Key Benefits:
Official Journal of the Federation July 25, 2007
Last reform published DOF 07 June 2012
On the sidelines a seal with the National Shield, which reads: United Mexican States.-Presidency of the Republic.
FELIPE DE JESUS CALDERÓN HINOJOSA, President of the United Mexican States, to its inhabitants known:
That the Honorable Congress of the Union, has served to address the following
ONLY ARTICLE.- The Federal Animal Health Law is issued.
Chapter I
Of The Law Object
Article 1.-This Law is of general observance throughout the national territory and aims to establish the basis for: diagnosis, prevention, control and eradication of diseases and pests affecting animals; ensuring animal welfare; regulating good livestock practices applicable in primary production, in establishments engaged in the processing of goods of origin animal for human consumption, such as traces and units of and the Federal Inspection Type establishments; to encourage certification in establishments dedicated to the slaughter of animals and the processing of goods of animal origin for human consumption, in coordination with the Health Secretariat in accordance with the competence of each secretariat; regulating establishments, products and the development of animal health and veterinary services; regulating chemical products, pharmaceuticals, biological and food for use in animals or consumption by animals. Its provisions are of public order and social interest.
Article 2.-Animal health activities are intended to: diagnose and prevent the introduction, permanence and dissemination of diseases and pests that affect the health or life of animals; seek animal welfare; as well as establish good livestock practices in primary production and in the Federal Inspection establishments dedicated to the slaughter of animals and processing of animals. goods of animal origin for human consumption, as well as in the traces, in slaughter units and in other establishments engaged in processing of animal origin for human consumption.
The regulation, verification, inspection and certification of the processing of goods of animal origin for human consumption in establishments Type Federal Inspection must be responsible for health risks by the Secretariat, in accordance with the provisions of the Secretariat of Health.
Inspection, verification and supervision of due compliance with applicable provisions in establishments, dedicated to animal slaughter and processing goods of animal origin of municipal, state or Federal District competence, shall be carried out through the Secretariat or the Secretariat of Health, according to its field of competence.
The certification of establishments, dedicated to the slaughter of animals and the processing of goods of animal origin of municipal, state or district competition Federal, shall be carried out through the Secretariat, at the request of the municipalities, the governments of the states and the Federal District government, in accordance with the provisions of Article 108 of this Law.
Article 3.-The Secretariat is the authority responsible for protecting animal health and welfare, as well as good livestock practices in production primary; and Federal Inspection establishments, and in other establishments engaged in the slaughter of animals and the processing of animal goods.
Chapter II
Article 4.-For the purposes of the law it is understood by:
Accreditation: The act by which an accreditation entity recognizes the technical competence and reliability of certification bodies, of laboratories test, of the calibration laboratories and of the verification units for the conformity assessment;
Act: Official document stating the results of the inspection carried out by the Secretariat to verify compliance with the established provisions in this Law and other normative figures that derive from it;
Animal health activities: Those subject to the procedures laid down in animal health provisions, developed by the Secretariat or by persons physical or moral, in terms of what is established in this Law;
Additive: Any ingredient or mixture of substances which is normally not consumed as food by itself, with or without nutritional value and which influences the physico-chemical characteristics of the food product or favours the presentation, preservation, ingestion, use, prophylaxis or pigmentation in the animals and their products;
Agents involved: The dependencies of the official sector or the natural or moral persons of the private sector that integrate the value chain of the goods of origin animal;
Risk analysis: The assessment of the probability of entry, establishment and spread of disease or pest of animals in the national territory or in an area the country, in accordance with the animal health measures that may be applied, as well as the possible biological, economic and environmental consequences. It includes the assessment of possible harmful effects on animal health from additives, products for use or animal consumption, physical contaminants, chemicals and biologics, toxins or pathogenic organisms in goods of animal origin, drinks and forages, handling or management and their communication to the agents involved directly and indirectly;
Hazard Analysis and Critical Point Control: Pollution Risk Reduction System that is applied in primary production, in type establishments federal inspection for the slaughter of animals and the processing of goods of animal origin and other establishments engaged in the processing of goods of animal origin for human consumption, enabling the identification and prevention of hazards and risks biological, chemical or physical contamination; which may affect the the integrity of the goods of animal origin and/or human health;
Live animals: All species of live animals other than those from the aquatic environment, whether sea, river, lake or any body of water natural or artificial;
Approval: The act by which the Secretariat approves certification bodies, verification units and accredited testing laboratories in terms of the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardisation to carry out conformity assessment activities in the official Mexican rules issued in the matters referred to in this Law;
Animal Goods: All that product or byproduct that is obtained or extracted from animals including those that have been subject to processing and that may constitute an animal health risk;
Animal welfare: A set of activities aimed at providing comfort, tranquility, protection and safety to animals during their upbringing, maintenance, exploitation, transport and slaughter;
Bioavailability: The proportion of the drug that is absorbed into the general circulation after the administration of a drug and the time it requires to do so;
Bioequivalence: Products in which there are no significant differences in the rate and absorbed amount of the drug compared to the substance of reference;
Outbreak: Presence of one or more foci of the same disease, in a given geographical area over the same period of time and which have an epidemiological link between yes;
Good manufacturing practices: Set of procedures, activities, conditions, general type of controls applied in the establishments they produce chemical, pharmaceutical, biological, additive or food products for use in or consumption by animals; as well as in the Federal Inspection Type establishments, in the traces and in other establishments dedicated to the slaughter of animals, and processing of goods of animal origin for human consumption, in order to reduce the risks of physical, chemical or biological contamination, without prejudice to other applicable legal provisions in the field of public health;
Good Animal Practices: A set of procedures, activities, conditions and controls applied in the animal production units and in the Federal Inspection Type establishments, in order to reduce the hazards associated with physical, chemical or biological agents, as well as animal health risks in animal goods for animal consumption, without prejudice to other applicable legal provisions in the field of Public Health;
Value Chain: The set of elements and agents involved in the production processes of the goods regulated in this Law, including the supply of equipment technical, productive inputs, financial resources, primary production, collection, processing, distribution and marketing;
Campaigns: A set of animal health measures that apply in a given phase and geographical area, for the prevention, control or eradication of diseases or pests of the animals;
Animal Health Certification Centre: Installation which depends on a certification body for the purpose of issuing the animal health certificate for mobilisation of Regulated goods;
Certification: Procedure by which it is stated that an establishment, product, process, system or service complies with the official Mexican rules or the animal health provisions or good livestock practices to be issued by the Secretariat;
Animal Health Certificate: Official document issued by the Secretariat or certification bodies accredited and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Law Federal on Metrology and Standardisation, in which compliance with animal health provisions is recorded;
Animal Health Certificate for Import: Official document stating compliance with the requirements laid down in the Animal Health Requirements Sheet, in the official Mexican rules or animal health provisions, by which the introduction of regulated goods by animal health risk is authorized in this Law, from the point of entry into the country to a specific point of destination in territory national;
Pollutant: Any physical, chemical, biological or foreign material or other substance present in animal-based goods, which alter its integrity for consumption human, as well as in products, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, biological or food for use in animals or consumption by animals;
Control: A set of animal health measures aimed at reducing the incidence or prevalence of an animal disease or pest in a geographical area determined or for the purpose of reducing the physical, chemical and microbiological hazards which may affect the integrity of the goods of animal origin, as well as the removal of the presence of prohibited ingredients or additives used in the products food for use in animals;
Critical Point Control: Area, step, or procedure in processing, in which controls can be applied to prevent, eliminate, or reduce a risk of contamination at acceptable levels;
Animal health quarantine areas: A set of federal health verification and inspection points that delimit geographical areas, in order to avoid introduction, establishment and dissemination of diseases and pests of animals, as well as contaminants of animal goods, in which compliance with the provisions of this Law, its Regulation, is inspected and verified Mexican officials and other animal health or reduction systems provisions of applicable pollution risks;
Quarantine: Preventive isolation of goods regulated by this Law, which determines the Secretariat under its safeguard or in the deposit and custody of the person concerned, for observation and investigation or for verification and inspection, testing or application of the relevant treatment;
Quarantine-custody: Preventive isolation of regulated goods in order to check that it does not cause harm to animal health after its entry into the territory national or to a free zone;
Opinion of Verification: Document issued by the accredited and approved Secretariat or Verification Unit, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardisation or by an authorized third party on which the the result of the verification of compliance with animal health or risk reduction provisions;
Provisions on good livestock practices: General administrative acts, issued by the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food, such as: agreements, Mexican official standards, Mexican rules, circulars, rules, guidelines or manuals related to the reduction of physical, chemical and microbiological hazards that may affect the integrity of goods of animal origin for animal or human consumption;
Animal health provisions and pollution risk reduction: General administrative acts, issued by the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food, such as: agreements, Mexican official standards, Mexican rules, circulars, rules, guidelines or manuals on animal health;
disposition Animal health: Measure for depopulation, slaughter, disposal, destruction, return or conditioning of animals, carcasses of animals, goods of animal origin, biological products, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, foodstuffs for use in animals or consumption by these;
Disease: Break-off of balance in the interaction between an animal, etiological agent and environment, causing alterations in the vital manifestations of the first;
Mandatory Notification Disease or Blight: That is an exotic or endemic disease or pest that because of its ability to spread and contagion represents an important risk for the animal population or its possible impact on human health and which must be reported without delay to the Secretariat;
Disease or exotic pest of animals: Aquella, of which there are no cases, no evidence of the presence of the etiological agent in the national territory or in a region of the same;
Eradication: Total elimination of an etiologic agent of a disease or pest in the captive and domestic susceptible animal population in captivity and within an area determined geographic;
Establishments: facilities located on national territory where animal health activities are carried out; providing veterinary services; and facilities in which animals are slaughtered or processed animal goods, including those where animals are processed, handled, packaged, packaged, packaged, chilled or industrialised, subject to animal health or animal health of good livestock practices in terms of this law and its rules;
Federal Inspection Facilities (TIF): Facilities where animals are slaughtered or processed, packaged, packaged, refrigerated or industrialized animal and are subject to regulation of the Secretariat in coordination with the Health Secretariat in accordance with the area of competence of each Secretariat and whose certification is at the request of a party;
Quarantine Station: Establishments that install and operate, authorize or enable the Secretariat, specialized for the temporary isolation of animals where they are applied animal health measures to prevent and control the spread of diseases or pests affecting them;
Animal Health Status: Condition of a country or area or geographical area in respect of an animal disease or pest;
Conformity Assessment: Determination of the degree of compliance with Mexican official standards or compliance with Mexican standards, standards international, animal health specifications or provisions or good livestock practices;
Sacrifice date: Calendar day when an animal is deprived of life;
Focus: Place where animals or goods of animal origin are produced, operated, managed, concentrated or marketed, in which the presence of one or more cases of an animal is identified disease or specific pest;
Border Strip: Territory between the international dividing line and the parallel line located at a distance of twenty kilometers inland from the country;
Animal Health Requirements Sheet: Document by which the Secretariat gives the importer the requirements to comply with the import of goods regulated by this Law, which are aimed at ensuring the appropriate level of protection that it deems necessary for the protection of animal health in the national territory;
Incidence: The number of new cases of a disease that appear in a particular population, over a specific period, in a defined geographic area;
Results Report: Document issued by an approved or approved official laboratory, containing the results or other information derived therefrom, obtained of the tests or analyses carried out. This document shall be signed by the veterinary or professional doctor in the responsible area;
Inspection: Act by the Secretariat to verify by verification compliance with this Law and the provisions of this Law;
Guard-custody quarantine facility: Establishment that installs and operates, authorizes, or enables the Secretariat, specialized for temporary reception and isolation of animals and other goods covered by this Law, which involve an animal health risk, for confirmation of diagnosis and, where appropriate, prophylactic treatment, destruction or return to their country or place of origin or provenance;
Insumo: Natural, synthetic, biological or biotechnological products used to promote livestock production, as well as for the diagnosis, prevention, control, the eradication and treatment of diseases, pests and other harmful agents affecting animal species or their products. Food for animals and additives are included;
Testing Laboratory: A physical or moral person accredited according to the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardisation and approved by the Secretariat, for provide services related to the testing or analysis to determine the presence or absence of an animal disease or pest or to perform verification services or physical, microbiological and chemical contaminants in accordance with the official Mexican animal health rules and issue of the results;
Authorized Laboratory: A moral person authorized by the Secretariat to provide services related to the diagnosis in order to determine the presence or absence of a disease or pest of animals or the finding of products for use in or consumption by animals, in accordance with animal health provisions, as well as to issue report of results;
Law: Federal Animal Health Law;
Maximum Residue Limit: Legally permitted value of a residue or contaminant that is considered acceptable in a tissue or animal origin for use or consumption of these or humans; when this is analyzed by the officially accepted methodology for quantification;
Lot: Group of animals, products or by-products of animal origin, biological, chemical, pharmaceutical and food products for use in or consumption by animals, grouped or produced over a given period of time under the same conditions, identified from source with a specific code;
Veterinary doctor: Physical person with professional cedula of veterinary doctor or veterinary surgeon, issued on the national territory by the Secretariat of Public Education;
Official veterinary physician: Professor of veterinary medicine employed by the Secretariat;
Authorised responsible veterinarian: Professionist authorised by the Secretariat, to provide his/her services with the assistance and the issuance of documents in units of production, establishments which industrialise or market biological, chemical, pharmaceutical, pesticide or food products for use in animals or consumption by animals, approved laboratories, TIF establishments intended for slaughter and processing, or other, to be determined by the Secretariat, for to ensure that the provisions arising from this Law are implemented. This professional will be responsible to the Secretariat;
Biosafety measures: indispensable animal health provisions and actions aimed at minimising the risk of introduction, transmission or dissemination of diseases or pests;
Measures in the field of good livestock practices: Provisions laying down procedures, systems, criteria and schemes applicable in the production of goods of origin animal, in order to reduce the likelihood of physical, chemical and microbiological hazards that may affect the integrity of a good of animal origin;
Animal Health Measure: Provision to prevent, control or eradicate the introduction, radication or spread of a pest or disease; and additives, contaminants, toxins or organisms causing disease and damage affecting animals;
Regulated goods: Animals, goods of animal origin, products for use or animal consumption, used livestock equipment, articles and any other goods related to animals animals, where they present animal health risk;
Mobilisation: Transfer of animals, animal goods, biological products, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides or food for use in animals or consumption by These, equipment and implements used, waste and any other regulated goods, from a site of origin to a predetermined destination, which can be carried out in vehicles or by means of iron within the national territory;
Shows: Portion extracted from a whole that preserves the composition of the same and from which it is intended to know the situation of the whole from which it comes by means of carrying out studies or analyses;
Notification: Written, verbal or electronic communication to the national competent animal health authorities on the suspicion or existence of a communicable disease or of another nature, in one or more animals, pointing to relevant epidemiological data in sufficient and necessary form for identification, location and appropriate care;
Office of Agricultural Health Inspection: Installation dependent on the Secretariat located at points of entry to the country, in seaports, airports and borders;
Auxiliary animal health agencies: Those authorized by the Secretariat and which are constituted by the organizations of the sectors involved in the chain the product system and which contribute to it in animal health and in the activities associated with good livestock practices for goods of animal origin, including the Committees for the Promotion and Protection of Pequaria authorised by the same Secretariat;
Certification Body: Moral Person previously accredited in the terms of the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardisation and approved by the Secretariat for carry out the assessment of the conformity of Mexican official standards in the matters covered by this Law;
Body of interveners: A natural or moral person approved or authorized by the Secretariat to provide its services or to assist with it in animal or animal health good livestock practices in goods of animal origin;
Pest: Presence of a biological agent in a given area, causing disease or alteration in the health of the animal population;
Pesticide: Any substance or mixture of these or biological agents intended to control animal pests;
Plant: Establishment located in foreign territory dedicated to the slaughter of animals and processing of goods of animal origin for marketing, authorized by the Secretariat in terms of this Law, its Rules of Procedure and other provisions, derived from this Law by virtue of international treaties signed by the United Mexican States where mutual recognition is agreed upon Secretariat shall carry out a control procedure;
Performance or benefit plants: Factory or installation that has diverse equipment such as steam generators, shredders, mills, coconers, mechanical presses, or hydraulic, dryers, sieves, blenders or others for the benefit, processing or use of those by-products resulting from the slaughter of animals which are not fit for human consumption;
Prevalence: Number of new and pre-existing cases of a disease, present in a given population over a specific period and in a geographical area defined;
Prevention: Set of animal health measures based on epidemiological studies, which aim to prevent the introduction and radication of a disease;
Standard Operating Procedures for Sanitization: Those applied in Federal Inspection establishments dedicated to the production of goods of animal origin and involving a series of documented cleaning and sanitization activities carried out on facilities, equipment and utensils before, during and after the production process;
Processing: All those activities that are carried out in a Federal Inspection Type in the production of a good of animal origin that makes it suitable for human consumption;
Production Primary: All those acts or activities carried out within the animal production process, including from birth, breeding, development, production and completion until before they are subjected to a process of transformation;
Food product: Any substance or assembly containing nutritional elements for the feeding of animals, including in this classification, those that in some way favor their ingestion and use;
Biological products: Biological reagents, serums, vaccines, which can be used to diagnose, treat and prevent animal diseases, as well as hormones and genetic material of animal origin serving for reproductive purposes;
Pharmaceutical product: The product prepared with raw material of natural or synthetic origin with therapeutic or preventive effect in animals;
Chemical product: The chemical produced with raw material of natural or synthetic origin, with detergent, disinfectant or sanitizer action applicable to the animal health measures or of good livestock practices;
Products for use or animal consumption: Chemicals, pharmaceuticals, biologics, products derived from genetically modified organisms, diagnostic kits and food, for use in animals or consumption by animals, which according to the animal health risk must be registered or authorised by the Secretariat;
Authorized Professional: Professionist with studies related to Animal Health to assist with the Secretariat in the development of the programs of extension and training in the field of animal health, in the implementation of animal health measures and good livestock practices established by the national animal health emergency device, as well as in the provision of veterinary services which are determine in this Law and its Rules of Procedure;
Entry point: Place, office or customs office of entry to the country located in port, airport or border where a Health Inspection Office is established Agriculture and for which the goods enter the national territory.
