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Article 1 Establishment of National Registry of the Executive Board

Public Administration

A National Registry of the Executive Board of the Management Board (hereinafter referred to as the Registry) is hereby established, to which candidates are appointed to cover administrative positions of responsibility as laid down in the provisions of this law. The Registry shall be electrically held by the Higher Council of Personnel Selection (ADI) and is posted on its official website.

Article 2 Registration in the Register

1. In the Registry, they shall be registered at their request: Regular political officials, non-officials and staff

In relation to private-law work of indefinite duration (I.D.A.D.) of category IP or TE, grade A, of the Law, of the EIB, of decentralised authorities, legal persons governed by public law (NRP), local government bodies (O.T.A.) a ' and a second degree, Independent States of private law and private law persons who, in so far as they apply to the provisions of Part B, have received in the assessment for two consecutive steps a final score or equal to grade 75 per evaluator Period, and meet at least one of the following conditions:

(aa) They are holders of a recognized doctorate.

(bb) They are graduates of the National School of Public Administration and Self-Government of the National Centre of Public Administration and Government. (cc) They are holders of a recognised qualification;

At least one year of study. (d) They have served as heads of Directorate-General responsible;

At least three (3) years or at least 10 (10) years.

Other: Professors of all grades and lecturers Pee-piston and members OPs T.E.I., as well as EPAs of the University of Greece and T.E.I. of the Federal Republic of Germany and of the JEP and OPs of the Founding Fathers of the Alien, with excellent knowledge of Greek The Committee of the Rules of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European 4310/2014 (A-258) of the Research Centres and Institutes, as well as the Research Centres of the Athens Academy.

Other: The scientific staff of the Independent States with at least five years' experience in them.

Other: The recruiters who are graduates of the High Decorated School of Polais (A.P.A. PO.), the Higher School of Polais (A.S.P.), the Naval School of Polais (N.S.P.) and the School of Polite/High School/High School (S.P.A.A.).

2. They shall not be entered in the Register: (a) those who have been sentenced to the final proceedings;

In the case referred to in Article 8 (1) of Article 8 (1). Regulation (EEC) No 3528/2007 (

(b) those who have been deprived of their political rights have been deprived of their political rights and for as long as that withdrawal lasts,


First, From the official Minutes of P΄, 24 February 2016, No. Meetings of the Assembly of the House, in which

The following draft law was adopted:

National Registry of the Executive Board of the Administrative Board, the marking of posts, evaluation, promotion and product selection systems (transparency-merit and effectiveness)

Other provisions and other provisions

(c) those who have been subjected to a judicial review (full or partial), either in an ancillary court or in a court of law (full or partial) or the Judge-has decided to combine the two preceding arrangements;

(d) those who have been awarded an ultimatum to any disciplinary measure exceeding the remuneration of four (4) months for any disciplinary measure until the sentence is deleted in accordance with Article 145 of the Law. NO 3528/2007 (26).

Article 3 Registration procedure in the Register;

Maintenance of Registry

The registration in the register shall be carried out by the electronic application in the relevant electronic application created for this purpose in the context of the ASSOC website, which shall provide for the accessibility of persons with a disability. For her. A copy of the application shall be notified to the applicant's Management Board or the competent Personnel Department of the institution. The electronic application shall take a position on the declaration referred to in Article 8 of the Law. NO 1599/1986 ('). E-as the conditions set out in Article 2 are met, the date of registration in the Register shall refer to the date of submission of the application.

Compliance with the Registry, the registration and deletion of the data, the audit and the updating and identification of its members, as well as the search for supplementary or clarifications, is the exclusive competence of the SNP. The ADI is required to update the established register per quarter. The Management and Personnel Services of the bodies referred to in Article 2 are charged to keep a list of their personal data entered in the register and to inform the SNC without delay of any possible reason. The deletion from the register of any member, in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 5.

Article 4 Staff Regulations of members

Registration in the Registry shall not imply any administrative change for its members, unless they are chosen to take into account any of the positions referred to in Articles 6 and 8.

Article 5 Delete from the Register

1. Member of the Registry may be deleted from the Registry by request, submitted electronically to the electronic application, which is kept in the official website of the SNC. A copy of the application shall be notified by the applicant to the Management Board of the Office or the competent Personnel Department of the institution. The date of removal from the Register shall refer to the date of submission of the application for deletion, unless the

The removal from the register shall serve to one of the positions referred to in Articles 6 and 8, in which case his removal shall take place on the day of his resignation.

2. The SNP makes compulsory write-off from the Register in the following cases: a) If it results in the assessment of the

Is currently and received for two consecutive recurring scores of grade 75. The Administrative and Personnel Services of the institutions referred to in Article 2 shall be required to inform the ADRs without delay of the association of the above-mentioned deletion. (b) If the conditions of the cases are met in the event of a higher or higher degree of grade 75 in two consecutive continuous periods, the write-off may be entered in the register.

Article 2 (2) (a) to (2).

Article 6 Positions of central government bodies staffed by members of the Register

It is recommended that the positions of the Administrative Guards with grade 1 of the Special Positions category (E.T.S.), which are assigned to each Minister or Deputy Minister. The Administrative Secretariat shall support the implementation and administrative implementation of the policy as determined by the Government and its institutions. The Administrative Secretariat shall be selected from the Register referred to in Article 1. A presidential decree issued on a proposal by the Council of Ministers shall determine the responsibilities of the Administrative Commission and the manner in which they are exercised, and any other relevant details.

Article 7 Selection procedure for the General Secretariat,

Deputies for the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat

1. For the purpose of filling the positions referred to in Article 6 (a), an invitation to tender shall be issued by the Minister concerned. The invitation shall be published on the website of the Ministry concerned and on the website of the SNC for ten (10) days at least. The Special Selection Board referred to in Article 10

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. The appointment shall be completed by decision of the competent Minister, who shall compulsorily select one of the three (3) predominant candidates, and shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. For the selection of three (3) more favoured regions,

On the other hand, the ECHR takes into account the biographical elements of the candidates and, in particular, their formal qualifications, their overall scientific and research work in connection with the planned outline of an open position and the earlier total There is no evidence of any risk to them. The SNC is consistent with the overall personality of the candidates, following an interview with a minimum of ten (10) nominees for each post;


If available. The interview shall be kept in a practical manner consistent with the recommendation of the SNC to the Minister. This procedure is followed by-if the candidates are less than three (3). In this case the SNC shall present a recommendation with all the candidates.

2. If no candidatures are submitted, or if the Minister considers, following a reasoned explanation of the SNC, that a candidacy does not fulfil the specifications of the position opened, a call for expressions of interest to be filled in Above posts from candidates who do not serve at the Public Sector. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall apply to the selection.

3. Those who are selected to fill the above-mentioned issues are appointed for a term of four (4) years, with a renewal price for one time. In any event, the term of office in the above positions may not be subject to eight (8) years.

4. Those who are appointed in the positions referred to in Article 6 shall be removed from their duties before the end of their term of office by decision of the competent Minister, if the conditions in the cases referred to in Article 2 (2) to (d) are met.

5. In the event of an association of the positions referred to in Article 6 for any reason, the selection procedure shall be re-established and that selected for a full term of office.

6. Objections shall be submitted to the SNC in five (5) days following the publication of the appointment and examined within thirty (30) days after submission.

Article 8 Posts of a wider public sector staffed by members of the register;

Selection procedure

1. (a) The Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Governors, Deputy Governors, Undertakers, and the general government of the legal persons of public law (NPD), whose choice belongs to the Government, are chosen exclusively from the register. Article 1 of this law after publication of a call for expressions of interest and in accordance with the selection procedure described in paragraphs 2 and 3. Where the relevant provisions of the abovementioned legal persons are foreseen for the positions of implementing powers, they shall be met by members of the register referred to in Article 1, as well as candidates who do not attend the public sector after the publication of a proposal. Of the event of interest and in accordance with the selection procedure described in paragraphs 2 and 3. Other members of the collective administrative bodies

The abovementioned legal persons of public law (NIFs) whose choice belongs to the Government shall be selected exclusively from the Register referred to in Article 1 following the publication of a call for an interested party and in the selection procedure described above; It shall be referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3, with the exception of one of the members of the College of Administration whose choice and definition are at the discretion of the decision-making body.

(b) Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Governors, Deputy Governors, Undertakers, and the general heads of private-law persons (NIS) whose choice is to the Government, with the exception of non-resident companies. The scope of application of Chapter VI of the v. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 1 (2) thereof, Article 1 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 3429/2005 (2), shall be replaced by the following:

Where the relevant provisions of the aforementioned law are provided for a position of the Governing Council, they are met by members of the register referred to in Article 1, as well as candidates who do not serve in the public sector following a publication of a call for an event. Interest and in accordance with the selection procedure described in paragraphs 2 and 3. Other members of the collective administrative bodies

The abovementioned legal persons governed by private law (NIS) whose choice belongs to the Government of the Government of Article 1, as well as to candidates who do not serve in the public sector following publication of an invitation to tender; In accordance with the selection procedure laid down in paragraphs 2 and 3, with the exception of one member of the College of Administration, the selection and definition of which belongs to the discretion of the institution concerned. For the purposes of this Regulation, the following shall apply:

A choice solely from the register referred to in Article 1 and no applications are submitted, or if the decision-making body judges a reasoned explanation of the ECHR. Any candidature does not meet the requirements of the post opened, published A call for expressions of interest to fill the above posts by candidates who do not serve in the public sector. The selection procedure shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3.

2. The choice of candidates provided for in the preceding paragraph, with the exception of the member whose sole discretion is to the discretion of the Socialist Party, shall take place following a call for expressions of interest from the Responsible Minister. The invitation shall be published on the website of the competent Ministry and of the SAB for at least 10 days. The ECHR assesses the candidates' merits and submits to the Secretary-General a recommendation on the three-fold proposed sub-digits for the positions of Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Directorates-General, Vice-Governors, Vice-Presidents, Director-General, Vice-Chairmen, Vice-Presidents Council and the general heads of public and private law persons, as well as a table with twice the number of nominees proposed for the posts of other members of the Administrative Councils. The Minister shall compulsorily choose between the Agency's contribution and the appointment shall be made by a decision published in the Governing Council of the Government. For the selection of the best candidates, the

The EDPS shall take into account the biographical elements of the candidates and, in particular, their formal qualifications, their overall scientific and research work in compliance with the requirements and tasks of the post proclaimed and the previous A total of two


There is no evidence of any of them. The SNC is consistent with the overall personality of the candidates after a single interview, requiring at least three times the number of candidates for each post to be filled. For the interview, it is held in practice which undergoes the recommendation of the SNC to the Minister. This procedure shall be followed if the number of candidates is less than the number of candidates provided for in the preceding subparagraphs.

3. For the nominations provided for in this Article, the provisions of paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of Article 7 shall apply.

4. In particular, the administrative bodies of special-technical, cultural and sporting purposes which are supervised by the Ministry of Culture and Sports continue to be designated or designated in accordance with their founding laws. The positions of the Artistic Directors, as well as the positions with the special cultural purpose of the General Directors and Directors of the above entities, may be met by a public invitation or public invitation to tender. The decision of the Minister for Culture and Sports shall be determined by the appropriate qualifications, the procedure for setting up the Committee on the Evaluation of Tenders, the selection criteria and any other relevant issues.

5. The definition of the President, Vice-President, General Secretariat and the other members of the Board of Directors of the Greek Tourism Organisation (E.O.T.) continues to be governed by the provisions in force.

Article 9 Responsibilities selected in positions of responsibility

1. Those who are chosen to understand the predictions from this law are following the appointment of compulsory special education-training programmes designed and carried out by the Administrative Board, with a view to the Updating their knowledge, their ongoing training on the management of public bodies and the improvement of their skills on administrative coordination and human resource management. They also detract from the problems of access to people with disabilities and chronic diseases in the services of which they govern, in order to ensure that they are friendly and accessible to those persons.

2. At the time of the appointment of the Governor or the President or the Governing Council of the Legal and Private Law, a commitment agreement has been signed in the form of an action programme between it and the competent Minister as well. Representative of the Greek Dome, describing clearly the quantitative and qualitative objectives of the organisation and taking into account the respective commitments. At the time of the replacement or expiry of the term of office, in any way, commander or Chairman of the Party or Governing Council, the vacancy shall be handed over to the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors, with a full economic and social interest. European Commission

Should be used. The degree of achievement of objectives shall be recorded in the individual register and shall be taken into account in future evaluations of new applications. The decision of the Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction shall determine the details of the implementation of this paragraph.

Article 10 Special Selection Board of Administrations (SNC)

1. By decision of the Government Council of Public Administration of the NIFs and of the O.T.A.D., published in the Governing Council of the Government, it is recommended that the Special Board of Personnel Selection is set out in the Selection Board. Management (CCT), which operates in three sections. Each section is new and consists of three (3) members of the SAB, designated by its President, one (1) Advisor to the Council of the State, appointed by its President, the President of the National Centre. A member of the Scientific Advisory Board or a (1) Head of the Board of Educational Unit of the Board of Directors, appointed by its President, the Ombudsman of the European Communities, or a member of the Administrative Board of the European Communities, or a member of the Executive Board of the European Parliament. A (1) Voth-th-counsel that the Advocate indicates, one (1) of the opinion defined By the Government Council for the Reform of the Public Administration of the NIFs and the O.T.A.D., one (1) expert on human resource management, which is indicated by the High Command of the Associations of Public Health (IFRIC), And one (1) expert, defined by the central employers' organisations (S.E.V., E.C.E.U., G.S.E.C.) with their legal repayments. The President of the SNC is appointed one of the members of the SAB. The term of office of the SNC is two years. A member of each of the members and his/her/her/her/her/her/her alternate shall be appointed as staff of the REP, category of the IP, with a degree of degree.

2. For the selection of the President of the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors has one (1) expert opinion, which is demonstrated by the Minister of Interior and Management and who replaces the President of the Hellenic Republic.

Article 11 Staff Regulations of selected members

In positions of responsibility

1. The term of office of officials serving under Article 6 shall be deemed to be a real-service year in the post of Directorate-General. In particular, the term of office of officials serving in the positions of Presidents, Governors, Director-General of the Council and generally the heads of the bodies referred to in Article 8. The term of office of officials serving in the other positions referred to in Article 8 shall be deemed to be a real-service time in a post-marketing position.

2. After the expiry of their term of office or their termination, the positions to which they were appointed shall be returned to the institution in which they were served before their appointment.


3. Specific provisions relating to unveiled, limited and similar matters relating to the holding of Articles 6 and 8 shall remain in force.

4. If the chosen positions referred to in Articles 6 and 8 are persons with disabilities, blind, or visually impaired, deaf or hard, a special expenditure shall be established for the working arrangement of his place of work, the granting of a date, a period of interpretation, and In general, to cover the costs of disability needs in terms of the increased responsibilities of the position of responsibility. The method of this expenditure, the method of administration and any other relevant issues shall be determined by joint decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs and the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Administrative Reconstruction.

Article 12 Support for the SNC from the SAB.

The total of secretarial and technical support for the operation of the SNC during the selection process, as well as the observance of the practicalities in the process of the single interview, is part of the competence of the SNC.

Article 13 Transitional provisions-Final provisions

1. Until 31.7.2016, the National Registry of the Executive Board of the Management Board shall be activated in accordance with Articles 1 and 3. The criterion of justification for inclusion in the register, as described in Article 2 (1) (a), shall apply after two (2) evaluation periods, and the failure to apply it shall not be the function of the Registry. By 30.6.2016, the Ministerial Decisions of the Special Administrative Councils of Administration (Administrative Board) of Article 10, as well as other regulatory acts, shall be adopted. All the vacancies referred to in Articles 6 and 8 shall be opened until 30 September 2016 in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. All items in Article 6 shall be opened by 30 September 2016, as well as the vacancies referred to in Article 8 in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation.

2. The provisions of Article 77 of the Law. Council Regulation (EEC) No 1969/1991 (1 167). 3864/2010 (1 119), 16 of n. 3986/2011 (1 152) and Subparagraph E. 2. Paragraph E. 2-7 of Article 1 v. Regulation (EEC) No 4093/2012 (A-222) is subject to a derogation from the provisions of the present law.

3. During the publication of the law in the positions referred to in Article 8, they shall carry out their duties normally until the end of their term of office, and in any case not beyond 30 June 2018. Where such positions are empty in any way prior to the operation of the register referred to in Article 1, they shall be complied with in accordance with the provisions laid down in accordance with the provisions laid down in force until the date of publication of the present law. They shall normally carry out their duties until the end of their term of office and not beyond 30 June 2018.


Evaluation, Direction, Social accountability and participation

Article 14 Scope

1. The provisions of the evaluation system are subject to regular political civil servants and employees with private-law work in relation to time (I.D.A.D.): (a) Doomsday, (b) the local authority (O.T.A.).

(c) the legal persons governed by public law;

(d) the staff of the Independent Authorities, the Board of Directors, the staff of the independent authorities, the staff of the staff, the staff of the staff, the staff of the staff, the staff of the staff and the staff of the staff.

(e) Employees of the Regional Associations of Municipices of Accounting and Control, e)

(P.E.D.), Central Union of Municipalities of Greece (C.E.D.) and the Union of the Regions of Greece (EMS), (f) the officials of the legal persons of Anatoi;

The Orthodox Church of Christ and the other churches, structures and according to Article 13 of the Constitution of known religions, which are borne by the State Budget.

2. The provisions of the evaluation system do not cover: (a) primary and secondary teachers;

(b) the religious officials of the legal persons

The Eastern Orthodox Church of Christ and the other churches, structures and according to Article 13 of the Constitution of well-known religions, which are borne by the State Budget, (c) the officials and functionaries of the

(i) the application of the provisions of Part II of the n. 32003, POINT 3.4.1.

3. The evaluation and participation of public administrators in the process of objectives, as well as general administration, are aimed at improving the individual performance of each official and taking part in the performance of public works. A service?

4. Specific evaluation systems are maintained in an i-c.

Article 15 Evaluators

1. The assessors of the employees and the heads of the organic units in the course of this time are the two hierarchical superiors in the order of the organisational structure in the manner laid down in the next article. In the case of heads of Directorates-General, evaluators are the familiar Y -


The Secretary-General or the Secretary-General or the Secretary-General or the Secretary-General or the Secretary-General or the Secretary-General or the two (2) senior management bodies of the Office. If not available, an assessor is only the senior management body. In the case of heads of Directorates, where the Director-General is missing, evaluators are two (2) senior management bodies of the Office. Where there is no second hierarchical superiors, the evaluation shall only be carried out by one.

2. As superiors within the meaning of paragraph 1, it shall mean civil servants working with the work of public law or private law of indefinite duration, or officers of the Armed Forces and Security Sectors, which hold a position, which is (i) the top of the relevant organisational unit, as well as the members or appointed by staff members who are in a position based on specific provisions, including their legal alternates.

