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Urgent Measures Of The Ministry Of Environment, Energy And Climate Change And Other

Original Language Title: Urgent measures of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change and other provisions

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Article 6

Article 268 of Law 86/1969 (Forest Code) is replaced by the following:

" Article 268 Parano production and transport of forestry

-Paranoid-Infringement of the laws of the Member States

1. (a) In any case, forest or forest area or consular damage, (b) the harvesting, manufacture or collection of forestry products without authorisation or approval of incomplete logging or establishment by the forest authority, in order to prevent the supply of non-food products. Forest, and without the licence of the owner or the supplier of the forest, where such authorisation is required, (c) the logging, construction or collection of forestry products under licence or approval of incomplete logging of the forest authority or licence and the owner; In the case of non-public forest, in a manner contrary to the method of manufacture, manufacture, or (d) other forestry products prior to the check or after removal from the place of inspection at the place of the first storage or the other without a visa or redemption of the originator; (i) transport of forest products or of the marketing authorisation, in cases where a check-out protocol is not drawn up for the authorised amount, e) of the former forest products, any longer authorised to carry out, in accordance with the above

Transport documents, as well as the holder of the illegal forest products, provided that the provisions of this Code do not specify otherwise, whether or not they are subject to fines or other penalties, if the infringement does not Any loss or damage caused shall not exceed EUR 300.

2. If the damage exceeds EUR 300, the infringer shall comply with the provisions of Articles 381 and 382 of the Penal Code. An aggravating circumstance shall be considered if the forest is public. On those markets-live illegally harvested timber for further trade is imposed by the competent economic authority equivalent to the five-fold value of the loss of the product, which is levied on the collection of public funds. Revenue; In the event of a take-off, the business licence shall be withdrawn for 2 months.

3. The person responsible for the acts referred to in subparagraphs (b) and (e) of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be composed of up to 10 years if the result of such action in the forest is more than EUR 10 000.

4. The offenders of the forest police regulations shall be subject to fines or detention, unless the infringement of the above provisions resulting in a loss is greater than EUR 300, in which case the penalties provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article shall apply.

5. With the penalties referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, the penalties provided for in Article 112 shall also apply. The branches of public or Community forests are regarded as an aggravating factor.

6. Any provision regulating the matters referred to in this Article shall be deleted. ';


First, From the Official Record of Proceedings, 12 March 2013, No Meetings of the Assembly of the House, in which

The following draft law was adopted:

Urgent arrangements of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change and other provisions

Article 2

Article 271 of the Law 86/1969 (Forestry Code) (1 7) is amended as follows: (a) The first subparagraph of paragraph 1. Article 271 of the EC Treaty

86/1969 (Forest Code) (1 7) is replaced by:

' 1. Forestry products are confiscated and processed by forestry products: ' (b) The paragraph f (f). Article 271 of the

V.d. 86/1969 (Forest Code) (1 7) is replaced by the following:

(f) Transferred balandia and castles with no means of payment in accordance with Article 165 (1) (c) (c). Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Code) (1 7) is amended as follows: These confiscated forest products, straight away

After the confiscation, the proceeds from the foreignpost of the forester are available either to goods or utilities or to other public utilities or to public services, or to pay ments equal to five times the value of the horizontal part of the project. In the case of products from non-public forests, in which case it is paid by those authorities designated by the Secretary-General of the Central Administration concerned. In the event that the confiscated forest

The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice In the event of a single or asymmetrical effect following two steps in the case of firewood, these may be made available to meet the individual needs of the inhabitants of Article 168 of the Law 86/1969. The beneficiaries of the individual needs, the amount to be paid, as well as any other necessary details, shall be determined by a decision of the Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change. For other categories of timber, it is proportional

Application of subparagraph (d) of paragraph 1. 1 of Article 138 of Decree 86/1969. The excess or the auctioning-in the case of products of public forests, is attributed to the owner or woodsman of the forest, if it is not involved in the illegal logging of the forest and has not been recovered from any other cause of the forest. Forest of felling. ' (d) par. 3 of Article 271 of the Law 86/1969

Code) (1 7) is replaced by the following: They shall also be confiscated and released by the competent authorities.

By the institutions referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, all kinds of instruments, instruments and utensils, with which the offender carries out the implementation of the individual, transport instruments used in the illicit manufacture and transport, as well as the Registration of the driver and driver's licence. If it is available in the wider area where the

To provide a secure public storage facility, the

In the case of transport, the Commission has decided to initiate proceedings under Article 3 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 519/1999 of the Council of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 December 2003 on the implementation of the provisions of the Treaty on European Union. In a different case, after the pension has been made,

Subsequent attachment shall be deducted from the registration plate of confiscated transfers, which shall then be delivered on evidence to their owners, designated as security agents and liable for their safekeeping, until extradition. The relevant court decision. The driver's driving licence, the licence and the drinking -

