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The Greek Eu Presidency Office And Other Provisions

Original Language Title: Establishment of the Greek EU Presidency Office and other provisions

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Article 6

1. In the Central Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is recommended that the President-in-Office of the European Union be set up for the programming, coordination and promotion of the actions of the Presidency of the European Union by Greece. 2014 and the fulfillment of debt repayments. The Office of the Hellenic Presidency is responsible for the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and the Secretary-General of European Affairs, referring to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and ceases to exist in self-defence until 31 July 2014. The head of the Bureau is appointed by the Secretary of State.

2. The competence of the "Office of the Hellenic Republic" includes actions concerning the programming, coordination and promotion of actions for the effective organisation of the European Union of the European Union from Greece. The Committee of the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the Economic and Financial Committee and the Committee of the European

3. The Hellenic Centre for European Studies and the Hellenic Centre for Analysis and Planning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will assist the "Office of the Greek Presidency", acting as institutional units.

Article 2

In the exercise of his responsibilities, the Office of the Hellenic Presidency will act on: The coordination of the proposals of the parties involved

Directors of the Management Board and each responsible E;

National and Community institutions to determine the priorities of the Greek Presidency in cooperation with the competent Directorate-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The planning, coordination and realisation of

The Committee of the European People's Party and the Committee of the European People's Party. The monitoring of the issues relating to

(ii) to take over the Presidency and touch upon the competence of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the provision of relevant proposals to the political leadership. The formulation of proposals for political leadership

With regard to the scope for the award of works by law, which are relevant to the Greek State, where necessary. E. The organisation of scientific and cultural activities

Declarations as well as any other relevant activities within the framework of the Greek Presidency. The realisation of all necessary energy to fulfil the obligations of the Greek Government and the actions included. The search for sources of funding for the ec

The Committee of the Environment, Public Relations and Social Affairs and the Committee on Economic and Social Affairs and the Committee of the

Article 3

1. The necessary preparations for the preparation, organisation and conduct of the Presidency, necessary for the establishment and operation of the 'Office of the Hellenic Presidency', including the protection of the necessary logistical information The Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions The above costs are not included in the Single


First, From the official Minutes of the RXTS, 16 April 2013, No Meetings of the Assembly of the House, in which

The following draft law was adopted:

Hellenic Presidency Bureau Recommendation and other provisions

For the whole amount of appropriations available from the beginning of the financial year in proportion to the appropriations provided for in paragraph 1 (a) and (b) of the Annex to Regulation (EEC) No 2075m, the amount of the total amount of appropriations available from the beginning of the financial year in proportion to the provisions laid down in paragraph 1 shall be taken into account. Article 9 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 113/2010 (' 194), as is the case.

2. The management of the expenditure referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be administered by the head of the Office, irrespective of the amount, as defined for the Director-General for Economic Services (Article 49 of the Law). 3943/2011, as applicable). For all expenditure, the rules shall apply.

The financial control and the relevant decisions shall be endorsed by the Director-General for Personnel, Administration and Economic Administrations.

Article 4

1. The staffing of the "Office of the Hellenic Presidency" is obtained by detachments from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and any other Ministry and Service of the public and of the wider public sector, following a recommendation by the Head of the Office of the Hellenic Presidency. The extracts shall be made by a decision of the Secretary of State and of the relevant competent Minister, by way of derogation and without the consent of the relevant Staff Councils. The salary of the seconded officials to the Office of the Hellenic Presidency shall be borne by the departments and bodies from which they are seconded.

2. Specially for the needs of the Greek Presidency and at the extreme limit until 31.7.2014, it is possible to derogate from the existing provisions extending the secondment of the servants to the Permanent Representation in Brussels. For officials who, in the past, have been seconded and served in the Permanent Greek Delegation in Brussels and completed by the provisions in force, it shall be possible, by way of derogation from the provisions in force, to New secondment and a further limit until 31.10.2014.

Article 5

1. In order to address the urgent and appropriate needs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the context of the Greek Presidency, it is exceptionally possible to conclude a project, subject to the condition that the needs of such needs are met. Staff members and in accordance with the conditions of the relevant recommendation. The relevant contributions to the Secretary of State and the Minister for Economic Affairs, with a full justification as to the failure to meet the requirements of the existing staff, as well as for the subject matter of the contract and the amount of its remuneration, shall be made By the head of the office of the Greek Presidency. The contracts are approved and signed by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Economic Affairs. These contracts expire in any case automatically on 31 July 2014.

2. Project, service or pre-service contracts concluded and executed for the purpose of

To address the needs of the Greek Presidency, it can also be carried out by means of a negotiated procedure (exceptional or direct award) or by summary procedures (rough competition) for up to twice the prescribed time. No, no, no, no. P1/3305/3.11.2010 Ministerial Decision (b 1789), as it stands.