3. In order to provide for self-service units of decentralised or self-service public services or NCPIC, the General or Special Secretary of State or the Coordinator of the Central Administration or the Government of the Administration and, if not available, the President of The Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

4. The evaluation reports of the officials responsible for the application of the present and serving in the office of a Minister, Deputy Minister or Minister of State, shall be drawn up by the Director of the Office. If there is no Director, the evaluation reports shall be drawn up by the Minister, the Secretary-General or the Secretary of State. The evaluation report of the Director of the Office of the Minister, the Secretary-General or the Secretary of State, shall be drawn up by the Secretary-General concerned, the Deputy Minister or the Secretary of State, provided that he is subject to the provisions of the Statute.

5. The evaluation reports of the heads of the Directorate-General or Section for self-regulation, which are directly addressed to the Minister, Deputy Minister or State Secretary, shall be drawn up by the Permanent Representatives.

6. The evaluation reports of the products, self-fees or self-service of offices as well as the officials of the services of O.T.C. a. And b) are drawn up by the Chief of Staff and the Chief of Staff, respectively, provided that the above-mentioned employees They are frozen directly to them.

7. For the seconded officials, evaluation reports shall be drawn up by the heads of the services to which they are seconded if they fall within the scope of the present Regulation. In particular, the seconded officials in the offices of Members or Greek Members of the European Parliament, evaluator shall be considered to be the relevant Member or Member of the European Parliament. In this case, the provisions of Articles 20, 22, 23 and 24 shall not apply.

8. Each assessor is required to draw up evaluation reports for all his employees, in so far as they are available to them during the preceding period;

(i) a year for at least five (5) months, whether or not, whether or not, whether or not, whether or not at the time of drafting of the reports to another service, without prejudice to subparagraph (b) of paragraph 2 of the next item; Article 3

Article 16 Evaluation report

1. The evaluation report shall include at least: (a) the official's qualifications; and

(b) Brief description of the work carried out during the year in which the assessment is carried out.

(c) Brief description of the work carried out by the Agency (Directorate, Division, Section, Section, Section, Section).

(d) The elements of the interparliamentary interview with the evaluation of the evaluation of the results of the evaluation process.

Article 19 (e) the ranking of the assessor on the basis of the

For the purposes of the following paragraphs. 2.a) The evaluation reports are drawn up by the

(b) The timeliness of the first subparagraph shall be valid for the first quarter of each year.

(c) If the Head of the Department has duties for five (5), assessors who have miscarried this status before 31 March due to placement, transfer, transfer, posting or appointment to another service.

At least months, but the employment relationship has been resolved as a result of resignation or self-righteous dismissal from the subcommittee, the evaluation reports shall be drawn up and submitted to the person concerned before leaving the person concerned. Exceptionally, when assessors are the Minister, the Deputy Minister, the Secretary of State, the Secretary-General or Special Secretary, the administrative board or the chairman of a collegiate body, or the Director of the Minister's Office, Deputy An evaluation report may be drawn up and for a period of at least three (3) months of service, and in the event that the above departures may be drawn up, evaluation reports may be drawn up-up to 60 (60) days after their departure. D) In the event of a real weakness of the product,

To act as an assessor, the assessment reports shall be drawn up by his or her alternate, if he is acting as a substitute for at least one third (1/ 3) of the evaluation period. If this is not the case, and where there is no legal substitute, the evaluation reports shall be composed, exceptionally, by the direct head of the evaluator.

(e) Without prejudice to the provisions of the second subparagraph of paragraph 2 of paragraph 2, no evaluation report shall be drawn up for a shorter period of five (5) months.

3.a) Failure to comply with the assessment procedures is the relevant Directorate for Personnel or Administration. If any omission or error is noted;


(b) Any evaluation report shall be communicated by the head of the Executive Board of the Executive Board of the Board of Governors of the European Central Bank, the European Central Bank and the European Central Bank.

(c) The staff member shall be entitled at any time to request the staff of the staff member concerned.

The competent Staff Service or the Board of Directors and to receive a complete knowledge or a copy of its evaluation reports, setting out the form of the evaluation report on its signature and the date on which it was informed.

4. The final degree of evaluation results from the average of the scores of two (2) evaluators. If the deviation between the two (2) evaluators exceeds twenty-four (24) percentage points, the assessment is the Special Committee for the Evaluation of Article 21, in which the relevant reports are debited. Evaluation.

5. By decision of the Minister of Interior and Diionic Reconstruction, each issue is set up on the form and content of the Forms A-Registration Forms.

Article 17 Criteria and process of evaluation of officials

1. The criteria for assessing employees of all categories are classified in the following categories: Knowledge of the subject, interest and recreation

Section B. Staff relations and behaviour C. Effectiveness 2. Each category of criteria breaks down into individual criteria

Criteria, as follows:


(a) Administrative capacity, professional competence, implementation of knowledge and experience in the performance of the official's duties; b) Complete knowledge of his administrative work;

Organisation (Ministry, Self-Public Service or NPD). (c) Demonstration of interest, skills development and

(d) Initiative, innovation and prioritisation of services in the field of education and training;

(e) Preparation of relevant studies, articles or proposals for the project.

And award of such tasks. (f) Assume responsibilities and exercise capacity;

The role of the European Parliament in the work of the European Parliament. Priorities, coordination and programming of the project.

OTHER: SERVICES AND CONTRACTING (g) Communication and excellent cooperation with co-operating

(h) Council Regulation (EC) No 3171/ 2003 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products (presented by the Commission)

Service of their needs.

"C." Quantitative and qualitative working performance (in particular:

Crisis management, upgrading of working environment, added value of administrative work). (i) achieving the objectives of the individual objective;

Adoption of legislation and participation in the objective of the Section. 3. The criterion is assessed only by employees

The European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the European Parliament. The criterion is assessed only in terms of targets for the year of assessment.

4. Each individual assessment criterion is assessed by the evaluators with an integer, which, in the case of the evaluator, is relevant for the evaluator. The grade scale is defined from 0 to 100.

5. With the grades from 90 to 100, the competent officials who have shown a complete performance in their duties. Exclusive performance means the supply of a high-level project by the evaluator, from which an important benefit to the Agency has emerged. For the purpose of grade 90 and above, a specific rationale of this score is required for the assessment criteria, in the form of facts and data submitted to it and subject to mandatory consideration by the Special Committee. An evaluation of Article 21, which either normalizes the score or corrects it with a full statement of reasons.

6. With the grades from 75 to 89, the very adequate staff, who can be fully qualified to meet the requirements of their service, should be able to deal with all services and services only if they need to be required. Minimum assistance in their work.

7. With the grades from 60 to 74, sufficient staff who are constantly seeking to meet the requirements of the service, but not responding to the above criteria, are required.

8. With the grades from 50 to 59, the partially adequate staff, who shall perform below the usual measure and may need assistance in their work.

9. The grades from 40 to 49 are to be counted as staff members who, as a rule, need assistance in their work.

10. With the grades from 25 to 39, insufficient staff are required.

11. Grades 0 to 24 are classified as officials for this service.

12. BBs below grade sixty (60) must be specifically justified and subject to actual facts and evidence and data from the staff member's staff, such as the imposition of disciplinary action, Extensions of its products or other antiviral elements indicating a manifestly reduced response to official duties. In the absence of any supporting evidence of the inherent degree of degree, the staff member shall have the right to appeal to the Special Evaluation Committee referred to in Article 21, in accordance with Articles 20 and 21.

13. (a) The criterion is calculated according to the degree of responsiability of employees to the targeting


The European Parliament and the Council of Europe, the European Parliament, the Council and the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission. Prior to the assessment of this criterion, it shall be preceded, in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 23, in the case of the Member State concerned and the Presidency of the relevant product to be convened as a whole for the collective assessment and the individual Self-assessment of a staff member in relation to its objectives. This assessment does not result in a statement of marks or marks, but it shall identify problems and achievements of the item and shall be taken into account by the accountant for the purpose of establishing the reasons for his degree of degree.

(b) At the time of the first application, this criterion will not be applied unless a target procedure has been preceded by a law-making procedure.

14. Following the finalisation of the evaluation reports, the Personnel Directorate is responsible for the evaluation report to the evaluator.

15. At the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administrative Analysis, it is recommended that the Monitoring and Statistical Analysis of the Assessment of the Assessment of the Evaluation of Medicinal Products under the General Administration of Human Rights. The Monitoring and Statistical Analysis of the Assessment of the Assessment of the Evaluation of Medicinal Products is monitored and managed by statistical data and time series, and draws up analysis reports of the evaluation scores. Where there is a-in-the-the-case of extreme forms of assessment, whether high or low, a decision by the Government Council, following a recommendation from the Monitoring and Statistical Analysis Directorate, A "correction factor" shall be applied to the Evaluation of Tenders. The scope of the Monitoring and Statistical Analysis of the Evaluation of the Evaluation of Medicinal Products is published annually on the basis of the assessment in the context of the assessment.

16. By decision of the Minister of the Interior and Interactive Reconstruction, which is issued within three (3) months from the date of entry into force, the detailed implementing rules for this article shall be laid down.

Article 18 Criteria and process of evaluation of products of organic units

1. The evaluation criteria for the products in question are classified in the following categories:

AH, Knowledge of the subject, perception, interest and creativity B. Staff relations and behaviour C. Administrative skills D. Effectiveness 2. Each category of criteria breaks down to the following criteria:

The following criteria:


(a) Professional competence. Knowledge of the subject of public knowledge is assessed

Administration, the ability to organise the individual and collective workload and to act responsiveness.

(b) Perception and ability to solve problems.

The correct conception of the problems, the relevance of complex situations and priorities, the provision and timely management of consequences and proper management of crises.

(c) Initiative-Innovation. The development of creativity and practice is assessed

(i) the possibility of continuous improvement of the efficiency and creativity and the introduction and acceptance of innovative methods;

OTHER: RELATIONS AND CONCERNING (d) The Council of the European Union. Members of the Commission

(e) Communication and cooperation with products;

(i) (f) Communication and cooperation with the Commission;

(i) The ability to obtain accurate and clear information is assessed;

The Committee of the European People's Party calls on the Commission to draw up a proposal for a Directive on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogenesis and the prevention of risks.

"C." (g) Ability to organise, organise, coordinate;

He lives and controls his unit's work. Evaluates the leadership, especially in the preparation of future strains and the distribution of work to their personal responsibility. (h) Ability to guide, update, stimulate

Staff, to develop their professional and personal skills and skills, to stimulate continuous education, to give evidence of extroverted presence at conferences, exhibitions and international events. (see section 4.4).

(i) effective decision-making capability;

Especially in crisis situations.

D; RESOLUTION (k) on the achievement of the objectives of the individual

Adoption. 3. In the first criterion, only the products are evaluated;

However, it is not possible to take account of the risks associated with the use of these substances. The criterion will be determined if targets have been set for the year in question.

4. Each individual assessment criterion shall be calibrated by the evaluators with an integer which, in the case of the subject matter, shall be subject to the relevant criterion for the assessor. The scale of the grade is from 0 to 100.

5. With a mark of between 90 and 100, the number of products which have occurred during the period of the evaluation is exceptional performance. A high level of performance is defined as the high level of coordination of the organic unit in order to achieve specific pre-target objectives from which an important benefit to the body has emerged. For the purpose of grade 90 and above, it is necessary to provide the assessors with a specific statement of the assessment criteria for the evaluation criteria, with the recording of actual data subject to it and the assessment is examined. Compulsory from the


A Special Assessment Committee referred to in Article 21, which shall be finalised or corrected by a full statement of reasons.

6. With the grades 75 to 89, the evaluators who are considered to be very sufficient in advance who can fully meet the requirements of their Office and to deal with each official question.

7. With the extent of 60 to 74 sufficient products.

8. With the score of 50 to 59, the partially adequate products.

9. With the score of 40 to 49, moderate products.

10. With the grades 25 to 39, the insufficient funds are available.

11. With the grades 0 to 24, unfit for post.

12. A morphology of less than 60 degrees should be specifically justified and based on actual facts and evidence, the evidence of insufficient management of the structure as well as insufficient management. Of human potential. The assessor shall have the right to appeal to the Special Evaluation Committee referred to in Article 21.

13. The criterion is calculated according to the degree of responsivity of the product in his/her possession, on the basis of a specific justification. At the first application of this Regulation, the

The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance

14. Evaluation of the products takes into account and evaluation of the employees as described in the next paragraph.

15. The Head of the Department shall also be assessed by the sum of his immediate histamines, if these are at least three (3). The Head of Administration is assessed by the Heads of State and if these are less than three (3) from the staff of the Directorate. The Directorate-General of the Directorate-General is assessed by the heads of the Directorate-General and Division of the Directorate-General. The above-mentioned assessment by the employees shall be carried out on the basis of an anonymous questionnaire, which is drawn up by the Personnel Directorate concerned. This questionnaire includes the following criteria:

(a) ability to command and manage human

(b) the ability to provide effective guidance for the patient;

(c) crisis management capacity, (d) accountability, e) receptiveness to the introduction of new methods and new entrances

Technology. These criteria shall assess the existing ones.

Their product according to the following scale: 90-100: excellent, 75-89: very sufficient, 60-74: sufficient, 50-59: partially sufficient,

40-49: moderate, 25-39: inadequate, 0-24: unfit. Each criterion is assessed separately. 16. The marking of each annual evaluation of

Products from the existing ones are accompanied by a-the evaluation dossier of each product and is consulted during the evaluation of each product.

Article 19 Consultative Interview

1. Prior to completion of the evaluation, he-as hierarchical superiors, as the first evaluator, will be able to discuss with him how to improve his performance and improve the performance and development of his/her skills. In addition to the general and the efficiency of the organic unit in which it takes place, both of the benefit and the performance of the organic unit. The date of the interparliamentary consultation, as well as the signatures of the evaluator and the examiner, shall be reduced to a specific area of the evaluation assessment where the assessor has asked for a time-limit for the purpose of the evaluation. (i) it shall object to the provisions of paragraph 3 of that Article.

2. In the case of an employee's assessment with an average degree of exposure of less than sixty (60), the evaluator is compulsorily paid by the evaluator on the improvement measures to be taken by the assessor, the head of Evaluate, in the measure of its responsibilities, and the follow-up.

3. The assessor has the right to submit an opinion to the evaluator-objections within two (2) days after the operation of the interview. Opinions-objections, form an integral part of the employee's assessment report and are taken into account by the evaluator.

4. If any improvement measures are proposed, these shall be taken into account by the assessor during the next period of evaluation of the staff member. The assessor must note in the assessment report the measures taken by him and the service to assist the staff member to improve his performance. If the reporting obligation is omitted, this omission shall be taken into account as evidence by the head of the assessor in the assessment of the latter.

Article 20

1. The assessor has the right to raise an objection to the Special Committee, if the average score of the value of the Report is less than 90 (75).

2. The objection must include in detail the specific facts and facts in which the assessor evaluates the allegations of his objection.

3. The objections shall be exercised within an exclusive period of seven (7) working days from the notification;


The report to the staff member. The objections shall be submitted to the Management Board concerned, which shall refer them to the competent Evaluation Committee.

4. The Special Evaluation Committee shall examine the admissibility and the merits of the objection and may either normalise or correct the evaluation report with a full statement of reasons. The Special Committee for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products shall be entitled to request any further clarifications it deems necessary by the auditors or the assessor and in general to act on the calibration of the alleged claims. The Special Evaluation Committee shall take a decision on the objections within a time-limit of two (2) months after it has been submitted to it.

Article 21 Special Evaluation Committee

1. In each Ministry, General or Special Secretariat of the Ministry, with a decision of the Minister concerned, in each separate public service with a decision of its superiors, in each decentralised administration with a decision of the Central Administration Coordinator, A decision of the relevant Peripheral State, and any legal person governed by public law (NPD), which has its own Staff Council, acting on the decision of the Minister of Supervisor, is recommended for the Evaluation of Tenders. The Commission shall consist of: the product concerned;

The Directorate-General for Entity Division, a Directorate-General of the Directorate-General of the relevant body and a Head of Directorate-General from another Ministry or other body with equal numbers of their alternates from or from the Other bodies. The President of the Commission shall designate the head of the

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety and Health The choice of member of the Commission from the Member State other than the President shall be made by a public draw. The selection of a member originating from another body shall be subject to compulsory public drawing lots between at least five (5) candidates coming from five (5) different bodies. Under-decision, more Special Assessment may be made available to the same body, where necessary. Secretary of State for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products

A staff member of the department of staff of the institution concerned. In the Commission, they are without the right to vote and two (2) elected representatives of the permanent employees or employees with private-law work of indefinite duration (I.D.A.D.) of the institution concerned. The Commission shall have the right to vote and a representative of the Chamber or of the Association or of the Association, whose assessor is a member, at the request of the latter. The NIFs that do not have their own Staff Regulations

The Council shall be responsible to the Special Committee for the Evaluation of the Body from which they are supervised. For the employees of the SEA, the Special E -

For the Evaluation of Tenders, it is recommended by a decision of the Board of Directors of the Central Board of Directors concerned and shall be performed by the regular members of the Executive Board;

The Council, acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in the first subparagraph of paragraph 1, shall act in accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph 1. The Council shall act in accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph 1. The above applies also to the Municipalities of Flowers, Piraeus and Thessaloniki, who have their own Staff Council. In particular for the EAA, the assessment system of this law shall apply after six (6) months after its entry into force. For the Independent Authorities, the Special Committee

(a) the members of the Staff Council shall be set up by the regular members of the Staff Council with the mandatory participation of a Head of Directorate-General before coming from another body upon choice in accordance with the procedure referred to in paragraph 1 of the paragraph 1.

2. The work of the Commission shall be the assessment of the decisions referred to in Article 20 and of exceptional performance in accordance with paragraphs 5 and 12 of Article 17, paragraphs 5 and 11 of Article 18 and in Article 16 (4).

3. To bodies which do not exist or are not sufficient, the Directorates-General are designated as members, on-the-board and back-up, heads of Directorates, from which one comes from another body in accordance with the procedure referred to in the first subparagraph. Of paragraph 1. If there are no or insufficient products of the

Responsibilities, the employees of such bodies shall be responsible to the Evaluation Committee of the body supervising them. To those bodies provided for by the Staff Council,

Which still has not been set up, the officials of such bodies shall be assigned to the Special Committee for the Evaluation of the Agency which supervises them.

4. If the Commission is invited to assess objections or the exceptional performance of officials or products assessed by a Member of the Commission, the member concerned shall be prevented from participating in the issue of the said issue by the Commission and the Commission. His deputy gets his place. The term of office of the members of the Special Committee for the Evaluation of

It is a two-year term. During the first application of this term, their term of office shall expire on 31.12.2016.

Article 22

1. The aim is to improve the efficiency and collective action of the administration, the fuller fulfillment of the mission of the Agency, and its response to the needs of the society.

