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Regulation Of The Minister Of Health Number 1096/menkes/per/vi/2011 2011

Original Language Title: Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 1096/MENKES/PER/VI/2011 Tahun 2011

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No. 372, 2011 MINISTRY OF HEALTH. Sanitation Services Boga. Surveillance. Implementation







Weigh: a. that the public needs to be protected from food and jasaboga-managed beverages that do not meet the sanitary hygiene requirements, in order not to harm health;

b. that the requirements of the sanitary sanitary hygiene prescribed in the Health Minister's Decision Number 715 /Menkes/SK/V/2003 already are not in compliance with the development and needs of the law;

c. that based on consideration as in question letter a and letter b, need to establish the Minister of Health ' s Regulation on the Jasaboga Sanitation Hygiene;

Given: 1. Law No. 4 of 1984 on the Plague of Infectious Diseases (sheet of state of the Republic of Indonesia in 1984 No. 20, additional sheet of state of the Republic of Indonesia No. 3273);

2. Law Number 7 of 1996 on Food (Republic of the Republic of Indonesia in 1996

2011, No. 372 2

Number 99, Additional Sheet of State Republic Indonesia Number 3656);

3. Law No. 32 of the Year 2004 on Local Government (Indonesian Republic Year 2004 Number 125, Additional Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 4437) as has been several times the last modified with the Invite Number 12 2008 (sheet Of State Of The Republic Of Indonesia In 2008 Number 59, Additional Gazette Of The Republic Of Indonesia Number 4844);

4. Law Number 36 Year 2009 on Health (State Gazette of Indonesia Year 2009 Number 144, Additional Gazette Republic of Indonesia Number 5063);

5. Government Regulation No. 40 of 1991 on Prevention Of Infectious Disease Epidemic (sheet Of State Of The Republic Of Indonesia In 1991 Number 49, Additional Sheet Of Republic Of Indonesia Indonesia Number 3447);

6. Government Regulation No. 28 of 2004 on Security, Mutu and Food Nutrition (State Gazette 2004 No. 107, Additional Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 4424);

7. Government Regulation No. 38 of 2007 on the Division of Government Affairs between Government, Provincial Government and Regional Governments/Kota (sheet of State of the Republic of Indonesia in 2007) No. 82, additional state sheet Republic of Indonesia No. 4737);

8. Government Regulation No. 13 Year 2009 on Types and Tariffs On Type Of State Acceptance Not Taxes Applicable To The Department Of Health (sheet Of State Of The Republic Of Indonesia In 2009 Number 26, Additional Sheet Of State Republic Indonesia Number 4975);

9. Health Minister ' s Decision Number 431 /Menkes/SK/ IV/2007 on Risk Control Technical Guidelines

2011, No. 3723

Environmental Health in Port/Airport/Border Crossing In Port Health Rangka;

10. Health Minister Regulation Number 1144 /Menkes/Per/ VIII/2010 on the Organization and the Ministry of Health Care;




provisions of UMUM

Article 1

In Regulation of this Minister referred to:

1. Jasaboga is a food management effort that is served outside of place of effort on the basis of an order made by an individual or an enterprise.

2. Food management is a series of activities that include the acceptance of raw materials or processed food, manufacture, shape-changing, packaging, peacemaking, transport and presentation.

3. Foodstub is all the ingredients either processed or not used in food processing, including food adders.

4. Sanitary hygiene is an attempt to control the risk factors for the contamination of food, whether it comes from food, people, places and equipment to be safely consumed.

5. The Jasaboga Sanitary Higiene Certificate Certificate is a written proof issued by an institution that is authorized to comply with the requirements under the provisions of the laws.

6. Food snatcher is the person who directly manages the food.

7. The Port Health Office, which is next abbreviated as KKP is the technical managing unit of the Ministry of Health in the port area, the airport and the land border post.

8. Minister is the minister who organizes government affairs in the health field.

2011, No. 372 4



Article 2

(1) Jasaboga is based on the area of range served, grouped above:

a. A Jasaboga Group;

b. The Jasaboga group B; and

c. Jasaboga group C.

(2) Jasaboga group A is a jasaboga serving the needs of the general public, consisting of the A1 group, the A2 group, and the A3 group.

(3) The Jasaboga group B is a jasaboga that caters to the needs of the community under certain conditions, including:

a. Hajj dormitory, transito dormitory or other dormitory;

b. industry, factories, offshore drilling;

c. Public transport in the country other than air aircraft; and

d. health care facility.

(4) The Jasaboga group C is a jasaboga serving the needs of the public in international public transport and aircraft.

(5) Further provisions on the physical group are listed. in the Rules of this Minister Rule.



Article 3

Any jasaboga must have a business permit under the provisions of the laws.

Article 4

(1) In terms of jasaboga will present the processed food results in the port region, airport, cross-border checkpoint, must obtain the recommendation of the KKP Chief.

(2) To obtain a recommendation as referred to in paragraph (1), jasaboga must apply to the Head of KKP by attaching a photocopy of a jasaboga business permit and a Jasaboga Sanitation Hygiene Certificate.

(3) Example The recommendation referred to in paragraph (1) is listed in Form 1 attached to.

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Article 5

(1) Food management by jasaboga must meet sanitary hygiene and be performed in the manner of good food processing.

(2) More provisions on how good food treatment is treated. as set forth in this Minister of Regulation Attachment.

Article 6

(1) Any food juxers who work in jasaboga must have a food hygiene hygiene course certificate, a healthy body, and not suffering from disease contagious.

(2) The food juxer as referred to in paragraph (1) must doing a regular health check for at least 2 (two) times in 1 (one) year working.

Article 7

(1) In terms of the jasaboga does not meet the sanitary hygiene and good food processing manner as referred to in Article 5, may be subject to administrative actions by the Head of the Regency/City Health Service or the Head of KKP.

(2) The administrative actions as referred to in paragraph (1) may be:

a. oral reprimand;

b. written reprimand; or

c. revocation of the Jasaboga Sanitation Sanitation Hygiene Certificate.

(3) The Head of District Health Service/City or Head of KKP may provide a recommendation to the county/city government or the Administrator Office Port/Airport/Land Border Examination to perform actions of revocation of business permit.



Part Kesatu


Article 8

(1) For obtaining a business permit as referred to in Article 3, jasaboga must have a Laic Certificate Jasaboga Sanitary Hygiene Higiene issued by the District/City Health Service Head.

2011, No. 372 6

(2) Excluded from the provisions as referred to in verse (1), Sanitation of Jasaboga Hygiene Certificate for jasaboga located in port region, airport, cross-checking post issued by Head of KKP.

(3) The Jasaboga Sanitation Hygiene Certificate as referred to in paragraph (1) and verse (2) are issued according to the Jasaboga group.

Second Section


Section 9

(1) The Sanitation Hygiene Certificate Jasaboga is issued after jasaboga meets the administrative requirements and technical requirements.

(2) The administrative requirements as referred to in paragraph (1) include:

a. The applicant's KTP photocopy still applies;

b. Fit the most recent photos of 3 x 4 cm and 4 x 6 cm each as much as 2 (two) sheets;

c. photocopier of training certificates/sanitary hygiene courses for the owner /pengentrepreneur;

d. denah kitchen building;

e. A sanitarian or power designation letter has a knowledge of sanitary hygiene as a matter of responsibility;

f. photocopy of a sanitarian diploma or a training certificate/sanitary hygiene course; and

g. photocopy of the sanitary hygiene course certificate for a minimum of 1 person food disposal.

(3) The technical requirements as referred to in paragraph (1) include building requirements, equipment, composure, and food materials.

(4) More provisions further about the technical requirements as referred to in paragraph (3) are listed in this Minister's Regulation Attachment.

Third Section

Tata cara Obtaining The Jasaboga Sanitary Hygiene Laik Certificate

Article 10

(1) In Jasaboga Sanitation Hyitation Hygiene Certificate, Head of Health Service District/City or Chief KKP form a Torturer Team in charge of the assessment of the completeness of the requirements as referred to in Article 9.

2011, No. 3727

(2) The Torture Team as referred to in paragraph (1) must have knowledge in the field of sanitary hygiene which is in charge of field inspection and assessing the sex of the jasaboga sanitary hygiene.

Article 11

(1) To obtain a Jasaboga Sanitation Sanitation Hygiene Certificate, the proprieholder of jasaboga applied to the Head of the Regency/City Health Service or the Head of KKP by attaching administrative requirements as referred to in Article 9 verse (2), by using an example as set forth in Form 2 attached.

(2) After receiving an application as referred to in paragraph (1), the Head of the Regency/City Health Service or KKP Head set a Jasaboga Test Torture Team.

(3) The Examiner ' s Team conducts visits and checks for judge the requirements of building requirements, equipment, composure, and food materials both physical, chemical, and bacteriological and the entire series of food production processes by using the example Form 3 and Form 4 as attached.

