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Langkawi International Yacht Registry Act 2003

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Laws of MALAYSIA Act REPRINTING 630 INTERNATIONAL YACHT REGISTRATION ACT LANGKAWI 2003 Contains all amendments to 1 January 2006 1Langkawi International Yacht Registry is PUBLISHED by the COMMISSIONER of law revision, UNDER the AUTHORITY of law REVISION ACT 1968 in COLLABORATION with PERCETAKAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA BHD 2006 laws of Malaysia ACT 6302 INTERNATIONAL YACHT REGISTRATION ACT LANGKAWI 2003 date of Assent.................. July 29, 2003, the date of publication in the Gazette............ 7 August 2003 REPRINT BEFORE Reprinting the first............ 2004 International Yacht Registration Langkawi 3 laws of MALAYSIA Act 630 INTERNATIONAL YACHT REGISTRATION ACT LANGKAWI 2003 ARRANGEMENT of SECTIONS part I preliminary section 1. Short title and commencement 2. Interpretation 3. Appointment, authorization and delegation by the Director General ' PART II the ESTABLISHMENT, administration and HANDLING REGISTRY of LANGKAWI INTERNATIONAL YACHT 4. The Establishment Of The Office Of The Langkawi International Yacht Registration 5. Administration and handling registry of PART III REGISTRATION of YACHTS and YACHT ENTITY TERM 1 EXPRESS 6. Express 7. Correction of Register 2 TERM YACHT REGISTRATION 8. Registration laws of Malaysia ACT 9 Section 6304. Application for registration No.9A. Temporary registration during the transfer of title ownership of the yacht or part 10. Certificate of registration 11. Standard certificate of registration 12. Re-registration when the ownership changed 12A. Registration of change 13. New certificate of registration 14. Duplicate certificate of registration 15. Prohibition of registration 16. Refusal to register a yacht 17. Termination of registration of yacht EARLY REQUIREMENTS for TERM 3 YACHT REGISTRATION 18. Inspection and being measured tonnage yacht 19. The name of the yacht 20. Crafting and marking of Division 4 of yacht YACHT ENTITY REGISTRATION 21. Application for the registration of 22. Certificate of registration 23. Refusal to register the 24 yacht entities. Termination of registration entities 5 TERM yacht YACHT REGISTRATION AS EMPTY SHIPS DICARTER 25. Yacht registration dicarter as empty vessels 26. Refusal to register a yacht dicarter as empty vessels 27. Termination of registration of the yacht dicarter as empty vessels 28. Transfer of title, mortgage and transfer not applicable 29. Permission to enroll in the registry of Yacht Charter ship empty a another jurisdiction Langkawi International Yacht Registration 5 CHAPTER 6 IMPORTANCE of PROPRIETORSHIP ABOUT YACHT Chapter 1 General section 30. Right of the owner and the mortgagee Chapter 2 transfer of title and transfer of 31. Transfer of title 32 yacht or part. The transfer of the yacht or section 33. Transfer of title according to the sale by the Court 33A. Power of Court Chapter 3 34 Mortgage. Yacht or mortgage Division 35. Priority mortgage registered 36. Power selling registered mortgagee 36A. Mortgage is not affected by the bankruptcy of 37. Transfer of title of registered mortgage 38. Cover for the mortgagor registered 39. The transfer of the mortgage through the powerful force of law 40. The release of registered mortgage TERM 7 NATIONHOOD YACHT 41. Nationhood and banner-banner for Langkawi yacht 42. Langkawi yacht carries the pennant should not be laws of Malaysia ACT 6306 PART IV CREW for 1 TERM YACHT TRAINING, certification and QUALIFICATIONS of the MASTER and CREW and MEMBERSHIP of the YACHT Section 43. Interpretation of 44. Training, certification and qualifications of the master and crew 45. Membership if yacht do navigation or otherwise not in cruise 46. People who have a certificate shall be employed as master and crew supervision TERM 2 terms of services, RECRUITMENT and DEPARTURE 46A. Application of Act to introduce master or crew 47. 48 crew agreement. Obligations of the owner in respect of the eligibility of sailing yacht 49. 49A. crew relief Payment of wages crew 49B. Account the wages of 50. The protection of certain rights and remedies of 51. Remedies of the masters to remuneration, payment and liabilities 51A. Restrictions on assignment and charge on the wages of DIVISION 3 DOCUMENTS and STATEMENTS of 52. The official log book 53. Identification of 54 crew. Book release of 55. List of crew 56. Submission of documents when masters turned Langkawi International Yacht Registration 7 CHAPTER 4 ASSISTANCE and REPATRIATION of 57. Assistance and for the reversion of the crew left the ship kekaraman or engaging in part V TRANSFER FUNCTION of Section 58. The power to grant a licence to make provision for the transfer of the functions of the VI INVESTIGATION 59. Authority to investigate PART VII MISCELLANEOUS 60. Regulations-peratuan 60A. Change in fi 60B. Modification form 61. Requirements for insurance coverage 61A. Filing elekfronik document 61B. Expenses for delivery of documents 62. Violations of the laws of Malaysia ACT 6308 Langkawi International Yacht Registration 9 laws of MALAYSIA Act 630 INTERNATIONAL YACHT REGISTRATION ACT LANGKAWI 2003 an act to provide for the establishment of an international registry for Langkawi yacht and yacht entities, including administration and its operation, and for matters connected therewith.
[October 2, 2003, P.U. (B) 301/2003]
Enacted by the Parliament of Malaysia as follows: part I preliminary short title and commencement 1. (1) this Act may be cited as the Yacht Registration Act Langkawi International 2003.
(2) of this Act come into force on such date as the Minister may, by notification in the Gazette.