Circulation of confiscated shares delivered directly to the relevant police authority together with a copy of the seizure report, a joint report on delivery and delivery. The confiscated media, the license and the license plate;

Is attributed to their owner, if the competent court does not validate the seizure. Otherwise the seized instruments, instruments and utensils, with which the offender has carried out the implementation of the contraa, shall be divulged, carried out in accordance with the provisions on the divestiture or confiscated forest Products. ' (e) par. 4 of Article 271 of the Law 86/1969

Code) (1 7) is replaced by the following: The above what is the divestment, as well as the what -

It should be used as a basis for the application. 2 of these are imported into the Special Forest Body of the Green Fund and are available from it as forest revenue. ' (f) par. 8 of Article 271 of the Law 86/1969

Code) (1 7) is reduced to 9 and a new paragraph 8 is added, as follows:

' 8. In addition, it is necessary to apply an act of imputation to the foreground foreground by a unit of measure of the illegal harvested or transported timber, which is five times the value of the forest product envisaged in the case of the forest product. This is a charge. The procedure for enforcing its administrative sanction

The first paragraph shall begin with the confirmation of the infringement by the institution which establishes it, which shall draw up a report. The report shall be notified, together with a written summons from the teacher to the offender, to submit his views before him for the acceptance of an act within 5 days from the notification of the subpoena. This deadline may be extended, at the request of the person concerned, for 5 days. The provisions of this Regulation shall be notified to the competent authorities of the Member States.

Shall be committed against the collection of public revenue and shall be assigned to the Special Forest of Forestry Forestry. The driving licence is returned to the principal or the law;

(i) the holder of the certificate after the expiry of the period of three months from the payment of the retained interest. According to the decision imposing fines, the

The Court of First Instance held that the Court of First Instance failed to fulfil its obligations under the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice of the European Union.




Article 3

AH, Merger with the formation of a new company 1. The legal person governed by private law with the

A "Development Agency of Eastern Crete" (O.AN.A.K.) with No. MAY: 27120/70/B/92/57, which was agreed in accordance with Article 36 of the Law. Council Regulation (EEC) No 849/1978 (EEC) No 849/1978 (OJ No L 232), p. 125/1991 (1), as amended and in force, under the supervision and control of the State, and the legal person governed by the law under the supervision of a "Western Crete Agency" (O.A.D. K.). No. .. MAE: 11970 /B/ 86/29, set up in accordance with Article 36 of the Law. Regulation (EEC) No 849/1978 (EEC) No 849/1978 (EEC) No 383/1979 (1 118), as amended and applied and which is also under the supervision and control of the Member States, is merged under the provisions of this law to a new company. For the purposes of the new company OASK SA, the aims of the Eastern European Company are also included in the "Infrastructure, Transport and Communication Networks of Crete" (the "Subpart Development of Crete SA"), which was established under the No. D17/02/99/FN 380 joint decision of the Ministers for Economic, Economy, Competitiveness and Maritime Affairs, Transport and Networks (Bl 1454/17.6.2011), which is repealed from the publication of this publication in the Official Journal of the Government. The new company, which is recommended by the merger of the merger, is supervised by the Ministry of Development, Antitrust, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, and in particular the sector of Infrastructure, has the "OPGET REPORT OF CRETE S.A.". ("OASK SA") and headquarters in Chania.

2. From the date of publication in the Official Journal of the Government and without any other formality, the merger procedure referred to in paragraph 1 shall be initiated in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. A measure which is not contrary to the provisions of this Regulation shall apply to the merger of the provisions of Article 68 (1). 3 and 80 of Mr D. 2190/1920 (1 37) "on the Anonymism" in conjunction with the provisions of Articles 1 to 5 of the Law. NO 2166/1993 (1 137) OTHER: Merging procedure 3. To start the merge process

It is sufficient for the publication of this paragraph to be published in the preceding paragraph and no decision is required by any of the corporate bodies of the organisations which are consulted or any other act by any other authority.

4. The merger shall be carried out with the accounting consolidation of assets and liabilities, such as those shown in the balance sheet of the merging companies, which are drawn up under the responsibility of their administrative bodies. Council Regulation (EC) No 3193/ 1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Finland on trade in textile products (presented by the Commission)

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 3 thereof,

5. The Board of Auditors, or the Board of Directors, controls the balance sheet of each of the parties concerned and draws up the Report of the Governing Council. That is not the case, Mr President. NO 2166/1993 (1 137)

6. For the exchange of the shares of the confused organisations with the shares of the new OAU SA, the general provisions of paragraph 2 of the present Regulation shall apply, taking into account the particular circumstances of the case, in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. Recommendations of their Administrative Councils, such as, for example, their regular and exceptional financial contribution from the public, the way in which their composition is formed by their composition and must be carried out. At the time of the merger, the involvement of the shareholders of the merging companies in the company's equity capital of the new OAU company is structured in such a way that they participate in this Symposium by 51 %, or Region of Crete by 22 %, the Regional Association of Municipalities of Crete by 22 % and the Agricultural/Agricultural Cooperatives by 5 %. The shares of the Hellenic Foundation are a change of nature.

