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Ratification Of The Act Of Legislative Content Of 31.12.2012

Original Language Title: Ratification of the Act of Legislative Content of 31.12.2012 "Provisions of very urgent issues of...

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Article 1 Ratification of the Act of No.

" The weightings of the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Labour, Social Security and Welfare, Public Order and Civil Protection, the General Secretariat of the Government

And the Minister of State '

It shall be ratified and shall have effect from its publication in the Official Journal of the Government of 31 December 2012 of the Act of Legislative Contents: ' You shall enter into force on the accounts of the Ministries of Finance, Labour, Social Security and Social Security, The General Secretariat of the Government and the Secretary-General of the Government and the Secretary of State for the Protection of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection, published in No. 256 Leaflet of the Government of Government (Issue/31.12.2012) and reads as follows:


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, 1 of the Constitution. 2. The exceptional case of extreme urgency; and

An unforeseen need to address urgent matters of the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Labour, Social Security and Welfare, Public Order and Civil Protection, the General Secretariat of the Government and the Minister of State, which It is intended to regulate until the end of the current calendar year in order to avoid creating problems in the orderly functioning of the State.

3. The proposal of the Council of Ministers, decided by:


Article 1 Matters of powers of Articles 94, 95 and 204 of

N. 3852/2010

1. The timing of the exercise by the bodies of the powers referred to in Articles 94 and 204 of the Treaty. 3852/2010 (1 87), which are transmitted to them in the framework of the provisions of paragraph 1 (b) of the Act. Article 95 et seq. Of the first paragraph of Article 95. Article 206 of the same law, during the implementation of the Medium-term Framework of Financial Strategy 2013-2016, as such, shall be determined in accordance with relevant decisions of the Minister of the Interior and the Minister for Economic Affairs on issues. On the basis of an opinion from the Central Union of Greece (CEECs), as well as any other relevant Secretary of State, he/she has been consulted. With these decisions, they are regulated and requested by -

Staff and performance of similar household resources required for the exercise of the competences transferred to the municipalities as well as any other necessary technical, technical, detailed matter.

2. In accordance with the decisions of the Minister of the Interior, the time of commencement of exercise by the powers delegated to them in the context of the provisions of paragraph 1 (a) shall be determined accordingly. Article 95 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010, for which administrative support is provided.


First, From the official Minutes of the RXTS, 16 April 2013, No Meetings of the Assembly of the House, in which

The following draft law was adopted:

Ratification from 31.12.2012 Act No Positive Contents' Emergency provisions of the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Labour, Social Security and Welfare, Public Order

And protection of the citizen, the General Secretariat of the Government and the Minister of State, ' and other provisions

Until the adoption of the relevant decisions, they continue to apply the arrangements in par. Two, three, and four, and her par. Article 95 and the second paragraph of Article 95 of the EC Treaty 1 of Article 206 of the abovementioned law, by way of derogation from the relevant date.

3. Any general or special provision set in contrast to the above shall be abolished from the date of publication.

Article 2 contracts with a certain period of time and

Project management at UTF.

1. The validity of paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Law shall be suspended. Article 10 of Regulation (EEC) No 2527/1997, added to Article 10 (1). Regulation (EC) No 3812/2009, for as long as the limitation of the annual pre-recruitment and appointment of staff and staff with private-law work relationship to the bodies referred to in Article 14 (1) of the Law is limited. 2190/1994, as amended by Article 1 (1) of the Law. NO 3812/2009 In any event, when applying the above

There is no increase in the maximum authorised number of persons to be recruited by a contract of private law for some time or by contract of a project as defined in the 6/5.5.2009 Ministerial Act of the Council ('70 ') and applies annually.

2. After the first subparagraph of paragraph 5 of Article 6 of n. As replaced by Article 10 (2) of the Law No 2527/1997, as replaced by Article 10 (2). The following subparagraph shall be added:

' The certificate shall be issued at the request of the institution in which the work to be performed, the number of persons to be carried out and their specialties, the length of time required for the total or final delivery shall be issued. The project and place of execution. In the case, there is also evidence of the fact that the project does not fall within the cycle of the usual duties of the employees of the institution concerned and the reasons for which it cannot be carried out by them. '

3. Contracts governed by private law for a certain period of time and a project, on the basis of the blood of TABs a ' and a second degree and their legal persons, for which approval by the Commission of the 33/2006 Council of the Council of Ministers has been granted; 31.12.2012, may be concluded until 31.12.2013 and subsequently implemented.

Article 3 Disclaimer of hereas referred to in paragraph 1

Article 93 of the n. 3852/2010

The par. Article 92 of the EEC Treaty Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3852/2010 (' 87), it shall be replaced by:

' 5. The elected bodies referred to in Article 93 (1) shall be entitled to the special authorization referred to in Article 93 for the whole period of their term of office. They shall have the right to choose either the full remuneration of their organisation or the remuneration of the present. Article 3 The institutions of the same paragraph which are not entitled to compensation shall receive the full remuneration of the institution.

Position. In any event, the expenditure referred to above,

And the employer's social security contributions to which they are provided, shall be borne by the budget of the TAB. The above-mentioned instruments, if they are concerned

For pensioners, they shall have the right to choose either the treatment referred to in this Article or, in any event, to take their pension. The exercise of the right of choice takes place

Within an exclusive period of 10 days from taking up their duties as heretics, with a statement to the Danish and the organisation of their organisation. For the current financial year, the exercise of the right of choice shall take place within a closed period of twenty days from the publication of this law. Past of the time-limit, the remuneration of their organisational position shall be suspended. '

Article 4 ICSC merger procedure

Paragraph 6 of Article 109 of the Law. 3852/2010 (1 87), as is the case after its replacement with Article 10 of the Law. The following shall be substituted for: 4071/2012 (A-85):

' 6. The provisions of these paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis to the merger of the Deficiency and Release Operations (ICMG). The competence of the new one, after the merger, the Operation of Water and Rehabilitation or the Provinity, has to be extended to the whole of the whole territory of the municipality. In the case of the implementation of the previous year,

(a) the management of water supply services for the entire territorial region of the entity is taken by an existing ICMG, the territorial integrity of which is extended by a decision of the public council, or To be adopted by an act of the General Secretariat of the Central Administration. This decision may be taken by 31.12.2014 if it has not already been taken, it may be necessary to send its application, in whole or in part, with a new decision of the Council, in the same way, until 31 December 2014. By way of derogation from the same procedure, it shall, by way of exception and in accordance with the same procedure, be extended in the same way as the above-mentioned territorial integrity of any existing ICMG. Water supply or sewerage schemes already in place;

It has been shown in Operational Programmes of the European Investment Bank, which may be implemented either by the Municipalities or by the ICMG, regardless of the extent of their territorial integrity. '

Article 5 Application of the programme


1. The duration of the Theseus programme, which had been extended until 31 December 2012 with paragraph 4 of Article 2 of that Act from 31.12.2011, as amended by the Act of Accession. 4024/2011 ' Pension arrangements, single pay-list, job reserve, and


Other implementing provisions of the mid-term framework for financial strategy 2012-2015, as was ratified by Article 2 of the Treaty. Regulation (EC) No 4047/2012 (1 31) is extended until 31.12.2014.