Interpretation 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires — "crew" includes all persons, other than the master and the pilot, employed or engaged on such properties on a yacht;
"Register Yacht Entities" means the Express Langkawi International Yacht Entities maintained under section 6;
"Register Yacht" means the Langkawi International Yacht Register maintained under section 6;
Laws of Malaysia ACT 63010 "prescribed" means prescribed by regulations;
"yacht entity" means a corporation, partnership, limited partnership, organization, association or other body of the person who has an interest in relation to the yacht, regardless of the place of incorporation or establishment, and whether or not the instrument of pewujudannya and its existence, express or through effective law, gives or acknowledges its ability under law to sue and be sued in his own name or in the name of fiduciary or representative lawmakers valid;
"surveyor" means a person authorised by the Director General under subsection 3 (3);
"yacht" means a yacht used for sports, fun or recreation, and includes yacht trade and private yacht;
"Langkawi yacht" means a yacht that is registered under this Act;
"yacht trade" means a yacht used for commercial use;
"private yacht" means a yacht used for private use solely for sporting, recreational or pleasure yacht owner, and for the purposes of the definition "owner" includes — (a) if the owner of an individual, family members and his friends to the nearest;
(b) if the owner is any other entity the entity, officers, shareholders or beneficial owners of such entities, beneficiaries or member of the entity, and family members and their immediate friends; or (c) the lessee or pencarter;
"yacht dicarter as empty vessels" means yacht registered under section 25;
"commercial use" means the use of a yacht to carry passengers to receive wages, but not including empty vessels to use carter privately, and Langkawi International Yacht Registration 11 acceptance by the owner of the yacht is a contribution to the actual cost of the yacht or handling the yacht for the period rated the cruise;
"personal use" means use of a yacht for a private cruise, if such yacht during the cruise, it is not used for commercial use or otherwise offered to the general public for use by the general public;
"Director General" means the Director of Marine appointed under subsection 8 (1) of the Merchant Shipping Ordinance 1952 [Ord. 70/1952];
"Court" means a court having competent jurisdiction in Malaysia or in connection with proceedings concerning, any court having jurisdiction in the matter of the proceedings related thereto;
"Minister" means the Minister charged with the responsibility for merchant shipping;
"master" means every person, other than the pilot, which holds on to power or charge of a yacht, and includes a person juragan for a yacht;
"authorized officer" means an officer appointed under subsection 3 (1);
"Registry" means the registry of Langkawi International Yacht;

"the main registration office" means the Office of registration place yacht is registered at the time the application is made to register the yacht as the yacht dicarter as empty vessels under this Act, and "home registration" shall be construed accordingly;
"cruise" includes sightseeing tours;
"owner", in respect of a yacht, means the registered owner, and includes pencarter the ship empty, the owner managers and agents;
Laws of Malaysia ACT 63012 "certificate of registration" means a certificate of registration issued to a yacht that is registered under this Act, and includes a temporary certificate of registration and certificate of registration of the ship's empty carter;
"certificate of registration of the ship's empty carter" means a certificate of registration issued to a yacht dicarter as empty vessels registered under section 25;
"certificate of tonnage" means tonnage certificate issued under section 18;
"regulations" means regulations made under this Act;
"transcript of the closing" means a certified extract from the register of the yacht indicating that entries in the Register in respect of an yacht Langkawi was closed, the entry closure date, and details of the yacht and the ownership of the yacht at the time of the closure.
Appointment, authorization and delegation by the Director-General 3. (1) the Director General may appoint a public officer as an officer authorized, either generally or specifically, for the purpose of implementing this Act or such orders, regulations or rules made under this Act, and every such appointment shall be made in writing.
(2) the Director General may delegate the exercise of any power conferred upon him under this Act, except the power of the pewakilannya, to an authorized officer.
(3) the Director General may authorize any person to carry out any measurement, being measured and inspection of yachts under this Act.
The Langkawi International Yacht registration 13 PART II the ESTABLISHMENT, administration and HANDLING of INTERNATIONAL YACHT REGISTRY establishment of registry of LANGKAWI Yacht Langkawi International 4. (1) an international registration office to yachts and yacht entity with the name "registry of Langkawi International Yacht" established in Langkawi.
(2) the port of registration for yachts registered under this Act is Langkawi.
Administration and operation of the registry office 5. Registry shall be administered and operated by the Director General.
PART III REGISTRATION of YACHTS and YACHT ENTITY TERM 1 EXPRESS Express 6. (1) the Director General shall maintain a register Langkawi International Yacht and an Express Langkawi International Yacht Entities.
(2) Express Langkawi International Yacht shall be divided into: (a) part one for yacht registration, regardless of length, which is not dicarter as empty vessels;
(b) part two for yacht registration dicarter as empty vessels; and (c) part three for the registration of yachts under construction.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 63014 (3) Express Yacht shall contain details of the Langkawi yacht and the owner of the yacht, and the importance of each of the yacht, ship pencarter is empty, the mortgage and the interest of the mortgagee, and such other matters as may be prescribed.
(4) Express Langkawi International Yacht Entities shall contain the particulars prescribed in connection with the yacht entities registered under this Act.
(5) no yacht be registered under more than one section in the register Yacht at the same time, but registration can be transferred from one side to the other in a Part of the Register as are appropriate in the circumstances may be.
(6) the register of yachts and Express Entity Yacht can range from a record made by hand and electronically, both, or any other records as may be deemed necessary and expedient by the Director General.
(7) any person shall, on application made to the Director General and on payment of the prescribed fee, obtain a certified extract of entries in the register or register Yacht Yacht Entities.
Correction Of Register 7. The Director-General shall be entitled to correct Express or Express Yacht Yacht Entity if — (a) write error has occurred; or (b) sufficient evidence has been submitted to his satisfaction that the entry is not correct, and when making the correction he shall, if necessary, issue a new certificate of registration in respect of the yacht, or a certificate of registration in respect of the new entity the yacht.
The Langkawi International Yacht registration 15 CHAPTER 2 REGISTRATION of YACHT Registration 8. (1) a yacht shall be entitled to be registered under this Act if the yacht owned by — (a) Malaysian citizen or person who is not a citizen of Malaysia; or (b) jointly yacht which has been registered under this Act.
(2) a yacht that is registered under this Act shall not be registered in any other jurisdiction, except in accordance with a permission given under section 29.
Application for registration 9. (1) an application for registration of an yacht shall be made to the Director General in the prescribed form and shall comply with the conditions prescribed.
(2) every application for registration shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee and any documents as may be required by the Director General.
(3) the Director may register the yacht and shall be recorded in the register Yacht details specified.
Temporary registration during a transfer of title or ownership of the yacht No.9A. (1) an application for provisional registration of a ship during the transfer of title of ownership layat yacht or a part of the yacht may, subject to prescribed conditions, be made to the Director General in the prescribed form and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
(2) when a yacht is registered in the meantime, the Director General shall issue in respect of yacht laws of Malaysia ACT such a certificate registration 63016 while in the prescribed form.
(3) for the avoidance of doubt — (a) a yacht registered under this section shall be deemed to be a yacht Langkawi; and (b) any reference about the "owner" in this Act shall, during the period of registration while the yacht, deemed to be a reference about the person to whom the ownership of the yacht or part of the yacht is being transferred.
Certificate of registration 10. (1) when a yacht is registered, the Director-General shall issue a certificate of registration in the prescribed form.
(2) the Master or owner of a yacht shall not use, or allow use of, for the purpose of sailing the yacht, a certificate of registration that is not lawfully issued under this Act and which are not in force in respect of the yacht.
(3) (Cut by the Act A1249) Standard certificate of registration 11. A certificate of registration issued in respect of an Langkawi yacht shall be used only for the operation of a valid Langkawi yacht, and must not be held hostage to guarantee any right or a civil claim.
Registration of the ownership changed again when 12. (1) in the event of a change in the ownership of a yacht, it's the yacht owner shall, as soon as possible after the change occurs, notify the Director General in writing of the change, and the Director-General may, at the request of the new owner, register the yacht.
The Langkawi International Yacht registration 17 (2) where a Langkawi yacht to be registered again, the Director General shall exercise the same procedure as in the case of the first registration of a yacht, and when surrendered certificate of registration available for the yacht and when complied with all the conditions prescribed for registration, the yacht shall be registered and a new registration certificate shall be issued.
