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Official Journal of the Federation 15 July 1992
Last reform published DOF May 25, 2011
Note of validity: The reform of Article 13, published in the Official Journal of the Federation on May 25, 2011, will take effect " until the current Migration Law Regulations ".
On the sidelines a seal with the National Shield that says: United Mexican States.-Presidency of the Republic.
CARLOS SALINAS DE GORTARI, Constitutional President of the United Mexican States, to its inhabitants, known:
That the H. Congress of the Union has been used to address the following
ARTICLE 1o.- This law, founded on the historical principle of the separation of the State and the churches, as well as on the freedom of religious beliefs, is a regulation of the Provisions of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States regarding associations, religious groups, churches and public worship. Its rules are of public order and of general observance in the national territory.
Religious convictions do not exempt in any case from the fulfillment of the laws of the country. No one can claim religious motives to evade the responsibilities and obligations prescribed in the laws.
ARTICLE 2o.- The Mexican State guarantees in favor of the individual, the following rights and freedoms in religious matters:
a) Having or adopting the religious belief that most pleases you and practice, individually or collectively, the acts of worship or rites of your preference.
b) Do not profess religious beliefs, refrain from practicing religious acts and rites and not belong to a religious association.
c) Do not be subject to discrimination, coercion or hostility because of their religious beliefs, nor be obliged to declare them.
No religious grounds may be invoked to prevent anyone from exercising any work or activity, except in the cases provided for in this and other applicable ordinances.
d) Not be obliged to provide personal services or contribute money or in kind to the support of an association, church or any other religious group, nor to participate or contribute in the same way in rites, ceremonies, festivities, services or acts of religious worship.
e) Do not be the object of any judicial or administrative inquisition by the manifestation of religious ideas; and,
f) Associate or assemble peacefully for religious purposes.
ARTICLE 3o.- The Mexican State is secular. He himself will exercise his authority over any religious, individual or collective manifestation, only in respect of the observance of the Constitution, International Treaties ratified by Mexico and other applicable legislation and the protection of rights of third parties.
The State will not be able to establish any kind of preference or privilege in favor of any religion. Neither for nor against any church nor religious grouping.
Official identification documents will not contain mention of the individual's religious beliefs.
ARTICLE 4.- The acts of the civil state of the persons are of the exclusive competence of the authorities in the terms that establish the laws, and will have the force and validity they are attributed to them.
The simple promise to speak truth and to fulfill the obligations that are contracted, subject to the one that makes it, in case I fail to it, to the sanctions that with such reason establishes the law.
ARTICLE 5o.- The legal acts that contravene the provisions of this law will be null and void.
Of your nature, constitution, and operation
ARTICLE 6o.- Churches and religious groupings will have legal personality as religious associations once they obtain their corresponding constitutive registration. the Secretariat of the Interior, in the terms of this law.
Religious associations shall be governed internally by their own statutes, which shall contain the fundamental basis of their doctrine or body of religious beliefs and determine both their representatives and, where appropriate, those of the entities and internal divisions which they belong to. Such entities and divisions may correspond to regional or other forms of autonomous organization within the associations themselves, as appropriate to their structure and purposes, and may also enjoy legal personality in the terms of this law.
Religious associations are equal before the law on rights and obligations.
ARTICLE 7o.- Applicants for the registration of a religious association must prove that the church or religious group:
I. It has been preponderantly occupied with the observance, practice, propagation, or instruction of a religious doctrine or a body of religious beliefs;
II. He has carried out religious activities in the Mexican Republic for a minimum of 5 years and has notorious roots among the population, as well as having established his domicile in the Republic;
III. Provides sufficient assets to meet your object;
IV. It has statutes in the terms of the second paragraph of Article 6o.; and,
V. It has fulfilled, where appropriate, the provisions of Article 27 (I) and (II) of the Constitution.
An extract from the application of the record referred to in this precept must be published in the Official Journal of the Federation.
