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(A) Between The Hellenic Republic And The Republic Of Iraq

Original Language Title: Ratification of the Agreements: a) between the Hellenic Republic and the Republic of Iraq for the...

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Article first ratification of a bilateral agreement

It shall be ratified and shall have the effect of Article 28 (1). 1 of the Constitution, the "Bilateral Agreement between the Greek Republic and the Republic of Iraq", signed on 11 October 2008, for the restructuring of its debts to the Greek public, the text of which follows in Greek And English language:


Of the Hellenic Republic, which acts through the Ministry of Economy

And Eco-label and

The Republic of Iraq, which acts through the Ministry

Opinion of 11 October 2008

The AGREAGE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement"), dated 11 October 2008, is concluded between the Hellenic Republic, which acts through the Ministry of Economy and Finance (the "Dane-th-th-th"), and the Republic of Iraq, which acts Through its Ministry of Finance ('Iraq '). TAKING INTO ACCOUNT OTE: 1. Iraq owes its debt to the borrower, in accordance with the

In this context, the Commission has decided to set up a European Agency for the Environment and the Environment.

2. The total amount of this debt, on 31 December 2007 (including capital and capital, interest and all other amounts paid in accordance with the Agreements), has been agreed between the Danish and Iraq and listed In Exhibit A of the present. These amounts shall be collected, referred to in this Agreement as 'Settlement of the Offences'.

3. Iraq and the Borrower wish to restructure the Settlements, in accordance with the Agreement and, with the entry into force of this Agreement, to replace the obligations of I-Truck, in accordance with all the Agreements, The obligations of Iraq in accordance with this Agreement.

4. Iraq and the Mortgage further wish to re-structure the Settlement of the Settlements, under the terms comparable to those who are included in the Agreed Minutes for the Settlement of the Iraqi Republic of Iraq, of 21 November 2004, agreed between Iraq and some of its other bilateral creditors, in the framework of the Paris Club (the 'Minutes'). COUNTRY, the Danish and Iraq-related events;

Are the following: 1. Definitions 1.1 Definitions. In addition to the terms which are clarified;

In other areas of this Agreement, the following terms will have the meanings mentioned: the term 'State Service' or 'State Services'.

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection


First, From the Official Record of Proceedings, 4 June 2013, Meetings of the Assembly of the House, in which

The following draft law was adopted:

Ratification of the Agreements: a) between the Hellenic Republic and the Islamic Republic of Iraq for the restructuring of its debts to the Greek public and (b) between the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania and the Ministry of Economy, and Economists of the Hellenic Republic

And the Export Credit Insurance Agency (GNP) and other provisions

The term 'contracts' means: (a) all the commercial credits which it guarantees or

The borrower or its State-owned services, which were granted to Iraq or to the Iraqi public sector, or which were covered by a guarantee of Iraq or of the Iraqi public sector, within the framework of an agreement or an official act, Were concluded before 22 May 2003; and

(b) all loans granted to Iraq or to the Iraqi public sector in Iraq or Iran, which have been covered by the Iraqi guarantee or the Iraqi public sector, within the framework of an agreement or an official Act, concluded before 22 May 2003, including any judicial

Or arbitration awards, which are related to this. It is understood that neither the borrower nor the State Department has provided funds or loans to the Iraqi public sector, between 6 August 1990 and 22 May 2003. The term 'Iraqi Public Sector' means: (i) the

Central Bank of Iraq, other State-owned services and institutions of the Iraqi Republic and any body to which the Government of the Republic of Iraq is, directly or indirectly, a majority shareholder (more than 50 %), and (ii) any Another body which has been authorised to incur externalities with external debt and on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Iraq. The term 'payment date' means the first

1 September and 1 September. CLASSIFICATION AND APPLICATION 2.1 Profit and Cancellation. With the position

In force of this Agreement, the principal amount of the principal, as set out in Appendix A (USD 126.185,662.21), will constitute the residual debt (hereinafter referred to as the "Incoming Benefit"), whereas the amounts of interest and interest Interest in excess, as listed in Exhibit A (US dollars 132,888,592.86), this will be cancelled.

Section 2.2. No interest will be accounted for on the residual balance.

2.3 Repayment. The Interim Benefit will be paid at 44 monthly, equal and consecutive instalments, on each payment date, starting on 1 March 2019. A repayment schedule is attached, as Exhibit B, to this Agreement.

2.4 Exemption and Withdrawal. With the entry into force of this Agreement, the borrower shall release and fully exonerate all amounts (any description) which are due in accordance with or on the basis of the Agreements, and the Council, therefore, shall be replaced by each other. In the light of the obligations of Iraq in the context of this Agreement.

3. GENERAL PROVISIONS 3.1 Comparison of Arrangement. Iraq is committed.

To seek from all other stakeholders in a similar situation, external creditors, liability and repayment agreements, under conditions which will be no less favourable to Iraq than those listed in the Practically.

3.2 Assignment or Transfer. The borrower may not assign or otherwise transfer (via participation or otherwise) any of its rights, nor to transfer any of its obligations under this Agreement without the Prior written consent of Iraq, and any alleged divestment or transfer, in the absence of such consent, shall be convex.

3.3 The payment dates. If any payment, in the context of this Agreement, becomes a child in a payment date which is not a working day in Athens and Baghdad, this will take place on the following working day for both cities.

3.4 Location in force. This Agreement will enter into force as soon as it is ratified by the Parliament of the Hellenic Republic.

3.5 Dispute Resolution. If a dispute arises, with regard to the implementation or implementation of this Agreement, the Parties may agree to a dispute settlement procedure, including the appeal to the International Court of Justice, unless the Council Parts of it-you were in another method of resolution. For the Hellenic Republic of the Republic of Iraq (signature) (signature)

Georgios Horticulture Baker Jabr Al-Zubaidy Minister for Economic Affairs'











Article second ratification of a bilateral agreement

It shall be ratified and shall have the effect of Article 28 (1). 1 of the Constitution, the Agreement between the Council of the Republic of Albania and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance of the Hellenic Republic and the Export Credit Insurance Agency (GNP), signed on behalf of Albania's debt to the Greek side, as established by the Agreement signed in Athens on 24.6.1991 between the Greek Banks and the State Bank of Albania. The text of the Agreement follows the Greek, English and Albanian languages:












Article 3 Ratification of the 11th amendment to No. 001B/ 00

From the point of view of the Greek company and the company with the company " Shipbuilding

And Industrial Companies Elefsina SA " (NBEU SA), as applicable, for the supply of rocket boats

For the needs of the Polish Navy (PN)

1. The 11th amendment to Amendment No 1 is hereby repealed. 001B/ 00 Access between the Hellenic Foundation and the company with the company " Shipbuilding and Industrial Enterprises Elefsina SA (NBOJ), as is currently in force after Amendments 3 to 10, for the supply of missiles for the needs of the Polish Navy, the text of which is as follows: