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Article 1 Abolition of the legal person of public law

"Hellenic Marine Union" (E.P.E.)

1. (a) The "Hellenic Marine Union" (E.T.E.), NBC based in Athens, which was established by Article 1 of the Law. (b) The powers of the European Parliament, as provided for in Article 1 (2) of Regulation (EEC) No 5059/1931 (1 176), in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 21 September 1935 (A-428) and supervised by the Minister for Defence, is repealed.

In Article 3 of the Law of 21.9.1935, the Ministry of National Defence, in particular, is exercised by the Directorate for Scientific and Technical Relations of the General Staff of the Navy.

2. (a) Requirements, obligations, including the obligation to pay the Annual Report and the amount of immovable property and all kinds of cases existing at the time of the repeal of the EC Treaty, which are transferred to the Ministry of Defence, (b) Ownership and any other rights of right shall continue to be violently interrupted and without prejudice to any other formality. B) Ownership and any other legal right to

Of the movable and immovable property of the Hellenic Republic, without prejudice to the constitutional provisions relating to donations, heirs and non-remunerations, without the maintenance of any type, act or participation in the Greek public; Traditional. Their exclusive use and management-there in the Ministry of National Defence Staff of the Ministry of Defence.

By decision of the Minister for Defence, it shall be required, within one month of the entry into force of the Act, of a committee of officials of the General Staff of the Secretary-General of the Navy and the European Parliament for the operation of the inventory of movable and immovable property, Which, according to the provisions of this Article, are the property of the Greek Dome. The report shall be adopted by a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Financial Affairs. C) The balances and other bank accounts;

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection, on the proposal from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the (d) With a decision by the Minister for Defence, after a decision by the Ministry of National Defence

A recommendation from the Head of the General Staff of the General Staff Regulations, in particular the issues relating to the abolition of the European Union, in particular those relating to equipment, archives, revenues and any other matters relating to the service of its objectives. E.P.E. from the Directorate of Scientific and Technical Relations of the General Secretariat of the Navy.

Article 2 Abolition of the legal person of private law

"Institute for Building Construction" (I.O.K.)

1. (a) The "Construction of Construction Industry" (I.O.K.), NIS. Based in Athens, which was established under the provisions of Article 6 of the Law. 2576/1998 (2), as amended and valid, and supervised by the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, is repealed.


First, From the Official Journal of the R΄, 9 January 2013, Meetings of the Assembly of the House, in which

The following draft law was adopted:

Abolition and merger of legal persons of the Dome and of the wider public sector-Creation of a General Secretariat for the Coordination of the Government Project and other provisions

(b) The powers of the I.O.K. As provided for in paragraph 1. Article 6 of the Law 2576/1998, they are carried out by the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, and in particular the Section for Standards and Special Costs of the Directorate for Standards and International Relations of the General Secretariat of the Public Works Council.

2. The staff with the private-law working relationship of an indefinite period of the I.O.K. due to its specialization and qualifications are automatically transferred to the Company, with the same employment relationship, to the Company "KTIRAKES ANONYME COMPANY" (INFRASTRUCTURE BUILDING). In this connection, the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, which is published in a summary of the Government's report, is published in this connection.

3. (a) Requirements, obligations, including the obligation to pay the annual income tax and the tax on assets, and all kinds of outstanding mortgages, which exist at the time of the abolition of I.O.C., are transferred to the Ministry of Development; Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, which also includes the issuing of trials, without their violent interruption and without any other formulation being required to continue. Delegated procedures for the award and execution of contracts;

The Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Communities. (b) Ownership and any other rights with respect to the rights of persons residing in a Member State other than nationals of the Member States.

In the case of movable and immovable property of the I.O.K., they shall, without prejudice to constitutional provisions on donations, heirs, and without prejudice to any form, act or participation, without any exchange of any type, act or participation in the Greek public; and Of the legacy. The exclusive use and administration thereof belongs to the General Secretariat of Public Works of the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, as well as the responsibility for maintaining and managing the existing File; By decision of the Minister for Development, Competition -

The Court of Justice of the European Union and the Court of Justice of the European Union, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, To the lady-the Greek Doomsday. The inventory report is judged by a joint decision by the Ministers for Economic and Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Meta-Times and Networks. C) The balance and other banking balances;

After the entry into force of this Regulation, the President of the Court of Justice of the European Communities brought an action for a preliminary ruling under the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice of the European Communities. And are written as equivalent appropriations in the budget of the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks.

Article 3 Abolition of the legal person governed by private law

"Management of Credit for Exections of Archaeological Works" (T.DIFAC)

1. The "Credit Management Fund for the Extinction of Archaeological Works" (T.A.P.P.E.), NIS. Based in Athens, which was established with the n. 2021/1992 (1 36), as is the case, and supervised by the Minister of Education and Religion, Culture and Sports, is repealed.

2. The staff with a private-law working relationship of indefinite duration of the Funding Management Fund for the Execute Archaeological Works which is repealed with the provisions of this Article shall be transferred to the public sector of the public sector and shall provide Its services, with the same working relationship, in the same or in terms of law, depending on the service needs, as they arise from the relevant applications of the sectors. As a public sector, it is understood that Article 1 (1) of the Treaty is defined in Article 1 (2) of the Treaty. 6. No 1256/1982 as before the entry into force of Article 51 of the EEC Treaty. Regulation (EEC) No 1892/1990, including all of the bodies referred to in Article 14 (1), shall apply. No 1. 2190/1994 and the non-exempted cases referred to in paragraph 2 of the same Article, in effect after its replacement with Article 1 of the Law. NO 3812/2009 The legal persons of Chapter V as defined in paragraph 1. Article 1 (5) of the Law They shall not be taken by the provisions of this paragraph. For the purposes of regularisation of the above staff,

Management of public sector bodies, as defined above, which need assistance with staff, shall submit their relevant applications, where appropriate, as to their needs, the level of staff required by sectors. (i) and the reasons why the relevant needs arose in the tripartite council of 5 (b) (5); 3 of n. 4024/2011. The procedure laid down in the provisions of subparagraph Z1 of the first paragraph of Article 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis. 4093/2012, in which reference is made to the territory of origin and to the competent group of staff, the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports and the respective organisation of the unit.

3. (a) After the completion of the transfer operation of the senior staff in accordance with the preceding paragraph, officials who, by their degree and expertise, have a high degree of expertise in restoration projects; and In the case of archaeological works that are under way, they are made available to the Scientific Committees (E.U.) in paragraph 6 of this report, where they also provide their services under their supervision and mandate until the completion of the (b) The secondments of the staff shall automatically cease to be used.

With a contract of private law for an indefinite period of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports, which at the time of the entry into force of this Treaty, serves as a member of the Executive Board. Point 7 of Article 17 of the Law NO 3525/2007 (16),


For the study and the performance of the archaeological sites mentioned in the case (a) of the parafi 6 of the present. The above staff shall return to its organisational positions and shall continue to be employed in the projects until the completion of their funding. To this end, an accreditation act of the Deputy Minister of Education and Threat-Asks, Culture and Sports is issued. C) The staff engaged in contracts

A certain time, as well as that which is employed by a project contract and has been allocated, in accordance with an explicit condition of the respective contracts, to cover, exclusively, the needs of the individual commissioners, it is governed by paragraph 6b of This article.

4. (a) Receivables, obligations, including the obligation to pay the annual and other immovable property, and all kinds of cases which exist at the time of the abolition of the funds transferred to the Ministry of Education and (b) The ownership and any other rights of the right to take part in the proceedings of the Court of Human Rights and the Registrar of the Court of Human Rights and Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

The movable and immovable property of the Fund shall, without prejudice to the constitutional provisions relating to donations, be without prejudice to any form, act or act, without prejudice to any form, act or participation in the Greek public; Inheritance and inheritance and their exclusive use and management of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports-in the General Secretariat. By decision of the Deputy Minister of Education and

Religion, Culture and Sports shall be composed, within one month of the entry into force of the present law, of a tripartite committee for the writing of movable and immovable property, which shall be included in the provisions of this Article. To the lady-the Greek Doomsday. The inventory report is judged by a joint decision by the Ministers for Economic Affairs and Education and Religion, Culture and Sports.

5. Buildings in real estate, which serve the implementation of the projects of the Scientific Committees and meet operational requirements, continue to be covered, provided the respective currencies are to be borne by the co-financed programmes by the Commission. The National Strategic Reference Framework (SEA) or the subject-matter of a policy-based policy contract.

6. (a) The Scientific Committee for the Study and Development of Archaeological works, the management of the credits entrusted to the depopulation and which carry out projects, integrated and funded by the IFRSs, Continue to operate, until the end of their funding, as collective bodies of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Education and Religion, Culture and Sports. The Scientific Committees shall be responsible for or at the Central Service of the Directorate-General for Antiquities and Cultural Heritage or the relevant Directorate-General for General Directorate-General.

(i) the antiquities and cultural heritage of the Secretary-General of the Secretariat-General of the same Ministry, corresponding to the nature of the projects carried out following evaluation. This procedure is completed by a decision of the Deputy Minister of Education and Religion, Culture and Sports, which is issued until 31.3.2013. The above Mr.-drum or regional services act as Head of the Authority. The Management Committee for each individual study or study continues to be the corresponding Scientific Committee. The Deputy Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports approves the programme of the execution of archaeological works that are presented by the Scientific Committees of this document. (b) Contracts for private-law work

In the case of the Commission, the Commission has decided to terminate the proceedings before the end of the financial year of the Staff Committee. In the event of termination of a contract for staff employed in the above-mentioned Commissions before the end of the financing of the corresponding project, it is possible to conclude a new contract for a project until the end of its financing. Articles 24, 26 and 30 of the

1. APPL/GNOS/74900/2002 Decision 'Approval of the Rules of operation of the Acropolis Retention Service (Y.M.A.)' (B 1593) of the Minister for Culture shall apply to the High Commission and without prejudice to compliance with Community provisions in force. Where the following articles refer to the Committee for the Conservation of Acropolis of the Acropolis (SEA) means the respective Central Services of the Directorate-General for the Administration and the Cultural Heritage of the General Directorate of the General Secretariat of the General Directorate of the General Directorate of the General Directorate of the General Directorate of the General Directorate of the General Directorate of the General Directorate of the General Directorate of the General Directorate of the General Directorate of the General Directorate of the General Directorate of the General Directorate of the General Directorate-General The Directorate for the Archaeological and Cultural Heritage of the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports, respectively, in which the Conservation Department of Museums in Acropolis (SRMI) is not mentioned. Refers to the Scientific Committees. Appropriations concerning the financing of studies

(i) and projects carried out by the above-mentioned Committees, provided that they are not absorbed during the financial year in which they have been registered; they shall be transferred to the subsequent financial years.

7. Existing Scientific Committees on the study and execution of archaeological works shall be abolished after the end of the financing and the receipt of the projects assigned to them.

8. (a) Each type of competition opened for all kinds of works, works, studies and is in progress at the time of the entry into force of this Regulation shall be governed by the legal system at the time of issue. (b) The programme for political cooperation between the European Community and the Republic of

In this context, it is important to assess the effectiveness of the project and to ensure that it is compatible with the law. Where the above contracts refer to the repealed Section, hereinafter referred to as the Central Service of the Directorate-General for Antiquities and Culture, or the relevant Regional Services of the Directorate-General for Antiquities, and Cultural Heritage -


(a) The General Secretariat of the Ministry of Education and Religion, Culture and Sports, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5a. By decision of the Deputy Minister of Education and Religion, Culture and Sports shall determine the above-mentioned Services as well as any issue relating to the application of this paragraph. (c) The limit of the amount of the (a) (a). 1

Article 11 (d) 99/1992 (1 46) shall continue to apply subject to compliance with Community provisions. (d) All legal and financial commitments

Provisions resulting from the Technical Bulletins of the projects listed in which the Fund is referred to as the final beneficiary, are transferred and taken from the Central Services of the Directorate-General for Antiquities and Cultural Heritage Inheritance or by the relevant Regional Services of the Directorate of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage of the General Secretariat of the Civil Service in order to ensure the administrative and financial support of projects. By decision of the Deputy Minister of Education and Religion, Culture and Sports, the above Services of the Directorate-General for Antiquities and Cultural Heritage of the General Secretariat of Culture, the terms, conditions, conditions, The procedures and any questions relating to the application of this paragraph.

9. The provisions of this Article shall be valid on 31 March 2013.

Article 4 Abolition of the legal person of public law

"Organism of Tourism Education and Training" (O.T.E.K.) and the merging of teachers

Groups in the Ministry of Tourism

1. (a) The Organiser of Tourist Education and Training (O.T.E.E.C.), NBC based in Athens, the-who was crowned with the n. (b) The responsibilities of the UTI, as provided for in Regulation (EEC) No 3105/2003 (1 29) and supervised by the Minister of Tourism, are repealed.

Article 2 of the Law 3105/2003, to be pursued and pursued by the Ministry of Tourism. By decision of the Minister of Tourism, which has been issued within the period from the date of entry into force of this law, the institutions of the European Union shall be appointed by the competent authorities of the Member States. The Higher Schools of Tourist Professionals

(ASSOC), the Professional Schools (EDP), the Insti-Institutes of Professional Training (I.E.K.) and the School of Guided Departments of OIA are subject to the competence of the Ministry of Tourism and constitute its own regional services. In each of these regional services there is a training officer, in accordance with what is defined in the n. 3105/2003. (c) Where the legislation is referred to in

The Ministry of Tourism, referred to by the Board of Directors or the President of the O.T.E.K., means the Minister of Tourism and where the Director-General of the TEI refers is the Secretary-General of Tourism. For the number of products listed in the Guided Book Schools, its provisions are applicable.