2. Within the first week of October each year the Minister or the administrative board of each body shall disclose and distribute to the services concerned the strategic objectives of the service for the next year. In the context of these objectives, the heads of the Directorates-General or, in the absence thereof, the heads of the Directorates-General shall submit to the Minister or to the Administrative Board a specific report on the resources available, the implemented and the Developments


The activities of their departments, as well as the general programming of their responsibility. Within the first week of November, the competent authority or the administrative board, in cooperation with the abovementioned reporting agents, decides on the recommendations and then discloses and distributes them to each General Secretariat. Address or to each address its strategic objectives for the following year.

3. (a) The decision of the preceding paragraph shall be communicated electronically to all officials and shall be presented at the end of the Directorates-General, where it exists, under the chairmanship of the Minister or Head of Administration. (b) Heads of Directorate-General shall carry out

In principle, specialisation in the Directorate-General for the objectives assigned to the Directorate-General informs them of the members of the Directorate-General concerned and asks them to propose further specifying the objectives of each Diem; To go. The Heads of Administration are calling for the Heads of State to recommend the target of the objectives of each Member State. The Heads of Department are asking officials to submit their opinions and suggestions on the objectives of the Agency, the Directorate and the whole of the Agency. On the basis of the suggestions made by the Heads of State or Government, each Directorate-General is to decide on the opinions of each Directorate-General. (c) The Head of Division shall present the whole -

In the second week of December each of the staff of the Section for the second week of December, each of the objectives decided upon in the following paragraphs and proposes, within the framework of the objectives, the individual objectives of each staff member; -taking into account the skills, knowledge, experience and skills it exercises. This meeting shall take place and discuss the wider application of the service and ways of improving its functioning. Subsequently, after an interview with each staff member, and after having taken into account his opinion, the Head of the Department shall determine in writing his own specific objectives and his specific contribution to the achievement of the objectives of the Section, with the individual objectives. Are analysed in specific actions, with a time-determined implementation, where the nature of the Service allows it. The targeting decisions shall be communicated electronically to all personnel concerned and published in the Everclear. (d) As to the level of the organisers of the level,

The arrangements in the case may be applied accordingly.

4. Targeting decisions shall determine the level of priority for each target, the indicators of measurement of the results, the implementation schedule and any other relevant issues.

5. The procedure referred to in paragraph 3 may be repeated after the expiry of the fourth quarter and before the expiry of that period, with a view to reviewing the objectives.

6. By joint decision of the Minister for Internal Affairs and Administrative Reconstruction and the Minister concerned, the details of the application of that article are laid down.

Article 23 Full-time management and legislation

1. The Department of Management and Management are the advisory bodies of the Administration, in which all employees of the respective organisation have the right to participate.

2.a) The Directorate-General shall be convened by the Directorate-General concerned and in the event of a password by the Directorate-General concerned. The full Court shall be convened and chaired by the relevant Head of Unit and in the event of a deaf person by the person concerned; (b) The Directorate-General shall meet three (3) ft;

At the end of the year to assess the implementation of the Directorate's objectives, as reflected in the function of the relevant organisational unit, and whenever it considers that the relevant Directorate-General or the responsible General Director in order to discuss the operation issues of the Director. The rapporteur is the competent Head of Directorate or a competent official selected by the person concerned. (c) The Full Court of First Instance shall meet once every year.

Two (2) months to discuss issues of the T and the course of the implementation of its objectives, and whenever any other-deems the relevant Head of Division or the Director in order to discuss the issue of the T-section. If there are comments from any of the authorities or audit mechanisms or reports with complaints from citizens concerning the operation of the Fund, these are necessarily discussed in the following Section of the Section. The full range of measures may include recommendations to the administrative and political authorities on the basis of proposals from their members. Two-thirds (2/ 3) of the officials of the Bank may request, at any time, written notice to the President-in-office of the convening of an emergency meeting, in order to discuss service issues, which are specifically appointed in the report. (d) At the end of each year, the full benefits of the Director-General are compulsorily notifiable within ten (10) days from the date of referral to the Head of Division.

At the same time, the Board of Directors approves the Evaluation Reports of the project they have produced. These reports shall be composed of the relevant product concerned and shall be adopted after a discussion of at least two thirds (2/ 3) of the staff of the corresponding structure. Exhibitions are adequately justified on the basis of each structure's targeting and are taking score from 0-100. These Reports shall be accompanied by the individual staff record of each official. E) Compliance with the minutes of the meetings of the

An official shall be assigned to an official designated as the Secretary of State by its President. The full benefits are carried out within hours of service

And complete with the exhaustion of the values of the partial device. For participation in them, an extra-hourly compensation is paid. The participation of at least three fifths (3/ 5) of the staff members, who are signatories, is required to achieve a party. No account shall be taken of those absent due to training;


(i) a medicinal product, a medical certificate, a medical certificate, or a child.

Article 24 Accountability and social control Monitoring of public administration

1. (a) The social control of the Management Committee is intended to improve the functioning and the quality of its services. Social control is to be addressed through the identification of problems of non-functioning or maladministration, taking into account, on the one hand, citizens' opinion on the quality of public services, on the other hand, the provision of proposals for (b) For this purpose, the Ackum procedure shall be established;

The Committee of the Regions calls on the Member States and the Member States to take the necessary steps to ensure that the citizens of the European Union are able to exercise their right to freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services to the citizens of the Union. The hearing procedure shall be conducted once every two (2) months, with rules of publicity and shall be kept in practice. To this end, it shall be set up in each Ministry and in general government structure, as defined by the General Secretariat of the Administration within the body of the General Director, Directors and Head of Division. A strict order of priority shall be given to the applications of social actors or individual citizens or groups of citizens. By decision of the Minister of Interior and Diiki-tical Reconstruction, the conditions, the mode of operation and all the issues related to the organisation and conduct of the hearing of the Social Affairs and Citizens' Acropolis process. Be carried out, inter alia,

Surveys, electronic and non-electronic surveys evaluating the services used as such. Every electronic application through which citizens do business with the administration, as well as the website of each Ministry, includes sub-debtors a provision for evaluation of the services. E. D. o.D., in services

The European Union, the European Union, the European Union, the European Union, the European Union, the European Union, the European Union, the European Union, the European Union, the European Union, the European Union and the European Union. For this purpose, a team or project team at the level of the public service in which the services of the services referred to in the first subparagraph are required shall be set up. The Project Groups shall process the relevant data and draw up relevant reports submitted to the relevant Minister and to the Management Board of the Management Board (PAID) of the next paragraph and may submit suggestions. (i) with changes, even non-legislative, that are considered to be necessary.

2. By decision of the Minister of Interior and Diiki-tical Reconstruction it is recommended that the Hellenic Republic A meeting of the Management Board (PPS) with the aim of scientific monitoring of the administrative function and coordination of the evaluation and social control procedures of the public administration. The Observatory is staffed by experts from the ICO, who are selected for two years a -

From its Board of Directors and chaired by the President of the European Central Bank. No additional remuneration shall be paid to the members of the PPS. A decision by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administrative Reconstruction regulates the detailed arrangements for the application of this article.



Article 25 Pathological structure of positions

1. Article 80 of the Code of Conduct of Municipalities of Civil Servants and Associations NITC, ratified by Article 1 of the Law. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

Article 80 Conventional structure of positions

1. Staff positions of the special theaters category are ranked first (1st) and second (2nd).

2. The positions of the categories of University Education (IP), Technological Education (TE), Secondary Education (DE) and Mandatory Education (HR) are classified in five (5) a total extent as follows: Vath A 'B' B ' Vath III ' Grade 2 Grade IV. 3. The positions of the categories of IP, TE and N are classified;

They are assigned to the grades 1, C, B and C, from which the lower is the Second and the 1st. The positions of the category HR are classified to the grades 1, I, C and B, from which the second is the Second and Second.

4. Introductory grade of the categories of the IP, TE and ΔE are the grade D and of the HR category the grade Q. For the holders of a doctoral dual quotation mark is B, to which they are classified by an accredited instrument. For the holders of a post-graduate degree of study entry, they shall be classified with an accredited instrument. For the graduates of the National School of Public Administration and Government (NTUA), an introductory point is B. The time of study at the ICMG is calculated as overcapacity in the first degree. For excellence, one (1) year is counted to the same degree. The residence in the case of a case-by-case basis shall last for two (2) consecutive years, at least irrespective of the formal qualifications obtained by the official in the interim period.

5. The positions of all grades of the IP categories, TE, DE and HR are in each category organic single."

2. Article 82 of the Code of Conduct of Municipalities of Civil Servants and Associations NITC, which was ratified by its first article. EUR 3528/2007 is replaced by the following:


" Article 82 Time of promotion

1. For promotion from grade to grade: (a) For the category of HR: From grade I to the grade 2-year service in

Degree E΄, from the degree Δ΄ to the grade 2 decades of service in the

D and from the grade III to the grade A decade of service in the

Grade C (b) For category CI: From grade D to the grade 2-year service in

(d) from grade C to the grade B 8-year service in

Degree III and from grade B to the grade A 6-year service in

(c) For category TE: From grade A to the grade 2-year service in

(d) from grade C to the degree of six-year service in the

Degree III and from grade B to the grade A 6-year service in

Grade B (d) For the category of the IP: From the grade I to the grade 2-year service in

Grade A, from grade C to the grade B 5-year service

To the grade C and from the grade B to a six-year service in

(b) Two (2) first years in the import process;

In the case of all categories of categories, they are a test service in accordance with the provisions of Article 40.

3. Officials serving in a category without possession of the standard qualification evolve to the grades of the class to which they serve, with the addition of one (1) year in the time required for promotion to the following degree with the exception of Inductive grade.

4. For the employees of category DE, holders of a two (2) years of study, the time required for the degree of degree of extrusion is reduced in total by two (2) years. For the benefit of category IP or TE, holders of a post-graduate programme of at least one (1), the time required for the degree of degree of extrusion is reduced in total by two (2) years. For the doctoral candidates, the time required for the degree of progression is reduced overall by six (6) years. If the staff member is in possession of a post-graduate and double-degree diploma, the above-mentioned reduction in time refers only to the doctorate. In the case of more than one Master's degree, the time required for the degree of progression is reduced by one (1) year for each title other than one.

5. For the staff member receiving the evaluation for two (2) continuous periods of degree or equal to grade 90, the required time for promotion is reduced by one (1) year. If this score concerns the last year that it travels to the extent, one (1) year is counted as extra time in the year.

Degree. ' 3. Article 83 of the Schedule of Schedule Po -

The Court of Justice of the European Communities and the Court of Justice of the European Communities. EUR 3528/2007 is replaced by the following:

" Article 83 Pre-ducts-Preachet tables

1. The promotions are made following a decision by the Staff Council. Staff shall be taken immediately to the appropriate extent, provided that they have completed the necessary time to the extent they hold, in accordance with the provisions of Article 82, and that the substantive qualifications referred to in the reports are to be taken into account. Their assessment. The staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff of the staff member Competence, the initiative and its effectiveness. In order to draw up its own judgment, the Staff Council shall take into account the substantive merits of the last five years. Especially for the promotion to the first degree of

It is appropriate to have a particularly high level of qualifications which represent an administrative capacity, as defined by the system of assessment of the essential qualifications of employees.

2. The Staff Council in April each year shall draw up, in the light of the situations referred to in Article 88, an alphabetical order, in alphabetical order, to a degree, to a degree and to a speciality, as well as tables of the preducers. For the purposes of the entry in the tables, the

Officials who are in charge of 30 (30) April of the next year in respect of the year of service. The validity of the tables shall begin on 1 May of their year of training, irrespective of the date of their finalisation, in accordance with Article 90.

3. Employees included in the promoters' tables are mandatory within one (1) - to be ratified by the tables or the day in which they meet the required service for the promotion of a service. The promotion shall be deemed to be carried out by the day in which the employee pays the time of service required to be promoted to the next degree, not before the date of entry into force of the relevant table.

4. In the tables, the pre-qualification tables are those considered to be non-preachy. As a preliminary ruling by the Office for Official Publications of the European Union, officials who do not meet the essential requirements of the tasks of the senior civil service shall be deemed to be the subject of a specific reasoned decision by the Staff Council.

5. Draft decisions shall not be posted to the Court of Justice and shall not be published in the Official Journal of the European Union. '

4. Article 83 of the Code of Conduct for Municipalities and Community Employees, which was ratified by the Article. The following shall be substituted for 3584/2007 (1 143):


' Article 83 Vibration of seats

1. The positions of the categories of University Education (IP), Technological Education (TE), Secondary Education (HR) and Mandatory Education (HR) are classified in five (5) a total extent as follows: Vath A 'B' B ' Vath III ' Grade IV 1. 2. The positions of the categories of IP, TE and N are classified

They are assigned to the grades 1, C, B and C, from which the lower is the Second and the 1st. The positions of the category HR are classified to the grades 1, I, C and B, from which the second is the Second and Second.

3. Introductory grade of the categories of the IP, TE and ΔE are the grade D and of the HR category the grade Q. For the holders of a doctoral dual quotation mark is B, to which they are classified by an accredited instrument. For the holders of a post-graduate degree of study entry, they shall be classified with an accredited instrument. For the graduates of the National School of Public Administration and Government (E.S.D.), an introductory point is B. The time of study at the ICMG is calculated as overcapacity in the first degree. For excellence, one (1) year is counted to the same degree. The residence in the case of a case-by-case basis shall last for two (2) consecutive years, at least irrespective of the formal qualifications obtained by the official in the interim period.

4. The positions of all grades of the IP categories, TE, DE and HR are in each category organic single."

5. Article 85 of the Code of Conduct for Municipalities and Community Employees, which was ratified by the Article. EUR 3584/2007 is replaced by the following:

" Article 85 Pretreatment time

1. For promotion from grade to grade: (a) For the category of HR: From grade I to the grade 2-year service in

Degree E΄, from the degree Δ΄ to the grade 2 decades of service in the

D and from the grade III to the grade A decade of service in the

Grade C (b) For category CI: From grade D to the grade 2-year service in

(d) from grade C to the grade B 8-year service in

Degree III and from grade B to the grade A 6-year service in

(c) For the category TE:

From grade A to the grade A two-year service to grade A, from grade C to the grade B ' 6-year service in

Degree III and from grade B to the grade A 6-year service in

Grade B (d) For the category of the IP: From the grade I to the grade 2-year service in

Grade A, from grade C to the grade B 5-year service

To the grade C and from the grade B to a six-year service in

(b) Two (2) first years in the import process;

In the case of all categories of categories, they are a test service in accordance with the provisions of Article 45.

3. Employees, who serve in a category without having the required standard qualification, evolve to the extent of the class they serve, with the addition of one (1) year in the time required for promotion to the chosen grade with the exception of Inductive grade.

4. For category staff in the IP or TE, a postgraduate course of at least one year (1), the time required for the degree of progression is reduced overall by two (2) years. A total of six (6) years of doctoral degree holders are required for the degree of degree of doctorate. If the staff member holds a degree and a doctoral degree, the above-mentioned reduction in time refers only to doctoral degrees. In the case of possession of more than one degree of degrees of study, the time required for the degree of progression shall be reduced by one (1) year for each title other than one.

5. For the staff member receiving the evaluation for two (2) continuous periods of degree or equal to grade 90, the required time for promotion is reduced by one (1) year. If this score concerns the last year that it travels to the extent, one (1) year is counted as excess time to the grade. '

6. Article 86 of the Code of Conduct for Municipalities and Community Employees, which was ratified by the Article. EUR 3584/2007 is replaced by the following:

" Article 86 Producer products-Precautions tables

1. The promotions are made following a decision by the Staff Council. Staff shall be taken immediately to the appropriate extent, provided that they have completed the necessary time to the extent they hold, in accordance with the provisions of Article 85 and the substantive qualifications referred to in the reports, in accordance with the provisions of Article 85. Their assessment. The Staff Council shall, in order to determine the relevance of the relevant qualifications, take into account all the evidence of the staff member's staff, from which he/she is active in the service, or


(iii) his/her professional competence, initiative and his/her lack of competence. In order to draw up its own judgment, the Staff Council shall take into account the substantive merits of the last five years. In particular, for promotion to the first degree, the

It is appropriate to have a particularly high level of qualifications which represent an administrative capacity, as defined by the system of assessment of the essential qualifications of employees.

2. The Staff Council in April each year shall draw up, in the light of the situations referred to in Article 90, an alphabetical order, in alphabetical order, to a degree, to a degree and to a speciality, as well as tables of the preducers. For the purposes of the entry in the tables, the

Officials who are to pay up to 30 (30) April of the following year for the period required for the period of service. The validity of the tables shall begin on 1 May of their year of training, irrespective of the date of their finalisation, in accordance with Article 92.

3. Employees included in the promoters' tables are mandatory within one (1) - to be ratified by the tables or the day in which they meet the required service for the promotion of a service. The promotion shall be deemed to be carried out by the day in which the employee pays the time of service required to be promoted to the next degree, not before the date of entry into force of the relevant table.

4. In the tables, the pre-qualification tables are those considered to be non-preachy. As a preliminary ruling by the Office for Official Publications of the European Union, officials who do not meet the essential requirements of the tasks of the senior civil service shall be deemed to be the subject of a specific reasoned decision by the Staff Council.

5. Draft decisions shall not be posted to the Court of Justice and shall not be published in the Official Journal of the European Union. '

Article 26: Rationalization-Recognition of experience

1. Article 98 of the Code of Conduct for Municipalities of Directors and Servants of IFRS, which was ratified by Article 1 of the Law. 3528/2007 is replaced by the following:

Article 98 Conventional integration

1. The staff members, who have before their appointed time in the field of service, form part of their application to the end of the final grade, with a combination of extra time to that extent, after due process. The Court of Justice of the European Communities. Integration refers to the timing of the crisis in the relevant Staff Council.

2. As a real public service, any subsidence that has been performed at the Symposium, to NIFD, to DPRD or to O.T.A.D., with a working relationship

Public or private law of a certain or an indefinite period, and any other service which, on the basis of special provisions, is recognised as a real public service in terms of degree of progression.

3. Service with a public or private law corresponding to the preceding paragraph, to services of the European Union or of its Member States, shall be taken into account for accession.

4. Employee of the Ministry of Culture of the Ministry of Political Affairs, which has been distributed to legal or natural persons or to other public or private bodies and concerns non-pharmacological projects, excavation or other work carried out under the supervision The relevant Office of the Ministry, as a whole, is recognised as a pre-service experience and is taken into account for their degree of progression.

5. For the above accession only the experience gained before the deadline is taken into account, to which the official belongs and the time of accession.

6. Service in a related subject up to seven (7) years before the appointment, outside the public sector, shall be taken into account when it is acknowledged. The terms and conditions for recognition of the above-mentioned service, as well as any other necessary details, shall be determined by a presidential decree issued with a proposal by the Minister of Interior and of the Household Reconstruction. '

2. Article 102 of the Code of Conduct for Municipalities and Community Employees, which was ratified by its first article. EUR 3584/2007 is replaced by the following:

' Article 102 Virological integration

1. The staff members, who have before their appointed time in the field of a public service, form part of their application to the end of the terminal, taking into account surplus time to that extent, after the expiry of the period of time. The Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the European Communities. Integration refers to the timing of the crisis in the relevant Staff Council.

