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Revenue Growth Grants Act 1977

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Laws of MALAYSIA Act 181 REPRINT REVENUE PROVISION ACT 1977 Contains all amendments to 1 January 2006 PUBLISHED by the COMMISSIONER of law revision, UNDER the AUTHORITY of law REVISION ACT 1968 in COLLABORATION with PERCETAKAN NASIONAL MALAYSIA BHD 2006 law Malaysia2 ACT 181 of the ACT GRANTING the INCREASE REVENUE 1977 Assent Date............ 2 March 1977 date of publication in the Gazette......... 10 March 1977 REPRINT BEFORE Reprinting the first............ 2002 Grant Revenue 3 laws of MALAYSIA Act 181 of the ACT GRANTING the INCREASE REVENUE 1977 ARRANGEMENT of SECTIONS section 1. Short title and commencement 2. The grant to the State 3. (Cut)
4. Division between State and based on the number of residents of 4A. Division between the States domestic gross per kapitanya less than the national average of 5. The provisions of the audit after 6. The purpose of the granting of 7. Grant of being charged on the Consolidated Fund Federal Malaysia4 laws Grant Increase ACT 181 5 laws of MALAYSIA Act 181 of the ACT GRANTING the INCREASE REVENUE 1977 an act to provide for the granting of the increased revenue to State Governments on the basis of the increase in federal revenue with a view to giving financial aid to State Governments for certain purposes.
[1 January 1975]
WHEREAS IT is provided by clause (3) of article 109 of the Constitution that Parliament may, by law, provide grants for specific purposes to any State in accordance with such terms and conditions as provided by the law;
SO THEREFORE, this is in PERBUAT law by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong with the advice and consent of the Dewan Negara and Dewan Rakyat in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: short title and commencement 1. This Act may be cited as the grant Increase Act 1977 and shall be deemed to have come into operation on 1 January 1975.
The grant to the State 2. When there is an increase in federal revenue in a given financial year compared with the year previously, the Minister shall for the previous financial year allocated for the purpose of making grants under section 4 and 4A an amount not exceeding one hundred and fifty million dollars which shall be distributed as follows — (a) a part of the amount not exceeding fifty million dollars for the purpose of section 4;
Law Malaysia6 ACT 181 (b) the remaining part of not more than one hundred million dollars for the purpose of section 4A: provided that the limit of one hundred and fifty million dollars, fifty million dollars in paragraph (a) and a hundred million dollars in paragraph (b) may be reviewed and modified by the Minister.
3. (Cut by A475 Act).
Division between the State and based on the number of residents 4. The amount of money provided under paragraph 2 (a) shall be distributed as a grant of Interstate as follows — (a) half of the amount shall be divided equally between thirteen States; and (b) the remaining half should be divided in proportional between States, based on number of residents every States as specified in the final census taken before the year before, according to two parts for one for five hundred thousand people the first, one part for one of five hundred thousand people and half of the next part of a for the remaining population for every States.
Division between the States domestic gross per kapitanya less than the national average of 4A. The amount of money provided under paragraph 2 (b) shall be distributed as a grant of between State gross domestic product per kapitanya less than the national average for gross domestic product per capita. Gross domestic product per capita for federal and all States of the Federation shall be determined by the Federation. Grant given to every eligible State shall be consistent with the percentage derived from the difference between the increase in Grant Revenue 7 country with average gross domestic product per capita State worth it compared to the total of all the differences between the average country with a gross domestic product per capita every who is well worth it.
The provisions of the audit after 5. Amount determined in paragraph 2 (a) and (b) for the financial year shall be allocated a only after account all proceeds received by the Federation for the previous financial year closed and audited.
The purpose of the grant of 6. The grant made to a State under section 4 should be used to increase overall result and grant made to a State under section 4A shall be used for any or all purposes of certain development the following — (a) water supply;
(b) public housing;
(c) development of industrial areas;
(d) small works; and (e) any other development projects as may be prescribed from time to time by the country's financial Council established under Article 108 of the Constitution.
Grant of being charged on the consolidated Federal Fund 7. The grant made to the State under section 4 and 4A shall be charged on the consolidated Federal Fund.
Law Malaysia8 ACT 181 laws of MALAYSIA Act 181 of the ACT GRANTING the INCREASE REVENUE 1977 LIST AMENDMENT law short title force of the Act amending the Act Granting the increase A475 01-01-1978; Revenue (Amendment) Act 1980 except s. 2 and s. 7 in relation to paragraph 2 (b) and of the principal Act, 01-01-1980 P.U. (B) 430/83 Notification Review and 01-01-1983 Changes limits the grant-Grant under section 2 of the granting of the increased Revenue 9 laws of MALAYSIA Act 181 of the ACT GRANTING the INCREASE REVENUE 1977 LIST SECTION AMENDED Section Power amend with effect from 2 P.U. (B) 430/1983 01-01-1983 Act A475 01-01-1980 3 Act A475 01-01-1978 4 Act A475 01-01-1978 4A of the Act A475 01-01-1978 5 Act A475 01-01-1978 6 Act A475 01-01-1980 7 Act A475 01-01-1978