T/7662/2002 (B 1375) Decision of the Ministers of Development and National Education and Religion.

2. (a) The permanent staff of the central office of the Ministry of Justice of the Ministry of the Interior of the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of the Interior and the staff of the Ministry of Tourism, shall be entitled to the permanent staff of the Ministry of Tourism, and shall be automatically transferred to the Office. A relationship relationship. In the case of the above-mentioned staff of the staff, the

(b) Private law and a working relationship with private law, which is published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, published in the Official Journal.

An open-ended educational, administrative and auxiliary staff of the Ministry of Education of the Ministry of Education, each of the following staff of the respective departments of the Ministry of Tourism, to which he/she is, automatically, with the same Work relationship. For the above-mentioned staff of his staff

The Ministry of Tourism adopts a relevant document from the Minister of Tourism, published in a summary at the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice. C) Personnel using a contract of employment

The central office of the Ministry of Education and Training is transferred to the Central Office of the Ministry of Tourism and its regional offices, respectively, with the same working relationship up to the date on which it expires. This is a contract.

3. Where the legislation provides for an opinion or recommendation of the Board of Directors for the adoption of decisions and presidential decrees, the opinion or recommendation is not required.

4. (a) Receivables, obligations, including the obligation to pay the annual and the amount of immovable property, and all kinds of cases which exist at the time of the abolition of the O.T.E.C. transferred to the Ministry of Tourism, the It also continues to carry out trials, without any further violent interruption, and without requiring any other formulation for their continuation. Elected procedures of the PO related to the

The conclusion of contracts for working, salaries, supplies and services are completed by the Ministry of Tourism.

(b) Ownership and any other rights in respect of the movable and immovable property of the O.T.E.C., are automatically included, without the observance of any type, act or agreement, and without trade, at the Greek public, without prejudice to Provisions on donations, heirs and bequests and their exclusive use and management are owned by the Ministry of Tourism, which is responsible for the preservation and management of the existing file. By decision of the Minister for Tourism,

Within one month from the date of entry into force of this law, triples per infirmary and for the Central Office of the OTC Committee for the writing of movable and immovable property, which, in accordance with this Article, Come to the lady-the Greek Doomsou. The inventory report e -


It is judged by a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Tourism.

(c) The financial balance of the year 2012 of the O.T.E.K. and the unallocated percentage of the State grant shall be transferred within one month from the date of entry into force of this Regulation, under the mandate of the Minister of Tourism, on an account of the Court of Justice; (i) revenue from the State Budget and signed as corresponding appropriations in the budget of the Ministry of Tourism. The provisions of Articles 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Article 3 of the Law. 3105/2003 resources are the revenue of the Greek public. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic Affairs and

There are a number of issues relating to the financial management of educational establishments in the tourism sector which have been transferred to the Ministry of Tourism. (d) The percentage of para. 13b of Article 2 of n. 2206 /

1994 (A ' 62) on the revenue of the Casino of Parnitha and Corfu paid to the O.T.E.C. for its operational needs is now an instrument of the State Budget.

5. (a) The students of the High Schools, the students of the EPC, the School of Guided Schools and the ICRC from the entry into force of this law, are students and students, respectively, of the First Schools, of the PAS, of the Guided School; and (b) By joint decision of the Ministers of Education and

Religion, Culture and Sports and Tourism-in the definition of the type of diplomas awarded by the Ministry of Education, qualifications and certificates of study. C) In cases where a title is required

Study or certificate of graduation or certificate of study to students and students who have completed their studies at the O.T.E.C., these will be danced by the Ministry of Tourism on the labelling that they completed their studies or obtained a degree From the O.T.E.C.

6. It is recommended that the Ministry of Tourism be given a two-year term of office, with a two-year term of office responsible for the status and development of the staff of the staff of ASTE, ASAS, IEK, the School of Guided tour of the Ministry of Tourism; (i) a Director-General of the Ministry of Tourism, a Director of Higher School (ASTE), a Director of the Business School (ASUR) and two elected representatives of the teachers who are subject to the competence of the Staff Council; They are based on their alternates with a decision of the Ministry of Tourism. The same decision shall be laid down by the Secretariat of the Council and the rapporteur of the Council. The Staff Council Rapporteur was the Head of the Directorate-General or Head of the Management Board of the Ministry of Tourism. The first term of the Staff Council shall be at 31 December 2014. The competence of the Council of this paragraph shall be excluded from the matters relating to the responsibilities of the Special Election Committee referred to in Article 11 of the Law. 3105/2003.

7. Responsible for his disciplinary affairs

For the first time in the previous paragraph, the staff of the Ministry of Tourism and the original Council shall be present. For the purposes of the Staff Regulations and developments

(i) the administrative, technical and auxiliary staff of the regional departments of the Ministry of Tourism and in the case of disciplinary matters of that staff, the existing staff member and the Board of Directors, respectively, of the Staff of the Department of Tourism.

8. It is recommended to the Ministry of Tourism of the Scientific Committee for Quality Assurance of Tourist Education under the Ministry of Education. The term of office of the members of the Council shall be three years. Members of the Council are appointed by a decision of the Ministry of Tourism, one of the Directors of the Higher Education Schools, an on-the-spot owner of at least a postgraduate degree, a secondary school teacher; At the same time, there is a need for a higher education institution to be able to take part in a higher education institution, a teacher of at least one academic year. The decision of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors is determined by the same decision. The Council shall be responsible for: (a) on the design and implementation of the training;

(b) the systematic evaluation of the structures, procedures; and

The Committee of the Environment, Public and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Affairs and Consumer Affairs The President of the Scientific Committee for Quality Assurance of Tourist Education is appointed by the same decision. Especially for the first term of office of the Board of Directors the position of the President may be understood by the Director-General of the O.T.E.K.

Article 5 Abolition of the legal person governed by private law

The European Centre for Information and Culture-National Centre for Charts and

Portfolio-National Portfolio-National Portfolio " (E.K.E.R.A.K.K.A.K.)

1. (a) The European Centre for Communication Information and Culture-National Centre for Charts and Papers, Heritage-National Gallery (E.K.E.R.A.K.K.K.K.A.K.), NIS. Based in Thessaloniki, which is based in Thessaloniki. Is co-administered with n. 2466/1997 (1 30) and supervised by the Minister of Macedonia and Thrace, is repealed. (b) The competences of the European Parliament. Internal market and social policy

These are provided for in Article 2 (a) to (g) of the Treaty. 2466/1997, as it stood before it was amended by the par. Article 15 of the EC Treaty In the case of the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors, the Court of Auditors and the Court of Auditors.


With the present law and belongs to the Historical Archive of Macedonia as this is specifically called "The Historical Archive of Macedonia". By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion -

The Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.

2. The staff with a working relationship with private-law, indefinite duration of the SNC. -E.K.A.K.K. Comfortable-allegedly, with the same work relationship at the company "Kettamenology S.A.", Regional Center of Thessaloniki. This involves the adoption of a binding act of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and the Climate Change. By decision of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, which is issued within the meaning of the entry into force of the event, following an opinion of the Merit of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Hellenic Republic, it is available at the "G.A.-Historical Archive of Macedonia" Because of its expertise and qualifications to serve the purposes referred to in this Article.

3. (a) Receivables, obligations, including the obligation to pay the annual and other immovable property, and all kinds of cases in which cases exist at the time of the abolition of the SNC. (b) The ownership and any other aspects of the proceedings are transferred to the institution concerned, which continues to be violent, and without any other formality. B) The ownership and any other aspects of the proceedings The right to

Of the mobile and immovable property of the SNC. -E.K.K.K.A.K.A.K.K., automatically, without the use of any type, act or participation, in the Greek public, with the epiphyses of the constitutional provisions on donations, clergy and bequests and the Their exclusive use and management is owned by the host organisation, hereinafter referred to as the responsibility for the preservation and management of the existing file. The services of the " Hartographic Heritage Archive -

" Continue to be housed in the building which has been donated by the Greek public to the SNAP. -the Commission of the European Communities, C. 1509/ 18.2.1999 by-decision of the Ministers for the Environment, Town and Country Planning, Culture and Macedonia Thrace (B' 133). By decision of the Minister of Education and Religion -

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 113 of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 113 thereof, Greek-Greek Doomsday. The inventory report is adopted by a joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Education and Religion, Culture and Sports. C) The balances and balances of bank accounts;

The Committee of the European People's Party -SNIFF is transferred within one month from the date of entry into force, under the mandate of the Minister of Education and Religion, Culture and Sports, on behalf of the Public Budget, are revenue from the State Budget and entered in the accounts. Corresponding appropriations in the budget;

The Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Po-Liability and Sports.

Article 6 Setting up a legal person governed by private law

"National System of Quality Assurance-USSR."

1. A legal person governed by private law with the "National System of Quality Assets" and the distinctive title E.S.Y.P.S., based in Athens, which belongs to the wider public sector, has two-and-a-half economic autonomy, It operates in the interests of the public interest and is supervised by the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. In the case of a legal person, they form part of the following:

"Hellenic Institute of Metrology", the "National System of Accreditation SA", fully functional units with administrative, financial and accounting autonomy. And the "Hellenic Organization for Standardization S.A.".

2. From the entry into force of this law: a) The "Hellenic Institute of Metrology" (E.I.M.),

(i) a private-law person, based in Thessaloniki, established in accordance with Article 1 of the Law; NO 2231/1994 (139) And is supervised by the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, which is structured and integrated as a decentralised functional unit with managerial, economic and accounting autonomy, located in Thessaloniki. The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Union The objectives and responsibilities of the E.I.M. are pursued and pursued in the same way by the above unit in the operation of the "National Liaison of Quality Assurance". (b) The Competition "National System of Accreditation".

Adopted by the -E. SY.D. SA ", which was established by Article 11 of the Law. 3066/2002 (EU-252) and is supervised by the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, and is incorporated as an independent functional unit with a resident, economic and logistical unit in the institution. With this legal person. The objectives and responsibilities of the European Union, as defined in Article 12 of the Law. 3066/2002, hereinafter referred to as 'the National Advisory Committee for Quality Assurance', shall be pursued and pursued by the above unit in the context of the operation of the "National Committee for Quality Assurance".

Incorporated. -EL.O.T. SA, which was established by Article 1 of the Law. 372/1976 (A166) as a legal person governed by law, was converted into SA in the same way as (on 155/1997) and supervised by the Minister for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, and is incorporated as self-employed. Functional unit with managerial, economic and monetary autonomy in the present legal person. The objectives and responsibilities of the EL.O.T., as defined in Article 3 of the Law. The provisions of Article 19 of Law No 372/1976 shall be pursued and carried out in the context of the operation of the "National Liaison Committee". 4038/2012 (1)

Assignment of the certification industry and laboratories of EL.O.T. SA and its contribution to EBETAM SA "


To be valid. The right of EL.O.T. S.A. on the Issue of Issuers, due to the secession and contribution of the above branch of the industry, was granted free of charge and without further formality in the Greek Law, represented by the Minister for Economic Affairs, with simultaneous The amount of the book value of the shareholders-amortisation of the debts of EL.O.T. SA to the Greek public.

3. The 'National System of Quality Assets' is a universal successor to all assets and liabilities and liabilities, including the obligation to pay the Annual and Real estate tax, including In this context, the institutions of the European Union and the Member States of the European Union, the European Parliament, the Council, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament The Committee of the Committee of the European Parliament and the Committee of the Committee on the Committee of the European

4. The staff with a private-law working relationship with an indefinite period serving in the form of legal persons shall become self-righteous personnel of the "National Quality Assurance infrastructure" in which it is transferred and provides its services, with the Same employment relationship. The positions of the above mentioned sections are as follows:

The Rules of Procedure of the legal person established, drawn up in accordance with the reporting requirements. In these positions, the above staff shall be classified by means of an accredited act of administration, taking into account the individual functional character of each unit. Lawyers in relation to a remunerated mandate may

Provide services to all three autonomous grassland units.

5. The governing bodies of the "Quality of Quality Assurance" are: (a) the Board of Governors, (b) the Chief Executive and (c) the Heads of the Autonomous Operational Programme;

Unit dose 6. The Board of Directors of the Board of Directors,

(a) The President, who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a person who is a three-year period for a period of three years and for an equivalent period of time, shall consist of:

(b) The Managing Director, who is a member of the Directorate-General for the Development of Vocational Training and the Directorate-General for the Development of Vocational Training.

In the case of the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Court of Justice of the European Union. The position of the Governing Council is full and exclusive. (c) A representative of the Court of Industry of the Y.

Department of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. (d) A representative of the Business Association; and

(e) A representative of the Hellenic Association of Greece (e) A representative of the Hellenic Association of Greece (SEV), a representative of the Hellenic Association of the Hellenic Association of Cyprus (SEVS).

Individual certification and control bodies (Hellas Cert) or

Of the Hellenic Association of Laboratories (Hellas Lab), which is indicated on a proposal from the institutions.

7. The number of members of the Board of Directors shall be made by decision of the Minister for Development, Antitrust, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. If the bodies represented on the Management Board do not propose their representative within fifteen (15) days from the relevant invitation, the Board of Directors shall be supplemented by persons selected by the Minister. The members of the members of the Board of Directors are determined by a decision of the Minister of Finance and of the Minister for Development, A-competition, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks.