2. In par. Article 10 of the EEC Treaty The following paragraph shall be added:

' In the case of finely integrated projects or programmes of the Theseus programme, which are to be implemented in development programmes cofinanced by the EU, the amendment and revocation of the accession decision shall be adopted by the Minister. In derogation from the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, and those of Article 9 of this law. '

Article 6 Extension of short-term merger

The provision referred to in subparagraph (a) of paragraph 1. Question No 1, by Mr Desselo 4071/2012 a period of six (6) months of sub-debriefing in the Regional Attachments to the Management of Solid Waste Management (ADVs) referred to in Article 13 of the abovementioned law, for connections established as SALW or other agents or other agents. Companies and legal persons of public sector law by industry or sector exercising the competence of SALW is hereby extended until 31.12.2013. This provision shall enter into force on


Article 7 Establishment of an economic observatory

Autonomous TABs

In par. The following shall be added to Article 3 of Article 3 of the Act of 18 November 2012, as follows:

' The Observatory shall be set up and shall meet at least with the participation of at least the President and the officials of the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Finance. '

Article 8 Restructuring of Organic Units

Department of Financial Services of the Ministry of Interior

1. The Directorate for Financial Institutions of Local Government of the Directorate-General for Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Interior is held in the Directorate for Economic Local Government and restructured as follows: The Directorate for Economic Affairs Local Government -

It is necessary to process, implement and enforce the institutional framework governing the economic di-pity and management, property, revenue and the monitoring and processing of financial assets of the Local Authorities. Self-administration of and second degree and all kinds of legal persons. The responsibilities of the Directorate for Economic Territorial

Self-administration is allocated to the following sections, as follows: In the Department of Perusia, which is responsible for

Issues such as: The issues related to the issues and the

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection, and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection. The issues raised during implementation

The provisions on the declaration and the constitution of an expropriation in favour of the FRA. C. The issues raised during implementation

(i) the provisions on the definition of the boundaries of the first-stage local authorities and the definition of a decision-making file. D. The introduction and processing of projects for the eclusion

(iii) the time of the institutional framework governing the management and recovery of these assets, including the training and maintenance of the local authorities of their acronyms. E. The development, support and information of the base

Data on real estate of local government. F; Cooperation with the Observatory for Economic Automobile of the Local Government Agency, the organisers of the Ministry of the Interior, the relevant Supervisory Body of the Local Government Agency and each partner Ministry and body For the competence of the Section. G. Support for the implementation of programmes for the

The resolution of the Economic and Social Committee of the European Communities. The monitoring of compliance with the provisions which

Shall apply to donations, bequests and heirs to such donations. Cooperation and the provision of directives to services

Of the decentralised Administrations and of the Autonomous Services Oversight Services for the Section. OTHER: In the Chamber of Revenue, which is responsible for

As: a. The coding, processing and administration of the

A framework which regulates the revenue of the Local Government institutions b. The development of a certification and recovery mechanism

The revenue of the Local Government institutions resulting from institutional taxes, charges, levies and rights. C. The introduction and processing of the institutional framework

In the case of the tax system and the date for its modernisation. D. The introduction and processing of the institutional framework

Which governs fiscal decentralisation. The introduction and processing of the institutional framework

(i) governing the revenue of the legal persons of the Local Government. Cooperation with the Observatory for Economic Automobile of the Local Government Agency, the organisers of the Ministry of the Interior, the relevant Supervisory Body of the Local Government Agency and each partner Ministry and body For the competence of the Section. G. Support for the implementation of programmes for the

The resolution of the Economic and Social Committee of the European Communities. The formation and assistance of the operation of the

Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee on the Rules of Procedure, the Committee of the Rules of Procedure, the Committee of the Cooperation and the provision of directives to services


Of the decentralised Administrations and of the Autonomous Services Oversight Services for the Section. "C." At the Department of Economic Administration and Budget;

If you are a doctor or a person who is responsible for your work, you will be entitled to the same treatment as: The preparation of budgets, accounts

And the general economic administration and management of local and regional authorities, including all their legal persons. B. The establishment and operation of their own resources

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Community, The application by those of the double counting accounts;

The Committee of the Medicinal products and the Committee for Medicinal products for The definition and design of the books and the

Of the information they have to follow. The determination of the supporting documents

The payment orders issued by the Member States. F; The issues relating to each type of economy

The Committee of the Committee on Social Affairs and the Committee on Social Affairs, Public Health and Social Affairs and the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and The issue of modernising the institutional system

(i) a framework for financial management and accounting. Cooperation with the Observatory for Economic

Self-determination of the local authorities, the organisers of the Ministry of the Interior, the relevant Supervisory Authority of the local authorities and each of the relevant Ministry and Body for the Issues of the Section. To support the implementation of programmes for

(i) the consolidation of local government finances. The introduction and processing of plans for the institutional

(i) the framework governing the programme contracts and the implementation thereof. One: The audit and adoption of the budget of the

The Committee of the Regions and the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the Economic and Financial Affairs Committee and the Committee of the Regions. " L The introduction and processing of arrangements and arrangements

In the case of the Court of First instance, the Court of First instance referred to the Court for a judgment of the Court of First instance that the Court of First instance referred to the Court for a judgment of the Court of First Other: Cooperation and the provision of instructions to the servants

Facts of the decentralised Administrations and of the UTF Supervisory Services on issues of the Bank. D; In the Monitoring and Processing Section The -

Local Government, which is responsible for issues such as: The collection and processing of databases

(i) grants and other financial and statistical data, as well as the export and processing of these bases, of a number of bodies for the provision of data for the provision of entities. Support for the implementation of programmes for the

The Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee. The development and management of economic and social

The Committee of the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the Economic and Financial Committee and the Committee of the European

Ministry of Economic Affairs of the State, the Court of Auditors, the Economic Review of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Greek Statistical Authority, EURO-STAT, the Inspectors' Body, and the Auditor General of the State, the Court of Auditors; Section for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products, the Central Union of Municipalities and the Association of Companies. D. Monitoring the collection of revenue and

The expenditure incurred and the checks carried out on them. E. The issues related to the consolidated years;

Budget of the Local Government. The collection of economic data from the

List of commitments relating to the regular budget and budget estimates and their registration on the Internet Portal of the General Accounting Office on a regular basis. The training and presentation of the expected expected

The Committee of the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the Council, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the Committee of the Acquisition of estimates for the course of

(i) the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women as a result of the introduction of the single currency; Verification of validity and reliability

The financial data submitted by the supervised entities. E. The information provided by the Observatory for Economic

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy and the Committee on Regional Policy and Regional Policy. One: Cooperation with the Observatory for Economic

Self-determination of the local authorities, the organisers of the Ministry of the Interior, the relevant Supervisory Authority of the local authorities and each of the relevant Ministry and Body for the Issues of the Section. The secretariat's secretarial support

Economic Automobile of the local authorities. Other: Cooperation and the provision of instructions to the servants

Facts of the decentralised Administrations and of the UTF Supervisory Services on issues of the Bank. UH ... In the Directorate for Economic Territorial Administration -

There are officials of the Department of Management or the Department of Finance, as well as in the areas covered by this Directive.