(4) The examination of the food materials must be done through laboratory tests against a sample of food in a laboratory that has the ability.

(5) The Examiner ' s team reported the results of the examination as referred to the verse (3) to the Head of the Regency/City Health Service or KKP Chief who has assigned it in the news of the event Physical behavior, food sampling event news, and sanitary hygiene recommendation letters by using examples as set forth in Form 5, Form 6, and Form 7 are attached.

(6) Sanitation Hygiene Certificate Jasaboga may be issued after the applicant is declared to have met the requirements by Checker team by using examples as set forth in Form 8 attached.

Fourth Quarter


Section 12

(1) Against the Jasaboga Sanitization Sanitization Certificate application is charged as per the terms of the Laws.

2011, No. 372 8

(2) In terms of the invocation as referred to in paragraph (1) rejected, the fee payable cannot be retracted.

Part Fifth

The Term

Section 13

(1) Laic Certificate Jasaboga Sanitary Hygiene is valid for 3 (three) years and may be extended during the meeting of requirements.

(2) The provisions of the Sanitary Sanitation Sanitization Certificate of Jasaboga Certificate as referred to in paragraph (1) follow the terms as referred to in Article 11.

Article 14

Certificate of Laic Hygiene Sanitation Jasaboga does not apply or be void if:

b. the owner's change occurred;

c. moved loan/address;

d. do not perform for 1 (one) consecutive year; or

e. was declared revoked because of the lack of sanitary hygiene or causing the occurrence of food poisoning.



Article 15

(1) In order to improve the knowledge and skills of resources human working in jasaboga can be a food sanitation hygiene course.

(2) Training/Food hygiene courses (1) may be hosted by the Ministry of Health, the health service province, county/city health services or other institutions/institutions as per the terms Laws.

(3) The guidelines of the food sanitation training/hygiene courses as referred to in paragraph (1) are listed in the Regulation of this Minister.

2011, No. 3729



Article 16

Any physical or physical responsible proprietor who receives a report or learns of the occurrence of food poisoning or death allegedly derived from the The food she produced is required to report to the puskesmas, the county/town health service or the local KKP.

Article 17

(1) In the event of an occurrence of food poisoning and/or Genesis Extraordinary food poisoning, Government take countermeasures measures.

(2) countermeasures as referred to the paragraph (1) exercised through investigative activities and surveillance, as well as the sampling and necessary physical specimens.

(3) The sampling and specimen as referred to in verse (2) were conducted by the officer Sanitarians are trained and inspected in an accredited laboratory.

(4) The provisions of sample and specimen examination, as referred to in paragraph (3) are executed in accordance with applicable standards.



section 18

(1) The coaching and supervision of the execution The rules of the Ministry are conducted by the Minister, the Provincial Health Service, and the Head of the Regency/City Health Service or the KKP Chief.

(2) The coaching and supervision as referred to in paragraph (1) is exercised in accordance with the provisions as set forth in this Regulation Attachment.



Article 19

At the time The Minister ' s Rule is set to apply:

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a. The Jasaboga Sanitary Higiene Certificate Certificate based on Health Minister's Decision Number 715 /Menkes/SK/V/2003 on the Jasaboga Sanitation Hygiene Requirements, remains in effect until the expiration of the term.

b. The Jasaboga Sanitary Higiene Certificate Certificate in the process, implemented in accordance with the Decree of Health Minister Number 715 /Menkes/SK/V/2003 on the Jasaboga Sanitation Hygiene Requirements.



Article 20

At the time the Ministerial Regulation is in effect, the Decree of Health Minister Number 715 /Menkes/SK/V/2003 on the Jasaboga Sanitation Hygiene Requirements is revoked and declared not to be valid.

Article 21

The Minister ' s Regulation start to apply at the date of the invitation.

So that everyone knows it, ordered the Ordinance of this Minister's Regulation with its placement in the News of the Republic of Indonesia.

Specified in Jakarta on 7 June 2011




promulred in Jakarta on 28 June 2011




2011, No. 37211








1. Jasaboga Group A1

a. Criteria

Jasaboga that caters to the needs of the general public, with the processing

food that uses household kitchens and is managed by the family.

b. Technical requirements

1) Space Settings

The food processing room should not be used as a sleeping space.

2) Ventilation/hawaan

a) If the building does not have sufficient natural ventilation, it must

provide artificial ventilation for air circulation.

b) A dirty air waste or smoke must not create a nuisance

against the environment.

3) The hand wash and the equipment wash

Available the hand wash and place washing the equipment separately with

the smooth surface and easy to clean.

4) Food storage

For food storage and food so fast

rot must be available at least 1 (one) of refrigerators (refrigerators).

2. There's A Body

a. Criteria

Jasaboga that caters to the needs of the general public, with the processing

that uses a household kitchen and is working on the workforce.

b. Technical Requirements

1) Qualifies the technical requirements of the TA1 group.

2) Qualifies the specific requirements as follows:

a) spatial arrangement

The food processing room must be separated by the separator wall

which separates the food processing place with other spaces.

b) Ventilation/hawking

2011, No. 372 12

The smoke exiles from the kitchen must be fitted with a disposal device

The smoke that helps the kitchen smoke expenditure so it does not contaminate

the room.

c) Food storage

For storage of food and fast decomposing food

must be available at least 1 (one) of refrigerators (refrigerators).

d) clothing locker room

The building's premises should be equipped with space/storage and

change to ample clothing.

The facility's locker room facility is located/put in place that can

prevent contamination of food.

3. Jasaboga Group A3

a. Criteria

Jasaboga that caters to the needs of the general public, with the processing

that uses a special kitchen and is working on the workforce.

b. Technical requirements

1) Qualifies the technical requirements of the physical group A2.

2) Meet the specific requirements as follows:

a) Space Settings

The food processing room must be separated from the building for the venue


b) Ventilation/hawking:

The smoke exiles from the kitchen must be fitted with a disposal device

smoke or chimney or can also be equipped with the device

smoke hood (smoke hood).

c) The food processing room

The food cooking place needs to be separated clearly with the place

The preparation of the food is cooked.

The container must be available a cold storage cabinet that can reach the temperature

-50C with sufficient capacity to serve the appropriate activities

with the type of food/groceries used.

d) The transport tools and containers

availability of special vehicles of the food transport with construction

closed and only used to transport ready food


The device/food transport site must be perfectly covered, made from

waterproof material, smooth surface and easy to clean.

The feed on every box (box) used once used to

fancy food, must be Listed the company name, number

Effort permit and Laic Hygiene Hygiene Certificate number.

The Jasaboga body that serves the food is not with the box, should

include the company name and the Business Permit number as well as the number

Sanitary Hygiene certificate certificate in an easy presentation spot

is known to be common.

2011, No. 37213


1. Criteria

Jasaboga which serves special community needs for community dormitory

Hajj, transito dormitory, offshore drilling, company as well as freight

in public with processing that uses special kitchen and

employed a workforce.

2. Technical requirements

a. It meets the technical requirements of the Jasaboga group A3.

b. Meet specific requirements as follows:

1) Page

The dirty water exiles must be fitted with a fat catcher (grease

trap) before dialled into a dirty water shelter (septic tank) or

another dump.

2) The Floor

The meeting between the floor and the wall is no dead corner and should

arch (conus) to be easily cleaned.

3) The space setting

Has an office space and room for learning/special that are separated from

food processing room.

4) Ventilation/hawking

The smog of the kitchen must be equipped with smoke catchers

(hood), smoke logging and chimney.

5) The equipment washing facilities and foodstub

(a). The washing facility of a strong material, smooth surface and

is easily cleared.

(b). Any equipment is released at least with a caporite solution of 50

ppm or hot air 80oC for 2 minutes.

(c). Hand wash

Every food processing room must be at a minimum of 1 (one) fruit

wash hands with flowing water that is put near the door

and be equipped with soap.

(d). The food processing room

(1) Available a separate food processing space from

the space of the food storage space.

(2) Available cold storage cabinets that can reach temperatures-

5oC to -10oC with Sufficient capacity to be appropriate

with the type of food used.


1. Criteria

Jasaboga which serves the needs of international public transport tools and

aircrafts with specialized kitchens and

work on the workforce.

2011, No. 372 14

2. Requirements

a. Meet the corporal requirements of group B.

b. Meet the specific requirements as follows:

1) Ventilation/hawker

a) The smoke exiles are equipped with a smoke catcher (hood), the tool

smokestack, chimney, fat filter that can be opened

and installed for cleaned periodically.

b) The room Ventilation is equipped with a room temperature regulator

that can maintain the comfort of the room.

2) The tool washing facility and the materials

a) Are made of stainless metal materials and insoluble in

food such as stainless steel.

b) Water for equipment washing and washing purposes should

have at least 15 psi (1.2 kg/cm2) pressure power.