8. Within fifteen (15) days from the beginning of the present law, the Minister for Development, A-competition, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks has decided by a decision, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, a provisional Board of Directors. Council, whose term of office ends itself in accordance with the provisions of this Article. Until the establishment of this Board of Directors, the objectives and responsibilities of the acceding legal persons shall be respected by the existing Administrative Councils, whose term of office ends with the establishment of the Governing Board. Council of Ministers.

9. By a joint decision of the Ministers of Management with-Restoration and e-Governance and Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, which is issued, following a recommendation by the Board of the Board of Directors, (a) the rules of operation of the Board of Directors, (b) the organisation and administrative structure of the Governing Council, two months from the date of publication of the term of office; Slowly,

(c) the allocation of responsibilities to its departments, (c) the allocation of responsibilities to its departments, (d) its specific procedures, in accordance with its needs and responsibilities; Mode of operation

(e) the number of staff posts and the allocation

(f) qualifications and conditions of employment, employment and conditions of employment;

(g) disciplinary law of the staff, in accordance with the provisions laid down in the Staff Regulations. With the operational arrangements of the European Monetary System, the Commission will be able to

The issues mentioned in the transfer and integration of the staff of the acceding legal persons to the new Agency are also included.

10. By joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, and Networks, which is issued after the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors, within a period of two months from The publication of this law is published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, which regulates in particular the issues relating to management, training and public expenditure in the budget, balance sheet and balance sheet. The European Union and the European Union


These are the cases and the procedure for the payment of expenditure, revenue and expenditure on expenditure, as well as the issues relating to the activities of the ESF.

11. Projects, actions and programmes co-financed by or financed by the European Union or other international institutions or national resources undertaken and implemented by the individual legal persons shall be implemented by the The entry into force of this Act by the respective functional unit of the legal tender, which is a universal successor to the rights and obligations arising from the above, acts, actions, and Programmes, and the beneficiary of the bank accounts for their financing. Obligations and rights-these include those resulting from project contracts until their end.

12. All Certificates, which have been issued and the exercise of the powers of the acceding legal persons, continue to apply until their expiry. The conditions for their compliance shall be fulfilled by the SNP. The logos and the points that are currently being used or have been used by the designated legal persons are used by the respective independent functional units of the institution concerned.

13. Resources of the functional units of the legal person established are as follows:

(a) The proceeds from the property of the Hellenic Republic; (b) All forms of service from the service;

(c) The proceeds from the rights of grant and order;

(d) Regular or exceptional contributions of legal or physical nature

(e) The subsidy from the Ministry of Development, Ada -

The Committee of the Rules of the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the European Communities.

Other: Exceptional resources: (a) Financing provided by the R & D programme;

(b) Specific funding from the programmes of the European Investment Bank and the European Investment Bank (EIB).

(c) Additional funds, paid by the European Union and other international organisations.

(d) Grants, donations, heirs and bequests for the performance of obligations entrusted by the Greek public with special operations in the Hellenic Republic.

(e) Any other legal resource (s) of legal or natural persons, members or other persons. 14. By decisions of the Minister of Development, I Antigo -

The Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.

Article 7 Integration of Research, Technology and Technology

Development of Thessaly "in the legal person governed by private law" National Center for Research and Technology

Development " (EBRD)

1. The "Research, Technology and Development Center of Thessaly", which consists of the "Institute of Research and Technology of Thessaly" (I.E.T.A.), which came from the merger of the NIS Institute. "Centre for Research, Technology and Development of Thessaly" (NTUA) (Article 5 (2)) 10 cases v. 4051/2012, A ' 40) based in Volos, belongs to the NIS. "National Centre for Research and Technological Development" (E.K.E.T.A.), established in the first paragraph of the 77/2000 (A΄ 65), and is now the Institute of this.

2. The Central Directorate of the C.E.T.U. Is merged into the Central Directorate of the Hellenic Republic.

3. In Article 4 of paragraph D. 77/2000, as applicable, the following indent (g) shall be inserted after the indent (g), as follows:

(g) The Research and Technology Institute, which is responsible for the support and promotion of research, development and production of products for the industrial, economic and social development of research results, And the provision of specialised services for research and technological support for production processes and economic and social development and supports the following: (i) Engineering; (ii) Biotechnology; iii) Agri-technology; and Agri-materials and (iv) Kinology. These activities continue to be divided and implemented at the premises of the I.E.T.A. in Thessaly."

4. With the entry into force of this Directive: (a) The employment relationship of private-law

Research, technical and administrative staff of the C.E.T.U. Is being transferred, automatically, with the same work relationship, to the SNIFF and is taking place in place of category or educational grade, industry, grade and specialty vacant posts, Which holds the standard qualities. This staff continues to staff the I.E.T.A. .. If there are no vacancies, the transfer is done, with

The same work relationship and with the simultaneous transfer of the positions they held in the C.E.T.A. For the purpose of the transfer of staff, it shall be issued;

(b) Ownership and any other rights with a view to the functioning of the functioning of the internal market

The movable and immovable property of the C.E.T.A. shall, without prejudice to any constitutional provisions relating to donations, heirs, be without prejudice to any type, act or agreement, without any exchange of any kind, of any type, act or tenderer; And inheritance, which is now the exclusive use and management of the assets of the designated C.E.T.A., but also the responsibility for the transparency and management of the assets. Within one month of the entry into force of the

Of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors,


By a decision of the tripartite committee, on the subject of an inventory of all movable and immovable property, which, under the provisions of this Article, shall be limited to the ownership and use and management thereof. The inventory report is adopted on the basis of the decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, Culture and Sport. (c) The SNC becomes a universal successor to the

The Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and the Court of Justice of the European Communities, (d) Provisional Director of the Research Institute, without having to be violently interrupted and without requiring any other formulation.

The Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Research and Development of Thessaly, who performs his duties until the appointment of the new Director is appointed. In the event of his dismissal, he is appointed interim Director, with the decision of the Minister of Education and Religion, Culture and Sports, the oldest researcher in the United Kingdom. For cases and matters relating to the private sector, the Director shall represent the SNC to third parties and to the courts and the competent authorities, by signing the necessary agreements. E) By decision of the Minister of Supervisor Breathing;

The Board of Directors of the Board of Directors shall be appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors, and the interim Director of the Research and Development Institute. (f) Submitted contracts, extended programme;

The budget of the European Central Bank, including the annual budget of the European Union, continues to be carried out in accordance with the contracts approved by the Board of Governors on behalf of the European Central Bank. Institutes of the I.E.T.A. The annual grant of the ESF will cover the salaries of the paid staff, the existing contractual and other liabilities and all the operational expenses of the Institute.

5. As to the other issues, the Institute of I.E.T.A., as the Institute of the European Central Bank, is governed by the provisions of paragraph 77/2000, as is the case.

Article 8 Merge and Remove Management Entities

Protected areas of protected areas

1. (a) NIFRS with the "Management Entity Delta" and the NIS. With the "Forest Management Plan", established by the par. Article 15 of the EC Treaty 2742/1999 (1 207), added by article 13 of n. Regulation (EC) No 3044/2002 (1 197) is merged and is a new NIFRS with the trade with the "Delta Evros Management and Dadia Forest". The new body contains all the responsibilities, assets (assets-liabilities), the positions and staff of the bodies merging with that paragraph, and the rights and obligations of the institutions.

Their obligations, including the obligation to pay the annual and immovable property tax, to which the institution it is recommended to enter as a universal successor. The recommended operator has administrative and financial autonomy and is supervised by the Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change and operates in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 2742/1999 and of n. 1650/1986. The headquarters of the management organisation is Traianoupoli Evros. (b) NIFRS with the Prefecture " Management Body

Delta Nestos-Vistonida-Ishemarias "and NIFRS with the status of" Rodos Rodos Management Agency ", established with par. Article 15 of the EC Treaty 2742/1999 (1 207) added by article 13 of n. Regulation (EEC) No 3044/2002 (1 197) is merged and new NPIM is merged with the province of Rodopi-Nestos-Vistonida-I-on-board. The new body shall include all the assets of the property (assets) of the positions and personnel of the bodies concerned with this paragraph, and their rights and obligations, including the sub-fee. (v) the payment of the annual tax and the amount of acne tax, to which the body recommended by the entity is satisfied as their universal successor. The body recommended has administrative and financial autonomy and is supervised by the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change and operates in accordance with the provisions of the Law. No 2742/1999 as applicable. 1650/1986. The headquarters of the management organisation is the Dra. C) NIFRS with the oncology "Management Agency"

Lamp Kerkini, NIS. With the "Delta Value Management Agency-Loudia-Aliak Management Agency" and the NIS. With the "Column Management Agency", set up under Article 15 (10) of the Law. 2742/1999 (1 207), added by article 13 of n. Regulation (EEC) No 3044/2002 (1 197) is merged and constitutes a new NPISH with the 'Management Agency for the Management of Central MacCondists'. The new body shall include all the powers, assets (assets), positions and personnel of the bodies merging with that paragraph, and their rights and obligations, including the The obligation to pay the annual and immovable property tax, to which the body consists of entering as a universal successor. The recommended operator has administrative and financial autonomy and is supervised by the Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change and operates in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 2742/1999, as applicable, and of n. 1650/1986. The headquarters of the management organisation is Laagadas Thessalo-victory. D) The NIS. With the oncology " Management Body

National Road and Pindos, set up under Article 15 (10) of the Law. 2742/1999 (207) added by Article 13 of the Law 3044/2002 (1 197) and NIFRS with the status of "Management Agency for the Management of Joemes, Peristeri and Han-rathera", established by presidential decree (Dl 49), merged and constituted new NIFRS with the "Pindos Management Body". The new body contains all its responsibilities, its


The assets (assets), the positions and personnel of the bodies merging with that document, and their rights and obligations, including the obligation to pay the annual and the real estate tax, The body which is recommended to be entered as a universal successor. The body consists of two-tier and financial autonomy and is supervised by the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change and operates in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 2742/1999 as applicable and n. 1650/1986. The headquarters of the managing body are the Agencies of Ioannina. E) NIFRS with the oncology " Management Body

"Limits", NIFRS, with the "Management Board of the Sea of Mesologgiou", and the NIFRS with the "Close and Excavation Management Agency", which was established with par. Article 15 of the EC Treaty 2742/1999 (1 207) added by article 13 of n. Regulation (EEC) No 3044/2012 ('197 ') is merged and is a new NIFRS, with the status of "Wet Management Board of Western Epirus and Mesologia". The new body shall include all the responsibilities of the assets (liabilities), the positions and staff of the bodies merging with this paragraph, and their rights and obligations, including An obligation to pay the annual and the real estate tax, to which the institution it is recommended to enter as a universal successor. The recommended operator has administrative and family autonomy and is supervised by the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change and operates in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 2742/1999, as applicable, and of n. 1650/1986. The seat of the management organisation is Arta. (f) NIS. With the right to a Management Entity.

National Road Administration ", and the NIFRS with the" National Road Management Agency ", set up under Article 15 (10) of the Law. 2742/1999 (1 207) added by article 13 of n. 3044/2002 (1 197) is merged and new NPAS is merged with the "Company of National Drys and Habitats Management Company". The new body shall include all the responsibilities, property (active-passive) of the positions and personnel of the bodies merging with that paragraph, and their rights and obligations, including the obligation to (i) the payment of the annual income tax and the property tax, in which the institution of the place of business is to be their universal successor. The recommended operator has administrative and financial autonomy and is supervised by the Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change and operates in accordance with the provisions of the Law. No 2742/1999 as applicable. 1650/1986. The headquarters of the managing body shall be the Office of the Management Board. (g) The Office for Management of Management

'National Park', set up under Article 15 (10) of the Law. No 2742/1999 (1 207) was added to Article 13 of the Law. 3044/2002 (1 197), and the NIS, with the onslaught of the "Organisation of the National Park of Schinie Marathon", established by a presidential decree (DR 395), merged and entered into a new NIFRS with the institution " Forge Administration;

The Committee of the Regions, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee. The new body shall include all the tasks, assets (assets), positions and personnel of the bodies merging with that paragraph and their rights and their obligations, including The obligation to pay the annual and immovable property tax, in which the institution it is recommended to enter as a universal successor. The recommended operator has administrative and financial autonomy and is supervised by the Minister of Environment, Energy and Climate Change and operates in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 2742/1999, as applicable, and of n. 1650/1986. The headquarters of the managing body are the Acharnes Attiki. (h) NIS. With the oncology " Management Body

Coastal-Smurf Wetlands ", NIFRS with the status of" National Air Force Management Agency "and the NIFRS with the" Hel Management Agency-Vourikos Management Agency ", established with the par. Article 15 of the EC Treaty 2742/1999 (1 207), added to Article 13 of the Law. 3044/2002 (1 197), merged and constituted a new NIFRS with the status of "West Peloponnese and Kefalonia Families Management". The new body shall include all the responsibilities, assets (liabilities), positions and staff of the bodies merging with that paragraph, and their rights and obligations, including the obligation to do so. The payment of the annual income tax and the tax on real estate, in which the institution which is represented shall be admitted as a universal successor. The body recommended has an administrative and financial autonomy and is supervised by the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change and operates in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 2742/1999, as applicable, and of n. 1650/1986. The headquarters of the managing body are Patras. (i) NIFRS with the supervisor " Management Entity

"National Action Sa" and "NIFRS" with the "Carpathian-Sharia Management Agency", set up with par. Article 15 of the EC Treaty 2742/1999 (1 207), added by article 13 of n. 3044/2002 (1 197), merged and constituted a new NIFRS, with the status of "Management Agency for the Regions of South Aegean and Crete". The new body shall include all the responsibilities, including the assets (liabilities), the positions and the personal nature of the bodies merging with that letter, and their rights and obligations, including An obligation to pay the annual and the real estate tax, to which the institution it is recommended to enter as a universal successor. The body recommended has administrative and financial autonomy and is supervised by the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change and operates in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 2742/1999, as applicable, and n. 1650/1986. The headquarters of the management organisation is Chania.

(2) The staff of private-law working in a certain number of years of the merging parties, and the persons employed in the project contract, shall be entitled to a fair share of their obligations, for the duration of the contract. The duration of their contract and programme, the


Of which they are participating. Staff working for an indefinite period of indefinite duration which serves to the management bodies merging with the provisions of the preceding paragraphs shall be hereinafter referred to as the corresponding bodies set up and to be taken into account. The same work relationship. The above shall be classified in respective positions, the

To be set up with the Issuance of Services and Personnel Regulation. To this end, the administrative act of the administrative board, which is published in the Official Journal of the European Union, is published.

3. Decision of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change is determined for each new management body, the Internal Audit Regulation, the Staff Regulations and Staff Regulations, the Board of Internal Audit Council, the Organisation for Economic Management, as well as the Implementation of Project, Assignment, Follow-Up and Receipt of scientific or research programmes, technical assistance services and general works and services, pre-rendered Materials, products and products, as well as the conclusion of any of the foregoing A contract.

4. The proceedings of the bodies merging with paragraph 1 shall be continued by the appropriate bodies set up without any other formality and without their violent interruption. Where relevant legislation or contracts are referred to by the merging institutions, the respective nominees are hereinafter referred to as those recommended.

5. Ownership and any other means of law relating to the movable and immovable property of entities which are dissolved and merged, in accordance with the provisions of this Article, shall be automatically and without prejudice to any type of act or act; or In the event of a merger between the parties to the merger. The contractual obligations and the authorised financing of the merging institutions are carried out in the respective bodies, which serve as quasi-Catholic successors. These bodies shall be the beneficiaries of the programmes and the actions drawn up by the merging institutions, as well as the resources and obligations arising therefrom.

6. The Administrative Councils of the bodies I recommend are set up by their decision, within two months of taking up their duties, on the basis of an inventory of all movable and immovable property contained in the principal; Their own and exclusive use and management. The inventory was adopted by a decision of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change.

7. The establishment of the Administrative Councils of the bodies set up under paragraph 1, as well as all relevant issues with their function, is regulated by a decision of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, which is issued within one From the date of entry into force of this law, exclusively for reasons of collateralisation of the funds authorised by the NSRF of the current programming period and the implementation of the actions of the current Technical Bulletins.

8. By joint decision of the Environment Minister,

Energy and Climate Change and the case of the relevant minister may be regulated by the merger, the inventory procedure and all relevant issues for the implementation of this article.

9. The following legal persons shall be defined as a transitional period in accordance with paragraph 20 of the present day, after which they are entitled, and their powers shall be transferred and operated by the following bodies; and Services as follows: (a) NIFRS with the supervisor " Management Entity

Protection of the Nature Conservation Plant Protection Area " established in the year 14/2012 (226 APR) and its responsibilities include the Directorate for the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Directorate-General for Development Programming, Environment and Infrastructure, of the Region of Western Macedonia. (b) NIFRS with the oncology " Management Body

In the case of the United States, the United States of America and the United States of America. Article 15 of the EC Treaty 2742/1999 as amended by Article 13 of the Law. Council Regulation (EC) No 3044/2002 is hereby repealed and its responsibilities shall be included in the decentralised Epirus-D administration. Macedonia. (c) NIFRS with the oncology " Management Entity

Carly-Montenegro-Kefalonia " established-in accordance with Article 15 (10) of the Law 2742/1999 as added to Article 13 of n. 3044/2002 is repealed and its responsibilities are addressed to the Environment Directorate and Spatial Planning Directorate of the Directorate-General for Development, Environment and Infrastructure of the Region of Thessaly.

10. The Directorate for Technical Projects of the Development Programming, Surface and Infrastructure of the Region of Thessaly is defined as the management, operation and maintenance organisation of the regenerative works of the Karla line. And the rights/obligations for their implementation, in implementation of the Environmental Conditions of Environmental Conditions of the Karla Ministers of the Environment, Regional Planning and Public Works, Agriculture, Culture and Development and with the provision Of its cooperation with the Directorate-General for the decentralised management Thessaly-Central Greece in accordance with the provisions of the Law. 3199/2003 (A-280) and paragraph 51/2007 (' ' 54).

11. (a) The territorial integrity of the excluded groups shall be carried out respectively to the above bodies; (b) The issuing trials of the bodies which are abrogated

In accordance with paragraph 9, it shall be continued without any other means of printing and without any further violent interruption by the entities to which their responsibilities are concerned. C) The bodies taking the responsibilities of

The Committee of the Regions calls on the Commission to draw up a proposal for a Directive on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogenesis and the protection of the environment. For the management strategy of the protected areas to be followed, as well as for the tangible actions and its implementation, supervision


Will be the Directorate for Environmental Design of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change. Entities exercising the competences of the bodies which are repealed under paragraph 9 may enter into programme contracts with the Department of the Environment, Energy and Class Al-hare to which the authorities and the Management, as well as on both sides, for the most efficient management of each region or management board in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 15 of the Law. 2742/1999 as supplemented by paragraph 14. Such contracts may be awarded on the basis of the functions of the Management Entities in government or self-governing bodies which have a relevant competence and appropriate staffing in order to exercise them. (d) Beneficiaries of the programmes and Actions

Undertaken by the bodies abolished by paragraph 9 of the present, and of the resources and obligations arising therefrom, shall be the competent body to which the powers of each institution which is abolished are concerned. The staff with a private-law work of a certain time of the bodies abolished in paragraph 9 of the present day, and those who are employed by a project contract, shall henceforth provide their services to the entities receiving them. Their obligations, for the duration of their contract and the programme, to which they participate.

12. National Marine Park of Zakynthos, National Marine Park of Alonissos-V. Sporades, National Action of Presence, National Action of the National Road and Mount Parnion and Mount Pet Met continue to operate under the legal status of each of them.

13. The last paragraph of Article 15 (c) of Article 15 of the Law. 2742/1999 is replaced by the following:

' The content of the management contract is the content of the management plan for the region and, if this is missing, it is at least: a) the management measures (types of habitats, species, etc.).

(b) measures to protect territorial resources, (c) the prevention and storage measures, (d) the management measures for the management of visitors and a -

(e) communication, information and awareness-raising of special forms of tourism;

(f) the preparation of training programmes, (g) the implementation of a monitoring programme,

฀฀฀฀฀( ฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀

To serve the above measures and actions. The management contract will be concluded after the

The initiative of the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate Change. In this context, the formal requirements for the submission of an undertaking to take over the management obligation, the criteria for the selection of contracts, the competent bodies, the

The process of training and termination of the contract, the responsibilities and obligations of the parties. '

14. The last paragraph of the indent shall be deleted. Article 15 of the EC Treaty 2742/1999. The paragraph as added to the paragraph. Article 7 of the Law 3937/2011 is referred to in paragraph 1.

15. The par. Point 6 of Article 15 of n. 2742/1999 is replaced by the following:

' 6. They are recommended by each management body of 15 years of n. 2742/1999 one address with three sections: The Section for Administrative, Economic and Legal Affairs, the Section for Protection, Management and Surveillance and the Information, Education and Publications Division. Four organisational positions are recommended in each body: one position of the Director and three posts of heads of the three sections. The above items may be covered by staff seconded by any relation to the public and the wider public sector, as defined in Article 1 (1). 6. NO 1256/1982. These extracts have a duration of up to five years and are employed on the basis of a request from the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change and the Minister concerned. The allowances of the deodorants and any type of employer, as well as the employer's contributions to the main or supplementary insurance funds, shall be borne by the deceased as the management body. '

16. Parr is abolished. Article 15 of the Law No 2742/1999, as added by Article 13 of the Law. EUR 3044/2002 and replaced by the following:

' By decision of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, the number of members of the Board of Directors and the precise composition of the Board of Directors shall be laid down in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 12. 4a of n. 2742/1999.

17. The work of the Board of Directors of the pre-protected areas and of the departments concerned by the obligations of the repealed bodies may be assisted by a knowledgeable Member of the Member States by members of the knowledgebased Committees. Experience in the protection of each protected area, representatives of the production and local community, as well as NGOs active in the area of protectionism in the region and defined by the Minister's decision. Environment, Energy and Climate Change. The same decision may specify the role and tasks of the Commission, as regards scientific supervision, social cooperation and administrative support for the management of the project.

18. By decision of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, the limits of the territorial integrity of the Entities may be changed or that they are frozen in their administration and management and other protectionist or protectionist objects.

19. By decision of the Minister for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change, the seats of the bodies and/or establishment may be set up, following a proposal by the Board of Directors concerned;


For the purpose of implementing projects and actions, within or near the areas located in the outermost regions.

20. Setting up a transitional period of one year from the date of validity of the present law for the purposes of ensuring the implementation of the instruments provided for in the current programme for the period of validity of this law. A period; For an equivalent period of time, the duration of the term of office of the Board of Directors of the repealed bodies shall be extended, without prejudice to the implementation of the Technical Bulletins, the carrying out of winding-up of rights and obligations, and any other legal basis. A relationship between the excluded operators. The proceedings of the repealed bodies, in the event of their termination during the above period, continue without any other formality and without their violent interruption, by the bodies in which they are transferred They are not available to them.

Article 9 Merge of Social Care Units (NGOs) at recommended by Region, legal persons

Of public law

1. Since the entry into force of this law, the designated Social Care Units (MPT), which have been set up with the n. 3106/2003 (A-30), as amended and applied, form part of a number of services (annexes) to twelve (12) new IFRSs, which are recommended by this law. The recommended NIFIC shall be subject to the supervision of the Minister for Labour, Social Security and Social Security under the supervision of the Minister for Labour, Social Security and Social Security, and shall be based on the respective seat of each region and shall be added to it. That of the relevant region, (i.e., "SOCIAL SOCIAL ENTERPRISE"). The objectives and responsibilities of the merging parties, as well as a purpose contributing to the protection of the environment, childhood, youth, third-country, disabled persons and vulnerable groups of the population, They are fulfilled and exercised in accordance with 12 (12) of the recommended NPD and their separate services (their annexes).

2. The provision of the services of the merged NITDs is carried out by the decentralised agencies (annexes) of the recommended NIFs in each region. The merged NITD, which includes Passive Therapeutics (Th.p.p.), as well as Rehabilitation Centres and Rehabilitation Centres (K.A.AP), are hereinafter referred to as 'TRAINING YEARS' and ' PRODUCTS OF ACTIVITIES AND DEVELOPMENT OF DEVELOPMENT OF DEVELOPMENT, respectively, of the values of the new NPT, while the forms of 'Child Protection' (CPC) or 'Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Centers for Children with Disabilities', hereinafter referred to as 'Disability', "PRODUCTION PROTECTION" and "PRODUCTS AND CONTRACTIONS" FAT ME ", respectively

The number of members of the new NIFIC region 3. In particular, the recommended NIFs in the

(a) The four NIFs of the regions and the decentralised departments of these regions are covered by the 'Periphers'.

Eastern Macedonia and Thrace "with the" Chronic Infirmary Therapy Therapy ", which bears as its Annex the" Chronic Therapy Therapy (FIU) of Kavala ", under the law. 4025 /2011 (A-1-228), the "Child Protective Centre", the "Child Protection Center (CPIC) of Kavala" and the "Centre for the treatment and rehabilitation of children with Disabilities", are agreed and constitute a new NITD, with the A 'SOCIAL SOCIAL PROTECTION OF ENTERPRISE ENTERPRISES AND ARCHES'. The "Social Welfare Center of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace" consists of five decentralised services (Annexes) with the name "AOC-REMEMBER OF YEAR", "ANNEX PROTECTION PROTECTION", "ANNEX" The seat of the "Centre of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace" is the seat of the Municipality of Kavala. (b) The seat of the "Centre of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace" shall be the seat of the Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. 4 NIFs, which are included in the ' Periphet

Central Macedonia ', i.e. the Centre for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities of Children with Disabilities (K.A.P.) - Saint Demetrius, the "Treatment of Chronic Diseases-Agios Panteleimi Theatre-Thessaloniki" (Th.H.P.), the "Treatment Center" And from-State of the Disabilities of Serres (K.A.A..A.), and the "Centre for Children's Mary of Arridines-Papafeio Thessaloniki", merged and constitute a new NBC with the status of a "CENTRAL SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT OF CENTRAL MAKEDONIA". The "SOCIAL SOCIAL PROVIDED SOCIAL MANAGEMENT ENTERPRISE" consists of four o-poised services (annexes) with the name-the "ANNEX RESTRIBUTION AND DEVELOPMENT-LEGAL CONDITIONS WITH DISTRIBUTION", USA-YEAR OF YEARS ANNEX CLASSES ',' ANNEX DATA ',' ANNEX DATA AND DEVELOPMENT OF DEVELOPMENTS 'and' ANNEX PAYMENTS 'and' ANNEX AT PATIENS INSTITUTURE-PAPER '. The seat of the "Centre for Social Welfare of the Region of Central Ma-Keddonia" is the Thessaloniki Branch. C) The NRC with the "Centre for Protection"

(d) The four NIFs, which are included in the 'Periphers', are included in 'SOCIAL MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATIONS'. (d) The four NIFs, which are included in the 'Periphers'.