2. The Directorate for Development Programmes and International Organisers of the Directorate-General for Economic Affairs of the Ministry of the Interior is hereby appointed to the Directorate for Economic and Development Policy of Local Government and to the Local Self-Management of Local Self-Management. AH, The Department of Local Self-Administration

Is responsible for issues relating to local authorities such as: a. Proposal for a Council Regulation (EEC) on the conclusion of the Protocol

The budget for each financial year in part concerning the revenue of the local authorities.


Other: The definition of the criteria and procedures and the distribution of the System of Central Banks and their allocation to cover their expenditure and the implementation of specific actions. Payment of the payment to those staff. D. The management of the Central System of Central Banks

Local Government Resources. E. The management of the necessary appropriations for the

Staff Regulations from and to the Regions. The grant of funds from the State budget

Budget items entered as transitional payments to the Budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The grant of Public Water Operations

Departure (DEYA) to replace the abolished water and sewerage charges. The allocation to these revenues from the end-acin -

(i) the amount of the tax, the tax on beer, as well as the fees for the grant and renewal of the shares of foreign nationals, and any other source provided for in the legislation. The issuance of debt retention decisions

Local authorities, which are members of the Committee, are members of the European Parliament. The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and the Republic of

(i) the delivery of operations by the Ministry, in the course of which they have an impact on the budget. One: Cooperation and the provision of instructions to the servants

Facts of the decentralised Administrations and of the UTF Supervisory Services on issues of the Bank. " L The distribution of the System of Central Banks to the

The Central Union of Municipalities of Greece, the Regional Associations of Municipalities and the Association of Regions for the purposes of their operational and other general expenditure. OTHER: In this section there is a branch of the industry

Administrative-Economic Area of Management or IP. 3. In order to support the objective of the Director-General

The Ministry of Home Affairs is increasing the organizational positions of the Interior Ministry by 20. The branches of these topics by category are: the IP of the Board of Directors, Administrative-Accounting, 2, Computer Science 1, Computer Science 1, IT-Accounting 2, Board of Governors 1. In order to cover these positions, the first subparagraph of Article 3 (3) of Article 3 (3) of the Act of 18 September 2012 applies to 'Financial rules and other provisions' (1 228).

4. Any general and specific provision which is subject to the provisions of that article shall be abolished.

Article 9 Anti-public anti-public authorities

Community communities

After the third paragraph, of par. Article 92 of the EEC Treaty (a) 3852/2010, as applicable, is added a fourth subparagraph as to:

' In the number of officials entitled to compensation referred to in the preceding subparagraph, the opposition referred to in Article 207 shall be added. '

Article 10 Extension of the nomination of gentlemen

Payment of debt

The case in point 8 of the Subparagraph T3 'PAYMENT OF THE FINANCIAL AUTHORISATION OF THE INSTITUTIONS OF THE INSTITUTIONS OF THE INSTITUTIONS' of par. F ' of the first article of n. Regulation (EEC) No 4093/2012 (Part II) is amended as follows:

The deadline of par. 5 of the first Article of the Act of 30 April 2012 on the application of laws 3 8 6 4/2 0 1 0, 4021/2011, 4046/2012, 4051/2012 and 4071/2012, as amended by Article 2 of the Act. 4079/2012, extended until 31.6.2013. '



Article 11 Duration of the temporary operation

Single administrative committee

1. The transitional period for the completion of the work of the Provisional Single Administrative Commission, provided for in Annex V 2 of the n. Regulation (EEC) No 4046/2012 (A-28) and Article 1 of PYS 7/28.2.2012 (Part II) ends on 28.2.2013.

2. Until the new expiry of the transitional period, the nominee of the members of the Temporary Committee as provided for in the PYS 37/4.10.2012 (Y.O.D.D. 466).

Article 12 STD Operation

1. From 1.1.2013, they are mandatory in the Single European Insurance Fund (EBRD), the offices and the supplementary insurance sectors for which they have been subject to an exemption from their membership of the EFF in accordance with paragraph 1. Article 36 of the EC Treaty No 4052/2012 (A) until 31.12.2012: (a) have not been submitted to the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare for actuarial studies and statutes in accordance with Articles 7 and 8 of the Law. Case 3029/2002 (A1160) or (b) has been rejected. For as many cases as 31.12.2012, actuarial studies and statutes have been submitted to the National Proportional Authority and the competent Directorate of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare. Respectively, the deadline for mandating them to the EFCA is extended until 28.2.2013.

2. The par. -Question No 4, Art. 42 No 4052/2012 (1 41) is delayed.

3. The benefits provided at 31.12.1992 are insured, as well as to the pensioners of the Capital Asset Management Account-of the Adherent Pension Fund of the Insurance Cables Account (s) Bank of Attica (LAW), in accordance with Article 9 of the Law. 3554/2007 (80) continue to be paid by the ETAT on a special account held by the Bank's principal amounts.


4. With a presidential decree issued on the proposal of the Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Welfare, the actuarial study, the ETAT Board's opinion and the opinion of the Social Assault Council are adjusted by the ETAT Pre-retirement benefits and LVK benefits. The actuarial study shall be carried out within two (2) months of delegation from the EFAT. The actuarial shall be assigned within a period of time from the entry into force of this provision.