ARTICLE 8o.- Religious associations must:
I. Always be subject to the Constitution and the laws that emanate from it, and respect the institutions of the country;
II.- Refrain from pursuing profit or preponderantly economic purposes;
III. Respect at all times the cults and doctrines alien to your religion, as well as encourage dialogue, tolerance and coexistence between the different religions and creeds with presence in the country, and
IV. To foster and ensure the integral respect of human rights.
ARTICLE 9o.- Religious associations shall be entitled in the terms of this law and their regulation to:
I. Identify by a unique name;
II. Organize freely within its internal structures and adopt the statutes or rules governing its system of authority and functioning, including the formation and designation of its ministers;
III. Perform acts of religious public worship, as well as propagate their doctrine, provided that the rules and forecasts of this and other applicable ordinances are not contravened;
IV. To celebrate all kinds of legal acts for the fulfillment of their object being lawful and provided that they are not for profit;
V. To participate in itself or associated with natural or moral persons in the constitution, administration, maintenance and operation of private assistance institutions, educational plants and health institutions, provided that they do not pursue In addition to the present, to the laws that regulate these matters;
VI. Use exclusively, for religious purposes, property of the nation, in the terms that the respective regulations dictate; and,
VII. Enjoy the other rights conferred upon them by this and other laws.
ARTICLE 10.- Acts that in matters governed by this law carry out in a normal way person, or churches and religious groupings without the registration Article 6o shall be attributed to natural persons or, where appropriate, moral persons, who shall be subject to the obligations laid down in this order. Such churches and groupings shall not have the rights referred to in Article 9 (4), (V), (VI) and (VII). of this law and the other applicable provisions.
Working relationships between religious associations and their workers will be subject to the provisions of applicable labour law.
Of your associates, ministers of worship, and representatives
ARTICLE 11.- For the purposes of the registration referred to in this law, they are associated with a religious association of the elderly, who have such a character according to the statutes of the same.
The representatives of the religious associations must be Mexican and elderly and be accredited with such a character before the appropriate authorities.
ARTICLE 12.- For the purposes of this Law, ministers of worship are considered to be of all those elderly persons to whom the religious associations to which they belong That character is trusted. Religious associations shall notify the Secretariat of the Government of their decision in this respect. In the event that religious associations omit such notification, or in the case of churches or religious groupings, they will be held as ministers of worship to those who exercise in them as main occupation, functions of leadership, representation or organisation.
ARTICLE 12 Bis.- Worship ministers, associates, and representatives of religious associations, including staff who work, support, or assisting, in a remunerated or voluntary manner, in the religious activities of such associations, they shall immediately inform the relevant authority of the likely commission of offences, committed in the exercise of their worship or in their facilities.
When a crime is committed against girls, boys, or adolescents, the persons referred to in the preceding paragraph shall report the same facts immediately. to the guardians or to those who exercise the parental power of those.
ARTICLE 13.- Mexicans will be able to exercise the ministry of any cult. Foreigners will also be able to do so whenever they check their regular migratory status in the country, in the terms of the Migration Law.
ARTICLE 14.- Mexican citizens who exercise the ministry of any cult have the right to vote in the terms of the applicable electoral law. They will not be able to be voted for positions of popular choice, nor will they be able to hold higher public positions, unless they are formally, materially and definitively separated from their ministry at least five years in the first of the cases, and three in the second, prior to the day of the choice in question or the acceptance of the respective charge. As far as the other charges are concerned, six months will suffice.
Nor may the ministers of worship be associated with political ends or proselytism for or against any candidate, party or political association.
The separation of the ministers of worship should be communicated by the religious association or by the separate ministers, to the Secretariat of the Interior within thirty days of the of their date. In the event of resignation, the minister may prove it, demonstrating that the document in which it was established was received by a legal representative of the respective religious association.
For the purposes of this article, the separation or resignation of minister will be based on the notification made to the Secretariat of the Interior.
ARTICLE 15.- The ministers of worship, their ascendants, descendants, brothers, spouses, as well as the religious associations to which they belong, will be unable to inherit by will, from persons to whom the ministers themselves have directed or assisted spiritually and have no parentage within the fourth grade, in the terms of Article 1325 of the Civil Code for the Federal District in Common Matter and for the whole Republic in Federal Matter.
From your patrimonial regime
ARTICLE 16.- Religious associations formed in accordance with this law may have their own patrimony that allows them to fulfill their object. Such a patrimony, consisting of all the goods which, under any title, acquire, possess or administer, shall be exclusively the indispensable for fulfilling the purpose or purpose proposed in its object.
Religious associations and ministers of worship may not possess or administer, by themselves or by interposite, concessions for the exploitation of radio, television or radio stations. any type of telecommunication, or acquire, possess or manage any of the mass media. Printed publications of a religious nature are excluded from this prohibition.