The "Centre for the Protection of the Child Protective Services", the "Centre for the Protection of Chronic Disabilities (Igoumenitsa)", the "Centre for the Protection of the Child of Ioannina" and the "Therapy of the Year of Paints", and the "Therapy of the Year of Paints", and the "Therapy of Chronic Conditions -" They are merged and constitute a new NPT, with the "JV".


A 'SOCIAL WELFARE STATE OF THE REGION'. The "SOCIAL SOCIAL PROVIDED" is composed of four decentralised agencies (annexes), with the name "AOC-OPERATIONAL PROTECTION PROTECTION PROTECTION", "USA-REMEMBER INSTITUTIONS", "ANNEX PROTECTION PRODUCTION" The seat of the "Centre for Social Welfare of the Region of Epirus" is the Municipality of Ioannites. E) The three NIFs, which belong to the "Region".

Thessaly ", namely the" Treatment of Chronic Conditions-Leftist Larissa ", the" Therapy of the Year of Trikala Trikala "and the" Centre for the Treatment and A-Restoration of Children with Cardiotis ", are agreed and constitute a new NITD, with the A "SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION OF SOCIAL ENTERPRISE ENTERPRISES". The "SOCIAL CENTER OF SOCIAL PROVIDED INSTITUTION" consists of three main departments (annexes) with the name "ANNEX AIRPORT DEVELOPMENT-THE AREA", "ANNEX AIRPORT OF TRICALS" and "PPA-APPENDIX" AND APPENDITURE "The seat of the Social Welfare Region of Thessaly" is located in the region of Larissa. (f) The Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Italy and the United Kingdom.

(ii) The three NIFs, which are subject to the "Region of the Region of Zakynthos" (O.D.A.Z.) "is to be used in a" CENTER OF INFORMATION CENTRE ", located in the area of the island of Zakynthos.

Western Greece ", namely the" Centre for the Protection of the Child of Skagiopoulio of Achaia ", the" Therapy of the Year of Lectures "and the" Sanitarium of the Year of Families of the Families of Iatrou, Aigai ", are confused and constitute a new NEPD, with the A "SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION OF SOCIAL PROVIDED ENTERPRISES". The "SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION OF THE SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION" is composed of three decentralised agencies (annexes), with the name "ANNEX PROTECTION OF ADMINISTRATION-SAKAGOPOULOS", "ANNEX AGREEMENT OF FUTURE" and " ANNEX AGREEMENT. "The seat of the Centre for the Centre for the Social Welfare of the Region of Western Greece" is the Municipality of Patras. (h) The four NIFRSs of the "Periphers"

Central Greece ", namely," Evia Hospital Therapy ", the" Evritania Centre for Chronic Passive Therapy "," Fthiotida Therapy of the Year of the Year "and the" Fthiotida Child Protection Centre ", are merged and constituting new NITD, In the case of a "SOCIAL PROVIDED ENTERPRISE ENTERPRISES". The "CONTRACTING CONTRIBUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF GREECE-YOUR REGISTERS" consists of four decentralised departments (annexes) with the name "APPENDIX ASSOCIATION", "ANNEX A. SECURITY OF EUROPE-NIA", "ANNEX AA", "APPENDITURE" and " US - The seat of the "Centre for Social Welfare of the Region of Central Greece" is the Department of Social Welfare, the five NMPD, which comes under the "Periphers".

Attica ", namely," The Infirmary of the Year.

The "Centre for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities in Attica (Voula)", the "Centre for the Protection of the Child Attiki, the Mother" and the "Children's Development Centre of Attica" Michali-neio ", merged and constituted a new NITD, with the status of a" SOCIAL SOCIAL PROVIDED ". The "SOCIAL ENTERPRISE CENTER" consists of five decentralised agencies (annexes) with the name "ANNEX A. M.E.U. ATHENS", "ANNEX A. M.E.U. ATHENS", " ANNEX EXTRIBUTION AND DEVELOPMENT The headquarters of the Centre for Social Welfare in Attica (Attica). The seat of the Centre for the Social Welfare of Attica is the number of Attiki (Attica). The DIFF is a member of the Department of Attiki. Inflation of the Hro Therapy

The Theodore of Lesvos ", is located in a" CENTRAL SOCIAL PROVIDED OF ORIGINATION OF AEGEAN ", based in the Municipality of Agiassos Lesvos. (k) The two NIFs which belong to the" Region

South Aegean ", namely the" Hospital of the Year of the Year of the Dodecanese, "and the" Child-Dodecanese Protection Center ", merged and constituted a new NBC with the province of" SOCIAL ENTERPRISE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT ". The "SOCIAL INFORMATION CENTER" is composed of two decentralised services (annexes), with the name "ANNEX A. M.E.U. DETERMINISTRATION" and "ANNEX PROCEDURE-YOUR ANIMAL PROCESSING". The "Social Welfare Center of the Region of South Aegean" is based in Rhodes. (l) The six NIFs, which are subject to the " Region

"Centre for the Treatment and Disability of Children with Disability of Heraklion", the "Centre for the Protection of the Child of Heraklion", the "Therapeutic Center of Chronic Diseases of Chania", which is referred to as the " Centre for the Rehabilitation of Children and Youth Crete ", under the law. 4025/2011 (A-228), the "Lassithi Child Protective Centre", the "sanitarium treatment plant" (Ag. Nicolas) "and the" Breast-Chronic Rehabilitation Year ", are merged and constitute a new NPT, with the status of" SOCIAL COMPARISON SOCIAL PROVIDED ". The "SOCIAL SOCIAL PRODUCT ENVIRONMENT OF CRETE" consists of seven decentralised services (annexes), with the name "APPLICATION OF DRIVER AND EXTRIBUTION OF THE COMPANY", "ANNEX PROCESSING-YOUR ANIMAL TREATMENT", "ANNEX AA DATA", "ANNEX PROTECTION OF PAYMENTS", "ANNEX PROTECTION OF LASTER", "ANNEX A. M.E.D. LASIETY" and "ANNEX A. M.E.D.". The "Centre for the Welfare of the Region of Crete" is based in Heraklion.

4. The NIFs recommended in paragraph 1 shall be administered by the Executive Board of Governors. Members of the Administrative Council are the following: President, Vice-President, Vice-President and four members. The members of the Administrative Councils shall be appointed by a decision of the


To the Minister for Labour, Social Security and Welfare, within one month of the entry into force of this Directive. The definition of the members (and their deputies) of the Administrative Councils shall take place, inter alia, and on the basis of the representation of at least one member from each of the holdings in which there was a merged entity. NCIC, the representation of the child-care sector by experts with relevant qualifications in this area, the representation of the employees of the CPP, as well as the representation of the National Association of Persons with Disabilities, without prejudice to The text of the proposed legislation for donations, heirs and clams. Until the definition of the above Administrative Councils, the term of office of the existing Advisory Councils or their term of office shall be extended.

5. The organisation and functioning of the NIFs, which comply with paragraph 1, shall be determined by their Operating Officer, which is approved by means of a proposal by the Ministers for Economic, Administrative Reform and Electronic Communications. At the end of a period of three months from the date of entry into force of this law, at the end of the period of validity of the provisions of this law, the institution of the place of residence and employment shall, after having entered into force of this law, after having entered into force of this law. The administrative support of the recommended NIFs shall be provided by the staff serving in their headquarters, and in the event of a shortage, from the appropriate size of the ship.

6. The all-nature staff of the NIFs that are merged, automatically, with the same work relationship in the respective NIFs that are recommended or in their respective decentralised departments (s). This staff shall be assigned to equivalent positions provided by the Agency in paragraph 3. To this end, an accredited act of the Board of Directors shall be adopted.

7. Within one month of their definition, the Administrative Board of Directors of the NIFs recommended in paragraph 1 shall set up a tripartite decision with a view to the inventory of all movable and immovable property belonging to the property. And their exclusive use and management, taking into account the existing legislation on donations, clones and bequests. The relevant inventory report shall be adopted by a decision of the Minister of Labour, Social Security and Welfare and shall be entered in the relevant books of the competent institution or of a questionnaire.

8. Outstanding trials of the NIFs, which are merged with paragraph 1, continue from their respective NIFs, which are recommended, without causing any violent diocese and without requiring any other formulation to continue. Claims, obligations, including the obligation to pay the annual and real estate tax, and the nature of the nature of the cases which exist at the time of the entry into force of this law, are transferred to non-member NIFs. Are recommended in accordance with paragraph 1.

Article 10 Merge of compensation

Landers (B.A.) and composition of the Uniform Capital Compensation of Landers

1. The Reclamation Compensation Fund (K.AF), which has been set up on the basis of the provisions of Article 1 (1). 7. Regulation (EEC) No 5167/1931 (A-222) (Article 11 of the Act of 4 March 1932), as amended and applied, shall be merged with the present law, under the terms of the Official Journal of the European Communities, under the authority of a "Fund for the Compensation of Landers" (E.K.A.P.). Athens, The NPD recommended is under the authority of the Minister of Labour, Social Security and Welfare.

2. The aim of the ESF is to provide a lump-sum allowance to the persons or members of their families, due to voluntary termination by the freight forwarder.

3. The HRC is administered by a President and Board of Directors, appointed by a decision of the Minister for Labour, Social Security and Welfare. As the President is appointed a senior official of the Ministry of Labour, Social Welfare and Welfare, and as members of the Ministry of Labour, he is appointed by seven members of the Ministry of Labour, Social Welfare and Social Security. Social Security and Welfare, a senior or senior officer of the Ministry of Maritime or Legal Department of the Law, a senior or senior official of the Ministry of Finance, a representative of the Federation of Forests of Greece, A representative designated by the employers' organisations (SEV, CACBEE, ESEE), and a representative of the Federation of Naval Agents. The term of office of the Council of Ministers shall be three years. The Board of Governors shall continue to function after the end of its term of office until the establishment of a new one.

4. The provisions governing the resources of the CPAF merging with paragraph 1 shall continue to apply. By decision of the Minister for Labour, Social Security and Welfare, each project and detail is determined for the procedure for the collection, performance and management of these resources.

5. (a) The provisions governing the purposes, the terms of reference, the beneficiaries and the persons covered by the merger, as well as the regulations and statutory provisions, shall continue to apply if they are not contrary to (b) The reserves of the BCPs that are merged with

Paragraph 1, as well as the individual categories, shall form part of the EAF in respect of categories, with separate portions, and shall be governed by the provisions in force at the time of entry into force of this law. Licenses or groups of cargo-loaders can form part of and maintain separate portions of the HRC. By decision of the Minister for Labour, Social Security and Welfare, on a proposal from the


The Board of Directors of the Board of Directors, at the request of the beneficiaries, may be withdrawn and distributed autonomously to the individual beneficiaries.

6. A) With a commission issued by a proposal of the Ministers for Economic Affairs, Administrative Reform and Electronic Governance, Labour, Social Security and Welfare, following a recommendation by the Council, the Regulation is adopted. (b) In the Rules of Procedure, the administration and the Court of Justice.

In particular, the responsibilities of the Board of Directors, the organisation and structure of the services of the recommended legal tender, staff positions, responsibilities, duties and financial management issues Budget, management and management of reserves and reserves, and any other relevant details.

7. The all kinds of staff of the CPVs which are referred to in paragraph 1 shall be transferred with the same relationship to the EFF. This staff shall be classified in equivalent positions provided for in the Rules of Procedure, Administration and Benefits of the preceding paragraph. To this end, the administrative act of the administrative board shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

8. Ownership and any other relevant right to the movable and immovable property of the repealed and merging K.A.s shall contain self-financing, without the respect of any type, act or tenderer, free of charge and without trade in it. Co-ordinated with the present law NITD, with the provision of the constitutional provisions on donations, clams and bequeaths, hereinafter referred to as the exclusive use and management of the assets of the repealed K.A.F., but And the responsibility for the preservation and management of their archives.

9. The HRC shall, without any other formality, be subject to any other formality, in all rights, obligations, including the obligation to pay the annual and immovable property tax, and in-law relations of the repealed K.A.s. This change is a universal succession, and any trials of the repealed and merging K.A.F.F. are composed of the recommended NDP without any other formality and without their violent interruption.

Article 11 Removal of Child Protection Companies (H.P.B.)

Transactions in the field of public procurement

1. Child Protective Services (H.P.B.), set up with the .n. 2724/1940 (A΄ 449) as NITD, since the entry into force of the present sentence, except those based in cities, which are also the seat of appeals.

2. The H.Q. Maintained with the preceding paragraph constitute quasi-universal successors of the repealed and exercise their responsibilities within the territorial competence of the relevant Court of Appeal.

3. The real estate and movable property of the Member States concerned shall, in the case of a spatial object, be included in the EAA kept under paragraph 1 and are hereinafter referred to as these assets. To this end a report is drawn up by the Council of the Council of the European Union. A summary of that which describes the acquired property ownership, as well as other forms of immovable property, with the summary provided for by the provisions of Article 9 of (b). 533/1963 ('147), free of charge, The relevant books of the competent hypothecary. Similarly, the required number of registrations is taken into account.

4. The non-permanent staff of the permanent staff of the repealed H.P..A. staff shall be considered as staff of the relevant legal person of the legal tender of the seat of the Court of Appeal, in which it is carried out by an institution. Burning with the same work relationship, except in cases which in the case of the repealed H.P.A. work in Children's Hospitality, the daily or 24-hour care, which continue to function, and the staff of the Children's Hospitality In the control of the sustained E.P.B. of the associated Ephetic Region. In the case of the above-mentioned staff of the staff, the

A summary act of the Minister for Justice, Transparency and Human Rights is published in the Official Journal of the European Parliament and the Court of Justice of the European Union.