3) The food processing room

a) Available cold storage cabinets for food separately

according to the type of food/ingredients used

such as meat, eggs, poultry, fish, vegetables and fruit with temperature

that can achieve the required requirement.

b) Available storage of food storage for materials

dry food, processed foods and non-easy ingredients


c) The food storage should be easily moved with

using the drive wheel so the room is easy to clean.

2011, No. 37215




1. Location

The location of the jasaboga is not adjacent to the source of pollution such as the site

common trash, public toilets, paint factory and other sources of pollution.

a. Page

(1) Terpampang company name and Business Permit number as well as number

The Sanitation Hygiene Hygiene Certificate.

(2) Clean Page, not bush, not many flies and available place

clean trash and Closing, there are no piles of items

that can be a rat's nest.

(3) Waste water waste (kitchen waste water and bathroom) does

elicits a nest of insects, a mouse ' s entry path and nurtured

clean up.

(4) Good rainwater exiles, no water puddles.

b. Construction

Construction building for physical activities must be sturdy and safe.

Construction other than strong is also always in the physical and free state of free

of any remaining items or used carelessly placed.

c. Floor

Kedap water, flat, uncracked, unslick, tilt/kelandaian enough and easy


d. Wall

Surface wall is deep, not moist, easy to clean and

bright color.

The surface of the wall that has always been a splash of water, coated in a waterproof material

as high as 2 (two) meters from the floor with smooth surface, not holding the dust

and brightly colored.

The angle of the wall with a curved shaped floor (conus) to be easy

is cleaned and does not store the dust/dirt.

2. The ceiling

a. The ceiling must cover the entire roof of the building, made from the material

whose surface is flat, easy to clean, not absorbing water and colour


b. The ceiling height is at least 2.4 meters above the floor.

3. Doors and windows

a. The doors of the space where the food processing is made open to the outside and

can close itself (self closing), equipped with a fly/fly device

such as kassa, curtain, double door and so on.

2011, No. 372 16

b. The doors and windows of the food processing room are equipped with anti

serangga/flies such as kassa, curtains, double doors and others that can

open and be installed to be cleaned.

4. Lighting

a. The intensity of the lighting should be sufficient to be able to perform the examination and

purge as well as do the work effectively.

b. Any food processing space and intensity hand wash

lighting at least 20 foot candle/fc (200 lux) at 90 cm from the floor.

c. All lighting should not incur the glare and its distribution

in such a way that it does not create a shadow.

d. Bright light can be known by measuring lux meter (foot candle meter)

1) measuring 10 fcs with lux meter at the 1x position, at 100, or

at 10x at 10.

Note: 1 scale lux = 10, meaning 1 foot candle = 10 lux.

2) For rough estimates can be used numbers count as follows:

A 1 watt release produces 1 candle light or

one watt 1 watt produces 1 foot candle at 1 foot (30 cm) or

one watt 1 watt yields 1/3 foot candle at a distance of 1 meter or

the 1 watt gap yields 1/3 x ½ = 1/6 foot candle at a distance of 2 meters or

the 1 watt 1 watt produces 1/3 x 1/3 = 1/9 foot candle at 3 meters.

The 40 watt light bulb produces 40/6 or 6.8 foot candle at 2 meters

or 40/9 = 4.5 foot candle at a distance of 3 meters.

5. Ventilation/wind-hazing

a. The building or room where the food processing should be equipped with

ventilation is the circulation/circulation of the air.

b. The area vents 20% of the floor area, for:

1) Preventing indoor air or keeping comfort in the


2) Preventing the condensation/cooling of water vapor or fat and

dripping on the floor, walls and ceilings.

3) defecating, smoke and other contamination from the room.

6. The food processing room

a. The area of the food processing place must correspond to the number of employees who

works and the equipment is in the processing room.

b. The kitchen floor area is free of the minimum equipment of two square meters (2 m2)

for each worker person.

Example: The spacious kitchen space (with work equipment) 4 m x 5 m = 20 m2.

The number of employees who work in a 6-person kitchen, then each worker

gets a room area of 20/6 = 3.3 m2, meaning this area meets

terms (breadth 2 m2 for workers and an area of 1.3 m2 estimated to

the presence of equipment)

The area of the kitchen room with 3 m x 4 m = 12 m2 equipment. Number

employees in a 6-person kitchen, then each employee gets broad

2011, No. 37217

room 12/6 = 2 m2, this area is not eligible because it is calculated

with the presence of equipment in the kitchen.

c. The food processing room should not be in direct contact with

toilet/jamban, peturasan and bathroom.

d. Equipment in the minimal food processing room must be a working table, cupboard/

the storage area of ingredients and food so that is shielded from the disorder

insects, rats and other animals.


1. Hand wash

a. A separate handwash is available from the equipment wash and

the groceries are equipped with flowing water and soaps, channels

Closed disposal, water shelter and dryer tool.

b. The hand wash is placed at an easy to reach and close

with a place to work.

c. The number of handwashing places is adjusted to the number of employees with

comparison as follows:

The number of employees 1-10 people: 1 hand wash.

11-20 people: 2 handwashing places

Each one The addition of the employee up to 10 people, there is an addition of 1

(one) of the hand wash.

2. Clean water

a. Clean water should be available enough for the whole hosting activity


b. Net water quality must meet the requirements in accordance with the rules that


3. Jamban and peturasan (urinoir)

a. Jasaboga must have a qualified jamban and peturasan

sanitary hygiene.

b. The number of jambans should be sufficient, with the following comparison:

1) The number of employees: 1-10 persons: 1 fruit

11-25 people: 2 fruits

26-50 persons: 3 fruits

Each has an employee's addition to 25 people, there

addition of 1 (one) jamban fruit.

2) The amount of peturasan should be sufficient, with the following comparison:

Employee number: 1-30 people: 1 fruit

31-60 people: 2 fruits

Each one has an employee addition to 30 people, there

the addition of 1 (one) of the peturasan.

4.Room shower

a. Jasaboga must have a water-equipped bathroom facility

flowing and a wastewater disposal channel that meets the requirements


2011, No. 372 18

b. The number of bathrooms must be needed, at the very least available:

Employee number: 1-30 people: 1 fruit

Each has an employee's addition to 20, there is an addition of 1

(one) bath fruit.

5. Trash can

a. The bins should be separated between wet garbage (organic) and garbage

dry (an organic).

b. The dumpster must be closed, available in sufficient quantities and

is put as close as possible to the waste production source, but can

avoid the possibility of a waste of food by trash.


A place of equipment washing and food materials

a. An equipment wash is available, if possible separate from the premises

of the food wash.

b. Equipment washing should be used to use the cleaning/detergent materials.

c. Uncooked or eaten raw groceries should

be washed using a solution Kalium Permanganat (KMnO4) with

concentration of 0.02% for 2 minutes or a caporite solution with a concentration of 70%

during 2 minutes or dipped in boiling water (temperature 80 °C -100 °C) during

1-5 seconds.

d. The purged equipment and foodstutter are stored in place

sheltered from the pollution of insects, rats and other animals.


The food processor/employee

1. It has a food sanitary hygiene course certificate.

2. A healthy body that is proven by a doctor's letter.

3. It does not have infectious diseases such as typhoid, cholera, tuberculosis, hepatitis and other-

others or carrier germs (carrier).

4. Every employee must have a health check book in effect.

5. All food processing activities must be done in a shielded way

from direct contact with the body.

6. Direct contact protection with food is done using


a. Disposable plastic gloves (disposal)

b. Food brace

c. Spoon fork

7. To protect the pollution against food using:

a. Celemek/apron

b. Hair cap

c. Waterproof shoes

8. Behavior during work/managing the food:

a. No smoking

b. Not eating or chewing

2011, No. 37219

c. Not wearing jewelry, except for an unadorned wedding ring (plain)

d. Not using the equipment and facilities that are not for its purposes

e. Always wash your hands before work, after work and after getting out of


f. Always wear a work outfit and a protective outfit properly

g. Always wear clean work clothes that are not worn out of place


h. Not much talking and always closing the mouth at the time of coughing or sneezing

by staying away from food or out of the room

i. Not combing the hair near the food that will and has been processed


The food consumed should be hygienic, healthy and safe i.e. free of spruce

physical, chemical and bacterial.

1. Physical cementation such as broken glass, gravel, chunks of lidi, hair, staples,

and so on

With careful vision or eye casings

2. Chemical spruce such as tin-black, arsenicum, cadmium, zinc, copper,

pesticide and so on

Through laboratory checks and negative vetting results

3. Bacterial spruce like Eschericia coli (E. coli) and so on

Through laboratory checks and examination results show the numbers

germs E. coli 0 (zero)


A sanitary hygiene check was conducted to assess the behavior of technical requirements

physical buildings, equipment and composure as well as food requirements of

chemical and bacteriological requirements. The value of this examination is poured in the news

physical events and the news of the sample/specimen examination event.