Animal Health Inspection and Inspection Point, located abroad: Aquella facility that is located in foreign territory for inspection prior to export to the national territory of animals, subject to regulations for their importation;
Animal Health Verification and Inspection Point: Site located on national territory authorized by the Secretariat to verify compliance with this Law and other animal health provisions;
Animal health verification and inspection point: Site located at points of entry into the national territory; or, in the border strip or Enclosure Strategic audit, with laboratory infrastructure approved by the Secretariat or with agreement with approved laboratories, to verify compliance with this Law and other animal health provisions in accordance with the provisions of this Law, in the case of non-contractual foreign trade and customs legislation applicable;
Internal Verification and Inspection Point: Those authorized by the Secretariat, which are installed in specific locations on the national territory, on the land communication, state boundaries and strategic sites, which allow the entry or exit of regulated goods into production areas to be controlled, which in accordance with animal health provisions applicable to goods of animal origin, should be be inspected or verified;
Federal Health Verification and Inspection Point: Those that make up the animal health quarantine cords installed in the communication routes, limits State and strategic sites to be determined by the Secretariat, in order to control the entry or exit of regulated goods from the different regions in which the national territory is divided for animal health purposes and which, in accordance with the rules Official or other animal health provisions applicable, be inspected or verified;
Traceability: A set of technical and administrative activities of an epidemiological nature that are used to determine through field and field investigations. analysis of records, the origin of an animal health problem and its possible dissemination to its latest consequences, with a view to its control or eradication;
Toxic residue: Compound present in any edible portion of animal-derived goods of chemical origin, drug or environmental contamination, and which Previous studies have been determined to be a risk to public or animal health if consumed above the maximum permitted levels;
Strategic Tax Enclosure: Real Estate located within a fiscal precinct, concessioned to a private to provide the services of management, storage and custody of goods, in accordance with the provisions laid down in the customs provisions;
Retention: Act ordered by the Secretariat in order to temporarily secure animals, animal goods, waste, offal, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, biological or food for use in animals or consumption by animals, considered as animal health risk;
Animal Health Risk: The probability of introduction, establishment or dissemination of a disease or pest in the animal population, as well as the likelihood of contamination of goods of animal origin or of products for use or animal consumption, which may cause harm to animal health or to consumers;
Animal health: The purpose of which is to preserve health, as well as to prevent, control and eradicate animal diseases or pests;
Secretariat: The Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food;
Pollution Risk Reduction Systems: Measures and procedures established by the Secretariat to ensure that animal goods are obtained during its primary production and processing in establishments Type Federal Inspection and slaughter in traces and in other establishments engaged in the processing of goods of animal origin for human consumption in optimal conditions animal health, and the reduction of pollution, physical, chemical and microbiological through the application of Good Manufacturing Practices and Good Manufacturing Practices;
Third authorized specialist: Moral person or veterinary physician authorized by the Secretariat to assist the same or persons approved by the Secretariat, such as interveners in the verification and certification of the provisions contained in this Law and of those resulting from it by an opinion. In the case of good livestock practices applied to the primary production and processing of goods of animal origin, third-party specialists may also be careers professionals related to veterinary medicine;
TIF: Establishment Type Federal Inspection;
Treatment: Procedure of a chemical, physical or other nature, to remove, remove or inactivate the agents that cause the diseases or pests affecting the animals or to eradicate any source of food contamination;
Traceability: Series of systematized technical and administrative activities that allow to record the processes related to birth, breeding, fattening, reproduction, slaughter and processing of an animal, goods of animal origin, as well as chemical, pharmaceutical, biological and food products for use in animals or consumption by animals until their final consumption, identifying at each stage its spatial location and, where appropriate, the animal and animal health risk factors contamination that may be present in each of the activities;
Production Unit: Physical space and facilities in which animal species are housed, for breeding, breeding and fattening for the purpose of using them for self-consumption, supply or marketing;
Verification Unit: Mexican or foreign natural or moral persons, who for their quality and migratory characteristics allow them to perform this activity and count with the prior permission granted by the competent authority, which have been approved to carry out verification acts by the Secretariat, in the terms of the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardisation;
Verification: Eye finding, document review or verification by means of official, approved or approved laboratory sampling and analysis, compliance with the provisions of this Law, its Rules of Procedure, and other provisions of this Law;
Verification and Inspection at Origin: Acts that the Secretariat carries out abroad to animals or goods of animal origin, to be verified in the country of origin prior to the processing of import, compliance with the current animal health specifications of the United Mexican States;
Epidemiological Surveillance: A set of activities that allow the gathering of essential information to identify and evaluate the behavior of diseases or pests of the animals, detect and anticipate any changes that may occur due to changes in the factors, conditions or determinants in order to recommend, on a scientific basis, the measures indicated for their prevention, control and eradication;
Low prevalence zone: Animal health status assigned by the Secretariat to a specific geographic area where a minimum frequency of foci or cases of a disease occurs disease or pest of animals, in a specific animal period and species;
Control zone: Animal health status assigned by the Secretariat to a specific geographical area in which animal health measures are operated to reduce the the incidence or prevalence of an animal disease or pest, in a specific animal period and species;
Eradication Zone: Animal Health Status assigned by the Secretariat to a specific geographical area, in which animal health measures are operated. total of the etiological agent of an animal disease or pest, where epidemiological studies are carried out in order to verify the absence of the etiological agent within a specific time period and animal species, in accordance with the rules official and animal health measures to be established by the Secretariat; and
Free zone: Animal health status assigned by the Secretariat to a geographical area determined by the Secretariat that may cover the entire country or a specific region, in which there is no evidence of a particular pest or disease;
Chapter III
From the Competent Authority
Article 5.- The application of this Law corresponds to the Federal Executive through the Secretariat.
The programs, projects and other actions that, in compliance with the provisions of this law and because of its competence, correspond to the agencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration, shall be subject to the budgetary availability to be approved for such purposes in the Federation's Government Budget and the provisions of the Federal Law on Budget and Liability I'd make.
Article 6.- They are the privileges of the Secretariat:
I. Prevent the introduction to the country of diseases and pests affecting the animals and to exercise animal health control in the national territory on the mobilisation, import, export, re-export and transit of animals, goods of animal origin and other regulated goods;
II. Formulate, issue and apply animal health provisions and apply the appropriate animal health measures;
III. Certificate, verify and inspect compliance with the provisions of This Law and those resulting from it, in the field of its competence;
IV. Identify the import livestock goods that will be subject to the compliance with the provisions issued by the animal and customs authorities at the point of entry into the country, by the relevant tariff fraction, as well as to publish them in the Official Journal of the Federation together with the Secretariat Economics;
V. Regular features, conditions, procedures, and specifications animal health and good practices, which they must meet and in accordance with which the different types of establishments and services referred to in this Law must operate;
VI. Regular the characteristics and use of the animal health quality passwords for the identification of the goods, facilities, processes or services that have complied with the provisions of this Law and other provisions derived therefrom;
VII. Regular and control the etiological agents causing diseases or pests of the animals;
VIII. Regular and control the operation of certification bodies, units of verification, approved testing laboratories, approved laboratories and authorised third-party specialists in the subjects covered by this Law;
IX. Modify or cancel the Mexican official rules on this Law, where the regulated assumptions have been scientifically varied or the continuation of their validity is not justified;
X. Integrate and coordinate the National Advisory Committees for Standardisation in Animal health and welfare and good livestock practices, as well as the National Technical Advisory Council for Animal Health;
XI. Instrumentation, organizing and operating the Official Security Service Animal health;
XII. Regular, control and, if applicable, authorize the establishment and operation of the animal health verification and inspection points provided for in this Law;
XIII. Establish and implement the animal health measures of production, industrialization, marketing and mobilization of regulated goods;
XIV. Regular and control the production, import, marketing of substances for use or consumption of animals;
XV. Control the animal health measures of the mobilization of vehicles, materials, machinery and equipment where these involve an animal health risk;
XVI. Perform diagnostic or risk analysis, for the purpose of evaluating the levels of animal health risk of a disease or pest in order to determine the animal health measures to be taken;
XVII. Establish and coordinate animal health campaigns for prevention, control and eradication of animal diseases and pests;
XVIII. To declare, order, apply and lift the quarantines provided for in this Law;
XIX. Install, operate, or authorize the installation and operation of stations Quarantine facilities;
XX. Authorize facilities for quarantine-custody-custody;
XXI. Determine and declare the animal health status of areas in control, areas of low prevalence, areas in eradication or free zones and declare and administer disease and pest free zones, by publication in the Official Journal of the Federation;
XXII. Order the retention, animal health or destruction of the regulated goods, their packaging and packaging, where there is a suspicion or the presence of an animal health risk or contamination in the terms of this Law;
XXIII. Order the application of the animal health measures provided for in this Law, Regulation and other animal health provisions, and where appropriate, order the closure of establishments or areas of establishments where there is a suspicion or the presence of an animal health risk or contamination in the terms indicated in this Law;
XXIV. Activate, instrumented and Coordinate the National Health Emergency Device Animal;
XXV. Promote, coordinate and monitor animal health and services activities Veterinarians in which the various agencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration, state governments, Federal District and municipal authorities, co-adjuvants and individuals associated with the matter are to participate;
XXVI. Regular, inspect, verify and certify health activities animal or veterinary services developed or provided by private individuals;
XXVII. Promote the international harmonization and equivalence of the provisions of animal health;
XXVIII. Celebrate equivalence recognition agreements for veterinary and system inspection with other countries with which the United Mexican States conducts commercial exchange of regulated goods;
XXIX. Propose to the Federal Executive Holder the formulation, celebration or accession international treaties which are of interest to the country in the field of animal health;
XXX. Subscribe to the interinstitutional agreements that are necessary to achieve the international harmonisation of animal health measures;
XXXI. Celebrate agreements and conventions on animal health or good practices Regulated goods livestock, with the dependencies or entities of the Federal Public Administration or governments of the federal entities, the Federal District and municipalities;
XXXII. Concerting actions in the field of animal health or good livestock practices with the interveners and individuals concerned;
XXXIII. Promote and conclude agreements or agreements with academic and scientific institutions, National and/or foreign-oriented projects to develop scientific research projects, training programmes or exchange of technology in the field of animal health or good livestock practices;
XXXIV. Organize, integrate and coordinate the National Advisory Council on Health Animal and integrate state advisory councils;
XXXV. Establish, implement and coordinate the National Regulatory Advisory Committee corresponding;
XXXVI. Regular and surveil the auxiliary organisms of animal or good health livestock practices for goods of animal origin;
XXXVII. Approve verification units, certification bodies, or laboratories evidence in accordance with the provisions of this Law and the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardisation;
XXXVIII. Authorizing responsible veterinary physicians, third-party specialists, agencies animal health auxiliaries, professionals, animal health laboratories for diagnosis and observation, which assist the Secretariat in the actions provided for in this Law;
XXXIX. Regular installation and operation of vehicle washing and disinfection centers for the mobilisation of regulated goods;
XL. Authorize the performance or benefit plants, or others that determine the Secretariat;
XLI. Validating, generating and disseminating animal health technology and training to official and private personnel;
XLII. Promote and guide research on animal health or good animal husbandry practices for animal goods;
XLIII. Elaborate and permanently apply training and upgrade programs technical animal health or good animal health practices of animal origin;
XLIV. Grant the National Animal Health Award;
XLV. Attend to citizen complaints that are filed in accordance with the provisions of this Law;
XLVI. Impose sanctions, resolve review resources, and file complaints with the competent authority for the probable commission of a crime, in terms of this Act;
XLVII. Establish and coordinate the National Epidemiological Surveillance System, as well as Traceability System;
XLVIII. Establish and coordinate active or passive epidemiological surveillance activities in production units, collection centres, research centres, diagnostic laboratories, exhibition sites, backyard pregod, traces or other establishments where activities are regulated by this Law;
XLIX. Elaborate, collect, and disseminate health information or statistics animal or animal good practices for animal goods;
L. Integrate, update and disseminate the Directory on Animal and Animal Health good livestock practices for goods of animal origin;
LI. Register or authorize biological, chemical, pharmaceutical, pesticides and food for use in animals or consumption by animals and diagnostic kits, which constitute an animal health risk as provided for in this Law;
LII. Dictate the effectiveness of biological, chemical, pharmaceutical and food;
LIII. Establish and disseminate procedures for the assessment of compliance official Mexican standards or assessment of compliance with international standards;
LIV. Establish and disseminate procedures to assess compliance with the agreements and other provisions on animal health or good animal health practices for establishments, services and goods of animal origin covered by this Law;
LV. Determine the profile of professionals who intend to carry out activities in the case of animal health or good animal health practices of establishments, services and goods of animal origin covered by this Law, as interveners of the Secretariat;
LVI. Regulate and certify the application of good livestock practices in primary production units; in TIF establishments dedicated to the slaughter and processing of goods of animal origin; in traces and in other dedicated establishments processing of goods of animal origin for human consumption;