Article 13 Setting-up of secondment staff

PPC SA in Insurance Funds

1. The last paragraph of paragraph 1. Article 46 of the EC Treaty 4075/2012 (1 89) is replaced by the following:

" The cost of the general salary, as well as the employer's contributions to the Adequated employees of the PPC SA, are borne by the ICRC and the IFRIC assigns to the company the amount of their salary costs resulting from the appropriate remuneration. The provisions of the second paragraph of Chapter II. For the purposes of Article 4 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 4024/2012 concerning the salary arrangements of officials referred to in Article 4 of the same law, for the purposes of the provision of staff, they shall continue to be borne by the bodies from whom such officials originate. '

2. At the end of par. Article 6 of the Law The following subparagraph shall be added 3655/2008 (A58):

' The cost of the general salary, as well as the employer's non-remunerated employer's contributions to PPC employees, shall be borne by the ICRC, and IKA-ETAM shall reimburse to the company the amount of their salary costs resulting from the appropriate remuneration. The provisions of the second paragraph of Chapter II. Regulation (EC) No 4024/2012 concerning the salary arrangements for officials in Article 4 of the same law. '

3. The last paragraph of Article 81 (3). EUR 3655/2008 (A58) is replaced by the following:

" The cost of the general salary, as well as the employer's contributions to the Adequated employees of the PPC SA, are borne by the PPC, and the TAVIC gives the company the amount of their salary costs resulting from commensurate with - The provisions of the second paragraph of Chapter II. Regulation (EC) No 4024/2012 concerning the salary arrangements for officials in Article 4 of the same law. '

4. The last paragraph of par. Article 46 of the EC Treaty 4052/2012 (1 41) is replaced by the following:

' The cost of the general salary, as well as the employer's contributions: (a) in terms of the liabilities of the PPC, are borne by the PPC, and the EFF pays to the company the amount of their wages paid by the company. The application of the provisions of the second paragraph of Chapter II. Whereas Article 4 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 4024/2012 relating to the salary arrangements for officials referred to in Article 4 of the same law, (b) with regard to the other, pursuant to that paragraph, shall be determined, or by the allocation to the STEA, of officials from whom they originate. ';

5. At the end of par. Article 46 of the EC Treaty The following shall be added after the following phrase: 4075/2012:

" As well as on the deodorant in TAVTECO personal

"Which continues to serve as a secondment to the BNP."

Article 14 SGM final

For staffing of the services of the AEDAK Insurance Agency, by way of derogation from any general or specific provision, may be temporarily seconded to the Company up to three (3) qualified or experienced qualified persons Any undertaking, body or body in general of the public sector or NCPIC, together with a joint decision of the Ministers concerned, following a unanimous opinion of the Board of Directors. The duration of the secondment shall be considered for each consequence, as the time of the actual service of the detachment in the position which it holds. The remuneration of the posted workers and the employer's contributions to the respective main and supplementary pension funds shall be borne by the Company.

Article 15 Social Solidarity Fund

Case 6 of Subparagraph IA.4. Of par. K of the first article of n. Having regard to Article 10 (3) of Regulation (EEC) No 4093/2012, as amended by Article 10 (3) of Regulation (EEC) No 4093/2012, as amended by Article 10 (3) of Regulation (EEC) No 4093/2012, as amended by Article 10 (3) of the Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal, as amended by:

' From 1 January 2014, the provisions of Article 34 of the Law. 3996/2011 (1 170), Pensioners'Solidarity and Pensioners' Solidarity Fund, is awarded to old-age, invalidity and death pensioners with the fulfilment of the 65th year of age. Especially for children receiving a pension due to their parent's death, the HRC is paid without the need to meet the above age limit. The provisions of Article 34 of the Law shall apply. 3996/2011. '

Article 16 Council of the United States of the European Union

1. The provision of paragraph 2 of paragraph 2. IB to Article 138 of the Law. 4052/2012 (1 41/1.3.2012) also applies to all service contracts concluded until the publication of this law between the U.K. A SA and the Social A-security, GNPY and the Equity Fund. Employees (M.T.A.), any extensions of these, as well as all during this period of operations and expenditure are considered to be legal and produce all the legal consequences.

2. The contracts referred to in paragraph 1 shall not fall within the scope of Article 19 (1). Council Regulation (EEC) No 4028/86.

3. All debts of the General Secretariat for Social Insurance, Social Security Agency, ESA, and any kind of providers of health services under the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity (Hospital, Ke - (Health Care) to the U.K. A, as well as to


The licensor of the United Kingdom, which relates to any service which has already been provided or will be delivered by 31 December 2012, such as those due from the annual budgets, Apologies and balances of the U.K. A. S. A. and Of the United Kingdom, which have been approved or approved by the Minister for Labour and Social Security, are considered to be legal tender and time-limits, even if no contract has been concluded and is directly elected after publication of the contract. 1.

Article 17 Setting-up of pensioners' employment

The provision of the second subparagraph of paragraph 1. Question No 2, by Mr Arndt (S) 3863/2010 (A115) is replaced by the following:

' 2. Those retirees have already taken up work or self-employed or have been appointed in positions of par. Article 2 of the Law 3833/2010 (1 40), and until the entry into force of this law, they were not subject to the provisions of Article 63 of the Law. 2676/1999 (1), as applicable until its replacement with this Article, the above provisions shall apply from 1 January 2014. The provisions of Article 63 of the Law 2676/1999 (1), as it stood until its replacement at the moment, still valid until 31.12.2013 for those who had already been subject to them until the date of entry into force. From 1 January 2014, the provisions of this Article shall apply, without prejudice to any contrary provision. '

Article 18 Institutions of the Ministry of Labour,

Social Security and Welfare

The Social Protection Directorate of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security set up by n. Regulation (EEC) No 3144/2003 (' 111), as amended and supplemented by the n. On 4019/2011, he is entitled to 'Social Protection and Social Contrition'. This Directorate shall, in addition to its present responsibilities, take into account the responsibilities of the Agency for the effective monitoring and implementation of social inclusion, promotion and social cohesion policies as a body. In addition, the role of the project, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of all the policies constituting the national policy on social integration and protection and protection is also entrusted to this Directorate. Social cohesion and the measures necessary to implement them effectively. In addition, the Directorate-General for the National Action Plan for Social Responsibility, as an instrument for integration into employment and suggests to the National Social Protection Committee the National Strategy for the National Strategy for Social Protection. Prevention and combating of the conditions of employment, with a view to promoting employment and social integration.



Article 19 Composition of a tripartite committee Article 2 (2) Article 1

N. NO 2518/1997

The first paragraph of par. Article 2 of the Law This article has been replaced by Article 2 of Law 2518/1997 (1 164). 3707/2008 (1 209), shall be replaced by the following:

' 1. Enterprises carrying out activities of par. 1 of Article 1 is required to hold an expert on-the licence issued by the President of the Hellenic Police Headquarters, following an opinion of a tripartite committee, which is composed of one Party President. Council of State, also designated by the President, by his/her payer by the President of the NSC, the President of the Board of Directors of the Crime Anti-Fraud Office and the Head of Division of the Department of Arms and Explosives. Directorate for State Security of the Hellenic Police Headquarters or the Deputy Prime Minister Where the following conditions are met in the applicant's person: ';

Article 20 Inflation of service

(a) Applicants to the Greek Police or the Pi-Romance Party who resign to be nominated as nominees shall be entitled to revisit the Office if they apply to the HQ of the Hellenic Police or the Fire Department; (b) The time to abstain from their service, respectively, within two months of the end of the electoral period.

Resign is not considered as a time of real and day-to-day service, in terms of all rights and evolution. The right to receive remuneration is not justified, nor is the right to retroactive effect and promotion, in any case. (c) Those of the petitioners in par. 1 had or -

Resigning before the publication of the present and no elected Members are entitled to submit the above application within two months of the publication of this law in the Governing Council of the Governance.