5. With a commission drawn up on a proposal from the Minister for Economic Affairs, Administrative Reform and Economic Governance and Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, the Agency is hereby approved for the organisation, operation and economic Management of the United States.

6. Amounts of bank accounts of the repealed NSAs shall be transferred, from the entry into force of this Regulation, to the respective accounts of the provisions applicable within the territorial jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal. A decision of the Ministers for Economic and Justice, Transparency and Human Rights is adopted for this purpose.

7. The case of ar. Article 11 of the Law 3860/2010 (' 111) is replaced by the following:

'(a) an appellant who, on a proposal from the Commission, has made a proposal for a child or a prosecutor of the age of child, as President, who shall be indicated by his deputation by the competent authority.';

8. The case of ar. Article 11 of the Law 3860/2010 is replaced by the following:

'(c) a child in the court of minors of one of the primary courts of the region of the European Union or a social worker'.

9. By decision of the Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights are recommended for Adult Protection Committees in every Court of Appeal of the European Court of Appeal, with the exception of the seat of H.P.B., to assist the cause and effect of the Of their work. The members of these Committees are members of the Committee. A decision of the same Minister is appointed by the members of the Commission.


Child Protective Services, consisting of: a) a judicial officer who is or has an order;

A judge or prosecutor of minors, as President, who shall be indicated by his/her deputy by the competent authority, (b) a University professor at the Children's Section;

(c) a child in the court of juvenile court for the purposes of education, social or sociological or sociology;

(d) a lawyer, e) a representative of the parent, of the church or non-member of the family;

(f) a physician, preferably a child psychiatrist, or a child psychologist and (g) a person with a tender, sensitivity and experience

In the field of prevention or prevention of the crime of minors. All members of the Committee shall be appointed instead of -

Their fellow deputies. 10. The term of office of the members of the Administrative Councils,

Which exist at the time of entry into force of the present law, expires on the appointment of the new members by the Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights.

11. The EGPs, which are maintained in accordance with paragraph 1, shall be governed by the relevant legislation in force. By decision of the Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, each issue is regulated by the application of the provisions of the preceding paragraphs.

Article 12 Merger of the representatives of the "International Fair of Thessaloniki" (ICU. SA) and

Hellenic Exhibitions-HELEXPO SA The absorption of the second from the first

1. Anonymous companies with the "International Fair of Thessaloniki S.A." (ICI) established by Article 1 of the Law. 2687/1999 (1 39), Ar. MAE: 42940/62B/99/0135 and "Hellenic Exhibitions-HELEXPO A.E." Has been set up by Article 2 of the Act, Article 2 of the Act. MAE: 08680/062/B/86/0514, merging with absorption of the second from the first.

2. The merger of the above-mentioned companies by absorption is in accordance with the provisions of the present and supplementary provisions, in the provisions of Articles 69 to 78 of the Law 2190/1920 (37/63) and the n. No 2166/1993 (1 137) and other relevant legislation. The balance sheet of the acquiring company will be entered into on the date of 30.6.2012.

3. The merger must be completed within an exclusive deadline of two (2) months from the entry into force of this Regulation.

4. The company of the absorbing company will be "INTERNATIONAL RELEASE SA" And will be titled "D.E.T.-HELEXPO S.A.".

5. The transfer of the assets of the acquiring company does not require any administrative authorisations, approvals, certificates, certificates, certificates, certificates, certificates and other evidence.

Declarations, certificates or plans. In the case of vehicles, there is no requirement for the transfer of the relevant marketing authorisations in the name of the company.

6. Without prejudice to the rules of the law of the European Union, the Statute, the contribution and the transfer of the assets of the acquiring company, any relevant act or agreement that may be made to the contribution or transfer of the data Or other rights and obligations, as well as any matters of law, incrimination or other rights, the issues to be adopted, the decisions of the General Meetings of the merging parties, the participation in their capital, As well as any other contract, agreement or operation, ensign or non-compliance, required for The merger, the modification of the merging of the merging parties and the publication of these in the Official Journal of the Government of the Government of the Government, shall be exempt from any tax or fee or fee or other fee, levy or fee. Dome or of any NPL and insurance organisations or third parties.

7. The debts of the acquiring company vis-à-vis the Danish, IKA or other Insurance Funds, which are included in the acquiring company, are registered in its financial statements and are used by it.

8. Without prejudice to the rules of the law of the European Union, increases in the share capital of the acquiring company are exempt from tax, finally, end of a paper, in favour of the Danish or for third parties. The same applies to the capitalisation of the debts of the merging parties, which had been created over the period before the merger took place.

9. With regard to the application of the provisions of this Article on Value Added Tax (VAT), the provisions of the VAT Code (v. The Commission adopted a proposal for a Directive on the

10. To serve the purposes of the present as members of the Board of Directors of the company of the company with the term "ELEXPO EXPO-ELEXPO A.E." They are defined by the publication of the current law by the members of the Board of Directors of the Governing Board of the "INTERNATIONAL RELATONIKI SA". The members of the Board of the two merging companies shall be suspended and authorised to act as necessary in order to complete the merger within the period referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article.

11. After the second paragraph of paragraph 1. Article 24 of the EC Treaty 4014/2011 (1 209), which was added to par. 7a of Article 7 of the Law. Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament ('),

"The arrangements referred to in this paragraph also apply to the buildings owned by the company with the interest" International Fair of Thessaloniki SA. (D.L..). '

12. The non-remunerations of the AKs 18344 and 18678 exchange of goods, as well as the AK 18679 interchangeable property of the Dome, which are managed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, are managed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. A full ownership contract is hereby established;


(ii) to bring the legislation to the informal company with the "International Fair of Thessaloniki SA". (D.N.A.) '. The above-mentioned properties identify a topographical database, drawn up under the responsibility of the ICMG SA and is considered by the Greek Ministry of Economic Affairs. The transfer of ownership is transferred to the Thessaloniki Ministry of Justice in the name of the ICU. The transfer of ownership of the above-mentioned goods, as well as the transfer, shall be waived, irrespective of any tax, fee, remuneration or right for the benefit of the Court or any other third party, including the transfer tax; The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice

13. From the registration in the Registry of the Unlimited Companies of the approval decision of the merger provided for in Article 74 of Law 2190/1920, they shall be entitled autonomously and without any other formality in respect of the merging companies as well as against them. The following results: (a) The acquiring company shall become self-righteous;

Fully and without any other formality in the rights-the legal relationships and obligations of a-orderable company and this transfer is effected by universal succession and shall be effected without payment of taxes and charges, in accordance with the provisions. Article 3 of the Law Regulation (EEC) No 2166/1993 and its provisions. (b) The acquiring company shall be considered to be self-sufficient in the case of the acquiring company, without any other formality, without any other formality, without any other formality, without any other formality.

In the absence of any other act or action and all acts of the acquiring company, as well as the economic effects that will arise from the date of entry into force of the Agreement, the Balance sheet Disclosure of the merging companies and, from an accounting point of view, are deemed to be made on behalf of the acquiring company. (c) The shareholders of the acquiring company are made

Shareholders of the acquiring company. 14. From the date of entry into force

(a) The organisation of exhibitions, conference proceedings; and

(b) The provision to the Greek State of advisory services in matters of policy, the organisation of exhibitions, conferences and more events. (c) The information to be given to the Greek State. (d) The management, management, exploitation and development of acne-based partnerships in each of the appropriate ways. The management, management, exploitation and development of the activities of the country. (f) The management and development of radio and radio stations; (g) The management and transfer of a radio station. (h) Those of whom are listed in the inventory and in particular those intended to preserve and protect the environment. Strengthening of the national exhibition centre and the operation of its exhibition centres.

15. In the Board of the acquiring company, a representative of the Thessaloniki Association, a representative of the Association of Northern Greece, a representative of the Association of Exporters of Northern Greece, a representative of the Trade Union of Northern Greece, a representative of the Trade and Industry Association of Northern Greece. Thessaloniki, a representative of the Bio-Technical Chamber of Thessaloniki, a representative of the Thessaloniki Professional Envoy, a representative of the Thessaloniki Association of Thessaloniki and a representative of its employees Company. The number of members of the Board cannot exceed 11 members. A decision of the supervisors is set up on matters relating to the management of the Board of Directors, the appointment of its members, its function, and any relevant information. The term of office of the appointed members of the Council shall be three years and may be renewed. Until the definition of the representatives of the first part, the Board of Directors shall be constituted and shall operate law.

16. The staff in relation to the private law of the indefinite period of the acquiring company are automatically buried in the absorbing company with the same employment relationship, it shall be such a staff and shall receive the remuneration of the acquiring company.

17. Upon completion of the above-porsorption, by joint decision of the Ministers for Economic and Macedonia and Thrace, the Greek Symposium can make available shares of the acquiring company to local operators. By way of derogation from the same decision,

The provisions laid down in the provisions and conditions governing the placing on the market of the shares which are to be changed.

18. The acquiring company shall not be subject to the general public sector as defined by each institution and shall operate in accordance with the rules of private law, within the framework of the provisions of this law, of its statutes and, Adjunctive to the provisions of Mr. Law 2190/1920 and is excluded from the provisions of the Law. 3429/2005

Article 13 General provisions

1. Without prejudice to more specific arrangements of this law, from the date of its entry into force: a) Ends automatically and seldom for the Greek Law;

The term of office of the President, of the members of the administrative bodies and of the staff with a term of office of the bodies abolished, merged or dissolved and shall be wound up, with the exception of the researchers with a term of office, who serve in the institutions of the Articles 7 and 9 shall be subject to the provisions of the Law. (b) They shall automatically: aa) The distractions of all kinds of staff;

Of all services and bodies, which has been seconded and serving to the excluded or mergerhead or clearing bodies. The above staff shall be returned to the service or body of its organizational position. To this end, a binding instrument for the secondment of an institution shall be adopted.


(bb) The distractions of all forms of staff of the organisations which are abolished, merged or released and put into liquidation, which has been seconded and serving to other services and bodies. The following staff shall be subject to the arrangements for the staff of the bodies to be abolished, merged or dissolved and discharged into liquidation provided for in the provisions of this law. They are exempt from this cessation and continue to apply.

Decisions on the secondment of officials of the abovementioned bodies, which have been carried out in the context of Article 18 of the Law, are to be adopted. 3614/2007 (A-267) "Management, control and implementation of development plans for the 2007-2013 programming period" as applicable throughout the implementation of the NSRF's OPs as well as for the 2014-2020 programme. The secondment decisions shall be based on Article 18 of the Law. 3614/2007, staff of these entities shall be deemed to be seconded by the host institution.

(c) Excluded from the provisions of paragraph 1 on the application of this Article of this law, the secondment scheme shall be governed by the provisions of Article 21 of the Law. NO 2946/2001 (224). For these staff, they continue to apply.

Solutions to the relevant provisions of Article 21 of the Law. Regulation (EC) No 2946/2001 as amended in force. (d) Staff members with a contract of employment

(i) the time of the vectors to be abolished, merged or terminated and wound up, as well as the persons involved in the contract of a project, shall be, respectively, staff or persons, respectively, of the services or bodies referred to therein; Relevant competences, where they continue to provide their services until the end date of their agreements.

(e) The relationship between a term of office of lawyers who have been hired and served on the legal persons who are repealed with the provisions of Articles 1 to 5 and with the provisions of subparagraphs (a) to (c) of Article 9 (9) Article 11 of the Statute of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European 1649/1986, which are automatically transferred from the publication of this law and taking into account the relevant organisational positions of a legal person supervised by the Ministry of reception. In the case of non-empty organic positions the above shall be assigned to empty organisational positions with relevant services and functionalities. For the solution and for the transfer, a relevant statement shall be issued by the Minister who oversees the entity that is abrogated. These lawyers are required within two months.

Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament, of the Council, of the European Parliament, of the European Parliament and of the Council on

In the case of the Court of Justice of the European Union, In the most up-to-date situation, there is a detailed indication of the procedural stage in which the case is located and the date of the next agreement.

Judicial act. (bb) Full envelopes of the above emissions and

Cases referred to the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Union If the above elements are not provided within

The Court of Justice shall be responsible for any damage which may arise for the Court of Justice from the time of delay.

2. Personnel transferred in accordance with the provisions of this Directive: (a) to be classified on the basis of salary scales of the concerned

A category or training degree, according to its typical qualifications and the total time of service, and receives the remuneration of the host service, with any additional remuneration or remuneration, and specific aspects of any names being abolished,

(b) it shall be subject to its principal and subsidiary security to the institution subject to the staff of the host institution.

3. Without prejudice to more specific arrangements of the latter, the period between the entry into force of this law until the publication of the acts of transport and the service of staff, in accordance with the provisions of this law; For each consequence, it shall be regarded as a time for the actual service of that staff to the staff of their staff and their respective remuneration for that period.

4. The total working time of the transferred staff, which has been distributed to the originator, as well as the time recognised as a period of time, shall be considered as a real service for the issues of degree and salary progression. And for any other consequence.

5. Without prejudice to more specific arrangements of the product, existing landslides of the bodies which are abolished, merged or resolved and are wound up shall be released no later than three months after the entry into force of this law. Relative termination of the injury by the concerned surgeon. By a joint decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs and in the case of a competent minister, it may be extended until one month to one month and for one time only, provided that there is a serious reason given in that decision. A decision shall be adjusted and any other details relating to the settlement of compensation.