LVII. Exercise animal health control in mobilization, import, export, international transit and marketing of goods of animal origin;
LVIII. To issue provisions on good livestock practices in primary production units in TIF establishments dedicated to the slaughter and processing of goods of animal origin; in traces and in other establishments engaged in processing of goods of animal origin for human consumption;
LIX. Certify, verify and inspect the application of good livestock practices in TIF establishments; in traces and in other establishments engaged in the processing of goods of animal origin for human consumption, as well as animal health activities directly or indirectly related to the production and processing of goods of animal origin, without prejudice to other applicable legal provisions in the field of public health;
LX. Propose and evaluate the animal health and good practice programs livestock products of animal origin, in coordination with the State Governments and animal health auxiliary bodies, and to issue opinions on their implementation and, where appropriate, to recommend the measures to be taken;
LXI. Establish and develop programs in the field of good livestock practices in primary production;
LXII. Authorizing professionals as third-party specialists who help with the Secretariat for the implementation and monitoring of animal health provisions and good livestock practices in production units, primary processing establishments or the manufacture of goods of animal origin;
LXIII. Order retention, quarantine, disposition, or destruction of source goods animal in which the terms and assumptions indicated in this Law, its Regulation and the respective animal health provisions are detected or suspected of violation;
LXIV. Certify Federal Inspection establishments; traces and other establishments engaged in the processing of goods of animal origin for human consumption according to their field of competence, without prejudice to the powers conferred on the matter has the Health Secretariat;
LXV. Grant certificates of good manufacturing practices to establishments animal goods and establishments which manufacture products for use or animal consumption;
LXVI. Establish, encourage, coordinate and monitor the operation of the infrastructure relating to the application of good livestock practices, good manufacturing practices, risk analysis and control of critical points, operational procedures sanitization standard;
LXVII. Authorizing foreign slaughter and processing plants to produce goods of animal origin complying with the requirements to be established for this purpose, in coordination with the Secretariat of Health, in accordance with the area of competence of each Secretariat in accordance with international agreements and treaties in which The United Mexican States is a party;
LXVIII. Exorder technical criteria, which serve as the basis for the application of good Livestock practices in primary production, as well as good manufacturing practices, Standard Operating Procedures for Sanitizing or Risk Analysis and Control of Critical Points and others to be determined by the Secretariat in the establishments TIF;
LXIX. Promote the international harmonization and equivalence of the provisions in the material good practices of animal goods;
LXX. Foster and establish programs aimed at prevention and control of contaminants, through schemes of good livestock practices and good manufacturing practices in primary production units and in the TIF establishments dedicated to the slaughter and processing of animal goods; and
LXXI. The others that point to this Law, federal laws and international treaties of the that the United Mexican States is a part.
The Secretariats of Public Security, National Defense, Navy, as well as the state and municipal authorities, will collaborate with the Secretariat in the exercise of their privileges, when by the nature and gravity of the problem so determined by the latter.
Article 7.- Federal, state and municipal civil servants and employees, in the sphere of their respective competencies, shall be required to assist the Secretariat in the performance of their privileges upon request and shall be required to report the facts that they have knowledge of alleged violations of this Law or of the provisions that result from it.
The agreements or agreements signed by the Secretariat with the state governments or the Federal District, in order to assist in the performance of their powers, to the execution and operation of establishments and the provision of services in animal health matters and of good livestock practices for goods of animal origin in accordance with the provisions of this Law shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Federation.
Article 8.- The agencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration will coordinate with the Secretariat, when they carry out activities related to animal health matters or good animal husbandry practices for goods of animal origin.
Article 9.- The Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit will collaborate with the Secretariat so that, in the field of its powers, it will monitor compliance with the animal health provisions applicable to the import, export, re-export and international transit of goods or transport of passengers bearing the regulated goods.
Article 10.- In cases of diseases, pests of animals or illegal waste or exceeding the maximum limits established by this Law and other animal health provisions in animal goods which may affect public health, the Secretariat shall coordinate with the Secretariat of Health for the establishment and implementation of the corresponding health measures. The Health Secretariat shall be responsible for coordinating actions to control or eradicate the risk in Public Health.
Article 11.- The Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources, will coordinate with the Secretariat for the case of diseases and pests affecting wildlife in order to establish and implement the relevant animal health measures.
Article 12.- The Secretariat of Foreign Affairs, at the request of the Secretariat, will inform you about the existence abroad of animal diseases of a mandatory notification or of contaminated goods of animal origin, as well as any information necessary for the exercise of their privileges.
Article 13.- The Secretariat of Economy shall consult the Secretariat prior to the negotiation of international trade agreements, when they involve animal health aspects.
Chapter I
Of Zoosanitary Measures
Article 14.- Animal health measures are intended to protect the lives, health and welfare of animals including their impact on human health, as well as ensure the appropriate level of animal health protection throughout the national territory.
Article 15.- The animal health measures shall be based on scientific principles or international recommendations and, where appropriate, on risk analysis corresponds to the animal health status of the geographical areas concerned and to those adjacent to and with which there is commercial exchange.
Article 16.- The animal health measures shall be determined in animal health provisions which may include the requirements, specifications, criteria or procedures for:
I. Diagnose and identify animal diseases and pests;
II. Identify and evaluate risk factors that enable the determination of appropriate mitigation measures;
III. Trace animals and animal goods;
IV. Prevent, control and eradicate animal diseases and pests;
V. Determine the animal health condition of the animals;
VI. Control the mobilization, import, export and international transit of regulated goods, vehicles, machinery, materials, used livestock equipment and any other goods which may be carriers of disease, pests or pathogens;
VII. Retain or dispose of animal health, carcasses, offal, goods of animal origin, products for use or animal consumption, vehicles, machinery and equipment used and any other goods which may disseminate diseases or pests of animals;
VIII. Immunize animals to protect them and prevent the spread of diseases or pests that affect them;
IX. Establish the system of alert and recovery of animals and goods of animal origin when they are an animal health risk;
X. Apply preventive or therapeutic treatments to animals;
XI. Set the withdrawal time for products for use or animal consumption;
XII. Sacrificing sick or exposed animals to the causative agent of any disease;
XIII. Creating or inhuming animal carcasses;
XIV. Procure animal welfare;
XV. Set quarantines;
XVI. Establish and implement animal health biosecurity measures;
XVII. Setting the criteria for the application of good livestock practices;
XVIII. Perform epidemiological surveillance and investigation;
XIX. Order temporary, definitive, partial or total closure of establishments;
XX. The temporary, definitive, partial or total suspension of activities or services; and
XXI. The others that regulate this Law, as well as those that, according to technology or scientific advances, are efficient for each case.
Chapter II
Of the Measures on Good Livestock Practices in Animal Origin Goods.
Article 17.-The Secretariat, without prejudice to the powers of other agencies of the federal public administration, shall determine the measures in question. (a) the subject of good livestock practices by the issue of provisions to be applied in primary production in the processing of goods of animal origin in TIF establishments; in the traces and in other dedicated establishments; the processing of goods of animal origin for human consumption, to reduce contaminants or animal health risks that may be present in these.
Measures on good livestock practices will be based on scientific principles or international recommendations and, where appropriate, on risk analysis. as appropriate.
Article 18.- The measures referred to in this Chapter shall be determined in provisions for the reduction of pollution risks which may be understood by the requirements, specifications, criteria or procedures without prejudice to other applicable legal provisions in the field of Public Health for:
I. Set criteria for good livestock practices in primary production and processing in the production of goods of animal origin in TIF establishments, as well as those which, in accordance with the principle of reciprocity, are necessary to recognise the equivalents applied by other countries in the case of goods of animal origin for human consumption intended for trade outside;
II. Perform risk analysis, establish critical point control, or standard sanitization operational procedures to reduce the risk of pollution;
III. Establish and monitor the permissible maximum limits of toxic, microbiological and pollutant residues in animal-based goods;
IV. Promote the application of traceability systems of origin and final destination for goods of animal origin, intended for human and animal consumption;
V. Establish in coordination with the Health Secretariat the system of alert and recovery of goods of animal origin when they are a risk to health human;
VI. Retain or destroy animal goods or animal feed with the presence of contaminants;
VII. Set maximum permitted residue limits for antibiotics, hormonal compounds, chemicals, and other equivalent products; and
VIII. The others that regulate this Law, as well as those that, according to technology or scientific advances, are efficient for each case.
Chapter I
Animal Welfare
Article 19.- The Secretariat shall establish by means of animal health provisions, the characteristics and specifications to be observed for the purpose of welfare that any owner or holder of animals must provide to them, in order to immunize them against communicable diseases and pests that affect them and provide them with food, hygiene, transport and shelter and in their case appropriate training according to the characteristics of each animal species, in order to avoid your stress and to ensure your life and health.
Article 20.- The Secretariat in terms of this Law and its Regulations, will issue animal health provisions that will define the criteria, specifications, conditions and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of animals in accordance with its purpose. For the formulation of these arrangements, account shall be taken, inter alia, of the following basic principles.
I. That there is a relationship between animal health and animal welfare. That animal welfare requires sufficient food and water to provide them; avoid fear, distress, discomfort, pain and unnecessary injury; keep them free from diseases and pests, and allow them to manifest their behavior. natural;
II. The use of animals for research and education activities, which imposes procedures on them that affect their health and well-being, will observe the criteria to minimise the number of live animals in experimentation, in accordance with the available scientific evidence;
III. The assessment of animal welfare will be based on principles scientifically accepted by the specialists;
IV. The human being benefits from animals in a variety of ways, and in that process, takes responsibility for ensuring their well-being; and
V. The welfare state of animals, used by humans for economic purposes, is associated with higher productivity and economic benefits.
Article 21.- Owners or holders of domestic or wild animals in captivity shall provide them with food and water in adequate quantity and quality according to its species and productive stage.
Animals should be subject to a preventive medicine program under the supervision of a veterinary physician, and should be reviewed and cared for regularly. They will also be given immediate attention in case of illness or injury.
Article 22.- The Secretariat shall determine the criteria and requirements to be observed by animal health provisions for the handling and transportation of live animals, in order to ensure their well-being, so it does not involve abuse, fatigue, insecurity, unhygienic conditions, drink or food, avoiding the transfer of long distances without rest periods.
Article 23.- The humanitarian sacrifice of any animal not intended for human consumption will only be justified if its welfare is compromised by the suffering caused by an accident, disease, physical incapacity or senile disorders, if possible after the opinion of a veterinary doctor, with the exception of those animal species which for any cause, the Secretariat or the Secretariats of Health or the Environment and Natural Resources, determine how a threat to animal or human health or the environment.
The slaughter of animals intended for slaughter shall be carried out in accordance with the slaughter techniques to be determined by the Secretariat.
Animal health provisions shall provide for the necessary measures, conditions and procedures for the raising of animals and the raising of animals.
Chapter II
Import, International Transit, and Export
Article 24.- The import of the goods listed below is subject to inspection in accordance with the animal health provisions applicable and the issue of the animal health certificate for importation at the point of entry into the country:
I. Live Animals;
II. Animal goods;
III. Biological agents for any use including genetically modified organisms in accordance with the relevant Law, as well as materials and equipment used for handling, use or application;
IV. Bodies, waste and animal offal;
V. Products for use or animal consumption;
VI. Machinery, materials, and livestock equipment or related to the production of used animal goods;
VII. Vehicles, packaging, containers or other equivalents in which the goods referred to in the fractions mentioned above are transported or when involve an animal health risk or contamination of the goods of animal origin; and
VIII. Other commodities that may be carriers of animal diseases or pests.
importers of goods entering the country which are subject to animal health regulation or those which are not regulated may be carriers of diseases or pests, they shall observe the animal health provisions applicable to them, including those which enter into commissariates and gams, diplomatic bags or which carry passengers on their own, luggage or within the Household, by any means of transport or by the postal route.
Importers of samples of products for use or animal consumption for research, verification and registration purposes shall apply for the respective authorisation. prior to the Secretariat in which the maximum quantities to be imported will be determined.
Article 25.- Goods intended to enter the national territory must come from authorized countries with veterinary services. recognised by the Secretariat in accordance with this Law and other animal health provisions.
The Secretariat shall request the countries that export goods to the national territory, the official formats and stamps of the international animal health certificates equivalent to nationals and security measures to ensure the authenticity and traceability of goods covered by those formats.
Veterinary inspection and certification services for regulated goods for foreign trade shall be carried out exclusively by the Secretariat.
Article 26.- The recognition of zones, regions or countries as disease and pest free will be performed by the Secretariat in terms of the applicable animal health.
The importation of animals, animal goods, waste, offal and other goods shall be prohibited where they originate or come from areas, regions or countries which have not been recognised by the Secretariat as free from exotic or enzootic diseases or pests which are under official campaign scheme on national territory, except for goods which the Secretariat determines do not involve risk animal health.