(3) where a registered Langkawi yacht again — (a) the previous registration shall be closed, except in relation to any mortgage which have not been met in respect of the recorded such registration; and (b) the names of all persons appearing in the previous registration of interest as the yacht owner or mortgagee shall be entered in the registration of new and re-registration is not in any way affect the right of any such person.
Registration of change 12A. (1) where a yacht Langkawi changed such a way that is not equivalent to the particulars relating to the tonnage or description of the yacht of the Express Yacht, the Director-General shall, upon an application made to him by the owner of the yacht and upon receipt of a certificate of a surveyor which States with respect to the changes, either cause a change is registered or direct that the yacht is registered again.

(2) for the purposes of the registration of a change in a yacht, the certificate of registration must be submitted to the Director General, and whether the certificate can be saved by the Director General and a new certificate is issued that contains the description of the yacht as modified, or an endorsement may be made and signed on existing registration certificate containing a notation of the change.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 63018 (3) the particulars of any changes as may have been made, and the fact that a new registration certificate has been issued, or an endorsement made on the certificate of registration, it shall be entered in the register of Yachts.
New certificate of registration 13. (1) if there is any change in the particulars recorded in the register of registered Yacht in connection with a yacht, it's the yacht owner or any other related matter, masters or the yacht owner shall forthwith deliver the certificate of registration available for the yacht to the Director General.
(2) the Director General shall cancel the certificate of registration and, on payment of the prescribed fee, issue a new certificate of registration for the yacht.
Duplicate certificate of registration 14. (1) if the Director General is satisfied when presented evidence that the certificate of registration for the Langkawi yacht has been lost, stolen or destroyed or have become mutilated or illegible, he may, on payment of the prescribed fee, issue to the owner of the yacht is a duplicate copy of the original certificate of registration for the yacht, which shall be marked as such and shall have the same effect as the original certificate of registration.
(2) where a duplicate certificate of registration has been issued, the original certificate of registration, if any, at that time or if later found or recovered, shall be immediately submitted to the Director General.
(3) in circumstances as may be deemed appropriate by the Director General, he may issue a facsimile or other electronic transmission version of the certificate of registration of the duplicate, that is no longer valid once the duplicate certificate of registration received by the owner itself.
The Langkawi International Yacht registration 19 Prohibition of registration 15. (1) the Minister may, by a certificate issued to the Director General, prohibit registration of a yacht under this part if he is satisfied that such registration will or may prejudice the interest of the country.
(2) the certificate issued under subsection (1) shall be received in evidence and shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated in the certificate without proof of the signature of the Minister in such certificate.
Refusal to register a yacht 16. (1) the Director General may refuse to register a yacht if he is satisfied that — (a) it is not appropriate for the yacht is registered with regard to — (i) the requirements of this Act in relation to — (A) the State of the yacht or amenities, to the extent related to the safety of the yacht or any risk of contamination; and (B) the safety, health and welfare of person employed or engaged on board the screen;
(ii) the importance of Malaysia or international yacht cruise; or (iii) the proposed name of the yacht;
(b) the conditions prescribed in respect of an application for registration of the yacht as required under section 9 are not complied with;
(c) the yacht may be used for criminal purposes;
Laws of Malaysia ACT 63020 (d) the quality of the management and conduct of the owner, including in relation to the matters referred to in paragraph (c), or subparagraph (a) (i), unsatisfactory; or (e) the registration is prohibited under section 15.
(2) if the Director General refused to register a yacht under this section, he shall serve a notice to the applicant stating that the yacht registration were rejected and the reasons for such rejection.
Termination of yacht registration 17. (1) the Director General may terminate the registration of an yacht Langkawi — (a) if he determined that taking into account the matters referred to in paragraph 16 (1) (c) or (d), or subparagraph 16 (1) (a) (i), it is not beneficial to the interests of the registry office or international yacht cruise to the yacht continued to be registered;
(b) where any fee payable under this Act has not been paid for a period exceeding one year;
(c) if the yacht is no longer entitled to be registered under this Act;
(d) on application by the owner of the Langkawi yacht stating that he intends to end the yacht registration;
(e) when the yacht is totally destroyed or otherwise destroyed;
(f) if the yacht, other yacht dicarter as empty vessels still registered in a place outside Malaysia at the time of registration; or (g) if the yacht is then registered in a place outside Malaysia.
(2) If a yacht Langkawi is referred to in paragraph (1) (e), every owner ship Registration Langkawi International Yacht 21 the screen or a part of the yacht shall, immediately upon gaining information about the incident, told the Director-General and an entry in respect of the matter shall be made in the register of Yachts.
(3) if the Director-General intends to terminate the yacht registration pursuant to paragraph (1) (a), (b), (c), (e), (f) or (g), the Director-General shall serve a notice to the yacht owner stating that the yacht registration will be terminated and the reasons for such termination.
(4) before the end of the yacht registration, the Director General shall give the owner of the yacht is an opportunity to show cause within the period specified in the notice why the registration should not be terminated.
(5) where — (a) the registration of the yacht is terminated under paragraph (1) (a), (b), (c), (f) or (g) — (i) the Director General shall notify all holders of registered mortgages on the closure of the registration for the yacht, and the interest of the mortgagee in respect of the yacht shall continue to be registered, except that if it is proved that the mortgagee know about possibility of the yacht used for criminal purposes , The Director General shall deduct the registration of the interests of the mortgagee of the yacht; and (ii) the Director General may, on the request of the owner of the yacht, issue a certificate of deletion in the prescribed form confirming that the yacht had been cut from Express Yacht, and State any mortgage registered in respect of the yacht; or (b) termination of registration under paragraph (1) (d) or (e), the Director General shall issue a transcript of the closing to the yacht owner.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 63022 (6) upon receipt of the certificate of deletion or closure of the transcript referred to in subsection (5), the owner of the yacht shall be — (a) forthwith deliver the certificate of registration for the yacht back to the Director General for cancellation; and (b) remove from the yacht and carving the sign required under this section and send a written confirmation of the emergency to the Director General.
CHAPTER 3 INITIAL REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS for inspection and YACHT yacht tonnage being 18. (1) subject to subsection (2), no yacht be registered under this Act unless — (a) the yacht has been measured and measured, or yacht tonnage has been determined by a surveyor and a certificate has been issued in accordance with the tonnage regulations; and (b) the certificate of tonnage in respect of the yacht has been submitted to the Director General.
(2) where a yacht to be registered under this Act have been measured and tonnage for the yacht has been ascertained in the previous registration, the Director General may, without requiring the yacht measured again, assuming that the yacht had the tonnage specified in the certificate of registration issued by the registry of the previous one.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1), if in accordance with subsection (2) the yacht deemed tonnage specified in the certificate of registration issued by the registry of the previous one, the Director General shall issue a certificate of tonnage in respect of the yacht.
