directors shall act as the rapporteur without the right to vote by the Head of the Directorate of the People's Markets Agency of Thessaly. Debates of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament.

3. In par. Article 8a of the EC Treaty 2323/1995 a case may be provided as follows:

' e. A lawyer's position is recommended in the Agency of the People's Market of Thessaloniki, which is taken into account in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 11 of Law 1649/1986 on the conduct and judicial handling of the Agency. Its remuneration shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 of the Law. 4024/2011. '

Article 37 Legal protection

After the article 7f of the. The following shall be added 2323/1995:


' Article 7g

For the financial provisions referred to in Article 5 and paragraphs 9 and 10 of Article 7 of this paragraph and in subparagraph (a) of paragraph 1. (2) Article 9 (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) of the Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal). In this case, it shall be reduced by the date of the month. The proof of payment of reduced protection

It is available to the competent authorities within five (5) working days. The above arrangement automatically implies the waiver of an action against the act of attesting the infringement before the competent Administrative Court or the exercise of an appropriate appeal. '

Article 38 Administrative and organisational arrangements

1. Article 7 of Athens 489/1987 (1 226) is replaced by the following:

" Article 7 Heads of State

1. In the Directorate, there is a staff member of the Department of Administrative-Economic or Renewal of Informatics and in the absence of an Administrative-Accountancy and in the absence of an IT.

2. In the sections of the Organization of People's Market, Labor People's Market, Revenue, Personnel Administration and the Economic Administration, there are officials of the Department of Finance and in the absence of an Administrative-Accountancy and in the absence of DE Management-Accounting.

3. In the Association of Computers, there is another-another of the IT sectors and in the absence of an IT and in the absence of IT."

2. Article 8 of paragraph 51/2006 (A' 53) is replaced by the following:

" Article 8 Operation Peoples

1. The popular markets operate from Monday to Saturday, except for official or local holidays. By way of exception, the functioning of popular markets and on Sundays should be reserved exclusively for the participation of producers in places which do not prevent the circulation of the goods. By joint decision of the Ministers for Development and Competitiveness and Rural Development and Food, the most specific terms and conditions for the functioning of the popular markets are established on Sundays and for example the monitoring body, the level and The manner in which the contributory charges are to be recovered, the manner of selection and participation of the producers, their working hours, and any other details of the application of this document.

2. The working hours of the popular markets are defined for the grassroots markets of the Ur -

The opinion of the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, on the basis of a decision by the Governing Council of the Agency, as appropriate, for the public markets of the other regions of the country with decisions of the institutions of the bodies of the United Kingdom. As amended and supplemented by the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 3463/2006 (' 114), as amended and supplemented, 3852/2010 (1987). '

3. In par. The following subparagraph shall be added in Article 3 of Article 3 of the first paragraph of Article 3 ('53), as amended in point 116/2008 (A' 179).

' o) Tyro products. The market may be sold on a public market if they have been produced in an authorised state, marked with an identification mark (a code of approval), in accordance with Regulations (EC) No 852/2004 and (EC) No 853/2004 and supplemented by the texts of the text. Adoption of legislation on labelling. The requirements of Chapter III of Annex II to the Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 should be complied with in particular during transport and sale. By decision of the Minister for Development and Competition,

In addition to the supporting documents provided for in paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 of this Article, the supporting documents for the issue and the adoption of the licences referred to in this subparagraph and the procedure for issuing certificates Paragraph 6 of this Article. '

Article 39 Transitional provision

The term of office of the Governing Council of the Organizations of the People's Markets of Attica and Thessaloniki shall automatically cease to be published in the Governing Council of the Governments of the respective decisions on the appointment of young people, in accordance with this law. Until the appointment of the new Administrative Council, the Commission shall only decide on the current issues of the Agency.



Article 40 Amendment of Article 10 of the Law 2251/1994

1. The case of par. Point 6 of Article 10 of the Law 2251/1994 shall be replaced by the following:

(d) a grant from the local authorities (O.T.A.) first and second degree. ';

2. The case in par. Point 6 of Article 10 of the Law 2251/1994 shall be replaced by the following:

'(f) the amount awarded in accordance with paragraph 22 of this Regulation and'.