In the face of official notification of a case or focus of disease or exotic pest or disease or pest found under official campaign, the Secretariat will prohibit immediate importation of the goods representing animal health risk.
Article 27.- The Secretariat to safeguard the health of the country shall establish the necessary animal health measures by means of health provisions animal.
The Regulation of this Law will determine the measures, procedures, requirements and specifications for verification in place of origin and entry point to the country which shall be based on:
I. Type of plague or disease;
II. Animal health status of the country of origin;
III. Regulated Merchandise;
IV. Officially recognized free zones;
V. Veterinary services, infrastructure, traceability system or traceability; and
VI. Animal welfare.
Article 28.- The animal health measures or good practices established by the Secretariat may represent a higher level of protection than the it would be achieved by means of measures based on the standards, guidelines or recommendations emanating from international organizations of which the United Mexican States is a member, provided that they are based on scientific principles.
Article 29.- The Secretariat may recognize and, where appropriate, request other countries, the equivalence of animal health measures or good livestock practices applicable on the basis of the level of protection required, in the case of imports of regulated goods.
Article 30.- Without prejudice to the quarantines to be applied in the country of origin, the Secretariat shall determine the regulated goods to be held to the quarantine-custody procedure, in facilities designated by the Secretariat, under the supervision of the official or authorized personnel and the responsibility of the data subject, until the approved test laboratory result is issued or of the official or authorised laboratory. The costs arising from this procedure shall be borne by the importer, owner or person responsible.
Article 31.- The Secretariat, in coordination with the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit, will determine the conditions under which the individuals who have obtained the concession or authorization to provide the services of handling, storage and custody of import goods referred to in the Customs Law, will be part of its volumetric capacity of storage to provide the service of quarantine-custody quarantine, for the proper handling of the goods the import referred to in this Chapter. The costs incurred for the provision of this service shall be borne by the importer.
Article 32.- Who imports any of the goods listed in this Law, must comply with the animal health requirements sheet or health care provisions animal that is previously established by the Secretariat for import.
In the case of products for use or animal consumption, it must be complied with in addition to the provisions of the previous paragraph, with the certificate of free sale of the country of origin and provide information regarding the use, dosing and the use of the Secretariat as determined by the Secretariat.
Article 33.- The Secretariat shall issue the animal health certificate for importation at the points of entry for which the regulated goods are imported, when the inspection to be carried out shall be determined to comply with the applicable animal health provisions.
Article 34.- For the purposes of import control, the animal health certificate for importation of animals, goods of animal origin, products for use or animal consumption, used machinery or livestock equipment and other regulated goods, shall be issued by the official staff of the Secretariat at the point of entry into the country, having a validity from their dispatch according to the provisions of the Regulation of this Law. This certificate will also be valid as a public health certificate of mobilization, in a single mobilization from the point of entry where the merchandise was disallowed, to a final destination in the interior of the country.
The requirements and procedures for subsequent mobilizations within the national territory will be noted in the Regulation of this Law.
Article 35.- The Secretariat may leave without effect the animal health certificates issued for the imminent introduction and dissemination. in the national territory of animal diseases and pests of mandatory declaration for Mexico, by official notification, diagnosis or other scientifically substantiated mechanism, as well as to adopt any of the following measures animal health:
I. Prohibiting or restricting the import of animals, carcasses, offal, animal goods, products for use or animal consumption, vehicles, machinery and equipment Used livestock, and any other merchandise that may spread diseases or pests.
II. Prohibiting or restricting the mobilization of animals, bodies, offal, goods of animal origin, products for use or animal consumption, vehicles, machinery, and used livestock equipment, and any other goods that may spread diseases or pests, in a particular area or throughout the national territory;
III. Ensure and, where appropriate, order the slaughter of those animals that pose a risk;
IV. Ensure and, where appropriate, order the destruction of animal goods, carcasses, offal, products for use or animal consumption, livestock equipment or used containers, and any other goods that may spread diseases or pests in a particular area or region or throughout the national territory;
V. Establish mandatory programs for vaccinations, disinfections, and other animal health or biosecurity measures;
VI. Order the suspension of the holding of fairs, tianguis or concentrations of animals of any kind, in a given area or region or throughout the national territory;
VII. Order the suspension of the hunting activities;
VIII. Order modifications or restrictions on the use or destination of animals, their products or by-products and animal production inputs;
IX. Cancel or suspend sheets of animal health requirements or constances issued prior to the facts of the risk involved in avoiding or control;
x. Shut down temporarily or definitively, partially or completely, establishments that are presumed or affected by a pest or disease and are dedicated to the production or slaughter of animals, marketing or storage plants or to those engaged in the procurement of goods of animal origin or the manufacture of inputs for animal production; and
XI. In general, establish all measures to prevent and control the introduction or dissemination of diseases and pests in the national territory. the animals for compulsory declaration.
The expenses that are incurred in the execution of the measures referred to in this article, shall be on behalf of the importer or owner of the goods regulated.
Article 36.- For imports and depending on the animal health risk, the Secretariat may determine the quarantine-custody procedure with charge to the importer and in the event of a supervenient risk, leave without effect the certification issued and order the importer to return, conditioning or destruction of the regulated goods depending on the animal health risk.
Article 37.- The regulated goods may only be imported by the entry points to be jointly determined by the Secretaries of Finance and Credit Public and Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food.
Article 38.- The regulated goods may be imported only from establishments authorized by the Secretariat and so determined, under any of the The following schemas:
I. Entry point inspection and certification;
II. Verification at source and certification at entry point; and
III. Import from plant to TIF establishment for processing purposes with verification at source and certification at entry point.
The inspection and certification at the point of entry into the country shall be carried out in the terms of the applicable animal health provisions.
Article 39.- The regulated goods that represent an animal health risk and which have not been verified at source, shall be inspected in their entirety and certified at the point of entry into the country according to the applicable animal health provisions.
Article 40.- Regulated goods representing an animal health risk may be verified at source when the Secretariat determines, and where appropriate, request from the importer to the party. The verification of origin shall be carried out by official veterinary physicians, verification units or authorized third-party specialists, where the mutual consent of the animal health authorities of both countries exists, according to the guidelines. and certain procedures for verification at source.
Origin verification will not exempt regulated goods from certification at points of entry into the country.
Article 41.- For entry into the country, live animals must be verified abroad at the animal health inspection and inspection points for animals and inspected and certified at points of entry into national territory. The Secretariat shall determine those cases where the importation of live animals shall be subject to inspection and certification at the point of entry.
Article 42.- The Secretariat may permit the importation of regulated goods from a foreign establishment authorized by the Secretariat to Federal Inspection Type establishments for processing purposes, when complying with the provisions of this Law or the animal health provisions or good livestock practices derived from it, after certification at points of entry to the country.
Article 43.- Customs agents and importers shall be obliged to ensure that the goods to be imported comply with the animal health provisions and that have the animal health certificate for importation.
Article 44.- The Secretariat will permit the transit of regulated goods, by national territory, under the international transit mode, when a risk analysis showing that the regulated goods are of low animal health risk and that the mandatory entry and exit report is made under the terms specified in the Regulation of this Law.
Article 45.- When at the point of entry into the country, the regulated goods do not meet the requirements of the Zoosanitary Requirements Sheet or the provisions of Applicable animal health, the Secretariat in accordance with the level of risk they represent, may order:
I. Return to the country or place of origin or provenance;
II. The conditioning, treatment, or
III. Destruction.
The Secretariat shall establish the time limits and procedures for the implementation of the actions provided for in the fractions referred to above.
Without prejudice to the provisions of the first paragraph of this Article, where there is scientific evidence on an animal health risk, the Secretariat shall order the owner or importer the destruction of the regulated goods, in case of posing a risk to human health shall notify the Health Secretariat, regardless of the penalties to which creditors are made in the terms of this Law.
In any of the cases mentioned in this article, the expenses incurred will be covered by the owner, importer or his legal representative.
The Secretariat shall suspend imports of controlled goods that present contaminants, infection, disease or exotic pest or disease or plague under official on the national territory, which shall be notified to the exporting country.
Article 46.- Federal, state and municipal civil servants and employees, within the scope of their respective competencies, shall be required to assist the animal health inspection authorities in the performance of their duties upon request and shall be required to report facts that they have knowledge of alleged breaches of this Law.
The animal health inspection authorities will collaborate with the foreign authorities in the cases and terms that they point out in the international laws and treaties that The United Mexican States is a party.
Article 47.- The Secretariat may authorise individuals to install and operate animal health verification and inspection points for imports and stations. Quarantine facilities, where they comply with the requirements, procedures and animal health provisions issued by the Secretariat.
The animal health inspection and verification points must be located at the point of entry into the country or border strip.
Article 48.- The Secretariat by animal health provisions shall determine the characteristics and specifications to be collected by the stations. In the case of the Commission, the Commission has In such establishments, animals subject to quarantine shall be kept in isolation and observation, as well as vehicles, machinery, materials or equipment and other goods which represent a risk and which have been in contact with these.
The Secretariat will establish requirements to allow natural and moral persons to enable their property to be installed through their conditioning, so that temporarily and limitedly operate as quarantine stations or quarantine-custody facilities, where the veterinary services from and, where appropriate, the place where the treatments or conditioning shall be applied shall be carried out. to the import goods.
Article 49.- Those interested in the export or re-export of any of the goods listed in this Chapter shall ask the Secretariat to issue of the animal health certificate for export, where the country of destination so requires.
Article 50.- The Secretariat shall issue the animal health certificates for export, when the goods for export or re-export, meet the requirements established by the importing country and where applicable, the applicable animal health provisions.
When the Secretariat has the suspicion or evidence of the existence of animal health risk or of contamination in the regulated goods, it shall be entitled to condition their departure from the national territory.
Article 51.- For export purposes, the Secretariat, upon request and from the parties concerned, may carry the animal health control and contamination risks in the production units in which live animals are reared, housed or managed, as well as in the Federal Inspection establishments in which they process goods of animal origin and products for use or animal consumption, in order to certify the compliance with animal health requirements and good livestock practices established by the competent authority of the country to which the goods shall be used.
Article 52.- When the importing country requires the exporting company to have the authorization of the Secretariat, it will be granted if it complies with the animal health provisions and good national livestock practices and those laid down by the country where they wish to export. In the event that the exporting company does not observe the conditions under which the respective export authorisation was granted, the Secretariat shall assess and determine what is appropriate.
Article 53.- In the case of the export of products for use or animal consumption, the Secretariat at the request of the interested parties, shall issue the free certificates sales, origin and current registration of companies and products.
Chapter I
From Animal Health Campaigns
Article 54.- In order to prevent, control or eradicate the presence of animal diseases and pests and in order to improve and maintain the condition animal health in the country, the Secretariat shall establish national animal health campaigns taking into account the animal health risk and the economic and social impact of the disease or pest.
Article 55.- The animal health campaigns will be regulated through animal health provisions that will be published in the Official Journal of the Federation. Those provisions shall lay down the requirements and procedures for recognising the states, areas or regions of the national territory at the appropriate stages of the marketing year: zones in control, zones in eradication, low-prevalence zones or free zones.
Article 56.- Animal health provisions for campaigns shall establish the animal health status of each entity, zone or region, disease or pest to prevent, control or eradicate; the animal species to which those provisions apply; the applicable animal health measures; the mobilisation requirements, the verification and inspection mechanisms; the methods of sampling and diagnostic procedures; the delimitation of the zones; the criteria to assess and measure the impact of animal health measures; the procedure for concluding the campaign and other necessary technical aspects.
In order to maintain official recognition of free zones, stakeholders shall submit to the Secretariat for validation an annual activity programme including the National System of Epidemiological Surveillance, in accordance with what is established in the Regulation of this Law.
Article 57.- Dealing with zoonoses, the Secretariat, in coordination with the Secretariat of Health, will establish animal and health campaigns. corresponding.
Article 58.- The Secretariat will issue animal health provisions to establish, organize and coordinate campaigns and monitor and evaluate their operation.
The animal health provisions referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include the following aspects:
I. Registration of production units, producers and identification of the animals or of the production unit and type of operation;
II. Elaboration of the work plans and programs, describing the coordinated and concerted actions to be undertaken to develop the campaign;
III. Definition of the human, material, technological and economic resources that will be provided for the development of the campaign, specifying the commitments that each of the parties shall assume;
IV. Application of existing control methods;
V. Regular and detailed evaluation of the results and benefits obtained, in order to determine their permanence and the strategies to follow.
VI. Identification of affected or at-risk animal populations and populations;
VII. Analysis cost benefit of the potential damages you may cause; and
VIII. Delimitation of affected areas to be declared as zones under quarantine.
Article 59.- The campaigns will be operated under the responsibility of the auxiliary animal health agencies authorized by the Secretariat, who will be responsible for the development and implementation of a work programme according to the status of the region, which shall contain short, medium and long-term operational strategies aimed at maintaining and improving the animal health status.
For the purpose of the animal health campaigns the Secretariat shall authorise a single animal health auxiliary body per federative entity in the terms laid down in the Regulation of this Law.
Article 60.- When it is required to depopulate a production unit, by the presence of a disease or pest that is in the animal health campaign or enzootic diseases which the Secretariat shall determine of animal health and public health, social or economic impact, the costs arising from this activity and the application of the animal health measures resulting therefrom shall be borne by account of those responsible, the above, if the outbreak is found to have originated compliance with the animal health provisions on the part of them, irrespective of the sanction to which creditors are made.
The Secretariat may agree and agree with the governments of the states, the Federal District and the municipalities, auxiliary animal health agencies and private individuals. involved, the formation of a contingency fund for depopulation and other expenses that are derived.
Article 61.- When the disease or plague is circumscribed or rebase the territorial scope of a federative entity, the Secretariat shall promote the celebration of agreements or agreements with the governments of the federal entities concerned, as well as with the animal and private health authorities to coordinate the animal health measures which the Secretariat determines to prevent, control and eradicate diseases or pests or to protect free zones.
Article 62.- When a pest or disease has harmful effects on animal health and is not declared as an official campaign, the Secretariat shall promote and will induce programs for their control. These programs will determine, among other things:
I. The animal health measures to be applied;
II. The zones in control and population coverage;
III. The producer record;
IV. The regulated goods that will be subject to animal health control;
V. Control mechanisms for the mobilisation, import or export of regulated goods; and
VI. The assessment and financing mechanisms.
Chapter II
Of The Quarantines
Article 63.- Where there is an animal health risk, the production units, and the establishments shall be subject to the application of animal health measures or quarantines, the latter may be precautionary, internal, conditional or definitive in accordance with the provisions of the animal health provisions concerned.