2. As a real public service, any subsidence that has been distributed to the Public Sector, to NITO, to DPRD or to the O.T.A.D., with a public or private-law work relationship with a certain or an indefinite period of time, and any other service which, with a view to the establishment of a public service, is understood as a public service. On the basis of specific provisions, it is recognised as a real public service for a degree of progression.

3. Service with a public or private law corresponding to the preceding paragraph, to services of the European Union or of its Member States, shall be taken into account for accession.

4. For this integration, only the experience gained before the deadline is taken into account in the category to which the staff member belongs and the time of accession.

5. Service in a related subject up to seven (7) years before the appointment, outside the public sector, shall be taken into account when it is acknowledged. The terms and conditions for recognition of such past service, as well as any other necessary


A detailed examination shall be made by a presidential decree issued with a proposal by the Minister for Home Affairs and Home Reconstruction. '

Article 27 Transitional provisions

1. Employees, who serve at the time of the entry into force of this Convention, shall be classified as from 1 January 2016 to the extent of the category serving, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 80 and 82 of the Code of Public Civil Service. (v) Articles 83 and 85 of the Code of Conduct for Municipalities and Community Staff Regulations (v. 3528/2007). 3584/2007), with the exception of the provisions of Article 82 (5) of the Code of Civil Code of Civil Servants and Unions. (n. 5 of Article 85 of the Code of Conduct for Municipalities and Community Employees. 3584/2007) and on the basis of the total time of the actual public service, which has been recognised for their degree or salary progression. A period of time shall be considered to be in the rank of classification.

2. For the classification according to paragraph 1, not calculated: a. The time of delay or due to criminal prosecution

Which resulted in any sentence either due to disciplinary action resulting in a disciplinary measure of at least three (3) months, b. The time of the unjustified abstention from the defendant;

Close, c. The time of temporary pause, d. The time of unpaid leave which is not

Is a year of real public service, e. The time of suspension for the performance of duties;

The staff member was subsequently placed on a public holiday, at the time when he was deprived of his

The right to a promotion, a period of time equal to the half of the year;

Interest for the promotion of time, in the event of a disciplinary measure being imposed.

3. For the purpose of classification, in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the total time of the actual public service shall not be calculated over a period of more than one year, which has been covered by a standard qualification.

4. Employees, who serve in a category without having the required standard qualification, are classified to the grades of the class they serve, with the addition of one (1) year in the time required for promotion to the chosen grade with the exception of Importing grade.

5. The classification provided for in the provisions of the preceding paragraphs of this Article shall be adopted by the Court of Appeal of the Government of the Court of Appeal.

Article 28 Final-repealed provisions

1. Articles 6 to 11 and 28 of n. 4024/2011 (1 226) are repealed and the relevant issues are regulated by the provisions of Articles 40 and 89 to 95.

The Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European The Court of Justice of the European Communities brought an action for a preliminary ruling by the Court of Justice in Case 3528/2007, as well as Articles 45 and 91 et-97 of the Code of Civil and Community Employees, ratified by Article 1 of the Law. NO 3584/2007. The provisions of Articles 6 and 7 of the Law 4024/2011 relating to the calculation of the remaining time in the case of accession remains valid.

2. Where participation in a collective body or position of a position is required as a formal condition, the staff shall continue to carry out their duties, regardless of the extent to which they are classified, until the end of the period. Their mandate.

3. The provisions of the Code of Conduct of Municipalities of Civil Servants and Employees with a view to the degree of development of civil servants are also provided for officials with respect to civil law for an indefinite period of indefinite duration, -including the Independents of Authorities and the NIFs, who hold an organic position, with the exception of parttime employment.


Article 29 Heads of units-Procedure

And product selection criteria

1. Article 84 of the Code of Conduct of Municipalities of Civil Servants and Associations NITC, which was ratified by its first article. 3528/2007 is replaced by the following:

' Article 84 Head of organic units

1. As the heads of the Directorate-General, the employees of the category of the IP or TE, where: (a) have been in charge of the General Secretariat

Directorate for one (1) year or at least (b) has been in charge of managing directors;

(i) for a period of three (3) years or (c) they are holders of recognized instructors;

Or graduates of the National School of Public Administration and Administration (IFRIC) or a recognised related post-graduate degree, they have a degree of surplus of at least eight (8) years to that score or (d) Hold grade A with excess of its time;

Minimum ten (10) years to this mark. 2. As the heads of the Directorate or the other

(a) have been active in the field of Directorate-General for Information, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication,

(1) year at least (1) or (b) are holders of recognised similar teaching;

In addition, it is important to note that, in the absence of a formal qualification or a degree of formal qualification, the degree of autonomy of the National School of Administration and Self-administration (IFRIC) or the National School of Public Administration and Self-administration (IFRIC), holds grade A with extra time.


At least six (6) years to that grade or c) hold grade A and have exercised a total of

At least three (3) years of the duties of Head of Division or (d) hold the grade A with excess of its time;

Minimum ten (10) years to this mark. 3. As Head of the Section or a corresponding level

(a) they have exercised for at least one (1) year in each of the organisational units selected for at least one (1) year;

Close contact with the product. 4. A) Not allowed to be a candidate for selection

In a position of superiority of any other person who is automatically leaving the service within one (1) year from the date on which the nominations expire. This limitation does not apply if the staff member submits a request for a sub-digitisation for a selection in a directorate-general of the Directorate-General, in which case he is bound to remain in the service until the end of the period, in the event that he/she is to remain in service until the end of the period. (b) It may not be possible for the candidate to be nominated for use in the candidate country.

The application of the provisions of Article 8 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1408/82 of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, as amended by Council Regulation (EC) No 2019/1999 (2), as amended by Council Regulation (EC) No 2019/1999 ('), as last amended by Council Regulation (EC) No 2019/1999: OJ L 393, p. Any disciplinary measure exceeding the remuneration of four (4) months for any disciplinary action until remission of the sentence referred to in Article 145.

5. An official holding the basic qualification, which is the formal qualification of the branch, whose members are provided for in the relevant organisational provisions to be present in the post, may be involved in the proceedings. The selection of the branch to which it belongs. In all cases, and independently of the specific qualifications and courses of study, which may be specified in the relevant organisational provisions, graduates of the National School of Public Administration and Administration (IFRIC) can be They shall participate as candidates in the notice of any position of responsibility regardless of the qualification they hold.

6. The conditions and qualification requirements must be fulfilled at the date of expiry of the submission of applications.

7. Organizations are the Directorate-General, the Directorate, the Directorate, the T-section, the organisational units corresponding to the above-mentioned areas, and any intermediate levels of administration, as provided for by the relevant departments. Organizational provisions. Where the provisions of this report refer to the administration of the administration, the Directorate-General shall also be considered. The organisational units of the Directorate-General and directorate-level provided for in the relevant organisational provisions and their responsibilities are similar or similar to all the bodies responsible for implementing this Code, in particular Directorate-General for Administrative Support, Financial Services, Financial and Administrative Services, Informatics, Management/Personnel Directorate,

Information, Primitive, Budget, hereinafter referred to as the provisions of this Code as horizontal liability positions. '

2. Article 85 of the Code of Conduct of Municipalities of Civil Servants and Associations NITC, which was ratified by its first article. 3528/2007 is replaced by the following:

' Article 85 Product selection criteria

1. For the selection of products, four (4) groups of criteria are taken into account: (a) Standard, teacher-based access;

(b) training on the basis of occupational experience and vocational training;

(c) an evaluation based on evaluation and d) authorisation based on an interview. 2. For final authorisation the total number of

The limits of each category shall be multiplied by the following coefficient, per position of liability: (a) For the placement of products by factor

Weight: 40 % for the criteria group (a), 20 % for the criteria group (b), 20 % for the criteria group (c) and 20 % for the criteria group (d). (b) For the position of heads of department,

35 % for the criteria group (a), 20 % for the criteria group (b), 20 % for the criteria group (c) and 25 % for the criteria group (d). (c) For the position of heads of Directorate-General,

Weight: 30 % for the criteria group (a), 20 % for the criteria group (b), 20 % for the criteria group (c) and 30 % for the criteria group (d). 3. These criteria are assessed as follows: (a) formal education qualifications are delimited

As follows: (aa) the basic qualification of tertiary education;

Of the candidate with 100 points. (bb) The second qualification, if it is of the

Of a training degree with the basic instrument heading with 30 boundaries. (c) Post-graduate degree of study, annual work;

At least up to 150 µ g and the second year-long title with 30 moria. D) Successful graduation from the National School of Law -

Of the same administration and administration (S.T.D.) with 250 moria. (eu) Ph.D. Diploma with 300 moria. (f) Post-graduate degrees and teaching degrees;

On the other hand, it should be pointed out that, in the case of the Member States, the Commission has decided to initiate the procedure laid down in Article 3 (2) of Regulation No 17. The relevance, where it has not been judged, is judged on the basis of the etiology of the choice of product. (g) Certified by the Hellenic Republic on compliance

The staff member shall be defined by 10 (10) limits per


(i) a maximum of 40 (40) boundaries. For the assessment of the criterion of the certification of discharge provided, the compliance has been taken into account in the last 10 years. (dd) The certified language shall be demarcated as

Hereinafter: The excellent knowledge of any foreign language with 40 borders, the very good knowledge with 30 boundaries and good with 10 borders, with a maximum of 100 molecules. All the above qualifications must be demonstrated

At the same time as those specified in paragraph 50/2001 (1 39). The total of the limits that can be received by a sub -

(b) Work experience and the performance of tasks in the field of education and training.

(i) the period of service at the Symposium or the time of employment;

(a) 20 µ limits for each year of service subject to a ceiling for each year of service in the private sector, in which the private sector is designated as follows: aa) 20 limits for each year of service

33 years for the public sector, (bb) 25 limits for each year of employment

A limit of 7 years for the private sector recognised in accordance with Article 98 and (c) 16,5 points for each year of performance;

To the public sector, with a maximum of 10 years. Time of employment or employment greater than

A full year shall be counted as a full year. The total of the limits that can be received by a sub -

(c) Evaluation The assessment of the evaluation criterion, which will be carried out by the competent authorities of the Member States and the competent authorities of the Member States.

It is planned to be exported on the basis of the average of the last three-year evaluation. In particular, during the first application of the law, the assessment criterion is not taken into account. In order to take the assessment criterion, the proposed product must have been assessed with the provisions of at least two evaluative periods, in which case the average of the evaluation reports should be taken into account. Of these two periods. The total of the limits that can be received by a sub -

The evaluation may not exceed 1,000, following the required reduction of the grade in the 1000 (1000) scale. D) Non-Interview The structured interview is conducted by the competent authorities.

Councils referred to in Article 86 by providing for the necessary 'live aid' for persons with disabilities (indicative, new legal), if required. The purpose of the interviewing interview is to

The Council shall adopt an opinion on the personality, competence and suitability of the candidate for the performance of the duties of the position of responsibility for which it is judged. At this stage, account shall be taken of the details of the staff of the staff, the application for applications and the CV, in accordance with the provisions of Article 86 (7).

The structured interview includes two thematic units: aa. To this end, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe

The object of the institution and the responsibilities of the institutions of the institutions concerned in relation to the skills and qualifications of the candidate, as derived from the CV and the data of the staff member. B. Development of a hypothetical generic scenario;

(situational interview) designed to assess the administrative capacities of the vote to prepare, coordinate, take initiatives, take effective decisions and manage crises. For the purposes of this Regulation, the following shall be taken into account:

Social skills, the ability to manage time, the characteristics of leadership in particular under conditions of pressure, the ability to coordinate work groups and the creativity of the candidate. Each part of the interview is limited in scope.

Limit to 500 µ m. The total of the limits to be taken by a candidate from each member may not exceed 1,000. The final version of the interview is given by the

It is clear from the average of the grades of the members of the competent Council. The content of the interview with the judgment and the

Its main features are summarised in the Council's Minutes, which is available to all the candidates, and the authorisation for the relevant nominee is briefly explained by each member in relation to one of the two arms of the interview. The National Centre for Public Administration and Government -

It also supports the process of structured interviews by providing the required knowledge to the members of the consulates conducting the interviews. By decision of the Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction each relevant detail shall be defined.

4. The total effect of the nominee of each target group per candidate is multiplied by the respective weighting factor and the total sum is exported. The overall score of the criteria is derived from two (2) decimals. '

3. Article 86 of the Code of Conduct of Municipalities of Civil Servants and Associations NITC, which was ratified by its first article. 3528/2007 is replaced by the following:

" Article 86 Selection procedure

Of organic units

1. By decision of the Minister of Interior and Diiotic Reconstruction, it is recommended that the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction Special Council of Supervisors (SVR), which is responsible for selecting the heads of the General Ministries of Ministries, self-serving of public servants, decentralised Administrations, D.O.D. and NEPD. (a) two (2) members of the Supreme Council of the European Communities;


(b) one (1) Legal Advisor or Parahedron of the Legal Service (HR), who are nominated by his/her President, (b) one (1)

Council of State, indicated by its President, (c) one (1) member of the Scientific-Educational Institute

Council or Head of the Department of Educational Unit of the Board of Directors, indicated by its President and (d) one (1) General Secretariat of the Ministry concerned,

If the post to be filled in a General Directorate-General belongs to a Ministry or the head of the competent public service, if the post to be filled belongs to a separate public service or one (1) Head of the decentralised Administration, if the Position of the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Interior and of the Secretary-General of the Ministry of the Interior and of the Ministry of the Interior, if the post belongs to a UN General Secretariat or to (1) General Secretariat of the Board of Supervisors, if the post to be filled belongs to N.B. DISC ... A manufacturer of the EIF and his/her/her/her/her/her/her/her deputy are members of the Ministry of Interior and Departmental Reconstruction of the IP.

2. In each Ministry, a decision of the relevant Secretary of State, in each separate General or Special Secretariat, under the decision of the General or Special Secretary, in each of the central administration, by decision of its Coordinator, and in each of its NIFs. Staff Council, with a decision by the supervising Minister, is a Head of Selection Board (SAB), which is responsible for the selection of heads of department or similar or intermediate (between-Union and T) level. (b) to carry out the structured interviews referred to in Article 85 for the selection If you have any other medicines, please contact your mother or nurse if you are pregnant. (a) one (1) General Secretariat or Deputy Secretary-General of the Ministry or the Head of the Self-Public Service or the Coordinator of the Central Administration or a General Secretariat. (b) one (1) head of the Directorate-General or the corresponding organisational unit of these entities, (c) one (1) Legal Adviser or President of the Legal Council of State and (d) two (2) members of the SAB. By joint decision of the Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction and the Minister of State, more SAPs may be set up to carry out the selection procedures to the supervisors of the Ministries. Officials of the SSR and their legal alternates shall be appointed as officials of the relevant B-category body with the same degree.

3. The members of the EIA and of the SEPs are set up by means of replacements, which must be the same as the regular members. The decision referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Decision is hereby appointed as President one of the two members of the SAB. The offices of the members of the EIF and the SAB are three-year-old.

4. The selection of the Heads of Unit or Anti-Organizational Level shall be selected by the Secretary-General.

Article 159 of the Treaty on European Union. 5. Specially, for the IOA, the choice of

Heads of Division or similar or intermediate (between Directorate and Chamber) level of organisational unit shall be carried out by the competent body referred to in Article 248 of the Law. 3852/2010 (1987). The selection of the Heads of Unit or the equivalent of an organisational unit, as well as an independent office, shall be chosen by the competent body of Article 249 of the Law. 3852/2010

6. Specially, for the Athens Academy, the relevant selection body: (a) Tax (Director-General) and (b) Head of Directorate shall be appointed by the Senate in accordance with the procedure of the present proceedings. (a) Head of Directorate-General for Directorates-General and (b) in the Directorate-General for Directorate-General are appointed by the Senate and the Council respectively in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Rules of Procedure. A joint decision by the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction and the Minister for Education, Research and Religious Affairs is hereby established.

7. (a) In order to fill posts in the Directorates-General, a notice shall be issued by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Administrative Reconstruction following the institution of the institution concerned and the conditions and conditions of participation in the procedure laid down therein shall be laid down. Application of the conditions of Articles 84 and 85. (b) The notice is issued at five (5) months before

End of the term of office of the Directors-General and published on the websites of the relevant bodies and the SNC.

(c) The right to submit an application shall have all the employees of public services or legal persons governed by public law, provided that they fulfil the conditions and conditions of the contract notice and are subject to the provisions of this Code. Applicants may submit an application for more posts. (d) The application shall be accompanied by an analytical examination.

(i) a biographical note drawn up under the responsibility of the candidate and the position of a responsible declaration. In the event of a mismatch of the nominees of the applicant in the application and in the bio-graphic note with those held in the staff member's staff and in the Office's file, account shall be taken of what is stated by the applicant. Personnel management, after having previously called in the figures for the addition of those in addition to those who are responsible for holding. The above procedure for attesting the data of the application form and the CV of the staff member from the Personnel Directorates concerned shall be made within a period of ten (10) days. E) Candidates who do not fulfil them Conditions of law;

(a) The contract notice shall be excluded from the procedure with a decision of the EIF. (f) The EIF shall delimit each candidate in accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph 1.

As defined in Article 85. For the purpose of conducting the single interview, each candidate is called on. Thereafter the EIA establishes a decontamination table in descending order of marks for each heading. The procedure is completed with


Installation of the dominant position for each seat position in the relevant position by decision of the relevant Ministry or the competent authority for the placement of an instrument.

8. (a) In order to fill posts of heads of directors or equivalent or intermediate (between the Directorate and the Section) of the organisational unit and the T minus, the notice shall be issued by the institution concerned, specifying the terms and conditions. In the course of the proceedings of the selection of the provisions of Articles 84 and 85. The positions shall be designated by the Directorate-General where otherwise provided by the Commission. (b) The contract notice is issued at three (3) months before the entry into force of the first subparagraph of Article 3 (3) of the Regulation.

The expiry of the term of office of the products in service and published on the websites of the relevant bodies and the SNC. (c) the right to submit an application shall be submitted by the institution concerned by the institution concerned.

Which are organic to the body which proclaims the positions where they fulfil the conditions and conditions of the law and of the contract notice and are subject to the provisions of this Code. Applicants may apply for a maximum of five (5) positions. (d) The application shall be accompanied by an examination.

(i) a biographical note drawn up under the responsibility of the candidate and the position of a responsible declaration. In the event of a mismatch of the nominees of the applicant in the application and in the bio-graphic note with those held in the staff member's staff and in the Office's file, account shall be taken of what is stated by the applicant. Personnel management, after having previously called in the figures for the addition of those in addition to those who are responsible for holding. The above procedure for attesting the data of the application form and the CV of the staff member from the Personnel Directorates concerned shall be made within a period of ten (10) days. E) Candidates who do not fulfil them Conditions of law;

(f) The Board of Directors or the Staff Council shall be excluded from the notice of the notice and the notice shall be excluded from the procedure by decision of the Council or of the Council.