1. Physical examination

a. Group A1, minimum value of 65 by 70, or 65-70%

b. Group A2, minimum value of 70 max 74, or 70-74%

c. Type A3, at minimum 74 for 83, or 74-83%

d. Group B, minimum value 83 maximum of 92, or 83-92%

e. Group C, minimum value of 92 maximum 100, or rangking 92 -100%

2. Laboratory check

a. Chemical spruce at negative food

b. E. coli germ numbers on food 0/gr food sample

c. The germ number in the feeding equipment is 0 (zero)

d. Unobtained carrier (pathogen carrier) on penjamah

the food checked (usap dubur/rectal swab)

2011, No. 372 20



Food management in jasaboga must apply the principle of sanitary hygiene

food ranging from the selection of foodstub to the Food preservation.

Special to food processing should pay attention to the rule of processing

good food.


1. Selection of groceries

a. Raw (fresh) foodstub foods that need to be processing before

are served like:

1) meat, milk, telor, fish/shrimp, fruit and vegetables must be in a state

good, fresh and undamaged or changed shape, color and taste, as well as

should be derived from an official supervised place.

2) type of flour and The grain must be in good condition, not change color,

not stained and unmoldy.

3) The fermented foods that are processed foods with microbial help

like yeast or cendawan, should be in good shape, smell smell

fermentation, not changing color, aroma, taste as well as immaculate stain and not


b. The Food Additional Material (BTP) which is used must meet the requirements

according to the applicable regulations.

c. Factory processed foods are food that can be directly eaten but

is used for a further food processing process:

1) Food is packaged

a). It has a label and brand

b). Registered and has a list number

c). The packaging is not broken/broke or bloated

d). Unexpired

e). The packaging is used for only one use

2) Food is not packaged

a). New and fresh

b). Not stale, foul, damaged or moldy

c). Does not contain any harmful materials

2. Food storage

a. Food storage places must be spared the possibility of

contamination either by bacteria, insects, rats and other animals and

hazardous materials.

2011, No. 37221

b. Storage should pay attention to first in first out (FIFO) principles and first

expired first out (FEFO) of stored food materials first and

that are nearing expiration/use more It was.

c. A place or storage container should be compatible with the type of groceries

for example the fast-damaged food ingredient is stored in a freezer

and dry-food ingredients are stored in a dry and unmoist place.

d. The storage of food ingredients should pay attention to the temperature as follows:

The storage temperature of the groceries

No type of material


Used in time

3 days or


1 week or


1 week

or more


Meat, fish,

shrimp and


- 5o s/d 0oC -10o s/d -5oC > -10oC

2) Telor, milk and

olas 5o s/d 7o C - 5o s/d 0oC > - 5oC

3) Sayur, fruit and

drinks 10oC 10oC 10oC

4) Tepung and seeds 25oC or

room temperature

25oC or

room temperature 25oC or

room temperature

e. The thickness and solid materials are no more than 10 cm

f. Indoor storage humidity: 80%-90%

g. Storage of plant processed food ingredients

The food in closed packaging is stored at + 10oC temperature.

h. Not attached to the floor, wall or ceiling with the provisions

as follows:

1) The distance of the foodstub with the floor: 15 cm

2) The distance of the food material with the wall: 5 cm

3) The distance of the groceries with ceiling: 60 cm

3. Food processing

The food processing is a process of changing the form of raw material

being a cook/cook or ready meal, with regard to the rule

the way food processing is good:

a. Food processing places or kitchens should meet technical requirements

sanitary hygiene to prevent the risk of contamination from food and

can prevent the entry of flies, cockroaches, rats and other animals.

b. Menus are compiled with regard to:

1) Order of consumers

2) Availability of materials, type and number

3) Diversity of variations of each menu

2011, No. 372 22

4) The process and the length of its rejection time

5) The expertise in processing the food from the related menu

c. Selection of sorting materials to separate/dispose of parts of the ingredients

rusak/afkir and to maintain quality and food preservation as well as reduce

risk of food contamination.

d. Ingredients peracfish, seasoning preparation, processing preparation and priority in

cooking must be done according to stage and must be hygienic and all ingredients

ready cooked should be washed with running water.

e. Equipment

1) Appliances that contact with food

a) The cooking and feeding equipment must be made of tara

food (food grade) which is safe and harmless equipment for


b) The equipment surface layer is insoluble in acidic/alkaline atmosphere or

salts are prevalent in food and do not emit materials

dangerous and toxic heavy metals such as:

(1) Black Timah (Pb)

(2) Arsenic (As)

(3) Copper (Cu)

(4) Seng (Zn)

(5) Cadmium (Cd)

(6) Antimon (Stibium)

(7) and others

c) Talenan is made of materials other than wood, strong and not releasing the material

is toxic.

d) Treatment supplies such as stoves, gas canisters, lamps, wind fans

must be clean, robust and functioning properly, not being the source

contamination and not causing catastrophic sources (accidents).

2) The food storage vessel

a) The used fence must have a lid that can close

is perfect and can get hot air out of the food for

preventing the condensation (condensation).

b) Separated for any type of food, food so/cook as well as

wet and dry food.

3) The ready-ready clean equipment should not be held in the contact section

directly with the food or the clinging to the mouth.

4) The cleaning equipment must be no germs Eschericia coli (E. coli) and

other germs.

5) The equipment state should be intact, not disabled, not cracking, not gompal and

easy to clean.

f. Preparation of the processing must be done by setting up all the equipment

which will be used and the food materials to be treated in order


g. Temperature and time settings need to be noticed because each food item

has a different maturity time. Minimum processing temperature 900C

2011, No. 37223

in order for germ pathogens to die and should not be too long for the nutrient content

not missing due to evaporation.

h. Priority in cooking

1) First need to cook long-lasting food like fried sauce

the dry

2) The food is prone to the final cooked food

3) Save the food ingredients that are not yet time to be cooked on the refrigerator/cupboard


4) Save the food so/cook that is not yet timed to be served in

hot state

5) Watch the food vapor do not get into the food because

will cause recontamination

6) Does not guarantee a meal so/cook by hand but must

use tools such as clamps or spoons

7) Taste the food using a special spoon that is always washed

i. Food handling hygiene

1) Treating the food carefully and carefully according to

the food hygiene hygiene principle

2) placing the food in a closed container and avoiding placement

the food is open with overlap because it will contaminate the food

in the container below.

4. Food storage so/cook

a. The food is not broken, not rotten or stale that is marked from taste, smell,

slimy, color-changing, moldy, scent-changing or any other spruce.

b. Meet the bacteriological requirements based on the applicable provisions.

1). E. germ number coli on food must be 0/gr food sample.

2). E. germ number coli on the drink must be 0/gr sample drink.

c. The amount of heavy metal content or pesticide residues, should not exceed

the threshold that is allowed according to the applicable provisions.

d. Storage should pay attention to first in first out (FIFO) and first

expired first out (FEFO) that is food stored first and which

approaches the expiration date of the consumption. It was.

e. A place or container storage must be separated for any type of food

so and have a lid that can close perfectly but ventilate

that can emit water vapor.

f. The food is not mixed with raw food ingredients.

g. Food storage so should pay attention to the temperature as follows:

2011, No. 372 24

Food storage so /cook

No food type

storage temperature


in time


Will soon

Be presented

Not immediately


1) Dry food 25o s/d 30oC

2) Wet food

(wallow) > 60oC -10oC


Quick food

stale (coconut milk,

egg, milk)

> 65.5oC - 5o s/d -1oC

4) Food

served cold 5oC s/d 10oC <10oC

5. Food transport

a. Food ingredient transport

1) Not mixed with hazardous and toxic materials (B3).

2) Using a hygienic food transport special vehicle.

3) The food ingredients should not be trampled, disproved and occupied.

4) The groceries during the transport must always be in the state

cold, transported by using a refrigeration tool so the ingredients

the food is not damaged such as meat, liquid milk and so on.

b. Food transport so/masak/ready santap

1) Not mixed with hazardous and toxic materials (B3).

2) Using special-food transport carriers so/cook and

must always be hygienic.

3) Any kind of food so have their respective containers and covered.

4) Wadah must be intact, strong, not rust and its size adequate with

the amount of food to be placed.

5) The content should not be full to avoid any melting of the food vapor


6) Transport for a long time, the temperature must be noticed and set to be

the food stays hot at 600C temperatures or stays cool at 400C temperatures.

6. Food presentation

a. The food is expressed as a meal when the organoleptic and test tests are performed

the biological and laboratory tests are performed if there is any suspicion.

1) The organoleptic test is to check the food by researching and

using 5 (Five) the human sense is by looking,

meraba (texture, fourth), kissing (scent), listening (e.g.,

eggs), licks (taste). If organically well then the food

is expressed laik santap.

2011, No. 37225

2) The biological test is that by eating the food perfectly and if

within 2 (two) hours no sign of pain, food

is declared safe.