7. All operations carried out by the participating undertakings, as well as the financial statements resulting from the date of the publication of their programming and, from the logical point of view, are deemed to be carried out. Of the new company, and these amounts are transferred with a consolidated subscription to its books. "C." Compression-Merger Results 8. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs and

Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks is a Merger Act, which has the content of par. (2) Article 69 of the Law 2190/1920 (1 37) and is registered without delay and without checking in the jurisdiction of the Applicant Companies Registry/Commercial Register for each of the merging organisations and published in a summary in the Court of Appeal. Of the Government. On the occasion of the registration in the Register of Companies/General E-Commercial Registry (GET) of the Joint Ministerial Decision, the merger takes place and the conclusions of Article 75 of the Law 2190/1920 (1 37) are brought into effect.

9. The completion of the merger, in the preceding paragraph, shall be automatically and without any other formality, for the merging organisations and against third parties, of the following:

(i) The merging bodies are considered to be self-critical, missing persons of their legal personality, in particular, without any other act or action required.

(ii) The total assets and liabilities of the participating organisations, including the obligations arising from the tax legislation, shall automatically be transferred without any other formulation and without payment of VAT. Conditions and charges, in accordance with Article 3


Of n. The new company, subject to the rules of European Union law and the provisions of the Value Added Tax Code (VAT), is subject to the new company. In particular, in the new company, all right, intangible assets, claims or other assets, movable and immovable property, even if not specifically mentioned in the joint ministerial decision of the preceding paragraph, are transferred to the new company. In the case of non-member countries, the Court of Auditing of the Court of Human Use referred to the Court for a ruling of the Court of Human Use.

(iii) The servicing of the bank loan contracts concluded by the merged entities by 31 December 2012 will be effected by the new provision of an additional, special grant from the regular grant. Budget, until maturity. This grant is independent of the grant awarded to the new company for the implementation of the production of the project by the IPO. The details of the implementation of this variant shall be determined by a joint decision of the Ministry of Finance and the Minister of Supervisor.

(iv) Court of First Instance of the European Court of First Instance, the Court of First Instance, the Court of First Instance of the European Communities, the Court of First Instance of the European Communities, the Court of First Instance, the Court of First Instance, the Court of First Instance, the Court of First Instance and the Court of First Instance of the European Communities.

(v) The shareholders of the merging institutions are present in the new company, in accordance with paragraph 6 of this paragraph.

10. Without prejudice to the rules of the law of the European Union, the contribution and transfer of the assets of the merging institutions, any relevant act or agreement relating to the contribution or transfer of assets or transfers thereof, The Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Communities. Any other contract, agreement or act, ensign or non-merger, required for the merger, or Codification of the statutes of the new OAU SA SA, their registration in the relevant departments and their publication in Issue SA and H.P.E. of the Government of the Government of the Government, shall be exempt from any tax or fee. Another fee, imposition or right in favour of the supplier or of any of the NIFs and insurance organisations or third parties, with the exception of any other provision to the relevant provisions of the Value Added Tax Code (VAT). D; New company objectives 11 (a) In the objectives and activities of the

New company OASK SA throughout the region of Crete include:

(i) The preparation of all kinds of programmes for the development of the Region of Crete, the study, financing, implementation, operation and use of public utilities and public interest in general interest entrusted to it by decisions of the Ministers Legal, Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure,

Transport and Networks, Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Rural Development and Food-or the competent Minister and General Secretary-General of the Central Administration of Crete, with decisions of the Region of Crete, the Organies Local Government, Legal People's Legal and other legal or natural persons.

(ii) Taking all kinds of business activities that are of benefit to the public.

(iii) The study, supervision and execution of one or more projects and development programmes, as well as the provision of all services of any kind, pursuant to Article 100 of the Treaty. 3852/2010 "New Architecture of the Self-Governance of the decentralised Administration-Kallikrates Program".

(iv) The preparation, conduct of the case-by-case procedure and the management or project management, the definition of the general and technical conditions to be followed by the contract, the conduct of the procedures for the award of a project, study or service, supervision The management or the management of contracts, approval of the studies and the receipt of the subject of the contract, pursuant to Article 3 of the Law. 3316/2005 'Award and execution of public procurement and related services and other provisions', as applicable.

(v) The taking up, maintenance, operation, administration, management and exploitation of land improvement projects and the exploitation and exploitation of water resources, water and waste water.

(vi) The design, study, construction, transformation, administration and supervision of the work of the South-East Crete Region. Maintenance will be in accordance with Articles 7 and 8 of the n. (b) For the purposes of the new company OASK SA, a total of EUR 3481/2006 ('162) and its application.