3. The par. Article 10 of the EC Treaty No 2251/1994 is replaced by:

' 7. Any decision on the grant of any grant by the associations to any degree from any Member State in accordance with subparagraphs (d) and (e) of the preceding paragraph shall be notified to the General Secretariat for Consumer Affairs. '

4. Par. Article 10 of the EC Treaty No 2251/1994 is replaced by:


' 12. The General Secretariat of the Consumers' Committee shall be composed of: (a) two Head of the Secretariat of the Land, proposed by the Secretary-General for Consumer Affairs, (b) a representative of the Consumer Secretariat; Consumer associations and (c) two representatives of consumers' associations who are members of the National Consumer and Market Council (E.S.C.A.) and are elected by their deputies from the SNCC. The President and Members of the Commission shall be appointed by

Decision of the Minister for Development and Competitiveness for a three (3) years. The members designated by the SNCC may not be appointed for two consecutive terms. The committee's work is the certification of the real -

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection have tabled a number of amendments. Certification shall be withdrawn by the Commission in writing in the case of consumer associations of any degree that do not carry out any action for two consecutive years or not comply with the lines on the parafs 8 to 11. Inactive consumer associations are not entitled to a grant from a first and second degree. The Committee shall meet regularly during the first quarter of each calendar year and shall at any time be convened to certify a new consumer organisation. A decision of the Minister for Development and Competitiveness defines the conditions and conditions for the certification of consumer organizations. '

5. The par. Article 10 of the EC Treaty No 2251/1994 is replaced by:

' 22. Chronic gratification due to moral damage in the case of paragraph 16 (b) of paragraph 16 shall be provided only one time. Of the amount approved in the preceding subparagraph, 20 % shall be made available to the General Secretariat for Consumer Affairs from its collection for the purposes of promoting consumer protection and staff training. Is employed in the General Secretariat for Consumer Affairs. A decision of the Minister for Development and Competitiveness shall adjust the issues of application of this paragraph. '

6. In the first paragraph of paragraph 27 of Article 10 of the Law. 2251/1994 (c) and points (d) and (d) are deleted.

7. The first paragraph of par. 28 of Article 10 of the Law 2251/1994 shall be replaced by the following:

' 28. The removal of the consumer association from the register shall be acted upon by a decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs and Competitiveness. '

Article 41 Amendment of Article 12 of the Law 2251/1994

1. The par. Article 12 of the Law No 2251/1994 is replaced by:

' 2. The ESF consists of: a) three (3) representatives of the Ministry of Development

(b) the Consumer Ombudsman, (c) one (1) representative from each secondary school;

(d) five (5) representatives of primary associations

(e) one (1) representative proposed by the Commission;

(f) one (1) representative proposed by the Commission;

(c) one (1) representative proposed by the Hellenic Republic (1).

(i) a single (1) representative proposed by the Single European Act;

Food Control Organisation (EC), (i) one (1) representative proposed by Tra -

(i) one (1) representative proposed by Greece;

(a) one (1) representative proposed by the Joint European Banking Association (ECJ);

(i) one (1) representative proposed by the General Council of the European Communities for the Retail of Greece (S.E.L.A.);

Professional and Craft Trades Federation of Greece (CEEB), (m) one (1) representative proposed by the Union;

(n) one (1) representative proposed by the Commission;

(e) one (1) representative proposed by the Pan-Hellenic Tourist Association (1);

(1) a representative proposed by the Council of Agriculture Associations of Agricultural Associations (FADC), one (1)

(v) one (1) representative proposed by the National Bank of Greece;

(r) one (1) representative proposed by the United Nations (1).