Rule 21 Council of the European Union

In par. The following shall be added to Article 74 (5) of Article 74 of point 63/2005 (A ' 98):

(f) Accepts after a relevant recommendation of the Office and endorses the draft law,


The aim is to promote them in the House for a vote, taking particular account of the views of the Central Manufacturers' Committee. Parliament's departments are not entitled to draw up a draft, if it does not have the signature of the Secretary-General of the Government.

(i) technical improvements, technical improvements, additions, appointments or any other intervention in the classification of a draft, otherwise the above parties are not taken by the services of the Parliament; they shall be deemed not to be adopted and shall not be adopted. (h) Accepting and endorsing all the presidential elections

Provisions, before they are sent to the Council of State for legal processing. After their preparation by the Council of State, it shall send them for signature to the President of the Republic, if it considers that the administration has complied with the recommendations of the Council of State or reasonably required to comply with it. (i) considers that the provisions of the provisions of the Treaty on European Union

Government, with a view to their publication by the European Standardisation Office. If it considers, after the relevant entry into force of the legal service, that there is a formal or effective legal impediment to the publication of a specific decision, it shall delete that decision and return it to the competent service, with suggestions for the correction. And correct resubmission. If the Office insists that the decision is legitimate and there is a legitimate reason for its publication, the Secretary-General of the Government gives a mandate for the publication of this publication, with the responsibility of the latter, and the legislative act. A solution to the resulting problem. '


Article 22 Placing of the entry into force of a provision

N. 3845/2010 (' 65)

(Parliament adopted the resolution) Article 12 of the article of the article 3845/2010 (A' 65), as added with par. Point 6 of Article 4 of this Regulation. Regulation (EEC) No 3899/2010 (1 212) and amended by Point 9 of Article 3 of of 31 December 2011. (1) (2), as amended by Article 2 (1) (c) of Regulation (EEC) No 1626/79. "1.1.2013" shall be replaced by "1.1.2014" instead of "1.1.2013" instead of "1.1.2013".

Article 23 Entry into force

The present situation, which will be ratified in accordance with Article 44 (2) of the Treaty, is to be adopted in accordance with Article 44 of the Treaty. 1 of the Constitution shall begin by its publication in the Governing Council of the Government, unless otherwise specified in the individual provisions.

Athens, December 31, 2012







Article 2 Adoption and amendments of 31.12.2012

Act of the Act of Accession of Austria, the European Union and the United Kingdom

The Ministries of Internal Affairs, Labour, Social Security and Welfare, Public Order

And the protection of the citizen, the General Secretariat of the Government and the Minister of State "

1. The fourth paragraph of paragraph 1. Article 92 of the EEC Treaty 3852/2010, as replaced by Article 3 of the abovementioned Act of Legislative Contents, is amended as follows:

' The above-mentioned institutions, if they are to be retired, have the right to choose either the compensation referred to in this Article or to be taken. '

2. The first subparagraph of Article 7 of the abovementioned Act shall be amended as follows:

" In par. Article 4 of the Law The final subparagraph shall be added as follows:

3. The last paragraph of par. (3) Article 8 of the abovementioned Act of Legislative Contents shall read as follows:

' The coverage of these positions shall be carried out by means of transfers and secondments from agencies of the General Government. '

4. In the second subparagraph of Article 10 of the abovementioned Act, the date "31.6.2013" is replaced by "30.6.2013".

5. The second subparagraph of Article 14 of the abovementioned Act shall be repealed.

6. Paragraph 3 of Article 16 of the abovementioned Act shall be repealed.

7. Article 17 of the abovementioned Act shall be repealed.

8. In the elements of the z and the para. 5 of Article 74 of paragraph 63/2005 (A '98), which were added to Article 21 of the abovementioned Act of Legislative Contents, the word' Accepted 'is replaced by the word' Receiving 'and the word' countersigned 'is replaced by' signs'.

Article 3 Selection of heads of organic units OT.A.

For the selection of heads of organic units to the OT.A. a ' degree from official boards


Articles 4 and 5 of the Law Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof, Regulation (EEC) No 3839/2010 (1) on the procedure and selection criteria shall apply mutatis mutandis the transitional provisions of the same law.

Article 4 Basis for a number of years and a project

For the purposes of this Regulation, the following shall be added: Point 14 of Article 12 of n. 4071/2012 common ministerial decision

Contracts governed by private law for a certain period of time and work on the basis of the law of the ODA, for which approval has been given with the Joint Ministerial Decision of the Council. Point 14 of Article 12 of n. EUR 4071/2012 (A-85) until 31.12.2012, may be concluded until 31.12.2013 and subsequently implemented by the new approvals for 2013.

Article 5 Duration of leave without remuneration of employees

In par. Article 58 of the EC Treaty The words'two (5) years' shall be inserted instead of 'two (2) years'.

Article 6 Deputy Head of the Observatory for Economic

UTF Auto.

In par. Article 4 of the Law The final subparagraph shall be added as follows: ' The above shall be added to their alternates. '

Article 7 Housing needs of the Service Offices

Fiscal charges in the European Union

It is permissible to grant the use of privately owned or semi-owned buildings or parts thereof to cover the housing needs of the Tax Office of the Tax Office (GEF). The coverage of other operational expenditure of a -

The following sites are made from the municipalities.

Article 8 SATA Percentage for the 'THESE' programme

The second indent of paragraph (b) is amended. Article 8 of the Law (') 3274/2004 (1 195)' Resources of the Programme ', as follows:

(b) Percentage of five (5) to twenty-five per cent (25 %) of the Central Banks of Article 259 of the n. 3852/2010 (' 87) 1.a, available to cover investment costs of the municipalities (SD-TA). The precise percentage shall be determined by the Staff Regulations provided for in paragraph 1. Article 259 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 3852/2010 (1 87), as amended by Point 12 of Article 9 of the Law NO 4071/2012 (1985). The level of the percentage shall be determined each time on the basis of the 'THISE' programme. '

Article 9 Joint Directorates-General

Ministry of Interior

In the Directorates-General of the Ministry of the Interior, there are employees of all branches of the category of category.

Article 10 Conclusion of par. Article 282 Article 17

Of n. 3852/2010

(Parliament adopted the resolution) Article 282 of the EC Treaty 3852/2010 (1 87) after the word 'regions', the words'and legal persons of public law, including institutions', shall be inserted.