Religious associations in liquidation will be able to transmit their assets, by any title, to other religious associations. In the event that the liquidation is carried out as a result of the imposition of some of the penalties provided for in Article 32 of this law, the goods of the religious associations which are settled shall be passed on to public assistance. The national assets that are in the possession of the associations will, of course, return to the full public domain of the nation.
ARTICLE 17.- The Secretariat of the Interior will decide on the essential character of the real estate that the religious associations intend to acquire for any degree. For this purpose, it shall issue a declaration of origin in the following cases:
I. When dealing with any immovable property;
II. In any case of succession, in order for a religious association to be an heir or legataria;
III. When it is intended that a religious association has the character of an Aryan, except that the association itself is the only one of its kind; and,
IV. In the case of real estate in respect of which they are owners or owners, private assistance institutions, health or educational institutions, in whose constitution, administration or operation, associations are involved. religious by themselves or associated with other people.
Requests for declaratory of provenance shall be answered by the authority in a term not greater than forty-five days; failure to do so shall be deemed to have been approved.
For the case provided for in the preceding paragraph, the said Secretariat shall, at the request of the parties concerned, issue a certificate that the term referred to in the same.
The religious associations must register with the Secretariat of the Interior all the real estate, without prejudice to the other obligations in the matter, contained in other laws.
ARTICLE 18.- The authorities and officials with public faith that intervene in legal acts by virtue of which a religious association intends to acquire the property of a real estate, must require the association of the document in which the declaration of origin issued by the Secretariat of the Interior, or, where appropriate, the certification referred to in the previous article, to be established.
Officials with public faith who are involved in the aforementioned legal acts must give notice to the Public Registry of the Property that corresponds, that the property of which is intended to be intended for the purposes of the association, in order for the association to make the corresponding annotation.
ARTICLE 19.- To the natural and moral persons as well as to the goods that this law regulates, the tax provisions in the terms of the laws of the matter shall apply to them.
ARTICLE 20.- The religious associations will appoint and register with the Secretariat of Social Development and the National Council for Culture and the Arts, the representatives responsible for the temples and property that are archaeological, artistic or historical monuments owned by the nation. They will be obliged to preserve these assets in their entirety and to take care of their safeguarding and restoration, in the terms provided for by the laws.
The property of the nation that the religious associations possess, as well as the use to which they are intended, shall be subject to this law, to the General Law of National Goods and to its Case, to the Federal Law on Monuments and Archaeological, Artistic and Historical Zones, as well as to the other applicable laws and regulations.
ARTICLE 21.- Religious acts of public worship will be held ordinarily in the temples. They may only be performed extraordinarily outside of them, in the terms of the provisions of this law and the other applicable laws.
Religious associations will only be able, in an extraordinary way, to transmit or disseminate acts of religious worship through mass media of non-printed communication. authorization of the Secretariat of the Interior. In no case shall religious acts be disseminated in the time of radio and television intended for the State.
In the cases mentioned in the previous paragraph, the organizers, sponsors, dealers or owners of the media will be jointly and severally responsible. the religious association concerned, to comply with the provisions in respect of acts of public worship with extraordinary character.
No political meetings may be held at the temples.
ARTICLE 22.- To perform religious acts of public worship with extraordinary character outside the temples, the organizers of the same must give advance notice to the federal, Federal District, State or municipal competent authorities, at least 15 days before the date on which they intend to hold them, the notice must indicate the place, date, time of the act, as well as the reason why it is intends to celebrate.
The authorities may prohibit the celebration of the act mentioned in the notice, founding and motivating their decision, and only for reasons of safety, health protection, moral, the peace and the public order and the protection of third-party rights.
ARTICLE 23.- They will not require the notice referred to in the previous article:
I. The influx of groups to address the premises intended for the worship;
II. The transit of persons between private homes for the purpose of celebrating religious commemorations; and
III. Acts that are performed in closed premises or in those in which the public does not have free access.
ARTICLE 24.- Who opens a temple or local going to public worship must give notice to the Secretariat of Government within a period of no more than thirty working days from the date of opening. Compliance with this rule does not exempt from the obligation to comply with the applicable provisions in other matters.
ARTICLE 25.- It is up to the Federal Executive Branch through the Secretariat of the Interior to implement this law. State and municipal authorities, as well as those of the Federal District, will be auxiliary to the Federation in the terms provided for in this order.