3) Laboratory Testing performed to know the level of food spurts

both chemical and microbial. For this examination required a sample

the food was taken following the correct standard/procedure and the result

compared to the standard that has been default.

b. Place of presentation

Watch the distance and travel time from the food processing place to the

preservation as well as the obstacles that may occur during the transport because

will affect the condition of the presentation. The impediment beyond the assumption is highly

affects the delay of the presentation.

c. Way of preservation

Food preparation so/ready for many variations depending on the order


1) Table presentation (table service) is the presentation at the table together,

generally for family events or meeting of groups with the amount

limited 10 to 20 people.

2) The buffet (buffet) is a centralised presentation for all types of food

prepared and food can be covered by itself to be brought to the venue


3) Saung (ala carte) is a separate presentation for each type of food and

each person can take food according to his fondness.

4) Dus (box) is a presentation with a paper box or plastic box that already

contains a complete meal menu including drinking water and the usual fruit

for the lunch event.

5) Rice wrap (pack/wrap) is a food preparation in one mix

menu (mix) wrapped and ready santap.

6) Quick service (fast food) is a food preparation in one rack food

(food counter) at the home of the meal by taking its own food that

desirable and paying before the meal is eaten.

7) Lesehan is a food preparation by means of dishes on the floor or table

low by sitting on the floor with a complete menu.

d. The principle of presentation

1) Wadah is any type of food in place in a separate container,

closed in order that there is no cross contamination and can prolong

the food term corresponds to the level of food pack.

2) The water kadar is a food that contains high water levels (food

wallow) is only mixed at the time before being prepared to prevent

the fast food is broken and stale.

3) The secession is the food placed in the container the same as

dus or abstinate must be separated from any type of food to not mutually


4) Heat is food that should be served heat instill in

a hot state with regard to the temperature of the food, before

2011, No. 372 26

placed in a hot tool (food warmer/bean merry) food must

be at temperatures > 600C.

5) Clean i.e. all the equipment used must be hygienic, intact, not

disabled or damaged.

6) Handling i.e. any food handling and eating device is not

direct contact with the body members especially hand and lip.

7) Edible part which is all served is edible food,

The uneaten ingredients must be removed.

8) The practice of the food presentation should be appropriate.

with supposed to be exact menu, punctual, proper grammar and

right volume (corresponding count).

e. Sample or example

1) Each meal menu must be one portion of the sample (e.g.) the food that

is stored as a sample bank for confirmation in the event of a disturbance or

consumer demands.

2) The sample placements for any type of food by using

pockets of sterile plasters and samples are stored in 100C temperatures for 1 x 24


3) The already no longer required sample should not be eaten but should

be disposed of.

4) The amount of food taken for the sample as follows:

(a) dry food/gorengan and cake: 1 piece

(b) wallow food: 1 piece + kuah 1 vegetable spoon

(c) delicte/sambal food: 2 tablespoons

(d) liquid food: 1 tablespoon of vegetables

(e) rice: 100 grams

(f) drinks: 100 cc

2011, No. 37227




1. Participants, Organizers, Engineering and Technical Responsibilities

a. A trainee is each person and/or

an owner/owner/responsible for the food that works in


b. Training organizers are Central, KKP, Provincial Health Service, Service

Health/City Health/City or Institution that has been registered.

c. The Training Provider is the Chairman of the Training Host.

d. Training technical enlarging is the Director of Environmental Vision for

Central level, KKP Chief, Provincial Health Service Head, and Service Head

District Health/City.

2. Curriculum, Materials and Teaching or Tutor

a. The Food Sanitation Hygiene training curriculum for entrepreneurs/

owners/responsible for food and food vendors as listed

on B 1 and B 2.

b. The training materials refers to the training modules published by

Ministry of Health.

c. Teachers or tutor training courses of food sanitation with

qualifications as follows:

1) Have a certified food hygiene hygiene knowledge.

2) Labour, Sanitarian/Environmental Health.

3) Experience working in related fields.

4) Education of a minimum of S1 (Bachelor).

3. Tutorial and Evaluation

a. Self-learnable training participants may be assisted with tutorials

performed in the area where the participant is working, or any other place

appointed by the training organizer.

b. Eligible participants in the training can follow the evaluation

the Food Sanitation Hygiene course executed in writing.

c. The implementation of the evaluation by the Team formed by the Training Organizer.

d. The chairman of the evaluation team is the Sanitarian Force appointed by the Chairman

Organizing Training.

e. The task of the evaluation team is to compose about, supervise, inspect and

deliver the evaluation results to the evaluation team chairman.

f. The evaluation team chairman sets out the participants who graduated in the evaluation.

4. Certificate

a. The specified training participant is given a certificate.

b. The certificate is issued and signed by the Training Organizing Chairman.

2011, No. 372 28

c. The Food Sanitation Hygiene course certificate applies nationally.

d. The Food Sanitation Hygiene Course certificate applies for a term of not


e. The form of the Food Sanitation Higiene course certificate is made in accordance with

provisions as examples on Form 9 and Form 10.


1. The curriculum of the food sanitation hygiene course for the business/owner/owner/charge of jasaboga

The Part No Mata Lessons Pokok Bahasan Jam


1 2 3 4 5



1. Rule



Sanitation Hygiene


a. Bill No. 36 Year

2009 about


b. Invite-

invitation in the field


2 x 45 '

2. Requirements

sanitary hygiene



Food (TPM)

Kepmenkes Number


about Requirements

Sanitation Hygiene


2 x 45 '



3. Polluting materials



a. Travel chain

food (food chain)

b. Development

bacteria at


c. Bacterial dose


d. The way the bacteria


the disease

1 x 45 '

4. Polluting materials

other foods

a. Virus

b. Foreign substances & materials


c. Chemicals

1 x 45 '

5. Congenital disease


a. Cause by


b. Cause by materials


c. Cause by substance


d. Cause by the substance


2 x 45 '

2011, No. 37229

Section No Eye Lessons For Baht Jam


1 2 3 4 5

6. Principles of hygiene



a. Source and


food polluters

b. Aspect of sanitation


c. Selection of materials

d. Material storage

e. Processing

f. Storage


g. Transport

h. Presentation

i. Time control

and food temperature

(danger zone)

j. Cross-contamination


4 x 45 '

7. Structure and

kitchen layout

a. Materials and


b. Size and function


c. Food flow (food


d. Building denah

(lay out)

e. Comfort


2 x 45 '

8. Laundering and





a. Cooking utensils


b. The dining equipment


c. Means and the way


d. Dessert

e. Storage


2 x 45 '

9. Maintenance



a. Clean water

b. Waste disposal

and garbage

4 x 45 '

2011, No. 372 30

Section No Eye Lessons Pokok Clock


1 2 3 4 5

10. Control

insects and


a. Life cycle

insects and mice

b. How to watch

and control

bugs and mice in

the management place


c. Innate disease

which can

is transmitted by

insects and mice

2 x 45 '

11. Higiene


a. Source of polluters

of the body

b. Observation


c. Knowledge, attitude

and healthy behavior

d. Protective clothing


2 x 45 '

12. Tool handling


a. Cooling system

b. Characteristic tool


c. Food softening

frozen (thawing)

d. Supervision and


2 x 45 '

13. Cooking process



a. How to cook that


b. Temperature relations and

bemusnahan bacteria

c. Reheating


2 x 45 '

14. Preservatives and

additional ingredients


a. Heating,

drying and


b. The canning and

empty air

c. Use of materials

chemistry and radiation

d. Additional Materials

Food (BTM)

2 x 45 '

15. A bending. Quality control 2 x 45 '

2011, No. 37231

Section No Eye Lessons Pokok Bahasan Jam


1 2 3 4 5

Self-quality (quality control)

b. Quality assurance

(quality assurance)

c. Self-testing

(self control).

d. Point-of-Point Analysis

Critical Control

(ABTKK)- Hazard

Analysis Critical

Control Point





16. Summary

Sanitation hygiene


a. Material summary

(capita selecta)

b. Exercise on

1 x 45 '

17. Fuck off the a. Introduction


b. Tourism in


c. Food role

healthy in


1 x 45 '

18. Management

Sanitation hygiene


a. Application and


b. Business opportunities and

work motivation

c. Organization and


1 x 45 '

NUMBER 35 x 45'

2011, No. 372 32

2. Curriculum Of Food Sanitation Hygiene Courses For Food Vendors

Section No. Eyes Subject Matter


1 2 3 4 5



1. Regulation Per-



The Sanitation Hygiene


a. Act No. 36 Th. 2009

about Health

b. Kepmenkes Number


The Hygiene Requirements

Sanitation Jasaboga.