Article 11 Modifications of the migration

Legislation, legislation

1. The par. Point 10 of Article 1 of n. 4018/2011 (Part II 215) is replaced by the following:

' 10. By a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, the Interior and, as the case may be, a public body may also be entrusted to the public body to extend the licences for single-country nationals, in the form of a self-contained document, of par. 1, issued by the competent Directorate of the Ministry of Interior and the Immigration and Migration Services of the Central Bank of Greece. The above Decision sets out the requirements for the security of the above authorisations, pursuant to the provisions of Regulation (EC) No 1030/2002, as amended by Regulation (EC) No 380/2008, as well as issues relating to the pre-accession strategy. Documents and other necessary material, the printing process, transmission from and to the relevant departments, and any other relevant issues. A joint decision by the Ministers for Economic and Internal Affairs shall be determined by an end, which shall be the revenue of the Dome and shall be paid by the third-country national upon receipt of the licence, irrespective of the particular category of such licence, It also costs the cost of pre-mailing, printing, handling and card management, as well as any other relevant expenditure. The end is independent of Article 92 of the EEC Treaty. Regulation (EEC) No 3386/2005 (A ' 212), and the details of its collection and occurrence in the revenue of the State Budget are determined by the same decision. '

2. The par. Article 1 (2) of the Law Council Regulation (EEC) No 4018/2011 (1 215)

3. The first subparagraph of paragraph 3. Article 7 (3) of the Law 4018/2011 (A΄ 215) is replaced by the following:

' The provisions laid down in paragraph 1. Having regard to Article 2 of the Common Ministerial Decisionof which the entry into force of the provisions for the issue or renewal of a licence and the performance of the decisions thereon shall be governed by the provisions of Article 2. Time to Immigration and Immigration Services, issued within two years of its entry into force


This is a law. With the expiry of the aforementioned period, the transfer of powers shall be automatically conferred. '

4. The first paragraph of par. Article 44 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 3386/2005 (1 212), as replaced by the provisions of Article 42 of the Law 3907/2011 (1 7) is replaced by the following:

' 1. By decision of the Minister of the Interior, permission may be granted for reasons of human nature to nationals of third countries who fall into any of the categories listed below, provided that they are not a risk for public order and a - Security: ';

5. The par. Article 23 of the EC Treaty (EEC) No 3386/2005 (A-212) is replaced by the following:

' 1. By decision of the Minister of Interior, a third-country national, a member of a foreign archeological school, whose scientific activity is subject to the supervision of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Religion, is authorised to be granted to a national of a third country. Failure by a Member State to comply with its obligations under Article 3 (1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 10182of the European Parliament and of the Council on the application of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in the territory of another Member State. '

6. Par. Article 89 of the EC Treaty No 3386/2005 (1 212), as replaced by Article 42 (2). 3 of n. Decision No 3907/2011 (1 7) is replaced by the following:

' 1. The Ministry of the Interior recommends five E-migration patterns, which are aware of the link to citizens of third countries of particular links with the social life of the country, in order to obtain a licence, as well as to each other. If a decision is taken in the context of a decision by the Secretary of State, a decision shall be taken in the context of a decision by the Ministry of Interior. By decision of the same committee, the Commission shall be appointed and appointed by the President, the regulators and their deputies and their alternates. Each one consists of: a. Three employees of the Ministry of Interior and

Frying pan. Other: A representative of the Civil Society, which

Proposed by the National Commission for the Rights of the Front. A representative of the Central Union of El -

Oiling. Function of rapporteurs to Migration Committees

The employees of the Department of the Interior Ministry responsible for the relevant dossiers. By decision of the Minister of the Interior, it is necessary to recommend more than those provided for above, for the purposes of the quicker handling of the cases concerned. '

Article 12 Accelerating procedure for issuing licences

1. With a decision the Minister of the Interior may change the right to sign "By order" on the permanent staff and with a working relationship of private limited-time employees, belonging to the IPs or TE, of the competent Directorate of the Ministry of Justice.

Of the internal market for the adoption of decisions granting or renewing licences, and for the adoption of corresponding disapproval or withdrawal decisions in respect of all categories of licences. Licences for the granting of the licences shall be exempted from the adoption of a joint ministerial decision. The acts referred to in the first subparagraph shall include all the preparatory documents for the performance of such decisions, such as the search for supplementary supporting documents and data from the services.

2. The provisions of the preceding paragraph may apply mutatis mutandis to the members of the Immigration and Migration Board of the decentralised Administrations by decision of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat.

Article 13 Deductions for public children


1. The case of ar. Article 9 of the Law 4018/2011 (Α215) is replaced by the following:

' 6a. Until the issuance of the license to set up and operate children's and infants' rooms that act as legal persons of public law of the municipalities or have been transferred to the municipalities, or are constituted by a legal person governed by public law of the entity, or As a service of the entity and, however, not beyond 31 December 2014, the location of the establishment and operation of the entity has its constituent act or the agency's internal organisation, provided that it is a servant. Within the same period, it is possible to continue the operation of a children's or infant formula following the abolition of the relevant NPD. '

2. At the end of paragraph 14 of article 19 of n. New verses are added as follows: 4071/2012 (Part 16)

' By decision of the municipal council, the regulation of the operation of the municipal and infant formulae shall be determined on the basis of a standard operating system adopted by a joint decision of the Ministers of Internal Affairs and Labour, Social A - Security and welfare, following an opinion of the CEE, the WHO and the PDO OTA and published in the Commission's Member State. Until the drafting of new operational programmes, the public and infantile kindergartens continue to operate under the existing regulations. The provisions of paragraph 1. Point 5 of Article 12 of n. 2880

EC 12-1991, point 1.1. Article 41 of the EC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 3801/2009 (1 163), repealed. '

Article 14 Transformation of personal data protection

In a corresponding service

The par. Article 14 of the Law (EC) No 3731/2008 ('26') is hereby amended as follows:

"The staff of the Public Police cannot be transferred to a corresponding service, if not at least five years' service in the service of the Municipal Police."


Article 15 Amendments to n. 4024/2011

1. The 11th paragraph of Article 20 of the Law. 4024/2011 (1 226) is replaced by the following:

' The decision to establish official business shall be adopted by the competent institution in accordance with Articles 48 and 176 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice of the European Communities and of Community Employees. 3584/2007, A (143), for the 2nd grade, the decision is issued by the Regional Director. '

2. Paragraph 2 of Article 20 of the Law. 4024/2011 (1 226), as replaced by Article 45 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 4024/2011. No 1. 4071/2012 (A-85), paragraph b (b) is added:

' b. The decisions to establish overtime working of the grades are published in accordance with Article 79 (3). 4 of the Code of Conduct and of the Communities (n. 3463/2006. '

3. The first subparagraph of paragraph 3. Article 20 of the EC Treaty The second subparagraph shall be repealed and the second subparagraph shall be replaced by the following:

" The provisions of the paragraph still apply. Article 32 of the EC Treaty 3232/2004 (first 48) and par. Article 16 of the EC Treaty (') Regulation (EC) No 3205/2003 (1 297) with the adoption of paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article. '

Article 16 Publication of judgments concerning VAT.

To the extent

1. Paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 10 of the Law. No 4071/2012 (2) repealed.

2. Decisions concerning the setting-up, amendment, merger, winding-up or withdrawal of public undertakings and public legal persons under public law are taken in accordance with Articles 226-270 of the Code of Conduct and the Communities (v. NO 3463/2006 The decisions of the Board of Directors shall be adopted by an act of the General Secretariat of the Central Administration, published in the Official Journal of the Government.