The aims of the Anhoni Company "Infrastructure, Transport and Networks Development of Crete" (d.t. "Liability Development of Crete SA") are also treated as follows:

(i) The design, study, construction, transformation, administration and supervision of the work of the North-East of Crete and the rest of the trans-European transport network of Crete. Maintenance will be in accordance with Articles 7 and 8 of the n. No 3481 /2006 (162) and of this Decision.

(ii) The total or partial award, within the scope of the provisions or by competition to third parties, of the study and/or of the construction and/or extension and/or organisation and/or equipment and/or of the financing and/or financing and/or financing; Management of the above projects, as well as the supervision and/or monitoring of the implementation of the relevant contracts and control of the relevant studies.

(iii) The design, study, construction, operation, transformation and management of any other project for transport or communications networks, in Crete assigned to it in the relevant provisions either by the Greek public or by the Greek public; or By third parties.

(iv) Design, study, construction, operation, ec


And management of similar areas, which have been derived from the expropriations of the Greek Demosiou.

(v) The provision to third parties in respect of exchange of advisory services designed to design, operate, operate, maintain, transfer and manage infrastructure and transport and communications networks.

(vi) Cooperation with other undertakings of any form or type, with this or similar items of work, in Greece and abroad. (c) The new company shall be transferred to the new company as a whole.

Flight, supervision and direct control of the study and construction, the management and operation of the works of the water supply of Heraklion Crete and Agios Nikolaos a-from the Fraulein Aucele (strawberry shortfall, refineries, pipelines, tunnels, and other parts of the water). (project)

12. The new company OASK SA enters in self-respect and without the adherence to any other provisions in the position of the merging institutions. And .AN.A.K. in respect of all the responsibilities that the latter had on the basis of law; Regulation or other provision on public works, improvement works, water resource management projects, supplies and services of any kind. In particular, the new company takes over all the projects

The work of the North Road Axis (N.O.A.K.), the work of the Municipality of Heraklion, Crete and Agios Nikolaos from Fraga Amorchele, the work of the North-East Crete Region of Crete (B.O.A.K.), the work of the South Road Axis-to Crete (N.O.A.C.), the work of the Municipality of Heraklion Crete and Agios Nikolaos from FraGama Amorchele, May also take over the design, study, manufacture, operation, transfer and management of any other project entrusted to it under the mandate of a Local Government, a 'and b', or the Minister of Supervisor. UH ... Resources-Property of new company 13. The resources of the new company O.A.K.

(a) own funds, (b) loans taken together with domestic and foreign institutions; c) Contracts derived from the issuance of funds; d) the participation of beneficiaries; (e) a grant from the State Budget by the State Programme-public investment to the extent permitted by the financial conditions in question, (f) donations, concessions, inherited liabilities, (g) selling property or property, (h) own resources; Support or any other nature and subject to which they are funded by the The European Union and/or national resources, the funding for the compensation received in the framework of the programmes referred to in Article 100 of the Law. 3852/2010 or the draft contracts referred to in Article 3 of the Law. 3316/2005 'Intent and execution of public contracts for the preparation and provision of related services and other provisions', as in the case of any other legal source. The resources of the new company shall mean, inter alia, all revenue from the operation, for the purposes of the management, management and exploitation of projects of any nature and of the nature and objects entrusted to it, to the extent to which it is entrusted or assumed. Which -

In any way. The new company may also be associated with any third party, natural or legal persons, to set up subsidiaries, or jointly with third parties, to establish offices, branches, etc. anywhere in Greece or abroad.

14. In the property of the new company OASK S.A., the assets of the merging hormones OAID and O.AN.A.K., with the exception of works undertaken by the merging bodies at mandates of Local Government Organ, a ' and b ' Third parties, as well as those which have been identified or prepared as their natural assets, as property of the Court of Justice. F - Functionality of the new company 15. The new company OASK SA operates for the sake of the

It is a general interest business and is governed by the rules of the private economy within the framework of the provisions of this law, its suburban and complementary provisions of the provisions of Law 2190/1920 (1 37) and the United Kingdom. No 3429/2005 1 (N ° 314).

16. The Board of Governors of the OAU is composed of the following members: a. The General Secretariat of the Decentralised Divii -

In Crete, as President. One (1) member designated by the Minister of State;

The Committee of the Environment, Public Transport and Consumer Protection, as well as the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Safety and Consumer Protection. Five (5) members designated by the Minister of State;

(i) the development of a common foreign and security policy in the field of justice and home law; Two (2) representatives of the Region of Crete

Persons from the Region of Crete, members, with their alternates. E. Two (2) representatives of the Regional

Of Crete, as members, with their alternates. 17. In the definition of the members of the Governing Council,

Council of the new company OASK SA from all the fascist institutions, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 16 of the present one, takes account of the need for proportional representation in the possible representation of the four (4) numbers of Crete, in all the members of the Committee. Of the Governing Council.

18. The term of office of the Board of Directors shall be determined by a third party.

19. The Managing Director has at least a Diploma in Engineering or Bachelor's Degree and at least 10 years of professional experience related to the company's activities. Lawyers from the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks have a degree or a Diploma in the Policy Department or a non-member state related to the activities of the new company and at least 5 years of professional experience.