Article 6

For the efficient functioning and the political coordination of actions relating to the Greek Presidency, a Ministerial Committee is established in which the Minister for Foreign Affairs and each of the parties responsible, on the basis of the thematic meetings, shall be appointed, Minister, deputized by the appointed for the purpose of their alternates. The relevant decisions on the establishment and operation of the Inter-Ministerial Committee shall be taken by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, appointed and chaired by the Deputy Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.


Article 7

At the end of Article 25 of the Law The following shall be added to the following: 4024/2011 (A-226);

' In accordance with the provisions laid down in the External Service Principles of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is provided that all the regular remuneration, the expenditure resulting from the secondment or the As well as the Department of Immigration, the Ministry, the Ministry of Defence or the Agency, which belongs to a member or a seconded official. Excluding those posted and transferred to the

The Greek Presidency, the Greek Presidency, for the Greek Presidency and with the approval of the Office of the Hellenic Presidency, which covers the costs involved. '

Article 8

The par. Article 171 of the EEC Treaty Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

' 4. Staff members of the Department of Commerce, who serve in the authorities of the External Service, shall be returned to the Central Office by a decision of the Secretary of State, following an opinion by the relevant Council. '

Article 9

At the end of par. Article 49 of the EC Treaty The following is added 3943/2011 (A-66):

" In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the responsibilities of the Directorate-General for Financial Services are exercised by the Directorate-General for Personnel, Administration and Financial Management and its Head of Division, appointed in accordance with the provisions. Of n. Regulation No 3566/2007, as applicable. In the event of absence, no


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Directorate-General for Personnel, Administration and Economic Management."

Article 10

1. At the end of par. Article 12 of the EC Treaty The following is added to 3492/2006 (A2C):

' In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the responsibilities of internal control groups shall be exercised by the General Secretariat of the Ministry. '

2. At the end of the first subparagraph of paragraph 2. That is not the case, Mr President. 3566/2007 (A117), as applicable, the following are added:

' The General Inspectorate is responsible for matters of domestic control of all Directorates and Units of the Central Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as the public accounting officers serving in them. '

Article 11

(Parliament adopted the resolution) 5 of Article 17 of the Law. EUR 3566/2007 is replaced by the following:

" In the Directorate-General for Information and Public Relations, three specific partners of the Head of the Directorate-General for the Media and Public Diplomacy, which have been met with seconded civil servants from the General Secretariat of the Directorate-General for Information and Public Relations, are hereby established. The Directorate-General for Communications, the Council of Ministers and the Secretary of State for Communications, together with a joint decision by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the member of the Council of Ministers, exercising the supervision of the General Secretariat of the Council Contacts-General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union Provisions. '

Article 12

1. The second subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 2 of the Law 1791/1988 ('141) as applicable, shall be replaced by the following:

" The President may also be Director General of the Hellenic Republic. The position of the President is political and political. '

2. At the end of par. Article 2 of Article 2 of the Law The following is added to 1791/1988:

' Members of the Staff Council may not exceed 20 and shall be determined by a decision of the Minister for Foreign Affairs. Participation in the Scientific Council shall be of value and value. '

3. Article 2 of n. 1791/1988, as is the case, paragraph 4 is added as follows:

' 4. By decision of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors, they are appointed as its trading partners in Greece and the external personalities of intrinsic value and authority. '

Article 13

1. The par. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof,

' 11. (a) holders of diplomas or diplomas of higher education diplomas or diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications.

(b) in the case of an agreement between the European Union and the Member States of the European Union, the Council of the European Union, the Council of Ministers, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European Communities, Bd. 165/2000 (A149), (b) Owners for recognition of professional qualifications

(c) holders of a decision on recognition of professional qualifications or diplomas, certificates or other evidence of formal qualifications or diplomas, certificates or other evidence of formal qualifications or diplomas, certificates or other evidence of formal qualifications or diplomas, certificates or other evidence of formal qualifications or diplomas, certificates or other evidence of formal qualifications or diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications or diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications.

The equivalence of certificates of formal higher education from PCN pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 1 p. 38/2010, as is the case each time, (d) holders of transferable certificates of education

Which have been acquired in Member States of the European Union, which have recognised the right to exercise legal certainty as a registered post, in accordance with a decision on the recognition of professional education issued by the Council; (e) holders of diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications, diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications, certificates and other evidence of formal qualifications.

Of all the Member States of the European Union, which have been granted, on the basis of the system for the recognition of diplomas, to exercise an obligation on the case-by-case national authorities, in accordance with the provisions of the Presidential Decree. -40/1986 (1 14), 84/1986 (A31), 97/1986 (A335), 98/86 (A35), 53/2004 (A43), 40/2006 (A43) and 4/5226/1987 (B613). '

2. The par. 8 of Article 17 of the Law. 2190/1994, as follows:

' In the case of workers in a Member State of the European Union, for the recognition of any past service, the laws in force in the Member State which have been employed in the Member State concerned are applied. The assessment of this assessment shall be required by the competent institution of the Member State of origin. '


Article 14 Entry into force

This law shall apply from its publication in the Official Journal of the Government.


Athens, 2013