Article 17 Forwarding of responsibilities of the General

Prime Minister's Secretary

The Secretary-General of the Prime Minister with a decision, published in the Government of the Government-as, may change the competences and the right to sign on an administrative and financial nature, in the Head of the Administration Office; and The General Secretariat of the Prime Minister or an official of the General Secretariat.

Article 18 Compensation of members of the Committee referred to in Article 21

Of n. 3023/2002

At the end of par. Article 1 of Article 1 of the Law No 4065/2012 (A ' 77) is added as follows:

' With a decision published in the Court of Appeal-the Government sets out the compensation of the civil servants, the teachers of the Economic and Social

University of Athens and the Department of Law of the University of Athens, as well as the Secretariat of the Commission, which may not exceed the limit provided for in paragraph 1. Article 21 of the EC Treaty 4024/2011 (P. The President of the Parliament may see in this decision a retroactive effect up to and including one before its publication in the Official Journal of the European Parliament. '

Article 19 Secretary-General of the General Secretariat

The par. Article 22 of the EC Treaty 4109/2013 (A16) 'Removal and merger of legal persons of the public sector and the wider public sector-Creation of a General Secretariat for the Coordination of the Government Project and other provisions' shall be replaced by the following:

' The operating expenditure of the General Secretariat of the Council shall be borne by the State Budget. The funds shall be credited each year to a special budget authority of the Ministry of Economy. The Chief Authorizing Officer of the above General Secretariat shall be appointed by the General Secretariat of the Council, which shall take decisions on the relevant obligations. '

Article 20

1. Article 281A of v. 3852/2010 (A΄ 87) is replaced by:

"Article 281A Programme" Self-administration-Social Cohesion -

Balanced Development (AKSIA) '

1. To support the values recommended in the n. Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 3852/2010, strengthening local and regional development and reducing regional and intra-regional disparities, as well as the promotion of the dissemination of cooperation, the programme ' Self-administration-Social Cohesion - Isorro-Development (ACSIA) '.

2. The Program "Self-administration-Social Cohesion-Balanced Development (AKSIA)" aims to improve local conditions for sustainable development, improve the conditions for local economy, employment, economic autonomy, (a) Axis 1: Economic reorganisation of persons: (i) Financing the own contribution for projects carried out in the following areas:

Are part of the NSRF or other cofinanced by the E.E. or international organisations in relation to resource saving and public-legal consolidation,

(ii) financing measures for the financial consolidation of the municipalities, with a specific objective of providing financial facilities which will be associated with cost savings or an increase in revenue. They shall also be financed and related actions to be included in the Resolution plan as provided for in Article 4 (6) of the Resolution. 4111/2013


(b) Axis 2: Funding of the municipalities for the disbursement of local and regional projects through the assessment procedures. (c) Axis 3: Inflation of sound financial resources

Management of the municipalities. By decision of the Minister of the Interior, after

For the purposes of this Regulation, it shall be possible to grant aid to the beneficiary of a good financial management which has been committed during the preceding financial year. By decision of the Minister, issued in the first

For each financial year, the criteria for the assessment of the grants referred to in the preceding subparagraph shall be defined, each time necessary, and the percentage of the resources referred to in paragraph 4, which shall be attributed to the actions under Axis 3. This percentage cannot be less than 10 % of the total of the above resources.

3. The Program "Self-administration-Social Cohesion-Balanced Development (AKSIA)" without prejudice to any more specific arrangements governing its own actions, followed by a Commission, which is set up by a decision of the Minister of the Interior And consists of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of the Interior, as the President, the President of the Observatory for Economic Automobile, the Head of the Directorate-General for Economic Services, and the Head of the Directorate for Economic Affairs. And the Development Policy of Local Government. The Commission also has a representative of the CEECs, but the Commission is to be set up and meet with the participation of the other members. All members shall be appointed by their alternates and shall be equal. The same decision shall specify the specific question:

(i) the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament, the Commission, the Council, the Commission, the Council and the Commission.

4. Resources of the "ACSIA" programme: The amounts deducted from the following sources are deposited in the account of the Programme "Self-government-Common Cohesion-Balanced Development (AKSIA)" held at the Deposits and Loan Fund: Amounts to be allocated to them for the purposes of the

Repayment of liabilities at the expense of-own funds of the State Budget provided for that purpose, shall be withheld at the same time within four (4) years, starting from the year 2013, as provided for in Article 27; Of n. Regulation (EEC) No 3756/2009 (53) With the same procedure, they are also being withheld.

(b) By decision of the Minister of the Interior, issued by a decision of the Minister of the Interior, issued by the Minister for Foreign Affairs.

As a result of a unanimous opinion of the CEECs, a part of the proceeds of the entities deposited at the Office of Deposits and Loans is derived from the imposition of the beer tax (Article 9 of Decree 703/1970 (EEC) No 703/1970) and Article 12 of the Law. 1080/1980 (EEC) No 1080/1980 (Article 9 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 1080/80). 6a of n. Council Regulation (EC) No 2880/2001 (1 9) and 15 % of the Perusian Chamber (Article 24 (2)). 19 of n. (2) (2) (2) (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 2130/1993, (1) ('), shall be attributed to the financing of the' ACSIA ' programme. Such a decision shall determine the amount of the total amount allocated and any other necessary details. '

2. Articles 1 and 2 of 14.6.2012 Act No-positive Contents "Extension of the Programme Assistance to the House" (1 135), as amended by its first article. 4087/2012 (Part II 196), amended as follows:

' Article 11. The duration of "Help in the House"

(a) and the working contracts of a certain time for the provision of the relevant services, as defined in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of Article 2 of the Act of 31 December 2011 of the Act of Legislative Contents (A ' 268); It was ratified by Article 2 of the Law. Regulation (EC) No 4047/2012 (1 31) was extended until 30.9.2012 with the Act of Legislative Contents ratified by the n. Regulation (EEC) No 4087/2012 (1 196) is hereby extended until 30 September 2013. The contracts of employment in the programme on a case-by-case basis are not converted into an invisible period within the meaning of the provision of the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 21 of the EC Treaty 2190/1994.