Each candidate on the basis of points (a) to (c) of Article 85 (1) and in accordance with the same Article. Subsequently, the SAB or the Office Council on the basis of the above provides a single ranking list for all posts per Directorate-General or overall for the whole institution with the contract notice in descending order of marks. Number of candidates five times the number of posts to be filled. The following is the conduct of a single interview in the case of Article 85 (3) (3) from the SAB. In the interview the candidates included in the ranking of the Directorate-General or the Organisation shall be invited to each. Once the assessment is made on the basis of and the criterion of the single interview, the final score is exported in accordance with Article 85 (4) and lists of ranking tables are drawn up.

A general directorate or general for the organisation according to the contract notice.

9. Those selected by the SVC, the SIA and the Staff Councils shall be placed, by decision of the institution concerned, issued at the latest within one (1) month following the notification of their choice, as products at their respective level. Institutions for a period of three (3) years. If an official of another public service or VAT is selected as Head of Directorate-General, he shall be automatically seconded to the department for which he/she has been selected. Products whose term of office has expired has expired;

They follow and perform their duties until they are re-placed as heads or the placement of new products.

10. By decision of the institution concerned, the supervisor shall be terminated before the end of his term of office, if the following conditions are met:

In Article 8 (1) (a), (b) if it is deprived of its political rights;

(c) if it is subjected to a custodial judicial review, and for as long as this withdrawal lasts;

(Full or partial), in adjuvant legal proceedings (full or partial) or the Court has decided in conjunction with the two preceding arrangements. (d) whether or not to be available or imposed.

Any disciplinary measure exceeding the remuneration of four (4) months for any disciplinary offence until the deletion of the term referred to in Article 145. By decision of the institution concerned following a decision

Having regard to the opinion of the ETUC, the SAB or the Staff Council, the Head of the Agency shall be discharged of his duties before the end of his term of office for a serious service concerning the conduct of his or her duties. The Head of the Department may also be relieved of his/her duties, following a decision of the EIC, of the SAB or of the Staff Council, which is consistent with the service requirements.

11. If a post is vacant or a post office position is vacant, the position shall be opened no later than 15 (15) and the product placement procedure shall be drawn up no later than two (2) months after the vacancy notice. The product concerned shall be selected for full term. Until the placement of new products is implemented, the provisions of Article 87 on product-based products are applied.

12. If no applications are submitted, the Minister or the Director shall place an official who fulfils the legal requirements and serves at the place where he/she will perform duties.

13. Those who have not previously performed their duties in the past have compulsorily followed a relevant programme for the National Centre for Public Administration and Government. '

4. Article 87 of the Code of Conduct for Community and Community Employees, which was ratified by the Article. EUR 3584/2007 is replaced by the following:


" Article 87 Management of organic units

1. As the heads of the Directorate-General, the employees of the category of the IP or TE, where: (a) have been in charge of the General Secretariat

Directorate for one (1) year or at least (b) has been in charge of managing directors;

(i) for a period of three (3) years or (c) they are holders of recognized instructors;

Or graduates of the National School of Public Administration and Administration (IFRIC) or a recognised related post-graduate degree, they have a degree of surplus of at least eight (8) years to that score or (d) Hold grade A with excess of its time;

Minimum ten (10) years to this extent. 2. As the heads of the Directorate or the other

(a) have been active in the field of Directorate-General for Information, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication, Communication,

(1) year at least (1) or (b) are holders of recognised similar teaching;

In the case of the National School of Administration and Government, or graduates of the National School of Administration or Government, they hold a degree of excess of at least six (6) years to the extent, (c) hold the D and have exercised a total of

At least three (3) years of the duties of Head of Division or (d) hold the grade A with excess of its time;

Minimum ten (10) years to this extent. 3. As heads of the Chambers and self-writing staff -

The level of the organisational unit or the relevant level of organisation is selected as the employees of PE or TE, or if: (a) they hold grade A or b) they have exercised for at least one (1) year each;

Close contact with the product. 4. A) Not allowed to be a candidate for selection

In a position of superiors of any level, who shall automatically withdraw from the service within one (1) year from the date on which the nominations expire. This limitation does not apply if the staff member submits a request for a sub-digitisation for a selection in a directorate-general of the Directorate-General, in which case he is bound to remain in the service until the end of the period, in the event that he/she is to remain in service until the end of the period. Be chosen and placed, not beyond the 67th year of its age.

(b) He is not allowed to be a candidate for the application of a product or to be placed in the head of a civil servant who is a member of a test service or whether or not he is available or has been sentenced to a final sentence of Article 16; Paragraph 1 of the Code of Conduct and the Community Staff Regulations or of any disciplinary measure exceeding the fines of four (4) months for any disciplinary measure to be deleted until the deletion Penalty referred to in Article 145 of the Code of Public Policies and Administrative Employee and DUTH Employees, as applicable.

5. Employee who holds the basic qualification, the

The Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities. In all cases, and independently of the specific qualifications and courses of study which may be specified in the relevant organisational provisions, graduates of the National School of Public Administration and Government may participate As candidates in the notice of any position of responsibility regardless of the qualification they hold.

6. The conditions and qualification requirements must be fulfilled at the date of expiry of the submission of applications.

7. Organizations are the Directorate-General, the Directorate, the Directorate, the T-section, the organisational units corresponding to the above-mentioned areas, and any intermediate levels of administration, as provided for by the relevant departments. Organizational provisions. Where the provisions of this report refer to the administration of the administration, the Directorate-General shall also be considered. The Directorate-General for Directorate-General and Directorate-level organisers, as provided for in the relevant organisational provisions and the responsibilities of the institutions, shall be the same or shall refer to all bodies within the scope of this Regulation. , in particular, Directorate-General for Administrative Support, Financial Services, Economic and Administrative Services, Information Technology, Directorate-General for Personnel, Information, Public Information, Budget, hereinafter referred to as 'the Budget', Provisions of this Code as horizontal positions of responsibility. '

5. Article 88 of the Code of Conduct for Municipalities and Community Employees, which was ratified by the Article. EUR 3584/2007 is replaced by the following:

' Article 88 Product selection criteria

1. For the selection of products, four (4) groups of criteria are taken into account: (a) Standard, teacher-based access;

(b) training on the basis of occupational experience and vocational training;

(c) an evaluation based on evaluation and d) authorisation based on an interview. 2. For final authorisation the total number of

The limits of each category shall be multiplied by the following coefficient, per position of liability: (a) For the placement of products by factor

40 % for the criteria group (a), 20 % for the criteria group (b), 20 % for the criteria group (c) and 20 % for the criteria group (d). (b) For the position of heads of department,

35 % for the criteria group (a), 20 % for the criteria group (b), 20 % for the criteria group (c) and 25 % for the criteria group (d). (c) For the position of heads of Directorate-General,

Coefficient of gravity


30 % for the criteria group (a), 20 % for the criteria group (b), 20 % for the criteria group (c) and 30 % for the criteria group (d). 3. These criteria are assessed as follows: (a) formal education qualifications are delimited

As follows: (aa) the basic qualification of tertiary education;

Of the candidate with 100 points. (bb) The second qualification, if it is of the

Of a training degree with the basic instrument heading with 30 boundaries. (c) Post-graduate degree of study, annual work;

At least up to 150 limits and the second half-year title, with 30 limits. D) Successful graduation from the National School of Law -

The Committee of the Management and Administration has 250 limits. (eu) Ph.D. Diploma with 300 moria. (f) Post-graduate degrees and teaching degrees;

On the other hand, it should be pointed out that, in the case of the Member States, the Commission has decided to initiate the procedure laid down in Article 3 (2) of Regulation No 17. The relevance, where it has not been judged, is judged on the basis of the etiology of the choice of product. (g) Certified by the Hellenic Republic on compliance

The staff member shall be limited to a maximum of 10 points by a maximum of 40 limits. For the extent of the criterion of the criterion of certified compliance, the compliance has been taken into account over the last decade. (dd) The certified language shall be demarcated as

Hereinafter: The excellent knowledge of any foreign language with 40 borders, the very good knowledge with 30 boundaries and good with 10 borders, with a maximum of 100 molecules. All the above qualifications must be demonstrated

At the same time as those specified in paragraph 50/2001 (1 39). The total of the limits that can be received by a sub -

(b) Work experience and the performance of tasks in the field of education and training.

(i) the period of service at the public or the time of employment;

(a) 20 µ limits for each year of service subject to a ceiling for each year of service in the private sector, in which the private sector is established in the private sector, where it is supervised by an earlier legal provision and the exercise of responsibility in the public sector;

Thirty-three (33) years for the public sector, (bb) 25 for each year of employment.

A limit of seven (7) years for the private sector to be met in accordance with the provisions of Article 102 and (c) 16,5 points for each year of performance;

In the public sector, a maximum of ten (10) years. Time of employment or employment greater than

A full year shall be counted as a full year. The total of the limits that can be received by a sub -

The work experience and the exercise of responsibility cannot exceed 1,000 limits.

(c) Evaluation

The assessment of the evaluation criterion is based on the average of the evaluation reports for the last three years. Especially during the first application of the law, the assessment criterion is not taken into account. In order to take account of the evaluation criterion, the proposed product must have been assessed with the provisions of at present at least two (2) evaluative units, in which case the average of the positions taken into account is taken into account. The evaluation of the two (2) periods. The total of the limits that can be received by a sub -

The evaluation may not exceed 1,000, following the required reduction of the scale on the scale of a thousand (1000). D) Non-Interview The structured interview is conducted by the competent authorities.

Councils referred to in Article 89, providing for the necessary 'live aid' for persons with disabilities (illustrative, new legal), if required. The purpose of the interviewing interview is to

The Council shall adopt an opinion on the personality, competence and suitability of the candidate for the performance of the duties of the position of responsibility for which it is judged. At this stage, account shall be taken of the details of the staff of the staff, the application for applications and the CV, in accordance with the provisions of Article 89 (4). The structured interview includes two thematic

Sections: aa. To this end, the European Parliament and the Council of Europe

The object of the institution and the responsibilities of the institutions of the institutions concerned in relation to the skills and qualifications of the candidate, as derived from the CV and the data of the staff member. B. Development of a hypothetical generic scenario;

(situational interview), which aims to assess the candidate's administrative capacities to plan, coordinate, take initiatives, take effective decisions and manage crises. For the purposes of this Regulation, the following shall be taken into account:

Social skills, the ability to manage time, the characteristics of leadership in particular under conditions of pressure, the ability to coordinate work groups and the creativity of the candidate. Each part of the interview shall be designated by each section of the

The age limit of 500 µ g is limited. The sum of the limits that a candidate may receive from each member may not exceed 1,000. The final version of the interview is given by the

It is clear from the average of the grades of the members of the competent Council. The content of the interview with the judgment and the

Its main features are summarised in the Council's Minutes, which is available to all candidates, and the nomination for each candidate is summarised by each member as to each of the two arms of the interview. The National Centre for Public Administration and Government -

The Committee of the Regions supports the Commission's proposal for a Council Directive on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to the health and safety of workers.


To the members of the consulates conducting the interviews. By decision of the Deputy Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction each relevant detail is defined.

4. The total effect of the nominee of each target group per candidate is multiplied by the respective weighting factor, and the total sum is exported. The overall score of the criteria is derived from two (2) decimals. '

6. Article 89 of the Code of Conduct for Municipalities and Community Employees, which was ratified by the article of the Law. EUR 3584/2007 is replaced by the following:

" Article 89 Selection procedure

Of organic units

1. The selection of Directorates-General shall be selected by the Special Staff Council in Article 4.

2. The selection of the Heads of State or Bank (between Directorate-General and Section) of the level of organisational units, bodies and offices shall be selected by the relevant Advisory Councils referred to in Article 5.

3. (a) For the filling of posts in the General Directorate-General, a notice shall be issued by the appointing authority and shall specify the conditions and conditions of participation in the selection procedure of the terms of Articles 87 and 88. (b) The notice is issued at five (5) months before

The expiry of the term of office of the relevant Directorates-General and published on the websites of the relevant O.T.A. and the SNC (c) the right to submit an application shall have all the employees;

To the extent that they comply with the terms and conditions of the notice and subject to the provisions of this Code. Applicants shall be allowed to apply for more posts. (d) The application shall be accompanied by an analytical examination.

(i) a biographical note drawn up under the responsibility of the candidate and the position of a responsible declaration. In the event of a mismatch of the nominees of the applicant in the application and in the bio-graphic note with those held in the staff member's staff and in the Office's file, account shall be taken of what is stated by the applicant. Personnel management, after having previously called in the figures for the addition of those in addition to those who are responsible for holding. The above procedure for attesting the data of the application for digitisation and the CV of the staff from the relevant Directorates-General shall be made within an exclusive reserve of 10 (10) days. Candidates who do not fulfil his conditions;

(f) The Special Staff Council shall delimit each of the cases referred to in Article 1 (2) of the Special Staff Regulations.

Candidate in accordance with Article 88. For the purpose of conducting the single interview on suspicion -

Friend is called separately. Subsequently, the Special Board of Governors shall draw up a ranking list in descending order of order for each individual case. The procedure shall be completed by placing the predominant position for each candidate position in the relevant box with a decision of the competent authority for the installation of a German.

4. (a) In order to fill posts of heads of directors or of interest items (between Directorate and Chamber), the level of the organisational unit, the bodies and the office of office shall be issued by the relevant O.T.D., setting out the terms and conditions, and The conditions for participation in the selection procedure of the terms of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty. Positions shall be opened by Directorate-General, otherwise per UTF. (b) The notice shall be issued at three (3) months before the date of entry into force of the first subparagraph of Article 3 (3) (b).

Expiry of the term of office of the attendees and published on the websites of the relevant O.T.A. and A. S.E.P. .. (c) the right to submit an application shall be made by all the servants responsible for the application of the contract notice.

Other organic substances in the OTA that proclaims the positions, provided that they fulfil the conditions and conditions of the law and of the contract notice and are subject to the provisions of this Code. Applicants may apply for a maximum of five (5) positions. (d) The application shall be accompanied by an examination.

(i) a biographical note drawn up under the responsibility of the candidate and the position of a responsible declaration. In the event of a mismatch of the nominees of the applicant in the application and in the bio-graphic note with those held in the staff member's staff and in the Office's file, account shall be taken of what is stated by the applicant. Personnel management, after having previously called in the figures for the addition of those in addition to those who are responsible for holding. The above procedure for attesting the data of the application form and the CV of the staff member from the Personnel Directorates concerned shall be made within a period of ten (10) days. E) Candidates who do not fulfil them Conditions of law;

(f) The Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities shall be excluded from the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

On the basis of the criteria laid down in Article 88 (1) to (c) of Article 88 and in accordance with the same Article. Subsequently, the Board of Governors, acting on the basis of the above authority, shall draw up a single ranking for all posts by Directorate-General or overall for the whole body, depending on the case, in descending order of degree, with a number of opinions. Five times the number of subjects to be filled. The following is the conduct of the joint interview referred to in Article 88 (3) (3) of the Staff Council. At the interview they are


The candidates included in the Directorate-General for the General Directorate-General or the IOA separately. Once the assessment is made on the basis and the assessor-the date of the interview, the final score is exported in accordance with Article 88 (4) and lists of ranking tables for each Directorate-General or overall for the UTF. According to the contract notice.

5. Those who are selected by the Staff Councils shall be entitled, by decision of the institution concerned, to be issued at the latest within one (1) month from the knowledge of their choice, as products of a non-deterministic level of organic matter. A three-year term of office. If an employee of another ODA is chosen as the head of a Directorate-General, he shall be automatically seconded to the service for which he is selected. Products whose term of office has expired has expired;

They shall follow and perform their duties until they are re-placed as products or placing a new product.

6. By decision of the institution concerned, the supervisor shall be terminated before the end of his term of office, if the following conditions are met:

In Article 16 (1) (a) (a) (a), (b) if it is deprived of its political rights;

(c) if it is subjected to a custodial judicial review, and for as long as this withdrawal lasts;

(Full or partial) or in a subsidiary legal order (full or partial) or the Court of Justice has decided in conjunction with the two preceding arrangements, d) if it is to be suspended or suspended or imposed.

Any disciplinary measure exceeding the remuneration of four (4) months for any disciplinary offence until the deletion of the statement referred to in Article 145 of the Code of Public Civil and Administrative Staff; and Handsome NEPD, as it stands. By decision of the institution concerned,

Following an opinion of the Staff Council, the Head of the Agency shall be relieved of his duties before the end of his term of office, for a serious official reason concerning the laundering of his duties. The supervisor may, on the other hand, be relieved of his/her duties at his request, following a reasoned decision by the Board of Directors, which shall be consistent with the service.

7. If a post is vacant or a product position is vacant, the position shall be opened no later than 15 (15) and the product placement procedure shall be drawn up no later than two (2) months after the vacancy notice. The new product shall be selected for full term. Until the entry into force of a new product, the provisions of Article 100 shall apply.

8. If no applications are submitted, the competent body shall act as a member of an official who fulfils the legal requirements and serves at the place where he/she will perform duties.

9. The product of the products in question has not been

In the past, post-marketing tasks have been subject to a compulsory education programme for the National Centre of Public Administration and Government. '

10. In the event of the abolition and the merger of the Afghan units, the head of the new organisational unit shall be chosen between those who, following a selection procedure, performed duties in respect of the organs of the organs which were abolished or merged. The person who received the highest final score in the above selection procedure is located. '

Article 30 Transitional provisions

1. From the date of entry into force of this law: (a) Until the selection of products

(b) The term of office of the above-mentioned products shall expire in accordance with the provisions of this law or in accordance with the provisions of this law.

However, the choice and placement of products in accordance with the provisions of this law.

(c) The first application of this law shall not apply the criterion of (c) (assessment based on an assessment) of Article 85 (1) of the Code of Conduct for Civil Servants and Employees. It was ratified by the first paragraph of Article 1 of the Treaty. 3528/2007 and the criterion (c) of Article 88 (1) of the Code of Conduct for Community and Community Employees, which was ratified by Article 1 of the Code. NO 3584/2007. In addition, the first application of the existing law is drawn up with a five-fold list of candidates with the highest order of judges, who are invited to the proceedings of the single interview. Dic -

The limits of each category shall be multiplied by the following liability position: aa. For the position of a Head of Unit, the

Gravity: 40 % for the criteria group a, 25 % for the criteria group b and 35 % for the criteria group d. B. For the position of the Head of the Directorate-General,

Gravity: 40 % for the criteria group a, 25 % for the criteria group b and 35 % for the criteria group d. G. For the position of Head of Directorate-General with

Weight: 40 % for the criteria group a, 25 % for the criteria group b and 35 % for the criteria group d. 2. Since the entry into force of this law expires

The term of office of the members of the Staff Councils, excluding elected representatives.

3. By decision of the Secretary-General of the Staff Regulations Councils within thirty (30) days after the entry into force of this law.