(i) a (1) service of general-public service representative (1);

Interest (transport, water, electricity, gas, telecommunications, postal services, etc.), depending on the thematic unit. '

2. After par. Article 12 of the Law 2251/1994 a paragraph 2a is added as follows:

' 2a. They shall, where necessary, be invited without the right to vote where appropriate:

• The Head of the Directorate-General for the Protection of the Consumers of the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness,

• Persons with expert knowledge on consumer protection issues; and

• Representatives of other production classes as well as other bodies involved in consumer protection issues. '

3. The par. Article 12 of the EC Treaty No 2251/1994 is replaced by:

' 3. Pursuant to paragraph 2, points (c) to (c) of paragraph 2 shall be proposed by their alternates from the relevant bodies, within an exclusive thirty (30) days of notification to the relevant call of the Minister for Development. And Competitiveness. If these bodies do not propose the representatives

Within the time limit referred to in the preceding subparagraph, those representatives shall be designated by the Minister for Development and Competitiveness. Especially with regard to the representatives of associations

The consumers referred to in paragraph 2, and in the event that the items referred to in point (c) of paragraph 2 are not covered by second-party representatives;


In the case of consumer associations, vacancies are covered by representatives of primary consumer associations. The representative of the primary union referred to in point (d) of paragraph 2 may not participate in the ESDC, if the association belonging to the second association is a member of the secondary association participating in the SNCC. The term of office of the members of the SNCC shall be three years and -

It may be renewed one or more times for equal time. The term of office of the members of the SNC shall expire before the time of death, in the event of death, interruption of their participation in the body representing the person concerned or the expulsion of the association of consumers in accordance with paragraph 27 of Article 10. '

4. The par. Article 12 of the EC Treaty Amended by Regulation (EEC) No 2251/1994:

' 4. The SNC is composed of a decision of the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness. Under the same decision, the President of the Board of Directors shall be appointed, after that alternate, between the members referred to in paragraph 2 of paragraph 2. By means of a decision, a Secretary of the General Secretariat shall be appointed to the General Secretariat of the Directorate-General for Consumer Affairs. '

5. The par. Point 7 of Article 12 of n. No 2251/1994 deleted.

6. The par. Point 8 of Article 12 of n. No 2251/1994 is replaced by:

' 8. The operating costs of the EAC shall be borne by the General Secretariat for Consumer Affairs. '

7. The par. Point 9 of Article 12 of n. No 2251/1994 is replaced by:

' 9. The members of the EAC shall not be entitled to a fee for their participation in these institutions. The members from outside Athens shall receive the working expenses in accordance with the provisions laid down. '

Article 42 Amendment of Article 13a and

Adding Article 13b to the n. 2251/1994

1. The par. Article 13a of the EC Treaty No 2251/1994 is replaced by:

' 2. Without prejudice to the provisions of the Penal Code, the Rules for the Pollution of the Products Market and the Service of Services and Provisions of other special items, to the detriment of suppliers who violate the provisions of this law, By a decision of the Minister for Development and Addendum, following a complaint or an autoclave one or more of the following sanctions: (a) a recommendation for compliance within a designated pre -

(b) Projector from a thousand five hundred (1,500) to one with a -

EUR 1 million million. (c) Provisional interruption of the operation of the operation in the case of the same supplier, where more than three (3) decisions imposing fines have been carried out.

In the case of the use of the product or its part for a period of three (3) months to one (1) year in the case of issued in

Weight of the same supplier more than three (3) protection decisions. '

2. In n. 2251/1994 an Article 13b is added as follows:

Article 13b

Every consumer or association of consumers has the right to complain to the General Secretariat of the Consumer Affairs Council of the provisions of this law. The complaints received by the General Secretariat of Consumers are classified as follows: (a) Complaints about issues that do not apply

The responsibilities of the General Secretariat for Consumer Affairs on the basis of the provisions of this law shall be forwarded to the competent authority and shall be informed of the press within a time limit of ten (10) days after their submission. Clearly indefinite, incomprehensible;

For the purposes of this Regulation, the Commission shall submit to the Council a proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) amending Regulation (EC) No 3094/EC on the common organisation of the market in sheepmeat and goatmeat. The General Secretariat for Consumer Affairs is not obliged to respond to consumers' requests in the form of opinions or to questions on private matters which do not constitute alleged contraventions of this law. In the case of medicinal products, the