20. A joint decision by the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and the Minister for Economic Affairs is hereby adopted for the establishment of the Board of Directors.

21. By decision of the General Assembly of the new company O.A.K.


Its approval, as defined in the Merger Act of paragraph 8, is hereby approved by a decision of the supervising Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks and shall be located in the Register of Inappropriate Companies.

22. By decision of the first Board of Directors of the new OAU company, approved by the supervising Minister, an Internal Rules of Procedure of the company are drawn up, in particular at the time of the present, which is held in place Organisation of the body defining, in particular, the composition of the technical board, its governing bodies, its structure in service units, the responsibilities of its departments, the organisational positions of the staff, and the institutions Decisions or opinions on the elaboration of the studies and the award and manufacture of (i) projects and ensuring the continued operation of the necessary services of the merged company O.AN.K. A. K. A. C. A. K. A. A. K. A. A. K. A. K. A. K. A. K. A. K. A. K. A. K. A. K. A. M. S. A. S. A. S. A. S. A. S. A. S. A. S. A. S. A. S. A. S. A. S. A. S. A. S. A. S. A. S. A. S. A. S. A. K. S. A. The responsibilities and tasks of the Head of State

In the execution of all the projects and the publication of all the studies by the "OASK SA", the Authority will have to comply with its provisions. 3669/2008 (A-116) and n. The Board of Directors of the new company, the Board of Directors of the new company, will be exercised by the Board of Directors of the new company, which will be defined in the Rules of Procedure of the Management Board. Her accomplishment. In the treatment applications, applied in accordance with

The provisions of n. 3669/2008 (A-116) and n. Having regard to Council Regulation (EC) No 3316/2005 (2), the Minister for the Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks shall decide, following an opinion by the Technical Council of the Central Office of the General Secretariat of the Hellenic Ministry of Development, Competitiveness; The, the Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. F. .. Other sections 23. The Administrative Councils of the merging parties

(5) the parties will have to recover within five (5) days from the date of publication of the Government of the Government in order to take all appropriate measures to ensure that the merger takes place within three (3) months following the publication of this publication in the Court of Appeal; Section of the Government. In the event of the expiry of the previous time limit for the merger of the merger, without the companies having completed the necessary steps to terminate the merger, they shall be deemed to be self-employed. By decision of the supervising Minister, the particular issues relating to the solution and the cleavage of the institutions are laid down. In this case, the decision of the supervising Minister and the competent minister is to be determined by the bodies responsible for carrying out the activities of the merging bodies.

24. The staff with a working relationship with the private court, which serves at the time of the publication of the present in the merged entities, is automatically transferred to the new OAU SA and it is its staff, while maintaining the rights.

And the obligations arising from the relations between the Member States at the time of the merger.

25. The staff of other services and bodies, the-who has been seconded and serving to the merging institutions, continues to serve in the new age and to receive the monthly salary of the degree and salary of the climate from the In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1, the Commission shall act in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 (2) of the Treaty. Point 15 of Article 9 of n. 4057/2012. Special provisions applicable to the new body shall apply to the representatives of the latter. The decision of the Board of Supervisors is determined by each other on the transfer and integration of the staff of paragraphs 24,25 and 31 of this new company.

26. The term of office of technical advice, technical services and other bodies of the merged entities exercising decisive or maxilateral responsibilities within the framework of the law governing the implementation of public works and public works contracts Drawing up studies, is extended until the Ministerial Decision of paragraph 22 of this Act concerning the Internal Rules of Procedure of the new OAU.

27. The term of office of the President and members of the members of the Board of Directors of the merging Agencies, and O.AN.K., shall automatically expire on the basis of which the Board of Governors of the new OAU Executive Board shall be composed of the Board of Governors of the new company. In accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraph 20 of this Regulation.

28. The term of office of the President and members of the Board of Directors of the Executive Board of the Executive Board of the Executive Board of the Executive Board of the Executive Board of the Executive Board of the Executive Board of the Executive Board of the Executive Board of the Executive Board. Transitional provisions 29. The responsibilities of the Special Service Agency

Works (EYDE) "North Road Axis of Crete" set up in Bd. 208/2000 (1 187), as measured and applied by the Special Service of Public Works (EYDE) " Study and Construction of a work of Heraklion Crete and Ag. Nikolaou from Fraga Amteele, set up in paragraph 85/2001 (1 73), as amended and applied, will be transferred to the new company after the adoption of the Ministerial Decree of paragraph 22 of this article on the Internal Rules of Procedure. This is the operation of the new company. The process of transport is regulated by a decision of the supervising Minister to whom detailed and technical issues are defined, including in the smooth running of the labour market, in the existing contractual relations, in the primary sector. (i) receiving and other relevant arrangements.

