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The Ministry Of Health, The Athens Anticancer ...

Original Language Title: Ratification of the Donation Contract between the Ministry of Health, the Athens Anticancer...

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Article 1

It is the subject of a legal tender between the Ministry of Health, the Anticancer Hospital of Athens "Saint Savvas" and Anna-Myra-Louisa Latsis, the text of which reads as follows:



In Athens, today, on 30.1.2013, between one of the following: 1) of the Ministry of Health, the law of which is represented by the Minister for Health and the Ministry of Health. Andreas Lycurredzo, holder of No. X448526 A.D. (hereinafter referred to as 'the Ministry of Health') and 2) the legal entity of public law with the association "General Anticancer Hospital of Athens" O Saint Savvas, represented by the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Commander Pana-gioti Mynoyannis, holder of No. A254180 A.D.T. (hereinafter referred to as 'Hospital'), on the other hand, by Mrs Anna-Maria-Louisa Latsis, the holder of the No. A559477. D.T. (hereinafter referred to as 'Donor'), the following are agreed and accepted:

FIGURE 1: The hospital, in order to cover the individual

Patients hospitalized for cancer patients, who are expected to be transferred to the Center of the Nursing Department, the property in Athens,

On the streets of Asopios ar. 4 and Paraschou, total of 3.650 t. (former Oncology Hospital IKA Athens " C. In general terms'). In particular, the aim is to create an autonomous territorial centre for the non-secular Hospitality, in which the increased needs of the Hospital, which are estimated annually of around 30 000 imports and 3,800, can be addressed. Surgical surgery.

2. For the purpose of this purpose, the hospital was paid to the Donor by asking for its financial assistance. After relevant contacts and correspondence between the Donor Hospital and the Health Department, it became clear that, in the end, significant interventions are needed in the upper immovable property, so that it meets the requirements of a modern-day operation. Center for the daily nursing home for oncology.

3. The Donor, after the approval of the Hospital and in order to determine the range of the tasks required, funded the development of static, high tectonic and electro-acoustic captures of the existing situation, as well as proposals a - (i) to educate the building in a modern-day nursing home. On the basis of these proposals, studies and technical reports have been carried out in cooperation with the Technical Services of the Ministry of Health and the Hospital, which, after their finalisation, were checked and approved by the above Technical Services; Are annexed herein as Annex A (hereinafter referred to as 'Preliminary Studies').

4. In this context, the parties wish to make all the necessary steps to move the upper property into the Nursing Centre.


First, From the Official Record of Proceedings, 29 May 2013, No. Meetings of the Assembly of the House, in which

The following draft law was adopted:

Ratification of the donation of a donation between the Ministry of Health, the Anticancer Hospital of Athens "Saint Savvas" and Anna-Maria-Louisa Latsis and other provisions

5. In the light of the above, the present free donation contract is signed in accordance with two (2) Sites, which form an integral part thereof, the terms of which are as follows:

Article 1 Subject to donation

1. The donor receives, on the basis of the terms of the present and with its own costs, the following ('project '): (a): (a) to reconstruct in a section of the daily Noises;

(b) to supplement the existing equipment of the Member State (hereinafter referred to as 'the Centre') and (b) to contribute to the existing equipment of the Centre;

As Annex B, Annex B, medical, foreign and other equipment, which the Hospital considers necessary for the operation of the Centre, set out its specifications and subsequently approved it in its contract (hereinafter referred to as 'Equipment').

2. The Ministry of Health and the Hospital undertake to: (a) ensure, by the delivery of the Centre,

Its continuous, orderly and complete function with its staff with medical, nursing and domestic staff, as well as the provision of support services, as the Centre will be a single set (administratively and (b) To operate the Centre exclusively as: i. (b) To operate the Centre exclusively as: Ke -

Day of daily nursing for people suffering from neoplasms and related diseases, ii. Prevention centre and iii. A model centre for the education of workers in the health sector on issues related to hospitalization, care and care for cancer patients. In particular, the Centre will be housed in the "Short-term Surgical Surgery", as well as the Pathological Breast Studies, as well as the Breast Impairments of the Breast, part of the Acti-therapy, with their support services. Laboratory and Informatics Sector and end of the administrative and financial support of the Centre.

(c) To name the Centre of 'NIKOS KONORGYLE CENTRE' in the memory of the present donation by the Donor.

Article 2 Amount of donation

1. The amount to be required in order to cover the cost of completion of the project was assessed, based on the Preliminary Studies, to reach three million eight hundred thousand (3,800,000) euro.

2. The Parties agree that Preliminary Studies are technically robust and are not subject to review, on the basis of which the final studies of the project are drawn up. Similarly, the equipment is subject to the above authorised and not subject to review.

3. The Donor undertakes to fully cover the cost of the completion of the project according to the final studies, even if it exceeds the budgeted amount.

Article 3 Acceptance of donations

The Ministry of Health and Hospital accepts this as a donation.

Article 4 Project authorisation

Definitive studies

1. This Convention, after its entry into force in accordance with Article 11 thereof, has a location of the project for the construction of the project and the approval of any derogations from the provisions of the United States of the Federal Republic of Germany.

2. The final studies, on the basis of which the project will be carried out, are at the final stage of their preparation by a study group in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Department of Health. They will be completed and delivered to the Health Department and the Hospital within three weeks following the signature of this notice and within a reasonable time to be checked and approved, and will form an integral part of the Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

3. The Donor is entitled, during the preparation, to make, after informing the Health Department and the Hospital, to small scale modifications of the final studies for construction purposes, which will not affect the The overall shape of the building or its functionalities, nor will it constitute any extension of space.