General Secretariat for Consumer Affairs on the basis of the provisions of this law. In this case, the Directorate-General for Consumer Affairs makes a further assessment of the need to investigate them, taking into account in particular the public interest, the protection of the health and safety of consumers, the possible consequences The effects on sensitive sectors of the population, consumer protection, as well as the level of protection offered by the intervention in a particular case. Where the need to investigate the above complaints is assessed by the Head of the Department of Protection, he shall assign the cases to the competent authority to consider the cases in question. The President of the Council may put a number of submissions to a provisional file until the evidence is obtained, as described above, of the necessity of a term of birth. The Minister for Development and Competitiveness at the stage of the investigation may request the simple opinion of the Consumers' Council, who gives a reasoned opinion on the complaint within two months of the submission of the complaint. General Secretariat of the Consumer Affairs DG. The General Secretariat for Consumer Affairs at the stage of the investigation may request the simple opinion of the Consumer Ombudsman, who is required to provide a reasoned opinion on the complaint within a period of two months from the submission of a complaint. Minister's love. As the General Secretariat for Consumer Affairs considers it

(i) the need to investigate complaints of some of the complaints referred to above, as regards the complainant, otherwise he shall carry out the complaint;


A reasonable period of time, depending on its type. '



Article 43

Article 8 of Law 524/1978 (1 112) is replaced by the following:

" Article 8 Measurement of measurement instruments

1. (A) All measuring instruments subject to legal control are subject to mandatory verification prior to their first use by a notified body or by the manufacturer, provided that it has an approved quality system, under the conditions laid down in They are provided for in Ministerial Decisions F2-376/93 (B2 284) and F2-1393/07 (Bl 521), as they apply, for the control of the documentation, the labelling and the general rules of their operation. (b) For the above verification, if any;

In the case of a notified body, the amount of which is set by a joint decision by the Minister for Economic Affairs and the Minister for Economic Affairs and Competitiveness. The fees shall be charged to the manufacturers or the authorised representatives or importers or distributors and shall be charged to the State budget in accordance with the ECE 3422 Revenue Code. Behalf of the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness "Account of Mets and Stores" " in accordance with the provisions of the Board of Directors. (c) Any other relevant details relating to

This verification is regulated by a decision of the Development and Competitiveness Council.

2. (A) All measuring instruments subject to legal control are subject to a periodic review carried out by the country's Government Procurement Services for the re-control of the documentation, the labelling, and The general principle of non-compliance with the provisions of the Treaty. Periodic monitoring is highlighted and supervised by the Directorate for Metrology of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness. (b) For the periodic inspection, fees are levied;

Of which it is regulated by a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Development and Competitiveness. The periodic inspection fees shall be borne by the users of the measuring instruments and the revenue from the audit shall be deposited by the Regional Services of the European Parliament of each month in the State Budget in the case of CDE 3422 " Revenue of the repealed Speciale; Charm Ministry of Development and Competitiveness - "Account of Measures and Staths" " in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Board. C) From the revenue of the periodic inspection fees

(a) 50 % of the year is the revenue of the State.

Pologation and

(b) 50 % is entered in the regular budget of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness in the CEE code 5291 ' Expenditure repealed by n. 3697/2008 of the accounts', of which:

I. 50 % is available in the Directorate for Metrology, the General Secretariat for Trade, the Minister for Development and Competitiveness for: The purchase and maintenance of measuring instruments;

Where equipment and special vehicles used for metrological controls are used, b. For the payment of the country's assistance to the

National, European and national metrological organisations, c. To cover expenditure on compliance with

Staff of management, d. For the purchase of manuals (printed and electronic)

(c) assistance to electronic services with a view to the smooth functioning of the Directorate, e. In order to cover the costs of processing and contracts;

(i) the involvement of the Directorate-General in seminars, meetings and conferences on metrology, In order to cover the costs of movable property;

The management of the Directorate-General for the Development of Vocational Training and the Committee for the Development of Vocational Training; and

Other: 50 % is available in the country's Regional Government for: a. The purchase and maintenance of measuring instruments;

Where equipment and special vehicles used for metrological controls are used, b. To cover expenditure on compliance with