The Langkawi International Yacht registration 23 (4) if the tonnage of any yacht has been ascertained and registered according to the rules, the tonnage shall be deemed tonnage for yacht and shall be repeated in every subsequent registration for the yacht, except that tonnage for yacht item can be measured and registered again according to the regulations, if — (a) any changes have been made to the form or the yacht capacity; or (b) it was found that the yacht tonnage error for measured.
Yacht name 19. (1) when making an application for the registration of an yacht, the applicant shall propose the name of the yacht with him are known.

(2) the requirements regulating the yacht name will be registered shall be as prescribed.
(3) one cannot describe something ships layer Langkawi with any name other than the name of the yacht with him at that time registered.
(4) the owner of a yacht Langkawi cannot change the name of the yacht, or cause or permit any such changes, without written authorization of the Director General in advance.
(5) the Director General shall, if shown until he is satisfied that the name of a yacht Langkawi was changed without truth, direct that used the name of the yacht at the time it registered before the changeover, and based on such instructions, but is subject to regulations on crafting and marking of the yacht, the yacht owner shall cause the name carved and marked on the body of the yacht.
(6) the Director General shall, if the contravention or failure to comply with any requirement or direction given under this section in respect of the yacht, hold the yacht until it stops, or violations of the requirements of the directive have been complied with or, as the case may be.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 63024 Crafting and marking of yacht 20. (1) every yacht should be, before the yacht is registered, carved and marked permanently and easily seen until the Director General is satisfied in accordance with prescribed requirements.
(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Director-General may, subject to prescribed conditions, registering a yacht before it carved and marked.
(3) the Minister may exempt any class of yacht or a specific yacht from all or any of the requirements of this section are subject to any conditions that he or she can apply.
(4) the Director may, upon receipt of the certificate of the surveyor which stated that a yacht not carved and marked with the pretty or accurate, hold the yacht until the insufficiency or inaccuracy has been improved.
CHAPTER 4 YACHT ENTITY REGISTRATION Application for registration 21. (1) an application for registration of an entity yacht shall be made to the Director General in the prescribed form and shall comply with the conditions prescribed.
(2) every application for registration shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee and any documents as may be required by the Director General.
(3) the Director may register the yacht entity and shall be recorded in the register of Entities Yacht details specified.
Certificate of registration 22. When an entity registered Yacht, the Director General shall issue a certificate of registration in the prescribed form.
The Langkawi International Yacht registration 25 refusal to register the yacht entities 23. The Director General may refuse to register an entity yacht if he is satisfied that — (a) the terms and conditions prescribed in respect of an application for registration of the yacht entities as required under section 21 is not complied with; or (b) it is probable that the involved entities yacht in criminal acts.
Termination of registration 24 yacht entities. (1) the Director General may terminate the registration of an entity yacht if he determined that, taking into account the matters referred to in section 23, shall not bring benefits to interest Registry for entities the yacht continued to be registered.
(2) if the Director-General intends to terminate the registration entity the yacht, he shall serve a notice to the yacht entity stating that registration entity the yacht will be terminated and the reasons for such termination.
(3) prior to completing registration entity the yacht, the Director General shall give the yacht entities an opportunity to show cause within the period specified in the notice why the registration should not be terminated.
CHAPTER 5 YACHT REGISTRATION DICARTER AS EMPTY VESSELS yacht Registration as empty ships dicarter 25. (1) a yacht shall be entitled to be registered under this section if — (a) yacht is registered under the laws of a country other than Malaysia, which is the country where the main registration;
Laws of Malaysia ACT 63026 (b) yacht the dicarterkan on empty ship to a carter who qualify have a yacht under this Act;
(c) the yacht operated under a Charter ship blank that comply with the requirements laid down; and (d) in respect of the yacht, the main registration office has given permission to the empty ship pencarter to register the yacht in the registry of the ship's empty a carter another jurisdiction.
(2) an application for registration of a yacht under this section shall be made to the Director General in the prescribed form, and shall comply with the conditions prescribed.
(3) every application for registration shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee and any documents as may be required by the Director General.
(4) the Director may register the yacht and shall be recorded in the register Yacht details specified.
(5) when the yacht is registered, the Director-General shall issue a certificate of registration of the ship's empty carter in the prescribed form.
(6) the yacht Registration under this section shall, unless terminated under section 27, remain in force until the end of the period of the trailing ship Charter and shall then expire.
(7) If a yacht is registered under this section or if the yacht registration terminated in accordance with section 27, details with respect to such yacht shall be notified to the authorities in the country where the main registration.
(8) a yacht dicarter as empty vessels registered under this section shall be for the purposes of this Act be regarded as a yacht and the requirements of a Langkawi yacht Langkawi under this Act shall apply to such yacht to the extent of the requirements concerned.
The Langkawi International Yacht registration 27 (9) If a yacht dicarter as empty vessels registered under this section, the rights or interests of proprietorship the owner in respect of the yacht, or the rights and obligations of any party to a contract, Bill of sale, mortgage, charge or other instruments that create or dispose of a legal interest or equity in the yacht , whether existing at the date the yacht registration under this section or created after that date, will not be affected by such registration or subject to this Act.
Refusal to register a yacht dicarter as empty vessels 26. (1) the Director General may refuse to register a yacht under section 25 if — (a) it appears that — (i) the owner of the yacht does not give permission for the yacht registration under this Act; or (ii) a mortgagee for the yacht does not give permission for the yacht registration under this Act;
(b) the tonnage of the yacht could not be determined in accordance with this Act or the regulations;
(c) the yacht could not be carved and marked in accordance with this Act;
(d) the yacht will be blocked by any other laws to which the subject of yacht waved the banner of the national banner as set out in section 41; or (e) carter the trailing ship have unexpired period of less than one year at the date of application for the registration of yachts is made.
(2) section 16 shall, with the necessary modifications, also apply in respect of yacht who is entitled to be registered under section 25 as if the yacht is entitled to be registered under section 8 and 9.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 63028 Termination yacht registration dicarter as empty vessels 27. (1) the Director General shall, if he is satisfied, terminating the registration of an yacht dicarter as empty vessels — (a) if the yacht is no longer operated under Charter ships empty, whether by reason of the termination of the trailing ship carter or otherwise;
(b) if the transfer of rights and obligations pencarter the trailing ship by it under the empty ship resulted in the registration of charter yacht dicarter as the trailing ship stalled;
(c) if the main registration office with respect to the yacht that has been closed or diungkai; or (d) if the consent referred to in paragraph 25 (1) (d) is cancelled or withdrawn.
(2) section 17 shall, with the necessary modifications, also apply in respect of yacht who is entitled to be registered under section 25 as if the yacht is entitled to be registered under section 8 and 9.
(3) if the Director-General intends to terminate the registration of the yacht dicarter as an empty vessel, he shall serve a notice to pencarter the trailing ship stating that registration of the yacht will be terminated and the reasons for such termination.
(4) before terminating yacht registration as the trailing ship dicarter, the Director General shall give pencarter the trailing ship an opportunity to show cause within the period specified in the notice why the registration should not be terminated.