(a) Three (3) non-permanent members of staff who carry out their duties;

In addition to the Directorate-General for Directorate-General for Directorate-General, they are responsible for the competence of the Board of Directors and serving in its headquarters or in the field of Attiki for the Staff Councils which are based. (b) Two (2) elected representatives of civil servants

Grade A of categories of IP, TE and CI. 4. The first application of the law does not apply.

The time limits relating to the issue of the release of the products of the products referred to in point (b) of paragraph 7, and of paragraph 8 (b) of Article 86 of the Internal Code. In the first application of the present product selection system, the heads of the Directorate-General for Directorate-General (Directorate-General for Directorate-General for Competition) are first applied. The selection and placement process shall be drawn up at the latest within two (2) months after the entry into force of this law. With the completion of the selection and placement process of the Directorates-General, the SEA will be set up in order to select heads of directorates. The selection and placement process of heads of directorates is completed within four (4) months of its start. With the completion of the process of selecting and placing products on the market, the Staff Councils meet, in order to select the products of the product. The selection and placement of product products is completed within four (4) months of the placement of heads of Directorate.

5. Outstanding invitations to tender for the selection of heads of organic units to NIFs and to the FAA, in accordance with the transitional provisions of the article of n. Regulation (EEC) No 3839/2010 (') is not completed after the entry into force of this Regulation. A decision of the Special Staff Council or of the Staff Council for the selection of products for the selection of organic units shall be completed and completed at the time of the entry into force of this Regulation. In such cases, the products referred to above shall be placed in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 72 (1). 2 of n. For the purposes of this Regulation, the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 3584/2007 and their term of office shall be without prejudice to the selection and installation of products under the provisions of this law.

Article 31 Final-Repealed Provisions

1. The provisions of paragraph 2 (a) (a) (4) of Subparagraph E. 2 of the Article-first paragraph of Article 1. 4093/2012 ('222) ' are not affected by the entry into force of this law.

2. From the entry into force of this law, paragraphs 15, 16, 17 and 18 of Article 86 of the Law shall apply. Regulation (EEC) No 3528/2007, as amended by Article 1 of n. 4275/2014 (1 149) and par. Article 5 of the EC Treaty NO 4275/2014

3. The provisions of Article 3 of the Law No 3230/2004 (1 44). Amendment No 8 to Article 267 and paragraph 8. Article 15

No 268 of n. 3852/2010 (1 87) are hereby repealed. 4. The National Intelligence Service (National Intelligence Service) does not

It shall be subject to the provisions of this law. For the purposes of determining the substantive merits of the employees, the provisions of paragraph 3 (d) 318/1992 (1 161) were applied in the version prior to the amendment which came into effect. NO 4250/2014 (74).

5. Any general or special provision regulating matters of this law or contrary to the provisions of this law shall be abolished.


Article 32

The third paragraph of paragraph Point 21 of the ninth report. 4057/2012 (' ' 54) is replaced by the following deer:

' With a decision to allocate the Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, it may be transferred within the same or similar law, the institution of the appointing authority, including the lists of appointed officers of the AAR and of the agencies, as well as the appointed nominees. Which are subject to the provisions of the pper. 3 of paragraph F1 of the first paragraph of Article 1 of the article. 4093/2012, in exceptional and urgent cases, following a substantiated request by the Minister of the new appointment. If the nominee does not accept the new appointment position,

Maintain the right of appointment to the original post upon adoption of a decision on the allocation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administrative Reconstruction. ' By decision of the Minister of Interior and Administration -

The Committee of the Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European

Article 33

1. In par. Article 12 of the EC Treaty (A) 4325/2015 (A ' 47) are added to the case of the last paragraph as follows:

" If the citizen has an electronic mailbox belonging to the Central Internet Portal of the Greek Public Service, the competent service must seek the necessary information to carry out the procedure of documents, a certificate and attestation from the warehouses. In the electronic mailbox, if the requirements of the provisions of paragraph 1 are met. Article 13 (2) of the Law 4325/2015. '

2. Procedure that has been determined to be carried out through a JEP by a joint decision of the Secretary-General and the Minister of the Interior and of the Minister for the Interior and the Directorate-General for Reconstruction in accordance with Article 31 of the Law. 3013/2002 (A1102), it is not allowed to be amended and changed unilaterally by the competent Ministry without prior approval by the Government Council for Public Administration of the Public Administration of the NIFs and the O.T.A., Provided for in the provisions of Article 1 of the 46th Act of 8.12.2015 of the Council of Ministers (O.D.D. 897).


Article 34

In the Press Office of the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, two (2) additional posts of private-law work related to the relevant needs of the competent authority are recommended in addition to two additional posts. For administrative reform and e-government, Deputy Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction.

Article 35

Employees who were automatically dismissed by the Agency during the period from 19.8.2015 to the entry into force of this law in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. 1 and the first subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 155 of the Code of Conduct of Public Civil Administrative and Servants of the European Communities, as declared by Article 1 of the Code. Council Regulation (EC) No 3528/2007 (A-26) and in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. 1 and the first subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 159 of the Code of Conduct for Community and Community Employees, as declared in Article 1 of the Code. They may return to the service at their request within an exclusive period of one (1) month after the date of entry into force of the law. In accordance with the provisions of Article 155 of the Code of Conduct for Civil Servants and Employees, the officials who request to be re-elected may remain in the service until their self-righteous termination. (n. 3528/2007) and the provisions of Article 159 of the Code of Conduct for Municipalities and Community Employees as amended by this law. The application may be accepted by a decision of the Minister or the institution concerned following an opinion of the Minister concerned on the basis of an assessment of the needs. The reintroduction to the service, in accordance with the preceding subparagraphs, shall apply from the publication in the Official Journal of the Government of the decision of the Minister or the institution concerned, which shall be accepted by the staff member. Restoration refers only to the organizational position held by the employee, without being entitled to recover any duties of liability in his self-righteous dismissal or any positions and properties held in self-righteous dismissal. Of; The period from self-righteous dismissal to reinstatement to the service is not a time of real public service. Staff members who are reinstated pursuant to this provision shall receive the remuneration received prior to their self-righteous dismissal other than those relating to the active exercise of responsibility.

Article 36

Article 10 of the Law The following is replaced by the following: For those persons raised at a public auction,

Ecclesiastical, municipal or Community day-to-day nursery or boarding school or institution, for seven years at least, regardless of their age of import, is increased by 100 units, the total

The extent to which they participate in the procedures for appointment or recruitment in posts of regular staff and personnel under private-law contracts of an indefinite duration of the OT.A. and their degrees, and their institutions; or -undertakings or other legal persons, in accordance with the procedure and the criteria laid down in Article 18 of the Law. 2190/1994, as applicable. As a nursery or an orphanage means any other structure of the bodies referred to in the above paragraph which does the same work as the nursery or orphanage, a-dependent on its name, in accordance with a certificate issued by the competent authority. Ministry.

2. The provisions of paragraph 1 shall apply to notices published after the beginning of this law. '

Article 37

1. The deadlines set out in paragraph 1. Article 35 of the EC Treaty 4024/2011 (A-226), with par. Question No 3, by Mr Arndt (S) 4316/2014 (A΄ 270) extended until 30 June 2015, extended until 31 December 2016.

2. The third paragraph of paragraph 2. Article 35 of the EC Treaty 4024/2011 is repealed.

Article 38

Successful of the written competition opened by the SNC under the terms of the contract. The Court held that, in the light of the provisions of Article 5 (1) of the Treaty, the provisions of Article 5 (1) of the Treaty are applicable. 3320/2005 (A-48), after consultation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administrative Reconstruction, are classified by their application in a new list of nominations drawn up by the SAB in descending order of marks per training grade (IP, TE, NO. A decision to allocate the Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction is gradually appointed. They do not have the right to participate in the proceedings in question.

In the case of non-resident employees, employees and employees with a working relationship of indefinite duration (I.D.A.D.), as well as those who have not been appointed, have been appointed as regular staff. By decision of the Minister of Interior and Administration -

The Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European

Article 39

For those employees, they have been placed under the provisions of the Law. 4093/2012 (A-222). No 4172/2013 (1 167), ) and the provisions of Article 67 (2) (c) of the Treaty. 4 of n. 4316/2014 (A-270), as well as the provisions of Article 70 thereof. No 4257/2014 (A ' 93) the time of availability is seen as the time of the actual service and is considered for the postnatal and progressive evolution. For teachers who have been subject to availability,

Article 82 of the EC Treaty 4172/2013 and who did not apply to the Communications of the Ministry of Finance and Electronic Governance for any reason and for whom no notice of dismissal was ever given, the period from 22.3.2014 until their publication


N. 4325/2015 (11.5.2015) is considered to be the time during which the availability was extended. For all the above employees, who had

At the same time, the Commission has decided to initiate proceedings under Article 85 (3) of the EC Treaty. 5 of Article 71 of the Code of Civil Servants of Civil Servants and Employees, as declared by Article 1 of the Code. NO 3528/2007 (26). Employees whose employment relationship with

NIFRS supervised or sponsored by the General Secretariat of the Registrar has been terminated by a complaint from the employer and pleading grounds for economic activity due to the reduction of the State aid in the years 2012 to 2014, They are redefined by the institution concerned.

Article 40

1. The Minister of Interior and Administrative Analysis is responsible for the preparation of the National Strategy for Encoding and Compliance of the Greek Legislation. The National Strategy shall include the principles, guidelines, framework, actions and sources of funding for the promotion of all completed procedures for the restoration of the internal consistency of the law, improving the quality of the (i) legal and regulatory provisions as well as their production processes and their systematic inclusion in sets of rules of law.

2. It is recommended that the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction "National Council for the Codification and Compliance of the Greek Legislation", which takes into account in particular the design and monitoring of the implementation of the National Strategy For the coding and compliance of Greek legislation.

3. The National Council consists of: the Minister of the Interior and the Board of Directors;

As the President, the Secretary General of the Government, the Secretary General of the Greek Parliament, the General Secretariat of the Ministry of the Interior

And Administrative Reconstruction, the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Justice,

Transparency and Human Rights, the Deputy Secretary-General of the Ministry of Justice;

External and Administrative Reconstruction Responsible for the Issues of Public Administration, A Chamber of the Legal Council of the State

Which is indicated by its President, the Factors of the Legal Schools of Panepi -

In the country, four (4) OPs or OP Higher Education OP

Institutions with expertise in the fields of good law-enforcement and codification of legislation adopted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administrative Reconstruction, the President of the Law of Lawyers;

Greece. Greece. By decision of the President of the Council,

Are appointed rapporteurs on each of the items on the agenda and are called upon to be consulted; or

Non-voting rights officers of public services.

4. The National Council shall be constituted by a decision of the Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction published in the Governing Council of the Government. This decision defines the members, the method of organisation, operation and secretarial training of officials of the Ministry of the Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, and any other relevant issues for successful completion of the project. Of; A Regulation on the Functioning of the National Council may be adopted.

5. Decision of the Minister for the Interior and for the Administrative Commission may draw up a programme of scientific, administrative and technical support for the codification and reform of legislation under which legislation is to be adopted. The system of programme management and coordination, monitoring, evaluation and evaluation of these projects is also required. This programme is covered by co-financed programmes in the part of which are eligible by them and by national resources.

Article 41

1. The title of Article 145 of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 2812/2000 ('67) 'is hereby amended as a result of an age and three-year period' is amended to 'Self-righteous dismissal on grounds of age'.

2. The par. Article 145 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 2812/2000 (1)

' 1. The Court of Justice shall automatically be dismissed from the service in accordance with the sixtieth year of age (67th). '

3. Paragraphs 2 and 5 of Article 145 of the Law. Declare to be repealed.

4. The following paragraph shall be added at the end of Article 145:

' Civil servants who have been made redundant by the service during the period from 19.8.2015 until the entry into force of this law, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. 1 and the first digit of the para. Article 145 of the EEC Treaty By application lodged at the end of the period of validity of Regulation (EEC) No 2812/2000 (' 67), they may return to the service at their request within an exclusive period of 1 month after the entry into force of this law. In accordance with the provisions of Article 145 of the Law, judicial officials who are requested to be restated may remain in the service until their self-righteous termination. Regulation (EEC) No 2812/2000 (1), as amended, is hereby repealed. The application may be accepted by a decision of the Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, following an opinion by the Council concerned on the basis of the assessment of the service requirements. Restoration to the service in accordance with the preceding subparagraphs shall apply from the publication in the Official Journal of the Government of the decision of the Minister to whom the staff member's application is accepted. The re-entry concerns exclusively the organizational position held by the Court of Justice, without giving the right to recover any duties on the part of the Court of Justice.


Self-righteous dismissal or any positions and self-interest which he held at the time of his self-righteous dismissal. The period from self-fairness to reintroduction to the service is not a time of actual public service. The Court of Justice of the European Communities shall inform the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

Article 42

The Ministry of Interior and Administrative Revenge (RIS) can finance the implementation of an undergraduate degree in the Greek A-legal University (E.P.), which is known as the organisation and operation of the project. Public administration (public management), for the participation of secondary education staff (DE) of the public sector. This undergraduate programme is drawn up on the basis of a proposal by the Minister of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction to the competent bodies of the Greek Open University and the agreed opinion of the Minister for Education and Religious Affairs In particular in the provisions governing the operation of the SNP, that each time they apply.

The Ministry of the Interior and Administrative Analysis in order to finance this course of study shall, on an annual basis, enter into a preliminary draft agreement with the European Parliament, which determines the total number of civil servants who, In this respect, they shall participate in the Programme, as well as the amount of funding in particular in the provisions referred to in this Article. With the same Pre-Programme Agreement, any other issues relating to the implementation of the above mentioned Programme of Studies and any other technical details in relation to both the Programme or the participants can be regulated. And with the financial contribution. In addition, and in particular on the issues raised by the selection of students and how to organise and conduct this programme on the basis of the possibilities for the logistical infrastructure of the European Union, the funds provided for in Provisions governing its operation, as every one applies. Funding for the programme in question

E.U. Is given within the relevant OEM of the Special Body 07-510 of the Ministry of Foreign and Administrative Departure Budget and its amount is equal to fifty percent (50 %) of the planned participation fees The number of participants referred to in each annual Programme Agreement for the thematic units required each year for the acquisition of a licence in four (4) years.

Article 43

1. With a presidential decree issued on the proposal of the Ministers of Internal Affairs and Administrative Affairs and Labour, Social Security

Following an opinion by the Board of Directors, the conditions for the authorisation of the establishment and operation of the children's and infant formulae operating within the legal persons or departments of the municipalities are laid down. Technical specifications and specific conditions for their suitability, the procedure for checking them, and any other necessary details.

2. Until the issuance of the establishment and operation of the municipal children's offices and, however, not beyond 31 December 2016, the status of the establishment and operation of the children and children of children who act as legal persons for public opinion Or as a service, the legal personality of the legal person governed by public law or the organisation of an internal service of the entity, provided that it is a service. For children, infants and well-known persons who are to be killed in service of the entity or to a legal person governed by this law or continue to operate under an OTC operation, the licence shall continue to apply. Which were received as legal persons governed by private law. The provisions of this paragraph shall apply from 1 January 2016.

3. Article 13 par.1 of n. Council Regulation (EC) No 4147/2013 (1998), Article 44 of the EC Treaty 4315/2014 (' 69) and the first subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 19 of the EC Treaty 4071/2012 (1 85) are being hunted.

Article 44

Article 31 of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 3730/2008 ('262 '), as opposed to Article 31 of the Law Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, 2 of n. Regulation (EC) No 4224/2013 and finally Article 46 thereof. 4325/2015 are replaced by the following:

' Article 31

Without prejudice to Article 193 of the Treaty, The deadline laid down in the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 (1) of the Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 4001/2011 (179) Article 21 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EC) No 3581/2007 (1 140) provides for the posting of staff of the wider public sector as referred to in paragraph 1. This is a very good thing, Mr President. (314) in which the majority of their capital is held immediately or immediately thereafter, it shall be extended until 31 December 2016. '

Article 45

Article 181 of the EC Treaty Paragraph 9 (9) is added as follows:

' 9. The provisions of paragraph 5 above shall also apply to the Presidents of the Regional Councils. '

Article 46

1. (a) The positions with respect to private-law work of the first time, the degree of Panepath Education (IP), a specialty of the Department of Archaeology of the Ministry of Culture and Athens, in accordance with Article 62 of (1 171) (1 171), as applicable, Are allocated to specializations:


(aa) Archaeologists of Prehistoric-Classics, bb) the Archaeologists of Byzantium-post-Byzantine Archaeologists of Archaeologists, ss) Archaeologists of Archaeologists, (e) Archaeologists of Archaeologists, Costas of Archaeologists, Zg) Archaeological Archaeology (b) The positions of private-law working relationships between the Archaeologists and the Archaeologists of the Archaeologists of the Archaeologists of the Archaeologists of Archeologists.

In time, degree of University Education (IP), Speciality Historic of the Ministry of Culture and Sports in accordance with Article 62 of the 104/2014 (1st 171) as applicable, distributed to the species: aa) Historic Ancient Time, (bb) Historic Medieval Times, (c) Historic Modern and Contemporary History, (c) By decision of the Minister for Culture and Athens -

As a result of an opinion of the Board of Directors, the servants are to be classified as part of the publication of this law in the positions of the foreseeable specialties. For the classification of specialties, criteria such as the responsibilities of the services to which they have served until their classification in specialties are taken into account, the experience and their specialisation, as derived from scientific evidence. Publications, the post-graduate qualification of the foreign or foreign equivalent of these specialties, the proposal of each of the interested parties, etc. Specially for the classification in the specialty of the EPA Archeologists Historic Art, My Archaeologists' IP, the Archaeologists of Archaeologists, the IP Ar-heists of No Mint, the Archaeological Society of Archaeologists, the IP of Archaeologists, Archaeologists of Archeologists and the IP Archaeologists Archaeologists require a-a post-graduate degree in the field of study or foreign equivalent of these specialities. A change in the expertise of an archeologist and historian may only be made at the request of the official and a decision of the Staff Council on the basis of the criteria mentioned above.

Article 47

The sixth paragraph of paragraph 1. Article 29 of the EC Treaty No 4009/2011, as it stands after its replacement with the par. Article 34 of the EC Treaty Council Regulation (EC) No 4115/2013 (2) and Article 95 of the EC Treaty 4310/2014 (1 258) and as it shall be replaced by the following:

' The employment of the above may be made up or partial and the coverage of their allowance shall be made up of the scholarships and resources which the Bank ensures without increasing the State subsidy to the relevant SNP, unless it originates from Contracts financed by the Member States. '

Article 48

1. Article 80 of the Law. The following indent shall be added to the following indent (a) and (b), (b) and (c) (a), (b), (c) and (d) respectively, the following indent shall be added:

And all cases in (a) to (d) form part of this Article:

(a) to regulate all kinds of issues: (i) the organisation and functioning of the Presidency of the Presidency of the Republic and their responsibilities; (ii) the allocation and allocation of appropriations for the budget; Payment of expenditure by the Presidency, financial management, conclusion of contracts, services and project implementation, and (iii) the management and maintenance of the public buildings and bodies of the Presidency of the Republic. '

' 2. Article 80 of the n. The following paragraph shall be added as follows: 1943/1991, as amended by the preceding paragraph, paragraph 2 shall be added as follows:

' 2. The provisions of the Presidential decree shall regulate the matters concerned by way of derogation from any other general or general provision. '

Article 49

The duration of the contracts of employment for a number of hours of staff employed by PYS is extended under the terms of the Directive. DIRECTOR-GENERAL. 10 /208/25274/5.12.2014 at the Panepticon Student Club of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with the Act of its President for five (5) months from their end, i.e. until 3.7.2016.