6. By decision of the Minister of Finance and the Minister who supervises the companies which are being wound up and liquidated, the arrangements for the winding-up of companies which are subject to the provisions of this Regulation are required. They have been subject to the relevant procedures.

7. Where the provisions of this Regulation provide for the drawing up of an inventory of the movable and immovable property of the bodies abolished, merged or terminated and wound up, the relevant case should be completed within Three days after the entry into force of this law, while a-oral study by them, as the case may be, with the relevant Ministries of Inventory, which describes the acquired ownership of immovable property, and the other on matters of law. On real estate,


With the summary provided for in the provisions of Article 9 of b. 533/1963 (1 147), it shall be entered in the relevant books of the competent institution. Similarly, non-infrequent data are performed on a non-child basis.

8. (a) The Institutions-Regulations NPT, as well as the NIFRS Regulations, the issue of which is provided for in the provisions of this Regulation, should serve principles, which ensure the most effective, effective and economic Operation of operators. A parallel opinion shall be used to assess, in an appropriate manner, the needs of the staff of each institution with the number of their organic positions necessary for their proper organisation of size. In the same context, I would like to congratulate the Commission on

(b) Until the adoption of the Institutions and Regulations, as far as possible, in the measure of possible sectors and specializations, in particular to avoid the existence of sectors and specializations.

In accordance with the provisions of Title V of the Treaty, the provisions of Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EEC) No 3193l of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, as amended by Regulation (EC) No 31931999, shall be adopted in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community. Are abolished, merged or terminated and put into liquidation. A number of questions raised and not covered by these provisions are regulated by decisions of the administration of the host bodies.

9. Where, in law, decree or ministerial decision a reference is made to bodies which are eliminated, confused or solved and wound up, means, from the date of entry into force, the service or body recommended respectively. This is the only way in which the European Union can play its part.

10. The logos and the points that at the beginning of the present have established legal persons, to which the provisions are mentioned, are used by the host bodies.



Article 14 General Secretariat-Coordination-Recommendation, mission

A General Secretariat for Coordination is hereby established. The General Secretariat for Coordination is an independent public service, which is directly responsible for the Prime Minister and has the task of coordinating the actions for the implementation of the government project and, in particular, on the programming of the project. Organisation, monitoring, coordination between Ministries, the drawing-up of any disagreements, in particular those arising from the ministries of ministries, ensuring the coherence of the government project and the audit for its implementation; In accordance with the decisions of the government bodies. In addition, monitoring and promotion of procedures, as well as the documentation and maintenance of records, is also taken into account in its mission.

Article 15 Activities of the General Secretariat


The General Secretariat for Coordination: (a) It shall draw up the programme for the implementation of the programme.

A project, which includes the actions required by the Ministry for the implementation of decision-making bodies, including assistance for the preparation of positive production, and monitoring; The Committee of the Committee of the Committee of Medicinal Products for Veterinary Medicinal Products has not yet been approved. The preparation of the programme shall take into account the programming (action plan) of each Y-tower, which is submitted within the first quarter of each year to the General Secretariat for Coordination. The action plans of the Ministries shall include the priorities, objectives, the expected results, the actions required by timeframe and execution, with their costbenefit, any relevant ministries involved in the project. Actions, as well as the actions responsible per action. (b) It shall follow the implementation of the programme in a separate annual programme of simplification of existing administrative procedures and reduction of administrative burdens.

In all stages, it checks its compliance, according to timetables and occurs in cases where deviations are found. In cases where actions are identified as a need for corrective actions or actions, it shall promote the actions required in cooperation with the parties involved in the case of Ministries. (c) It shall conduct the necessary coordination for the

The above preparation of the Programme for the implementation of the government project and its implementation, in order to ensure the coherence of the programme, with the participation of all stakeholders in the decision-making process in all A-da. In order to ensure the effectiveness of coordination, the Directorate-General responsible for the Directorate-General for Coordination is responsible for the necessary cooperation and consultation at administrative level, so that any disagreements or other problems that arise can be resolved by decision-making. For the purposes of this paragraph, the following shall be added: If the relevant issue is not resolved on the administrative board,

In the case of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice Making a decision. If the agreement is not reached, the Secretary-General of Coordination shall inform the Prime Minister who may convene a meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs with the participation of the competent authorities, under the same or the Minister of State for the receipt of a final decision. A decision on the case in question. The decision taken during the above sys -

The removal of disagreement shall be recorded in practical terms, which shall be signed for the administrative level by the Head of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat, for the political level of the General Secretariat of Coordination, Is sent


In the relevant Ministries and the General Secretariat of the Government, its implementation is mandatory by the services involved in the implementation of this Decision. The above defined range of levels

Consultation to resolve any disputes which may not be in the form of a formal order. The Secretary-General of the Council may at any time convene an ad hoc meeting in response to an agreement on a subject matter and a decision, with representatives of the relevant or relevant ministries whose participation (d) Execute as a beneficiary of operations of the NSRF or other

(e) In the context of its co-ordinating role, the General Secretariat of the European Commission, co-financed by the European Commission, related to its activities.

The Directorate-General for Coordination selects actions of particular importance and priority for the acceleration of the varnishing project, which it sends to the relevant actors for their integration into the respective operational programmes and updates it. General Secretariat of the Government. Their membership of the general conditions under the provisions in force is compulsory. (f) Co-operating with the Office for Good

The General Secretariat of the Government for the purposes of the technical correctness and quality of the pre-existing legislative arrangements. It shall inform the Ministry concerned of the assessment of the effects of these arrangements before the relevant legislation is forwarded to the General Secretariat of the Government.

Article 16 Structure of the General Secretariat

The General Secretariat for Coordination is structured in the following organisational units: a) Private Office of General Secretariat (b) Administration Service (c) Programming service (d) Departmental and Archives Office (e) The following: (b) Eco-friendly, Internal Affairs, Administrative

(c) Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Infrastructure and Innovation.

(d) Education and Religious Affairs, Culture, Education and Religious Affairs

(e) Employment, social security, social security, social security and social security

The Committee of the Regions and the Committee of the Regions

The Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection

Rights and Protection of the Citizen and the Protection of Polite (s) The area of Tourism and Shipping.

Article 17 Sending of organic units

Of the General Secretariat of Coordination

1. Private Office of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat

(i) provide secretarial support and any other support for the performance of such tasks, the handling of correspondence, information on the publications of the Greek and foreign press on issues arising from its responsibilities and compliance File;

2. Administration Service The Administration Service is directly attached to the General -

The Directorate-General for Coordination and the Directorate-General of the General Secretariat of the Directorate-General for Coordination of the Directorate-General for Coordination and the Directorate-General for Coordination of the Directorate-General for Coordination and the Directorate-General for Coordination of the Directorate-General for Coordination. It shall, in particular, provide administrative and financial support for the operation of the General Secretariat for Coordination, such as compliance with the first rule, the handling of the Staff Regulations of each type of staff, and of the Staff Regulations. Financial management, budget, salary, works, including NSRF projects, each type of competition and record-keeping.

3. Programming Service-Section a) Mission of the Programming Service is the

Drawing up the annual programme for the implementation of the varnishing project. To this end it reflects the directions and priorities, such as those resulting from the decisions and orders of the Prime Minister, the Council of Ministers and the other institutions, which are also known to the public. End of each year to the Heads of Government, the General Secretariat of the Government and the Ministries, together with guidance on the preparation of the Ministries' annual action plans. The action plans of the Ministries include a separate instrument and a specific action plan on simplification of procedures and reduction of administrative burdens. The specific simplification plan will include three simplification procedures, namely: simplification of procedures relating to the business sector, citizens' transactions with management and internal administrative procedures (inter-administration) (b) For each procedure for which a simplification is envisaged, the action plan will set up the expedited Subcommittee, which will take over the organisation and conduct of consultations with social partners (social consultation). In the case of most of the relevant ministries, the Ministry of Agriculture has the main responsibility for this issue of simplification. (b) The sectors are in line with the relevant cooperation agreement.

The Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Affairs and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy and the Committee of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy. The Ministers' action plans shall be sent to them by no later than March each year. Following the submission of the action plans by the Ministries to the respective sectors, the final processing of the projects by each sector will be taken to establish that the action plans


They move within the framework of the political direction and priority data and are then forwarded to the programming service in order to prepare the overall government programme. If a problem is found to be settled by the sector in cooperation with the Ministry concerned. If the underlying problem is not resolved, the Action Plan shall be forwarded by the Member to the Office in accordance with the relevant observations and shall take into account the resolution of the Court of Justice of the European Union, in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of Procedure. (c) The Programming Service in cooperation with the Office for Official Publications of the European Union and the General Secretariat of the Government.

Member States shall draw up the overall government programme which, in addition to the other, shall include actions requiring cooperation and cooperation with other Ministries, with the aim of identifying the synergies to ensure coordination. At the time of the implementation and monitoring of the interministerial actions. The overall government programme shall ensure the consistency and compatibility of the activities of each Y-tower in relation to the action plans of the other ministries. (d) The overall government programme shall be transmitted.

In the sectors and ministries for implementation, the slowest in May of each year. In accordance with the timetable, the Sectors shall coordinate and control the execution of the actions, be in continuous cooperation and support from the Ministries and inform the General Secretariat of Coordination. In cases where any problem arises, such as differences in views, delays, disagreements in the performance of the actions, the relevant group shall act in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 (c) of the Treaty. (e) If there is a question of remeddling of the pre -

In addition, the General Secretariat for Coordination gives the necessary instructions to the Office for Official Publications of the European Union, in accordance with the procedure for drawing up the programme. Regulations adopted by the relevant ministries in implementation of the actions, included in the Action Plan of the Ministry of Agriculture, are sent to a project in the relevant area to ensure their compatibility with the result. The relevant actions, as well as the Office for Official Publications of the General Secretariat of the Republic of Cyprus. A copy of each draft law containing by-classes in the legal order forming part of the actions of the Action Plan of each Ministry shall be sent to the Directorate-General for Coordination and the Office for Official Publications of the General Secretariat; (f) The sectors draw up a quarterly progress report.

The implementation of the government programme for their responsibility, which they submit to the General Secretariat of Coordination. The quarterly report, in any event, may include relevant proposals on ways to improve the implementation of the programme by the Ministry of Agriculture. The Secretary-General for Coordination within the first quarter of the next year shall submit to the

Prime Minister and Minister of State, annual report on the running of the government project, a-to the Ministry, which includes criticism from each Ministry in relation to the implementation of the government. Programme and proposals to address any delay or other problems. A copy of the Annual Report is also sent to the General Secretariat of the Republic of Cyprus. G) If a political decision requiring immediate action is taken

The promotion of actions on issues not included in the programming, these actions are promoted in parallel and integrated into the programming period of the next year, in the course of which it is not complete. (h) Where applicable, the Cooperation

With the participating ministries, it coordinates the normalisation of procedures simplified and in order to register them on an electronic basis held at the Office of Documentation and Archives. New arrangements contained in draft laws or regulations of Ministers and which are already under simplified procedures are sent to the Directorate-General for Coordination and to the Office for Official Publications of the General Secretariat of the Council. Government, in order to ensure that the latest arrangements do not introduce additional procedures or administrative burdens in the simplified procedures.

Involving educational programmes for the purpose of programming or simplifying procedures by means of instruments or in cooperation with the National Centre for Public Administration and Administration. It can also organise workshops on issues of simple-stagnation and benefits to be expected for operations, citizens and administration.

4. Documentation and Records Office The Bureau and Archives Office shall collect,

It lists and archives all the decisions, minutes and other texts relating to the work of the units of the General Secretariat. At the same time it is working on the above mentioned in order to draw up the information provided by the objectives and their objectives. In its first operation, the Bureau of Documentation and Archives shall draw up a plan for the classification and archiving of the data and data items approved by the General Secretariat of Coordination.

Article 18 General Secretariat for Coordination

1. A position of the General Secretariat for Coordination with the first category of special posts and a term of office is hereby set up. The Secretary-General is appointed by the Prime Minister's decision to be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. Instead of a deadline, a decision may be made to delegate the tasks of the General Secretariat to the General Secretariat. During the course of the game, the General Secretariat shall suspend the exercise of any professional activity.

2. The Secretary-General shall be directly attached to the Prime Minister. By decision of the Prime Minister,


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 1 (2) thereof, The General Secretariat of Coordination supervises the departments and staff of the General Secretariat of the Council, monitors, coordinates and verifies their function and is the Deputy Prime Minister's assistant on the implementation programme. Government, as in particular under Article 16 of the Act.

3. He shall attend the meetings of the Council of Ministers and of the Government Committee, or all collective governmental bodies, when invited to do so by the Prime Minister and communicated to him in the list of decisions of the Cabinet. Council and the other collective governmental bodies.

4. (a) The term of office of the Secretary-General may be renewed only once by a decision of the Prime Minister. (b) The Secretary-General for Coordination shall be terminated by the Secretary-General.

A decision by the Prime Minister for failure to fulfil his duties, as well as for the inability to perform his duties as a result of illness or disability or mental illness.

5. The Secretary-General for Coordination when missing, missing or prevented, is replaced by the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Prime Minister.

6. The provisions in force for the General Secretariat of the Ministries shall also apply to the General Secretariat for Coordination of the matters not regulated by the laws and regulations in force each time for the General Secretariat. Coordination and coordination.