Federal, state and municipal authorities will not intervene in the internal affairs of religious associations.
The aforementioned authorities may not be officially present for any religious act of public worship, nor for any activity that has similar motives or purposes. In cases of diplomatic practice, they shall be limited to the fulfilment of the task assigned to them, in the terms of the applicable provisions.
ARTICLE 26.- The Secretariat of the Interior will organize and keep updated the records of religious associations and real estate, which for any degree are held by those or administer.
ARTICLE 27.- The Secretariat of the Interior may establish collaboration or coordination agreements with the state authorities in the matters of this law.
State and municipal authorities will receive the notices regarding the celebration of religious acts of public worship in an extraordinary manner, in the terms of this law and its regulation. They shall also inform the Secretariat of Government about the exercise of their powers in accordance with the provisions of this law, their regulations and, where appropriate, the respective agreement.
ARTICLE 28.- The Secretariat of the Interior is empowered to resolve conflicts between religious associations, according to the following procedure:
I. The religious association that feels affected in its legal interests will file a complaint with the Secretariat of Government;
II. The Secretariat shall receive the complaint and place the other religious association to reply within 10 working days following the one in which it was notified, and shall refer it to an agreement, to be held within the thirty days after the date the complaint was filed;
III. On the board of agreement, the Secretariat will urge the parties to reach a conciliatory solution to the dispute and, if this is not possible, to appoint the arbitrator as a strict right; and,
IV. If the parties opt for arbitration, the procedure that has been previously disclosed to them will be followed; otherwise, their rights will be left to them to enforce before the competent courts, in terms of the Article 104, section I, Section A of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States.
The procedure provided for in this article is not a requirement for procedures to be brought before the competent courts.
Of Violations and Sanctions
ARTICLE 29.- They constitute violations of this law, by the subjects to which it refers:
I. Partner for political purposes, as well as proselytizing or propaganda of any kind for or against candidate, party or political association some;
II. Agriar to the patriotic symbols or in any way induce their rejection;
III. Acquire, possess or administer religious associations, by itself or by person, property and rights that are not, exclusively, the indispensable for their object, as well as concessions of the nature that they were;
IV. Promote the conduct of conduct contrary to the health or physical integrity of individuals;
V. Exercise physical violence or moral pressure, through aggression or threats, to achieve or achieve its objectives;
VI. Ostend as a religious association when it is lacking in the registry established by the Secretariat of Government;
VII. Allocate the goods that the associations acquire for any title, to an end other than that provided for in the corresponding declaration of provenance;
VIII. Divert from such a way the purposes of the associations that they lose or seriously undermine their religious nature;
IX. Convert a religious act into a political meeting;
X. Oppose the Laws of the Country or its institutions in public meetings;
XI.- Perform acts or allow those who attack the integrity, safeguarding and preservation of the goods that make up the cultural heritage of the country, and that are in use by churches, groupings or religious associations, as well as to omit the actions that are necessary to ensure that such goods are preserved in their integrity and value;
XII.- Skip the actions referred to in Article 12 Bis of this law;
XIII.- The commission of crimes committed in the exercise of their worship or in their facilities, and
XIV. The others that are set forth in this law and other applicable ordinances.
ARTICLE 30.- The application of the penalties provided for in this law will be subject to the following procedure:
I. The sanctioning body shall be a commission composed of officials of the Secretariat of Government as indicated in the Rules of Procedure and shall take its resolutions by a majority of votes;
II. The authority shall notify the person concerned of the facts which are deemed to be in violation of the law, and shall inform him that within 15 days of the date of such notification he appears before the said commission to plead with him or her And offer testing; and,
III. Once the term referred to in the previous section has elapsed, the person concerned has appeared or not, the commission shall dictate the appropriate resolution. In the event of a comparison, the arguments and evidence offered shall be analysed in the resolution.
ARTICLE 31.- Violations of this law shall be punishable by taking into consideration the following elements:
I. Nature and severity of the fault or infraction;
II. The possible alteration of the social tranquility and public order that the infraction will cause;
III.- Economic situation and degree of instruction of the offender;
IV. The recidivism, if any, and
V. The damage caused.
ARTICLE 32.- The violators of this law may be required to impose one or more of the following penalties, depending on the valuation that the authority of the aspects contained in the preceding article:
I. Warning;
II. Fine of up to twenty thousand days of general minimum wage in force in the Federal District;
III. Temporary or final closure of a local intended for public worship;
IV. Temporary suspension of the rights of the religious association in the national territory or in a State, municipality or locality; and,
V. Cancellation of the religious association record.
The imposition of these sanctions will be the responsibility of the Secretariat of the Interior, in the terms of Article 30.