Transfer of title, mortgage and transfer does not apply

28. The provisions of Chapter 6 of this part relating to the transfer, the transfer and the mortgagee shall not apply to yacht dicarter as empty vessels registered under section 25.
The Langkawi International Yacht registration 29 permission to register the yacht at the registry of the ship's empty a carter another jurisdiction 29. (1) the Director may, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed, give permission to the owner of a yacht Langkawi yacht to register at the registry of the vessel empty a carter another jurisdiction.
(2) the owner of a yacht Langkawi intends to register the Yacht Charter ship registry is empty a another jurisdiction shall apply to the Director General in writing and give such particulars as may be prescribed.
(3) except for the registration of ownership and mortgage, if any, shall remain unaffected in the Registry, the Langkawi yacht registration under this Act shall be suspended while the yacht is registered in the registry of an empty ship carter another jurisdiction.
(4) the owner of the Langkawi yacht registered in the registry of an empty ship carter another jurisdiction shall immediately surrender the certificate of registration for the yacht issued under this Act when the trailing ship Charter enrollment is complete.
(5) the Director General may cancel the permission given under subsection (1) — (a) if the yacht is no longer registered in the registry of the ship's empty place charter yacht is registered;
(b) if the trailing ship carter ends, either when the trailing ship Charter expiration or otherwise;
(c) where the application is made by the yacht owner or registered mortgagee for the yacht to cancel the authorization given pursuant to subsection (1); or (d) upon request the authorities of another jurisdiction place yacht is registered as a yacht dicarter as empty vessels.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 63030 TERM 6 IMPORTANCE of PROPRIETORSHIP ABOUT YACHT Chapter 1 General right of the owner and the mortgagee 30. (1) subject to any rights and powers found in Express yacht vested in any other person, the owner of a yacht Langkawi or a part of the yacht shall have power to dispose of the yacht with absolute or part of the yacht, provided that such disposal is made in accordance with this Act.
(2) subsection (1) is not implying that any interest arising under a contract or other equity interest can not exist in relation to a yacht Langkawi or a part of the yacht, and such interests may be enforced by or against the owner or the mortgagee in respect of its interest on the yacht or part of the yacht in the same manner as in respect of movable property.
(3) the owner of a yacht Langkawi or a part of the yacht shall have power to provide effective receipt for any money paid or which have precedence in consideration of any disposal of the yacht or part of the yacht.
Chapter 2 transfer of title and transfer of transfer of title or yacht Division 31. (1) any transfer of ownership of a yacht Langkawi or a part of the yacht shall be effected by a bill of sale which comply with the requirements specified.
The Langkawi International Yacht registration 31 (2) If a yacht Langkawi or a part of the yacht have been transferred in accordance with subsection (1), the recipient of transfer of title shall not be registered as the owner of the yacht or part of the yacht unless — (a) he has made application to the Director General; and (b) the Director General is satisfied that the yacht or part of the yacht belongs directly to the extent determined by the person who is entitled to have a yacht or a part of the yacht under this Act, and that there exists other reasons which the yacht registration or part of the yacht can be refused under this Act.
(3) where an application under subsection (2) approved by the Director General, he shall register the recipient of the transfer of title as the owner of the yacht or part of the yacht.
(4) the Bill of sale in respect of an yacht Langkawi or a part of the yacht shall be entered in the register of Yachts in order Bill of sale is submitted to the Director General.
The transfer of the yacht or section 32. (1) If a yacht Langkawi or a part of the yacht moved to any person by any lawful apart through transfer of title under section 31, the person should not be registered as the owner of the yacht or part of the yacht unless — (a) he has made application to the Director General; and (b) the Director General is satisfied that the yacht or part of the yacht belongs directly to the extent determined by the person who is entitled to have a yacht or a part of the yacht under this Act, and that there exists other reasons which the yacht registration or part of the yacht can be refused under this Act.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 63032 (2) where an application under subsection (1) is approved by the Director General, he shall cause to be the name of the applicant is registered as the owner of the yacht or part of the yacht.
Transfer of title according to the sale by the Court 33. (1) if the Court ordered the sale of a yacht Langkawi or a part of the yacht, the court order shall contain a declaration that vest on someone named the right to transfer ownership of the yacht or part of the yacht.
(2) the person named in such reserves the right to transfer ownership of the yacht or part of the yacht in the same manner and to the same extent as-by she is the owner of the yacht or part of the yacht.
(3) the Director General shall organise any application relating to the transfer of ownership of the yacht or part of the yacht is made by the person named as if that person is the owner of the yacht or part of the yacht.
Power Of Court 33A. The Court may, if it thinks fit without prejudice to the exercise of any other power of the Court, upon the application of any person interested, make an order prohibiting for a specified time, any business with a Langkawi yacht or any part of the yacht, and the Court may make such order on such terms or conditions as it thinks just, may refuse to make the order or may cancel the order when made , with or without costs, and generally can act in that case as required by the Justice of the case, and the Director-General, without being a party to the proceedings, shall, upon the order or a copy of the order to be served upon him official, to comply with the order.
The Langkawi International Yacht registration 33 Chapter 3 Mortgage Mortgage yacht or section 34. (1) a Langkawi yacht or a part of the yacht can be used as security for the repayment of a loan or discharge of any other obligation.
(2) the instrument creating any such collateral referred to "mortgage" in this chapter shall be in the prescribed form.
(3) If a mortgage executed in accordance with subsection (2) is submitted to the Director General, he shall register the mortgage in the prescribed manner.
(4) for the purposes of subsection (1), the "Langkawi yacht" includes a yacht under construction.
Priority mortgage registered 35. (1) where two or more mortgage registered in respect of the Langkawi yacht of the same or similar parts of the yacht, priority between the mortgagee shall be determined according to the order of the mortgage is registered.
(2) a mortgagee in respect of a yacht under construction shall, for the purposes of determining priority under this Act or any other law, and in all other matters, be regarded as a mortgage that is registered for a yacht Langkawi and shall continue to be deemed to be such until the mortgage is discharged, even if the yacht is being built that cease to be registered under this Act; and a yacht under construction shall, for the purpose of a mortgage in respect of the yacht is being built under this Act or any other law, be deemed to be the property of the maritime.
Power selling registered mortgagee 36. (1) subject to subsection (2), every registered mortgagee of a Langkawi yacht or a part of the yacht, if money laws of Malaysia ACT 63034

mortgage or any part of the money due, has the power to sell the Langkawi yacht or part of the yacht and to provide effective receipt for the purchase money.
(2) where two or more mortgage holders registered with respect to the Langkawi yacht of the same or similar parts of the yacht, a mortgagee then cannot, except under an order of the Court, sell the yacht or part of the yacht without the consent of every previous mortgagee.
Mortgage is not affected by bankruptcy 36A. A mortgage that is registered for a yacht Langkawi or a part of the yacht is not affected by any act of bankruptcy committed by the mortgagor after the date of registration of the mortgage, even if the mortgagor at the inception of kebankrapannya have the yacht or part of the yacht, in the ownership or disposal, or order the mortgagor is the yacht owner or part of the yacht is known , and the mortgagee shall get priority compared to any right, claim or interest in the yacht or part of yacht that any other creditors of the bankrupt or of any trustee or assignee of the creditor's behalf.