Article 50

At the end of paragraph A. 2. Article 25 of the Law As amended and applied, the following paragraph shall be added:

' For the period 2016-2020 the revenues from bidders are allocated annually by a decision of the Environment and Energy Minister as follows:

(a) At least 60 % of the revenue is a resource of the Special account referred to in Article 143 of the Law. 4001/2011, as is the case.

(b) A percentage of revenue, which will be fixed at a maximum level with the Ministerial Decision, will cover the needs of the aid for the sectors and sub-sectors exposed to a significant risk of carbon leakage, as provided for in the No. U.s. a. 21906/2014 (1 3304). Any amount not used for this purpose shall be a resource of the Special Account referred to in Article 143 of the Law. 4001/2011, as is the case. These percentages are determined by reference to the

An opinion of the RAE, based on the evolution of the output and flows of the Special Account.

(c) Proportion of revenue, to be determined by the Ministerial Decision, is available to a body, supervised by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy, for the realisation of projects and the service, described above, In Directive 2003 /87/EC, as amended and in force, in particular, in energy saving projects with the support of low-income households, in projects aimed at reducing transport costs from transport, to Anti-fire works;


A definition and management with a view to maintaining and increasing the stock of public and private forests, as well as projects in developing or third countries with a view to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and adapting to climate change Change in projects to protect, maintain and improve the natural environment. The same Ministerial Decision specifies the body and the procedure for granting the funds for the purposes of the latter case. '

Article 51 Entry into tertiary education

1. The second period of par. Article 13 of the Law 4186/2013 (193), as applicable, is replaced by the following:

'Candidates shall be examined in four (4) sections of the Third Class and D' Taxis-Evening PAC, two (2) courses of general education with a weighting of 1,5 and two (2) specificity with a weight of 3.5 weight defined by weight. -a ministerial decision to be published in the Governing Council of the Government. The examinations for admission to higher education are carried out in a nationwide level with the subject matter of the examination syllabus obtained solely from a central test committee. The special Pan-Hellenic examinations are to be repeated during the same school year, by decision of the Minister for Education, Research and Education published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. '

2. Specially for the examinations for admission to higher education of the candidates of the vocational colleges, the courses which have a joint examination are taken into consideration. It is therefore laid down in the relevant Central Examination Committee for the lessons referred to in the preceding paragraph a group of extraordinary members, which recommends the issues to be given to the examinationers. For each of the test subjects required

Teachers defined as exceptional members to have taught experience for at least one (1) year in the last two years. In addition, for the dissemination of the degree of certification-deferment shall preferably be selected by teachers with teaching experience for at least one (1) year in the last two years.

3. The previous paragraphs apply from the school year 2015 -2016.

4. Special and only for the academic year 2016-2017, for the students and graduates of the General and Episkal Lykeions of the Department of Secondary Education of Lefkada, who will submit to the Courts belonging to the aforementioned Directorate Secondary Education-Declaration on participation in the Panhellenic examinations of the General Lyceums or Vocational Schools, provision is made for the entry of the number of students for their admission to schools, sections and introductory courses. Directions of the universities, the High Churches of Ecclesiastical, TEI and ASPAHEIs. The above-mentioned arrangement does not apply to the students of the last class that were written in the Secondary School of Secondary Education of Lefkada after 17.1.2016. By decision of the Minister for Education, Research and Religion,

To be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, the number of seats and the selection procedure for these candidates will be laid down.

Article 52 Modification of provisions of n. 4354/2015

1. At the end of par. Article 21 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 4354/2015 (A176) is hereby added, as follows, as follows:

' In special cases, a joint decision by the Minister for Economic Affairs and the Secretary-General of the competent Minister, to determine the amount of compensation per hour, control, evaluation of a programme or a deliverable project, with the condition that the expenditure be covered exclusively. (i) the co-financed operational programmes of the European Union or not to be borne by the State Budget. The total monthly amount of compensation for compensation shall not exceed the limit of one month of compensation for the members of the collector's organs. In special cases this limit may be increased to the amount of EUR 1,200 per month, but not beyond the amount of two thousand four hundred (EUR 2,400) per year, the figure calculated in this case. Record 3. '

2. The par. Article 21 of the EC Treaty 4354/2015 (Ad 176), as follows, as follows:

' 4. In particular, for teachers of public and private sector and other staff who are involved in any way in organising, conducting, supporting, marking and issuing the results. (a) general and specific examinations or other procedures for admission to higher education, (b) of the private, general and vocational schools (NRPs) and Vocational Schools (EP), (c) the examinations for learning and d) Examination examinations of the State Certificate of Languages-let, as well as the (i) procedures for the postponement of a study by the competent authorities of the Member States of the European Economic Community, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 3 (2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 2603/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women. Calculated on the basis of this paragraph of paragraph 3. Transitional measures for the current year and up to the adoption of the common ministerial decisions referred to in the first subparagraph shall apply to common ministerial decisions already adopted. This Decision sets out the reasons for the decision.

Participating in the organisation and conduct of school struggles and competitions (sports competitions and competitions, in-school or local or regional or international or international trade), as well as any relevant and necessary expenditure, such as Costs of compensation (unemployment, per race, reorganisation, etc.), movable property, maintenance, as well as other costs, which will be described in the joint ministerial decision of the provisions of paragraph 3. ';

3. The par. Article 21 of the EC Treaty 4354/2015 (Ad 176), as follows, as follows:

' 5. Personnel involved in the organisation, carrying out and supporting competitions of the institutions


Which are subject to the provisions of this law, in a joint decision of the Minister of Finance and the competent Minister responsible, to determine a compensation which may not exceed the limit of EUR 200 (EUR 1 200) per month; and In all cases the limit of three thousand six hundred (3,600) a year, not calculated in this case the limit in paragraph 3. '

Article 53

1 The first subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 37 of the EC Treaty 4339/2015 (A1144) is replaced by the following:

" In the Press and Communication offices of the class, there are employees of the Industry Council and Media Industry, with a degree of at least a Council of Communication, in the Press and Information Offices of the Member States of the European Union and the class of officials. At least a 'Communication' Communication ' '. ' The second subparagraph of the same paragraph repeals -

Is applicable. 2. A further indent shall be added to the par.

Article 45 of the EC Treaty 4339/2015 as follows: The recording, storage and digitization of the

Programme drawn up by the content providers of a digital terrestrial television broadcast of national and regional authorities with a legal basis for the rescue, preservation and creation of an integrated and centralised The national cultural audio-visual record is not available. '

3. The par. Article 47 of the EC Treaty 4339/2015 (A144) is hereby established as follows:

' 1. (b) A representative of the Ministry of Economy, Anna-The Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors.

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Council, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the Council, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Council Representative of the Ministry of Culture and A -

(d) A representative of the Secretary-General, who shall be appointed by the Secretary-General of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, who shall be appointed by the Secretary-General of the Court of Justice of the European Communities. General Secretariat of the European Parliament

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Public Health and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Public Health and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Public Health and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Energy E) A representative of the Ministry of Education, Eyre -

The Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, referred to the Court for a preliminary ruling two questions on the interpretation of Article 3 (1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 17719/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 1971 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products.

4. At the end of par. Article 45 of the EC Treaty The following subparagraph shall be added 4339/2015:

" Also, the E.C.O.U. Keeps a record of the documentaries, the families, the teletypes and the

Web productions for the purpose of collecting, preserving, digitising, archiving and maintaining the above material. The procedure, the conditions, the technical specifications, as well as the manner in which the above material is deposited in the Hellenic Republic, will be determined by a joint decision of the Minister for Culture and Sports and of the Road for National Communication Minister. '

5. The par. Article 55 of the EC Treaty 4339/2015 is replaced by:

' 3. The journalists, who serve in the EUSG, as well as the journalists and the artistic specialities of ERT SA and of the Athenian News Agency-a Macedonian News Agency, with any employment relationship, will then be able to (ii) to work in parallel with the contract of dependant work or the provision of services or work in electronic media or online media of the private sector, in so far as their parallel employment is not related to its impact. (i) in particular, close to their position and does not interfere with the smooth operation of their service. The criteria for granting such authorisation will be determined by a decision given by the Minister to whom the General Secretariat of the Directorate-General for Information and Communication is delegated. The authorisation is granted to the journalists.

Or by a private-law contract of indefinite duration of the EUSG with a duly reasoned opinion of the Board of Directors and may be revoked in the same manner. To the journalists of ERT SA and the RES

The authorisation shall be granted in accordance with a reasoned opinion of the Board of Directors of the AU and may be heard in the same way. '

6. At the end of par. Article 56 of the EC Treaty The following subparagraph shall be added 4339/2015 (1):

' This regulation is exempt from those who are familiar with the Arabic and Chinese languages and are subject to a Press and Communication Office in which the language is spoken. '

7. The planned timelines of par. Question No 11, by Mr Arndt (H) 4339/2015 extended until 15 March 2016.

8. After par. Article 56 of the EC Treaty The following paragraph 14 shall be added as follows: 4339/2015 (Α133), paragraph 14, which shall apply from the publication of the abovementioned law to the Official Journal of the Government, as follows:

' 14. The officials of the General Secretariat of the Directorate-General for Communication and Communications, who serve in the Press and Communication Offices in the publication of this law in the Official Journal of the Government and have paid four (4) consecutive years to them or - (8) years in total abroad, remain in place by 31 July 2016. '

Article 54 Rate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1. Article 149 of the Law. (') Paragraphs 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are added as follows:

' 6. By common decisions of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Finance, which are issued each year after the adoption of each of the relevant Consular Authority,


The recruitment of on-the-spot staff with a private-law work contract for a period of up to eight (8) months, to cover, regularly, on seasonal, urgent or urgent needs of the visa faculties; and Consular authorities. Such decisions may be supplemented by further joint ministerial decisions within the same year, if necessary. The contracts of the above staff may not be tolerated before the expiry of a period of at least three (3) months after their expiry. The composition of the number of seasonal pro-staff contracts throughout the consular authorities per year cannot exceed 150 people.

(a) be resident or resident in the country in which the relevant authority is located, (b) to hold a diploma, diploma or qualification in higher education, otherwise to be a student or student student; (c) be aware of the local language, as well as the English or French, as appropriate, (d) knowledge of computer handling. Any knowledge of the Greek language is an additional qualification. The use of language skills and the knowledge to use computers

By the supervisor of the relevant Authority on the basis of attached certificates or at the oral or practical test, written or prophylactically. Those who have been convicted may not be recruited.

In the case of fraud, fraud, extortion, forgery, infidelity, corruption, bribery, and any crime against sexual exploitation of libido, or any crime against sexual exploitation of the libido. An invitation to tender shall be submitted to the Authority responsible for a declaration on the non-connection to their face, due to a conviction for such crimes. If the declaration is false or inaccurate, the contract of employment shall be automatically void and the recruitment shall be withdrawn by the head of the undertaking concerned.

8. The Joint Ministerial Decisions of the parafi 6 specify the number of officials to be recruited by the Authority (taking into account the colloquial number referred to in paragraph 6), any additional qualifications of the attendees and any other Related to their inclusion. With the same decisions, and after the introduction of

The competent authority of the competent authority shall determine the level of the remuneration of the staff concerned.

9. The Head of the relevant authority shall issue a request for the recruitment of the person referred to in paragraphs 6 to 8 posted at least 10 days before the deadline for the submission of the required applications. (i) justifications, both on the website and in the establishment plan of the Authority. The selection of staff to be recruited shall be the responsibility of the Head of the Authority, who shall draw up and sign the employment contract, with the approval of the Central Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

10. For the staff of paragraphs 6 to 9, paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis. '

2. The expenditure on staff of the staff of paragraphs 6 to 10 of Article 149 of the Law. 3566/2007 (A117), as well as the costs of secondment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the strengthening of the visa and consular posts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are covered either by the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or by resources European and international programmes.

Article 55

Article 66 of the Law 4144/2013 (' 88), as applicable, after its completion with par. Article 8 (2) of the Law 4237/2014 (1 36), as replaced with par. Article 141 of the EC Treaty No 4251/2014 (1 80) and Article 9 of the Law. The following shall be substituted for 4331/2015 (1 69):

' Article 66

In the event of an invalidity pension due to an invalidity pension and where the pension is granted to the IKA, without due regard for the invalidity of the insured person, the right to retirement pension is extended for a period of three months. At the same time, the same amount paid by pensioners before the expiry of the entitlement, provided that they had been decided on by the competent healthcare committee, with a disability rate of 67 %. If, following the opinion of the health committees of the CEC, they are deemed not to have a pensionable rate of disability or have a lower percentage of invalidity from the earlier judgment, the benefits paid in respect of which benefits are paid shall be free of charge. In the case of non-contributory benefits, the amount of the pension is calculated on the basis of a monthly deduction of 20 % of the pension entitlement, while in the case where no benefits are provided, they are sought in accordance with the provisions of the Board of Directors. The above arrangements shall apply to all the above -

Invalidity benefits (for example: proactive, severe disability, extra-curricular disability, disability pension), as well as pensions with the cause of disability, (for example, death pensions in terminal children for all children), and for The same year the medical treatment of those who fall under this article is increased. The validity of this article for all persons covered by the application shall expire on 30.6.2016. '

Article 56

In the scope of the evaluation system, as set out in Article 14 of this Regulation, the General Secretariat for Coordination is also included. The heads of the relevant institutions and the Secretary-General for Coordination for the officials and the Secretary-General for Coordinators for the Head of Unit are defined as the following. In the field of application of Article 29 of this

The institutions of the General Secretariat for Coordination, except in the case of Article 16 of the Law, are also taken into account. 4109/2013 (PARAGRAPH 16). The selection criteria shall be taken into account for the purposes of paragraph 1. 3 of Article 85 of the Code of Conduct


(a) 20 % for the criteria group (b), 20 % for the criteria group (c) and 25 % for the criteria group (a), 20 % for the criteria group (b), 20 % for the criteria group (b), 20 % for the criteria group (b), 20 % for the criteria group (b), 20 % for the criteria group (b), 20 % for the criteria group (c) and 25 % for the The criteria group (d). The weightings laid down in the first paragraph of Article 30 (1) (transitional provisions) of this Regulation shall, in particular, be applied in the first instance. The institution responsible for conducting the interviews and the selection of the products is the Selection Board in accordance with Article 86 of the Code of Conduct of Public Civil Servants and Civil Servants, as amended by This is a law. Where in the provisions of the Selection Board the Head of the Directorate-General is referred to as Head of the Administration Service. Within two (2) months of the publication of the Selection Board, the Selection Board shall be set up. Subsequently, a notice is given of the posts to be filled, which shall be notified to the staff in any appropriate manner. They have officials of the General Secretariat of Coordination, who serve with post-class or post-posting, and are graduates of the National School of Administration of the National Centre of Public Administration or have a doctorate. Diploma or postgraduate qualification of at least one year. The applicants submit applications for applications in accordance with Article 86 (2) of the Treaty. 7 and with the Code of Civil Servants of Civil Servants and Employees, as amended by the present law. The SAB invites all interested parties to a structured interview as described in the law. A final classification table shall then be drawn up in accordance with the overall score of the digits. The position of the Prime Minister is to be placed in the positions to be filled. The term of office of the Heads of State or Government shall end automatically with the establishment of the new products. The first paragraph of paragraph 1. 2 and the par. Article 7

20 of n. 4109/2013 no longer apply. The other special provisions of the Law 4109/2013 is still in force, as amended.

Article 57 Extension of financing TCA Tours

Funding for the operational expenses and salaries of the Foreigners' Hospitality for Women victims of Violence of the National Social Solidarity Centre (CTA) is extended for a period of two (2) months, i.e. 1.3.2016 to 30.4.2016, and until the accession of the above Acts or the signing of the Agreements for these Acts or the evolution thereof in the Framework Programme 2014-2020 of the NSRF. Funding for the above expenditure will be borne by the budget of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, and in particular IV 33 220 with the transfer of the necessary appropriations in the budget of the CTA. Commission of the european communities

Article 58

1. Article 20 of the Code of Judicial Employees ratified by the n. Regulation (EC) No 2812/2000 (' 67) shall be replaced by the following:

' Article 20 Virological scale

1. The positions of the categories of University Education (IP), Technological Education (TE), Secondary Education (DE) and Mandatory Education (HR) are classified in a total of five (5) grades, as follows:

-Beth A-Vathomos V-Vath III-Grade IV-Grade 2. 2. The positions of the categories of IP, TE and TE

They are assigned to the grades 1, C, B and C, from which the lower is the Second and the 1st. The positions of the category HR are assigned to the grades 1, DE, Wu and B, from which the second is the Second and Second.

3. Introductory grade of the categories of the IP, TE and DE are the grade D and of the class E grade E '. For the holders of a doctoral dual quotation mark, B ', in which they are classified with a binding instrument. For the holders of a post-graduate degree of study entry, it is C ', in which they are subject to an accreditation. For the members of the National School of Public Administration and Government (EBA), the entrance grade is the B '. 0 time of study in the ICMG is calculated as excess to the second degree. For Excellence, one (1) additional year to the same degree. The official in the case of an introductory point must be required for two (2) consecutive years at least, regardless of the formal qualifications obtained by the staff member in the intermediate period.

4. The positions of all grades of the categories of PE, TE, DE and HR are in each category, organic single. There is no antiquity among officials of the same degree, unless otherwise stated in law. '

2. Article 66 of the Code of Judicial Employees ratified by the n. Regulation (EEC) No 2812/2000 (' 67) is replaced by the following:

' Article 66 Biological evolution

1. For the degree of degree to be required: (a) For the category of HR: From the grade I to the grade A two-year service to grade A, from grade D to the grade A decade of service to the grade A and from the grade III to the grade A 10-year service. (b) For the category TWO: From grade D to the grade A two-year service to grade A, from grade C to the grade B 8-year service to grade C and from grade B to grade A six-year service to grade B. (c) For Class A: From the grade Δ΄ To the grade A two-year service to grade D, from grade C to grade A six-year service to grade C and from


Grade A to the grade A 6-year service to the grade B (d) For the category of IP: From grade D to the grade A two-year service to grade A, from grade C to the grade B 5-year service to grade C and from grade B to a six-year service in the grade 2. Step 2.

2. The two (2) first years in the input of all categories are a test service in accordance with the provisions of Article 65 of this Code.