Article 19 Setting up positions

1. In the General Secretariat of Coordination, it is recommended that: 60 (63) staff positions as follows:

A. .. For the Special Office of General Secretariat: 1. Three (3) posts of administrative staff from the

Points: - Two (2) positions of category IP or grade A;

In accordance with the standard qualification of the official who holds each of them, and

-One (1) position of Class B with grade B-F. 2. One (1) position of the HR class with a mark 1-3. One (1) position of special advisor to contract;

Private law for a certain period of time and a (1) position of a special partner with a contract

(b) private law in certain cases. Twelve (12) product positions from which: One (1) position of a member of a staff member

Of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat One (1) post of Head of Administration One (1) product post of the Program Office;

Eight (8) section (s) of the area (one-by-one)

One (1) product position of the Office of the Teck -

The Committee of the European Communities, Thirty-two (32) grade IPs with scores

1 of which: - Eight (8) posts for the Programming Service,

-Twenty-two (22) positions for the Sectors, - Two (2) seats for the Trek and R Office;

Data and d. Five (5) posts for the Administration Service,

In the case of the United States, the European Union and the United States, the European Union and the United States, the European Union, the European Union and the United States, the European Union and the United States. Seven (7) grades of DE class with B΄-grades

Of which one (1) for the Agency is three (3) for the Sectors and 3 (3) for the Administration Service. One (1) position of a legal partner with a relationship between

Command. 2. Standard occupant of the position of the post;

The Court of Justice of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

3. Formal qualifications to fill the posts of the heads of the other institutions of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Court of Auditors. A doctorate-pleate. Additional qualifications covering the above-mentioned issues and the way of proof are determined by the decision of the Secretary-General of Coordination meeting in the Government of the Government.

4. Formal qualifications to cover the positions of deductions a.1, a.2., (c), (d) and (e) of this Article shall be those provided for in the Staff Code by category of seats. The second subparagraph of the preceding paragraph shall also apply to those positions.

5. A decision of the General Secretariat of Coordination shall be allocated to the Sectors of twenty two (22) positions of category C in paragraph 1 of this Article and the three (3) positions of category Delta of the case under paragraph 1 of that Article; In three sectors per one. The composition of the staff of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat may be changed at any time under the decision of the General Secretariat.

Article 20 Staff

1 a. The position of the member of the staff member of the General Secretariat of the Secretary-General shall be covered by a recruitment by a decision of the Secretary-General published in the Court of Appeal of the Government or by secondment of an official from institutions. Of the General Government, by way of derogation from the provisions of the General Government and without a time limit. The positions of the private employees of the Private

The Secretary-General's Office shall be covered by civil servants of the General Government in accordance with the preceding subparagraph. C. The positions of the special advisers and experts

The Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the European Court of Justice of the European Union Article 55 of Article 55 p. 63/2005, as is the case. The shutdown of these seats does not entail a suspension of the exercise of the freedom of establishment concerned.

2. The positions of the heads of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat, except that of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat,


They shall be either transferred to the General Government by the General Government or by secondment of private-law private-law bodies of the General Government. Transferring or posting shall be made by way of derogation from the provisions in force. The secondment is done without a time limit.

3. The time of service of the distractions in positions of superiors shall be deemed to have been circulated to the service from which they are derived for each consequence and shall also cover any provisions governing their Service, time of exercise. As a condition for promotion to a given degree or for selection of products, it shall be considered as a time for the performance of tasks in the organisational unit for which the choice is made.

4. The remuneration of the heads of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat is determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 34 of the first paragraph of Article 34 of the Treaty The remuneration of the member of staff member of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1. 3 of Article 82 of paragraph 63/2005.

(a) for those who hold the provisions of the Staff Code, (b) for those who hold the post by secondment, the classes to which they belong, according to the provisions of the Staff Regulations; The body to which their organic position belongs, with the exception of the goods regulated by the provisions of this law.

6. Products shall be evaluated annually by the Secretary-General on the basis of an evaluation sheet, the type and content of which shall be determined by a decision published in the Governing Council of the Government.

7. With a substantiated recommendation by the Secretary-General and following a decision of the Staff Council, the Head of the Department may be relieved of his duties for an adequate response to them. In this case, if it is served by secondment, it shall be removed from the decision of the General Secretariat and shall be returned to the Office. If it is organic in the General Secretariat of Coordination, it refers to the service from which it was transferred to its branch and to the extent it held during its transition. The year of service in the General Secretariat of the Council shall be deemed to have been completed in the service of each consequence.

8. The positions of other staff shall be covered either by the transfer of civil servants from the Secretary-General or by secondment of staff with private-law contracts of indefinite duration of the General Government. The provisions of the last two subparagraphs of paragraph 2 of this Article shall also apply to the staff of this para graph. The service time of the distractions is counted as a time of service in their organizational position.

The remuneration of the shareholders and the subject matter of their staff is regulated by the provisions of the Staff Regulations and the salaries of civil servants, other than those regulated by the provisions of this law. The remuneration of the seconded persons shall be paid from

The General Secretariat for Coordination and is equal to the

Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 1 (2) thereof,

9. In the case of overtime or employment, the general provisions applicable to public servants shall apply to night-time or day-to-day exemptions or holidays. The acts adopted shall be adopted by the General Secretariat of Coordination. On the basis of the General Secretariat for Coordination meeting in the Governing Council of the General Secretariat of the Directorate-General for Coordination, the Directorate-General for Coordination will work on a 12-hour basis and on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays.

10. The position of the legal partner is covered by the appointment of a lawyer at the Court of Appeal at least, the holder of a PhD in public law and an excellent knowledge of English, French or German languages. The legal partner's shares are determined in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 2/17132/0022/ 28.2.2012 (B΄ 498).

11. For the non-seat of the staff of the Directorate-General for Coordination at the internal or external level, the provisions applicable to public servants shall apply. By joint decision of the Secretary-General of the Coordination and General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the State, published in the Official Journal of the European Communities, the Governing Council of the General Secretariat shall determine the positions of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat. For the purposes of this Regulation, the Commission shall, in accordance with Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EC) 2685/1999.

12. The coverage of the positions referred to in Article 20 of the present law, as set out in this Article, shall be made by a decision of the Prime Minister, following an opinion of the Board of Directors of the General Secretariat of Coordination, with the exception of the positions of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Council. The Office of the Secretary-General and the Head of the Office for the Administration of the Office for the coverage of which no opinion is required.

13. In the event of urgent needs of the Directorate-General for Coordination, it is permissible to strengthen it with staff other than the number of its organic positions, which are seconded by the General Council bodies, by way of derogation from the provisions laid down by the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the Council. Prime Minister's decision.

14. The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 8 of this Article for transfers or extracts shall also apply to the General Secretariat of the Government.

Article 21 Staff Regulations and duties

1. The Staff Regulations of Officials of the General Secretariat of Coordination and other servants of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat of the General Secretariat. The General Secretariat of the Coordination Department, composed of the General Secretariat of Coordination as President, the Council and the President of the Legal Council of the State, shall be appointed by the General Secretariat of the State. Council of State at the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Electronics Governance. The members of the Council -


The Council adopted a decision by the Prime Minister for two (2) years.

2. In accordance with a decision, the members of the Council shall be appointed. The Secretary-General is appointed General Secretary of the General Secretariat of another General Secretary to the Prime Minister or General Secretariat of the Ministry. Alternates of the two other members shall be appointed by the President of the State, or Judge-by-Representatives of the Legal Council, proposed by the President.

3. A staff member of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by a decision of the General Secretariat, officials from the departments in the General Secretariat of Coordination.

4. The Staff Council acts as the Board of Directors of the General Secretariat of Coordination. When operating as a Disciplinary Board, instead of the Secretary-General, it shall be chaired by a Member of the Court of Auditors appointed by his alternate to the decision of the preceding variant 2 for a term of two (2) years, on a proposal from his President of the Court of Auditors.

5. For the operation of the Council as a Staff or Disciplinary Board, the corresponding provisions of the Staff Code shall apply.

Article 22 Expenditure-Control

1. For the operating expenditure of the General Secretariat of the Directorate-General for Coordination, the provisions of Article 83 of paragraph 63/2005 shall apply.

2. The Financial Control Service of the Prime Minister's services and the Office of the Commissioner of the Court of Auditors in the Chamber of Deputies also serve the Technical Chamber of Coordination.

Article 23 Authorization

The Secretary-General for Coordination may decide, to be published in the Governing Council of the Government, to delegate to the Head of the Directorate-General for Coordination of the General Secretariat of the Directorate-General for Coordination of the signature of acts and documents on matters relating to the operation of the General Secretariat of the Council. The Office shall be responsible for the implementation of this Service.

Article 24 Coding of provisions

1. With a presidential decree issued on a proposal by the Prime Minister, the provisions of the Law are codified in the text. The provisions of Regulation (EEC) No 1558/1985, as well as the provisions of subsequent laws amending, immediately or immediately, provisions of that law.

2. The codification can be included in the form of presidential decrees, Council of Ministers and decisions of the Prime Minister who are wearing government institutions, or services of the central government, as well as joint ministerial decisions. Licences issued pursuant to n.1558/1985, as applicable.

3. The consolidation project is entrusted to the Central Committee for Codification and shall be completed within

Six (6) months from the publication of this law.

Article 25 Transitional provision

1. In the first application of this law, the temporal determinations referred to in Article 16 (a) (a), (b) and (d) of Article 18 (3), as well as the time for the submission of the annual report provided for in Article 18 (3) (b) of Regulation (EEC) In accordance with Article 18 (3) of Article 18 of this Act, they shall be transferred in accordance with a decision of the General Secretariat of Coordination which shall be notified to all Ministries and departments.

2. The term of office of the members of the Staff Regulations and of the Council to be set up in the first instance of this law shall expire on 31.12.2014. As the number of replacements and not more than two (2) months after the entry into force of the Staff Regulations, the Staff Council shall operate with the regular members.

3. During the first application of this law, the appropriations required for the operation of the General Secretariat of Coordination are entered in the budget of the Ministry of Finance.




Article 26 Paragraph G of the n. 4093/2012

In the case of case 1 of the subpara-graph Z.2 of paragraph G of Article 1 v. 4093/2012 the following subparagraphs are added after the last subparagraph:

" The availability shall be lifted with temporary placement operations. The time interval for temporary placements is not taken into account during the duration of the availability. During the period of provisional application, the staff member shall be paid to the staff member in full with similar application of the arrangements in force. Article 2 of Article 2 of the Law 3899/2012. '

Article 27

Article 18 of the Law The following shall be added: 4048/2012 (1 34)

' 6. The President, the members and the secretariat of the Committee referred to in this Article shall be reimbursed. By decision of the Minister for Economic Affairs

The amount of the compensation and the specific conditions for its allocation and each relevant issue. ';

Article 28 Repealed provisions

As from the entry into force of this law, any general or special provision which is contrary to or regulation shall be repealed.


(i) the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament, the European Parliament and the European Parliament.

Article 29

The case in point 39 of paragraph C1 of paragraph 1 of the first paragraph of Article 1. 4093/2012 (A-222) " The Mid-Term Framework of Financial Strategy 2013-2016-Emergency Measures for the Implementation of the Law. The following shall be substituted: 4046/2012 and Medium-term Framework Strategy 2013-2016 ' shall be replaced by the following:

' The payment of the last two instalments of the benefit to the Court of Justice of the Court of Justice and members of the Legal Council of the State provided for in the provisions of paragraph 1. Article 9 of Article 5 of the EEC Treaty Regulation (EEC) No 3620/2007 (A-276), as applicable and is described in the Decision of the Ministers for Economic and Financial Affairs and Justice with No 2/38031/0022/7.6.2010 (Bl 898), will take place as follows:

(b) the fifth tranche in March 2014, (c) the fifth dose (fifth) for pensioners;

The number of officials and members of the Legal Council of State will be paid in November 2014. '

Article 30 Rates for teaching staff

Of the National Centre for Public Administration and Government

At the end of par. Article 58 of the EC Treaty 4075/2012 (1 89), as amended and valid, new verses are available as follows:

"For the members of the main teaching staff of the National Centre of Public Administration and Administration (E.M.D.) providing services for the poetry of the operations of the Business Programme" Administrative Reform 2007-2013 " The procedure for the authorisation of a private project, in accordance with the provisions of Article 31 thereof,

N. NO 3528/2007 (26). On the other hand, for the members of the first subparagraph, the special provisions of Article 11 (d) 57/2007 (' 59), as amended, apply. The above subparagraphs shall apply retroactively from the beginning of the application. 4075/2012 (89). '

Article 31 Committee composition rates

Article 3 of the Law NO 2286/1995 19)

At the end of the first subparagraph of paragraph Article 3 of the Law No 2286/1995 (1) shall be added to the following sentence: 'in the event of a position of a General Secretariat or non-disclosure, the Minister shall be replaced by the Special Secretary of the Ministry'.

Article 32

Article 8 (2) 9 of n. 3592/2007 as applicable, shall be added to, which reads as follows:

" In the event of a permanent cessation or interruption at least during the period of the operation of a radio station or a delay in payment for a four-month period of at least one third of its staff or 1/3 of its total remuneration by the obligor To that end, the operating licence of the radio station shall be withdrawn by its licensed radio operator. At the request of the National Council,

Broadcasting Council from a minimum of one-half of the workers-including at least one third of the publications in question-is granted to them for the establishment, installation and operation of local authorities. Radio station on the corresponding frequency with a proposal by the E.S.R. and a decision of the Minister of Press and Media. In particular, in this case and exceptionally

In accordance with paragraph 10, the minimum paid-up capital, as well as the own funds of the candidates and the amounts of guarantee letters, shall be determined by the SNP, estimated at the rate of 35 % of the funds. '


Article 33 Entry into force

The validity of this law shall be initiated by its publication in the Official Journal of the Government, except where otherwise provided for in the provisions.


Athens, 2013