Staff of the Regional Services in relation to metrology, c. For the purchase of manuals (printed and electronic)

(k), in the case of electronic services, which are subject to metrology, d. In order to cover the costs of processing and contracts;

(i) the involvement of the staff of the service in seminars, meetings and conferences on metrology, In order to cover the costs of movable property;

The Committee of the Committee of the Environment, Public Administration and the Committee on the Environment, Public Administration and the Committee on the Environment, Public Administration and the Committee of the D) By decision of the Minister for Development and Defence -

In the first quarter of each year, which is published in the first quarter of the year, allocated to and made available to the Member States' Regional Authorities of the country concerned the relevant amounts relating to the previous year, in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 (2) (b) of Regulation (EEC) No 2027/1999. For the allocation of the above amounts, an audit and a cross-check of the relevant documents and any other necessary elements from the financial services of the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness shall be considered. (e) Any other relevant details concerning the

(i) a decision by the Minister for Development and Competitiveness.

3. All measuring instruments subject to legal control beyond the verification prior to the first use and periodic inspection are also subject to checks carried out by the Department of Metrology of the Ministry of Justice of the Ministry of Justice United States


On the other hand, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities. In the case of temporary audits, the documentation, labelling and general operation of the measuring instruments shall be examined and no fees shall be levied. '

Article 44 Modification of provisions of n. 3614/2007 (7267)

1. The first two verses of par. Article 25a of the EC Treaty 3614/2007 (A-267), as inserted by Article 64 of the Law Decision No 4155/2013 (1 120) is amended as follows:

' 3. The choice of the Arbitration Procedure of the present Article shall be made by a written statement-a proposal, and always, by a Judicial Supervisor, to the addressee and to the person supervising the President of the Secretary of State, on which he/she gives a decision; From a closed deadline of 60 days as Minister after the administration of the administration of the Lord of the Lord. All such disputes, in order to resolve the parties to the dispute, have chosen in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Procedure in accordance with the provisions set out below. '

2. The par. Article 25a of the EC Treaty 3614/2007 (A-267), as inserted by Article 64 of the Law 4155/2013 (1 120) is amended as follows:

' 5. Any part which considers that there is a dispute to be settled may refer to the Procedure procedure within a period of 60 days from the date of the performance of the decision of the anti-Semitic Party on the objection or practice; In accordance with the provisions referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4 of this Article, a request for the submission of the dispute in a dispute shall be communicated to the other Party. The application shall contain a clear description of the dispute and a referee for the applicant's account. A copy of the application shall be notified to the President of the Council of State, which shall carry out the relevant drawing of paragraph 7. '

3. The second indent of paragraph 3. Article 13 of Article 25a of the EC Treaty 3614/2007 (A΄ 267), as added to Article 64 of the Law. 4155/2013 (1 120) is amended as follows:

" 13. (a) The provisions of paragraph 1 may also be applied to disputes which have already arisen between the parties to the Agreement referred to above, by the application or interpretation of the relevant contract of public works or with regard to such contracts; Until the entry into force of this Article, where such differences have not already taken place, the Court of Justice may, in accordance with the provisions of Article 77 of the Law, apply to the Court of Justice of the European Communities. 3669/2008 or Article 13 of n. Regulation (EEC) No 1418/1984 as long as the legal basis of Article 76 of the Law has been respected. 3669/2008 or Article 12 of n. In accordance with Article 77 of Regulation No 1418/1984, and where the said action before the competent court has been brought before the Court of Justice in accordance with Article 77 of the Law. 3669/2008 or Article 13 of n. 1418/1984.

4. The case (c) of par. Article 13 of Article 25a of the EC Treaty 3614/2007 (A΄ 267), as added to Article 64 of the Law. 4155/2013 (1 120) is amended as follows:

' (c) For those of the above-mentioned public contracts, differences between the Parties to the entry into force of the present Convention for the above-mentioned disputes, the selection of the Parties to the arbitration procedure shall be To be published exclusively until 10 September 2013. In such a case, in the abovementioned agreement of the Parties to the choice of the dispute settlement procedure, subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this paragraph, A statement by the Contractor of the public works, which will be waived by, any of his activities, an appeal, a request for treatment or an appeal, and that he will take a reasonable time to do so within a reasonable time; Action before the Court of Justice or the competent authority.