When the sanction imposed is the definitive closure of a local property of the nation destined for the ordinary cult, the Secretariat of Social Development, after the opinion of the Governorship, will determine the fate of the property in the terms of the law of the matter.
Of the review facility
ARTICLE 33.- Against the acts or resolutions dictated by the authorities in compliance with this law, the review facility, which the Secretariat of Governorship. The application must be lodged with that office or before the authority which issued the act or judgment which is used, within 20 working days following the date on which the act or resolution was notified. used. In the latter case, the authority shall, in a term not greater than ten working days, send to the said Secretariat the document in which the appeal is lodged and the constances which, where appropriate, offer the appellant as evidence and which at the power of that authority.
They may only bring the action provided for in this law, persons having legal interest in their claim.
ARTICLE 34.- The authority will examine the resource and if it warns that it was interposed, it will be discarded outright.
If the resource is dark or irregular, it will require the appellant to within ten days of the notice of the requirement to clarify his/her appeal, with the warning that in the event that the appellant fails to complete the prevention in time, the appeal shall not be filed.
The decision to be taken on the appeal may revoke, amend or confirm the decision or act appealed.
ARTICLE 35.- In the agreement that admits the appeal, the suspension of the effects of the contested act shall be granted whenever the appellant so requests and permits the nature of the act, except that with the granting of the suspension the social interest is subject to any public order provisions or the appeal is left without matter.
When the suspension may cause damages to third parties, the amount of the guarantee to be granted by the appellant to repair the damage and to compensate for the damages shall be fixed. which shall be caused in the event of failure to obtain a favourable judgment in the appeal.
ARTICLE 36.- For the purposes of this title, in the absence of express provision and in what is not contrary to this law, the Federal Code of Procedures shall be applied in an additional manner. Civilians.
ARTICLE FIRST.- This law shall enter into force the day after its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.
ARTICLE SECOND.- The Regulatory Law of Article 130 of the Federal Constitution is opened, published in the Official Journal of the Federation on January 18, 1927; the Law that Reglaments the Seventh Paragraph of Article 130 Constitutional, concerning the number of priests who may exercise in the Federal District or Territory, published in the Official Journal of the Federation on December 30, 1931; the Law that Reform of the Criminal Code for the Federal District and Territories on crimes of the common and all the Republic of the Republic on crimes against the Federation, published in the Official Journal of the Federation on July 2, 1926; as well as the Decree establishing the period within which applications may be submitted for take care of the temples that are removed from the cult, published in the Official Journal of the Federation on December 31, 1931.
ARTICLE THIRD.- The provisions of the Law on the Nationalization of Goods, the regulation of section II of Article 27 of the Constitution, published in the Journal of the European Union, are repealed. Officer of the Federation on December 31, 1940, as well as those contained in other ordinances, when those and are opposed to this law.
ARTICLE FOURTH.- The nationalization trials and procedures that are pending at the time of the entry into force of this order will continue to be processed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Law on the Nationalization of Goods, a regulation of section II of Article 27 Constitutional, published in the Official Journal of the Federation on December 31, 1940.
ARTICLE QUINTO.- As long as its migratory quality is reviewed, foreigners who enter into force this law are legally interned in the country will be able to act as ministers of the cult, provided that the churches and other religious groups recognize that character, in making their application for registration with the Secretariat of Government or the ministers concerned give notice of such a circumstance to the same Secretariat.
ARTICLE SIXTH.- The nation-owned real estate that is currently used for religious purposes by churches and other religious groupings, will continue to be used. to such purposes, provided that the said churches and groups request and obtain within a period not greater than one year, from the entry into force of this law, their corresponding registration as religious associations.
ARTICLE SEVENTH.- With the application for registration, churches and religious groups will present a declaration of the real estate they intend to contribute to integrate their heritage as religious associations.
The Secretariat of Government, within a period of not more than six months from the date of the registration of a religious association, shall issue a general declaration of origin, if the assumptions provided for by the law are fulfilled. Any immovable property which the religious associations wish to acquire after the constitutive registration, shall require the declaration of origin laid down in Article 17 of this order.