Transfer of title of registered mortgage 37. (1) a mortgage that is registered in respect of a Langkawi yacht or a part of the yacht can be transferred through an instrument made in the prescribed form.
(2) if such instruments submitted to the Director General, he shall register the transferee such title in the prescribed manner.
Cover for the mortgagor registered 38. If a yacht Langkawi or a part of the yacht is subject to a mortgage registered — (a) except to the extent necessary to make the yacht Registration Langkawi International Yacht 35 or part of the yacht available as security for the mortgage, the mortgagee cannot by virtue of the mortgage is considered as the owner of the yacht or part of the yacht; and (b) the mortgagor shall be considered not ceased to be the owner of the yacht or part of the yacht.
The transfer of mortgage through effective law 39. If one's interest on the mortgage holder mortgage registered in respect of a Langkawi yacht or a part of the yacht moved to any person by any lawful apart through transfer of title under section 37, the Director General shall be of the prescribed description submission resulting in the person's name is recorded in the register of Yachts as the mortgagee of the yacht or part of the yacht.
Release of mortgage registered 40. If a mortgage is registered in respect of a Langkawi yacht or a part of the yacht has been released, the Director-General shall, upon the submission of the mortgage deed and any evidence of release of mortgage as may be prescribed, resulting in an entry made in the register of Yachts which means that the mortgage has been discharged.
7 TERM of Nationhood and NATIONALIZATION YACHT pennant banner for Langkawi yacht 41. (1) the Langkawi yacht shall have Malaysian nationhood.
(2) the Langkawi yacht shall fly the banner of the national banner must be red stumps, with such modification as may be approved by the Director General.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 63036 Langkawi yacht carries the pennant should not 42. If anything the insignia its own national banner, in addition to red stumps, raised on any yacht Langkawi, Director General of the yacht can withstand up to banner the national banner that should be as set out in section 41 rose above the yacht.
PART IV CREW for 1 TERM YACHT TRAINING, certification and QUALIFICATIONS of the MASTER and CREW and MEMBERSHIP of the YACHT Interpretation 43. In this section, "doing a cruise" includes doing a cruise from any country outside Malaysia.
Training, certification and qualifications of the master and crew 44. Training, certification and qualifications of the master and the crew of a yacht Langkawi shall be as prescribed.
Membership if yacht do navigation or otherwise not in cruise 45. (1) a Langkawi yacht shall be made up according to secure membership of the document for the yacht which is issued by the Director General in the prescribed form and with the prescribed conditions.
(2) where a Langkawi yacht cruise and not in not in secure berths which the yacht can be left unattended, a sufficient number of crew shall be above the yacht at any time to cross adequately in any circumstances such as fire, sinking or other emergency that may affect the safety of the yacht and its staff , and the environment.
The Langkawi International Yacht registration 37 (3) where — (a) a Langkawi yacht doing or trying to do a cruise in contravention of subsection (1); or (b) a Langkawi yacht does not have a sufficient number of crew as required under subsection (2), the yacht, if are in Malaysia, may be detained by the Director General until the infringement to a halt.
People who have a certificate shall be employed as master and crew supervision 46. The owner of a yacht Langkawi shall employ only masters and crew supervision which have a certificate on the yacht.
2 TERM of the terms of service, RECRUITMENT and DEPARTURE application of Act in order to introduce master or crew 46A. Provisions of this Act shall apply with respect to the recruitment of a master or crew of a yacht Langkawi.
47 crew agreement. (1) an agreement in writing shall be made between each person employed as a crew member on a yacht Langkawi with people who take work, and shall be signed by the crew and by or on behalf of them both.
(2) an agreement made under this section with some person employed on a Langkawi yacht shall be contained in a document, which in part referred to "crew agreement", but if so approved by the Director-General — the laws of Malaysia ACT 63038 (a) an agreement under this section with a person employed on a yacht Langkawi can be contained in more than one crew agreement; and (b) an agreement of the crew can be associated with more than one yacht Langkawi.
(3) the form and content of the crew agreement shall be that approved by the Director General, and a different crew agreement with the different form and content can be approved such for different circumstances.
(4) the Master or the owner of the yacht shall ensure that crew agreement carried in such a way specified on Langkawi yacht which the agreement relating to when the perform cruise yacht.
(5) an individual contract with respect to the recruitment of a crew of a yacht Langkawi shall be null and void to the extent of contract the opposite or singles are not in accordance with the terms of an agreement the crew made pursuant to this section.
(6) the Director General may grant exceptions in respect of Langkawi yacht and crew of certain of the requirements of this section if he or she determines that the crew that will otherwise be employed under a crew agreement shall be given adequate protection.
(7) If an exemption granted under subsection (6), a copy of the documents as evidence for such exemption shall be carried on the Langkawi yacht.
Obligations of the owner in respect of the eligibility of sailing yacht 48. (1) in every employment contract between the owner of a yacht Langkawi with masters, or someone the crew employed on the Langkawi yacht should be implied, notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary, the Langkawi International Yacht Registration 39 obligation on the owner that he, masters and every agent that is responsible for loading the yacht, or provide or send that do sailing yacht shall use all reasonable means — (a) to ensure the yacht sailing qualifications at the time of the cruise yacht doing; and (b) maintain the yacht in the event entitled sailing during the cruise that.
(2) no nothing in subsection (1) may make the yacht owner subject to any liability by reason of the yacht was sent to do a cruise in a State is not eligible to sail, if, because of special circumstances, the yacht delivery for doing the browsing in such conditions are reasonable and proper.
The release of the crew

49. (1) The release of one of the crew of a yacht Langkawi shall comply with the prescribed procedure, including the procedure to be followed in respect of the crew left on a port or place otherwise through exemption from the yacht.
(2) where a yacht registered in Langkawi Langkawi stalled under this Act, any crew employed on a yacht shall be deemed to have been discharged from the yacht that whether or not he actually released, unless she gives permission in writing to continue working on the yacht, which in that case, section 49A and 49B shall apply in respect of his wages as if the yacht remains as a yacht Langkawi.
Payment of wages crew 49A. (1) If a crew member of a Langkawi yacht employed under a crew agreement released, wages due to him under the agreement shall be paid to him in full at the time he is released.
(2) where any sum payable to a crew is not paid in accordance with subsection (1), the crew of the laws of Malaysia ACT 63040 reserves the right the paragraphs at the rate last payable under crew for every day that the wages not paid for fixed period of fifty six days following the time of the release; and if any sum payable by virtue of this subsection remains unpaid after the expiration of that period, the amount it will bring flowers at a rate of twenty per cent a year.
(3) subsection (2) shall not apply if the failure to pay wages due to — (a) a reasonable dispute in respect of liabilities; (b) the Act or default of the crew; or (c) any other reason, which is not an act or default of the person liable to pay the wages of the crew or servants or agents.