Article 45

Article 1 of the n. (') 2081/1992 (1 154), as applicable, paragraph 3a shall be added as follows:

' 3a. As members of the Chamber of Representatives, they may be authorised in the country of persons who have been granted a licence to suspend the payment of VAT on the importation of goods and the application of the obligation to reverse the obligation to supply them. In accordance with paragraph 4a of Article 29 of the Law, goods within the country. 2960/2001 (1st 265), as amended by Article 7 of the Law 4132/2013 (A ' 59), the Office for the Registration of Senior Officials shall be designated as the Centre for the temporary admission and storage of such persons. '

Article 46

1 a. In the case of the par. Article 1 (2) of the Law 2515/1997, as replaced by paragraph 6 of sub-paragraph H2. It's the article of the article. 4152/2013 (1 107), the following shall be added as follows:

(vii) The accountants for tax purposes, who hold in the publication of the n. 4152/2013 in the second subparagraph of Article 16 (1) of the second subparagraph of Article 16 (1), a professional identity of the first class. In addition to the rights provided for by the holders of a professional identity card in accordance with Article 3 of paragraph 3d. 340/1998, as replaced by the indent 7 of paragraph H.2 of par. In the first part of the first paragraph of n.4152/2013, the tax accountants, who hold in the publication of the n. 4152/2013 Professional identity in the first class of the second ground of par. Article 16 (1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 340/1998 lays down until 31 December 2018 the right to hold a double-line book up to the limit of the gross revenue provided for in the simplified books of the Code. The above deadline may be extended by a decision of the Y -


Development and Competitiveness. ' Other: The provisions of this paragraph shall apply to

From the date of entry into force of the provisions of paragraph H. 2. Of par. The first of his first article. 4152/2013.

2. Paragraph 2 of Article 246 of the Law. 4072/2012 (A-86) is amended as follows:

' 2. By decision of the Minister for Development and Addensitivity following the recommendation of the Central Board of Directors, the Code on Ethics of Technology Accountants, which includes the rules of professional ethics of accountants, is issued. Tax and administrative sanctions against the offenders of these rules. If the deadline set by the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness for the submission of the preceding subparagraph is not applicable, it shall be possible to issue the decision without this recommendation. '

Article 47

1. The par. Article 20 of the EC Treaty 4146/2013 (1 90) is hereby repealed.

2. A. Article 7 (1) and (2). 3908/2011 (1 8) is replaced by the following:

' 1. A decision of the Ministers for Economic and Financial Affairs and Competitiveness shall determine the total amount of the grant and the funding subsidy for each category of investment projects referred to in Article 6 of this Regulation. The two monthly periods of each year.

2. Decision of the Minister for Development and Antitrust lays down the types of business activities included in each category of investment projects referred to in Article 6 of this Regulation and the allocation of aid to the regions. And, if necessary, another necessary detail. The resources allocated to the operational activities of the Regional Cohesion Fund are allocated annually to the regions with a view to strengthening the regions with the greatest structural and development problems. ' Other: The provisions of this paragraph shall apply to

From the date of entry into force of the n. 4146/2013 (90).

Article 48 Final and transitional provisions

1. Until the adoption of the ministerial decisions referred to in Article 4 (1), (2) and (3) of Article 22 and (3) of Article 24 of this law, Special Report No 7/2009 (B 1388) shall continue to apply with the corresponding sanctions provided for in Decree 136/1946 (' 159).

2. The entry into force of this law shall be read: (a) n.d. 136/1946 (Α159), (b) n. (c) Article 15 of Regulation (EEC) No 3668/2008 (1); COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) NO 802/78.

3. Articles 28 to 30 of the present Agreement shall include contracts concluded and existing contracts extended or renewed after the entry into force of this Regulation.



Article 49 Entry into force

This law shall enter into force by its publication in the Official Journal of the Government.

Athens, 2013