30. The new company automatically enters into all the obligations and rights deriving from such projects, the construction of which is in progress with the entry into force of the present system, and of the nature of the agreements, including (i) and of the programme contracts between the merging organisations and bodies of Local Government, a second and a third party, or third parties, which are related to the transferred competence. The new company, in the ...


In accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 1, it shall, within a reasonable period of time, be required to deliver, within a reasonable period of time, the delivery to the O.T.A.R., a and a second degree, of any works of ownership, provided that the performance of such works has been carried out. They are fully integrated and their delivery dates from the publication of the present report to the Government of the Government. The new company OASK SA continues its echelons for -

The award or signature of a contract for technical assistance/support to the project and the operation of the EEIG/BOAK and the Herakleion of Heraklion-Agios Nikolaos, by the technical and legal advisers, who will provide their services At the new company O.A.C. A. S. A. ..

31. Employees of the General Secretariat of Public Works of the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks serving in organic units, whose responsibilities are to be transferred to the new company, They are based on the decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, by way of derogation from any general or legal provision, after the completion of the transfer of the responsibilities of the organic units. They shall continue to receive monthly payments from the salaries and salaries of their salaries and salaries, as in the case in question, in accordance with the provisions laid down by the Office from the Office from which they are responsible. Special provisions, which are applied to the new company, have been applied to deodorant workers as well. Workers with contract work for a period of the Services repealed with this law shall be transferred to the new OAU, where they continue to provide their services.

32. Exact trials, which concern both the Special Service of Public Works (EYDE) "North Road Axis of Crete" as well as the Special Service of Public Works (EYDE) " Study and Construction of a water supply project of Heraklion Crete and Ag. Since the General Secretariat of the Directorate-General for Public Works of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, the General Secretariat of the Directorate-General for the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection is continuing its own right from the new company without further formality. Fees for the administrative selection of any disputes arising from acts of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks concerning projects for which it has A final receipt shall be made available to the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat.

33. Resources of the General Secretariat of Public Works of the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Hypo-dos, Transport and Networks, authorised or approved, concerning execution of contracts by the Special Services of Public Works " Northern Road Axis Crete "and" Construction of the water supply of Heraklion Crete and Agios Nikolaos by the Fraga Ameselier " are required to be transferred to the competent bodies in the new company.

34. Special Services of Public Works "North Road Axis of Crete" and " Construction of work of Hydra Heraklion Crete and Ag. The Committee of the Committee of the European People 's

A procedure for transferring their responsibilities to the new company as described in paragraph 29 of this Article under the heading 'Transitional provisions'.

Article 4

(Parliament adopted the resolution) 3 of Subparagraph G. 5. Of the first article of n. Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

' The limitation concerns the set of provisions in the case of 63/2005, vacant or non-specific, and specialises per service by decision of the Prime Minister.



Article 5

1. After the fifth paragraph of paragraph 1. Article 10 of the EC Treaty 1906/1990 (1 157), as replaced by Article 2 of the Law. No 2671/1998 (1 289) and the border with par. Article 185 of the EC Treaty The following subparagraph shall be added: 4070/2012 (' ' 82);

' The provisions of the fourth and fifth subparagraphs of this paragraph shall apply without prejudice to the existence of relevant transnational agreements of the Group of States which are not members of the EU. In the case of the existence of a relevant transnational agreement in force, the precise international scheduled bus lines, and all other details of implementation of the Agreement, are regulated by a decision of the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks."

2. The entry into force of paragraph 1 of this Article shall begin on 28.2.2013.

Article 6

Against the persons referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 1, Article 27 of the EC Treaty Council Regulation (EC) No 3185/2003 (OJ No L 229). Article 49 of the EC Treaty 3693/2008 (1 174), no civil claims shall be exercised and the administrative penalties for the debts of the companies referred to in the above provisions to the Court of Justice, legal persons of public law, law-making bodies and insurance are not exercised. The offices, regardless of the date of birth or certificate of the debt, and any civil or administrative proceedings or proceedings against them for the above debts shall be automatically repealed by the entry into force of this Convention.



Article 7

At the end of par. Article 16 of the EC Treaty 4115/2013 (A-24) shall be added as follows:

" In case the forecast has not been completed,


In accordance with Article 18 (2) of this Law, a procedure for the selection of the Governing Council until the date of the establishment of the Governing Council of the Agency, the Board of Directors shall be established without it. Until his appointment, the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be held by the Governing Council. The term of office of the Governing Council shall expire at the end of the term of office of the other members of the Board of Directors. The provisions of this Regulation shall enter into force on the date of publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. 4115/2013. '



Article 8

Article 19a of n. 4015/2011, as added, in the case of paragraph (b) (b). Article 168 of the EC Treaty (a) The title of Article 19a shall be supplemented and amended as follows:

Is hereby established: " Article 19a Liability of liquidators-Liability of law

(b) At the beginning of the existing paragraph,

Article 19a is entered in paragraph 1 and at the end of this paragraph, paragraph 2 shall be inserted as follows:

' 2. From the decision of the General Assembly of AS, HAS, KAS, CEAS and RU for a merger or conversion and until the completion of this procedure or the submission of the resolution plan of the eu-case in case C (c) of paragraph 3 Article 19, to the creditor bank with the highest level of claims and to the acceptance of the case or the creditors of the above sub-case, as well as to those of the AS and to those EEW, KEEP, CEE, to which have already been placed in liquidation or are involved. To be placed in a winding-up arrangement with any person and until the completion of the liquidations; and Any case not beyond 31 December 2013, the criminal proceedings or the judgment of the criminal cases pending in the first place, all of which-as administrative and civil penalties, as well as the commencement or continuation of enforcement proceedings Against the description of the Presidents and other members of their administration or of their officials, such as the directors of the directors, the Directors-General, the Directors, the Directors, the Secretariat-General, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors, the Directors and Directors Legal persons to the Symposium, the Legal Persons of Law and Insurance Main and auxiliary insurance bodies. For similar debts to be created by the publication of this publication or will result from future audits, it is permissible to take interim measures against such natural persons. In order to safeguard the interests of the public, the Legal People's Law and the insurance bodies of the main and auxiliary

(i) insurance, not as a result of any enforcement actions.

The provision shall include all such natural persons, which serve at the time of the entry into force of this provision and those whose term of office has ended in any way until the beginning of this provision. The above deadline of 31 December 2013

It should be extended for a year by a joint decision of the Ministers for Rural Development and Food and Justice, Transparency and Human Rights. The time of the above suspension did not take into account:

In the year of any kind of civil or criminal production of any offences, infringements and requirements of the Court. Suspension of execution is also valid for seizures.

Acts of the above natural persons, imposed on the hands of third parties. '



Article 9

1. Article 740 of the Code of Civil Procedure is replaced by the following:

' 1. The jurisdiction of the courts shall be subject to the cases referred to in Article 739, with the exception of those relating to adoption, the post of which, in accordance with the provisions of the substantive law, the position of the court or inadvertent hospitalisation, The Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

2. The cases referred to in Article 739 shall not extend the scope of the competence. '

2. The first subparagraph of Article 800 (1) of the Code of Civil Procedure shall be replaced by the following:

"Adoption to the end of the adoption is every subject of the Territory."

3. The first subparagraph of Article 800 (2) of the Code of Civil Procedure shall be replaced by the following:

' Adoption for adoption shall be declared before the Court where the adoption is terminated. '

4. The validity of the provisions of this Article starts from 1.3.2013.



Article 10

1. At the end of the second indent of paragraph 1. Article 1 (2) of the Law 2226/1994 (1 122), as amended in the second indent of (a). Article 14 of the Law The following subparagraph shall be added 3686/2008 (1 158):

" In the event of the admission of private persons to the School of


The number of policemen entering the School is determined by a joint decision by the Minister for Economic Affairs, Public Order and the Protection of Politis and Education and Religion, Culture and Sports, taking into account the gaps in the In the case of the Agency for the protection of the environment, the Commission is responsible for the

2. The par. Article 42 of the EC Treaty 1481/1984 (1 152), as replaced with par. Article 11 of the Law (EC) No 3667/2008 (1 114) is replaced by the following:

' 2. From the number of posts introduced into the School concerned, up to 4 % in total is covered by parents with three live children and their children from legal persons or legally recognised or adopted, including In the case of three unrecognised live children, based on their order of success in the competition. '

3. At the end of case b of par. Article 13 of the Law 4109/2013 'Removal and merger of the public and the wider public-the setting-up of a General Secretariat for the Coordination of the Government Project and other provisions' (1 16), shall be added as follows:

" Also excluded from the above set aside for secondment of employees of such entities to the Asylum Service, the Board of Appeal and the Department of First Admission of the Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection, in the framework of application Of n. NO 3907/2011 (7). The secondment decisions referred to in the preceding subparagraph shall be deemed to be seconded by the host institution. Pending procedures for the secondment or transfer of staff from the excluded or merged entities to the Asylum Service, the Appeal Authority and the First Sub-Service shall be completed without prejudice to The provisions of this Regulation. '

4. The entry into force of paragraph 3 of this Article shall start from 23.1.2013.


Article 11

The par. Article 22 of the EC Treaty The following are substituted for 4109/2013 (A16):

' 1. The operational expenditure of the Directorate-General for Coordination shall be borne by the State Budget. The necessary appropriations shall be entered each year to a special budget authority of the Ministry of Economy. The Chief Authorizing Officer of the above General Secretariat shall be appointed by the General Secretariat of the Council, which shall take decisions on the relevant obligations. '

Article 12

1. After paragraph 3 of Article 6 of the Law Paragraph 4 (4) is added as follows:

' 4. A. .. The Court of Justice for the Privatisation of Private Property (TAIIRE) is entitled to ask for the legal proceedings of the companies of which they are ready or on board.