Account wages 49B. (1) the master of every yacht Langkawi shall deliver to every crew member employed on a yacht under a crew agreement an account wages due to him under the crew agreement and of the deductions subject to him the wages due.
(2) the account shall be submitted not later than twenty-four hours before the time of the release of the crew, or if he is released without notice or with notice of less than twenty-four hours, at the time he is released.
The protection of the rights and remedies specified 50. (1) the Lien of the crew, remedinya to get his wages, his right to receive wages in the case of the Langkawi yacht on it he worked, sunk or lost, and any rights which may have it or can be found by him in the form of salvaj cannot be rejected by any agreement.
(2) subsection (1) Notwithstanding the terms of any agreement made with the master or the crew on a yacht Langkawi employed for the service salvaj, Langkawi International Yacht Registration 41 if the agreement provide for the remuneration to be paid to the master or the crew for the service salvaj given by the yacht.
Remedies of the masters to remuneration, payment and liability 51. Masters of a Langkawi yacht shall have the same lien, to his remuneration and all payments or liabilities made or incurred by him properly because the yacht, such as liens that belonged to someone the crew for his wages.
Restrictions on assignment and charge on wages 51A. With respect to wages due or accrued to one master or crew employed on a yacht Langkawi — (a) wages shall not be subject to detention;
(b) an assignment of wages before it accrues not tied to the master or the crew, and the payment of wages for the master or crew shall be valid notwithstanding any assignment or legal charge before; and (c) a power of attorney or authority for receipt of wages cannot be null.
CHAPTER 3 DOCUMENTS and STATEMENTS of the official log book 52. (1) the master of every yacht Langkawi shall maintain an official log book in which shall be recorded all the yacht records as may be prescribed, and the official log book shall be carried on the yacht.
(2) the master of the Langkawi yacht shall cause to be the official log book that is submitted to the Director General when the crew agreement expiration.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 63042 crew ID 53. (1) every crew member employed on a yacht Langkawi shall have an identification document a valid crew issued in accordance with the regulations.
(1A) an application for the identification of the crew shall be made to the Director General in the prescribed form, and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
(2) for the purposes of this section and section 54, "crew" including master Langkawi yacht.
Book release of 54. (1) the Director General may issue to a crew employed or have been working on a yacht Langkawi a book release which contains prescribed, including details concerning the holder of the book release.
(2) the Director General may require the crew to apply for a book release in the prescribed form and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee.
(3) the Director General may reproduce or recall a book release.
List of 55 crew. (1) the Master of a Langkawi yacht shall ensure that the details of every crew member employed on a yacht that was registered in the list of crew as approved by the Director General.
(2) a list of crew shall be updated if changes were made relating to the recruitment of the crew.
(3) a list of crew shall be kept on the Langkawi yacht and shall be available for inspection at any time, and the owner of the yacht crew list shall submit to the authorised officer in the prescribed manner.
Registration of Langkawi International Yacht 43 Submission documents when masters turned 56. If a person no longer be masters of a Langkawi yacht, he shall deliver or cause to be handed over to his successor documents relating to the yacht and the crew of the yacht that is in its custody.
CHAPTER 4 ASSISTANCE and REPATRIATION assistance and for the reversion of the crew left the ship or engaging in kekaraman 57. (1) if any person employed as a crew on a yacht Langkawi left in any country outside Malaysia or brought into the country so when involved in kekaraman ship, yacht owners shall make provision for perkembaliannya and for the help and support of his life up to perkembaliannya, and such other provisions as may be prescribed.
(2) for the purposes of subsection (1), the Director General may issue an order carriage for the master of the Langkawi yacht that the person is brought to a place determined in accordance with the regulations.
(3) this section shall apply to a person who left when released pursuant to section 49, whether or not at the time he left the yacht still registered under this Act.
(4) If a person left or taken to any country choosing to remain in the country after the expiration of three months, the owner of the yacht is not liable to make any provision for perkembaliannya or for any matter arising after the expiry of that period.
Laws of Malaysia ACT part V TRANSFER FUNCTION 63044 Power to grant a licence to provide for transfer functions 58. (1) the Director General shall have the power to grant the licence on such conditions as it deems fit by the Director General to any person to carry out, under a privatization plan, any of the functions of the Director General in relation to the Administration and operation of the registry office.
(2) prior to the exercise of its powers under subsection (1), the Director-General shall prepare and submit to the Minister a privatisation plan for his approval.
(3) no privatization plan may be exercised until the plan has been approved by the Minister.
(4) without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), every licence issued under this section shall state the following: (a) the functions to be undertaken by the licensee; (b) compliance by the licensee about standards implementation as determined by the Director General; (c) the duration of the licence; (d) the annual fee payable by the licensee; (e) certain obligations in respect of licensees functions implemented by him; and (f) any matter or other conditions as may be deemed fit by the Director General.
(5) the Minister may make regulations for the purposes of subsection (1).
(6) in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of subsection (5), the Minister may make regulations — (a) to set the charges, fees or levies to be paid to the licensee in respect of the functions performed by the holder of the licence;
The Langkawi International Yacht registration 45 (b) to prescribe the qualifications of people employed by the licensee and to regulate the competence of such person;

(c) to prescribe the types of records that must be kept by the licensee;
(d) to specify the type of the statement shall be submitted by the holder of the licence to the Director General at lat-specific intervals; and (e) to regulate the examination by the Director General of the premises licensee and records kept in the premises.
(7) the Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, to authorize the licensee to claim, collect and store charge, fee or levy prescribed under subsection (5) and (6) in respect of the functions performed by the holder of the license.
(8) an order made under subsection (7) shall state — (a) the types of functions in respect of which charges, fees or levies can be claimed, collected and stored;
(b) rights of licensees to claim, collect and store charges, fees or levies it; and (c) the time frame for the right to claim, collect and store charges, fees or levies it.
(9) the licensee is authorized under subsection (7) shall — (a) maintain any accounts, books and records with respect to the payment and collection of charges, fees or levies as may be required by the Director General;
(b) submit to the Director-General of any information, statements and accounts with respect to the payment and collection of charges, fees or levies as may be required by the Director General; and (c) authorize the Director-General or any officer authorized to obtain access to, or review or examine any document, machinery or equipment maintained or used for payment or collection charges, fees or levies.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 63046 (10) following the licence granted under subsection (1), the holder of a license shall be made to the Government of any payment as agreed between the two sides.
(11) the holder of a licence under subsection (7) shall not render the Government liable to any person in respect of any injury, damage or loss caused by failure of the licensee to perform its obligations under this Act in respect of which charges, fees or levies claimed, collected and stored.
(12) If without reasons acceptable to the Director General, the licensee contravenes or fails to comply with any conditions of the licence or any provision of this section or the regulations peratuan made under this section and fails to meremedi violations or such failure within the time specified, the Director-General may revoke the licence granted to the licensee in accordance with subsection (1).