Article 2 For the smooth running of the implementation

The 'Help in the House' and the employment contracts for a number of years of employment for the period from 1.4.2013 to 30.9.2013, resources are transferred from the account of the Pensioners' Solidarity Fund held in Insurance Capital Solidarity Fund (ACCEE) and if the balance is available from the monthly payoff of the n. 4019/2011, as is the case, in the application of the programme 'Home Office of Pensioners' (v. 4052/2012 as applicable). These resources will be used for the benefit of the pensioners of all the main social security funds of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare and Pensioners of the Dome, which are drawn up in the above programme. On the basis of a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Labour, Social Security and Social Security and the Internal Market, the level of the transferred resources, the procedure for their transfer and any other necessary details are identified. The management of these resources and the procedures for the effective implementation of the Programme are defined in a programme contract signed between the Ministers for Labour, Social Welfare and Welfare, the Interior and the Hellenic Republic. Local Development and Self-Government SA, waiting for the other clauses on the evaluation of the programme. '

3. Article 4 (2) of the Law Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

' b. By decision of the Minister of Finance, a compensation for the President and members of the Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs of the Local Government Organ Agency. '

4. The exclusive time of the sub-paragraph C5 "BUTTERS OF EXTRIBUTION OF EXPENDITURE OF DENMARK AND B'S OF THEIR SUBJECT TO THE MEMBER STATES AND DENS" case 1 (a). Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 4093/2012 (2), in respect of which the submission of a request for an extension of the repayment term of loans granted by the Federal Republic of Germany to IFRSs should have taken place.


A and B ' Vath, the NIFs and their NITs, their links and their financial operations, is extended to 30.6.2013. The amounts withheld from the VAT in 2013 for the servicing of borrowings of the F.T.A. and B ' Vath, the NIFs and the NIS, the Connectors and Directors of these Companies, which have not been identified as of 1.1.2013 The adjustment of the n. 4093/2012 shall be agreed and any additional payments shall be repaid.

Article 21

1. At the end of par. Article 283 of the EC Treaty The following subparagraph is added 3852/2010:

' The population census results, which are published in the Government of the Government, during the public and regional period, have come from the beginning of the new municipal and regional period. For the implementation of the provisions of Part I (Economic), as well as for the calculation of the anti-remuneration of the heretics under Article 92 of this Regulation, the results of the population census shall be returned in the next financial year following publication. Of the The elections to the public and regional authorities shall be carried out on the basis of the results of this inventory. '

2 a. The title and the local competence of the Directorates-General of the cases in the up to and up to and up to the previous year. (2) Article 7A of Chapter VII of Part II of the first paragraph of Article 135/2010 (AB 228) is amended as follows:

(f) the Directorate for Urban Status of Central Region and Western Attica with local competence in the Regional Units of Central Region, excluding the Municipality of Athens, West Bank and Western Attica, (g) the Directorate for Urban Status of Northern Greece

And Eastern Attica with local competence in the regional areas of North-East and Eastern Europe, (h) the South-South Urban Direction Directorate,

Piraeus and Islands with local competence in the Southern Region, Pireos and Islands, the Directorate for Immigration and Migration,

Local and Western Attica with local authorities-the Regional Units of Central Region other than the Municipality of Athens, West Bank and Western Attiki, a) the Directorate for Immigration and Immigration Votes -

The Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.

The Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Other: The cases in and out of par. Article 22 5

Of Chapter IV of Part II of the Special Report No 135/2010.

Other: The body-level organisers, as provided for in points (a) to (d), are in par. 2 of Art. 8I of p. 135/2010 are merged into two and-toned as follows: (a) Judgment of the Court of First

(b) Licences referred to in Section B (b), in particular, under the same provision shall be innumbed as a c. The fourth paragraph of paragraph 1. Having regard to the Treaty on European Union,

Special Report No 135/2010 is amended as follows: ' In the above sections

The Secretariat-General, in particular the receipt of requests, adherence to the file, the movement of the Directorate, validation of copies and photocopies of any documents or documents held in the file, or They are shown by citizens, the provision of information relating to the conditions and the procedure for issuing a licence and the information to be given by the interested parties in the course of their examination of their application.

3 a. In the true meaning of the second subparagraph of Article 89 (7). Regulation (EEC) No 3584/2007 (1), the time limit provided for in this provision is indicative. B. Acts, suggestions and other documents

The Committee of the Committee of the Committee of the Committee of the European People 's Regulation (EC) No 3584/2007 ('143 ') as well as liability paid to them until the entry into force of this law shall be deemed to have been signed and paid.

4. The deadlines for: (a) the adoption of the Digital Financial Times (regular and prepayment) of public investment (Articles 7 (2) and 7 (b)). 6 and 42 of n. 2362/1995) and the corresponding accounting entries for the appearance of the PAR payments made in the financial year 2012 in public auction (Article 14 (2)). No 1. 2362/1995) and (b) return on account of the EWS to be issued (Article 42 of the Law). 2362/1995) extended by one (1) month

Article 22

1. Paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 4 of the Law. 3870/2010 (1 138) is replaced by the following:

' 3. In the case of financing in breach of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this paragraph, the financial contribution shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of 10 times the excess of the limits laid down by those referred to in paragraph 1.

4. Responsible managers of the combinations, as referred to in Article 8 of this law, as well as the heads of the combinations and candidates who, although they knew, did not oppose, in a written declaration. The Committee of the European People 's The order shall enter into force on the date of publication.

Of n. NO 3870/2010. 2. Article 10 of the same law is inserted in Article 10;

(') no. 7. As follows: Inasmuch as the combinations within the law are

In order to ensure that electoral expenditure or revenue, as provided for in the decision of the Minister of the Interior, issued in accordance with paragraph 4 of this paragraph, has entered into the corresponding entries in the Central Base. Other than those, without fault of the operator or other authorised user, no re -


They are not imposed on the head of the combination or the administrator of the economic sanctions referred to in Article 10 (5a) or 5b (b). '

3. The first application of the provisions of the Law. 3870/2010 the level of the administrative penalties referred to in Article 14 of the same law is defined as follows: Incomplete or irregular observance and updating

(i) the book of revenue-expenditure of the combinations on the basis of the maximum permitted electoral expenditure limit of the combination. The combinations that infringe paragraphs 4

On the basis of Article 2 (3) and (5) of Article 2, Article 2 (3) and Article 2 (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) and (5) (5) (5) of the Article 2 (5) (5) (5) (5) (5) (5)) are to be replaced by the following: For each infringement of paragraphs 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6

Article 5 imposes fines on the net from five thousand (5,000) to ten thousand (10,000) euro.

Other: The non-medium-term submission, incomplete or dissociative pension of the revenue and expenditure books and recoveries provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Articles 9 and 11 shall be to the detriment of the combination. (2 000) up to three thousand (EUR 3 000). The non-forward or incomplete or irregular compliance

Of the analytical statements, revenue and expenditure, by the candidates, at their expense of a thousand (1,000) up to three thousand (EUR 3 000).

4. The operational expenditure of the Directorate-General for Coordination shall be borne by the State Budget. The necessary appropriations shall be entered each year to a special budget authority of the Ministry of Economy. The Chief Authorizing Officer of the above General Secretariat shall be appointed by the General Secretariat of the Council, which shall take into account the relevant obligations.



Article 23 Entry into force

The validity of this law shall start from its publication in the Official Journal of the Government, unless otherwise specified in its provisions.

Athens, 2013