Mexico, D. F., 13 July 1992.-Dip. Gustavo Carvajal Moreno, President.-Sen. Manuel Aguilera Gómez, President.-Dip. Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, Secretary.-Sen. Oscar Ramirez Mijares, Secretary.-Rubicas. "
In compliance with the provisions of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States and for their proper publication and observance, I hereby exempt the present Decree at the residence of the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, on the fourteenth day of July of a thousand nine hundred and ninety-two. Carlos Salinas de Gortari.-Heading.-The Secretary of Government.- Fernando Gutiérrez Barrios.-Heading.
DECREE for which Article 8o is reformed and added. of the Law of Religious Associations and Public Worship.
Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on April 24, 2006
ONLY ARTICLE.- A fraction III is added to Article 8o. of the Law of Religious Associations and Public Cult, to remain as follows:
ONLY.- This Decree shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.
Mexico, D.F., to 21 February 2006.-Dip. Marcela González Salas P., President.-Sen. Enrique Jackson Ramírez, President.-Dip. Marcos Morales Torres, Secretary.-Sen. Sara I. Castellanos Cortés, Secretary.-Rubicas."
In compliance with the provisions of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request the present Decree at the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at the eighteen days of April of two thousand six.- Vicente Fox Quesada.-Heading.-The Secretary of the Interior, Carlos Maria Abascal Carranza.-Heading.
DECREE for the reform and addition of various provisions of the Federal Criminal Code; of the Federal Code of Criminal Procedures; of the Law for the Protection of the Rights of Girls, Children and Adolescents; of the General Law of Education; of the Law of Religious Associations and Public Worship; of the Federal Law of Consumer Protection and of the Regulatory Law of the Article 5 Constitutional Law concerning the exercise of the professions in the Federal District.
Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on August 19, 2010
ARTICLE QUINTO.- Article 3o is reformed. A fraction IV is added to the article 8o.; an article 12 Bis; fractions XII and XIII to article 29, with the current XII fraction being remembered to become XIV and a fraction V to article 31, all of the Law of Religious Associations and Cult Public, to stay as follows:
Unique.- This Decree shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.
Mexico, D.F., on April 29, 2010.-Dip. Francisco Javier Ramírez Acuna, President.-Sen. Carlos Navarrete Ruiz, President.-Dip. Jaime Arturo Vázquez Aguilar, Secretary.-Sen. Renan Cleominio Zoreda Novelo, Secretary.-Rubicas."
In compliance with the provisions of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request the present Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, to sixteen August of two thousand ten.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Rubrias.-The Secretary of the Interior, José Francisco Blake Mora.-Heading.
DECREE that the Law on Migration is issued and reformed, repealed and added various provisions of the General Population Law, of the Federal Criminal Code, of the Federal Code of Criminal Procedures, of the Federal Law against Organized Crime, the Law of the Federal Police, the Law of Religious Associations and Public Cult, the Law of Foreign Investment, and the General Law of Tourism.
Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on May 25, 2011
ARTICLE SEVENTH. Article 13 of the Law on Religious Associations and Public Worship is reformed to remain as follows:
FIRST. This Decree shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.
SECOND. The reforms to the General Population Law will take effect the day after its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation, except for derogations from Articles VII and VIII of Article 3o. and Articles 7 to 75, which shall enter into force until the Regulation of the Law on Migration is in force.
The reforms to the Law of Religious Associations and Public Cult, to the Foreign Investment Law and the General Law of Tourism, will take effect until it is found. the Migration Law Regulation in force.
THIRD. References that in other laws and other legal provisions are made to the General Population Law for what it does to character issues migration, they will be understood as referring to the Migration Law.
FOURTH. The resolutions issued by the immigration authority during the validity of the provisions of the General Population Law that will be repealed will take their full legal effects.
Mexico, D. F., on April 29, 2011.-Sen. Manlio Fabio Beltrones Rivera, President.-Dip. Jorge Carlos Ramirez Marin, President.-Sen. Renan Cleominy Zoreda Novelo, Secretary.-Dip. Maria Dolores Del Rio Sanchez, Secretary.-Rubicas."
In compliance with the provisions of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request the present Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, to twenty-four of May of two thousand eleven.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Rubrica.-The Secretary of the Interior, José Francisco Blake Mora.-Heading.