Article 64.- The quarantines that are applied for diseases under campaign scheme or enzootic diseases that the Secretariat determines of animal health impact, Social or economic must specify among others:
I. The disease that justifies your establishment;
II. The purpose and type of the quarantine;
III. The territorial scope of application defining the geographical zones of the national territory that are declared in quarantine;
IV. The regulated goods, production units or establishments declared under quarantine;
V. Animal species and populations, property of animal origin and products for use or animal consumption susceptible to animal health risk, as well as vehicles, machinery, materials, equipment and other regulated goods which are in contact with them, and
VI. The procedures and requirements to be met for release.
The Secretariat shall establish the procedure by which the quarantines and the form of notification shall apply to the individuals concerned.
Article 65.- The animal health requirements and measures to be complied with to mobilize goods under quarantine, as well as the requirements and measures Animal health requirements for the mobilisation of vehicles, machinery, materials or equipment and other regulated goods which have been in contact with them shall be provided for in animal health provisions to be issued by the Secretariat.
When it is established or has scientific evidence that the mobilization of the goods under quarantine implies an animal health risk, the Secretariat will revoke the Animal health certificates of mobilisation that have been issued and shall apply the necessary animal health measures.
The quarantine of goods of animal origin and products for use or animal consumption shall be carried out in facilities to be determined and authorized by the Secretariat.
Article 66.- For the application of quarantines of animal, animal, products for use or animal consumption, the Secretariat shall take the samples corresponding, subject, in the conduct, to the provisions of the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardisation.
Chapter III
From Mobilization
Article 67.- It is for the Federation through the Secretariat to exercise exclusively the attribution of determining the animal health requirements Those interested in mobilising regulated goods in the national territory should be observed, and state or municipal authorities may not require greater requirements than those laid down by the Secretariat itself.
The Secretariat may enter into agreements or coordination agreements with the governments of the States or the Federal District, with the participation, if any, of the municipalities, in order to coordinate actions for the monitoring of compliance with animal health measures to be determined by the Secretariat in respect of the mobilisation of regulated goods.
Article 68.- The mobilization of regulated goods within the national territory shall be subject to the issue of the animal health certificate of mobilisation at the origin of the goods, prior to compliance with the requirements and procedures laid down by the Secretariat for that purpose.
Animal health provisions shall establish the procedures for the storage of copies of the animal health certificate of mobilisation on file.
The animal health certificate for mobilisation shall be issued by the Secretariat, by third-party specialists authorised by the Secretariat or by third-party specialists authorised in animal health certification centres which are dependent on a certification body.
Article 69.- The mobilization of regulated goods within the national territory may be subject to their origin-destination traceability when the determine the Secretariat.
Article 70.- The Secretariat shall determine by means of animal health provisions, the characteristics, requirements or specifications to be assembled by the vehicles and the transport of live animals, goods of animal origin and products for use or animal consumption, where they involve an animal health risk or, where appropriate, a risk of contamination of the goods of animal origin.
Article 71.- The Secretariat will disseminate the animal health verification and inspection points authorized to verify or inspect compliance with this Law and other animal health provisions. The documentary inspection shall be carried out in physical or electronic form.
The Secretariat may leave without effect the animal health certificates that will protect the mobilization of regulated goods that have been issued in the face of imminent dissemination. in the national territory of diseases and pests representing animal health risk, by official notification, diagnosis or other scientifically substantiated mechanism and to take any of the following animal health measures:
I. Restricting the mobilization of animals, bodies, offal, animal goods, products for use or animal consumption, vehicles, machinery and livestock equipment used, and any other goods in a given area or throughout the national territory;
II. Ensure and, where appropriate, order the slaughter of those animals posing an animal health risk;
III. Ensure and, where appropriate, order the destruction of animal goods, carcasses, offal, products for use or animal consumption, livestock equipment or used containers, and any other goods, in a given area or region or throughout the national territory;
IV. Establish mandatory programs for vaccinations, disinfections, and other animal health or biosecurity measures;
V. Order the suspension of the holding of fairs, tianguis or concentrations of animals of any kind, in a given area or region or throughout the national territory;
VI. Order the suspension of the hunting activities;
VII. Order modifications or restrictions on the use or destination of animals, their products or by-products and animal production inputs;
VIII. In general, establish all measures aimed at controlling the spread in national territory of diseases and pests of risk animals. animal health.
The costs that are incurred in the execution of the measures referred to in this Article shall be on behalf of the owner or holder of the goods. regulated.
Article 72.- The Secretariat shall be the authority to authorize or cancel the operation of the animal health verification and inspection points.
The control of the mobilisation of the regulated goods shall be carried out only at the animal health verification and inspection points authorised by the Secretariat.
Federative entities that have official recognition of free zones will be able to agree with the Secretariat to install verification points in the terms of the applicable animal health provisions.
Article 73.- The Secretariat prior to analysis may authorize the mobilization throughout the national territory of goods of animal origin of the different species that are processed in Federal Inspection Type establishments, with animal health certificate of mobilization, provided that the raw material has no restriction for mobilization and has a traceability and process system that ensures control the risk required, according to what is established in the Regulation of this Law.
Article 74.- The Secretariat may authorize the mobilization of high-risk goods between zones of different animal health status, when justified for the purpose of the treatment, investigation or application of animal health measures, on the basis of the animal health risk represented. Such mobilisation shall be conditional upon the prior issue of the animal health certificate of mobilisation only for immediate and safe movement of animal health to its destination.
Article 75.- The Secretariat shall establish the requirements to be applied to the mobilization of material containing pathogens.
The mobilisation of animals or goods of animal origin affected by diseases, pests or in their case by contaminants shall be subject to the provisions laid down in this Regulation. Law and applicable animal health provisions.
The mobilization of the products for use or animal consumption affected by pollutants will be subject to the provisions of this Law and to those for such an effect Secretariat, without prejudice to other provisions.
Article 76.- Animal health certificates shall contain at least the following particulars: name and address of the owner or holder, place of origin, specific place of destination, date of issue of the certificate, validity, quantity of the goods to be mobilised and other data to be laid down in animal health provisions.
Article 77.- Animal health provisions shall determine those goods that require animal health certificate of mobilization according to the risk that represent.
Chapter I
Of The National Animal Health Emergency Device
Article 78.- When scientific evidence is detected or found on the presence or imminent entry of exotic and notification diseases and pests compulsory, eradicated, unknown or non-existent in the country, which put in a situation of animal health emergency one or more species or populations of animals throughout or in part of the national territory, or where in an endemic disease rebase the number of expected cases, the Secretariat will activate, integrate and operate the National Animal Health Emergency Device which shall involve immediate publication by agreement in the Official Journal of the Federation and, where appropriate, shall issue animal health provisions laying down preventive measures, control and eradication to be applied to the particular case.
The activation of the emergency device and the immediate application of retention measures shall also be justified where scientific evidence is suspected or suspected. animal goods exceed the maximum residue limits or their presence is prohibited or there are microbiological contaminants which may affect humans or animals.
Article 79.- The Secretariat may agree and agree with the federal entities, the Federal District and the municipalities, agencies of intervenor and individuals. interested, the creation of one or more contingency funds to deal immediately with animal health emergencies arising from the presence of exotic diseases and pests, of mandatory notification, eradicated, unknown or non-existent that endanger the livestock heritage in the territory national; or pollution emergencies in goods of animal origin where they exceed the maximum permissible limits or their presence is prohibited or there are microbiological contaminants affecting consumers or animals.
The general rules under which national animal health emergency devices will be used and integrated will be determined in their fields. temporary, spatial, material and personal implementation, the contingency funds shall be integrated and administered, and the implementation and assessment of the animal health measures or the reduction of pollution risks proposed shall be organised, which will be established in the Regulation of this Law.
For the operation of the National Animal Health Emergency Device, the Secretariat may request the support of veterinary services from other countries or agencies. regional or international.
Article 80.- In the event of identification of an animal health emergency, the Secretariat shall establish the corresponding animal health measures, the prohibitions or requirements for the mobilisation, import and export of animals, goods of animal origin, products for use or animal consumption, as well as equipment and used livestock machinery.
Chapter II
From Operation Resource and Contingency Fund
Article 81.- For the development of infrastructure and operation of animal health programs, services and activities, and good livestock practices, the Secretariat may agree and agree with the governments of the States, the Federal District and the municipalities, agencies of interveners, organized sectors of producers, importers, exporters, industrialists, professionals and other individuals. interested, assigning in each case the contributions, commitments and obligations of the parties involved.
Article 82.- It is up to the Secretariat to assume the immediate costs of depopulation in the production units, when they are presented in national territory. animal health emergencies for exotic diseases.
Article 83.- When it is required to depopulate a production unit, due to the presence of an outbreak of disease or pest that is in the animal health campaign and if It is established that the outbreak originated for lack of compliance with the animal health provisions that the Secretariat issues for this purpose, the person responsible will be sanctioned and will cover the costs that originate from this activity.
Chapter III
From Traceability
Article 84.- The Secretariat shall establish the basis for the implementation of traceability systems in animals, goods of animal origin or products for use or animal consumption. The systems shall be coordinated, monitored and monitored by the system.
The Secretariat shall, by means of animal health provisions, define the traceability systems applicable to the regulated goods referred to in this Law.
Article 85.- The agents involved in each link in the value chain must implement and maintain a documented traceability system in the stages that correspond to: production, processing or distribution of animals, goods of animal origin, products for use or animal consumption and inputs, in terms of the provisions laid down by the Secretariat for that purpose.
Article 86.- The traceability systems in animals or in goods of animal origin, national or imported, will ensure tracing from the site of their production or source up to their slaughter or processing and the relationship of suppliers and distributors or customers must be counted.
Article 87.- The traceability systems for products for use or animal consumption and inputs, will ensure the tracing of raw materials and finished product, from the acquisition, formulation, manufacture, import, storage, placing on the market until they are applied and the relationship of suppliers and distributors or customers must be counted.
Article 88.- The agents involved must notify the Secretariat when they suspect that any of the animals, animal goods, products for use or animal consumption, which have produced, processed, manufactured, distributed or imported do not comply with animal health provisions or those relating to good livestock practices, if appropriate, the Secretariat shall immediately order its withdrawal from the market or shall have the appropriate animal health measures.
When goods are removed from the market, the Secretariat and consumers will be informed of the reasons for this withdrawal.
Article 89.- It shall be part of the system of traceability of animals and goods of animal origin, products for national use or animal consumption, export regulated by this Law and in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation or animal health provisions, the information which the other defines:
I. The Source;
II. The Source;
III. The Destination;
IV. The Batch;
V. The Production Date or Sacrifice Date, Packaging Date, Process or Elaboration, Expiration, or Preferred Consumer Date; and
VI. The individual or group identification according to the species of the live animals in specific.
Article 90.- Animal health provisions and those relating to good livestock practices issued by the Secretariat shall lay down the requirements to be met. contain the labels of the regulated goods for traceability purposes.
Chapter I
From Product Control for Use or Animal Consumption
Article 91.- The Secretariat shall be empowered to determine, evaluate, rule, record, authorize, or certify:
I. The characteristics and specifications of products for use or animal consumption and raw materials, as well as recommendations on their prescription, application, use and consumption by animals;
II. The animal health specifications to be observed in the manufacture, formulation, storage, import, marketing and application of products for use or animal consumption recorded or authorised;
III. The animal health risk factors associated with the management and use of biological or immunogenic products in general; and
IV. The maximum permitted residue limits of antibiotics, hormonal compounds, chemicals, toxic and other equivalents, in intended animal goods for human consumption, as well as the time of removal of these substances in live animals.
Article 92.- The Secretariat shall determine those products for use or animal consumption which, due to their safety, efficacy and risk conditions, require registration or authorisation. The requirements and procedures for the granting and use of the records or authorizations referred to in this Article shall be laid down in the Regulation of this Law.
The registered products must have a card with the registration number, the authorized products must have an authorization office, both documents shall be issued by the Secretariat.
The Secretariat may edit and disseminate technical information guides to the user for the purposes of registration or authorization of products for use or animal consumption.
Article 93.- The Secretariat shall publish in the Official Journal of the Federation the list of substances or products whose use or consumption in animals is prohibited.
Article 94.- The Secretariat will verify and permanently inspect that the holders of the registered or authorized products periodically check that they are maintains the origin of their formulations, as well as the recommendations for their application, use and handling indicated on their labels.
When products for use or animal consumption change the characteristics which gave rise to their registration or authorisation, the holder of such products or of the registration or authorization, must initiate the corresponding procedure before the Secretariat, who will determine the conditions and requirements under which the change will be permitted as indicated in this Law or in the animal health provisions.
Article 95.- The Secretariat shall issue animal health provisions to determine the animal health characteristics and specifications to be gather:
I. The manufacture, import, storage, distribution, marketing and application of products for use or animal consumption;
II. Products made from genetically modified organisms when they represent animal health risk;
III. Packaging and packaging, as well as animal health information to contain labels, instructions and recommendations on application, use and management of products for use or animal consumption; and
IV. The withdrawal time of antibiotics, antimicrobials, hormonal compounds, chemicals, pesticides and others in live animals, maximum residue limits permitted from the same in animal goods, as well as the Toxic Waste Monitoring Program.
Article 96.- The importation, production, storage or marketing of any biological material of exotic diseases or pests shall be prohibited, without specific authorisation of the Secretariat.
Article 97.- Where there is scientific evidence that a registered or authorised product causes animal health or contamination risk of animal origin or either does not comply with the specifications to which it is subject to its formulation, manufacture, storage, production, marketing, application, use and handling, the Secretariat shall revoke its registration or authorization, order the withdrawal of the market or determine the relevant animal health measures.
Article 98.- The application, use or management of genetically modified organisms in experimental, pilot, commercial or control and eradication programs diseases or pests, shall require the appropriate authorisation issued by the Secretariat and shall be subject to the verification and inspection procedures provided for in this Law and the respective animal health provisions, without prejudice to the to establish other orders.
When the application of an animal health measure involves the use of biological, chemical, pharmaceutical or pesticide products, they must be registered or products authorised and permitted by the Secretariat, to be used in the geographical areas for which they are authorised for this purpose. The application of the above products shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations issued by the producer laboratory and authorised by the Secretariat.
Article 99.- Products that so require must be handled by appropriate use of the cold chain and biosecurity measures, being responsible for their compliance, processing, marketing, testing laboratories or veterinary physicians, as well as any other natural or moral person associated with the handling, transport and distribution of such products.
Article 100.- Generic veterinary products intended to be registered or authorised must demonstrate their bioequivalence through studies of bioavailability.