Article 5 Installing a donor on the property

1. The Hospital, with the entry into force of your contract in accordance with Article 11 thereof, undertakes to give directly the property, by use, a gap to the representatives of the donor for the execution of the project, to that end. Provide a detailed protocol for the receipt of the property.

2. Project execution will begin (10) days after the publication of the law, which will bring the present contract to the Court of Appeal of the Republic of Cyprus.

Article 6 Execution of a project

1. Since the Donor takes the charge to fully cover the cost of the project, it is expressly stated that the R & D is private and the provisions of the relevant laws, statutes, are not applicable. Substantive decisions or other provisions on projects financed by the Court of Justice, legal persons governed by public law or public institutions.

2. All necessary steps for the completion of the action, such as the selection of manufacturers, contractors and suppliers, the conclusion of the relevant contracts, the purchase of materials and machinery,


The performance of quality controls, etc., will be carried out by the Donor or by persons, of course, or legal, with a view to the best quality of the project.

Article 7 Monitoring of project execution


1. The Ministry of Health and the Hospital can monitor the implementation of the project under the terms of this contract. The Donor is required to inform in writing every two (2) months the Health Department and the Hospital for the materialization of the project.

2. The completion of the project will be performed with fourteen (14) months from the beginning of the operations.

3. The delivery of the project will be carried out by the signing of a protocol by the parties, accompanied by the construction plans, the EmDrive/Facilities (as built) and any equipment manuals.

Article 8 Liability of a donor and donor

1. Since the ratification of this contract, the Donor has the responsibility of: (a) the exclusive financing of the project in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of this Decision; (b) the preparation of implementation studies based on the final studies; (d) his assignment to contractors and receiving of the project by them and e) supervision of project progress.

2. The Donor is responsible for all the obligations arising from the relevant provisions on social security for workers of the construction site and health and safety. Furthermore, the Donor undertakes to secure the property from the start of the operations until it has been delivered. The Ministry of Health and the Hospital have no obligation to do so.

3. The Donor is responsible for the actual performance of the project or the lack of agreed properties of the building for one (1) year after the completion of the project, obligated to decompensate it with its costs; If it has been notified in writing by the Hospital.

4. In relation to the actual defects or damage to the equipment, the responsibility of the Donor is exhausted by the imposition of the obligation to provide the hospital with a guarantee of good health, as well as maintenance and repair (1) year from the receipt of the equipment.

5. The donor is solely responsible for the provisions referred to in paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Article and beyond that of any other liability;

It has ... 6. After the completion of the project, and the

Deliver and receive (with the preparation of the relevant protocol), the Donor will not have another charge and responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the Centre.

7. The Ministry of Health and the Hospital are obliged to ensure the functioning of the Centre, in accordance with Article 1 (2).

Article 9 Suspension of tasks-Consequences

Force majeure

1. If the progress of the execution of the project is suspended by acts or omissions of the Hospital or the Greek Dome, the suspension shall last longer than four (4) months, the Donor-three may refer to, in accordance with Article 10 of this Convention, arbitration and request to withdraw from any further obligation to complete this donation.

2. The donor is not responsible if the execution of the project or completion becomes impossible for force majeure. It is understood that, for as long as force majeure lasts, the implementation of this contract shall be suspended. If the reasons for force majeure lasts more than six (6) months or there is a substantial change in the circumstances, the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Article 10 Dispute resolution

Any dispute relating to the interpretation or execution of this contract, which cannot be settled out of court, shall be resolved solely by arbitration.

Article 11 Power of the contract

1. The validity of the contract is conditional upon the adoption of the law within a reasonable time by the adoption of the final studies by the Technical Servants of the Ministry of Health and Hospital. The entry into force of the contract shall coincide with the date of publication in the Governing Council of the Government of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, in which case the provisions of this Convention shall take effect.

2. If for any reason the contract is not ratified, an obligation or a claim is made to the parties concerned. On the basis of the above, it was drawn up in three (3) above.

The current contract, with the concomitant use of two (2) annexes, and after being read, confirmed and accepted by the parties, shall be signed as follows.








Article 2

The par. Article 4 of the Donation Convention is replaced by the following:

' 1. This Convention, after its entry into force in accordance with Article 11 thereof, shall be entitled to an authorisation of the project and the approval of the required conditions for the application of the building. These conditions are necessary for the necessary construction of anti-Semitic reinforcement of the building with a view to its anti-Semitic shielding and are analogous to the provisions of the Nu-S Building Regulation. In the case of the Court of First Amendment No 4067/2012 (1 79), it shall consist of the additional required coverage of EUR 18,48 in the area of the plot of land and the required date of entry total to 129.38

..., in accordance with the analytical calculation of the Board of Unit AM-02 of the project's final studies. '

Article 3

They shall be ratified and have the validity of the final conclusions of the project audited and considered by the Ministry of Health and the Hospital (Annex).

Article 15

They extend from the end of their contracts of private law for a certain period of time, as long as they are employed in "CLASSIFICATION". With the qualifications of the agronomic surveyors, surveyors, surveyors and technologyand topography techniques until the completion of the programme of new projects with the main axis, the projects of 'active' securities and the Phase of the indexing process. The above contracts in one case are not -

They are based on private-law work contracts for a period of time.

Article 5

The validity of this law shall be initiated by its publication in the Official Journal of the Government.
















Athens, 2013


A. a.