3. For the civil servants of category IP or TE, holders of a post-graduate programme of at least one (1) year duration, the time required for the degree of progression is reduced overall by two (2) years. A total of six (6) years of doctoral degree holders are required for the degree of degree of doctorate. If the employee holds a post-graduate and doctoral degree, the above-mentioned reduction in time refers to only the di-teal fold. In the case of possession of more than one post-graduate course, the time required for the degree of progression shall be reduced to one (1) year for each heading other than one.

4. For civil court officials who have been lawyers for a period of at least two (2) years, the time limit to grade C is reduced by one (1) year. For those who have served as lawyers for a period of more than four (4) years, the period of time to grade C and grade B is reduced by one (1) year to each of these grades. '

3. The second subparagraph of paragraph 3. 5 of Article 22 of the Code of Civil Servants. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

"Officials are clerical staff with at least 15 years of service."

4. Legal officials serving at the time of entry into force of this Article shall be classified as of 1 January 2016 automatically to the extent of the charge to which they belong in accordance with their formal qualifications. For the rest, classification shall be made in accordance with Article 147 of the Code of Civil Servants (v. Regulation (EC) No 2812/2000, (') 67) and on the basis of the total time of real public service recognised for their gradual evolution. At the end of the year, it is thought to be in the rank of ranking. For the above classification in the total period of real or public service, it is not estimated that half of the time spent with a typical lower-class pre-tights are calculated.

5. The provisions of the Code of Civil Servants (v. Regulation (EC) No 2812/2000) on the classification and development of the case-law and for civil servants with respect to private-law work of indefinite duration serving in the courts and judicial services.

Article 59

1. The title of Article 155 of the Code of Conduct of Municipalities and Employees. (n. 3528/2007) 'Dismissal for age and thirty years' is amended to 'Self-righteous dismissal due to age limits'.

2. The par. Article 155 of the Code of Conduct for Administrative Servants and Employees

N (N.E.C) (n. Regulation (EEC) No 3528/2007 is replaced by the following: The staff member shall be dismissed automatically by the

(67th) year of his age. ' (67th) year of age. '

3. The par. Article 155 of the Code of Conduct for Civil and Administrative Servants and Officials of the European Communities. (n. Regulation (EC) No 3528/2007

Article 60 Emergency arrangements for the transfer of pupils

1. The validity of the contracts related to the 2015-2016 day-to-day delivery schedules, which were recovered and executed in accordance with the provisions of Articles 2 and 2 of the P. D of 10.9.2015, " Ms-urgent arrangements for seamless Start of the 2015-2016 school year and the orderly functioning of the school units " (A108), which was ratified by Article 10 of the Law. 4350/2015 (A ' 161), and expired until 29 February 2016, extended until the end of the 2015-2016 relationship. For the rest, the arrangements set out in Article 2 of the P. D of 10.9.2015 "Occupied for the smooth start of the 2015-2016 academic year and the orderly functioning of the school units" (A108), ratified by Article 10 of the Law. 4350/2015 (A161).

2. The par. Article 2 of Article 2 of the PSP of 10.9.2015, "Urgent arrangements for the smooth start of the school year 2015-2016 and the orderly functioning of the school units" (A108), ratified by Article 10 of the Law. 4350/2015 (A161), reworded as follows:

' 3. Transfers of public schools, which are carried out since the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year, are paid in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 and 2 of the present form, shall be paid in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Staff Regulations. Act of carrying out the transport of the pupils and where the amount of the expenditure concerned is in conformity with the decision to award the Economic Commission concerned. '

3. The fortification documents of the temporary periods that emerged during the electronic diagonal transporters of the school year 2015-2016 as defined in the paragraph Article 6 (2) of the first paragraph of Article 6 of Regulation (EEC) No 118/2007 shall be accepted as long as you have entered a physical form before the Economic Committee at the time of its decision and in the time it sets it.

4 a. The par. Article 1 (4) of Article 1 of Regulation (EC) No 24001/2013 'With-concerns non-public schools from the Regions' (B1449) is deleted. The par. Article 1 (5) of Regulation (EEC) No 24001/2013

'Transfer of public schools from the Peri-behave' (B1449) is reduced to 4. Other: The par. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

The Committee of the Regions calls on the Commission to present a proposal for a Directive on the protection of the health and safety of workers at work. In par. Article 9 of Article 9 of Regulation No 24001/2013

'Transfer of public schools from the Peri-behave' (B1449) is deleted.

5. The transport expenditure of AWP and Musical Schools residing in a distance of more than 20 kilometres from the school unit


They shall be completed in the school year 2014-2015, and by way of derogation from each special and general provision, if issued by the Regional Director's credit act and if the relevant Economic Commission approves the expenditure. Her decision. In case the cost of transport exceeded

The difference between the planned expenditure and the overrun of the cost of an item of expenditure shall not be paid.

Article 61

1. At the end of par. (1) Article 31 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 1846/1951 ('179) ', as agreed with the par. Article 138 of the EEC Treaty 4052/2012 (041), para. Article 75 of the EEC Treaty Council Regulation (EC) No 4144/2013 (88) 1A of Article 18 of the Law. 4242/2014 (50) and par. Article 30 of the EC Treaty 4320/2015 (A-29) is added as follows: " IKA-ETAM-insured persons and their family members, as referred to in Article 33, for the period from 1.3.2016 to 28.2.2017 are covered by the EGF for sickness benefits Species, if at least 50 (50) days of insurance have occurred either in the preceding calendar year or during the last 15 months, without taking into account the days taken during the last half-month period. Of 15 months. '

2. In the insurance of the cases A΄, B and C of Subparagraph A. 3. Of par. In the first article of n. No 4254/2014 (AA85) and par. That is not the case, Mr President. 4320/2015 (A29), as well as in the above-mentioned members, in accordance with the law of the institution concerned, the right to sickness benefits in kind until 28.2.2017 is extended by the same conditions as those laid down in the above provisions.

3. The insurance coverage of the insured persons of the OAU, aged over 30 and up to 65 years of age who have failed to fulfil their duties, have made use of the provisions of paragraph 1. Amendment No 8 to Article 2 of the article. 3845/2010 (A' 65) and remain unemployed and insurance, is extended for one year and until 28.2.2017, provided that they do not have debts to the O.A.U. Or have regulated their debts and the regulation is respected.

4. The insurance cover of the unemployed who have made use of the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 5 of the EC Treaty 6-1999, point 1.5.3. Article 35 of the EC Treaty 3996/2011 (A170), par. Article 138 of the EEC Treaty 4052/2012 (041) and par. Article 75 of the EEC Treaty Council Regulation (EC) No 4144/2013 (' 88). 1B of Article 18 of Law 4242/2014 (A50) and par. Article 30 of the EC Treaty 4320/2015 (A-29) is extended until 28 February 2017. For the rest, the provisions of paragraph 1 shall apply. Article 5 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EC) No 2768/1999 and the EAAF are required to pay the planned contribution to the insurance organisations concerned.

5. At the end of par. 1B of Article 31 of Regulation (EEC) No 1846/1951 ('179), as agreed with the par.

26 of Article 20 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 4019/2011 (0216) and Article 75 of the EC Treaty. Council Regulation (EC) No 4144/2013 (88) Article 18 of the EEC Treaty 4242 /2014 (EU-50) and par. Article 30 of the EC Treaty 4320/2015 (A29) are added to deer as follows:

"The employees of the company with the association" E-TRUTURE OF ROUTE HELLIOUS SA ", as well as their family members, referred to in Article 33 of the .v. 1846/1951 ('179) for the period from 1.3.2016 to 28.2.2017 are covered by IFRSs for sickness benefits in kind, without the condition of the completion of the required days of insurance. The workers of the Scar Ships, as well as the

And their family members referred to in Article 33 of Regulation (EEC) No 1846/1951 (1 179), for the period from 1.3.2016 to 28.2.2017 are covered by the IFRIC for sickness benefits in kind, without the condition of the completion of the required days Security. '

6. At the end of par. For the purposes of Article 31 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 11846/1951 ('179), as added to paragraph 1, 1B of par. Article 35 of the EC Treaty 3996/2011 (A170), was replaced by Article 20 (26). 4019/2011 (A1216) and paragraph added with par. Article 30 of the EC Treaty The following subparagraph shall be added 4320/2015 (A29):

' The employees of the Construction of Eleftherina and Elefsis, as well as their family members referred to in Article 33 for the period from 1.3.2016 to 28.2.2017 are covered by the IFRIC for sickness benefits In kind, without the condition of the completion of day-to-day insurance. '

7. At the end of par. The following paragraph shall be added to Article 31 of Article 31 of the .A. 1846/1951 (Α179):

' People's Lottery sellers, who are covered in Chapter IC of the IKA-ETAM Insurance Regulation, and their family members, referred to in Article 33 of the .A. 1846/1951 ('179), for the period from 1.3.2016 to 28.2.2017 Are covered by the IFRIC for sickness benefits in kind without the condition of the fulfilment of required insurance. '

Article 62

The case referred to in Article 20 (2) of paragraph 2 of Article 20 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 4354/2015 (Article 176)

(a) For officials, as well as personal security and drivers, who are seconded or appointed to the Presidency of the Court of Justice, to the General Secretariat of the Prime Minister, to the office of the Deputy Prime Minister, to the office of the Deputy Prime Minister; At the same time, the Council of Ministers, the Deputy Ministers and the Secretary-General in the General Secretariat for Coordination of the Government and the General Secretariat of the Coordination Group, a total of the month for each staff member, as follows: '.


Article 63

1. The title of Article 159 of the Code of Public and Community Staff Regulations (v. Regulation (EEC) No 3584/2007) 'Dismissal for age and thirty years' is amended to 'Self-righteous dismissal on grounds of age'.

2. The par. 1 of Article 159 of the Code of Conduct for Community and Community Employees, as ratified by Article 1 of the Code. EUR 3584/2007 is replaced by the following:

' 1. The staff member shall be dismissed automatically by the institution with the fulfilment of the sixpent seventh year of his age. '

3. Paragraph 2 of Article 159 of the Code of Conduct for Community and Community Employees, as referred to in Article 1 of the Code. Regulation (EEC) No 3584/2007

Article 64

The following is added to Article 11 of paragraph 33/2011, which shall be added to number 5 and reads as follows:

' 5. In order to address the urgent needs for evaluation, approval and monitoring of the implementation of the investment projects in par. 1 case b and par. 4 on the application of Article 11 of the Law. 3908/2011 (1 8), regular officials of public services, NIFs and ODA, and a second degree, who, when published, were seconded, with general or specific provisions to the evaluation, approval and control of investment projects. In the case of investment projects, they may be required to extend their secondment by way of derogation from the provisions of Article 68. Regulation (EC) No 3528/2007 ('26)' Building of the Code of Conduct for civil servants and civil servants'. For a period of five years. The extension of the secondment shall be made by joint decision of the Minister of the Interior and of the Ministry of Education and the Ministers concerned. '

Article 65

1. (a) The services of the Networking Offices-Promote the Gender Equality of the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece (KEDE) and the Union of the Regions of El-oil (EMS) aimed at encouraging and supporting women's participation in positions Regional and local representative responsibility and representation, which are part of programmes cofinanced or co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) for the 2007-2013 Programme continue to be provided by the same institutions Until the entry of the Acts: 'ENTERPRISE AND SUPPORT OF THE SYSTEM OF WOMEN IN POLICY AND EXTERNAL RELATIONS IN REGIONAL AND CONTRACTING CONCERNING' or the signature of the Agreements on these Acts or the evolution thereof in the context of Of the NSRF Programme 2014-2020 and not beyond 28 April 2016. (b) Contracts for a certain number of persons

The Committee of the European Parliament, the Economic and

The Court of First Instance shall, in accordance with the opinion of the Court of First Instance, refer the matter to the Court of First Instance. 2190/1994 (A-28), ranging from their expiry to the entry into force of the Act: 'ENTERPRISE AND SUPPORT OF THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE WOMEN IN POLICY AND EXPOSURE LIMITS IN REGIONAL AND LEGAL CONTRACTIONS' or the signature of the contracts for These actions or their development under the NSRF of the 2014-2020 programming period and not beyond 28 April 2016. (c) Funding for payment of the payment is not included in the previous indent of the preceding subparagraph in a period of indefinite duration.

In the case of staff, the staff will be covered by the resources of the NSRF 2014-2020.

2. After the entry of the Acts relating to the services of the preceding paragraph or the signature of the contracts for these Acts or the translation of those Acts within the framework of the NSRF of the 2014-2020 programme, the staff employed In these services, a number of years of work will continue to offer its services, with the same work relationship in the same programmes or in the follow-up to the 2014-2020 programme of the NSRF, in accordance with the Article 21 (3) of the Law 2190/1994 (28).

3. In the event of the inclusion of the Acts: "ENTERPRISE-NATURE AND SUPPORT OF THE PARTICULARS OF GYS-NATURAL POLICY AND PROVIDED IN REGISTERS AND LEGAL PROVIDED" in the framework of the NSRF of the 2014-2020 programme, the Funding to cover operational expenditure and, in particular, the remuneration of the staff of the case referred to in paragraph 1 hereof will be covered by appropriations from the resources of Article 259 of the Law. 3852/2010, who, by decision of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, will be directly attributed to the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece (KEDE) and the Union of Regions of Greece (EMS), as competent bodies for its operation Corresponding service, based on apologies.

4. By joint decision of the Ministers of Internal Affairs and Administrative Reconstruction, Finance, Development and Tourism and Finance may be set up for the implementation of this Article.

5. The validity of the provision of par. Article 72 of the EC Treaty 4342/2015 (A143) for the continuation of the Advisory Centers and the Call for Support (SOS) of National Economy (15900) of the General Secretariat of Gender Equality of the Ministry of Interior and Administrative Reconstruction, And the Consular Centers and Hospitality of Hospitality for women's victims of violence by the local authorities is extended until 28 April 2016.

Article 66

Approved by a number of working parties of the company's anonymity with the "Key-point Infrastructure SA". The Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities,


Their working parties were deemed to be contracts for an indefinite period, by way of derogation from any contrary provision to vacant organisational positions of the above company or to temporary posts set up for the purpose of the above company. Him. Integration shall be carried out by a decision of the Board of Directors of the company at the request of the interested party, in accordance with the conditions, conditions and conditions of the working party with a working relationship of indefinite duration, They shall be taken within one month of the entry into force of this law.

Article 67

In Article 21 of Subparagraph D9 of the parafi of Part II of n. 4336/2015 (' 94), added paragraph 6, as follows:

' 6. The transport costs of military personnel who are already in service abroad until 31.8.2016 shall be paid at the level and with the conditions in force at the time of entry into force of this law. '

Article 68

1. Short-term debts, to municipalities and legal persons of public law, from their elected bodies and employees, which have been satisfied until 31 December 2015 and relate to debiting the costs of any cause, irrespective of the form; For the purposes of Article 51 of the Treaty, the provisions of Article 51 of the Treaty shall apply in accordance with the provisions of Article 51 (1) (b) and (b). No 4257/2014, as is the case.

2. In the event that, within two (2) months from the publication of the present, at least fifty percent (50 %) of the total debt has been paid, the payment of the remaining balance to twenty-four (24) equivalent monthly instalments. An exemption of 80 % (80 %) of the payment of advances and of all kinds of protection and other charges.

3. The debtor's application shall be submitted by 30.4.2016.

4. The provisions of paragraphs 3 (in relation to the fascist institutions), as well as those of paragraphs 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (a) and (b) and (b) and (12) of Article 51 of the Law. They shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Article 69

In the First of n. 4366/2016 "Ratification: a) of a-by 24.12.2015 Act of Legislative Contents" Subscriptions of the Ministries of Internal Affairs and Administrative Reconstruction, Environment and Energy, Shipping and Island Policy, Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, Health, Rural Development and Food and Economic Affairs "(A ' 182) and (b) of 30.12.2015 Act of Legislative Contingency" Of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Education,

Research and Religion, IAD, the Environment and Energy, the Marine and the Island Policy, Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, National Defence, Health and Economic Affairs, Development, and Tourism and ERT S.A. ' ('184) and other provisions', in Article 5, paragraph 3 is added as follows:

' 3. The above paragraphs 1 and 2 shall also apply to the Directorate-General for Health Care (DIF) of the operators of TABs, retrospectively from 1.1.2016. '

Article 70

Officials who have been included in final disposal tables of n. No 4172/2013, not transfered until the publication of the present, which has not yet been covered, may, at their request, be made to the Management/Personnel Division of the entity Organically, to revert to the recommended temporary positions of the specificity held in the above-mentioned body with the same degree and to the same salary that they held in their place of availability on the basis of n. 4172/2013.

Article 71

The third paragraph of paragraph Article 20 of the Law 4354/2015 (A '176)' Management of non-contributory loans, wage arrangements and other urgent provisions implementing the economic objectives and structural reforms' (Ad 176) is amended as follows:

"The hourly earnings for work other than 50 are the same as that provided for overtime work and up to 22.00 hours, pre-increased by 25 %."

Article 72

At the end of par. Article 167 of the EEC Treaty Regulation (EC) No 4099/2012, as replaced by Article 23 of the Law Article 49 of Regulation (EEC) No 4151/2013 (0103) was amended by Article 49 of the Law. 4325/2015 (1 47), as replaced by Article 50 of the Law. 4351/2015 ('164) and objects-re-marked by Article 12 of 30.12.2015 (A184), the following subparagraph shall be added, and the third, fourth and fifth paragraphs as follows:

" Furthermore it is possible to conclude contracts of work with natural persons employed in companies entrusted with the provision of cleaning services to the upper vectors. For the following reasons, it is permissible to conclude an individual project contract for the provision of housekeeping services with the same expiry date, i.e. until 31.12.2016. This provision shall apply from the point of view of the n. 4325/2015.

3. Expenditure on the cleanliness of the buildings of public services, the independent authorities, the NIFs, the NIFs and the O.T.A.D., which have been subject to the provisions of this Article, shall be considered as short-term and cleared on canvas; (i) the appropriations for the budget for the budget;


Promoters. The cost of concluding the project contracts must be within the limits of the available budgetary appropriations, as assessed for the coverage of the cleaning agents. The total amount of each individual contract should not exceed the total annual overall agreement of the pre-existing contract, including any adverse effect on employment in garages and workshops. The total amount of each individual contract should not exceed the total annual reserve of the pre-existing contract, including any adverse effect on employment in cooperative society.

4. The persons who enter into a contract for a contract in accordance with the provisions laid down in this provision shall be frozen in IKA-ETAM insurance.

5. By joint decision of the Deputy Minister of

The Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.

Article 73

Members provided for by the Constitution of Independent Authorities selected by the Conference of Presidents for a term of office until the entry into force of Article 61 of the Law. 4055/2012 (' 51), may be re-selected in accordance with Article 3 (2). 2 paragraph c. Regulation (EC) No 3051/2002 as applicable.


Article 74 Entry into force

The validity of this law shall start from its publication in the Governing Council of the Government, unless otherwise specified in its individual provisions.


Athens, 2016