Article 101.- The Secretariat will request the manufacturer or approved or approved testing laboratories, the technical information of the product to be registered or to authorize in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of Procedure of this Law.
The information provided to the Secretariat for the purposes of registration or authorization of products for use or animal consumption shall be confidential, respecting the rights of the industrial or intellectual property.
When it is found that the quality in the formulations or recommendations for use indicated in the product labels do not comply with the health care provisions The Secretariat shall order its re-export, destruction, conditioning or re-labelling, as appropriate, at the expense of the holder of the registration or the authorisation of the product concerned.
Article 102.- The natural or moral persons who develop or render any animal health or veterinary service activities shall ensure that the products for use or animal consumption that recommend or use, have the corresponding registration or authorisation.
Article 103.- The Secretariat, through animal health provisions, may determine those products for use or animal consumption that may be acquired only or applied by medical prescription issued by veterinary doctors.
Article 104.- Approved or approved testing laboratories that perform animal use or consumption products shall be subject to the specifications, criteria and procedures laid down in the relevant animal health provisions.
Chapter II
Of The Establishments
Article 105.-The Secretariat shall issue animal health provisions laying down the characteristics, conditions, procedures, operation and animal health specifications or those relating to good livestock practices, which must be collected and in accordance with which the following establishments are to be installed and operated:
I. Those where animals are concentrated, on the occasion of fairs, exhibitions or similar events;
II. Production units;
III. The types of Federal Inspection, traces and other types of slaughter of animals for human consumption;
IV. Those who process goods of animal origin and which involve an animal health risk;
V. Those intended for the manufacture, storage or disposal of processed foods for the consumption of animals posing an animal health risk;
VI. Those where products for animal use or consumption are manufactured or expunged;
VII. Hospitals, veterinary clinics, laboratories of observation or diagnosis, institutions of higher education, research institutes and other establishments where experiments are carried out or carried out on animals and other animal health services;
VIII. Quarantine stations;
IX. custodian-custodian quarantine facilities;
X. Verification and internal inspection points;
XI. Federal animal health verification and inspection points;
XII. Animal Health Verification and Inspection Points for Import;
XIII. Performance or benefit plants;
XIV. Those national establishments providing animal health services; and
XV. Plants intending to export animal goods to the United Mexican States and to be determined by the Secretariat.
Animal health provisions and those relating to good livestock practices shall, where appropriate, establish verification programmes for establishments, as well as determine those who must have responsible veterinary doctors.
Article 106.- The owners, the sole administrator, the managers or holders of the establishments referred to by the Previous Article, and the authorised veterinary doctors where appropriate, shall be responsible for compliance with animal health and good animal health practices which are applicable to them by the type of establishment. Such persons shall also be required to provide the necessary facilities to the Secretariat when it exercises its powers of inspection of compliance with animal health provisions and good practices of livestock animal origin.
Those persons shall be required to establish the necessary control measures and to immediately and expressly inform the Secretariat, in the event that they detect or have the suspicion of a disease or pest of compulsory notification, exotic disease or pest or a possible source of contamination of the goods of animal origin.
Article 106 Bis. The Secretariat shall determine, in animal health and animal health provisions, those good livestock practices, good manufacturing practices and animal welfare and animal welfare activities, which must be observed by animal slaughter establishments animal processing of animal goods.
Both the TIF establishments and the establishments dedicated to the processing of goods of animal origin for human consumption must have their service during the working hours, at least one responsible veterinary doctor authorised for animal welfare control purposes, for epidemiological surveillance, other animal health measures; for good livestock practices and for toxic and/or dangerous substances in terms of the provisions of Article 278 of the General Health Law.
Article 107.- The Secretariat shall authorize at the request of a party and prior compliance with the provisions of this Law and in coordination with the Secretariat of Health, according to the scope of the competence of each Secretariat, the installation and operation of Federal Inspection Type establishments, without prejudice to other applicable legal provisions in the field of Public Health.
The establishments referred to in the preceding paragraph shall use the name of the Federal Inspection Type or its abbreviation TIF in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation of this Law as a symbol of the sanitary and sanitary quality of the goods of animal origin, when their facilities, equipment and production process are in accordance with the animal health and good practices and this condition is certified by the Secretariat or approved certification bodies.
The slaughter of livestock on an imported foot must be carried out exclusively in Federal Inspection establishments, provided that their animal health verification, carried out by the official staff or authorised by the Secretariat in the country of origin.
Federal Inspection Type establishments must have official or responsible veterinary physicians who carry out the inspection or verification in such a way. number to ensure the efficiency of the same. Establishments approved for export must have official veterinary medicinal products if the Secretariat so determines or the importing country so requires.
The TIF certification will be valid and will have its effects throughout the Republic, so that the establishments that have such a name will not be required inspection and resello by different authority.
Article 108.- The Secretariat will promote the character of animal slaughter centers and processing establishments of animal origin of the Federal Inspection Type once the provisions of this Law and its Rules of Procedure are complied with.
TIF establishments for the slaughter of animals and the processing of goods of animal origin must have at least one service during working hours. responsible veterinary surgeon for the purposes of animal welfare control, epidemiological surveillance, other animal health measures and good livestock practices.
The Secretariat shall also authorize the installation and operation of the performance or benefit plants, in which it shall also exercise inspection, verification and monitoring by official staff, verification unit or certification body.
Article 109.- The owners or holders of the establishments referred to in this Chapter shall be required to provide the necessary facilities. to carry out inspection, verification or certification services.
Chapter III
From Activities and Services
Article 110.- The natural or moral persons in charge of the establishments referred to in this Law shall request authorization or give notice of initiation of operation to the Secretariat, indicating the activity or service of animal health it intends to carry out. The procedures and requirements for the authorization, validity, presentation of the notices, modification of the activity, extension of the rotation or resumption of the regulated activity, will be in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation of this Law.
The Secretariat will determine the animal health activities that will be subject to verification or certification under the terms of this Law.
The authorisations and notices referred to in the first paragraph of this Article shall allow the Secretariat to integrate the Directory of Animal Health, with the authority to inspect or verify in any time and place the veracity of the information provided.
Article 111.- The natural or moral persons who hold the records or authorizations of products for use or animal consumption and are engaged in the formulation, manufacture, import, storage, application and marketing, shall ask the Secretariat or the third parties authorized by the Secretariat to make use of the terms of this Law, its Regulations and other provisions of Animal health shall be verified on an annual basis. specifications, as well as recommendations on the application, use and handling of such products are those authorised by the Secretariat.
Article 112.- The Secretariat shall monitor the provision of veterinary services in the national territory, through the animal health provisions that for the issue. The following are considered as veterinary services:
I. Advisories and services provided by authorized responsible personnel;
II. Official or private compliance assessment procedures; and
III. Inspection carried out by official personnel.
Animal Health Advisory Services or Animal Health Services identified in section I of this Article shall be provided by authorized veterinary physicians or laboratories authorised by the Secretariat in the terms of the Regulation of this Law.
Chapter I
Of Compliance Assessment
Article 113.- The Secretariat, certification bodies, verification units or approved testing laboratories shall determine the degree of compliance of the official Mexican standards or compliance with Mexican standards, international standards and other specifications in the field of animal health or good practices for the reduction of pollution risks through the procedure of the conformity assessment.
Article 114.- The Secretariat shall establish the guidelines, procedures and general criteria to which the evaluation procedures of the conformity, the latter shall be published in the Official Journal of the Federation or shall be provided for in the respective Mexican official rules.
Article 115.- The Secretariat, certification bodies, verification units or approved testing laboratories may evaluate the compliance on request on the part. The results shall be recorded in writing.
Article 116.- The Secretariat, certification bodies, verification units or approved testing laboratories may be assisted by third parties. specialists authorised by the same, to carry out the conformity assessment by type, line, batch or item of products or by system, either directly in the facilities concerned or during the course of the activities, services or processes in question.
The Secretariat will be able to promote to the Secretariat of Economy, the subscription of International Conventions with foreign and international official institutions, to the mutual recognition of the results of the conformity or compliance assessment, carried out directly or by the certification bodies, verification units and approved testing laboratories.
Article 117.- In no case shall natural or moral persons approved as certification bodies, verification units or testing laboratories be able to assess the compliance of official standards to themselves or when they have a direct interest.
Chapter II
From Certification
Article 118.- Certification is the procedure whereby the Secretariat or a certification body approved by the Secretariat ensures that a product, process, system, service or establishment meets the requirements of Mexican official standards.
Article 119.- The certification will be in those matters for which the certification bodies were specifically approved by the Secretariat, in the terms of this Law and its Rules of Procedure. The certificate shall be issued by the Secretariat or the certification bodies.
Article 120.- The Secretariat or certification bodies may be assisted by third-party specialists authorized by the Secretariat to certify processes, products, services or establishments.
The different types of certificates, their content, the requirements, conditions, procedure, issue and validity will be determined in the Regulation of this Law, or in its case, through specific animal health provisions.
Article 121.- The Secretariat will approve certification bodies that will be able to carry out certification to processes, products, systems and establishments in the countries of origin for the importation of goods of animal origin and products for use or animal consumption, in accordance with the principle of reciprocity agreed in international treaties or interinstitutional agreements. The list of approved certification bodies will be published in the Official Journal of the Federation.
Chapter III
From Verification
Article 122.- Verification is the procedure by which the Secretariat or a verification unit approved by it, performs at a time determined eye finding or verification by sampling, measurement, laboratory testing, or examination of documents to processes, products, systems and establishments.
For verification, the Secretariat or verification units may be assisted by third-party specialists authorised by the Secretariat.
The Secretariat, verification units and authorized third parties will issue opinions on the degree of compliance with Mexican official standards.
Article 123.- The expenses that originate from the verification will be charged to the persons to whom the verification is practiced.
The Secretariat shall publish in the Official Journal of the Federation, the verification units and laboratories of evidence it approves, the opinions of which shall be recognized by the Secretariat for import purposes, in accordance with the principle of reciprocity agreed in international treaties or interinstitutional agreements.
Article 124.- Approved verification units and authorized third parties may only perform verifications at the request of the Secretariat or request for part and on the matters in which they were approved and approved in terms of the Regulation of this Law; the verification opinions to be issued shall be recognized by the Secretariat and by the certification bodies.
Chapter I
From Inspection
Article 125.- The Secretariat may carry out, through official personnel, ordinary or extraordinary inspection visits, in terms of the Federal Law of Administrative procedure, without prejudice to other measures provided for in this Law which may be carried out, in order to verify compliance with this order and the provisions of this Law.
Article 126.- The Secretariat may inspect at any time and place compliance with animal health provisions or good livestock practices. by:
I. Inspection of the development of animal health activities or provision of veterinary services subject to verification, certification or both;
II. Inspection of establishments; and
III. Inspection of the goods regulated in this Law.
The results of the inspection acts performed by the Secretariat shall be settled in circumstantial acts.
Article 127.- The Secretariat will have verification and inspection points to ensure the level of animal health protection on national territory. In no case, such points may constitute inter-state barriers to trade.
These are animal health verification and inspection points, the following:
I. Customs;
II. The quarantine stations;
III. The internal verification and inspection points;
IV. The animal health inspection and verification points for import;
V. The Agricultural Health Inspection Offices;
VI. Federal verification and inspection points; and
VII. Those authorized by the Secretariat.
When there is competition competition, the dependencies involved must establish coordination agreements to perform the inspection or verification
Article 128.- The Secretariat may inspect animals, animal goods, establishments, vehicles, packaging, machinery, at any time and place. equipment, products for use or animal consumption and any other goods regulated in this order, in order to verify compliance with this Law, its Regulation and other animal health provisions or in the field of good livestock practices of the goods of animal origin applicable.
Article 129.- People who perform the activities that are regulated in this Law or the provisions that derive from it, must grant the staff duly accredited by the Secretariat, the facilities necessary for the development of the inspection acts. They shall also provide the documentation required to verify compliance with the provisions of this Law and those resulting from it.
Article 130.- In those cases where the alleged offenders are caught in execution of acts contrary to this Law or to the provisions deriving from the staff duly identified as an inspector shall, in detail, draw up the relevant minutes and establish the necessary formalities for the conduct of acts of the inspection.
Article 131.- In cases where the alleged offenders of this Law could not be identified and the provisions resulting from it, the Secretariat will make terminated the procedure by taking the appropriate measures for the protection and conservation of animal health and, where appropriate, order the destination of the regulated goods which have been abandoned.
Article 132.- When to verify compliance with the provisions contained in this Law, its Regulations and other applicable animal health provisions are require sample analysis, the test report shall be issued by the official laboratories, approved or approved testing laboratories.
Article 133.- In the relevant administrative decision, it shall be noted or, where appropriate, added, the measures to be taken to correct the deficiencies or irregularities observed in the inspection, the time limit given to the offender to satisfy them and the penalties to which the creditor would have been granted in accordance with the applicable provisions, as well as the time and the means to challenge it resolution.
Article 134.- When arising from a certification or verification, non-compliance with the provisions contained in this Law or the provisions of the (a) the following shall be derived; or there is a presumption or evidence of contamination of goods of animal origin, or likely infringements of animal health provisions, approved or authorised persons, shall inform the Secretariat immediately in writing. effect of the behavior of the conductive actions.
Article 135.- In cases where appropriate, the Secretariat shall make the knowledge of the Ministry of Public Health the carrying out of acts or omissions found in the exercise of their faculties that could configure one or more offenses.
Chapter II
Of Security Measures
Article 136.- Where there is imminent risk of harm, animal health, or spread of disease or plague by official notification, diagnosis or another scientifically supported mechanism, the Secretariat, which is founded and motivated, will order the implementation of one or more of the following measures:
I. The precautionary insurance of animals, and animal goods, as well as vehicles, utensils, tools, equipment and any instrument directly related to the action or omission that causes the imposition of this measure;
II. The temporary, partial or total closure of the establishments, machinery or equipment, as appropriate, for the use, storage or the sites or establishments where the acts that generate the assumptions referred to in the first paragraph of this Article are developed;
III. The temporary, partial or total suspension of the activity or service that motivates the imposition of the measure;
IV. The suspension of the animal health certificates that have been issued; and
V. The realization of the actions required to avoid continuing to present the assumptions that motivate the imposition of the security measure.
Article 137.- When the Secretariat orders any of the security measures provided for in this Law, it shall indicate to the data subject, where appropriate, the actions to be taken. carry out to remedy the irregularities that led to the imposition of those measures, as well as the time limits for their implementation, in order that once these measures are met, the withdrawal of the imposed security measure is ordered.