1 x 45 '



2. Polluting materials



a. Travel chain

food (food chain)

b. Development

bacteria at


c. The way the bacteria


the disease in


d. Getting to know other pollutants

: viruses, materials

chemicals, parasites, objects

foreign and materials


1 x 45 '

3. Congenital disease


a. Cause by


b. Cause by materials


c. Cause by substance


d. Cause by substance


2 x 45 '

4. Principles of hygiene



a. Source and


food polluters

b. Selection,




preservation and


c. Aspect of hygiene

food sanitation

2 x 45 '

2011, No. 37233

Section No. The Lessons For The Pokok Lesson Clock


1 2 3 4 5

d. Time control

and food temperature

(danger zone)

5. Laundering and





a. Cooking utensils


b. The dining equipment


c. Means and the way


d. Dessert

e. Storage


1 x 45 '

6. Maintenance



a. Clean Water

b. Waste disposal

and garbage

c. Control

insects and mice

d. Maintenance and



e. Sanitation facility

2 x 45 '

7. Higiene


a. Source of polluters

of the body

b. Observation


c. Knowledge, attitude

and healthy behavior

d. Self-protection tool

/protective tool


1 x 45 '

NUMBER 10 x 45'

2011, No. 372 34




1. Coaching

Periodical checks conducted on jasaboga, Head of Health Service

Regency/Kota/KKP and may involve the local Jasaboga Association and

deliver the results of such a jasaboga check to Bupati/

Mayor/Port Administrator/Airport and the public are entitled

aware of the results of the examination.

2. Testing

The Health Service or KKP may at any time perform a test of the inside

order of supervision and coaching. The cost of testing the test is charged in

the Government and Local Government budget.

3. Food sanitary hygiene audits

Auditing of sanitary hygiene and physical quality testing performed to assess

physical conditions, facilities and environment of Food Management (TPM), levels

of food spruce and or any occurrence Extraordinary/plague and circumstance that

endangers others.

a. Periodic audits, including:

1) Field check by making a visit to the company

jasaboga, performed at least 2 (two) times in a year performed

by the County Health Service officer/Kota/KKP and can

Follow The local Jasaboga association with the use of

Form 11.

2) Form 11 is used as a monitoring tool for the jasaboga that has been

data and obtained the Sanitation Hygiene Hygiene Certificate as well as having

a business permit.

3) Take examples and specimens carried out against the type of food that

is suspected in order to enforce the diagnosis or analysis of the level

feed the food at a time.

4) Delivery of samples and specimens to the laboratory.

b. Scope of Audit Hygiene Sanitation Sanitation of Jasaboga Food, covering:

1) Food control, covering:

a) food source

b) Temperature and storage

c) Appliances

d) penjamah

e) Wash

f) Quality

2) The supervision of the processing equipment, covering:

a) How to wash

b) The material and its integrity

c) The amount and its use

2011, No. 37235

d) Storage

e) Responsible power

3) The supervision of the food processing process in any processing section:

a) Hot kitchen (hot kitchen)

b) Cold kitchen (preparation kitchen)

c) The kitchen is a baker/cake (pastry/bakery)

d) The kitchen is a food container (pantry)

e) The equipment used (utensil)

f) The temperature of the room (holding room)

g) the processor (food handler)

h) Usage of food additives (food additives)

4) Food storage supervision includes:

a) Temperature and save time

b) Appliances to store the food

c) The type of food stored

d) Response power

e) Cross contamination prevention

5) The monitoring of the food transport includes:

a) How to bring food

b) Wadah or carrier tool

c) Vehicles used

d) Power carrying food

6) Food preservation supervision

a) How to treat

b) Treatment of food

c) Lamanya time of presentation

d) Food heater

e) food taker

7) Surveillance on how to wash equipment, including:

a) washing machine

b) Traditional washing equipment

c) Cleaning materials

d) Disinfectant

e) laundering temperature

f) dishwasher

8) Environmental hygiene hygiene monitoring, including:

a) Clean water and hot water

b) Working room cleaning

c) Waste and wastewater outcasts

d) kitchen smoke outcasts

e) Prevention of insects and mice

f) Lighting, ventilation and room traffic

9) Management oversight:

a) findings of the findings

b) surveillance archive/lab results

2011, No. 372 36

c) Employee health check

e) List of menus presented

f) Working clothes

g) Food processing of any food processing

10) The monitoring of the food is not available.

a) In an attempt to monitor food spruce, recommended to

employers for each menu served, employers are required to save

at least 1 (one) sample of the complete meal portion (meal) which

is stored in the cupboard ice at temperatures below 4oC (- 4oC) for the most

a little 1 times 24 (twenty-four) hours. After that time the food was allowed

to be disposed of to be destroyed (burned).

b) Storage sample of such food menus is equipped with

labels which provide a description of:

(1) The processing date

(2) The presentation time

(3) The name of the tailor processing the food

(4) The presentation place (food preparation name


11) Tata means the sampling of food samples and jasaboga specimens

a) Example of food and the specimen referred to in this decision are

food sampling, an example of a feeding device, an example of a cooking tool,

water example, a rectal swab (a rectal swab) of food mugging and

another example that required to perform physical supervision.

b) Examples of food and specimens sent directly by the businessman

the jasaboga can be served if the safety is done according to

the sampling requirements of food and specimen.

c) The type of examination done by the laboratory corresponds to

request the sender.

d) The results of the examination were sent to the sender by busan to

the local Health Service for the purpose of monitoring/supervision


e) The cost of laboratory checks for food sampling and

specimens carried out routinely became the responsibility of the businessman

the concerned jasaboga.

f) The cost of the laboratory examination for food sample check and

specimen in the petic test frame is borne by the Center, Propinsi,


12) Support operational monitoring operations in the form of regulations

areas, such as the Circular/Mayor/Mayor/Head of KKP Decree,

Joint Decision, Regional Regulations and Regulations in

the region port.

2011, No. 37237


1. Port/City Health Services/Port and Association Health Office

Jasaboga which has been registered in the Local Government as well as in Administrators

The port can conduct existing physical records/records in the region

The work that has been or has not been

has a Sanitation Hygiene Hygiene Certificate and a business permit (listed actively

or passive).

2. The Jasaboga is required to be a member, compulsory coaching

by the County Health Service/Kota/KKP and can involve the Association


3. The term of the Cloud Service is available for use with the Cloud Service. The jasaboga (Formulir11)

b. The jasaboga (Formulir12)

c. Form register book jasaboga (Form 13)

d. Book register laik jasaboga sanitary hygiene hygiene (Form 14)

e. Employee health book/food mugging (Form 15)

4. The way of the service

a. The service is conducted by the District Health Service Officer/Kota/KKP and

the local Jasaboga Association by filling out the jasaboga

(Form 12) form.

b. The officer fills out Form 12 well and correctly and includes a sign


c. Form 12 has been filled, rechecked and recorded all data into

The Pendataan Register Book.

d. Form 12 is saved by the officer as a filing document.


The dateness in the supervision frame includes:

1) The amount of data that has been recorded and registered, the sum of the penjamah

the food, the number of residents served and the distribution of the jasaboga service.

2) The amount of jasaboga monitored continuously and the development

level food spruce.

3) Coverage of jasaboga surveillance per area/work area.

4) The number of entrepreneurs and food muters who have followed the course.

5) The number and frequency of occurrence of food poisoning in each region or

Surveillance area.

5. Group assignment

a. Data analysis in Form 12 and or on-field examination results,

may be used as a basis for establishing a corporal group. The guideline

to assign the group is as follows:

1) Golongan A, which serves the general public.

2) Golongan B, which serves the special needs for the pilgrimage dormitory,

transito dormitory or other dormitory, Offshore drilling,

office/industry company and public transport in the country and means

health service.

2011, No. 372 38

3) Golongan C, which serves the needs for public transport tools

international and air aircraft.

b. For group A, grouped in three classes:

1) The A1 Group, which is if its rejection capacity is no more than 100

portions per day and the kitchen of the household kitchen and not

rework the workforce.

2) The A2, i.e., if the capacity of the process is Between 100-500 servings

per day, the kitchen of the household and working the workforce.

3) The A3 is A3, which is if the processing capacity is more than 500 servings

per day, the kitchen is specialized and employed the workforce.

In terms of setting the group and the kitchen element, the workforce and the capacity

the serve for each The group does not conform to the above conditions, then

specified the kitchen element as the main element for setting the group.


The kitchen of the household: the group may be A1 and A2.

Workforce: group A2.

A special kitchen: the group that might be A2, B and C.

Industry target: group B.


1. Employers and District/City Health Services/Port Health Office

and the Jasaboga Association

a. The businessman/handler and the local Jasaboga Association is obliged

reporting to the Head of the Regency/City Health Service and or the head

KKP local when in the suspected food poisoning. The report

is delivered to the nearest health officer by filling Form 16.

b. The violation of the provisions set forth in this decision

is subject to action in accordance with applicable regulations, such as:

1) The termination/closing measures while the physical activities

2) The court demands, when expected to have posed a health hazard

society is like an extraordinary occurrence/food poisoning and or


3) The revocation of the Sanitary Hygiene laik certificate accompanied by news of the examination event.

2. Jasaboga Employee

a. Jasaboga employees must have their respective employees ' health books.

b. The employee's health history must be recorded in this book every doing

a health check or a drug to a doctor or other medik officer.