PART VI INVESTIGATION authority to investigate 59. The investigation of a breach of any provision under this Act may, without prejudice to the provisions of any other written law relating to the investigation, carried out by authorized officers.
PART VII MISCELLANEOUS regulations 60. (1) the Minister may make such regulations as expedient or necessary for carrying out the provisions of this act better.
Yacht registration Langkawi International 47 (2) without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), regulations may — (a) provide about how, and time, for applications related to yacht registration, including yacht dicarter as empty vessels and yacht entities, shall be made, and the information and documents shall be given in respect of such an application;
(b) to provide for procedures for the registration of yachts, including yacht dicarter as empty vessels and yachts, and the conditions to be complied with in respect of the registration;
(c) to provide for procedures for the refusal to register, or the termination or revocation of registration, yacht, including yacht dicarter as empty vessels and yachts;
(d) to provide for storage of register, the entry shall be made in the Register and inspection thereof;
(e) to provide for the issuance of a certificate of registration and certification under this Act, the production and delivery of return such certificate and matters to be recorded or endorsed on the certificate;
(f) regulate and provide for the procedure regarding the name of the yacht to be registered, the name for yacht reservations and changes the name of the yacht;
(g) provide about numbering, and crafting and marking of the yacht is registered or to be registered;
(h) provide for the inspection, measurement and being measured for the purpose of determining yacht yacht tonnage, and the tonnage certificate issuance, including cancellation and delivery of the certificate;
(i) provide for matters of transfer of title, transfer and mortgage Langkawi yacht or any part of the yacht, including the form of the instrument involved in the arrangements;
Laws of Malaysia ACT 63048 (j) prescribing forms for the purposes of this Act; (k) prescribing and provide for fees payable in connection with the provision of any service by the Director General or any other matter under this Act, including annual land dues, how to collect and pay such fees and for matters relating to the failure to pay such fees;
(l) provide for matters relating to Langkawi yacht operated under Charter ship empty;
(m) regulating and provide about the procedure with respect to the Langkawi yacht to be registered in the registration office in the empty ship carter another jurisdiction;
(n) provide for safety, health and welfare of the people on the yacht Langkawi, and to protect the health of such person;
(o) provide to give effect to the relevant provisions in any International Convention and other treaty instrument which Malaysia is a party to the extent the Convention or instrument of the Treaty in respect of maritime safety, maritime security and environmental protection of marine yacht;
(p) provide for the development of the code which regulates matters relating to maritime safety, maritime security, protection of the marine environment and any technical matters and in relation to other crew with yacht Langkawi;
(q) provide about procedures in respect of recruitment and departure, and the conditions of service of the master and crew;
(r) provide for storage, maintenance and delivery of documents in relation to the master and crew;
(s) provide for training, certification and qualifications of the master and crew, including standards of competency to be attained, and membership of the Langkawi yacht;
Registration of Langkawi International Yacht 49 (t) provide for any matter under this Act which are required to or allowed to set.
Change in fi 60A. The Minister may, when it appears to him necessary or expedient, make any changes to the fee determined as he may deem fit.
Modification form for 60B. Director-General may make any modifications to the prescribed form as he may deem necessary and proper.
Requirements for insurance cover 61. Every yacht Langkawi shall bear the insurance coverage against the risk of loss and damage to third parties, in particular the liability of the owner against the crew, and with respect to the transfer of the yacht in the event the yacht left or become carcasses.
Filing electronic documents 61A. (1) the Director General may provide a service for electronic lodgement or filing any document required by this Act or the regulations made under this Act to be submitted to the Director General.
(2) a person who intends to use the services provided under subsection (1) must be a customer to the service by paying prescribed fees and comply with such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Director General.
(3) Only a client to the services provided under subsection (1) may be filed and lodge documents electronically with the Director General.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 63050 (4) the Director may determine the documents that can be filed or lodged electronically.
(5) a document filed or lodged electronically under this section shall be deemed to have complied with the requirements for the production of such document if the document is served or sent to the Director General in accordance with any other means as determined by the Director General.
(6) a document that is required in order to be stamped, signed or sealed shall, if the document is required to be so filed or lodged electronically, certified or authenticated in such manner as determined by the Director General.
(7) a copy of or extract from any document difail or lodged electronically to the Director-General under subsection (1) provided or issued by the Director General and certified under the hand of the Director-General as a true copy or extract of such documents shall be received in evidence in any proceeding as having equal validity with the original document.

(8) If a document filed or lodged electronically with the Director General, the Director-General shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by any person by reason of anything of the type of error or omission or how whatsoever arising in any document obtained by any person under the service referred to in subsection (1), if an error or omission made in good faith and in the course of normal discharge of the duties of the Director General or that occurred or arising as a result of any defect or malfunction in the service or on the equipment used for the provision of such services.
Expenses for shipping document 61B. If in connection with any service, any transaction or matter the Director General is of the view that the expenses were incurred to send the information or other documents to places in Malaysia or outside Malaysia by post, telegram, Langkawi International Yacht Registration 51 facsimile or other such means, there shall be payable in addition to the fee prescribed, expenses incurred in respect of services , a transaction or matter.
Breach of 62. (1) if any owner of a Langkawi Yacht Master yacht or entity violated any provision of this Act, the Director-General may, unless otherwise provided, cancel the registration of yacht yacht or entity, as the case may be.
(2) when registration is cancelled under subsection (1), the owner of the yacht yacht or entity shall submit to the Director-General of the respective certificate of registration for yacht or yachts that.
Laws of Malaysia ACT 63052 laws of MALAYSIA Act 630 INTERNATIONAL YACHT REGISTRATION ACT LANGKAWI 2002 LIST AMENDMENT law short title force amend from Ship Registration Act A1249 Act 18-01-2006 Langkawi International Screen (Amendment) 2005 International Yacht Registration Langkawi 53 laws of MALAYSIA Act 630 INTERNATIONAL YACHT REGISTRATION ACT LANGKAWI 2002 LIST SECTION AMENDED Section Power amend with effect from 2 Act A1249 18-01-2006 6 Act 8 A1249 A1249 Act 18-01-2006 no.9A A1249 Act 18-01-2006 10-12 Act A1249 18-01-2006 12A A1249 Act 18-01-2006 13-14 Act A1249 18-01-2006 17-20 Act A1249 18-01-2006 25-29 Act A1249 18-01-2006 33-33A A1249 Act 18-01-2006 34-35 Act A1249 18-01-2006 36A A1249 Act 18-01-2006 38 Act A1249 18-01-2006 45-46 Act A1249 18-01-2006 Division 2 Act A1249 18-01-2006 (Shoulder note) 46A A1249 Act 18-01-2006 47 Act A1249 18-01-2006 49 Act A1249 18-01-2006-49A 49B A1249 Act 18-01-2006 50 Act A1249 18-01-2006 51A A1249 Act 18-01-2006 53-54 A1249 Act 18-01-2006 58 Act A1249 18-01-2006 60 Act A1249 18-01-2006 60A-60B A1249 Act 18-01-2006 61A-61B A1249 Act 18-01-2006