Chapter III
From The Official Zoosanitary Security Service
Article 138.- The Secretariat, will implement, organize and operate the Official Zoosanitary Security Service in the country, under which it will fulfill the following responsibilities:
I. Organize, install, operate and control in the terms of this Law and its Regulations, inspection and inspection points for imports and points of animal health verification and inspection in order to ensure the appropriate level of animal health protection in the mobilisation, import, export, re-export and international transit of regulated goods in the national territory;
II. Instrumentation, organizing and coordinating the surveillance and epidemiological investigation and traceability service, in order to have the statistical information necessary for the timely planning of the animal health measures and for good livestock practices for the goods of animal origin to be established;
III. Instrumentation and develop permanent verification programs to veterinary service providers and to developers of animal health activities; and
IV. Instrumentation and develop periodic programs to randomly verify the good practices and safety of registered products.
Article 139.- At verification and inspection points for import and animal health verification and inspection points, the services of epidemiological surveillance and verification and inspection of regulated goods moving within the territory of the national territory transiting through areas of the same or different animal health status, or imported, exported, re-exported or transited into the country.
The complete installation and operation of the verification and inspection points indicated in this article will be linked and harmonized by the configuration of the cordons. Animal health conditions shall be subject to the specifications, criteria and procedures laid down in the Regulation of this Law and other applicable animal health provisions.
Chapter I
From The National Animal Health Advisory Technical Council
Article 140.- The National Advisory Technical Council for Animal Health will be the national body for consultation on animal health, which will support the State and the Mexican society for the continuous improvement of animal health conditions, which includes the formulation, development and evaluation of animal health measures and good livestock practices applied to goods of animal origin in terms of the Regulation of this Law.
The Secretariat shall allocate sufficient economic resources to meet the operational, administrative and technical costs and those relating to maintenance and conservation of the facilities and equipment required to support the activities of the Council.
Article 141.- The National Advisory Technical Council for Animal Health will be integrated with:
I. Representatives of the Secretariat, and of the agencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration related to health and production matters animal;
II. Representatives of producer organizations, farmers, rural owners, the input industry for animal production and health, as well as the processing and marketing of goods of animal origin and other organisations in the social or private sector with a legal interest related to animal health and production;
III. Representatives of academic, scientific and union organizations of national representation linked to the subject of animal health and production, and
IV. People in the social or private sector of recognized prestige in health, health, and animal production.
Article 142.- The National Technical Advisory Council for Animal Health will be supported by state advisory councils which, if appropriate, will be established in each entity. federative in the same way as the national, also inviting representatives of the governments of the states, the Federal District and municipalities, as well as of the auxiliary organisms of animal health.
The organisation, structure and functions of the National Animal Health Advisory Council and the state advisory councils will be carried out in the following terms: of the Rules of Procedure.
Chapter II
From the Animal Health Auxiliary Bodies
Article 143.- For the coordination and execution of animal health campaigns or programs on good livestock practices, the Secretariat shall authorize the organisations of the sectors involved in the chain product system in places where the animal health risk or contamination of the goods of animal origin justifies it, as auxiliary bodies for cooperation in the field of health animal.
The requirements and procedures for the integration and operation of auxiliary animal health bodies shall be laid down in animal health provisions. respective.
The Secretariat will in any case be empowered to revoke the authorization granted to an auxiliary agency, when it determines that the cause that justified its grant or does not fulfill its function.
Chapter III
Of Approved and Authorized People
Article 144.- The natural or moral persons interested in operating as interveners shall request and obtain from the Secretariat the approval or corresponding authorisation in accordance with the following terms:
I. It is up to the Secretariat to grant approvals for specific subjects to operate as:
a) Certification bodies;
b) Verification units; and
c) Testing labs.
A single person may obtain one or more of the approvals referred to in points (a) to (c) of this fraction;
II. The Secretariat may grant the authorization to the natural persons who request it, to operate as authorized third parties, in order to assist with the Secretariat, or with certification bodies, verification units or approved testing laboratories. Third-party specialists will issue an outcome report; and
III. The Secretariat may authorize individuals to perform as authorized professionals, in order to assist with the Secretariat as advisers or trainers in compliance with animal health provisions or good animal health practices, as well as in the implementation of animal health measures and good animal husbandry practices for animal goods which it establishes with the national animal health emergency devices.
Article 145.- The Secretariat will promote training and training courses for professionals in the activities subject to approval or authorization of the Secretariat and which require specific knowledge related to animal health or good livestock practices.
Article 146.- Authorized professionals, must be permanently updated and pass the knowledge exams and meet the requirements that are determine in the Regulation of this Law.
Article 147.- The Secretariat may authorize animal health laboratories to assist the Secretariat in issuing reports of laboratory test results. for the diagnosis or finding of products for use or animal consumption.
The certification, verification, test opinions or conformity assessment of the official animal health standards shall be carried out by the Secretariat at the initiative or at the request of the data subject, being able to do so directly or through certification bodies, verification units or approved testing laboratories.
Article 148.- In no case shall persons approved or authorized, directly or indirectly certify, verify, issue test opinions, or evaluate the compliance or compliance with Mexican official standards, Mexican standards and international standards, themselves, on their own initiative, or when they have a direct interest.
Article 149.- To grant any of the approvals referred to in this Chapter, the Secretariat shall form health assessment committees. animal or good livestock practices, integrated by qualified and experienced professionals in the fields of the specific branches.
Article 150.- The specifications, requirements, criteria and procedures to be met by those interested in obtaining approval from the Secretariat the authorisation as provided for in this Chapter, as well as the areas and matters on which the veterinary services may be provided, shall be laid down in the Regulation of this Law.
Article 151.- It is the responsibility of the persons referred to in this Chapter:
I. Provide the veterinary services covered by this Law, its Rules of Procedure and, where appropriate, the official rules to be issued on the subject;
II. To see the Secretariat when they know about the presence of an exotic disease or mandatory notification, or about cases of contamination of the goods animal origin;
III. Monitor the Secretariat on the import, marketing, advertising, use or application of products for use or animal consumption that are not registered, or not have the authorisation of the Secretariat, or present toxic, microbiological or pollutant residues which are not in accordance with the official Mexican standards and other applicable animal health provisions;
IV. Submit to the Secretariat reports on the animal health certificates, verification opinions or evidence they issue, in the form and time limits determined by the Regulation of this Law;
V. Servir as the co-adjuvant bodies of the Secretariat in the implementation of policies, strategies, official control programs and coordination mechanisms in animal health material;
VI. Report periodically to the Secretariat on the veterinary services they provide;
VII. Auxiliary to the Secretariat in cases of animal health emergency or contamination of animal goods;
VIII. To assist in the surveillance and epidemiological investigation service in the terms provided for in the Regulation of this Law; and
IX. Meet the other obligations under your charge, governed by this Law and the provisions of this Law.
Chapter I
From Incentives
Article 152.- The National Animal Health Award is instituted, in order to recognize and award annually the effort of those who stand out in the the prevention, control and eradication of diseases and pests affecting the life or health of animals, as well as actions aimed at good livestock practices for goods of animal origin.
Article 153.- The procedure for the selection of the creditors to the prize referred to in the previous article and the other provisions necessary, establish in the Regulation of this Law.
Chapter II
From Passwords
Article 154.- The Secretariat shall promote or make mandatory that the processing establishments of animal origin, obtain the character of Type Federal Inspection and the corresponding password in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of this Law once they have complied with the provisions of this Law and with the procedure of conformity assessment of the Secretariat or an approved certification body without prejudice to the Responsibilities of the Health Secretariat. The facilities or products coming from them may have the Federal Inspection Type password.
Local authorities in the states, municipalities and the Federal District will promote the establishments where animals are slaughtered or processed, packaged, packaged, (a) Refreshments or industrialisation of goods of animal origin, obtain certification and, where appropriate, the corresponding password once they have complied with the provisions of this law, without prejudice to the powers of the Secretariat and the Health Secretary.
Article 155.- The Secretariat may establish passwords of animal health quality for the identification of the goods, facilities, processes or services that have complied with the provisions of the Regulation of this Law and with the procedure of conformity assessment by the Secretariat or by approved certification body.
Article 156.- The Secretariat may establish passwords to ensure compliance with requirements and specifications outlined in the provisions of the voluntary. These passwords may be granted by the Secretariat itself or by approved certification bodies without prejudice to other dependencies.
Article 157.- The Secretariat by Agreement shall publish in the Official Journal of the Federation, the goods, facilities, processes or services which may be held the official passwords and marks which are applicable to them and which guarantee their animal health quality.
Chapter III
The Animal Health Surveillance System
Article 158.- The Secretariat will integrate and administer the Animal Health Surveillance System, which will consist of a public registry where the basic information on animal health certificates; approvals and authorisations issued and notices submitted by those who develop animal health activities or provide veterinary services subject to certification processes; and verification, as well as of the establishments required for the use of passwords and registered trademarks that comply with the animal health provisions that are applicable to them.
The registration that is made of the granting and renewal of approvals and authorizations issued by the Secretariat in terms of this Law and its Regulations, will have effects constitutive. The seat to be made of the animal health certificates issued, of the information provided by the National System of Epidemiological Surveillance and of the notices presented for the development of animal health activities or the provision of veterinary services shall have declarative effects.
Article 159.- To promote the development of animal health activities, the provision of veterinary services and the installation and operation of establishments certificates, the Secretariat shall draw up, update and disseminate the Directory of Animal Health containing an extract of the information provided in the System.
The integration and organization of the National System of Epidemiological Surveillance and the Directory, the acts that will be entered, the information that will be established, and the requirements and procedures to perform the seats and cancellations, as well as the updating and dissemination of the information, will be done in the terms of the corresponding Regulation of this Law.
Chapter IV
From Epidemiological Surveillance and Risk Analysis
Article 160.- The Secretariat, without prejudice to the powers that correspond to other dependencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration in matters of Animal Health shall operate the National System of Epidemiological Surveillance to carry out surveillance, observation, monitoring, control or permanent evaluation of the suspected or presence, as well as the behavior of the diseases and endemic and exotic pests in animals and their products, as well as those of a toxicological nature and toxic waste, in order to guide the application of measures aimed at reducing and administering animal health and pollution risks and to support the national animal health situation, System at the official source of animal health information at national and international level.
Article 161.- The Secretariat shall determine and establish the measures applicable by the National System of Epidemiological Surveillance, with the following purposes:
I. To monitor compliance with the enforcement of all actors related to the livestock field and recognized by this Law, to report immediately, any suspicion or confirmation of the presence of infectious, exotic and endemic notifiable diseases, as well as those of a toxicological nature;
II. To monitor compliance, by veterinary diagnostic laboratories, with respect to their obligations, in the terms of this Law, to report in time and form the National System of Epidemiological Surveillance, the diagnoses they perform;
III. Coordinate with the regulatory and operational units of the Secretariat, the epidemiological monitoring of the animal health measures for the control and eradication of diseases and pests of animals of an infectious and toxicological nature and of toxic waste;
IV. Implement procedures that allow recording and tracking of suspicions and confirmation of the presence of both exotic and exotic diseases. endemic to any state, area or region or compartment of the country, until their animal health closure, as well as the preparation of relevant epidemiological analyses to enable the assessment of their behaviour;
V. Establish the enforcement of epidemiological monitoring processes for the recognition and maintenance of the free status of pests or diseases under official campaign or for the change of the animal health status, of the country's federative entities, zones, regions or compartments subject to official health campaigns;
VI. inform the health situation of the country, the national and international agencies and institutions with which the Secretariat has agreements and collaboration and information sharing agreements; and
VII. To carry the necessary information for risk analysis and decision making for the application of the animal health measures in the production units in which the animals were located, the goods of animal origin or foodstuffs, in which the presence of exotic, endemic, toxicological and toxic residues was determined.
Article 162.- The Secretariat shall establish and update the National Program for the Control and Monitoring of Toxic Waste in the Goods of Animal Origin of the Rules of Procedure.
Chapter V
From Risk Analysis
Article 163.- Risk analysis is a scientific study that aims to evaluate the probability of entry, establishment or dissemination of diseases or pests or contamination of the goods of animal origin and the estimation of their economic impact and the consequences for human health; it is a qualitative or quantitative indicator of the probability of the presence of an animal disease or pest in a particular country, region or area.
Article 164.- The Secretariat, by means of animal health provisions or good livestock practices, shall determine the type of risk analysis required for each disease or pest or agents affecting the integrity of the goods of animal origin, by means of a qualitative and descriptive or quantitative and statistical assessment as appropriate, on the basis of national technical and scientific parameters or recommended internationally.
The risk analysis should be presented with the documentation of the process or sources of information used.
Chapter I
From Citizen Denunciation
Article 165.- Every person may report to the Secretariat, the facts, acts or omissions that are against animal health or cause the contamination of the goods of animal origin.
To give you a course, it will be sufficient for you to indicate the necessary data to identify the likely offender and to locate the place of the events that are reported, as well as the the source or the name and address of the complainant.
Once the complaint has been received, the Secretariat will make it known to the person or persons to whom the reported facts are imputed and will, if necessary, carry out the proceedings. necessary for the finding of the facts, as well as for the relevant assessment.
The Secretariat, no later than 30 working days following the filing of a complaint, must make the complainant's knowledge the procedure that has given to that and, where appropriate, the animal health measures or good livestock practices to be applied.
When the violation or violation of the provisions of this Law will result in the commission of an infringement, the Secretariat will initiate the administrative procedure. concerned; if there is a presumption of a crime, it shall make the complaint to the competent authority by referring to it all the information with which it counts.
Chapter II
Of The Review Facility
Article 166.- Interested parties affected by the acts and resolutions of the administrative authorities may institute the review appeal in terms of the Title Sixth, Chapter First of the Federal Law of Administrative Procedure.
The execution of the contested decision may be suspended under the same terms and conditions as laid down in the Federal Law on Administrative Procedure or the Code Prosecutor of the Federation, respectively.
Chapter III
Of The Infractions
Article 167.- The violations of the provisions of this Law and other provisions emanating from it shall be administratively sanctioned by the Secretariat, without prejudice to the penalties that correspond to them when they constitute criminal offences.