3. Supervising officer

a. The supervising officer must record all outstanding events (KLB) intoxication

food in an orderly manner and orderly.

b. The supervising officer delivered a periodical report of:

1) Extraordinary events (KLB) of food poisoning and action that

carried out.

2011, No. 37239

2) Other activities that need to be reported.

c. Report delivery is conducted with stews sent to

The Directorate of Environmental Health, Directorate General of Disease Control

and Environmental Revision (Ditjen. PP and PL), Ministry of Health.

4. Society/Consumer

The public and or consumer customers may submit a report or

complaint of the service ministry and or request confirmation on jasaboga

sanitary hygiene hygiene to the Health Service County/City and Offices

Port Health or Jasaboga Association that has been registered in the Government

local area.



2011, No. 372 40

2011, No. 37241

Form 2



To Yth:

The Head of the County Health Service/Kota/KKP // ..........

in --

I signed below:


Age: ♪♪ ${$.

Address: .,.

Apply for a request to obtain a Jasaboga Sanitation Hygiene Certificate as a basis for obtaining an Effort for Business Permit from the Local Government/Administrator Port/Land Border Transport/Postal Service:

Company Name: For this reason, we are able to provide you with a copy of your application as a result of this. Photocopies KTP the applicant is still valid 2. Pas the most recent photos of 3 x 4 cm and 4 x 6 cm each as much as 2 (two)

sheet 3. Photocopy of the training certificate/sanitary hygiene course for the owner/businessman 4. Kitchen floor plan 5. A sanitarian power-showing letter that has a knowledge of hygiene

Food sanitation as a charge for jasaboga 6. Photocopy of the sanitarian power certificate/training certificate/sanitary hygiene course 7. Photocopy of the sanitary hygiene course certificate for the food mugging

So our request, for our attention, thank you.

. ... 20 .....

The applicant

(.) Note: number 4 and 5 Unnecessarily doodling

2011, No. 372 42

2011, No. 37243

2011, No. 372 44

2011, No. 37245


A. General explanation

1. This form is used to perform a sex test or assessment

jasaboga to get a Jasaboga Sanitation Sanitation Hygiene Certificate.

2. Used in the field by way of filling the value in the "X" column with

the maximum number as contained in the weights column. The value

given is the unit number (rounded), to make it easier to sum

and narrowed the error.

Example: No. 1. In the written weighting column 1, it means that the value that can be

is given is 0 and 1

No. 2. The weighted column is written 5, meaning the value that can be

given is

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

No. 3. The weighted column is written 3, meaning the value that can be

given is

0, 1, 2, and 3.

3. Each examination description (item) has a weighted each-

each, which is the smallest value of 1 (one) and the highest value 5 (five).

4. The basic weighting of value based on the prone point (critical) in

raises the possibility of food damage (reference: Ben


5. This form applies to all of the physical groups, with the notes

each group has the following rating limits:

The Golongan A1 reached number 28 with a weighting value: 70.

The group A2 was up to 31 With a weighty value: 74.

The Golongan Type A3 is up to 35 with a weightweight: 83.

The Group B is up to 40 with the weighting value: 92.

The Group C is up to 44 with the weight value: 100.

B. Special explanation 1. The description of the examination is observed or measured in the field and

lists the "X" or "V" marks on the X column that are assessed to have been qualified.

2. For each number that is rated there is only one of two options, which is

qualified or not. When technical considerations

are more likely to meet the requirements, then put a sign on

the X column and when the technical considerations are more likely

does not meet the requirements, the X column is left blank.

2011, No. 372 46

3. After all the numbers are checked in accordance with the physical group boundaries

(see letter A item 5. above), then all values in the weighting column

has a column mark X, summed up to the body of the jasaboga group

then loaded on the available number box, which coexisted

with the amount of weight value of each Item/object.

Different descriptions outside the group boundaries although possible

are on the field or found during observation not to be assessed.

4. The value of the results of the description of the description has been eligible,

determining against the full requirement of

overall, provided the following:

a. For the A1 group: the minimum reaches 65, or 65/70 = 93%.

b. For the A2: the minimum reaches 70, or 71/74 = 94.5%.

c. For the A3: minimum reaches 74, or 75/83 = 92.5%.

d. For group B: the minimum reaches 83, or 84/92 = 90.2%.

e. For group C: at least 92, or 92/100 = 92%.

5. Assessment

The Sanitation Hygiene Assessment is based on the examination value that

is poured in the news of the physical event and the event news

examination of the specimen/specimen.

a). Physical examination

The Golongan Type A1, minimum of 65 for 70, or rank 65-


The size of the A2, minimum value of 70 to 74, or rangking 70-


Rangking 74-


Golongan B, minimum 83 maximum of 92, or rangking 83-


Golongan C, minimum value of 92 maximum 100, or rank 92-


b). Laboratory check

The amount of the amount Eschericia.coli (E. coli) on food must be zero


The germ number of germs on the feeding and drinking apparatus must be zero (negative).

non-acquired carrier presence (pathogen germ carrier) on

the food mugging examined.

2011, No. 37247

c) Conclusion

The results of the physical examination are eligible, but not

supported with the lab results, pending until the results

the laboratory is eligible.

6. The form was signed by the examiner, as a physical examination of the physical examination, which is required to make a decision.

2011, No. 372 48

2011, No. 37249

2011, No. 372 50

Form 5


On this day, the date of ... month ... month ... year ... year ... with Form 2


The name of the company: A.

conducted by the Jasaboga Torture Team of


The physical examination results of the sanitary hygiene requirements, got value:

-... (with letters.), conclusions expressed, worthy/not

worthy *) to obtain a Sanitation Hygiene Certificate Laik.

So news this event was made to be used as it should.

. ...... Officer

Jasaboga checker

1. It's ...

2. It's ...

3. * * *)

*) unnecessarily Coret

2011, No. 37251

Form 6


Note: Lab inspection results are kept well

On this day .......... the date ........ month ... year ...... has been done

research lab examination results ...


. . .........


The number of samples and specimens examined: {\fs;} ... the fruit

The results of the examination:

The number of samples/specimens *) that qualised

sample/specimen *) that does not meet

nerves .......fruit

So the news of this show is made to be used as

should be.

. ... 20 ...

Officer examiners

2011, No. 372 52

Form 7




To Yth. :

Head of the District/City Health Service/KKP //

Di. S. ..

Perihal: Recommendations of physical sanitary hygiene hygiene

Based on the news of the physical examination and event news Sample check and specimen for assessment of the physical sanitary hygiene requirements that have been implemented by the Jasaboga Torture Team on the date of ... ... month ... ... year ... ... year ... ......................................... Address: Owner Name: The jasaboga group:.

Can be given/rejected *) a certificate of jasaboga sanitary hygiene certificate with an excuse like attached.

So this recommendation is made to be used as it should be.

*) Unnecessarily cross

Jasaboga examiner ' s officer


2011, No. 37253

Form 8


Form 9


Number: Class: ...

Based on consideration: 1. Ministry of Health Minister Regulation Number. ...... on

The Hygiene Sanitation Requirements of Jasaboga. 2. Regional Decision Numbers ... the date of b ....... about

Supervision Sanitation At Food Management. 3. It has fulfilled the completeness of the administration requirements and results

examination of the Food Sanitation Hygiene Test.

Given the jasaboga sanitary Hygiene Laik to:

1. Company Name:

2. Name Of Businessman.

Stage 3. Enterprise Address:

With provisions: Applicable for 3 (three) years

Declared does not apply again if changes/mutations, or do not meet the requirements of the hygiene Applicable sanitation and regulatory regulations.

Issued at:

Head of the District Health Service/Kota/KKP .........


Pas Photo 4 X 6 cm

2011, No. 372 54




Based On Permenkes Number: Regarding Higiene Requirements

Sanitation Jasaboga, has implemented the Evaluation/Hygiene Course

Food Sanitation for Employers

organized by ........, on the date

.., housed in a .........., and appropriate

with the Decision of the Chairman of the Evaluation Team Number. ..., date

., on the Assignment Of Participants Who Passed The Course Evaluation

The Food Sanitation Hygiene, with this provides a certificate to:

N a m a: _________________________________ A place of birth: _________________________________ A t: _________________________________ Job/Title: _________________________________ Company/Working Unit: _________________________________

The holder of this certificate has been qualified and is viewed

to manage the food sanitary hygiene.