Of which exercises the right to vote or whose assets have been transferred to the transfer, with a view to their redeemability, all information relating to the legal tender and is, depending on the particular circumstances, Characteristics of a company, necessary, in order to allow the default investors to be able to assess the assets and liabilities, the financial situation, profits, losses and losses. The potential of the company, exclusively for the purpose of performing the legal, economic, (due diligence) in the context of the demilitarisation process. This information shall include information which is classified as confidential on the basis of contracts which are binding on the companies in question, provided that such contracts are governed by Greek law. The administrations of the above companies are required

To provide, either to the TRADE and its promoters, or, on its own advice, to authorised persons, who act as representatives of the default investor candidates, the information of the previous case, That these persons will be bound by a related contract of confidentiality. Notifying companies, the TAPS, as well as the members of those administrations and the TAPS, shall not be responsible for the disclosure of such information, in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. The members of the administration of the OAED, its members

And all those responsible for the knowledge of the information in question are obliged to use them exclusively for the proper information of the suspected investors to be informed. The default candidates and all their representatives and their representatives, who are aware of the information in question, are obliged to use them exclusively for the purpose of complying with their investment decision. Infringement of the obligations of this paragraph

(ii) the penalties provided for in Article 371 of the Penal Code. The application of the provisions of this para -

It is subject to the application of the provisions of the competition law and of the competition law. 3340/2005 Hey, This provision does not contain information

And data relating to or relating to the national security and national defence of the country, or the provision of such information by the EAS, to ELVO, only after approval by the Minister of Defence. '

2. The third paragraph of paragraph 2. Article 7 of the Law 3864/2010 (1 119) restated as follows:

' These increases shall be covered by the EFSF or other financial instruments of the EFSF. '

3. A. (Parliament adopted the resolution) Article 7 of the Law The following subparagraph is added 3864/2010:

' The preceding subparagraph shall apply to each general meeting concerning the application of this law. '


Other: The order of the previous case shall apply from the date of the submission of the present case-tropolaron to the Greek Parliament.

Article 13

1. Article 6 of the Law 3938/2011 (A-226) is replaced by the following:

" Article 6 Disposal of confiscated vehicles

1. Ground, floating and air carriers, which have been seized at any time by police or law enforcement authorities as a means of error, as a means of dealing with drugs, smugglers or immigrants, or as a means of dealing with trafficking On the other hand, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities. Three (3) months from the date of their seizure and in-order not issued or not It has become a post-challenging dive or a decision by the competent court for the removal of the seizure and the performance of those assets to their owners. A decision by the Ministry of Public Health and the Protection of the Citizen or the Secretary of State for the Marine and Aegean Sea, following the progress of the Head of the Staff to which the Minister belongs, shall be prepared for the disposal of such instruments. Seizure. From the above-Formally, some may be made available for the improvement of the needs of detention centres, following a joint decision by the Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights and the Minister of Public Order and Protection of the Civilian or of the Minister of Naigy and Aegean, as appropriate.

2. If after the disposal of the item which has been seized, it is established that this is not appropriate for the Office's assets, it shall be handed over to the Office responsible;

Of the Ministry of Finance. If after the transfer of the property confiscated, a penalty or a court order has been ordered to be delivered to the owner, it shall be paid to him as a full reimbursement equal to the value of the amount, as set out in a Coastal Report, Which are calculated or not, where appropriate, the customs, taxes and other charges paid and drawn up immediately after the adoption of the decision of the parafiscal charge for the disposal of the item seized. If the beneficiary does not accept the amount of the compensation, he may, within a period of thirty (30) days from the performance of the Costology Report, may leave the Administrative Courts for the determination of his/her way of transport. The Report of the Committee shall be drawn up by a committee composed of a senior officer responsible for technical matters and a senior officer responsible for financial matters by the respective departments of each Soma and a mechanical engineer; (i) the mechanism of the relevant A-poised Administration. Decisions concerning the disposal of the instruments shall be notified to the competent authorities of the relevant infringement. '

2. Article 132 of the EC Treaty 2960/2001 (A΄ 265), as amended and applied, paragraph 10 shall be added as follows:

' 10. They shall be exempt from the registration fee and all taxes and charges, other than import duties and VAT, floating instruments and vehicles, and new or processed, which are granted by a donation to the Greek Police, Fire department or the Li-and-Greek Coast-Hellenic Coast Guard to serve their needs, provided that the donation has been granted by the Minister concerned. '

3. Article 17 (3) of the Law The following is added to 3833/2010 (A ' 40):

' d. Automobile vehicles, new or processed vehicles, which are donated by a donation to the Greek Police, the Fire Department or the Li Amenico Soma-the Greek Coast Guard to serve their needs."


Article 14 Entry into force

The provisions of this law shall enter into force on the day of its publication in the Government of the Government of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus and if otherwise specified in the individual provisions.


Athens, 2013