These are administrative violations:
I. Failure to comply with Articles 16 or 18 of this Act;
II. Failure to comply with animal health provisions on the characteristics and specifications of animal welfare in order to ensure the welfare of animals in terms of Article 19 of this Act;
III. Failure to comply with the requirements of animal care for food and medicines, in terms of Article 21 of this Law;
IV. Failure to comply with the regulation on the humane slaughter of animals, as provided for in Article 23 of this Law;
V. Do not comply at the point of entry into the country into the provisions on import of goods referred to in Article 24 of this Law;
VI. Incompliance with the provisions on imports pursuant to Article 26 of this Act;
VII. Transgredir the provisions of quarantines and guard-quarantines, referred to in Article 30 of this Law;
VIII. Transgredir the order in matter of imports and non-compliance with the certificate of free sale, in terms of article 32 of this Law;
IX. Enter regulated goods into the country, without having complied with the provisions of Article 39 of this Law;
x. Omit the provisions of article 43 of this Act;
XI. Failure to comply with the obligation to have the risk analysis or mandatory entry and exit report, as provided for in Article 44 of this ordering;
XII. Failure to comply with the obligations laid down in the animal health requirements sheet or animal health provisions applicable in the referred terms in Article 45 of this Law;
XIII. Failure to comply with animal health provisions as stated in Article 47 of this Law;
XIV. Transgredir provisions relating to quarantine stations or facilities for guard-quarantine as provided for in Article 48 of the this Act;
XV. Incompliance with the provisions of Article 49 of this Law, on export or re-export;
XVI. Failure to comply with the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 56 of this Law;
XVII. Failure to comply with the provisions of Article 59 of this Law;
XVIII. The lack of compliance with animal health provisions, as noted in Article 60 of this Law;
XIX. Failure to comply with the relevant provisions referred to in Article 68 of this Act;
XX. Failure to comply with the related provisions referred to in Article 70 of this Act;
XXI. Install and operate animal health verification and inspection points without authorization from the Secretariat in accordance with Article 72 of this Law;
XXII. Failure to comply with the relevant provisions referred to in Article 73 of this Act;
XXIII. Failure to comply with the obligation to have the animal health certificate of mobilization or use it for purposes other than those granted according to Articles 74 or 75 of this Law;
XXIV. Incompliance with the provisions of Articles 78 or 80 of this Law;
XXV. Located in the assumption indicated in article 83 of this Act;
XXVI. Refrain from implementing and maintaining a traceability system, as referred to in Article 85 of this Act;
XXVII. Incompliance with the provisions of Article 88 of this Act;
XXVIII. Skip the information referred to in Article 89 of this Law;
XXIX. Omit the information referred to in Article 90 of this Act;
XXX. Transgredir the provisions for registration and authorization of product formulations and their modifications as indicated in Articles 92 and 94 of this Act;
XXXI. Refrain from complying with the provision contained in Article 96 of this Act;
XXXII. Failure to comply with provisions regarding products registered or authorized in accordance with the provisions of Article 97 of this Law;
XXXIII. Incompliance with the provisions of Article 98 of this Law;
XXXIV. Failure to comply with the provisions contained in Article 99 of this Act;
XXXV. Refrain from granting the information in the terms of Article 101 of this Act;
XXXVI. Do not ensure that the products have the appropriate authorization or registration, as referred to in Article 102 of this Law;
XXXVII. Incompliance with the provisions of Article 106 of this Law;
XXXVIII. Failure to comply with the provisions regarding Article 107 of this Act;
XXXIX. Stop complying with the obligations set out in Article 108 of this Act;
XL. Do not provide the facilities referred to in Article 109 of this Act;
XLI. Do not provide the Secretariat with the information referred to in Article 110 of this Act;
XLII. Refrain from complying with the provisions referred to in Article 111 of this Act;
XLIII. Transgredir the provisions set out in Article 117 of this Act;
XLIV. Failure to comply with Article 120 of this Act;
XLV. Failure to comply with the obligations set out in Article 129 of this Act;
XLVI. Failure to comply with article 134 of this Act;
XLVII. Refrain from complying with what is ordered by article 137 of this Act;
XLVIII. Failure to comply with the obligations of the assumptions provided for in Article 144 of this Act;
XLIX. Transgredir the provisions set out in Article 148 of this Act;
L. Incompliance with the responsibilities referred to in Article 151 of this Law, in its fractions: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII;
LI. Ostend the Federal Inspection Type password, without complying with the provisions of Article 154 of this Act;
LII. Unauthorization the official passwords and marks referred to in Article 157 of this Law; and
LIII. Other violations as set forth in this Act or its Regulations.
Article 168.- For the imposition of sanctions the Secretariat, prior to compliance with the guarantee of hearing in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of Administrative procedure shall take into account the seriousness of the infringement, the damage and damage caused, as well as the history, personal circumstances and socio-economic situation of the infringer in the terms laid down in the Rules of Procedure. This Law.
For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, five types of penalties are set as follows:
1. Temporary closure.
2. Final closure.
3. Temporary suspension of registration, certification, approval, authorization, recognition, or permission.
4. Revocation or cancellation of recognition, certification, approval, authorization, registration, or permission.
5. Multa.
Article 169.- The Secretariat shall impose the fines taking into account the seriousness of the failure and the economic conditions of the infringer, according to the next item and according to the tab that is indicated.
A. From 20 to 1000 days minimum wage.
B. From 1000 to 10,000 days minimum wage.
C. From 10,000 to 50,000 days minimum wage.
D. From 50,000 to 100,000 days minimum wage.
For the purposes of this article, the general minimum wage in force in the Federal District is understood at the time of the infringement.
Article 170.- The penalties and fines set out in this order shall be applied according to the following table:
FRACC. I | B | 5 |
FRACC. II | B | 5 |
FRACC. III | B | 5 |
FRACC. IV | C | 5 |
FRACC. V | A | 5 |
FRACC. VI | C | 4 and 5 |
FRACC. VII | B | 3 and 5 |
FRACC. VIII | B | 5 |
FRACC. IX | C | 5 |
FRACC. X | C | 5 |
FRACC. XI | D | 4 and 5 |
FRACC. XII | C | 4 and 5 |
FRACC. XIII | B | 2 and 5 |
FRACC. XIV | B | 5 |
FRACC. XV | B | 5 |
FRACC. XVI | - | 4 |
FRACC. XVII | A | 5 |
FRACC. XVIII | C | 1 and 5 |
FRACC. XIX | A | 5 |
FRACC. XX | D | 5 |
FRACC. XXI | A | 3 and 5 |
FRACC. XXII | A | 5 |
FRACC. XXIII | B | 3 and 5 |
FRACC. XXIV | B | 2 and 5 |
FRACC. XXV | B | 5 |
FRACC. XXVI | B | 3 and 5 |
FRACC. XXVII | B | 5 |
FRACC. XXIX | B | 4 and 5 |
FRACC. XXX | A | 5 |
FRACC. XXXI | A | 5 |
FRACC. XXXII | A | 5 |
FRACC. XXXIII | D | 3 and 5 |
FRACC. XXXIV | C | 3 and 5 |
FRACC. XXXV | B | 5 |
FRACC. XXXVI | B | 5 |
FRACC. XXXXVII | B | 3 and 5 |
FRACC. XXXIX | A | 5 |
FRACC. XL | C | 5 |
FRACC. XLI | B | 5 |
FRACC. XLII | B | 3 and 5 |
FRACC. XLIII | C | 3 and 5 |
FRACC. XLIV | B | 4 and 5 |
FRACC. XLV | A | 5 |
FRACC. XLVI | C | 5 |
FRACC. XLVII | B | 1 and 5 |
FRACC. XLIX | C | 5 |
FRACC. L | Article 151 Fraction II, D; Fraction III, B; Fraction IV, A; Fraction V, A; Fraction VI, A; Fraction VII, C; Fraction VIII, C. | 5 |
FRACC. LI | B | 5 |
FRACC. LII | D | 5 |
repeat offenders will be punished as follows:
From the minor fine will go to the higher fine of the same level.
From the highest fine of one level will pass to the higher fine of the next level.
Up to twice the highest level predicted on the tab.
The temporary closure for the final closure.
The temporary suspension for revocation.
Chapter IV
Of Offences
Article 171.- Al entering the national territory animal, animal goods, as well as products for use or animal consumption and by any means evaded point of inspection in animal health and put in danger or at risk the animal health situation of the country in violation of the respective normative character, will be imposed two to ten years of imprisonment and fine of up to a thousand times the minimum wage in force in the economic zone in question.
Article 172.- To which you enter into or into the national territory, transport or trade with live animals, their products or by-products, which have been fed with a substance for which use is prohibited for that purpose in animal health or good animal health practices issued by the Secretariat, having knowledge of any of those facts, shall be subject to a penalty of four to eight years in prison and fine of five hundred to three thousand times the minimum wage in the economic zone in which the event was carried out and in the event of reoffending the penalty and the fine shall be doubled.
Article 173.- To which, without the authorization of the competent animal health authorities or in violation of the terms in which it has been granted, amount, possess, transport, store, market or in general carry out acts with any substance whose use is prohibited for feeding animals in animal health or good practice issued by the Secretariat, shall be imposed on it a penalty of four to eight years in prison and fine of five hundred to three years a thousand times the minimum wage in force in the economic zone in which the event was carried out and in the event of a recidivism the penalty and the fine will be doubled, as long as these acts are in order to add them to the food or drink of animals whose products or by-products are intended for human consumption.
It shall be presumed that that purpose exists, when the substances referred to in that article are within establishments engaged in animal production. or to manufacture and produce food for livestock.
Article 174.- To which you order the supply or supply animals destined for the supply of any prohibited substance or food referred to in this Law and other animal health provisions, will be sanctioned with three to seven years in prison and ten thousand to fifty thousand days minimum salary of fine.
Article 175.- A penalty of one to five years ' imprisonment and a fine of up to a thousand times of the general minimum wage in force in the economic zone in which the carry out without prejudice to administrative sanctions which may be imposed:
To which you issue animal health documents without observing the procedures laid down for your issue.
A who extorts or agrees, verbally, morally or physically, to an official authority in the exercise of his duties in a Federal Inspection Type, without the detriment of other legal provisions.
FIRST.- This Federal Animal Health Law shall enter into force the day after its publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.
SECOND.- The Federal Animal Health Law published in the Official Journal of the Federation on June 18, 1993 is repealed.
THIRD.- As long as the Regulation of this Law is not published, it will continue to apply in that it does not contravene its provisions in the Regulations for Health Campaigns Animal, the Regulations for the Control of Chemicals, Biologicals, Food, Equipment and Services for Animals, the Regulations of the Law on the Protection of Animals in the United Mexican States in the Field of the Mobilization of Animals and its Products and the Regulation for the Health Industrialization of the Meat and other regulatory, regulatory and administrative provisions in force at the date of entry into force of this order.
FOURTH.- The records, permits, authorizations, certificates and approvals granted prior to the date of entry into force of this Law will remain in force, the new formalities shall be subject to the provisions of this Law.
QUINTO.- The Coordinators of Animal Mobilization, will cease to operate as such within twenty-four months from the entry into This Law shall apply.
SIXTH.- The Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food will have a period of twelve months, counted from the entry into force of the This Law, in order to produce, propose and publish in the Official Journal of the Federation, the general normative framework for good practices of livestock of animal goods. The Secretariat shall also have a period of twelve months from the publication of this Law to issue the Regulations resulting from this Law, in coordination with the Health Secretariat in accordance with the field of competence of the each Secretariat, in the case of processing under Federal Inspection Type.
SEVENTH.- The Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food will have a period of twelve months, counted from the entry into force of the Regulation, to establish and apply the basis for the implementation of traceability systems in animals, animal goods or products for use or animal consumption.
EIGHTH.- The Secretariat will have a period of twenty-four months, counted from the beginning of the validity of this Law, to restructure and allocate resources. necessary for the veterinary services to be in accordance with the terms set out in this Law.
NINTH.- The Secretariat within a maximum period of twelve months shall publish in the Official Journal of the Federation the internal animal health verification and inspection points authorized.
DECIMAL.- All administrative procedures and resources related to the matters of this Law, which have been initiated under the validity of the Federal Law of Animal health which is open shall be processed and resolved in accordance with the provisions of that Law.
Mexico, D. F., as at 26 April 2007.-Dip. Maria Elena Alvarez Bernal, Vice-President.-Sen. Manlio Fabio Beltrones Rivera, President.-Dip. Maria Eugenia Jiménez Valenzuela, Secretary.-Sen. Renan Cleominio Zoreda Novelo, Secretary.-Rubicas."
In compliance with the provisions of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I ask for this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, at the twenty-two days of June of two thousand seven.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Heading.-The Secretary of Government, Francisco Javier Ramirez Acuna.-Heading.
DECREE to reform and add various provisions of the Federal Law on Animal Health and the General Health Law.
Published in the Official Journal of the Federation on June 7, 2012
Article First. Articles 1; 2, first paragraph; 3; 4, paragraphs 8, 16, 38, and 99; 6, fractions LVI, LVIII, LIX, and LXIV; 17, first paragraph, and 105, fraction III; a third and fourth paragraphs are added to Article 2, an article 106 Bis and a second paragraph to Article 154 of the Federal Animal Health Law, to remain as follows:
FIRST.- This decree shall enter into force on the day following that of the publication in the Official Journal of the Federation.
SECOND.- The Secretariat shall issue the provisions which shall contain the guidelines and requirements for certification of establishments where animals are slaughtered, or processed, packaged, packaged, refrigerated or industrialized animal goods, in six months from the entry into force of this decree.
THIRD.- The Secretariat will disseminate in print and electronic media, the participation of the municipalities and governments of the states and the Federal District, in the certification programs.
FOURTH.- The legislatures of the states shall adapt in their respective legislation the reforms contained in this decree, in order to promote the certification by the secretariat of the establishments dedicated to the slaughter of animals or which process, package, pack, refrigerate or industrialise goods of animal origin of municipal competence.
QUINTO.- The actions that, if any, should be performed by the agencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration to comply with this Decree, must be covered according to the income available under the Law of Revenue of the Federal Government. Federation, and subject to the budgetary availability to be approved for such purposes in the Federation's Government Budget and the provisions of the Federal Budget and Accountability Act.
SIXTH.- For the proper implementation of this Decree, the Federal Executive will instruct the Secretariats of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food, and Health, to ensure that, within a period of no more than 90 days, they will sign the coordination which shall determine the exercise of the powers which, in the field of inspection and surveillance of the quality, health and safety of products processed in traces and in establishments engaged in the processing of derived products of the slaughter, they are granted the Federal Law of Animal Health, the General Law of Health and the other applicable provisions.
Mexico, D. F., at 26 April 2012.-Dip. Guadalupe Acosta Naranjo, President.-Sen. José González Morfin, President.-Dip. Laura Arizmendi Campos, Secretary.-Sen. Martha Leticia Sosa Govea, Secretary.-Rubicas."
In compliance with the provisions of Article 89 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and for their due publication and observance, I request this Decree in the Federal Executive Branch, in Mexico City, Federal District, to five June of two thousand twelve.- Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa.-Rubrias.-The Secretary of the Interior, Alejandro Alfonso Poire Romero.-Heading.