_____________, __________ 20 ___




2011, No. 37255




Basic Group: 1. Food Hygiene Laws 2. Food Management Hygiene Requirements Place (TPM)

Core Group: 3. Food Contaminating 4. The Other Food Pollution Is 5. It's A Six-meal Disease. Food Hygiene Hygiene Principle and Drink 7. Structure and Tata Letak Kitchen 8. Washing and Storage of Food Processing Equipment 9. Environmental Hygiene Maintenance

10. Insect Control and Mouse 11. Personal Hygiene 12. Handling Cooling 13. The Cooking Process Cooked Food 14. Preservation and Supplementary Materials 15. Standalone Quality Control

The Support group: 16. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ EVALUATION OF THE FOOD SANITATION HYGIENE COURSES


2011, No. 372 56

Form 10





Based on the Number of Cases ... about the Requirements

Jasaboga Sanitation Hygiene, has been implemented Evaluation/Course

Food Sanitation Hygiene for the Food Penjamah which

is organized by It is, at the date of

., housed in a ... ... and appropriate

with the decision of the Chairman of the Evaluation Team. Course evaluation

Food Sanitation Hygiene, hereby grants certificate to:

N a m a:. Place of the birth date: A-a-a-t-a-a-a-a-a Job/Title: Enterprise/Workspace:

. ... 20 ......



2011, No. 37257




Basic Group: 1. Legislation in the Food Sanitation Hygiene Field

Core Group: 2. Food Contaminating 3. Congenital Disease 4. The Food Hygiene Hygiene Principle and Drink 5. Washing and Storage of Food Processing Equipment 6. Environmental Hygiene Maintenance 7. Individual Hygiene

The Support Group: 8. _____________________________ 9. _____________________________ 10. _____________________________


________ (__________)


-------------------------------------- NIP

2011, No. 372 58

2011, No. 37259

2011, No. 372 60


I. WAY OF CHARGING: Any deviation found is given a mark% in

available column.

For objects that meet the requirements of column X are emptied.

II. Way of assessment: The assessment is a number of deviations that occur

that is by way of scoring the value of the weighted% in

the past X column is divided and the result is 100% = number

deviation (in%)


Any deviation from the requirement must be corrected.

1. All deviations on objects weighing 3, 4 and 5 must be immediately repaired

without looking at the check value (score). This object can soon be fixed at the longest

within 10 (ten) days.

2. If the check value (score) reaches 85% more (a deviation between 15 or

less), then all perversions are weighted 1 and 2 must be immediately repaired

until the next inspection time

3. If the check value (score) reaches 70-85% (deviation between 16-30) then

objects weighing 1 and 2 must be corrected immediately in no more than 30


4. If the check value (score) below 70% (deviation above 30) then to

the entrepreneur is asked to stop its activities, and immediately correct itself

within 24 hours. If unable to meet such warnings may result in

the temporary revocation of the business permit of the Regional Government/Port Administrator.


1. Food sources are places that have been supervised or registered. The integrity

is good, decent, undamaged, rotten or obvious to be human food.

2. The original container, original packaging, has a label and has been registered.

3. The storage temperature corresponds to the requirements for each stage and type of food

such as the meat -5oC, the 0oC fish, 10oC vegetables fruit and a drink 10oC-15oC.

4. Available AC, fan or exhauster as well as a well-functioning window.

5. A thermometer is available that can monitor space temperature or storage tools.

6. The cooling of the food is slowly freezing at 10oC to the comfort of the food

so /mature becomes normal again (thawing).

2011, No. 37261

7. Food is closed to avoid dust, insect feces or other animals. The food

remains unsaved but separated and not to be served back.

8. The food must be treated carefully at the time of processing, carrying,

saving, serving and transporting food, such as beauting food,

divide, luxury and others.

9. Handle food so/mature by using a safety tool like a glove

a clean special hand/plastic or other tools. Raw foods that will

be cooked/heated in limited can be held by hand.

10. A scoop of ice cream, a spoon, a cutting knife is well stored and should be sheltered

its cleanness.

11. Employees should not suffer from infectious diseases such as skin disease, boil, coreng,

infection of upper respiratory tract or open wound must be closed immediately with a patch


12. Hand-washing with soap as often as possible, healthy behavior like not holding

hair, nose, ears, teeth/mouth or other body parts. Nails

cut short, clean, and if sneezing or coughing should be closed with tissue.

13. Clothing should be uniform, clean, tidy and hair cut short or closed a hat.

14. Equipment hygiene must be maintained, the form of a safe, maintenance and

release of the stain, rust, rest of the food, intact is undamaged/dents and

safely used, harmless or causing accidents during use.

15. Hygiene, shape, maintenance and storage, undamaged/dents and safe

used does not pose any danger/accident.

16. Made with good construction, strong, safe and clean as well as nurtured and

used well.

17. For desinfections with hot water: a temperature measuring device up to 100oC

For desinfection with chlor: chlor's remaining gauges/d 0.02 ppm

For deinfection with pressure: pressure gauge s/d 15 psi

18. The provision, sheltered storage of spruce/dust and is in a state of

packed as well as the direct part for the wearer.

19. Do not use disposable tools to reuse even if it has been washed


20. An early launderdish is available, before being washed out of the separation process

the waste is then carried out by soaking and mixing with the

detergent/other cleaning material.

21. The water conditions used should be physically clean, dialled through pipes/kran and

the temperature is in normal state.

22. It's available in a separate area of disinfection and its own clean-up. Water disinfection

heat with a minimum temperature of 80-100oC, or dormant chlor with levels of 50-100 ppm.

23. The wedges and drillers are guarded by their cleaning, the cleaning material does not

incur the stain/rest of the thread, the dust/deposit free wedges.

24. The tool must be intact, the safe form and the tool hygiene should be free from the rest of the food,

fat and the wash material.

25. Clean and free tools of the remnants of the washing materials.

26. The way storage is sheltered from pollution, storage space is not easy

dusty, shelves or clean and regular storage places free space of flies,

cockroaches, rats and other animals.

27. Hot springs are fed through the channel/kran, as well as cold water.

2011, No. 372 62

28. Watertight and closed waste water channels, smooth flow, do not incur a rembesan

on the surface of the ground/occur puddle. Waste water is thrown into the disposal of the disposal

alone or to the town's riol/got.

29. A good pipe connection is not leaked, not related to the channel

waste water disposal or any other source of the storage.

30. The clean water pipe is not a leak, not related to the sewer

waste water, flowing clean water is not contaminated with dirty water.

31. The handwashing with running water is well-functioning, provided with soap and

hand dryers and provided bins that are covered and maintained

the cleanness.

32. The toilet is equipped with a door that can close perfectly, watertight walls,

maintain its cleanness, as well as never any dirt on the WC pit. Equipped

a hand wash spot with running water, soap and a hooded garbage tub.

33. The trash can be sufficiently adequate and is closed, preserved, not

for flies, rats or other animals. Cleared as often as possible and any

trash day is discarded.

34. Net pages, no piles of garbage, debris or unused items

others and no water puddles.

35. All construction buildings are anti-fly, cockroaches and rats and other animals

such as birds or rodents for example using building materials that

not hollow, if any gap should be narrow or not to make walls

or vents open without gauze wire or making a sinkhole

waste water.

36. The floor is made with a strong, safe and watertight consruction. Physical maintenance

is organized regularly and continuously, as soon to correct that

damaged, rupting and so on. The cleanness is guarded at all times and is always dry, not

moist and unslippery.

37. The walls and ceilings were made with safe construction, strong, unmoist and not

storing dust. The section of the wall that hit the water splashdown is coated in an impermeable material

water/porcelain height 2 meters from the Physical maintenance is well-organized

and continuously, such as repair damage, break, loose and so on.

The cleaning is guarded at all times and is always in a dry/undamp state.

The natural Peghawaan is through open window or wind hole as well as enough giving

the air circulation well.

38. Natural light through windows/tile glass that can illuminate the workspace.

The artificial light is quite bright but does not incur any disturbing heat.

Artificial lighting with light mounted parallel (not single) is strong

A light of at least 40-60 watts.

39. The room temperature is comfortable enough and does not interfere in work, or it is too hot

so the body is always sweating so that it allows contaminating the food.

Can neutralize the odour that interferes with the breathing. Artificial hawkers with

installing a blower, air conditioning or fan exhauster or a wind fan functioning with


40. The dressing room is available with a clothing storage box (locker).

The cleaning and fragility are routinely maintained, as are the lighting, the hawking

and the room temperature.

2011, No. 37263

41. Toxins, pesticides and other hazardous chemicals are stored in a special place,

shielded safely and its storage using special marks. Space

storage is a dedicated space for the storage of eradication materials

pest and not to store any other material.

42. The building as a whole is preserved, free of debris or material that

is not used. All the unworn ingredients are stored in the warehouse.

43. Special personnel available in maintenance/repair and cleaning and

is not a food-tamer. The kitchen is not served as a place to sleep,

a laundry place, a garment jemur, hanging clothes.

44. Items that are not used either food or other materials are stored in place

their respective safekeeping. Special groceries are stored in a place that

is clean, regular and placed does not directly touch the floor or work table.

Note: The deviation from this clue is considered to be deviated and given an X mark on the column available.

2011, No. 372 64

2011, No. 37265

2011, No. 372 66

2011, No. 37267

2011, No. 372 68

2011, No. 37269

2011, No. 372 70